
Consider the case study of a different female suicide bomber, Ms. Wafa al-Biss (Wafa Samir Ibrahim Bas) and the 22 pounds of explosives in her underwear:

In January 2005 Wafa suffered severe burns in a cooking accident in her home. She was admitted for medical treatment to the Soroka hospital in the Israeli town of Beer Sheva and after six months of treatment the hospital even received a thank you note from her family – expressing gratitude for the warm and caring treatment of the hospital Wafa al-Biss that saved her life.

On another treatment schedule, Wafa was caught at a checkpoint wearing 10Kgs (22lbs) of explosives in her underwear, under a set of heavy clothing for complete disguise.

Wafa attempted to explode at the checkpoint since she knew she had been caught but the device failed to detonate.

On Israeli TV she later admitted that she had planned to explode the bomb in the hospital where she was being treated adding that she wanted to kill as many children as possible. On the UK Telegraph she said: "Don't think that because of

how I look I wanted to carry out an attack… since I was a little girl I wanted to carry out an attack,'' … "My dream was to be a martyr. I believe in death."

- NBC coverage on the story (VIDEO) ‐ Telegraph.co.uk article

In a quote from a blogger –

“That was Monday morning (IDF link). This is only Thursday. You couldn't have forgotten. And neither could the "world powers."

Now how in the hell is supposed to "ease the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza," etc., "without endangering Israeli security" ?? That's the g'zillion-dollar question, isn't it?”

Wafa al-Biss:

"Do you think they will give me any mercy?" she asked them. "I hope they show me mercy. I didn't kill anyone."

Media Bias – Where it all started: http://www.honestreporting.com/a/fiveyears.asp

Note: “This was the photo that started it all” ‐ HonestReporting.com

This misleading photo and inaccurate caption illustrates only a small fraction of the frightening reality of how much of the U.S. and the international media is distorting Israelʹs image.

Subject: To the Editor Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 00:15:07 -0500 From: aaronnoach To: [email protected]

Regarding your picture on page A5 (Sept. 30) of the Israeli soldier and the Palestinian on the - that Palestinian is actually my son, Tuvia Grossman, a Jewish student from Chicago. He, and two of his friends, were pulled from their taxicab while traveling in Jerusalem, by a mob of Palestinian Arabs and were severely beaten and stabbed. That picture could not have been taken on the Temple Mount because there are no gas stations on the Temple Mount and certainly none with Hebrew lettering, like the one clearly seen behind the Israeli soldier attempting to protect my son from the mob.

Aaron Grossman, M.D. 6737 N Richmond Chicago, IL 60645 (773) 743-1194

Tuvia Grossman tells in his own words how tried to lynch him

Israeli defense against such cases has been dubbed “The Israeli PR machine” and sometimes even “The Israeli Violent PR machine”

Who is really violent against journalists in this conflict?

‐ Released tape of kidnapped fox reporters

In a remarkable moment of candor, David A. Schlesinger, Reutersʹ global managing editor, admitted that one reason his agency refuses to use the term ʹterroristʹ has nothing to do with editorial pursuit of objectivity, but is rather ʹto protect our reporters.ʹ Schlesinger described the ʹserious consequencesʹ if certain ʹpeople in the Mideastʹ were to believe Reuters called those who detonate civilian buses and open fire on pregnant women ʹterrorists.ʹ

And so Reuters photographers “casually forget” to show you these images of children joining terrorists:

Why? Because of the Israeli violent PR machine!

Actually no. It’s either because they actually support the Palestinian “resistance” (terrorism) since it brings them prestige in the form of photojournalistic prizes and cash or Because of fear for their lives… you make your choice.

“I don’t see why they have to protect themselves on our land” – Hanan Ashrawi

Here’s a two word hint: “guerilla warfare”

You must love her impartiality as she continues with

“even as Israeli is busy murdering people in cold blood”

Small question Ms. Ashrawi…

What about the Israeli people the Palestinians are busy murdering in cold blood? …oh yeah that’s ok because “it’s occupation”.

In retrospect, Israel made a huge step in coming out of the Gaza strip tearing people from their homes by force but the Palestinian response of launching rockets into the city of Shderot, which is located on land purchased by Jews before the 1947 UN resolution – i.e. not Palestinian land.

Actually, Sharon said that after leaving Gaza we will be able to claim a zero tolerance policy for terror activity. But it took about 500 rockets into Shderot and the kidnapping of for Israel to decide to end this travesty and retaliate – the world cried “human rights violations!” and “war crimes” which echoes in contrast to the complete disregarding on the 500 rockets fired into a city of over 20,000 innocent residents… the Israeli violent PR machine working overtime?

BBC Bias:

Winner of the 2001 HonestReporting.com Dishonest Reporter ʹAwardʹ for consistently demonstrating fierce anti‐Israel bias.

Co‐Winner alongside the entire British media for the 2002 Dishonest Reporter ʹAwardʹ.

Winner of the 2004 HonestReporting.com Sympathy For The Terrorist ‘Award’ for one of it’s reporters showing objectivity by openly weeping at the death of Yasser Arafat.

Winner by landslide of the 2005 HonestReporting.com Dishonest Reporter ʹAwardʹ

2001 exemplary activity:

In May 2001, BBC fabricated a film clip in an attempt to show Israeli brutality. When Israelis struck a Palestinian base in Gaza, there were no pictures of victims -- since Israel struck at empty buildings. But BBC editors inserted a film clip of Israeli victims of Palestinian terror arriving at an Israeli hospital, to suggest that these were victims of Israeli attack. The newsreader in London, a former BBC correspondent in Israel herself, ended the segment with "These are the pictures from Gaza."

2002 exemplary activity:

BBC was criticized for being caught altering a quote by White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, substituting the word "terror" with the word "violence" in reference to Palestinians.

2003 exemplary activity:

At 2003, the BBC was brought to its knees by domestic controversy, but found time to promote and broadcast a film that makes the outrageous claim that Israel used nerve gas against Palestinians in the Khan Younis refugee camp. And in September, when a terrorist killed two Israelis while they were eating a holiday meal (and was then felled by a nearby soldier), BBC headlined the event: "Three Dead in West Bank Attack."

2005 exemplary activity:

When members of the British Association of University Teachers considered a boycott of Israel's Bar-Ilan and Haifa universities, BBC radio tried to influence the vote with a report by correspondent John Reynolds.

As Melanie Phillips, winner of the Orwell journalism prize, wrote in May:

Not a word about the fact that more than 300 students at this college are Arabs, and that the Arab mayors of local towns have enthusiastically welcomed the opportunities it gives their students...

BBCʹs bias is perhaps summed up best by one of its own employees, Fayad Abu Shamala, the BBC correspondent in Gaza for the past 10 years. Speaking at a rally on May 6, 2001, he declared:

"Journalists and media organizations [are] waging the campaign shoulder-to-shoulder together with the Palestinian people."