רמה כ ז מל ו תשר מה ו ד י ע י ן ( למ מ" ) כרמ ז מה י עד מל ו ד י ע י ן ו ל רט ו ר

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 5 – 11, 2020)


The Gaza Strip border is becoming more violent, with IED and incendiary balloons launched into Israeli territory almost daily. Most of the balloons have landed in the region of the Israeli communities near the border, causing fires (the Nature and Parks Authority reports that at least 1,000 dunams (about 250 acres) have been burned). Some of the balloons penetrated deep into Israeli territory, including one with a delayed-action fuse found in the southern Israeli city of Arad, a distance of 70 kilometers (almost 44 miles) from the Gaza Strip. The balloons were launched by a number of designated networks affiliated with and the other terrorist organizations operating in Gaza. The balloons were accompanied by a media campaign threatening . The threats were backed up with rockets launched by Hamas towards the sea to send Israel the message to moderate its response to the balloons. In response to the IED and incendiary balloons IDF aircraft carried out several attacks on Hamas posts and facilities in the northern Gaza Strip. The Israeli defense minister closed the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the delivery of all merchandise with the exception of humanitarian aid. Hamas applauded the balloon launchings, promised to protect the operatives launching them, and threatened that any Israeli "aggression" would meet with a powerful response. What is behind the increasing violence from Gaza, which began with rocket fire at last week? The Palestinian and Arab media proposed two explanations: one is that the violence is meant to goad Qatar into delivering the final installment of money and to extend the duration of the donations. The other is that violence from Gaza is meant to exert pressure on Israel to implement the understandings reached during the talks for a lull arrangement (executing projects, increasing the activities of the crossings, lifting the so- called "siege"). It is also possible that Hamas has renewed its policy of controlled violence to leverage civilian aid and political gains. That may indicate Hamas has gained self confidence from its

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(so far) successful halting of the spread of the coronavirus in Gaza. In all probability Hamas is not interested in a broad military confrontation with Israel at the present time, but as in the past, it takes into account that its policy of brinksmanship has led to periodic rounds of escalation between Gaza and Israel. COVID-19 Infection – Overview

Judea and Samaria1

In the Palestinian Authority (PA) territories the trend toward flattening the COVID-19 curve continues. According to reports from the ministry of health in , as of August 10, 2020, there were 6,351 active cases, 4,224 in the district, accounting for 66% of the total number. The number of active cases in the east Jerusalem neighborhoods stands at 1.823, with 24 patients in ICUs and three on ventilators. So far there have been 103 deaths (as of August 11, 2020).

The ministry of health adopted the W.H.O.'s protocol regarding the isolation period of COVID-19 patients. The ministry of health distributed a circular stating that the isolation period of asymptomatic patients would be shortened to ten days from the receipt of a positive outcome of a PCR test, without the need for additional testing. The isolation of a symptomatic patient would end after at least ten days from the appearance of the symptoms, and three additional days without symptoms, without the need for additional testing (Dunia al-Watan, August 10, 2020). An asymptomatic person will be considered a carrier of the virus but not as having been infected (Sawa, August 10, 2020). Gaza Strip

In contrast to the widespread infection in the Palestinian Authority (PA) territories, the Hamas administration has successfully coped with the virus in Gaza. Three new cases were detected this past week, who returned through the Erez Crossing. Thus there are currently ten active cases in Gaza, all of them hospitalized in the quarantine center at the Rafah Crossing (as of August 11, 2020).

1 For further information, see the August 10, 2020 bulletin, "The Spread of COVID-19 in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip."

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Opening the Rafah Crossing

Given the low level of infection, preparations are being made in Gaza to receive more returning residents. The PA legation in Egypt said the Rafah Crossing would be open to passage in both directions between August 11 and 13, 2020 (Wafa, August 10, 2020). On the eve of the opening the ministry of the interior in Gaza issued a list of compulsory precautionary measures for returning Palestinians (Dunia al-Watan, August 10, 2018). Iyad al- Buzum, spokesman for the Gazan ministry of the interior, said that immediately upon arrival returnees would spend 21 days in quarantine centers, including the two new ones. The ministry of health said that quick-result blood tests would be give to all returnees in order to detect the virus. Returnees with positive results will be quarantined at the Rafah Crossing and PCR tests will be administered. He said they expect to find 20% to 30% of them infected with the virus. Anyone who came into contact them will also be quarantined (al-Aqsa, August 10, 2020). Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire

Rocket and mortar shell fire into Israel

This past week no rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. On August 10, 2020, the Palestinian media reported that the "resistance" [i.e., the terrorist organizations, apparently Hamas] had launched a number of test rockets towards the sea with the aim of improving their military capabilities. According to reports, eight test rockets were launched, five in one barrage (al-Ra'i news agency, established by the Hamas administration, August 10, 2020). The ministry of the interior in Gaza said explosions heard during the day came from "resistance" activities (Facebook page of the ministry of the interior in Gaza, August 10, 2020).

Hamas often fires test rockets towards the sea. The launching was exceptional because of the relatively large number of rockets, fired during the day with local residents not only watching, but taking pictures as well. It is possible that the rocket fire was intended as a kind of Hamas warning to Israel to moderate its response to the launchings of IED and incendiary balloons (see below).

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The rocket launches (palsawa, August 10, 2020). Monthly Distribution of Rocket and Mortar Shell Fire

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300 200 122 100 89 2 2 2 1413 4 6 15 3 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 1

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Annual Distribution of Rocket Hits

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2000 1,403 1159 1,119 974 925 845 783 787 1000 375 373 158 146 103 39 24 15 29 0

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Operation Cast Lead

Operation Pillar of Defense Operation Protective Edge

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Clash on the Gaza Strip border

On August 9, 2020, gunshots were heard from the southern Gaza Strip in an area where Israel is constructing the border security fence and underground barrier. Following the gunshots the construction work was halted and mortar shells were fired as a screen. Shots were also fired at IDF forces that arrived at the site. No casualties were reported (IDF spokesman, August 9, 2020). The Palestinian media reported that shots were fired from the Gaza Strip at workers who were constructing the border fence. They reported that in response the IDF fired artillery at a Hamas restraint-force post east of Deir al-Balah (Shehab Twitter account, August 9, 2020). Launching IED and incendiary balloons

After months when no balloons were launched, this past week a large number of IED and incendiary balloons were launched into Israeli territory. They caused fires in various locations near the Gaza Strip border, and in distant locations as well. The Israeli Nature and Parks Authority reported that at least 1,000 dunams (about 250 acres) were burned.

The launches: August 10, 2020 – Israel's Fire and Rescue Services reported they had put out five fires. A local council in the western Negev reported 12 fires. In addition, an incendiary balloon was seen landing in an open area in the western Negev (Israel Police Force spokesman's unit for the western Negev, August 10, 2020); a fire broke out near one of the kibbutzim in the western Negev; and three incendiary balloons exploded in the sky over the southern city of Sderot (, August 10, 2020). In the southern town of Ofakim a balloon was found with a suspicious object attached to it; examination showed it was an incendiary balloon (Israel Police Force spokesman's unit for the western Negev, August 10, 2020).

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Right: Fire set by incendiary balloon near the security fence in the western Negev. Left: Balloon with IED attached found in a field in the western Negev (Twitter account of Matan Tzuri, August 10, 2020).

August 9, 2020 – Incendiary balloons caused two fires near a kibbutz in the western Negev. The balloon launchings continued during the evening and into the night (Ynet, August 9, 2020). August 8, 2020 – An improvised hand grenade was found attached to a balloon cluster in a field in the western Negev. A police demolitions expert and security force operatives arrived to neutralize it. At least three fires caused by incendiary balloons broke out in the western Negev (Ynet, August 8, 2020). August 6 2020 – A balloon with a suspicious object attached to it was found near the southern Israeli city of Arad, 70 kilometers (about 44 miles) from the Gaza Strip. The police and demolitions expert who neutralized it said it was an IED with a delayed action fuse (Israel Police Force spokesman's unit for the western Negev, August 6, 2020). A fire broke out in the Be'eri nature reserve, apparently caused by incendiary balloons. Three hundred dunams (about 74 acres) were burned (spokesman for the Nature and Parks Authority, August 6, 2020).

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Balloon with IED attached found in the industrial zone in the southern Israeli city of Arad (Israel Police Force spokesman's unit, August 6, 2020). Israel's responses IDF attacks

The IDF responded to the IED and incendiary balloons by attacking targets belonging to Hamas, which Israel regards as responsible for what happens in the Gaza Strip (IDF spokesman). Israeli Defense Minister Benny Ganz and Chief of Staff Aviv Kokhavi stressed that the continuation of IED and incendiary balloon-launching into Israeli territory would bring a harsh response, even if it meant an escalation.

Israel's responses were the following: On August 10, 2020, IDF aircraft attacked a Hamas observation post in the northern Gaza Strip (IDF spokesman, August 10, 2020). On August 9, 2020, IDF aircraft attacked Hamas targets in the northern Gaza Strip (IDF spokesman, August 9, 2020). The Palestinian media reported that IDF artillery had attacked Hamas restraint force posts east of the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip (Shehab Twitter account, August 9, 2020). It was also reported that Israeli aircraft attacked Hamas restraint-force posts east of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip (alresala.net Twitter account, August 9, 2020). Walid al-Qutati, a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's (PIJ) political bureau, said the "Palestinian resistance" would not allow changes in the "rules of engagement" they had forced on Israel (Sawa, August 9, 2020). On August 6, 2020, IDF aircraft attacked a Hamas underground facility in the northern Gaza Strip (IDF spokesman, August 6). Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem

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called the attack an act of "aggression" against the Palestinian people, caused by internal crises in Israel (Sawa, August 7, 2020). Closing the Kerem Shalom Crossing

On August 10, 2020, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Ganz announced the closing of the Kerem Shalom Crossing to all merchandise except for humanitarian aid and fuel, as of August 11, 2020. The Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announced that launching balloons and violating the calm would first and foremost harm the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. The announcement added that Hamas bears responsibility for everything that happens in Gaza. Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said that closing the crossing was "a genuine crime" which would worsen the difficult economic and humanitarian situations in Gaza, adding that Israel was fully responsible for the consequences of the continuing "siege" of the Gaza Strip (sabaq24, August 11, 2020). Senior PIJ figure Da'ud Shehab said that closing the Kerem Shalom Crossing and tightening the "siege" on the Gaza Strip was "a policy of aggression" which would not succeed in breaking the "resistance" [terrorist organizations] or the "national struggle" (PIJ website, August 11, 2020). The networks responsible for IED and incendiary balloons

The launching of balloons has not been carried out by a single terrorist organization, but rather by the designated networks of a number of organizations, including a unit affiliated with Hamas. That may indicate joint planning authorized by Hamas, and not individual initiatives of the so-called "rogue organizations."

The units claiming to have launched IED and incendiary balloons into Israel are the following: the unit of the Sons of al-Zawari in eastern Khan Yunis and Rafah (affiliated with Hamas); the Ahfad al-Nasser network (Popular Resistance Committees); the Baraq units (PIJ); the Bani al-Qoqa units (the Popular Resistance Movement); the network calling itself the al- Tahrir Committee Units and the possibly fictious network calling itself the "sword of jihad units." The "sword of jihad units" announced they would operate a Night Harassment Unit (Telegram channel of the Sons of al-Zawari's joint operations room, August 11, 2020).

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Operatives of the Sons of al-Zawari in eastern Khan Yunis launch IED and incendiary balloons (Sons of al-Zawari Facebook page, August 10, 2020).

Operatives of Ahfad al-Nasser launch incendiary balloons which caused fires in an Israeli community in the western Negev (Ahfad al-Nasser's Facebook page, August 9, 2020).

Operatives of Ahfad al-Nasser launch incendiary balloons (Twitter account of journalist Hassan Aslih, August 10, 2020).

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Operatives of the al-Tahrir Committee Units launch incendiary balloons (Twitter account of Hassen Hatem, who claims ties to the Mujahidin Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Mujahidin movement, August 9, 2020). Gazan responses to balloon launchings

The Hamas administration and other terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip supported the balloon launchings, calling them "a popular activity of the young people of the Gaza Strip." Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas political bureau, warned Israel's prime minister, defense minister and the IDF chief of staff not to do anything "foolish" against the Gaza Strip, stressing that any act of Israeli "aggression" against the Gaza Strip would risk an unexpected outcome. Regarding the balloons, he said that when the needs of the inhabitants of Gaza, such as food and salaries, were in danger, they would express their feelings as they thought proper (Filastin al-Yawm, August 9, 2020). Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said the Palestinians would continue struggling for their "rights" and to lift the "siege," and that the "resistance" was prepared and able to defend the Palestinians (sabaq24, August 11, 2020).

The Palestinian (and Israeli) media proposed explanations for the escalation. One was the delay in the delivery of the money from Qatar, another was the delay in the implementation of the lull understandings, which include the completion of the construction of a field hospital, increasing the operations of the crossings, and other projects. Reportedly, the mediators (Qatar, Egypt and the UN) recently renewed the talks between the sides to advance the lull and prevent a deterioration in security (al-Quds, August 10, 2020). The -affiliated Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar reported that after weeks of quiet, escalation returned to the Gaza Strip borders with incendiary balloon launchings. According to information received by the newspaper, Hamas and the other organizations in the Gaza Strip told an Egyptian mediator that the quiet along Gaza's border would soon end because of Israel's economic pressure and the failure of the development initiatives in Gaza.

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Several sources expect the escalation in Gaza to accelerate in the near future, saying the "resistance" will respond to every Israeli act of aggression, including by launching balloons (al-Akhbar, August 8, 2020). Senior PIJ figure Ahmed al-Mudallal claimed Israel bears responsibility for the deterioration of the situation in the Gaza Strip, especially because it has imposed a "choke hold." He claimed the increasing pressure on the Palestinians, including those in Gaza Strip would lead to an explosion. He said that what was happening along the Gaza Strip border was young Palestinians' letting off steam to exert pressure on Israel ("the Zionist enemy") to implement measures to lift the "siege" (sabaq24, August 10, 2020). Judea and Samaria

Rioting in Jenin

In the early morning of August 7, 2020, during a routine IDF activity in Jenin, a riot broke out between IDF forces and hundreds of local residents, who fired shots and threw stones and IEDs at the IDF soldiers. The IDF responded with riot control measures. After the riot the ministry of health in Ramallah announced the death of Dalia Ahmed Suleiman Samoudi, 23, from the Jenin refugee camp. According to the announcement, she was shot and killed by the IDF (Wafa, August 7, 2020). The Palestinian media claimed she was shot while closing a window in her home. The IDF stressed that no live fire was used at any stage during the riot. The young woman's death led to a wave of reactions. Hamas issued a mourning notice for her, claiming she was a Hamas operative. Users of the social networks posted pictures of her and expressed sadness at her death. Sources in the PA condemned the IDF for her death. The Palestinian foreign ministry reported that it was preparing a file about her death for the International Criminal Court. Saeb Erekat, secretary of the PLO's Executive Committee, called on the ICC to issue its verdict regarding Israel's activities and on the international community to stop Israel and end its silence in the face of Israel's [alleged] crimes (Dunia al-Watan, August 8, 2020).

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Right: The funeral held for Dalia Samoudi in Jenin (Wafa, August 7, 2020). Left: Armed operatives at the funeral held for Dalia Samoudi (QudsN Facebook page, August 7, 2020). Other events

In Judea and Samaria Palestinians continued throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli civilian Israeli vehicles and the Israeli security forces. The more prominent events were the following (all reports and pictures from Rescue Without Borders in Judea and Samaria unless noted otherwise): August 10, 2020 – Stones were thrown at a civilian Israeli bus on the Gush Etzion- Hebron road. No casualties were reported. August 9, 2020 – A Molotov cocktail was thrown at a civilian Israeli vehicle on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road. No casualties were reported. August 8, 2020 – Stones were thrown from a passing car at a civilian Israeli vehicle south of Nablus. A female passenger went into shock; the front windshield of the vehicle was damaged.

Vehicle with damaged front windshield, August 8, 2020.

August 7, 2020 – Stones were thrown at a civilian Israeli vehicle northeast of Ramallah. No casualties were reported. August 6, 2020 – Stones were thrown at an Israeli police patrol car on the Gush Etzion-Hebron road. No casualties were reported. The patrol car was damaged.

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August 5, 2020 – A Molotov cocktail was thrown at the southern fence of Kiryat Arba. August 5, 2020 – Stones were thrown at a civilian Israeli vehicle on the Gush Etzion- Hebron road. No casualties were reported. August 5, 2020 – A Molotov cocktail was thrown at a civilian Israeli bus southwest of Hebron. No casualties were reported. Significant terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria since January 20192

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Developments in the Gaza Strip

Donations from Qatar

The Hamas ministry of communications announced that funds from Qatar for needy families would be distributed on August 10 and 11, 2020, at postal bank branches (Dunia al-Watan Twitter account, August 10, 2020). The August payment is the last one for the Gaza Strip from Qatar. Palestinian sources reported the renewal of talks for extending the donations from Qatar and implementing the projects determined by the lull understandings. The sources also reported that the mediators were trying to secure six more monthly payments from Qatar, and perhaps even twelve. According to the sources, there is currently a problem because of the aid Qatar is giving to Lebanon (al-Quds, August 10, 2020).

2A significant attack is defined by the ITIC as involving shooting, a vehicular attack, the use of IEDs, or a combination of the above. Stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by Palestinians are not included.

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The school year begins

On August 8, 2020, the school year began in the Gaza Strip after the previous year ended in the middle because of the coronavirus. About 600,000 students returned to their studies in 421 government and 277 UNRWA schools. More than 50,000 students entered the first grade and ten new schools opened. All the schools were disinfected before studies began. According to the ministry of education, the initial months of the school year will be devoted to making up for lost time. Because of the coronavirus the ministry formulated three scenarios for the school year: ordinary frontal teaching, partial frontal teaching and a total termination of studies (al-Araby al-Jadeed, August 8, 2020). The ministry of education and UNRWA agreed to reduce the number of teaching hours. They also agreed that during recess the students would remain in their classrooms (Dunia al-Watan, August 11, 2020). The Palestinian Authority (PA)

Financial aid for the PA from the World Bank

PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh said the PA had signed an agreement with the World Bank for $30 million in economic aid. The money will be used to help needy families, salaried workers who lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 crisis and other recipients. Muhammad Shtayyeh said the money would be divided among all the PA territories, Judea, Samaria, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip (Sawa, August 6, 2020). Ahmed Majdalani, PA minister of social development, said that $6 million of the World Bank's economic aid would be given to the "new poor," i.e., those who were hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. He said there were about 300,000 "new poor." Thirteen million dollars will go to unemployed daily laborers. He said that by the middle of September every needy family would receive 700 shekels (about $205). He estimated that about 68,000 families would receive financial aid, and added that the money would be given only to families in the West Bank because the consequences of the epidemic were worse in the West Bank than in the Gaza Strip (Palestinian TV, August 9, 2020). Activities to prevent Israel from annexing territories in Judea and Samaria

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian delegate to the UN, sent three communiqués, one to the UN Secretary General, one to the current Security Council president (Indonesia) and one to the president of the General Assembly. They dealt with what he called Israel's alleged "ongoing

199-20 15 illegal policies and actions" carried out even during the fight against the coronavirus. He said the Palestinians needed the support of UNRWA, other UN agencies, human rights organizations, etc. He called on the international community to stop the annexation (Wafa, August 6, 2020). Solidarity with the victims of the catastrophe in Beirut

The explosion in the port of Beirut led to a wave of solidarity among Palestinians. The PA expressed solidarity with the Lebanese people and leadership, and said it was willing to help. Mahmoud Abbas offered his condolences to Lebanese President Michel Aoun (Wafa, August 5, 2020). A Palestinian delegation headed by Azzam al-Ahmed, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, went to Beirut and spoke with the Lebanese president. The delegation expressed the support of Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian people for Lebanon, and offered practical aid (Wafa, August 10, 2018). Hamas also expressed solidarity with Lebanon. Isma'il Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau, spoke with the Lebanese president, prime minister and speaker of the Parliament, and expressed his condolences for the deaths caused by the explosion and wished the injured a speedy recovery (Hamas website, August 4, 2020). Rallies in support of the Lebanese people were held in the Gaza Strip. PA response to proposal to outlaw the PA's authority for prisoners and released prisoners' affairs

Several members of the Israeli Knesset called on Israeli Defense Minister Benny Ganz to designate the PA's authority for prisoners and released prisoners as a terrorist organization. They also said they would put the issue on the Knesset's agenda (Israeli media, August 10, 2020). Qudri Abu Bakr, chairman of the authority of prisoners and released prisoners' affairs, condemned the proposal. He said the Palestinians would not agree to allow any harm to come to the prisoners or the institution established to serve them. He said they would continue to bear responsibility for the prisoners and it was their obligation towards the "operatives of the struggle" and their families, according to instructions from the Palestinian leadership. He added that Mahmoud Abbas stressed daily that the issue of the prisoners was a red line for the Palestinians (Wafa, August 10, 2020).
