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6-4-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-04-1916 Journal Publishing Company

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Dully by Carrier op Mall, WW Fourteen Pages Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sunday, June 4, 1918. Fourteen Pages n Month. Single Cpir W VOL. il No. S. cr which was left behind while the THE WEATHER S Hiitlxa pursued the Germans. Uu DEFEAT, BRITISH E . DESPITE HUGHES 10 LEAD REPORTS 0 F ENGLAND CAINS their return this vessel was nils-dog- the weather forecast. Judging from her previous plight she Denver, Colo., June 3. Now Mex- must now be bottom of sea. generally at the the ico: Sunday and Monday This uccounts for two of the enemy's In tempera- fair; not much change SO OUS we ad- BRITANNIA STILL ON FIRST VOTE ture, NAVAL BATTLE THOUGH LOSSES 01 SER battle cruisers and have their mission thnt they had lost two battle- LOCAL WEATIIEll KETORT. ships. kaiser's Eons Ilemy, For . twenty-fou- r hours, ending at admiralty a report of the 6 p. m. yesterday: EXCEED AS INDICATED BY "The has RULES WAVES, IS IN CONVENTION STILL CONFLICT FOE'S, sinking of light Maximum, 86 4 four German cruisers degres; minimum, acknowledged decrees; range, 37 degrees; tempera- and the Germans have loss of Is 6 p. the six destroyers. There ture at nr., 37 degrees; southwest very wind; clear. DV C good hope that the German loss ENGLISH OPINION CHIEFS CONCEDE LOSSES SEVERE SAYS CHURCHILL S lu even greater, but we do not Intend CITT BANK CLEARINGS. to make uny estimates until we have $95,940.33. complete official reports from our Clearings for the Week, commanders, who do not report the low, of antagonists without definite 1372,464.72. Lord of Admiral- First Official Details Given Out German Losses Said to Ba But Roosevelt-Ol- d Guard Com- Six British Cruisers and Eight Former First evidence, "Zeppelins De- Warships ty Insists That German by the British Admiralty did not play ihe Import- Equal in Number of Ships, bine May Be Used to announced that Governor Whitman Large German ant part attributed to them. Only dele- in Ton- Him, According to and the others of the New York Were Sunk, English Offi- - Navy Is Less Able to Stand Hold Out a Glimmer of one appeared. It remained In action but Much Smaller feat gation would arrive here tommor on very Hope, a brief time, retiring under heavy nage, ' Rumor, a special train. cials State. Blow, fire, evidently badly damaged. Weath- . New York for Hoot. er conditions were such that It Is Senator Warlsworth issued the fol- doubtful whether any tiirtraft would IS ENGLISH SHIPS WERE have been of much service. FOUR THOUSAND . FAVORITE SON ON DARK lowing statement: TEUTONS EXULT OVER ENEMY'S FLEET present- No Surprlx--. "Mr. Root's name will be BATTERED, HE SAYS GREATLY OUTNUMBERED SAILORS DROWNED HORSE TO BE CHOSEN ed to the convention by a majority of OUTCOME OF STRUGGLE "The enemy sprang no surprises. the New York delegation. His can- Wo saw nothing of any h guns. didacy means no attack on any other "The weather conditions were the Dead Arc One Rear Oikanizatiop Looking for Man candidate or group. The men urging Fact That Kaiser's Ships Dispatch of Troops to Conti- Entire German High Sea hardest bit of luck our fleet encoun- Among it profoundly convinced that he is tered, as muy be Judged from the fol- tire Should Be Now, Forces Encountered; Flee Admiral and .Three Cap- That Will Be Acceptable to eminently fit to be president." Picked Up Surviving Foes nent Easier lowing paragraph from the official re po- port: "Regret misty 31st Are During the day and evening the Proof df Real Is Opinion of British Ex- When King George's Full weather of tains; No Surrenders Progressives; Weeks Makes litical leaders found time between Regard as saved enemy from far more severe Race, conferences to pay some attention to Victory, pert, Fleet Appears, punishment.' Reported, Strong Chicago's great preparedness parade. "From the standpoint of actual The spirit of the day Invaded the va- strength, the navy's losses lu person JOUHNAl HCIAL LtMlO WlMl I frPftWIAk. WtttR MOXNINS JOUML tnCIAL LIAtID mm 1ST Wl rious headquarters and extra flags MOW" ir)UMM. IMCIAL LtAifcO WlMl lY MO UK tit iOURMAt lAIO la, nel, while great, was not serious, as aolWM l(v MOWN! NO JOUXSAL IHCUI UltlD fl. official 3. The latest reports Republican or were hung from windows or displayed hums continue to cloud London. Junt 3. (Jrout Uritain London, June The first we have plenty of men to replace June ri,i,Uirn .limn 3. ... ' of North 'from British fleet from neutral i.. ..t i i,...n .v-r,- --- ...... tut imlilu,, undisputed- - suoremaev. . of 'account in the details the the admitted tonight jin the rooms of the candidates. jsiuef Ul uv iiatui ,.,.t. them. of tho ionization leaders ' i in Judgment of Winston sea buttle was given to the Associated essels which witnessed parts Minority . - off the Jutlar!' coast on Wednesday the feus, the fun Stand Loss. K. Hughes would get! Only Arriv.. first, lord by high official of the ureal naval battle lu the North sea. that Charles lust j Spencer Churchill, recently Press today a With a fight like Wednesday's uc- - ..... the Only a minority of the delegates to f nns - was u. and from survivors, cause the British HUM w.v the first ballot for in of the admiralty, who now rcsum Hinilrnlty. it nouceuoiu u u l ,U.. ,nnl.Antlin V,.., niih,til Vittri. Ii There Is no such great disparity l,vu ui.i uii oiK r.ri, we e, Kagement wm ...... i..-- wi l.imiiiiir officials, the" npln- - i, the .residential nomination than any of ; ; hi i.nrllometitnrv duties after ndinlraltv stand the loss mu.-- better than the l" imated' '- - tonl"t- - " a. ;, genera, depression " " "" ,r o m t i tors They es W n re rt co to Tvi, e with his regiment the front thnt .he Germnn. Our bsttlo fleet Is still In- - " " "V "8 l JOO. Among "rthose who arrived 3lenn !u ,,v ,,. of , ed and In no wise a disaster, ina . ,,, ballot at b..;eUttt - who opinion on naval matters cilllH(.,, - n.st announcement net while we have eons derably more strength , " today were and OUIM umuiou.,; ... . -- ...... h t,m crttft m. those from Arizona eageny engage.. .em k , )n,fpn 175 and 225 ,tvit l.iti.r renni'tH show that two tro still soiigni in r.nsmiiu. 'tne result OI ine n"i battle cruisers than the Germans battle other far western states. The great Colonel Churchill gave the Assorlat in light of subsequent t(riiullted for wl.r three organization forces estimate iGerinan battle cruisers went down,. Justified the "U Is nteresting to note that th. , The Influx will begin tomorrow and Mon- , thl,,0 t.rul()era mA right de. ballot' strength at i s me details. Roosevelt's first day dele while London announces the receipt, sober statements In tho relchstag (lo'K(I. night will find virtually all day: is Informed I 150 admit thnt bis vote dispatch from Berlin i The Associated Press not confirm the great victory so Jubt- - ,J.'h 'nr less than but gates who expect to attend J of a wireless ... ,0RN)., believed to son can- and others f.er- - i nave uau o iu.i.ij future details will have even a by Gormnn will fcrow when the favorite .,,,,iui,. tiio "iio that , lnntly announced the German the convention on the ground. Num t.ai j nil utiiiiiroiuii "vv, ' ,k -- o,.,.r, ,h.. u.ln.tmls;: .. . 1- .- .,,. ,1Bvn b(,en ftb(iut the sani0 ,)umi,er ot begin to drop out of the race. " press. With our battle fleet ng-- didates held Moti man admiralty that another German .,f ....n,Tnn In . lnnct l)h, of a much less erous state cuueuses will be . rtliVI at,ough .,,,...1.!., .1JI,I.... t tUn l.HniWw.W still hold the North sea and we . ..,..,, ... Combine Agflinst Hughes? day night and Tuesday for organi.a The .., Cautious About (iernian Losses. have prevented the enemy from Tliis situation, It is said, may lead tion of delegations nnd assignment of seem to me to be es Still iVimiimihls Mate-- I following faets The admiralty Is especially cautions compllshlng uny object." has Issued no further ; definite to a temporary comtunauon w.wm. jmembcrs of committees. I V giving experts'iualntftln thnt - "" tabiirhed: about stating German losses, naval organization anu iriei.us ui or II. Jiitcncocg supremacy - ,.. 1 hold the ivu.- The rootn8 Frank . . "The naval of tile frit- nnlv re reported offi nrcsTKOYKHS ATTACK Great lhltftin continues to thu na..u y ... , , velt to fight Hughes lu tne can WPre orowdd with 1IUBhe, delegates " J t - - fl(,et CUI)Ual ,,,.,.,, upon by Germans, !si'preme cotuniiind of the sea by.U, battleship, two light truihers and se ,h admitted the l'K XTCHK OP FIGHT - hours of voting. from different states today. The Arl-- ! BllpcrJrPll(lllaUjtUMi urme,, with 1S.5 ,.ftwhl)o avV!,Uing details of reports Jl jsafo mnrgin and that her enormoua- few Hitch- - lt;ral destroyers 15-in- What will happen after the first zona delegation called on Mr. Inch and guns ami these re;f,.om officers who participated in the lxmdon, June 3. A feature of tho i navy could belter afford tbo losses il was organized attacks by flo-- ! suffered than could the smaller Oer-till- as are action. batlle ' J the revised British reports ",ho candidates begin quitting the race, dolosutps from that tato would vote If ,.(Uri(I of BVUK oi 0leBe vltai possible to an- - of destroyers on itrltlsh man establishment. The first reports , . IVtlul . r. In ships were It would have been German i:..t accepted, the losses we huVe only In-- unhappily nobouy seems aoie 10 p.eui.i ,...r.,ror jiugnes... aiut one tor nooseveu of tnn jrRl lani5 German announcement In ships. They were comparable to 1 of the heavy loss of life proximately as follows: Mary. There tb'loate the time. Tnere aro ouiwa.u iiiuhi. Other iu'-,t- Headquarters. ,(1,t onPt1B Q,i,.en regard to the buttle, received here hyjfantry attacks following a heavy ar have not been revised. Great uriiam the, or. Three battle cruisers (Queen .,..,. to the Ger- - more .UUU that the Roosevelt men and made tonight he tl0 dollbt thut wireless ye.Mlerday afternoon, but tho tlllerv bombardment. mourns for than. oi ner pav- Annw Mary, Jiiaetutigauie ana inv.in.iun:;, leust one compar- - W ganlwition republican leaders are private secre- mans have lost at admiralty did not have the de- Thev began with the fading of the best seamen and the whole nation that Johd,... meGrath, cruisers, (Defence, - lltltish re-t- he ing way for possible harmony lat- three armored jable ship. If this should bo the Lait- light continued some time In oppressed with sadness, which Is the tary for Colonel Koosevelt. would Warrior); about a tails until afler Admiral Jelllco and for er by means of numerous talks of an Black Prince and zow er ts.Ur, n.,,n, issued darkness, but were singularly In- - fleeted In tho faces, otaU the people open another republican Koosevelt one submurine. reached port, and frankly the J - - repre- dozen destroyers und heavier loss to them actually l Informal character between headquarters In Chicago tomorrow. a und..Information which was In his posses effective. Not a single torpedo struck of London.' of each group. While no (W'riiians Lost llattloihips. relatively than the Queen Mary is to home from this source, while tho cos- - There wete some. 8,000 men on tho sentatives "1 going open headquarters n am to Two battleships tWest-fale- sion. to tfeoy definite understanding regarding a Germans: us. only of unities among tho ntlackers were and continued float even when tomorrow for Colonel Roosevelt where Pomnicrn); two battle second Expurgating such portions roal- - sides and "Corning to vessels of the flsslKt-'otic- heavy. to be fighting units, were program has been reached, both to delegates reports us might be of o tensed t Intend to meet and talk cruisers (unnamed); four light cruis- we lost the Indefatigable wireless fired' Uod to Utmost.. .'Krom five of. express the hope that some kind of an ronven- - order, huvf Britain's enemies, the Only eleven British battleships their, to the republican national (including the Wiesbaden, lilblng Invlhclbfc These are oi an to Great guns." Om largest ships whWH went under agreement may bo consummated later. ers ind the 4 gave...... Thoa engaged eomprlsed twoi jon Mr Mp0rn,.h six destroyerifcand a 'entirely su - inumirany muc,,., sank, only a few - ITmls. ' and Frauei.lob); different class from tho divisions, one of four ships, the other! ships which and Trt Kinh Koosevelt also republican j - of the gre:U naval flRh t: Var has valuable v , tlla been saved. The hor to submarine. perdreadnaughts and, of seven. Homo of the latter wore hundred have The organization lenders are said headquarters here in charge of George i -- were, prl- - Were. Iaiklng lor l ight. exceed-th- e The British admiralty. In addition, els as thev do not rank as only partly engaged. confirms j run of modern warfare, far of tno Meyer. say were .This be counting on the assistance von L. him aJmittPa that the battleship marv units at the present time. A "We cm only "we report that the brunt, of the action ing those when wooden ships fought delegates to defeat Hughes Colonel at his homo In j - a fight when our ltnosfvelt Roosevelt Marlborough was struck by a torpedo, dreadnaught battleship of the West looking for was borne by Admiral Beatty's squad- - Moro Than 4,000 lAst, and to have tho Hughes men aid Oyster Bay is keeping In close toucn . loss comparable went. out. Htories that It later M.i..ra h u.im towed safelv to falen tvoe would be a fleet ron of buttle cruisers. j 4 Roosevelt from Chicago by are with a complement of more than them in preventing with developments in port. denies the German claim j to either. was decoyed by the Germans It i 000 men, only seven Junior officers obtaining the nomination. long distance telephone. His aides in dreadnaught Warspite was Have Muny Cruisers. sheerest nonsense. In a word, With may itbat the und a few seamen were rescued. In this way they believe they Chicago make reports to him several L,.ni, eone-din- tf ho "Tho armored cruisers Black nn Inferior fleet; we engaged the entire that , Admiral the ilon. Hurace nominate oay, ,.h nee-.- ...... u...-- Rear succeed in their plan to times a n is a.o. w a ,iam,.LrK, bv lriinflre. Prince, Defence und Warrior belongen merman nign sen GERiNS PIERCE In sons or a Into Lambert Hood, second command cither one of the favorite Teutons Kluted. to tho third order of ships, of whb h lhelr plans and drove them back David Beatty, and acceptable to LOUISIANA CONTESTS to Vice Admiral Sir .lark horse who will be The Germans are greatly elated at! we possess a very large superiority, their harbors. Captains Sowerby, Cay and Browse the progressives. STILL rXDKCDIKD of engagement in The sinking of the two r.ram new In carrying out the plan decided i the outcome tho were lost, with man. others whose Following is a statement of the light, cruisers Wiesbaden and upon, wo (sustained heavy losses, which their main fleet under Admiral German FRENCH POSITION j names are not yet . known, because by man- Chicago, 3. Efforts to bring! expected," said, number of votes claimed tho June iScheer met the British, whose main Killing is, In fact, a more grievous which we this official government lias not so far Issued on of the Louisiana re- tho agers of the different candidates about a settlement fleet, they assert, also was engaged. loss to the enemy. "but we also attained the expected uny casualty list. Thero were no twelve delegates to scrl-th- e enemy the first ballot: contests in which That the Germans held the field after "In all these vessels, tho most sult of forcing the to abandon surrenders and the ships which went republican national convention splen-Ut- e wo How Tlicy Stand. the battle is shown, they declare, by Ions feature is the loss of ihelr bis plan and to seek refuge after down carried with them virtually the are involved, failed today. his own waters ON LINEi Hughes, 292;, Weeks, 200; Roose- fact that Germans picked up sur- - idid and irreplaceable crews. bud given battlo in IE1UN whole crews, This contest has given the national coast. velt, 175; Burton, 112; Cummins, 106; ivtvors of British warships that went "The destroyer casualties appear to near his DisabltMl Ship KNHiem committee more concern than any Bore Bi'uol. Fairbanks, 93; Root, 75; Sherman, 65; 0own, ibe about equal. On these terms we, Ballle Cruisers Only tho which was towod other. In the three days of hearing exception of two divi- Warrior, Ktiox, r.6; Brumbaugh, 41; Ford, 30; London officially denies that the being the stronger, uro the gainers. "With the l way scone battlo to national committee en- part from the of 10; of contests, the in action, Our flotillas have long sought such sions, only part of which were LaFollette, 26; General Wood, thirty-fou- r delegate British grand fleet was the Invaders Repulsed Elsewhere, a British port, was an exception. has disposed of su- gaged, brunt of buttle w;.s borne twenty-e- squadron which Is .opportunities, our margin of the on tho Dupont, 14; Borah, 3. contests in seven states, leaving Tho battle cruiser Of some thousand men re ported have rushed between the periorlty is in no way Impaired. The by the battle cruiser fleet and with Paris Reports; Battle Mary, only a corporal's guard Afterward. ight to Queen l'lncforro to Conic contests to be settled. exception our battle fleet Is ready i.n,l their hose, seems to disnutch of troops to the continent one Is accounted for- - The same, is truo today of a and determined 1 There was some talk The contests heard ishqiild fie-(fo- r sea service. must admit that Reaches Point of Unpre- he-fo- of tho fighting, continue with the utmost aro no Plan party platform were from following states: have borne the brunt of tho Invincible, while thera to adopt the the battleships eventually ,dom, the bettered condition of the wo had exceptionally bard luck with reported tho Indefa- nominating candidate for Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Mis- Kleven British cedented Violence, survivors from the went the battle. It is admitted, German fleet being an uUditlomil se our battle cruisers but the loss of tigable, the Defense or the Blade president, this suggestion brought souri, Oklahoma, South Carolina and into great- - In but of several are declared to curity to us. those three ships does not of ; but these a vigorous protest from the friends Texas. fall of any measure cripple our control of been only partly engaged. "The hazy weather, the HV W.ftl) la impossible to vlsuallue 'any Hughes, who professed to see in the In addition to the contests heard have JOUtNA. BPIOA. Muny Ot'ficcrH IhmkI night and the retreat of the enemy the sea. 3. of re. coherent story of the great battle, move to Injure the chances and disposed of the committee haaj Paris, June lu the course a scheme in were! alone frustrated the persevering ''The. great battle had four phases. lusted many hours, with tho of heard the evidence and arguments tn The British losses officers peated and violent attacks lust night which their candidate. heavy, including iforts of our brilliant commanders, Sir The first, opened at 3:lu p. m., when different units at times of the fight- One of developments mat the Louisiana contests covering four the list range on Fort Vnux, on the Verdun front, the rongres- - flood, who went John Jellicoc and Kir David Beitty, our batlle cruisers at s of six ing scattered engagements. The, Brit- day was i delegates at large and eight Rear Admiral Horace arointed interest during the Invinci- to force a final decision. Although it miles joined action with Gernuin but- east of tho Meusc, the Germans pene- ish and German report: contradlrt u delegates down with his flagship, the suggestion by slonal district Ger-mn- n made Alexander I. Sowerhy, of Indefat- was not possible to compel the tle cruisers. Shortly afterward the trated a deep ditch north of the main each other flatty on the main fact. dele-Kal- e The contests yet to b heard are: ble; Captain the Moore of Pennsylvania, who is a second phase began with tho arrival j of Columbia, two delegates igable; Captain Cay, of the Invincible, main fleet to accept battle, the French position. The Interior of the The British nssert that the German and an ardent Roosevelt sup- District on both sides of battleships, the Ger- battle- - large. and Captain Prowse, of the Queen conclusions reached aro of extreme works, the war office announcement fleet retired when tho British porter. Mr. Moore said he thought at on arriving But before their ehipH of- onw del'gute. Mary. The total British losses are es- importance. All classes of vessels mans first. of today says, Is slill held by the appeared, while the German it would be a fine thing if Boies Pen- Florida, district had been tho Georgia, one district delegate. timated at about 5,000. both sides luive now met, nnd we arrival three battle cruisers French. ficial statement maintains that rose of Pennsylvania could be un- - blown Hi., presumably the result of wero In battle with tho Texas, eight delegates at large and A British admiralty official made know there are no surprises or Except for this gain, the statement German forces to support Colonel Roosevelt incas-som- e although possibly they met delegates. a statement regarding the battle Injloreseen features. An accurate gunfire, says Germans were repulsed with entire British fleet. for the presidential nomination and three district from torpedoes. the Only Two Divisions. Virginia, one district delegate. detail. He declared thst tho j ure can be taken of the strength of their fate heavy losses. then Roosevelt clement I assert they had hate the British went out looking for a fight, tho enemy, and his definite Inferiority A Taction Error? Spirited fighting continued in the The British that throw its Pennsylvania - only engaged and strength to the e.nrazed entire German sea tleet, :ts treeu ironi any element oi uocei- "Such elosn range fighting with bat- Argonne, west sector. two divisions that re- FIND NINE BODIES the . . of the Verdun to man' for the chairmanship of the anu arove it'talnty. The fast division of Queen tle cruisers might be criticised n bad till Ibe units of these were uot ablo publican It interrupted its plans Two German attacks west of La Fille and, fur- national committee. VICTIMS said, KUzubeths seems to have vindicated taitics, but our fleel, following the participate, in the fighting, suid, OF WRECK back to port. The Germans, he Morie were beaten buck. Jcl- - ould be the best, evidence, he Zeppe- all the hopes reposed in them. tradition of the navy, went out to en- thermore, that Admiral Sir John sprang no surprises, only one i.ii-u- i.l Violence. of a reunited party. with- enemy, and on account l J licoe, commander of tho grand fleet. W.M1 lin was seen, and that, was driven off, "I cannot record these facts gage the of IBY MONlf. JOURNA,. PIC.Ab L"0 The battle of Verdun has reached remained In the are or tho battle I'eaix, Overture Made. 17-in- were evi- out expressing my profound sympathy weather conditions could do so only Waterloo, la., June 3. Rescue work and no guns in point of unprecedented violence in had retreated nnd ft was in the in with those who have lost their dearest at short range. a after the Germans understood earlier wreck has resulted dence. lorty-cig- en- at the Packard most, engage- the last hours. The Ger- s.vepl It thoroughly in search of thut Mr. Moore had made a defi- of nine bodies, eight of Whole Nuvy L'lignged. ones. Many of the gallant "The third phase whs the the finding was mans made a formidable effort to emy ships and survivors. nite proposition Penrose, but semi-offici- issued In sailors ever nurtured and some of ment of battleships, which never to Mr. which have been Identified. Four are A statement mass reiiifyreeinonts on Ihe right bank The king's message to Admiral Mr. Moore only a suggest- our most splendid officers have gone, more than pai l in I. This phase Includ- said it was known to he missing. Berlin declares that the Germans of Meuse, supported by a great Jelllcoe states that tho Germans ion in t110 but they huve died as they would have ed a running fight as Ihe Germans the thrown out by him while The unidentified body was that of faced the greater part of the modern number of heavy pieces drawn from robbed ibe British of the opportunity lwadouartei's Pennsylvania sen tall, navy, nnd wished to die. in a blue water action, fled toward their bases. All the big of the . woman, aeed about 50. five feet British the buttle cruisers Knitting a decisive victory lmmedl - other fronts. of tttr. . a.n engage- - which as it is studied will more arid ship fighting wa over by 9:15 p. in. brown hair, turning gray, wore light cruisers beginning the concent! atiot. of the German ulely afler the opening of tho gen- sug- - be found to be a definite step Weird Feature. The llr. Penrose said the Moore iiir.ni and diamond ring, right thumb jment. while later the main forces on more to judicata su Admiral Beatty, coin- - of complete one of the iihbI weird forces is taken here a eral battle. Bastion had been made to him but he Lr,)DPd having been broken and im - botn sides took part in the attack. toward the attainment "Then cunie iiiandiug th battleship squadron, pre tho battle, as German de- preme attempt to bring the long utl not care to have anv one take ill set. German torpeao noais uiu noimiie victory." features of su nimbly on bis old riagsinip, itie won, properly made afler attack, drawn out attack on the fortress to a erlouPly, during daylight battle stroyers attack ! The known missing are: work both the succo-Hfi- il issue and to prevent a gen - was again in the thick of the action. "I air- - TorH'doeil. like Infantry following artillery prep- - am not a candidate for national Mrs. Frances Chrlstcaiisoii, Wesley, jand during the night, while nuval German Steamers erU offensive bv the allies. Desi.lte Every arm of the modern naval war- - Say-ville- .) aration on our big ships. But these bat-Jh- ,I chairman," he said. "I prefer to give 'ishiDS and aeroplanes contributed Berlin, June (by Wireless to Intensity involving i fare was employed battleships, n'.v r. , sincnl. rlv futile ,mt of the attack, whole attention to my duties In Harry Farrell, Louisville, Ky. greatly to the German success, it Is "Swedish newspapers report off, tie . rubers, torpedo boats, destroyers. His 1 lju,"h-- 1 ,h,m losses, the French cial senate." Pearl Robinson, 14. Sterling, 111. claimed. thut. three Germ m steamships have 'l accounts say that the main lines arc Uubtnarlnes. and wen Zeppelins. Fred C. Tanner, state chairman, Williams, address unknown. In the land fighting the Germans been torpedoed by a submarine prob- getting J T Whether most of the destruction ' Mrs. "With the morning, thepe attacks not essentially changed. The furthest "!Hor James W. Wadsworth, Jr., Muny injured persons are being have made further progress on the ably In Swedish waters, nnd that no point by was accomplished by gunfire or torpedoes E'on says ended und the Ho ne of the battle was reached the Germans It. hrown and Herbert Parsons given treatment in local hospitals, Verdun front.' gaining ground In the warning was given," the Over- on of Damloup. is not yet known. British officers of Xow agency. per- swept by JelHeo's fleel. Not a single houses the outskirts York , joined the lenders from believed to le Van sector northeast of the fortress seas News "Six men say Hint, the battle was fought by the three of whom arc ' The main portion of the town is counter-Ht-tack- s. enemy vessel in eight. other states today nnd announced that These are Mrs. X. E. snd beating off French ished." Jnnsinuth as a British tor- remained methods known and practiced by all injured. we get rnin- - strongly held by the French. S. L. Case, They also secured a success pedo was found by the Skelborvbte.n, "1'litil Admiral .Trllico's navies. There were no surprises and of Kensett. Iowa; I Dislodged. TWn ig we can only frng- - Gcrnuiiis Henry of In Belgium, cap-turii- tho Swedish press considers it cer- iilele leoori clve no new devices of weapons or stra- 1 Henry, lib, and Mrs. fnson. against the British Jiillebeke, south- ships were torpodood mentiiry incidents of the great battle. The communication adds: tegy. Minot. N. D. heights near tain that the The Day Ypres. The Austrian,, claim by a British submarine. Among these is the torpedoing of tho "In the rhampi.Mie west of Mont ZcpitoliiM as Sooiio. in Congress east of enemy gaining of additional ground guperdreadnaught Marlboi'oiu'h, which Petu detachments of (be who j How far the Zeppelins contributed May Settle Strike Soon. the In must some uuvance SENATE. In southern Tyrol, lapaiiese Envoy to ltotire. is now safely harbor. She bud penetrated minor to the German success la a matter 3. Prospects aginst the Italians s. Met at San Francisco. June posi- Toklo, Japan. Juno s. It is an- have struck a, veritable hornet's nest posts, were dislodged by counter-attack- of depute. Only one uirshlp canw noon. of the strike of reporting the capture of several Phssm1 t.t un ..arlv settlement In political of submarines, as by skilful maneu- within sight, according to the British miscellaneous bills. up ship-t- o tions of strategic importance in the nounced circles here that Adjourned noon! longshoremen which has tied lnouyc. Japan- vering she avoided three of these be- "Jn the Argonne yesterday evening uccounls, and she was soon badly at 4:45 p. ni. , , rw.rtu were Arafern region. Marquis Katsunosuke Thursday. ptng in an KrH-iin- fore was finally bit. a German attack on a salient of our damaged withdrew. But tho (He- nit After ese ambassador to Great will she und said tonieht to be favorable. b'e- - Gemini, Warships Blown I p. line west of Flile Morte was re- rmans lay stress on the assistance ren- Workers B,ltl-- b steamer Sunk. retire. The newspapers agree in meeting of the Waterfront arn-lao- f, "Early In engagement, accord- pulsed. A attack at about 8 by air service and neutrals HOISE. a the London. Juno .T The British jlleving that Viscount Chlnda, the second dered their M" telegrams were sent to tier-ma- n t noon. federation, Golcon.; b.SiTI tonsibassadnr at Washington, will succeed ing to Admiral Beatty's report, a p. m. also whs completely checked. report, the presence of six Zeppelins of the executive board steamship . "eelies ou Jefferson I'uri, flue eleven members gross, has been sunk off Oxford-nes- s, him and that either Baron Hayashi, battle cruiser after being hotly "On the left bank of the Meuse our In the North tea. The popular belief rliv-r- ed by of the Longshoremen's International engaged, blew up In two. positions from Hill No. 304 to our among the British publio is Representatives Aswell for a according to an announcement ambassador at Rome, or Viscount and broke that "Hl Kln- - to be In Pan Francisco - been a scouting Zeppelins kept heloe. union next today by Lloyd's. Four or five tuein-ber- s I'chlnda, will succeed Viscount Chin- "Officers of the fleet also reported second lino have subjected to the German Adjourn. with the employers by the, ap at 12:58 p. m. unlit noon meeting uf the crew are missing. Ida at Washington. passing a closely engnged battle cruls- - violent, bombardment." tleet Informed wireless of h'tay, , Monday night. Two Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916. persons en- night of May 31-.l- 1, owing to a evident all the 200,000 collision with other Uennan war ves- rolled could not march, unless ' the PATRIOTS 4 sels, whs heavily damaged, and It was 20010 demonstration were cohtintifd until Impossible to take her to port. The o'clock tomorrow morning. Sleep Out Doors crew wild rescued by torpedo boat, - firlnss Ills l.uncli Villi Illm. with the exception of the commander, Mayor Thompson, prepared for a two other officer and eighteen men ENROLLED IN BIG long siege, had arranged for lunch Perfect health is lcst cniiM-rvn- l hy the lircatliiiitf of pure who remained aboard In order to blow to be brought to the reviewing stand. and neigh- while awake, and most particularly while in up the vessel. Trains from the suburbs and free air "According to Dutch reports they boring states pound their loads blurulxT. were luter brought to Vmulden on a PROCESSION FOR through the city's gateway to mingle tug and landed there." with holiday throng. Kvery bit of A to, tiroiii window display will convince yon the , visit our space where a spectator might view 'that wc are fullv prepared to make of your porch either an iikad or uhhi ki:.s the marchers was taken and nearly I'M-'K- C'OXUHATl 1 everybody carried flags or at least IDEAL SLEEPING PORCH, OR A LUX BETTER DEFENSE coat lapel emblems. 3 ! London, Amsterdam, June Throughout the city, homes, IiukI-n?- ss URIOUS SITTING ROOM June 1.) The Imperial ierinait offices and fin torlea were vivid chancellor has sent the following tele- high with patriotic colors. TOUCH CURTAINS from plain or awning duck, gram to the commander of the 2,5(10 rollrenicn. slriH according to a licrlln dis- Many Prospective Participants (leratcd the same as an ordinary window shade, mounted sens fleet, Two thousand five hundred police- patch : with fasteners. Prices accept in Huge Demonstration for men kept the line of march dour. on Hartshorn roller, metal storm "I beg your excellency to Tho pnrndo was managed from a upon the from . $3.00 to JJ57.G5 my hearties! congratulations Preparedness Held in Chi- central telephone office In direct con- grand Hiiccess of the high seas fleet. Thus. through- nection with 120 substations. I'rlde and enthusiasm prevail cago Shut Out, Oen. K. C. Young, I. X. O., grand AND GAR-DE- N "OLD HICKORY" PORCH out the wholp of Germany that the marshal, through Captain Sheldon, his fleet has not also had an opportunity aide, was to maneu- FURNITURE enemy, who able at all times of showing a superior CITIES HOLD ver the great divisions. All Invincible, with OTHER varloun Iron folding rots with National Fabric .Springs, in white considered himself branches of the city's life were repre- blows what Germany's ea SIMILAR PARADES or aluminum finish. Sie 30, M and 42 inch. mighty sented and all nationalities straight power Is and can do. The fatherland Yankee, Kngllsh, French, Germun, Cold Medal Camping Cots. rejoices and Is thankful." all replied; Austrian. Kussian, Italian, Greek The commander of the fleet Citizens March of tturopR and parts of Asia. Many excellency to accept the Thousands of "I ask your women were In the line and there leMett Acme da high seas Or- Mt heartiest gratitude of tho in St, Louis and New were too, of Chi- con- millionaires, heads fleet for your stimulating and cago's greatest Industries, who were message. Tile pride of All in Deadly THIS PICTURE TELLS ITS STORY BETTER THAN gratulatory leans, not content to arrange for the appear- STRONG BROS. fatherland, expressed In your ex- WORDS. the ance of their employes, hut Insisted cellency's word, rIvoh us hope that we THE HONEFJl IIOMli FniNisiiras on enrolling themselves. ALL WE WISH TO SAY IS THAT WE HAVE A BANK H X ONI) AND will h able to contribii'.e in part to TH()X(1 RIM COIt. M COri'ER Down I mil District Closed. Germany's value In the world. This WHERE YOU CAN PUT YOUR MONEY WHILE IT IS GROWING THY WORNINa JOUHMAb iBCIAL IIAICO WISH Closing of the downtown district to hope is of Importance to our fleet, I!. INTO A FORTUNE. OUR BANK IS A SAFE PLACE FOR Chicago, Juno The greatest traffic begun at 7 o'clock. Surface cars . and an encouragement for the future." Chicago ended 'MONET-- WE WILL WELCOME YOU prosch of their enemy and of hi London today. They were removed to Iiurnde ever held In came only to temporary terminals out- YOUR HERE AND formation. hospitals or their homes by lied (.'runs tonight after 1 3 0.2 4 persons, one-sixt- h side the parade lines. TREAT YOU.tWITH COURTESY. WE WILL GLADLY ADVISE number and "mim m: HI T not had filed eomo thrilling stor- ambulance. ohti of whom worn women, Tho line of march YOU AND ASSIST YOU. From survivors oi:ri;.T," vkkss says prepared- ies of thn horror and humanities of Crowds assembled at the rallwa through the streets in the through downtown street until, from de- ness dem'Uif-'tiiUion- . The parade was IN. the terrlblo battle. The. IsHUhIi station cheering them. 3. .The afternoon the roofs of skyscrapers the city COME London, June eleven hours In passing. stroyer n'-t'- P decoy lo the Jt is loss of ex engage-riM't- it and " half looked like a gridiron. Phftrk feared the life will newspapers view tho naval persons are BANK WITH US ships Into the engagement. ceed 5,000 and men. The More than one million It was different from liny other pa- Oerman officers Ger In a more favorable light than The Hhe wan to pieces Bon- estimated to have witnessed it. rade ever held here in It was a battered ly man loss iiirt have been almost as tome, fjf tho morning papers, prob largely that half-dow- night division was up fire, and a n Bailors picked great us that of the lirltifih. were obliged .made deadly earnest appearing turnout. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. ably because the hitter military organizations, which In- tip clinging to a buoy by a Danish The udmlriilty building; thin morn Judgment wnnoui of There were no floats, no automobiles, to form editorial cluded branches ot tho army and ship tell of her commander and two ing was besieged by relatives of second Hrltlflh all no facetious slogans or banners nnj the assistance the navy service.. neamen serving her only reinalninK frends of tho crews were In the which was is- just a horde of earnest citizens seek- thut admiralty statement, parade began at o'clock In gun until the hint minute, when the engagement. Similar scenes were today. Fall Mall Ga-aet- The ing tn drive home the lesson of sued early The All day long and far t commander's leg wwi blown off. witnessed ports the morning. by sheer force of massed at various naval from says: ,1 JC- - into the night the man hers, masB. Hamming Tule- which tho crews were drawn. "When the two official announce-nienl- s numbers. There were a hundred of sinking from curb to curb, rolled like a tide There aro stories ships are put together and , com- brsss bonds. go- through streets. U was ns if the with a great rxploslon; of rrews DKWl.ll M S MAY version there the 4 preparedness' pa- pared ulth the Herman great skyscrapers were the balks of At o'clock the ing down singing tho national an- ll.WK I1KI I.N H.yni.N certainly is no ground for depression rade count was officially 106,533. of ships passing engage- a river and the marching thousand., them; merchant lis lo the actual effects of the a, flAnlIng each with an American flag, the through sea thick with Denver, June Kansoin ment or Its portent for the naval sit- 73,000 .Mi: MAJIfll IX bodies. of Denver, is balleved by his brother, In ships waters moving between them. ST. I'AKADK uation at large. Our losses "(ii'catcst Spectacie." UHIS A lifeboat with Oerman survivors Klliotl A. Hansom, humane officer evidently were greater than the en- Major Oenernl T. II. Harry, co'i- - from the Uermiin cruiser Klblng res- here, to have perished on the I'.ritlsh emy's- loss which no philosophy St. Louis, June 3. St. louls cele- - The tnunder of the enlral department, IT cued Surgeon Hurton, of the lirllish cruiser Indefatigable." Mr. tunom will assuage Is that of the officers jbraled preparedness day with a 0000 OOOO 00 00 0OOO0OO0000OO00 00O0O0O OOOOO00O0 00 00000000 d H. A., who sat In the reviewing stand, o 0 destroyer Tlpperary. lt had said today his brother left New York and crews of the sunken vessels, for in which 7.'), 000 men and women well-know- n it to be greatest ari'i. four wyunds. Two at tho beginning of war on a Hel-- whom It is Im- declared the were expected to march. the ' the vast majority of had ever MARK London clergymen who hud volun- glan vessel which was by a mine. any hopes of sur- most Inspiring spectacle ho sunk possible fo entertain were no floats, ro 7 V ? teered to serve lis, chaplains at the Young Hansom was picked up by a witnessed. There xi:v ORLFAXS HOLDS vival. comic und liltle ,f the holi beginning of the war, Mr. l.yndell and llrltlsh hospltul ship and u seas has not been IIKi I'KOCKKSIOX carried "Command of the day uplrit apparent. Patriotic, ponifs Mr. Lepatourel, both of the Church Kngland, whern he enlisted In by events of tho week." the affected the were sung, or or whistled, if England, are among the mowing. llrltlsh navy. The last word he had says that, taking the hummed New Orleans, Im., June 3. The Standard for few knew words. They did Mr. l.yndell Is a nephew of Field from his known, It would seem the thousand men rrwirched here brother, officer liansoru facts at present occasionally, with hymns. Marshal Viscount French. Hu was to said, whs that he bin) been transferr- the llrltlsh fleet suffered mote better, in a preparedness parade. Mon- that Many of tho marchers knew the words hnva been married at London ed to the Indefatigable. heavily than the Gernmn In mate- day. of "onward, 'Christian Holdicrs," a la mid men, but It declares the llrlt- 1NNES CONVICTED OF mourning. rial hymn which seemed to strike the writ Vortmnouth Is a town of t.i.K.M lsh remains In command of the went fleet as appropriate to the occasion. Three thousand of the men who AUK I I 111 It All D ea, notwithstanding H louses. LARCENY AFTER TRUST pea I'orls-tnout- h Handle,) With Precision. Into the buttle came from The Globe nays: most of leave famil- The precision with which the pa- and them London, Juno 3 (11:45 p. in.) "We suffered seriously in the great imr mom,n journal ariciAL liamo wirii . rade moved was itself said to be a les- ies. Twenty-on- e members of the crew of sea fight. Hut at the hands of u Atlanta, (ia., June 3. Victor E. Tu- son In preparedness, it was han- The admiralty has been crowded the German cruiser Klblng, which was grently force the Germans for nes today was convicted on all four Inferior dled by Captain Kuymond Kheldon of all day with anxious men and women destroyed In the great naval battle have had u mauling which will prob- counts of an indictment charging lar- regular urmy.-b- a system of tel- of nil classes trying to learn the fate and out! llrltlsh ship's surgeon, who ably discourage' from further the ceny after trust in connection with them ephones. dnmutist Blarte.l of relatives. only three mimes of were brought to Vmulden aboard the adventures of this sort, and when The ration the disappearance of the Nehru' sis- promptly at 'I a, tn, up. in a salute of surviving officers were published I", Inilch trawler llerthii, have been their losses are analyzed they seem ters. day. Many persons hiivri rela- twenty-on- e guns. who In nccorilanei' with the Iteil lo be but little Inferior to our own. lnneB was charged with obtaining tives) In navy ig- The weather nothing to be de as a table as a bed and friends the are Cross convention, because Bertha The hut tl off Jutland is for us u left fraudulently $4,000 from Mrs. Klols u - a serv- the sired. The temperature remained norant of what vessels they are com- misfortune, but It Is not for us u de- Nelms Dennis. The case went to the nfler rescuing the men did not A ing on. Accurate, casualty UhIs can- comfortable at all times. tremen- two-ho- with war vessels, ac- feat and It does not modify the stra- Jury alter a argument. Ik municate the crowd witnessed spectacle. not be Issued until thn Identity tegic position In any degree dous the Counsel for limes put on no cording to an official report of The They lined streets throughout the economizes space, saves known of the survivors who have been government the Td'Bed taken to Holland and Scandinavian Netherlands forwarded three and a quarter miles of the route, from Tho Hague to neuter's Telegram peopled is porn. KING HAVS iii: iti:;itiTs and windows and balconies housework, simple and sanitary. company. No decision nns been made - (MISSING NEW. YORK Til admiralty has no Information I'M:mvs h.i:i:t m.ki w henevci- uvnllable. (ier-mn- regarding the sailors who were res concerning the report that the n The great ,'hlcugo prepared- Frnu-enlo- BROKER SHOWS UP cued from the German cruiser b dreadnuught 1 linden burg was London, June .V The llrltish of- ness parade in which 21)0,000 The conceals completely and w ho were at. Table a sunk. landed The made public the Were enrolled, started at 9 o'clock m ficial bureau today V MORN, NO JOURNAL SPKCIAL LCAStO WIRE) Hook or l.i . today under perfect weather condi- text of messages exchanged between Duluth, Minn., June 3. Kush C. made Bed ready to sleep in. MllMAItlNKN AM) King George and Admiral Jclliene on tions. Business In the downtown dis- whom: i vi.i ism i i.i irr Rstes, prominent New York broker Id NS Yt I'K.IIT Ihs occasion of the king's blrthduy. trict was practically at a standstill and clubman, who disappeared Two I1M GUT, says iu:iu,in city devoted Requires no wall space. Admiral Jelllcoe's message read: while nearly the entire Wednesday night from the steam 3 p. your majesty's itself in Rome way to the demonstra- Geneva, June (via Paris, 4:50 Herlln, June 3 (via London, June "On the occasion of yacht Humbler, returned to Duluth men of tion. H a million household necessities in one. m.) According In news received In 3.1 A secondary official statement birthday, the officers and the whs estimated that today and reported that he "came to ;;rand In duty their persons packed (Irani park, near the Swltxcrhind from German sources, Issued lodav by iln. chief of the ad- fleet humble send his senses" In the Creat Northern rail- km good wishes, starling place, and side lines along ski: th at whatever advantage Germany secured miralty staff says: respectful, heartfelt the road yards in Minneapolis this morn- loyal hope und determina- Its und route. In the naval battle was dun to two "III order to prevent fabulous re- with the three ing and hurried hack to victory of your according Pujiith. principal facts: ports, It is again stated that in the tion that through Marching sixteen abreast, gal- The Kapple Co. First, that the German new battle off Kkngcrnk on May 31, the majesty's arms and those of our to tabulations by a corps of clerks, Furniture allies, blessings of peace may 2,032 panniers passed reviewing ix;ix iuttfi;. guns outclassed the Kngllsh German high sea forces were In bat- lant the the IIAI.I' BLOCK i:ST V. M. C. A. IHII.DIXti guns In a running fight tle with the entire modern Kngllsh bp restored." stand in the first twelve minutes. Klgill. 111.. June 3. Hutler Sixlv- - and scrond, that the German subma- fleet. The King replied-- It was said that at this rale H was five tubs sold at 20c. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - , 000000 rines In attacking the larger ships "To the already published state- "I am deeply touched by the mes- were of great assistance. ments It must be uddcM that, accord- imge you have sent In behalf of the ing to official grand fleet. U fcuchcs me on the the llrltlsh report the . - I... K A HF, morrow which once more! rv llltlTlSII LO.sM battle cruiser Invincible and the c, of a battle ' displayed th,. splendid gallantry of tiioi giit to hi: s.otm cruiser Warrior were also de- stroyed. ths officers and men under London, June Wounded men "We were obliged to blow up the men, the North sen battle reached small cruliur F.lblug, which on the "I mourn the loss of the brave THE many cif them personal friends of my, own, who have fallen in their conn-- , try's ratine. Vet even more do I r- - 0 grct i hat the Uenn.in high cas flee? w en-- w in spite of its heavy losses hs : Gibson-Fa- Co. aided by misty weather to evade the Lumber full conseiiuences of the encounter. "They always professed a desire for which when th,. opportunity arrived,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL they showed in, inclination. Through' the retirement of the enemy Immedl'j ately after the opening of a general: eiu'iigement robbed us of the oppor-- 1 (unity of gaining a decisive victory.) Lumber, Builders' Supplies, the events of last Wednesday amply i Strength Justify my confidence in the valor and: eflicicncy of th(. fleet- under your command." Paint and Coal -- l)itli f IkhIv and iniml is unniliM hilly pruttrntcd lv IjONDO.N HKTOUTN AltMMTK IS SAI K including in the diet a daily ration , f London, June 3. An official state- Announces That the Albuquerque Plant Is Xow Complete, Open and Doing ment issued tonight, referring to ft ijerinan wireless o the embassy ftt ..Business; in All Departments. 'Washington todaj, containing the re-- , port of the spet-c- of the president of This Is the relchtitag, notes that the loss of the Largest, Most Modem, Most Completely Grape-Nut-s the battleship Warsplte again is offi- cially affirmed. "This is untrue," the Equipped Lumber Business in New Mexico. We Want statement declares, "that ship having returned to harbor." You to See in Operation. "The loss of 'he ilestro.wj- Alcuster," It Come and Get Acquainted This t'thl contains all the nutriment and encv-- f !ihe statement continues, "also Is an- nounced. That Is untrue, that vessel In Addition to Complete Stocks of We Wood proRTtii's whole wheat and hurley which it Lumber, Specialize in Cornell giziny ot ironi ulso having returned to her base, Board, Devoe Points, Ruberoid Roofing Is made, and is esecia!!y rich in the mineral phosphates "Tho names of three Hellish and High Grade Finish Lumber not hitherto identified, milk- grains. These mineral elements lack- furnished 1y these are ing n total of eight lost, reported In WE SELL SWASTIKA AND COAL r an Issued early In AMERICAN BLOCK ing in many foods, but absolutely necessary tor projn-- official statement the day, are the Nomad, Nestor and growth and maintenance of body, brain and nerves. lhurk. "Statements in the some Herman 333---PHONE- Graf'-Xut- s food lias delightful flavor, is easily digest- wireless message us to three tiermun --- being torpedoed eatcri-p- . merchant itwls ed, and comes ready to sweet and wonderfully without warning by Hrttlsh submii-- , ' nourishing. rines, are without foundation."'

U'K-NTT.- ltiiilillnir HilU lnuwl. W Frcni childhood to old age-f- .K ' GIBS0N-FA- Washington, June 3. Mouse bills THE LUMBER CO. MppropiiaU' JIOH.UOO n public! ito for OiiIkvIII, I). . '('j.'.iIJi' - building at rrescott. An., and tin," 4t)2 X. I'lKST. 1). ". I'aw, '. P. an J 6V". Mr- "There's a Reason" OdO for a sit for building at Jtis-1-c- e. .Mix, were passed today by the senate. ' AlEuquefrque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916. THre

Gavlra, commanding the Mexican' ARE forces in tho Immediate vicinity of SO LA AMERICANS the American expedition, Secretary! will Halter said today, was entirely friend- ly, but he declined to make public SeledTSummer details of what was considered. Gen- TO ald, 7XT COUNSELED eral Gnvila, Secretary Haker TO NOTE showed a desire to with Ml the American forces in the extermi- nation of bii milts, and no suggestion MEXICO entered Into the discussion that was FROM CARRANZA QUIT not in accord with that object. (Vc-rcta- Pnker laid reports of the con- P' ference before President Wilson to- day. Despite Quieter Conditions in Pecanse of friction at Tampieo be- President and Lansing Like- tween American oil operators and Republic, Washington Con- "?arianza authorities, the gunboat ly to Begin Work on Draft Marietta has been ordered there from tinues Usual Advice; Fears Vera Cruz. Tomorrow; No Concessions Danger of Complications, The discovery of another arms Predicted, cache in Mexico by General Per- Golden Rule shing's troops wag reported today by aJ.,t JOURNAL SPECIAL LIACED General Kunston. Klve hundred rifles r MOKNIXa guns Kl Paso, June 2. Although condi- and ten machine in all have Washington. June 3. President been they were hidden tions appear quieter In Mexico than found where Wilson probably will take up with by on flight south- ques- Dry Goods sonte weeks, Washington has not Villa bandits the Secretary Lansing Monday the fr Ninety-fou- r jot. changed its policy of advising ward from the border. tion of framlnu a roidv to General y yesterday by Cap-lai- n Americans to keep out of the conn-tr- rifles were found Carranza'a new demand that the lp Clm as In shown here by an incident Turner of the Thirteenth American forces be withdrawn from today. Mexico i Company The managers of the Alvarado p pi officials have obtained no indica ", Mining company and of the Agrt-col- tt iirs rsi b tion yet as to the form the answer I'owcr company, after a person-n- l vlkkis; kanoits will take, further than it will not inspection of their properties in yield to the Insistence that General Columbus, X. M., 3. Twenty - Chihuahua, June bouu-dar- tin- Parral district of by Pershing's men retire across the arrangements for opening njf Apache Indian scouts, reinforced assembling data made caval- but thev are a detachment of the Eleventh Mex- l ami wired to their El Paso offices on all of the points raised In the ' ry, are pursuing the fleeing members for the necessary American foremen ican note. V. Villlsta band engaged yesterday we Give S. & H. Green ; ami mechanics. A large party wan of the with the in Varas pass, in the mountains Secretary Maker conferred ungated. Hut it occurred to one of today on Mexican ques southwest of Nami(iiipa, according to nresideiu the Trading Stamps. Hie nun to appeal to Washington tion, but particular Hspects dis- to- reports reaching here tonight. Other the fur advice. 'J'ho advice received cussed were not disclosed. It Is keep out of Mexico unofficial reports received here from day was to for known results of the local present. the American southernmost outpost that the the In conference held between Gctieruls f Scott-Obrego- n indicate the Cnrranza troops Following the con- that Pershing Gavlra were not men- Kdwurds of that vicinity have made no effort to and ference, Consul Juarez tioned. to stay away from with the Americans In advised Americans While details of the Pershlng-Oa- - Mexico, and, if In the country, to running down the band. vlra conference have not been made come out unless, they had particular Two remounts for the cav- hundred public, It is known that no suggestion Consul then ex- at Colonia business. Edwards alry concentration corrals for nn us to local troop dis it wag not because con- sent nmeelilent plained that Dublan and Namlquipa were made, conversation were alarming, because positions was the ditions but south today, as was a large tralnload most part in state- subjects In Mex- consisting for the the more American of food and supplies. command- more danger of ments by the Mexican field ico, the steps was taking to ( AiiVA ;ovKitxon er of what he iuin round up the bandits. The real pur-nns- e TO IIKIT It X TODAY tJAVIKA SAID TO UK of the meeting. It was under to provide against the dan ItKADY TO Mexico, June 3. Gov- stood, was Chihuahua, ger between American ami ernor Enriquea of Chihuahua Is ex- of clashes Washington, June ?.. General Mexican troops operating in the pected here tomorrow from Mexico territory. Pershing's conference with General been on official same general City, where he has meet- business. During his absence, Col. Secretary Haker descrihed the Trevino, state treasurer and ing as friendly and tending to show Francisco command- of Gen. Jacinto Trevino, the desire of the Carranza a brother carry campaign against has acted ns governor, following the er to out its a spirit Mexican law which makes the treas- the bandits, in urer second in rank to the governor. with the Americans. The gunboat Marietta was ordered two-thir- Governor NnrWuez will again resume trade journal at London, the- Vutocir, ture of one-thir- d petrol and The agreement was adopted by I he i Cruz to Tampieo today to the executive chnlr on his return. from Vera commented on it as follows. Kconomec heavy oil and in this senate Immediately arid toes to the relieve the anxiety of the Americans Cen, Herrera reports front "in this article we arc concerned Instance a mileage of 33.(1 miles per housa Monday. . . Luis in the oil regions who continued to Parral he has taken special pains primarily with the behavior of K. gallon was obtained. T2 that hostility of General ' properties In complain of the , but we feel It only fair to The representative of Autocar llll to safeguard American Carranza district com- to encourag-iin- g Xafarette, the give a word of praise to the behavior writes that In this test the accelera- that district with mander. Miinv of the Americans are Often Tuberculosis opening up of mines. of (lie Maxwell brand, whl.h, branl tion was satisfactory and the engine the the of leaving, it Is said, and ef desirous COLLEGE ITEMS new as It was, ran exceedliiKly well fired regularly and pulled well at low Is Much Relieved forts to bring them out ly rail were UUTO TRIP OF tl roiighmit (he tests, and showed al- speeds. Subsequently, the Maxwell 2,500 made. together remarkable acceleration arid was up bill. The foot of l y nlim tit. the "nntumi" tntit- - lid 'Wickham leaves today driven the illi J MILES BEGINS TODAY Miss Jean hill c.imblng abllitv .' the hill was approached at five or six mini. T- - - is IkihM n plenty of frrah alf, to serve as substitute , ,1 WILSON AND MARSHALL for Socorro on miles hour sleep ascent a uffK i,.i, f kett, PUi'o foo4 tt.li a in the ot Tile tests were conducted the mi and the stenographer for month h lurif ncnmin. of rht. WIM I r'.'ooljand track, anil were designed was negotiated without difficulty. r WAKNINa JONL IVICIAL U1HO WILL HEAD DEMOCRATS flee of President l'ayette A. Jones ui Thin treatment diica not at:ilt' 3. An auto- primarily to teut out the economical Summing up the results of the tests, lay Seattle, Wash., June the New Mexico School of Mines. tlu ili'slred resultH. StninMlmr ihnre 2,000 miles along the accepted features of the Kconomoc fuel, which Autocar stales that certainly on Max- rir' mobile trip LEASKO WISE1 Miss Stella Schiviber has m i it In about MOHNINO JOURNAL MCIAL ;s for lie tU'iuli.il In. unirr tilnit of nation from Chi- - c mixture of a heavy grade of well cars the new fuel may be used northern rim the lr Louis, June 3. President Wil- a position With the Jleckel- Mercantile t)i r.iiilrUa hotly A syitonl cago Seattle and Tacoma will be St. oil and any ordinary petrol. with good results so far as starting, rllnlir. to son and Vice President Marshall are company of Helen. rnikeniil by InNi tlun mint he afternoon In the Il- Dua- ;tn all the tests In which the Maxw II pulling, acceleration and flexibility started tomorrow be. u the democratic Several A. B. students are In mii'h (iW'i Kiknan A Herat v ha city by a party of men of the to nominated advertising (took part, a mileage of more than are concerned, linois party standard bearers for the presi- lly engaged turning out l.wn with a lnifse mmnunt of su'N by officials of the be U hiily-- t i, miles a gallon was oh. northwest, headed campaign some lime early v for the state fair commission: nm. liiilemt, In ninny itiialani't, lhi nffnu-- t highway. The trip Is dential t.iined. Agree on l.aml (.rant Hill. National Parks m, iniinc at the final session sides Miss Susan Cold., pernmnem Ion niiHimly b ylnlilpd to It. Ami going be a speed test, but will association, A special testing lank was fitted on Washington, Julio :!. -- Conferees of not to national convention. stenographer for the the i'i a from ant Ions, mid chfolilo bi'oiiclillla to of the democratic I supplement the government's plan ses-jslo- n .Misses jn side lamp bracket of the Maxwell the house and senate on the iregon It is proposed to hold a long following are employed; Irtmi lmv fenn.l It effeillit' In then tmulilua, popularize the national parks as the 1,11- - and the oil was carefully mcas- - & California railroad laud grant bill ' beginning Friday evening to Hell, liessye Nash, flose I'rye, jcar wl.leh m'Hlnie Imot tn tuhMVUlosla.', J , people's playgrounds und also to Wilson. nred In with a stamped pint measure, today reached an agreement under name the party candidates and this llan ndirens, und Mr. Harry any caw, It la worth & trial; nml, attic It mii,i,iov arou.se the people along the line to the Two tests with different grades of oil which the limber on the laud for- oi: j session will last over into Saturday Many new students have enrolled c,n to ii a no i'ilnU'. nareellca or maintaining roads i Max-jwe- ll . tt necessity of their during past week. J he attend- were tried and in each one the feited for violation of the icrait un la From yur drut-nlt- ALASKA 1THCII SF.riS motoring. morning. the ilnma, lu mta. In good condition for to vote on ance of school teachers promises to made a record of "H.S mlleii per would be sold for cash instead of MADI-- : I - "We plan reach the XO 51 INTAKE! ft Three mountain ranges, the Hock- gallon. The next test w Willi a On as proposed by the house. Itrkiniiil I aborntor, llilliutelpblu. President Wilson about 1 o'clock Sa- exceed all previous records. The as mix. credit ... i,.u littler Tlootu and Cascades, will 5 I I J hey I I turday morning," said National Chair summer term will begin June and' wanted to save I, cpii national II II Ico II II hiivn crossed and three inaKiiig many regiwtrntlons have been; lnoncv on uml f,.,.a, r, man McComhs toiilglil in already I parks, Yellowstone, Glacier and ua-nie- "und As been the custom There was ton much loss the' public the convention's plans, received. has witli their old refrigera- - I will have been visited when nomina- years, will he held in They are expect to proceed With the for sessions tors. I autoists reach Seattle. only, from k to M. July tion for vlee president thereafter. the forenoon sc heduled to reach here 2. be no limitation on the Calls for help have been very nu- ears will carry Frank There will r" Two of the length of seconding speeches, out we merous recently 'and every student Guilbert, secretary of the high- W. see no reason why we should not capable of holding a position has ALASKA way association; I If. Brown, of Spo- Jlcfrlgcrator I conclude our work some time Satur- been sent out and several excellent kane, secretary of the Washington still unfilled. Tim Janu- asso- day morning." places are Is scientifically insulated; I State' Good Koads Automobile ary Is now in office also of shorthand class Keeping its walls, top and bottom, I ciation; Thaddeus S. iractlce. Why Count the Cost of I Au- AT WORK are filed with numerous Spokane, president of the Inland WILSON I'riends of Margaret McLaren will ma- - I L. layers of Insulating tomobile association, and liohert is get-lin- g I ON HIS PLATFORM oe plensed to learn that she teriul that won't let the Sparger, of Seattle, president of the well likes work Cool When the Cost Is So Little? H along and her c(dd air escape, or the Automobile club. - Seattle WIRII with the Campbell company, Ada- warm air get inside. I Members of the party have arrang- 11 lioaNIN JOURNAL RRECIAL LUIIO H H. Senator maim, Ariz. Ci ft lifetime. meetings at cities Washington, June It lasts ed to appear before Un- Miss Virginia Dickens, centi r of Its cost D colored James, for permanent chairman of and earns along the route and exhibit last year's basketball team, is now time and time again. 8 showing the na- democratic national convention, and stereopticon slides of employed by the Itanch Supply An Kkrtric Fan in your home C your I of the high- Senator Stone, for chairman the Tou need it in ture1 of various portions vir- pany. Magdalena. Miss I'l home. II along platform committee, is the slate ex- way and the scenic attractions Wil- home Is in Magdalena. five's more comfort for its, Ci explain D upon by President 3 Call and let us way. The. trip has the orticiai tually agreed re- II 11 D the Sena- Miss Maltle Harper, who has the advantages of the American Automobile son and his political advisors. than anything , else you B sanction of the cently been employed by Secretary pense II Alaska, I time Pomereno, of Ohio, is still under association, given for the first tor Stott of the KIks, Is now working II - II V the permanent Tiir- for a tour of this nature. consideration for County Agent can have to make warm weath- mnnir chairmanship but it seemed almost cer- for Stewart. James would Miss Henrietta Herboblt, one of An Fair Wcatlier I'mlli tain today that Senator New Mexico's successful teacher who er bearable. Some of the most 111 l tl. ,'hOKCIl. IDMITI - . 111' l.f Fl IDF m 1. J t .1 W Willi t is taking tne teaeners home-practi- cally II H already begun commercial lUilMIIUIlL Sun- - President Wilson has halt-da- y attractive rooms in the W. dictions-fo- the wk beRiiminff training course, is doing llll - . . ,tw- - work on a draft of the platform for Half lilock l'Msl New Y. Ill day issued....oy mei. hiiradll...... Work in Senator Harth's office. Electric It will be taken in the . , .1 I convention and abandoned ..t, i m ft n lllld the One A. H. ''. graduate Invariably 1 looay sa. ioin. Stone. The president plateau regions and Pacific states; west by Senator blazes the way for others, and such l.j particular attention to a summer time can be made like 'I Generally fair, temperatures above paying has again been the case in the State dealing with foreign affairs. seasonal average," plank National bank. The 'lasl two sten- Fan a resort regardless of ographers, both A. It. C graduates, summer on receiving promotion with that the heat. With an electric fan bank, made a place for another. The Is new addition to the force is Miss you get Isabel Ilenson, who has been with the Inter-Stat- e Casualty company. Henry Tafoyu is the new book- a Finishing keeper for the Htitler Auto company. Careful Kodak Uln borate preparations are being COOL BREEZES made for the A. 11. C. annual picnic Boon SERVICE July 4 1 1. Present, and former stu- TWICE DAILY dents are invited to attend and al- AT THE TURN ready enough have signified (heir i 10:00 a. m., Out at 7:00 p. m. Same Day Intention of going to insure the larg- for In at est crowd that, has ever assembled OF A SWITCH 1:00 p.m. Following, Except Sunday. for an annual picnic. In at 6:00 p. m Out at The A. V: C. has for many years enrolled students from all over the Young Urcezc is what. you want, and ready Monday southwest but Us scope was stretched Films left Sunday before 6 p. will.be last week when an enrollment for a breeze is what you arc paying SUNDAY. correspondence course was received Children at 1 p. m. WE SELL FILMS. OPEN from North Carolina. for, when you operate an elec- MAXWELL MILEAGE tric fan and the fan. you. buy Remember Sa tisfaction Guaranteed IN ENGLISH TEST will give breeze for many sum- SHOWS GOOD RESULTS mers to come. Return Postage Paid on Mail Orders That the remarkable mileage piled up by Maxwell cars Is by no moans confined to the American field, , AT YOUR SERVICE HANNA & HANNA proven by experiments condn '.e.i m j foreign countries. The result of ec ui PHOTOGRAPHERS omy tests conducted near London, England, have Just been sent on to & Co. ' Albuquerque Gas, Power the offices of the Maxwcl Motor com- - finishing only be had from us and the pany, of Detroit. Several makes of, can i NOTE-O-ur cars were used In testing .nit a new PHONE 98. OTWELL, RUPPE, BUTT'S Drug Stores fuel mixture Introduced by a firm in following agents: Belfast, Ireland, and the performance of a stock Maxwell touring car was so notabla that the conservative motor Four

STANDING OF THE CLUBS RALLY III SECOND GAME OF BADGERS CHAMPS APPEAL IDE TO 1TH NATION AT LF.Aftl B. W I, 1'i'U w r. Irl Ml. kivn .':' I.'. In. lima ii I. .i '.9 I'llliR'l iplllll .- J.'. iM'hi. IU. ' SEASON AT OF CONFEHENGE MEXICAN CONSDL BIMOISWK h in!i , .... Hi ;'i er' i. j.i.iii HOI 1)I.HII'A I.K.VilK. IV I, I'i'll W I. P t l''l,,-'',i"- jr, ii rnr.i ii. ir.,!i , I!i F F DOM ATHLETICS Kt'W Vt 11, :4 ii. hi. uic Of GIANTS RECORDS BROKEN OR JOSE MEDINA HfliWiHt" 'I Ii .'.V.Ht, I.i.lilrf . ! :t IN iii.m ii VI 'Ii '! .. MIIKhK THEY I'l.AV T(lt4T. Nuiliiniil IMvufl. a ii nil i mi' i.inliiii.il S, for Dr, first Game of Series Taken by McGiaw's Athletes Treat Two World's Marks Tied at Benaviclcs, Acting Anirrinn Lrnsu. in Sen-Brav- es E, Osuna, Asked to Join Homo- Team by Narrow Vini'i.'ii .r ' ifW'irtu.i Gotham Fans to New Chicago and Four Bte Nine W .ifiiimi..n til ln-'- t i'i Margin Mogrldge rinlM.I. q.M.i at M. I. ill" sation; Take Close Records Lowered; Mini Fin- Effoit to Save Mexican Pins Verk ill i lili.iK'i. 'Goose Eeas'on White Sox, Contest From Cubs, ish Second, From Gallows, t&

unturn-t,- o TO MtNiN Wll- TNT MOXNIH JOURNAL SPBCIAL tD TllMt IHI Stlllll' is hein loft taV MOWMIM4 JfVNl roit, klAVBO DUKE CITIANS iT JlllltMtl .C'AI. II4HO ?. Y I''1" St. IamiIk, Juno Ixmls rs Ni-tt- Vol k, Julie New lil'li tool! ebb ago, June Ii. Wisconsin. ru in the effort Have JoH(. Medina, - 'III- - fl'OIII i !' r con- N. 82i Simtli Vol lii the Hindi, beating out 1'hlln- thW Second l.llllo ilf Soti'-- ii k up fminiH, wan retui I'onvii'tod of the. murder of Johis Miiiiiiison A. imiililson. rro. Stni.l St T ;it K mdhIoii a, li.hi:i in the firm minii of the i Cini'iiiiiiili today. ! 1. It wiim the ference, liink rluimpuii) Chavcsi. frmn lumeiiiK n apparent pnimnr .. .. 1... 1... I li'.i.l u- i.n In Vliirli Iwo w nlil't r. rii'H M l I"ilti5', "8 lo ore: nnr urui MI'i.llMIl KHIlii' Moll 'i,l Mil. ...,..,.- torliiv in a mi it from the fait, learned yesterday, that ru iimIh Nun marks1 I :oua-th- e kt. li'i'H Innr their home nnnjnnti mis season. Iik Hon' tlcil.fiiur appeal hn.s been mailo to I'lllt.U.IXl'lll.V .nnr t'- - 11 i...I MIL UUUIIUL n A II O IILII Soon?. J with lu'iiki'ii iiml inn- iiiHi'i' iiiff VitloH, ai'tillg collrilll here for i'ar-i- If tti-d- . win .tiiin i st'l.N.X TI NEW Vnr:K i hi ii ivi'ni tl rnnza lioverinnent. Jleltillll a 11a- - k Ji. , !l fl (' A urn 111 3li H A K d. AMU" i: All ll oni-ii-i. 41- Hi Klii;ll inilnts: Vln Mexii'O MiUi'i rf Tnimv ,11. 4 :i ' tlvn of sinm nminr Ol "1 In i n it If " HI (i 3."i - I'llicptitfi. i.Miiitv.'ti ''IM.'I' II. n t t ii I. I J iidiH. "il .Mr. lonnyldoH wiih askt il to assint To tlio l'liblii'. AND .f Ii.,) LEATHER FINDINGS 5 a UUH iiv ii ii riHUbL u r l nsiiiK- Chamherlaln's M.illitlte Ih rum :i Chitm I' .1 Kn nf mnirl. L'ft IJ. l'liiilii". in ItiinniiiK the r.'f-ori- of Modlna'? "I have bion iJj it ri"ii mm i f 'I : t r I I I nix Harnesa, Saddles, Dcroe Palnu, Roal u (lull rf j VViliK'i h'r.mi A. Htitt XI., ; T.'ihlolH for indiBOKtlim for tho past rtn 4 ft ii Kansas trial before lioyetnor Molionald of lull in If ii Ji.lihu.in I I U MlTkll- l'l i I''' to I'ttlnts, Etc. lllillllll.lf M trau-sori- months, and it uffordH mo pleasure Vl.txM Ii r o I 1 Noire ljtno. 4. imioHOta Now jilii'-tiii- f linnii'i Mi wilf.ll oj Im.IU.H Jloxlfii, ainl the 1 remedy V. II 3 n , say that have never used a THOS. KELEHER ; H.itri"',in l IIIV p..! !.l ii. ii i. i i :l ihi'i-liii- 3: Noi lhwi'MUi n. --'; addm-e- ut F. II ii 0 lll.'7.'ii nf tho ei(Ioiii'!. the so good." Mrs. C. -- I 'Tiit.ui nli-- that did me much lmuli ii,;'li 1Mi-- (ihlii, ; Aut-h- 1. , ! II fl o and Sliatpshooter Indiami, before tlio Now Mexico miprf tne r.th-y- Y. PHONK 410. 408 W. ;'. K'lii" Maixsman . li trial R. llHon, X. Chamhorliiin's CEXTRM ii llnriui of H.r(..ri u it ii :t ii It iakm aniiouiKoil ut tho Ioho ooiiHtil iirohahly Albaqueraos 'Mil' II IMiMlilil.. m.(i ii court. The aotinK Tahlfts are obtainable, everywhere. Be by Rifle- i" Llvpi'sicdiri' it"h-ol- i, Courses to Shot K lirti-- p "I the nnot thai and will make Inquiry into the physical T.,ii l 4 !H:llU. ii ii' of California, woto iliitiahtliiil hNo. THE WM. FARR COMPANY ui whn Kiiinliiii run rnril. men; Women Invited to condition of Medina CITT Ii. fill' for an athloiio rei- DUKE In mil IT havlr question of propariiiK the iiiil.i f.r liaiii..i'i iv I "l.lla ,i n :1 i'iiiictod The Wholesale Retail Dealers In K.i.ili in uimli. and and liuiiinl f..r Be Served, li..iiii-i- l '"i' 'in Will Tho niediilH wom lotuliioit ord for (iovoruor ami tho SALT MEATS k .r. t' IniiiiiKM Range: Lunch to FRKSH AM) Cleaners-Hatte- rs Mil. mil f"i iiii-ti..- in i.iiiiii. tin' point Klven the i (iiiiiotllor noil supremo is purely one of a Speelfiltj implilii "I" I'"1 - - court Ssiisnw l'liim (j....ri- In- liuiliiiiii whu-- m t"1 IUU i':- - l.,i. i.'vi i in Ihe loHpoothP I'ventM in I'ity Attorney William A. For Csttlo and nogs the Biggest u.ui. . 120 West Child Phona 44t Huinninr) r k. Prnll hM .(Id T ilaci-s- Are J I ifliTii-ii- . Niv. "iU anj Nicholn took Kelolicr, who was appointed by the Market Prices raid m Twi.-h,i- i' -.- Tin. iitkn lt.v uliii lKt rt u y lili liihiiKi'ii Minii-il- l l.in-rsi-dfr- MniMiit. liiimlliiil ,l llul.ft- - l.ll'"li 'i. ' i.ixc. (liM.piiillficntlou of -- The court to defend Medina, asked the ..,lil.i .lui AiikIIii Li I'inll I" Hill." CimkIm.v Ih'kihi firinct flu Nailniinl ill, H.llil'f rii'lchi-l'- M i'. Kelly. .. k; (f fiivrn- i..l.v siioii-- antiihor now loinnl in tho pay tliw Hletioit'apliei' imM iiMllHff ftir'lin IlKClllillllllirK IH'W rOllfH". Will fll'P l. Kr I'luiii llavl'l. ii. h!i '.r"li court to from hn.-ii- . 1. inirni-i- i In"-- 47 .7 rt. - ..II lltm mill num. l,o-- . In .i,i,,- idiol jnit, whith tli'l al fool. boliev-- ! Hit-- us nlii f i uriM luilny at I...'lil"li li'l' 'I'l.l' tt . the court fund, but tho court, I i timl Hi 1" I iiiiiIit iind1 I' (.oin-fo- ilf lill linn II .ii." ,'!- iir..li. Kiillll-- inolKN, with of Nii'liola oomI Why Not ii't Sci'ikm. rt f t t'll-Ihii- h ;..iiIi linn., mid that inir that Medina had had a fair trial ,,iiiii ..ff i.tVeup .rt. nl 'W hiii In miiinl Hulir - Ihf mittoiiiii tunnii l.ll'l'-l- III l'7'iii mill ' I - - ii m v ll nililr I'lliJ 4. ili ru lit points ;m l.iocr- iLiinmt "ff Ml Bii.i mn (, i n il twelve and that the county had none to as! mid Hloasiire k,- who illil nut fli'f llif ikNrni, Hi fi-- on l.'ill' (ill icliill ,.ir kni ';''. from mil-- Ill HnfliMii, t. t'V j Hcilt-'- n finit-h-i tl ..iiilnu Hlruik f I. :m i n. .1 Him- - i(f Iinlv, I nils third in tlio Javelin much expense .'ih tt hhouM, In- liim Hnnilii;.' will !! k'Vi " mi ii'i'i S, I. Mlinil rmirsc Kin-1.-- 1) Your Porche'.' lwv,ii,i.rl Kiln. I'ii(il'.'l Alill I lull I" I ll'llltll". "If liilw throw mitl NIoIioIk won Ihe Un- Iihm to fhivi'1 Aledina no money. pporf tmlty tine 'iuirs aii'l :i 'II 4 IliiilhB. .ff Ai.ili.i "ii 1m Jump. will to Sinita J'o U lii'M iii.iikHiiiiin i diliKo ruru. H Viiilirwi.li. 'I; Ueditia be taken tin' 'ii HIinpHon, til!' 11 in- York 5: t lili'fltfo W. Hi lull?. ?, I'mlilr "ll i.iv ini-- in. Individually, lloh today to be placed In Ihe state peni-- l Xw ritililw,1 . thp ririfiiifti will lifKin tlu Knurl luirtllor. wa tho utar. llo won tin- - (uiti Chk'iiKO, Juiirt MoKfiilKf. HllHjrfMljMolcf tontiary pendim? ome of tho 3.liiiX' crniiw. itj 2. Ija-yar- in hiH own Coolmor - Uimt'iu I'liirnun the hish hunlUK tiiqieal to supreme court. Tho j fur tin- Now York Ymild'HH. 'lli-lc nKnirlti the lltt hliiir uri? thr Niilimiiil lllfU' -- l f lloKlun, .Itino ;t. Tho l"'.iiluii world tiino of tl seconds, aimoal was tal.i n by Mr. Koloher. but xhut nl llm VVhltti Hiix hri'e toilny, tloii'n ii KiiliiUons fur ttii' m.irlcnnin were difonliii i'hiiaKo, :i lo J, m luoko tho l oiif I'lonoo l.y iluliiK cannot bo pcrfet ted unlo.--s the tran-- i id.fi. r.uki'r mill J'fi 'klhimiiKh mi, I MhnriifhiHiii r i iiiuxi k: a cloxc kiiiiu. today. In tho ninth the low htinlli's in ::::t mirl took hi ript 1m to the llalo! iiin li In fur . York, lit I'H'J presented upiu Porch minf MiiikKinini rdurw,' l'lii'il ' Car-iiih- ii tho Vlbltni-- I'illod the !':ino on sot olid plnro tn the htoail iiiiii)i. court. Medina will h" taken ill nn fit m'p: jyiililM, No IH iini'il. Slow flil'i Iff thrci) liltn. hut ki dii d nnh one run. Smith, of WiMi'iiimin, won Ion lle. l k Cllli'Ai;,, Mi.W Vi'HK - niltoiiiiil iulof Sheriff I'li Icwls A pw lnuiic. fix kniilliiit. five I All H II A Kt All II ii t,fht' 8ooro: pointH for the llatUi i'H y lakiiiK will ko as Ktiard. Tho under sheriff; ,1 (i V I li i ttUincliiit;. Miixiisiliii r:(i.-.'i'- f.illlln if (iU'l..i..i.lf iniiuiHlni!, fivi. . I'lltf'A'Ki firm plitoti in holh HprinlH, tieinu lh i. u has a double purpose in making the! 0 MiiB. " , II i i A n: AH II 11 A P! Shades fit-- five HholH lu'iino, Hvi' kni'i'liliK, All n. I II Wit nine record in the in-- ! K i 'nil ll ll.ll. ..Iiv.ii. ii J - y Cl, I n M ir villi, an trip. In Santa Fe ho will make .: flvt- - five MiinillnK. Ni'cx- Hi I ii all i n'liiiiltliiK. f 0 ,i lioHinoiid, Mreat neKl'o 1 .Vim liiikiT riii.-k.l- a I'lKltll.L'll ChlcaKo's quirioH to leurn whether James Hen-- (iiYi; AiJi rum I 1 II. ' Hi Uiii II ' .ll.l lK.II If I wiry to (imlll'y, hxuH Kiilr vrni'i- nf VVll mi. if V 1 iiiioi.i ; niiimr, not only broke the cohler-oii"- i' nossy, . 4 the mission Santa IV nwitch l' li. l li li' - i'i- i f III .VtllK.i.-.ll- ' Ii.i )'fiiill,i or lolul hi'oiv I" iiiiixiiIiii' fin- nf Pi unlit., ((tiurli'i'-niili- . rooord, but eiiiiallcfl S 11 II Ii Kmi'i-lii.tl- cnirinoor, was j h. hiilli.c li; lllnb Xhit'iin :ii. there. Coolmor Porch Shades look 1 fii tpHlii h t - Arm, Iminl 'I i r i v. I N Hint iimrHi' 1. Till MeredithH ivorlil'H mark of Hinnlirr,!' it Hitler. i - iiSinlili.:iii The court ordered thai Medina li well, work well, wear well-a- mi M.'..ll, I O'Mi rrtl,-,i- i or rifle mum tuu.'li mri or ii;niiii't. An filKIt. rli-- rt 4i lloiKtuond finished ton jardn ho I) , taken to the state penitentiary as prices you can VVll ii CM o, 1. vv il v ' at our in Hlo nt li yii-,l- flv :hot Mill'llntl niioa-- l of WillianiM, W'iKoonsin, who II II i;i fliv, of ts a Htate up It Hi Ti.l.lln V'Hltklitl.p ll! All"tl l prlHoner. aU'ord to have them put kiii : ;iilu . I V II ll Ht.niilliiK from iint i hi yin,ln. linltthed Don Hoott, Hole 'I Inn I'v I'liiot' li 0 ut once. f v yanlH kiii'nllim (loin ti'iinli; J'" Ht'iet 11, ll! T'.IM! - from MIHiHlppi A. and M.. :m '.'7 4 wide, worth ThIiiIb MiiiIh, flvp xillliiK or niiinlliHK fiimi Hifiatthod the 1'oiiforeiiie rooord ill thP BOYS WILL HIKE TO Shades ft. ' l PI II II tl tl llfilli fil Ho ill Vfltlli. ; !.w llliiik :!.li), at Iniii-h- 4IKI yiiriln, Hitllnif r and ctiiialleil tho ! 1 j'. '(.I , l.y (hf t ft II II I' half eastoiii li. 11 i ll i llililnifi :i".,l.in TIJERAS CANYON FOR el fl. wide, worth H.M ' I h ; .Mil) (mill1. l:.7:i Shades, i iv V.. ill , , , ... . li I'll KiintMiiK from rein tvr reiord of Arlio , i , ihui mhi mm ii i T"H 4 I. i'i J4..-- ut 'it'.. uKH firiiii 'J'ln ii iiiin nit .Miu k.s, of Wim uiiHin, hroko the AN OVER-NIGH- T CAMPj Kilnt i IHIi.i'ili'l MiiKfr, I'lpp. inuni' r. lllll'l tiffi !l luiiimnlj! Hvciily Nrri'mmiry llllllill K!ll in (li.itiiH lltrow 1 1 Shades S ft. wide, worth I ' li 'l'vn-liH- htm run of f, r 111 ninth, the "l "i h.k SiiilHiiuikiir i 'Ilitn t 7T-v.- --: ) - 2 NuiiniimUi.r. 'Min i' illlllll'y, IHI HgWIfKllto Hi'iili- of Hiiiio-- I fi uii hi ninth With j;, feet IncheH, and tliroiiK'l r"-nH- aM , at '...Ik. iii'il..ii lnr h'li to I'latiH over-nig- were ,UIIHUIkl(l, ll.illlH I llll- - .MUKi I". 7 ft. Hn.if llilllilll:' for an bike 10 ft. wide, worth HllJl.li.lM, or ii tutul (if ciii' pklrmlxh nf n lv l.lverHi'iUo'H diHiiialifioatioii wac Shades Ii.inil.. ilnv- - Vf, Uinl.niii'li In mh In I'hii ,ie" i'i"' lii laid at the boys' meeting', held Jos-- 1 i,mt '' aw.irihtl fust plaeo in 1I10 clmi i'it. $ij.r,0, at siiuiiiiiiih.'l, II.IM mi hiiH l iff M.'icl I'liir. II. liinui'H wln'io anil nrHirtn iin l"tll..ll Jl'l ("HI .'l tfi'tlay Ihe V. Al. 1:. A. Thirty-- i , - ' 01 ( iwo-mil- i' at ..II II. llllM rtii'l i uiihmI Wli'il, fit In" Hliiiint.tr-- tt.itiv ,i uiml i lim M:i Mont, IiIi'iiko, wim tile Shinies 12 ft. wide, worth nr. iliint'lltf not jit o hi' im.' imiy from , ! ii li throe hols, attended the ineelin;';. li Ml mi.! iliii in iiiiiIhuh; "It i rnu'vllli., I'.uitn l'"llltji. Tit hio. In t oni-- rl time of (t:i!9 Js.imi, nt S'.atl li lhi jii'iHcril'inI poMit Inns IIIioii lif unfei rooiu TRADE JW ARK i'i .a 1 lili ami 1 In I li'iilnur, "If Cllt lliV, H.HIM-- Mrtrf"!'. IllillhU. tilavH- - I ."Wily Tho young hikers will start qolmor. inn , Kail, Manon a 7 H H imhIh. ... , m., ,,., u of (ihorlin. Rave WIND-SA- FE ft. roll I "III IHI'I . nnt III Ifll.hlUH, "ff .i tn., tin. 1.. All shades iinve - 1 day iiighi, go to Tljeras canyon. I ,1 i 1.1111. Viiiii-'lin- :., Kl'i'iil. in lam tpiartu- lie ll ... i Mia ihui . i una in n NVonu'ii iii- invlii'il to H.e ru rid .i...y. IW' i.K t'l'f "ff raor the of letiKth ami above prices are ll.-,.- camp there for the night, and iclatti; worft-in- Ml yill'Kr rt' "ll ' liv u, l. ll nH'M'J a. , iiin - Hiii anil ot'iiii niile, hut lite lllimiln' runner iniHworod PORCH SHADES tor shades put. up and I I.iiiniii'i'il 'ill ln ill ,1 I'lUlillfiH (IUi'11 Mll'l U' .liHKllillt. 4 " - K4i4uM . uniT-UiT- in to city .Saturday morning. t. '"' ' ji hlM ..ludieutje lit 4 1' 0 5 the A.j Beautiful, Effective.Durable to your SHtisfsction on in '1 ' lull ik.ihi t h.ti 111i"i 1, ...i. j ininiiu. ('liiciiu'il,-los- t Steepleton, ph steal director of the in .; innings ..If I h ..it n. 1 lul .out tt tun In l''islicr, of iii thu liiiih Don't Flap in the Wind your porch. i(tl'nil .1; nlilimloll '2. V. Al, C. A., will he in charge. Mr. j J 0 t h iff It ii 'i liiix 1111.I :' riiitu in Jninti In Ihe Juuip-yf- f to Moiiols but lu .Iniio :i IIni-ti'- Hi n u ! wlUi i ri.t'iiiv.-- Hi I, ..in K. V'.. Sleoplelon said any hoy. wheth- - Itoll. TERRIFIC STRETCH in.. li crosHod the bar at rt foot 2 inches, that ' Hii I: l.i- All, 11. a two mil' in llif ninth, whh li hi hi vil j t'riitiilt rint hi flii. lielng the eon fercnee record. er he is, u member of the Y. M. Home' .r.in-ii- h DRIVE WINS KENTUCKY , not, may go 011 e, ; Add the SUMMER ROOM Your siini Y"i'nu. Kii't' ' ' i'lilliiilclplilu l'. or this hil to ; si. Imuih 0. to ! WilnhliUiton Inn-- i: i i i.torv vt HANDICAP FOR CRUMP I'rillalloltihbi, :)- .- SotiHiitioiial li.illlV. hciirii; June SERVICE STATION EMBLEM fioltlinii b) ft 01 k, W'hlltod, Niohofr SEVEN SUITS BEGUN IN W U'lllMITl IN rn'THl'nT I'anUl-r- l to ADOPTED BY GOODYEAR SOLLIE-PETER- AH H 1 A B! All II 1 A K HOMIHI JOIIt'NAt. lItlAt. ltllO Wtl1 unit J'hilailoli'hia DISTRICT COURT BY KELLi S FURNITURE CO. M I' ll Minii 4 li l,Ul lili', Ky., junit In u tor' ilefeat St. Louis today, 2 lo a. Score: i .it. I, ll I I' ..'.. iu,:ili K Cniinli.' II ST. l.lit'lH ' ill,.Vt!i:i.I'lliA movc-mien- II l'lfli' tli'trh Noaily every fot Mi Mm tiii'iil.i'i, ,'f II A Rl II (1 A I'i rreat if (i'iiiv-l':vtlli- if colt, All tl All tn al- II ll I't'i'h con- - Seven suits, all recover on Piioxi: tn. 22:! sri:i:r.T J.iin'li ui.rf " i i iniir if ii.itiii n tho heitorniotit of some general soriii III It I II Mi ni-- ' leged sixi .1,1. 1v II. II. llinun rf ii tUMii'il In tlolin W. Si hoir of Hmlin.i'f '; 1 Ni.'h'.fr.'h 2 Ii 'J :t dlllon afrcctiti)? the human race has promissory notes, wore institut- I ll II. I HI n . flu. Ilk If 0. mi lihln, AMilifw Mlllil' Mill. Ih hi HlHIiirll.illi I'I, In of ed veslerday in the district court by i ; I' Vi'UllH.'-'l- .! I 1 :: 'i1 boon associaled the minds the Hi in ' ,i li'imni'l', AniHrliiin liu ini'loil of 1!HJ-1- H.u ni.v at. 0 1'utt ii h.t f r.arth M.tbiy. V. K. Ki ll is plain- M III Mr " llli,,..IKI' l' (i ; Wlln.tt.lt .' (i l tt1 W'litlti-.l.l- f ij public with a distinctive emhleni 11 I . I 4 ii Ii I II I'l'ltiUK. ''.V ;: ti i,ii,ii-riii- . in all stilts. it Mi minii- p mnl Invorli.' in the nl 1. IK,-1 ji, I it, "'lesontiittt ideals leadiliK alolltf the tiff the (I (I i A im li ,i ti ii ii I hunn. inh li li ii won tin- - foinlli iiniiiml Hmili'rt' t ; '.'' t'.i-k- i f Judgment is asked it the complaint huir ' '.' binher roads of public service. Thus Vim i t C"t linii.SM 4 Kllltl.-- f.Sl-til- l n it e ein-blo- lot- Hot 11 ninnlii)' Hit' ;ii sei-vtc- against t Stronpe, fori T 'I n In 'i ..' S TilllH if :i " lu x ili-- t, tm the llootlvear station , Hoiimt-- $i7.9r, against. K. 'l VV'.' ' Ut V lift! Yttiiiiltii; tin, lom;liiN (.iirk, lotlnv. f"imtl li..iik . .' n hi years of ialieiit T. Haiina. for - rojit esenlitift 'Hull.'. I ..I- M.imu III Itltllll him iiiiiiosi of 11" iuiuIiiIm loo mui'h tiiiih r 1 tt ideal, come to USl.Kfl against T. It. StuulgrasH. lor rt strlvinii toward a liiMh H. .,. I.y - !(l"ll.l!ll'H n ft tiilililK." V. J. t h filly W'ttti'i- Wili-l- liifil- 5f,..s;i against I!. 1.. limn, for ;' mint, bo of deepest Himiif ioanoe $5l.25 Int. 'I inh ih.l lim an emblem 4", Wt'll 111 I lit' Mllflrll 1111(1 VMIH tlllfll. against (borgc Lntz, for $13K.SS i 111! ll1'" IH'' H T. it Is '.I IT to the men who sell and the men who . I. .1. iiitliiiii i II int.. .1 ii.ti Mil ii hnuih luii'k cf Itomni-i- iiml mi tin:, it t" 'Vl.'liil' tt In fir.hllt Anil Ideal auainst Alichai'l, and for Jiit'.SO - use automobile tires, the 11 f ' I l..'l IImihv Tli .1. Wit- - 'Until"! f.- Itt'lWl In tiiinh I'tlliR " " hit OIllnl tllKlllUl 0 ill fl'OIII of V. mlleiiKe Ooodyour users. against J. W. Sellars. I I - - Hill- Si iTc l.y i s If more for till .iinis li' i"il liiilc- f''i- tin- - milt Ian hnlU-ilt- hor's lloilno. Tin' llnif Hi. I,"iiln mm iiihi too . hi the jmnH "ti HiltlU'l, 'I. i ...... The emblem is the property of - . :l luii--il- fl 2;i-- 3 Ti. I'M ' K . . ., llltifmx "fl ItHl.iH1, lll'H loul t.ufli-.- iiiul n iiiuulir win CrilmlJ "Id (totitliear Tire Kuhher oiutiiauy. ll LEARN SPANISH :l IiIIm Hull tun In . itnilliKH t I" liv j )iol tin- Hiitiiiiiiti Ittiiir Vhlltt-i- l.u'lt't'ini. Tiin-- ioni.t"' t'oiiplfd wild Willimnx uh i as serv. At - I'llM- lilts I'leSi-tle- .Ilitt'l tli, V l.'XIlll'h'l-- loaned to those who qualify ..ii, .I. lutillii. i.' li" lion iiti'l lunii - 1110110 In :i 1 s' lion- tiilry, will tliii'tl thr iihl,. .l a In ! Hiliti't'. ..ff li.u.ui' hllx Mini t un li. its Hint Ml Hit. Win Mi ice mat ion dealers, anil becomes A. l, xllKhtly , The H. C offers a summer ii- it thtilfili-- i Mltii. k 'ill - Ml II.HIWI- f; I'.v lnrl intiiin Willi ikIiIk ut lt- ul Kiiltf.-r- unit llilltrl'.ll, tin 91 for tiro users who wish prompt I. I'I t ill - mi hallR ( M..ait-.us- '. course in year Spanish. tNli'il. I'liil.lrm Hllilt iiii'I ih.l tt'i- ilimi fho to lino. nf Ilitn anil mint' to require- - first Class I. "IV. TIlTlSt Ilf! Mi.l,t..llF. ;, llllS unit I run tn r.Heiitloti their Immediate .Vt llic- llm- of i In- i thu I'lovci. starts Monday. June ',, The same harrlt liiiiliik; ..ff 1' .ak tut nn.l run In I in iiwiiis. It marks tt more us 11 place 11 texts mitl .it'iilt ru woro nwny hiiin hod nml lilnii Htni. k "tn Hi M. ili1"K, I. hv savers, ami methods as use,) in high 4 IllMoi, 8. ,. to buy tiros, tubes and tire li'H llllltl II.' itti.h i I Kl.'in iilu) schools will bo used. In lhi ortlor ihihwi) Iho Kniml Mtaml ittitlit Km!!! to receive reliable advice on the care Work done this I 'Ipvi hind, Jiiii,, Ji, I 'h'Vi l.iiiil ivi-i- liino ni'oimil tlio rouiiti. Al tho summer will receive full credits in the tirt uf r ilffi-lll-ji- J'lttshurRli-Hroiili- 11 tires. ilii' .iKillll Imlay jiy i l iiai'jo post reg-uln- high Into flll i' iUiii(i'Ut M;iiion (ionHhy ii rillcilil H school course. wot It is no longer true. If over was Huston 11 In :', ilrli lhK y I ; lioneii; ftroiinds. The Hur-bot'd- Uimirl h ad. Inn lo"t It to Man ti e Whit true, that dealers strive, to sell an teacher. Miss Henrietta l, fi. rn ho iiml iilso lilitiiii I'i Hollow, hmiilhuji is an experienced ih' lant .mht's many as possible lo 11 few cus- and success- hi I t1 itis lllK Mm''' Itoiiiliis HhsoIihII. tires Intnl. Kill lux foul t'i'll wliiiior, wlillp toiiiiiltiiK li'l" hm k tomers, delight in ful teacher of Spanish and spent many I'UIH'K. 'hii'HKo, .Itino ::. Hasoball was aiul that dealers II (IM'HI.V Mf II ttit-tul- i o yours f"l lottl of t . Iloirmv w;i iiiuihlo to seeing go wrong: itulekly. Tln- - In the leading cities of .Mexico. as 11 oolhxi. sport In "luir lire Si'oi' lit,' tir.iiii of cm omuliing mid the noil, Nearly if not al! of the first year nine" conference by a vote at a new idea In men hantlisinu- is to 'I.Krl.S" IKISTllS' Htoinnl to M"th'i'ir. lI'inmiT Iiml taken possible course can be completed during ' I V to as many customers as the All II K Mi II f meetinif toila of ihe faculty commit-leo- . tires "Hot il Air" '. - , hoi n i iinuhm up to this Ktiipiuul 1 next mouths. A Isn't .' I. '.' tl m custom-- three good class Is ('.iiii.i v.if t H llm.'il.l I I'rof. ,1, tines I'nUo. solibi and to make these satisfied 'I .ttt.r-- .'I 1 ii ii M. ,.IS 4 1 4 xtii'liitotl into tho It'll. I, to hold it well ei'i come, assured. I'lione fiL'7. .I' M cis. so that they will lauk to . f 4 4 I I' li ;l 4 .' .' II l live of the I'lilverslty of iijttesi'ta, .i.. ilk.'l l. Into ihe flivti'h, whore h,. Kiitii mil Hiii same place regularly for their re- It t 3 : I U Ii II Ml.,, II. ll . II if o i' ki-- cast Hie niilv dissentinjs vote. i. a xiiooiiiithoil Hi,, itinni Jni (luy iV TOO T,ATK TO niAii .ii. li i i',i.n ii. i ii i quirements. Tho lioodycur Tito. I'fiASSIFV, Worth I. Much t I 0 M f 4 l'al well I )l .11 .Ilk. 1IC ilmtior on i'i'iiiiii rmlo h Rubber cotiipiiny has capitalized lhl WANT I:: A good I'Otlli II ' It North 1 iri.tl-- - 4 I t' . I' Hoiilne! ll. ! I llniifil luce Y. M. C. A. WANTS JOBS Idea, benefit, of users, in Twelfth, "li ,t .. I n (i r. 11' l ii ii l for the lire street. 1'.. Jofi'i'tKon l,i nik'Hti ii'M 1,'nalifili l u I .1 ii u i ii it I 4 ' of serv- '.,''Mi i' f in NEARLY A the establishment of a chain Knit KENT tru-- t I ' it FOR DOZEN with n ii"iiim,, . ii M Uowi! II, lih'k Will in tut tilwnye country. ice HtattmiH throughout the 4 room house on a You don't you buy 1. ii - want theories when 'ijii.il. 14 ;'. .i,. it tti-1'- IH- year's lease; all Will lll, hilt t'Ollltl K''t I" In the big cities, in medium-size- d Anr..'i ,. it I ti ff HIGH SCHOOL BOYS the planted to alfalfa uud ' (ho fljinif loiith tH. Witor IMoKMim, fruit trees: I '.mi... k i I I II towns and in the rural districts these two miles of elothes you want cold, hard facts that will II.-iii- l north Central avenue. O'finv, Minion iluiii.h. norm-f- service stations are within easy reach. City I ; .1 I.' Nearly a dozen applicant but 110 Kealty Co, i'i);. West Timlin i: in i.l Koonlu finlKhotl In Ho- ortli-- Hv the UoodytHl' they are uld. convince I. !r.tlt-.- t.l Julys, s fm-e- emblem I'lione 77ti. you. H..I.. luiriu 1 wore Unity out sum iiiarizi the situation Ml "11 lhJ .niil strimn easily known. Their part in the ..... rtt-1- ' hv Y. ,1. A. Piie-iimn- 11 the I'. free employment Kul; KKNT i i i..i hot. I Mil i'.:: ti,ii (i r ii h of inllo, plan Hlartm where the factoij furnished (ti o, biir.siu, IlUth school boys, who want When word fliHtiimf !tut. .ii.t' i'i. Turtuf i'i l.il ('iiniii' shuio of (ho inn fnitl off, Jn niile-ii,- e modern house with sleeping porch. we say Clothcraft is the final M.i leaves the factory Ihe ((, l:..lili liall.lll. to hi tho rlo'io.n tho A iToiiiiiu lin t wotk, their names to Secretary big Apply r.1.1 South At no, II l.llin-l 'n-.. llll-- - Himirt i t oil is built into the tire. Tho Nrfl. h4lf N W. Hounlnu, of ih., M. C. A., WANTKb-Hookkee- in clothes hack Ml',.!., r 'l' tt ilii i hup li'iiti. HirtHiil Hits win', for roiitoHtaiHH. of is to mnko per. value at $15, we're ready to yestoiiliit, follouinK aim the service station Apply ;lt ,",l.vlil,. Mi. ilkfl' i"l" llitlli' IIR I'.v H'li! ft 1, ti.it'. Soi'oiiil in o !'. the miiioiinooiuont ll to get ioodyelirs and lo as- once. Weiller H.mjaniin', Mi'.Ni.H. 111.1 . Hut t hu- easier 212 it ir.ki nfi.l .lrti..lt.. J.'nvtln. Mm, thii-il- iii'n, whllij tin of openint: of Ihe nitln inelit Most up. i. - 1, worth It. sist the tire user, through persotiat t'entrsl. ll.it.llli. Il.... "ii lull- Ojf l"liii. rra tl. However. omployelH tailed to I . h 1 - l ( fourth hots,, s.tvi',1 iIm Htako. in. ". iln- pi ,! ritriit-.- nin nir "v udvice on tire care, to got all the Ki'K SAJ-- li Well-bre- d . they m,o, Vw r'ti.lf-- .' lil'D mt'l .' tinti- - in n ittjin.itti; i.(f notify Secretary Hoiinini; that mileage that is built into the lire. Hess ana buggy- r. Look at the have .1, ti nt'il I'titlK 111 I iiiiiinvu. bail any positions. Mr HenniiiK Inquire reputation these clothes lil'f v l Mailt lire users fail to Set from i.tr r. nri k, l.'it. iiml .i tvin iii in AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. M441US to In hi- Mtutersluis, south of citv or phone ' r. from Ihein now. lie fi'Mit' r.iii, k "n( H' l ttli-'kii- i liv their tii'is the mileage that it is pos- C:i4, made. Then if taking' tuo s 1.1 fill a ask yourself you're ii k, Ollli'l tl !Ul t'MII. lias Ihe nearly dozen I'lM rritlillvf j sible to get from, them, due largely :t ; places K11K SAl.K Registered At lliluiitapi'Iis 4'iiiinil'U, t. Im prop-4-- r .Mammoth to a k of knowledge of the Poland-Chu- much ol a chance when you buy Clothcraft. At Toli tli. J; t!l- 4 Itonr, 15 months, 400 COMPANY L WINS IN I.iilv care to be given them. The liood-ea- r .", ; .Milw 1. pounds, J..11 for quick At Minneiipoli, aukee 'CANDIDATES FOR CIVIL service station is the medium sale. Address Kan-a- s 2; tl. W. W, Hurdna.11, HoX ltiT, City. Try on some of judge BASEBALL GAME WITH At I'tti St. Haul through which this knowledge niuv our models and then SERVICE POSITIONS' be more LOST Huston H,n terrier; answers NINE transmitted. Tire users nre their merits. REGULARARMY - to name PACIFIC COAStTeaGUE. iiml more coming- to the service sta- 'lynurnh." If found re-tii- rn ("oippaiativcly fen people rottlire tion dealer for adilce, for help, for 51 I.una houlevanl, or Hoom I'mnpunv I ItW Now M. 00 tho )'lfiutiil opiioituititics for profita- sen Ice Mini that exemplifies the fin 10. Harnett btiildlns. phone 1U4. No Shi Ki iincisi 11, !. (i.iklanl. u (inestioiis ol A lliii'itioi que. bus tun x ble no, eiiiiib ymotit unit ex-1- est kind ,'f relationship can exist asked. Howard Vernon. f; Salt Ijikc. 4 that lii!t biill loam into the field nt ('olutn-hiiH- , in the nov 01 linn mulct' the civil between u merchant and his iistoiu-er- . M. 14. I .on ft MANDELL n Anitolcs la. service X. M, ihhl dofoMtetl liliii fimii ivkuLiIihiih. v lobular army nraiiinatloti l.n-- . Tho roqiiironit ni are nut so hith "THE LIVE CLOTHIER" o.inopila.v , ni iil tliiix to a li tter front SOUTHERN LEAGUE. its lo pi event an one w ith a good XcImiii'h Con till iim Su lons. American Hotel r Montoya, Jr.. Captain of I'oin-i.-iii- y common sylyo! education mid traln-111- ? Hotroit. June The con.lltioti of n iomm m tiveii .ut ' Ike Alliuquerque lltisi-ri- i weight I. ball The 4'nr At Memphis 1: Allalita 4 lJiUtliiiR Nelson, former llxhl rxiFIt NKV MV(;EYrF,vr TheClothcraftStorel I tin-- inlb'He from sm oecilii'ii; tn in 1,. li. nlil (he nlnih llinlnir U Nashville ; .New lirlestis ? luiss-- i chiiuipiou. who recently underwent an - RATES BY THE WEEK More stood Hi 10 .7 iii favor of the Al- A! I. info HiriiilnBlKiin ! K 'ho t44uiiurition.'i. operation for appendicitis, was pro- t: rtHJ.Mfi S01. B02!4 Y. CKXTRA1. Iniiinf iqiie boys, lu tluii innins the At I'hiitUiloouu H; Jtoblle 4. UtelSlly Sllll i' of fotlllei' A. H. nounced "very serious" by his physi- iiriny team piishid In four ruim. ptln-- ! I sl udi iilu are succevifully hobliiifr hi-- j cian today. !allv because of ei mis j lioinliiii iits in government son U e, COLLEGE BASEBALL The The '.tuni'ti wle I!, unit ''! 1. j wjrlt ih not urdnous. the hours Hil l'. KMHItOIOKKY CI.AKS. LUMBER T trtiqiiia fur ("oinpnuy l urtd Sml' li are short, volutions- loiiKer tlnin In Mrs. New onier'M free summer em- Pfclnta, OIK GIasa, Multhold . IUf nnil , J.ifnvtf.4-- for the urmv orMtilft-i- At ram l.rid e ll.ui Mil I'i inc any other kind of work a nil the salar- broidery class for children opens this nd lliilhllng 1'Mmt LUMBER '; 1. ies ree, ived nre fov sor-vj- 1. BKster f'o'U t to. ttrenter the week. Sessions Tuodfi und Thurs- C. BALDRIDGE - LUMBEl The t'otiif Hiir I. tenm is o J1h "i At PhihnMpht , Y !?, rennnyl- rendered than In mrrciinHle or day,,, m 11 a. m. tit Th Art Shop, Albuquerque Lumber Company rcii team of ft.e lApiilttH todHV vanln. J lrofeioi!Bl linn. opposite postofflee,. ... COMPANY 42S NORTH FIRST STREET Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916. Five .

(ui'l brands cf audi tires were inal FREE HQMESTEAD LAND and sold in the tntled States of FEAST OF WEEKS A iyiii)j last m r. I!M5, to the total Use Our extent, of about l'i. nun, mm automo- To Ho Dp.' lied for Settlement In Mon-- I bile tires. taint, Superb Toilet Requisites. thill U'. '"HI total. til'c the "f '.".. Columbus, (.. May 27. t'nder the I'.. '. iloixlrii'li Company made mol BE OBSERVED 10 provisions sold one-four- Yet. I ires a iv only general of the lmmexleud one of the "" different lines made bv laws there Is to be. opened for settle- tin- - lioodrioh rubber factory. ment In Montana some 500, Oml acres "This indicated why C.oodrb h !of the very last agricultural lands. BY TODAY ' fabric Tires ;ui be. JEWS Much and every eldop, all' soldiers 1111(1 .Ci'e, Sold til t'OUNtltlKTH Via llOlll- - and sudors, their willows and children, Aim-vie- . 'may upon i il at the lowest price iii i, now file a quantity of ildy delivered miU' of p rforniHtice." land not exceeding Did acres, for the i purposes of a houu . Interesting Exercises at Tern- - Soldiers and OFFICIAL CHALMERS sailois, etc., have special privileges. Build a Solid pie Albert in Commemora-- j Thev do not have to go to the land of- Foundation for Happy PATHFINDER REACHES fice in person to file, and under re- tion of Giving of Ten Com- -i cent concessions they may file upon Home Life With YELLOWSTONE PARK Substantial, I either ttiO acies, 12" acres, Mi acres Moderately mandments. or forty neves, paving the small filing Priced Afiir the most strenuous trip ever fees in installments, otic-ha- lf down, made on a pathflnding tour in Mon- balance In three equal monthly pay- Weeks, T'tmtei ..st, tana, two cbaliner Six-3- 0 touring i ars. The l'Viist of ments. This fee formerly J:',r.0(i is mom Intos-ting- - .lew- ; official putnfiiuiei'H for the Yellow-stnii- a one of the of now $22. an for 160 acres, 111. up for sociability tout, arrived at Gar- ish festival occasions, ivlil be obs " 120 acres. 111. an for xo acres, and Home Furnishings ed today in Temple Albert with i diner Gateway to Yellowstone park IJfU'Mi for la acres. The Installment hi ;i p. m. the other day. tel'estinii exercises, the cere i i plan, however, applying only to ihe Acconipanv ing the curs as observers beginning at in o'clock, "I'll. ; : -- filing upon r.o acres and not for the ami drivers were Chief ICnglnerr C. era) public Is invited to atten.1. others. of Weeks icpj C. Ilinkley of (lip Chalmers Motor The I'cust land, the Itl.o ki'eet reserve, We in anniversary of the giving of tb This pivkilie i.irniuirc nvn-.v- comintnv, W. II. I'rooke, Homer .'n thai mmi-nmn-K- -.l Montana, about to be opened the CoiniiiandineliiS, and Is one ,. be for omplc can George and Charles Harrington, In now offers to soldiers and aif.nl t. l,lIV ;,.! 'Iha't w.l (he eight days pathfinders were most important davs in the ll.br w lile-tim- the e ( lai'-A- sailois. their widows and children, "jve a of t 2 3 K it iglnsillv 11 had .crkv. on the road the cms covered calendar. of a one l un opportunity lifetime, Our toilet soaps cleanse the skin miles, average over 1,1 4 nil'et, a an agricultural significance, lev; without an of wherein they may file upon a home FOR THESE HOT day. the occasion when the people ( ',d' leaving an after irritation; our toilet waters and Jl.WK f).VS I COXSIDKK , of heir own. pay for ihe filing in Continuous rain a great part of ti)i the first trults of their i. il It for siiui.ll payments, thus fitting every- nerfumes "hold" their delightful odors. Our 'A Labor Saving the nip turned the gumbo roads into will be observed with Npecial e i, Kitdtai Otbnu't ; one's pocket hook anil needs. Vevcr quagmires, but the 3,100 H. I. M. monies In every svimgogue In the; brushes keep their bristles; the teeth in our An Oil liurniiiK Gmk nuoh a been .Move: Chalmers motorH performed wonders I'nited states today, before has concession do off. A o.ml-.inatioi- Pilule In filing upon free lands. combs not snap r,;,s and Cm kan-v- . under most discouraging conditions. At Temple Albert this mornlnt. Mil bliz-sard- cash In advance, High winds, sleet and Dakota s exceptionally fine musical program Ihis has been When you buy our toilet requisites you get Mniy l)thcr t parttclpn-- ! liest of nil, they ilo not have lo make SuM'-s- Here for the ., conspired to make the lot of the will lie rendered, and the the best and will ever afterward do all of your '. trail-blazer- s au.v'lhliig Inn ifn enviable tion of the children of the congr"a-- i an expensive (rip to the land office one. lion in the exercises will form a j to register and file as all others must drug business with us. Three of the original tires placed feature of more than usual interest. do, but may do all the preliminary on Chief Kngineer Uinkley's cur still These exercises will be given by the! u"fs through an ngi ut who is empow- contained Hetroit air on reachlnii confirmation class of six young peo-- ; ered to net for them. Geo. C. Gardiner. The only tire change was pie, and in addition to speeches I j l!y acllpg through an agent they Otwell Drug Company Scheer Alinneapolis bei a made 1,0'Jft miles from tlie children themselves there will are Just as secure, if not little more and was due to euti Inflicted by the an address by Habbi Moise 1'orn-- so, than if they had made their fil- 222 W. Central Ave., Albuquerque rocky canyon road on the Inst fifly-fm:- r man. ings In person, and the difference In 'THE STORE WHERE COURTESY ABIDES" i i Furniture Co. miles down the Vellowstone Those who will lake part la the j expense amounts to quite a considera- riv. r, confirmation c lass today me Bertha i ble item. 3 1 7-- 3 1 0 S i Secoix l 1 4-- ; Two days were lost on the Mildred in 3 f entire Weinman, Juliet I'lciscliei. Tor three years h resident of M'.ui-titn- at Cargo Gruns-fel- d trip due to entertainments Harris, Ken lUirtis. Alarian in this section wiitten of, and GIBS0N-FA- COMPANY, wherein are kept certain nsslifned and Risintit' k by members of the and Stella Copelalid. for seven years handling rogist rat ions article and supplies, are handy and commercial clubs. An enforced rest and filings, undersigned is now BIG LUMBER CONCERN, open to Inspection, and purchasers necessary to the ut Larnesv ille vvbh also SUMMER SCHOOL WILL prepared to accept a few applications can readily see and Inspect the recuperate. j READY FOR BUSINESS ES5 allow (he drivers to for filing upon this fine laud. Owing, "goods" they wish lo purchase. To .Much enthusiasm over the OPEN TOMORROW FOR however, proximity thn make, a long story short, tho Cllhwin-la- w 21) ' to the of which on .luly was j w tour starts consequent Of Th (iibson-Fa- Lumber compuny, I. umber company is In the best along route, over 100 SIX WEEKS' SESSION opening and the rush 'INTEGRITY' AND THE i'H'0 pounds of rubber soods, manufac. manifested the applicants, but few from Allmfiuerqun the newest enterprise of the city mid of condition to handle nil kinds of lured, marketed and shipped d urine; cars having; already entered for the lumber, builders' supplies, paints, will be acceptd and they must abso- pronaofv t tin targoiu to link us fu- HOUSE j year, by freight, this flood-ric- h hike. Jlotton pictures were made of Mummer school will open tomorrow foal, etc., mid invites a share of the BEHIND THE the from lutely be high c lass and o. K. In every 1 cars arriving year. ture with the growth of Albuquer- factory, tn addition to the n.oort,. the two Chalmers a' at the high school for ihc third respect. business of Ihe city and vicinity. GOODRICH 000 pounds manufactured and ship- Gardiner and additional pictures also The session will last six weeks. Missi que, Is now ready for business, and TIRESj A two-ce- stamp and your name ped ly express, from same factory made In Yellowstone park. The cars Maiido UodgeiH und Miss Jana Mc makes its bow lo the public In a Moiiiik h Trouble and Constipation. will be us far as snow will per- will charge. If attend-Mitc- n and address if Interested, sent to strong, Tin- - miaiost word in the whole; durinn same period. taken Gregor have advertisement "1 will cheerfully say that Cham- mit. Five of snow is reported require another teacher "111 be Charles II. Howell, Soldiers and Sailors in Every- lexicon of commerce is not WTVice," j "Contrast this Goodrich rubber feet this lnornliiR's Journal. berlain's Tablets are the most satis- twenty up In moiintaliiB. assigned according to Keglhtrution, $ Markison avenue, a, says an offirial of the I'.. F. Goodrich goods output witli the total imports miles the to the thing that goes to make most factory remedy for stomach troubles trail-blaze- r I'JtiM 1 j crew sum- Columbus. Ohio, will bring full - In fumpuiiy "it id iulfttrity. Kceause, of crude rubber into the entire t'nlted The of ihe Chalmers Superintendent John Milne. The complete, perfect lumber selling and constipation that have sold l pupils failed particulars regarding filing, maps and thirty-fou- r years' drug service," Hint embodies Rood de- - Slates, during 115, viz: have returned to Detroit. mer school for who plant has not been forgotten in the store term faith, i:2.0M2S S. Wells-but'i- f. who will he profusely Illustrated literature. Oibson-Ka- coni-'an- writes II. Murphy, druggist, IxMHlahility, the intention to play fair,! pounds, and the total world consump- by a small margin and equipment of the aliJo to with six weeks We have no land to In ., V. obtainable everywhere. at Hiiy insi, as well as K""J service. tion of crude rubher for am year, learn While Others Loaf; advance the sell! XothinK and everything' to bo found H2,00(l or of work, or less, to the in xt higher but our services in securing jour fil- such u plant can be found at this 'Its essence, so far as business viz: tons, 2M,i''i,00" Under-graduat- I; es Take Notice ionierncd, consists in living up to the' pounds' grade. ing and registration upon thla land. new company, The departments, Results from Journal Want Ads 200 have last li A mei'icnnism- - 'Then, whi, shall question that the About students enrolled tter of that summer. Mll!tlV deal.- Goodrich watchword and policy of in- During the next three months in the for industrial ilub work this - 11. C. They will All of "II dcniunds from its practitioners, tegrity first- pays, even' in material re summer school of the A. you can not attend classes. good-wil- be buck n..i ,.n!c rltie iomt.ct fur the rlchlw, suits. This, exclusive, of the l, acquire several points for credit in their work will done in the yards. J. K, Hentley, principal of the of ethers (whether they be. tdronK prestige and public confidence that your high school course. Shorthand, forty-seve- n school, will have charge Hi'imjl) to enforce these rights, or flows from years consist- bookkeeping, commercial arithmetic, Third ward in clly. uvali enough to be at the mercy of ent practice of such a policy, which commercial law, typewriting and of this work the Ihf Htroiin) htit goes further. may welt be' worth as much more, in Hpanish are nil taught In the A. 15. C. flood-ric- h your high school "It implies a i haritnble attitude to- personal satisfaction, to each this aiimmer and MEDICS OF BERNALILLO each enthusiastic of- will give von credit for work (Ton ward tliost persons who holder, WILL HONOR DR. 0SUNA we 'rainbows and who cannot live up ficer, unci each loyal employe of the here in these studies. by a to the promises they really intended II. V. Goodrich Company. You may he able to shot ten t keep. "Hut, 'how does this concern me, whole year your high school course The Hernalillo County Medical ty fur- "An virtue is this the consumer?' you may ask. by attending our simmer session, will attend the funerul of Ir, by you Car-ranz- a tiusiiiesM integrity sometimes crowd- "It concerns you, first of all. as a thermore by so doing, the time K. Osuna, consul here for the you also havu ed eluse to the. wall by that modern proof that square dealinc;, (straight finish high school will government, who died Friday a iilulm r.v called business expediency. thinking und business integrity pays, finished shorthand or business night, in a body. It was decided at a you to "But, there being something more even in coin of the realm. course, and should not be able nieetlnR of the society held last niyht than money !n finish high school for any reason, you at the Commercial club. worth striving for "It li'iiceriiK each parent, and the - business expansion (as well us son and daughter of each patent, as will be ready for a position in a- few Kunoral arrangements had not been ninmvi ihis virtue lives a vivid demonstration of the fact that months time. announced lust night. A committee, ' we are conducting Col- 'in. thru es and flourishes, in many the modem god of 'expedieH'-y- is :i Hemember composed of Drs. Wroth, Hope, schoo! only, begin- resolu- iiuarters, like the fnlk-son- of a na-- j falsi' god, and that all the brilliant in the forenooiiH lins and Kaftterdav, tlrfiw tip ning S o'clock in the morning. The ti'Mi thai never die. feats, and dcxloi'oiis manipulation of at tions of sympathy. Hovvr busi-- study class roorna are cool and Texas i . 'expedi- and the Tube test ".May we pay tribute to which past- current here facts, airy every advantage for ALAMOGORDO'SENDS iitss integrity wherever it abides, and' ency' are needless, for permanent and offer successfully accomplishing- much val- wit j, all ilue iriodesty claim it us' success. work. BORDER I Hie waiehworil whieh has ruled Houd-- j "It concerns the consumer of or the uable RECRUITST0 happened Those preparing to (each should rich m tiviiies over forty-seve- n years dealer in, rubber goods be advisability of specializ- "f riiiiber manufni'turiim, selling undj knows in dealing with a house of consider the (PKCUL DmPATCH TO MOUSING iOUMNAL) that ing on subjects. Call deiivf riiiK Integrity he can trust the statements, the commercial Alamogordo, N. M., Juno S. (rade-rnark- or phono ti.'i', Albuquerque. Xusiness r.ua " Ihit, (pies this polity of biminessj the products and s of suchj fl. A. Totten of Company A, ( .'ollege. together inti'itritv p:iy. in dollars und ijents'.'' a house, implicitly can save lime and Criices, and Capt. Phil Uessauer of nettled ttill Tarr consideraWy! thafe after 9urh a tttg, even if tjiey did hang the may inquire. can abandon thai costly j Company 1, l.as Cruces, were In bo many Motorists had carelessly :;ta:ed at the (inch. trouble and r the purpose of that "all Tire. arc just Rublx r." "Look yon," said he, "when we released "Ki'oin even eold-blood- and unpleasant watchfulness which in) NOTICE TO TEACHERS Thursday for the Tubes that He determined to show some folks the tlitj'crcnrr, load, Haul, they instantly tmapiied back stiiiiilpnint we necessarily in buying nuy-- j recruiting' national gliurdsmen tut after the may answer (to the inched three-tpiartei- The Bernalillo County Teachers' In a way they would never forget. into just s of an inch longer than they srowintr youth of this country), yes. thUng ' under the old law of enVeut) then- respective companies. Alto- Institute will open June Oth and will Ala- There were four Cars at tha door, and their were at the Ktart I j gether six men Were enlisted in it has iii, even m m:iterial siieeess. emptor. insti-tut- o be in session two week Tho 1 Owners or Drivers at hi:; elbow. "And that nf an inch, they tuok up again in Instance, take our Goodrich mogordo, four In Company and two "Witness the Coodi'ieh growth from "l''or will be held in Albuquerque, In To these lie said, lc'sa than two hours rest." ii Light in weight and in Company A. Very small 'acorn- indeed, to the Barefoot- tires. high si hool- The fee. "Hoys, how strong do you the institute A mass meeting was held at the think tins Goodrich ninety square acres of floor siiihc In close grained, because relatively free upon Is Tube, payable enrollment, $2.50. courthouse on Tuesday night but only Brown actuully is? the largest rubber factory of the from inert substances or 'fillers' that cor- ii ir. Teachers of other counties are two men joined the companies "Do you believe stronu enough to tow Mr. '"rld, st Akron, reqtiirijiu fifteen give excess weight to rubber, at tin! at that OoVn's dially invited to attend. enlisted five passenger Car, wilh four people in it, for aires of to light expense of liveliness, springiness and time. The other four were 21) window ulass alone The faculty is composed of the fol- blocks? boys," Bill 11 during the day. Parr remarked, as ihne ipiodrieh 'till I'M CP. well-know- n I factory 'ouildiiiRs. lowing educators; Kupt. "You don't, eh well- - " Safety-- Cuptuin Oessauer made ii trip to smoothed out a wrinkle in his "Witness the tire oillput of J HI "Goodrich l read tires. W 1!. Supt. "Well now here's a bit nf a Bet I make "Wl McFarland, conductor; A I" want to filled vest, "that'll stoo the Argument which, if on ISiirefont- rubber, are therefore! Tularosa, fourteen miles, north of all, you. the tires were placed flnl black John Milne, Prof. Dean A. Worces- with any, or of about all Tire '1 bcs g 'just Rubber,' won't ' long-live- amogordo, where a mass meeting was it?" 'he kiiiuiH in a row, w ould reach liv ely, springy, clingy and ter, Adolphine Mrs. "I will bet you a Dinner that this little old resit-la- r Mrs. Kohn, P1"'-pos- e "If the Stuff that toted all you Heavy- high pnetimatlRi hold on Tuesday night for the Jlnwn inure timn l.ttin miles from Xew "Through their O'Connor Itoborts, instructors; Prof. Goodrich Tube (.14x4) will not only tow Air. weights, and your ICars, for 21 blocks, without a 1 of enlisting men In his company. '"'k City to imaha, tilthoiigh lire quality they give pep' to tar action, 1!. Hill, special Oden's Car, but w.ll tow all three of your Cars, fully Rescue lecturer. Captain Totten will go to TucumcHi'i, Sign of Heavy Duty afterwards, isn't something MORIS re only one of the of ruh-'ie- r while stretching out mileage. per dol- A. MONTOYA, passetiifered, through the streets, lor the full 21 block bet- 2T lines at. which place he will try to get more than 'Just Rubber,' like other Tules, then you'd r.iiuilj, made hy C.oodrieh. lar invested, in a way that sets users County School Superintendent. (more than a mile and a half) starting and stopping buy Rubber' kind hereafter. company, les-sane- r ter the 'Just 1 . men for his Captain as many as makes 'W'ilress the present staff of thinking. times the crowd it necessary. "I'm going to ask .' of you to sign your names !1" will return to l.as Ciuces. will, if you Gentlemen I hie, J20,"hi,- - ".More 20D different Kuiilts from Journal Waal "I are agreeable, line to this 'Texas you who produce the than m.ikcsj M. 1'p Tire Tube Test,' just to show that to this time Otero county has tip all four of your Cats, riRht here and now, take three have taken part in a regular Exploit which is mighty had only two men in the militia com- regular Goodrich Tubes hap-hazar- of bo.xef, out their well worth recording." M panies on the border. tie one tube between each two Cars, (which means So indeed they did, and here is the affidavit: tiaiilinjf three Cars on the Jirst Tube) and tote You-ti- l BIRTHDAY OF BRITISH that way to "The Corners." 7.''.'-'-'Z-'- - j you willing bet Dinner any one AFFIDAVIT. H.IISJACCMTBAL J ; "Are to a that '"- KING IS OBSERVED jf the three Tulies will 'go broke' on the way, or show This certificn that we, the undersigned, took : am--?- fniiivUitu H Haw which would leak Air, or prevent ita being uncU part In and witnessed, the Texas tube test referred its original Tire purpose afterwards? to in entitled I,, ! nonnNa jouwm rieit. Lf io ior the advertisement "How the Texas wii London, June 3. Thl was (iintC fYou are, eh? TuIks Tent Happened I" 'that the teit was made on the Bet's fleorgo'H biithd iy 'iUt the o'.ily offic iTdl, on! date of Nov. 11, at Waco, Texas, the dislan e cov- celebration was a general hoisting "onie alntiK, and ynu be the Judges." ered being twenty-on- e blocks and that tiie result ial was as described, i of flags on government offices and Signed W. M. ODEN, large estahhHlimetns. In ac- other M. with king's oes 'here J. NASH, cordance the re'. II. A. I KITZ, was no firing- - of ordi- Dinner was a very Cheerful Affair. salutes ad all W. A. PARR. nary observances were dropped. THE As (.Men said afterwards (when put- ting Up his share of the Bet) "you could Subscribed and sworn to before me by W. &Zi i i r tun vn.so sknjs have bet me a Million on; that. Parr, and I'd have M. Oiicw, J. M. N,h, ii. A. Fritz and W. A. Pair v' ins 1 ptJr''P if XNGft.TlL.vriOS taken you up, even had to borrow the Million. this the JJrd day of May.A.D. 1916, at Waco, Texas. "I don't see how the blamed Tubes ever rtii hold Signe- d- J. G. WREN, Washington, June 3. President out, especially going up Saco St. under such a strain. Notary Public, Wilson today sent a message to KinK "With elftht people in the last three Cars, and McLcnnon County, Texas. George of oreat Britain congratulat- a total load of over 8,800 pounds I sure thought to hear fifty-fir- st smnethina snap before Second Mock. ing him on his birthday X ..... 'nu ,if "Whaddye put into that brown Goodrich Rubber pull ..,l,nc ,. a Ihnen.... v. flVinBirfr TiHQ anyhow, to make it hang toipther like thai?" Tubes that couUl bear up under such a gruelling test ? Mm Reflect that they cost you no more than liooM-wltiT- i Fritz said that what puzzled most was thn the olorado 1 being all stretched out "ordinary" Tules you so carelessly accept Chicago, June. 3. Word was re- brown Kubbcr Tubes "not of ceived ut headquarters of the national convention today that iinciuoers oi me i'crnn.v uiKiiiiiM-- Colorado ltoosevelt republican club are coming to Chicago Monday to 9? work for the nomination of Roosevelt hy the republican convention. In lbs GOODxlICRT'Test delegation will be Frank C. flood. HERE I5 YOU'LL ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY DINNER president of the club; J. C. rger, A. In. Lewis, C. McA. Wilcox. W. W. j Booth, Whitney Newton, S. I). Nichol- TODAY son Allison Ktocker. .Among tho WNEE-TUBiE- TRV and S it THE PULLMAN CAFE A'isitors at headquarters today ttul Shine of Blsbee, Aria., a Ir. Panels IRES i 118 V. CENTRAL I'HOXF, 7S9 P. M. LKAKOL. IV. p. great grandson of Thomas Jefferson, who 1 now supporting P.ootereiu i ) Six Albuquerque Morning Journal. Sunday, June 4, 1916.

re- - gard to thp ileadiy pet:; In which thP mm- - to P ttruina that the haw emphatically denied the Tokio iriitn uh. j.einre me wiir ner the for'dKn country stands? While they waste n f banrl hiii a xmull machine Nhop, etn-l!oi- north and nouth reconcile their differ- poll to the effect that Russia has V""'. mHs energies upon question of. com- IS MAKING He in JAPAN SEEKING en a posslldo, In order to agreed to ulve Japan a clear hand Uidr Ihree or four haiidn. ent a. soon ; Signs iH He peuoo in China, thus rec-- ! paratively, as itt le importance hh that I Hudson for now riintiliiK day and mulit Willi sixty prevent foreign Intervention. maintnluiiiK In which plunged the miahty powerB pf lin n nnd Iiiih imide milllun ioiiiIh. the f'jreiicn office thut the Jap- o;;nizinu Japati'n special privilege j and Blefusco into war the IHUiPiiiS In loIIIiiiiiihkIk. anese ambassador in London Is con- China. liiiwcvi r, tlio Chinese pren.t LllHput it will be remembprod was min-In- it 'very penerally creditH the reports iiuestinn BERLIN II CITY The leadini? (Irrman diamond TO SECURE FREE stantly to K'i the llrltlsh hrokpn Wall Paper I I newspapers, an ess should be at company will pay for : ti 4 crrmieni to Kiant Japan a free hand prinloil' in the Jaianose whether an-- I or larger end a dan 1 per cent dividend 'i'.i for In China and thai Knulaiul has not j u n,l rnouionlarily expects an the smaller 1I4, perfected to reduce their coun- allhiniKh rut off from Iih niines In Klven a formal answer, but will prob- noiincement of the conclusion of Hie heintr HUDSON linsso-Japiinos- p a of vrissulaue. If there for Picturt iormiin Hotil h Africa. The sale at ably be influenced by the conduct of treaty. try to state BIG SPENDERS HAND CHINA in the hpnrts of InoreaMod pi Ices of it.i slock on hand the various factions In China. Chinese newspaper express the is any patriotism left Frames those who are responsible for distract -- tin (lerm.iny Justifien till, company of Liu Cdlnff-jpt- i, the Chinese minis- opinion that IMssia has been able to n of government to ficials said. ter to Hussin, has wired to thn for-(ie- j force other members of the entente intf the attention the ?onrtb Bt. and Copp - when safety Affc The Hpi'iidom have been buying office reKimlinir the conclusion (Into an agreement to re.nKnjze Ja- domeslic drawl national and accord, they wILLj pianos.. children are of (he reported RUHio-Japanes- e trcat.v, pan's special position as director of demands union Cafes, Art Shops, Jewelry Their taking Celestial Minister in London folly piano lessons. Fashionable. tailors Ihe most Important section of which Far Kastern affairs. The iVKing repent, and prove ihatlheir was Stores and Theatres Are are nmhliiK everiliiK- clothiH for men Appeals to His Country to Is declared to relate to Chinese affairs. Daily .News says: of the head and not of the heart." who tiever before fell the need of Thp minister this treaty probably "There are inilli atoms (hat Great Crowded bv Owners of Present United Front to Piano Owners Tuveil. CHICHiTttSPllu them or who could not afford them If will bo slKiied In J'etrotrad in a short I Ir it ti in has. it may be believed, with they did. A mild winter has not been time. AlthoiiKh the terms of the reluctance and humiliation, consented Danzig-- May IS.; Danzig iias de- Newly-mad- e Fortunes, I'lll la K.J V.H ?.." M4J able to ii f feet seriously the business treaty were not available In Petroffrad to abstain from active interferp.net' creed thai the owners of pianos shall of the I est farriers, when ihe minister wired, the publi- while the fetters are hein fastened pay an annual assessment of twelve text in Tokiohas upon on each ordinary npriirht piano, (AmwUImI I'rrM torrnnimirnrr.) The Associated 1'iess representative (AMiwIatfit TreM CorrMiHindenr cation of the aliened China. marks x Ik kaown head of largest Pokinif, May .!". Sze, ''nusod much uneasiness In china. "Iio the peoplp of China stand In and one of twenty marks on each rati u Bt. S. i.,V Merlin. .MiiV "Allf besctzl'' askeil tli the theater Alfred Ihe Ml n V noPrncTc n,r.".",M' KorKcnusly-uiilform-Individu- In emidl-tlnti- In legation In Peking need of any evidence in re Ki'und. dill full I until ii ticket UKincy llerlin about Chinese nilnintor London, lias wired The Japanese further Miitulltnf before the In the thoiitrlcnlvwoi'ld. liool door of the hK lYiedrloh-plr- a "Absolutely at the top notch," he cafe, The limn to whom he said, ' our business Ih every hit as rii1t hnil no Intention of K"liK In, Komi as at any previous time, If not but he happened to look toward the heller, indeed, 1 am disposed In think II flo-Ii- ik il'ior ii s hi' passed nnd the uniformed that Is better. All theater are inn' dad parroted forth hid ono phase. well. The people seem to have I'll many time Ihnl thn simple. K'nnoe plenty of money, and they ale spend-Iti- In hi direction sufficed to evoke It U." , uimhi. This last sentence of the ticket up The piissorhv, however, grew curi-- h nKcni hi iea rs to sum the situation, nun, nnd Hindi' trip throuxh the In the nature of thliiKS, thp number better parts of thi! city. TIiIh Ih tif those spenders, of the people who hy (he w luit Ii" found: are beimfltiiiK war, must he en 1! Three beltor-cls- s iiifiH with from small. Wait for day labor have, ton to thirty person standing out- Ih (run. Increased greatly, hut there side or In the entrance-way- , waiting are fewer lahorers left to draw theni. Quality First for a tabic to become viuHnt. Iteclainalloim from military service. All other wine or beer restaurants affect chiefly only skilled craftsmen initial wro so full thiit only In one and leaders of undertaklnKS. Herire lould h free, table fur two persons the day laborer of military BKe ore he found. Two other where tint mainly with the colors. One notes the doorkeeper announced lit advance: absence of their custom In the cheap- "Allen lleHetzt." er shIooiih mid beer restaurant)), inuny "A Him lli'scl.t." of which ure HlriiKKlln.n aloiiK only The observer hud fur months en- with difficulty and ome of which have countered dlffleiilly In finding n e had to close their doors. l!ut In a lending restaurant having as one ascends the scale one bealim to more t tin n 6110 t h I. lip. In mine of meet the spender, and their number the place, I'titer der Linden, tin Increases in direct ratio with thn bead waller hiul been graclonsly encsH of the resort visited. pleused to let him dine on hi prom- ise not to retain the table longer THE FAMOUS DANCERS, I Jn hint line hour. another Viitcr AND der Linden restaurant he htnl fotmd MR. MRS. CASTLE, thnt It Willi nil hut Imposslblo to eat AT CRYSTAL TODAY without reserving tt tabid In ndvnnee. Ami tdose two place are the most expensive one In nil Ilerlln. Mr. nnd Mrs, Vernon f'astle In the phot f-- -- ' ,, I ' '1 ho I'ondlllon Ih syinptomnl to. iplay history of their own rornan Jt ' 13 :Ti. V.'nr, which bring poverly und mls-(r- y III.: lives, at Ihe Crystal today. Thll to no mimy, brings wealth to Is one of the most remarkable (then. iMiiny person who had been of the, seimii not alone be- struggling nb'iig with barely more cause of (he picture which has been than the necessaries of life for years highly praised by the New Vorlt crit- have grown wealthy almost over ics hut because of the fact that It ulKhl. And they arc spending, spend- Riven an Intimate, and dose view tit ing lavishly, spending carelessly. two of Ihe most talked of people of Ihe world, who up by Leilln has heeoine the City of Fpoiul-- e have been taken in. society everywhere, wined, feted and hampiigiio Popular. honored In u hundred ways and who made the dance a national naze,. It T 1 The crowd that fdl the better elans will bo only get place go Ihel'O In spite of tho fact the opportunity to a real M'tod view of that everything coHtM mole Ihnfi be- them as they will never come hole In pertain and will fore the war, I leer la dearer. lOven I loll'ee has Increased In pi Ice. The probably never have another picture play A high- taken toKethor. Vernon CaHtli' Y Hid considerable stock of the has enlisted in the aerial corps of (he est writ do Kreinh chnnilpagne ure ' I n k IihIi army and like finding ii IImki'I' Hit it- thiin ever before, hundreds of In the Ii of a piloe Increase of four others will probably never survive the That's the one word that fully deserihes the 3400 r. p. Chalmers war. Ho In coun- in. to five mark a Indue, A pi oinSiieiil made history thin try In Ihe !t t mull cliuinpngnn firm reeentlj de- amusement world und this clared a dividend thileo greater than photoplay will be his monument. that of the preceding year. II w.m A man came in to my place the other day and I used to sell a lot of cars in days gone by in only one dividend roiitrilmlod by the said: simply stating the price. rpi ndei , MAIMED SOLDI S Caviar cost from IS to 21 marks a What I a 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers at $1 090. I Now it is all different. p.i'.nd In peace times In licihu. t'n-t- ll never knew ihe' recent prohibition of the fur-- I Chalmers built a car under $2,000." People are buying cars more intelligently. her Import of So many ask the same question. put an end to the business, vat BEING EXCHANGED We never They want what they call ability. There are too in i i m of A si r; lui ii ii in r were feature price in big type. We don't sell price. 4 2 many cars that look alike and have the same bi'itm wild for prices upward of sell a first; liiarltH, similar conditions existed an We car then tell how much it costs price tag on them. The only thing that separates to other liivuili-s- . THROUGH SWEDEN afterwards. l.iiMirlo loiirlsb. them is ability. There's all the difference in the Dealer III fine porcelains, oriental I suppose we lose some sales that way. But, wide world between rugs, hionnos and anlliineit generully cars when you look at them lie doing a floni Ishlng business. of course, we have a car of such decided quality, this way. 1 There are aliauKl no really fine rntM ( Aik liili'd I'rran orrmiMiinli-- e Hlockhohn, Sweden, May 15. The of such extraordinary ability, of such terrific bft unions the atoi U of thn lli rlln One car is sluggish like a ploughing horse. dealer. None an be mm mod by Im- ureal task of tx.haiiKinn wounded wer from an engine that you wonder where it (ier-man- y port, and the upenib iH have boiinht prisoners between UiisnIii and Another has got a light foot and gets under way up throned Sweden will be contln- - all comes well, all thai were on hand. A IteiMu from we just don't know how to without taking a quarter mile to get into high. lenidint ent recently to one of the 'toil IliroiiKliout the summer. Ihe ex talk price when so many other things bob up in b ailing miction houses In Ihe hope iclmnne applies only to those prisoners Why, with this 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers I forget of seevirliiK an old Turkish ruu at Hll'dally imfll ever to serve attain, one our minds. reasonable price. It sold for 1!0 per iKHinpse 1. 1 .1 iralnloail of this mlsera-llci- a once in a while and actually start her on high. cent more than would have been real- bio war tlen leaves no duiiht as Now take power. Here it is rated at 25.3 pence to mlss-iu- i; There aren't many ised in times. The sume was their disability. MInmIiik lens, H. P. when you buy your license. You get her cars that ever do that. true of other l ulls, of Jewell , 111 fact, arms, sightless eyes, shattered Then she runs so of nearly rverythlng offered. .lawn, twisted spitiOH nnd here "and out in mud, or sand, or on a hill and bing, you everlastingly quiet I am The niohl fashionable Jeweler In there the Klassy stale which toll Its always a little bit suspicious of her like a fellow Ilerlln said to the Associated rrcss'OBn story of a burned-ou- t brain can just double that figure. who - representative: those are the eUdetlces the .Swedish You got 100 doesn't talk much, but usually delivers.- "We, nro having Blent difficulty In people see of the War that surrounds have just about per cent more IteepliiK abrciiNt of oideix. This Is, thelll. power than we give her credit for. She's got anything in this town beat. So far I of course, due In purl to u lack of The transfer throuuti Sweden Is have yet voikiUKii, but It Is duo. siIno on to meet her equal in "pep." She's got to ihandled entirely by tde Swedisli. Ited Of course, lots of cars have great big power. i. mount of businoRn which apart get-awa- y from U'riisH, or "lioda Korset," iif which every thing,from to a twister tlie lout 1st I rude, which Is naturally But with most of them you've got to pay the on a hill. rriiu'e Karl, brother of the kins, Is the altogether laoklnK I probably hind- Then 'actual and active head. The (ierman :Ikt every time you use it. Those big power when you come right down to look at er than it huh before the war- l"eo-pl- e prisoners are received from the Kus( of a claw who never came here rs have great big engines mostly, and great big her you wdl have to admit she's got blue eyes. before are now buyinc, and buying sians at llaiaranda at the Swedlsh-.Finnis- h She's beautiful. 1 frontier, only n few miles engines V and rxpeiiMve article. J have have a terrific appetite for gas. You of the sweep of Arctic cir- In mind a typical cine." souili the big-tow- n cle- In specially know, I don't need to tell you. The people have all fallen .V .Mi in I In ut; Unit. trains fitted for their for her this use maimed and wrecks of i.oioip uie war a. certiuu nm i the twisted This 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers has an engine in year. I got a letter from the men are taken sotilh through en- factory the other woman used to come In once or twice the day , telling i distance of Sweden, a Journey of her me a year and buy some tiiriimr i tire that's got the kick. they had shipped 18,000 since. , nlKhls and I wo days, pace of r.ii i iv n;niii,i th a i throe the You step on the accelerator button, and zip! December 1. iiirn, She I'liiKiiined inveteiately, the train timed for the utmost always slrUinp to have the price iof comfort. At Trellobork, the south-lernmo- You never saw such spunk. And there are thousand of orders part Sweden, one-tim- e unfilled and none of un liked to wait of the of are plared And only she on her. Silo i' iiuie ill last week niul soldiers the fatherland not power, but gets away like a Take a friendfy tip and get your order file upon (Ierman hospital transports on asked to be shown some pearl neck- fur scared horse. I have to watch my foot when it now. I laces. She selected one for (dirty the short sail across the southern don't want to see you disappointed by '(inch of the ltaltic to the tlermail is I thoiiruinl marks and paid for it In on the little button. First thing know I am delayed delivery right in the best part of the driv- cah without hat'Kuliilttjr. Her husband port of Niissnnltx. From (here they oing Is a leather dealer. jar,, taken to Hambnix and held In too fast ing season. Another woman of a similar type for one month as a Kuarautec That's what the boys back Infec-jtlou- n at the Chalmers You folks who has made several Imue pun liases anainst (he iniiortatlon of any have driven a lot will see the disease. The ouarantine period plant call "acceleration." I call it "pep." difference in a jiffy. leiidcd. (he men, most of thorn depeiid- - Come on down and try her onln for life, are returned to their That's my language. .relatives and homes. V ? In the esse of Ihe llussian prison- - W4& i IH (ho operation Is Just reversed. They are rerun ed from Ihe (Ierman ships at Tiolleboi it and are taken to the north Ihiound the nlowmtr sun- shine and the inv iiikIiIs of thi' arctic latitudes, where soon the wmm. j dms will fade one Into the other k. with only a shade of twllmht In be- Butler Auto Company tween. The work has benun this year mi. with one train a week In each dirre-tloi- i. DISTRIBUTORS rsEmm This month the number will wmm. bo Increased to three in each direc- Corner Copper '.C'Wyyi mim tion. The (rnlnn consist of sivteen Fifth and m tars and have a v.ipacity of about H.t.'i ALBUQUERQUE, M. it soldiers. When the work in fully N. under whv (he imp of ex. hanue will Helps to Check Illness be sUiut J.iluil pilsoners u month. As (be peroi mace of 'totally unfit" nun, UK the men must bo comparative- Duffy's ly small, some Idea may bo trained us to ilit (oial numlior of prisoner held Pure Maltwhistay on both sides of the ltustan-(i,-rmu- n battle, line. Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916. "Seven AfPCM I IV COUNTY W?M 15 Mi,? fwds IDEM FOR lf?(

No Case of Cholera Yet Re- ported; Death Rate Low; Climate Ideal; Profits Are Mich, Make Arrangements for Your Summer Vacation

ranclAl ronMiKNOiacl to monim JOl.NlJ READ THE ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CALIFORNIA'S FAMOUS HOTELS, HEALTH, Clovls, X. M June 3. "Curry county is the best country to be found BEACH AND MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND SOLVE "THAT OUTING PROBLEM." anywhere for the raising of hot's," LITERATURE AND FULL INFORMATION BY WRITING DIRECT OR AT , said an authority on that subject a WHEREIN AEROLUX PORCH SHADES few days ago. "We have never had a A TION ARE DIFFERENT AND BETTER case of cholera In this county, so far FREE INFORM A TION BUREA U AT OFFICE OF THIS PUBLIC as is known, and we are practlcully Whip"' n Ylil The term indicates that the Aerolux Torch free from diseases peculiar cannot whip or frip in wind, a - the other Shade the patented attachment hold- to hogs. Of course, now and then InK It securely. If you have used a shade other than the Aerolux some will have a hog or two SAN DIEGO yuu will appreciate the superiority of the Aerolux In this respect. farmer (o die, but rate is very Shade, Hut Not Hetard Ventilation Vou may the death Io draw Aerolux low, practically nothing when you con- NEW Shades ho as to fully cover porch openings, thus entirely shuttlng-th- e The sider of hogs are out the Blare of sun and keeping out the lain without, rcturd-Th- o the number there Ing ventilation. value of this feature on a hot, sticky day in this county. The climate here ; if; will appeal to you. seems to Jie well adapted to hog rais- litlis MARYLAND Sn Out Hut '"t In Openinss between the narrow slats of tho ing, rendering them practically free SHMlM.IIf.flM k H I'lttm Aerolux Shades are Just wide enouKh to permit you to nee out- at ironi'disease, while with the enormous the same time preventing- anyone outside seeing- - in, thus giving tho crops of milo maize, kafflr and Indian California Famous Mountain Recreation Jiesort- - i HOTEL privacy of a and still permuting sufficient light and corn there is plenty of grain to fatten Hi-r- are fnUnil ihe only nuturul Arm nme elcnm ravel air to enter. them to perfection and put them on In Iho ..rhl. Wntcm nn.l mud radlu-uetlie- . Siileinlld American 1'1'm 1 J-jTJ- heti'l. n italry, and vrm ialile annlcnu. M.'Uon Special Features Aerolux shades are equipped with a special at- the market so they will command top 1 rhlrkHn ranth OriNKD UAIICH HTH LAST UNDEI1 ' dancinic ami mher I minor nmiiwmi'nla lienuilful mniinlntn hy which they may n tachment he raised or lowered from both top prices." tnill ami quirt ri'lnntn. Cimint UriKt 11111111111111 pmil. with a Tim m an aqcme.nt or and bottom, simultaneously, leaving any desired opening above and Many Curry county farmers are be- rim Mittiuil 11111I oiiiu'Mid fl" nf pure Arrnaheait iieiuniuln n-e- r. below at tho Bamo time, a particularly desirable feature for sleep- ginning to realize the fact that a few Tt'imli, tln trout incinns nearby. OMER E. LILLY porches. 1 ANGELES " ing bc;;s" will, in the. course of a year's Mrmhcr ( C. BROADWAY AT RKVENTH 'Only Di-Sodi- um Steam Cam Known Fm riv Vnri Aerolux Shades, multi-adjustab- Natural Arsenate 0r Then, Are Heautlful, durable, flexible, cool, le time, add snug sums, to their bank The renter of ahnpnlnf, hualnraa V V Unit Hold tHarf. and economical. The special features of this shade are accounts. It Is estimated that since nd theatrical dUtrlit. C'onren-le- nt hntulry th patented. to all HI line. Thli handinm Bw tt lie the first of the current year not less outaltle rminia with ond lintel In Dlefo-if- t1 private 01 ! Mi Kura-Pfta- lrit room bM bath than seventy-fiv- e ears of hogs have hath. Kale and up. n ronrtit; vrr llhr plan, Neil manwirement toltft and lavatory. Vr raonabl, been shipped to mar- loca- from Clovis the new dining rnomi ni-- kitrtira. ratri 11.00 per day up, Central kets, to say nothing of what have "Th Hotel nf nmiftirt and aer- - tion; every modern appointment; avery-thln- f been killed for home consumption. lre. .1. II. I.AMvl KXIIM. (Inner. new. Special attention to mm niuju h. ri.omi, lUanitger. merclal travelera. Ibupltallly, comfort These hogs have sold for in the neigh- cnurteir and aervlce make It Tba "Al- - borhood of $100,000, which amount, teullve Hotel" of Ihn KipnalllaB Tlty. less freight charges and other ex- penses, has gone into the pockets of In Heart of Los Angeles TIIK ONI.V IIOTKI. OF ITS KINO I! the Curry county farmers. And there TIIK I'MTKO RT.4IK8 are more hogs In the county now 10SANGELES. CAL Exclusive Agents I than there were on the first of the HOTEL "mJlbHil'l AltHilat,.jf I lrrnrn.tr. Hill stwi, nmr year, for the? reason that all the farm-- I ramim. I fiiirlh. Golden" C'omlucUHt 011 IWMIi 'West Half Block East of Y. M. C. A. Building who are raising hogs brood tho r.urf'aii ein have niiil Amhtmuii Han. sows wnicn are or pigs, rPERCIVAL sr.5 raising niters EooniP. All V.. With I'rluili Until. 0 BTKKKT, FNTIHB IH.cC T1UHU AXI so that the supply is more than ex- TruvcU-r- who ar iicimisIiiiik'.I t thi find at KTH HTKKKTU ceeding the demand. and APARTMENTS t li 'lark vvery posnlt'lt1 c omf oi l. roin ctiienca ami Hl r. flTu mi'iit 'I'hf t'onwtiint denirc of at r0 otitnlita rooma. Hot and eold water Conditions in Curry county lobby TIRE AND GARAGE will be surrounded by (he largest are 145 SOUTH HIbL ST. In tu iiiH ort', tiro Jpks, real c, 'I'ho rttmim l.ariteit. hral llhld honu-- 1 In lli uil of California. j ideal for the suci cssful raising of ('lurk mttialctl lit tlif heart nf tho city, hwir ana of country in tho Lnited States r apirlmentu: 2 ruomi, lur - r it Vn trnl 1'ink, l it cur lm.. jtritiioun j hogs. The Is such dis- :i: 8 I4U (iU 4M'ATKI IN TIIK IIEAKT Or SAN DIEOO COMPANY CELEBRATES without a tire factory, .and H is be- - climate that tn mnnthly; rmnni. In Man .ri per aingle SI por day up TMrtff from It dnj. '. Au Hun ttttt hogs nil- - monthly: rn.,ni -' hk-r- . 1 Meet All Tralne and Steumera lieved siieces-'- will crown eases peculiar to arc almost 1 Wrlti' fnr Hum tt at", f. rea llul that the; tl wet'kle up. I'fill "islilfl roomii, col all BUSINESS SUCCESS known, and owing to the cool sum- - ' " o p.itri'iiaO J"iHcltrd HATKH Front roonin. one peraon, T5o; two efforts of those who are behind the' and modern. In center of hoptjitf dis- i'nd.-V'l- proposition, mors and mild winters the hogs thrive trict, lleauh can 'rum dour. fC muU in an moment nf periona. II 00. Kid roomi, lnli, Mo, right from the start. I . M. DMIM Il k, tz.m tu 14 mi per week. COflMMONDINCI TO MOHNINO JOURNAL) stock; year around. Then with the fl'ICtAL Alreadv to the amount of.thi J. A. KII.KY, Mr, 'Mstt Iho Grill." NOHKM A M Ol IKK, rroprteton ("iovis, N. 3. Friday grown June $100,000 has been subscribed There Jspliiutul grain crojis here the HAN -. l)ll'.,0. I'AI.HORMA. nisht was a Bala night for Tei"o-Farwet- l, :itv. O't- .i .,!. l,.a .,.,,t,t muinlv ' raisers of hogs have the right kind of In feed to properly mature nnd when tho Western Tire & New Mexico and west Texas. j them ma-- 1 1'ht them on the in the pink of MKV Garage company was at home toj It is said that some of the market Albuquerque Foundry and llOTH, FOR ehincrv for the factorv is already i condition, so they will command top and IIOTKI. 10 R Vi many friends. J he function was M'l, KMIIII on thWBi'ound, and work on the fac-- : 1" ice. Machine Works IIITOItl'IMTV Kill AMI1IIIOIS WOMEN is eon- - n II 111 Ill - iuniied to celebrate what jtory building will be started in a! Men who started In a few years ago End ncerK Foil nilors M ai lilnlsM I.i to .III U.OMlrnilf, lltliltl.in K,.!l'nliirU la Anil! U',.l.lh.L- Viil,.u n il n r Mo.lilniKi nn.l 111 n r. h.u-l- .;- .i ;1 ,1 u- . (lired of ; only a now Castings In Iron, Hrotue, Alum- Itriilm. il ri. in r oiir nn him' f the successful culmln.itio'.i short time. with few brood sows have lirass, Bit III' lli a Ulo.li-rt- lllol '..,M-,- In W,. ..luil,nl ,.,irn lli.ir Popular I'rlcea one biggest cverl j a heHd or inum, Klectrlo Motors, Oil Engine. l, of the propositions a drove of hundred more livlllK Bhllo IrarlllllK. I'lil'-- l ill.Hlihil. e, In,,,! In lln- loll-- it Mlm... ,, i.lr ...1- - t . - Pumpii and Irrigation. - launched in this part of th coun- Q( RANl MYSTERY hogs, and have marketed a goodly arului-ii- H.'ii.l lor i,r ft llhiKirut. il r.itnl. a- mul l..w rxioa i.hIuv llllile lnlllute Works and Office Aibunuerqna. N( , iij, 1111; siniv,iiiK a ..ivivi ,, number in the meantime, as well as MTKIMI. lllltll. or IM.lM-MIINti- llollillnr. Nl.lh Tind I 1 j KiaiiMi!,.. i:.:, Hop pitreela. 01 imriMiso of making automobile tiles PUZZLES PORTO RICO 'supplying their own tables with meat. You mtsa many dally If yuu j I lj!in-ri- . opprtunliles rvuilh i Hlrn l, U11 ( nl. ' Anirrlea, lullfnrulit at Fanvell, and Tex loo, Just across j J n fact, the hog industry, while prnc-Aoria- ed do not read Journal aant ada. (lie line from Harwell, 'n New Mex- - Pro Crrepondenr.) tically in its Infancy here, promises I, will also be. the belief 'clary of Kan Juan, l'orto Kico, May 15. 'to soon become one of t oiislderable tlii? new industry to a considerable 1,,,, ,Vslery attache.-Mnl- - to Hie disap-- ; magnitude, us all the farmers are BIG AUTOMOBILE 3IKLR0SE HOTEL A jpearance of S25,0dO in scold from the .coming to the realization that this Is U'n to lull S.'iirll llrulHl Am'iiiip, I.us AUkuIcb. HOTEL 11 is esiimauu mat unre were ,,,,, y: way to make money. SCHOOL EXPANDS AUDITORIUM vauiu t lilllto Territorial sure and safi Nuniiner r ten now nil. Itooina tin 1,300 nlthont In, LOS people present last night to ' $.1.0 110 1111.11I 111111 AMI 8TH., ANOFI.KS Agrioolu of this citv, which officials I' week mil h up. Hoiiins villi! 1 1 Rilrrt Ilsien mu-i- o 1 - f.iU to the speeches, enl.iy the is miss- - j os liuth, up. St' nioiitli up. CafA In of the bank today admitted Qft N oti:i a:i.i:s iNSTin- uck Overl'ioklnir ticfloilfiit (Vntrnl I'.irk. l'-r- modnrn accommodation: PARLIAMENT 1 1, f'lM-X- roiinci'tli-ii- turnlshed by Croft's ladieV land 1 e- - Tl) l:l lis UTO iiir. oe i'uiik iioliioi n.'irs nine I'henpa: Home loim Main TM. O. fiirniahvit fur atnoluia cumforl; laiee lehbiea and prlvata purlora, ca SCHOOL l JofiEPH Kpi-il- Clovis and partake of Hie ice placcd sum out of their per- TO MEET IN AUGUST (Ol 11tv. ltOIJ, f'roprletor. ummi-- rani. this There in no question but wluil. the rrtum, cake und lemonade whicli sonal funds. B. F. OKI l;.N, Mannaer wjje furnished free to th. enwd by automobile industry Iiii.h furninlied According to a stateiin lit issued by (,Uoi luted 1'reM Corrrtnondnm-e.- the KrentfHt exliiliitiun nf advunre-nien- t th... Western Tire & liarago com-paiy- , the officials, the told, in live bags PekliiK, May 15. AuKiist loth is Hint this country ha ever NEW MEXICO RESORTS of $.1,000 each, was last counted la.st probable date for (he conveniiu'. In the liuliintlial line. FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS Speeches were made, by Messrs. the December. On another counting of of the formal Chinese parliament, This bus naturally made iieccHsary Hundin, Robersoti, Taylor, Ke.?se audi the ilevcloiiiiicnt nf un urmy of skilled For Rheumatism, Stomach Trou-hie- s. cash on April L'O the bugs were which the Tuan Chi-J- cabinet. Is others, in which they the fie ineclianics to keep pure with the Kidney Ailments, Inflamma- gone. They it now for. At a recent meet-liif- ,' pre- assert that would have arranuint! increasing dcuiHiid. tions, Arterial Hardening, loco- hi.b ry of the undertaking and Yuan-hun- been Impossible for anyone outside participated in by I.I Heiili.int; that such a condiliiin motor Ataxia, Nervous breaking:, dicted tho new Indu-or- was go- that president, Tuan Chi-Ju- l, the of etn. I'erfect Treatment, ing the bank to have abstracted the the vice would exist, the .Nallonal .School I'erfect to be all the promoters nud Hluh-chani- that money. No one connected with the premier, und Hsi .', former KnuineeriiiK. Kos AiiKelcs, was cstali- - Climate, Health, l'leasure. Large cleimed for it. i Modern Hotel. institution has disappeared or been secretary of state, the deluils for the liwhed bii'li in It the Booklet. Tht Western & Oarage com- automobile m hool In l'nit-- 1 Tire absent from last December until the election of parliament" were discussed oldest the pany will automobile ed Htatca. Id tins illHllnctlnn It eiin T. C. M'DERMOTT manufacture date on which the loss of the money at length, and it was virtually de- tiri's. t is of the promot- also lay claim to beinif the the claim was discovered. cided that sixty daya at least would Fyv?ool, N. M. ers that can be manufactured for the new bcIiooI .unt tires be required to revise tho laws on the Kinbth In Farwell Just as cheap as erected at and I'iKiieroa Real estate, problem purrhRBes. null's or organization and election of the par- strcclH, I .on Anodes, Ik Huh.1 to be the tliey can in th,c larger cities of the trade are eiinily nolveil ly Journal want liament and to examine Into the quali- most modern anil te Bihool fast, ada. Head them; use them. Do It today. and tho new factory at Farwell fications of prospective, members of In Ihe country, contnininir ttie latest fcri:XI Y'Ol'It VACATION AT the parliament. Primary and final machinery employed by the leading elections are to be held and uhout automobile nhopH. The eonUiliiH -- lie required to com- new school over H thirty days will OOll Hqliure cpace, de- mk, prelim- feet of fkior plete these elections after the voted 10 lecture, study, demons! rat ion, Our Present Showings of Summer Woolens inary arrangements have been agreed iRiiition nnd locker rooms, u well as1 Iipe.11. wcldinif and brazimr departments, re-- j The parliament would undoubtedly pair shop, battery rooms, machine, ' In Hiii p, etc. ' , , and for Men's Wear lie convened In Peking rather than , 1H Exemplify th3 Newest Styles Fabrics In tills Institution the automobile In the cool miles north V"fe' Nanking some other eity in south of Lit s Vet as, over famous ":.. f' trade h la iik tit thorouKhly In every, " '-- - - or central China. Negotiations' for u Scenic Highway fc detail by practical, experienced til-- 1 In the-- Our display of new Summer compromise of the revolutionary trou st ructors. j Itlclit heart of the Itockles. (ioo( front flsh-Int- r. Woolens is much the finest: bles have not proceeded far enough An exclusive feature of the school yet to it clear whether any H by IlorMcback rliliiifr. Amid as make an arrHiieieuient which students, ecu. that has been shown in provinces partici- If desired, tis.(sted tJin pines anil spin ever of the rebelling will are lo earn their Moiiiitaln cllmliln?. In a nietn-- I livini; while the eniirsc-doln- a HUOTTEL Albuqucrquee and in number pate in the election of selected taltine ilclitrlitful and iiivifforutliiif mi hers lo the ussembly- However, the Janitor work, carinu for autos or Met Sripllfliir of of- lawns, uaef ul ' d In styles, diversity litems j und other ulies. ipni government still bus control Peking tbia way many ambitious yniuiK men MT1S and magnitude of selection has of the great majority of the Chinese be- of moderate means are enabled to d Clonk Tor rheiinintlsni, stomach troubles, IJilucy nlliiients and nil kinds provinces, and is legally vested with come mechanic, .never been equaled by any trained Ideal for 0t-workci- l, of lollaiiiiiiailoim, Slime leaves ,'cinr Sprlntcs for the Sulphur opinion - Itorcatiou Sait power lo direct affairs, in the 'Mi Hie roster of tin- school urn .Nervous i lly People. KprliiK every Tuesday and I riday. I'or particulars write to tailoring establishment. Over of the legal advisers of Yuan rthi-k- students from every western slate, re- 1.000 bright new patterns now j and his cabinet- whil,. hundreds of uraduuten In Write for pictorial booklet to A. MALL The cabinet, bus decided to hold two munerative positions speak eloquent- L "m ly MiiciwHful i:ri pohvio.mk it.wcn kksout m. display. j methods. , n. Come in and judge meetings n week, and the lime limit of its I'oslolfice-- Porveulr, N. M. si'LPinn spkimjs, via ji:mi:z, ' The by school is to lie hours, rataloRiie issued, the yourself. of each meeting three contains much tiiieieflinsr liifornvilloii for anyone contemplating taking up Macle-to-Your-Measu- SEVEN-YEA- uutomohlle work. Suits re R DISPUTE TEXANS RESCUED BY ENDS IN TRAGEDY PROTESTS AGAINST TAX WOWDERFUL REMEDY RATES ON COSTLY PAINTINGS Flo CHEAP TOURIST Br MM NINA JOURNAL OPSCIAL Lf AflffO WlffC I A Ulobe, Jane 8. A dispute Find Snlft Krllcf mm men tu ol Ariz, YeaM' Stundini; With TO EASTERN POINTS over milling claims that begun seven ftfcKiK-h- i led l'rea Correapttfiilenea.) Hose of TrcatJiicnt. years ago between AVilliam Sparks, a Berlin, May 15. in the name of pioneer prospector and former ser- - the I'.erlin Artists' association, its Many Texans needlessly Buffer from I'ommencInK May loth Bnd daily thereafter until September 30th. iccant of Arizon i runuers, and Frank president, prof. Rudolf Si hit It e, bus stomach ailments and disorder of the there will be on sal from thin office cheap round-tri- p rates to all proper au- atop-over- Thompson, a wealthy mining man, protested vigorously to the dlKistive tract which appear to he Kastern Points. These tickets permit liberal a either on particularly In j on main street of thorities UKUiust the recent rullnir that prevalent the Soulh. terminated the Many way the polntf or returning trip and are limited to return not later than Olobo late today when Sparks nhot the "war profits tax' shall apply to all cithern have found a to pros- health by the use. of Mayr's Wonder- October 31st, l'Jlti. and killed Thompson. Iie old receipts of moie than one thousand ful Itemedy. pector was standing on Ihe street marks accrtilnx from paint inns. Th,j first dose of this remedy proves when he noticed Thompson approachi- The whole tendency of mich a rul-I11- what It will do, IW'low Is a List of Kate to .Soma of the Most Important Points: ng. an revolver Schulte contends, will be T. Ft. K02 He drew automatic Prof fiooUPASTCRR, Sabine 1!Mfi Haltimore, Md SO was prices St., Houston, Texas, wrote: took Hot Springs. Ark .$76 and shot five times. Karri bullet to depress automatically the of "I Montreal, Que 90.85 IloDton, Mass 96 60 effective. works of art to a point below one your treatment last sprirnr. I don't I will to any Quebec, Quo Il.:(l Hetrott, Mich 6S.S5 Sparks surrendered to the authori marks, and work In- - think have takn more 7S 85 Minneapolis, 57, KS Perfect thousand thus It completely cured me." Toronto, tint Minn Fit and Satis- j am- - 75 ties and stated that lie shot because jJst all, injury to aspiring and ...11 ...I. IMVlll.'l.l. I .VAyl,.., rrA.r. . Colorado Springs, Colo... ?0. St. Paul, Minn 57.R5 ..i,-....- man.. 23 "0 faction .Thompson had ben threatening- his bilious artists or to Die families of wrote: "I have just finished my fifth lienver, Colo Kansas City, Mo 39,85 Guaranteed 'Ilenwood, Colo 2S.95 Atlantic Cttv. N, J , n:l 85 life. men who have died recently and who bottle of your treatment and posted j upon several enll Ktones, Your preparation Pueblo. Colo IS. 95 St Louis. Mo- 51.90 are dependent the returns Irom WnshliiKt.1,1, C Til SO Y haa worked simply duri- 1. liiiffalo. N'. 77.35 Observe- Jefferson Davis' Birthday, inherited paintiims, wonderfully 111 ng: my course of Chicago, S;.S5 New Yolk, N. Y RS.10 3. The A tax of this sort. Prof. Schulte de- treatment." Washington, June lOsth Mayr'g Wonderful Itemedy Klves Kvansville, ind E9 ?.s Xiairara Kails 77.3J birthday anniversary of Jefferson lu-vi- s clares, Is nothing: more or less than permanent results for stomach, liver Louisville, Ky .1..H) Cincinnati, Ohio (U.30 National Woolen Mills wan marked in the house today by a direct penalty for earnest, energetic, and intestinal ailments. Kat as much Portland, Me 97.03 Clevelaml, C'hio 72.95 - S0 fcpeechea of tribute by Representa- artistic work, and at the Kaon- time a and whatever you like. No more dis- Toledo, Clblo 6H Sani'uaky, Ohio ...... 09.85 Philadelphia, Pit K4 05 Onden, ABwell of Ixiuisiana and Minchl-lo- e distinct encouragement to the pro tress after e.itin, pressure of gas In Ctuh 42.60 G. WINFKEY, Manager. tives PlttsbiirKh. Pa 74 00 Salt , T. of Kentucky the first time lu ers of copies of famous works of the stomach and around the heart Iike, Vtah 2.0 Get one bottle of your clruffBl't now Milwaukee, Wis 0. 40 in the recollection of old members at art. Individual effort and initiative, It FIIOXE 198. 120 WEST CENTRAL snd try on on absolute guarantee I Ihe capitol whan a timi h bem for- he feela, will suffer inevitably at tf not satisfactory money will be rilONK JO P. J. JOHNSON, Agrnl mally set aside for the occasion, of iniliiitite work.

1 Eight Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916.

THE MAJESTIC CAFE CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. ENLIST AM ii"ilc ourselves on hav- Mwvra, IUnir. floiiKA I'liml'lilng flood. Cutlery, Toola, Iron Pipe, Valvce III The AlJiJebtic- cafe, on South Fimt WK Ami Fitting, Plumbing, Heating, Tin and Copper Work. atreet, in the .Savoy hotel biilhlinK, If ing in our sttjrc the US W. CENTRAL AVK. TF.IKPHOVE Sll (talninK In popularity ri(-'l- itlonj; and UI'IST or everything for the ONLY FOR it wiih Indeed a (lopular move when Rmmal Bargains SEfilE tim pioprielor conchul' d to keep kitcln. n ;u;d talile. For instance why do Tin: hi st hofsfavivkn o.v "open Iioiiho" until mliininht. 1'ar-licul- insist attention paid to Hiort chop miey and noodles, while IN UN MEXICAN LINE regular nicul nre served every day. toss Floor A apecla Hunday dinner today. HF.CAt'KK Til FY C.tTT TTIP. UK8T KE8CLTS HOTEL CRAIGE Governor McDonald May Is- Convenient for Itatlroad Men. s Itoom FOR H)Viiti:e.ykaii-i,- d sue Proclamation Declaring I'lioue &. tlH WoNt Silver Jewelry CAKE mi i "FOUR ROSES" He Will Discharge Recruits THE OMi:sT WHISKF.Y IX CAITIVITT Upon Return, PAPERHANGING ! L. GIACCMFLLl & HKOS 107 Xortli I lrt tit. PUOXE 0O Snowdrift W. McDonuld, who wur Gov. (. j The Perfect Shortening CUFF BUTTONS-SOL- ID GOLD here la.t nlKht on the way from un- Painting and Tinting to, Fe to his ranch near CarrUoto, itt; short-linin- g I'e.KUlar $2.50, Sale Price ., . SI on both the subject Hiiggested, Thft I'iiom: SNOWDRIFT is the ideal (cave MhJ. H. Htippn, of the recmlt-in- f Kegrular $4.75, Sal Trice ., !. 10 (in nsviT x i,vcs'it;k Mie "I'k i;in(lncti" wits award n r Ice, authority to take up with vmi for making cake, it is so Regular $7.00, Sale Price . . ..M.S0 prize unci mat on "Slavery" wn t.'ol. $10, Sale. Price ... . mi AdJ len. Harry T, Herring and 1. tire and delicate. Snowdrift is nebular M.00 1 Olassea, regular $8.00, 8a! awarded second pric, I'!. C. Ahhott, commandinif Hie I' irKt pair Field Price M.50 .Mid. Jcsm- - ( 'i LET-U- the perfect shortening fur every ohi'Wii.v, of San Fran New Mexico infantry, n plnn hy S SEND A MAN cisco, In ln-i-- iin a fri-- f with her PINS-SO- LID BERRIES vilt which the major expect to recruit To Iteplaie That HroUen Window 'cooking tnupose for frying, for SCARF GOLD parent. Mr, mid Mr. V. J. Zlrhut, Find. Infantry up to the utrength the Glaxa j shortening, for making bread, $0.00, of U02 South Arno lit Air. Cromt- - 1 ttefrular Sale Price .Il.llfl reel. reiiilred hy the I'nited mnern-- V. IjUMIIKR yeur ftates ALBCQUK.ltOt IteKiilar $3.50, Sale Price an waj wan fur two Associated Pre nKcllt. Major lllippe la lleV'M he Willi COMI'AXY cake, biscuit and pastry. l.iS Regular $5.00, Sale Price .K2.,-,- ppi'iiinr lor ilof Morning - Journal. ho nth- fiinilnli of I'bone 421 423 N. I to the numlier Flrrt tegular $7.00, Sale Price .3..-)f- l 1 For net, year Ik. I Imp nice hi oral linn been night prewrve - M'lv lat men nicffmiry to tne firm KeKular $9.00, Bali- Price S 1.50 i hl f operator - "" j few ilnii mill tiit exptvt giant fir the Associated New Mexico lis u. New NKxleo orijan- J. A. Skinner Pre In San Ik rr--i- llllf IimIiiv. Francisco, and Ization in five days If the plan In put PINS-SO- LID Rid one of (he most efficient BAR GOLD -, into force. BUY TIM I: 205 South First. I iinliilciiiii , II for h tii I wire itii'n in the pre - 9 BRAND OF service. Vint Plan advocated hy Major Uup- KeKular Sato Priie. $1.25 3 for 2'if, Watermelons, li- pe Ik that Governor McDonald pro- - llexular M.OO, Sale Price S2.00 lt Hi. (t CHARLIE CHAPLIN AMD Talm that he will Krant an honorable I'exiilur $5.0o, Sain Price $2..-- to ever? one who merit It Itetfular S.00. Sale Price .$1,011 Clierrltw, Hwi'ii mill sour. VIRGINIA illBciare "TELMO" PEARSON NOW hy rood conduit, at the uxplration of jWe,ddinIg,ll Fxrry Hervlco for the Fnited Htates Kovern-men- t. Coat Chains for That Palm Beach iNiiinil of Uingniniit AT PASTIME THEATER CANNED GOODS AND TOO Suit Houldorado Itiiili Mill - Thi mean thut younx men Coffee r frosli KeK'ulur $1.50, Su le Price today. 'I IIih. II ,V. who enllut now for duty on the hol- HAVE THE BKST Givo Your I'ollvH a UrcU- - Ueuuliir Sale Price XI. Sorlul Hour !S1 fnilx today. Chnrlii' ('linpllii', who rrrt-nll- hIkii der will ho d!ehnrncd from the na Inst Treat. 25 a .Mutual Kesulr $;l.0, Sale Price .IM.30 jed contrad wilh the Film tional Kiiard at. the time when Uncle $4.00, Sa le corporation at a wulary of t70,0ni) a lienular Price Ki.oa Kiinniel doe not need them to xuurd Regular $5.51. Sale Price yiar to prodhci. connidli'fi, will tn the International border and that they1 .S2.75 mtii at thlM popular Iioiihii In hiM firxt will not have to complete the term and latent ili lure entitled "Tln Klnor-walliiT- ." of enlistment required hy the national, SOLID GOLD RINGS Ih pom-imIIi-- h WARD'S It on,, of thv hfMt if the nereartty of a holder pa- $:j.A0, STORE nuard lihitf with Uloodatone, .rcKulur Sale I'ri.ce .. . . 2.5n Chnrllp han ever inadp Hnd- has pacm before of trol th term their .'MiicthyHt, ri'B:cilar $0.00, Sale Price ; . . ;s.oo IIOMFIt If. WAJII). Mgr. hroki-- nil proviou ri'cordii of olhpr enliitmont. (ienuine Tupac, reolar $S.50, Sale Price 1.25 C'hiiplln piny. TIiIm plnn, It In believed, w ould ov-- 1 SIS Marble Ae. Plione 2U8.2IIB CRYSTAL Five Kmcrald Doublets, regular $K.50, SuIh Price . 1.23 In addition to the lotnrdy Vlrislnlii i to Id rcom ornanizi'd liihor'a objection itinera Doublet, fcKiilar $12.00, Sale Price . . StUMI , IVarwon, coniildrrcd on" of the moat enllHtmciit In th national Kumd. I'n-- Kmenild I.imlblet, regular $14.00, Sale Price . S7.00 lirauUfnl Auieth.vKt, and drumatic playpm, will der thin plnn nillltiuiuen who enlim regular $17.50, Sale Price . SH", xlx-pa- he ncrn In "Hinging a rt o TODAY Dine Kapphire, regutiir Sale . Love," for border Bervlce, could not. vulled l'rice SIO.tHr Initial Solid '(Jidd liingH rangitiB in price William druma of lovr nnil hato upon for Bnythlnx but nervio on the ; Matinees at 2 :tX) and 3 :30; Nights at 7 :30 and 9 :00 from $4.00 to $13.00 C HALF and lit whli'h thprp in ninny an exclt-Ini- border. They would he discharged at PItll'i;. I St inoinpnt. MIhs I'aron playitm when the regiment If New Mexico Brothers , ronff thu rliurjctpr of ti wlf'-- twice married Iiuh one retuniH from the front. l.'n- - Crane's Delft Initial Stationery and thrh e In hup, prohh'mn "Till"; MILLION' DOLLAR FKF.T"" Undertakers the of her der thin plan they could not be culled l'oxeil Paper, re; .urt form keen to men rular price 5c; Hoxed Oorrespoiulrin e Curds, fiijivicK. tiiteri't all upon to net In nny conflict, between; :', rno.MiT rirovn regular price c; Sale Price. .' ...;. .Silt- ' IIO.V 76. . Kl'ltONo IU,K.. ( ori'Klt and women, for they ale every day capita! and lubor, AM KFC l.Vi) prohli tim. Major Huppe lust tilKht received TIiIh 1st tin; lilttneHl and licnt Mhow two cheek., one for $fi!i and the other Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle BLANK BOOKS ever how at one In city. time Iho for $130. The bigifcr check Camel 1 in spite of the advance lu blanlt hooUs, we m count inonnoin are tin of thn enormous rental from Holm O. UnrHiim, of Socorro. V'orld's Greatest Society Dancers and Originators of the large Journals and l.eclger.s .stock at .11 A 1,1' pkki: tlm niiinaKdiuent had In nav for thn Thia la to he divided into ten eiiual two-pu- "Castle Chaplin comedy and thn Kox pnrla, each ormuniy,atlon of the New Walk" and ''Castle Glide" in the LOCAL ITEMS drnma the ndmlHuion prlifn will he, Mexico national Ktinrd to receive $10 LIMP LEATHER BIBLES, HALF PRICE T BdullH 15 centH, children 10 eentu ItH Or lfT-HES- for for company fund. The cheek for to d only, today a ml Monday. In $55 Ih to lie divided between the, two WHIRL OF LIFE order to avoid (.fowdw at- A Carpet cleaning. Phona fifiH. the nlht IhU'iuei'iiun compnnle. ('omjinny tl tend (lie 7. SO AdliiKtmiMilR on guaranteed tllci. matinee. receivliiH and Con;:iny I, a No vnpi'ima for expresHaga, l.l ul lur like amount. The latter (heck wa Six Reels company. C'RI OK 1 11 NKS. Klven by Mrn. LouiM llfeld, Mr. and Strong's Book Store Aulu ' .Mien Helen l(apt, of Hnnta ar- wlh to llmiik onr ninny friend Mrs. Max .NordhniiM, llyron H. Ives, t F, OVER 1,200 OF i rived to vlult Kuthcr ior ineir uiiiiineas and hj mpu.lliy fleimtor lanue. Itnrtli, (irnrfic S. Klock, FEET FILM VOl K MONKV HACK VOL ?-- : ctcrday Miss IF WANT IT." Hnwdcn for n few day. to lm In the recent lllnew Nell! b. Fluid, C. O. Ciitdinuin, Firnt Devoted to the Castles' Sensational Dancing and death of onr nlun hunk, .f. H. I'oK Tilt1 (.'at hollo I. inly Forcaters will mother; for National Herndon, the flora I offerlnxa. D. K. H. Hcllem, o. A. Matson. Dr. C. hold their usual social Jiiiii Kin in . XeuT liefore Shown at These I 'rices ,HMES HI 1,1., It. Connero. Mr. V, M. Fai r and the Hi. Mary 'a hull, (ioud lllue unit tun-- c. KKANIC lllMi. lied CroHn chapter. JOHN ANPKUSO.V, ApULTS 10c r" Mr. V. , MetcaJf, Mm. Fell Infi- 1AVII ANUKKKO.V, CUSHMAN FINDS REASON ll r and Misa Lornn. letter left y MILS. R J). BTKVKNS. CHILDREN . 5c fur tint Mrtciilf ranch in M1KH C.'ATHKUINK Hll.L. FOR INCREASING TRADE above Mania IV, A Wonderful Investments Minn M. 10, Voi'hid and Minx Idn Kl-d- r (.lUiid hall at SiM-iot- iioll, Old OF WASHBURN STORE will liavc lonlvht for l.nw Annfloit Town, Sundav afternoon anil eveiilnv. ji nil oilier Honllo'rn I'uilfornla iiolnlK, Merchnndie seem to be movliia1 Owner forced hy circumstances to sell whi't'w they will atu'nd Hi'Vi rnl niVmlhu. Duke City Cleaner, Dyer and fuH(er than ever before at this Mr, .Mm. v 220 Oold avenue, choice and Max Xoidliiuix i We! (,, nt h proHiierou rlothimr store. LLO TODAY AND TOMORROW M Alhuquerque city property, newly dinner IiomIh ThiirnilMy ( vcnlnn Ht thBlphone ttii, Kive green tnidlng tamp.1hB r,;. Waliburn coin nan v'a. ald i. 12 $45,-CX)O.(- Alva ra do, complimentary to Judge on bill paid by Pie 5th of caclie, o, Cimhmnn yesderdav. constructed, paying per cent net on and Mr. tj( KothKerher, Of Denver. month. Mr. CuHlnnaii ha been looUinir for TWO BIG ATTRACTIONS Property can he had on favorable Colo. (lie reason for thl. lie decided that DAM I', AT CASINO SI . . A upecliil couimunlcallon of Tem- Till.' Ihere lire two. One of the principal terms. Address SAX I KI.IPI irii.KXN)X ple lodHH .i. tt. h. V. & A. M will IV reiiKoiiR for thn tore' increasing M FVKMXti. Ill I I III H'H OK-- CHARLIE CHAPLIN he held tO 3 o'clock thl al'tciinicli to i trade, Mr. Cu.Mhman believe. 1 the lll 'STK V iittciid the utieral of William Jtoit-Ka- n courteuu tieatmcnt that employe of -- IX- K. L. company uniformly The Inlerxtate Milk Maid t'onten- - Washburn INVESTMENT Mlw Hallle King, one of city' (tliow ciiHtunier und' a Iho the excel-- j the will be iilven the huh-Pic- e jllon under lent line of dependable P. O. Box 484. - - N. M. nrlionl leacliei, left nt night for or Hie V, C. T. I'. Thnrwlay, merchandise Albuquerque, III thtrt dlHpla.vcd at (ink Urovc, Mn., where hhe spend June Xth. In the school nudl- - at the More all hih , . 4 The the with turn. Floor minuniM' and Walker relatives iorluin. Curtain k:I5. Admis.iloi On mis. ii (1 11m .'5c, children under 14 year, J Or V. 11. Lovehne will leave tu- - 1 5c. DEATHS AND FUNERALS A Scrcuniiotf Two-re- 4'onitil.v t'luirlle Says "It's u Sereaiu.1 dav for Hochemer, Minn., where lis.; , Latest ami Made I oiler His SII7n.UOII Salary.

will iiij I attf the cliuliN at the Mavoj Mr, llorlon'.i playground rill a Mi- -. Itt'sl In . Ilaelda nl hern' liiiMpltal. He will be gone jnecd of lhuiucniie mot her-- Plione Mrs, l'laclda. Heal, 75 years old,; I ul'c.it a iiionth, I2:l.l. died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon j Painting and Paperhanging Mr, ('link l Carr gae a lunch-ic- n nt her home, north of thn city. Tii VIRGINIA PEARSON for twelve ludleH at noon Friday BEBBER, Htm, one of whom live at Flagstaff, Tinting and Decorating f"i- OPTICIAN - Done by Mi Iih I'olliKerber, of Denver, Ariz., and one dnuuhter muivIvc. The -i- Colo, who in lnltiiig Iter motlier. Citizens Bank Bldg. body wu taken to Fred Crollolt' un- - Ml Alfred (St ilertukhig roonifi. Funeral arrange-- j I very Ml, laixabeth Sinllh McAllister J and aadille horse. Trtiublef iitent hnd not been made hint night, j A. CHAUVIN a yesterday H dl Itod llarn afternoon granted lean a CuaranUHid voice In i he Aiigitstin (.aula. Blazing Love Job. Our Inrjte ff.tUi PAPRB her dltn(t court from locUmi fop 1910 is huhbauil, It. I, D. Mclhter. on the Herboth paints signs, houses Augustln Oarcla. 24 year old, died) fcuro ,0 pio,,, you. f giound (ibandiinmenl. yesterday nt ICast 639-63- of ln22 street- lie bad Wllllain l'tm sl.ri' Drama of lane ami Hate. Phones 8. Central and decorates. Phone 14951 j Store Cor. 4th and Ml. F.dward Farruiglon Keith, ac- - been here three months, Mr. Garcia tame from Magdiilena. : oinpanied by Mr. S. WIlkerHon, here His' Till-- ItH.OFST H.II.UI OF W ATE II PAT-AIIL- Pitt I'lCrntFS FVFIt SHOWN IX Till! will leave tin wrek for Palm Ileal h. TAX DUB AND mother. Mr. Ftaniladit Oarcla. was) city at om; timi: mastfkimf( k. Flit. They will !,. AT OKFICB OIT VVATEU CO. witli him when death came. slio i:ch the guet of J. 8. 8KCONI). TIMF. SHOWS 1:00, Ul OF 2:30. 1:00. 5:30. :nn. x:;lo p p. i W Kohinaon and family, service will be held nt Fred Crot ,( in. f Results From Ads lott'a at. :i PltlCFS FOIt THFSF TWO Mcrning Want I Jet nxc to nun r ycurd,iy were DANCI1 AT IMF CASINO thupil o'clock Ihi after- DWS ONLY Journal SF. noon. Tlie liodv will be IhMied to Kalph )'.. Cudabac, V SN I I I, IFF API'KHX(MX taken to AUUL 1 o, 15 CI 5. CHILDREN, 10 CTS. I ; Mugdalenu for burial. and in h i; Uintherly, Ath-'i- ND FVFNIVt;. Ill I I :il Fit's tH. CO.MF, TO TIIF MVUXFFS XI AVOID XH.HT CltWDS Oa : lleimud .. AUnujiiei-- j Wile. tlllMIU. Jonathan McMaln. mi- -, and Mala K. Tui, A ib.npu ritie. Dhiiiv ami rartl party ghen tiv Tho. will Bhlp I he body II, K Stamp, of Hie Firs! Nation-- 1 The Right Corset Will Im ( I of Jonathan MiMain to Pratt, Kan., al bunk, who lecentij untlerweiit a t,il lut r i lult, t. t. P. hull. - M, on No. 2 today The will he Micct'Msiiul ThiirwliM. Jniii- ViIiiiWsIoii remain operation for appendlcltl accompanied by Mrs. Mi Mniu. at the f'i'phj leriuu .laiuiloi uitii, hu cento; refreshincnls. proveAnyFigure been rtuioveij to hi home on Soutn THEATER I Sicnilplli', swing-- , hntn, hbmlf, Duke City Cleaner, Dyers ami Kdith splcn. BKST itti treet . Hatter, 220 snow m 'tlltl rtMmi lor t hiltlit-n- Mr, West tlold a"enue. Cor-rectl- y Thn giadimti of the MKh w hool ut TMK NTATK I 8 j UtlB phone 446, glxe green trading wtamp B KKI But It Must Be Fitted lloiloii. I'ttrirMor. Ht'TI rilAXGB will tbp.nt loihtv for Silver t'ltv to on hill paid by 0DAY the ftth of each KOJtV IAV inteiid the New- Mexico Normal n hord GIRLS-ATTENT- month. in the Famous at Siher Cio Tin y are Mi Fllen SCHOOL ION Mcljty, Min Field. ibadel Mi See thiplay of gold and the beallful Mr. Ilonoii, an pri- - xtra With Itcgiilar Nellie ( i n w dia-mni- Protrani. Hie t lord. writ wiitclie. lux ii Hit re and iinary leacher. xxill cniv for jour t bil- - :.,., s,Hx ial Feature Mi Jtan Arnnt and Iter itcr, ring to be. tjivt n away at Vimn'n tiron in lier liome, atternooUH, ih THE MAN IN THE SOMBRERO MlM I.Iik.'i bt t h Ariud were al liome Jeelry sioi e I orfester. Tliuidav evening to the nitmlMtii of WOMAN the eitMl of tin? cjiietn er nun. MUTICF! Vt'mloiiie Anno, first litw THE WHO DID NOT CARE room, Tlm-o-par- t ' Sm-ela- olas pMiiy. tiatiii and innic Here tiwiug to 1,'patr. the I, on Luna running ater w ith w li riKini. Mrs. Diamond Fro Li Sav b tlunw prt-Niu-t. bridge wilt lie closed for traffic dur- tlulm C'oriiotto, 11-o- A &ror Corxcti Mr II. ,M Forwood and children ing the following hour: 7 to S H. m.; LUCKY MISTAKE Jhced Will le.tte WfdiiPxilay tviniiiif for S u. ng to 12 noon: I to 4 p. in and Sot in l duiiiv given hy the ltt beknbs; Sis Hopkins Comedy. 7 1.1, I . that lloin ten. 'lev. Thet will Hp. nd the i in p. in., t oiiimencing Monday, June In tl. F. hall; refrosli- - j 4 We offer vou a Coret summer at IIoiihIoii inl otbr Miiitri-- el j Jmo 5. incuts. AihulsMiin Mh; elra latltci- - in n (iiiint Mi.- -. Jlei.t Fibs Smiih VALLNVt A Co. P.OAD IJOAltD. 2.V. til". i.' is the RIGHT COKSKT Will acccin pa av Mrs Foiwond a it word. Si v it Cl.MHAI.LY of the lar a lloiinioii (.mild hall al ill Iih II. (I,l Dr. H. ui-v- U'l' ' every sense C. Conner W. O. W. LtMATFD - All UIIUSii.il f.iicili' of the tJKllil. Toxmi. Suutlav al'teriitMin anil evening. HALL Kittpil w cvnert cor- tHtteojiath liest lotlae hall In town. , mir Rrade Ootid rlotir s,M-,.- a I'kcicists, T' liisdai itfiiiilooM. Oftlea Btm Bids. Phone IBS. i.u. u.,.llw all u the lli l i.i of tlie hlsiory poe-- Drs. Schwentker & Bower til for Saturday night ilaiMi s, (.tuH i.laif to uii,. ,..,t. ,,..i ... setiere; she is improving t'fl'ei-e- iy the 1 . A 11. Margai: all ld s OSTFOPATHS. Henry kinds. Inoiilre Weslt rli Vlur Store. .. h, sr-.a- . Xtoii Tin lor chose ly hauls baggaqe and Mr t ft tubiiut etii X. T. A roil )t llldg. Phone 717. types of inures. I its.. I03S-I7H- other Ninas. Phone 939. DULY UTO lYm .HVIKZ AND IMXCK AT "ASIXtl X-- Y Oallap Lamp si l ruin v.ii:i.s Till: Si Gallun Ftnv r I CorrtLlo Lump IRien PosntrOt-- b a. m. Mp Infop ex H IFF AJTlUXtMlX Hahn Coal Co. Cerrlllot Stnva SPRINGER ; XI lA K.XIXt,. .nation PlHine I'ao or call at til l 91 . lit Vct ' rilONF Ex- silver, v, liomt-ro- Equipment, Organization, ANTHKAC1TE. ALL SIZFS; STHM COAL Ix-- t 1 1 Toko, Mill Uwai. Wood, Cora perience, RESULTS "l.tiiiry ,tnrs" S cittita. Mdd by C.olnit to tlie- tari Mist. or. Icory Wood, Native Hiodlin, Lime riroxK jg:i 813-SI- t'KX'TIlAI. Jaffa. Malof and llawlfiiia. Inn keep iur chlhlrcit. plione I 2fl:U. 5 WKST


i imiiiii mi"" Ml 0 u

U June 4, 1916 rniwlifln. lilt by Him- Company, Otynl Brnnln HIhH Rfrr4. The Original Katzenjammer Kids

,D0T Bucket issaMjm.i bet dot vouid A barrel mmr TNTTTiTTTTTTnTTTTnr- -5 LOOM lAOY tERt ISS llM.lAPAL005ERr'lBE EFEN lAllAPALOOSEREP, ! "HOW DARE YOU? uOD-GtoTE- VHME IN) . UF A PULLER ! (SIR .1 ( ( fJ DER DlSTVNCE VIOLET AT ONCU Vi. 4 LSI

Vs c

ft 0 3 gaSsLT

! 1 "VIOLET HH'-- 'I ( nN!V WIM HUM FRA77IFD GO BMW, DING BUST -- WAUH OUT THERE. THR,T NEED TO 5AV ! I W aft&p0ltV) sfecn guess I I YOUR TOP UGHTS uh, LOOSE ! 1 UM&MJ& WHO DONE IT! DONT YOU HEAR f V 1 r 5T0PIT! fXVimmv .VV PC?-'- V,-- ' Veiling ? Vv 1

mm v u:

' .

Sii , (1 0


1 i Jr i Aim



ff r u . 5T0P TMUH SHP'. l LW.FORHFENS arPl-- A MN OVERBOARD! l. 'ft - vAJ VI WU-I- y OH POoa VIOLET WlLi v GET ALL WET !y (i,v A z P'? SM about isUrt el r f rOlbT I KILL A ys? DER T0G UND kO.V.V V. BEFORE otN y SfttZT7

VI c. 7 J

'10 Two Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916. SKIHT. the subdued light, Into which the pic-tui- M m Tin: full like rays of sunshine through When it's narrow, long, and flat, a prism, giving it a tflory that It never Then he says she's "like a slat." possessed in lis most, rofnantio and When It shows u curving shape, thrilling days. Al Inr "padded hips'' he'll gape. IVant Pure fflW?2P V ... Most ilisutiiiuishpd, nt least best V'W, known among the five exhibitors, Is When II and flounces wide, Toilet Mrs. Laura Knight, by some pro- Her "balloon dress' he'll deride. nounced the greatest of living woman When ll closely, tightly clings, pointers, whose pictures have been Then he says the rudest things. lioughf by some of tlie leading ui'l galleries of England and Canada, and When flivided wllh a slit, have won gold, silver and bronze llow a glimpse will start his will medals as well as honorable mention it toward the knees, When shrinks We insure from Austrulia to South He makes public all he sees. that our Kensington, and Ottawa to Paris. M.-ir- i from ncllo preparat ions f V f '. ,' There Is enough variety In the ten pic- his money be will Wow Vet contain no harmful in. ', tures she exhibits to give some idea (hi a skinless girlie show. SIP of her powers. "Hoys and Hunts at grcdicnts. You will j'l Whop he doesn't have to pay St. Ives. Cornwall,' is perhaps the What's lie kick for, anyway? Una the best always most appealing. The pose and poise Frederiik Moxon, in Judge. of the hoys, the children of the sea, tho most economical as they loan over the boats, might and beneficial. be called u study in relaxation, "on Hindi pictures, boih of them scenes 7 Marincllo -- the Cliff" appeuls because of its sim- not far Horn where the heaviest fight- toilet i ( plicity, and yet greatness. A woman, ing has been in progress, one shows preparations can only fthllltj' to portray a whked role o.i al summer visitor to the shore, fs river course near Alontreuil-siir- - well the be purchased here. aa he iloes the humor'Hin "nen. seated on the cliff, a child leaning In Alar. and the other the Oateway of i Tho lKhln(f-aii(l-diiiiklii- duet be- Santa Fe Society In r lap, and gnzcg over the ocean, 'Chateau d.Argues near Dieppe, tween Mr. SpHiildlnif Air. j light, - and Meyer, which runs from a cool, tnins- j The six landscapes by K. Hughes Mimm in the throne room of the kintf, wan parent green into misty grays in the give England as the traveler Notes the a very Hi MARINELLft effei live ene and whh acted distance. "Spring Flowers" is of the knows it. with gray skies, with rest-- I nod minK rtlntlrally. Faulken-tmri- r Mr. same style yet uiirorent in character. ful meadows and villages, with almoH-- j S 11 0 1 U diinif and uela the role of Mor-deen- l, SANTA VK KOOIKTV XOTKS Three children hHppiry picking daffo- phcre washed by frequent rains and Jew, the aKeil In a eonvlnciiiK THK t'OWDOV AMI Till: JIAI.V- - dils in a sunny meadow on the edge fogs. A pahg of homesicknesg is and HpfieHlliiK manner, und Wu IUW. of a dense, shadowy wood, Who guaranteed the native of Yorkshire of rhartiiinRly mipporterl by Mins Ileatrke (Hunfy Jim Mullens, In the I.os An- - woiiioo i one io gaze u scene niei ()f who will come to at M ui"u , Wales look Mrs. M. Peden inor in tlie role of Mordeeul'n KiMter, Kilcs Times. that every day in a lifetime? "Uat)i-(- canvasses, superb In their composi .vim. MeiKor h HinKinR, hijiiir and emo When tho Gulf eloudu In the east be- ing irom tne Slipway, and i iiimren coloring. "On FHOPIIIETRESS tional tion and tho River" interpretation were dellKhlful. gin tu gather, on the I'.each," ure also studies of St. "The ISIvcr at Walberswick" The pint of Zerenh, the wife land Commercial of Ha Above the vaHtto-S- that is called the Ives, but more sketchy in character. iseem lo have the tang of the salt air Cluh IluJldltu. wan ably huii by MeClan-aha- n, A. inan, Mrs. "(Ireat Htakcd Plains," 'Flora" is a oualnt portrait study In PHOXE 521. Slort, . f Curns, Mrs. ,T. A. Mr. and little AIIhh l.eoiia J'ettlt made style of Sir Hums-Jone- head (Cniitlnuril on I'lnce Three.) Nobody Home licldv, Mr. J. fi Itellly, Mm. When Old Timers say the elns they the the h. Fred a wiiiHomo Jda, the i hlld of 11 a ill an see "Are rather of a young girl between Faster lilies. Canfleld. Mm. J. H. I lorndon, Mrs, II. Zerenli. Her mene with old H. Kdgnr, tho Indications that we'll have some "Impression of l.cs Sylphldes" is a The ebh tide of local society In now Mm. M. K. 'lder nml hi'Kftitr wan very Hweetly nrtcd. be Mrs, D, A. .Mncphcrson. early rains"; series of four pictures that would in full flow. Almost literally by every Thu ruKiJi'd, pnlHled heKftar wan one When the hairy yearllnps across the an uciiuisillon, a porwiiilal delight, In- train they are leaving town for moun- of the moat realintir eharacters in the "llano" wander, deed, for such an organization as the tains or seashore seeing America "What's the trouble, girlie?" play and splendidly Klven by Mr. Sant- Algernon, win Seeking greennens to remove their Flks' club ut AlbUiUeriiue, or the H'l KhKl.K vhv first, often to their discomfort per- "oh, I'm nfrald for Frank Arinatrong', whone contume, a.- club. As of motion, you. Put her threatens to kick you winter munge, Fe studies the other woman's suading thomfclvcs that they ure more nliiKlritr and uctinif were eHpeilully Hopo springs, roy as the rainbow these four ballet dancing pictures arsj ililn the middle nf week." - difl'l-eu- head is more ntir.in. eemfot table where they tire tliun they next tfooti. Mm. Ilennliin nariK- the lt yonder supremely well done. "Well, my deiir, If Insists, would ho nt home, hut secretly wish- he role of tho I'ropheteHH in a man- open cat-tl- Cornwall Is ulso of the! five than yours. s it .,.. h t him do It. r,ut In those clouds above the the theme ing Hint they back In Kood old holil next ner brought pralne. j ly with Wednesday that her nuirh range. five landscapes sent all the way from her liairdressing, or is it whore, nights al- evening open for Minn the, falr-lialre- d Albuquerque tho are m." Alberta Hawthorne, Fngland by U. Harvey. Hut It Is the the care takes Louisville Courli Mea-nl- she of it? ways cool and where, even when tlie Median prlm eHH. and MIhh e Overhnul your bedding and your bleak, stony, dun-color- Cornwall run shine hottest, thiwo Ih nothing to Hlrotiff, the dark-haire- d i'emlan 'tarp" and saddle, away from the gaiety and life of St. complain of in shade. cm n prlnceHM, both in ori- the Mm, j:ti.itli.i.. with charinlntr Tie your slicker tiKhtly in a roll in Ives on the sea. Air. Harvey has a Man In a migratory animal woman Frank A. Storta entertnloeil ental ilrenn mid muifc their partn with front. stylo of his own that one will ever Marguerite the memtiem of the T. (', club Mnn-(hi- y poise e. even more tin. Tho impulse to change and rrai Mr. Fdwatd 1'rinty Fix your itirrups proper for . the again recognize after studying It once. loeutlonti with the changing seasons Ik nflernoori tho affair being the eniiK the role of the herald very grace- l!tnt sunflsh spraddle He lays on the paint even, thick sur- nliiiOHt universal. Perhaps It U better that the riiih will have until next fully and Air. Motherland nnd - except , nans When ypur bronco pulls his curtnin- faces, much like a mosaic, hotel-keepe- mil-mu- season. Sousa fin clue sundry iunl d looked the part of n wine Hi'i'lbe. And raisor-- tunt. ' when it etitnes to the skies, and these inftMiit might become a charge Jienldeti Mm. Ktortz the menihem of there wet other JeWH PerslaiiH, you Ihp el tilt unj When mount him, hang a rowcll are so vast and have such infinite urn Mm, Jlarry Strong, Mm. and maids Ih, - Knows how to on the community. of honor, and dani'lntf kIi In one j dress your IwtHe M shoulder, KinutiiKnm ci luni cut? ium- io. Th Albuquerque: colony -- or colo- llnrth, rn. It. j. Hunt, Mm. atul handd of hoys Sinclair und waving boys yelling, The of ttaopaintings gives hair becomingly, I'riink Ackermnn, 11, While the are "throw title the soine she knows nies, to be mora exuet tha Cali- Mm. Itynm Ives, palm bruneliex. Tin ensemble work ! nt Mr, Nnncy away your reins Inkling of their sombreness: "The more than that she Knows fornia bench resort this nutrimor wl'l Ifenwlik nml Mrs. Je'rro of the chorus wan rHpeeiully Rood in Then let him faunch, o'er cactus, Stony Farm," "Fdgo of the Moor," llactjaiil. ' llow to Improve It How he larger (tian for iiiiniy seasons past, volume, balance, nhadlnK and drama- gulch and boulder r "levelling on a Cornish Farm," "Cor-nls- h to the. einjtern ' while center are rlulmlng tic action. The luniipo't Hcene mis l'iaylnn circus out thfre on tho Open . M,oorkuid,"i Near Si. Hurzaln, Nourish It How to Keep I,nok Hfitry. ; ( innt'o than their nharo of attention llilh: lier, , tU on of orleiiial bnamy nnd it . was plains. Cornwall." It Healthful. See yours, wan only hint 1 her about before there is too little left from our peramhuhitory population. month pftlil a mnanlni? to nee liow many actors Harold Knight, it is to be regretted. ron-finl- ilreHnninl(er i to enre A scattered few of UN are left to e hill of $71, nml here could be iiHsembled on tho HtiiRe with- They say be Is by only two take of. In one $60. the calf crop's going to sepresentod pictures,! wllh eneh other mid to keep nnnthir for out any nppearance VrowdiiiK. Tho o hummer, these two belug of such beauty, that Wife; Well, lloesn't lace-cover- things going n heHt wo eim, kooplii . dear, that low, banquet table was Heifers Vort Is an overwhelming to see show 1 acattered from Sumnef there desire FOR LADIES watchful eye on the, eiilenilnr 11 rid thnt am hi'KlnnliiK to spend encircled with rushlonH on which the Uhh7 to Stonewall, more of his work. "Kvening, Stuithes, reflet-lin- with feelings of despair thul Hohion TriinniTlpt. royal diners reclined nnd drank from every f That means work for puncher Yorkshire," is fine. It is a picture long heKiin. silver Robletn. white-cla- d the toad hus Just r Charmlm? little all tho summer with atmosphere and one returns to EXCLUSIVELY Send tin rani now anil then nnd ui:vi:r,ri iwitnrs. Kills fitted in, beariiiK garlands And, some, to again again to study tech-- j t.....n A Berh'H of deliKhtftil for free rides Denver it and the it.. n.i.iUH iri. entertain of pink roses with which they evecut- - ! rhone 1324. Rooms 16 17, i In the full. nique that accomplished that verlslm-- and Stern Eldg. eiiHlly In 'P"n,H wa" Rlv,' ll'Nl t;iii,l l?i I Iija tin. d a pleaslHK me filled without ntittlntt dance before offerliiB There's the steers to round up, sort iltudo of late evening, the rapidly j KTH nny iirimneBMiiry el nun on your pow-e- t oi uireweii pnriieB 111 Honor ol ih garlands to their queen. Throe and ship for feeders, falling darkness, the dim reflections w .iiss wuiie j. iioiiingswnrth and Mlsf of ItntiKlllUtlon. other oriental maids gave a dnnce, of Winter pasture for old heifers U of the cliff-lik- e houses In a patch of ":.. a f imogene miixwcii, who will leave to. uch exipilsltn grace that It was a Joy arrange; water below, and the receding vision of Hei'k: Tlipy ay thnt when a ,, wm ,,,.r re Il( .m,in, uut tnn hllir m.tor of the us, gold being up sand to ,.,rrhome In Work for hut for all these the boat hauled on the mt'n In drownlnn liU pant llfo In lorn their Alab'ima. evening was Johnny the beautiful cattle breeders above hlirh tide. "Hauling tile Fish- Friday evening j John-no- ht'iiiiRht mi bef'To hhn, Miss Holngsworth h.use from Trimble s studies. d How IToinise on the ing is, MIhs Maxwell guests ot That's the of Cohhlei ot Stralthos," perhaps, 1'erk Thnt hiippeim nlfin when: were the ny didn't sing his part, but he sited open cattle range. tho most impressionistic picture of the Misses I .online and F.velyn Long 111 he twin n iiimrri'l with hln wife, at lit like a orince twenty-nin- e. Ihlfnrmill ilnncltifr r.urlL' r.iii1 ..n I'm,.,. entire Hut impression DoHton Trauw rlpt. yueen Father" was a delight to see These highbrows tell us that Is Just a ism Is not made an excuse for slouchi- - luny PM'illlln iney were coinpllmellleo and to hear, and the l'resbyterlan fairy story. . ikss, or for poor draftsmanship, as It Business Men's 1 at it by 1 similar function Miss Mildred choir, and all others who contributed hag gold every Is thy M'xrurmxs, K, That about tne of nt so often by American artists. It No moro cuatit or elaborain affairs ,;" ,I""""T .Bt r "ome on r.nsi to its presentation, achieved a beauti- rainbow's end, is not passing off a daub for a real hnve been In AlhiKitieraue durlna the er n enue. a. mesa puny last nign ful success. Too much praise can- Hut It's as Gospel and The nt which Mr. Hiimuel Just as true picture. water color reminds s Hon (hut Is ilr iwlim to a close than Htitherhnii and not he accorded the iirtistic work of Just as sure as glory Santa Fcans much of the work of the (lie two luncheons by Mm. J, F. l.uthy Mr. Richard llruce were hosts com- Mrs. Itradford, who directed the pro- you look pleted a round of If have the faith to for It lale Donald Heauregard with .which and Miss l.uthy In Taft hall nt the enlerlnlnmenli duction. Mls Mary Mlchner, at the my - which were In every way delightful friend; they have become familiar. The. 'ac:- Bank Alvnrado Wednesday and Thursday. piano, proved herself a careful and So, now the grass Is waving and the Hon Is good, the composition excellent, The guests, 120 In number, wero nnd enjoyable. competent uccompaniHt. A raindrop loudly rattle. the color pleasing. The New .Museum n celved in the main parlors of the hull And thu "dogleg" ulbhuve shed their intends to be very exacting as to the hotel nnd were later ushered Into Taft i:iiY-ii(;i.- i. winter's iiiniige? pictures it will hang In the permanent hall, where the long table was artis- Flatbmh: Hid Von evep losn Announcements received In Alhu- - We uro gathering up gold by iiini'li time house hunting?' the bags art gallery, but if some kind friend! This bank tically decorated with lueniue of the marriage) In 101 l'aso rounding up tho cuttle were to piii i'liiiRe for it one of affords every facility for llensonliurst : oh, yen; we lived either brown baskets fl led with Klllarney Thursday of Miss Mary Vlviun JOhy and That fcrazo uround the rainbow on these two, it certainly would lie given i nut wi st at one time, nnd we had transaction r s, a large basket In the center and l)r. Carl (. Hagland proved a genuine the open cuttle range. a place among the permanent treas-- j "the of any banking business. smaller ones nt each end. rilrewn over a cyclone. I spent six days look- surprise to many both ing house. the friends of urcs. the table In fancy design wus a pro-f- i for niy Vonkers bride and groom in this city, IMF.TUV OX It invites deposits subject to check and Hlatesman. lioth are TJIK I'LAIXS. S. J, I. Birch, an English artist of, stun of Ho'ithi-r- smilax. residents of Albunueriiue. J'egusus rides the , open range as These lam a) fame, exhibits six landscapes, done extends heons tiro perhaps the u Tho bride Is a former resident of freely as lie submits to bit and reins with such infinite and loving care, as liberal accommodations as Inut formal affairs that society will mini's iti: hosts. Michigan, in and during the two years editorial sanctums. Jn the fullness drawing, re-- 1 see heforn next nutiiniti, bring to A tnilnue eiitcrliiliimeiit was thnt with such faultless such and Unit she haij lived here has attracted of time, New Mexico may produce a at mini in color, that must he sound banking; will permit. Those having n pleasing end the gaieties of uu un- pvi'ii last night at the Woman's club a large Shakespeare or in each building on West Cold avenue, when circle of admiring friends. Dr. a Cervantes and, called a gem. The skies are wonder- - usually uprightly season, I Is one of the most prominent the meanwhile, in the columns of Its surplus funds idle .i number of little clrls entertained In Inland fill. The pictures stand out like etch- -' lying are invited to dentists In Albuiiueniui; and a grnd press, F.nglish, as well as Spanish, is ings. "1'n, Is t honor of their mamas and u select are as clear cut as cameos, and what an ulchemlst ?" uute of the I'nlversitv of Chicngo. He found many a gem of poetry that has one help avail themselves of our Time company of their youthful hoy friends, g cannot but forming a menial Certificates "An ah beinist, toy son, was an enjoy a stand-- 1 of heath, wheth-In- A special professional and social the flavor the native Image of a painter who unites genius' ancient philosopher who tried to fiature nf the evening was that is enviable. er the verses come from Artesla or Hie liolorcg i, with such exquisite craftsmanship. It! of Deposit which yield iraonmiite the baser metals Into barefoot dancing of Dr. Hagland from St. near Domini?: FOUR PER who repeated from and Mrs. will bo at Francis' farm is difficult to choose among the six. sold." i,S the daiue !l ' gave home after June at 817 North from Koswell or Alamogotdo; from there is one for every temperament, CENT "Are there any alchemists thess The Court of Juno" which she Kighlh street lt oy and Itaton or Santa Fe and Silver INTEREST. dnys, wllh such marked success at the re- "Molton Abbey" is perhaps the great-- ' City. Quite a Konoroiis and volumi- est; Kstuury'' "None of old sort. cent ri ceptlon at the close of the sea- "The perhaps the most the The WOMAN'S t I.I IJ. nous anthology of New .Mexico poetry nf-- ; modern Is trying to son of the Woman' club. restful and satisfying, for the eye chemist young The business meeting tit the Wom might be produced from the files of tor wandering to far, picturesque find a substitute for gasoline." The hostesseM were Virginia an s club newspapers magazines. Ono of the I Friday marked the closing and hills whence comes returns' lilrmliigham Short, liobiies leii.lnmln, Ullma of a very New iVlexloo poets to Win wide the river, L'hort. Cornelia McAllister, Klliabelll successful vear: successful tho again and utfain to the white farm-- i Virginia in finance. In the programs and In the recognition lately Is Mrs. Al. 1. Skeen, house in foreground, nestled run Mits, miAiM'Y. McAllister, Williamson, V- spirit of Dr. Skeen, who the at tlv ivian Kirk, of harmony which is paramount Artesia, wife of foot of a bluff, which seems to pro- Depository for Mrs, Wilson t Kclm was a lunch- Fletcher, Jane l!eunela in every served In conven- fitrum-(pils- t, department of the club work the Constitutional claim Is 1 Mandell, lieltle Kirk, Nile the salt air that wafted from eon hostess Tuesday at o'clock, en- Several hundred dollars been tion, and who, It Is hoped, will bo re- A. & bridge Louise I)o.ler nml Josephine have the ocean not far away. Hut then T. S. F. RY. UNITED STATES tertaining the members of her been paid on the Indebtedness of the turned to tho legislature from Kddy Is club who acted as l.eynolds. there "Frosty Kvening, on the Ulver and four ladles sub. club and numerous undertakings for county this time. Harriet Monroe, I'lym Near Plymouth," as dainty sHlutox during the past season. In the the editor of "Poetry," only a bit Itlglit .Man. welfare of the community have has not of drawing and painting as has been honor of Mrs, Jameg A. Ulalney, who The been by purchased a number of Airs. Skeun's Mrs. de- financed this organization. ever exhibited nt Fe, will leave soon for the east und will Hllicr: Hhnll we get a The uim poems but praises them very highly Santa unless it tective to guard wedding for next year has been set was by K. M. Chapman, of the Mu- later take up her permanent residence Clara's at a high ills- - and Is predicting hiKh place for present ? mnrk, but the members a seum staff, of whose careful and fine In Ht. Louis. play a sanguine spirit in their bell f Airs. Kkeen among highest types of art dining-roo- Ililler (looking them over): t, draftsmanship these water colors are Th" end table nt the that tin y will reach it. as expressed by the brush of the paint- a strong Kclm home were decorated with sweet Vou don't need a dctei live; all er, pen Of poet. reminder. "The Edge of an 1 ft but also from the the Hand-psinte- d you need a Life, Inland Sea." hus a sky peas. place cards of tinsmith. VOTFS NOt I wonderful with f f OF LTV. the pink tint of rose petals. peas graced the place of the Dr. t. T1IOSK IWHTIKS. There are swt COMM FACI'MI NT and Mrs. K. Wylder left CII UX two French landscapes among guests, who, besides Mrs. Ulalney I'UW. Thursday for Jemoa Springs to remain Fiw of the chain parties by mem- the were Mrs. Frank llson, Mrs. Frank The commencement exerc.se of Miss three or four weeks. bers of the Woman's Hoard of Trade jKlizilbeth Wllley's school Inst week, Airs, Frank Ackermnn left yester- were given on Monday afternoon. At the feature of which was the flower day for Kl l'aso for a visit with her "The Willows," on Fast I'alace ave- WinM!WMMaHMMMMM 'play. "The Harden Wall," written by niece, Mrs. A. S. Ilronson. nue, Airs, llenehan entertained nt Mis, among Kaymoiid Slanitn. were Airs, Thomas N. Wilkerson and her bridge: Mrs. .McDonald, Airs. Haynes. the most delightful that have been two nniKll sons li ft yesterday for Call- - Airs. Arthur Selignian, Airs. James L. " " ' "." ruriita to spemi the summer at the Seligmun, .Mrs. Walter, Airs. French, .I wuiin'.i.ii, . ui m in y 01 in icin vtirloufi lieach resorts. Airs. Hughes and Mrs. Carl lilshop. as developed. Chain s Hice and John ' .... kuv r,uii,'n,..t l.via.,.. Tlie prize went to Airs. Hughes. Airs. ,ee inlnn.' ,,, Clarke, Jr., received diplomas, fm, ,,. nf v,., ,i.. .,., William Ci. Sargent had at her chain which were appropriately presented ( his way hack he stopped for n 1'lirty, at which bridge was the diver- - ly Arnold liosenwnhl. ..I..U ...111. .1.. mm.... , ul..i. M.,.,.l M...,lt I 'mhv,m l..,, I Willi It V. 111 .'i .nun i Kh-- Im- I'll' ii.iii llie Jl. luuieia IM."11. uim vwinait, In the flower play Luclen l'aso. j Wickham, Parker, Jones, Itarker, personated the china aster and Hid) Miss Myrl Hope left Tuesday for I.Os Hall, and Miss Spitz. Similarly, Mrs. Alison the gardener, while Harriet Angeles to attend the commencement J' H. McManus and Mrsv Hubert I Marion, Maxme Nordhaus, Frances of the tiirls' Collegiate, she will he 1 'rmshee entertained at bridge: Mes-gon- e Wilson mid Clark l'ettit took the part about a month, during which dames Hurroun, Wicntge, Clancy, e of butterflies. The other flfiwcrs in she will act as bridesmaid at the vlen. Hogle, Keefe, VVIttmnn, Wright, he play were represented as follows: wedding of a former classmate in Los Kaune, Holla und Andrews. Mrs. F. Frances Stern--Carnati- ngcles, E. Nuding entertained as her "eight" Tom Wl kerson Four-lea- f Clover. Mr. und Mrs. Iv.m will be, at bridge: Mosdanies Fiske, Lee, Jump-up- . llrunsfeld Hubert Hlckey Johnny at home informally to i Fischer, Schumann, Catron, Lnvan, Margaret Daisy. their friends Sacred Phonograph Diamonds of Quality; Million - this afternoon in honor of their daugh Chrlstensen and Conn. Mrs. E. A. Margarita Harris Hhick-- i yed ter, mn Marian, who will be con- Fiske and Mrs. E. P. Davles enter- Sus'in. i firmed this morning. tained jointly at the Flake home, the Frederick Nohl Nasturtium. The commencement of following al bridge: Mosdanies Hoi's, If llio gift of ll Is in (Ho exercises the l'lM)M )our Fllxaheth Nordhaus Morning Hapllst Sunday school will he held to- Yarnell, Spitz, Harrows, Dunlavy, ml. ul du ll find it ndviMildo to cull day. Those completing the course are Haon, Whoelon, (,'ohn und Miss I '.rand Ibmlng Jack Hose. M l"H a lit rM IHTT S, the Mure of rcpu-- ! Hertha Llvesay, Miss Hlon Do who. were Mrs. Fiske's guests: and Charles Hlce .Sunflower. Floyd, Miss Lillian Hnstafson, Miss Mosdanies Moore, Nuding, Townsend, RECITAL latloii and wpiarc dealing for third John Lie Clarke .Sweet William. Kathleen Long, Miss May Cnrmany. Frvien, Catron, Itarker, Henehan, nf it TIYI'I ll V. Many Jewelers luivcj Hubert Pettil Hleedlng Heart. Miss Lennra lirown ntul Mrs. Amy Lamy, White and Frans, who were isime and go u, hut ltlTI' stas Arnold ttuseuwald llagged ltobln. I'tssmore Hunt. Mrs. Fiske's guests. 'Each guest at GIVEN AVENUE i:l Lolicrt MacphersoK Holleyhock. .Mr. hod W. T. en- a AT THE LEAD nil forever. Wc have a liahlt of tell-- I Mrs. MoCreight these parties contributes half dollar Alfred Patterson Four- - I'clock. tertained their home, 31.". West Into the exchequer of the Woman's lug tin- - jew-- j at METHODIST CHURCH TO- truth about F fe Peters Snap Dragon. Lead nrcmio, Thursday evening, in Hoard of Trade, and those who were I, which Ih (he we have! Frit Hie Allen Columbine. honor of Miss Margaret Dickson nnd entertained are supposed to entertain NIGHT 8 O'CLOCK made good. t Miss Elsie Warnock, high school eight others, until there has been a AT First Ctrl: What's biology tcin hers, wim o'iivu iimay rnr oi nit? iiaon-- 7 xneir' iuiai in. xochih. moi It is Diamond, n mean homes ti FPend the summer vacation. continue during the summer and be- - Thru the Courtesy Bros. bother a Watch, Mecond Why. sci- of Rosenwald Cirl: It's the The MrCrolghts proved themselves i cause of their simplicity and lnfor-- i a I'iiv of H Her ware nr Cut (alass, ence of shopping, 1 suppose. hospitable entertainers, their pretty j mallty are iiroving a great success. Tin: i'i:o;itM hi; as follows: we afford jou safety, foiirtc.v. nnd I'.eston Transcript. home l.eing f 1 Huv Plus will an Ideal place for social overture . Solo Ion- n loKlliuiato, affairs. ISITF. AHT KXHIIUT. 2 Flee As a Pnriir.nl' ul'i.' . Hand S Beautiful Isle of Somewhere. Tenor price's as conserva- x Hefreshments were served. EXlJl Hird .... So'" jyvri-- r.sTin:i;. .'I and Chorus ( Offertory Huinercsque Violin tive iiicIIiihIm IHTIIlIt, Miss Elizabeth Johnston nnd Mlss For two weeks Santa Feans will Inflammatus tStabat Mater)... Quartet Hie beautiful cantata, (Jueon I. n even 10 Now the Dav Is Over . . . Male node Truswell left last night for thrive the privilege, rare in this '. ' - Soprano night v " ; ; Solo and Chorus 11 (Messiah I pr sound Monday at the month's visit, with relatives and art center, of viewing and studying an i v n r , lennolS The Trumpet Shall Sound f'ri-ttt- i th..Mi,'i iv ui ..ii.o.. ..r it... Violin Solo Ila.---s Solo friends In Los Angeles, San Diego, and exhibit by five F.nglish artists, three (Prayer and announcements by Solo First Presbyterian church, assisted by City, u the Pastor. 12 The Holy Citv Tenor National Oil. Miss Johnston is of whom have already gained interna- hock or Ages t etropolitan ' Solo iSTD. 1883 singers was 6 Oonvfet 13 . . . from the other churches, S daughter of Mrs. M. K. Johnston, of tional renown. This treat Is due to Open the of Mr Task .Tenor T dates the Temple. .Tenor Solo Quartet tlie most spectacular and amoitiousl Hotel t'rmee Edgar Knifcht, of Albuquerque, Abide 14 He Lifted Mo . ..Mixed With Me. .Soprano . production offered hy local talent fori yT timj A I and Haritone Duet 15 M Again jrs Morrissette ma- brother of one of the artists. Harold Softly Now the Light of Day. Cod Po With You Till Me et ll i"ii time, and the results were truiy ; toi ed to Santa Fe yesterday. In the Knight. .Male Oiiart,.. .Congregation and Chorus Choir fniiKbed nnd professional. I party with them were Mrs. F. A. Mor- - Tho pictures Were hung today by Fs'her. the iUc n. wus porirayeit l.y j ri'ctte, Miss Kettle Morrissette and tlie art committee of the Museum and. EVERYONE IS INVITED-CO- ME I was RELIABLE Mrs F. Hrudford, who well Mrs. Frederick It. llowden. like tho exhibit they supplant, that fitted for a part so full of linens- -, Mrs. W. V. Powers nnd Mrs. II. T. of Mrs. Wlnslow skinner, are water VATCH MAKERS S JfWCltRJ emotional situations. The part ot Hyre hnv Issued Invitations for a colors. The historic reception room r 107 W. CENTRAL AVt Ahai hueriis. the king, whs splendidly party on the afternoon of Friday, of the Talace of the Governor, never i, ROSENWALD'S taken hy Mr. F. J. spanieling. Mr. junee S. to be given at the home of intended for an ail gallery, neverthe-lci- Iluro Meyer at Hainan proved hU.the former. hai the simplicity and dignity, Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916. Three

Y ? Neu? Summer Neckwear for Women Parasols $1.50, $2.50, $3, $3.50, Y Mail Orders Fret 4 $5 and Higher T X Smart, Jalnty pieces will add much to the appearam e of the new Given ? - Delivery drew r tiit art- shown in a la rise variety if styles. Including many Willi M'iiMiiialiK-- weather parasnls will he much in evi- new, different shapes; a beautiful collection of .sheer organdie, lawn Prompt Out of Town and Georgette Crepe Xe.ckwear. dence. If not already supplied you will find the ri.idit para- y f and Careful by Insured sol at the rifjht price here in our interesting collection of the ? Brilliant colore are used very effectively In gome of the pieces, Y t Kvery parasol idea liasheen sought and if lc r while others are ail while. Thcpiiecs are remarkably low, 50c, ".", Attention Parcels Post latest. new out Y 1.00, M.2S. $1.80 and upwards. The Best Goods for the Price Xo Matter What the Price it has hecn added to our extensive exhibit. ?t Y ? Y T Y Y Y Special Values andTimely Offers forJune t f Y THIS STORE IS AMPLY PREPARED TO MEET WARM WEATHER DEMANDS IN APPAREL FOR WOMEN t ? AND CHILDREN AND AT PRICES SURE TO INTEREST ALL WHO COMPARE QUALITY AND VALUES. t t ?; SOME FACTS Daintiest of White t Clearance Sale of , Women's, f Y Worth Knowing and Colored Tub f Y ? Caused by the Great War in Materials Misses and Girls Coats exiraordinary' ? Y ' Europe At Special Prices for This Week. ;wv - T Y COATS FOR COATS FOR COATS FOR i .1 V Y Some goods are utterly disap-ritarin- gf Here is a remarkable lot at WOMEN MISSES CHILDREN f Y from the market some 25o a yard. Polka Dot Silk, ' ' A-- f can't be made some materials are mid-seaso- up-to-dat- e, f 27 inches wide; Irish Poplins, 27 An opportunity in n for a stylish, W i 1 inaccessible some too suddenly ex- ;' . - v t ? inches wide; wide and narrow serviceable coat a small price. Plaids, checks, golfine and T Y pensive for practical use. at Cord - M Nobody can tell w hat's going1 up Pique, 27 inches wide; novelty mixtures. An immense assortment of coats to choose , ' ' ' f l'. , trn i .'!. It Y next, or how far. Chiffon Tissues, plain and print- from. Regular values to $15.00. Your choice $5.00. Production costs on certain lines ed. 40 indies wide; Voiles, 40 1 H If, 'I f Y See Window Display and Remember First Comers Receive are jumping daily. inches wide; Seed Voiles, plain Wholesalers can't estimate for the printed and striped, 40 inch First Choice. y t future. Batiste, You arc buying- goods clieaiwr fancy White Waitings this season than they can be turned and a 'big line of Skirtings of Corsets and Brassieres Department Cool Looking Waists out next year. white materials, Ixith plain and Yt Your dollars are getting smaller fancies. In the lot values 30c l!or Summer Wear, At Special and they'll keep on shrinking for to 60o a yard. Choice per yard Prices for This Week, ? months to come. yard. AT 95? I 't.i liven America must indirectly 25f jy rt 1 r-f- t A table full arm- of voile and or- - Y pay the incredible expenses of gandy lingerie waists. Regular ies and empires across the seas. Specials in Indian values to for It's bad enough now, but worse $1.50. 95?. Ail Yt is yet to, come. Head White Cloth 1 ; AT $2.48 tell some of the cold LiU Y Let us you Voille hard facts of the situation: Fine and C Y ques- First of all, there's the cloth Batiste i Y tion. Europe isn't shearing for out- Whatever the Outing You'll ? she has left Waists in siders; whatever flocks new spring colors Sweater are needed to clothe her own peo- and white, regular prices $.V00 Want a New ples, and millions of s!uier which and $3.50. Social at $2.-18- . Gootl looking wool Sweaters for t varlettics 'of produced the finest U3K Wj Y L nil AT $3.98 mountain or country wear priced wool have been slaughtered to take at $3.00, $1.00, $5.00 and formerly Crepe de thine Silk, Tttffetas the place of meat that DteBevolsel up. the first time and Tub Silk Waists in, plain f came from us. For '?'..; tennis, golf and the morn- Great Britain a colors and stripes, values to $5. lor in her history ing walk very lovely soft fibre silk our supplies, ami we Wonderful values at $3.98. Y upon :V;' sweaters, all colors and combina- ourselves. Wool- DAINTY are shorthanded tion of colors at $5.95, t Some grades are un- Don $4.50, ens are rare. BRASSIERES TO and $15.00. obtainable, and the fabrics we're For sport skirt $10.00 BEAUTIFY For other wear we carry the Ital- going to get later on won't be half t blouses and dresses, Ton ian silk sweaters in all colors at f Y as good as present stocks. FROCKS and each and up. can lav hands on the April use $19.50 If vou ri;-nu:- s SATURDAY KVKN-IX- U a huvUj oo.ssAitn BLOUSES r First 'issue of the t POST voii'll find that making both m Aiii; coiisirr Profit by the Skill of Our r ends meet will noon be anything; hut a SI'.U'.ITION S1MIT.K A (JochI Corset Itt Not KAYSER GLOVES Y 1o the investigations I iioukIi Livpert Corsetiercs who IN.DIAN y t of one American housewife, has We have found that amonir related her experience in mm num...... women there are ideal The brassiere has reached Y Some carpets are already 40 per cent figure types. Special (!os-nar- d a niche in milady's affec- Hon Ton and Royal HEAD'' to (jocund only to cor- higher than in 1914. - - v. t. ttx. on. comets are de.siinicd tions her t t these, figure, and your sets. The corset moulds the t L'5c wallpapers are Sue. fit 'Worcester corsets are ? ig represented among them. figure below the bust; tho grades of preen are so high Some r It will wash and wash, and hrafwiern gives right lines lieauti fully designed ac- t that you'l imagine theCre made of IWw Art' the 9 Meat to tho bust. t juice. wear and wear. Costs Lss than Y t emerald rifiuro iK'signers have outdone all cording to the very latest (Sinus-heade- qulcklyq dis- d pins are linen and does not wrinkle sight. Tall and .Slender Figure, former eftoiis in the beauty ? appearing; from Fig- and symmetry of the new fashion ideas and are "c to 12c a easily. We recommend Indian and Short and Slender f Cotton has Rone from ure. brassieres! and we wish to pound In a year. Head to our customers and Tail and Ileiuy Figure, show you the new arrivals made to give satisfactory ? lias, doubled in price. Fig- from our fascinating variety t Karuie silk and Short and Heavy V guarantee its quality. . Uras-Hiere- s. The owt hosiery famine in history j ure. of dainty wear. If yoti are unde- is the corner. ,arKe Above "Waist Fig- around cided how the mode can Knap fasteners have leaped from 10c May we show it to you ? ure, and Large Belotv Waist Some are of silk, trimmed Yf to uc a gross over former prices. Flgnire. with luce: others of Jlnon, W Short WaJated Figure, and cluny laces: be best interpreted for ? a paper. for this week trimmed with SK.K AMi CHAMOISCTTR Y Fins are lc Priced social Curved Back FlKiire- others of allover lace and We will place on sale Mon- - A hair brush habitually $3 ta mark- Ideal Average Figure. em- your individual figure, Cloves for every oiaslon morning, t at 18 and for 36 othera finbroldered and clay ed " 15?, 23? U vill gladly show you .'14 and for the week hundreds ufternoojl evening. With "KayserV f Y $. broidery trimmed. Size fir She found table Biassed had grown to 45 inches wide. photograph? of these figures to 50: prices, 50o to 83.00. permit our fitting staff of pieces of you can always havo tho satisfaction knf-In- f t II) per cent moro expensive. correctly corseted. Select of that you nra correctly your type be gloved.' 11.50 uphQlsterv stuffs have moved and then tell the 'sanitary accfssorifs to of every assistance J ? yu (los-sar- d 5! clasp, Uk, double finger tips, black, Y to ?1.90. cornetiete prefer a Muslin Underwear at IS.r.n, $5.00, Sa Hilary rubber lined Ap- jMissible. Royal Woires-te- r white, u. pair 5Uo ? be- Sport Striped Gabardine em- She found enormous differences $ti.iO, and tip. rons -- "(; and up. til It, black with whitu tween existing prices in em- and usuai You will be insured cor- ' Sanitary llelts nt afic, 35c corsets $1.25 and Consisting of Gowns, Petticoats, broidery and white, with black J scrims and marquisettes, not to men-- 1 Guaranteed fast colors, 36 in. rect fitting In the Oossard broidery, ,a pair 75c f Y bed-- mid 50o. Knveiope Chemise and Combina- Hon blankets and sheets and ; designed you and you up. lion Ton corsets at fill; Mouso,ue(alre, In black, for ntrd's-ev- e ? j use spreads. wide, our regular $1.00 grade, may from of Tteadv to tions, all eNccptionally good and colors; a pair $1.25 ? choose dozens Napkins S1.00 ami $1,50 white A pair of f had be material styles. Sim- at and up. A few Uk Mousiislalre, in balck ? linen sheets on account color assortment be and jer dozen. $3.50 values at t come $7. 50 a $8 damask tablecloth ple isn't it? and wliile, o pair. . . .JI.50 and $2.00 Y $. ml discontinued models at Y We advise you buy your full nea- - illg broken to close Ollt HOW Spe- - No obligation follows a Juno Form lira ltust. waahublo chamolsette, self or to .5lh! Y Mon s supply present pnceH aua eavc filtlng. Why not be fitted Fonners, Fads and Sheer - contrasting embroidery, a pair. at !!cial Ruffles. 75- and 98 each. 98c each ,.... (5c $1.00 t money. Tl IK ECONOMIST. 69f .yard. tomorrow? and and

May Mer- In Uic changes canyon H. Is now . . Kxpectancy l,ul'"arge Mrs. Alfred PaehrenH,, Miss Included thut will nilo de los Frl.loles and oilier ning by Mrs. I. prince, who j iriu, ,71, i.mi'.vih i a ' gers, Flor- home one of Dwell- Cornwall in contrast to the visions of Sehnsiiclit Kjeruis Miss lAlla liall'iher, Jllss make the the most portions of the Pajarito Cliff at her beautiful Long Island home at SANTA Knigni anu u. Xur Wcr Die Sehnsucht Kennt.... ence Moore: Messrs. J. Collins, John mansioiis in New Mexico. ing park. Flushing. The guests from New Mex- FE SOCIETY it bv Mrs. Laura rem e he daughter vey, "flettgelert" must enrapture Tchulkovsky J. Kenny and Law R I.ackry. Miss lla Morrison, of ico were: Mrs. O. W. Frengcr, I.as and 1!. 10. Morrison, ITeacntt, Albuquer- everv Wclcbman who views it, so true .Mrs. William J. Fauth. Mrs. Henry Woodruff gave n fare- Hon. of rou Tin: m:i ckoss. 'rii(cs: .Mrs. Ada Hlltncr, 'Continued From On.) Mrs, K. Ariz... upon return visit .M. Baton; rfe ll iu'ln r.ulnre Mr Hughes is still a Am drr Helmut ..Smetana well tea lo Frank Andrews her from a fin Friday afternoon, nt the home, que;. Mrs. It. Mendclson. Kriml on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Andrews to Atlanta and oilier eastern cities Is Miss Alice Atkinson. Mini In Fe; Mrs. In young and his technique and Romance of Mrs. P.. '.. McCollough, Iho Wom- them. artist M. 'leaving I new guest of grandfather, Judge. A. Mrs, The shipping and boating, are perhaps nearest Mrs ILhIoIi Henderson. and faintly soon for heir it her an's Aid society of the Presbyterian Fruest Bullock, Aibuqueniue; e splotches color treatment Xevln Aibuqueniue. Were a Ii. Morrison, on Knsi Palace avenue. F. Asplund, Fe, and of sedge grass on the to those have become familiar to Serenade home at There church will tew for the lterl Cross. Bupert Sanla er that H. M. S( guests. Key. l.conld Smilli, Santa bank, all are so realistic as to the Santa Ke public through its own Mrs William J. Kaulh, Mrs. ore of On Monday afternoon the Woman's nnd Mrs. is "lanjl out with striking "South-fro- that, Taos, Henderson, 'tolln obligato. Miss Dorothy Oriffln nave, a tliim-- . cmniKxc i MK.vr wi:kk. Fe. There were several prominent effect. artist Colony and of Missionary H0i'dy will meet with Mrs. present a few who Walherswtck" is typically his draftsmanship is most Accompanists, Miss llaiiiona Beckiier. ble party on Tuesday afternoon, Commencement week crowded in Stephenson. New Yorkers and 1 or lived in state, Mr. tt,e cool, shady road in the is even a sug- Miss Evelyn Mc Bride. Tuesday evening Iand Commission-- with ix rush on other affairs of thin A home cooking sale Ihe benefit have visited Ibis careful and there not be for Herald Cassidy, Mrs. Otero '"'ground, the towers 'and spires of gestion of impressionism as impres- A musicalc is also planned to er and .Mrs, enltrlainea the week. Beginning with the senior class of the Woman's club building fund is a ml Mrs. .8llir,"tl,"'n in vivid colors In th by laity. given iu the couise of the next week foi e? of th uliile land office at ft play on Wednesday evening, at the planned near ami Mrs. Baiidclicr. Noted for her ka :k sionism is understood the for tho future. enthusi- and the wide commons in he-!- Surely exhibit is one worth or ten das by SIrsI.11. Uapp. Spanish dinner prepaied from the Klka' theater, which was a gTutilying Kracleus hospitality and her 'M0,.h the State, com- success, commencement at asm for New Mexico. .Mrs. prince did Jiebogh. North Wales." while and one that it repays to visit recipes in tho Cook Hook exercises IV IIONOH a Tipton. It public, Ol' n;i)l'.ItTIOV ii I most to entertain and honor the seni that glitters like an opal, more once or twice. Clubs and Societies. piled by Mrs. Will Suffice the parochial and Indian her ne than u. up iF.ii:t; vrirs. from this stale. She lg her- mountain iridescent in the morn-t- l I!. d to say that it was feast that would schools doubled on each other and delegates Mrs. A. Ueiiehun entcrtaitu the The New Mexico women who aro delegate the SiUita Fo T'n' ",,'anp to ay, reminds one Saturday Card club, having as extra have delighted a king. The guest receptions, exhibits, picnics, formed self from Ml'SlCAKfcS. jo.v-fe- st attending the biennial convention of club. mountains that ries above TWO guests, Mrs. Carl A. Bishop and Mih. were: (Ulheilo Mirabal, Mateo I.ujnn, one unending until the week'u Woman's Hl Walter, on Manzanares, K. Grif- close. Three, automobile parties went the (leneral Federation of Women's n7i ' Hnii ,he village and i the home of Mr. A. l'Tench. The Wallace club Manuel William musicals James 15. t.n Thursday to Clubs, iu New Vork, were delightfully WAXTEP (lean cotii.n mgt at tilt Jour- ''n'ly.m1ulating hills in the fore-ar- e Ifiat Palace avenue, a silver Mrs. .Martin Oardesky, on fin, I.ee Lujan, C. lirooine, II. lo l,nmy afternoon - Thursday evening met with give Hue academy graduates entertained supper last Sunday eve nal oftlu. altogether lovely. 'Bo- is to be staged on uveniie. The guests were Barker. tieorge, Fmbleni, Porter I.orello at by Woman's Aid so- Kast Palace MuePcr. WJII Tipton, an ouilng. There were other auto of this eek, the Mrs. Radin and Miss Hunt. Mis. Jones, Fftt7. John Presbyterian church Mon-ila- y VV. Armijo Alfn'il for pupils and teachers. ciety of thu Anna Townsi nd entertained the March, J. and parllts The" following program siieaks, or guests Wiley. deafness Cannot Be Cured praises: Card club. The ixtia lasting: fragrance- - rather sings, lis own were: Mrs. Ira Orlmshaw, Mrs. II. P. KNTKItTAIM'-- I AT HIWF.It. Fill your home atmosphere with exquisite lPlk-tlon- Kosslnt iL1"' it tlitr runnot rfi'L!" overture to William Tell Mrs. A. M. Mr. I!. McCollough on 1 Pu'Uwn of the r. There l unlT " Ka- - Ilisllne, .Mrs. J. Pulton. rovixi ami (ansiii and Mrs. '.. 7.! fluy Harrington and Miss duugh-ters- , "'torur if,f0wg, 0( ,La( j, br cuoitltutLw, Mrs. Kd wards. Mrs. K. 1. Cooper and Miss Mrs. Percy 1 Knight und Friday entertained at dinner In honor ' v!"1'". PetfneM it ueS by n iuflaiueJ rnoiia necKner. Thome. The Tuesday Kvenitig and Virginia, ar- of IHv. Norman Skinner, who tame ED. PINAUD'S LILAC . . Homer I.ouise Misses ??h. tbe mucooa lining of the EusiiobUt Banjo Song and Requiem.. with Mrs. ('. II. Coch- Fl I'aso. over Vegas to view pic- perfume, of highest ""''whfii thU tube i Juflnmed you ti Sullivan Card club met rived Friday afternoon from from IJ the The great French winner international Kv r guests being Mes-dam- by sister-in-la- i.i:. iind or hurlng, nd wh ( ran (he outside Tbey have taken the home of Prof, tures exhibited his tmiwrfert Soug . 'adman awards. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living: Lilac vnkl ""'r'y liettatf in tue renult. an:' Iiedouin X.ove liiilett and P.ishop. Tlie priv.es and Mrs. K. J. K"ih for dm siiminer, Airs. Winsluw Skinner. eM uo I . . . Iluhn : tliiT? i. '"1ramti0B ca be vul nfi..tllU Wiokham, Pm- - blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said "I don't see how ' - won by Mesdames and Mr. ami Mrs. P.oth going to the i," rMtute4 to Itt Dormal cooditiuo.tn Iier v i'i--i Mi.- vie 7S .l Air. a. Miss Spitz. I'OHsl. VIMTING lATIHMVST. you can sell such a remarkable perfume fur Cents a :iJ ul destroyed forer: nlo it Op 1 and March and I'iiio bde" ti but Passage-Hud'- s farewell, j Tobey 6 or.. it is wonderful Try !. ekaf T Ctttrrh. uhlch It mtlilo j ;ii h Mrs. William (', McDonald, after a Misses Catherine and Kthal remember eacli buttle contain value. it. ," MnJitlin ot tb wui'oui nutter. mansion Sciitcher, of New York, in 10 Vl re HlWKlt AMI brief return to the executive are Santa Ask your dealer today for ED. PlNAUiVS LILAC, for cents f iLV" " Hrjirwl lnlltrt tor anj Mrs Ilendeison and Mrs. rauih. SPMH today Mc- days, Miss Car- tl.ii ctttrrbi tout cinoct bt l; jber.stein OiHKll AI I AIItS. expected to leave for the Fe for several visiting wir Amftu an offices will send you ttstmg btt!e. H'riU ioJav, Hill a lt Ka'nnenci Ostrow a CarrlKono, which Is roll, on Fast Palace avenue. They t ""Catarrh Com. Scud lor clica John it. Merle, Jr.. was host at Donald home at New Military Polonaise Op. 4". xc'.; .'.j Thursday evening undergoing eiteiisive renovation und have been west since last October and fAEf DiERIE ED. TIMD. Dtpt M ED. KN'ALD BIdg.. York J. Toledo, O. Spanieh dinner on CHENEY ft CO., A billiard room Is being are simplv enthusiastic over Santa Ke. try Drstl.t. '"MrV.'uii'y"r- Hairingron. hi the McFie residence After the addition. came dancing. The guesia were; addea and otter features are bins' They will ltave neit wetkv fov the HaUi ttgiU nm tot otlption. Cry of Kacttel feast Four Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916.

In t comes Scaly, Tex. happened A INDEPENDENT NBWBPAPBB owes him a living nothing but a re sir y sten'pcjf forward. from It ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopboooiooiiJii3 The Case Col, W. J. chronic child begging at tho world'" of Harris "My friend," he said. "I presume in this fashion: Mr. and Mrs. o fll&uqucrqM . be- friends, were Uit hack-doo- r for i)flvil--a- while refus- you are my friends, since I do not NVwcom, with a party of o ing to puy his responsibilities. Hut Tho Case of Colonel HarrlH . , , .Hal lieve, that there can be any republi- driving over their ranch, six miles In nudged from town, tliey saw a red wolf tint normal mtin, sooner or later, In (liy the Late It. W. Wiley, tho cans here." Suveral auditors when g morning journal Herald of "Well Country.) each other at this, three orange running across the pasture. Mr. Opportunity Funds nine to ask himself tho question: the and rutlind If 111 Many people ask the question: "la farmers blushed. "Today Is the first Newcom was driving the car and gave "Why urn. 1 here; wintl am I ti t to 1 often need PUBLISHING CO. the climate of New Mexico efficacious timm have seen your beautiful river, chase. The wolf had a good start A buiinesi man fund to take irJvuUn JOURNAL do, nnd where am I going'."" which, can assure you, will Buf- when discovered, Mr. Newcom Wlijch in tuberculosis only?" showing that I not but and of legitimate opportunities, will rv doubt ' FrMldont When a man firm asks himself the popular conception concerning the fer at my hands when I have occasion his Overland gained on him steadily. jv U A. MAC'I'HRHHON.. the coming New Year, and frequently a W, T. SIcCHICJ'IIIT. ... ,.Iiulna Wnar these cjucsllons he Is near the fork of relation to health 1" un erroneoiiB one. to refer to It." Tho crowd remained After a run of about miles across the temporary ot n. McAU.lBTEK. N.w K'llior R. U tin; roud. Fortunate, is ho who fa'ftn Jt 1k not New Mexico's perfectly stolid, as if they didn't quite prairie he came within shooting dis- all that is required. If he hat established N. MOKUAN Cltf B1lt'r that climate is a reguJir FOX IfUltnr himself with these questions early in Is good for tuberculosis, hut rather grasp what he was talking about. He tance, and letting go his wheel, took M. L banking connection he is able to meet such emerencie life. that the climate Ih conducive to health went on to tell them how his wife had his shotgun from Mrs. Marconi's Itnlrrl RrprMrntaUr seen thirty-fou- r years easily, independently and profitably. t. AMIfcRM. In general, and that whatever l con tha Ocklawaha hand and opened fire, bringing down t'. ago, and had persuaded him to take Msrqmtla Building, Chiraca, Jim Hill died worth $200,000,000, ducive to better health Im opposed to fhe animal on the third shot. Tho In this trip with her. Tomorrow, he body of wolf was placed on Enatrni Kprwntntl, and ho was nearer worth It than most disease, and therefore of vsluo the the snld, they would gaze upon Silver running brought to Scaly. RAIJII II. MIMJOiV. of tho rich men of tho country. He fighting tuberculosis. board and t I'urli Kow, w Vork, The epeelfie advantages gained by ."prltigs In all Its crystal purity. It Is one of the largest wolves ever hod paid for It In nervier to the pub-Hi- '. "An.l now, my friends, I want to a Secret avnnnd-da- t lh high altitude and low humidity have killed in that district. He weighed of Success nr.i.r.il matter say to me Silver Hprings is like puatofflea ol Albuquerqua, N. M., nnilr Act been obferved particularly In relation that fifty-fou- r pounds and was a beauti- an upright life, pure and clear and of Control of March I. W. to curing tuberculosis. Ih unfortu- - ful specimen of his kind. A young man may have many friends, but he TIIK TKOUU.K WITH KXfiLA.VD. It pouring forth an abundance of good will etrmlatlcn thun nif othar ppr jnate that the name observation have Lrgr ness. opposite, of course, is a have none so steadfast, so constant, so ready to re- In Nw MXI30. TM onrr in J"w not been made In relation to other The day In IhPlryear. w- stagnant pool, is like a ninfui Wmiro lMud rrr France, alone of all of the allied - 111k. which spond to his wants, so capable of pushing him ahead jt,uily It has been found that tho life, sluggish with evil." BIIJJMCIIIPTION and choken leather-covere- TSHMH OK lions, has shown efficiency of u high climate the blood count, ex- as little d book with the or mall, on month, me increased He mentioned Elncoln, whose birth a name of this fiitlr tr carrlrr In ar. Little more than digestion, order the pands the chest, aids the day It was; a man, he said, whom we nk on its cover. ro BUBHOniUKim pressure assisti- notk'h ono hundred year ago the French increases the blood by as Americans liked to look up to par Subw-rltwr- to th Journal when wrltln ng- In eliminating to a new people revolted against the privileged the waste from the ticularly as one whose life was lived t'i have thUr papr etiancad blood, germ muet be eur to lv the old addreea classes and guillotined most of them. Increases the destroyers according to the wishes of our Heav in the blood, called the lymphocytes, elreo-Utlo- n The same soi t of result was achieved enly Father. The M'Tnln Journal he a Slfhar and Increases metabolism, or the abil- retlnr llian aceurded to any ottmr for Kugland by tho "Wars of the "And here." he said, drawing forth Let Us See You This Week ity body food, es- piper In Ket Meiloo." In American Hoses," but a new crop of tilled and of the to assimilate Mrs. TJryan, "Is the lady who Is re- Krwpapr lurectury. pecially proteld matter. sponsible roy being today!" inefficient gentry has arisen In KnT-lan- for here It. Is not to be assumed that these Several persons giggled shamefac- rmu JOURNAL takes and print and now rules the army and advantages J-- of ore for the tuberculous edly, othera lifted their hats, but there atxty houni and thirty minute navy and the government, was of exclusive Associated Press leased it only, disease of every kind yields its was no epark of intelligence upon any wire, service each week. No other as It now Is that Jtfiitthew grip upon the body when that ma- face. We whistled again and backed The State National Bank newspaper published In New Mexico Arnold spoke when he divided society chine grows strong and Is built up. out of the mild, turning once more twenty-fou- r Albuquerque, takes more than hours Into three classes: an upper class ma- Helng cured of disease Is only the down tho river; as long as we were In Of N. M. of Associated 1'rena service during terialized, a mlddlo cluss vulgarized, building up of a resistance against the sight the audience stood like statues, Central Avenue and 6eoond Street. tin week. :' tindf a lower class brutalized, Speak- particular dlsense and the advantage' gapltlff aftef tik' ' the-bod- Depository for Funds of the State rUNDAY JUNE 4, 19H ing of the same England, Carlyleield gained for In tuberculosis United Goverrunwt through In that nine men out of ten were fools climate are as efficacious CHASES TEXAS WOLF and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fa Railway, nearly every disease, and rogue. other Jf this Tin: (.iti-iv- si:.v ii.vrn.i-- the other a were by laymen, New ,N HIS OVERLAND CAR upon fact realized the More and more It Is driven In Mexico would be a great general us that tl' war, whatever tho result Itlxpatchc tell tis that the greatest health resort, Thl tale of a'wolf and an Overland naval battle In history has fust oc. may bo In olher respects, la ridding, There Is the case of Colonel Harris. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoo66ttooeoooooeiaoeS curred I" the North a. Judged by Kugland of a vast umount of poison- For fifteen years the colonel suffered ous unhealthy If with some of a tho ship-pow- engaged and tho loRses substance and fat. sort nervous disorder Incurred, the statement Is true; hut It the war did not come too late, the which chiefly manifested Itself by im- process now going on Is best thing pairing l he digestive system. For l true when Judged by the conse- tho not neatly three years he searched the fa quences. It was not a hattlo decisive poseilile for tho HiiLish people. If It cams too lute, the deatruotlon of the mous health resorts of Europe for re- "of sea power, and therefore settles lief without tho slignlest success. En- eniplro wuh due and unavoidable. nothing, no far un this great war is able to sleep and unable to assimilate The tioullt) with England is the concerned. food, he reached a point of hopeless- Tho battle off Jutland a hut an- same an tho trouble with the Culled ness where he weighed 100 pounds, other demonstration of tho daringiicss State und and life was little but misery. and the resourcefulness of tho Her- England, having van- In 1NK1 Colonel Harris dime to Al- mans, and of tho continued Ineffi- quished Napoleon, iiaving established buquerque. Here he found what he. ciency of tho IHitlsh which, beyond an empire, (mving bi-e- lewurded with had long sought health with a capi- tal H. In a very few weeks his body doubt, extends to 1 ho navy. (Irent undreamed of wealth, was convinced in- took on weight, his nervous disorder llrltnln has failed every where except of tho immutability of affairs, the violability of her titandurds, und her nearly disappeared and his digestive lu (ho matter of money. apparatus own sufficiency for ell time to come. again assumed Its normal While the lirltlsh fleet ha been function. Optimism took place of It wax a national fueling, and a' pre- the badly crippled, lis numerical superior- discouragement, and the colonel en vailing feeling among Eng- ity is still unquestioned. Tho botllc Individual tered the mining business to succeed was a great one, but lirtanula Htlll lishmen tho world over. and grow prosperous. Eng rules the waves. Hut unolhcr such Tile of tho Today Colonel Harris Is X years of successful dash Into the North sea, lishman Is expressed In terms of pro- youngne.sH, and If he keeps the health with the destruction of another lot of digious charity. Hut alongside that which has been his since coming to first class Knglbdi warships, might enormous charity tho, English have New Mexico, he will, as a natural con- sequence, llvjo to be a put the shuH on tho olher foot find allowed to grtfw unredressed a pro hundred. He lfl a frequenter or tho Albuquerque of sens. dlglous poverty. An unprecedented make tlerinany master tho rf,m,n"rcl"' clllh ,,"l, ar'1lvp Mastery charity has mitigated that poverty, "' " of tho eu would make lifl"' H,K ' "8 steady and !i rmany ruler of tho world, Just us but no serious effort have been made , , .... ,, las strong 1'1'as the youngest of them. His the battle of Hulamls first established III HLIVIiril Ik' mental vision Is as keen as the busi- The great Is the ascendancy of Kuropo over Asia. trouble that the rich ness man's of thirty. He walks erect $1145 Htltlsher, satisfied with himself, as s4S horsepower H will be recalled how the triremes wlih a brisk stride that would hurry 7 pa 12$ in. u heelbase st enter of the Iret Us at Halamls wrecked the sumes that Hie condition of poverty Is many a youngster to imitate. And for 3S" x 4! a" f. o. b. Toledo (iri galleys of the I'crslun "king of kings." part of tho will of Clod, or of the all this, he blesses New Mexico and her Creasy, the historian, wrota a hook Inevitable evil of this vulo of tours. climate, called. "Tho Jieclslvo Kallles of the Hciicu he, satisfied, or has been, Thu forces that make for general goo, prove World," which youth, a generation lie is having some of tho egotism health will the undoing of disease, whatever it may be, New ago, read with delight. Criticism to- jolted out of him, Just now, and It is possible tjiat tho Jolting has not come Mexico's climate is a potent force for day, In tho light of our own Admiral upbuilding body Inducing loo late. tho and Muhnn's work, would say that Creasy health. Hero is the spot, not only for ih. I not Include enough great naval Ihe tuberculous, but for the Impaired bailies, although ho. did Include the Former Senator Iulnier announces generally. il 'feat of the "Spanish Armada" and that he will enter politics again. The Cold .c panto. May im the voter of Illinois will ob- Cash

e, ject. Waterloo he called a decisive bat-H- With Scissors and Paste which, strictly speaking, It was int. Nelson's; defeat of tho French THE, GAME OF NATIONS. Wilcox ii:it:is Mir.iTAmsar. I'tiring lil colloquy with the dele- ti l Spanish fleet off Cape Trafalgar gation TIk' game of nation Is Inexorable, from tho "American Union linlnlieil Hie real deciniotl in the Against terrible, continuous. H must be Militarism," President Wilson Wipolcouio wars. Indeed, one might gave expression to an admirably and Side played; Is played even na- of aw doun through history Wlli It by the Bound Six completely body of doctrine the i iranj aial subslltute again and again tion I hut Is Ignorant of Its meaning about military prepuredncss and Its naval engagement In tho place of or indifferent to Its existence. The relation to democracy. his decisive laud encounter, although tounlers are armies, navies, com-inefe- e, What be said In effert that lie for Ins time had rather more per- tariffs, organization- - The militarism does not depeud upon the size of an army, nor upon ception of the Importance of er Htukes are life a,nd death, auccess, do lis method of being or- than might have been expect- siruetion. Nor nave the players a recruited, trained and ganized. depends more upon ed. choice whether they shall sit in at the It fur tho kind of control exercised over the Hat holds decision, game. Everyone sits III, even China. We build 1000 the army. If the army controls the ha-tlo- n automobiles a day. id Mahal) has lauglit. Tho power of The only choice utiy nation has Is and dictates Its policy, something Athens was which finally' whether It will play the game like a like militarism results. If thfe whole Kho li'fct, not to tliu Hpuitun armies fool or to the best of its ability. nation really controls the army, mili- rax aging her lands up to the "long No nation can get, out or the f ame. tarism cannot result, unless the na- No other maker of Sixes walle," but to lite ships of I.J sunder. If II disauus, it still pla.vs, It II turns tion believes In it. builds who, Hparlun though ho was, had tho tho other cheek, dispenses with Us Hut Ihe way In which a nation should seek to control army la not ( seo Athena was only tti iiiles and navy, It is playing to Its the union lo that by systematically keeping it weak, half that many. to be conquered on water, (lid ortn disadvantage, but plulng nevcr-theles- e Just, as helpless find Innocuous, as we have tho Human leaders who built fleets 1v , ibno In tho past. Tho only effective mat. h and overmatch the Catlhaijcn It Is all very well lo be amiable, method of control is thut of making iati admiral. i veii huiiianllarlau, to desire peace for the army tho servant of a really na- . In this Kugland had Crci y and rolllrrs others us well as for ourselves, to tional policy one based upon thej business quantity makes and Aglncourt to her credit; she had dream of world parliaments, leagues best Immediate adjustment between: Hleuhelm and Kamilles great for arbitration und InlcilitUionul law. the nuttonal Ideals and th important, pol-- quality victories, remarkable, any Hut ilui truth is that such things uro prevailing conditions, If such a i and the price. land as as ley - has not been formulated and pop-- ! In war's history- Hut not Vj- land, not real. They do not exist and can- an army of any elzo and all hough not be endowed with existence. uiaried, land victories lieloed, did character may become dangerously elm cstublUh her empire. 'Indeed, Tlia fact Is, that wo live in a world militaristic. UUp where have come frequent is those land iitolles, tliit of Wolf wuis at If such a policy has been formula! That why in the Overland oxer Montcalm In North America or one month before the crash ed and accepted, the size of the nrmy Six that of I'lassy and that of Asaaye In came, August 1, isll l, few people out and its organisation' are transformed l lntf you India, were rendered possible, by her side of ho chancellories of Europe matters of detail, depending get considerably more; and trpon thP requirements of national you get fi-- supremacy; us the temporary loss the head of the Herman and the policy. Tho of sea command resulted tri the sur- Austrian armies, dreamed that war essential condition of In this country la not of Cornwallls and loss of was more than a remote possibility. it considerably render the a small army and a small navy but an better, and colonies; Hut suddenly whole peoples were what is her thirteen American us adequate foreign policy based upon b burled at each It was a the ill fcnlule control of the ocean other. not living' conditions and acceptable to the "it d her to conquer the Hoer repub- war of professional armies, but of en American national conscience. paramount you get for - lics. tire nations gone mad with blood lust. consider- And Is again asserting lis Fa far the Culted States has kept ivowx Tin-- itivEit win i iuiyax tremendous consequences III the pres- out of it. Many times we have been At one landing on the Ooklawuha aoiy less ent war, Jum as It did in our right nil the edge of war, where even river tl loridai a tall, shambling man clil with one suspender .war. The north starved out the south i; n advene brecxe would have hurled and a mustache stained with tobacco Juice by blockade, jiiit as Kngland is us Into the niaclMrom. Hy the most shouted: the "Around the bend to Orange Pprlngs today Htarxing tier-man- skillful diplomacy, President Wllon (lernmrly, and as they'll a craowd awaltin' for to heah Get an Overland should she gain another such has kept us out of war and has, at a few remarks, kuhnel!" Six and save victory Of two as that in the North the same time, maintained the honor We tooted our whistle a we round tea, would starve England. of the nation. Hut the game goes eit the bend, and (.'range Spring money. on, and we are unprepared for a landing lay before us, thronged with New showdown cmzens. twenty-nin- e; Whether Villa, is dead or not, we do shoulj om come. i counted a knot of lanky, shiftless looking- na ALBUQUERQUE-OVERLAN- Hot know, but he has been quiet for mes; negroes; D When Frank If Hitchcock stigts three two well dressed AUTO il much longer time than most live women who hud come with a motor CO. out "guni-shoelng- " gets men who wish to b In the public he generally car; a who Phone 710 something tourist hud been fishing, 504 West Central prints. and gels buck with It. but dropped his line und rowed fran tically for hboro as we hove in eight; " Willys-Overla- ltowel Complaint In India. The nd III-H- and a doen orange vigor- 11 XT AM I I ( lit? In a lecture t one of farmers, Company, ' the Pes ously chewing plug. They gained Toledo, Ohio fn11IM lull! eh II ie h ik nillHiiinun at us with unexampled api'thy as we ran commencement season, it 'from India told of going Into the In At the of India, he was taken the steamer's nose Into tne bank, and who terior where ?'M.d, may b well for the student sick, (hat he had a bottle of Cliam-hi-rlatn- 's Mr. Mooney Informed them In a fow i, u. S. A.'J aie quitting school to get Hie Idea Colic, i.'holera and Diarrhoea well chosen words that Mr. Bryan wa pretty firmly fixed that they must Hemedy with him and believed that It seeing th splendors of the Otkla-wuh- u upon saved his life. This remedy Is used for the first time, was ease to be children dependent miccessfully In pre- and India both as a duubUesg glad to upon In- their parent. .However, there are ventive and cure for cholera. You look their telligent faecB. Our honored guest, many ways by which we can indefi-ritel- y many know from this that It can be upon Kuhnel William Jennings Bryan!" extend childhood. depended for the milder forms of bowel complaint that occur In this There Was an embarrassed shifting Tho Uflwp who thinks the world; country. Obtainable everywhere. of feet nd plug a the former sac AlEuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916. Five - t. - received by the foreign demand. BIDS Industrial of tho class of United FEVERISH States Steel manifested no material 115 Msroe si change from their lassitude of recefit Yi fen weeks. Munitions were irregular and COLUMN! coppers hhowed MED FEATURE OP DAY marked strength. XI.W YOUR MKTAL MAKKI-- ooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Xew York. June 3. The copper FOR SALE SNAPS c o Mini 0 fOOOOO OOO OOOO 00 00 OOOOOOOOO OOO oooooooooo oooooooooo market continued quiet. two-stor- Fim 00 It is said $2.0(1(1 fin- stucco Fir Two-roo- 01 o tititmiiitoesttiiSiiiititt .o ON WALL STREET For Sale house with ' " " .0 that are finding compara- dwelling, ., 3 -- room O. O O ish bath, el' and lot; Json.iHi. Lnwlandx. i" tively few buyers and are offering house In rear, 70x142; O lO lot Third For Kent Three-mo- house, with 04)000 O iO electrolytic at from i'Tc to 28c for ward, O O Oi lO close in. lurge porch. 1'nlverslty Heights; $S nearby and forward deliver?', while $4,500 residence, For Sale Lot 71x100 on Sil- the larger producers being well sold Last ;f of Great Naval Battle modern, oak finish, furnace heat, ver avenue, ibme to IliKhlitnd park. M. News ahead are maintaining thetr prices at sleeping porch, lot 100x142, East "6 A. and the Ideal for two cottages. Worth i00. ll from to and Five-roo- m modern brick; close In 0 o o o Forgotten Under Momentary 2c 29'4c for October Silver avenue; terms. Make us an offer. litter months. $1,700 frame, modern, large on North Fourth; east trout, fine Stress; Automobile Issues porches, lot South Wal- lawn and trees, good outbuildings. MONEY TO LOAN. World at My Door" 62,xU2; leaving ti Xi:V YORK MOXEY MAItKKT. is city must sell ter. Owner and ' Hold Sway, at once. If you want a good home in 01 O y OnO $4,0005 houses on lot 150x142 feet, TMAXTQH ft CO. o! II K morning is a Xew York, June 3, Mercantile pa- all $72 per the best location In the city it will pay o paper, as' much o furnished, rent for ' per. 3 ' per cent. you to see this one. See ; ail We Oold A.euo month; highlands, near shops; ' lw! art 0lir ''V'"S as Sl'o y JOURNAL W Willi) Rn Fhrain MONIN ICUl HJtSin Par silver 3c. $1,800 cash, balance 8 per cent. A g food or sleep or recreation. While g;; New York, June 3. Further fever- Mexican dollars 494 0. fine Investment. T. Ij. RfoSMiddcn. K. l ish liid'linp, up f special stockg nerv- tlovernment bonds Firm. $2,500 frame, modern, two I. McKuidlen. S breakfast is serving we take the ed to distract the attention of trailers Rallrouj bonds Easy, sleeping porches, good outbuildings. 0' o latest look over Kiirope's battlefields, sie up onO in today's brief market from last ad- Fourth ward. bat-tli- PorlwEield (lo-car- t, the stock market, learn what the and na- - vices regarding the great marine - LOXDON WOOL AlCTIOX. $t,700 frame, bath, C. Kitchen Cabinets, AVater o'o city oug off the coast of Denmark, Auto- etc., corner lot, cement coping, IU1 Estate Fire Insurance. Loan. Cooler, Wardrobe, White ISedrooni Set, o' o tion have been doing overnight, anil get our olio mobile issues held almost absolute London, June 3. The offering at Fourth ward. Restaurant limine, Incuhalors, h, o' bearings for the day. tho wool were Many Improved ill Wert Gold. Tnblo o sway, some (fains of sensational auction sales today other bargains la lresers, Itininir and ' with is it ' proportions and consequent new 7,900 bales. The activity continued and unimproved property. Chairs, Washing Machine, (las oi o llc more of a necessity to my wife, maximums. The logical Inference to and the market was Strong, especially KaliKO, Vernls .Martin Steel Iteds, New gi g for she plans all her buying by it. As we greasy Mattresses, be drawn from this movement appar- for merinos. Fine cross breds Sewing Machines Jtented heartily believe in teamwork, she talks her ently Is that events of importance and were often 10 per cent dearer, but cultivation, Cheap. Heal Estate and Insurance. Seventy neres. all In purchases over with our g advantage to holders of these Issues shabby sorts were hard to sell. largely in ftlfalf i, very cheap water, SKCOXD J1AM ;)01)S BOCGIIT o;;o me to teach dollars The Xew Ill South Fourth Street. o, are in the making. South Wales auctions have good buildings i iid farm Implements; AM) SUM) o o K'ttcr sense. o Xew Uncords Motto. been postponed pending definite in- price $14,000, good terms. Illejclo lleadqtmnersj Py the same token I advertise my own goods olio Nexv' records scored today Included formation regarding the export em- rorethounlit. B. MoCLtUHAN, riinne 1111. i it) Wct Gold o'0 bargo. o' in it mostly to women and am getting big o!!o Willyg-Overlun- il common which rose People are learning that a little ill West Gold. Phoni III. twenty points to 314, with three for forethought often saves them a blK returns from the investment. I figure that o!lo Fk'DKRAL expense. Is Instance: K. W. oc the preferred at 111, and Chandler RK.sF.RVK STATF.MF.XT. Here an where nearly all the homes in Albuquerque five-elffh- Anher, Caldwell. Ohio, writes: "I do Motors up eleven and ta to IfRLP WANTKO. Marin. Washington, Juno 3. Total re- not believe that our family has been g;;o around six in the morning welcome the world's g;;g 121 Ik, while General Motors made the Mai. Full UKNT-Ko- ur-i ooin brick bouse, mod- - de- without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera eighty-seve- n sources of federal reserve banks em. Inquire dl North Fourth. news-hear- er extraordinary gain of and Diarrhoea Remedy since we com- WANTED l'orter American Iiotci. g;;g as warmly as we do, is where g jg creased by more than $10,000,000 i'Olt Kli.NT Model n furnished house, four points to .14 9, within easy distance of menced keeping house years sro. WAXTKI Buker ill onto. Apply during week ending June 2, ac- Kr"J rooms, close In. Inquire 4t)i North o;;o it's good business to have MY M1ZRCIIAN- - gjjg hiBh record. the When we y,'i on an extended visit we bHkery. st its cording to statement, Feoond. the board's take with us." Obtainable every- V Oood burnt as nuiki-r- Muxl have DISK discussed and appreciated. o'.o ? upturn and shipping shares trailed it ANTEO I'Olt bl Ick, modern. o" OnO r Cuban-America- n made public today. tools, Phone tw.'. alon.-- with the motor group, where. North Kiiih street. Inquite West Ti- - 0"0 Sugar rising fourteen to 234, WANTEu-tiiio- d milker, llexetnek'a diilry, lel'HM nenue. an ALBL'our.RouE S::S MVKSTOCK MXRKKTS. LOW. 11M2 North Povrrth. , with a l5point gain in South Porto Htt ItkN I Kui nished u collsse :: g;g 1. In Male Nutl'innl bank, Hu.im VAXTKI Walter ur uiir,s, Apply On-li'rt- l with slcelni( porch, IS pur month, 'ml merchant. Klco Sugar at 224 "A. ,. Chicago Livestock. ltfiuiii ti hank ami receive reward. restaurant. Photo. ;,.i!t. North Fifteenth 0' O O o a ' 0 O . OmO liailg and international Issues as Chleagn 3. Receipts AN TLl Intelligent bandy mull. Albu- Foil KK.N'T- - Kie- - m tuodern furaisiu-- June Cattle W A O' O Oi iO were sentimentally by NTFO Minrellaneona. querque eiinllnrium Hk Mr. hklntf. liouse and sieepiinr porct for fciimnier whole affected 100. Market slow. Native beef cat- f.r O" O I O'lO WANTKD-nra- luoiuhs; park. 1'horn h.H news abroad. ln sacks. K. W. Pee. WANTED Cm pcnlcii , mid lali.irxri, near O lO the from tle, 8.20 4i 11.0.".; western steers, $5.65 faai CO VVA.TEl lly woman, man conk. Employment Agtaor, 110 opoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(o More Gold Kwolved. 9.65; stockers, $0.00 9.00; cows, oolured bundle Mutn. O If washing, llol North Kovonth, phone 1ML Bnuth Third itroet. Phen Hi. CMe AdJitional gold was received from, $4.50(R;9.S0; l'Oil JIKNT- - Four-roo- and baili; lunoah. OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO calves, $S.00(fjll.25. fcur-l-coi- kuu'U-i'- $i: Wt:KKI.V i..iitll in each lu- - WANTED Tu lent, ifciinrincnt ed; Xoulh Metcutn etnet, J. Jb.ira-dall- tMMMlMeW swelling nuili-- 1 Canada, the total from thut Hogs Receipts 11,000. Market house, unf urnlshed. Adilni 1'. U, Jtox cnllly. niMkliiK ml cpylnif dully nent lnui-.- uf liiHtrunit'iitM (lied source to almost $30,000,000 and 11. slow, generally fc under yesterday's 1. city. nil and mills fnr FCilt 1'ecord; So aiipllcutli'n. West- - UKNT Furnished coitaite, two rooms 000,000 gold was shipped to Cubs. In average. 'I u ncHr fiirm ur postaite fur etc. Light, $9.00(9.65; rpavji, A.TI':ii iiuia uuuri' "i nrn Itatlnp Hureaii. Miami, and 'lurire irlnss sleenmir tioreh: tit. SALE uttlmproved luud f"r tale. O. K. iliuvley, ukla. nonlh. West Coal. payment of commercial obligations. $9.209.80; pigs, $7.00ifS.75. - ill ' Huldwlii, Win. a position is 01 i.o- y.,u in iim v Offered for production and legal At a great bargain, the best Ilonds were lower, particularly .. Sheep we UKNT fin'Dished borne, with Receipts 0,000. Market tinnsf-lf.firiliifr- eminent service afl.o- hnve helped loll GF.NKRAI. in'lcft wHhct, Sleet, loif lloreh .Vei-- e. ti. v.irtli.n. a ll.ihi delivery of Inst will and testament of brick cottage In Fourth ward. Own- Anfflo-Frenc- h Canadlari war is- dull. $7.00 8.25; lambs, you qualify. My niuney l.m k offer Kunran- - and Wethers, floors waxed, chlmneya and Kioves i:l'an aiiit irai fuinlMlied I'hohe III!' Curt Cronemeyer, 'Juno, er leaving on account of health. $1,840,-00- 0. pit. ir.M.t. t.B It. Write quick fef loir free book HA murdered sues. Total sales, par value, (S.OOift 10.60; springs, lh.n Four-roo- $8.6011.85. !:;. Kiul llopkiit VHlini;t"n l FOIt ItENT furnished modern 1915, at his store at Allantown, Ariz. Money to Loan. . E. h..,' We; , VASyl'K,, repaired; mled house, screened pup-lies- nice yard, shade 11" 1 ennile. Government bonds were persistent- Kansas City Livestock. rubber heels 40c; orders delivered. trees. li'OS South Second street. Phone a ntoxKMr.Yirit, M. South Third, phono 770. . McMILLHON ly heavy on during the week, with Kansas City, 3. Cattle Re- WA.VI'KI for Ri'io-ra- l hounewol k. Ap- - 17C.J. 357 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. T, call June Ti I'liy Kurd b.uly, 11 West Gold. WANTKD tnurlliK ear ply in "North Hev.nd. 1 114 declines varying from U' to ceipts 200. Market steady. Prime l:il", Oil HUNT Koutu Third, brick, aeven 14 Vt lute ni.ulel, or trnde ri,adter body WANTUb-Compet- nmrnp. ent woman to care for rooms and sleeping- porch, coal and teas cent, including Panama Issues. fed steers, $10.4011.00; western for XV., .lourtinl. 311 children. North Twelfth. ranses, enadea. water paid, :0,00 per month. FOH ItFVT Ttoomn. Closing $9.OOriil0.75; $6.75 Vv'A.N'l'Kli To borrow .',:,m ,,n In Mrs. Tllton-llog- prices: steers, stockers, cl..e A. i'ElKxpel lenced liil'l for genera! phone or liruno PROFESSIONAL CARDS American lieet Sugar 77Vi 8.50; calves. $C.5011.00. Kourth ward nunlern brbk residence. Stnte housework. II. Norili Twelfth. Iileckmann. Worth. rate. AditrenH l,o:in. .Ii.iirniil ..ffl.-e- MVVWVWSArVNAAAArVWVVNeVVVVV American Can 65 M Hogs Receipts 1,000. Market A'AN'TED-- Cli I to usslst wlih house u ork lllahlnDfla. loll HENT Throe nice rotmis for bouse-krepln- AVl'OHNKYk WANTKIl -- Tci buy leinub. Jl. tt.m till) & 58 terrier, and care for children. Apply 2M North North Fourth street. American Car Foundry steady. Heavy, $9.40rd 9.50; light, Bivo dim'i'litbiii; will pay a iionrt piice. l''OU ItENT Modem four-roo- cottage, JOHN W. W1UIOM, Walter. FOU KENT Eurnlsheirroome oy day or American Locomotive 71 $9.15??'9.35; pigs, $7.75ff9.00. Addn h 11 I.. M.iffnt. .Iniironl. furnished. Inquire law Btfith Edith. Attorney. H'A.NTKI liol fo cooKintf ami Kelieial week, over Uolden Hole store, 318 11 W, 17 Ref'ng..'. 90 to Knit ItKNT- - fom-roo- house, Wul-to- r; Room II, end 19, ttomwell fiulldlng. American .Smelt. & .. Sheep Receipts 2,000. Market WANTrJlJJ'eopla follow th crowd to housework. Mrs. N. T. Annijo, Weal Moulli Central. fine breakfast of three wnfflea and cof- l.', water paid. J, A, liHiniuond, v4 Phone 1172. American Sugar Refining 110H steady. Lambs year . Copper. $9.5011.75; fee, b'c II P'Mlth Third. KilBt Hllver. ItENT Two rooms furnished for light American Tel. & Tel .12$ lings, $8.0010.00; wethers, $7.25 ti'.tNTl'lll--A cook mill ir lo ko lo housekeeping, cheap. liniulre 414 North KODKY to old 1 lmile UKNT- - Kninll no. ltODET rl.M'K tnc FHtne husinc.:ft where I'cniiiiry for summer. .ppl- Souih I'lilt dern fill hlxlled Herond. American Zinc, & 8. . 85 U 8.25; ewes, $7.25$ 7.78. pleaurd f..r yearn, wlndnw washlilK. h"UPo .', illll Inir, Nleeplni; porch. ATTOKN tVS AT LAW. Iud street. lutes. J.'l KENT Anaconda ,. . 83 y cleaning; alt klnda of ,1.hs: work Kuaran-tee- Kiist font en I. Poll lieautltully furnished front ulte I, Imvt Library Uulldlof. Copper . W, K lfl-.l- . 'A.Ti:i--- uom.tn i k In country room in modern home; close In. West Va Denver IilvestM'k. Wind phone It K.N T Two-roo- ill Atchison .105 for the summer. I'iione or write bungalow, sleeping Copper avenue, ItKNTIMTS. 3. EXl'KUT KODAK FINISHING Developing, room Klassed In, furnished, 111 In- Ha Id win Locomotive . 88 "A Denver, June Cattle Receipts I'. itox :'ii. month. roll! or uuckif any lze, up to 3A, Wo; i. ritv quire 1(15 South Arno. HENT Eleaumly foiulsiied foonls, 1)11. J. K. U It A IT , 91 4,600. steady, 15 25c high- Baltimore & Ohi Market to any lw up to 4xil, So. WAN I'iCil Kxperleliccd pu n klliK cool, well tentlhiletl and celitially located. PnrgeoB. prlnu, Brlnir or mall roll t!i;.T Furnished modern new lmnis.i- - Dental . ago. Heef steers, Cen- at Muh, Hum's store. ulii 51K Summer ralis. The Angdus, Second and Hmoklyii Rapid Transit.,. tlVi er than a week your films to th Kodakery, 6i2 Weit Salesladies lo apHrllliellt. sleepltlK pol.'ll bath, or Room Harnett lllitg. Phone Til avenue,. A IhtinneriniA I'olltlnl avenue. t'opper. Appointments by Butte & Superior Copper. , 89 $8.00(ii9.75; cows and heifers, $6.75 tral ,l first cIiifs lioill'il tin Mouth 1'i'ili'ir. llade Mall. VVANTKU five, bil(lil. callable ladles tn EOIt KENT Kurn lehed gpartmenls from . 219; '8.10; stockers and feeders, $7.00 California Petroleum .... htttt RENT A panmen is truv.l, demonstrate and sell dealers; 120 lull UKNT- Two. room furnished coitus. two to four rooms eaeh. sleeping porches, II. r. t'OPP $1 0.00 wilh porch, I S, Canadian Pacific ,174 9.00; calves, dil 2.00. to t&O per week; railroad fare paid. Good- tin; witter paid, Ap. gas and electric lights. 1104 North Second Hooms Mellnl llldg, TWO-KOO- apartment ply v.'t Kdlth ur, ' Hogs Receipts, 700. reasonable, inquire 4411, South or West iloM. street. t'enney Hlore Phttne- Central Leather f u Market fc rich Drug cumptihy, Dept. Omaha, l New hotal, corner Plmt and Tljeraa, .Nebr. llliNT Up Chesapeake ic Ohio lower. Top, $9.10; bulk, $S.909.05. foil modoia furnished (Oil HENT Newly tuinlsbed outside AND FOIt I;R.T Threa n furnished house, SIS East Hllver sleep- IHYSIflANS SUKUKONI. Sheep un- I.A ! I)H ICurn money hi home Hd.lroMintf Rlasa rooms end also light housekeeping: Chicago, MU. & St. 98 Receipts none. Market honsekeeplnBT ing porch. 2 rates Paul.. rooms with sleeping porch, envelopes Inquire ill East Central ave- SOI.OMOM I.. M. D. 1 mid malliliK circulars; spui'e time nue, reasonable. Phone 1141. Colombo hotel, 101 Ill KTIIN, Chicago & 129VA changed. Lambs, $1 1.00 11.50; 12; i;,07 W es t Marble, phone KD J . Northwestern Full )iui'tlculnrs for si'inied cnveJojui. sue Mirth f irst street. inysieian ana Murgeoa Chicago, R. 1. & Pacific Ry 20 Vj wooled ewes, $S.50(T 8.75; clipped FOH RENT Very desirable three-roo- ces Hupnly i'o., tlilo ltelmoiu iiveuue, Chi KENT furiitslwd; Phone 7. thr-'- Harnett Bid. Chino Copper f2 ewes, $7.25(ft 7.75. apartment, furnished. No children or eng... III. with bath oomph le, luivo 400 poiili, peifi-cil- siiuiiuiy. Apply PENT- - Motb ru rooms; tunning water; 1)1114. TC I.I, BAKKH Vs transients. South Seventh street. oil Colorado & 42 mornings .'.'I "M. no sick. Witt 1 a West Fuel Iron Hh;.N"J' at East t'eiiliul, phone fentrsl. Pructlco lJmlted lo Kv, Kar, Ko tut 19 FOR Furnished apartment private Corn Products Refining both. eras, electricity, hot water Included, WANTED Experienced nalestadlea. Apply Itn.NT Very imsiralilt- - llnee- - in Killl l(t:T Throo nicely fllllilslied rooms, Throat. Excellent record ; in7 Crucible Steel S2 traraKe: apply mornlntrs. 1114 West Central. Kconotnlst, iiiotleru ami nicely furnlshe'l; gas, modern, South Third. Rtale National Bank Dldg. ehiss enclosed sleeping porch wilh Distillers' 48 by FUIi HUNT -- Two, liiree, fi.ur or fiv om souiluust El il! ItENT" l.a ly furlilsluul from ,.o, Securities li made overland exposure W ill he Inh 711 DR. 8. O. VON AIJXIKN vacant June Iiinulre bath. f, Thlnl. street Phono Mti-.- l. . 38 npartiuent. Willi shephur porch; aluo sin Ilia- Noee) Erie gle room, or Houih Walter. Pructlce IJnillrd (a Eye, Ear, in, run wllb without sleeping p,,reh Mule ir IVinule. Kftlt PENT Two nicely furnished roome and inrout. General Electric G9i australian No children. The T.odiro, 1H Kbsi t'enira't light ft AN rhli-lii- uil Hue, mnn him! u tlenerai. for housekeeping, modem. Inuuire Offlee Hours: lo to to Northern pfd 121 17 West Hllver. II; I I tireat man; also woinou to work on ranch. I'Oll lthilal,l,. folH opal tlllelli, 310H West Central Avenue. rhone III Ctfs 39 received by lXK KFNT Koorrts Wllfi Konrrl. MoiilJi Heoouil, Thomas Employment 4 .'4 ir,S7V. UENT-Two-ro- om eleep-Int- r Civat Northern Ore ' News has Just been the s.oiili Kdiih Phono Eon collage with w noy. r.ii.. Willye-Overlan- nncly Atrt rhone porch, completely 1! K. Illinois Central 103'i d company of Toledo, Hili liEM' .ins lurnisl Koll UKNT .Moil houses iimt tiparlfot-niM- furnished, VII. T. TAXNUS bonrd is desired ,'IIX U'est Mione 11W7 month. HIS West Coal. hpei lullst Eye, Interliorough Consul. Corp 17Vj of another broken by one of I.nd close in; some filllilslieil, XV. II. .VlcMll-h- l In Ear, Nose and Throat, record l''l HI KKN'T-I'.ooi- ns, II. II. I'll i; KOIt Mellnl Ciilldlig, Albuquerque. 44 set- with or Sloel West UKNT Elegant room, single beds, Inspiration Copper its cars, a 1916 model overland, itof porch, all coin enlenci-s- in. bath adjoining, Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phone Cloe WANTED Sales manager; something new I'tilt l.l'-N- I lll'oe-- ootn fulnliihetl hoiist new borne, gentlemen. Til. International Harvester, N. J. ..112 ting a new mark in Australia a short reasonable. H..a rl If desired. IHitW 71.1 XX'est avenue. business liecesslly. to $HKl: en with sleeping porch, fr.'.im month 1(1 V Al- retails ft tier 1IIE .Ml III hANATOKM M Int. Mer. Murine pfd. 96 ago by making run UKNT l'xli'i. large nicely ormous no hot colli cuter, f,:"J ItENT-Nlc- ely Cts time the from ton furnished profits, competition; exclusive nod fell Soiilli XX'nlttr POIt furnlshml two rooms for I'liberciilosls nf the Throat and Lungs, 26 front room; excellent lol.le board territory; suniplcs. 446 Kansas City Southern bany to Armadale, a distance of 23S nlo free Sayers (.:.., light housekeeping, modern. VOii boulll i'liy officii, Central Avenue. Apply Mrs. Oondner, Sl7 Hotnh Thlnl, I'lion, Ht. 1 TT.3. tun West , one-thir- d Walnwrinht, I.oitis. Her end Stret't, phone Kennecott Copper 58 4 miles, In 6 hours and 32 minute-- bet Office Hours: to 11 a. m, J lo 4 p. m. SAI.BSMAN-ViM-ati- cy lMli. ; . . 1 2 9 Va June with old CEIiAll pos i'B Pop KENT no nice flolil sleeping Phttne It2u; Hanntorlum phone 401. Louisville & Nashville of the. running time made by tho hiKh-clas- s end fertiliser. Phone 104IXV. TUB Misses Itobluson, acoommo-dution- s liouse. Permanent position. Cover Now rooms wlih psr.-h- also lnra'o burn tr W. M. D., 307 I I SAI.E-Nei- T. Murphey, Medical Director. Mexican Petroleum express trains between the wo points. for henlthsoekers, glaased-l- sleep Mexico. Slnple lino sold on exceptional ni; Clark Jewel gas siovo, gaiiig.., close lih !J'S XVest Hllver. flu. 110 East Central. 35 Vt 7 2S ing porcnis connicted with every room, terms. lllk'li (ommiff.sion. $T. ix weekly iiT"u Miami Copper Tho former record was Iiouib, iEN r Thrt e im7m i h r h . n.rals tl per dny. Phone dad, 210 B. IValter. udvKioe. Sales Manager, ,'.;l Sulle, Sno Wood Poll SALE- - Hood buggy titul So" E, E, ROYER, M. D, Missouri, Kansas & Texas pfd.. 10 Vi minutes and 56 seconds. hniiicss. kot ping, v ll balll. light, gas range McKEI.LAR IlANCTi Quiet Ward. Iotroit. North Eleventh strctl. I Mi7 6 by and attractive en, slooplng porch. West Lend avenue. HOMKOrATIUO I'lJlTHiriAN. Missouri Pacific The run was made Charlie resort, two S.v I.KS.VI AN - health railea north of postof. npniile specially mini for .New POIl SALE American lld'lllig tniirhliie, wlih-oo- l Offlee: Whlllng Building. 150-mi- KENT Twn rottins seep Phone Montana .. 79 Lewis, who holds cham- Hco, epes, Jersey convey Mexico. escepilon-n- Co. loll tit Power the fresh milk, free Staple line on new and l cheap. Thnxtoil West nolo. lug port h, completely furnished, light and An- ance, aleeplne; cottage. Vacancy now. National Lead . ,. 66 pionship in Australia, and Arthur porch or Phone 1590W terms. Ai tractive com FOH tIAI.P, Underwod typewriter, stood wnler paid, 110 month, M West Coal, LAM) ATTOKNtls) AMI) NIRVKYOHH mission ci.ntrni t. I.'lo weekly expenses. Nevada Copper .. 17 of the firm of Anderson & LOCK11A11T BANCH The most aitractlve for order. 111). 122 South Fourth. Phone si 4, housekeeping derson .Miles IM-S- I KOIl ItENT Office and 1'ITT ItOHH, Coun,iy Surveyor; Edraan health resort. One mile north of town iiixler (illllll HldK HORSES rigs bought New York Central .106 Adams, Overland dealers in Perth. I VvoUml. Ohio and end sold; rent rooms. New Armljo building, corner Hoss, IT. H. Mineral Burveyor. Ill) West All milk, croam and eggs produced on place. and exchange. 12U2 N. . 61 V, Simon tiarcla. Nurth Third end Central, J. llorrndalle agent. T N, H. & Hartford. U on the road the cur had to tackle l'.;.S'l' s.ilesiuell in, I 'l'.,r Oold avenue. Uui 418, Aibuquedque, N. M, Free carriage for guests. Klectrlo light of lulllS Arno street. PENT--Ligh- 11 Eoii t, airy iiUvlyTuT-tllsber- l. Norfolk & Western. . . ,.134 all- - sorts of road conditions. The city mall service. Rooms or cottage. hy t'levelund concern to rooms. r POIt SALE lillj touring cur, just'over- - light bousekeeiiiig ,,r olbel-wlHe- VKTK.KINAKT sell nit r hauls grenlest srilOtI.. Northern .114 greater portion of Journey 'wus prone 1039. Mrs. w. H. Beert. specially of the day newly Pacific .... the' .:il to Sniri. per monlh: coinnilssloim puid houletl and paiiuei; owner leaving reiisaiinble, no sick, Plume I:ii2.l. II7 XVest city. "111 1112. r. VRIEItLNAKY College beglna ept. Pacific Mail . 22 sand, with occasional turning weekly; - Phone or fioltl avenue. o'er wet slul experience. v J Bnilllt. Sla- 11. Caialog free. C. Keane. Pres.. 1811 i i nil, HOOK" I'AINT-Asph- nlt I' ... Pacific. Tel. & Tel. . . ,. 32 Out Into the bush for fallen trees, wool nioi Ohio. and oil, good for Olt HEN Nicely funilslied l ooms, run- Market street, Han Francisco, Calif. s. ny of mof; too per 4ue Pennsylvania ,. 66 scrub, while occas- Foil l.r. stationery, and i urlo alore. hA I.LSMAa Kxpt it net d liny line I,. sell kind gallon, bar ning water, sleeping- porches; also one teams, rocks and For pin tleulur X Qcm y, rel b.ts. Munzano Vt,, light housekeeping encoun- write ral Dellvci general trade In New Mexico, rnoxocllotl Walnut. epurtiiient wlih sleeping Hay Consolidated 22 buEh fires were also E l,aa Veiras. N, M porch, fill West i Copper..... ional Pew specluliy pioposiilon. i 'om mission Poll SALE- HaiKiiius Unlivery Aulo, old. Heading . 100 tered. h'OH SALK Palms hotel, 10 rooms, newly tiiict. l.iii.im weekly for expenses. Vacancy Metz llunaisait, lliiti Itontlster; ahttse Foil UKNT Nice clean light housekeeping. EDWAPPS A CLAIIK AtTTO fERVlCK Hepulilic Iron & Steel 47,i Although elapsed time was 6 hours furnished; 2151-- il West Central; price How. Conllneiilnl Jewelry I'o.. Mil. L'.t t'r.htl cars overhauled. 412 W. Copper. Jlnyden's furnished and unfurnished rooma by day MAtiDAI.KN.l A.VD HtK'OHIIO. ?1ght, or 874. tieplal liltlg., Ciltpentei Shop. Trips to point, Sliattuck Arizona Copper, ..... 81 and 32 minutes, an average speed of caeh trade. Phone I'levelanit, Ohio or week; under new management. Blttner Any Any Time, phone or FOH Nice iittle business suitable for FOU BALE One large refrigerator bog House, ma l- - Bouth First street. Phone S21, Wire for Informal bm at Our Expense, Southern S8 36.4 per hour, actual running pan XX Pacific miles man or man and wife; business and equip In fine condition; cost K'Jll; will sell for or rot liione Inkier liolel. Magduleba; 11 minutes, JIUru.unia. 1311. Southern Railway 22 time was but 6 hours and ment for s:am. it. care Journal. a tilth, 1135. Inquire Pschechl Mercantile Co.. Inc.. Phone J... i. miinufiiciurer wants FOU HUNT Furnished rooma. ftoulh Studebaker Co. ...141 a speed of 38.6 miles per hour. The l''Oil BALE One of tb best hotel ntid kj sen sums, iiioierwenr, hosiery, dreaaua, First end Tljeraa. Ill waists, Walter etreeL Phone ilil. Tennessee Copper 43 excellence of this performance can rooming- houses In city. A good puyer skins, direct lo homes. Write for I'Olt HA I.E---- 'omplete fin uislilogs of a four- - 51(1 OHO ViU UKNT One south ItO Texas 191 by who Porterfleld ro West Oold. tree samples, Madison Mills, Tiromlway room house, In use only Iwtt months; tin loom. Company only be appreciated motorists T.irK c ny. ;':i Houih Waller, phone Ir.rj VOn "AiE Wcal Kutnfei. (iooU puylnw bueiness fur one or lu-- por .ew ick. Must- be seen to bo appreciated. Ad thiion 137 roads. Through e Pacific know the Australian tions- U,.,l(l t t V OVV r.Olt half ..l.sll dress N V .loijriiiil. Full It ENT Modern furnished rooms with oai.k oil 'J HAUL A laxm. Union 82 car was Borfie- -i WA NTi:n I'oKttl.ina. sleeping porches. CIS Kust Central. within a mile of Hay ton, N. M, In Pacific pfd looHt sandy patches thu ,iulf iKtuiim, nis. "opportunity," cure Poll SA I.E Hue g In ks Itox. ,alull, w ired Id the -- Pecos Forty P. S. Alcohol 158 forced a speed of forty mtlea Journal. nsMBij-ivi- in t,y .inpjcti-- one exterior CeellJan niahogaliy Poll PENT Lillg... liU ly fin nisi, ed fi itnt valley. acres of apple orch- Industrial times at coinpeient wbltt ard, trees; also forty acres In United Steel 83 per places a ppeert of sixty woman, by flay or hour. Inuuire at Hili plaint plajir. pirfcil condition, cheiin. Ad- - :'.'il North XVnller. States hour. In illt-s- alfalfa; good house, barn and fencing. Will X. Eight h. foil Keh lo r I'looie ii.'i,. I'Olt T lioiiglttful sep-aia- United ,.117 was itttainetl. Spoon drains PEN front ,etlt,,m, sell on terms or trade for Albuquerque real States Steel pfd. five miles I'LAVllItolMi-NiiiHery- . n. f oil ma 1. 1.- line driving mare, five years eiilrniice. bulli, sltipllig porcli, W W. Wrong. A ''tah Copper ,. 81 were taken at forty t;,,.t .tire Mi .tsl. Ihunuerqun. S. M. and hump backs (lien aflernoons. priee rluhlei. old, rubber tln-- buggy ami harness, also East (b, l., Wabash pfd. "B" ,. 28 miles. Mrs. llorl'tn, Smt Forrester. Tel l.tt3J morn- - household furniture; nil good us now; phono FOH n ENT Two" n i rooms TIMK CAITpei. nesiern union 4T No effort was made to spare the cat-t- lngs. Ib'l.l. Jooti Houih I'M! III. , for light housekeeping. Mrs. II. K. Westlnghouse Elcctrio 61 get through, but on lieitiR Inspected 1'OK HALE- - Exllll good, nearly new player rtulherford, 617 Houth Iiroadway. Eocwdl-Ccrnstx- o Msi Una piano at less I liun cost; three-roo- Total sales day, 270,000 rough and trying Journey it half small cnsli FOU ItENT Two or apartment, Dally passnge service leaving Foe well for the after the KAI.K-ltos- payment, balance monthly, llox a'4. Alhu- - - Kilt ti comb baby chicks, mill furnished; also single rooms; no chll- and Carrijioso 8.0D e. m. , hares. show slightest, sluns of iieniue, or phono HL'.'.W. at did not the North Klghlli. drn. The Lodge, (in Enst Central. Through fare, one way .IIOBt ThrouRhotit the run EUUS-llu- Mahogany Player pliuiu wear or tear. SETTtNll ff Orpingtons. 1 p.-- and rttlls: i'i)ll HEN I' l.arxe tlownsiaiis room, lui- - Intermediate polnls, per mile ...... used IS months; hnve paid t;'.'M; .It no of any were used, while H'lling of 13; Khode Island 401 will give nlslletl for lltoisekeepliig; nice sleeping BO lbs. baggage free Excess carried. WAI L STKEET REVIEW. tools sort lteds. it. to someone who will my running at North Thlrteeiilh Mreet Phone km take contract and P'ltli, nioilcru, till, sll Houih Arno phone KOHXVK1.I, ALTO CO., the engine never stopped payments H montlily. continue at Address, P.lKW. Owrteri and Operators phone 1H New York, June 3. For the great-e- r any time and only one quart of water "QtTAUTT :oi;.nts." A. M.. In esre Morning Journal. Tiaby chicks and eggs from the best of Poll PEN - Lingo mum house- part of de- throughout the run. front for the week Wall street was taken in stock. Sunshine Huff Orpingtons and Mis-- , keeping, wlih large sleeping porch with t FOK HAr,Ff,1vml(wk. voted much of its attention to demo- In every way the feat was a great slonary lllack Mlnorcas. I,. H. Morgan 4V two beds. New paper ami paint through-olit- . cratic politics. The tone of the se- piece of work, both for the Overland Hons, 812 South A i in, phone 167. 'It H I.E- Milch has! I5 South Arno street. DAILT AUTOMOItll.B STAOK. KALE-Pu- big. hour Passenger curities market made, during that and its occupants. THEV LAV. they win. they nav. that's Oil ie Jersey M Poll HENT Hplendl.l hew apart- Service. tar enough to gay. Navajo H. C. ment, large sleeping porch, laave Bllver City 1:80 p. Period aside setback H. I. Reds. laying lions, Phoup ctoii.l. attractively in. from a moderate Willie Orpingtons. S. 8. S, ; furnished ami equipped with especial con- Iaave Mogollun 8:00 a. m. a Anconas, Poll HA 1.I-- - Pol illsll seller pup resulting in the Il'iinburg stock, eggs L,. sideration for the healthseekcr. 1124 Cars meet all trains. Largest from fresh tension NOTICE and chicks. E. Call at I'm East Hllver avenue.-I'Ol- East and beat Mexican, situation, to imply in T hot) as Poultry Tarda, 717 East Hazetdlne Hold, phone 8i:t; ask for Mr. Wehklng. equipped auto livery In tho eouthwest. seemed HA I. E7 gallon ,;.vT; fteslt jo TtffiN'NETT 'he opinion In- avenue, Albuquentue, N. M. General, AUTO CO. of some observers Xcw Iiniolli. Tie plant, souih town. Silver City, Bond Call, Bernalillo County, KOK KALE S. C. White Leghorn baby Foil ItENT- - Tti modern final I Sleeping New Mexico. creasing boiler in a coalition of the FTill HALE ok lOX.'ll IN'ili; l Ha Mexico. chicks, ith kind that grow to be "Layers Morgan ins In private family near park, plioiiu elements Chicago. FOR THE GROWING BOY stallion. The Wall Nigra, 1i II. at in.l Payers '; chicks, 112.00 per 1'Ki; "u Jv". The The holders of the following desig- tl L zone shifted with extreme sud- per 5n; J.7a per eggs. II. to wr 1.1. W denness nated bonds of Bernalillo county, Xew J. Tolt, Albuquemue, N. M., O. Bog FOIt ada Jersey cattle; on Friday when the news was P. cows, p,S 2, 189T, with his need of the most nourish- 107. Long phone four rnllch to lino; HAI.K Cbeap. six- - received Mexico, dated August known distance 1590M. coming nionllil, pjtooiils, of the great sea battle 1, fresh, les to tw; I r "i brick arranged for maturing July ing body building food, Is 1300 H. . While . as funding bonds, and there Inirns; each, ltlo Grande Industrial school, one or two rimilHi s. VCest the British and German fleets. 77 1; M'trlile, ATCI1180.V, Quoted 1917, and optional after ten years from nothing better than plenty of our 150 hens laid ergs one day. Many phone 1M2J. TOPKKA HANTA iTt AIJ values of some stocks yielded cockerels In use xvay viz: Ronds num- bread. Spread with butter, Jelly or descended from hen with I'Olt HALE Two marts, otto Jeai'liug coll, I'l lWIV Mi, co. easily and un-se- the date thereof, of 440 egge In two yeare. Eggs. W short selling helped to record all floe si". It; Italian bees, chit kens, out for link, semi bill esthound. 39, i'O, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26. Jam, it will be as as It i;,; 7 per Io(i; chicks, Ian. tills and no. Class. the Hat t0 a extent. bered toothsome Per til per broilers: one small wagon; phone PUT, ltstl illinc. for wonderful horoscope of your en- Arrives Depart further caltilogue free. Oentry's, I'tolltl'y 1. California Later 27, 28, 29 and 30, of the denomination gatinfy boy, West Mountain road. tire life. Professor liuphael, 4W Lexington Expres ... 7 3np 8:80p advices dealing with the naval is nourishing and will any Patlt-ll- A !ltOflie-'lle- X f I. encounter five hundred dollars each, are here- avenue, Nt iv Vorf, California Limited ,. .11:00 11:54a served to restore confl- of no matter how finical his taste or 7. Fast Express ... :45a uence, designated Offtr truveliog. l. 10:15a to a by notified that tho above TYPI'TWItlTKHS. JT2It5I2rr Ronm. senile: Aioeiltaii. I. Fast Mall degree, but standard voracious lila appetite. Try It for a Illlini tlii.Ie offb-ers- ...ll:50p U:20a "locks will now be paid on presenta- KIN'flH hftth ri)u RENT Offlcee. Apply A. Ma U. Po Luxe (Thursdays) 8:00 Wpre made subordinate to bonds Al.l, nt an1 ...... H.h.nH tftenal also luexpi rl. not d pei'sons. Pretarailoii 7:Saa few dayg and note results. A ..- ttn.M"tt teriM "Pecialtiea, tion by the legal holders thereof at ht.titfht aohl p.nl1 mnA rmra r..A - wln-r- netessaiy by loading world's expert. Houthbonnd. especially motors and -- 1118. Rl Paeo Express uears. of said Ber- Qiierque Typewriter Exchange. Phone Full KENT lleshal.Ie suite i.f iiffieea In be Pnelilr- Agency. Han Pram-is,'.- 10:10p Various automobile issues the office of the treasurer lit N. V. Armllo builillog. p. A. Kistler, 16. El Paeo Expres pre rt.'utri r.ui i u micev l:6ej iifle(i ten t0 thirty polntSt nalillo county, and that on und after sgent. euro Klsller. Cosler A l.'o. LADIES Kast bound. of said UNOEKWOOD TVPEWRlTKRlJ. New ma 10. Atlantlo Express Rains of ten to twenty points in the July 1. 1918, each and all claea Repalra 7:5a 1:05 res chlnea First rentala. and VOn RKNT Mlwellancons. Vhen Irregular or delayed us Trluttpb I. Eastern Express ...... of bonds will cease to Pioneer Bakery blgb lo l:lp l:4lip raw 8Ugar companies above mentioned grade rebuilt typewriter. Expert Wlls. Kafe and always dependable. Not i. California Limited In charge of ehop. Oold. :4up 7:00p buying by substantial interests, bear interest. S. BAIXTVO, Prop. ttl West sold at drug atorea Ix not experiment I. K. C. Chicago T:l0p If. PHnne 144 fTerteewtw Tvskswelrer anennawT with others, savs disappointment. Eg..., 7:Hp probably the refiners, who, Is said, M. MANDELL, Write 10. D Luxe (Wednesdays). :li)p 1:109 it mmtM Vtrat HENT Warehouse, for e "ave , or ttn Street. loll corner Tljetas and "Relief and particulars, If (re. tram Bouth. profited only slightly In tre-- Treasurer and Collector Clean cotton ragi at the Jour- Kama Fe railway 4o4 the Wanted track, inquire National Medical Institute, Milwau- 110. Ksneas City Y Chicago. mfdous' County, New Mexico. nal otfloa. North Second, kee, Wig, T:a impetus that Industry has Bernalillo 111. KkBasvt City Chicago. . I:I0 Six Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, June 4, 1916.

ehiMcfia: "Morrdmt, "'lo Koi ward;" 11 hi Iff report of the Southern nuptial What to Do When convention. KveiiitiK. "Tin- - oblln-- t Ion ainl opportunity of h Kltm's Backache Comet on Tencher, ' Diplomas will he delivered to uraduufe. In tin' lu f It alllhlK class. Mix. ,. V, l! liiiin will slnit dose "feltf Xldntr mil hT in the tiioiiiliiif mill Mrs. .M. and taore food 1 50.00 worth of otkaf 'irlff tliu f i ! tin- - c. aaadlclne," wrltaa Caaa. V. To of Kim-ro- d, iiiiil let ut cvrnliiK servh m. r. Sunday school, 'J lift ii. in, Sunbeam When backache cornea on, end It aeema band, 2:.1 p. in. Junior II. V. i'. I' n If you can't Mm. (I the puln Hiirl prea-ur- a :'!') p. in. Sudor II. V. I. 7 i. In the nmull of your buck and aides, in. Mission Sunday school, Seventh In not fml tliut you must continue to nti'l road, ;i p. tn. suffer, but tcit a bottle of Knlcy Kidney trii Mountain J'llla ft nd benln tnkln- - Hum. Tiny Usually help from tba very fin t doaes. t intisTi.v.v wn: i: c iimcii. It U worth a food dm I to you to know Service nrc held In the Wtniiiin'a 1h.it Kidney I'illa tv you Just club bullditiK, 012 Wiiil Hold avenue, wlwt your nynlem needs to repair Ihe every Sunday mornlntr nt 1 o'clock. wfetik Hlrk I Inability kidney. It their Sunday school, 4 T. n. m. to do their work properly that cause your pa n and misery. Foley Kidney Wednesday evening m t In K at S l'lll to middle-age- d and lderl o'clock, people ha aprynesa and elasticity of A fif f ii Hint Iuk lihiniy Including j on Ih. They Ink awuy tlx cause of all of the works of Mary linker Kildy h;ok.iehe, Hi Iff and achln loltiM, rheu- hi ml Hcl-e- matic p.Hna and utinnyltnr bladder and other authorized Christian urinary trouble. Try them tod.iy. e literature in urn lut,i ined in con Bold everywhere. nection with the rcnditi room. Tin' public jo ronlliillv liiviti , to at- tend l he Hiiniliiy boi vIi ph, tln V'i (Iiich-l.i- y Sunday Services cvfninn lilcelinKH mid to vIhK the fii'ilui! Q the Churches loom. at l iltsT co;nt:f:TloNAL rm n ii. ataVtOtAatiljakSaV rutsT ritixtYTFiti v ciiiiuii. Corner Coal and Mrodway. Silver uvenim and r'lfth atrcct. A. Tootlialier, minister. Itealdenca l'M'iKhlntr lit l'':4.'i h in. unit 1 p. 601 South Kdllh atreet. ni. by l!cv. .John It. (iuhx. Ptmduy acliool, 9:30 a. Sunduv school, H.4& 11. in. ervceN rtt u a. in. and Christian Ciuli'iu or ut ti:4."i p. in. 7:4i p in, HennoiiN by the pnanr. The public h i nidlally Invited, HiihlcetM: "KviiiiKiliKin, U'lint. Kind'.'" mi. I ThliiK 'I'hiit Mnkea l.lfe AV 'The ri'.XTItAI. ,MKTIIOI!ST. l 'oinplple. riVnt tof:iknigh tchool, , Y. V. H K., :4"i p. m, ('. Joni-a- puator. t. JH(ler, l!iv. Joaiiiiii Louise Sctiiodt. .snndiiy nfh'Hil, ;4.'i h. hi. (leorR lloddv, miiii'i'iiili mli'iil. MKT At ;i ii'ihxJ; a Junior Kpwnrth II MKTflOIM.ST KTISCOPAI- - c You IxiiKHn iH'itnr. Why will be Kitlli.t d. All Should oi the Own Maxwell Corner of Lend avenua South a and Junior bo.va and ttli'lH nri urncd to )f Third Htrm. piPM-n- t ut thin hour. Cliarlea Omar Ucckinaii, pastor, Kpwortl: IciiKUf, 7 p m , V, V. afifa With fJoHiy. deaponeaa. llootip, ' president. TIip fiiiitot'it aubiei t ul 1 1 a, m. will nii'CtliiK, WeilneidHy even-Ini- r, First, because is I'rayer bi "Two Wiiya of Colnif Korw.tM." In Comfort it a comfortable riding car. Plenty of room for five M p. m. 1 8 u. lo. u: . xl the fteniiiR: ut there will be niicred - -- J f J'reiu hinir yrvl ea, 11 h. in. and p : OWI1- uihwim, BiJiuivs niaue or me Desi spring steel, X p. concert given on un ICdlon phouo-Krap- MF m. Moinlim aubjert, "U'hut Think ' heat-treate- sdentifically d, of ChrlNt?" The fhnlf will tiiUK. All the bent rhorgxeii and accurately suspended and balanced You "i Mnppy luy," (llundi r). KvpninK 'limrteta und aoloUtii uvulhible to Mr. win aiways De comroriaoie in a maxwelL auhji'it, ".Mn!'' rholcc." At lhi Kdisntt will be rendered. Hlldfiv 11:4s . hour wi will hum ilmd nnd ( Iioi uh, (.flioo), in. 7 Appearance Second, because good-lookin- g "Nnlli to the Cron." It tnutteia not Kpwoith l.eaRue at i. m. the Maxwell is a trim, smart, car. who you me, where you hip from, you will find n heurty welcome ut Many makers of heavy, high priced cars, as you know, have copied the the aervh ea, About Books general lines, the shape of the body and hood of the Maxwell. This is nniAiTi-T- O roNCF.pTios Huail Kinit lj pci'hup the iiiohI more of a compliment than an infringement (iiriuii. luodeat novcllHt In the world, thotieh Podiillty nin Ha, 7 n, tn. but. a little HbrinkinK would no a Third, t'hlldren'a mnjia, 8:30 a. m. loriif wny toward making anyone cllRl Service because the Maxwell, being a product of thirteen years evolution, HiRh inufia And aeimott, 10 a m, bie nniotift the fi'w ciindidati-- for that so designed Kvcnlnjf aervlce, 7:0, dlHtttielloii. He Iuih not only decllni'd is and manufactured that it gives unfailing, consistent and to wrlto Interviews with blniHclf. and satisfying service r:VANGIM-A- M'THFJIAN cliiliu a dlHtHnt relntlotiHliip witheotnc to thousands of owners. CHIIUII. prominent pcrannnKO, purbdn anei;-dote- a fii't'vlcea ara lield In tha Library, und (ell thorn in Iho firm peraon Maxwell cars are made of the best materials that money and brains coiner Of Kdllh alrcet and Central av- but tiilra bile dhtu he hnn been can enue, Known to rcfuHo tiewpupera and buy and they are made right. You can get out of any car only what Cnrl fie linttdt, p"'"10''. ltenldence, inuanlt'ca a photograph of hlniaelf. It tOl Pouth Jlluh atreet, I'hone 2047. la Indeed n violation of tradition not is put into it Hundny ai liool, 10 a. ni. to have it htrlklnx iiicturo In an li'liinui Hel vki'H, 11 u, in. Sitb.1ei(: fwn taken when a new Fourth, because you get everything in "Tb HlKnlflCHnre and I'urpofie of book In publlehed. loiia; ao, when Low a Maxwell that you can get in the bootiH by th in- AuhciihIou author of ."Tim any car and you get for less ''lirlal'a to lUtuell," ner Shrine" Were puhllehed, theao it money. Knliall (ii'rvlrea are condiirleil ev- novel were First'Cost ery rccoKnlv.od an nor with- flrnt mid third Hundoy of th out Hie polntK iiHUoclated with the pa- The answer to this is that the Maxwell is aerv-It'i-- a light month In thu eycnluu. ilerinuii tient cruftcinnn nnd the Nlneerlty of a car and it is built in every Isuiuliiy nioinlni;. one with Kt roriK relinloua fcellnii. enormous quantities. The Maxwell Co. is one of the three Were the author un KiiKllnhman In. largest pro- nitoAnw.w nmisTUN c innm. of h Ciiuadiiin, and were lim ducers of high grade motor cars in the world. liundoliih Cook, rnlnlater. tiookn Imported lo the bentiiiR of tom-liitn- e, rtealdinie, 120 Knuth Hronflway; he riilnlit. iia mauy who ate not phoma J s r. nnd nn. lila equals have done, becomo a fad. Low give you more miles per dollar than ) Snnduy fclchuul t l 4.'. n. ni , Mr. Were he more blatantly rellKloua, any car built. Ieiirlnr. auperlnti tldent. ' of deeply and (IlKuIflcdly ao, and After Cost lt caching, Jl u. in, nnd ft p. in. cnutd hl pulillnhera Ixiam t ti ii t $160,' Tuple" n( Hi'imon, iiHirnlntr, "The 000 spent for advertlalnii purpnae. We say this without hesitation or doubt. It is In inonthH, photo-Krnp- our honest belief and Mennlim of Prayer;" cvrnlnu, "Woiii-hi- i ten and were hia we' toHetdi--r with that of hla fami- are willing to prove it by Maxwell owners, by HuffrnKe." ly, UlNtrlbuted to all who ordered a comparison with any Junior C. K ut tl p. ni. copy ot Ida luteal book, Itnwll Kln other car or by any other way r you suggest or prefer. aoi'lety IncclM ut 7 p. ill. mhrht have a larifor following ihun At the illuming nel'Vlre, Mr. Kteeple-ton- , now bebuipa (o hint phyalciil of V. M. C. The Maxwell will please you. We dem-onstrati- director the HIh Intent book, "Th Hide of tha know it will. Let us arrange for a on A. will el nit "The Uir, l My 8hep-licnl,- " Angela," Ih euHlly iimnnK hia hew. The and well take the one of bin own coinpnultloiia. atory, atrlpiit'd of word texture und responsibility of satisfying you completely., view-poi- KvenlriK Imur, aulo by Mr. KpnuM-Inn- r. adornment, haa the novelty of and complication which Juhtl-fii- g th tellluit of It. In other wordn. The church la on I he corner of (iolrt he him a atory to tell, which, though Touring and llrourfwiiy, nnd we hope yoti will It. Ih a variation of a ahop-wor- n theme, , Car $655 Roadster $635 find your wny to It. in complicated without hclnu; taimled, and not without certain HenHatloiiHl iF. O. a DETROIT sr. .ioiin's i .nscoiMii cm m il. aapectn, but without aennutional treat, of Silver and Hoiith inetit. Corner avenue Thor Maelernian rcturiia to his na- - ronilh Mrerl. live New KiiKland vlllucc, where Ida Kev. K. N, llullock, rector. family ban lied for Kcnerutlonn, with Hervtcea on June 4. Sunday niter nieilicul ilenree from dUUnKulcbed MAXWELL MOTOR CARS univcrattlea of Kurope, nnd la on the Arc Sold In lhuqinriiic by Our Itcpivwntiilho - .MoinliiK pinyer und ai tinon at 11 verae of conilnir into u HUbatunllal lu- by a. in. heiltance b'H bin ftrnndfnther, Cl beneflcelice upon v. hli ll bin ' BUTLER Kyenlnir nnd " AUTO COMPANY e piajir Hcimon ' Cluuilu, unmallii-cloli- a p. louka with FIFTH AM) .. m. JealoiiM.v. Oliouly, Thor Is OITK.lt. TBWHO.VE 7ft2 Not Ira rbwnne of hour of eveniiiK ter upon whuli Air. KIiik's af- rvlce. In the abM tne of of the rec- fection Ima renteied nnd Thor H tor on viicitllon, the aervlien will be aliown ii Httrnetlvdy manly anil boti-ea- t. conducted by luy renders. VisltoiK I ! lit in tintli ally, be Iuih ucciuii-pllnlie- HoniethiiiK more difficult In and mrnnuera ntwuy welcome-- PteHentation (if Claude. Claude In not Time; weakliiiK he Hliuply lacks atrensth. Payments if Desired Tin: sai.vvi'iov aiimv. lie in not eelfUb - he Isniply in wholly Stt W et Hllver avenue. Incapable of undciHtulHlIng- - the Cnpt. nnd Mra, (J. Kmoka, offlcera of lib brother. Amon the In churije. famllieH old a the M.imci luniiH U Iho Servl' fs nt 1 a. in.. p. in. and S Kiiya. to whom Itoale Ih Ioiikh, but the p. m. Nubjf.t, luornlns, "Uulklni! Itiya were ii"t ahrrw'd enough lo hold VIlh fiod," Kveiitnit, "Where Kulth on to their property and an dropped Clirlal." l:eiboily Invited Into the olwer aoclnl caate. Kiolnn that both men hue her In not to con- is compiir u itivelv amnll In aize and vey iidenuately that tllix U n,i oiin come very inir off" place, terir.eft the "middle." I'.efore starting ,ne t teiiMi-lieN- nenr to the vneiuy climb Hlrschlon hiffli Rear, nnsT iiaitist imu'ii. aituiillon; nor la the At thia point in a narrow C. T, Tuylor, I'aatur. without holm,' seen. It can hide be- rock ridee filled and sealed the car's radiator. At of the coniplli'Htiun expressed by runnins along- -- - nruatlway avenua. hind ticca hordcrliiK on a nt- - for about fifty feet. the top ot the nioiinlain the ro sF.n- Corner and Iud ri.M lotiiiu that Thor tuurriea l.ois Wil. road und 'The oliserver WHITCOMH Sl'lUXtiS ai tU'k llll llllvilllrn LMIni-i- am. ,...1 ridse is not wide enouKh to pcr-fn- it placed his on -' f06 Houth Witltar. Thona tl,.. - hand the radiator with- ruruna, loiiKhby ileaplte recent levelHOH of her1 a cm- to VICE. Jtii,r.. away (iiiclly llnd safely. j .straddle it, ho the Chal- out discomfort. Less a Kalloni tn.. father. She la an admirable womnii mers hit sideways than f!nr leaves Mondav. 10:00 a. hlng nt 11 u in. nnd p. ill. With it after the manner oi water was needed at the end of the p m. I'reai and udmirnbly drawn, and U not Willi, the Indian combination the' r runup- in a Wednesday und Saturday, 4:00 KUU speedway bowl. Heavy trip to fill the - milling Honie-- j c.itiiiiKe ran he detached from ADDS RECORD AS radiator to overflow special trip Sun- out an whith becomca jRiiy ropes placed over the ridpe pre-- I l Arrangements for of the niotoii.y. le in thirty sei onds audi ing, ne trip oupllcated the feat of t V qi.,nd lliiiiB more Tlior's rcKard for Itoslo. vented tile car from da"- - Fare- - each way' wheuleil ' falllns (ion,, the climbitiK Mt. Hamilton made a How the theme Is worked out to an Into firlna; position, relenNinir' f"tcc.i month "O mounlain side, ano, when a Chalmers six-:!- ti Bell'a livery barn, i finl"l! M the am of the the motorcycle to ro hack to the main minus luurable let w j The final Hpurt top. - help STHOVE. Tfop. CALOMEL MAKES author, revealed by the of It lines ith h mensiiKe or for reinforce-- : for the a niat- the of u fan climbed that peak A. It. itndtnt: metit.M. jter of ahout thirty feet, ascend-1- , other New Hooka: "Twin lister," The gun and operator are, MOUNTAIN CLIMBER means protected b) a shield of inn a per .cut Kiiitle. At that point,; Justus .Mile Kormun: 'liebuld the unnor plate.' the journey was ' "Seventeen. ' llooth made in a aerlca ofj Woiuan.' Il.irre; ihoit bucks, iiiut Taiktnuton; 'Nun of Muxlc Moun- the 3,4" K. I'. M. ! AVIATOR I pushed U (1'cniniHn, THOMPSON motor the car over the moun-- j tain." tain's cresi for a toui hdown. Heavy' Si COMMENDS CHALMERS' First to ropes uroimit tin- uddi-tioti- iCar Reach. the Sum tires and an THE HENDEE COMPANY rope to the mm front axle i.reveni. nut of Ensign ' car from - j Peak:. in Utah I"" tinniiur a somersault HAS JUST PERFECTED Iown In 'yViiHhinKloti, 1. Avliitoi'j on the steep grade. f'e "Dodson's Liver Tone" Belter Moid ThompM.n is known aa thej and Mt, Diablo, California, Aller reaching the summit, the car A MACHINE GUN man who "I'liiyc! 'Hik Wlth ilie Cap!! was left there for two days, uftor Pleasant . Reflections n Thus Adding which the even Than Calomel and Can i ' 'i j tol rome." hile in Washing-to- ie-- j Laurels, i; more dif tienl-- descent In IbeKe fiit moving tillO'.i uotblllK jiently, THomison aelected a moonless was effected. Tlurins the Not Salivate, Hive ; niKlit, the ear's headlights were clianttes so iiun kly s th art of inak-Iti- K nmbt lo the cause of 'PreparoU-- i n ss" u dt'H'ided boost. I . turned on, and the limit ut the top of It's a big load off one's war. An Amencnn muiiufai turer oiMncriiiy two or mo most iamous the As. rmliiiu In his biplane, he circled peak In country, the mountain attracted general atten- mude a ibutlon to ! mountain the .11. to his Calomel )oae you a day! You know has Just conll tli" c ipiud and tion from lit. viift i. mind know that cmi rnnient buildinea Chalmers Six-Ii- rt j equipment In ban lidded fresh Juu-- The car dur-re- ls What culomel la. It's inereuiy; qulck- - a inototocle and tnipiitd lishteil imitation boinha itself vas plainly vtsil.l,. work- niMChtne Kun which l likely to dia- - to Its mouHlaln-olimhin- ir reputa-- 1 inir the daytime. storage battery is i ta i on their jnnfs thus Illustrating the uvrr. uiuiiiei OHiiKeroua. ii Hon. by KnsiKu Peak, in raahea Into tour till likn dynamite, place tne aiioiuns nruuery noises in opiiortunuiea open to enemy pianea, nsecnilliiR i consiiler the performance of the ing expert Slx-"- u right. Our i I'tah, nnd Mt. Diablo, Oakland, Chalmers tramplnir and aukenlna cu. Calomel battli-a- of the future. m time of wwr. To finish his exhlbl-- ' n.ir in clinihins Knsign h doneH aboiiUI b eye - Hon, he looted loop directly vai. on us own power. ns the ttneka and never I'nder the of ordnance depart- the over, - most service is an assurance 1 .... i i f...... the - jl.oii.i ..f lli ro,lt..t . i'chk is Known io umi- remaiKiioie lent ei iinH Into your avutem. v.. . ,:, . . I cr atteioi.te.t Iut lllllll lllllUlfl llir niimvr I"." ' ' ,.i c ..1.. u - completed When you feel bllloua. alusrliih, iiii! compunv of SprliiitTifld, Mass., miiiookh an uvialor tust. Mr. 'it' in the state of ftah and of good starting and c.eeply trom the possibly in l conatiputc-t- l and all knocked out and or' m rcy.-le- Thompson Is also an eMerienced mo-- ! niountin whub rises the uited Stales,'' said huildera the Indii.n city. Its U believe you need A doae of d.inttetoua have been worklns Hini e last tor.st. lie used his Chalmers Si-'I- 0 uVi summit i'. Itlthel. A. A. A. representative . i vis from every om.rtor for Clab, who calomel Jtiat remenilMT that your droit-KI- o" a suitable arriaKe h 'cnchiiiK the aviation l'llv witnessed the climb ,h. '1" 0,1 ,,f ,hp '"v, but H steep sub's had In climhiim Ml. IMahh, Oak- Bella 50 ceuta a IhTkc bottle of f, "" l5"1""1"11 l"'kK, while s near for ,u,!d mount a machine jtun.i n,.vpr , , .,SVe,-- d hv a mo- - Ciil., Tune, which i entire- ,,rir ' land. J. Hirsch. coast )od.nn'a IJver Th. y have now perfected n ..,' l'a.ilic COMPANY ly vegctablo take and ,v wUl;nn, hiKh.speed mo-- ; tr r leple 'cntutive of Chalmers McCLOSKEY AUTO and iileiimiut to Qulc-throiu- i) ti. - hi. h i beinif r red Junk, a for r. A. la a perfect aututltute for calomel. It !,- l""lor is the i.bal ivpe for the modern driver i:un the fan from the car nth a crew V. In Salt Lake lo d. monsli-at- vi:sr coppi:k avkmt; la to your liver with-m- il fie, trials. With of, ear,'' saca Mr. Thompson. Hoth In Chalmers distributors its coulmi; iiualitles Ktiarantecd atiirt ink-lan- eroaa-eonntr- . i Wo s,'r' you inalde, Mid cun not in., nun on the mailillie it will make ,,tv diivina and v work. r'ty. piloted the car on its hazardous With an newspaperman as ob- - t.lve Constant ami Satisfactory Ktlrrinc tip I The powerful j ."..4u0 j Journey. Ktartinit nt 5 a. in... lie cur Mr. Hi-in- s aallvate. foiiy miles un hour. the H. l. M. Chalmers tin server Hirsch made die run o? lice. Your I littery Troubles to I s. iiilmli-al.- Iuk-pol- e on 3 iMtt'i take calomel! It makea you tiootorncie enulne will niso hliul the adanted iis,.f i, nil cn.il. re. hed the f the sumtiii' tu: mil,., to Hie summit of Mi. to 1 wuti steep al. k the next day; It loeca you a djy'a outfit across nuiMht country reach lions. have never seen its equal asj!" if:ln, iuter a battle Diablo on 1UKI1 near. T o. tn.uinliini - Rnde protiablv never been ' urk. Itiidaon a IJver Tone atraltihieiia whut miht be effocthe iiositiona t.)'n und It Is verv vcoiimn- that has has H rise of n.'niii fei t above sea l..vi Kim. Ileal in trass-lln- consumption, an equalled In a 1int of Hits kind.- AUl hllH Free inspection you rlrht up nnd teel great. Ulve sere the with s remitntion f.ie bOihuu" I he of any battery at any time 'u j advantage of motor-- 1 average e .i(foi(7i3 i iiy.j.,v,,(1 , H 10 tha ibildren bncaua It la par One Kreat the of well over JO mlka to thl ll'i inoo "ir r the radiator of atl fctly harmleas and 4uan' jrlpa. cycle mm hint) tun l mat iilg dlon." up the mountain la a jump ing the trip. ' ' I i