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Pacific eeklyW , March 20, 1918

University of the Pacific

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Something novel in the order of Who says there is no "pep" at Paci­ joint meetings was pulled off by Rhi- The annual inter-society basketball game between Archania and Rhi­ fic? Well, who ever does had better zomia and Sopholechtia last Saturday zomia will be played in the gymnasium, Friday night. This game is one attend an Emendia-Archania joint evening in the gymnasium. The meet­ of the BIG events of the year, and a great deal of spirit is aroused, due to meeting before he makes that state­ ing was an informal social affair, a tire rivalry between the two teams. ment again. He would never say it characteristic which marks all joint The custom is for each society to arrange its rooters on opposite sides if he had witnessed the party on last meetings with Rhizomia. of the balcony, and these students usually have as much excitement thru St. Patrick's eve. The Emendians and Who says students can't have a jolly their rooting as the players on the floor have. Archites outdid themselves from the time in the gym ? As members arrived The games in the past years have netted the student body on an everage Irish stories in answer to Roll Call each was supplied with a pair of rol­ of forty dollars, with no expenses. This money has always been devoted to to the roof-raising yells at the close ler skates. Then began the fun of some student activity. Owing to the need for raising money to put in the of the meeting. After roll call, Mr. the evening. Some skaters, some mod­ tennis courts this spring, it has been decided to use the funds derived from White delivered an essay on the Irish. erate skaters and some beginners cov­ this game toward that purpose. He had so thoroughly mastered his ered the gym floor for the next two Rhizomia has a varsity team this year, and is confident of getting subject and told it in such an inter­ hours. How did they cover the floor ? the "grapes," but the Archites have taken in several new men who seem esting and instructive manner that he Askk McMurry how many times he to be very active on their feet and who ought to know something concern­ fully deserved the loud applause he did it all by himself. ing the game. That, however, is to be found out. received. In an informal fashion, the ice Inasmuch as this is not merely a society affair, and since the affair Miss Haynes, accompanied by Miss cream freezer was pulled out into the is for the benefit of all the students, it is only fitting that every person Stratten at the harp, her middle of the room from its seclusion registered at the college—bring their two-bits Friday night and have a good hearers with an Irish song—and na­ in the corner of cones, sandwiches, time,—the good time being guaranteed. Also bring along your "rooting" turally, one good song deserved an­ and Irish stick candy were in order. implements, but leave all gas bombs, Irish confetti, etc. at home. It might other. This marked only the middle of the be well to suggest that the players bring the well-known two-bits also, as The impromptu debate of the even­ evening, however. Festivities contin­ they must pay the price in order to play. ing embraced the weighty questions ued with a lively game of prisoners' Once again we admonish you—everybody out to the game which will of, "Resolved that Mutt and Jeff are base. No one had passed into adult be called at eight o'clock. Irish." Mr. Prichet upheld the affirm­ years far enough to have forgotten ative and Mr. Tidmarsh, the negative. this game. Neither was any one too The solemnity of the occasion im­ dignified to enter into the diversion LETTER OF APPRECIATION FROM B. J. MORRIS pressed every one so deeply that when and to do a share of the dareing. the rebuttal took place, both opponents refuting simultaneously, the audience The jolly crowd left the gym late in March 12, 1918. the evening and struck out for the Mr. Huber Haw, President, and fully appreciated the long and short football bleachers. Here they enjoyed Miss Florence Miller, Secretary, of it. a hot bonfire and roasted weenies for Associated Students, C. O. P. Miss Troxel then entertained the members with a reading which re­ another hour. Dear Friends:—Your letter expressing deep regret that I had resigned ceived much applause. Then there was Each couple then directed their path from the faculty of the College of the Pacific has been received with the toward the "dorm" steps where a sere­ highest appreciation. a dance entered into heartily by all— chaperones, aussi. Oh, my! The mu­ nade was rendered to the girls who It has been a matter of the greatest delight to me to work as dean sic was furnished by the renowned were not members of the lucky so­ with the students of the College. The very kind words of appreciation jazz orchestra, (Oh, my ears), and ciety. which the students of the College have so thoughtfully spoken to me as when the programs were filled out the The crowd then dispersed to the I have chanced to meet them during this year of my leave of absence have couples conversed on such important tune of "Good night Ladies." made it almost impossible for me to follow the course which my judgment matters as "Irish stero," "Pigs is One girl during the evening was pointed out as the wise course for me to follow. I should feel very sorry, heard to remark, "Rhizomia and So­ Pigs," "when I kissed the Blarney indeed, if I thought the students did not know how greatly I appreciate pholechtia ought to have four or five stone,' 'etc. Prof. Hanson and his their kind words. It has been a great sacrifice for me to sever my relations joint socials a year." A number of partner were awarded a stunning cap with the student body, and I can find consolation only in the fact that under good times such as this would make apiece for having such profound the circumstances it seems best that the sacrifice be made. I shall always the campus buzz as it never did be­ knowledge of the verdant here. cherish the memory of the good times enjoyed with the students, and hope fore. H. S. B. Gas masks might be of use on this that the friendships which have been formed will never be broken. With <« all good wishes to you and to the College, (Continued on page 2) I remain, as ever, BIG CROWD Most sincerely yours, LOUIE FISKE AT CONCERT B. J. MORRIS. LEAVES FOR PANAMA Louie Fiske left Tuesday, for Pan­ DR. KLINE DISCUSSES ama, where he is to take up teaching BATTALION OF DEATH STUDENTS HEAR MILITARY BAND and missionary work. For the past ENJOYED BY ALL Those who heard Dr .Kline's inter­ three years, Louie has been a popular esting talk on the Battalion of Death, Pacificite and Archite. The conservatory was resounded in Social Hall Tuesday, were much Last fall, he received an offer of a last Monday night with a number of impressed with the patriotic spirit and MUSICAL GIVEN BY PUPILS position in Panama thru Miss Macom- selections from the thirteenth infantry fearless souls of the Russian women. SHOW UNUSUAL TALENT ber, who was the Public Speaking in­ military band from Camp Fremont. Dr. Kline's speeches are so popular structor here for several years. Louie, The audience stood in awe as the band that they are always attended by a The weekly recital at the College of who was editing the Weekly at that rose to its feet and poured out with large number of the students, who the Pacific was given Tuesday, March time, started to take up work at the much volume and expression the na­ enjoy them greatly. 12, by the piano students of Miss San Jose Normal. He continued his tional anthem, "The Star-Spangled It seems to those that listen, that Jessie Moore and the voice students of work there this second semester until Banner." A strong sense of patriot­ they get more from one talk by this Mr. C. M. Dennis. he received his passports, a few days ism was doubtless aroused in the heart popular professor than by the read­ The program began with a Sonata ago. of every one. ing of several newspaper or magazines by Beethoven which Miss Alberta Altho we all hate to see Louie leave Another spirited piece folowed, en­ on those subjects. The only trouble is Shafsky played in an expressive, pre­ us, we wish him all sorts of best wish­ titled, "America First," composed by that these talks do not come often cise manner. In the two numbers es for good luck and success in his (Continued on page 4) enough. (Continued on page 2) new work. STUDENTS HEAR tively to the remarks of speakers in has seemingly gone crazy over the MUSICAL TREAT -parifir Iferklg chapel, even though he may be preju­ dance. It places one in the same sit­ diced against them; and also to let uation as the Methodist preacher of Published by the Students of early days, who actually needed a (Continued from page 1) The College of the Pacific. him know that his private views do not express the opinions of the whole fast, spirited horse. But I would rather FLOYD PIERSON, '20 which Miss Meyer sang, she showed campus. be unpopular than be cowardly; and Editor-in-Chief. herself master of a rich, warm voice. In the first place, his criticism of in order that the wrong person may Both of her numbers were unusual, KENNETH N. STACY. '20 Dr. Wise's attitude toward the mov not be blamed, and in order that and very interesting. Miss Sonne's Associate Editor. practically echoes her views. Both of those desiring to continue this little playing, although hesitating in spots, them recognizing that it is a force controversy may know where to apply, HOWARD L. ROWE, *18 showed creditable powers of concen­ Contributing Editor. with great possibilities for good, but I sign this article that at present it needs "proper di­ STUART GOUDE. tration. Miss Fields is the possessor of a NORVIL KLINEFELTER. *20 rection." Business Manager The critic's defense of the dance i; beautiful voice which is smooth, full, and expressive. Both numbers played L. C. GROSS. '21 far from expressing the sentiments CARTESIA. Asst. Business Manager of the student body, and just at this by Miss Esther Meyers were perform­ Reporters time of the year my Irish blood is ed in a clear intellectual manner. The Francis Watts, '18 first number sung by Mr. Bodley was Esther Myers, '18 running too high to allow the misrep­ The usual meeting of Cartesia was Laura Pierson, '21 resentation to pass in silence. As he converted into a very spiffy one on well suited to his mellow voice. The Stuart Goude, '21 Harold MacMurray, *21 himself, condemns the "hysterical Thursday night. The two Academy Beethoven number seemed too heavy Ruth Butter field, *18 jerks" of the modern dance, we will men's societies, Cartesia and Adelphia, for his voice. With nice calculation, Subscription, the year, 50c; semester 25c. ignore that and discuss dancing as an are accustomed to meet on the same Miss Wilkins gave two interesting so­ Payable in advance. los. The last number, by Miss Jones, Student body dues entitle all students to institution. As a sample of the'sound nights. The Adelphians usually con­ the paper. An extra subscription will secure logic of the defender of the dance, I trive to have their program finished was Paderewski's Minuet, interest­ a copy mailed without extra charge to any address. call your attention to the fact that by the time the Cartesians arrive, be­ ingly played. It might not be amiss if the per­ Entered as mail matter of the Second-Class he justifies the practice because it cause the much-troubled Adelphians at San Jose, California. was one of man's "first recreations." are always routed when the Cartesians formers would acknowledge the ap­ The same thing is true of immorality. come. Thursday night, however, the plause which follows some of the par­ Do you then, defend immorality, upon marauders arrived before their ap­ ticularly pleasing numbers. the same ground? pointed time, and bound, hand and The students of both Miss Moore On the other hand the critic con­ foot, their rivals, before they could and Mr. Dennis showed careful and EDITORIAL. demns alcoholism because of its "in­ make an escape. They, of course, were artistic training. herent evils." These evils are that compelled to attend the meeting, which it first grips the body and soul and they professed to thoroughly enjoy. C. O. P. OR PART OF IT? then proceeds to produce its evil re­ Quotations were from "Cleopatra." COLLEGE SOCIETIES sults, which are in some cases negli­ Bowden entertained with a well chosen HAVE BIG TIME The last few weeks have found only gible and in others the means of reading. Stevens recited a declama­ wrecking a life, depending upon the about three squads of men out for tion taken from the Scriptures, show­ temperament and will-power of the in­ (Continued from page 1) military drill, where before the sec­ ing his good taste in selections. The dividual. Can any thinking person ond semester, there were two platoons. latest current events were told by hemisphere of hostile attempts were fail to see that exactly the same What has happened ? Have most of Murphy. Fontz, in his clever way, always successful. Fortunately, they­ our boys already learned all there is thing is true of the dance? made an impromptu apology to the 're not! Perhaps the most conclusive method to learn about the science and tactics Adelphians for their rough treatment Finally there was "rapt considera­ of showing the evils of the dance is to of war? Or have they developed and Clayton told of his day's (work?) tion" by one and all of Pie a la mode discuss its results; but the good re­ trench feet and are unable to come In the debate, resolved, "that danc­ during which a solo by Miss Conklin sults of dancing are so insignificant, out? Perhaps they argue that they ing should be allowed at Pacific," H. was enjoyed. and the evil results so unspeakable, won't have to go to war anyway, and Hestwood and Bill Seaton proved that All agreed that the "best time yet" that I prefer in this case to begin at even if they do have to go, they will it should not, opposed by Clayton and had been had. the other end. The fact of initial im­ get all the drilling they want or need Fontz on the affirmative. Mr. Malone portance is that the dance has its then. Yes, indeed, they'll get a whole gave the critic's report and the meet­ WHEN DOWN TOWN VISIT THE NEW basis in the passions of human nature. lot more than they want then. That ing was adjourned. It is this fundamental fact that has Owl Shine Parlors & Shoe Repair Shop is precisely why military training is The bunch adjourned to "Miller's," caused the degeneracy of the dance to Public rest room and telephone—a cozy little being given here—to train the boys where good eats were enjoyed. place to meet your friends. All kinds of ex­ that of the present day. If you doubt so that they will be fitted for some pert work done on shoes—polishing:, dying:, the truth of this fundamental fact, thing better than a mere private when cleaning and repairing of all kinds. Give please tell me how long the popularity us a trial. they are called. On March 12th, Helen Candee. • of the dance would last if it were con­ Phone 4522. 44 E. San Fernando St. Nearly everyone, yes, we might say former student at Pacific, and J. Cra­ fined to one sex ? Our excellent critic every boy who took drill here last ven Martin, of San Jose, were united seems to think that the basic passion spring and enlisted in the service, has in marriage. We wish the young of the dance is rythm and music. If Boussum's Studio been advanced above a private, ana couple a happy and successful life. he will take a census of opinion among 185 S. FIRST STREET many of them are second and firs fellows who dance, most of them will lieutenants. If they got that much Special Rates on all Photos admit, though it be with reluctance, Clifford Johns, last year Pacificite help out of the few days during which that he is wrong in his selection of and Archite, stopped off at the Cam­ TO STUDENTS we drilled last spring, surely two se­ the basic passion of the dance. pus last week-end, on his way to San mesters' drill ought to help the boys I know that it is risky to utter such Diego, where he goes into training that are here this year in proportion. WE SPECIALIZE IN views as these in a community which with one of the military units. Besides, when physical culture is COLLEGE TllADE required, why not take that kind of physical exercise that will best help in the future? •> Inside Information Brown Shave Shop y Not only does this lack of interest Y Headache, eye-ache, indigestion, nervousness—all these may be only Now located in Bank of San Jose Bldg. in drill look bad for the college, but symptoms indicating eye defects and the need of glasses. it also hinders those who are turn­ X When you get this "inside information" that someting is wrong let PURE DRUGS ing out every day, because there is *j* me examine your eyes and tell you whether they are probably to blame. MOREHEAD-FLEMING DRUG CO. not enough of them to go ahead with No drugs. Main Store: the advanced company and battalion „ tor Second and San Fernando drill, and the old work is becoming DR. B. K. KERR Branch Store: very monotonous. So for the sake Cor. First and San Salvador £ THE CAREFUL OPTOMETRIST 45 SOUTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE. CAL. of the Company and for the good of yourselves, turn out to drill, and do your bit for your college and Uncle Cleaners we should patronize. Sam. At Miller's Roof Garden I Fountain drinks and light lunches served at all hours ! Men's Agent, IN OPPOSITION. j 'n aL)Q£r\ Lester Quinley J Place Cards Favors. Dancing Parties catered to ! \ jT DRY 1 Open from 8 A. M. to 11:30 P. M. ^CLEANING CO' Women's Agent, It would seem only just that if the i J 22 West San Fernando St. S. J 672. remarks of a chapel speaker are to be J Martha James discussed in the columns of the Weekly, the discussion should be fair, both to QUALITY SERVICE {"" All" tnV*f£ W~MO I>E LS arelherVIn J. C. Brubaker ) the speaker and to the sentiments of S. L. Weaver | rops. the student body. In as much as the ; ADLER; ROCHESTER Weekly satisfied neither of these re­ j _ Phone S. J. 263 quirements, it is the purpose of the ! Suits and Overcoats ! present article to urge the writer of | CUNNINGHAM & SON San Jose Transfer Co. that discussion to listen more atten­ 78 SOUTH FIRST ST. P- R. WRIGHT, Agt. PHONE S. J. 863 MISS HELEN FULTON AT Watches Diamonds PACIFIC LAST WEEK From Pacific Tigers in the Service BOTHWELL Miss Helen Fulton, field secretary THE JEWELER I of the Young Women's Christian As­ sociation, was the guest of the local College of Pacific Pins Jack Wright, with the radio corps mail forwarded from Camp Lewis, and Y. W. C. A. last week. in N. J., has been having the time of would like to hear from home once or 112 South First Street San Jose At the regular Wednesday morning his life during the past few weeks as twice a week as long as I am in Amer­ meeting Miss Fulton spoke on the extracts from a few of his letters ica. Phone San Jose 4107 war and our relation to it. The sub­ show: Wednesday: * * * We are still here, stance of her message was that "we Camp Lewis, Feb. 9th. * * * Be­ and the first bunch hasn't gone yet, so may knit all the socks we wish, which cause of the big Divisional review, we it looks as though I might be here for EMMA L. WALSH is necessary to be sure; we may give didn t get away today, but all arrange­ several weeks—as I expected. I got generously of our money, which is ex­ EXCLUSIVE ART NEEDLE WORK ments are complete and we get out out of quarantine detention Monday, tremely- important; but if we, as col­ tomorrow night from Tacoma via. the and am on K. P. today. I've had a 43 South Second Street San Jose, Cal. lege women, do not, in these years of Milwaukee, Chicago and St. Paul. * * little chance to look around the coun­ war prepare ourselves to keep up the * I'm surely looking forward to the try, and have already been to Long PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. standard and womanhood and to act as trip, but expect that I'll have lots of Branch, which is a town of fair size, Christian leaders in the difficult re­ time to write you more later. Camp about four miles away by the jitney. PATRONIZE THE HOME STORE construction period which must follow Lewis is giving me a typical night for It's not a bad place, but I think one the war, then we will be failures, and a send off. It's raining pitch-forks. visit will do. It's on the ocean, though, then men who have sacrificed their John Metzler * * * Some where in South Dakota, but at that, the Atlantic doesn't look lives that Christian principles might The College Park Grocer. 30° below zero, 7 p. m. Feb. 11. Some particularly different from the Pacific. not be crushed, will have done so in trip and some cold. The above is no It seemed odd to see saloons again, vain." PHONE S. J, 2963 exaggeration. We get out at every after being in dry Washington for- so The old and new cabinet members stop and run around without coats, long a time. spent some very helpful moments in and I've seen the thermometer at 30°. I was up at the Y. M. C. A. here Roberts & Horwarth conference with Miss Fulton, and it At that it doesn't seem much colder last night. It really is a lot nicer is hoped that a new stimulus will be BOOK STORE than Butte last night at 50 below. We than the ones at Camp Lewis, but that felt as a result of her visit with us. are 2 V2 hours behind time and a bliz­ is to be expected, as here there is only Stationery and Office Supplies Take Notice! zard is blowing so I guess we are still one building, while at Camp Lewis, All girls who wish to attend the an­ 72 South First Street losing. However, we aren't worrying there are eight. The stage is highly nual Y. W. C. A. banquet this Friday about that for we are certainly hav­ decorated, the phonograph has more are warned that all names must be in PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. ing the time of our young lives and records, and the library is four or five by Wednesday night at the latest. All aren't a bit anxious to arrive. We will i times as large as any of those at Camp Y. W. C. A. girls should plan to come. make Chicago at about midnight to­ Lewis. Being so close to N. Y. there HERNANDEZ It is the big affair in the Y. W. C. A. GENT'S TAILORING, FURNISH­ morrow. It's all a wonderful experi­ is also all sorts of entertainments to year. Besides a delicious menu, there INGS, HATS ence—one that I wouldn't miss for a be had, and they have a show here will be toasts, music, et cetera. Opposite St. James Park great deal. * * * Feb. 13th, Wiscon­ every night this week. Tonight, the Hand in your name at once to Helen 117 N. First 117 sin. We are rolling along 914 hours oldest glee club in America, the Men­ Webb or some member' of her com­ LOW RENT PRICES late, but without a care in the world. delssohn Glee Club, from New York, mittee. The frozen Mississippi is on our left, • will sing. * * * and is very beautiful in the moonlight. (To be continued in next issue) PHILOMUSIA. Photos of home folk carry warmth It is a good deal warmer, being about and comfort to the heart zero. We made Minneapolis and St. Philomusia met last Friday at the STAFF APPOINTMENT Paul at 3 p. m. today, and had a little usual hour. Roll call was answered of a soldier. time in each city. Miss Laura Pierson has been ap­ by musical current events. Then fol­ WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. We will make Chicago early in the pointed as an editor of the Society lowed a very interesting and delightful morning, and hope to have most oi section of the Naranjado. program. HALF RATES TO STUDENTS. the day there. Miss Shafsky played effectively and The diet of cornbeef and beans and Geo. H. Colliver, a prominent Ar- authoritavely, Chopin's "Nocturne" in tomatoes and bread, hasn't become chanian and graduate of 1915, has ar­ D flat and "Mazurka." Miss Badger BUSHNELL STUDIO tiresome yet, and getting up at 9:00 rived from the East to take charge of responded to an impromptu which was o'clock, we are doing very nicely on the First M. E. Church, as Pastor. not only very clever and interesting, 41 North First St., San Jose. two meals per diem. Looks as tho but also very amusing. "That we that muffler was going to be about the "Flea" Winning, U. S. Aviation Re­ should not eliminate German music PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. most useful garment I've got, for it's serve, was down for the Rhizomia- from our programs," was competently PROFESSIONAL CARDS going to be pretty cold. Altho, at Sopholectia joint meeting Saturday discussed by Miss Gilbert on the that, we have a great time climbing night. affirmative , and Miss Meyers, on the Hours, 9 a. m.-12 m 245 N. 12th St. down at every station and chasing 1:30 to 4:00 p. m. Phone, S. J. 5080J negative. DENTIST around without hats or coats. It is Buckner returned from San Fran­ Miss McKindley's songs, "Sing, certainly a great trip, doing it in the cisco from a throat operation. Buck Sing, Bird on the Wing," and "Chau- DR. A. G. BENNETT style that we are putting on. We ex­ looks a little white around the gills son de Florin," were sweetly and pect to get thru to our destination Phone S. J. 2238 Residence yet. pleasingly sung. Rooms 501-2 Garden City Bank Bids:. Friday. * * *. Feb. 23, Camp Alfred Vail, Little Silver, N. J. * * * Arrived at Newark DR. LINCOLN COTHRAN at about midnight. Had a lay-over The College Book Store until 4 a. m. (Saturday) and reached Agent for WEBB'S PHOTO SUPPLY STORE Office, Garden City Bank Bldg. Camp early this morning after a sleep­ A Full Line of Films. Printing, Enlarging, Developing less night. I am a little tired, but am LEAVE FILMS HERE j Res. N. E. Cor. Alameda and Emory feeling fine. Haven't had much time P. R. WRIGHT, Prop. Phone San Jose 863 | to look the Camp over, but it certainly is very beautifully situated—four G. C. SHIELDS, Agent for miles from Long Beach, one of the A up Cmpih/I Underwear and Hats are now ready oldest watering places in the country. |UWI vV« IHM Xzlvll/llly for your inspection. Some time DeLuxedmperial * * * Sunday, 24th.—Every thing looks when you are passing drop in and look over the values we are I good today, and I'm going to enjoy Dyeing and Cleaning Works , selling. B. HOBSON I my stay here—although it may be w. Phone S. J. 206. rather short. They let us sleep until j 24 South First Street San Jose J 8:00 this a. m.—and we were duly PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. grateful. SHO ES FOR MEN AND BOYS. Up-to-date Styles at Moderate Prices. It is another bright, sunshiny day— Y-NOT-EAT and I had a good rest last night, so — AT — I'm feeling fine. There is a lake about THEATRE RESTAURANT fifty yards from our barracks and Pacific Shoe Store Opp. Victory Theatre Popular Prices the piace is an old race track and Agents for PACKARD'S amusement park. There is a big con­ 43 North First St. Near Victory Theatre GEO. W. WELCH PETER KMETOV1C servatory a little way off, but it may 70 NORTH FIRST STREET be empty. Well Furnished Rest Room You asked me some time ago if Smileage Books were good in Europe. F. W. GROSS & SON They are, and unless you have already Brown's Shoe Repairing Parlor disposed of that extra book, I'd like Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Ladies' Furnishings Work Called For and Delivered. to have it. I made arrangements to have my 52-51 South First Street San Jose, California Phone S. J. 3753 29 E. San Antonio ACADEMY AFFAIR. ATTENTION! OFFICE- CAT SPRING'S Saturday night the College Park Today is your last day for having Est. J 865 Academy gave a most successful party your picture taken for the Naranjado. Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx I lost one life last week, but it was in Social Hall. The young people — *» Clothes for Men and Young Men worth it. This week I shall therefore turned out in good attendance and NEVADA CHOOSES SIDE. be able but "to shoot on eight" so many of their friends and faculty Santa Clara and Market Sts. here goes. By the way, don't forget members were present. The evening Last week the Debating Manager that I have a mail box in the entrance received a letter from Nevada. It con­ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. was opened with the roll call by Dr. to chapel. The Ed. scratched his name Harris, answered by the young people tained the message which we have been looking for for some little time. on it too, so if you put any write-ups with appropriate St. Patrick's stories. The debaters of that institution have in there intended for him just remem­ Miss Marie Brenimen presided as ber, "All is grist that comes to my mistress of "ceremonies" in a very decided to speak on the negative side of the question we submitted some mill." charming manner. The clever little * * * skit deserves commendation, nor must time ago. Weekly Horror of War: Some of the the addresses by Messers Quinly and Our team is hard at work and is de­ young ladies have not been able to Hocking, be forgotten. Miss Haynes termined to put up a good debate when cope with the unusual conditions of the Conservatory, favored the Nevada's team comes here. This is brought on by the war and have re­ guests with two pretty Irish songs, the year when we are fortunate, for quested that a corner of the Weekly AT TIDMARSH'S accompanied by Miss Stratton, on her we will be able to hear the debate, and be devoted to an "Advice to the Love­ that is much better than hearing about Exclusive Agents harp. The evening ended in merry lorn" colyum. games "topped off" with refreshments. it. We are looking forward to a good Use The Weekly as your purchasing * * * Miss Kelly is to be thanked for her contest. guide. I wonder if when Miss Hester Jones help in the affair. The date is not definitely fixed yet, becomes a movie actress, they will but will be made known very shortly. Shampojing Manicuring call her Peggy Jones. It will be about the end of next month, * * * NARANJADO TAG DAY April. It's getting pretty close now, HAIR DRESSING Faculty Aversions. IS but we'll be ready. AND HAIR GOODS Mr. Dennis' pet aversion is being COMING SOON. * Mrs. R. A. Moore Phone S.J. 3263 called upon to act as the college song "BE PREPARED." BIG CROWD AT CONCERT leader. He says he hasn't noticed his Further announcement later. 37 W. San Fernando St., San Jose (Continued from page 1) name in the list of under-graduate Losey. Phone San Jose 4640 officers. Contrib. In the national search for an Ameri­ Mendelssohn's overture, "Fingal's Inasmuch as this aversion is not uni­ can companion name for Kichners Cave," was interpreted with much versal it is disqualified from the con­ Mob B. L. T. submits Bakers' Dozen. skill by the band, and showed the de­ Wagener Drug Co. test. Next. * * * scriptive powers of the composer. » » « KODAKS and PHOTO SUPPLIES, DEVEL­ Miss Buteau's powers of observation The selection "Gems from the Mast­ OPING and PRINTING "The editor sits on the madhouse ought to delight Mrs. Owen as well ers," arranged by Tobani, was well floor and plays with the straws in his 75 North First St., San Jose, Cal. as Prof. Hansen. rendered and much appreciated. hair."—From Eugene Rhoades'"Brans- * * * The Euphonium solo, "A Night in ford in Arcadia." Perhaps if MacChesney would adopt PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. June," by King, was attractive on ac­ Rhoades was once a student at C. the Grecian deity, Mars in preference count of its light but lively qualities. O. P. Nuf sed? to Cupid, he could get a lower rate on "Humoresque," by Dvorak, a selec­ PACIFIC MEN NOTICE * * * his accident insurance policy. tion dear to the heart of every one, Mark Twain once said: "Man is the * * * was presented and was heartily ap­ Pacific Barber Shop only animal that blushes, or needs to." A good many of the young ladies preciated by the audience. W. J. SCHMITT, PROPRIETOR That lets the Cat out—not out of the had an idea it would be "kinda nice" FORMER STUDENT The selections from Luigini's "Bal­ bag, but out of embarrassment. to organize a battalion of death here let Egyption," were filled with spirits Sanitary Shaving * * • as C. 0. P. until Dr. Kline told them well suited to their names. Expert Hair Cutting Pat Malone's sister Letta submits the penalty for sentimentality. 44 E. SAN FERNANDO ST. as her pet aversion, "the guy who « * * The overture to "William Tell," by raves over the sandwiches at a joint And now comes an aversion after Rossini, was never expressed better meeting." my own heart; the "milk fed vamps" than when played by a crack military Phone S. J. 3350 C. M. Spencer * » » of C. O. P. I dare not give the name hand. All who heard it Monday night Prop. Does the Hon. Sir Sam intimate that of the contrib. for fear of losing my will heartily agree. Hudson Maxim attended C. O. P. ? job, but I shall attempt to express The last number, Sousa's favorite * * * his and my own sentiments in a few march, "The Stars and Stripes For­ I'll add another aversion to the list, words. Of course we should not ex­ ever,'" thrilled the audience and sent ®f)t Member which has come to me since the last pect these amateurs from the m. or 1. them away with a deeper love and issue of the Weekly. It is Samuel appreciation for band music. for 'hick' towns of the "wild and wooly," Butler's works. who are just learning to ape the w. k. The house was crowded with stu­ * * * MILLINERY Theda Bara, to appear as full fledged dents from the college, San Jase peo­ The assertion that, "man has never ple and many soldiers from Camp attained the limit of his possibili­ "rag and bone and hank of hair" in­ 108-110 South First Street dividuals (please pardon that mixed Fremont. ties" is rather fearsome when one con­ The college girls entertained all uni­ 16 East San Fernando St. siders particular cases. metaphor); but we would gladly act as the fools that were that made their formed men in the social hall after * * * the performance. Songs were sung, "Hey Eddie!" Turn on the lights. prayers to the rag, etc., only we would PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS * » » pray that they perfect themselves in drinks were served, and the happy We note a down-town printer adver­ the art of "vamping" before they try Sammies departed at a late hour. FOR SERVICE tises, "We Print Anything." Huh! so to demonstrate that "no man is safe." try do I, only I don't brag about it. Don't I thank you, .The Weekly advertisers make their ANTISEPTIC BARBER SHOP forget my mail box in chapel. TIGE R. CAT. word good. In Mntgmery Hotel 215 S. First St. "The only shop on the Coast with an electric Hair-cutting Machine." HESTER SHOE SHOP WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF

Phone S. J. 69 J. B. Leaman, Mgr. REPAIRING Work Done by Machinery Red Star Laundry T I RPR TV Lester Quinley, Agent, S. J. 1166 1121 The Alameda, Phone S. J. 3274-Y (Incorporated) JOS. A. REMEMBER "Chic" Stevens, Agt. East Hall I I'tHEATRE * DE5IM0NE Market Street, Opposite Telephone Bldg., San Jose THE FACE Santa Clara Valley's Finest and Most Popular Motion Picture Theatre ^ REMEMBER I THE PLACE FRIDAY and SATURDAY—TOM MIX in "SIX SHOOTER ANDY;"| FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE in "UNDER SUSPI- 4 CION." | Books Bought & Sold I COMING—SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY—WILLIAM FARNUM in I NEW ERA BOOK STORE "ROUGH AND READY." I II. A. JOHNSON I EMENDIA AND RHIZOMIA PINS 237 N. First St. Phone S. J. 1854