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BY TIM PALMER District Ranger Paul Gordon cited of its material, the unreleased BIA draft financing) ... This is a cover up for the Staff Writer SBSR's excellent record of revegetation of EIS mf(kes a strong case ror expansion of primary p,urpo~e· of acquiring the iand. ski slopes in expressing confidence that the ski area. No doubt the new draft Ihe This becomes just annther land grab." SBSR can be expanded wilhouf causing BIA is preparing now will also present Special use permits ror ski areas on Na­ Allhough unsuccessful at having the tional Forestlands have been thesource of Sierra Blanca Ski Resort (SBSR) lands water problems downstream. Planting clear evidence of the need ror expansion. grass on newly developed slopes prevents The queslion althis point is whether the financing difficulties for other ski areas. transferred from United Slates Forest Ser· however. Ernie Blake of Taos Ski Valley vice administration in 1976. the Mescalero erosion from surrace now of runoff. MAT will succeed in this thivd attempt to said that the permits are a "generally ac­ Apache Tribe (MAT) was alread)' prepar­ The Dames & Moore EAR makes a have the SBSR lands transferred oul"of the cepted handicap" for ski areas on National ing a third attempt to eventually gain tille strong case for expansion 'If SBSR. The NalionalForest, and whether the Tribe document is very thorough in examining will be willing or able to expand the ski Forestlands. to 2,240 acres that are now part of Lineoln The standard permit is "so c1auseulated National Forest. all areas that would be affected by area If It does not suc.ceed. expansion-·from air quality to Both the Dames & Moore report and the you can't bank on it," said Blake. socioeconomic factors such as motel oc­ unreleased BIA draft cQntain statements Cal Conniff, executive director of the Na· 700 This includes the niore than acres cup~ncy. that indicate there will be no expansion tional Ski Areas Association, was asked if presently occupied by the ski area, plus Another document addressing SBSH ex· without a land transfer. the permits pose a problem. the territory .into which SBSR has been pansion was 'completed in the late 19708. The former states that "the MAT does "It does make it difficult·-yes." he said. planning to expand for more than_l0 years. This was a drart environmental impact not propose to develop new ski facilities Conniff noted thal his organiz.ation is cur· statement lEIS) prepared by the Bureau without obtaining lille to the land." andthe rently working 10 have the lenglh of the In October nf t976, federal legislation of Indian Affairs (81Al. latter notes "the Tribe's intention to make ~rmils extended "so they will bet'ome prohibiting Presidential transfer of more This report noles "the preparation by the projected expansion conlingent upon more bankable,". than 500 acres of National Forest land the Department of lhe Interior of legisla­ its gaining tille to the land." Conniff cited Iwo ski areas (hat have had without Congressional approval became tion effecting a transfer of a·tract of moun­ Evidently the Forest Service believes difficulty in financing their development law. The same month, Ihe MAT contracted tainous New Mexico land from the ad­ that the MAT will expand SBSR even if the projects-Mourit Alyeska in Alaska and the firm of Dames & Moore to prepare an ministrative controlo! the United Slates Tribe does not succeed in its erfort to Heavenly Valley in California. environmental analysis report (EAR) ad­ Forest Service to the Bureau of Land remove the land from Lincoln National When informed of the proposed transfer dressing "Proposed Land Transfer and Management (BLM l." It states that the Forest. The Forest Service is incor­ of SBSR lands from the National Forest. Expansion." . tract would then be I~ased to the MAT porating its own plan for expansion into Conniff said. "I can't see any advantages • under the fede'ral Hecrealion and Public the National Forest Land Management whatsoever for that operation to go that ICE IS SCULPTED onto grass at the side of a babbling brook. This report, which was completed in Purposes Act. Plan, scheduled for completion in January roule." He noted that the record of pro­ June of 1978. contains a description of the Under the act. the MAT could eventually of 1983. fitability ofSIISR and the excellent reputa­ physical and biological environment of the be granted tille in trust to the land. Stanley Stroup of the Forest service tion of manager Roy Parker are factors in Fire Prevention Officer ski area lands. It addresses climate, air The draft EIS was completed in un9. but noted that the MAT requested Forest Ser­ favor of the MAT as it seeks expansion quality, geology. seismicity, soils, vegeta· it was never released to the public. vice approval of the SBSR expansion plans financing. . lion and wildlife. Reasons were inconsistencies in lhe docu~ several years ago. His agency takes this to "We see the Forest Service in recent ment (which were duly noted by the Foresl mean the Tribe would be willing to expand years as being extremely cooperative," urges care in fireplace use The EAR noles that the siteIs located in Conniff said. He added that the agency is Service in its review I and a change in the SBSR under Forest Service jurisdiction, the headwater regions or three water· in the process of rewriting its manual per· sheds: Rio Bonito, Rio Ruidoso and Eagle regulations ror pr.eparing such reports, ac­ he said. ( Editor's Note: The following article on the fire prevention officer to insure that it It has becn the contention of the MAT taining to permillees and that it is hoped has aU necessary linings and clearances. Creek. Less than one percent of the total cording to Bill Allen of the Albuquerque fireplace safety was prepared by village BIA office. since il rirst started trying for a land the length of the per",its will be extcnded fire prevention officer-Ollie Cuddy.) - Never use gasoline or other flammable area or each watershed lies within the 3.5 to facilitate ski area financing. square miles that comprise the site, 'Allen is currently working on a revised transrer in 1971 thal the 3O-year special use Increased costs of other heating fuels liqUids to kindle or rekindle a fire because The Forest Service does not oppose ex­ however. EIS and expects to complete it by June of permit from the Fi"orest Service has made have led to Increased use of wood burning the flammable vapors can explode. Never 1982. He said that the statement will ad­ il difricull to oblain financing for the pro~ pansion of SBSH. It does. however, oppose use such liquids near a fire; explosive fireplaces. With the onset of cotd weather, Although concern has been raised about dress the twi n issues of whether SBSR posed expansion. transfer of the ski area lands from the Lin­ now is a good time to remember good safe­ vapors can travel the length of a room, possible adverse impacts on water quaJil)' The Foresl Service has never boughllhis coln National Forest. - Always keep the damper open while should be cxpanded. and under whose ty habits for fireplaces. and quantity resulting from SBSR expan· jurisdiction (Foresl Service or BLM I this argument, however. A commenl from the The reasons for this position. and a sum· An estimated 6.000 persons are treated the fuel is burning to provide for efficient sion, the local Ranger District of thl! could best be accomplished. Forest Supervisor's office on the 1979 BIA mary of other ractors involved in the pro­ combustion and to prevent the~accumula­ each year for injuries associated with Forest Servicc feels Ihalthis would not be Like the Dames & Moore environmental environmental statemenl reads: .'This is a posed expansion. will be dealt with in the tion or poisonous or explosive gases. rll"eplaces. Most of these injuries are cuts a problem. analysis reporl. from which it drew much raise assumption (that they cannot get next article in lhis series and bruises caused by handling wood, -- Do not burn coaI, charcoal or irons and other equipment. polystyrene packaging in a fireplace But the most serious injuries are burns, unless it is very well ventilated. and most of tbe victims are children. - Do not use artificial logs, which are Villav;es' Typical -accident-·-pattems involving made from sawdust ond wax. in the same firepiaces include: way as real logs. Use only one at a lime-if Benefit dance planned - ignition of ctothing from open flames. you use more, they can produce too much - ignition of flammable material by fly- heat for some fireplaces to withstand. trustees ing sparks. - Always use a screen that completely - use of flammable IIqutds to kindle or covers tbe fireplace opening to keep rekindle a fire sparks from flying out. Do not put com­ to meet - carbon monoxide poisoning caused by bustlble materials such as carpets or fur­ The Ruidoso Downs Trustees will meel for Special Olympics inadequate ventilation. niture near a fireplace. tonight at 7 p.m.. at the Municipal Hall - Keep children a way from the fire Agenda Hems include: BY JEAN PATTERSON "11 is open to any developmentally disabl­ struction for tbe participants. while com· The following suggestions areoffered for because their clothing can easily ignite. -A resolution on bud~el revisions. Staff Writer ed. mentally retarded or handicapped per­ petition will take place January 28. the safer use of fireplaces: Warn the entire family about this hazard. - A proposed new ordinance concerning son. Ages of participants already signed ..Anyone is welcome to come out if they - Check to make sure tbe fireplace was - Check fireplaces regularly (at least compensation for the trustees. A benefit dance at Jerry Dale's on up range rrom seven to 40 years old" accor­ would like to help. We'll find something for constructed for use as a fireplace and not once a year) to make sure that all vents Ruidoso trustees will consider the January 15 sets the scene in Ruidoso ror ding 10 Culbertson.. tbem to do. They can help put on ski boots just for decoration. Have It inspected by and chimneys are operating properly. following items at their regular meeting. the New Mexico Winter Special Olympics. While most of the participants are from or tbey can be assistant ski instructors - Be sure all ashes have thoroughly cool­ 7:30 p.m..Tuesday at the Village Ad· the soutbern part of New Mexico. such as You never have too many," Culbertson ed before disposing of them. One dollar or the cover charge that even­ Las Cruces and Roswell. there is a group :::;~:::::;:;:'::~;:~:~:~::~:::::::::::::::::::,:::::.:::::.:;:;:;:::;:!:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;::::::::::;;:::~ ministrative Center: said. - Be sure the Cire is completely out -- Report on financing of new hot mix ing will be donated to tbe New Mexico of 10 from Arlington. Texas. who will par­ ~ before retiring for the evening. plant. Winter Spectal Olympics which are ticipate. Some of the people helping out witb tbe '::E,t* Sk.- Report :E::~ - Use chimney guards--squirrel and bird -- Discussion of an application for a scheduled lor January 26-28 at Eagle "There will be cross country and alpine Winter Special Olympics represenl Ihe « « nests can stop up chimneys. restaurant beer and wine license. Creek Ski Area. skiing events. The parllcipants will be Sierra Blanca Ski Club. tbe Student Coun­ -- Report from Boyle Engineering regar· classed by age and ability," Culbertson cil and Fellowship of Christian Atbletes at t Sierra Blanca-The resort :iji ding water improvements and priortties. "There will also be an auction during , said. Ruidoso High School. ::E: has all chairs operating daily :::: Three die in -- Report on expenditures from water band breaks witb proceeds going to the In crosS country events. there will be a bond fund. Special Olympics," said Jeannie Culberl- ­ 100 meter race and a one kilometer race. "Community participation has been - 1982 holiday schedule for village son, physical education instructor at Fort while the alpine skiing includes races outstanding." Culbertson said. She is hop­ head-on crash employees. Stanton Training School and one of the through gates and a giant slalom race. ing tbere will be a good turnout at the ~1t:t¥~~~~~!r~ Three area residents died in a head-on -- Police Department requests. organizers of the event. A $25 registration fee is required for event while she promised a lot of excite­ I.i.ll..: '.11..: - Reports rrom the water and rire those who will be staying at the Nazarene for chairs three and five which . two vehicle crash just easl of ApacheSum­ ment and "never a dull moment." mit Thursday afternoon. investigating departments. lIems to be auctioned orr will "hopefully Camp in Angus. This covers lift tickets and Culbertson said anyone in Ruidoso in· :E:: are powder packed. The '::: - Request for permission to auction the other expenses related to the event. :::: weather is clearand tbe skiing ,:E: authorities said. be donated by local merchants," Culbert· terested in participating in the Olympics The victims were Marvin S. Barcus. 28, old hot mix plant. son said. Ruidoso residents participating need only or who would like to help witb it. may call Ruidoso, and lWO passengers in his car. -- Request to name Richard Sanchez The New Mexico Winter Special Olym­ pay $12.50. her in the evening at 257-7225. ~~:~~~ ~~~i:~J:e;~ water superintendent erfective January 1. :111' :111 Mike Zuazua, 33, and Eli Sago. 25. both of pics usually take place at Angel Fire Ski She also mentioned a movie to be teleV1S· :~:~ Mescalero. -- Information pertaining to fire sarety at Area in the northern part of the state. Also taking part in tbe Winter Special ed on NBC January 4 entitled. "Kid From f:f: five. 1Y .:., Eagle Creek-The resort has :.:. Renalda Zuazua, Zl. Mescalero, another the airport. However. for the southern residents of Olympics are five visually handicapped• Nowhere. The movie, starring Beau ~r: good to excellent skiing condi· :::: passenger in the Barcus car. was taken to .- Permission for the village to orfer a New Mexico, the distance was often a mentally retarded people from Alamogor­ Bridges. Susan St. James, Loretla Swil ~:: tions with an average snow:::: Gerald Champion Memorial Hospital. surplus small computer for sale. deterrent and not many people from tbis do. Including visually handicapped per­ and a real Special Olympian. is tbestory of 1~ depth of 18 inches. The begin- t Alamogordo, where he was listed in -- Report from John Cupp on temporary area participated, according to Culbert­ sons in the event has "never been done in a mother trying to raisea mentally retard­ ~~ ners' slope and Lower Boot ::::: critical condition Friday. water meters on building projects, with son. this state," Culbertson said. ed child. Culbertson felt the movie was ~~ Hill are operating daily.:::; The Barcus vehicle collided with a van. permanent meters held until final inspec­ "'This is the first time we've had any timely with the Special Olympics following ;.;.;.;.;.~:::: ,_. .. _ - ', ' tion. Special Olympics events here," Culbert­ weeks later. ;:::::$:::::::::~::::~:::'"::~:~::.~"""':'':'o:.:.:~':':.:':':~-:-9.=:;:.:-:.:.:.:..•.•.•.. •••••••••.•.•.•.•.•.• ,.:.: the officers said. Culbertsonexplained tbat it is difficult to two - Timberwind Condominiums final plat son said. Angel Fire will still hbst the work with the visually handicapped SchedulIng the New Mexico Winter and Vista del Lago Condominiums phase II Winter Special Olympics in early Janu­ because it is easy to give poor instruction SP".Cial Olympics in Ruidoso is an experi­ replat,"Tim Collins. ary; Ruidoso's event is a segment of or forget to lalk while demonstrating. "II ment. according to Culbertson. Ifit is suc­ -- Rick Simpson replal request for lots 7 the same program. will be interesting worKing with them," cessful tbis year, most likely it will con­ and 8. Valley East county subdivision.. Participants signed up for the Olympics Culbertson said. tinue. Culbertson expects more par­ Gross receipts already number 75. leaving 25 openings. January 'J:l will be spent mostly in in- ticipants next year. tax changing January 1 Effective· January I. 1982, the gross receipts tax rate in Lincoln County Com­ 'munities wilJ be: Ruidoso 41/4% Capitan 41/4% Carrizozo 41/4% ...... Ruidoso Downs 41/4% ,Ii. --.. - ---. Rest of county 31/2% .•",_J .... ~ ' . :..:.:.:.... .:.:.:.:.:.:.•.•.•.•...•...,'.'•••.....•.•'.' ,••.•.•••••.•.....•...... •.•..:.:...... y r, , iii1~ Wednesday r~ , . ~ ~ . !I ( I .•.: :.:. " \-:: Coffee Cart :::; -J- ;"" ::::~~ ":::: ! ...... • ....t .. ,!" .. '. ::::. The Wednesday CoffeeCart, '. *: ~,<41"":" . i i:~ sponsored by tbe Clamber 01 l:i ::::...• Commerce so Ibe pobItc can ".:::: :::E meet Chamber officers and ~:: ~~ :~~ ~:: directors. will belrom 9-10:30 E',: ::::.... am..,..at.. .::::... ~~ ~~ :::: ZIA ART AND FRAM.: :::: ~:~ C.~NT.:R ;:!: USED TO BE that kids rode their new tricycl.es and bicycles on ~;: Ml~chpm ::~ Christmas Day. Well, times and trdnsportation may have .... 1212 ...• . SUNDAY BROUGHT out the skiers at Sierra were on the slopes, and several nationalities «::}o••••• '•••••• '.' ~ ,§l••: changed, but kids haven't. .:.o:.:.:.:.:.:••••o:.:-.o:•••••:-;o: :o••••••:o ~ ••••••••••, .I"r/., Blanca Ski Resort. All shapes, sizes and ages were represented.

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.. ~ . T', ,J('~ !t. • Page 1 - Ruidoso [N.M.I News Mondoy, December 26, 1961 - , Jerry Garcia New Mexico's travelindust-ru looking forward to banner year

The current year was a good one for the tional literature," Adams said. "Conser· shorter distance and duration." believes New Mexico travel industry, and the com­ vatively, the division influences 30 percent He said that he heard only good things in ing year should be even better. of the contacts it makes to stay an extra store for the travel industry next year, That's the aimouncement made by John day. while attending the Travel Outlook Forum Adams, New Mexico Commeree and In­ "That extra day means an extra $too recently In Washington, D.C, dustry Department's Tourism and Travel spent by that traveler." The one day seminar, sponsored annua]­ Division director, to the Santa Fe . Annually, Adams said, the New Mexico Iy each December by. the United States Hawaii Chamber of Commerce December 22. travel industry generates $1 billlon in Travel Data Center and Travel and "Through the first three quarters of this gross receipts, which in turn generates $47 Tourism Research Association, provides calendar year, inquiries to the division million in tax receipts and directly sup­ the national travel industry with the latest were up 43 percent over the same period ports 36,000 jobs.. economic and travel forecasts for each up­ I~st year," Adams said. "National Park "or course, the division is constantly coming year. Service attendance figures here were up . trying to save on cost promotion," he said. Adams said projections from the ten percent and state park attendance was "One example is a program that started seminar include: . up 23 percent." this lall to provide ski conditions on a 900 -A ten percent increase in the sales of is the place Visitor figures at the division's five number, instead of keeping those condi­ eating places nationwide. and an even bet­ welcome centers, he said. were also up tions on a toll free BOO number. ter 12.4 percent hike in the silles of eating , .. nearly 20 percent. "This is a cooperative promotion with places In the Rocky Mountain region: . "The La Bajada ·center. in partiCUlar, AT&T Long Lines and several other na­ - An Increase in lodging, although the •• had record attendance figures this past lional firms, with consumers paying part boom years are over, although an ex· l summer," Adams said. "The increase w~s of the cost at 50 cents a call, plus local tax. pected decline in the meetings and conven­ to live, work phenomenal, something like 70 percent This new system has the added advantage tion sector will have to be replaced by an JERRY GARCIA above the summer of 1980." of reaching more skiers by being able to increase in the corporate business group The yearJy visitor count at the center, 18 handle more calls at once for those condi. sector; BY JEAN PA'ITERSON in the latter part of November. Burnell. miles south of santa Fe, he said, should tions." -A 40 percent increase in 1981 recrea· Staff Writer/Photographer While in Hawaii. Jerry has learned to "I ran into Arnold Palmer once, literal­ surpass 75,000, making it the second Adams also said the diVision has just tional vehicle sales, with boat sales and snorkle and body surf, however, he said busiest in the state's welcome center pioneered a new system of proeessing in~ campground usage up, 100; Iy." Jerry had the opportunity to be a cad­ system. It was during a school trip in his junior "body surfing can be dangerous and it is dy at the Hawaiian Open and bumped into quiries, which will allow the office to ob­ .. - An increase in bus travel passengers year at Ruidoso High School that Jerry "easy to get hurt." Palmer in the pro shop there. The yearly visitor count at Glenrio, 4t ·lain more informalion on the kinds of con­ this year, the hike coming mostly in the Garcia decided he would someday return "I've been to every island but Molokai," Jerry said there are "excellent night miles east of Tucumcari on Interstate 40, sumers who contact the division. as well as charter/tour sector, where the brunt of the to the halmy beaches of Hawaii. It was is expected to exceed 120,000. That was Jerry said. One island he described, clubs" in Honolulu and they are open un­ where they live. bus promotion "'ill be in 1982; four years later when he finally took the Niihau, is inhabited only by Hawaiians and til 4 a,m. "There are a lot of night people higher than the count therelast year, when "This will h....lp us larget our - And a seven percent increase ex ~ step to transfer from Eastern New Mexico they have no powered vehicles on the there." Jerry said. the cejnter handled 1I0.2BB travelers. advertising," he s~id, "and seleCt the pected in rail passengers next year, aller University (ENMU) to Chaminade island. For a living, th~ people there pick Glenrio handled a record 133,9BO travelers kinds of pUblications and regions nation­ rail traffic picked up somewhat this year, Allhough Jerry said the resources at in t978. University of Honolulu. shells and make them, by hand, into uni. EN­ wjde that will make our advertising in- not reaching the goals expected, but mat­ Chaminade are not as good as those at The count at the Anthony center this que jewelry which is sold to visitors to the MU. he said the teachers are excellent. . vestments the wisest and most effective ching the 50-0 cost-versus-revenue ratio. "My family thought I was kidding at Hawaiian islands. year, Adams said, is expected to log a possible. Although the recession has affected thc "There is a big impact on the community record 65,000 visitors. Last year, the £irst," Jerry said. "When they knew I was Cost of living is higher in Hawaii, aecor· as far as graduates are concerned. It has a "It'll also enable us to send out follow up auto rental business, along with business serious about transferring, they were not ding to Jerry. He said gasoline is $1.42 per real good reputalion," Jerry said. He ad­ center, 20 miles south of Las Cruces on In­ questionnaires to $ee how many of these travel, Adams said that an upturn was real excited, but they wanted me to get a galJt..~ while rent is $675 a month lor a mits that "school is starting to get hard." terstate lO, handled 53,093 visitors. Its high people actually came to New Mexico and forecast, starting around mid 1982. Fifteen water mark is 64.885 visitors in 1977. good education, so they said, 'Go for it'." three bedroom. two and a half bath house. Jerry is Vice-president of the Marketing how much (money I they spent, at a lower percent of next year's auto rental volume, Jerry will graduate next December with a food consists of a lot ofrice and raw fish. Cluh at the University aod is also a . The Lordsburg center, at the west end of project cost than is now possible. he said, will come from foreigners. bachelor's degree in marketing. Current. "ll is real nutritional,"Jerry said. member of both the American Marketing Interstate 10, is expected to counsel a "II'jJ also help us identify frequent "TraveJ from Mexico was up 15 percent record 15,000 visitors, compared to last Iy, he has a job opportunity with an invest­ travelers, so that the division can send this year,II he said. "That's expected to Jerry has also been out in boats throwing . Association and the Economics Club. He is year's 14,172. ment company as a stock broker, which net. They usually bring in about 30 small also a member of the Student Advisory them periodic invitations to visit New rise next year by J.1 percent," wilJ take him to WaH Streer in New York fish per throw because the fiSll are only Council. The Chama center. he said, is expected Mexico, through promotional materials Adams also said the air fare wars can be to log a record 22.000 visitors this year. City for six months. From there, he may four to five inches long, according to Moving to Hawaii "was and wasn't a that will encourage them to visit us more expected to continue. be transferred anywhere. compared to the IB,951 entering it during often. " Jerry. He also plans to go spearing on a big hard decision to make," Jerry said. "It 1980. Chaminade University is a Catnolic col­ boat. "It's a lot different arter fishinll for This will also enable the division to offset Air passenger volume, he said, should was an .adventure for sure. You start to In speaking ofthe division office in Santa lege of apprOXimately 3,500 students. trout in the Rio Ruidoso," Jerry said, with learn responsibility:' Jerry is home for rising postage costs. he said. The informa­ rise in the coming year, but only slightly When Jerry was in his second year at EN. a laugh. Fe. Adams said much of the main office's tion, in turn, would enable the advertising "The air I.are wars will continue to be a Christmas this year, however. he spent work load each year stems from its annual MU, he was working in the registrar's of­ In addition, he's planning to go on a wild last Christmas in Hawaii. "I learned a lot agency processing those inquiries to boon 10 travel agencies next y~ar," he fice and happened to pick up Chaminade's boar hunt. "I'm Jucky. I have friends on' about myself. advertising campaign. These campaigns, analyze and sbare this data with state said. "They've been the ones all along that catalog. He applied. was accepted and is he said, center primarily on naUonal and Chambers of Commerce and convention consumers have lurned La. to sort out lh(~ each island. They treat me like royalty "A lot of people should try to experiencc regional ('onsumer magazines. but include now in his second year there. Currently, when I'm there." it. So many people are nol allowed to learn aod visitors bureaus. confusion. Jerry is a photographer with the public The ocean holds a faseination for Jerry. major newspapers and key radio stations. "A key priortiy for them next year will about other cultures." That work load should increase this relations department at the University. "The ocean is so interesting to learn about Since he has been in Hawaii, Jerry has "This will be especially valuablc In the be to develop tours and lour sales. Their "It was a cultural shock. The Japanese with all the fish and the sharks. It's pretly fiscal year, he said, since the advertising wake of changing travel patterns" Adams adapting to the new technology - elec. been exposed to aU kinds of religions, in­ budget increased 50 percent over the­ said. are so influential there now. They have wild but real fun. You can get in trouble, cluding BUddhist. Judaism and Islamic. tronics - will be vital 10 their survi",al ., most of the money and business in. though," Jerry said, He said the north preVious fiscal year. The bulk of the adver­ Allhough the current recession will The national travel industry, he said, reo "The Japanese really have an innuence tising, like preVious ('ampaigns, is slaled veslments in Hawaii. short' of the island is not inhabited because over there." temper travel industry growth nalionwide mains enthusiastic about 1982, in spite of for February throullh May, to attract sum­ next year, the industy nevertheless will the current recession. "The biggesllhing is you learn so much they get "unreal waves" as great as 20-30 II is this influence that has convinced mer and (all travelers. about other cultures. There are people feet in height. "People get killed there all Jerry thaI he would like to live somewhere grow, he said. Real travel industry "The government withdrawing from from all over the world in Honolulu. It is the time. U's not something to play around in the orient, such as China or Japan. receipts this year increased one percent, business and private alfairs has created a multi-cultured." Jerry said. with, >' Jerry said. Adams elaborated on the $:100.000 adver. and jobs, three percent. 'new economy', he said. "Within this ne\\' None of Jerry's family bas been out to tising budllet, as boosted by a $90.000 ex­ Jerry, who sports the deep tan coloring While living in Ilawaii. Jcrry has had the visit him yet, which he allribules to their "The bottom line on the health of the economy is an unprecedented opportunity pansion from the slate legislature and by enjo~' of his Mexican heritage. said he often opportunity to see a lot of celebritles. He hesitancy to fly over the water. II is a five travC'1 industry nationwide is that 16 per­ f.rom the national traveJ industry 10 $10,000 rcallocated frum 01 her, less cflec. cent 01 all new jobs in this country this passes for a local Hawaiian which IIhelps a· sees .TGilk·Lord-and Jim Nabors IrequenUy hour !light from Los Angeles to Honolulu. . live division progra.ms. more rapid growth, rising personal in<.'oml' Jot." He said the weather is usualfy'80° to aJong~Wlt1l"'~6Jnt'r pt'rsonalities such as ycar came in the travel industry,.. Adams and greater freedom 10 succeed." However, concerning his move lhf."re, "Last riscal year alone, we rigure we said. 90"' year round. with a short rainy season Richard Pryor. George Benson and C'4roJ Jerry said, '" owe it all 10 my famIly" The nalion, as well as New Mt"xico.. hetpl'd travelers spend an (1xfra S15 million "Travel volume aJom.~ jumped 15 percent Adams said, is ready to meet thai throuAh advertising and r(l(JUl~gt...d promo- this year, dul' mostly to more t.rips of challenge.

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.. ~ ...

TIRED BUT CONTENTED after a satisfying up and head down the mountain. day on the slopes, a couple prepares to load FOR THOSE who preferred watching to ski­ tage point. ing, 0 sunny hillside provided on ideol von-

SIERRA bLANCA .(background) hos been NOT ALL SKIER$ 01 Sierro Blonca Sundoy come from Springfield, Missouri, to "ski New mountoin has less snow on it thon it usually were from Texas or Mexico. Andy 6ennett locking for snow this winter seoson. With does oround Thonksgiving. . Mexico." Jonuory almost upon us the 12,003 foot • ,. • • . • . , ...." ,':::"~l.:'':'" ..•...\.. • , ~- (;~ . ;_. . ~ • '" ." .' ... • 't . •. .. " l!l: . . .' .P!~,inber .~.l Ne~s ··1 " • - i. .Monday.,. 28, 19B I, RuidoSQ[ N -'- page:3; .--=:.....::.-::-..,") "~t'" .....~.. % .~ ~ ._:Jtj-? -; ':;100 HOME OWNED" . , '. < . q. __ • =---:. : -'-":-:.:-:.:, c.:::',' I ·0...... ·- ,. - ..' - ... , .. --- --.:::: -. -..... ~"-- .~ • -

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Page 4 ~ Ruidoso IN.M.I News Monday. DecembElr 28, 1981 Hondo School , '.. ·~There's family nostalgio--in names' honor . . roll students I"riitted white afghan ,.,,,,,. , The ~iondo Valley Publie Schools' listing of honor roll students for the semesler just.. Zonobia Hage~ DOQohue, who n'!ired Capilan from AmarllJo. '1'ex85, lhree years ended includes: nine years ago from a job with th,' D,'part- ago, is a member of a pioneer Lincoln Second nine weeks: ment of- ,Molor Vehicles in Los Ang('l{'s,. County family whose grandfather settled. Seniors: Deanna Lucero. A: David 'raJ· California, and moved home lo·Capitun , .in th,' Angus area in 1886. Ruidoso's RobeI'I ly, Mplissa Sanchez. Cindy Monlano, Billy last Wednesday was nulified by phonp L. Hagee American Legion Post 59 is nam­ Randolph, David Luc,'ro and Jim Cooper. . "While I Was doing some' baking" thaI the ed lor an uncle. B: wbite afghan in the glass ease in Ruidoso Zenobia lost her sister to cancer on Juniors: JoRae Saleido, Hrenda Tally, Hondo Valley Hospital's Pinl< Shop oow December 10. , i Dorelia Hurchell, Charlie Chavez, Vanoy belongs 10 her. Il was while her sister was being admit· 1 Pendergrass. Bc.'nadette Prudencio, ('an· The afghan was crocheted by N~IIj(.• ted to the hospital that Zenobia noticed Ihe dv Ramos and K«tri,na Romer. B; Vickers lasf summer as part of IIll' lovely white afghan in the Pink Shop and SophomOl'es: Gabriella Gomez, A; Anna hospilarauxiliary's ongoing fund raising purehased two tickets for the Deeember 23 SeDI!. Laura Gomez, Russell Patlersnn. activitie~ to help fund worthy hospital pro- drawing, One was the winning ticket Julit.' Pendergrass. Yovanne Salas, jects. She thought about putting the afghan Shawna Smith, and Alice Bookv. 8: Zenobia. born in Alto some sevent)' back for the Pink Ladies to use for further I'~reshmen: G<:lbriella GomE.'z. A; An· years ago. lived in the Los Angeles un'a ·fund raising. "But then / thought of my drea Nieto and Sean Mullis, B; 'forty yc,'lrs. But, she said firmly. ·'It \\'<:IS sisler. and it qtas almost as if'she was giv· ~;ighth grade: Miebael Trujillo and nev,'r home." ing it to me. As if she inlended me 10 have Monica Trujillo, 13; , She, as W<:IS her sister, who mm't.~l to ;1. 1 ('Ouldn'l pUI it back." Sl'venth grad(': Johnna Patterson and Martha Mullis, B. First ~em('sll'l': Seniors: l)('anna I.ul'ero. A; I)uvid Ttilly. Cindy ~l()ntano. Billy Hando'ph, David - Luc.·('ro and Jim Coop('r. B: Juniors: JoRae Sall'ido. Branda Tally, [)on'ltu Burl'lll'tt. (,hufli(' Chavl'1., Jackit' M'Wl. I>tllmy !\fontes. Haymond Parham, Dan P(·ndl'l·grass. B('rllad("t tl' Pl'udencio and Kalritw Homert>. B: SophomorE.'s:' Anna Seott. Laul'u Gomez, Hu~:-;('ll Pn: liahri('l1'l Gomez, A, money to help bl,Jy a new von for the Bock row from left is Sted Rons ey, Marie residents at the Ruidoso Core Center. Stoff !';ighlh grad,>: Michael Trojillo, Moniea Powers, Helen Montgomery. Eugene TrUjillo and Tony (,haV('l.. R: members involved in the project include: Klinekole and Sabrina Wood. Not" pictured Sl'\'{'nth grade: Johnna Patterson and front row from left, Ramone Crone, Ina are Lois Coons and Mildred Gonzales. ~Iartl", ~Iullis. ll. Core Center group worl"s for von

RUidoso Care ('('nler's maintenance. proj~('t Ob/1oaries Their most recent wus making to the' l'l'nt('r's aUXiliary to us(' for pur­ housekpeping and laundry services Sanla and Mrs, Claus dolls. (l'lt ('JV('s. i('(' l'h~lslng u van to transport thl' resid('nts. pmployees donated thpir time and lalents box owls and people. and horn of plt'nU('s ··Th('v nt.·l\d il. ThE."v nt-l'd u van fur ~J('("aus{" the\' carc.~ about the residents. made of bread dough. Th(>st." jh'ms "'{'n' lranspC)rlilLinn Aftl'r all, th('Y un' s('nior Eli Sago l'nder the· direction of supervisor Erma then sold at thl." Care ('ent('r's bawar and t·ILILt>ns." Capps said. S('rvil'l'S for l';li Sago. Ml'St."ul(·ru, will be Capps, the !"laff spenl lunch hours. coffee at the- country slorl." at lh(' Cart.' ('('lIll"r TIlt.' r('sld('nls h('lp('d In makll1g snme of twld Tuesday ;11 IU am. in St Joseph's bn'aks. I'. ',; morning hnurs and lalt' "We- did it fflr Ih(> peoplt' to ralS(' mont':. ltw 1lt'IllS For (·xampll'. Ih(O Sanla Claus MisslCJn. l\h·sc.·ult.,ro, wilh 1"alh('r ,Iuslin of· (1vpning huurs makmg ·crafl Items to help for the van," said Capps. Tht.' Rroup ral~('d d{JJI~ 1'('qUlrt.- fuldt'd magazlfws "Tht'y flt'lutmg Buria'· Will bt.' in till' M('sc.·all"ro raise money for the Care Center residenls, $500 with their project and tht>n donatpd II follf('d l,U(JU mugal.im·s for us:' Capps ('l·m(·l{'ry. ....ltd B(' di('d in a J)l'\'l'm twr 24 v('hid(> erash 11(' was born III :\-ll's('ull'ro. Novl'mb('r 21, Tht· huu.o;{'kt-'(·ptng sLaef all <:tS(rt.·(Od fha! I Yilt) tilt' I"l·... llh·nls wanl to hr'lp III any way th('y Sun'lvors tnl'ludl' ,I son. Anthon... Sago. Polliwogs &Pigtails I III '1'11··\ ~\·nuJddl). .\11·... "M.1IJW Chl'(' and l>c.'brnUh ..t·\ fl' ,I,. ,It!.l,. l •.t. '1Io('('d Kayd~lh, rllj~·, ~h·~l".dpl'\J. HdJ.l Sagu. .JUL' 'Ollll'llllllg kv('n If lhp)' l·.II1·1 du It. lh(')' qUl'llOl' Sago and Hilda Sugo. aJI of Taus. Children's Specialfy Shop 11'\ .lll~way." ('apI's said wlC1 hroltwrs Cir('gnry S"J.,tn .Ir . and Clyd(' .. l'hl'\ t('I..'1 III ft',· tall If t!l(.\ It·t.'llht.\·\'(. Sago. both l)f !\lc'sl'al('11l twllll'd )OU.' Llppl'o ~auJ I"\-;('n Ir Ill{' rt.'sl· I'allh('an'rs will Iw T1wrman S,ago. ZENOBIA DONOHUE of Capitan visited Ruidoso Hondo WINTER t!t'ut 11l.l~n't IJr'('n ublt.· tn hdp mu('h. Ihl' B)-Tun BJ.ak('. ~alhanl(>l eh(·t., .Jr . lIoru('(' Valley Hospital Auxiliary's Pink Shop last Wednesday after­ ,I'll! IS sur(' to milk(' th(' r{"SI(]c'nts rc'('1 tht,y ('omall(·h('. ('Iydl' Sago <:lIld W,Ir\,\("(·S. with mihlary hnnm·s. will he twld 'f'ul'sduy al :2 pm. :11 tlw :\h'~c.'al('ro ) 10 .~ BUI (',Ipp (h)l'~n'l lakt"JII nf Ihl' "TrorJlllnr OPEN a.m. TIL 5 p.m. fll'r~d( SIlt' ~;Jl(1 ~hl' h,l' "'1U1I(' it (·n...... Baptll'ot Church. fur :\1arvin S"lIld('rs Bar­ 2809A Sudderth Phone 257-9)·, J (·us. Mt·s(·cd('ro. wllh lhl' I{("v('rl'nds \\f1rkmg Wllh lnt.'·' r\1 !l'asl 12 sl.lf( Ju mt's At the Hospital nH'rntlC'r~, mall' and '('malt.'. hav(' lu~lp('d lfuA'w~ ,lOll Dal(' :\-lc.·('It'sk)· uffic.'laling Burial Will lip In lh(' :\ll"s('alero ('C"m('If:"ry Ilwkt, the' ("ran Ih'm~ I'rl'vlUusl\'. Ilt'r DN'('mh('r 18 AD:\lITTfo:D (,il1d.~ , H(' dl('d in f}('('('mb{'r 24 v('hi('I<' ;:I('('j .Jom':'. RUidoso. DJS.:\JJSSJo:n: BrU('(' Com, (Tl'\\- rals('d SI,:',llU for thp palm prn.1(·(·1 ,J Hobbs. Ruidoso Downs. Norman W('st. ·~···~~····~ dt'nt audH', ('1f1(J\: Hobbs and Bah'" Hoy, I{ob(>rt ~ ·_·l Th" tTC'\\ Will ('untll1lu- In USI' Ihl'lf (r('(' lIundu. (it'urgin Jo: KinJt. I{uldosn. :"jura (;arms..h,ift'rv Wall. lip) S("ur- ..····.. ..,,) ..·······.. OkltlhHm~J. Mar", ",as Tahhinia. hnw III Ilt'lp r ,md Bah", Bn'" . ·• r-.....4) '~ • Sun'I\'(Jr~ 1m'Juri(· hJS Wlft·. P ..lts)' S.l·oll 'W\TIl.\Tl'I,,\TIW\S Tl>: '. don.J!('d IIlTH' l){'(·("rribt.·r -In i\r}:\IjTT~;r)· l{ollPrl .' .. Hnls... and HUby Ihs . 6 nzs . D('('pmb('1' 1" :Impr K(·U('r.•h'un B;:lrnps. Surman Wpsf -Ci.ARKE·S~­ H~lr('lIs Sr. slsh'rlo' Manan(' DaVIS cmd 1':lnora .Junes. Baby Hoys. JIb II nz and !>l't.·pmtwr 2n AI):\1I1If-:I>· ,1('Hen .. '\l1It.. Hareus and hroth{'rs fo:lmt'r Ban'us 1:\ 07.S ·• (\ I!. ..II W.all. J}(·f1\'f'r. (·oloracJH. Marron Sham Chapel of Roses ,II' . an(1 B("nnic' Ban-us. Sl'lUU; Tllll.\TE: · hurgt'r. HUlc!oso. Glrrord Gain('s. Pallhr·t1r(·r~ Will b(' ":Imt'r Bureus Jr. no~'s-56 • ..£ II l\h'Sl'alE'rn, .:\Iary Di'l S(·arb()rou~h. Lin B£'nnw Ban'us, £lay Walk('r. {'harlt.·s (iir)!> - ItH : .~ b ....._.~ --.-.-.".~- -fl . = ('nln I>IS~HSSJo:1l Hussl'1I Sl'('!C'\'. :'\;nra ).q 257-7303 S(·oll .•h'rry 1>;1\'!loi ,lnd Billy Bush HI(Mlcl . \ .~... -..' 0 .. Arnlllg('n1('nls an' hy ('Iark("s Chapl" or . J>Pt'pmhl'r 21 AI}1\-lITTEI)' Elnora _~~.Oitt . Hos('s : .... ?;? • CALL DAY OR NIGHT • ...• II tor Personalized Service /~ ~::/' For You and Your Family · . .. '\ '-' . Obitoaries .' \' II Serving Ruidoso : (.~ "J : And All of Lincoln County • - II Michael Zuazua : (I" \ ../'61/'" . V : / '-, '-- Services, with mi,IHary honors. will be : ..... ~ ----..::: ~,~ • .II held for Michael Andrew Zuazua. ~. Me:;ealt.'ro. Tuesday at 10 a.m., at Sl · . Joseph's Mission. Mescalero. with Father Justin officiating. Burial will be in. the ~ ~py ~ MescalPTo Cemetery He died in a December 24 automobih.> a{'· NE1 \!EAR- cidpnt. Fine Gifts of the He was born June 25, 1948. in Mescalero, Southwest. Since 1945. He is survived by his wife. Pauline Fatty Zuazua: a son, Michael and a daughter 2527 SUDDERTH DR Tamar£' Rae: his molher. DeHina Kin· 257-4100 shuma: three ~islers, Ella Ray GallerUo, ••••••••••I •••••••••••••••••••••••••~ Renalda Zuazua and Virginia Kinzhuma and three brothers. Lynus Zuazua, Gilford Zuazua and Darwin Kinzhuma. Pallbearers will be Lynus Zuazu8. Gilford Zuazua, Berders Pebeashy. Larry Peheashy, Eustin Murphy and Miehael GallerHo, ' Arrangemenls are by Clarke's Chapel of Host'S

9-aye'1. Coutu't£ Bookmobile schedule

"li'l Tl'ESIMY. 1lE<:EMllEH 2!1: ~~. ALL Penasco 9:45.10::\0 ~~- Pinon Grocery t i :00·12:00 Weed 1:00-2:45 Mile Post 50 3: 15-4:00 ,ff!' EVENING WEAR Mayhill HangerStalion 4:15-5:15 W~;II:'1i~;S/)'\\', IlEC~::I>IBEH :10: Tularosa, 8th Street, Between Short & Long Dresses Bosque and Alamo 8::10-10:00 Tularosa Community Center 10: 15-11 :00 Mesca lero Hospital 11:30-12:30 Cloudcroft Cookshaek 1/2 OFF and Grocery 1:45-3:15 ••••••••••••••••••••••• High Roolls Drive-in Grovery 3:30-4:30 Boles Aeres Spaghetti Luci Ann Weslern Cafe 5:00-6:00 1/3 TlIl'/lS/H\" IlE(,E~IHE1{ :11: Carrizozo ~;lectl'ic Coop 9:30-11 :00 GOWNS Capilan Smokey Bear Cafe OFF and Motel 11:30-12:30 - PINETREE SQIl ARE _ Ft. Slanton Administration Office 12:40·( :30 9::JO n.lII. - ;;:00 1).111. I\fnllrlll\ TllI'lI Sn(lInln\ Hondo Vallev Schooi • , Lane . 2:00-3:00 " ('ilprO('kP.() , 5:00-5:30 ~-.-. ~li11i1i'lIIt ~r.l..,Il; ~. 'r=' =•• ·lr.··,I.;·••••til ·IIi·I' 1 iI ,I>..· 'ilbili'·.b..· ·.;••lIIr!olI·li!oIi1r..;..IttIli·ol7t.. rhio·iI_ "', L..I !J , ...,.,_..,"' """' .,j ...,.....,.."";, "" "' * .At" "'.••_, '"""".. ,..- ---Jil., ..il.,;..,__ ::., __.. . Monday, December 28, 1981 Ruidoso [N.M.I News - Page 5 STAR PLAYED FOR HAWAII

.Eubank discusses his -baskefba.11. career . Kirk Eubank has seeD both sides in his wen117-10 and '20-10 those Iwo years, mak­ major) and I liked the melting.pot culture ~:::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::~:::;:::::~:~::::"i:~:::::;::::::::::::::::::::;:::~:~:;:;:;;:;::;:;::::::::::;::::::~::::::;:::::::;:;:;:;:::::;:::::::::::;:;:;:;:::;:;:::::::::::;:::::::;:;::::::::::::::::~::::• oulstanding basketball career. ing the playoft~ his second se..~on. . the top players in lhe counlry ha~e ,com­ of the islands,II he said. ~_ He made Ali-American twice as a player 'n I shot 61 percent my freshman year and peted in that tournament. In fact thIS IS the '" '_. a t Ruidoso High School in 1976-77 but rOur -While al Hawaii Eubank played with a first Christmas I'll be home in threeyears. 58 percent overall at junier college," leam tbaf bordered on .500 play both years later saw very liltle playing time at Eubank said. "Hawaii recruited me as a ,he last two we were playinll in the the University of Hawaii·. seasons. In 1980 the Rainbows went, 13-14 . Rainbow Classic." . shooting forward. not a power forward." and tlie following season the islanders Around Sports "I really didn't play Qluch al Hawaii." While at junigr college Eubank met Ron Eubank's career at Ruidoso High Scho<>l . were 14-12. the 6-$ Eubank said. "The compelilion is Cam p, a 6-ll center froin Washington, D. started in lhe 1973-74 school year. He . really stiff there and 1only averaged about . "About six years ago lhe s~hool was. on played both'junior varsity and varsity C. Camp was an oUlslanding alhlete and probation." Eubank said. "So they were two points a game. I really thought [ would . Eubank credits him. with helping the basketball that season as a 6-3 freshman. play more than I did buI you don't reallze rebuilding for several seasons. Last year As a sophomore Eubank started on Ihe former Ruidoso star get a scholarship 10 we had a pretty good team." with Gary Brown ·al firsl how much tougher each higher the University of HawaiI.. varsity under head coach Thurman San­ Level of compelilion is. f learned Ihere was One of Ihe players on the Hawaii squad chez (now the freshman coach) and t!le "Ron was an outstanding player and he while Eubank played lhere was Aaron more 10 life than basketball. Before that I drew a lot of college scouts to our games," Warriors were eliminated in the dIstrIct really didn't think so." Eubank said. "Because of that a lot of the Strayhorn, a 6-2 guard who got a lryoul playoffs. Presenl head coach Barry Nelson Eubank is home for the holidays from scouts got to see me play. Camp is now at .with Cleveland of the Nalional Basketball was an assistant. the islands. He will graduale from Hawaii However, as a junior Eubank led the Southern lIIinois." Association. in May but he finished .his baskelball Bob Nash of Detroit and Tom Henderson Warriors to their best season in 19 years as ellllibility last season. When it came time for a four year col­ Ruidoso took third in the stale AA playoffs. lege Eubank narrowed his decision down of Houston are other NBA players who It seems, at leasl in major league The Warriors romped through district ac­ On the otherhand the Vankeesareon the Before getting a schoJarsl]ip to Hawaii to Hawaii and New Mexico Slal!!. played for Hawaij in recent years. . baseball, that money can still buy right track to reclaiming baseball's. ruling Eubank compeled for New Mexico Junior "I ehose Hawall because· It had an "We also have perhaps the oulslanding tion and topped Clayton 63-41 in the firsl anything. throne they held in 1977 and 1978. That's holiday lournament in Ihe country' in the round of the state playoffs. However Mc­ Collelle at Hobbs for Iwo years. NMJC Particularly if the man controlling the what a lot of bucks will do in this age of oulslanding agricultural program 'his Rainbow Classic," said Eubank, "Some of Curdy Mission edged the Warriors on a money purse is New York Yankee Owner overpaid professional athletes and power­ last second shot in Ihe semi-finals 64-63. George Steinbrenner. crazy owners willing to do anylhing to gel Ruidoso Ihen toppled Mesa Verde 74-58 for Last week the Vankees signed free agent a winner. third place. ·Dave. Collins to a three year contract The National Football League has shown amounting to alleasl $750,000 a year. Col­ a lot of parity between its teanls this lins, who played with the Cincinnati Reds season. More of the same is probably com­ through Ihis last season, is an adequale ing in the fulure. hilter and fielder who excells at base steal­ Unfortunately not the same can be. said ing. of major league baseball. .

Anybody wilh objective feelings aboul' . . sports knows that Collins isn't worth the Some observations on the class AM AII­ money be'll be getting. He's a good Slale football team selections last week. " ballplayer but not a great one. Ruidoso High School only had one player However. he could be enough to help get named to the first learn, linebacker Lon the Vankees back on the track 10 winning Nunley. With the considerable number of the World Series nexI year. New Vork outslanding players in the AAA class this already has picked up outfielder Ken Grif­ season It's hard for a team to get more than one first team selection. fey from the Reds and the two former Cin­ on~y cinnati players could be just whal the However, one other Warrior. defen­ Yankees need. sive back Scott Neal, made the second AClually Cincinnati. which had Ihe best team. and only Neal was picked on the honorable mention squad (as a quarter· KIRK EUBANK record in baseball in the "two-hall" back). season of 1981. is hurting for Ihe coming Ruidoso had several other players who As a senior Eubank averaged 27 poiots a campaign. Besides losing Griffey and Col­ conlest bul the Warriors failed 10 make the lins via the free agent route the Reds Irad­ should have made the second team or honorable mention. state tournament. ed Ray Knight to Houston for outfielder Ceaser Cerdano. Just to name a few: Darin Smith, Don "That was the biggest heartache of my Nunley. Byron Wright, Ronald Bell. life al thaI time." Eubank said. "Losing Cerdano is a player with great natural , out in my senior season." abilily but he's been injured in recent Dariush Rad, Chris Lopez, Ric Pearson. Bud Smilh and John Montoya. All of these Some of the players who teamed with years and is older than Knight, who took Eubank in his junior and senior seasons Pete Rose's place at third base and did a players had outslanding seasons ror the Warriors. Wright and Rad. in particular, I\:i " were Mark Swain. Dennis Jefferson. good job. Trankie Montoya, Mike Seelbach. David The Reds thus have given up three have not been given their deserved honors. Hoff(·r. Hector Aguilil' nd J< 1:1' ~('blJTl players and gollen just one in return. not a Neither was named to the 3-AAA dislrict lirst learn. T' \' ",,('ft' the ba( .r·, ·uicl· good omen to start the new season with. Compare the Warriors' selections with r;jh:-l • ~ I· rul tl'an. : The National League Western Division ·t ? -- i!. squad took fuurth in thE.' ~t~a.~ ,\AA lnurna:· jusl may be the toughest in baseball. With Portales and you see some obvious in­ , - ''f'1,L~~~ jusLices. Portales. even though it won the J ""nl Hut l"'tJh~H'k W;'" thp ..tar . hE' the World Chnmplon Los Angeles Dodgers, ' ~. ... ::".!!JJ • ~ rebounding, Reds face a tough lask if they hope to win dereating Silver City for lhe slate tille and the Colts just barely beal Ruidoso for lhe .. Those skills gal him a scholarship to the division title and National League pen. JASON BIGHAM (59 in the light uniform) of key players for the Braves this season. White NMJC and he enjoyed a successful slay nant in 1~R? district championship. White Mountain Middle School's basketball Mountain is 9-0 on the season and will there before going on to Hawaii. team shoots over several Carrizozo players resume ploy January 8 with a home game floes Eubank plan on going out for the pros1 in a game played earlier this season. against Weed. "No." he said. "lance did. I think every Some Ruidoso wrestlers may Bigham, a 5-9 forward, has been one of the kid who plays basketball does at one time or another. But after seeing the tough com· NEAL MAKES SECOND TEAM AS QUARTERBACK petitIOn at the coUege level I realize there compete in EI Dorado tourney art" more important things in life now." Whal does he plan 10 do arter he Although the team is laklDg a break tor Cruces. graduates? the holidays, severaJ members of the "G("t 1010 agricuJ(ure,'· hp said ·'1 think Ray Monlt's f 105 pounds,. Chuck Nunley named to AAA all-state team I'll stav in Hawaii and see whal it's like in Ruidoso High School wrestling squad could Schmidt' 112 pounds I and Henry Rue' 119 participate in the El Dorado Tournament that fl;;ld ror awhIle" pounds} were easy wrnners against the Lon Nun'('\'. on(>-uf lh(' mo!'-l LiI'('nh'd ancl all H'~lr 1)urinu om' !'>pan of Ihn"" I-t;tm("~ hIO('n mw'n '\IlfJ}f' rn('nflon" hi' ...lId in Albuquerque today thro~gh Wednesday ·\'''''Irnnr~ Wh("n' ("ver Kirk Eubank does end up Hoswell schools. Montes also look firth in vers,aldl? athl(>l('s 10 pl.ily ror J{uul(J!'of) JlIgh Ihl> did nut allow ,ll toul'hduwn in "Players like Chris Loprz I fullback t. The Warriors are commg off an Im­ ~('"' h(1·U ('ave <) Hille bil of nostalgia In the Las Cruces tournament. usually one or SrhDoJ in manv ,,·pan.. ha!'o bt,t>n nnm(>(] In rh·ho.almg I)toxh'r 2:1-6..lul 2u-n and I ~unrd pressive dual viclory over Roswell and Byron \\'nghl o(frn.. ,n" und HUldoso about his Ali-American high the toughest in New Mexico, lll(" <.'lass AAA·Ail StatC" first ((,'Im football :\h'xl('u :\1Ihtnr)- In~lllul(O 7-0 I IIwhill·k('rI and f)~lrlu~h Had Goddard December 28. Ruidoso was par­ school days The El Dorado tournament is an in­ squad as a hnl"bat'kl"r Neal was th(" hparl of the RUidoso of· , hm·biU'k.'r I •• ticular1y impressive in the lower weight dividuaJ, non·scoring affair Huido!;o's S('otl Npal. who was ttl(.' W.lrrlOrs· ~l.ilr fpmw Thl' 5-9" 165 pound. st"nlor rush("d for divisions against the two Roswell learns next tournament IS at Silver City ("arly tin~ quartl'rhal'k mosl of Ihl' M"ilsun. rnanp 10 touchdowns and passed for thre(" more and in an earlier tournament at Las next month, the AAA s("("ond h,-.Im as a drh'nsl\(' hm'k (hOspltt, ITlIMolOg two f:t~mu'!oo dUI' tn eln 10 Nea) also r(l("Plvpd hnnorahl(' mt"nllrm Jury 1h' was .al!'on Ihi' In,tlwl'cllher nr iI \\"ar­ honors as a quartt'rhal·k nor (!f'(('nsIH' sc'(·ondi.lry Ihal \\CIS prn plil~l'd -- Capitan's Chavez makes All-State Nunll"y did vlrluaJl)' (I\'('rylhmg for lIu' hahl\" lht' h('!'>1 10 dlslnl'l:\ AAA Ih' Warriors but s("11 popl'orn al thl~ (uoth'llI at h;llh (mfh.u'k ,;md quartrrh~l(.'k un nr Ruben Chavez 01 Capllan HIgh School games BpsidE's helOR an outstanding mid fl'n!'>('. shOWing holh hiS spr("d and passing. eliminated in the slale semi-finals by Tex­ made the United Press All Slale A class die linpbackpr thl' 6· r 2(m pound. S('n!or ahlhh· football team as an offensive ~uard. ico 7-6. The only other Tiger defeat was a also playl"d fullback amI t.l<·kll' nn Or{('OM' Pnr:lalps. wmm'r nr Ih(' :\A..\ stalt· 1111(' 20-13 decision at the hands of state cham­ He wa.s also thl" HUldn~o pla(·(· ku·k('r. \\'lh a 20-J6 Win on",. SJI\'("f" erly. Chavez was one of the keys 10 the Tigers' pion Reserve. 8-2 season this vear. Capitan was dnminat('d thl' st'lp("tu>n!'i with 11 pll"ks David Lynn of Texico was named Coach Slln'r Cil)". who f"d~rd Hmdnso for thE' of the Year. Resen'e dominated the team dlslril't championship. had fl\"(' plaYl'rs with 10 players. Junior Ski Racers nam('d (0 th(" all statl' t("am H.lJIdnso hl'ad coal'h Barn'l SlIl'rwalt was p(asrd IhHI :"iunh'y m,i1dl' lhl' first to begin racing Nunley gains It'am hut wasdlsappninl('d that :\"enl didn"t makl' the fiThf (('am and fhilt n01 murr The Ruidoso Junior Ski Racers team will \.... arnors W("fl' srl(,l'It·d start the season in earnest next monlh. second honor '·1 ("II ~hal soml' or thl' plaYl°f'!-j who had Some of thejunior ski racers might com­ h(>('n with us fOf (our \,("af"!; ~hould ha\<'(" pete in a meet in Monarch. Colorado. Saturday and Sunday. However. it's not Ruidoso High School"s star definite yet whelher the race will be held. linebacker Lon Nunley received LOSE 5 TO 1S The ski racers' next meet would be held another top honor Saturday when he - INCHES January l2. was selected as a member of the South All-Slar foolball team. IN ONE HOUR The ski racing season will last until late Nunley made the team at one April The Ruidoso ski racers compete in l THIS IS NOT A WATER linebacker position along wilh Scott LOSS PROGRAM. No the Rocky Mountain Division against Muse or slate AAAA champion Clovis LON NUNLEY other teams from Colorado, Ulah and New exerdsl'. No contracts and Tim Sweet of AAA champion Por­ or obtigaliol'ls. Vou Mexico. lales. making most of his extra point all<."mpt!' .:":.:.:.:;:;:;:~:::;:;:~:":.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':;:;:;:.:":.:.:.:":.:.:.:.;.;.:.: Eight members of Clovis's team and kicking several field goals during lho rt'lax for 1 hour in the made the squad while four players from season. His longest field ~oal was a 27 yard m 0 s t eo rr (" {' ti ve Carlsbad were named. Three players effort against Truth or Consequences. Europ,'an Body Wrap from AAAA runner up Hobbs were Lon was a powerful force at fullback Available. Bowling scores selected including slar running back where he alternated with Chris Lopez. Timmy Smith. another senior_ He was a solid blocker and Ladles, If you are tired of The All Slar game belween Ihe South .also caught several passes coming out of tbose unsightly lumps., Reservations and the North will be played July 30 at the backfield. Nunle)' scored five bumps aud buldges known Thursday Morninl! the University of New Mexico stadium as cellolte, this 18 your Ladies' League touchdowns on the season. including three in Albuquerque. The North won the in a 42·20 rout of Deming. solution -EUROPEAN Necessary Indi"idual High Game Scratch 1981 ellcounler 40-0. On defense Nunley was even better" BODV WRAP - Where you W. Hughes,I63;.S"Flowers, 163; leading- a Ruidoso defense that W..lS tou('h are guaranteed to lose 5 to $15.95 L. Fugate, 169; T. Taylor, 166 15 Inehes Inyour1!r8t wrap. 257-2084 Indil"iduailligh Game with Handicap L. MIranda, 243; C. candelaria, 241; r(~~~ A wild and wooly approach to How long would you have to 7pm-10pm S. Flowers. 239 1 exercise and dlel 10 lose 22 Individuailligh Series Scratch body condItioning using j<>yful 'f ... jazz dance movements aDd t Incbes? Oue of our cUenls W. Hughes, 478; P. Burgess, 453; did In 5 wraps _. LESS S. Flowers, 438 swIngIng music! U's FUN, ~ fndlvidual High Series with Handicap eondltlons yon totally aDd will THAN TWO WEEKS! ' , ., keep you bouncing to a boogie t W. Hughes. 478; P. Burgess, 453; GREAT FOR MEN, TOO! S. Flowers, 438 ----' •. beat! Indi"iduallflgh SerIes with Handieap ti -:s ••sfum.a OU!' fmIUS PROGRAIIIH TltE WEST HOLIDAY SPECIAL W. Hughes, 509; P. Burgess, 503; RUIDOSO GYMNASTICS ACADEMY (Beside Poli~ Station) 2 For The Price Of 1 L. Fugate, 495 t Teant Ilif,fh Game Scratch - Monday - Wednesday 9:30 A.M. to 10:20 A.NI. Monday thru Saturday Resort Reservations, !i67; Sierra Vision, t Tu.esday-Thursday Class at 5:30 P.M.t06:20P.M. , 251·9155 561; If uo answer call 3784512 Ruidoso Plumbing, 551 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH , Tea m IIigh Game wilh·llandieap Monday - Wednesday 3:45 P,M. to 4:35 P.M, t t $15/Monthly or $2.25/Class . Resort Reservations, 890; Ruidoso Poumblng, 636; Classes start Again Jan. 4 Sierra Vi,iof\. 816 .BOdy' Reflections Continuous Registration Team IIillh Series Scraleh f Resorl Reservations, I,728; ,Sierra Vision, j. 12- f'bR M?P.E INFO: 257·6978 a ..J Adobe Plaza. 1,595; RuidosoPlumbmg, 1542 -

• • • ...... J ,,_._ .. ,.._, ,- ... ., -- ~ C .~. --". .~...... - - .~ '-a _., -. -. _ -- '. ,

Page 6 - Ruidoso [N.M.] News Monday, December 28, 1981 Bowling in Ruidoso offers something for everybody ABORTION? NOI - Contacl Mary Fran· REWARD - $100 for missing male, red BY GARY BROWl" "Basically 1starled bowling as a form of physically and flnancially to make this a LEGAL NmlCE cis Lynn Home, ~05 Rom'lro St. NW, Chow puppy, goes by name Woodstock. Sports WriteI' therapy," Hughes said. "It is basically a better place for us to bowl in." Albuquerque, NM 87104, phone (505) Last seen 12/6/81 in Cousin's parking non·comnpWive soort and I took it up afler PUBLIC NOTICe ~42·3219, Salvation Army has care for lot. Please call 257-9021 Or All of tbe learns in each league are span· The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Village of .girls, too. W·6J.tfc 257-7365. R-61·71p my soflballinjury'to relax and stay clam." sored by a local business. Each team Ruidoso, wJU hold a Public Hearing at Its regularly Bowling is the kind of sport almost scheduled meeting, Monday. January 4, 1982. at the CONTRACTORS SCHOOL - In Ruidoso, anyone can play. It's inexpensive, easy to The Tuesday Morning Ladles League, member wears a shirl with the business' Village Municipal Admlnistrlltive Center at 9:30 A.M. which has 12 teams and 48 members, bas . One day worksbop, $125 pIllS tax, Call LOST - Great Dane male, fawn color,'in learn and relaxing. name on tbe back. With around 40 learns' The Public HeAring will be for the purpose of rezoning Jimmy Neeley, 505·52~·3115. C-6Hfc been in existence since the early 1960'S. competing In the four leagues thereare the the following described property from R-2lo C-I: Airport West. Reward. (;au Therefore it's not surprising that bowl· A tract of land located in Sections 10, ,11. 14 Rnd 1S. SOUTHWESTERN PEST CONTROL ­ 25lh'16100. lr6<p ing is the most popular participant sport in The Tuesday Night Kings and Queens same number of businesses represented. Township 11 South. Range 13 East, NMPM, Iluldoso, L1n­ this country. Millions of people flock to the League, the Wednesday Night Mixed C(lln County, New Mexico, more particularly as follows; serving Ruidoso, Capitan and Car· League and the Thursday Morning Ladies' While the spOrt has caught on with a lot Seginning at (he southe(lst' comer of Lot 5. Block 8, rlzo~o. After 5:00 call Joe Hayhurst, nation's bowling alleys yearly to par· amended plat of a porthm DC White Mountain Estates, HELP WANTED licipate. League are almost as old as the Tuesday of people In Ruidoso, women especially Unlll, Ruidoso, lincoln County, New Mexico, as record­ 378-8286 or 1-800-432-3861, S·48·tfc , Mornine: Ladies' LeaJ!:ue. . bave become inter~.st,," ed In the office of the Uncoln County Clerk on the 4th day FINE ART BRONZE FOUNDRY - seek· of January 1~, in Tube No. 478; thence (N 4- 17' 00" W a VIET NAM VETS help in crisis. Call Ing craftspeople for fuJI time work. CaU distance of 493.14 feet alopg the northesl boUndary ofsaid It's no different in Ruidoso. About 170 Holiday Bowl Was buill in the early HWe've got more people than ever in our Block 8. thence S $4- 44' 00" E a d1slance 01 11';.00 feet; 257·2798 or378·8393. V·64·16tnc Clare, 354·2402 or Dave, people participate in four different bowl· 1960's as a replacement for the Clubbouse local Women's International Bowling Can· thence N IS· 03' 28" W a distance of 110,46 feet; thence N 336-4966. F·63·5tp ing leagues at the Holiday BowL Two of the Bowl (which stood at the corner of Sud· gress membership/' said Hughes. "We 04- 49' 12" E a distance of 230.35 feet. thence along the leagues are for women and the other two derth and Mechem) and the Davis Bowl, It arc oJ a curve to the dgllt whose .central angle is 20- ~4' COOKS, DISHWASHERS, MAIDS - apply hold our city tournament in January or 05" and whose radius is 258.75 feet and whose chord bears with Arnold at Holiday Inn. H·55·lfc are mixed. The bowling league season has 12 lanes and also pool tables and pin· February and we compete against women N 60- 01' 10" E an arc distance of 91.38 feet; thence N i9­ TV RENTALS begins in September and lasts until ApriL ball machines. from the otber city leagues," 29' 00" E a distanceof 224.85 feet: thence S 40" 31' 00" E a FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER - with distance of 35l.36 feet; thence S 49- 09' 00' W {I distance of Black And White Or Color "Bowling is tbe kind of sport tbat is fun Hughes herself Is one of the better 50.00 feel; thence S 35" 05' 00" Ea distance of 305.03 feet; heavy experience in preparation of ad· and relaxing to play," said Walterine "This is a good' place to come:and have wolnan bowlers in Ruidoso. Two weeks then(ie along the arc ot a curve to the lelt whose central .VIDEO TAPE justing journal entries. Write Box B, Hughes, president of the Tuesday Night fun, H Hughes said. "We don't have any angle is ••" 48' 07" and whose radius l8868.41 feet; then~e c/o Ruidoso News, Ruidoso, N. M, ago she had a 193 high game and 523 series S 35- 55' 33" W a distance of 8.46 feel: thence along the REC9RDER RENT ALS Kings and Queens League, "You don't problems with teenagers just hanging to lead the women in the Kings and Queens arc of a curve (0 the right whose central angle is 32· 04' 88345. D·55·tf have to worry about the competitive around the place. Some of the men will competition, Three weeks ago Dorothy. 'Z1" ancl whose radius is 125.00 feet an arc distanceof 69.97 EXPERIENCED MECHANICS - needed. stay here and play pool until midnight reel; thenceS68- 00' O()" W a dlatanceofao.24 feet; thence Ruidoso aspect as much in this sport. to Dale bowled a 203 high game and last sometimes. I'll bowl anytime the door is along the arc of a curve to the lert whose central angle is Contad Wayne at Sierra Automotive, Hughes has lived in Ruidoso since 1965 month Becky Smith fired a 221 bigh game 41" 14' :Jtj" and whose radius Is 171.26 feet an arc distance AtThe 257·4333. S·58·9tp and has been bowting here that long. She open, and 545 series, Other top scores in the last of 127,60 feet 10 the said placeof beginning and containing '''y'' 7,930 acres more or less. COUSINS' - is now interviewing for all took up bowling after she broke her ankle month have been a 212·529 gameand series "AI and Polly Dillingham own the Holi· By order of the Planning and Zoning Commission. positions. Beginning immediately, in a softball game in Texas_ day Bowl now and have worked hard by Judy Watls and a 216 game by Alta Is/John D. ('upp Waltrip. Planning lind ZOning 378-4441 Please apply between 10 and 2. :.:.:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':. :-:~: ::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':':':':':':::';':':':..':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:::.;;;;::;;:::::::::;:::::::::;::: Enrorcemenl Orneer 258·3555. . C·43-tfc The local women hope to send some 1/2093·21-C lU 24. 28 bowlers to the WIBC tournament in St. Louis, Missouri next spring. The bowlers are even thinking ahead to the 1983 WIBC LfGALNOTICE I-n-s-i-d-e the Outdoors· tournament in Las Vegas, Nevada. PRECISION PLUMBING First on the local bowlers' minds, IN THE DISTRiCT COURT OF however, is the state tournament in Clovis liNCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO April 3. After tbat comes the bigger tour· TWELFTH JUDICIAL DiSTRICT AND MERCANTILE NATIONAL BANK AT I New Mexico Game and Fish News . naments. DALlAS, I PlainJiff, I But for now fun is what counts In bowl· ., ) BAC'KHOE ing. GRIFFIN lNVEHME:NTS.INC_. I ET AL, ) . IIAnybody can play this sport," Hughes Dl"endclnl'!>_ ) We wish to thank each one of you for such a tremendous w~ haven't even slipped the calendar [1' you are unable to make one of these said. lIWe even have whole families play. No, C\l169 01 Dlv, I response to thi5'cad. The owners of Precision Backhoe over to the new year and here 1 am bring­ meetings. please send your wriHen recom­ ing in our leagues. For example. the Cliff NOTICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS SALE ing up next year's hunting seasons, Never­ mendations to the Roswell Area Office. 413 lamily all bowls together, This is really a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thalli'll! under$lgned for aJJ folks North Virginia, Roswell, New Mexico family sport." will, on Ihe I~'h au\" 01 Janll N<1t,on,l' Bank at Oallas W<1S adiud,cated 10 r...1VC' a ,,('rond hen agamst Iht' deu.ribed real properly in the 'lium of $!l),314 II wilh inJerest to accr\JC' (rom Ihe 10lh PRESTIGE fl.1¥' 01 Novl'mller, t9lft. af Ih(' raleol1111] per d"y. and goin~. To get all of this process the New whnh .11 IhC d.:l111 01 'iale '!>hal1 be IhC' sum of $942 15. plus Mexico Department of Game and Fish will o\Il0rntoy fer'5 of '1,91'5 00 and cO\Jrl COSIs 01 '302 1$ begm public recomrn{'ndation m£>f"tings ....T,d '•.11(' W,II hl! m.ln"(' to lht' hI9h("'" bidder lor <,,\h, I'll/ Nolla M. Sluder durin~ REAL. ESTATE, INC. January SPec lal MasTer o REItI or IS. HUCk<;OffP, PC Bv ' .. ' 111\,'1 B O-R..,lly P.o. BOX 1232 RUIDOSO, NM 88345 61691" 111114.~1,18.tI14 - Local mf'etmgs mcludr ACROSS FROM KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN January 4. 7 pm. Alamo~ordo. Com­ staff of the Ruidoso News. MIKE WALDRON HARRY RAY, BROKER miSSIOners' Hoam. MUnicipal BUilding. 51 t ,This year's gathering was pspeC'ially LfGALNOTICE Res.: 257-5690 Res.: 257·7738 10th Street: and nIce, allhough this time we did not go to the GEORGE MIZE OVELLA ESTES -January 6, 7 pm. Roswell. Public The Dreamer Groen Castle on the hillsid~. but went Thll' Plannmg and ZOninA: {~Qmmiss.ion 01 lhf' V'''al~'l' of Res.: 257-4373 Res. 336-4017 Library. Bondurant Room_ ~orth HUldosD, wlJ1 hold a Public Hearmg .III ilsrpgularly 301 BY straight to Cousins' because K(ln and Mary !u:hl'dull'd mt'C'lIng. Monday, January 01. 1932. al Ihl" CLIFF OWEN, BROKER-REALTOR Ppnn DANNIE STORM left right away for Arkansas to visit V,IIndan("f" and input IS needed Party (ii\'rn By Edwards, presented a pair of stained glass fsl John 0 C'upp and appreciat<"d Any r('comm('n~alion~ ang~ls to Ken and Mary, to the great ap­ Planning and 7.ontng f<:nCorl"('menl Orr'("l'r you have concprninR ~('W :\1('xIC'o ~ hun­ Kpn and :\.lan: (;rrl't1 jZb9z·Z11 121 11. Dl Christma~ \\'ould hardly be complete pJause of the crOWd. ting and trapping rpgulations Will hp givron It was extremely inh.'rpstinA to ht"ar the consid(>r~t,nn without thp annual Christmas party giv(>n bv Ken and :\-Iary Lois GI"('(In for all the stories of Gary Brown, Ken. and Cafe Dickl'Y of (he early days in lh{"ir ~iv{'s And "--- -"_.._===---=~c--=-- it was nke 10 see Gwyneth Jones, long time writer for The News at the party. ANNOUNCEMENTS Have A Great Getaway Evening W~ all thank K~n and Mary for lh~ir FOUND - pair of brown rimmed glasses thoughUulm>ss in holding; this Chrislmas in front of Ruidoso News office last At The Mon Jeau lounge party week of November. Pick up at Ruidoso News. R·5!J.llnc In The Holiday Inn! Luts or Kin Folks Mak("s Christl1HIS fo:spp('ially Jo,.·rul Th(' Lynn Branch of the Storm Clan will HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MUSIC BY be almost completely represented in Lin­ coln county over Christmas. At this writing. IChristmas I<~ve) Lynn and Maxine's dau~hter. Ann. and her hus­ THRIFT SHOP band Al Geis are here from Austin with Ne~t door to Midtown Mart. their daughter Chris and son Grant. SOUTH SITY OP('" W(~dnesday, Friday and Mrs. Lynnett~ Smith and h~r husband. Mark. will be h~re during th~ holidays; Saturday from 9 to 5. and also their son. Scott and his wife, Lin­ r da. and their lillie son. Joshua And my great niece and nephew. Lissa and Steve Zlotnick. have moved up here permanent­ Iy. So this will be the nicest Christmas for me in a long lime. WOOD ENERGY Mark and bis branch of th~ family are Q. & A. ht>re in spirit, and I look forward to the day that aB of us can celebrate Christmas From time to time this space will During this Holiday Season, when we take time to called log~ther. answer your questions regarding The (,hrist Child wood energy. our thoughts and recover from the hustle and chaos of Has U1l'ssed Us All Do you ha\le a question on safety, .Christmas as we've come to know it, we slow down to Once again the Christ Child, by the energy efficiency comparisons, reflect and appreciate the many blessings we enjoy. High renew~d ,, celebration of His birthday, has green or dry fuelwood. installation His Spirit within us. problems or what causes chimney on the list are our families, personal dear friends. and 1 And we and our loved ones on earth and fires1 cherished business associates and clients. We urge and , in Heaven have a new beginning of hap­ Send your question on a post ~ard encourage you, one and all, to join us in seeking ollt the ,'. piness to last us through the coming year, to Roy of Roydoso, P.O. Box 3593 deeper meaning of this Christmas holiday season!! Our and always. H.S., Ruidoso. For direct reply send S.i\.S.E. most heart·felt BEST WISHES to our many friends who have helped make this year one of our best, and we look ".===. - --'""- """"~"""10 forward to bigger and better things for us all [YOU in· -::R.....J..•••• '. ~ ';;'\;"" ~~w~ ~ ~M eluded! I in the coming year. HAVE A JOYOUS HOLIDAY SEASON! ! . SONNY'S ~ •.•••....•...... •..•• BAR-B-CUE .. . AND STEAK PIT : A'l' YOUR : : SERVI(j?, : ifnCloday'~ 2ND ANNUAL


, -::;::::;::;.:.;.:.:.:.:.~.: ,.~...... ' • • .ot •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0" ••••• '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , .... Monday, December 28, 1981 Ruidoso [N.M.] News - Page 7 ...... •...... , :.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;';';':;:";'.'.';' ' ;,,•.... ,', ' .. " ,' , .' ,'...... , , '•...... •.,.•..'. SPECIAL SALE - on select lamps, 50% McLEAN'S LTD. - now hali diamolld .. HONDO VALLEY SUNDOWNER AUTO REPAIR off. TheAnderson Collection. A-62·5tc studs! Some chili wreaths lefl. 613 Slid. KENNElS Open Monday-Saturday, 8n.m.-5 p.m. GOLD KENMORE - dryer, white Norge derth. 257-5947. M~-tfc \. PHONE 378-8325 . QlIlllltyboardlag' washer, like new. SeclQ:>OCCOl~_""~ p.m. W-63-5tp Sweaters were $16, now $12.· Adkins, part time. Aspen Trail ski Shop fireplaces, retaining walls, etc. Block GOOD RAILROAD TIES - for sale. Price midtown. A-65-ltc 2511-3610. A'66-2t . s.tone and lies. Work guaranteed. CHAVES Office HARVEY .LARGE RESIDENTIAL - complex nee:' 653-4356, after 6. M-62-tfc 258-3314 . 257-29R7 378-8334 negotiable. Phone653·4557. N·62-!fc .... Excavafing - FireWood *****************..** llI'Ound and general maintenance per­ HISEL'S HOME REPAIR SERVICE _ CERAMIC TILE JALEPENO CORNBREAD - You really.... Ruid.050 Qual.-ty *. ~boild~. con~ Cement and Flagstone should try it :.. at Sonny's .... * son. Would Send Inquiries to . liND job too small." Additions, By Box J,. RUIdoso News, RUidoso, NM crete, decks, paint, remodel. Call Gary Yard Cillanup - . Bar-B-Que. . S-61-tfe : Furniture * . 88345.. . J'6l-tfc Don Hisel, 378-4120. H.93-tfc Trash Remo'val LITTLE CREEK EXCELLENT. Seasoned hardwood.FIREWOODReasonable- forrates.sale...... ->..... Beautiful Sleeper ,;... M~ID WA/'!TED - Mature \llind~ lady NEW YEAR'S EVE BABYSI'lTING _ Hazard Tree Removal ­ Backhoe CONST Split, delivered and stacked. & Ch i !t or maId Work. Must have own service, 6 p.m.-9 a.m. Call Kathy and 378-8229. H-59-10tp ,.... trans~ortation. No weekend work Gerald Ames for reservations, Topsoil - Filldirt ­ Contractor & Retail Sales a r It Rupe s SerVice Company' 376-4712. A-65-3tc Driveways Complete Tile Service MOUNTAIN FIELD WOOD - juniper and: . Reg. $959 :i' 257-4867. R-64-4tp Ra iIro"d Ties $6 to $8 pinon, mixed/$85; juniper/$80; :t $200 Off' . WORK WANTED - anything in . pinon/$90. You haul. 354-2396, HELP WANTED - for weekends and carpenter, painting, general repair. 257-5056 some ni.ghts. Apl;'ly In person, no phone Rupe'sService Company. R.65-tfc Capitan. M-64-4tp f 2917 Sudderth ... calls, B,g T FamIly Restauranl.B-65_2tc FOR SALE ~ used gas cookstove with .. 257-2522 ··t RT ••••••••••••••• ~ •••4 ~~ ... griddle, us~electricrefrigerator. Both .. P1 TIMEPOSITION - for hartender : PREVENTCOSTLY DAMAGE • oW H . in good working condition. Call 257-2410 .. ~t Inn Credible Bar and Saloon. Inquire ~ mperson, daily, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 1-65-tfc : Expert [big] tree felling, Ilmbtng; : aR fA or (817) 937-6032. F-64-4tp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • fireplace tnstallatloll, repair; rock, • A.~Il'l"~ "'. MISCELLANEOUS BARGAIN IN DRAPERIES - using 116 FULL TIME POSITION - for reliable : block cement and ndobe work' : ., WE BUY - gold, silver, sterling, ABC Cr~lble packag~ yds., $500. Beautifully made draperies SATELLITE TV ANTENNA mature pers9n at Inn : carpent.ry; remodeling. Local: Coins. 323 Sudderth, 257-4668. P-81·tfc of beige texture with Insulating lining. store. Inquire in person, daily 10 a.m.-5 • Bobby Palm, 257-5564, 257-2908.: ROO F I. N 6 ' p.m. I~-tfc COHTRACTO~S VACUUM CLEANER - sales and service. These will cover areas of 17 wide x82" Instal . ,where •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• All brands. David Keith, 117 E. Ei Paso long, 20' 'wide x 82" long, two pair 9' MAID WA~ED - full or part time. Good St. Phone257·7171. K-33.lfc wide x 55" long. Rutherfords, 2025 Mon. -- riM '4 pay for nght person. Apply in person Ruidoso Downs tana, EI Paso, ~exas. Ite C65.tf~ CUSTOM MADE - draperies, pillows, no phone calls. Casey's Cabins. 257·4708 - 378-4819 915-532·3672, R-64-3tp BIL~ bedspreads, accessories. We measure WITT, SHAKLEE - Distributor N.M. License No. 17933 and make to order. Select from hun­ FOR SALE - '1973 24'x38' double wide wdJ be in Ruidoso to Interview for p"; dreds of beautiful fabrics at mobile. 257-4851, 257·5118. Ask for spective distributors December 24 ARROWHEAD ROOFING Gamhles. G.I02-!fc Doug. S-64-8tc th!1?ugh I?ecember 3D, '81. Call 257-4003 , for mterv.ew. B-65-2tp PREWAY FIREPLACE INSERT - model COUCH AND CHAIR - matching, new, MI2642, glass doors, screen, fan, wooden arms, brown ltan plaid covers. 28'x30', $400. Used one month. $250.257-6035. C65-2tp CHUCK'S STEVE'S 378·4332. W-55.lfc MARLIN 444 - lever action rifle, new, N RICH VALLEY PRODUCTS HORSES FOR SALE - registered Ap­ never fired. $200 firm. 257-9477. M~-2tp ERVICE BACKHOE SERVI CE paloosas. Lorna Grande Ranch. • Get tn on the ground Door, with a TREE SERVICE Capitan. NM (505) 623-4034. L-Hfc 1·437·5113 9 a.m.-9 p.m., 7 day" a week fantasllc new consumable product. f..¥.¥•••••••*" All types of tree work -Backhoe -Forklift SPEND YOUR - Christmas money on ALAMOGORDO, N.M. FInancial tndependenc.... can be itemsfrom ail over the world at theSer· *" Capitan Flagstone *" yours, with a dynamic new 7 years' exoerienc:e -Dump Truck bian Peasant. 1106 Ohio, marketing program. Part-lime _ Aiamogordo_ . S-66.2tc *" forsale *" full-time, keep present job. Free INSUREQ. *' Pennanent rock for patios, * ...... fireplaces, retaining walls, 'W..- samples dally 9-5, Monday thm Ruidoso FIREWOOD FOR SALE - $75/cord. Honest full cord. 257-9442. F-66.9tp ..,.- landscaping, etc. Call: ..,.- RED DOOR Friday. Opportnnlty meelings every 378-4630 ANTIQUE GALLERY Tuesday night, 7: 30 p.m. Space Is 2S8-3662 2S7-206S COUCH - excellenl condition, $100. for FREE estimates. *" J. & J. Rock Co. *" 349 Country Club Drive limited. Call 257·9459 or rome by Bumper pool table, $40. Semi·trailer Jerry Keeton Jay Johnston 4Seasons Mall to make reservatloll. tarp, $100. 257·7496. 257·9493, *" *" Our aew shop has oak round Ruidoso EI Paso •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 257·2501. =--c- S-6I.8Lc----- *" *" tablcs t ice boxes, sideboards, CHAPPAREL PIPE & STEEL - Hiway 70 *" [505]257-2760 [915]S77-2751 *" library tables and china cahinets. : ROY OF ROYDOSO & SONS : Lots of pine, maple, cherry aDd David Keeton east. across from Culligan's, for your ¥- .. walnut furnitare, several Victorian WORK WANTED pipe and steel needs. Call 378-4141. Dis­ pieces. We have accessory items Construction : -Willlow Polishing : count prices! C'54-tfl' IS YOUR FURNITURE - becoming to ·CUSTOM FIREPLACE AND ------_." - such as rugs, sUver, mirrors, china you? If not, it should he corning to me. : -CIiIllleY Clearing : CHEESE CAKE - and pecan pie. You and glass, lamps, 011 paintings and PLASTER STUCCO WORK Complete .. no dip" stripping and really should try il ... aL Sonny's Bar· -Tn;;;'oosov duck decoys. W. have in our refinishing. Antique Unique, Lincoln, ·REMODELING : -Property Management : B·Que. S-6Hfc t·· ;;:'U5IC Christmas rimilive line copper, brass, kitchen ~897. ll; • • • "-" Cterns and wooden tools. We also NM, A.57.IOlp Llst~ O ·NEW CONSTRUCTION f: : In The Yellow Page" • WANTED - used bunkbeds. CalI carry estate jewelry and sliver atall VEGA PLUMBING - and Heating. cO;;: • Me, Visa Accepted : 378·4076. W-62.tfnc Music times. Phone 257·7195 .-- .~ - -- - ._- - - tracting and repairing_ Work Aller5:00 p.m. V Q SPIRULINA - gives inslanl energy. in stock nowl Come by, check us out and have a guarante~. eup of colfee. 349 Country Club 116 Reese Drive. Open Comm. Lk. ..J-- : PHONE 258-3133 : balances body weighL and promotes Saturday. 257-9357. V-63-9tp • Box 3593 HS, Ruidoso, N.M. • vibrant health. Sandra Harper, PHONE 2S7-4913 Drive, 257-2500. Open during Ih. 15077 :t .. ' SUDD~Rm winter oa Thursday, Friday and PAINTING, REMODELING - additions • • distrib$!or of Dr. HilI's Light Force 306 Saturday, from 10 a.m. til 5 p,m. new construction. Phon~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Spirulin'a Products. 378-4667. H·57·Lfc 378-4641. F.27.tfe

Things Are Looking S H Up o When P T Vou H E C L ~ ~ F ~ OJ' S) ... ' , . .~~~.. \.~,

.. ~ ...... t Page 8 - Ruidoso [N.M.1 News Monday, December 28, 1981 1977 CHEVELLE - Malibu, lour door NICE TWO BEDROOM - one bath house. FURNISHED FOUR BEDROOM _ two sedan, good condition, $2495 or best 01­ NIGHTLY OR MONTHLY - three FLEA MARKET '. RENTALS Call Rose Peebles at 257-7373 or home at bath, all ullUlles paid, $478/monlh, $250 fer. 257-9701. A-64-4tc deposit.' Call 257·5066 or 336-4020. Ask bedroom, 1';, bath mobile home. Call We buy used fUrniture, appliances, tools, FURNISHED - two bedroom mobile 338-483.6. P-63-4tc 1981 BLAZER - 350 engine, 30,000 hlway .lor Annette. . F-65-3tp Re$ort World Real Estate, Inc., lawn mowers or any surplus items. Call . home. Call 257-4418. K-62-tfc ONE AND TWO BEDROOM - apart­ 378-4638. R-65-tfc 378-4774. Located ". mile west 01 Race miles, well equipped. Available COMMERCIAL SHOP - on Sudderth· BEAUTIFUL, NEW - 2 bedroom, 2 bath ments, furnished, bills paid. Call Track, Ruidoso Downs. December 28. $9,850 firm. Call 257-7443 after 5 p.m. . B-61·tlc walk area, $ 195/month, utilities paid. ONE BEDROOM - lurnlshed apartment, ' 258-3455. F-64-tlc house for rent. $35O/month, deposit + Call 257-6078. C-65-2tp all bills plus cable T,V. hook-up paid. ' utilities. Adults only. No pets. Phone FURNISHED - 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo. 1973 FORD MUSTANG MACH I - V8, $225/month, No children or pets. - -.-. =-:-::=-=-c=-=-c=-===- -~ 257-5000. ' 1-49-tlc Good location. By day, week, month. FURNISHED - three bedroom, two bath, 257-7037. R-65-2Ip automatic1 power brakes. Rare -car, 257-9248. S-39-tlc excellent location. Weekly rates AUTOMOTIVE collector's item. Reasonable. OFFICE·FOR RENT - Ruidoso. Furnish­ LUXURY OFFICES - for rent from available lor Christmas week and New TWO FOR ONE SPECIAL - '72 and '69 336-4518. F-65-2tp ed or Unfurnished, 500 square leet plus Year's. Panky Realty, 257-9360. B-65-2tc common area waiting. 257-2692. F-17-tlc 150-200 sq. ft. Utilities. phone syslem . . . Impalas, 350. automatic, air condition­ 1968 750cc NORTON - and 1969 650cc and receptionist included lor your con­ ing, power_._---.steering. 378-4663. M-53-tlc Triumph Bonneville. $750 each. FURNISHED TWO bedroom $3oo/month, plus utilities and $100 venience. Ample parking. Only lour 1978 CUTLASS - Supreme BrOUgham. 257-9477. . N-65-2tp left. Call 257-5189 or653-4041. C-59-12tc new tires, sun roof, power, air. See at depo.sit. Call 257-2266. No pets FOR .SALE OR TRADE - 1964 ford 2'. please, C-63-t1c Sierra Cleaners orcall 257-2725. S-60-lIc ton truck, V8, 8'x16' bed. Call 671-4691, 1977 BLAZER - 4x4, Cheyenne Package, 257-7141. A-65-3tp CABIN - on Fourth Street. Furnished, linens, dishes. Available after holidays. §ate.!p~ 'l. lull power and air, low mileage. Ex­ EMERALD GREEN - '76 Lincoln town Cente. cellent. condition. New tires. $275 plus utilities. Call 336-4030, even­ car. Leather interior, luxury plus. Ings, L-63-tlc 336-4808. Y-61-11c $3700.336-4030. L-63-tlc OfficE' Space TWO BEDROOM HOME - lurnls!Jed, washer/dryer, fireplace. $450 plus Available utilities. $300 deposit. No pets. Private. Call 378-6345 or 622-1004.' A-:i9-tfc 400 - 800 sq. ft. Call 257-4058 VANTAGE POINT Luxuri()\lsl~' l'quippped 2-:~ hcdroom, '. For More Information nillllt!\'h •• "'l'l'kl\'_, monthl\',_ f{oC'!{ fi l't'j)] a C'PS, ('overt'd (It' (' ksIpn tillS., dishwaslll'rs. wHslH'rs. dryyrs, Fllrllislll'd, 1I1lfnrnislwd, [25H-:nOn I WOULD YOU LIKE TO RENTAL UNITS AVAILABLE In­ " dividual efficiency cabins in midtown RENT YOUR HOME? 'with your. own covered porch in the tall BY THE NIGHT. MONTH pines. From $185 to $215 per monlh. fur­ OR SEASON nished, all utilities, Including cable. for a small pereenlage 01 the Call E. J. Fourat! or Barbara DIPaolo, gross rental receipts, we can '-ree Lela Easter' Real Estate, 257·7315 yo.u Irom tbe worrisom~ lask 01 1!l-5J. E'll-tlc maoaglng and maiolalolDg your UNFURNISHED - three bedroom, Iwo property. Our home renlal ser­ balh. In cily limits. III Everest. At vice cao Include, .,. least six months lease. $500. 915-877·3817. Fl-64-lltp "ADVERTISING _._------_._-- OFFICE SPACE - wllh private restroom. "RESERVATION SERVICE phone answering service available if "CONVENIENT needed, across Irom Ruidoso Post Of­ REGISTRATION Buck And Diana Meyer fice.Call257-2ool. S-64-4tc OFFICE· CLEAN - two bedroom,onebalh,furrtish­ "MAID SERVICE ed house. $375/month plus utilities. Lela "INVENrORY CHECK Log Cabin Next To Bennett's Easter Real Estale. 257-7315. L-64-3tc "MINOR HOME REPAIRS For more Information caU· 585-257-5001 0 378-4003 Res, 257·7377 RUCELLECARPENTER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT

_...~-.. 'r--.,~

• -

. .

r....::::::::::::::==..:=- -:----J" View of Baldy From Lakeview Estates on Camelot , $175,000 INNSBROOK TOWNHOUSE on much OPEN HOUSE, DAILY TO·DUSK prof..rr..d lako location. Thll unit hal cUltom '69,500 INNSBROOK VILLAGE - 2 b ..droom, 1 f_tur.. IncludIng extra Inlulatlon. Ther.. II 3/4 bath condo. Fully fumllh.d and hal pl..nty of room In thll large 4 bodroom, 3 bath flreplac•• Thll ,. a gr_t opportunity to .nloy In. 257-4040 nlbrook living at a mo.t aHordabl.. prlc... Ent.r Cam.lot Mountain acrolS from Holiday Inn on townhaul... Highway 70 and follow our Ilgnl approximately 2 mll.l. ~ '\1,} LOTS 31.8 a

BOX 783, RUIDOSO Doug Bass - Broker lB. (CALL COLLECT) 304 MECHEM DR. 257-7386 REALTOR Brad Johnson - Soles Mgr. Res: 257-4775 MLS P.S. Now avallabl.. for r..nt on Cam.lot Mountain: 2 bedroom I and 2 bath at Vlllag. at Cam.lot and 3 bodroom, 2'1. bath with Bill Happel David l:Iarding Kevin Hayes .Bernita Johnson lacuzzl and launa. Call Joo: 257·4040 or 257·9898 for your Res.: 336·4750 Res.: 257·9883 Res.: 257-9181 Res.: 257-4775 • r•••rvatlon. • Jack Samuel$on Peggy GoWdy Jeff Chapman Lee Milton •• Res.: 257·94'16 Res.: 257'4735 Res.: 257-2985 Res.: 257·5386 '.

, , . _. .. ___.1. _ , -. , ,.I._~ •. - _ ; •. ~< .. ...,....-.._- ...... -. "....,-,.... ,....,. -...... ,...... ~:",.,..."....,.....------..-...... - ,..,...... -- .... --- ~ _. -- -- ~ ----...-----,_ .. ~-- - ..-- ...... -- - -- . .."...... -- ....- ""'" -- ... • -- - 'I""' ..- ,

MondQy, D~cember 28. 1981 RUld!lsO IN,M.I News ~ Page '1 --REAL -E-STATE . FIVE TO FORTY ACRES - unrestricted. HONSE LOVERS -'set yourself up on a RENTALS Just $2,51)0 per acre. 15% down, to near-country estate In Tularosa, New . CLEAN UP SPECIAL - three bedroom years, 10% interesl. Ron Smith Real Mexico. A gracious rancb-style. three DO You Hear ·Condominiums .Townhomes mobile on 1.3 acres. Horses OK. Just Estate, 257-9040, 336-4282. R-59-tlc bedroom, two bath home on approx­ RR $27,000 with owner' financing. Ron RR Get Her A imately five acres. Also Included on the ·Cabins eHomes Smith Real Estate, 257-~040. THREE ONE ACRE LOTS - on highway property are three horse stalls, a Knocking? 336·4282. R-55.tfc 48 in south Capitan. Dirt work done and 40'xI2' bam and a. new fifly foot It's OPPOrtunity at your door, This Innsbrook Village, Alto Village, septic instal/ed. 9K for dQuble wides. Cabin for OIristmas! , Other lo~ations. RANCHO RUIDOSO ESTATES - 5.7 diametercorral. An additional eighteen secluded 5 acres can be bough. for $8,000-$11,500. Ron .Smith Real Estate, For only $35,000 you can have a 2 . acres of farmland Included. Owner only f20,OOO wltb nothing d_ atJd Daily, Weekly, Monthly, acreS wooded hilltop, 360 degree views. 257-9040,336-4282. R-55-tfc bedroom cabin on running stream Underground utilities, imprQved with financing available. Many more approximately '100 closing COSls, Season Rates. road and well. Jim French, Drawer 66 OWNER SELLING - 4.81 acres in Capitan and II's furnished too. Call RollBdnp features in this enchanting setting can Financed by owner for 10 years •• Ruidoso, NM <5'05) 257-2692. F-51.tf~ With 14'x70' Lancer mobile home. Fur­ Realty, Inc" for details, 257-5093 or be seen by calling Rita Isaacs at Cen­ 1096 Interest•. Cau Roundup Realty, Doug Bass & Associates nished, fabulous view, lawn, deck, evenings, Bob 257·5093 or Mel 257­ tury 21 Las Cuesta Del Sol, Alamogor­ Inc., 257-5093 or evenings, Bob 257­ .' 505-257'7386 6.26 ACRES - close in, exclusive, covered porch, many extras. Owner 5097. do, New Mexico. (505) 434-2100 or (H) 5093, Mill 257.5097. ' restricted area. Horses OK. $45,000. financing. Call 354-2652. W-19-tfc 434-1155. ' H.&5-3tp Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 Ron Smith Real Estate, 257-9040, 336-4282. R-55-!fc FOR SALE BY OWNER - extremely wen buill home. Two bedrooms, two baths, RR central heat and air conditioning.. nood lights, fireplace in large living room, Horse Lovers separate dining room, fully equipped need to bave a look at· tbls mobDe kitchen With large panlry, washer and dryer. Double carport with large '.. ". ~- . ..,.~ bome and barn on a fenced earner PEN HOUSE. ' lot. MobDe features 2 bedrooms and weatherproof storage area, ideal for Is furnlsbed nice too. Call lor details retired c~mple. easy access. Call DOw.lloundup Realty, Inc., 257-5093 258-3160, G-41-tfnc or evenings, Boll 257-5093 or Mel 257­ 5097. ,- RR Upper Canyon FOR SALE BY OWNER - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, utility room,living room with Area Cabin rock fireplace and built-in china that' Is furnlsbed and ready ior cabinet, fully carpeted, patio and fenc­ Immediate occupancy. Features 3 ed back yard. Has two beilroom, living bedrooms; 23:4 baths, 2 car garage room, I bath, kitchenette guest house. and priced below comparable Double carport, Ioeated 00 paved roads for easy access. Assumable loan. cabins. Assumable low interest rate Please call 257-7217, if no answer call loan with equity purchase. Year 552-69l!O. A-44-tfc round access and paved slreet. CaD Roundup Realty, Inc., 257-5093 or ALTO VILLAGE - large lot. view of evnelngs, Mel 257-5097 or Bob 257­ Sierra Blanca, owner financing, 5093. • $15,500. Jackalope Square Real Estate, -;}:!>::.:;<&:~:.~~~_ ~. _.', '< c .._.. ,,,,:.. ' . 257-9723. J-61-lfc MOUNTAIN SHADOW ESTATES Condomlnlos con dlsenos exclusivos de 3 habita. • clones, 2 % banos y garale doble. Con flnancla­ REAL ESTATE miento de 20% de enganche y 14% de Interes al P.O. Box 966 - Ruidoso Downs. N. M. 88346 saldo. 1 Mile East 01 The Chaparral on Highway 70 U~DER $40,000.00. You won'l believe how nlre Ihls 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile PRICE REDUCED! Clean, 12'~"1.'"'Jedroom, I bath mobile home. Located Go up the hili past Sierra Swim and Racquet Club T home Is ontll you look at It. Partially furnished. bulll'over roof and porch with in popular mohile home park . ~",,, ~ccess. Just reduced In price for quick shake shingles, fantastic view, on the pavement, immediate possession and sale. Low down payment of $3,0l ••, with ownerfinancing, to first left and look for the open house signs. terms. II don't costanything to look buta little time. Give us a callan this one. RIVER PARK. This mobile bome add-on bas a targe, comfortable living room H THE SANTA CLAUS RANCH. This choice 25.85 acres is located on Highway 70 with fireplace, large sereened'in porch, workshop, fenced'in yard, froll trees These'beautiful town'houses gleam with quality. East on the outskirts of Ruidoso Downs. There is approximately 1,200 ft. of and pri('ed to 5l'I1. Extra niC'c retirement home or starter home. A MUST TO SEE BEFORE YOU BUYI! highway frontage, extra nice views and lots of Irees. The' beautiful 1,675 square PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY IN PRIMELOCATION. Approldmately3 E fool home has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Ilreplaee in living room aud many olher acres of land eomplelely S'urrounded by paved streets. All city utilities, view of extras. The tack room provides plenty of room for tack and feed. Look at It­ Sierra Blanca, short distance to Highway 70, good exposure and exeeDent BENNY you'll like II! developmenl ROtentja" Presenl rental unlt. and good depreciation schedule. A I.U-lUOR LICENSE. Lit-l'nsl' fur pal"kagt' and/nr lin pn'mist·, akuhnl salt·s. belter location would be bard to lind for a good apartmeot projeet. Reasonably G Tt·rm.s or (·ash. prj,C'cd. SAN PATRICIO TRADING POST " ""'d approximately 16 mil,'s easl 01 MOBILE HOME. This 14'x70' - 2 bedroom, 2 batb has lots of extras and Is Ruidoso on Highway 70. APpro,LIQI"''' 'ere of land - approximal"ly 4.000 ready io move into. The nice lady bas moved to Chicago and would like to sell. If U sq. fl. of building. Good handym~ ..•,ect. Seilre moli\al<'d al $.12.500.00. wilh you'n' ioh.-rested in a mobile home, you should look atthis one. ASSOCIATES/REAL ESTATE terms and low interest rate. MOBILE HOME LOTS. Low down paymenl wllh ownerfinancing. y BILL PIPPIN, Broker/Reallor RAYMONE> REEVES, Salcs Assoc. BILLSTIRMAN,Sales Assoc. PHONE 257-5185 Res.: 378-4811 Res.: 257-2779 Res.: 378-4391 419MECHEM 2717 SUDDERTH WI TH THE BUY __ 378-4016 InnsbrookVillage Real Estate . (505) 257-9046

*Office In Model Home No.87

. ! Ji'I Behind Red & White Flags Highway 37 North

Truly a CHRISTMAS SPECIALI At today'l prlcel can you believe thll Ipacioul trl­ level home II UNDER $15D.OOD? Over 3.200 Iquare feet of comfort with 4 bedrooml. 3 'I. bathl. 2 flreplacel. etc•••• and POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING at "yestervear's" Interest ratesl This owner mUlt feel pretty generoul thll yearl • To All Of Our Neighbors, Near And Far, * RESIDENTIAL LOTS In Alto Village. White Mountain Development, North Helghtl Park. Hlghwoad. etc. ,• Itartlng at 13,500 up with TERMSI May We Say •• • * SUPERB COMMERCIAL LOCATION IIi the mIddle of "Downtown" Ruldolo •• , walk . anywhere or everywhere from thll charming "retail four-pie." wIth delightful patio entrance. JUlt 1110.000 with potential owner flnanclngl GOD BLESS YOU,

* DREAM ABOUT YOUR FLIGHT to FantalY Illand as you view the planel from the cheerful covered deck of thll liveable 3 bedroom, 3 bath home In WhIte Mountain Development. BrIght. organized kitchen ••• recr_tlon room with outllde acce... •• spacIous living area, •• and fenced-In backyard for all the pe"l (PLUS OWNER FINANCING). AND THANK YOU For a Joyous 1981 •

* CONDOMINIUMS AND TOWNHOMES from '79,900 •,• offered exclullvelyat Inn· sbroak Village. (May 1982 Be Full Of· Blessings For You.) •

. '* .49 900 ••• Completely furnllhed lodge.cancio lulte. Will Ileep 4 to 6 comfor. Peggy Jordan KarOl'l Petty••roker Jack Williams tabiy • Includel ajl amenltlel at Innlbrook, and great OWNER FlNANCINGI Charlotte Jarratt "Million DollarClub" "MIllion DollarClub" "Million DollarClub" New Sale.AI.oclate 1980·1981 1911 1911 257o!1522 257.4949 257.23., 257-9546

/ • , • , . . ~ ...... ·. -., --:~.

Page 10 - Ruidoso [N.M.I News Monday. December 28, 1981 ONE HALF ACRE - of wooded seclusion t~ TRADE OR SELL - three bedroom, Allo area. $7,500. Subordinate FOR SALE BY OWNER - new home, BY OWNER - 3 bedroom, 2'", bath cedar FOR SALE BY OWNER - Alto Golf and FOR SALE quallfled party. Ron Smith Real Estate three bedroom, two full baths, 1,688 sq. brick. two bath in LUbbock, Texas chalet near airport. One living Country Club, three bedroom, 21", bath, 257-9040 33lH282 R 55 U' fl. plus 333 sq. ft. redwood deck. Queen- resort area, Lake Ransom Canyon. for room/kltchen with fireplace, den, plus hot tub, 2,080 It. heated area. Full Art Gallery - •. - - - c Air fireplace, ducted to heat all rooms, a house or condominium in Ruidoso or membership Alto Golf and Country And Framing Shop THRE~ ~EDROOM - 10/. bath house on 6" walls. Beautiful view. In White master suite with IJreplace, walk-In Roswell. Equity, $13,500, total, $65,000. closet. $87,000. 20% down, williinance Club, across Irom No.4 green. For ap­ Write: Box 602 large wooded lot. Paved street, easy ac- Mountain 4 Subdivision. Call 505-622-7121. Ask for Ronnie balance at12%. 257-7318, days; 257-5251, pointment call Wayne Wood, cess. Perk Canyon. Call owner 257-5965, 257-5389. P.65-Ifc Hill. ' H'58-Ifc Ruidoso. N.M. 88345 257-7395. B.59-tfc' evenings. ' H.~tfc 257-11610. W-63·l/c



$17.500 Lakeside Estates on $10.000 Full membership, has Lakeshore Drive, Includes a au oulslanding view of lake full membership. and Baldy. $19,500 Wooded 101, full $11,250 Large lot located close membership with owner 10 High Mesa enlrance. financing. $14.750 Large 101 with easy access and full membership. $20,000 Lorge wooded 101 with $15.000 High Mesa level very gradual slope. building site. unobstructable $35,000 over 3 acres in Deer view. Park Woods. doug bass & associates Located in Northwest Corner of /nnsbrook Village-m Highway 37 U3 ...... REAL TOR Drawer 2290 - Ruidoso MIS'- Doug Boss - Broker 257-7386

.; 1 ' ~:...... , ',;;,. ,,.;, .;;4.., ,' "50di",,- .••,. 'ft ,,," ., ,,,,,, _' _-. _'. .~.. •. ... Itt:. = • D •••• h"httb'ib b·' 'b'b· •., h'··bM-bn. b'b-b--.-.,• .I.'tttrM"Pb·',wttn.tt-Wm lb"'·'b'H* tit be *!'r·trt b"eu*bb ·t -. ,.•' 'R '...... - ... ' ...... ,...... - __ .- _.- -- ._._- --_ ..- -- - ._. - : ' . SUPER CLEAN 50' MOBILE - two YuU TOO CAN LEAD, - three lives. Ran. Monday. December 28. 198! , Ruidoso (N,M.! News - Pagq 11 • bedroom, mini washer/dryer, nIce cher, farmer, country ~enlleman. 6.39 C .1 a. :12 ;' carpet, lotsa cabinets. Only $6,000. acres on creek. Lot D m Eagle Creek PICK CARPET& : 257·7496, 257·9493, 257-2501. S065-4tc Estates. Only $60,000 terms. (Brokers RI( APPLIANCES NOW! • MOBILE HOMES • " Protected) Charles Rickenback, Need AMobile Nearly completed 2,064 sq. ft. AR 1981 Breck ·• ,Home Lot? ' home, to'IlI, on It" acre 101. Hns hot New& Used • Broker, 2910 S. Riverview Dr., appro~ • • Melbourne, Florida3290i. Y-65-3tp lhen how aboul tllls 'f.i lIere tub room off mosier bedroom, wei Furnished Mobile Home •.~ lot for only fll,OOO with notblag down , PRESTIGIOUS PARCEL - Eagle Creek bar, cathedral ceiling, ,kyllghls I wfth assumable loa. "ftb nO " and 10,yearII lit 12% lnterelt at ,throughont, redwood decks, cedar MOBILE LOTS Acres, '( acres, horses allOWed, Sierra App~Wy quallrYIJig. Features 2 large bed. , Are Your Rent $1li7.82 per lQonlh. exterior and a view of Baldy, Three rooms, 2 baths" ffreplllce. Lots 'of· :'~ Blanca view, $65,000. Box 348, Hampton $100 elOlInJ COlts. Check wtth ns · Bays, New York 11946. P-65-2tp bedrooms, two balhs, double HOLIDAY HOME SALES storage area, TbIs oQe 1.1 real lIIae.' · Slips Showing? today on tb.IB good buy OJ wen as ·• garage. $80,500, assumable loan. 1107 Mechem, Hwy. 37 CIllI DOW for debllls lit RoundllP · Use a mlllch bicouse that Is lin they FOR SALE BY OWNER - 14'xOO' 1981 others. Can Rou!ldup Really, Inc., ,Call 257-7313, Bnrbara; evenings 336­ " mobile home. Three bedrooms, two Realty, lnc., 257-5093 or eveaInga, · are worth! Then come by and let us 257-5093 or evenings, Mel 267,(087 ar 4670, Reallor, Lela Easler Real 258·3330 - 258·3275 Mel 257-5091 or Bob,267-61f3, ·· baths. Call 257·2Q40 after5p.m. lr1l5-4tp Bnb 257-5093. ·'• show you tbfs little 2 bedroom Estate. ·• mobUe on paved otreel and a creek • • · LOCATED BLACIt FOREST F j .' 0::1 ·· "lOalng beblnd your back door. r· Priced so 101. It's unbelievable. Call Eutrance Road. ApproxJmatel" 2.5 acres. Three beautifUl building sites, RoUndup Really, Inc., 257-5093 or natural gas and all utilities evenings, Mel 257-5097 or Bob 257- available. Partial owner Ilnaaciag. 5093. 257·7159, Bolt 2066.

HOUSE OF THE WEEK lB. BEAUTIFUL YEAR AROUND HOME WITH REALfOa EXCELLENT ACCESSI Two bedroom. 2 bath, sort World sewer. natural gas. Only $69.000.001 Call Marcia Real Estate, lac. MLS Silverat 257·4073 or home at 257-4979. ANN GEORGE, BROKER RUIDOSO DOWNS AREA. 4.5 acres with good Income poleatlal. Three bowies, corral, fully fenced, joins Nntlonal Forest. View of Bnldy aDd CapltllllJl. Uve In one bouse and renl the olber lwo. Owner wauts to move baek ta Texas and Is eager to finance. Can be sold severaldHfereat wayoso callAnn abonttbls one. CHARMING CAB IN located just outSide of Ruidoso with' a beautiful view. Two bedrooms. 1 bath, gameroom, $6,000 buys this wooded comerlotclose to everylbfog, built'svery private. glass enclosed dining rooma!"d lots of woodwork. Easy access to Ruidoso and ski slope. Call Gary Caughron at RACING SEASON Isn't tbat far away! This 2 bedroom, 2 bath country bome 257·4073 or home at 257-5100. with fireplace and 10'x28' deck fs conveafeat ta racetrnek jusl oU IUgbway 70. Three additional lots Included In priceof$67,500. BEAUTIFUL FIVE ACRE tract of land with NICE LEVEL BUILDING LOT with good access and .mrestricted views of Sierra Blanca and Capitans. Social Membership in prestigious Alto. Only 512,500.00! ALPINE VILLAGE - one-acre lots wllb lovely pine trees and perfect solar Priced at 514,000.00 with great owner financing. Call Call Susan Miller at 257·7373 or home at 257·2624. building location. $9,500.00 eacb, with owner financing. Gary Caughron at 257-4073 or home at 257-5100. BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE TRACT - minutes from town BUY A HIGH MESA LOT now before next year's rush! with trees. fantastic view and all utilities. Assumable 3+ - River fronl property, Hlghwny 70, water rights. Do yourownthingon this Lot In growing Alto are.. on paving, fantastic view!!, loan at B'h% with owner financing possible. Call Darlene .j acre tract.. . possible terms. Call Darlene Hart at 257·7373 or home at Hart ..t 257-7373 or home at 257·4222. RECREAnON VD.,LAGE PARK ..,.Comfortable mobile bome, fully furnished, 257·4222. AVAILABLE NOW! This sparkling new home! Just needs a new owner In a hurry. Three bedrooms, covered deck, fenced lot, 1~ INNSBROOK VILLAGE TIME SHARE - Start the new listed. has exposed beams, large living area. wet bar, balhs. Enjoy this qnlet seltlng or move It 10 your own lot. OwnerwW finance at year off in one of Ruidoso's lovely condominium built·in book shelves, fireplace. fully carpeted. custom $9,250. He'll also talk turkey for CASH. projects. During the peak of Sierra Blanca ski season. made cabinets, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Carport with WHAT A VfEW - BuDd your dream borne on Ibis tract In lovely conntry Two bedrooms, 2 baths, all linens and dishes furnished, storage area. in White Mountain Estates Unit 5 on a equcslrlan estates. Exclusive and private with all underground utilities. ready to move in. Priced to sell at $6,000.00. Call Rose level lot. Has all utilities including sewer and natural APproximately 8 acres for you and your borses. Peebles at 257·7373 or homeat 336-4836. gas. Only 5140,000.00. owner motivated. Call Manuel YOU'LL LOVE THE COMPLETE VIEW OF SIERRA Badillo at 257·7373 or home at 257·7450. SKI LOOGE - Fix II up and move In. Apartment, recreation room, laundry BLANCA with year around access. Makes the comfort f ne IIllies, nnd office. Owner wiD finance al $55,000, and Is very flexible on ler· of home in this well kept 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile. SUPER 2.4 acres in an easily accessible ms. area lust past Alto Village. Level, good JEWEL BY THE SEA - One of a kind property In Puerto Vallario, Mexico. Six Priced lust for youf Call Diana Isaacs at 257-4073 or prlvale suites and full house staff. Only two bours from EI Paso by air. Call lor home at 257-7063. tree coverage. Large assumable loan details on Ihls one. with 12% money! Ca II Janet Warlick­ Pearson at 257·4073 or home at 257·7972. JmJelWarUc1< Roae Peebles GaryCaughron Darlene Hart Tom Oavls SE HABLA ESPANOL Rei. %57·7972 Rei. 331 1831 Res. 257·5100 Res. 257.f222 Re•• 257.2053 DIaDIIlBaacs MllrelaSUver Sull8nMlUer Monuel BndDIo Gretchen Emerson ReI. %57·7D63 Rei. %57-4979 Re•• 257-262f Rea. 257·7CSO Res. 258-3643 , 378-4638 Sudderth Office: 257-4073 - Mechem Office: 257.7373 It i p.o. box 245 _ alto, new mexico 88312

Betty Petton, Broker Call The Property Pros 2S7-2397 Richard Cothrun 2S7-2109 257-9077 ~ Davs AWeek, 8:30 - 5:00 Peter Strobel 336-4696 , Sonja Hartranft ",, ! I WHITE MOUNTAIN UNIT 4, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, everything 378-4312 stays in this beautifully furnished home. Large decks. carport WHY RENT when you come to Ruidoso when you can own your Paula Stirman and landscaping. Call Bill for thedetails. OWN condo at Innsbrook Village for just $67.500. Ask for Ray to A BUSINESS FOR ANYONE. Coin-operated laundry in good 2S7-7804 see this furnished bargain. location. Good equipment. Books open to qualified buyer. Call Sid Alford Bill for more information. CON DOS!! We have several new 2 bedroom, 2 bath condos from 2S7-4837 ALL YOU NEED TO MOVE is your clothes. Beautiful house in 557,900 and up. Rental management available, excellent tax White Mountain Estates, with easy access. Three bedroom, 21,'2 shelter. Call Rick. Rick Evans baths, fireplace, carport, redwood decks, terrific view. com· 378-4368 pletely furnished. Call Sid. 25 ACRES IN QUIET. secluded Nogal. This place offers high· YOUR CHOICE OF THREE VERY special condos, excellent way frontage, good wells. Nogal Creek. fruit trees. nice home. A Martin Rose location, 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. Vaulted ceilings featured in horse operation is surely possible here. Call BeNy for an ap­ living areas. gaQage.. Excellent rental possibilities, enclosed pointment to see this one. 2S7-S641 s ~d'W. heated pool. 579,500 :r;Ch. down (523,850J. balance amof­ ON THE RIVER. Three bedroom home in the Hondo Valley H. Ray Bishop tized 20 years at 12% [5611.67 per monthl, plus insurance and with water rights. Terms available. Call Sonia to show. taxes, balloon payment in 3 years. You can see anyttnle. Call 336-4367 BeNy PaNon. RESTAURANT!! Well-established business. grossing over Bill Hirschfeld. Property MallQgerlSales CONDO BONANZA. I have many, many condos to choose from 5300,000 per year. Excellent building, modern equipment. 2S7-9212 Or 2S7-4S1S starting at 538.500 to 5200.000. Furnished, unfurnished, proven Priced right with owner financing. Call Rick. rentals. good terms. If you are sincerely looking at a condo investment, you shOUld call Richard Cothrun. ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath rustic FURNISHED THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath house, 578,500. 1.400 mountain home. Lots of extras. Ca II Paula. sq.lft., double carport. Call ~ay. ALTO VILLAGE!! Some owner Ifinancing possible on this RENT HOUSE!! Good rental potential on this 2 bedroom. 1 bath beautiful new home. Features 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. sauna, home. Clean, well maintained. priced in the low 50's. Call Rick. jacuzzi tub. lots of decks. All for 5129.500. Call Rick. BEAUTIFUL SPANISH STYLE HOUSE with four bedrooms. ATTRACTIVE, TWO BEDROOM, 1 bath mountain home, 3'12 baths. large living rooni. game room, exercise room, with completely furnished. Good assumable mortgage. Asking price shower, sau'na, spa, double garage and trllmendous view from $45.000. Call Paula. VERY NEAT TWO BEDROOM mobile home on very nicely extra large decks. Call Sid. landscaped lot. Priced right, with terms. Let Sonja show you OVER ONE ACRE, beautiful view lot in Deer Park with all this property. , utilities. Under $30,000. termsare negotiable. Call Peter. TRADE YOUR ALTO VILLAGE LOT for equity in new condo with best rental and management program. Ideal tax shelter. LET US SHOW YOU one of the most exciting new condominium Call Peter. projects being built today. Two bedroom, 2 bath. excellent TEN ACRE TRACTS only 12 minutes from town. Beautiful views in one of the most prestigious areas in Ruidoso. Call Betty views and are being 'offered at 10% down, 13% interest for 10 Patton. years. We started with 40 of these tracts and are down to 11 left. Contact Illchard Cothrun qlJick.

RESO PROPE IN • Higbway 37 North- Drawer 2200 Rdidoso, "N.M. 88J4S REALTOR MLS - "1

, . ,

. ~ _ ..... ~ .... -"0. ~ .:. ._ ... _ .... -- ...... •. -,' -- ,.-tj


Page l' - Ruidoso [N.M.I News Mondav. December 28, 1981 •

o ill It Be In1982?? - CONTEST RULES - (1) Winning baby must be first born In Ruldoso- (3)" Exact time of birth must be specified by Hondo Valley General Hospital after the stroke written statement of the hospital or 'attendlng of midnight. December 31. 1981. physician. (2) Parents must be residents of this trade (4) Winning parents must present· each par- area at least six months before birth of baby. tlclpatlng merchant's certificate to him to claim That Includes Mescalero and all of Lincoln Coun- the prize. ty. Be Certain To Read The Rules Of The Contest THESE MERCHANTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED A TREASURE OF GIFTS AS A SALUTE TO THE NEWEST ARRIVAL TO OUR COMMUNIlY A ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE RUIDOSO NEWS

To Get The First Oaby in 1982 Started On The Path to Regular Savings. A We Will Deposit $25 In A Savings Account BENNETT'S CERTIFIED t for Him Or Her. SHUR. HAM t 18.20 LB. f SAY t RUIDOSO STATE BANK CONGRAIULAliONS

j I



--- -.- - - - $15 GIFT CERTIFICATE :ia~-

~ • .~'"' 'A;~ ~r';'~Q'" I...... fb' ",p.".tf,amf,'.u- 0/JH*- ~= ~/UJII' 'tl "''''r ,.n~_' 0/' _ fifteen__ _ f:/k.//ot;) ~: . ·N•.,,., '.1'1'.f""'d ~••,.,... fl.... ~~ .POLLIWOGS AND PIGTAilS ~r~·::::;;'~- ~ _:::::::: .

CONGRATULATIONS. - We Are Happy To Present SECURITY BANK OF The New Baby RUIDOSO With A A BS/Bank $25 SAVINGS member FDIC ACCOUNT , ,l...

Page 2 - Ruidoso [N.M.I News Monday, December 28, 1981 Police activities

Decem~r 16 - Pamela West reported .broken window at 2912 Sudderth. Damage $200. pecember 17 - Parlene McWorter, Pinon Park Condominiums, reported theft of two General Electric TV sets and one Regulator grandfather clock. Total value· $900. December 17 - B. H. Buchanan, Hull Road and Timberline Trall,reported theft of two drawer rile eabinet. Value $100. December 17 - John Hall,' Mountain . View Estates, reported theft of carved wooden entrance door, 3' by 6'8" in size. Value $200. Decembert7 - Carlos Saen~, Pizza Hut, reported thelt of $400 eash from. arcade games coin boxes. . Decemller 18 - RuidOllo Police reported arrests of two burglary suspects at Pro Ski Sports, 2000 Sudderth. . December 18 - Reece Tatum. Cree Manor Inn, reported theft of Colt MK IV blue steel .45 calibersemi-automatic pistol with 5.5 inch barrel, model number 01970, serial number 50437B70, $369.95; Colt CHRISTMAS CAROLS were led by this group of singers Trooper MK III .857 Magnum revolver following the lighting of Capitan's Christmas tree •.. , with four inch barrel, serial number THIS TRUCK and jeep overturned on Sud­ the jeep blew and the two vehicles turned 31633L, $274.95; and n cash. Total value derth Rood near the Chamber of Commerce over. None of the three people riding in the $671.90. truck, Mike Payne and his son Corlee, and December 18 - Jacqueline Paneyko, Wednesday around 3 p.m. The truck was Albuquerque, reported theft of Asahl Pen­ towing the jeep when the right front tire of Bill Goodrum, all of Picacho, were hurt. L tax camera at K·Bob's. Value $450. December 20 - Bersy Jones reported theft of two blankets at Swiss Chalet. Value $50. names visitingprofessor' December 20 - Reece Tatum reported criminal damage to. motorcycle at Holiday Dr. Shennan A. Wengerd, a former teach courses on petroleum geology and a Fellow of the Explorers Club of New Inn. Damage $300. president of the ""meriean Association 01 subsurface geology. "Dr. Wengerd's ex­ York in 1979. December 20 - Robert McGee reported Petroleum Geologists and a faculty perience in industry will add a new and theft of Smith and Wesson model 19 .857 member at the University of New Mexico practical dimension to our academic pro­ He has also been a member or omcer of Magnum double action revolver, nickel

You're Invited To Attend Our Gala NEWYEAR'S EVE DINNER DANCE COUSINS' Thursday, December 31 8:30 P.M. - 2:00 A.M. --Q"Q;.~Al.cal--- Seating 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. Dinner Served At 8:30 P.M. Music 8eglns at 9:00 P.M. Music by the High Rise DINNER • DANCING • CHAMPAGNE • FAVOaS RESERVATIONS SUGGJSTED - CALL 257·5141. EXT. 285. 286

Jackets lor Men And Alter Five AttireFor Ladles Please! $41.00 Per Person CASH BAR New Year's Eve BanquetMenu Bouq~etiereof: New Zealand Smoked Clams DuehessPotatoes Salade Ceasar Tomatoe Farcl with PetitPeas en Parmeasan ENTREE Apple Carignan NOW SERVING A Individual Filet au BoeulWellington Coflee orTea A Party lor Children will be eonducted in ..separate room - ts.oo/Cblld, 8:00 P.M.-Z:oo A.M. BREAKFAST BUFFEr AND LUNCH

DANCE ONLY TICKETS - .14,00 EACH Serving From 8:00 a.nL 3 Miles North On Hi~hway 37 ..

~ .. i . . _.pp..• p p p PPP" PP.....ppp» pp p p p.p p,p p,..... jiii!'" ,...... ~,.".'- ~....., ..... ,....- f'7 - -- '~"' • ..- .. » " '.' ..• , . , . ~. . Mon~ay, O",c",mb)lr 28, 1981 N;M, fNeW5 -''''!'!'le3'

• • T"ISPAIR weren't missing a thing that went on at this Christmas party held at the Elks Lodge.

SKATERS DONATING THIIi!!R TIME for the benefit Skate-A­ Than' to raise money for the Craig Sullivan fund posed briefly during their project for a picture Sunday. Front row from left YOUNG LASS has no qualms about visiting with'Santa, as areNeely Schwab, Bridget Nelson and Crissy West, Back row she clutched her candy cane with firm grasp. from left are Shannon Griffin, Robert Harris, Charlie McCor­ mack and Clint Walker. Not pictured is Rodney Bundick. Bill and Anne Wilson, owners of the Skateland, offered their ser­ vices fo~ the fund raiser while Security National Bonk employees donated their time to collect pledges. A total of $276 was raised.

. NO DOUBT in this girl's mind as to what she wanted

1 THEN THERE WAS this young lad who seemed somewhat ap­ prehensive about sitting on Santa's knee. THIS SANTA CLAUS is just a bit of all right

Socorro refuge COTTONWOOD SPRINGS plans series of wildlife tours Playing Dece"'r 31 and January 1-2 Presents 9:00 p.m. til 1:30 a.m. Duck banding, coyotes, bobcats, red tail­ ed hawks, marsh hawks ... Have you ever HIGH RISE wondered about these animals and ac­ -NEW YEAR'S EVE- tivities? Ifyou have. you should attend one ForYour New Year's Eve of the special toursBosque del Apache Na· Cower Charge $3 Per Person tional Wildlife Refuge will be offering dur­ ing the months of January and February, Includes (lwnllpagne and Party Favors 1982. . After Dinner Dancing Pleasure MANSELL'S '. Advanced reservations are a must for attendlng one of the tours. Reservations Beginning at 9:00 P.M. can be made by calling the refuge office at CHAPARRAL LOUNGE 15(5) 83&-1828 Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dance Tickets Only - $14.00 Each Tours being conducted at the refuge located south of Socorro include: Hallmark Annual Rapturous Raptors - Saturday, ./, / f' January 9, 10 a.m. y~ Banding with a Biologist - Saunday, ., after Christmas Sale! II January 24. 3 p.m. Banding with a Biologisl - Sunday, January 31, 3 p..m. •• • for aGala NewYear'S Eve search for a Predator - Sunday, .2 for 1Sale February 7, 8 a.m. All Christmas Ccirds, Wrap Paper, Salurday, January9, tOa.m.: Rapturous Only 200 Raplors - Birds of prey are some of the most mysterious and magnificent Ornaments, Party Goods and crealures of the animal kingdom. On this ., lour we will search for the ten different _ especially selected items on Sale. Reservations Accepted species of raptors found at Bosque, in­ cluding the endangered Bald eagle, and pri~, talk to a raptor rehabilitator, about the Buy one item at regular get hazards that raplors face. another one iust like it "FREE". $25 PER PERSON Sunday, January 24 and 31, 3 p.m.: Ban· drag with a BIologist - Have you ever (Example • Box of Christmas Cards retail - $6.50) spOtted a bird with a hand on it? Have you -Party Favors -Champagne -Prime Rib Dinner el/er wondel'ed how that bird was caught .Buy it and get another bOx up to same $6.50 for banding? Or Why? Or how you might report it? Find out the answers to these price FREE. qaestlons and help a biologist with the Buy now for next year! -Cheryl Cotten Band duck baJldinl! at Bosque del Apache. Buy at cost now and beat inflation! DlNNERSERVED: 7:00-8:00 OPEN AT 6:30 Sunday, February 7, 8a.Ill.: Search for. Sale runs Monday, Dec. 28, 1981 thru " PrOdat"r - Coyotes, bobcats, badgers, Open To Public At 9:00 p.m. mountain lions ... all are elusive hunters '.. Thursday, Dec. 31, 1981. Hours: 10·6 that dwell at Bosque del Apache. Walk wllh a naturalist and learn how to track Party Favors. Champngnt" . sOllle of these predators, to follow their •• The Wild Snail mnvelllents as they go about their daily search for food. -- Page 4- Ruidoso IN.M.I News Monday I December 28, 1981

I I I RUIDOSO TRAVEL Now Located In .¥ou need all of the adjectives of a ro eSSlona ' Iree 0 wine mmhant to describe the USlness PINETREE SQUARE· virtues of aNATURAL LOG HOME. Numerous Stock Plans Ready. If PHONE you pre!cr, we will use your plan. These OUalffie~ tontractors an~ Rrms OOer Man~ Rne ~lVices an~ ~ro~ucts Call us, we are full of ideas. . 257-7361 Natural Lo~ Homes of NM, Inc. Box 534, Ruidoso, NM 88345 Bill &Verna Allen 257·2776 SAlUTE TO CHAMBER MEMBERS Arrin~on 11 'b.-. rn~ ~ areeumr feature i1 the MOMayediiioo of ~~ newspaper to introdlEe ".""lliOh ~~ 'IHU'OO""~'1IUI'1 Iimembers of the RuiOOso Valmy ChamberofCommerre , 'Il'HIII'IIQl/llllftl\ ~eneral Contractor ~ . FREE ESTIMATES EXPERT GLASS HUGHES BODY SHOp· - ~ommercial- Resi~ential- &BODYWORK SEIIVI~(; THE AREA SINn: 11119 Re~airs 8uil~in~s- 20 Years Experience - -Metal . IAIIWJIIINIIW1MITIIIJlJ.VWI1l1I· ftCIUClSOIlOWNS p, o. Box 791 1BLOCK OFF SUDDERTR

RuldoSIl, N.M. 88345 PHONE ON CARRIZO CANYON I•• • I• I." ol' ~ f I 257·2403 257.7925 ROAD WOOD WELDING

.[' r.:-~'.' . '.. r"~ ('~c.~··t ,~~, ~"~ ~~ r·~l 'I / (, C Ij f(-J" ('."/'r"D",",.. ['l]']',".,'1 ,\n,,:j G""1,,[','"" (''1,) :,,' :'1 1,''''J,..---n . SERVICE .l. r ,.;,~~., ~':'''''' [~.' .~.'.,.'.'.". PHONE 378·4614 ,''.:'i "..,.('.' \c.:,,\..•. \ 1·'\·/. . .," '\\'.. ..,.. ,.(.(.,.1,, \jI, r•.1•.';1:/".. ',' .. I',.',' ,'.. , 'f.. ,. ,.• ,' »'.'.,'I·,'.",1' .1.,·.·11'1 ,.1 I ! :'1 "{. : I j./-;\ I .'1' , •. 1 ,.t •. . 1 J . '" f I " \ I· ." (/1 r ...... \ ·:·r'"' ,., Ii j" ., ", New Steel in Stock !.' \ .. ),1 )'\ I,'·.·· \·\1 !.~),(' I, 'I . ." \\ I'.'l~.,1. 1,,'\ .) ,', \.i . r..~,"\;. . ~\ I l~,,:;J.~', f!~'' ' .'. i Repair and Fabrication -'J"i " (.~:~:,./1' 1'\"t \\~_':" '<,I .~;~/,,[,I u I~.;~.;.JI l:;,,><.:Y,'" I,,''::~, ,,.. ·Ornamentallron Work 'Portable Welding .. •Radiator Repa ir .,;;, 11:\ tHo (Pete) Wood I' It t' '4/ { \' . ~R GUARANTY SIERRA VISTA MAUl located in midtown, is BUYING owned by Tom and Jenny Dorgan. The mall, ABSTRAa &TITLE CO. made up of several stores, became a SaUNG11 BOX 964-PHONE 257·2091 OR 257·5054 member of the Chamber in June of this year, i ' ,.~::_ ,..,...... ~ RUIDOSO/ NEW MEXIC088345 The Dorgans sublet the various store spaces l~ _ LOCATED NEXT TO CABLEVISION to other people, who in turn own those in· TRY THf Owners: AI and Charlene Ward ~lASSlflfDS -.-" ..-_., Abstractor: Naila Sluder I.,. __ • • _._..1 , ... , 11 RUIDOS~ - ..,. ,."~ '\ ~, NfWS ~ ... --- !

.~' . "~-:. i 2~7·4~~1

. I; (1 MOUNTAIN AUTOMOTIVE ..-t· , )I;I - -' ...... ,--~, ..... ,~'I SERVICE I, 'Complete Transmission .-.,, ,~ Overhaul I " • ,--J 'Engine Tuneup &Complete Brake Jobs ~--- 'Complete Line of Automo' tive Repair THUNDERBIRD LODGE, located on Mechem ing it one of the oldest structures in Ruidoso. Dale Fugate Drive across from Bennett's Shur·Sav Super· The lodge is open all year around, 24 hours a N~"t To Frank's Fruit Market IIigh\\uy iO East, Ruidoso Downs market, is owned by Barbara and Bob Cunn· day. It offers cabins with room for two to ingham.lt became amember of the Chamber eight people. Some of the cabins have 378·4513 in June. The building was built in 1943, mak· fireplaces. ~~~~~<:W~~ ~~,. SIERRA Printing &Rubber Stamps _~~~cross F!o~I~stOfrrc~" ? ~ \~ ~ . _ Business Cards-Lttterheads ~ Wedding Announcements Cj Sorlal Stationery Plastic Laminating I Address Labels-Daler Xerox COllies COMPLETE UNE OF RUBBER STAMPS ONE DAY SERVICE ON STAMPS i l ~ R~~ 11 I I CALL 257·2001 l.' I I ~ Coblevi~on . directly behind ...... • . '. , • 1HARl~~~~u~~J:ICAl i : Announces :• : AUDITIONS : : For the Feb/Mar '82 : : production of love, Sex : ~ ~ : and the IRS :• COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. EXPIRES JAN. 6, 1982 Cusrom Roo F : to be presented at the • • Inn of the Mountain Gods, : : For Information, Call251-6028 • KODAK FILM ~~~~Vb-~~~~~ i...u...... 1 fk~~~~~O~l~-l ' KODACOLOR II f 11m 110 lIIe Ii " t -24 ~'po\Ulrs I· '. I KODACOLOR II film 12611le feelli~e :~, llt.polultl $2~~ You're U, ATree? \ TACO I KODACOLOR II Film mSlle foo~ 24 ~,posures I Mexican I I To fat In Or earN Out I ~ot~ t~e ~roun~ wn~ I Sun~av·Thurs~ay I COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. EXPIRES JAN, 6, 1982 Get feet on I 10:~O a.m. to 12:~O a.m. I ~ fri~av·Satur~a~ I lifetime Deluxe PHOTO ALBUMS t~e ~own eart~ ,rices~~'<'\ I 10:~O a.m. to ~:oo a.m. I FOR HOLIDAY GIFT GIVING- to ~ ~19 Su~~ertl1 at t~e traffic li~M I IMPERIAL N,l,II,11 DELUXE N'liI'" l~_._~~~~~ ._~J Pf'q J'IR __ Reg, 69R a*ertise~ ~ ~our ' local merc~ants. R~AMY' DRILliNG COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER, EXPIRES JAN, 6,1982 SUPPORT THf T(NIN COMPANY SCHRAM ROTODRILL COLOR 15¢ ~QUIPPED ' THAT SUPPORTS 'UCENSED 'BOND~D ~~;f~l~~~~JG( 'INSURED PIIIIS. on ongmal roll orders only.. 'K~nneth Reamy •driller YOU ••• Phone 505·354.2470 . PHOTO KWIK LOCATIONS Ho~lis Piau lJfe SIiopplng ernler ' Cummins ·p1lrtner 1113 Sudderth Phone·S05·354·2219 Ruidoso, N.M. S. OP" Phone %57·2050 Evenings 505·354.2429 . P.O. Box 474 CAPITAN, N,M. I RUIDOSO 88316 tlage 2 - Ruidoso rN.M.l News


Aspiring actors beware! ABC Entertainment's Casting Department will conduct its CHANNEL2- ESPN Satellite [Sportsl third annual talent search in five major cities during a five·week period, beginning January 16. The search will start in San Francisco (January 16·20), and CHANNEL3 - KOATAlbuquerque [ABCI continue in succeeding weeks in Dallas (January 23·27), Atlan· ta (January 3O-February 3), Miami (February 6-10) and Min­ neapolis (February 13·17). CHANNEL4 - KOB Albuquerque I NBC] Individuals located in and around the five cities who want to be seen by ABC's Casti.ng Department during this se.arch, are CHAN N E L 5 - HBO Home Box Office strongly urged to mail photographs and resumes, with return address and telephone numbers, immediately to Randall James, Manager of Casting, ABC Entertainment, 1330 Avenue r CHANN E L 7 - WOR New York I Ind. I of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10019. ABC will then Inform appropriate candidates of time and location for their appoint· ments in the respective cities. • CHANN EL8 - KSWS Roswell-Lubbock I NBCI Mr. James will be directing the talent search activities in r each of the five cities. r CHl"'JNEL 10 - KBIM Roswell [CBSI It is imperative that submissions be mailed·promptly since , Interview schedules for each city are being arranged before , CHANN EL 12 - WGN Chicago [Ind. I casting representatives arrive in those locations. In each city. , ABC plans to interview and test on video tape the strongest can­ , CHANNEL 13 - KNME Albuquerque I PBSI didates.

CHANNEL 16 - CBN Religious

CHANNEL 17 -WTBSAtlanta Ilnd.1

CHA NNE L 18 -- KGGM Albuquerque I CBS I • I fl!) JCln.t Sloan. I m Jimmy SwagllClrt CHANNEL 19 - KVIA EI Paso IABCI r 7:00 0 Gil Good Momlng Am.rlca r U Todoy ,. CHANNEL 20 - SPN Satellite Ilnd.1 U Straight Talk CHAN NEL 21 - KLKK Albuquerque [ Ind.1 IE) WClk. Up with the Captain MORNING m Som.thlng a.outlful II 'l;l'l\\ ork~ and SlalltJns n'~('r\l' the right m Movl. 5:00 U Jimmy Swoggort f1!) Su.an Noon Show 10 dlangl' prugramming . m Top/Momlng .m Oreot Space Coa.t.r m Super Stotlon funtlme 7:30 IE) Momlng with ChClrle. Kurolt ---_.-- -- -_.. ~._--_.~ ... ------f1!) Int.motional Byline m Bewltch.d 24 Hours A day S:30 U Jim Bakk.r f1!) Fron Carlton Evenings ENJOY HIO o News m T.nn..... Tux.do 7 Days A Week! m Bullwlnkle 7:45 m W.ather €ID Varl.d Progrom. 8:00 U Romper Room Mon.,7 - THE ROSE w/Bette Mldler 6:00 0 I.;ls Philbin Show o R.gI. Philbin Show Tues•• 9 - THE CHINA SYNDROME w/Jane Fonda HBO o Today mm Movie Wed., 7 - FROM THE LIFE OF THE MARIONETTES (Ii) Jim 8okk.r m Ulla., Yo;o and You Cost m Bozo'. Clrcu. m 700 Club Thur., 9:45 - DON RICKLES AND HIS WISE GUYS m Romp.r Room m On. Day At a nme Fri., 8 - THE FORMULA IGeorge C. Scott Only m I Dream of Jeannl. m Cortoon. Sat•• 9 - LITTLE MISS MARKER w/Walter Matthau m Wake Up with the Coptoln 8:30 0 B1ockbulter. Sun., 8 - 9 TO 5 w/Dolly Parton mN.wI m Ov.r ECI.y 33c 6:30 0 5cooby 000 mAlice U B1ockbu.t.,. m Super Pay Cord. A Day U Vorled Program. 9:00 0 Love Boat 2575121 CAILEVISION m Gary landoJl Show U nc Toe Dough m My Thr.. Sons U Let'. Mak. 0 0.01 m Momlng with Chari•• Kuralt o Wh••1of Fortun. Gil H_lth field IE) m Donahu. m s'lome Strut m Movl. lID Ilchard Simmon. ACROSS m Mike Douglo. EntertCllnm.nt Hour 9:30 U 0 8o"'.lta,. I Scatte, 5 "the - Town An.I," U Pitfall 9 fish ..., m Anoth.r Uf. 10 Farmer he'''fWeilhl ch.mpIon Gil You Alked For It 12 Chevy- f1!) Picture of H.olth 15 Sundlnavl.n poet .nd since, 18 MIlO, 10:00 0 Gil Family Feud 20 Molecule U 0 Po..word Plul 21 Played Chk:kon GeorIe In U Newl at Noon 3 4 5 6 7 "Roots" IE) New M.xlco Today 2 22 - Home 24 Southern State. 01 U.S m Big Volley Mr. loge,.' Neighborhood 10 2S Property (clue to puzzle ....wer) m 9 28 DemIse m 'nd.pendent Network Newl 31 Crie m Young ond the "ltI... 32 Indilence f1!) Varled Progroml ].i Too - lor Comfon 36 Dusk, m Ilchard Simmoni ---l~1-:-4--l~-4--4-;;150+"160.p...L.. 17 37 - w.1Iac:h 10:30 0 Gil Ryan'l Hop. 39 Accord..to 00 Doctor. 41 M, Tar1 17 - Ch."", _--1l(: 19 She pt.ya Helen Willis RENT AS lOW AS $3.25 ~ 23 "The Mdese _._" lclueto puwe ..._,) SEE WHAT YOU WANT "~ 26 Golden Slate (.bbr.) ;"'~...... I .,.,,----J--f--flJi '" 27 Revolutionary WHEN YOU WANT 29 Robot In M. 1I.I"IJ Doll 30 Cave,n 33 - Cannon 35 eo-s"" with 6 Down 36 Oldie: -" Girl 38 She's Jennifer Marlowe (inlt.)

~~. 40_Si_"_"_AIo_"_3_W_lr_h_M_if_Ch_V_OCO_RS_l_"(lnlt.) . ,~~, .J .,_ •..-.• ,. "'", ,-~ ••

. , Ruidoso [N.M.) ~~$'''':'' Page 3 Television Schedule For The Week Of Dec. 28 Through Jan. 3'

U Daya af Our Uvel acell Is called In 10 find a priceless coin D John Davldaon Show a Uttle Hauae on the Prairie collection slolen from a hot.1 vault. George NCAA Saalcetball: Holiday Featlval o Newa o ED «(monday» Peppord, Kevin McCorthy, Brenda Vaccaro. Champlanshlp T_ma laA . 16 Prlloner Cell Block H 1972. Inatrudlo.nal PrCliJrama iii MOVIE: 'Fram Here to Etemlty' Part 3 m '. m MacNel...... hrer leport G!J MOVIE: 'Incident at Creatrldge' A Movie 10 EVENING, m Ufe of RIley woman campaigns for and wins an election a's Ill) Aa th World Tuma Ill) Quincy sheriff In a crusade against the political corrup­ f:l!) SUlan Noon Show 6:00 eJ NCAA Baak.tfHllb 1911 Sugar Bowl em That'a Incredlblel tion of a small town. Eileen Brennan, Pernell ED People Artl Talking Toumament hmi-FInal: Wab F~at VI. f:l!) MOVIE, 'Gang'a Inc.' Gigantic racket ring 11:30 O,Daya of Our Uvel Roberts, Bruce Davison. 1981. LSU aHemptl 10 take over a city and a girl becomes 16 NCAA Basketball: HanQver at In~lana II!) Aa the World Tuml 80em Newa Involved in murder. Afan ladd, Joan Wood­ mlnn. State D What'a Happening America bury. 1941 &) lIIuatratod Dally m Dick Can" Show iii Uttle Houae on the Prairie 11:30 0 Bionic Hour f:l!) Paul Ryan Show 1m 700 Club G!J Private BenJamin o Alfred Hltchcoclc PreMnta m NBA Baaketball: Atlanta at Houaton AmRNOON 16 Odd Couple iii MOYlE: 'The Mirror Craclc'd' Hollywood m Slmon·& Simon Why In the World ' OJ stars become Involved In a slrange murcler case f1!) Telefrance: U.S.A. 12:00 One Ufe to Uve 0 m m National GeOiJraphlc SpecIal In a once tranquil English villog•• Elillabeth Tay­ 7:30 8 em Laveme and Shirley Ill) Newa MOVIE: 'Harlow' Th. blographlcal story o 10 lor, Rock Hudson. Rated PG. Bualnen Report Trtlasurtl Hunt of a young girl who became on. of Holly­ OJ o m Doctor In the HOUM 8:00 NCAA Baaketball: 1981 Sugar Bowl If) Dick Van Dyke eJ woeid's brightest starl and then died unhappy Ill) My Uttle Margie Toumament Champlonahlp Final MacNell-Lohrtlr Report m and disillusioned at 26. Carol Lynley, Efrem ED Borla KarioH PreMnta thriller 8 Thr_'s Compony Ill) It'a a Great Idea m Zimballst, Jr, Barry Sullivan. 1965 12:00 0 Tomorrow Coalt·to-Coaat MOVIE: 'Fram He,. to .Etemlty' Part 3 f:l!) Varied Programs a Ill) World Newl o Joe Franklin Show IE) The Couateau Odyuey . People'l Court f1!) The Quarter Horae Show ED Ill) MOVIE:'lnddent at C,e,trldge' A 12:30 Faith and Mualc o Newl 0 ED Corol Bume" and Frlenda Ill) Bachelor Father . woman campolgns for and wins an election as o Match Game 6:30 8 Happy DaYI Again Ill) MOVIE: 'Bonacek: Lot'a Hear It for a sheriff in a crusade against the polilical corrup­ o Another World a P.M. Magaliine Uvlnll Legend' A professional football player tion of a smail town. Eileen I)rennan, I'ernell (ID harch for Tomorrow G!J Two of UI vanishes an the field of play In front of a large Roberts, Bruce Davison. 1981. 16 Andy Griffith 16 NCAA BOlbtball: DePaul at IIIlnola St. crowd and notion·wlde Iv. George Peppord, 8:30 Toa Cloae for Comfort IE) lIIultrated Dally MacN.l...... hrtlr Report 0 m OJ Stephanie Powerl, Robert Webber. 1972 iii Sneak.Prevlewa Jerry Stiller and Anne Ill) f1!) Varied Programs Ill) Entertainment Tonight 12:15 10 MOVIE: 'Iron Angel' A potrolln Kareo is Meara take a look at upcoming moyles, sport, ED Loave It to the Women em pM Magaliine assigned to knock out a gun blocking the rood and specials. 1:00 0 General Hospital f1!) Maneyworkal m finds an ambulance known as the Iron Angel, (Ii) Sing out America Texaa ED Benny Hili Show o operated by a combel nurse, their biggest 9:00 0 em o Bonanza 7:00 8 em Gator Bowl: North Carolina va. hindrance In their race against time. Jim Davis, (ID Guiding Ught iii MOVIEJ 'China Syndrome' A couple of Arkanaal Donalil Barry. Morga Woods. 1964 reporters uncover a dangerous siluatlon in a If) I D.-am of Jeannie Uttle Houae on the Prairie o 12:30 0 ESPN Sparta Center nuclear power plant. Jack Lemmon, Jane 1m Inltrudlonal PrCliJraml iii MOYlE: 'Tho 10M' A young slng.r strug· lID Buma & Allen Fonda, Michael Douglas. 1979. Rated PG. 700 Club gl.sto survlv. In the harah world of rock music. 1m MOVIE: 'Ioarlng RIder' Super Station Funtlme B.It. Mldl.r, Alon Bot.s, Frederic Forrest. f1D o Maude CD 12:45, Newa iii) Price Is Right II oG!Jm N_a 1979. Rated R. 1:00 .... NCAA Baaketball: 1981 Sugar Bowl fl1) Janet Sloane m To Be Annovnoed o MOYlEJ 'SumlllOl' Stock' A summer stock Tournament Seml-flnal: Hovaton va. fit Merv Griffin cost on a Connectlcut farin must help each day 1m Naahvllle IFD Purdue If they f.DMaverick 1:30 0 Texaa with farm work want to use the bam. D MOVIE: 'Foreman Went to France' An mScooby Doa Judy Garland, G.ne Kelly, Eddie Brock.n. 9:15 laS Evening Newa Enghsh engineer goes to Franc. to save a secret m CD Fllntltanel 1951 machln. from falling Into enemy hands. Robert 9:30 D Mor-mbe & Win f:l!) Intematlanal Byline o MOYlEt 'From Hero to Eternity' Part 2 Morley, Conslance Cummings, Gordon Jack­ o Tonlgh,t Show 2:00 0 Edge of Night G!J M·A*S*H (ID NCAA Basketball: Maryland at m son. 1941 Another World U.c.LA. o (I) ftluatratod Dally If) Nlghtboat Movie UJ)7oo Another Ufe o Club Ult Jack Benny Show em G!J Up to the Minute Ill) Private Benlamln 10:00 0 ESPN Sporta Conter 16 Popoye 1:30 0 Eyewltneu Newl f1!) Telefrance: U.s.A. iiiMOYlE: 'The lon' A young singer strug· oom Newl Munate,. CD f.D MOYlEt 'A Woman'a Vongeance' Weal· gles to survive In the harsh world of rock music. o lacing fram loanvelt m Guiding Ught thy mon put on trial for poIslonlng Invalid wife If) Twilight Zone Bette Mldler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest. f1!) Fran Carlton for lov. of a pretty shopglrl Is saved by last m DIck Cavett , 1979. Rated R. II!) Bluebonnet Bowl: Michigan va. UCLA 2:30 0 Movie minute confeulon. Charles Iloy.r, Ann Blyth, 16 MOVIEt 'Yellow Jaclc' An Army surgeon Ill) World Newl o Emergency One Jeulca Tandy, Sir Cedric Hardwldte. 1948 set, out to find Ihe cause of yellow fever. Rob­ f:l!) MIdwest Video Showcase m Price Is Right 7:30 (ID HauM Calli .rt Montgomery, Virginia Bruce. 1938 IE) BUllne.. leport Benny Hili Show 16 lSugl Bunny (Ii) Ufe of Riley ED 10:15 MOYlE: 'The Condemned of Altona' A m Movlel' A Great Romance mTwo of UI 1:45 MOVIE: 'Front Page Woman' Two re­ 10 10 German ship builder, knowing lie has but six CD Loave It to Beaver 1:00 0 NCAA Boakothall: 1911 Sugar Bowl porters vie for scoops for Iheir poperl. Bette Taumament hmi-FInal: HOUlton VI. months to live, Irles 10 inlerest his youngest son Oil Hour Magaliine Davis, George Brent, Roscoe Karns. 1935 f1!) Insight Purdue In laking over the family business. The oldesl MOYlE: 'From Here to Etemlty' Part 2 2:00 0 Newawatch son has exiled himself to Ihe top floor of Ihelr fit I Dream of Jeannie o My Uttle Margie (ID Lou Grant m home. believing Germany to be In ruins. Sophia 3:00 0 Here's Lucy f1!) MOVIE: 'Hit and Run' IE) Grtlat Performancel Loren, Maximilian Schell, Frederic March, Rob­ If) Scaoby Dao 2:30 (Ii) Bachelor Father mM*A*S*H ert Wagner. 1963 IE) Villa Alegre 3:00 0 All-Star Saccer m Brady Bunch 1:30 If) Newl Sign On/Newl 10:30 0 Thla Week In the NBA (Ii) Sing out America o m To Be Announced m lou Bagley o M*A*S*H f1!) Paul Ryan Show 10 laS Evening Newl o NCAA Basketball: Lobo Invitational 3:30 0 Momlng Stretch MOVI~: fit Fllntstones m HOUM Colli Mike Dauglas Entertainment Hour o 'Flying Down to Rio' A beautiful m girl finds herself IQved by two men, and has 10 3:30 0 Gllllgan'a Island 9:00 0 Maude II!) Anothe, Ufe make a choice. Dolores Del Rio, Ginger Rogerl, o Brody Bunch O(ID Newa m World/Lorge (ID One Day At a Time (Ii) Naahvllle IFD f1!) MOVIE: 'Rldera of the Denrt' Bob Fred Aslalre, Gene Raymond. 1933 m Pink Panther Show m Lou Grant Sleele. 1932 o Tomorrow eoalt·to-Coaat IE) Mr. Rage,.' Neighborhood ED Maverlclc 4:00 0 1981 National Opon Putting IE) MacNell-Lehrer leport m Beverly Hillbillies 9:30 iii MOVIEt 'The Formula' All hell breaks Championship mNewa m Hour Magaliine foose during an international synthetic fuel can· iiiMOYlE: 'Water Boblei' A young fugilive Oil Nlghtllne Oil Love Boat spiracy. George C. Scott, Marlon Branda, stumbles Into a beauliful underwater world thaI ED Bare"a f1!) Spotlight Marthe Keller. 1980. Rated R. lies in an enchanted pool. James Mason, 11:00 0 NFL Game of tho Wuk fit Bewitched o Marocambe & Wise Tommy Pender. 1979. Raled G. o Nlghtllne 4:00 0 Tom & Jerry Tonight Show Joe Franklin Show U MOVIE: 'Inside Maves' A young man o o recovering from a suicide attempt struggles to o Tic Toe Dough (ID M*A*S*H m U.s. A.M. o Botman If) Saturday Night mCNN Newa help himself and his friends. John Savage, (ID Happy DaYI (Ii) Another Ufe 4,15 If) Newa Diana Scarwid, Amy Wright. 1980. Rated PG. 16 Muppots 10 All In the family 4:30 If) Faith 20 16 MOVIE: 'Dream Merchanh' Part 1 A IE) Sesame Strut 9:45 0 Coachea Comer story of Ihe founder of a movie empire and his m Andy Griffith 10:00 0 ESPN Sportl Cont.r power slruggles. Mark Harmon. Vincent Gar­ f1!) Muriel Stevens Shaw OO(li)Newa denia. Morgan Fairchild. 1980 ED Beverly Hlllbllllea o MOYlE: 'Roberta' Paris is the setting for «tuesday) IE) Doctor In the Houn 4:30 M*A*S*H m NCAA Basketball: Maryland at 0 Jerome Kern's musical fable of an All-American •j 'Loveme & Shirley & Co. U.C.L.A. o football hera who falls for a beautlful fashion EVENING o Bull'l Eye mod.l. Irene Dunne, Fred Astdire, Ginger !lo­ Oil Fantaay Island I o NBC Newl gerl. 1935 6:00 o NFL Game of the Wuk f1!) MOVIE: 'Rldera of led Gap' j (ID CBS Newa m Quincy Dam News 11:30 0 Beat of the NFL , FantalY Island If) Welcome Boclc KaUer m Buma & Allen o Nine on N_ Jeney o A m lou Bogley 10 MOYlE: 'Gambit' A Eurasian girl and an o Uttle Houae on the Prairie mAlice ~ m Gomer Pyle Englishman pial 10 sleal an invaluable piece of m Simon & Simon ED Boris KarloH Presents Thriller m You Asked For It sculpture. Shirley Maclaine, Michael Caine. 16 Grimy Adama 12:00 0 Newa j (Ii) Happy Daya Again 1967 IE) PrCIiJ cont'd (ID MOVIE: 'McCloud: The Bartlfoot Glrla j fID Varied Programa mWorfd Newa Ill) National G_graphlc Special of Bluker Stroot' McCloud gels caughl up j fit McHale'a Navy between the owner of a discotheque and an f1l) Traveler's World m All In the Family j 5:00 0 ESPN Sporta Conter ED Benny Hili Shaw mWorid News out-at-lawn lawman. Dennis Weayer, Shelley 80(IDNewa 10:30 0 NCAA Bolketball: 1981 Sugar Bowl f:l!) Medldne Man Winlers, Gordon MacRae. 1974. j o If) Bomey Miller Toumament hmi-FInal: Wake Foreat va. ED Carol Bume" and Friends m Bachelor Fa"'er • IE) Studio he LSU 6:30 o ESPN Sportaforum 12:30 6 ESPN Sporta Conter Ill) Varied PrCliJrama OM*A*S*H o Happy Daya Again o Alfred Hltchcoclc Presenta m Carol Bumett and Frlenda o Tonight Show a P.M. MCliJalline o Joe Franklin Show Ill) CBS Newa o Tomorrow Coalf·to-Coaat iii MOVIE: 'Laat Married Couple In m Buma & Allen Oil Laverne and Shirley If)MOVIE: 'AThouaand Clowna' The writer America' Married couples deal with Ihe pres­ m MOVIE, 'Usa' A Dutch police inspector f1!) Pldure of Health of a children's TV show quits his job. He is sures of contemporary morality. George Segal, tracks down an ex-Nazi while slayer. Delores . ED Sanford and Son yisiled by two social workers who Iry to have Nalalie Wood, Richard Benjamin. 1980. Rated Hart, Stephen Boyd, Leo McKern. 1962 5:30 0 m ABC Newa his ll-year-old nephew laken away. Jason Ro­ R. f1!) MOVIE: 'Misbehaving Husbandi' Boys a NBC News bards Jr. 8arbera Hams, Martin Balsom. 1965. o Apple Polishera will be boys, even after they sellie down 10 • o Entertainment Tonight IS Dick Cave" IE) MacNell-Lehrer Report marriage, and this usually means trouble. Harry m M*A*S*H (Ii) Jack Benny Show 10 Up Clole langdon, Ralph Byrd. 1940 m Laverne & Shirley & Co. Ill) Newa m Entertainment Tonight 12:45 8 News IE) Varied Programa Oil Nightline m PM Magaliine Ill) Another Life f:l!) Paul Ryan Shaw f1!) Accenta In Grey 1:00 o NCAA Basketboll: 1981 Sugar Bowl 10 Sanford and San fit Bare"a ED Benny Hili Show Toumament Championship Final mNews 11:00 0 Nlghtllne 7:00 o Best of the NFL o Tomorrow Coast·to-Coa,t ED Dick Van Dyke (ID MOVIE: 'Banacek: To Steal a King' Ban- o m Happy Daya g Sneak Previews Jerry Stiller and Anne . .0. q= ----~ . ------~--~-~- --.------, ,, ' . . " ,

Page 4 - Ruidoso [N.M.l News . .. . a ••••••• 1 .. , . ~ ...... Television Schedule For The Week Of Dec. 28 Through Jan. 3 Mearo take a look at upcoming movie •• sports o m Summer Sol.tlce Henry Fonda and e"periences a. a pri.oner of war. Gertrude Mi­ m Ano'her Life and specials. Myrna Loy .tar in Ihis drama aboul a couple chael, Alan Baxter. 1942 CD MOVIE: 'The King and I' A widow and lEI Nlghtbeat who revisit the beach where they first met. (60 2:30 Q Iyawltn... New. her 'On arrive In Slam to tutor the King's many m Jack aenny Show min.) m Badlelor Father wives and children. The clash between Anna 1:30 U Stepping Out- The OeBol.. Grow Up Q NBC White Paper: 'Tho P,esldency and 2:45 f6 MI..lon 'mpoilibl. and the arrogant despot eventually devoiopi Viewers see the Debolt famUy five years later as tho People.' Anchorman Roger Mudd ho.1s this 3:00 GNew.watch Into mutual re.pect. Yul8rynner, Deborah Kerr. the chUdren face adolescence and young adult. special with John Hart, Marvin Kolb and Judy o Sign On/New. 1956 hood. Woodard. (60 min.) mRo.. Bogl.y 9:450 Dan Rldele. ond hi. WI•• Guy. Don o MOVIE: 'Uttle I.«wra And Big John' The o 1981 American Bodybuilding CI CandId Candid Camero Allen Funt's ca· Ilickle. hostl a show 0' wise guy, Including true·life e"ploits of the small lime A.hley Gond Champlon.hlp The top-level men pose·off for mera gOes naughty but nutty In thl. adult Wayland Flowers and Maelome, Bruce 8aum In the turn of Ihe century Florida. Karen Black. the 'Mr. America' titfe, whUe the women c:om­ ve,.ion of his ,how. and Jackie Wakefield, Fabian Forte. 1973 pele for Ihel, own honors and pair-olf with the 3:30 a New Year'. aowl Preview 10:00 0 NFL Une By Une lEI MOVIE: •Angel'. Alley' A rocketeer is men for Q mixed contest. U Morning Stretdl OQ)New. double·crossed by The !lowery Boy•. The Bow· UMaude m Mike Dougla. Entertainment Hour G Eyewltn••• New. ':2 Boy •. 1948 om New. Glt Another Ute U MOVIE, 'The Goy Divorcee' A love-sick W Ufe of Rllev m Gulllni Concern Maestro Guillnl offe.. hi. @!) MOVIE: 'Stoge_ch Outlaw.' Billy the dancer pursue. a lady. She mi,taktll him for 2:00 m My UHle Margie InsighlS on composers and Ihe art of conduct­ Kid taclcle' the job of rounding up a gong of another man and Issues a sfrango Invitation. &!) MOVIE: 'Ride,. of Blod! Mountain' '.!!i.. (60 min.) outlaws who· hold up ItagKooche.. Bueter Fred Astai,.., Ginger Rogers, Alieo Brady. 1934 Cowboy. fighl aullaws raiding the neighboring U!J No.hvllle RFD Crabbe, AI 'Fuzzy' St. John. 1945 iii) 1981 '1_, In Review ranchers. Tim McCoy. 1940 m All In the Family 3:45 mWorld/Lorge 16 MJdnlght Magic FfOm Walt DI.,,.y 2;30 Q Ey.wltne.. New. fiB Maverick 4:00 a F.I.S, World Cup SkIIng m Dick Cave" .U MOVIE, 'La.t Monied Couple In 9:30 fJ ESPN Sport. Center e 'Two Agaln.t the Ardlc' Part 2 maum... Allen Americo' Married couple. deal with the pre.· D Radng from Yonken D Joe Franklin Show mWorld New. .ures of contemporary morality. GllOrge Segal. o Tonight Show m U.S, A.M. @!) La. Vega. Sport.vlew Natalie Wood. Richard Benjamin. 1980. Raled m> M*A*S*H mCNNNew. ED Benny Hili Shaw R. m Saturday Night 4115 mNew. 10:30 0 Thl. W..k In the NHL m 8acheleu Father mAnother Ufe 4:30 ID Faith 20 DM*A*S*H 3:00 0 Ice Skating: 1981 Ennla C",p from the m MOVIE: 'Hollywood Hotel' A Kanso. e Tonight Show Netherland. Oty boy find, Hollywood no' '0 hi' liking. o Tomorrow eoa....a-eoa.t o Newlwa'ch Benny Goodman & Orcheslra. Dicit Powell. "l m> CBS' Happy N_ Y_r, America Host • , ;~~ '1' /I ., Sign On/New. .. " 'Iii Donny Osmond Is lolned by les Brown, Mickey D Lola & Rosemary Lone. 1937 t ( '. ---- ,~ ROil Bagley 10:00 f:I PICA full Contact Karate . ­ , Gilley, Johnny lee and the Pointer Sisters 10 m ....--... .-._.. ",r _. ~ m Million Impoilible OlIDN_. • in 1982. (2 hn.) 3:30 D Morning Stretch o Eye""IIn••• New. EVENING W MacNell.qhrer Report IE Mike Do",gla. Entertainment Hour o MOVIE: 'Xanadu' A rollcrskoling muse . - mJack aennv Show m Another ute u.es he' magic 10 help Ihe ca'eer 0/ an am... 6:00 U NFL Un. "y Une tENewI @!) MOVIE, 'The Jewel Thier Monty Blu•. Olivia Newton·John. Gene kelly. Mlchael8eck. 06i)New. m Dick Clark'. New Year'. Rockln' Eve A 3:45 m World/Large 1980. Raled PG. o E~wltnelJ Naw. live New Year'. celebration hosted by Dicit 4:00 fJ ESPN Sporhforum D MOVIE: 'Fallow the Fleet' A song and U W Bluebonnet Bowl: Michigan v., aarle:. (90 min.) D Joe franklin Show dance man loin. tho Navy hal trouble helping UCLA mBorttta m U.S. A.M. two .IIters, one hll ex·portner. Fred Altalre. o Kino Orange Jambo...'orade llarbara 11:00 0 New V.or'. Bowl Preview m CNN Newl Glnegr Rogers. Ilandolph Scott. 1936 Eden and Joe Garaglola host this 04Bth annual om To Be Announced 4:15 IE New. «!) WKRP in C1ndnnatl New YItO,'S Eve parade from Miami, fl. (60 m Doctor In the Hou.e 4,30 0 Thll W_k In the NBA m Old! Cave" min.) m Ufe of Riley o 'Two Agaln.t the Arctic' Port I Two .m "um. & Allen fIi} Magnum, P.I. Magnum toke. on the navy f1i) MOVIEs 'DellnquentParenl" An unwed . E.k,mo children lo.t in Ih. lundra deep inside mWorid Newl bro.. in tracking dawn Ihe murdere" 0' his bel' molher who placed her Infant in on orphanage Ihe Arclic Circle lighl the elements lor .urvivol. f1i) VIdeo Hlghllllhb friend. (2 h...} laler faces her In luvenlle court. Doris We.ton, ,r Narroled by Andrew Duggan. m Benny Hili Show m MOVIE: 'Son of Pa'.'ace' A tenderfoot Helen Mackeller, maurice Weston. 1938 IE Faith 20 10:30 0 M*A*S*H arrives In Ihe Old West to claim on Inherilonce 11:15 0 aurle.que U.S.A. Red Bu"ons hosta a ~ o NCAA aa.ketholl: Lobo Invitational I.ft by hi. father--o pile of unclaimed debts. Bob show of boggy-ponts comedian., slap,tick ,~ o TomorTOw Coo.t-to-Cooll Hope, Jane RUlleU, Roy Rage... 1952 skelches. flashy musical numbers. slriptea~" , m> MOVIE, 'Grand Jury' A young couple lEt Prag cont'd and showglrls. worh to make a Ufe for .hom..,lve. when .hey mNational Geographic Special 11:30 8 HfL films: Old '-othe, r meet on older man who helps .hem out soclolly m MOVIE: 'Half a Sixpence' III-paid dra· o Dlde C'ork'. New Yeor', Radlln' Ev. A , EVENING and financially. Lellie Niel..,n. Bruce DovId.on. per's alll.tant Inheri.s a .mall fortune. Tommy live New Year'l celebrotion hosted by Dick r Barry Sullivan. 1977. Steele, Julia Fosle', Penelope Homer. 1968 Clarlc. (90 min.) , 6:00 f:I NCAA Hod WKRP In Ondnnatl II!) My UHf. Margie d..rworld plolS to lake over a Swill bonk and Harpo run a peanul stand and are .pies. The , IE NCAA Bas....tball: OePoul at Northern MOVIE: 'Swl.. Consplrocy' 8lackmoil. comer Ihe world .lIver marlce/. Cybill Shepard, Four Mot')( B.o.hers. 1933. m Michael Colne. Tom Smother.. 1978. . , IIl1nal. foreign intrigue and ....ere' bonk occoun" ,pin a m 8um. & Allen W MoeNel~h,e, Report web of .u.pense amidst breo,hloklng European mlIIu•...,ted Dolly f1!) MOVIE: 'allly The Kid'. Low and Order' , m Entertainment Tonight locales. David Jansen, Elke Sommer, Roy Mil· m700 Club 8lUy fighl. to uphold law and onder in the fran' , lID PM Magazine land. 1977 m Magnum, P.1. Magnum lake. on the navy li"r. Buster Crabbe. 1942 , E!!!) Video Highlight. ED aorll KarioH Pr••enta Thrille, brOil in trocking down the mundere,. 01 his best 12:45 0 Richard Pryor Filmed Un In Con..rt 7:00 0 OD Greolelt Ametlccn Hero 11:45 m MOVIE: 'Thtee on a Match' Th.... girl· friend. (2 hrs.) This unbridled odull entertoinm,,"t covers .ex­ Q 1 ....1 P....ple E!!!) Telefron.., U.s.A. r hood friend. reunile and become involved in a ual habits, urban violence, drugs and kids. 9 MOVIE: 'from the U'e 0' the kidnapping. Bene Davis. Joan Blondell. Hum· 1:30 o Be.t of the We.t Rated R. Marionette.' A ...emingly mild·mannered man phrey 8ogart. 1932 CD lua/ne•• Report 1:00 0 Top Rank Boxing from Indlanapoll' (Ii) JIm Nobon Ch,htmal In HawaII Iouddenly murder, a prostitute he visited regu­ 12:00 0 ae,t of the NFL o New. larly Robert Atzorn. Christine BucheQger. J_ franklin Show .:00 o OD Bo.-y Miller U MOVIE: 'The 81g Hangover' A promising o B MOVIE: 'Sliver The Americon un­ Rated R News a.a,.' )'Dung lawyer .olves his Illeret weakness, on r o derworld plot, 10 take over a Swi.. bonk and o Fad. ute hebelor Fa"'" allergy to liquor. Von Johnson, Elilabeth Toy. r 0' m corner Ihe world sliver morlcet. Cyblll Shepord, m> MOVIE: 'Senk), Trip' A group of Mid· 12:30 fJ ESPN Sporta Cent•• lor, Fay Holden, Edgar Buchanan. 1950 , Michael Caine, Tom Smothers. 1978. weSleM high .chaol .tud...ts trovel to New U AI"" Hitchcock P,e..n" e Jade Benny Show , Yor\: 10 celebrate their graduation Scoff Baio. m Bum. & Allen m>Nune 1:30 e Eyewltne•• New. r. ~ Grant. Randy Brooks 1981 em MOVIE. 'Son of the Plain.' Buster mNew. mute 0' lI..v , U!J llJust?oted Dolly Crabbe. m Skating Spectacular IntemalionaUy CD Bomoby Janel m 700 Oub 12:45 0 H.w. known figu,e 'katers perform to the theme 01 2:00 B New.watch r m Mr. Meriln I :00 0 NCAA Hadley: G....t Loke. 'Around the World On Ice.' o MOVIE: 'Superman: The Movie' Cia ric , f1i) Telefrance: U.S.A. Toumament Champlon.hlp From D....,,, 8:15 9 On Location: S,xth Annual Young Kent retums 01 the 'Man of Steel' vaulHng slcYI' r 1:3() 0 Lave, Sidnev o Tomorrow Cood.'o-eoo.. ComedIan'. Show Young camedy lolents crape", ouI.mu.cling locomotivo. and ramant· r m Bu.ines. Report o MOVIE: 'The Heart a' the IM"'r' SIOry shoot for stardom. Ho.ted by .he Smolhers ing Lois Lone. Christoph". Reeve, Margol tE WKRP in C1ndnnatl of religioul conflict and the ulHmote downfall of Brolhers. Kldder, Marlon Brando. 1980. Rated PG. r 8:00 The Fall Guy m All Night Show , 0 m a police commissioner. Trevor Howand. Eliza­ 8:30 U(Ii)Tcud e Facts of Ufe beth Allon. 1953 m Sing auf Am.rlco &it My ume Margie , o NBC White Paper: .The Presidency and m Nlghtbeat m TIS Evening News f1i) MOVIE: 'Within the Rock' the People.' Anchorman Roger Mudd has.. this 2:30 Ill' 8achelor Father r m Jack \Mnny Show 9:00 o II) A8C N_. Clos..up •pecial wilh 10hn Hart. Marvin Kalb and Judy 1:15 II MOVIE: 'All That Jau' Despite famng DMaude 3:00 0 Sign On/New• r (60 Ill' Bachelor Father , Woodard. min) health, a Broadway producer keeps a mad Oil!) Newl , m Joy of 6ach An international .alute 10 pace- chor..ographing mu.ical numbers. editing m Sotu,doy Night m Rot Pahol r composer 10honn Sebastian Bach trace. hi. life a film and Irying to manage his personal life. mDandng Prin...... The Royal Ballet per­ 3:30 if) NFL Un. By Une and career. (RJ (60 min) Momlng Stretch r J....ica Lange. Ray Scheider, Ann Reinking. forms in Ihls adaptation of the Grimm's Brolh­ o T8S Evening New. m Mike Douglaa Entertainment Hour r m 1980. Raled R. ers fairy lale. (II) (60 min.) m MOVIE: 'Senlo, T,ip' A group of Mid· 1:30 m MOVIE: 'Five W..h In a Balloon' A II!) Ha.hvllle RFD Glt Hll)oug r western high school students travel to New Scolli.h boliooni.1 is a.ked by Queen Victoria f6 All fn ,he Family m. World/Large York 10 celebrale their graduation. Scott Baio. to planl the Briti.h flag on an unexplored port OJ)Hu," fJi) MOVIE: 'V.ngeance' Faye Granl. Randy Brook. 1961. of A/rico. Red Button,. Fabian, Barbora Eden. ED Maveride 4:00 0 Tennis: WCT Invitational from Sall.bury, MD 8:30 Q Lav., Sidney 1962 9:30 e ESPN Sports Cent.. m U'e of Riley o Mor_mbe .. WI.e II Joe Franklin Show D Meet the Moyon m U.S, A.M. IE N.w. 2:00 m My UHle Margie D Tonight Shaw EiID MOVIE: ·pn.onerofJapan' An American m> M*A*S*H mCNN N.w' m Sing out America 4:15 m Newa 9:00 0 New Year'. Bowl P,evi.w captured by the Japanese unde'90es incredible m Sign. of Chri.tmos

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COUSINS'RESTAURANT INN OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS THE INN CREDIBLE MANSELL'S AND PACKAGE ST()RE "New Mexico'sOnIy . CHAPARRAL LOUNGE Complete Luxury Resort Facility" . "Ruidoso's Best Kept Secret" KELLEY'S SALOON Phone 336-4312 At The Chaparral Motel, JERRY DALE'S Owned and Operated by Reservations Suggested Ruidoso Downs tbe Mescalero Apache Tribe 3 MUes North on Highway 37 "Ruidoso's Best Kept Secret" Phone 378-4239 3.5 mil~ South of Ruidoso Phone 257·2950 . Phone 336-4312 Harrold and Camille Mansell invite all on the Homeland of Reservations Suggested country western music lovers to join them An evening at Cousins' is a unique ex­ The Mescalero Apache Tribe perience offering a wide range of en-· Nestled in the pines high above Ruidoso any evening for dancing and your favorite tertainment. Phone 257·5141 in beautiful Alto Village, the· Inncredible refreshment. The Inn of the Mountain Gods provides has fast become a {ovorite dining & Lounge hours are 4 p.m. till:30 a.m. ex­ Dining in the restaurant, "Ruidoso's guests every amenity of luxury living, oldest and most recommended" is a cocktail choice. Along with a casual, in- . cept on Sunday when the lounge closes at servi~ surrounded by 460,000 acres of unspoiled timate atmosphere, away {rom the crowds midnight. . pleasure with courtesy and just a forest. Spacious accommodations offer a and loud music, they offer choices from part of their outstanding offer. Menu fantastic view of the lake and Sierra the area's largest menu. Prime Rib, selections include great steaks, seafood Blanca. Superb wining and dining will steaks, veal specialties, seafood and NORMAN'S PIZZA ~d all your favorites along with specialty .delight the choosiest of gourmets with a chicken are featured, along with delicious, Gateway Shopping Center Items. wide selection of wines and mixed drinks meal·topplng desserts. 257-4734 Kelley's Saloon offers "spirits, 'sports fine steaks and seafood. In addition, it'~ Live music IS featured for your pleasure La~ and Rose Norman· at Norman's and games," with special bar prices the perfect place t(l be for Yllur dancing in the bar. Pizza 111 the Gateway Shopping Center . during early and late happy hours. . an~ lis~ening pl~sure. Guests will enjoy Bar opens at 11 :30, dining at 5:30, Happy specialize in delicious pizzas, sandWiches, j Jerry Dale's Dance Hall and Saloon is sWlmrmng, boatIng, fishing, golf, tennis, Hour, 2 to 6 p.m. Now serving Inncredible hamburgers and frita pies. Soup, chili and j Cousins' newest addition and features horseback riding and everything else you lunches from 11 :30 to 1:30. "Just a litUe a salad bar are also featured. j Ruidoso'S only bucking bull. And you can would expect from a complete resort. out of the ordinary - a little ways away." Norman's is open dally from 11 a.m. to 9 , dance to live country western· music There are 52 RV spaces with water and, THE RANCHHOUSE p.rJ.l. and they invite aU old friends and J Wednesday through Sunday on the electricity available. Also, enjoy skeet and visItors to come join them for lunch or j "largestdance floor in the southwest." trap shooting ranges for the avid sport· RESTAURANT dinner. j RANCH HOUSE RESTAURANT sman. "The Family Restaurant" K·BOB'S STEAK HOUSE • j LILLIE'S RESTAURANT Located "The Family Restaurant" in Upper Ruidoso "FinestSteaksIn the Southwest" J "Everything is Cooked At the Traffic Circle InThe Villa Inn, At The "Y" J Located in Upper Ruidoso 257-7245 At the Traffic Circle In LlJIie's KJtchen" Phone378-4747 j Midtown Ruidoso The Ranch House Restaurant is one of ~ Phone 257·7245 those really nice places the whole family K·Bob's. in addition to serving the finest The Ranchhouse Restaurant is one of Phone 257-9455 steaks in the Southwest, is featuring not Enjoy a touch of old Mexico in mIdtown can enjoy. The food is something extra I those r~ally nice places the whole family specially prepared with the individual in one but TWO salad wagons, with aU those can enJoy. The food is something extra Ruidoso! Lillie's Restaurant will give you mouth-watering selections. There's fish the real south of the border feeling from mind. Dine buffet style or order {rom the l special prepared with each individual in and shrimp, too, if that may be your the Spanish decor to the delicioWl menu, which includes everything from J mind. Dine buffet style or order from Mexican food to Prime Rib or seafood. choice. So go once and you'U come back the menu everything from Mexican Food homemade Mexican food. again to K·Bob's ... and they're open 7 Open year around from 11 a.m. until 10 Breakfast is served {rom 7 a.m. and iunch to Prime Rib or Seafood. Breakfast is 'til 2 p.m. -dinnerfrom 5 p.m. 'til..... Bring days a week. p.m., Lillie's specializes in superb service K·Bob's also has The Tack Room served from 7 a.m. and lunch til 2 p.m. and a menu that features Guadalajara the family and enjoy one or the best meals and .dinner from 5 p.m. til... Bring the. in town. Cowboy and Jodie Stokes are your seating up to 35 people for parties: green chili con queso, enchiladas and tacos !rehearsals, sales meetings, etc. family and enjoy the nicest of along with sandwiches and steaks. hosts. surroundings while you enjoy one of the best meals in town. Cowboy and Jodie DIXIE CREAM DONUT SHOP Stokes are your hosts. "Mouth Watering Delights" Located Across From HOLIDAY INN The Telephone Office CHISHOLM TRAIL Phone 257-5535 RESTAURANT Dixie Cream Donut Shop offers the most ANOMONJEAU LOUNGE taste tempting delights available in the Highway 70 At The "Y" Ruidoso area. From blueberry donuts, Phone 378-4051 cream filled eclairs, to scrumptious cin­ The Chisholm Trail Restaurant in the namon rolls, every bite is mouth watering. new Holiday Inn features a complete menu Call in ahead of time for parties and for breakfast, lunch or dinner and they are order cakes or large orders prepared to your specifications. The Dixie Cream open daily at7 a.m. Donut Shop opens early early for your Th.ey feature daily lunch and evening convenience, so come by soon and enjoy all speCials but you'll find all your standard their variations of goodies. favorites too! Selections from the wine list We are closed Tuesdays and at noon complement your dinner or choose one of other days. the special after dinner drinks. The Mon Jeau Lounge features live entertainment TINNIE'S SILVER DOLLAR• for your dancing and listening pleasure. - "Where Time Turned Co,?plete fa 711iti.e s for banquets, Back The Clock" meetmgs! weddIng receptions, etc. are Tinnie, N.M. ., also aVailable at the Holiday Inn and IU.S. 70/380 between Roswell &Ruidoso) arrangements may be made by contacting Phnne 1-653-4425 the sales director. Tinnie Mercantile Company takes you back to elegant, tum of the century dining. OLE TACO Leave the hectic world behind as you enjoy 319 Sudderth sizzling steaks, succulent 10b1lter, tender 257-5040 lamb chops or trout. All your favorite Ben and Luz Chavez prepare all their spirits, including many new and exciting d~licjous Mexican food fresh daily in the Philip Anglim portrays a horribly deformed person in THE drinks, are served in opulent, authen­ ELE~HANT M~N, as he recreates his original Broadway kitchen at Ole Taco. Their menu includes tically appointed salons of yesteryear. •j both American and Mexican-style break­ role In the premIere presentation of the"ABC Theatre of the Tinnie's Silver Dollar is open from 5:00 Month," airing ~OndaYI January 4. "The Elephant Man" fasts - huevos rancheros, chorizo with p.m. til 10:30 p.m. daily. eggs. and menudo. Also on the menu are was a long-runmng Tony Award-winning stage hit. tacos, enchiladas, chiles rellenos, guacamole, steak, burgers. ami more. J Hours are: Sunday through Thursday, 10:30 am to 12 :30 at night; Fridays and Saturdays, 10:30 am until 3:00 in the morning. Call 257-5040 for carry-out or­ ders. SONNY'S BAR-B·CUE AND STEAK PIT "Ruidoso's Original Since 1974" Midtown Ruidoso Phone 257-5457 SOnny's Bar-b-eue and Steak Pit in p. midtown Ruidoso has been the area's ..t favorite for fine steaks, delicious bar-~ue and ail the fixin's since 1974 and a new Mr. & Mrs. Charlle Daniels visit with country legend Roy Acuff badlstace at b~ttomless the Grand Ole Opry House following The Charlie Daniels Band performance additio.n, "the bean pot," is fast with the Nashville Symphony Ord!e$\ra, becommg a maJor attraction. A fiddle, the devil, and Epic's Charlie Daniels Band joined the Catering service is also available and Nashville Symphony Orchestra recently at the Grand Ole Opry House , t~y feature special meals and special for the Symphony Association's ninth annual "Outing," a concert prices. benefit for the Orchestra. , , , $ A 5 $ • - - $ .* • •

Paqe 6 - Ruidoso I N.M.I News Television Schedule For The Week Of Dec. 28 Through Jan. 3 Behind the Ser.en 4:30 0 MOVIE: 'Snowball Expr...'A nice-guy m m FIght Agalnlt Slav.ry Kwldly Koala Friday, m from the East inherits a dilapidatlld relort lome m Gl) Super Fun Hour fJ) Dlell Van Dyke Atlantic City Tonight 10,000 feet up in the Rockiel. Dean Janel, l!ID OJ Vllian and VI.wpolnt, 11:30 D To Be Announced Nancy Ollon, Harry Morgan. 1972. Raled G, 11:30 U Friday. 6:15 D Rocky and HII FrI.nd. m30 Minute. If) Faith 2C 6:30 Q 0 Smurf. o Alfred Hltchcodl P,e.entl m Mary Ty'-' Moor. 1m My 1I"1. Margie I!I Diann. Warwldl In Concert fJ) Fath.r Know. Be.t o N.wark and Reality ((';=fr=;id=!~===::'y» m MOVIE: 'Th. Tralon Woman' The story AFTERNOON of the horrible plight of captured Trojan women II!) m Tanan/lon. ltano.r/Zorro • Adv.ntur. HOllr destined to become concubineI of the Greek 12:00 MOVIE: 'In.ld. Mov.,· A young man If} World Tomonow 0 EVENING coplorl. Katharine Hepburn, Genevieve Bujold, reco"ering from a luidde Qltempt llrullOI.1 10 L.llon Vanella Redgrave, Patrick Magee. 1972 ID help himself and hll friends. John Savage, l!ID Equ'ltrlan 6:00 0 ESPN Sp.dal: 1980 Olympic Final: USA mMOVIE: 'The Initiation of Sarah' A hou· Diona Scarwld, Amy Wrighl. 1980. Rqled PG. v •. Finland OJ Public Policy Forum semother in a women's dorm urge' Q cottege OJ In Record TIm. 6;45 D Ne",. UIf)New. girl to unleash het terrifying psychic powe... NFL Football: NFC PlayoH/or 7:00 U (Ii) Fon:r/Loveme .. Shirley Hour m Local o 0 Orang. Bawl: CI.m.on v•. Shelley Winte", Kay Lenz, Tony Bill. 1978 Programming At prelSlime, Ihe leoml and Appl. PolI.h.r. N.braoka l!ID MOVIE: 'Glory, Glory Tron.ylvanla' o time of the playoff were undetermined. Stay If} R.x Humba,d o MOVIE: 'Nine to Flv.' Abullld by their Borl. Karloff P....nll Thrlll.r tuned to thll Italian for further game announce. m Financial Inquiry chouvnlstic boss. three frustrated se"etorieu 12:00 Q SCTV Com.dy Network ID ments. Agaln.t the Wind take mOHen into their own hands. Lily Tomlin, Joe Franklin Show m Ill) MOVIE: 'Toklal' The "ory of the amazing o fli) Celebrity Jane Fonda. Dolly Parton. 1981. Rated PG. New. relationlhlp between an old Iheepherder l;md o 7:30 0 Ii) Kid Sup.r Pow., Hour with Shazam o MOVIE: 'Pr•••ntlng Uly Mara' A Itage. 1m Bachelor Father on irresponsible beor cub. Fllmlld In the wilder· MOVIE: 'Xanadu' A rolle"kollnll mUle ,Iruck mldwe,lern girl falll in lave with a 8raad. 12:30 fJ ESPN Sportl C.nl.r e nelS 01 Utah's Ulnloh MountaIns, 1972 ules her magk to help the career of an ortill. way producer, Judy Garland. Von Heflin. Solid Gold Financial Inquiry m Olivia Newton·John, Gene Kelly, Mkhael Betk. l!ID Tommy Doroey Band. 1943 Ufo of RII.y Real McCay. m 19BO. Rated PG. m m Duke. of Houard MOVIE: 'The Man In.lde' A detll(live 12:30 If} MOVIE: 'Here Come Ihe Co- Ed.' Hila,lty m Comput.r World If) 93rd Tournom.nl 01 Ro,," Parade lollow, a lroil 01 violence and murder to lilban o ensue' at a girl's college when ond Cos­ 8ugl Bunny Road Runn.r Show Abbott m Prog cont'd and Madrid. leeking to reCO.er Ihe Tyrahna em m '.lfo attempt to payoff Ihe mortgage. Abbott I..lle. Unllmlt.d m National Geographic Sp.cial Blue. a labulou! diamond ,talen in New York by m & Costello, Peogy Ryan, Donald Cook. 19-45 W••k.nd Ga,dener m MOVIE: 'Nutty Prolenor' A college pro. on aecountan!. Jock Palonce, Anita Ekberg, Ni· m fli) Vld.o Hlghllghtl OJ II'. Your Bu.lne.. feuor discovers a formula which changol hu gel Patrick. Bonar (oUeono, 1958. m8everlY Hlllbllll•• appearance and pe"onality. Jerry Lew". Slello m Twilight Zone 8:00 0 ESPN Sporh Center 1:00 fJ Sport.Cent., Plu, Ste.en,. Del Moore. 1963 1:00 0 NCAA Bolketball R.port U m Rlchl. Rlch/Scooby & 5t1appy 000 U MOVIE: 'Th. Ambu.h...• Matt Helm II m World Newl o MOVIE: '8rotherly love' This ,tory II a Show lenl fo diKaver the wh..reaboull of on experi­ @!) Flohlnll In Atkan.a. love triangle, loculing on a woman and the two o Dr. Who m..ntal flying lOueer which was brought down m Curol Burnett and Fri.ndl men in her liIe. one her eltronged hUlbond the If) Charlanda som..where In MeKlco. Oeon Martin, S..nlo Ber­ 6:30 U Happy Day. Again other her broth"r. Peler O'Toole, Susannah Ill) Photo Show ger, Janic.. Rule. 1967 m MacNeU-lahrer R.port York. Michael Craig. 1970 m 00 It You,..1f m lbll Old Hou•• m Entertalnm.nt Tonight o MOVIE: 'Blood BarrIer' HumQn cargo il mMOVIE: 'To H.II and 8ade' T.... lrue story mMOVIE: 'California Frontl.r' A cowboy If) PM Magazine 'muggled info the U.S. from Mexko. Telly Sav· of America's moll decoroled hero of World meets up wllh a gong of desperadoel arid W Quarterhor•• Show alaI. Danny De La PQZ, Eddie Albert. War II. Audle Murphy. Marshall Thompson, lovel Ihe day. Buck Jones, Corm..n Bailey. m Benny Hili Show o MOVIE: 'Hon.ycomb' A dull. conven· Chorlel Droke, 1955 1938. 7:00 0 lID Sugar Bowl: G.orgla VI. Pitt.burgh honQI married couple become deeply involved fE Planl Groom f1i) Jerry Eden m Dalla. In 'games' by gorilhly redeCQralin.g Ih..ir houle. m Vloion and V1ewpolnh m MOVIE, To B. Annollnced m lIIu.tral.d Dally Geraldine Choplin. Per Olcaruon. 1972 8:30 0 NCAA 8a.lletball Report 1:30 0 F.I.S. World CliP SkIIng CE 700 Club If) Nlghlb.at Q Ii) Spldermon & HII Frlendl o 0 NFL Footboll: AFt SemI- FInal m Dukel of Hauard m 8um, & AII.n o Dr. Who Playoff/or local Progrommlng At preIS fE Telefrance: U.S.A. @!) MOVIE: 'Arlaona Day.' CowboyI join a m Abba" and Coltello time, Ihe teams and time of Ihe playoff w.... ill MOVIE: ·Und.rwater' Skon d,.ero lace min,trel group and r.ncue the ,how when a m Woodwrlght'. Shop d..termlned. Stay luned 10 this Itotlon for danger, to find hidden treo'VfCH Jane RutsI'll, gong of tough men Iry to leporot.. the minslrell. m Thl. W..k on Wall Street further gam.. announcemenls. RIChard Egan. Gil~rt Roland 1955 Tex Riller, Eleanor Slewart. 1941 @!) Florida Outdoon (Ii) NFL Football: NFC Playoff/or local 7:30 m BUllne.. Iteport 1:30 0 Auto Racing '81: USAC Stock,/Sprinh m Public Policy Forum Programming At pressllme, Ihe 'eams and 9:00 0 8e.t of Ih. NFL 8:00 MOVIE: 'The Formula' All hell breaks lrom Itelllbllrg, OH tim.. of the playoff wer.. undetermined. Sloy 0 U IE Goldie GoldlThundarr Comedy loose dvrfng an mfttrnohonol srnthe'lc fuel con· o MOVIE: 'Voyage Into Spoce' Johnny tuned to thls Italian for further game announce' HOllr mfJnt)~ spfracy. George C Scott, Marlon Branda, Sokko and hi. flying robOl pre.enl Ih. man"er Ii) Space Sla" ~BO Dracolon Irom d.ltroyong Tokyo Mihundbu o IE U.s. Ch,onJde Marthe Keller 1 Raled R o MOVIE, 'Amaalng Ape,' o New York bport Kaneko. Akio Ito. 1970 m MOVIE: 'A Child- 10 Waiting' The reo If) MOVIE, 'Mlc:key On.' A small tome nlghl If) SlIperman lard"d child·plychologlsl ,uperlnlendent of a (Ii) falcon Cre.t Novo mNew, club comedion'. pion. 'Of h,. 'utur~ are threa, m Itote Instilutlon attempll 10 create new method' tened by gong""" 'rom hOI pos' Warren 1m Georg. 01 Irolnln9. 8ul1 lancoder, Judy Garland, IE) Walhlnglon W_k/Revlew fli) Jim Hou.ton Ouldoorl m TBS Evening N_. Beatty. Hurd Hatfield 1~65 Gena Rowlonds. 1~63 lID Jack B.nny Show 9:30 n Sneale Pr.vlewl Jerry Sliller Qnd Anne m Dallal 2:00 0 MOVIE, 'Xonadu' A rollenkallng mUIll MOVIE: '' Meara toke a loak 0' upcoming mOVIe., .pel1' B:30 0 Latin New York m Ulel her magic to help Ihe car....r alan artist. World War /I Ilory about Bombers out fO and .!eIlcials. IE) Wall St...t We.k (Ii) W 8lac:kotar Ollvio Newlon·John, Gene Kelly, Michael Beck. &Ii) Sing oul Amerlco Imosh Hitiar'J line Ion Hunter. D'rk Bogarde 1980. Rated PG. 1955 m Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea r 9:00 0 ESPN Sportl Center Americo'. Top Ten Bomaby Janel 1m Jim HOllllon Outdoorl m r o ToRe Announced m 8rand N.w lIIustraled Joumal the 2:00 &Ii) I Married Joan W Raceway O!J 0' Maude Arll A relrolp"etive 01 1981's major artistic r o 2:30 0 MOVIE, 'Th. Formula' All hell breaks en W.ekend H.roe, , o CID Newl 10:00 0 Sport5wnter Plul: Updot.d 5<0... and evenh in the worlds of 011, lit..roture, film, mu· m Twilight Zone 100'" durlng on International \ynthetic fuc,1 con sic, theater, lise perlarming arts and broodcast· r .poracy Goorge C Scoll. Morlan Branda. Featur., IE) John Calloway Interviewl ing i' pneoenl"d. (90 ",in.) Morthe Keller 1980. Raled R o m ABC WHkend Spedala Red Chief r m Nalhville RFD Wyatt Earp My little Morgl. r..lums 10 uplel the Icherne 01 two criminals. (II) m r m All In the Family m fli) To Announced MOVIE: 'Court Intrigue' o 0 Daffy/Spe.dy Show a. m Falcon Crelt l!ID 2:30 Nfl Gam. of Ih. We./c r 3:00 I) Ey.witne.. New, o MOVIE, 'UHle Mill Marice" A bookill fJ r m Maverick m Soul Train o Sign On/New. and Qgambler are reformed by a lillIe girl who i 9:30 0 Morecombe & WI.. has been left 01 an IOU lor a gambling deb!. m Wagon Train o Tonight Show 3:30 0 To Re Announced 3:00 fJ SporhC.nter Plu. r N."n/Sign Off Waller MaHhau, Julie Andrewl. 1980. Raled (Ii) MOAoS'H o G. e Wide World 01 Sport. I o Newlwatch , m Solurday Night o:il Trolll"n. o Chomplonlhlp Wre.tllng m Another Ufo o MOVIE: 'A Girl In Eve,..,. Port' Navy bud O!J Joy of Bach An inlemational lalute to m MOVIE, To IS. Announced dj~i m MOVIE, 'Marco Polo' My.lene. and ad acquire two race horses and try to conceol compoler Johann Sebos~on 8ach Iroc..s hil lif.. 3:30 0 PKA Full Contact Koral. venfure, of onciftnt China are discovered by them aboard ship. Graucho Marx, Marie WiI· and career. (R) (60 min.) m YOII A.ked For It Marco Polo. Rory Calhoun. Yak a Toni. Raben ,on. William Bendi.. 1952 1m Weltem... m Gunlmoke , Hundor 1962 mMllr.e Douglo. entertalnmenl Hour mMOVIE: 'A farew.1I to Arml' An Ameri· 4:00 II Sneak 'r.vlewl Jerry Sfiller and Anne 10:00 0 Top Rank Boxing from IndianapoIii 3:45 l!ID MOVIE: 'Border Badmen' Billy the Kid Meara lake a look at upcoming moviel, sportl , CQn ambulance driver and an Englilh nun.. meet o tID New. .hooh up a storm and defend. hil honor. BUlter and lpeciols. , on Ihe ltoliQn front in World War I. Rock Hud· o Eyewltne.. N.w, Crabbe. AI St. John. 1945 son, Jennifer Jones, Vittorio De Sica. 1957 o Radng from Aquedud n In'lde the NFL Len Da.... 'on and Nick 4:00 (Ii) Blackwood Broth ... Gil Woody Woodpecker em Uttl. HOll.e on the Prairie , BuonlConli co·ho\l thi' loolboll highlight show. m It'. Your Bu.ln .. @!) To Be Announced m New M.xlco Olltdoo,. o MOVIE: 'Th. Dolly Silte..' The Ilory of 4:30 0 World Superman Champ. m NFL Revl.w -and Prevlew m Thl. W••k on Wall Street Hungonon-born listen' rile to fame and the o MOVIE: 'Utli. Mill Mark.r' A bookie 10:30 0 (Ii) Amerlcon Bond.tand m Champion.hlp W..ltllng roman«.s thaI affected both of them Betty and a gambler are r.farm&<:! by a little girl who I) 0 NfL Football: AFC SemiFInal m NOlhvllle on the Rood • Grable. John Payne. June Hover 1945 hOi been left alan IOU lor a gambling debl. PloyoH/oI local Prog,ammlng AI pne.. l!ID Jo. aurton Show , (Ii) Behind Ihe Scre.n Wolter MaNhau, Julie Andnewl. 1980. Ral&<:! time. 'he leams and time of the playoff wer" 4:30 U To B. Announced m Dick Cavett G undetermined. Slay tuned to Ihis IIa~on for o Dionne Warwlell In Concert &Ii) Buml & Allen &Ii) Space Klde"e further game annauncemenfs. o WIld Kingdom m World New. m Infinity Factory m> NFL Football: NfC Playo"/o, local Ill) P,•••nle l!ID Jerry Eden ProgrammIng AI presstime, the teams and m W..kend Gard.ner m Skiing I. Beli.vlng ~m" of the playoff were undetermin..d. Slay m Popl Go.. Ihe eountry 10:30 U MOAoS'H tuned 10 Ihis I1ation for further game announce­ mHoppy DaV' Again o Tonlghl Show ments. 5:00 0 Sport.wnte, Plu.: Updated Score. a d o 5CTV Com.dy Netwo,k m MOVie: 'Submarln. Command' Story featu,•• m MOVIE: 'Th. Initiation of Sarah' A hou MORNING and evenh extending from the end of World D (Ii) m N.. How semother in a women's dorm urges a college War If to the oul·breaK of hoslililies in Korea Q look at U. girl to unleash her terrifying psychic pow"". 5:00 0 ESPN Sport. Cent.r ore shown. Wilflam Holden, Nanty Olson. WiI· o Morecomb. & WI.e Shelley Wintero, Kay Lenz. Tony 8i/1. 1978 ONew. 110m Bendix. 1951 D lowrence W.lk m MOVIE: 'The 300 Spartan,' Spartans, (fJ Cartoon. If} Mupp.h fighting againsl the invading army of the King 1m Counl of Mont. Cri.to (Ii) Wild 8/11 Hlckcode Q) Motorw..k of Pe,,'o.•Iond to the death of the po.. of m Vegetable Soup m Tom & J.,ry 'lit Blaellwood Broth... Thermopyloe in Greece Richard Egan, Sir f1i) MOVIE: 'Outlaw. of Ihe Plalnl' BUller 11:00 fJ NCAA BOlketball: Duke at Loullvlll. fIi) CBS New. Ralph R!Chord'on. 1962 Crabbe. o MOVIE: 'Duffy' An American adventurer fli) 1..land·. Eye. m MacNeil-Lehrer Report 5:30 0 Make P.aUl With Nature i' persuaded by his two half-brothe.. 10 help 5:30 0 NBC N.wl m Jock 8enny Show Ii) Villa Alegr. pirale a million-dollor cOlh shipment belonging e ·MOVlE, 'World'. Great••1 Athl.t.' to their father who hal browbealen the Ions Nowl m Bullwlnkl. Roiled Tarzan.style in Africa, a primitive m until they are eagerfor revenge. James Coburn, lID Nightllne (Ii) Bible 80wl blonde youth is carried off 10 America for po­ James Malon, SUlannoh York. 1968 8arotta m Itomper Room tential athlelic glory. Jan·Miehoel Vincent, m Skating Sp.daculor Inlemotionally 11:00 0 Nlghtllne 5:45 m 3-Score CD Nanty Walker, Tim Conwoy. 1972. Ral&<:! G. o MOVIE: 'Chlno Syndrome' A couple of 6:00 0 Au.trollon Rul•• Football known figure sKote" perform to the theme of o Agron.ley and Compa'nY •Around Ihe World On Ice.' reporter\ uncover 0 dangerous situation in a I)0 Fllnt.ton•• Comedy Show If} Rhoda nuclear power plant Jack lemmon, Jane o Ch,l.topher Cla.e-Up mMOVIE: 'The Outcalt' A young westerner m Sneak Prevl.w. Fonda. Michael Douglo!. 1979. Raled PG. U!) U3 Popey./Oliv. Comedy Shaw bottles his crooked uncle for hil rightful inherit. m HI Doug once, aided by a homelown girl. John Derek, W Doctor in the Hou... m U.S. Farm Iteport mNews • Joan Da.il, Jim Davis. 19S3 &Ii) I Marri.d Joan m Contact m Carol Burnett and Friend. "5.S ".:5 • IS , ~.--.- --_,- __ '_•••11 -_ .. •••••••


EVENING 6:15 m Buy.,'. Forum m Jame. Kennedy 6:00 .. NCAA Ba.k.tballs Iowa at $o"th 6:30 II Street, of San Frandsco • MOVIE; 'The Benny Goodman Story'· Carolina 19 .Bullwlnkle The life of Benny Goodman is depicted Irom his iliaD Newl II0 Day of DI.covery youth through his Carnegie Hall band concert., e Eyewltnell Newl aD H.rltage Sing.,. Steve Allen. Donna Reed, Berta Gerden. 1955 II NHL Hodeey: N.w York Rang.rl at mChurch of God fm Nutrition Dialog". Montreal l!li) Bible Answ." ED Movl. o BarbarCl MClnd,.II and the Mand.,.n m VI.lon and Vlewpolnh 11:30 U St.pplng Out- The D.Bolt. Grow Up SI,te,. 6:45 mWhat'. New Viewers see the Debolt lamlly five years later as mBonnie and the Frlln.dln. A musical cele­ II!) SocIal Security the children lace adolescence and young adult· brallon of 80nnle Franklin's career and famlly 7:00 I!J World fri.b.. Disc Champ. hood. life wllh special guests Michele lee and Joe S Navalo NatlpII' OJ Magic of 011 PaInting Namath. (60 min.) 19 Jimmy SwoggClrt eE To Be Announced SCllld Gold o 0 Oral Roberta l!li)Champlanshlp FI.hlng m Oil SlInday MornIng OJ Report from Santa F. AmRNOON MOVIE: 'Santa Troll' Seven West If) Mall '0' Shut"n. aD F. K.nn.th Copeland Point graduates head out to guard the Santa Fe 1m 12:00 D To Be Announced Lost In Spclf;:8 Trail In pro-avil War Kansas. Erral Fiynri, Olivia to (8lawmah,. de Havilland, Ronald Reagan. 19040 m Impoda aD Ever Increa.lng Faith Nashvlll. Alive m Orlaly Adam. eE United Way m 8i) Spotlight mKung Fu fIi) R.al E,tat. ActIon Line Lawrence Welk m Carra'CC1lenda. m 7:30 0 NCAA lSa.lcetball: Iowa at Sauth 12:30 II Wr••tlln" 6:30 0 Happy Day, Again o MOVIE: 'Snowball Expr...• A nlce-guy 19 Dance Fever Carolina o To lie Announced from the East inherits a dilapidated resort some OJ Executl". Newl Brief 10,QOO feel up in the Rockies. Dean Jones. aD Pink Panther Show o 'oInt of VIew o Methodl.t Ch"rdt "- Nancy Olson, Harry Morgan. 1972. 8aled G. 7:00 0 lID Open All Night mMOVIE: 'Mo".e On Th. Moon' The Du­ 19 Bob Newhart m Chlcogoland Churdt Hour Senior Vlew- poInt chy of Fenwlck's only scien,tist develop, on out­ U MOVIE: 'In,lcl. Mov.,· A young man m fIi) Sam Ca" moded rocket donated by Runla and takes a recolferlng from 0 lulclde oltempl slruggl.s h;l trip to the moon. Margaret Rutherford. Ron h.lp himself and his fri.nds. John Savage, ED Carra.co1endCl' 8:00 Notlda. Moody. Terry-Thoma" 1963. Olano Scorwld, Amy Wright. 1980. Rol.d PG. 0 Rax Humbard m Btln Watt.nburg/Lar98 D Ha~r Vall.y 19 U Inside the NfL len Dawson and Nick Gil Johnny Canale. Show Vi> MOVIE: 'M"reter 'S Easy' An adoptatlon 8uonlconti co·hast this footboll highlight show. fm GOllrmet of Agatha Chrlstl.'s nov.l. 8i1l 8ixby. lesley­ Sunday Ma.. 1:00 6 Sport.Center Plu,: Updated Sca,.s and AM. Down, Ollvla de Havmand. 1981. o &J lobart Schuller Featu,., CD m NCAA lalketball: Notre Dame at o NASL Indoor Socc:er: Co.mo. v•• Ml..ourl 1m Se.am. Street Chang.d Uve. Toronto MOVIE: '1I1g Clode' A Nlwspaper pub­ 1m m Ught.r Side of the N.wI OJ Wa,hlngton W.ek/R.vlew lisher kUrs his girl frl'Ilnd, then search.s for man m m Sundoy Morning m Chrl. Panos ho JQW leaving h.r apartment. Ray Mmond. on 'Brady BlIncb eE Hot Une Mouree O'Sullivan. Charl.s l,oughlon. George fm MOVIE:·To B. Announced Mocreody. 19A8 l!li) Kenneth Copelond Dr. Snuggl•• en Movie FoOtball Saturday m m Somal Blllngue. 1:30 III MOVIE: 'Mark of the Vampl,.· Vam­ Bonnie and tbe Franldln. A musical cel.... o m Sunlilay Cel.brertlon pires km Ihe townspeople In a small Isolated bration 01 Bonnl. Franklin's career and lamily o o That's The Spirit Czech v/llage. Uonel Barrymore. Bela Lugosi. Iile with Ip.clal guests Michele lee and Joe 1935 Namolh. (60 mln.1 D Thl. 'S the U,. (I!) Jame. RobIson o D NFL Football: AFt Divisional fIi) Tel.france: U.S.A. "Clyoff/or Local PragrommlngAt preu 7:30 0 Making A Uvlng If) Sgt. 're.ton m Word. of Hope lime, the leams and time of Ihe playoff were IINCAA lasketball: New MexIco at Utah undetermined. Slay tuned to this station lor Lewl. & Clark mMOVIE: 'Th. Glenn Mille, Story' Fabu­ o lous Glenn Miller. from first bond lob In 1925 further game announcements. 8:00 ESPN·. NCAA footboJl Spedoll 1912 0 through heighl of his career as America's num­ (I!) Ill} NFL Football: NFC Playoff or Local Sligar Bowl 'rom New Orleans, LA ber one band leader•.•hls 1I1e and music. James Programming Al pre" lime, the teams and om Lov. lkIat lime of the playoff were undetermln.ed. Stay Televltlan In.lde and Out Slewart, June AUyson. Charles Orake. louis o Armltrong. 195A tuned 10 this station for further game announce­ ID OS Evening New. eE Kid. Are 'eopl. Too ments. MOYI!: 'Murder Is Eosy' An adaplatlon m ED Star Trek Cartoon IE) Wall Street We.k of Agatha Chrllt;It's novel. 8m Bjj(by. llts/ey. 9:00 0 Wh.,. It'. At aD Zola lAovl" Uve Anne Down. Olivia de Havilland. 198 1. U Day of DI.covery m MOVIE: 'BIg Broadca.t of 1938' A race .:30 II IAwl. & Claric between two ocean liners and on ex-husband Newaric and aeallty o MOVIE: 'Coal Mine", Daughter' Thil o blographicol otcount trace, the Gle of country. chased lor back alimony by three ex-wives. Bob MOVIE: 'Atlantl•• The lostConflnent' A m singer loretta lynn Irom her childhood 01 pov_ Hope. W.C. Fields. Martha Raye. 1938 young Greek foshltrman, In love wllh daughter erty In Appalachia to stardom In Noshville. lID Thl. W.ek with David Brinkley of the KIng of Atlontil. h.,ps her search for the Sissy Spacek. Tammy lee Jones. 1980. Ra'ed 2:00 0 NASL Indoor Soccer: Jadcsoh\rllie at 1011 city. Anthony Half, Joy New. OM..t the p,... erty in Appalachia to ,tardom in Nashville. o Out.r Umlt. o Robert Sdt"JI.r from the Cry.tal Sissy Spacek. Tammy lee Jones. 1980. Rated m MOVlEJ 'Mounn Rouge' Story based an Cathedral PG. dilO'te~ (I!) face the Nalfon the Gfe. love, and of the famous ortist, . MORNING m Jimmy Hou.ton roulousa-Laulre<. Jo", Ferrer. Colette More· mClleo KId m Championship Wre.t1lng hand. Zso 11O Gabar. 1952 5:00 o ES'N Sports Center IE) Matln.. at the 1I110u lID Happy Day. Again IE Ma.terplece Theatre o Charlie Chaplin: The U"le Tramp Char­ m NewSlght 4:00 .. ~rt.C:.nt., Plu. m Americon Trail lie Chaplin is presenled in 'The Tramp,' 'The m Inquiry o W Solid Gold MOVIE: 'The Blob' Two teenClgers after Rink' and 'Shanghaied.' Hosted by Joel Grey. lID Bewitched P."uade,. m W.stbrook Ho.pltal o natidng a lhooting star fall 10 eorth come upon o Church Grawth Intemot. ED aD Am.rican Trail 10:30 NFL Football: AFC Divisional a man howling with poin from Q moss attoched mSUJHlrman e 0 to hb arm where the meleorite fell. Steye mGood News • Playoff/or Local Programming At press 4:30 0 ESPN Spedal McQueen. Aneta Corseout. 1958 mJames Robl5on time, the teams and time of the playoff were m Uttle Hou,. on the Pralrl. fIi) Studio 1 €ID Intematlonal Byline undetermined. Stay Iuned to this station lor m G.o,ge m MOVIE: To Be Announced 5:30 e Carrascolendas further game announcements. m Nice Peopl. 10:30 0 MOVIE: '5.0.$ TitanIc' The owe,ome dl­ D VIewpoInt on Nutrition (I!) mNFL Football: NFC Playoff 0; Local m Bu.ln... Joumal ' IOster 01 Ihll unsinkable Tllanic is recreated. mCartoonl ProgrammIng At press time. the teams and 5:00 0 Spart.Center Plu.: Updoted Sco,•• and Dovld Janssen. Cion, leachman, SUl

- -_.~ ------' ~. - -'- ,.,

WINTER 1,981·1982 RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTYr NEW MEXICO 88345 SKI SPECIAL s~ers 'Welcome •••• to Rui~oso Is

Page 8- Ruidoso! N.M.] News ~eautiful won~erlan~ .~ I winter

mWild KIIIgdOlll It; II!) Larry Jon,. Mln/lfry and the cost of an upcoming 8roadwClY play. .Ruby Keeler, Dick Pow.II, Georg, Brtnt, Gin. ./ fI JacqU'1 CouatllIu ger Rogers. 1933 EVENING mAm.rlcan Skylln, ! IDC8SNlwi 6:00 0 8..t of the NFL 6!) IIIland'. Ey;. em Cod, R,d fJMoyl. e Catalina C4.ab Anavy mine il dllcavered 10:151) N,wl \ on Cotahno Illand and the daughter of the lab 10:30 0 Sptdal director II frapped. (60 min.) D Ev,nlng at tho Improy 8 MOVIE: 'Boell Roadl' Acouple Itart off U MOVIE: 'Th, Lolt Command' Agroup of on a crou·country launt ond become romantl. french paratroopers headed by a man of pea•• cally involved. Sally Field, Tommy Lee Janel, ant Itoc~ are repatriated to FranCi fallowing David Keith. 1981. Rated R. by Joey Sasso o Straight Talk the 1954 collapse in Indo-Chino. Anthony mCHIPI QUinn, Aloin Oelon, Claudia Cardinale. 1966 MOVIE: 'A Star I. Bom' The original ver. CONFIDENTIAL REPORT AblNer feud IS simmering on iii) Archl. Bunker'1 Plac. IS In S.orch of.... slon about a matinee Idol on the dedin. as hll the set of "WKRP In CinCinnati" ... Pitting Lonl Anderson m young actress-wil.'. career skyrockets. Janet and Gary Sandy against the rest of the cast. Sandy, who OJ Sport. Am"lca m fn Touch . Gaynor, frederick March. Ursula K.nt. 1937. plays station manager Andy TraVIS, IS making life 1m 60 Mlnut•• mMOVIE: 'Th, Pumpkin Ealt,' After finally finding true happiness with her fourth husband, unbearable on the set of the top· rated CBS show, say hiS fIg Vlllon of Alla/ USA hil wife becomel awol'll of hillnfideli~. Anne co stars One "WKRP" star says: "It Gary left the show to. 6:30 0 GymnaltlCl: USGf Champlanlhipi 80ncroft, Peter Finch. 196-4 day, nobody would know he was gone." Sandy IS ap­ iii) On, Day At a Tim. P,opl. to PfOpl. parently fuming over Ihe deCISion the producers to m I) Jim Roelllord. Ptlvat, Invlltlllofor ot fD Omnl'81 iii) ABC N.ws strip him ot top billing, In favor of Lonl and Howard 7:00 II mTodaY'1 fBI 11:00 mN,wl Hesseman The 3J·year-Old actor IS said to be bltler Q CHIPI iii) To Be Announced . lowards hiS fellow cast· members-all except lonl, o It II Wrltt,n 11 :30 0 Bill of tho NFL recently parted Irom husband Ross Bickell. lonl and mMOVIEI 'Th, BOyl from Bralll' former o MOVIE: 'In Thll HaUl. of 8t1d,' A$0­ NOlil plan 10 rile again to world power phllffcated London widow 'OnouncDI a SUCClIS­ Sandy have been seen together at many Hollywood tunc. through a diabolical lcientific plot. Lawrence ful bUllnesl career to become a c10lltered e~arm lions, and Sandy recently bought Lonl'S car and house In Olivier, Gregory Pect 1978. Benedidlne nun. Diana Rig;. Judi Bowker, Pa- Ruidoso's winter North HollYWOOd Although Sandy InSists Ihat the rumors iii) Alice mela Brown. 1975 . or their affair are "all wrong," InSiders say the couple are lEI Lawr.nce Wtlk DMOVIE: 'Viva knlmr Smugglera plan to Il U.S. Chronld, "qUite comfortable" together. both on and off the set. labotage Evel Knlevel'l motorcycl. lump In .,- m Am.rlcan Troll Mexico in order to smuggle cocaine Into the is de~lcte~ t~,oug~out 1& AHantlc City Allv, U.S. Evel Kni~v.I, Gene Kel~. l.ouren Hulton. TV BACKSTAGE Robin Eisenman (Stacey. "General 1m Archl. Bunk"'1 Plact 1977. Hospital") got the scare of her life when she opened her fIg T.I.france: U.S.A. (l!) Leonard R.pa.. fIMOVIE: 'Shoot Out' An eXllunmon il tom Bamaby Jon.1 front door In Los Angeles to find lour policemen and an m t~is s~ecial $~Iing betwween hll Obllllion wilh revenge and hil iii) MOVIE: 'TonIght W, RaId (alai,' Alon, section ambulance outSide AInend had been warned because responllbility for a lix-year-old girl and lonely commando II lent to NOII·occupled Franc. on RObin could only whisper on the phone-she had widow. Gregory Peck, Po' Quinn, Robert f. a million of IQbofoge. Lee J. Cobb. Annabella. laryngllis "I was In flannel palamas With socks on and a ~onl. 1971 1943 7:30 U World Tomorrow IJlg robe when the pollee knocked," RObin told me. "I was 12:00 6!) MOVIE: -arll.,da', Cream Crotlr iii) J.H.l1On. Croclt" Chowd.r' VIncent Prlet. so embarrassed" She wrote a note to explain, and the OJ Sntak Prevl,w. mBu.ln'lI Journal police went away With autographed pictures under theIr II!) H"ltag. Slng.rl 12:15 iii MOVIE: 'F/'Om th. U', of the . arms The on again, off· again romance between mOne Day At a Tim. Morlan,Itt.' Aleemlng~ m~d-mann.red man "GUiding Light" caslmates Usa Brown (Nola) and Tom 1:00 0 F.I.s. World Cup SkIIng . luddenly murderl a proltiM. hD visited regu. MOVIE: 'Running' Amarathon Mner lorly. Robert Atzom, Chriltine Buchegger. Neilsen (Floyd) IS definitely on now. Nola may have Jilted IIm Rated R. Ilfiks an Olympic victory 10 prove ha'l not a Floyd at the allar, but In real lite, lisa told me: "Tom and I 10ler. Michael Douglal, SUlan Anspoch. 1979. 12:30 fJ ESPN SpOrfl Cent.r are gomg steady" "Days of Our lives" casling agents Rated PO. ON,wl mNlghtbtot think they've found a new heartthrob-In a magazine e MOVIE: 1h, BoYI from Brazil' former Nalil plan to rill again to world power IE) MOVIE: IHot.I' Tlte owner of a fOlhlona. underwear ad And now they're trying to track him down. O~eanl 'hrough a diabolicallcientiflc plot. Lawrence ble hotel in New flndl hlm..II'n a crlsll Olivier. Gregot)' Peck. 1978. when he cannol meet mortgage PClYlllln/s and TV CLOSEUP And now, In the seemingly endless saga ot o MOVIE: 'Nln. fa FIve' Abullld by their a ruth1011 tycoon lchem.s to oblaJn 'he holal the soap operas thaI mlghl be called "Guess Who's Mak­ chauvnisric boll, tnrlfl frustraled lecretarill for hil chain. Rod Taylor, Catherine Spook, Karl Molden. 1967 Ing a Guest Appearance on Her Favonte Daytime lake matterl into Ihei, own nonds. Uly Tomlin, mVision and Vl.wpolnh Drama?", lhrow In the nameof Carol Burnett In the last Jane fonda, Dolly Parton. 1981. Rated PO. D Jimmy Swaggal1 12:tS Ii MOVIE: 'Colorado T.rrltory' Alter el' episode of our story. it Will be recalled. Elizabeth Taylor iii) TrapPir JOhn, M.D. coping jail, a man II tropped In a valley wilh a made several appearances on her favonte soap opera, mN.wl girl. Joel McCrea, Virginia Mayo, Dorothy Ma­ Ione. 1949 "General Hospital," after letting the producers know It (FJHova 1:00 0 NASL Indoor 5o«er: Jadelanvlll, at had been her secret Wish to do so for years Now It'S M,ss mCame On Along (fJ TBS Ev,nlng N.w, Montrlal Burnell's turn 10 fullill alongstanding Wish to be seen In mAllet o MOVIE: 'Outca.t 01 th.I./andl' Away. ABC" "All My Children," which she watches everyday In 8:30 lID John Ank.rbtrg word young man endl up hunted ond trapped mJ,H.raon. in Malaya. Robert Morley, Sir Rolph Richard. Welcome to Sun Country. This Is los Angeles Rick Ingergsoll. her spokesman, said the son. Trevor Howard. 195.( compdJeflne planned to tape her stmt on the show. Stay 9:00 0 ESPN Sportl Centlf astatement you will hear often as o Aft.r &tnny Hili m(roml. (Ird. tuned for the next Installment When he's not plaYing iii (Ii) N.wl 1:3{) Q Ey.wltn'li N.wl you visit either Sierra Blanca or "As Ihf' World Turns' " eVil Dr John Dixon, Larry Bryg. mKung Fu fIg MOVIE: 'Wlliword Bound' Eagle Creek Ski Areas, the 2:00 Q N.w.watch Cltam~er gmim can be found at the ManhaNan Theater Club, IlMOlt.rpl.CI Th,alrt 1I1e of Commerce MOVIE: 'Bode Roadl' Acoupl. ltart off natlon's southern most maior ski where he's starrrng In "The Resurrecllon of Lady m Th. King II Coming o 1& Caribbean Nlghll on a cross-country lount and become romanti. Lester" Singer/actor Rick Springfield (Dr f\Joah resorts. mT,apPir John, M.D. colly involved. Solly Field, Tommy Lee Jonel, Drake. "General Hospital") was forced to cancel hIS se­ fA) Mllverldc David Keith. 1981. Rated R. The Chamber of Commerce cond show at a Texas rock concert because female fans 9:30 0 Ev,nlngllt Ih. Improv 2:30 mMOVIE: 'U.M.C.' Adoctor goes through office is open Monday through hil dolly rau~ne at the university hospital. RI­ charged the slage TVCDllMOOIl:IlV1CESIHC mGlIlIld Myers Show lID MOVIE: 'Bul RII.y'l Buell In Town' A chard Bradlord, Jamel Daly, Edward G. Robin. ~i~s Count~ Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5p.m., Ion. 1969 young man returns /rom Ihe Navy 10 find his you welcome to Sun with the front porch lliformation ex·sweetheart, who jilted him for on older weal. 2:45 IiMillion Impaulbl, thy man, won" 10 ruume their rolo~onlhip. fli) MOVIE: 'Hi. PriYOIt SIottary' Th. Center open 24 hours aday, seven Ann-Morgre!, Michael Parks, Janel Margolin. exploits of a miJRanoir"1 playboy JOn. John days aweek. 1965. Wayne, balyn Knapp, Reginald 80rlow. 1933 mContact 3:00 0 NCAA Bask,tball: Ml/rray Stall 01 The Ruidoso Valley Chamber of (fJ Optn Up WIII.rn K.ntudcy Commerce is here to answer your 10:00 0 Gymna.HCI: USGf Champlon.hlp. o Sign On/N.wl IImN.w. mBothllor Fath" many questions and offer EYlwltnl" N.w. 3:3{) 0 Morning Stretch e m Anoth.r Ute suggestions on the many in­ o MOVIE: 'All That Jail' Desplte famng health, a Broodwoy producer keepi a mod fIg MOVIE: 'ArIzona Gangbulttrl' Low and teresting things to do and see pace· choreographing mUlical numbers, editing order lake over 01 the heroel break up gong while you are visiting our Village. o film and trying to manage hll personal IiI•. and tellore peace 10 the Arilono plains. TIm McCoy. 1940. Jelsico longe, Roy Scheider, Ann Reinking. Due to our unique status as the 19BO. Raled R. 3:45 mWOrld/Larg. nation's southern most major ski iii Entertalnm.nt Thl. W..k 4:00 D 'Two Agaln.t the Arctic' Part I Two MOVIE: 'forty-S.cond Sfr••t' The 10VII, area, we attract a significant m Elkimo children 10lt in Ihe tundra deep inlide hatll and ombitionl of a producer, hil ongell the Ardic Grele fight the elemen" for survival. number of visitors who are first Narrated by Andrew Duggan. timers. fJ JOt Franklin Show . mAll NIght Show The drive through our beautiful RUIDOSO RADIO AT 1360Khz ~9~};. ii~ (~~MM mU.S.A.M. iii CNN N.w. mountain area Is breathtaking. WITH ~~(O~\ml §~~~ Dress warmly so that you can Scrumptious Blueberry, enioy skiing without being too • A. P. NEWS ON THE HOUR Cream, Glazed cold. &Much More , 257·5535 Physical conditioning ;s avery· •ANICE VARIETY OF MUSIC ( important part of your ski ad­ \ We Close At Noon {, [Closed Tuesdays] venture. Skiing is great fun but it • 'TIL SUNSET EVERY DAY , r Sudderth Across From is a very demanding physical Telephone Co. .' "" .. , sport so give some thought to . ) \ getting in shape prior to your ski adventure. If you do not own your own '. equipment, Ruidoso has an abundance of ski rental shops and both Ski Areas have rental shops, Loding abounds, however reservations are suggested for most weekends and holidays. If you desire additional In. formation don't hesitate to con­ tact the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce for assistance. We have information on both ski areas, skI school and lift rates, general information on RUidoso and surrounding communities as well as New Mexico. Enjoy your visit and come back often, We are here to serve.

Ed C. Jungbluth Executive Director

.. Page 2 - Ruidoso [N.M.I News Sierra Blanca Ski Resort operates sid school A thoroughly professional "I do an awful lot of Instructor ta,ke a lesson. not tire as quickly the first days approach to the job of teaching training up here," Vincent said. Because many Spanish out. "As a reSUlt, we see more skiing has made Sierra Blanca Ski The season begins with an in· speaking persons ski at Sierra people staying wIth the sport," School one of the best in the tenslve instructors' clinic, set this Blanca. as many as 40 percent of Vincent said. country. year for December 5 and 6. the instructors are bilingual. Throughout the season, staff Vincent noted that the ski area is Individual world class skiers The school's instructional staff members participate in classes to very pleased with the growth of its continue to have a great Influence numbers approximately 100, with improve their teaching Spanish speaking clientele and on technique. however, Vincent about 45 full-time and 55 part-time techniques when they arencit busy tries to accommodate it In every said. The top skiers many of teachers. Private and group conducting classes themselves. way possible. whom are instructors, are In· classes are available to skiers of Each year, between eight and 12 The ski school- features the fluenced by racers like Ingemar all ages and all ability levels. Sierra Blanca instructors take a American Teaching Method, Stenmark. For the 11th year, the certification exam (a grueling which is taught In a progression Vincent has seen the In­ Professional Ski Instructors of four day test of skIIng and from the I;leginning wedge structional staff grow by fivefold America (PSIA) and Rocky teaching ability) conducted by the technique through' the in­ since he took over as Sierra Mountal n Ski Instructors RMSIA. Nearly half the staff Is termediate stem Christie phases Blanca Ski School director in 1971. Association (RMSIA) affiliated certified, said Vincent, which Is a to the advanced parallel stage'. But he said the family type feeling school is under the direction of very high ratio. Vincent noted that in his 17 among the teachers that existed Rick Vincent. And the instructors are busy. years as a ski instructor, changes then continues today, making the Vincent, who has been an In­ Sierra Blanca Ski School Is the in equipment have had more staff a closely knit group. structor at Sierra Bianca since state's largest In terms of volume impact on the sport thall changes And the director has no doubt as 1964, stresses constant Im­ of students. Vincent estimates in technIque. to the gruop's main purpose: provement in teaching ability to that on a big day, up to 1,100 of With shorter skies, he ex­ "We're In the business of helping his staff. some 5,500 skiers on the mountain plained, the beglnnning skier does people have a good time." , . Two ski reservation services in Ruidoso Every effort is made to ac­ week during the winter. That commodate visitors to Ruidoso number Is 1-800-545-5134 or 1-800-, through two services, Ruidoso 545-5133. Callers from any other Reservations and Resort location must call (505) 257·5081 or Reservations. (505) 257-5082. Held operates his Ruidoso • Ruidoso Reservations has been Reservations out of Ray Held's fr in existence for 12 years and Is Ski Shop, located at 2811 SUd­ I operated by Ray Heid, former ski derth. coach and racer. Summer and Resort Reservations has been In winter mark the busy seasons for existence for one year and also I hotel accommodations in offers accommodation searches Ruidoso, so Heid said he tries to for those Interested In spending / talk people Into spending time in time In Ruidoso. .. Ruidoso during the week and Some area ski rental shops and during off-season, to avoid crowds 45 hotel, motel, condominium and and to "spread the business out In private home owners use the the community." service, according to Flo Maul. Ski Ruidoso •• "I explain to them the ski slopes owner of the service. won't be as crowded and they'll "We have a national WATS line Shop At get more personal service during and can handle calls from the week when business owners anywhere In the country," said aren't so busy," Held said. Some Maul. r,£'.o of the 54 motel, hotel, con­ Maul has been with the business dominium and private home since May and said the hotels she ( (} n owners that participate In Held's works with are nearly full for the service offer discounts during the winter season. Resort Reser­ week and during off-season. 'vatIons handles big groups and Heid seeks direct contact with makes arrangements for, car skiers and others who might be rentals, and ski rentals In addition interested in bringing groups to to accommodations. "We handle Ruidoso. "We're trying to find any amount of people. We get - WESTERN & SPORTS WEAR new business for the town," Heid calls from all over," Maul said. r: . said.' Non-local callers can contact PANTS BV Levi, Wrongler, Lee Ruidoso Reservations uses a the service trom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., WATS toll-free number for those during the week, and 8 a.m. to SHII?f'S BV Tern Tex, Vonheusen wishing to make reservations noon on Saturdays by calling 1­ from Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, 800·545·9013. Local callers may HATS BV Stetson, Resistol, BoileV Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, contact Maul at either 257-5081 or BOOTS BV Tony Lomo, Justin, Colorado, Arizona and California. 257-4947. Lines are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Resort Reservations has Nocono, Larry Mahan, Sonders Monday through Friday during recently moved to 111 Clover AND MUCH MORE... the summer, and seven days a Drive.


I.• Ruidoso [N.M.l News- Page 3 • Pub crawling is real~ interesting in Ruidoso

So - you've enjoyed a terrific your skiing outing here. mel11(lrable. day on the Slopes, busting moguls money Is a necessity, as their Now, should y(lU prefer to enjoy - or It's been a frustrating day, In these luxurious oases you'll prices tend to adjusted to levels In. your period of relaxation, prior to with the moguls almost busting be able to en loY any libation of keeping with the surroundings dining, in relative quiet, and be your chol<;e, because th.ey you'li be enjoying. you - and It's that time of day, undisturbed, there are the clubs tlme to relax and relive the specialize in the preparation of Here,. too, YOU'll be able to and posh nlterles where you'll pleasures or disappointments those exotic concoctions pre. linger, at your whim, because the enjoy unparalled service, potions (like spectactular spills) of the ferred by many, With emphasis on service is unobtrusive, and before and surroundings that will more preceding hours spent skIIng. the fair sex's palate pleasing you know it, you'll find yourselves than suffice to make an Interlude, Well now, being as you're In the potions. In these spas, bringing wondering what it Is that the rich midst of the most beautiful and folks. are en loying that can enchanting part of The Land of compare to the pleasures that Enchantment, which Is, as you await your command from your know, New Mexico, whatever comfortable seat. . turns you on, for a period of Should you enjoy a little music, relaxation, awaits. as you relax from your day of From a refreshing glass of suds,· skIIng actiVities, you'li find through the most exotic of con· , -',' everything from singles, to coctlons, your wish Is the com­ country, to rock for your listening mand of the friendly fol ks who pleasure - you might even come will be prOViding the relaxing a cropper of a Dixieland jam libation the situation dictates. session. If your immediate need Is a The main thing is, if there's thirst. quencher, by all means something special you have In drop in at any of the friendly mind, in the way of relaxing, just neighborhood taverns - you'll inquireof the natives- they know recognize them, because a neigh­ where it's happening. borhood tavern, where the locals Thusly armed with fhls brief mingle, is the same here as Insight as to what awaits you, on anywhere else. Here you'll soon your night on the town, do sally discover that the natives are a forth - you'll positively return gregarious, fun loving, group, and home with experiences with that you can enter Into the spirit of which to regale your friends. conviviality pervading the premises. Happy pub crawling! These neighborhood locals will also be perfectly willing to answer -" any questions you might have on <'!,;'t:!tJ. the tip of your tongue about other d .,.. spas, perhaps a bit more quiet, , - ; . .' cSi.n.c£ after your initial thirst Is Slaked. Though the particular oasis you '974 happened to pop into might· be lnhabltated by an impressive number of sklers, spotting the so 's locals Is no problem - they act as though they're at home, which they are. BAR-B-CUE Then there are the lounges, where, perhaps, the decor is a bit more soothing, .11'1 case your AND STEAK PIT nerves are a mite frayed. Here you'll find friendly people WEAR IN YOUR CURRENT DAY'S hovering just on the periphery of your vision, constantly poised to LIFT TICKET prOVide immediate service. The -Girls' Sizes 4-14 habitues are more than likely -Toddler Sizes 1-4 AND WE'LL TAKE 20%. OFF YOUR BILL! extroverts, willing to chitchat -Infant Wear And .~",,- with you and your skIIng party. Everythin~ For Baby 257-5457 In Midtown On Sudderth Closed Wednesday They'll quickly extoll the virtues, • and benefits accruing, to those -Most Complete Sele<'tion Of calling Harmony Valley, as it's Bovs'. C.lothes In Town!. known here, home. These gregarious souls are • living here through choice, and they'll quickly answer any TOTS question you might have as to the quality of life available here. Yes, 'N'TEENS the fol ks you'll encounter In the lounges will, as you'll learn Pinetree Square through association, contribute a great deal to the enjoyment of ------




.•...... ~

PHONE 257-4043 '-'• DRAWER B VISA· RUIDOSO, N.M. .

The '81-'82 Atlanta Hawks drive into Dan Roundfield and John Drew. \ Off the your home with the fast-break excitement bench are Wes Matthews. Tree Rollins. of 50 televised games on SuperStat,on crowd·pleasin' Charlie Criss, Steve Hawes WTBSI and Tom McMillen. And lending added "ReboundI" is this season's raliying cry. speed and point potent;al to this already And new Head Coach Kevin Loughery prom­ super roster ere Ali-American rookies AI ises a reDound year for the Hawks. as o'!r Wood. Clyde Bradshaw and Rudy Macklin. .7g··00 Central Division champs fight the,r You too can jump into the action with way to the top of the NBA. the Atlanta Hawks. The team to watch - 50 Back in tile starting five are AII·Stars gameswortll-on SuperStation WTBSI SuperStafionl/llTBS RUIDOSO GATEWAY Se. tOP'convert~rsare now available to vIew the 7 midband channels. CABlE t"":--~_ Stop in or phonefor more Information. CIWIIIEL CARRIZOZO CABLEVISION OF LINCOLN COUNTY cAPITAN 1108Sudderth Dr. . Phone 257·/i121 [ill MEMBER FDIC

, ' . • • ...... ~ _ ..., .., _....., , __ ,.,..., ~ .. __ -. "!'T ;•.'0' ••• --. """"'.';"""'I.,...,.,""""'!'l...,.....,-'-,.,. ", , "~ .. " • ",:' ...... """"'-"---'- --- ... -- --- ...... - - - --. ~ - '. ~ - - -~ --- ... - .... -...- . ...- - . .,...... - .. .,. '.... _..... ~

Page 4 - Ruidoso [N.M.J News Parker keeps Sierra Blanca going

This season, for the eighteenth workers are busy with equipment The four new ski lifts that have year. management of Sierra maintenance and construction of opened since 1977 have Increased Blanca Ski Area Is In the capable Improvements to the area. "We Sierra Blanca's 11ft capacity by 75 -, .. and experienced hands of Roy do all of our own construction, percent, Parker said. Another Parker. including lifts and buildings," new 11ft will open for the'1981-82 Parker has been involved In Parker said. season. ski ing in the Rocky Mountains for more than 30 years. A native of lilinois, where he learned to ski at the age of nine, Parker headed • west in the late 1940s to try the • • deep powder. .. tIw'" He was an instructor and ski nil: . patroller at Aspen, Colorado. until 1955. working In the building business during the off season. From there, he went to Loveland Basin as sk i school director and You'll enjoy touring scenic Ruidoso then area manager. Parker was at Vall, Colorado, There's absolutely nothing like cabins, built decades ago along commodate the needs of this . t during the first two years of that taking a drive around Ruidoso to the Rio Ruidoso, to examples of rapidly growing area. "'-"T.···~r~j_ area's operation, before coming answer your questions as to why architectural Innovation, every Then there are the recreational· to Sierra Blanca. the residents enjoy liVing here. Imaginable style of abode will opportunities that'll become "I like this country pretty greet your eyes - you may even immediately apparent: golfing, welL" he said. "One thing is. it's This area is, without boring you see examples you've never tennis, trap/skeet ranges, fishing, not so cold." with statistics on bui Idlng per­ Imagined. riding stables, all within the Parker oversees a work force of mits, one of the state's fastest Touring the residential areas in confines of the Village. or on its 200 employees during ski season growing resort and residential the village, or in outlying perimeter. and 30·35 year' round. "We locales. developments. poses no problems Note the art galleries ­ operate everything on the area ­ in becoming disoriented - all you Ruidoso is developing Into one of nothing is leased out," he said. A leisurely tour of Sud· have to do, because the homes are the state's major art centers. In the summer months, ski area derth/Mechem Drives will tell mostly In the higher reaches, is Every medium In art express.lon ROY PARKER you that commercial develop­ just keep driving downhill and Is represented. In Ruidoso, the ment Is in high gear. You'll see you'll eventually reach Highways gamut from sculpture to pencil new business structures In 70 or 37, from whence it's no sketches awaits your Inspection. various stages of completion ­ problem to return to your starting from a casual memento of your and signs advising you of future place. -. sojurn in these mountains, to CRI.I.MRIIRINN developments. As you make you leisurely collector's items, there isn't a APARTMENTS - MOTEL Then there's the adventure­ perusal, observe the schools need that can't be fulfilled. a "REST IN QUIET BEAUTY" some drive through the rapidly which provide an educational desire satisfied, in Ruldoso's art expanding residential areas. level that has achieved singular galleries. Around every trun, at the top of recognition from the state's Should you desire to make an each crest in the road. you'll see Department of Education. Inspection of Ruidoso, you'll soon condominium, town house and The Ruidoso·Hondo Valley learn that there's a quality of life - family residences under con· Hospital, though it might not look extant belying the sleepy, quiet, struction. The amount you'll like it from the outside, offers Innocuous mountain village encounter, on even an hour or two services normally associated with image that will be perpetuated­ 'Indoor Heated Pool 'Color Cable TV 'Furnished Apartments of . exploration, will be mind hospitals In the cities. And It's because It's that image that truly 'Dial Room Telephones 'Kitchens, Bedrooms, Suites 'Several New Luxury Units boggling. constantly improving. always contributes to the life style en· joyed here. REASONABLE DAILY, WEEKLY,MONTHLY RATES Also, from the humblest ot adding special services to ac- SPECIAL SEASONAL RATES Major Credit Cards Accepted 1\ , Miles North Of Sudderth Drive - Follow The Signs From The 2nd Traffic Light OR Turn On Paradise Canyon Road At The Stoplight '.4 Mile North Of Safeway On Sudderth PHONE 257-4058 ~+-IIr+.************* r***...,.r+...... ,...... Ruidoso's Only Complete Game Room ~ _ p 1 :"'.: F?5£iII::'~~~:. ~.-' ~~~~~11~. . '. ACREAGE TRACTS ... .1. . L .. 1 -+c ~.',' "",,~ .•11~':..' ,'.~ -.,.:-, fl,

~ ~ Newly Approved Subdivision .. .., , .' -+c •• -+c -+c t ~~t -+c -+c t '.~' __.~;I~l'~~ , iC -iC t iC Ping Pong. Foosboll¥ Snack Oor. -+c iC 257-9907 2716 Sudderth f -+c The Place -+c f 1( -+c iC C UnlvRd. iC Fl.Stan\On 0 . RUIDOSO GIFT & FIREPLACE iC Counlr~ Club MIDTOWN~~W7t:~;-G!'r...t"; /11\0 c.ull & IN ",.r .. -+c RUIDOSO 1'~~'I...'tl';bf'''f '\ . le,,·~t/~. " I .' -+c ,Z .." -+c -+c ~ -+c -+c -+c -+c ONLY 24 TRACTS AVAILABLE -1C -1C OUTSTANDING VIEWS OF SIERRA BLANCA, -1C -1C THE CAPITANS AND ALTO GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB -1C -1C oj( I', to 11 acre tracts bordered by st. Hgwy. 37 and Ft. Stanton County Rd. ~ oj( Underground electric, phone and cable TV, -1C A WINDOW TO THE WORLD -t< Subdivision road buill to county specifications. IN THE LAND OF ENCHANTM,ENT ~ oj( Restricted for commercial, mulli-fa mily and single family tracts. Filled To Over Flowing With Gifts -1C *5 YEAR OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE AT 12%. From Around The World To Delight -1C -THE COLLECTOR -THE HOMEMAKER ~ OFFERED BY LELA EASTER REAL ESTATE -THE DECORATOR -THE EXECUTIVE -THE HARD TO PLEASE RtlIBI95i19 MAKE EVERYONE ON YOUR .I!t C.lI M ~~e~:~~7~7~73. .... MIS GIFT I. We Pack And Ship Anywhere .' i.. FII\EPl:AE! CHRISTMAS LIST SPECIAl iC John T. and Billie WlnnHord Barbara DIPa!>lo Glen Crane Jim George Thelma Jennings E. J. Fourall Bob Templeton ~ - Master Charge - Visa - WITH A GIFT (OR GIFT iC 257-7:113 . 336-1670 336-4660 .' 336-4815 257·2668 257·7919 336-4024 - American Express CEIlTIFICATE) FROM ~••••••••••••••••••••¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ RUIDOSO GIFT & FIREPLACE.

! l _ , .jO.~,· ~ j.,,~I· ~J!o''''''''''''' ''''''''.'''''~, ~ I ••.II' ...... ~ -.J .. ..jo._.l" •• .• • ~, "-'- ...1 , _.,.L.' ".-' _" J ._" .' .' .," • .1 ,,! .r _, .,.• " • "fo ~ ...... - r- r -- ...- ,-- -- _ ~""""I""""""_'--l"""" __. lIP"'" __-- - ~ .,...-. -- -- __ -- ...- -, __ ...... - ~ ,.. "",. ,.....,...... ,---- ."...., .":"'- - ..... ,.... _"',....,...... ~'- .,...... -_• .,....-... ..,,- ..,. J"'. ,...... ;."- '" .... '''',,-- r:f' . ..,." .....'- P" l'l'e' ...... ,..- ,.. ..., ....., .._~ m" "" .,.,' ..~ .~ ..... _ r- ,...--, r>' ,...- ...... - ,...-- ...- ... .. - .,..- ....- .,..- ..-- -- _ "---T»'~''''' ,. ,...,.- ,,

Ruidoso [N.M.l News- PageS Eagle Creek ski slopes . . undergoing remodeling • t:agle Creek Ski and Recreation be able to put .out' 600 gallons of Area is only In Its fourth year of snow a minute compared to lust operation but several remodeling 3509allons a minute last season. Improvements 'are planned for th is season. "It's not the number of machines you have that. matters," One is the remodeling of the Southwick said. "What's Im­ chair liffto Eagle Creek Mouritain portant is how good the machines 300 feet above the resort's center. are. Some of my machines put out much more snow than' the "We're moving the midway ~thers:" point unloading ramp up from 75 feet to 220 feet," said Paul South­ Although it's not In the. cards for wick, manager-president of the this ski season, Eagle Creek is resort. "That will allow for better planning to build 25 to 50 con­ skiing for our customers in the dominiums within the next two expert areas." years on its resort property. The project will ,cost very little Eagle Creek has four in­ since most of the expense will go termediate runs and two expert for labor. Nothing new Is really runs to offer skiers this season. being added to the chair lift. Last year on the average 700 to Another remodeling project 1,000 tickets a day were sold. Most being completed Is additional of the skiers that come to Eagle space for the beginning skiers. Creek are from Texas. The slope will be increased and This year Southwick plans to there wiII be more room for the open the resort for skiing the week Year around before Thanksgiving, whether or ••• the fun never stops in Ruidoso training areas. "That's what we're Ideal for," not any snow has fallen. "We'll start making snow When you come to RUidoso the Hunters who come to Ruidoso such events as' the Aspencade perhaps the most luxurious said Southwick. !'This Is a good fun never stops. It keeps going all place not only for advanced skiers November 12·13:' he said. "There can have their pick of such big Motorcycle Convention and the mountain resort in the southwest, wasn't any snow here last year at year around. game animals as black bear, elk, Ruidoso Downs Mule Skinners' offers both tennis and golf for but beg inners as well. Our motto is, "The place to learn to skI." this same time but we still made deer and wild turkeys. Elk, races. The motorcycie convention outdoor recreation. Lake Mesca­ snow for the skiers." The "year Round Playground of sometimes weighing more than draws bikers from across the lero sits right next to the inn, and 'A third Improvement in Eagle Creek's resort this season Is an The resort will offer season the Southwest" offers everything 1,000 pounds, canbe found mainly United States. Tlie mule races offers breathtaking views and tickets for skiing but they must be from horse racing to winter skiing increase in the production in the Bonito area and around offer both excitement and humor. excellent fishing. bought before Thanksgiving. Sierra Blanca. capacity of its snow-making for the outdoors oriented person. Sports like golf and tennis are The Sierra Swim and Racquet Prices are $60 for one person, $150 also popular In Ruidoso. Cree Club offers tennis, racquetball, machines. This season the machines will for a family and $200 for And so, people flock to this Large numbers of fishermen Meadows Country Club, open to swimming and other activities. It businesses. mountain paradise, some esti· also come to the Ruidoso area. the public, offers 6,383 yards of a) so has sauna baths. mates have as many as a million The best fishing generally Is at golf course. Alto Lakes Country With all these forms of en­ visitors a year coming to Ruidoso. Lake Bon ito, Alto Lake, the Club offers over 7,000 acres of tertainment available in Ruidoso, Before and after the winter ski Mescalero Apache Reservation fairway. It's open to club mem- there's hardly ever a dull moment season people visit Ruidoso in and various small streams. Trout bers and thei r guests. ' in th is, the "Year Round large numbers. are the most common fish caught The Inn of the Mountain Gods, Playground of the Southwest." Horse racing at Ruidoso Downs in the area. from mid May to Labor Day features the worlds richest Ruidoso and the surrounding quarter horse race, the All· area 'offers a wide variety of TWO CONVENIENT American Futurity (Labor Day), hiking trails for backpackers. totaling over $1,500,000 in purses. There are two 'wilderness areas The all·American Derby, held just where hikers can backpack In and LOCATIONS before the Futurity, has a purse of forget about the troubles of over $1,000,000. The Kansas modern day civilization. Derby, held earlier In the racing TO SERVE YOU season, also has a large purse. Camping Is also popular during But horse racing Isn't the only the summertime with numerous activitity that brings tourists to camp sites available. For com· RUIDOSO HOSPITAL Ruidoso during the warmer plete Information about camping months of the year. The Lincoln and backpacking, people should DRUG PHARMACY County area Is a center of outdoor contact the local Forest Service activities during the sum­ office on Highway 37 North. IN PINETREE SQUARE ACROSS FROM HOSPITAL mertime, the busiest time of the Campers and hikers can also year, according to Chamber of see a lot of beautiful country. The Commerce executive director Ed view from the road leading to the 257-2205 257-4022 Jungbluth. Sierra Blanca Ski Resort affords a Camping, backpacking, fishing picture of both mountains and JUDY BROWN, R. Ph. JERRY JACOBS, R. Ph. and hunting bring thousands of desert that is not seen in many people to the Ruidoso area each other areas. year. Fall in the Ruidoso area brings --,-,,--- Fast, Friendlv Service WELCOME WINTER VISITORS


DELIGHTFULLY DIFFERENT! A Modern Shop Designed, Built, StaRed And Stocked To 'Serve You! A Complete Line Of Ski Equipment II Top Of The Line Clothing And Accessorres Rentals: STEAK HOUSE K2 Skis with Salomon Step-in FINEST STEAKS IN THE SOUTHWEST Bindings and Nordica Boots TWO SUPER,SALAD WAGONS 1023 Mechem Drive - HighwaV 37 OPEN 7 days • P.O. Box 1566, Ruidoso, N.M. 88345 Highway 70 at the "Y" • PHONE 505-257-5061

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. '!-

""'-. _ •• , ... .4. ____, ...... _ ....~ ~ _ .... __ ~ -_ ~ ~ .... ._, ...... - .,. ~ .. '. "n , ...... ' ...... _. ,~

Page 6 - Ruidoso [N.M.l News

, , " ,~.' • "\. '. , Enjov a scenic trip through Ruido$o area ~ ),' '4; ,,~-' For the times that hitting the ski mind and ambifious explorer '" • c- If • • slopes doesn't appeal or for the' room to run. It was once a " < , people who are In Ruidoso just to thriving mining town in the 1800's, ,~ C"'i' enjoy it, and don't particularly but couldn't survive progress. • . 'i~l . •• want to ski, there are plenty of Backtracking on Highway 380 places to visit and things to see in east, the next stop Is Capitan. ,. . " the area, if one knows where to go. home of the Smokey Bear State A good place to begin Is to visit Park and Museum. The state park , . the Chamber of Commerce on features displays explaining the , Sudderth Drive and stock up on Smokey Bear story and also has "', brochures and maps, indicating added an outdoor park where the where to find the various places. original Smokey Bear is buried. '. • . Then stock up on some gas, hop in A few more mi les to the east is J , t the car and take off. Lincoln. one of the most historic • .. :;' Take a drive up Mechem Drive towns In New Mexico. This is ~... and turn off at Ski Run Road. where "Billy the Kid" spent his • Then take the turn off for Mon final battling years. Many of the Jeau Lookout to start the climb buildings that stood there in the -,.; \ for an unparalleled view of the 187Q's have been restored. , ...." . valley and surrounding moun- To complete the loop drive, tains. If one continues on Ski Run continue east on Highway 380 until Road, there are also parking arriving at Hondo. then head west I...",. .--,"'" The Shop of the Blue Gem Eagle Creek has areas to stop to enjoy the view at on Highway 70 to return to leisure. Ruidoso, and the scenic delights ;~" .' and Art Gallery If the slght·seer wants to head in Harmony Valley. farther north on Highway 37, he Also in the area is the r~'UJ, . Invite you to 7r SHOPofthe ski instructors will eventually see the Bonito Mescalero Apache Indian ,,~ Lake ·turn off. In the lake area, Reservation. which Is en route to BLUE GEM and come in and see I:lecause a large number of there are several side roads an the White Sands National I JI""'.'k:: d adventurous driver may want to Monument. south on Highway 70. Art Gallery unlq~e. Eagle Creek Ski Area skiers are _. •• JSPL'Cldllllnq In turquoise and silver iewelry 0 ur an beginners and intermediates, the attempt, depending on road White Sands is a series of gypsum area Is very instruction oriented. conditions. If one follows the main dunes deposited in the Tularosa unusual gift items. The ski school at Eagle Creek Is road Into the lake area and con· Basin. '.~~; under the direction of Fred tinues for about a mile beyond the South of Ruidoso is Cloudcroft. Q·o Besancon for the third year. He lake. he may visit the once A drive on Highway 82 through oversees a staff of eight to 10 full famous Parsons Hotel,am:! mine. this area Is reputed to be one of Get a special gift, for a special person. lime instructors and as many as Continuing north on ... •. ;;J=i>:.:_:~,,,:,;,.~¥~..;~t,::,,l~dfil~ m.~," t­ 10 more part time teachers, 37, then west on High'", .~~;. ..".< '~~:·~~·;~~:'4;,:'1>~;~~1/~:':!~.1Sf~.;:i{'~.~ ~ mostly local. explorer's next stop I'll' ·'t:,.j",,·"it:'..:$flfJ.jf!;llr.~:rt;i!B!rf!~" ~~t~'!i_~"'!t.l, J Our 1982 Limited Edition Stain Glass Besancon and feHow Instructor a visit to the Malpals 1···(;•..,.·1'!?'1.... .,.t :t • "<'l'~i). -. . ~f"';~ . Carl Morl are both fully certified One may stop at v;all·~,~r:·~I;:;!P~;;-if .~ "''t~~ ··!~'it'?fI·..!ftl~ Angels have arrived! by the Rocky Mountain Ski Fires State Park and ge..~;~....I> .~.. .~~. ~.. !'(.~:itt•..,. , ~~l'" ••f -rt, .'Mt .*'!':Ii Instructors Association and the car for a couple c'Y· ...""tJI: ..' ',~ 1'.....~ .. ~) ~J. Also a new line of pewter. Professional Ski Instructors of scrambling over the, I . America. The Eagle Creek Ski investigating the allC. Area is affiliated with both patterns and discOVI ~ift shippin~.1 organizations. different plants that II We wrap and wrap for "As many as 90 percent of our beds. classes are made up of first or About ten miles nort! THE 2206 S\lOnERTH ORIVf<~. P.O. BOX 2570 - (505) 257-7515 second time skiers,"· said of Carrizozo on Hlghw

For the finest selection of DUE T( ski equipment, clothing and accessories. OF' SALES _ RENTALS _ REPAIRS featuring * HMD *1VROLIA Southvve * SALOMAN * SCOIT * RAIOfLf * DYNASfAR * LOOK * MARKER * MOfHER KAREN'S *BAN *SNUGGLER * KOPlACH * HOT FINGERS

"Your PROFESS/DNAl Ski Shop"


2000 Sudderth Ruidoso, N. M. 8834S (SOS) 2S7-S096 Box 28S4 SKI RENTALS FOR All NEEDS· • Beginners • Intermediates • Advanced .• Mougu/s • Powder • Nast" Skis Tuned and Waxed -Boots Personallv Fit. 2S1..SQ96

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____ .. _ ....: ~::J.,.n ~..uo. ~ J~.,~ .-.; ...,1o;oJ• .d!' j; J.:..'""~'..t.- ..r J _ db..Jlo ~ .a:. ~._,_.~.JO<, _J/i • • _••~t .•"""" ~ _, ,,_ ~ ••_ ~~ d"'...Jf'.Jt.·....L•.1.. 0.1;, .k,,"*,,,,,.~ ~,-,,, •. .. ~ 10... ""'-, ' 1...... - .,....- ...--. _ •. pP"... • .". • - - ~ ,.,.-. ,..-., ._,.- ..... ,.. ,..-- ..,or. ' , . \ •

Ruidoso [N.M. ) News - Page 1 Ruidoso presents atrio of ~utstanding musical productions everv year

For the last several years The next evening. Fe;lsl Night. trumpet fanfare as they enter the makeup and Churchill Cooke. York City Opera· CO!T1pany, orchestra. Ruidoso has rung In the holiday the same number of tickets will be main hall. Doors will close at 7 choir director. baritone. Organist is Donna Appearing under the spon­ season with two special musical sold and the entertainment will be p.m.. and approximately 15 .A COMMUNiT '( CHOIR made Willard. sorship of the Ruidoso Summer events. the same. but a buffet dinner of minutes later. the Lord and Lady up of 60 to 70 Volunteer voices will "A maximum of 400 tickets will Festival, the Little Symphony Two evening performances of assorted English breads; stuffed (Ed and Mimi Jungbluth) will back up four professional soloists, be sold for this performance," performs in Ruidoso and area for the Madrigal Feast, a celery; oysters; Cock·a-Leeky start the feast with the an· in Ruidoso's third annual Braudt said. "and will be sold at one week. Presentations Include Renaissance style fundraiser for soup; whole, roasted. decorated nouncement, "Bring on the presentation of Handel's Messiah, the Chamber of Commerce and at concerts In the Sales Arena at the Ruidoso Public Library, are pigs; whole. broiled legs of lamb; wassail." After everyone has scheduled for' December 13. 8 the door If any. are available." Ruidoso Downs Race Track, and scheduled for December 8 and 9. 7 strawberries and cream; been served. the madrigal chorus p.m., at the First Christian Proceeds from ticket sales are less formal musical interludes in p.m., at the Inn of the Mountain assorted tarts. mince pies. and and mummers players will again Church. Bill Braudt will direct. used to defray costs of produc­ outdoor settings. Gods. plum pudding will be included In entertain In the round for guests. Guest soloists are Dr. Hugh tions. Guest artists appearing with the . Madrigal singers· and mum­ the $30 per ticket fOr the second Madrigal Feast director is Cardon of EI Paso. Texas. tenor; A THIRD MUSICAL attraction Little Symphony In past per· .mers players will entertain In the performance. Seating for the Carla Grover. Other prOduction Irma Portillo. of EI Paso. is the annual concert series formances include Victor !3orge, round for 175 ticketholders on dinner will be on a first come. first staff members are Mary Watts. soprano; Darlene Evers of EI performed by the Texas Little Phyllis Diller and Shari Lewis. Wine and Wassail Night, serve basis. . costumes; Donna Bruss. menus Paso. . alto; and Robert Symphony, a core group of the The next symphony series will December 8, at $10 per person. Guests will be Introduced with and scrolls; Connie Harris. McFarland. soloist with the New Fort Worth. Texas, Symphony be June 8-15. 1982. You can't beat the variety of accom modations· Ru idoso offers skiers

The vast array of according to needs and af· requiring only a warm sleeping oller only sleeping rooms; others drink for mid-week skiers. A reservations, can stoP at the sleeping/living accommodations fordabllity. room in which to recuperate from have rooms and dining facilities; variation on this plan is the three' Chamber of Commerce for offer·ed skiers visiting In the From the hardiest of snow one day on the slopes and prepare stili others offer everything from day ski pack, which offers mid­ assistance In finding accom­ Ruidoso area includes the same camping-minded skiers who will for another; to those whose needs swimming pool to entertainment. week skiers lodging at half price, modations within their means. array of price range. I n any case, find excellent campground Include a fully equipped cabin Some of the local lodgers this· and 11ft ticket discounts. Clark visitors are ensured a place. facilities In the area; or those year are offering several ski Carpenter, chairman of tne where they can do their own While not in the housing business, package plans. A four·day cooking. while enloylng the I Lodger's Association. said skiers the Chamber can provide in­ arrangem~nt offers skiers the comforts of a fireplace and should check with Individual ·formatlon as to where quarters fourth day's lodging free on a mid· lodgers to find out what ski packs, associated conveniences. the local can be found, as well as a list of week basis. Some restaurants are If any, are available. lodging situation offers something ski equipment shops. restaurants, Dining here's a pleasure for everyone. . going along with this plan. of· Skiers coming to Ruidoso for clubs and other pertinent in­ Prices for motels vary. Some ferlng discounts or free food and the first time. who haven't made formation. I-Irst time visitors to Sierra Blanca and Eagle Creek ski areas will find the dining facilities, An "Inn".vitation to atmosphere and types of food Bill &Verna Allen Present served in Ruidoso's eating a great "Holiday" establishments not too different -----~Vli'"'-;;;~'='7":.-==r;r-~ . from those in EI Paso. Odessa' .'1. - NArURAL MAKE THE BEAUTIFUL NEW HOLIDAY INN-RUIDOSO (9 -LO HOMES, INC. THE DUSTIN JACK YOUR Plan A 1120 Sq. Ft. Plan D 1512 Sq. Ft. IIAFTER SKIING STOP" Do it yourself. or have it built LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IN Floor plans can be modified to your needs

REPRODUCTION • THE MON JEAU LOUNGE I TUESDAY THRU SUNDAY. ~,~..:::.t. 6.~ .,1.1 . '" F ._ ..._ ..,•••• ..::.:...... 11:.'...-'.,!!' . .,;-; • T' '._",/- Jr o .. LLOWING DOCUMENT(s) DINE IN THE CHISHOLM TRAIL RESTAURANT. )T BE IMPROVED OPEN FROM 7 AM to 10 PM. ) THE CONDITION RELAX IN OUR CLIMATE CONTROLLED INDOOR SWIMMING POOL Call c~ AhulIl nur THE ORIGINAL ""INFI.ATION Frc;HT~;RPLAN" AFTER A DAY ON THE SLOPES. THE NEW CONCEPT FOR ENERGY SAVING NEAR MAINTENANCE FREE COMFORTABLE LIVING st Microfilm P. O. Dox 534 Ruidoso. NM 88345 (505) 257-2776 HAPPY HOLIDAYSI Wishing you everything bright and beautiful in this ·and· all seasons. We prize your continuing friendship and say "thanks...


·A 851 Bank

The f09(;I"5 great and the menu's long. Delicious burgers. hot dogs. fish. chicken and more.. plus loIs of tempting desserts. And the prices won"t spoll your appetite. e-ither. So come on In, You'll see that whar we got cookin' for you edds up to e greel lunch Lggkwhatweggt eggkin'fgr ygu!

~ Upper Canyon Branch: D Street and Main Road ~ o MI;MBER Sudderth Drive o _Main "Office: Stiddert~ Drive and Thomas FDIC ~. ' .. _",~",2..5.7-.7:f...43...... __--==-:;:.. -. ,

.> I Of '.....,_._~ ~ ~. '"ill __-_ "- '"" ....." ".-...... ~ ...... 4' - - - -- ,- .. - -_ '''''lI' -="'. ,.", ..... -...... -...... ~.. .,"" ""1I'''''!If _".... -.~....,.. ~'·I ...... ,.'='\ ,.,.,..-....."..,..,.."..~...... ,-..-_ "_-~'-~'"""",...... , ._....."...... --...... ~Jll .~,.-~~"""!'"T-.,,....." ...... ,"•.__ "'"lII' ....,. ...,-~.""""'-..." ...... """'11.".., ...... ,., -

Page6 - Ruidoso [N.M.l News , .' '" Enjov a,scenic trip through Ruido$o area

For the times that hitting the ski mind and ambitious explorer slopes doesn't appeal or for the· room to run. It was once a .1 i;",.>, , . people Who are in Ruidoso just to thriving mining town in the 1800's, , enjoy It, and don't particularly but couldn'tsurvive progress. want to ski, there are plenty of Backtracking on' Highway 380 places to visit and thlngsto !!~e in east, the next stop Is Capitan, '~'W ... , the area, if one knows where to go. home of the Smokey Bear State A good place to begin is to 'vislt Park and Museum. The state park

• "_. "11. • the Chamber of Commerce on features displays explaining the , }>, .; ., Sudderth Drive and stock up on Smokey Bear story and also has brochures and maps,. Indicating added an outdoor park where the where to find the various places. " original Smokey Bear Is buried. Then stock up on some gas, hop In A few more miles to the east is the car and take off. Lincoln, one of the most historic . Take a drive up Mechem Drive towns in New Mexico. This Is 'I.;;., {J. • and turn off at Ski Run Road. where "Billy the Kid" spent his " Then take the turn off for Mon final battling years. Many of the '~ ~\ Jeau Lookout to start the climb bUildings that stood there in the 'oll for an unparalleled view of the 1870's have been restored. " ~UrM: valley and surrounding moun· To complete the loop drive, tains. If one continues on Ski Run continue east on Highway 380 until Road, there are also parking arriving at Hondo, then head west :~ .--~... The Shop of the Blue Gem Eagle Creek has areas to stop to enjoy the view at on Highway 70 to return to leisure. Ruidoso, and the scenic delights " .. and Art Gallery If the sight·seer wants to head In Harmony Valley. Invite you to farther .north on Highway 37, he Also in the· area is the SHOPofthe ski instructors will eventually see the Bonito Mescalero Apache Indian ,',~\BLUE Lake turn off. In the lake area, Reservation, which Is en route to GEM and come in and see I:lecause a large number of there are several side roads an the White Sands National rr·~:· Art Gallery . d Eagle Creek Ski Area skiers are adventurous driver may want to 'Monument-south on Highway 70. _. ,..1Spec,ol,lonq In lurquo,,_ ond silver iew_lrv 0 ur unique an beginners and intermediates, the attempt, depending on road White Sands Is a series of gypsum . area is very instruction oriented. conditions. If one follows the main dunes deposited in the Tularosa unusual gift items. The ski school at Eagle Creek is road into the lake area and con· Basin. .~"t-~\ u.nder the direction of Fred tinues for about a mile beyond the South of Ruidoso Is Cloudcroft. 1:l"() Besancon for the thIrd year. He lake, he may visit the once A drive on Highway 82 through oversees a staff of eight to 10 full famous Parsons Hotel and mine. this area is reputed to be one of Get a special gift, for a special person. time instructors and as many as Continuing north on Highway the most beautiful drives In the 10 more· part time teachers, 37, then west on Highway 380, the southwest. In the area is Sunspot, mostly local. explorer's next stop may include one of the world's largest solar Our 1982 Limited Edition Stain Glass Besancon and fellow instructor a vis·1t to the Malpais lava beds, observatories. Carl Morl are both fully certified One may stop at Valley of the In addition to the typical Angels have arrived! by the Rocky Mountain Ski Fires State Park and get out of the visiting stop points, there are also Instructors Association and the car for a couple of hours of thousands of acres of wilderness Also a new line of pewter. Protesslonal Ski Instructors of scrambling. over the lava beds, which If people are properly America. The Eagle Creek Ski investigating the ancient flow equipped, they may hike through Area is affiliated with both patterns and discovering the at their leisure. If Interest lies in We ~jft wrap and wrap for shjppin~.1 organizations.. different plants that live on the this area, the United States "As many as 90 percent of our beds. Forestry Service at the Smokey classes are made up of first or About ten miles north and east Bear Ranger Station on Highway 2206 SlJODERTH DRIVE, P.O. BOX 2570 - 15051 257-7515 second time skiers,'" said of Carrizozo on Highway 349 is the 37 Is a good place to get additional Besancon. The school teaches the ghost town of White Oaks. While a information. American method, he added. few families still live there, the Even If one is not a ski en· Eagle Creek ski school offers abundance of empty houses and thuslast, there Is stili plenty to see classes in English and Spanish, businesses gives the creative and do while In Ruidoso.

. ..•. , ee e ros .. For the finest selection of ski equ ipm ent, clothing and accessories. SALES. RENTALS. REPAIRS featuring * HEAD *TYROLIA * SALOMAN * SCOTT * RAICHLE * DVNASTAR * LOOK * MARK~ * MOTHER KAREN'S *BAN *SNU~ * KOPlACH * HOT FI~S

"Your PROFESSIONAL Ski Shop" ~


2000 Sudderth Ruidoso, N. M. 8834S (SOS) 2S7-S096 Box 28S4 SKI RENTALS FORAll NEEDS • Beginners • Intermediates • Advanced • Mougulg • Powder • Nagfsr Skis Tuned and Waxed • Boots Personallv Fit. 2$1..$096

( i I .. _ __" _._...... ,_~..~:JJ..;#.~~~ .. _ _. ~~ d _ '- ..J;...i-....J!~ oJt,-..!'·-:r",Ji ~, ~Jo<., ~~ io;,;..~ ,_.:., _,,'~_ ,.· __ li _____~---"...... _ ...... ,..... ;"...... - .,..,.- ..... ~ ...... - ,...... - ...... --- ,..,. -- - - """.---~-_:"""'" ..... I'"!"'"' ...... ~~ .':"""'.....,.. -- "l ~. _."", ~ -.'-< ..... 1""":", ...... ,..,.' ~ c - , "' . ,..- '. ,. ". ..".' . , •

_ Ruidoso [N.M,J NeWs"':' Page 7 Ruidoso presents atrio of outstanding musical productions every vear .

For the. last several years The next evening. Feasf Night. trumpet fanfare as they enter the makeup and Churchill Cooke. York City Opera Company, orchestra. Ruidoso has rung In' the holiday the same number of tickets will be main hall. Doors will close at 7 choir director. . baritone. Organist Is Donna Appearing under the spon­ season with two special musical sold and the entertainment will be p.m.. and apprOXimately 15 A COMMUNITY CHOIR made Willard. . . sorship of the Ruidoso Summer events. the same, but a buffet dinner of minutes later. the Lord and Lady up of 60 to 70 volunteer voices will "A maximum of 400 tickets will Festival, the Little Symphony r.wo evening performances of assorted English breads; stuffed (Ed and Mimi Jungbluth) will back up four professional soloists, be sold for this performance," performs In Ruidoso and area for the Madrigal Feast, a celery;, oysters; Cock-a-Leeky start the feast with the an­ in Ruldoso's third annual Braudt said. "and will be sold at one week. Presentations Include Renaissance style fundraiser for soup; whole, roasted, decorated nouncement, "Bring on the presentation of Handel's Messiah, the Chamber of Commerce and at concerts In the Sales Arena i1t the Ruidoso Public Library, are pigs; whole, broi led legs. of lamb; wassail." After everyone' has . scheduled for December 13. B the door If any are available:: Ruidoso Downs Race Track, and scheduled for December Band 9.7 strawberries and cream; been served. the madrigal chorus p.m., at the, First Christian Proceeds from ticket sales are less formal musical Interludes In p. m .• at the Inn of the MountaIn assortal tarts, mince pies. and and mummers players will again Church. Blil Braudt will direct. used to defray costs of prodUC­ outdoor settings... Gods. plum pudding will be included In entertain In the round for guests. Guest soloists are Dr. Hugh tions. Guest artists appearing with the !'JIildrlgal singers and mum­ the $30 per ticket for the second Madrigal Feast director is 'Cardon of EI Paso. Texas, tenor; A THIRD MUSICAL attraction Little Symphony In past per­ mers players will enfertaln In fhe performance. Seating for the Carla Grover_Other production Irma Portillo, of EI Paso, Is the annual concert series formances Include Victor Borge, round for 175 flckefholders on dinner will be on a first come, first staff members are MarY.Watts. soprano; Darlene Evers of EI performed by the Texas Little Phyllis Diller and ShariLewls.. Wine and Wassail Night. serve basis, costumes; Donna Bruss, menus Paso. alto; arid Robert Symphony, a core group of the The next symphony series will December B, at $10 per person. . Guests will be Introduced with and scrolls; Connie Harris. McFarland. soloist with the New Fort Worth. Texas. Symphon~ beJuneB-15.1982. You can't beat the variefyof accommodations Ruidoso ofFers skiers . The vast array of according to needs and af­ requiring only a warm sleeping otter only sleeping rooms; others drink for mid-week skiers. A reservations, can stop at the sleeping/living accommodations fordability. room in which to recuperate from have rooms and' dining facilities; variation on this plan is the three­ Chamber of Commerce for offered skiers Visiting in the From the hardiest· of snow one day on the slopes and prepare still others offer everything from day ski pack, which offers mid­ assistance in finding accom­ Ruidoso area includes fhe same camping-minded skiers who will for another; to those whose needs swimming pool to entertainment. week skiers lodging at half price. modations within their means. array of price range. In any case, find excellent campground include a fully equipped cabin Some of the local lodgers this and lift ticket discounts. Clark visitors are ensured a place. facilities in the area; or those year are offering several ski Carpenter, chairman of' the where they can do their own While not In the housing business, package plans. A four-day Lodger's Association, said skiers cooking, while enjoying the I the Chamber can provide in­ arrangem~nt offers skiers the should check with Individual comforts of a fireplace and formation as to where quarters fourth day's lodging free on a mid­ lodgers to find out what ski packs, associated conveniences. the local can be found, as well as a list of week basis. Some restaurants are if any. are available_ I lodging situation offers something ski equipment shops, restaurants, Dining here s a pleasure for everyone. going along with this 'plan, of­ Skiers coming to Ruidoso for clubs and other pertinent in· Prices for motels vary_ Some ferihg discounts or free food and the first time, who haven't made formation. I-Irst time visitors to Sierra . Light eaters will find several Btanca and Eagle Creek ski areas good doughnut shops offering all will' find the dining facilities, sorts of mouthwatering crullers. An "Inn".yitation to atmosphere and types of food If you are in a hurry and of a Bill & Verna Allen Present served In Ruidoso's eating mind to grab a quick lunch before a .great "Holiday" establishments not too different you hit the slopes. Ruidoso, like from those in EI Paso, Odessa­ all good villages across America. . -N'~TURAL Midland. Albuquerque. Roswell, has a healthy share of fast food Lubbock. Dallas-Fort Worth or restaurants. Some of the best MAKE THE BEAUTIFUL NEW Austin, lunches to be had can be found at i9 -LO HOMES, INC. The casua I atmosphere Ruidoso's drive ins and fast food HOLIDAY INN·RUIDOSO prevailing in most local eateries chains. At least one place ad· Is geared to Southwestern tastes, vertises hamburgers for less than THE DUSTIN JACK and, generally speaking, feature a dollar. Other restaurants YOUR Plan A 1120 Sq. Ft. Plan 13 1512 Sq. Ft. bills of fare of steaks. Mexican luncheon menus may include a food. or burgers. with prime rib or hearty soup and salad bar. Or IIAFTER SKIING STOP" Do it yourself, or have it built lobster dinner on special oc­ "big, fat sandwiches" which are a casions. meal within themselves. Floor plans can be modified to your needs Some of the local restauranL When the sun sets on Harmony LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IN and supper cI ubs even offer. Valley, skiers (and everyone else) cuisine more familiar to visitors often head for the local pubs for THE MON JEAU LOUNGE - east of the Mississippi. happy hour. to relax and forget I Assuming most of Ruldoso's troublesome things such as .i TUESDAY THRU . rSUNDAY.... n .. ,.' .!I .'''4~ . visiting skiers fall within the first deadlines and the economy. <> " ~..... ~. _ ~ ~ '._ .-. __• .It " .. _,. .&... t' 'r; category (or If not. perhaps they Ruidoso's restaurants and .. would enjoy trying new foods) supper clubs provide just the right DINE IN THE they might like a rundown of the casual friendliness. good food, dining situation In Ruidoso. spirits and service to promote CHISHOLM TRAIL RESTAURANT. Early risers who can't make It same. to the slopes without a hot meal OPEN FROM 7 AM to 10 PM. under their belts will find menus Whether you are sharing a spicy to suit the smallest or largest of platter of nachos with a friend at appetites. Breakfast menus can happy hour. whilst listening to RELAX IN OUR CLIMATE • include juice, coffee, hot live music, or if you are out to chocolate, hotcakes, biscuits. really do the town steaks. prime CONTROLLED INDOOR .. waffles, bacon, ham. sausage. rib, lobster. ,,·atood. what Call1:s Ahoul nur SWIMMING POOL ~ eggs, hash browns, grits, or a ever Ruidoso area res· y:- .'. "INFI.ATIlIN t"Il1Hn:R PIAN" ~ lftpp1l'-" '. Saturday morning brunch with tauranteurs are well equipped to AFTER A DAY ON THE SLOPES. combinations of the above provde visitors With qualily food THE NEW CONCEPT FOR mentioned items. and service. ENERGY SAVING· NEAR MAINTENANCE FREE COMFORTABLE LIVING P. O. Box 534 Ruidoso. !'1M 88345 (505) 257"2776 HAPPY HOLIDAYSI Wishing you everything bright and beautiful in this and all seasons. We prize your continuing friendship and say "thanks."


A BSl Bank

The food's great and the menu·s long. DeliclQU!'l burgers. hot dogs. fis~. chicken and more plu!'llob of tempting desserts, And thti? prices won', spoil your appefile, either. So come on in. You'll see thai wha! we got conkin' for you adds up to a great lunch LQQk whCltwe gQt CQQkin' fQr yQU! ==o:!.. . - ~ Upper Canyon Branch: D Street and Main Road ~ o MEMBER Sudderth Drive o Main Office: Sudderth Drive and Thomas FDIC 257·7343 •


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Page 8 - Ruidoso [N.M.I News , - -


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Ruidoso [N.M.ll11~ws - Pag~ 9 :1 :1 ;,1,

Chamber of Commerce is information center for winter visitors to Ruidoso area . i The Ruidoso Valley Chamber of b~~n installed for the convenience requests to Chamber members In , Commerce, 666 Sudderttr Drive of travelers. A map of the village the lodging. real estate and ski across from the Pizza Hut,lsopen Is glass encased and features dots bus)nesses each Friday. ji 8:30 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 5 p.m., for many locations. This year. Ed Jungbluth. Chamber Monday through Friday. It Is the press button' audio tapes, giving executive director. this year plans first source of Information most information on skiing, current a ski promotional advertising skiers look to for needed In· events and scenic trips have also campaign aimed at the malor formation during their stay, In been Installed in the porch. cities In Texas. Television Ruidoso. During regular office hours, the stations In the larger cities will be Chamber provides the In· contacted and given weekly up' The Chamber has a 24 hour formation already mentioned as dates on Ruidoso ski conditions, Information porch. located at the well as skiing conditions at both for telecast on thelr evenIng front of the Chamber office, local ski areas, state maps and weather reports'. Jungbluth will which Is restocked regularly with directionS for most places In the also contact KOAT·TV and KOB· . lists of lodging facilities, realtors. village.. TV. both In Albuquerque, with art galleries, ski brochures, weekly condition updates. restaurants and t;lther' In­ The office staff spends most For Information about the many formation. Posters of upcoming days' mailing ski and other forms of entertainment available events are also placed In the requested brochures to tourists In Ruidoso. call the Chamber at porch, and a pay telephone has and travel agents, and send those 257·7395.

• ,.' ;., " .. . ' .. ',- ';'-' . ,-:;;. ' ..: , r .... , . "-"~"""" , .- ' .. '- ; , :, ...: " ..'

. COUSINS' . --Q:;~. ~,qj----

SKIERS WELCOME Kelley's Saloon Sunday Open At Noon . Spirits, Sports & Games For NFL Action FOR HAPPY H()(IR Big Screen TV , Beer $1.00 EVERY OA Y OPEN 4:30 P.M. HotdoA & Side 5:00 - 6:30 3 Miles North On Highway 37 of Beans $1.00


. .. • . ~¥ ' .'.,. ~ .• .'l;,.. '. . . ..,-.


FROM $79r 900 ... 9 Hole, Par :3 Golf Course Swimming Pool Tennis Courts Private Supper Club Recreation Building Trout Lake SUPERB Rental Management Program(s)

COMPLETELY FURNISHEDVILLAGE LODGE CONDO.SUITESI Featuring liVing room with woodburnlng fireplace and queenhide-a·bed; kit. chenette With wet bar; full bath With oak cabinets; bedroom with king bed and vanity; two color TVs; and access to allthe amenities at Innsbrook. Just $49,900 .•• OWNER FINANCINGI (Use It less thon 14 days per y$ar and we pay all the expenses ..• Almosd)

Office In Model Home No. 87 , I Behind Red and White Flogs Highway'37 No I .!, The Unique The Unusual... Ree's for'the fun of it. Karon Petty, Broker Jack Williams Peggy Jordan Charlotte Jarratt Two locations: 257-2385 257·9546 . 2418 Juan Tabo N.E, 294-7250 ', 257-4949 2$7·5522 and 2609 Sudderth, In the Garden, Ruidoso 257-4142 . I Jacket from the AcIrIerIM Unilau CoIIect101i (505) 257-9046 ---..------.. t'l1Za 3 ModlIl· Emily Ol...".nzo . . ' . . _ftc ...... ;+1;-;;;4'..... ,._ !if Wr. :i'i' ... iW ...... 4' ...... "4··.... · ,iti." ;Cl ..... ·fit ·.;c;"'(;dtL "'«.-. ;;.r4Heii'hJot ..-t...... oL..'t. "" ~ ~ ~-.. '1ij~ ...,'~ "I"I'"'~ ",!," ..;o, • --.----~ ~- '-'1" """ " "i "'04 - - .."...". --, -... "'M ""'C'"'Il"' 'W ''1 'W ; '42!Liiiiiilf 1114 q ;:;;;; ". CANl!if"'"'fli!l """ ,.,_ ,..... -- ""' ,....., ... ,..."" ------. - -- '.. . - . \ ' .

Page 10 - Ruidoso [N.M.] News Ruidoso's junior skiers definite~ race to win

SkIIng to win a race rather than coach of the team. "Plus It also April 15 when a big meet Is held In from their own age group. Once a lust for the sheer fun ofIt requires gives loc;al skiers a chance to race Loveland, Colorado. The race In skier turns 14 he or she must . a lot of conditioning and training against some of the. best junior early December will probably compete against skiers of their' and that's lust what the Junior Ski skiers in the country." Involve on Iy two or three of the' own ability level.

Racers of the Ruidoso area d.o The ski racers compete In the best skiers from the local group. The ski racers have been get· , each season. , ,"' Rocky Mountain Division and Open to youths from four to 18 tlng In shape for the season by i But becoming a competitive meet other skiers from Colorado years of age the ski racers are running conditioned workouts the skier Isn't the only advantage of and New Mexico. Colorado has divided into four groups: Ski .past month near the Cedar Creek being a Junior Ski racer. some of the best skIIng facilities in Racers, Beginners, Red. Hots, (a ranger station and at White "Being Involved In the Junior the world and Is generally con· new group) and the Hot Tots. Mountain Middle School. They've Ski Racers program gives sidered to be the skIIng capital of The Hot Tots are for' young done everything from running someone the chance to travel and the United States. children from four to seven who distances to sit-ups. meet other people besides lear­ The season usually begins after have never skied before. The Red Once the sea son· starts, the ning how to ski competitively," Thanksgiving (this year it's in Hots are for young skiers who are racers

Students 'In the Ruidoso schools area," said Doyle Howell. athletic will again get to take advantage of director at Ruidoso High School. their environment by par­ "Lots of students participate in ticipation In the sch~1 ski it." program. Before a student can take part ~--iiR For students In grades three·12, In the program, his parents must each Tuesday afternoon during sign a permIsslon·release form in .~- '. .. .. '--~' ".," "-....,.., ....-., ski season they will be excused case of any accidents. However, "~ from school to participate in the Howell said in his ten years of C' •.~~ program. Dates Involved are • experience with the program, January 19 and 26, February 2, 9, there have only been minor 16 and 23. problems and no serious ac­ Local ski 'shops participate In cidents. the program by offering rental While at the ski areas during equipment at $4 per student. Lift CAMELOT MOUNTAIN TOWNHOMES - Come this time, the students are tickets at both Eagle Creek and inspect these top-of-the-Iine townhomes situated required to follow all of the rules. with a magnificent Lake and Mountain view in the Sierra Blanca ski areas will be Participating ski shops Include available to the students for $2, close-in privacy and wooded amenity of Camelot Performance Ski Rentals; Mountain. Please call or stop by our open house totalling $6 per day that the Morgan's Mountain Sports; dally - 10 til dusk, 257-4040. student participates. Sierra Blanca Ski Shop; Ray All first time beginners are Held's Ski Shop; Adobe Ski required to take Instruction on Rentals; Mountain Ski Shop; Ski 1,920 SQ. FT., FURNISHED, R.V. CARPORT ·AND PATIOS their first two days of the West Sports; Pro Ski Sports; summarizes this clean property which includes an Airport West • LTO Country program, if the Instruction Is Ruidoso Ski Rentals; Alto Ski I vacant lot as a "Bonus." Priced at 528.64 per square foot, plus available at the area. Instruction Shop; Alpine Ski Haus; Rush Skl Improvements equals 575,000 total. Beautiful lava rock Is offered the first three days of Rentals; I nn of the Mountain fireplace, wet bar, 3 bedroom, 2'12 bath. Excellent investment. aLPS Store the program. A fee of $1 per Gods; Ski Techniques; Wild West call one of our Associates for a tour today. For Country Folks session Is charged. Ski Shop; Skinners Ski and • "It's very beneficial that we can Rental; Eagle Creek Ski Rental take advantage of the skIIng In the GRUB and Aspen Trails Ski Shop. ~·IR-U"-""" GAS Ro.t.1 HORSESHOE COURT Sudderth Drive & (Across From the Windmill) STUFF 257·2870 SPECIAL SKI PACK 3 nights - Sunday thru Thurs. Call For More Information • 1 and 2 Bedroom Units .. 336-4919 • Kitchenettes • Cable TV Come and Try Us - We Think You'll Like Us

ANNOUNCING SIERRAVISTA CONDOMINIUMS Wanda & A. J. Amos - Construction starting on these 2 bdrm., 2'h bath, 1,260 sq. ft. units in prestigious White Mtn. Estates view location on Granite Court. Priced very favorably at $73,500 and 575,500.

HANDSOME ALTO VILLAGE THREE STORY has many qualify features in its 1,725 square foot living area, plus large garage and storage on lower level. Regular membership. $135,000. Diana has details.


• "

. •.·~ . PHAS.E III, RACQUET COURT CONDOMINIUMS give you a choice between 2 and 3bedroom plans on one or two floors. Solid 2x6 construction with cedar. exteriors. View of Sierra Blanca and high degreeof open space add value too. A good buy at $89,500 and , $97,500. .... ; '." " CONDOMINIUM RENULS - CONTACT BILL STROUD, '. PROPERTY MGR. AND SALES 257·5064 OR 1·800·545·5137 . ~-,. 35 mm quality in a 110 size cam~ra •• . . , '. m. 505.257.7377 MLS / '.' .. " REALTOR The OlympllsXA ".. -." BOX 783, RUIDOSO (CALL COLLECT) 304 MECHEM DR, Timber Trail Pl\otography Midtown Ruidoso " -•..

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Ruidoso [N.M.I News - Page 11 Hot Tots ski hard, fast Ski patrol dedicated , They zip by the beginning skiers them coordination and balance, to and sometimes even more get them stronger," Allen said. seasoned skiers, but they're not "Th.ls Is a good 'start on a healthy to .protect all skiers always easy to see. They're the attitude to sports ove~all." Hot Tots, the smallest ski team on Although Allen said the $250 fee Patrolling the slopes of Eagle driver, he Is accustomed to the slopes at the Ruidoso ski for the winter program may seem Creek Ski and Recreation Area Is dealing with accidents. areas. . like a lot for the kids lust to "play the lob of a three-person ski patrol The Hot Tots range In age from In the snow," It Is actually a team under the direction of Paul A major part of a ski patroller's .four to seve.n and are a part of the . substantial savings over what an Holcombe. job, however, Is prevention of Ruidoso Junior Ski Team Individual would have to pay for accidents. Holcombe noted that program. Last year's team the same arrangement. In addition to heac;llng the all skiers at the area are advised numbered over 30 skiers and i Included In the package price patrol, Holcombe is- the 11ft to "ski under control." When a· there are even more this year, are passes for the tots to both ski supervl'sor at Eagle Creek. The . patroller judges that a skier is not according to coach Cathy Allen. areas, four days of supervised two positions complement each under control and is thus en­ Currently, the team Is un-· dryland training, approxrmately other, he explained, because as a dangering other persons, that dergoing dryland training which 14 days of skiing, which lasts'from very mobile patroller he is able to skier is warned. Repeated of-· Includes running and stretching \I a.m.-4 p.m., monthly races on <••, monitor 11ft operations constantly. fenses can resuOit in revocation of ',,', :." ~ exercises at the exercise trail and Saturdays, Including trophies, " '!" • a lift ticket. muscle-strengthening exercises and the gymnastics class once a • Holcombe described the malar The ski patrol at Sierra Blanca at Skateland. week. function of the patrol as finding Ski Area consists of a corps of 10 The main Idea of dryland Parents are· Invited to the and handling accidents. "Proper professionals supplemented by a training Is so_the tots can get monthly. races' to view their packaging'" of Inlured skiers volunteer force. The regular acquainted. "We want to make it child's progress and may attend .before they are moved off the patrolmen, all of whom are fun," said Allen. Her main con­ the lesSOns with the tots at any mountain Is very Important, he EMT.s, patrol the mountain at all cern, however, Is thatthe children time. Also as part of the program noted. This sometimes Includes times when the area Is in are physically fit when they begin Is the Christmas party and an end­ splinting and bandaging. operation. skIIng. Nutrition Is also em­ of-season ski race, complete with Since Holcombe is a certified The volunteers, who are also phasized In the program. trophies and medallions handed Emergency Medical Technician trained in first aid, help out on December 7 Is scheduled as the out as prizes. The tots also get an (EMT) and former ambulance weekends and holidays, . first day of•actual skIIng. The tots Iron-on transfer that announces ski once a week and receive their status In the world of skIIng. supplemental training from John "We are not trying to make Eberle, director of Ruidoso these kids racers. We are lust Gymnastics Academy, In the trying to provide racing material form of gymnastics classes on for later on," Allen said. With the Fridays. growing popularity of the Hot Tots

~ J' _; - , "Some of these kids ski better program, that prediction may , ,',,' " e

than they walk. John helps teach soon payoff. ,- :,; , ,..

i'~- " . INVITED • . ,,- "- ....,: To Enjoy ... ,....' SAILING on*picturesque CASEY'S Lake Mescalero * HORSEBACK RIDING CABINS . on scenic mountain trails STYLE~ *FISHING INDIVIDUAL LOG for spectacular rainbow trout OPEN YEAR ROUN D· * GOLFING on one of the finest courses in the ~ SPECIAL * KITCHENS *oSltEEf OR TRAP SHOOTING ~SKI PKG. * FIREPLACES on one of our 14 fields (in~tructors available) t SUN. *COLOR CABLE T.V. DINING ~ in* the Dan-Li-Ka dining room THRU *CARPET RELAXING TH UR~ VERY CLEAN at* the Piano.Qar * *DANCING to live music in the lounge FOR RESE~VATIONS AND . Even If You Aren't StayinRAt ~~'" ~ The Inn Of The Mountain Gods ADDITIONAL' IN FO. ~,\b'" CALL 257-2804 Inn .Hh4 2640 SUDDERTH DR. m.un~Air\G~4$ RUIDOSO, N.M. . .. ~ ~ ~ "' ". -~ ... '" "' .. ,

Page 12 - Ruidoso [N.M.1 News Find out why Ruidoso is fast becoming a well known art and craft center Ski ing the slopes· of Sierra depouilier by· George Keith­ available. Armadillo also offers· THE ARTISAN'S SHOP AND Blanca or Eagle Creek Is perhaps Kathleen Morrow. A gift shop RosWell; burned wood slab art by Beattie and tapestries by LeRoy watercolors by Lynette Watkins features handmade dolls, jewelry Jack and Judy Williams and GALLERY, 2342 Sudderth In the primary motivation bringing Wilce of Roswell. . of Levelland, Texas; etchings by and afghans. Also gift wrapping others. midtown, Is owned by Don and the majority of visitors to Ruidoso THE ANDERSON COLLEC· Hondo Valley artist·sculptor Tom this time of year. i'lod shlDPlnq. JIM PLESS GALLERY, located Mary parsons.. Artisan's offers TION, owned by EI.lyn Anderson, Knapp; pen and Ink drawings and INTERNATIONAL GALLER· at 280'7 Sudderth Drive across works by "Great Artists of the Once tiere, however. stili is located at 2808 Sudderth Drive, watercolors by Rod Markham of IES, LIMITED, In Four Sea- from the Anderson Collection, Is Southwest"-palntlngs, sculpture another facet of local sociability just east of Plnetree Square. Lubbock, Texas; and White and graphics by John Flores, many delight in is in discovering sons Mall, owned by Jon an exclusive dealership for prints, Featured are· paintings and Mountain Pottery bv Tim Mike Hurd, Peter Hurd, Mimi the growing number of art Denny, Is the exclusive area original lithographs and ceramics sculpture by Santa Fe· artist Wlerwille. Jungbluth, Frances McCaulay, galleries and other businesses outlet for nationally acclaimed. of R. C. Gorman. Allio offered are Dolona Roberts, and .palntlngs, SCUlptor Llncaln Fox's hauntingly paintings by Novella King; bronze Gary Morton, Gary Myers, providing shoppers an excellent GALLERIA DE WAT!

iC**********.,.TAXICAB BUSINESS ..... iC FOR SALE ..,.- iC eq:~~' ~~ =~rm~~i:: **~ Other Interests by owner make this eltcellent op. portunityavailable. For more * Infonnatlon write BOlt 35, Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 or *~ ...... call 257-2255. AUTHENTIC Indian Jewelry S~ OR


CUSTOM T-SHIRTS 10 StyIeS+Au't. Colors Baby - Youth - Adult Feshlon - Coller - Jr. Miss GIFTS * SOUVENIRS We'~e Mo~ed to Midtown BROKEN DRUM

2404 Sudderth Dr. IX/O Skatelend) Vlsa-M/C 257-4551 Cu rtls Tem~le , r • ~.t...t rc..i'.~....i...L..""- _ib_~ ~"'"';;,...:;~ IIit;..bllltb',. ·SIl'b ·..e.'ttlsl _ t.·..'lIibllosli'.".."lIIIr.lil·'iII.iiI".lil' IIIiI..ltellith_t _,b..,..• b..·..b _irt b..· 'ht • · '•.;.a:._ ; e · ,..1o' _:.""._ ',' ••""* 01<"' '""..'+ "- ,tt..•..q .&-&.. """' ..oll.o""-'.L·? • .a" , _.""';. '-' _IL.. """'- -.., ! _ e.:-...... Ruidoso [N.M.l News - Page 13 Ruidoso is fast becoming a well known art and craft center . [FROM PAGE 121 handmade qUilts and dolls; dried Knapp and Lawson Smith; pot­ handmade women's apparel; a . i mountain bouquets; leliles; tery and sculpture by Mary Ann large selection of special ac­ CHINO'S, at the Inn of the cotton sock-tow rugs, place mats Gerber; wood carvlng.s by cessories, Including earrings by Mountain Gaels, Is owned by Rita and table runners anel many Truman Kluck; handmade fur­ Laur.el Burch and a Christmas Chino. Featured are Inellan smaller hanel crafted Items. Also niture by Jim Dell and Serls section with many gift Items. jewelry collector Items by award bronze, brass, copper and silver Indian baskets. Smith Ltd. is a Exclusive outlet for Esprit de winning artists; SCUlpture by j'ewelry by Jeep Collins of registered dealer of American Corps. Clifford Fragua; pottery by Red Fredericksburg, Texas. Newly Academy of Fine Arts. BENNETT'S INDIAN SHOP, ~ Starr: bronzes by Joseph Lone arrived is a special Christmas THE 2W20 GALLERY AND located on Highway 70 west of the Wolf and Grace Medicine Flower; shipment of hand-selected, hand­ ARTIST'S CO-OP, 1407 Sudderth, Holiday Inn, carries turquoise oils by James King and pastels by. picked papershell pecans In calleD is actually several studios In jewelry and other Indian craft L. Henry. sacks. one-'the studio of Travis House Items, such as. rugs and pottery.. THE CRUCIS ART BRONZE THE' OLD LINCOLN Graphics and Watercolors; the HAPPY HANDS, next to the FOUNDRY AND GALLERY, on GALLERY, on Highway 380 east Yoakum-Fleharty Studio, offering Radio Shack on Sudderth, Is a Sudderth Drive across from the of Capitan, Is a cooperative etchings, watercolors and com­ complete craft outlet. Art,Supplies municipal swimming pool, Is gallery· featuring paintings by mercial design work and the inchide a full line of 011 andacrylic owned by Walter and June Walter Henn, portraits In oils and Cunningham-Torrez Studio, paints, watercolors, a wlde Rawley and D. J. Scraggs. pastels by Ted Robertson, bronzes which provides fine and com­ variety of brushes, sketch pads Rawley does on slte·castings of his by Glen Dennis and lewelry by mercial work in a variety of and canvases. . Needlework own sculpture as well as those of John West. Open by appointment. media-photography, pencil and supplies available are Sunset other leading area artists. Also Call 653-4681 or 653-4696. acrylics. The 20/20 also carries Design stitcheries, all types of offered are watercolors by Ben PUERTADELSOL,lnmldtown WhIte Mountain Pottery by Tim yarn, cross stitch supplies and a Etta Cates, Martha Robbins and specializes In Latin American' Wlerwille. full line of DMC flo.ss. Current Jena Rawley Whitaker; charcoal Imports. Handcrafted items In­ TIMBER TRAIL emphasis Is on pinecone wreath draWings by Carl Hawks; oils by elude weavlngs, clothing, pottery, PHOTOGRAPHY, In midtown, Is and Christmas ornament classes. aill Searcy; acrylics on suede by lewelry, tin and brass art and wall a portrait studio' with a full line of Other classes, on a one-to-one Erv Johnson; . prints by Louie hangings. Owner is VI Stege. cameras and photographic basis, on weaving, macrame, Ewing and Dirk and Jan THE ROADRUNNER, owned supplies as well as film painting on glass and for any Schneider; pencil drawings by by F lodle and Archer Wilson, Is processing, art reproduction, other crafts purchased at Happy Ron and Don Adair; handmade located In midtown. Featured are commercial and Instant passport Hands. silver and bras.s jewelry by original handcrafted Items by services. A small gallery features HOUSE OF DALITA, 415 Charlene Belsele;. Spanish over 100 American craftsmen; works of local photographers. Mechem Drive, owned by ",eftie Mennonite chests and other James Avery lewelry and a year Owner is Herb Brunell. Brooks of San Antonio, Texas, and primitives, and a newly arrived round Christmas Annex. Also the THE WOODSHED, located In managed by Marian White, collection of wooden and metal 'works of area artists, Including midtown next to the Aspen Tree, specializes in needlepoJnt supplies antique toys. Mandy dolls by Irene Shaffer; features owner Ernie Roc.he's and kits. Also offered are hand D'ORO'S GALLERIA, located bronze rings by DOnna and Austin original wood sculpture and bas painted needlepoint, stuffed and In the Holiday Inn, and D'ORO'S Spray; batiks and watercolors by relief carvings In western motifs. lined latchhook kits, and the GIFTS, In K-Bob's Steak House, Martha Gowen; metal sculpture ZIA ART AND FRAME newest Item, "Shapes and are owned by Hazel Haynsworth. by Mike Gowen; miniature birds CENTER; owned by I. V, and Things." The Galleria features fine Indian by Frances Warnlca; folk art by Miriam Payne and managed by KIVA GIFTS~ 2542 Sudderth, lewelry, original paintings, Dusty Runge and Southwestern Ellen Blume, Is located at 1212 owned by Margie Adams, offers signed prints. SCUlpture and tiles by Steve McVey and Marmel Mechem. Art classes by visiting Indian arts, crafts and jewelry; pottery. Shows featuring selected Olos. Roadrunner also carries artists are conducted In a new and "gifts unusual," including artists are held throughout the wprks of "American Craft" ar­ studio In back. Zia does custom Nambeware. summer. The gift shop offers less tists. framing and carries a full line of WOOD 'N' STUFF,on the upper expensive art works, craft Items RUIDOSO GIFT AND art supplies. Paintings on con­ level of Four Seasons Mall, Is and primitIves. FIR E PLACE, located midtown signment include works by local owned by Don Nelson of Lamesa, FENTON'S, located at 2812 across trom Brunel)'s otters a artists, Sue Davis, Paul T'app, Texas. Special orders accepted on Sudderth Drive In Plnetree· complete bath and bedroom shop Gwen Blaney and I. V. Payne. wood handcrafted Items, and Square, Is co-owned by Danny and a kitchen gourmet shop, Also featured are brass crypt shipped to buyer, C.O.D., Include Fenton and Richard WIlliams. fireplace accessories; china, rubbings. custom furniture, toys, name Western art Is featured. Signed brass, crystal, and candles; And some of the craft outlets In signs and other decorator Items. and numbered prints are a porcelain figurines by Hummel, the Ruidoso area are: Also offered are a large selection specialty, as well as hard to get Kaiser, Andrea and Hakata; THE ATTIC, midtown, owned of brass, ceramics and music prints-either In edition or on the "Precious .Moments" collec­ by Susan Ruch, features some boxes. secondary market. Also offered tlbles; tramed prints by R. C. are solid duck and goose Gorman; collector's steins, music BOX 3593 RUIDOSO, N.M. 505-258-3133 decoys-painted, numbered and boxel\, oriental vases, wooden signed by Judy Tatum. decorator Items and much more. Owners are Tom and Velda THE NEW ORLEANS SHOP Kelham. OF ROYDOSO has moved to a new. larger SMITH LIMITED GALLERY, RO~ . AND SONS location at 2710 Sudderth Drive. owned by Sonya and Lawson Owners, Maggie Beatty and Smith, Is located at 662 Sudderth Dottie Thompson will hold a Drive. Featured are originals by CHIMNEY SWEEP "house blessing" at the log shop, Peter Hurd; oils by G. Harvey, at a date to be announced. Otfered Carl J. Smith, Robert Wood and -Wirrlow Polishing -Cwin Utility Checks is a wide variety of American folk Larry Dyke; pastels. oils and art from sources In the Smokey pencil drawings by Ted Rober­ Mountains, New England, Utah, tson; watercolors and pastels by Texas and from Amish sources, Dorothy Bell Knapp; acrylics by as well as primitives dating back James Haney; silk screens by Nature's Solar Heat to the Civil War. Featured are Amado Pena; bronzes by Tom , tt: located at ~Z'~'~? J!: Horseshoe Courts·623 Sudderth :/~':J; - .- J~_ (Across From the Windmill) RUIDOSO LODDI ."rW\\'''A. J. & Wanda Amos invite Upper CQnyon Among The Pines CABINS ON THE RIVER you to come see a Vlorking model! • Kitchens • FireplQces • 1-2-3 Bedrooms THE SUN IS FREE- You r Hosts: Bill & JQckie RQwlins "'HY NOT USE ITI

BOX 2316 PHONE RUIDOSO, N. M. 505-257-2510 88345

'. ;· ,; .., 'f '~., .', •, .J ~ ••cJ •J ,j!, .

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Page 14- Ruidoso [N.M.I News Winter camping in the mountains can be exhilarating and most challenging covered and medical treatment It's a hardier breed of people protection to the head and face. Synthetic filled bags can provide Since the evenings get darker take if one should get lost while in obtained as soon as possible. that will ventl,lre into freezing A warm wool stocking cap or protection to sub-zero tem­ earlier in the winter, a camper the wilderness. Number one Is to . Hypothermia Is another ad­ temperatures to try their hand at something with flaps over the peratures. Bags are rated ac­ may spend many hours in the' remain calm. Try to backtrack, verse medical condition winter winter camping, but there are ears should be worn, as most of cording to the temperatures to darkn~ss. but if that isn't possible, remain in some people in the Ruidoso area the body heat escapes through the which they will keep a camper Back packs are also available in one place, rather than wandering campers may face. It Is the rapid who find the beauty of the snow top of the head. warm. A mummy bag is the best many varieties. For carrying a lot around aimlessly. and progressive mental and capped Sacramento Mountains Jeans are not recommended for bag as far as conforming around of equipment, a strong frame for Building a fire and shelter in physical collapse resulting from and White Mountain Wilderness winter hiking and camping the camper's body, preventing the pack is important. Something which to stay warm is also em­ lowering of the inner temp.erature worth the effort. because they often don't allow for cold air from getting in. light weight such as aluminum is phasized as Is marking the base ofthe human body. It is caused by Clothing, equipment, safety freedom of movement or for A ground pad, so"!etimes ,called most popular. A nylon pack that Is camp so it is visible fr.om the air. ,exposure to the cold and worsens awareness and respect for 'the ventilation. Instead, loose fitting an ensolite pad, ,Is necessary water proof is also light weight. A Distress signals, such as three in wet, windy conditions. elements are some of the most wool pants are suggested. between the ground and the camper should remember not to fires, three blasts of a whistle, Hypothermia can be fatal If not important things to remember in It Is also better to wear mittens sleeping bag. Without this, the get too large of a pack that he will three flashes of light or three treateod. , preparing for such a trek. than gloves as there is less sur­ camper is subject to all of the cold be tempted to overload. Also on successive signals of any kind __ Indications that a camper may Layering of clothing is an im­ face area through which heat can that is radiating from the ground. the frame, .the camper will be that will attract attention, should be suffering from such a condition portant factor. It is better to wear be lost. Nylon mittens with either However, with just a small pad, hauling a tent and sleeping bag. also be used If a person becomes Include fits of shivering; vague, two light weight sweaters than down or fiberfill stuffing are the the person is raised far enough off One tip for how much to carry is lost. slurred speech; memory lapses; ane heavy one. The reason for this best. Those with woolen inserts of the ground to aveid the cold not to exceed one third of one's fumbling hands and lurching is layering permits body heat to are also considered suitable. Long contact. own body weight. A pack that Frostbite is one of the major walk; drowsiness and exhaustion; warm up the space between the mittens that pull over the cuffs of places the bulk of the weight on difficulties unprepa,red winter and' apparent unconcern about layers, therefore providing a the ~oat are best as they prevent "You should have a good the hip area is better than one that enthusiasts can encounter. It is physical discomfort. natural insulation_ LOW-density the cold air from leaking in. cooking stove:' Herzberg said. He uses the neck and shoulder caused by exposure of inade- First thing to do in such a case fibers make the best insulation, Available boots on the market suggested carrying bottled gas or muscles, as the hips can support quatel,ycovered skin to sub- Is to get the victim out of the wind such as down, wool fiber and are numerous. The ideal boot some type of alcohol fuel. Small more weight without discomfort. freezing ,temperatures. Tissue, and dampness, into dry clothes quilted batts of Orlan or Dacron or should protect the foot both in solid fuel stoves are available in When setting up camp it is damage is caused by the reduced and restore body temperature similar material. active movement and while the most sporting goods departments advisable to find a semi-protected blood flow to the extremities, such with \{\farm drinks, quick energy Clothing should be loose to camper is not moving. Foremost, and will serve the purpose for area. An obviously open, windy as the toes and fingers. food, body contact and a warm provide the necessary dead air they' should be waterproof. small meals. spot wouldn't prOVide much A symptom of such a condition sleeping bag. space between layers and to allow Depending on where the camper "Freeze-dried foods, that are protection from the elements. is a loss of feeling in certain areas When planning a Winter cam­ adequate freedom of movement. will be walkinQ' they should have cooked in balling water, and Before setting ,out for a winter and a dead white appearance. To ping expedition, the best advice is It's always a good idea to wear sturdy sales an'd collars that come qUick-energy bars are also camping venture, it is a good idea treat frostbite, the body tem- to contact the United States more clothes than is actually above the ankle in order to help suggestions for food that Herz- to plot a course and then leave perature should be restored as Forest Service for information on essential. because It is always keep the snow out. A couple of berg offered. He added that it Is word with either the Forest rapidly as possible, preferably by plilC1i!S 10 go .lOd how to be easier to peel off the layers than to pairs of thermal lined or woolen important to carry food that' is Service or friends, of destination immersion in a water ba!h .of less prll~' :;i,::...;;t"'~~~~J:.ls< . be caught without enough socks are es~entlal. however, one easy to cook. and approximate time of return. than 11? degrees.. If the victim has. ,. 25~7" /-'.. '.'.:',.::r;\,.;....>~"",~ •.""f,,.: >;';'7.:'~ protection. shouldn't wear so many pairs of A lantern or powerful flashlight Tips from the forestry service to continue moving, the affected. spol' ;&')i'h"":1q:':~l!Ji '''~ ~~ ! ~ ~ "You should prepare for the socks that the toes get cramped is also important to take along. give information on what steps to part of his body should be kepI., .lltloC":;;W~;t:;'i-::""1:'·~~'i-:iI/~. Iiti worst conditions," said Randall and are unable to move. ~ ~ ~e. ~'f)~. ~. .t~~~. .' ... .. "t " " ! .. ; Herzberg, recreation forester For any article of clothing, It Is lUI.r( f" ' 1~1!'·~ ',' .'... -i;i'I~k, ' '"", ~' , • ) ~' ,,1 .. , }I "-. ",. , • :;6~ ".'r',,; ..:" •• ~'~~->r' 'JI!"'O'~";<;il':i' :~1: ,,~ # '.' ~~' ..,' I ,-__ ,"" "",,,~, : :.._, ~ ,'I. .,,, ., .,,1 , > :l/(i'.. <. ," ,'. wifh the Lincoin National Forest most Important that they don't get ,'t' .~ ~ ; • v t .. ~, ...I.,." " .." '#Ii. ,/J..1f. t!. " t, i-;-, VI . ~. ~~ = ' "I" ri " ".' . JI < lj. Smokey Bear Station. "Wool is wet. Spares on such things as ':¥~ '~ 'lj > "')-'\j' _ '. f' ;' ""j~ -. ,,' ~" ...~,;'GfA ,..-' . hard to beat. You also need socks, mittens and hats should be , -gl ~"£.."' (~ . I" •• , "I' . " ,,'" . ',It {, "\:\ .., ,: il:g " i" , Depending on the severity of the sleeping bag, cooking utensils, '11 ' 'I ,I j f. a I I i, i r t'lt.JJI f·,(; ' . ~l'(~')j '!; J'~ ;l/lr{I(,' Iti>.rJ it; (t' J,' Ii I~ ,'"il ~. Over this should be worn a win­ loads and stay up In high winds. If ~. );,i;!,~,~ :,':':~I~tn,p~H~II ( dproof. and waterproof coat. An a camper doesn't expect to be In I Jil{ ti,;\; 2 "anorak" as it is called by sup­ sub- zero condItlons, a three I l~j' "'b' f . "'W 'I' t·'·" ) , pliers, is long enough to cover the season tent will suffice says ~ (,' ,1il~~d:!:;litfrff:t.~1\~' :~dii ::ill~ camper from head to hips. Herzberg. ~ .(~l h }' ! Dl Knitted cuffs keep the wind from Many good sleeping bags are " Il ,;Ji,f( I'.'f d' \1"1:' p., I ~ ~! } i ~ .,! ~ltlt~ .{, . I( ;. ~ :': d l~' H. ? finding its way Inside the avaiiable on the market. Down ";:I"P qt, I' '~dl 1? "~'l~di~', "_ '-•• profective covering. A hood is bags are still good for warmth, ,'<" <, f,q I" !\l .' , ~1,' 'j essential too, for providing but don't always dry out well. • ': "l'~ • ~,~, iN y" , I' • , ': .... I i)"8' : . 'U .il ,J • ~ ~W}:\ ,:~{ ~~ ~ ~~' .. u " ',; 4 • ~. /,4 ,,:' )f , L 1...[ '.', " I' " , ~J~ t~~· i .p' ". » ! ,f • Ib'>,i t "'" , • South\

Billy The Kid Variety " -' Liquors ,

Scoresby's Scotch $7'.15 fifth '~t~aH"";'~DN"F.,"@!~" •• Wi $3.50 fifth Rlunlte Ines $7.00 1.5 liter Top QualitV Pre-Owned Clothing I Henry Weinhard's $3.35 6 pac THE UNUSUAL lJl.t1JtlldlII;; t.t. liJ[ffr;J'Jiilid~Ut... ~~ ::{7mm6JnnA~d ":.. ~ next to the Pizza Hut on Sudderth Drive FASHIONS SHOP MIDTOWN RUIDOSO - 2S1S SUDDEImI SAUNAS PHONE 2S7-4238 _::;i;'" RESORT RESERVATIONS I* YEAR 'ROUND * lodging Ski Paks * , i Car Rentals &peri~nce the FUN•••ENJOV itf I What better way to wrap up a day 0' skiing. * Out of State, Call National Toll Free let us install vour verv ~ hot tub...or SIIII ••••in the size, 1-800-545-9013 shape and style you like. Each system comes complete. In State Call 1-257-4947 or MAKE THAT DREAM COME TRUE 257-5068 We Provitle Complete Service, Inmllsfion• • •Delwery throughout the Goufhwelf. IN THE GATEWAY FLO MAUL P.O. Box 2427 Ruidoso, N. M.88345 miimi!~ ...

i, ~.. .- , . iIO.-...<~. ·.~~; L ~, .-"...... ~...... "'"..'...., ...... ,,~ l.:. .... " ,' ••, __,iL .,;""'-.'...... ,&0.. """.,,""_ """".'_' ....., it.',...-.....'.....,. """ ,. -", _ ..1 .' .i.. d ·· eI "'1 · e .....-:""'"""~...... ~...... __'__ ...... ,.....I""""' .... ,....,. __.l"""" _,',,--. __- ,..-'.,,- r.:- ~ __ ....- ,....-~-,••:n~_~· ....- ..,.-,...,.,,....,' __. ~~~. __--~ ,..-c P" ,.. ~ ,..- .- ~ ~ ...- ...,- ._~ ."-- _ ,..- .-- ,.-, .-- ~ ' .


HOLIDAYtl . Prices SUbject to Change without Nolice , Only Cash or Travelers Checks accepted for services at Sierra Bianca . LIFT RATES, All Lifts WEEKDAY WEEKENDS

LIFT RATES: WEEKDAYS WEEK-END & HOLIDAYS' All Day. 'Adults ...... •...... ••••••.•...• 0' ••••• : •••••••••••••••10.00 12.00 All Day, Child...... •...... •.•...... '10 .- .: 7.00 9.00 . Any Lift - Adult All Day...... $18.00 $18.00 Half Day. Adult 8.00 9.00 Any Lift - Child All Day . 10.00 . 12.00 . Any Lift - Hall Day Adult ...... 12.00 N/A Half Day J Child .- '. 5.00 7.00 . Gondola - Single Ride Adult . 4.00 4.00 . Nltes, Adult ,...... •..•..•..•_ 10.00 Gondola - Single Ride Child : . 3.003.00 Niles, Child ...••.....•..•.••...•...... ••.•...... ••...... •••..•.....•.•7.00 (Nite skiing, Friday, Saturday, SundayandHolldaY1» 'HOLIDAYS: December 25 through January 2, inclusive Feliruary 15 SEASON PASSES: . ANY DAY WEEKDAY ONLY SKI SCHOOL RATES, (Day and Nile) ..... Class Lesson, Adult (First time beginner, lilt ticket Included) .....•...... '...... •..•12.00 Individual : . $300.00 $200.00 Family , First Two '. 600.00. Child 9.00 Each Additional...... 30.00 2nd Consecutive. Day, Adult (First time beginner, lilt t1ckellncllided) ...... •32.00 Senior Citizen : ' . 30.00 Child '.....•...... •...... •29.00 . . SKI SCHOOL RATES: . Private Lessons, All Day 95.00 Private Lessons, 1 person, 1 hour 18.00 Class Lessons - All Day - Adull or Child - Lift Ticket included tor tirst time beginners...... $18.00 Additional person 8.00 Hall Day - Adult or Child...... 12.00 Two Consecutive Days - (Beginner Lift Ticket included both days)·- Adult or Child...... 42.00 RENTALS Two Consecutive Days - Advanced Class Lesson - Adult or Child...... 25.00 . One Day, Adult 9.00 Private ~essons - All Day - Adult or Child...... 135.00 One Day, Child '.' ...... •7.00 1 person. 1 hour...... 22.00 Two Days, Adult 16.00 Two Days, Ghild 11.00 Semi-Private Lesson (Each Additional Person)...... 11.00 Skis Only ; '.....•6 ..00 TWO DAY BEGINNER PACKAGES: includes two All-Day Classes; two All-Day Lift Tickets and two days equipment rentals. Boots Only ~ 5.00 (sk.s. boots and poles) - ADULT OR CHILD...... 55.00 Poles Only 2.00 Children Age 6-12 will be Accepted in CHILDREN·S SKI SCHOOL: Private lessons are available by appointment for children of any age or size. PACKAGES HOLIDAYS FIRST TIME BEGINNER WEEKDAY WEEKENDS 1 Day Ski School, Lifts and Rental- Adult. 18.00 20.00 1 Day Ski School, Lifts and Rental- Child ' 13.00 15.00 2 Days Adult 42.00 45.00 2 Days Child 39.00 41.00 NOVICE . 1 Day Lifts and Rentals - Adult 18.00 20.00 1 pay Lifts and Rentals - Child ; 13.00 15.00 2 Days Lifts and Rentals - Adull 35.00 38.00 2 Days Lifts and Rental - Child 24.00 28.00 NASTAR, Saturday and Sunday 3.00 All CHILD Rates are for children under 12 years of age.

We accept VISA, Master Chal1le. Travtlterl1:lIeclls and PerlORel Checks (an aPJII1lVllI) PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOnCE



.. , :. + THE REPRODUCTION • v


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, Nest Microfilm ENTON'S GALLERIES WELCOME SKIERS! For fast, convienient financial services, let ,PINETREE SQUARE 257-9738 Chaves County Savings & loan Association Give a Serve you. Checking Witll Interest ************************************ Savings With Highest Allowed Interest WOODEN DUCK Home & Home Improvement Loans POLLIWOGS & GOOSE DECOYS Pain1ed, Numbered & Many Free Services AND PIGTAILS Signed by JUDY TATUM Order now for Christmas!. (CJ~~ IEiic Children's Speeialty Shop ASSOCIA1ION- =.' ... -- InFants Thru gze 14 Layaway Plan Sudderth & Thomas - Ruidoso --_.- ~TTT 2809A Sudderth vISA Monday-&turdaV 10-5 WElCOME WINIER VISITORS! REJOICE! Two Thousand Years Ago A Carpenter Was WELCOME BornIn IsraeL.. Nothing TO RUIDOSO! ,.... wm . Come By The Windmill On Ever Be The Same! Sudderth For All Your Real Estate Needs SKIERS, TAKE A LOOK! Rustic 2 bedroom mountain cabin is a perfect winter retreat. Raw wood exterior adds to the woodsy atmosphere. ALL THIS FOR ONLY 53$,000 ••• 55,000 DOWN. WITH OWNER FINANCING AT 10% IN· .• 'fER EST FOR 20 YEARS!!! " ..,

Celebrate this joyous event with gifts that glorify Christ. ROUNDUP Books that teach the extraordinary life He brought to the world, Music, cards, jewelry and many other creations to tell others ofHim. Find them all lit: ·REALTY. ••, MEL GLEt-lt-l :.... BROKER .~, .l . God-Spel ·257·5093 ,• 633 Sudderth 1507 Sudderth 257-2111 -~. ..j • '",1 ~ $ t: ~ ~ ~4 -'C_._d" ... -"._-'" "-' .....,'""".-'0 .... __ ...... -l. ..:..,__ _ ...... +.•-•• zctI ....."eM rd._ .S'i""'.ciii 1ft". "."rd Cd dd ddd'd ••'M'd._.d:;ri-."";... dt+dd'dd ddddcesri drt d'dddd'd'd••··...... ···;, j,...... + Page 14 - Ruidoso [N.M.] News Winter camping in the mountains can he exhilarating and most challenging

It's a hardier breed of people protection to the head and face. Synthetic filled bags can prOVide Since the evenings get darker take if one should get lost while in covered and medical treatment that will venture into freezing A warm wool stocking cap or protection to sub-zero tem· earlier In the winter, a camper the wilderness. Number one is to obtained as soon as possible. temperatures to try their hand at something with flaps over the peratures. Bags are rated ac· may spend many hours in the' remain calm. Try to backtrack, Hypothermia Is another ad· winter camping, but there are ears should be worn, as most of cording to the temperatures to darkness. but if that Isn't possible, remain in verse medical condition winter some people in the Ruidoso area the body heat escapes through the which they will keep a camper Back packs are also available In one place, rather than wandering campers may face. it Is the rapid who find the beauty of the snow top of the head. ' warm. A mummy bag Is the best many varieties. For carrying a lot around aimlessly. and progressive mental and capped Sacramento Mountains Jeans are not recommended for bag as far as conforming around of equipment, i! strong frame for Building a fire and shelter in physical collapse resulting from and White Mountain Wilderness winter hiking and camping the camper's body, preventing· the pack Is Important. Something which to stay warm is also em· lowering of the inner temperature worth the effort. because they often don't allow for cold air from getting in~ light weight such as aluminum is phasized as is marking the base of the human body. It Is caused by Clothing, equipment, safety freedom of. movement or. for A ground pad, lS0"letlmes called most popular. A nylon pack that Is camp so it is visible from the air. exposure to the cold and worsens awareness and respect for the ventilation. Instead, loose fitting an ensollte pad, Is necessary water. proof is also light weight. A Distress signals, such as three In wet, windy conditions. elements are some of the most wool pants are suggested. between the ground and the camper should remember not to fires, three blasts of a whistle, Hypothermia can be fatal If not important things to remember in It is aiso better to wear mittens sleeping bag. Without this, the get too large of a pack that he will three flashes of light or three treated. preparing for such a trek. than gloves as there Is less sur­ ci!mper is subject to all of the'cold be tempted to overload. Also on successive signals of any kind Indications that a camper may Layering of c10thi ng is an im· face area through which heat can thi!t is radiating from the ground. the frame, the camper will be that will attract attention, should be suffering from such a condition pOrtant factor. It is better to wear be lost. Nylon mittens with either However, with lust a small pad, hauling a tent and sleeping bag. also be used If a person becomes 'Include fits of shlverlng; vague, two light weight sweaters than down or fiberfill stuffing are the the person is raised far enough off One tip for how much to carry is lost. sl urred speech; memory lapses; one heavy one. The reason for this best. Those with woolen inserts of the ground to avoid the cold not to exceed one third of one's 'fumbling hands and lurching is layering permits body heat to are also considered suitable. Long . contact. own body weight. A pack that Frostbite Is one of the major walk; drowsiness and exhaustion; warm up the space between the mittens that pull over the cuf.fs of places the bulk of the weight on difficulties unprepared winter and apparent unconcern about layers, therefore providing a the coat are best as they prevent "You should have a good the hip area is better than one that .enthusiasts can encounter. It is physical discomfort. natural insulation. Low·density the cold air from leaking in. ·cooking stove," Herzberg said. He uses the neck and shoulder caused by exposure of inade­ First thing to do in such a case fibers make the best insulation, Avaliable boots on the market suggested ci!rrying bottled gas or muscles, as the hips can support quately covered skin to sub· Is to get the victim out of the wind such as down, wool fiber and are numerous. The ideal boot some type of alcohol fuel. Small' more weight without discomfort. freezing temperatures. Tissue and dampness, into dry clothes quilted batts of Orlan or Dacron or should protect the foot both in solid fuel stoves are available in When setting up camp it is damage 15 caused by the reduced and restore body temperature similar material. active movement and while the most sporting goods departments advi,sable to find a semi-protected blood flow to the extremities, such with warm drinks, quick energy Clothing should be loose to camper is not moving. Foremost, and wlil serve the purpose for area. An obviousiy open, windy as the toes and fIngers. food, body contact and a warm provide the necessary dead air they should be waterproof. small meals. spot wouldn't provide much A symptom of such a condition sleeping bag. space between layers and to allow Depending on where the camper "Freeze·drled foods, that are protection from the elements. is a loss of feeling in certain areas When planning a winter cam· adequate freedom of movement. will be walking, they should have cooked in boiling water, and Before setting out fora winter and a dead white appearance. To ping expedition, the best advice is It's always a good idea to wear sturdy soles an'd collars that come . quick'energy bars are also camping venture, It is a good' idea treat frostbite, the body tem· to contact the United States more clothes than is actually above the ankle In order to help suggestions for food that Herz- to plot a course and then leave perature shou Id be restored as Forest Service for information on essential, because it is always keep the snow out. A couple of berg offered. He added that It Is word with either the Forest rapidly as possible, preferably by places to go and how to· be easier to peel off the layers than to pairs of thermal lined or woolen important to carry food that is Service or friends, of destination immersion in a water bath of iess prepared. Their phone number is be caught without enough socks.are essential, however, one easy to cook. . and approximate time of return. than 110 degrees. If the victim has 257-4095. Then check With a good protection. shouldn't wear 50 many pairs of A lantern or powerful flashlight Tips from the forestry .service to continue moving, the affected sportlng goods store to get "You should prepare for the socks that the toes get cramped Is aiso Important to take along. give Information on what steps to part of his body should be kept stocked up on proper equipment. worst conditions," said Randall and are unable to move. Herzberg, recreation forester For any article of clothing, it is q 'r . P'fj' .: '. ij , If,., I'IJ" !'" b' .' , • ,""- - ,'" with the Lincoln National Forest most important that they don't get 'tl fe'I;'''.'.. .. ,.'. •.... ~ :~.;;~ ~ ~: l ~ ~. :}; , lrr}: \ p", " . ;"' t' ' • ,t (.) c> f. II • Smokey Bear Station. "Wool is wet. Spares on such things as , ~ {7 1 hard to beat. You a Iso need socks, mittens and hats should be

'. i . ~I L ...... f '-'- ...... _...... Ruidoso [N.M.] News - Page 15 SIERRA .BLANCA SKI RESORT 1981·82 PRICES EAGLE CREEK SKI AREA 1981·82 PRICES

Prices SUbject to Chenge without Notice HOLIDAYS Only Cash or Travelers Checks accepted lor services at Sierra Blance LIFT RATES, All lifts WEEKDAV WEEKENDS, LIFT RATES: WEEKDAYS WEEK·END & HOLIDAYS' All DaYJ Adults ...... •...•...'\ ~ .•...... •.•.10.00' -12.00 ~ Any Lift - Adult All Day...... All Day, Child ', ...... •...... •••.•. 7.00 9.00 $18.00 $18.00 ~ Any Lift ~ Child All Day...... 10.00 12.00 Half Day, Adult.•...... • •••...... •.•.•...•...... '. .. •• 8.00 9.00 Any Lift - Half Day Adult .. 12.00 N/A Half Day, Child .- '..•. 5.00 7.00 Gondola - Single Ride Adult . 4.00 4.00 Niles, Adult ..'...... •..•..•.••.•.•...... ••...•••••...... •..., .•...... •••10.00 Gondola - Single Ride Child . 3.00 3.00 Nites, Child ....•...... •. , ....•.•.•...... ••...... •.•....•...••...... •..•7.00 'HOLIDAYS: December 25 through January 2, inclusive February 15 (Nlte skIIng, Friday, Saturday. Sunday and Holidays) SEASON PASSES: . ANY DAY WEEKDAY ONLY SKI SCHOOL RATES, (Day and Nite) Individual ...... $300.00 $200.00 Class Lesson. Adult (First time beginner•liftticket included) ...... •.....•...... 12.00 Family. .. First Two...... 600.00 Child ...•...... •...... ••.••••...... , ...... •••••••.•9.00· Each Additional. , 30.00 2nd Consecutive. Day, Adult (First time beglnner,lIftticket included) ...... •...... •..••32.00 Senior Citizen ...... 30.00 Child ' ' ~.OO SKI SCHOOL RATES: Private Lessons. All Day ' 95.00 Prlv;lte Lessons, 1 person, 1 hour : 18-00 Class Lessons - All Day - Adult or Child - Lift Ticket included lor first time beginners...... $18.00 Additional person ...... •...... 8.00 Half Day - Adult or Child :...... 12.00 Two Consecutive Days - (Beginner Lift Ticket included both days) - Adult or Child...... 42.00 RENTALS Two Consecutive Days - Advanced Class Lesson - Adult or Child...... 25.00 One Day. Adult " 9.00 Private ~essons - All Day - Adult or Child...... 135.00 One Day, Child ' '.' '.' 7.00 1 person, 1 hour ,...... 22.00 Two Days, Adult ...... •...... 16.00' Semi-Private Lesson (Each Additional Person)...... 11.00 Two Days, Child 11.00 Skis Only 6.00 TWO DAY BEGINNER PACKAGES: includes two All-Day Classes; two AII·Day Lift Tickets and two days equipment rentals. Boots Only ...... •...... - : ...... •5.00 (skIs. boots and poles) - ADULT OR CHILD '.' ...... 55.00 Poles Only 2.00 Children Age 6-12 will be Accepted in CHILDREN'S SKI SCHOOL: Private lessons are available by appointment for children of any age or size. PACKAGES SKI RENTAL RATES: DAILY HOLIDAYS

One Day - Adult...... , . $ 10.00 FIRST TIME BEGINNER WEEKDAY WEEKENDS Two Consecutive Days...... 17.00 1 Day Ski School, Litts and Rental· Adult 18.00 20.00 One Day - Child...... 8.00 1 Day Ski School. Litts and Rental· Child 13.00 15.00 Two Consecutive Days c . 12.00 2 Days Adult 42.00 45.00 Skis Only. ... . 8.00 2 Days Child 39.00 41.00 Boots Only , . 8.00 NOVICE Poles Only...... 3.50 1 Day Lifts and Rentals· Adult 18.00 20.00 NOTE: ADULT rates apply for children using adult skis. bools and poles. 1 Day Lifts and Rentals· Child 13.00 15.00 2 Days Lifts and Renta1s - Adult 35.00 38.00 2 Days Litts and Rental - Child 24.00 . 28.00 SIERRA BLANCA SKI RESORT NASTAR. Saturday and Sunday 3.00 BOX 220 Il.II CHILD Rates are for children under 12 years of age. RUIDOSO. NM 88345 DAILY SNOW REPORTS DIRECT FROM SIERRA BLANCA: OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE We accept VISA. Master Charge. Travelers Chcks and Personel Checks (on apPl'OVlt) MESCALERO APACHE TRIBE PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 505/257-9001 In THE LINCOLN NATIONAL FOREST GROUP DISCOUNT AND SKI RENTAL RESERVATJDNS-P.0. BOX 1417. RUIDOSO. NEW MEXICO B8345 Dr PHONE 5051336-4211 , .'.-

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~------, IN'I ?IZZA orman S p'lzza I FENTON'S GALLERIES WELCOME SKIERS! I ~ Gateway Center I For fast, convienient financial services, let I ~ ::>andwiches - Salad Bar I PINETREE SQUARE 257-9738 I Ice Cream - Fountain . I Chaves County Savings &loan Association I Eat in - Take out I Give a I WELCOME WINTER VISITORS I Serve you. COLLECTOR'S ITEM For IMr. & Mrs. Larry Norman Phone 257·4734 Checking With Interest **************************************------­ Savings With Highest Allowed Interest WOODEN DUCK Home & Home Improvement loans POLLIWOGS & GOOSE DECOYS Painted, Numbered & Many Free Services AND PIGTAILS $igned by JUDY TATUM Children's Specialty Shop Order now for Christmas! . fCJ~~ A$SQCI .... "ON-

Layaway Plan .(-.,? '"~ Infants Thru Size 14 h • Sudderth & Thomas - Ruidoso -....-.-.. ~W~ 2809A Sudderth Morwlay..$eturdaV 10-5 WElCOME WlNIm VlSllQRS! REJOICE! Two Thousand Years Ago A Carpenter Was WELCOME Born In IsraeL.. Nothing Will TO RUIDOSO! ,.... Come By Th~ Windmill On Ever Be The Same! Sudderth For All Your Real Estate Needs SKIERS, TAKE A LOOKI Rustic 2 bedroom mountain cabin is a perfect winter .retreat. Raw wood exterior adds to the woodsy atmosphere. ALL THIS FOR ONLY 535.000 ••• 55,000·DOWN WITH OWNER FINANCING AT 10% IN· TEREST FOR2D YEARS!!! 1'-1"""= . '.~ .. Celebrate this joyous event with gifts that glorify Christ. ROUN·DUP , Books that teach the·extraordinary life He brought to the .1 ---- " .,,1- world. Music, cards, jewelry and maI).Y other creations ~~

" :... to tell othel'\l ofHim. Find them all at: . REALTY ·, MEL GLENN - DROKEI\ ..;.1, • God-Spel 257-5093 •,. , . 1507 Sudderth 257-2111· 633 4$udderth

• • >; I '\ ~ • • , r; ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.d.,;. ~.;..,_ _, ...;,;.' ...: ;,;,iiI .;j; 4 ;"'" ' ..;", &* > _ d ..:l rl"d ..'d i1' dz«"'M"..trii"zrij.. 3--...... " '-, Page 16 - Ruidoso [N.M.l News

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