



DEFINITIONS OF FREE. OSCAR T. FUNG . . \./B B. 8 Business Manager MASONRY . Calixto Ar:lonio THE LA\ /YER AS A MAN . . . . Bro. Rogeiio Nacorda 9



GEORGE A. ERFE Staff Photographirr

CONIRIEUTORS; Published monfhly by The Cabletow, lnc. in the interest of the Grand lodge of thr Philippirs. Officc MANUET M. CRUDO of Publication: Suite 12, Plaridel Tcmph Annex, IORENZO N. TAIATALA I44C San Marcelino, Manila D-406, Tel. 59-71.85. Re. AURETIO TEYNES CORCUERA enlered as second class mail mallsr at lhe M.anila Posl AGUSTIN t. GATANG Office on June 15, 1952. EUG:NIO PADUA 1 NESTORIO B. METOCOION PROSPERO PAJARITTAGA This publication is made possible by annual con. EMMANUEI. E. GOCO tributions of Master Masons on tha rolls of the Grand ETP,IDIO ADATIA Lod3e of the . Qaad %,utar'o ?a?c

MW CONRADO BENITE'T, PGM With the untim.ely d,emise of Dean Aonrarlo Benttez, cannes the challenlle of the new generatian of Masans to prass onward. MW Corwarlo Beruitez became a Master Mason at the age of tuenty-three in Bagumbayan l"od,ge No. .4, F. & A. M. the Lod,ge's first canl,idate. Due to his profi,ciency and, his- o,ctiue parti,cipation i,n Lodge a,cti,uities, his bretltren elected, him Junisr Warden the same gear he saw th,e kght of Masorwy in 1911.. 7978 saw hi,nt, seraing in the Oriantal. Cheir of his Lodge. Eighteen Aears Later he was electe(l Grand, Master of the Most Worslui.pful Grand, Lodge of Free an'd, Accepted, Mosan^s of the Phikppines. He lteld ih,wl membersluip in, Lodge Perla del Oriente No. 7N.A, S. C. MW Benitez joined the Scottish Rite in 1916 ond became a Master of the Royal Secret i'n, 1919. As ona ol tlte,orgqinnzers of the lruzqn Bodies, A. & A. S. R., he serueil as i.ts first Vene- ro.ble Mastsr. In 7987, the Mather Council of Southern Juris- ilictian, U. S. A. hnnorad, ldm with tha title of Knight Com- rwnd,er of the Court,of Hanor and, in 1919 he was elacted" to receiue the 33' Inspector General Honorary. In 1950 Dean Benitez wos crowtLeil Souerei.gn Grond Inspector General attil an acti,ue mernber of the Supreme Cwnci,l. He was elected Soaereign Grand, Command,er in 7967 upon the resignation of Illustrivus Frederick H. Steuew. As a Mason, Dean Cotwado Benitaz serued, tlw FratemitA fw 57 Aears. His accotnplishments as a statesmatl, educator, jou,rnalist, ciatc lcod,er, and, a Master Mason are beacon ltghts for u,s to emu,late. At 81, his feraor fw d,oing good, for his coutntry, his people, end his brethre,yL ure still unabateil. Iw deed,, MW Beruitez has left us a d,aep aoid, th,at is hard, to filt but it is fur us th,e.l;iui,ng who haae to co,rry on where lle hfrs teft off. FEBRUARY, T97I 7



"A young man oughl fo have something old about him, iust as an old man musl have a touch of youth. Age will only be rerpecred if it fights for itself, mainlains its own rights, avoids dependence and asserts control over its own sphere as long as life lasts. Hence, whatever the age of his body, in spirif, a man will never be old." Thus said Cicero.

The above siatemeni is a fitting desciption of our Past Grand Master, Dean Conrado Benitez y Francia. Don Conrado \ /as a man who refused to grow old. And he never did. ln the trrilight years al 81, he continued to thare his time and strengt} in behalf of the higher ideals and character building philosophy of Freemasonry, and has teft us with a record of good deeds to voice his farne"- A couple of years ago, Dean Conrado Benitez was awarded the Pro-Patria Award by President Ferdinand E. Marcos in recog. nition of his achievements in the fields of education, economic and social reforms. When he was called to his reward on January 4 of this year, he was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scotiish Rite Masons. To his lasl year, he involved himself in civic affairs and continued serving the youth in ihe field of educalion as Chairman of the Board of Truslees of rhe Philippine Women's University, the first university for women in Asia. We will miss the physical presence of Dean Conrado Benitez for there is only one Dr. Conrado Benilez. But what "virlue has united, deaflr can never separale" - Virtus Junxit Morc Non Separabit.

s. P. F.

The Geblefor This is the only articla of MW Conrado Beruitea that was publ;istwit in The Cablptou iluring his tenn as Grand, Master in 1956. We are repriniing the same as it appeareil in the Ma,gs, 1gB0 issue ?he of Cablatow. - Ed.



On this solemn occasion when we And truly, to the neophyte pass- commemorate the martyrdom of the ing our portals for the first time, the Greatest among the Apostles of Hu- noble principles of our Craft and manity, may I invite you to reflect the inspiring idealism of our Order upon the fundamental problem fac- are striking notes reaching the cons" ing Masonry in the Philippines and ciousness. The deep sense of aPPre. other countries of the world. To the ciation manifested by the newly ex- Knights of the Scottish Rite such a alted Brother as he responds to the discussion is especially proper and Master's invitation to address his fitting because of the advanced brethren of the Lodge, is evidence training to appreciate human pro- of the effectiveness of our ritual blems in terms of Masonic tenets in teaching the tenets of Freemason- and principles. ry. Our ritual is indeed a valuable We all know that lVlasonry is an landmark by means of which a rich earnest and noble effort to inculcate legacy is bequeathed from genera- upon its members all the human tion to generation. virtues, among which special im- But as we face the daily prob- portance is attached tothe trinity of lems of the Craft, and come in Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, contact with confusions in the tem- together with the second Trinity of ple not only in our jurisdiction, but Faith, Hope, and Charity. With the also in others; as we see older and aid of symbols from the sciences, and and leading brethren habitually dis' beautiful language provided by lite- regarding the principal tenets of rature and incorporated in our ri- Masonry in their relations with one tual, we impress upon the mind the another, rve are induced to wonder meanings of these tenets. whether more time and thought should not be devoted the Order ''W'e include the errors too. Turr lo ncrl pagr FEBRUARY, I97I 3 'to:the promotion of the prnctice purpose; Faith in our brethien and bf our tencts, in addition to their in the honesty of their intentions; initial teaching, in line with the great and finally, Faith in God. educational principle that theory We read in the Holy Book that and practice must go hand in hand. "a people without vision shall pe- The Holy Bible itself reminds us rish". A people without a vision is, that "By their fruits we shall know verily, a people without Faithl And them," which applied to Masonry so it is with individuals and insti- means that, only as we practice what tutions. Let us strenghten our Faith we preach in our ritual, shall the in our brethren, and smother Flate, ultimate objective of our ancient In. Prejudice and Suspicion in our stitution be attained. hearts, thereby laying a solid foun- Brethren, I earnestly appeal to dation for iVlasonic Solidarity and you to lead in the great movement Harmony. of practicing Masonic Principles, as With Faith, Ilope follows, spring- the best and enduring method of ing as the poet says, eternally in bringing back peace and harmony to the human breast. As we are from any temple in confusion. timre to time confronted with a Let us ever remember in our deal- disregard of Masonic principles by ings with one another that Brother- our own brethren, let us not lose ly Love is the essence of all impor- Hope in the ultimate triumph of tant religions, ancl is a basic tenet Truth over Error, of Justice over 'of Freemasonry, and that its sincere Wrong, of Love over rfate, of Gene- application to any difficulty among rosity over Selfishness. the brethren will pave the way for Charity, according to the Holy a solution. Writings, is the greatest of the three, Reliet is a test of Brotherly Love, for like Relief in the first trinity, for only as we are willing to help it is a test of the other virtues. Tcl a brother may our affection be practice Charity means not neces- proved. Relief, however, need not sarily the granting of material re- be of a material nature, for it mav lief; may mean the giving of Moral take the form of a wise counsel, a and Spiritual Relief to the brother kind word, a timely lvarning of ap- needing it. The Biblical injunction proaching danger', a willingness to "judge not that we be not judged" aid and assist. is an appeal for Charity in our deal- ings Truth is the basis of sincere deal- with others. The Golden Rule others ing among brethren. It is the enemy to do unto what we would they of gossip and slander and misunder- should do unto us is a manifes- tation of charitable artitude. standing. Many a difference among the brethren could be dispelled bv Charity also develops Tolerance, the Light of Truth. a characteristic Masonic attitude. It So much for the first trinity oI is akin to Sympathy which enables us understand brother's tenets as guiding stars of our Maso- to a point nic conduct. How may the other of view, and thus leads to Masonic Harmony and Cooperation, so essen- three tenets, Faith, Hope, and Cha- tial to the progress our Institu- rity influence us as Masons? of tion in a country Iike the Philippines Faith implies Faith in ourselves rvhere the organized forces o[ Intole- and in our ability to achieve our furn to page 3I


By EMIhANUEL E. GOCO (t22) ,, "If toa utotlc, upon marlJp, it w_ill perish; if on brass, tinte will eflace it; iI .we rear, temples,_they will crumble into d,ust; bat i.f we worli uytoi- norful' t!t1'!lds, ancl 'imbue thent usith just .principl99, wi,th the iear of God,:brigtttin ind, looa of. fe.llow.meit, xoe engroce on those iabl|ts somethiig tnat wilt tol aiL, etentity." - Daniel Webster As soon as a candidate for the The entire philosophy of Freema- degrees of Freemasonry affixes his sonry is built around rhe indivrdual signature in the by-laws of the - the erection of a moral edifice Lodge, he becornes a full-fledged within the heart of man. AII its Master Mason. Having been brou[ht symbolisms are irrdividual symbol- from darkness to light, he is now isms, all its traditions and practices way out of the dark; and rherefore, are geared at making individuals sees his way clear. FIe is aware, not wiser, better, and consequentiy hap- only of the rights and privileges he pier. is entitled to receive and enjoy from Every Mason is a lMaster-Builder, the Lodge, but he is also conscious He has all the qualities and rvork- of the duties and obligarions apperr ing tools o[ an intellectual and spirit- taining to his membership, iriter- ual builder. He builds moral and ested in the welfare of the Lodge Masonic edi[iccs with wisdom, which nurtured him, as well as loy-al-he strength, and beauty. .tsuilding mo- to the Craft. Speculatively, ral temples require long years o[ ceases to be a stone-Mason as he preparation and Iabor. It entails becomes a cathedral builder in hu- untold sufferings, sacrifice, and con- man hearts. siderable expens€ - but the product When a man becomes a Mason, is always rewarding. It took one two vital aspects are iriter-woven in- hundred long years for Noah tq to the pattern of his life. They'Char- are: build the Ark that saved the hu- (l) Search for Light and (2) man specie from total annihilation acter Building. The first connote$ by flood. Seven hard-working years the quest for knowledge and under- was the span of time that King Solo, standing of the meaning of li[e, and mon and his men spenr in building man's role in its unfolding drama. a temple for God. The second conveys the m6lding of As a temple-builder in the hearts character which will fit the iniivi- of men, he has but one solemn and dual for the responsibilities which sacred mission in life: to build face him in - his worldly pursuits,. not to destroy; to erect - not t0 and make him a better man and. wreQk;, and to' mend. ngt to tear: citizen. - : i. :. : r ti,ln to next pa!lc,: FE88UABY" .I97I 5 As a pillar of the lodge, he. plays build for others when he has not an important part in that gigantic even built for himself? His first mo' temple-building project in the heart ral obligation is to repair his own of humanity. Our ancient brethren house and mqnd its fences. He can- are themselves builders - not wreck- not undertake the repair of his ers. Being such, it should therefore, neighbor's house, if in his own the be always remembered that the crea' rain and sunshine fall directly into tive impulse is the soul of progress. his eyes. The different working tools pre- A Mason is not a Master unless sented in each of the symbolic de- he masters himself first. In the gree declares that there is much con- Sacred Book, we find this timely structive work to be done, especially injunction: "First cast out the beam in the direction of character and re- out of thine eye, and then shalt putation building. The underlying thou see clearly to cast out the mote lesson of industry is that great prin- out of thy brother's eye." We have ciple of const-ructive work as opposed to repair and mend ourselves first to that which is destructive. before we attempt to build and re- The beehive as an emblem of in- pair others. No man is a Master dustry recommends the practice of unless he masters himself. ffe must that virtue to all created beings, of necessity first apply to himself from the highest seraph in heaven, all the allusions and symbolisms of to the lowest reptile of the dust. his working tools. As a dot within It teaches us, that as we carne into a circle, he must properly be circum- the world as rational and intelligent scribed within its circumference - beings, so should rve ever be indus. by the compasses within due irious ones; never sitting down con- bounds toward all mankind. tented while our fellorv creatures In the erection of a TernPle, around us are in rvant, esPeciallY whether physical or spiritual, what when it is in our porver to relieve is of utmost importance is its foun- them without inconveniencing our- dation. The stronger the foundation, selves. the stronger the building will be. The s1'mbolisms o[ the First and The parable of the Builder teaches Second cleE;rees center around the us the two kinds of houses that a arts aud architecture. Their pur- man may build for himself. One pose is to teach the novice, not only built upon a rock, and the other io be a builder of himself, but a]so built upon the sand. The Iesson of society. As a Master-Builder, he tells us also what happened to each must of necessity first build his own of them when the storm came an(l moral and Masonic edifice. For with' the flood descended. This celebrated out building his own first, horv could illustration holds true in the life of he embark on such a great and im' man and Mason at these preseltt portant undertaking - that of build- times. ing temples in the heart of human- As speculative builders, there ity? Would he not fall victim to could be no better, stronger, and that old Tagalog saying: "Kung si- more secure moral foundation than no pa ang panday, siya ang sira ang that of a lVlason's. His foundation bahay." Would it not be the height basis is the infallible Word of the of ridicule and derision, if as a car- Supreme Being and Great Architect penter and builder, his house is in of the Universe - the HoIy Bible a deplorable state of ruin and dila- which is the rule and guide of his pidation? How could he possibly turn to prgo 32

It tlrc Grbloow fhJorrlphg ol L,rTc Ooco*al %t*ucpleao VW EUGENIO PADUA, PM (5t)


KAPILA (6th c. B.C.), Hindu teaches the strength of .humility and, philosopher, says that the complete the weahness of aggression. goal of man is the complete cessa- The sirnplest tion of pain... We can iim at this life is the besr. goal through philosophy... Though -All -Iiving creatures are rhe rip the body may suffer we can school ples of one united and infinite ocein the spirit to remain calm. of life. And every ripple musr be floating toward somethiirg "Let us look at life obpectively, good. as we look upon a play," he further Further: "When there is life, there says, and "everybody must suffer as is death; and when there is death, there is an actor in this drama of life." life. When there is -possi- bility, is impossibility; The philosopher can learn, as a .there and whcn there is impossiUitiry, ihere is spectator, to laugh at his own suffer- possibility. lng. Because there is right, there is wrong. Because thene- is MO TI or MO TZU (465-375 yro3g. -Because there is wrong there B.C.), Chinese philosopher of uni- is right." versal love, would gladly wear out his whole being from head to foot for his fellow men. "The unselfish lover," Mo Ti says, WB Calixto Antonio laid "has everything to gain and nothing down his working tool on Februarv to lose." 3. Funeral iervices was conduct- Selfishness is the source of all evil 9d gnder the auspices of Zapote - frof the greediness of a child to Lodge No. 29. the aggressiveness of a conqueror. The management and staff of The Cabletow expresses its Learn to conquer your heart and, dee-pe-st sympathies you shall win the entire world. to his family and friends. CHUANG-TZE oT CHUANG WB Antonio was a contribu- TZU (369-286 B.C.), a mystic, and tor to The Cabletow. He has one of the most brilliant of the written a number of informative philosophers of China, a contem- and enlightening articles over poryry of Mencius, and the leading the past years. disciple of" Lao-tze (604-517 B.C.);

FEBRUARY, t97t Dc/lrltcaro o/ /wet*aoo,.a? By CALIXTO 8.. ANTONIO, P.M. (29) De{inition of Freemasonry realis- a large segmerlt of the Craft is mis- tically has seldom been attempted taken in stating that it is fixed and but many assertions, oversimplified, unalterable. It is undoubtedly reli incomplete, and misleading were gion; it has a dogma; and it practices made. rites, though the religion is simple A standard dictionary of the Eng- and creedless and the dogma is mild. lish language defines Freemasonry "Religion's handmaid" possibly as an extensive secre[ order or fra- mcans that it is an aid to religion, ternity dating from the l\{iddle Ages, but rvhy religion should need assist- the memb,ets denoting themselves ance is not plauible. A definition "Free and Accepted N{asons" that rnust clescribe a thing so as to include hive secret signs and passwords. all its characteristics and exclude Comment: Freemasonry is not, re' everything that is not characteristic peat, not a secret order, fraternity, of it. Freemasonry has spread so or society. In the Philippines, the rvidely, has expanded into so many Grand Lodge of Free and AccePted degrees, and has undergone so many Masons is duly regi.stered rvith the changes, that it has been so diversely Securities aud Exchange Commission interpreted or misinterpreted. lvluch as a non-stock, non-profit fraternal of its doctrine has remained the corporation rvith the articles of in- same, remarkably stable, though corporation and byJaws aPProved many laws have change, ttre ceremo and certific,ate issued. The date, nies have changed, and doubtless the timg and place of meetings as well concepts of its memb€rs have as the activities of subordinate changed. Lodges are published in leading A detailed, extensivq and com- prehensive definition is: Freemasorr- newspapers. The members are proud is an oath-bound fraternal order' to be called Freemasons. ry There are brief definitions like; of men; deriving from the medieval fraternity operative Freemasons; l. Frcemasonry is a beautiful sys of adhering to many of their Ancient rem of rnorality, vciled in allegory Charges, larvs, customs, and legends; and illustrated by syrnbols. Ioyal to the civil government under Freemasonrv progressive 2. is a which it exists; inculcating moral science, taught by degrees only. and social virtues by symbolic appli- 3. Freemasonry is not religion, a cations of the working tools of the but is emphatically religion's hand- stonemasons and by allegories, lec- maid. tures, and charges; obligating the Comment: The morality Ma- of rnembers to observe principles of sonry is not veilecl at all, but is set brotherly love, equality, mutual aid forth in quite clear trnglish in the and assistance, secrecy, and confi- monitorial portion of the ritual. So dence; having secret modes of re- far from being illustratecl by sym- cognizing one another as Freemasons bols, a study of the abundant litera- rvhen ilbroad in the world; and meet- ture on the subject shows that it is ins in lodges, each governed by a qhe symtrols, themselves, that require Mastef, assisted by Wardens, where explanations. l'reemasonry is not a petitioners, after particular inquiry science, ancl if it is progressive, then Turn to page 3I

8 The Cabletow My interest rvas aloused when I THE learned that I\'fasonry teaches each member faithf ul allegiance to the flag, to the country and to its laws. As a Ialvyer it must ahvays be a part of my ccunsel to those who LAWYER seek advice unconclitional allegiance to the countl'y ancl the wisclom and necessity of obe,ving her laws as I must mysell

FEBRUARY, I97I 9 (Speech delioared by Defer*a Secretarg Juan Ponce Dnrile iluri,ng the In- etallation of Olficers of Bagumbavdn Loilga No. { on Jan. 27, 1971).

TTtaoooce? dcdd Oao Deruocoiotic Toadefuan


The orderly transfer of leadership Freedom demands responsibility in your Lodge is to me most signifi- for its ultimate preservation. It de- cant because it exemplifies a basic and goodwill to keep it alive in our process in our society; your ad- pends on men of maturity, of peace herence to the Constitution and By- midst. Freedom, priceless as it is, Laws of your organization, your sub- is also a dangerous thing because its ordination to authorityr /our respect very nature allows dissent. We are for the customs and precepts and all free to espouse any cause we em- ideals that guide and preserve your brace; we are all frge to give voice association-all these are but mani- to our sentiments, our creeds, our festations of what is basic and es- philosophies. We are free to act ac- sential to our society at large. cording to each one's wishes; to pur- I am stressing this point in view sue our own kind of happiness with- of a growing tendency to challenge out interference from anyone; to be- and if possible, destroy the orderly long to any association we desire; processes that are the foundations to assemble, and exchange ideas; to of our democratic way of life. broadcast these ideas and disagree It took the Filipino people cen- with others enthusiastically and with turies of struggle and sacrifice to conviction; and to petition for the achieve their freedom; so many of redress of grievances, availing of in- your Brother Masons led or took dividual and collective opinion to part in that great struggle. Notable achieve necessary changes and re- among them were Rizal, del Pilar, forms. Mabini, Aguinaldo, Lopez Jaena, All these are within the context Palma, Abad Sarrtos, and Quezon. of our law, of our Constitution; they This freedom they fought for so are very much a part of the orderly valiantly was anchored on national- processes of our society.. We can even ism, on equality, humanity, brother- change the Constitution itself, the hood, and on law and order. This fundamental law of the land. This, freedom will abide with us only if in fact, we shall proceed to do in we continue to defend it against four months' time. Flowever, and elements bent on its destruction. allow me to emphasize this: Freedom

IO The Cabletor is anchored on responsibility, and a lot of patience and a lot of doing thus is limited and cannot and on the part of everyone concerned should never be abused. We can act in order to surmount present diffi- freely in any manner we wish but it culties. Ffowever, let this observation must be within the realm of law not add to that gathering pessimism and it must be :rn act done by us that becloud the real situation in with full consciousness of the corre- our country today. Those rvho would lative freedoms and rights of others. see nothing but a dark future for Our actions must of necessity be tlre Philippines are underestimating guided by our responsibility to our. the capacity and determination of selves and our society. Dissent, the Filipino people in achieving therefore, means peaceful, not vio- their goals. They likewise fail to lent and subversive, dissent. To al. see or refuse to see the positive pro- low otherwise would be to allow the gress taking place in many sectors of destruction of the very freedom rve our national life. all treasure. For our own part, as Secretary of Changes and reforms are both National Defense, I can say with necessary and inevitable. The coun- pride and humility that our depart- try is in ferment; it is undergoing ment is pursuing its goal of pacifi- the process of development and as cation and progress as quickly as such is passing through critical its available resources wiil permit. stages. At no other time are we It is now evident that the dissident called upon to exercise the greatest problem in Central has been care and retsraint, sobriety, calm- defused; the hierarchy of its com- ness and patience in order to achieve mand has becn scuttled with the our goals. It is a chalenge to all of surrender and capture of top Huk us that we utilize all our crealive leaders. Hancl in hand with the energieq to mobilize our resources. pacification clrive, lancl reform, road To do this require that we avail of construction, and other civic action our commonly shared guiding prin- projects are paving the way towards ciples - cooperation, magnanimity, peace and propriety in the area and brotherhood, discipline, nationalism, in many other palts of the country. goodwill, sacrifice, and all the other More and more, 1ve are stressing the virtues that forge the bond of all civic action projects, fully aware of humanity. This may seem rhetori- thc reality that it is only when the cal to some, but I knorv that you civilians truly rallv behind our e[- and your association rvill bear me forts, will lve really attain our aims. out that without these so-called ab- Our overall target is to maximize stract words of conciuct, progress and ^ the eflectivity of the Armed Forces peace shall be illusive. Tirese vir- of the Philippines as a guardian of tues have kept and preserved your civil rights and as a vanguard in association through centuries and developmer.rt. shall continue to do so. Likewise, The success o[ our projects creates this applies to tlre societv and hu- no sensational headlines and is often manity at large. times downgraded by certain sectors, The problems of clevelopment rhar but the campaign rvill continue with- confront the nation are indeed mani- out let-up, believing as we do that fold. Some of these are critical prob- concrete achievements cannot be lems. Solving them cannot take place lvashed away by adverse criticism by overnight, as some section wbuld a few. The majority of the people, insist. It would take, aS I said beforg Tura to ptgc 27 FIIRUARV, t97t II (A tribute, in behqll of the Masons of the Phil:ipphr.es, bg lll. Dom;iu,go C. Bascara, 33o S,G.LG.) DE,AN CONRADO BENITEZ-

Dean Conrado Benitez knocked at ticing "with malice toward none and lhe .door of Masonry in 1914, was charity to all." Indeed,:he lived well. elected master of his Lodge in 1918, r\nd now he is dead. But is death Grand Master of Masons of the Phil- the end oI usefulness of a good man? ippinesr in 1936; coroneted the 33o No, it cannot be the end. in 1949, and crolvned Active Mem- lVfasonry teaches us that it is only ber in 1950. FIe was elected Sover- the beginning, because it is the Dead eign Grand Commander of the Su- who Govern. The Living only Obey. preme Council 33o irr 196l the high- Their beneficent influences widen est of[ice in Scottish Rite Freemason- out from age to age, as rivulets widen ry, a position he held until his deatlr. into rivers. Christ died two thou- His predecessors in llasonry were sand years ago, and yet today con- Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Apoli- tinues increasingly to govern our nario Mabini, Marcelo H. del Pilar, minds and spirit and to illumine the Antonio Luna, Graciano Lopez Jae- rthole world. Rizal, Andres Bonifa- na, Antonio Luna, Dr. T. H. Pardo cio, Mabini, Del Pilar, Quezon, Abad de Tavera, Jacobo Zobel, and others. Santos and Recto are dead, and yet Among his contemporaries in the our beloved country, besieged as it fraternity were Emilio Aguinaldo, is by our own folly, manages to hold Manuel L. Quezon, Rafael Palma, on together because these dead gov- Jose Abad Santos, Felipe Buenca- ern our hopes, our dreams, and our mino, Ramon Diokno, Teodoro M. aspirations for a better land and a Kalaw, Miguel Unson, Wenceslao better tomorrow. Trinidad, and Manuel Camus. And now, to the glory of our race These honored names constitute rye shall add to the list of revered the illustrious leaders and heroes in Filipinos the name of Conrado Be- our revolutionary struggle for jus- nitez, whose benelicent influence as tice and freedom and in our evolu- a man of moral integrity, virtug tionary quest for Iiberty and inde- patriotism and humanism, will be a pendence. growing inspiration, and whose dy- Inspired by his predecessors and namic image will be driving forie bound by fraternal ties and love of for Filipino youth to conrinu; from country and fellowmen with his con- where he has left, his incessant en- temporaries, Conrado Benitez dedi- deavors for national unity, educa- cated 56 years of his life in the Ma- tion, and social justice. Our nation sonic labors of seeking for the Truth, decply mournl-l-hq passing of a grear teaching Brotherly Love and prac- man, a great Filipino, a great Mis6n_ * Eul-ogy delivered ty ll.l- Domingo c, Bascara, g3o representing group among twerve othefs civic ald.deparhients of trru Republic of the Philippines in neireologicai F;-;""*,'il;i,'ir s"rvic"s tor At- U'i.' ili."4;;;,io Benircz, BBo, sovereign Grand commanirar of the supreme d;;;il tsr, li. ir;:s.R. masonrv of the Repubric of the. philippines of Free- ofthePhilippineWomen,sUniversitylManila.,':;"; .la""a"i d,- is,ii' it ?ii'.i-B"iirr'ilir, r2 ?he,'tdiletriril GRAVEL AND SAND 4 o?"port o, 4otonic oflatiqitiet OLF

MARANAW IODGE NO. TII man for Lanao del Nortg and Judge The officers of Maranao Lodge No. Moises F. Dalisay of the Court of ll1, F & A.M. were installed on First Instance of Lanao del Norte. Jan. 9 in the Lodge hall of said Ilro. Glicerio Lim, Senior Warden, Lodge. Leading the crop of officers in making the welcome address, re- for l97l is WB Benito Ong, who was counted the achievements of Mara- installed for his third term as Wor- nao Lodge No. lll, under the lead- shiplul Master. Earlier, in 1950 and ership of lVB Benito Ong, specifi 1951, WB Ong had served in the cally in the year 1970, as follows: same post, a two-year stretch. In the Lodge gained the most number 1969 he started a second series ancl of new members in its thirty-five this time his brethren gave him a year history; established a chapter three-year stretch. of the Order of Eastern Star and a bethel Daughters; backed Others installed with trVB Ong are: of Job's the organization of Iligan Lodge Bros. Glicerio Lim, Senior Warden; the of Perfection, AASR; air-conditioned Fortunato Lopez, Warden; Junior the Lodge Hall; cleveloped a team of Alfonso Caffete, Treasurer; and WIJ. degree workers and a corps of lec- Maximo P. Echiverri, Secretary, who turers among the younger members has served as such time for almost of the Lodge. immemorial. Appointive officers in- stalled are: Bros. Nlanuel L. Battung, Musical numbers in the program Chaplain; Marconi C. Paiso, Senior were furnished by the Jobies and sisters of the Eastern Star. The hall Deacon; Kosain Maranda, Junior Deacon; Danrel E. Tuazon, Auditor; was crowded with guests and mem- bers of brethren. M Tirso R. Fernando, Senior Stewarcl; families .t.,n" - Henry K. Ang, Junior Steward; Eu- logio S. Gaspar, Marshal; Arturo C. Lim, Gregorio C. Dy and S. Daniel TODGE NO. Serate, Lecturers; pa- 48 Gerardo B. INSTATTATION dilla, Orator; Te Bok, Almoner; an<[ WB's Gervacio Riconalla, Organist; Pampanga Lodge No. 48, F. & A.N,I. Heury B. Innis, Tyler. held its public installation of offi- cers at the Central United Methodist VW I\,I. Lagahit, PM, t62 and Jose Church (Rev. C. V. Mercado IvIe- Grancl Lecturer, install- Junior was morial) in San Fernando, Pampanga ing officer. Ffe rvas assisted by WB on Jan. 9, 1971. Manuel V. Pangilinan, ,PM, I'll, as Master of Ceremonies. Speakers VW Alejandrino A. Eusebio, -Mohamaclat Jun- the ceremonies were: lVB ior Grand Lecturer, was the Install- Ali Dimaporo, PM, and Congress. Turn to pagc 30 FEBRUARY, t97I .t3 (O]ISTIIUIIOXAL (O}IYTNTIOX DILEGATES

This is the list of delegates-elect to the constitgtional convention who are members of the Craft.

District No. 2 Laguna l David Puzon for Cagayan P. Guevara Avenue, 60 Broadway, Quezon City Sta. Cruz, Laguna (High Trvelve Lodge No. 82) (Pinagsabitan Lodge No. 26) District No. 3 2. Honofre Restor for Occidental l Jose Calderon lbr Nueva Mindoro Yizcaya San Jose, Occidental Mindoro 512 R. Palma Street (\findoro Lodge No. 157) San Roque, Cavite Ciry 3. Artemio Lobrin for Batangas (Nilad Lodge No. 12) 254I Fuentes, Singalong District No. 6 (Primera Luz Filipina No. 69) l. Romeo Capulong for Nueva l)istrict No. 14 Ecija l. Loreto Valera Cabanatuan Citv La Carlota City, ( Lodge irIo. 73) Negros Occidental 2. Rebeck Espiritu ( Lodge No. 64) 6 Limay Street, N{andaluyong, l. Tating Sangkula for Jolo, Sulu Rizal Scott Rd., Jolo, Sulu (Island Luz Minerva Lodge No. 5) (Ilud Daho Lodge No. 102) District No. 7 District No. 16 t. Amado M. Yuzon for Pampanga I. Cicerio Calderon 124 Srreet, Quezon City Silliman University, (High Trvelve Lodge No. 82) Dumaguete City District No. l0 (Nlagat Lodge No. 68) I. Juanito Remulia for Cavite District No. 24 Imus, Cavite I. Manro Baradi for Pangasinan (P-rimera Luz Filipina No. 69) Hongkong & Shanghai Bldg. ?. Alberto Jamir for Cavite Juan Luna, Manila Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite (High Twelve Lodge No. 82) (Primera Luz Filipina No. 69) 2. Felix M. IUamenta, Jr. District No. I I Tayug, Pangasinan I. Rustico de los Reyes, Jr. for (Agno Lodge No. 75) . a

A 'TAXING' RHYME Steve Allen, asked if he was wearing Now he's a common, common man, toupee, replied, "The hair is real-it,s the head that's fake." Tax him ! Tax him all you can. a Tax his house and tax his bed, '!ir* Tax the bald spot in his head. An Internal Revenue Service man, asked birth-control pills Tax his bread and tax his meat, if were deduc- tible, replied, if they don't work." Tax his shoes clear off his feet" "Only Tax his pipe and tax his smoke, **{. Teach him governrnent joke. If the bell of intolerance tolls for one, is no it tolls for all. Fred Foster of Seidcl Canbg qu,oted Siloer City, Idaho -Henryby Mark Van Doren l4 The Cablaorr Or TTUaoorla tdtaear vw A. L coRcuaA

72. lVho as Grand Orator d,eliuered an address on "The Three Lesset l.ights" at the 4th Annual Communicatian ol the Grand Lodge of the Philippines? MW \Milliam Hendrickson Taylor, PGM, then Grand Orator. The ad- dress was printed in the Proceed,ings of the 4th Annual Communication on February 8; 1916, pages ?2-?8. The printed address was illustrated by three diagrams showing various ways of arranging the Lesser Lights. 13. When was the Grand Lodge ol the Philippines incorporated? The articles of incorporation were certified on September 15, L915' as a non-stoek corporation. The purposes stated in the application for incor- poration are: (a) To ineulcate the principles of ancient free and accepted Masonry; (b) To issue charters to, and preserve the reEularity of :r11 Masonic Lodges within the Philippine Islands; (c) To acquire, own, administer, sell, and transfer such real and personal property as may be necessary for the use of the corporation. 74. Did the Grand Lodge of the Philippines euer grant a chartet to a Spanish-speaking Lodge of Filipinos? Yes. Biak-na-Bato Lodge No. 7 was granted a dispensation on No- vember 11, 1916, by Grand Master William Hendrickson Taylor. It rvas given a charter on February 14, 19L7. 75. How many of the Filipitto Spanish'speaking Lodges under the Grande Oriente Espafiol came uider the iurisdiction by "affiliation" of the ()rand Lodge of the Philippines on February 1), 1917? Twenty-seven (27)'ind numbered consecutively from 12- to 38' Nilad" t.he oldest Lodge in the'Philippines, became No, 12 and Bulusan, the third of the three Lodges "en instancia" (under dispensation), became No. 38. 76. What is the first ouersees Lodge organized bv the Grand Lodge of the Philippines? Charleston Lodge No. 44 at Agafi'a, Guam in 1919. 77. To zohat does the rite of discalceation allude? The first explicit ailusion is contained in the Booh of Ruth (4:7) which says, "Now this is the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor: and this was a testimony in Israel." The implied allusion is to the voice heard by Moses from the burning bush on Mount lloreb, which said, "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the -place where whereon thou standest is holy ground." (Excdus 3:5) Pythagoras is said to have taught his discipl-es "offer sacrifice and worship with thy shoes off." It is an ancieut custom in the Orient to remove the shoes when entering any holy place, 78. Is there an a'llusion in the preparation of the candid,ate for initia- tion to the rabbinical clirection for entering the Temple? There is a close analogy bet'ween the preparation of a candidate for initiation and the Talmudic prescription for entering the Temple: "No man shall enter into the Lord's House with his staff [an offensive weapon], nor with his outer garment, nor with shoes on his feet, nor with money in his pocket." to be conlinued in mrl irsur

FEBRUARY, I97I 't5 GEORGE J. REID - Born Septem- PASf bet 24, 1893 in Pawtuckett, Rhode fsland. He attended Brown Univer- sity and late transfered to a medical ORAND ilASfENS School in Massachusets to Iinish his Doctorate Degree in Nfedicine. He received his Master of Arts in Chem- il0tilllAlE , . . istry degree in New York and his Doctorate degree in Chemistry North Carolin.a. He is at plesent one o[ the sup- plier of chemicals to the local tex- tile industry. Ffe was initiated, passed and raised in Barney Merry Lodge No. 29 in Parvtuckett, Rhode Island.

At a rneeting oI Past. Crand NIas- He is an affiliate member of Cor- ter held February 4, three candidatcs regidor Southern Cross Lodge No. 3 for Junior Grancl \\'arderr were no- in Manila where he became a Past minates. Master. He was declared a Life The norninatiotr 1r:us intendecl i\fember in 1953 and became the merely to suggestion to assist the Treasurer of Corregidor-southern- Cross Lodge No. the brethren in electing thc Junior 3 up to presenr Grand Warden in Aplil 21, i971. His Masonic life is a well rounded It does not in any \ray eliminate one. Ffe is actively involved in Scot- the basic traditional ytrocedure of tish Rite Masonry and York Rite (ir';rnrl electing tlre Jtrnior lVarden Masonry. He is a Past Venerable from the floor. Master of Mount Arayat Lodgc of Perfection of the Manila Bodies, A. & A.S.R. and a Past High Priest of the Luzon Chapter R. A. I\,I. He is also a Past Worthy Patron of l!ta- yon Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. An active Shriner, he is a mem- ber of Alcazar Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. in Montgomery, Alabama and a member of the Supreme Council ot the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Philip- Prnes. WB Reid is the Treasurer of the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Chil- dren, and the Charity Committee of the Supreme Council. He is a Co-Chairman of the Scottish Rite GEORGE J. REID Luncheon Committee.

t6 The Cabletow FIe was corrferred the 32o, MRS in the I\fanila Bodies A. & A.S.R. and is-at present serving as Expert of.the i\'Ianu Chapter of Hose iroix, First Lt. Commandcr of Confucius Coun- cil of Kadosh and Preceptor of thc Gautarna Consistory. He is the Grand lV[arshal o[ the Grand Lodge of the Philippines and a member of the Auditing Conrmit- tee o[ the Grand Lodge.


JOHN O. WALLACE - Born Au- gust 31, l9ll in Honaker, Virginia. He received his Bachelor o[ Science in Electrical Engineering in 1936 at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is at present the Senior L{an- ager, General Services Department of the Manila .Electric Companv. In 1941, he was in acrive duty irr JULIAN DAVID McELROY, JR. the Infantry and Signal Corp. until 1946. In 1943 to 1945, heiaw action JULIAN DAVID I\{cELI{OY, JR. - in the Southwest Pacific Theater o[ Born December 28, 1932 at Ho- WW II. He got his honorable dis- rvard, Florida, USA, the only son charge as Major a in 1946 and re- of Julian Davicl McElroy, Sr, a Build- tired from active Reserve o[ the ing Trades Superintendent and Ano- nited States Army in 1962 lvith the nia DuBoise McElroy, a Registered rank of Lt. Colonel. Nurse and Medical Administration WB Wallace was initiated Novem- Director. ber 20, 1956, passed January 8, lgsz After attending secondary schools and raised February lg, lg57 in Ma- in Naples, Florida, and following nila Lodge No. l. He served in the two tours in the military service, chairs of the Lodge and was elected Brother McElroy studied at the Uni- its Master for the year 1962. He was versity of Florida in pursuit of a a member of the Board of Trustees degree in Law. His studies were in- of the Lodge in t96B-1964 and t96b. terrupted by a recall to active mili- [.Ie served also in various committees tary duty, where he has since served of the Lodge. continuously. rurn lo pag.o 3o FEBIUARY, I97I t7 Satctd Rac Scdtat

r(rraal %eetco2 o/ l6e Sapneu* @*raC

The 2lst Annual Meeting of the The Chairmen of the Committees Supreme Council of Ancient and Ac- on Finance, Education, Charter and cepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Charity rendered their reports. The in the Philippines was held February council voted to accept the reports ll through 14, l97l at the Scottish as read. Rite Temple 1828 Avenug l\ta- Taft The Secretary General read the nila. names.of the brethren who have been Ill. Camilo Osias, Sovereign Grancl honored with the title of Knight Commander opened the Supreme Commander of the Court of Ffonor, Council at 3:00 p. m. He was as- Inspectors General Honorary ancl sisted by the officers and members Active I\fembcrs of the Supreme of the Council. Council who wcre elected to fill rrp After the Council was opened, vacant positions in the Council. Masters of the Royal Secret rvere in- Those elected Knights Cornrnander vited into the hall. of the Court of Honor were: Henry Ang Hessing, Luzon Bodies; Rizal Sovereign Grand Commander The Daquila Aportadera, Davao Bodies; extended a rvarm rvclcome to the de- Gabino de Castro, Philippine Bodies; legates present. Lorenzo Espinelli Cruz, Davao Bo- A roll call of thc Bodies was made. dies; Donald Victor Finney, Luzon The Grand Secretary General certi- Bodies; Benjamin Chua Gotamco, fied that there was ;r quorum. Luzon Bodies; Vicente Reyes NIen- doza, Cavite Bodies; Manuel Oro A rninute of silent prayer was ob- Obligacion, Panay Bodies; Alexan- served in rnemory of the late Sover- der Yuchay Ong, Zamboanga Bodies; eign Grand Commancler Ill. Conrado Gregorio Cagasa Niduaza, Philippine Benitez. Ill. I{aymond E. \{ilmarth, Bodies; Doroteo Almirol Parong, Ilo- Grand Irlinister of State deliverecl cos Bodies; Isaac Serrano Puno, Jr., the Eulogy. Luzon Bodies; Ricardo Pacheco Ru- The Sovereign Grand Cornmander bin, ,Panay Bodies; Amado Carpio Ill. Camilo Osias delivered a shott Santos; Cavite Bodies; Juan Aquiles allocution. Sarenas, Davao Bodies; Godofredo Saydon, Northwestern Luzon Bodies; The report of the Grand Secre- and Gene Allen Wykle, Luzon Bo- tary General followed. dies. t8 The Cabletow The brethren elected to receive that conducted the investiture cere- the rank and dignity of Inspector rnonial were: General Honorary were: Vicente Bai- Bro. Guillermo V. Nladridejos, 32o lon, Visayas Bodies; Marcial Bonca KCCH - San. Grancl Comm,an- de la Cruz, trVestern Luzon Bodies; der Carlos Inigo, Davao Rodies; Roman Kamatoy, Southern Luzon Bodies; I3ro. Richard S. Hart, 32o KCCH and Lee Sin, Northwestern Luzon - Grand Prior Bodies. Ilro. Honesto R. Nuncz, 32o The following rvere clected to oc- KCCH - Gtantl Clmnccllor cupy the positions of: Sovereign Bro. Juan C. Nabong, Jr., 32o Grand Commander, Ill Camilo Osias; KCCH Grand, llinistcr of Venerable Lieutenant Commander, State. . . Ill. Macario M. Ofilada; Grand Bro. Inocencio N. Rosete, 32b Chancellor, Ill. Cenon S. Cervantes; and Grand Minister o[ State; Ill. KCCH - Grand Chaplai,n Raymond E. Wilmarth. Bro. Emiliano O. Ozaeta, 32o KCCH Gr. llaster Ceremo- Highlighting the first day o[ the - of nies session was the speech of His Excel- lency Henry A. Byroade, American Bro. Romulo B. Quesada, 3P Ambassador to the Philippines. KCCH - Grand Herald At the resumption of the meeting Bro. Oscar L. Fung, 32o KCCH - during the second day, the chairmen Grand, Tyler of the different committees also ren- At the fraternal banquet in the dered their reports. The supervisors Gabriel Dimanche, Rector, Church their of the different Bodies made of the Holy Trinity lvas the guest state-of-the Bodies reports. speaker'. IIe tvas introduced by The ceremony of investiture of Ill. Charles A{osebrook, S. G. I. G. the newly elected Inspector General Honorary was held. Ill. Jose L. Valeircia, Grand Chap- lain gave the invocation arrrl the The guest speaker for the second benediction. day of the session was the ambassa- dor of Great Britain to the Philip- Ill. Domingo C. Bascara presided pines, H.E. John Noel Ormiston over the ceremonies at the banquet. Curle. The Scottish Rite Chorale and the In the afternoon of the third day, Ladies of Melody rendered musical the investiture ceremonies of the numbers. newly elected Knights Commander Ill. Camilo Osias gave the closing of the Court of Honor. The team remarks.


The wise man learns more from his enemies than the fool does from his He has a right to criticize who has a friends. heart to help. - Jacques Deoal - Abrah.am Lbtcoln



(Delit:ered, u;lrcrt lrc taas installed, Wor. Master otl lloilo-Acacia Lod,ge No. 71, lloilo Cita, JanuarY 16, 19fI)

At no other time is a Mason more lvould take the better part of this seriously alvare of his obligations, evening, but any such attemPt would his duties and responsibilities than be unsuccessful. As Masons we know when he is elected as Worshipful it better by the practice of human Master of his Mother Lodge, and to moral realities as we see them in our serve Freemasonry and his Brethren. daily living. I appreciate the honor you have As. Joseph Fort Newton aPtly said, conferred upon me and I thank you "It is a dome of many colored glass all sincerely and most profoundly which stains the bright radiance of for the trust and confidence you have Eternity. If the glass were not reposed in my humble person by ele- stained the light would. blind us, vating me to the East, to occupy the still we seek clearer lenses to look Oriental chair and to serve you this upon the reality, which makes all Masonic year 1971. I feel I should oiher reality, real. Masonry is the not thank my brethren for electing thin shadow of something very great, me Master of our Lodge, for as I!Ia- the full meaning of which we may sons I feel that our irearts rejoice not know until we pass beyond ttrese together in unison. IVIy feeling of shadows into the light." elation is equally theirs, and that The unity of and the enthusiasm our minds are focused on the same displayed by Masons, in the love for goal that of keeping the light of what is right and for what is just, Masonry aglow and brighter with has often drawn criticisms lrom var' the passing of the years. I owe a ious religious faiths, in the mistaken debt which I can repay only by liv- belief that Masonry is another faith ing-up to their lVlasonic expectations that would rival and threaten the of me. Whatever honor or success existence of those faiths. Masonry, maybe bestowed on me as a Nlason my friends, is not a religion although are equally theirs. So my brethren, iti members are religious men of the suprerne honor shines not only various persuasions irrespective of in the East tonight. It radiates in race, creed, and color who unite in all corners of this Lodge. For, hav- a splendid conjunction of spiritual ing been elected to this exalted po- dissimilars. This is made Posible sition is an honor that shouid be by a voluntary rejection of dtscords lhared with my brethren, their fam- the iement of tolerance. ilies and our friends. Thus, this venerable fraternity has To define IVlasonry and the phil- been enacted on the imPregnable osophy of its morality not only bed-rock of brotherly love. Herein

20 The Cablelow lies. the strength of .IVfasonry. No dence of the ljnited Srates of Amer: one can become a Free and Accepted ica in July, 1776 were Free and Ac- Mason, who does not. acknowledge .a cepted Masons. George Washington, belief in God, the immortali[y of the the father of his country was an ar- human:soul and the existence of a dent Mason, and many of his genl future life. To us Masons, GOD is erals, among whom, a .Frenchman, the SUPREME ARCHITECT of the Quoting MWB. Raymond Wllmarth, IJniverse, by whose HANDS the de- PGM, of the Grand Lodge of the sign of this world has been accom- Philippines, "we in Masonry have all plished and through whose,will and ways held th4t Masonry is not a re- pleasure His plans are manifested. ligion but that through its teachings all its children share in the life these of a way of life, a man, by becoming resources make possible, if we work a Mason should become a better for a Brotherhood of Men under the man. If such a man where a Catho- Fatherhood of God. This is the task lic, by becoming a Nlason he should of DEVELOPIVIENT. Along with become a better Catholic. There- the securing of peace this is the fore, I hold, there are Catholic NIa- major moral and spiritual challenge sons, and these are the Masons who of our time. Let us work together being Catholics have become better for peace and we know that 'the new Catholics through becoming NIa- name of peace is DEVELOP- sons." MENT"" Pope John the XXIII opened the I submit that Masonry in the minds windows of the Vatican to Ecumen- of many, including our friends, er- ism. For him, love was the neces- roneously collnotes some form of sary spark, the flame of Ecumenism, mysticism. I further submit that it and the answer to the problem of is much more than that; if one calls unity. Pope John, practiced in a the practice of universal love and most unique way the words Christ brotherhood among men a mystic spoke a few moments before he died. art, for love and brotherhood trans- He said "Little Children, a nel\, cends all human faith and under- commandment I give you, that you love one another; have loved standing. The theme of .N{asonrv in as I you. By this, will all men know that all ages has always been the Brother- you are my disciples if you have hood of Men under the Fatherhood love for one another." Let me read of God, and the principal tenets of to you an address delivered at the Masonry being Brotherly Love, Re- Harmony Lodge of Perfection, the and Truth. Nlasonic te- lief These Luzon Bodies, Ancient and Accepted nets brought men together, in a bond Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, last that ;persecution, defied densure, and March 28, 1970 by the Rev. Fr. untold hardships, when freedom- Pedro S. de Achutegui, S.J. In the peoples, the throes na- loving in of conclusion of his address he said, tion-building, found a battle cry in "We are definitely in an ecumenical Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. age. The prayer of Our Lord that A battle cry that resounded in the 'all might be one' is a prayer that, walls.of the Bastille, within ttre ram- now may be fulfilled at least at one parts of Washington's Valley Forge, level, if the reSources of the earth and echoed by the immortal. pens are organized in such a way that! of our Bro. Jose Rizal and Bro. Gra- Marquis de Lafayette, were Masons.' ciano Lopez Jaena. Nearly all who Simon de Bolivar, signed the Declaration of Indepen- "t ,Yt:";",yff, FEEBUARY,. I97I 2t Mason. Guisseppe Garibaldi of isnr that guided our forefathers are Italy who was banished for his Ma- nowhere to be found today. This is sonic beliefs only to return to Italy now supplanted rvith self-justifica- to unify his country was a Mason. tion for the commission of more evil, Jose Marti of Cuba who like Bro. the perpetuation of power, and he Jose Rizal was shot and killed for dispensation of political patronage his Masonic beliefs of fraternity, in lieu of time-honored principles equaliqr and liberty, was a Mason. of fair play and common decency. Gen. Douglas i\{acArthur, Liberator Nol we have not corrupted ourselves of the Philippines was a dedicated beyond redemption, but as you calr Mason. In time of national distress, see we the people have, in many when freedom fighters were needed ways, allowed these things to hap in our counry, Freemasonry wa$ not pen, by our indifference, by our self- wanting in leaders. From its folds delusion and by not standing up to emerged to become national leaders he principles of right and justice. We have allowed ourselves to be - Bros. Jose Rizal, Marcqlo H. del Pilar, Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, blinded and carried away by elo- Antonio Luna, Vergel de Dios, Abar- quence and rhetoric, by a blind obe- quez, Andres Bonifacio, Apolinario dience to political and material pre- Mabini, ancl in more recent times, servation, and by the magic of poli- Manuel Quezon, Jose Abad Santos, tical names whose whose.only claim Manuel Roxas, Emilio Aguinaldo to greatness is a big political follow- and a host o[ other equally illus- ing of sycophants and favor-seekers. trious Filipino leaders. Passing men- I would Iike to reiterate the faith tion is made of these Masonic lead- and philosophy of Brotherhood, ers, not to impress you that all lead- from the Masonic point of view as ers in the world are Masons, but to stated'by Bro. Joseph Fort Newton, remind us of their Masonic virtues a 33o Mason, and I quote: "First, which should serye as be-acon lights the Masonic view of life obviously to all Masons rvhere-so-ever dispersed. means that we are in this world to The fight is not over yet. The build something, to do something, privilege of citizenship affords us and to become something. God made the protection of life, liberty and the the earth, the sea, the sky, but He pursuit of happiness. The framers made no roads, built no houses - of our Constitution at that rime, man must build these. Second, if were governed with the hi€fhest mo- man is to build with any hope of ral sensibilities and little. did they permanence, he must build upon the realize that moral decay would set will of God, otherwise his house rests in and obliterate the sincere inten- upon the sand and the floods will tions of the present Constitution. sweep it away. Third, he cannot For no amount of amendments can know the will of God, much less do correct and properly safeguard the it without the help of God, which rights of citizens if they themselves every degree of Masonry teaches him have become indifferent, such that to invoke by prayer and also by keep- some people display almost a cer- ing him within the midst of its by tain willingness to violate the laws obedience and fidelity. Fourrh, the of the land under whose protection manifest will of God is for the unity they live. While we are aware, very of mankind, and His purpose is aware, of our privileges, we shun the BROTHERHOOD - History being attendant responsibilities. The ideal- ?urn lo p.g. 24 22 llre Ceblorrr 1da twa*a,l ?Claa(d Naus and Yicut ott thc Eanmenical Mwement

PAPAI. AWARDS The rally was sponsored by the Christ-Centered Pope Paul VI will confer honors Crusades and the Manila Cruzada Church of Christ. on six priests and nine laymen of The evangelical activities is part the Archdiocese of Manila upon re- of a seven-day crusade in Manila. commendation of Rufino Cardinal J. This was revealed by Diego R. Ro- Santos. mulo and Roman The public information office of C. Pel, coordina- tors of the crusade acdvities. the archdiocese has announced the The rally featured two world lead- papal honorees and their respective ing evangelists, Joe Garman and Low awards: Mason of the United States. Domestic prelate-Msgr. B. Joe Jose Garman is the President of the Seoul Cruz of Marikina, and Msgr. Ar- Bible Seminary in Korea. He was cadio Pascual of San de Trozo, Jose in the Philippines in 1868 when he Manila. conducted several evangelical cru- Private chamberlain-Msgt. Bene- sades in the Greater Manila area Arroyo San Rafael, Pasay dicto of and the provinces of Rizal and La- City, Msgr. Flores of San An- Jose guna. He is at present touring coun- Bukid, Msgr. Isidro of Ba- dres Jose tries in the Far East conducting Msgr. Feliciano San- lic-Balic, and evangelical crusades. private secretary. tos, the Cardinal's Low Mason is a popular radio-tv Knight Sylvester-Dr. Roman of St. singer in the United States. He Mabanta Sr., Erestain, Teoti- Jose toured the United States before Dean Espi- mo A. Roja and Jesus coming to Manila. ritu. The l3-week crusade will cover Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice-Camila Manila, Cavite, Rizal, Laguna, Al- Narciso, Rosario Angeles, Vda. de bay, Olongapo, the Ilocos Region, and Aurea Santiago. Dino Mindanao, Davao, and Min- Michaela IVIontemayor. Quezon, Papal citations are awarded to doro. Mayors and governors where ral- clerics and laymen who have ren- lies be held be invited as dered meritorious services the will will for opening speakers. Each rally will church and its apostolate. Dailg Mimor last for seven days. - *

NATIONWIDE EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES FOR SPACEMEN CRUSADE Jesse Steward, a cook and Baptist The kick-off evangelical rally was Minister conducted brief church held recently at the Sunken Gardens Services for the Apollo 14 astro- of Manila with Mayor Antonio J. nauts quarantined at the lunar re- Villegas as keynote speaker. Turn lo noxt page

FEBRUARY, T97I '2? Tho Officers of Bud Da,Iro Lodgo No. 102, f'. & A.M. ln itrolo, Suhr" Seated aro (l€It to right): Bro. Jim Say Yap, Bro. Muss Izquierdo, WM Suy IIan Tan, Bro. Juanito Bruno, Bro. Ifussin Sahiruan. Standing aro (left to riglrt): Bro. Ceferino, Bro. Alex Tarq Bro. B. Villareal, Bro. M. rlm, Bro. B. Tengbal, Bro. N. fsahae, Bro. T. Lim, Bro. S. Harljinrl, and Bro. B; Wee.

a a

ECUiIENICAL. . From page 23 AG!,I[AR. .. From page 22 ceiving ccnter at the Space Center the record of the desperate struggle in Houston, Texas on February 14. Ior fraternity against the solitariness and selfishness of man." Astronauts Alan Shepard, Jr., Stuart Roosa and Edgar Mitchell fn conclusion, our IIIWB Nfanuel delayed their debriefing schedule in Crudo, PGM of he Grand Lodge shows lrhat, $ras termed to be "a short pray- of the Philippines, succinctly how er ancl thanksgiving service." The the theory o[ love can and must be made He says "there tlreme service was giving concrete. - of the can be no peace within any man if the thanks for the safe return of he thinks only of himself, talks only astronauts. about himself, and worries only of Mitcheli Astronants Roosa and what others think about him." True from Pres- also got ;r valentine gift lasting happiness can be attained on- ident Richard Nixon in the form of ly if we illustrate in our daily lives promotions. I{oosa is nolv an air the creed of Masonry which is serv- lvlitchell a navy force Colonel and ice - senice for the'good of our fel- captain. Such promotions are rou- lorvmen without couirting the cost. tinary for astroni[rts in the military. nor expecting any material reward Sheparcl was promoted to navy except the self-satisfaction hat one captain after he made the first has performed his duties well to the manned flight in 1961. glory of GOD.

24 The Cabletow Vldi Oca ?aqng O*o


The Officers of Pcrla Assembly Guam and Okinarva \{as prcsent dur- No. l, Order of the Rainbow for ing the rites. Girls rvere installed in public cere- r I monies at the Scottish Rite Temple recently. BETHEL NO. 2, IOJD Installed were: Eleanor B. Roque. INSTATTATION trVorthy Advisor; Lorna Ramos, Wor- L'he .24th installation of officers ol thy Associate Advisor; Kay Eliseo, the Bethel No. 2, International Or- Charity; Claire Miravite, Hope; Eve- der of Job's Daughters was held Jan- lyn Grimare, Faith; Marilyn de Guz- uary 19' l97l at the Jose Abad San- man, PWA Treasurer; Susan N'Iala- tos Hall, Plaridel Temple, Manila. hay, PWA Recorder. Installed were: Belinada F. Fontal- The appointed officers were also Iera, Honored Queen; Grace Amis- installed were: Bessie Malahay, Chap toso, Senior Princess; Erlinda Cuna- lain; Rennalie Tatlonghari, Drill may, Junior Princess; f,loisa Garcia, Leader; Djerizza Cruz, Love; Lorna Guide; Guinivere Velasco, Marshall. Buhat, Religion; Nancy de Leon, Imelda Fontellera, Chaplain; Jose- Nature; Immortality; Phoebe Navar- fina Gonzalez, PHQ, Treasurer; Tri- ro, Immortality; Margarita Juico, nidad Aquino, PHQ, Recorder; Ra- Fidelity; Edith Faith Suaco, Patriot- mona Magtoto, Musician and N{iner- ism; Zenaida de Guzman, Service; va Alcala, Librarian. May Ven-turanza, Confidential Ob- Ruthie Galina, l-irst l{essenger; server; Elizabeth Roque, PWA, Out- Geronima Ludan, Second Messenger; er Observer; Julia Tenant, Ir{usi- Dorothy Tubban, Third l\{essenger; cian; Clotilde Bondad, Choir Direc- Ruth Kaiser, Fourth Messenger: tor; Saisy Miravite, FIag Bearcr and Grace Aquino, Fifth Messenger; Dai- Prompter. sy Villongco, Senior Custodian; Gra- Elizabeth B. Roque was the In- cia Santos, Junior Custodian; Ednir stalling h{arshall and Marilyn de Ramiscal, Inner Guard; and Loidir Guzman rvas the Installing Worthy Rollolazo, Outer Guard. Advisor. The Installing Officers were: Tri- Sis Fe Abarquez-Suaco is the nidad Aquino, RHQ, Installing Of- Mother .r\dvisor. Bro. Purifico Y. ficer; Ladie Nympha Edralin, PHQ. Palomo of Bagumbayan Lodge was Installing Guide Norma Majaba, In- chosen Rainbow Dad for this term. stalling Marshall; Elfieda Edralin, Mom Alice Bellis, Suprepe Deputy PIIQ Installing Record6r; Melanie oI the Order for thc Philippines, Yurn lo pagc 3O

FEBRUARY, I97I 25 Ara 4o? t4ten2 ?ada77 Ni KAP AGUSTIN GAIANG, N.G.

Tinatanggap ng lahat na maka- una ang Mason ay isang erehq di pagtamo na ng kahustuhang liwanag, sumasamba sa Diyos, kalaban ng na walang dalawang tao na maka- Simbahan, ang simulain ay rebolu- pag-iisip ng parehong-pareho. Arg sionario, anB mga aral ay salungat isang pangkat ng mga Mason ay na- sa katarungan at moralidad, kaya niniwalang ang ating magagandang pinagdududahan at pinangririmari- aral ay dapat na manatili lamang man. Ang lahat ng mga upasalang sa loob ng ating Templo. Ang iba iyan ay kagagawan ng ilang mga naman ay matatag ang paninindi- pare. Hindi nila gusto na magka- gan na ang Masoneria'y itinatag na roon ng isang Kapatirang ang mision may dakilang pakay - ang magsa- ay magmulat ng marang nadidimlan bog ng liwanag sa mga nasasakarim- at magpalaya ng inaaliping kaisipan. lan at magpalaya sa mga isipang na- Ngayon, sila'y nagiiba na, gawa ng sasakaalipinan. Dahil diyan ang kan- Dakilang Papa Juan. yang magagandang aral ay dapat na Ang tunay na kahalagahan n_g Ma- matamo ng mga maharlika sa pala- soneria sa pagpapaunlad ng Sanka- sio, gayon din ng mga dukha sa mga tauhan, ay hindi makukuha sa pag- dampa. Ang pagpapalaganap ng a- tatanghal ng makukulay na kasuu- ting simulain ay hindi nararapat na tan, tuwing instilasion, paglilibing o magkaroon ng hangganan sa kan- parada, o sa kasanayan sa mga pa- yang pagpapahalaga. Kung magka- mamaraan o seremonia. Nakikita kagayon, ang tiyak na katuturan ng ito sa gawain ng bawat Mason - atrng mabubuting layunin, ay hindi ang kabutihan ng pakikisama, ang lubos na masisimsim, ng mga mala- pagkamaunawain at handang maki- layo sa bayan, doon sa mga liblib na pagtulungan sa lahat ng mga gawa- pook na tinatawaran ang katotoha- ing tungo sa ikauunlad ng komuni- nan ng ating Kapatiran. Nagdaan dad. ang panahon na ang isang IVIason Ang dakilang hangarin ng Ma- ay pinangingilagan, ni ayaw pakisa- soneria ay gamitin ang kanyang im- mahan, sapagkat ang mga IVIason ay pluensia sa pagpapataas ng morali- eskomunikado. Sa mga taong sina- Turn to pago 3l

26 fhe Cabletow ENRIIE. . . From pagc ll This is linked directly to our prob- lem o[ development; rehabilitation especially those in the rural areag after the advent of calamities in- have a better perspecdve of what is is tegral to the and happening in this country. It is on building preserva- our society. is just this that we pin our hope that pro- tion of This one projed where national cooperation gress is very much within our reach. needed. This underlines our theory that is Many other problems would require similar solutions. civilian cooperation and participa- And all the solutions will depend a great tion in community progress will ul- deal for their success on mutual co- timately decide the direction na- of operation among our people. tional development. Grave as some This cooperation we need and of the problems of development are, seek will be possible only after a they necessitate a unified and com- redirection of attitudes on the part bined effort among the populace. of our people. First, they must real- We have, example, been for pro- ize that they share common goals, the posing establishment of a nation- common ideals; our history, our tra- wide rescue and rehabilation net- ditions are such that there should work that witl mobilize civilian re- prevail that boncl of brotherhood. sources, amply supported by the gov- Secondly, they must accept the ernment, in the event of calamities, fact that our problems, critical as such as typhoons and floods and some of them might be, can be solved earthquakes, which periodically de- and should be solved only within vastate parts of the country. The the context of law and order; to clcr proposal takes into account the fact otherwise would be to rvorsen thc tha such rescue and rehabilitation situation and invite chaos and anar- effort will be much more effective chy, so pernicious to our freedom. if it combines civilian manporver and Thirdly, there must develop that resources. This follows our tradition- feeling of kinship, of mutual coop- al concept of bayanihan, and it eration, of individual and collective pushed through successfully, will initiative in tackling the problems further strengthen the unity and at hand; they have to do away with solidarity among our people. Your that overdependence on government association, so firmly rooted in which breeds nothine but indolencc brotherhood, can perhaps discuss this and indifference. proposal among yourselves, ancl Fourthly, they must be convinced should you find it meritorious, act that only through active and full on it in concert with other like- participation in community and na- minded groupings in the country. tional affairs can they expect to solve You can see the urgency and neces- their problems arrd enjoy the pros- sity of launching such a project, perity and blessings of an indepen- knowing as you do the dire need for dent people. such an organization in the light of And finally, as they pursue these the constant calamities that cause goals, they must constantly remind widespread suffering and destruction themselves that no success is easily in our midst. Your association has achieved without sacrifice, without always responded to calls o[ distress great struggle, without patience and durirrg such calamitous times and I discipline, fortitude, vision-a com- am therefore confident you will give plete dedication to their tasks. this proposal serious consideration. Tura lo rurx| p.g.

FEBnUARY, t97l ?7 ENRil"E. .. From page 27 bayan", so historically meaningful, the I am heartened to share these ob- not only of past but of the pre- servations with you; who I know sent and the future. Linked to hero- are men whose precepts and ideals ism in the past, it also conveys the combine the best of human thought meaning oI "new nation," and "new and aspirations. The creed that people." I would therefore expgct steers the course of your actions is the newly installed officers and the premised on the dignity of man, on members of out society into a new justice, truth, freedom, and moral- nation, b new'people. Such a devel- ity. Your late Brother and Grand opment is very much lvithin our Master, the brilliant and eminent grasp as long as we adhere 'to the Teodoro Kalaw, in speakirtg about time-tested and orderly processes that the ideal life sought try the Filipino strengthen and preservebur democra- people, described it as one in'which tic way of life. prevailed "... justice and truth for It is a life we have chosin. It is all; in which there is no hatred, but a Ii[e handed down to us by the men love, no division of classes, but fra- and women who struggled at the ternal cooperation, no monopolies sacrifice of their own lives that we for the few, but opportunities for may enjoy its blessings of freedom. everybody, and in which all will un- To preserve it is our obligation. derstand that morality is not ex- So much has to be done and so pressed irr words, or even thoughts, much can be done if we cooperate but in daily deeds, in every indus- mutually for the benefit and the trial, commercial, agricultural activ- progress of the nation. ity, in every phase, in short of hu- I urge you all to take the lead man existence". in this endeavoi and I am confident I must also take note of the sym- you will. bolic name of your Lodge, "Bagum. aaa

NACORDA. .. From pagc 9 CONSTANCY sponsibility that I constitute a part By ELPIDIO A. ADALIA of Masonry's chain to immortality no matter how minute and insigni- In loving kindness, ficant and that chain could not be God remembersl stronger than its weakest link, I do That we are His creatures, not want to be that weakest link. Understands withal No doubt every Mason must have Our nature, promised the same. So let it be saidl Our texture, Let it be writtenl Let it be donet Our consonance with the grass, Our congruity with the dust" A truly lovins Father, He knows our needs; TRUTH AND BEAUTY And even we get wayward, Or too foolish to pray, Love of truth: shows itself in this, He makes His love that a mah'knows how to find and Constantly available. value the good in everything. -JOTTANN W. V. GOETHE

28 :'llihe'::GsUefor TIIE CABLETOW, INC. Plaridel Masonic Temple 1440 San Marcelino, Manila

NOTICE OT ANNUAL MEETING OF THD CORPANATION TO ALL MEMBERS; NOTICE IS HERqB_y GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of rhe cabletow, rnc. will be held on ApRr.It zg, 1971, at B:00 p.M. at the office or the Catt"to*i R-oom-14, 9{orl_d .Floor _New'construction, plaridel Masonic. Tempie, raaolSari Marcelino,- Manila, for the purpose of eleeting the trustees of the corporation and for the transaction of sueh other businesl that may properly com6 before tbe meeting. you cannot attend tb". said meeting, kindly accomplish and sign the - If_ proxy le-lginbel-ow and return the same without delay-said so th;t it will reich the Office of the Cabletow at least 48 hours before the meeting

JUAN C. NABONG JR- Secretary



_ TIIAT I, lhe qq{srsisngq-I{EMBER-SUBSCRIBER of The Cabletow, Ine. and its magazine THD CABLETOW, do hereby name, appoint, and constitute

- o$f*,"* A;;il ;-;i ;il;;;;;;-;i r;; J;'u, *r*" *UP, f, .,1u" 3"111* me name - and in my and stead, at the Annual Meeting of the corporation to b-e held o:r Apri! 28, 1971, at 3:00 P.M. at the Office of the Cabletow-, Room 14, Ground Floor New Construction, Plaridel Masonic Temple, 1440 San Marcelino, Manila. In case f am present at the said meeting, this proxy shall stand suspended during the said meeting. In ease the hereinabove-named proxy shall not be ahle to attend the said meeting, I-hereby authorize and emporver- the Chainnan of the said meeting to fully exercise all rights a smy proxy at the said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed thrs document on this day of






:'/ GRAVEI AND... Fronr page 13 PAST GRAND I,IASTER. ..From pesc 17 ing Officer and WI3 Dominador R. Brother McElroy entered Masonry Escosa, Master of Ceremonies. in May, 1963 at , in The officers installed are the fol- Leonard Wood Lodge #105, and lowing: Generoso Q. Sison, Worship- served as Worshipful lVlaster of his ful Master, Simeon Torralba, Senior Lodge for the year 1965. He is a Warden, Orlando S. Nicdao, .funior member of Luzon Bodies A. & A.S.R. Warden, Amado L. Sadsad, Treas- and Islam Temple, AAONMS. He is urer. Venancio G. I{eyes, Secretar,v, a former Naib High Sherrilf of Clark Eliseo Y. Bngay, Chaplain, Arnulfo Oasis, AAONI,IS and is presently W. Cruz, I\{arshal, Abraham Pa. Vice-President of the Ft. Stotsenberg Gorospe, Senior Deacon, Tomas H. Scottish Rite Club. IIe was appoint- Grivas, Junior Deacon, Horacio S. ed Grand Orator of the Most Wor- Mendoza, Auditor, ldilberto K. Lac- shipful Grand Lodge in September son, Almoner, Conrado P. Ongbue- 1970 following his leturn to duty co, Lecturer, Salvador G. Dabu, His- at Clark Air Base. torian, Gregorio M. Castro, Jr., Sen- Departing Clark in December ior Steward, Romulo Ma. Sarmiento, 1966, Brother McElroy served mili- Junior Steward, Ruben F. Santos, tary combat tours in Thailand and Organist and Alejandro N{. Diwa, the Republic of Vietnam as a com' Tyler. bat news editor and documentary V\{/ Edgardo A. Ramos, District film director. He holds the Bronze Deputy Grand l\.{aster, I\{asonic Dis. Star Medal for meritorious perfor- trict No. 7, rvas the main speaker. mance of duty in combat in Viet- Brethren from other Lodges as nam. Brother McEh'oy is presently rvell as families and friends of the serving as Director of Network Tele- members attended the affair. vision for the American Forces Phil- ippines Network, headquartered at Clark Air Force Base. YOUNG ONES... From prgc 2l Brother McElroy is married to the Suncuaco, Installing Musician; Leila- former Josefina Asuncion of l\{anila. ni May Velasco, Installing Chaplain; The McElroy's have seven children, Natalie Dacanay, PHQ, Installing Se- {our daughters and three sons. nior Custodian; Jesusa Ludan, PHQ, Installing Junior Custodian; Noel Ri- vera, Flag Bearer; oI the Jose Abad Santos Chapter, In- The Honor Gtrarcls rvere members rernational Order of DeMolay.

GRAND LODGE OF THE PHILIPPINES 1440 San Mareelino, Manila NOTICE OT' MDETING Notlce is hereby given that the annual rneeting of this Corporation wiu be held on April 27, 28, E 29, 19?1 at 4:00 PM, 1440 San Marcelino, Manila" for the purpose of electing tho rnernbers of the Board and transact- ing such other business as nray properly come beforo it ESTEBAN MUNARRIZ Secretary

30 The Cabletow ANTONIO... From page s GALANG. . . From pegc 26 into their mental, moral, and physi- dad at-palawakin ang kabatiran ng cal qualifications, are formalli ad- sosiedad. Tumuklas ng likas na ka-- mitted into the society'on in secrel cere- runungan at isabog ang mga butil monies based in parf old legends nito-sa karamihang-tao; at sa pama- of the Craft. magitan ng pagtitiis at tiyaga ay ma- fn modern times, the Fraternity ikalat ang ginintuang aral at prin- has spread over the civilized por- sipio para sa kabutihan at kagala- tions of the globe and has experi kan ng katauhan. enced some mutations in its organi- zation, doctrine, and practices; so Dapat na ituring na kabanalan ng that Lodges have come to be subor- lahat ng Mason ang sinumpaan ni- dinated to, or constituent of, Grand lang tungkulin na itanim sa isip ng Lodges presidecl over by Grand Mas- mga karaniwang tao ang mga maka- ters, each sovereign with a given na- Diyos na aral ng Masoneria. Isinu- tion, state, or political sub-division, lat ng isa sa ating magigiting na Ba- and there is generally, though not yani na: "Itinakda ng historia na universally, inculcated in, and de- ang Masoneria ay maging apostol ng manded of the candidate, who or- pagsulong at ng kalayaan." At sa dinarily seeks admission of his own gayun ding paniniwala, ang Kap. n:r Iree will and accord a belief in a Marcelo H. del Pilar ay iminung- Supreme Being and, less generally in kahi na "Sa Pilipinas, ang Masoneria immortality of the soul, the Holy ang siyang karapatdapat na lider ng Bible or other Volume of the Sacred kilusan ukol sa ikatutubos ng ating Law being displayed in the Lodge Inang Bayan. Dapat na magpunyagi and used for the obligation of the sa pagpapalaganap ng pagibig sa ka- candidate during his course through layaan, pagkakapantay-pantay at ka- the three degrees of Entered Ap- tarungan. Ang lahat ng mga ito ay prentice, Fellolv Craft, and Nlaster kailangang makintal sa ating kaisi- Mason, the last including the legend pan, manalaytay sa ating dugo, tu- of King Solomon's Temple and Hi- mibok sa ating mga puso at maila- ram Abif. rarvan sa ating mga batas." Iyan din It is of simple and fundamental ang matayog na mithiin ng Malala- character, a religion without creed, 1,a't TinanggaP ": nn^r:r. oI no sect, but binding truth; it is moral but not pharisaic; it demands sanity rather than sanctity; it is tol- erant but not supine; it seeks truth, BENITEZ. , . rrom pase 4 but does not define truth; it urges rance are trying to undermine the the votaries to think but does not Efuman Rights guaranteed in our tell them what to think; it fosters Constitution. education but proposes no curricu- Brethren, on this sacred day, let lum; it is moderate, universal, and us firmly and solemnly resolve to so liberal as to permit each indivi- practice the tenets oI Freemasonry dual to his form and to express his in the solution of our common Ma- own opinion, even as to what Free- sonic problems. masouy is or ought to b.e, and to -THE CABLETOW, May, 1936 invite him to improve it if he can. page 210' fEBRUARY, l97r 3t GOCO... From pagr 6 the different stations of life before he is ultimately made a N{aster Ma- tenets Freemasonry faith. The of son and a Master-Builder. and his working tools denotes dura- bility, strength, and beauty. His Brethren, mav I conclude by pos- obligations remind him of the prc- ing these important reminders? Are cautions he must observe, :rnd the you building your house upon the propriety he should exercise, in or- rock of assurance and eternal sec- der to avoid and prevent untoward urity, or upon the sands of doubt incidents or disasters that could be- and uncertainty? Have you divested fall the edifice. He has to be watch- yourself o[ all roughness and super- ful at all times, errer l'ememberine fluities of life to make you fit as a the many valuable things that he living stone for more noble and glo- learned from the Craft, for the main- rious purposes? tenance and preservation of that Building "houses eternal in the moral and spiritual edifice. heavens" is our business. The house Structural-building is easier tlrltn you are building now may be your character-building. In structural- 'omansion" forever in immortality. building, the plans and specifica- Why not build with wisdom, tions are drawn. The strength of strength, and beauty? No less than materials ascertainecl; ornaments alld the Builder of the Universe made decorations designed; and the time this unconditional promise to each of completion deterrnined. But char- and every believer: "In my father's acter-huilding is a delicate and fasti- house are many mansions; if it were have told you. go dious job. It requires complete mo- not so, I would I ral renovation of the individual * to prepare a place for you; I will rejuvenation or nelv spiritual birth. come again and receive you unto mY' Complete spiritual revival and moral self; that where I am, there ye may regeneration is necessary. In thc be also." Lodge, the new initiate must be Brother, are you a builder for guided ancl properly vouched for by eternity? Our trust and faith being his guide "by the benefit of the in God, that is rvhat tve are or hope pass." He has to be conducted to ,":

NOTICE OT' IIEETING I[IO: ALL IIIDhIBERS OF TIrE ACACIA MUTUAL ATD SOCIETT, INC. Pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 1, Art II, of the By-Laws as amended, you are hereby notified that on Monday, April 26, 1971 at 10:30 A.M., the annual general meeting of the regular members of ACACIA willi be held at its office located at the Plaridel Masonic Temple, Manila. Fraternally yours, (Sgd.) L. R. SALVOSA Presid,ent & Actuoty

32 The Cabletow Glirllr-D LODGE OFT'ICEIiS

Gratitl |llaster Edgar L. Shepley Deputy Grand lllaster Damaso C. Tria Senior Grand. lVarden ' William C. Councell Juttior Grand Warden Ruperto, S. Demonteverde Grand Treasurar , Cenon S. Cervantes G'rantl Secretary Estcban Munarriz Assistant GratLd SecretaryT Mateo D. Cipriano Grartd Chapluin Augusto P. Sautos Grat;d. Orator . Julian D. McElroy, Jr. Grand Mat'slLall , . John Wallace Gratid Stattd,ard Bearer Leon C. Domingo Graud Stcord Bearer George M. Reid Grattd Bible Rearer Jose Ma. Cajucom Senior Grand Lecturer Ilermogenes P. Oliveros Junior Grand Lecturcr Juan Causing Iunior Grand Lecturer Lorenzo E. Cruz Junior Grand Lecturcr Alejandro A. Eusebio Senior Grantl l)eacon Domingo F. M. Domingo Jun.ior Grand Deacon- Gene A. Wykle Senior Gratid Steward. Benjamin Gotanrco .Iunior Grand Stcward, Oscal L. Uy Grand Pursuioant Frank L. Jison Grand OrJyanist Aneel S. Montes Grut:d Tyler Eulogio O. Nadal

BOARD FOR GDNERAL PURPOSES 1. Cenon S. Cervantes, PGM President 7. Jose C. Velo, PM 2. Vicente Y. Orosa, PGM, Vice President 8. Charles S. Mosebrook. PGM I 3. William C. Councell. SGlY Secretary 9. Raymond E. Wilmarth, PGM 4. Damaso C. Tria, DGM 10. Mariano Q. Tinio, PGM 5. Ruperto S. Demonteverde. JGW 11. William H. Quasha, PGM l- 6. Esteban Munarriz, PGM, GS 12. Manuel M. Crudo, PGM REGIONAL GILA,TiD LODGE OT- TIIE RYUKYU ISUTNDS Kennetll A. Rotness, Regional Grand, Master llurray V. Harlan, Jr.. Regional Deputy Grand trIastcr !1 illiam P. Schrvager, Regional Seni.or Grand lVarden Ernie L. Albert, Region.al Junior Grand, Ward,an Cleveland McConneli, Regional Grand, Treasurer \Yallaee H. Morris, PRGM, Regional Grand, Secretary


D:stricl No. .. Damaso C. Tria Dislrici No. 14...- Valerio V. Rovira District No. . . Leon A. Baiez, Jr. Districl No. 15 ..., Sanliago L. Chua Dis?rict No. . . Sotero Torralba Dislricl No. 16 .... Lim Kay Chun Distiict No. . . Juan F. Sanlos Disrrict No. 17 ,.., Felix Cab,:rian Districl No. . . Caslor Z. Concep:ion Distric't No. l8 ,... Carlos lriigo District No. 6.. . Doroteo M. Joscn District No. 19 .... Luis M. Sirilan District No. 7.. . . Edgardo Ramcs Distric, No.20 .... John S. Homburg q District No. . . Desideric P. Hebron Districl No.2l .... Kennelh M. Crabtree Dislrici No. 9.. . Lorenzo N, Talatala District No.22 .... Chester S. Deptula District No. l0 .. . . Eliseo P. David Disrrict No.23 ..-- Rufino S. Roque, Sr. Districl No. ll .. . . Ricardo C. Buenafe DistrictNo.24,... Clemente M. Nava Districl No. 12.. .. Cesario Villareal Districr No.25 ,... Aniceto Belisario Districl No. IJ . . Gregorio S. Lagumen Disrrict No.26 .... Guinaid M. Guiani ACTION RENEWAT lf all the sleeping folks will wake up, And all the lukewarm folks fire uP, And atl the dishonest folks will confess up, And all the disgruniled folks will sweelen up, And atl the discouraged folks will cheer up, And all the depressed folks will look up, And all the eslranged folks will make up, And all lhe gossipers will shut uP, And all the dry bones will shake uP, And all ihe lrue soldiers will stand up, And all the church members will pray up- THEN you can have lhe world's greaiesl renewal.

_ R]CHARD CARDINAT CUSHING Archbishop of Boston