7, lnThislssue THE CABTETOW INC. EDGAR L. SHEP'TEY Chairman GRAND MASTER'S PAGE RAYMOND E. WITMARIH EDITORIAL 2 Vice-Chairman - THE PRACTICE Oi MASONIC JUAN C. NABONG, JR. TEN:TS . .. MW Corrado Benitez 3 Secrerary BUILDING FOll ETERNITY Bro Emmanuel E. Goco 5 RUPERTO S, DEMONTEVERDE Treasurer C.ALMNESS, UNSELFISHNESS . VW Eugenio Padua 7 DEFINITIONS OF FREE. OSCAR T. FUNG . \./B B. 8 Business Manager MASONRY . Calixto Ar:lonio THE LA\ /YER AS A MAN . Bro. Rogeiio Nacorda 9 DIRECTORS: MASONRY AND OUR D;MOCRATIC TRADiTION .. Hon. Juan Ponce En;ile l0 DAMASC C. TRIA N. B. METOCOTON DEAN CONRADO BENITEZ . lll. Domingo Bascara 12 JOSE E. RACETA wil.tlAM C. COUNCEIL TORENZO N. IATATAI.A CON.CON DELEGATES 14 ,\T.ARIANO I.UCERO ON MASONIC EDUCATION .. -. VW A. L. Co:cuera 15 f PAST ORAND MASTERS NOMINATE 16 EDITORIAL STAFF: SCOTT;SH RITE SECTION 18 UNITY THROUGH BROTHERLY RAYMOND E. WITMARTH LOVE .. ...... WB Abelardo Aguilar 20 Editor TH: ECTJMENICAL WORLD 23 O3CAR T. FUNG WITH OUR YOUNG ONES Managing Editor . 25 PTTAK Pil-tPtNO .... 26 SAMUEI P. FERNANDEZ Associate Edifor CONSTANCY Bro. Elpidic Adalia 23 GEORGE A. ERFE Staff Photographirr CONIRIEUTORS; Published monfhly by The Cabletow, lnc. in the interest of the Grand lodge of thr Philippirs. Officc MANUET M. CRUDO of Publication: Suite 12, Plaridel Tcmph Annex, IORENZO N. TAIATALA I44C San Marcelino, Manila D-406, Tel. 59-71.85. Re. AURETIO TEYNES CORCUERA enlered as second class mail mallsr at lhe M.anila Posl AGUSTIN t. GATANG Office on June 15, 1952. EUG:NIO PADUA 1 NESTORIO B. METOCOION PROSPERO PAJARITTAGA This publication is made possible by annual con. EMMANUEI. E. GOCO tributions of Master Masons on tha rolls of the Grand ETP,IDIO ADATIA Lod3e of the Philippines. Qaad %,utar'o ?a?c MW CONRADO BENITE'T, PGM With the untim.ely d,emise of Dean Aonrarlo Benttez, cannes the challenlle of the new generatian of Masans to prass onward. MW Corwarlo Beruitez became a Master Mason at the age of tuenty-three in Bagumbayan l"od,ge No. .4, F. & A. M. the Lod,ge's first canl,idate. Due to his profi,ciency and, his- o,ctiue parti,cipation i,n Lodge a,cti,uities, his bretltren elected, him Junisr Warden the same gear he saw th,e kght of Masorwy in 1911.. 7978 saw hi,nt, seraing in the Oriantal. Cheir of his Lodge. Eighteen Aears Later he was electe(l Grand, Master of the Most Worslui.pful Grand, Lodge of Free an'd, Accepted, Mosan^s of the Phikppines. He lteld ih,wl membersluip in, Lodge Perla del Oriente No. 7N.A, S. C. MW Benitez joined the Scottish Rite in 1916 ond became a Master of the Royal Secret i'n, 1919. As ona ol tlte,orgqinnzers of the lruzqn Bodies, A. & A. S. R., he serueil as i.ts first Vene- ro.ble Mastsr. In 7987, the Mather Council of Southern Juris- ilictian, U. S. A. hnnorad, ldm with tha title of Knight Com- rwnd,er of the Court,of Hanor and, in 1919 he was elacted" to receiue the 33' Inspector General Honorary. In 1950 Dean Benitez wos crowtLeil Souerei.gn Grond Inspector General attil an acti,ue mernber of the Supreme Cwnci,l. He was elected Soaereign Grand, Command,er in 7967 upon the resignation of Illustrivus Frederick H. Steuew. As a Mason, Dean Cotwado Benitaz serued, tlw FratemitA fw 57 Aears. His accotnplishments as a statesmatl, educator, jou,rnalist, ciatc lcod,er, and, a Master Mason are beacon ltghts for u,s to emu,late. At 81, his feraor fw d,oing good, for his coutntry, his people, end his brethre,yL ure still unabateil. Iw deed,, MW Beruitez has left us a d,aep aoid, th,at is hard, to filt but it is fur us th,e.l;iui,ng who haae to co,rry on where lle hfrs teft off. FEBRUARY, T97I 7 tdttoual: ,VIRTUS JUNXIT MORS NON SEPARABIT" "A young man oughl fo have something old about him, iust as an old man musl have a touch of youth. Age will only be rerpecred if it fights for itself, mainlains its own rights, avoids dependence and asserts control over its own sphere as long as life lasts. Hence, whatever the age of his body, in spirif, a man will never be old." Thus said Cicero. The above siatemeni is a fitting desciption of our Past Grand Master, Dean Conrado Benitez y Francia. Don Conrado \ /as a man who refused to grow old. And he never did. ln the trrilight years al 81, he continued to thare his time and strengt} in behalf of the higher ideals and character building philosophy of Freemasonry, and has teft us with a record of good deeds to voice his farne"- A couple of years ago, Dean Conrado Benitez was awarded the Pro-Patria Award by President Ferdinand E. Marcos in recog. nition of his achievements in the fields of education, economic and social reforms. When he was called to his reward on January 4 of this year, he was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scotiish Rite Masons. To his lasl year, he involved himself in civic affairs and continued serving the youth in ihe field of educalion as Chairman of the Board of Truslees of rhe Philippine Women's University, the first university for women in Asia. We will miss the physical presence of Dean Conrado Benitez for there is only one Dr. Conrado Benilez. But what "virlue has united, deaflr can never separale" - Virtus Junxit Morc Non Separabit. s. P. F. The Geblefor This is the only articla of MW Conrado Beruitea that was publ;istwit in The Cablptou iluring his tenn as Grand, Master in 1956. We are repriniing the same as it appeareil in the Ma,gs, 1gB0 issue ?he of Cablatow. - Ed. THE PRACTICE OF IIASONIC TENETS' By MW CONRADO BENITEZ On this solemn occasion when we And truly, to the neophyte pass- commemorate the martyrdom of the ing our portals for the first time, the Greatest among the Apostles of Hu- noble principles of our Craft and manity, may I invite you to reflect the inspiring idealism of our Order upon the fundamental problem fac- are striking notes reaching the cons" ing Masonry in the Philippines and ciousness. The deep sense of aPPre. other countries of the world. To the ciation manifested by the newly ex- Knights of the Scottish Rite such a alted Brother as he responds to the discussion is especially proper and Master's invitation to address his fitting because of the advanced brethren of the Lodge, is evidence training to appreciate human pro- of the effectiveness of our ritual blems in terms of Masonic tenets in teaching the tenets of Freemason- and principles. ry. Our ritual is indeed a valuable We all know that lVlasonry is an landmark by means of which a rich earnest and noble effort to inculcate legacy is bequeathed from genera- upon its members all the human tion to generation. virtues, among which special im- But as we face the daily prob- portance is attached tothe trinity of lems of the Craft, and come in Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, contact with confusions in the tem- together with the second Trinity of ple not only in our jurisdiction, but Faith, Hope, and Charity. With the also in others; as we see older and aid of symbols from the sciences, and and leading brethren habitually dis' beautiful language provided by lite- regarding the principal tenets of rature and incorporated in our ri- Masonry in their relations with one tual, we impress upon the mind the another, rve are induced to wonder meanings of these tenets. whether more time and thought should not be devoted the Order ''W'e include the errors too. Turr lo ncrl pagr FEBRUARY, I97I 3 'to:the promotion of the prnctice purpose; Faith in our brethien and bf our tencts, in addition to their in the honesty of their intentions; initial teaching, in line with the great and finally, Faith in God. educational principle that theory We read in the Holy Book that and practice must go hand in hand. "a people without vision shall pe- The Holy Bible itself reminds us rish". A people without a vision is, that "By their fruits we shall know verily, a people without Faithl And them," which applied to Masonry so it is with individuals and insti- means that, only as we practice what tutions. Let us strenghten our Faith we preach in our ritual, shall the in our brethren, and smother Flate, ultimate objective of our ancient In. Prejudice and Suspicion in our stitution be attained. hearts, thereby laying a solid foun- Brethren, I earnestly appeal to dation for iVlasonic Solidarity and you to lead in the great movement Harmony. of practicing Masonic Principles, as With Faith, Ilope follows, spring- the best and enduring method of ing as the poet says, eternally in bringing back peace and harmony to the human breast. As we are from any temple in confusion. timre to time confronted with a Let us ever remember in our deal- disregard of Masonic principles by ings with one another that Brother- our own brethren, let us not lose ly Love is the essence of all impor- Hope in the ultimate triumph of tant religions, ancl is a basic tenet Truth over Error, of Justice over 'of Freemasonry, and that its sincere Wrong, of Love over rfate, of Gene- application to any difficulty among rosity over Selfishness. the brethren will pave the way for Charity, according to the Holy a solution.
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