
How went the extra mile to ensure better returns with real-time pricing data

Brussels Airlines is the flag carrier and the largest of , based and headquartered at . It operates to over 120 des�na�ons in , North America, and Asia and also offers charter services, maintenance and crew training. It is a member of the as well as the Interna�onal Air Transport Associa�on.

The history of dates back to 2002 when a group of about 40 investors created mother company SN Air holding. The primary aim of the investors was to ensure the con�nuity of a reliable air connec�on to and from Brussels, the capital of Europe. Brussels Airlines is backed up by 80 years of Belgian aeronau�cal experience. Customer Challenge

In the hyper-compe��ve European market with rising avia�on costs, Brussels Airlines had faced successive years of revenue losses and the revenue management team was tasked with making Brussels Airlines more compe��ve. At that moment, Brussels Airlines faced the following challenges with rate intelligence

Unavailability of unique and tailored data Low quality of accuracy and for Brussels sufficiency of data

Lack of market insights on the ranking of Inability to track inclusive tour rates the airline’s rates vs. OTA rates for the being sold as retail rates using airline’s own flights on the leading meta discounted airline inventory for search sites as well as smaller local ones package deals

Poor support in resolving issues

How Brussels Airlines moved forward with AirGain Brussels Airlines tried quite a few service providers to get the right intelligence however; they con�nued to face challenges before beginning a rela�onship with RateGain.

Using AirGain Brussels Airlines was able to

Get Unlimited On-demand Reports: Act faster with Configurable Brussels Airlines had the control to get Dashboards that provided fresh rates at any �me by asking for an Market Posi�on on i�neraries on-demand report in case there was a that were most important For sudden market shi� Brussels Remain Compe��ve by tracking Check Availability and Compe��ve fare on the cheapest flight across every specific routes channel Benefits

Access to Accurate prices that travellers A dedicated support team for saw while booking on any OTA/Meta or trouble shoo�ng any data issues or third party site inconsistencies

Be�er and more effec�ve decision making Faster �me to market by leveraging on pricing strategy dashboards to get instant insights

Pricing is driven by awareness of competitor activities and initiatives. Thanks to RateGain our awareness has increased and it has helped us in pricing our products better in comparison to our competitors. The quality of data as well as the support received from the team is exceptional

Thomas Krause-Ablass Head of Revenue Management Brussels Airlines