TORTELLO DI PATATE in Mugello is in the Tuscan region and has lived for centuries under the rule, and in the shade of the city of THE OSPITALITY THE HISTORY THE LAND . A nature holiday between history and art. CHEESES The Mugello countryside is beautiful in Quaint, ancient, intricately constructed consolidate their power in the area The territory of the Unione Montana Lamone basins, you find Upper Mugello all seasons: the best way to experience it towns are situated fairly close to surrounding Florence. Numerous dei Comuni unites two geographic with such centres as , is by staying in the finely restored ancient one another along the flow of the important structures and fortresses, areas: Mugello and what is known and . The farmhouses. The farm holidays let out Sieve River. What was once an area castles, , and palaces still bear as Upper Mugello or Tuscan huge boulders and peaks, although rooms or flats; some offer meals and dominated by important Etruscan witness to this important period of . The Mugello valley is reaching only 1000 metres above COLD CUTS the possibility of buying their produce developments later becomes, in Roman growth in Mugello. In fact, even the situated in the upper middle part of sea level, present an exceptionally and farm products, or offer a variety of times, the site of numerous colonies artistic and cultural history of Florence the hydrographical basin of the Sieve breathtaking and imposing profile. recreational activities. It is also possible and hamlets. Later the Guidi and owes much of its development to key River: it is an enormous valley closed The view is dominated by to stay in small but friendly hotels, in Ubaldini families, the medieval lords individuals from the area. Artists in on the north by the main watershed uncontaminated beech, chestnut charming historical villas, in restored of the territory, come into conflict such as and Beato Angelico of the Apennines (from Mount Citerna and oak woods, by vast meadows In this Tuscan territory between we find steaks two inches thick, but also hamlets that have become country with the city of Florence, which was were born here; important architects to Giogo di Villore), on the south by dotted every now and again with Florence and Bologna, the traveller “rosticciana” pork ribs, and sausages residences, and in the bed and breakfast expanding and searching for “new worked on the construction of the the spurs of Mount Giovi and Mount juniper bushes, and by the occasional can discover traditional dishes and or “coniglio ripieno” (stuffed rabbit), lodgings, which are mostly to be found in lands”. The territory witnesses a hamlets in the “walled lands”; and Senario, and closed in on the west by outcrop of rock. The limpid waters a variety of local produce that have and the very particular boiled duck. The farmhouses throughout the area. If you remarkable period of growth in the moreover, the Mugello landscape has Mount Calvana beyond which the city and luxuriant riparian vegetation maintained their authenticity to this day. main cheese is “pecorino”, made with want to keep in touch with nature, you 14th century because the Mugello basin provided inspiration for numerous and province of Prato extends. Here make this valley the perfect habitat for The few dishes that have been passed pure sheep’s milk, or “misto” mixed can sleep in comfortable campsites or in represents an extremely important Florentine paintings. we find the towns of Barberino di numerous species of fishes and birds. down in Mugello from the gastronomic with cow’s milk; the side dishes include alpine huts and shelters. strategic and economic asset for Mugello, , Borgo The weather shifts from the harsh tradition of the past are all important, “fagioli all’olio” (beans with extra virgin Florence. Mugello was a source of San Lorenzo, and . Padana Planes climate, where the cold typical recipes with “natural” flavours, olive oil dressing), and a tasty variety of Mugello Tourist Office pride for the Medici, whose origins lay The Mugello countryside is varied: winds gust down unrestrained from the made with traditional wholesome garden vegetables dipped in batter and Via P. Togliatti, 45 here, and the Lorena families, which from the lofty crests of thick woodland lofty Alps, to the milder Mediterranean ingredients and never with the fried (artichokes, aubergines, pumpkin 50032 (Florence), invested strongly in the territory to where the wild boar, the roe deer and one that is typical of central Italy. The strong spices that are often overused flowers). Desserts can be quite simple ph. 055 84527185 the fox reign, to the chestnut and olive Mugello basin, which lies just below in modern day food. First servings like the “pan di ramerino” (sweet buns [email protected] groves; from the fields of wheat and the higher passes of the mountain often include “tortelli di patate” with rosemary and raisins) and the sunflowers on the vast flat terraced chain, is often where the cold north (small pockets of pasta stuffed with “schiacciata con l’uva” (sweet flat bread For Information: lands bordered by cliffs, to the fertile wind meets the hot and humid libeccio, potatoes), the “tagliatelle sui funghi, with grapes), classical like the tarts made lower valley where the main towns and sirocco and westerly winds: the result sul cinghiale, sulla lepre” (thick with delicious jams, or more elaborate In the tourism official web is that the cold winds sweep away the site you can find information roads lie. On the north side, among the string pasta with mushroom, wild like the cake or the “budino” (pudding), on all the updated tourist towering peaks of Mugello, and the fog produced by the warm winds in boar or hare meat sauce), “farinata” from Marradi, made with the delicious accommodation in the mountain passes that make their way winter, and bring in some cool relief (polenta with kale and beans), soup, “Marrone del Mugello”, the I.G.P. Mugello territory. down to Bologna and Romagna, in the to mitigate the hot damp spells those and minestrone. Meat is a very denominated Mugello chestnut. same winds produce in summer. upper part of the , Senio and important part of the Mugello cuisine: BOLOGNA BOLOGNA IMOLA 610 306

FIRENZUOLA PALAZZUOLO FAENZA SUL SENIO 1 DAY 3 DAYS 5 DAYS 503 302 arrives at Vicchio with a visit biscuits; in Firenzuola the meat and the dei Capitani in the main square. It is 65 306 Popolano spelt are organic, and in the sprigtime THE MEDICI ROUTE BETWEEN ART AND NATURE to the restored Home of Giotto IN TUSCAN ROMAGNA the home of the Museo delle Genti di A1 503 MARRADI (ph. 055 844782 - 055 8448251), in “prugnolo” mushroom is very much Montagna and Museo Archeologico The suggested route runs along the roads that bring to the towns of Scarperia If you intend to spend a long weekend in the area, after the above-mentioned If you want to stay five days in Mugello, we suggest, as well as the Biforco his native Vespignano, and Museo di appreciated. Alto Mugello (mountain folk and the FIRENZUOLA SCARPERIA excursion, you might want to use the following route which winds through the recommended itineraries, an unforgettable visit to Upper Mugello, also known MUGELLO Exit E SAN PIERO e San Piero and . Arte Sacra Beato Angelico (sacred Upper Mugello archaeological museums Crespino towns of Borgo San Lorenzo, Vicchio and Dicomano. as Tuscan Romagna, through the towns of Firenzuola, Palazzuolo sul Senio BARBERINO art museum, (ph. +055 8497082 - 055 • We suggest an itinerary that begins ph. +39 055 8046008 - 055 8046154). Not DI MUGELLO and Marradi. San Piero Ronta 8448251) in the historical centre in Firenzuola, Florentine “new far off we can admire theSanctuary of the BARBERINO a Sieve Exit land”, with a visit to the Museum of the town. In the nearby of the Madonna delle Nevi of Quadalto, built in Lake of main square, piazza Giotto, the little of Pietra Serena (the typical sand Bilancino VICCHIO • The tour starts in Scarperia, “terra (ph. +390558406850). • In Borgo San Lorenzo we recommend hour) on a path that runs through the • This territory, more than any other, has speed bike, you can enjoy “Mugello in the 15th century (ph. +39 055 8046072). BORGO Montelleri Lake where you can fish, stone), situated in the Town Hall, SAN LORENZO nuova”, which was founded by the town Once in Galliano, you can take the road a visit to San Lorenzo Church, an woods and across a stream; and you can taken great care to keep and preserve its bike” system, running through the route 65 picnic or just relax. called “La Rocca”, which is dedicated 551 DICOMANO of Florence in 1306, and still conserves down towards Bilancino Lake, but only important Romanesque building that stop to eat at an equipped picnic area natural resources and social traditions. and obtaining cycle tourist licences • From Palazzuolo the route takes you 302 to the traditional excavation, and the impressive Vicari Palace, which after a detour to the left that allows you conserves a precious Madonna attributed (ph. +39 055 8492519 - 338 6880647). To reach Upper Mugello from the a mere 12 km away to Marradi. The ROME • Heading towards Vicchio, the working of the sand stone (ph. +39 055 was built in the same period but has to visit the Gabbianello Oasis and the to Giotto (ph. +39 055 8459295). We also Mugello valley, you must take the roads -fishing, climbing, rafting, archery, town, where the 20th-century poet Dino FORLÌ road takes you to Dicomano with 8199477 - 055 8199459), and a trip to undergone numerous transformations Bosco ai Frati Convent, which was rebuilt recommend a visit to Pecori Giraldi • From Borgo San Lorenzo you can that lead up to the passes (Passo della orienteering, and many other activities Campana was born and lived, preserves motorway a visit to the Museo Archeologico the nearby Moscheta, where, besides and restorations throughout the according to Michelozzi’s design, by (ph. +39 055 8456230), where take place take the main road Faentina towards Futa, del Giogo, della Colla) that guide are available for those people who want to an important historical centre with FLORENCE state road Comprensoriale del Mugello e della excursions on foot or on horseback, it many prestigious palaces, the extremely centuries. It is the home of the Museo order of Cosimo de’ Medici. Inside, you the Chini Museum, which presents a Florence; once at the Passo di Vetta le you over the mountain out of fully enjoy their spare time and get away railway Val di Sieve (archeological museum, is also possible to visit the Museo del dei Ferri Taglienti - antique and find the splendid Crucifix attributed to permanet collection of masterpieces by Croci, the road on the right leads up to and into Romagna. Upper Mugello from the stress of everyday life. elegant Animosi Theatre with its ph. +39 055 8385428). The museum Paesaggio Storico dell’Appennino modern cutlery (ph. +39 055 8468165). Donatello (ph. +39 055 848111). the artist Galileo Chini and his family, the Convent of Montesenario, in the offers its visitors many different ways of typical late 18th century style and the offers an educational laboratory and (museum of the historical Mugello HOW TO GET In via Solferino, the historic “Bottega the Chini Contemporary, which hosts nearby of the Mugello territory, which enjoying the natural environment and its • Here, more than in any other part of San Lorenzo Church which holds the a outstanding itinerary: it embraces Apennine landscape) in the thousand splendid late 15th century paintings by TO del Coltellinaio” (cutler’s shop), still • Heading towards , you temporary exhibits of contemporary art, towers over the Mugello valley, offering incredible resources: Mugello, the cuisine and the produce a vast period with artifacts that date year old Vallombrosian Abbey the Maestro of Marradi (ph. +39 055 stands. We strongly recommend the findthe Medicean Villa of Cafaggiolo, and the Kids Museum, an interactive a magnificent breathtaking view - nature walks can be taken in groups, have preserved their traditional from as far back as the Prehistoric era (ph. +39 055 8144900). 8045024). From Marradi the road takes choice of a finely made knife in one of one of the favourite residences of area for families. (ph. +39 055 406441). Not far off you families or alone along SO.F.T. (Florence genuineness. In the Marradi cuisine, and move through history until the you to San Benedetto in Alpe, and just a the many shops in the town. Lorenzo the Magnificent, and a splendid find the imposing Medicean Park of Springs Trekking) paths: a series of numerous recipes using the “Marrone Renaissance. Overlooking the town, in • On leaving Firenzuola, the route Access by bus and by car to the various line takes the visitors into the Unione • If you are looking for a natural trekking routes that run from the top of few kilometres away you can appreciate example of Renaissance architecture Pratolino (ph. +39 055 4080721/723). del Mugello” (Mugello chestnuts) have localities in the area is excellent. From Montana dei Comuni del Mugello area a dominant position in the nearby of the mountains down to the valley; takes you to San Pellegrino, Coniale the splendid Badia del Borgo (Santa • From Scarperia you move on (ph.+ 39 055 8479396 ). Not far away, environment and fresh air, you can • The tour turns back towards the valley, been handed down from generation to and Tirli, and after about 30 km on a the A1 motorway, there is the exit at either from the Romagna region, with to Sant’Agata, where there is a take a trip to the Museo della Civiltà the historical centre, the Santa Maria - “equitation-tourism” for horse Reparata in Salto), which dates back to towering above you, surrounded by therefore Borgo San Lorenzo, and generation: for example, the famous departures from Faenza, or from the church which has almost completely road with very little traffic, you reach Barberino di Mugello and at Firenzuola beautiful Romanesque church, the century old cypress trees, you can admire Contadina di Casa d’Erci (museum of riding fans who would love to ride along cake, the delicious pudding and the 11th century. Palazzuolo sul Senio. This quaint, Mugello. There are also numerous Tuscan region with departures from Archeological Centre, the Collection of farm life and customs) where, apart maintained its original Romanesque fairly easy, but extremely suggestive the Trebbio Castle: another magnificent the scrumptious fried tortellini. In interesting secondary roads. Florence. Local public transport is also structure (ph. +39 055 838050). extremely well kept medieval village on sacred art (ph. +39 055 8406853) Medici construction (ph. +39 055 848088 - from the visit to the country house paths and side roads; Palazzuolo you will find cheeses with a the banks of the Senio River conserves The fascinating old Faentina railway available within the territory. and the Leprino Museum a setting with 339 3029697). Cafaggiolo and Trebbio are which offers a display of farm tools and - on mountain bike you can take mild flavour and delicious biscuits just the impressive 14th century Palazzo advantage of the fresh, clean air; on “moving dummies” both “UNESCO World Heritage Centres”. furniture, you can take a hike (max one like “fusaie”, “rame” and “sospiri”