2008-12-18 Benjamin Opratko, Universität Wien [email protected]


Politische Vierteljahresschrift ...... 3 Leviathan ...... 4 Prokla ...... 5 Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik ...... 6 Forum Wissenschaft...... 12 Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte ...... 13 Theory, Culture & Society ...... 21 Sociological Forum ...... 23 Theory and Society ...... 24 Economy and Society ...... 25 Political Theory ...... 26 Journal of Peace Research ...... 27 Cultural Studies ...... 30 International Organization ...... 31 International Relations ...... 32 European Journal of International Relations ...... 33 Journal of European Public Policy ...... 34 Global Governance ...... 36 Globalizations...... 37 International Studies Quarterly ...... 39 International Studies Review ...... 40 International Peacekeeping ...... 43 Development and Change ...... 44 Review of International Studies ...... 47 Third World Quarterly ...... 48 Journal für Entwicklungspolitik ...... 51 Millennium ...... 52 The British Journal of Politics and International Relations ...... 57 World Politics ...... 58 World Development ...... 58 ZIB - Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen ...... 63 iz3w ...... 63 Peripherie ...... 67 Cambridge Review of International Affairs...... 67 Geoforum ...... 67 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space ...... 71 Ecological Economics ...... 72 Journal of Political Ecology...... 81 Capitalism, Nature, Socialism ...... 82 Global Environmental Politics ...... 83 Journal of Environment & Development ...... 85 1 Review of International Political Economy ...... 86 Historical Materialism ...... 87 Review of Radical Political Economics ...... 89 Rethinking Marxism ...... 92 New Left Review ...... 93 International Socialism ...... 96 New Political Economy ...... 98 Monthly Review ...... 98 Z. Zeitschrift marxistische Erneuerung ...... 100 Das Argument ...... 102 Capital & Class ...... 105 grundrisse ...... 105 Perspektiven ...... 106 Kurswechsel ...... 108 Antipode ...... 109 Progress in Human Geography ...... 111 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research ...... 113 European Urban and Regional Studies ...... 116 Political Geography ...... 117 Urban Studies ...... 119 Environment and Planning A ...... 124 Economic Geography ...... 129 Social Politics ...... 130 Global Social Policy...... 131 WSI-Mitteilungen ...... 132 Widerspruch ...... 136 Journal of European Social Policy ...... 137 Journal of European Integration ...... 138 express ...... 139 Sozialismus ...... 143 Sozialismus Supplement ...... 147 International Feminist Journal of Politics ...... 147 European Journal of Women Studies ...... 148 femina politica ...... 150 Gender and Society...... 152 Feminist Theory ...... 154 Feminist Economics ...... 155 Feminist Review ...... 157 Signs ...... 158 Latin American Research Review...... 161 Latin American Perspectives ...... 162 Nueva Sociedad ...... 165 Review of African Political Economy ...... 168

2 Politische Vierteljahresschrift

März / 2008 Clemens Kauffmann Biopolitik

Michael Herrmann Moderat bevorzugt, extrem gewählt. Zum Zusammenhang von Präferenz und Wahlentscheidung in räumlichen Modellen sachfragenorientierten Wählens

Eric Linhart / Franz Urban Pappi / Ralf Schmitt Die proportionale Ministerienaufteilung in deutschen Koalitionsregierungen: Akzeptierte Norm oder das Ausnutzen strategischer Vorteile?

Harald Schoen Die Deutschen und die Türkeifrage: eine Analyse der Einstellungen zum Antrag der Türkei auf Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union

Martin Brusis Reformfähigkeit messen? Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu einem Reformfähigkeitsindex für OECD-Staaten

Bernhard Weßels / Lisa Müller / Marc Bühlmann / Wolfgang Merkel Wie lässt sich Demokratie am besten messen? Zum Forumsbeitrag von Thomas Müller und Susanne Pickel

Susanne Pickel / Thomas Müller Antwort auf die Replik von Marc Bühlmann, Wolfgang Merkel, Lisa Müller und Bernhard Weßels zum Forumsbeitrag von Thomas Müller und Susanne Pickel

September 2008 Harald Müller, Zwischen Macht und Gerechtigke it

Lars Mäder, / Thomas König, Das Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates und der Mythos einer 80-Prozent-Europäisierung in Deutschland

Thomas Sattler, / Stefanie Walter, Wirtschaftspolitischer Handlungsspielraum im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Währungskrisen

Hermann Dülmer, / Dieter Ohr, Rechtsextremistische Wahlabsicht und regionaler Kontext: Mehrebenenanalysen zur Rolle sozialer Milieus und regionaler Gruppenkonflikte in Deutschland »

Viktoria Kaina, Die Messbarkeit von Demokratiequalität als ungelöstes theorieproblem

Simon Teune, „Gibt es so etwas überhaupt noch?“ Forschung zu Protest und sozialen Bewegungen

Christoph M. Michael, Metamorphosen des liberalen Regierungsdenkens — Politische Ökonomie, Polizei und Pauperismus

Oliver Flügel-Martinsen, Die zwei Seiten der Entpolitisierung. Zur politischen Theorie der Gegenwart

Burkhard Conrad, Entscheiden als Handeln. Eine begriffliche Rekonstruktion

Andreas Umland,

3 Faschismus: Konzeptionen und historische Kontexte. Eine Einführung »

Tim Spier, Party in Contemporary German Politics

Tessa Debus, Zwischen Ehrenamt und Berufspolitik. Professionalisierung der Kommunalpolitik in deutschen Großstädten

Monika Sus, Expertenkommissionen im politischen Prozess. Eine Bilanz zur rotgrünen Bundesregierung 1998–2005

Tilo Görl, (Hrsg.): Deutschland in Europa. Die Ergebnisse des European Social Survey 2002–2003

Aram Ziai, : Hegemonie — Gouvernementalität — Biomacht. Reproduktive Risiken und die Transformation internationaler Bevölkerungspolitik; : Rechtlos, aber nicht ohne Stimme.

Stefan Köppl, Political Institutions in Italy

Arijana Neumann, Mitgliederparteien am Ende? Kritik an der Niedergangsdiskussion »

Rita Stein-Redent, / Martin Schwarz, Die Europäische Union und Russland. Multilaterale und bilaterale Dimensionen in der europäischen Außenpolitik; In Putins Russland; : Staat und Wirtschaft in Russland.

Stefan Seidendorf, Die Legitimität der EU. Normative Standards als Verhandlungsressource im Verfassungskonvent

Christian Henrich-Franke, Das unberechenbare Europa. Epochen des Integrationsprozesses vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Europäischen Union

Sebastian Wolf, (Un)Doing Europe. Discourses and Practices of Negotiating the EU Constitution

Marcus Höreth, Die Europäische Union auf dem Weg in den Verfassungsstaat

Eric Hower, Legitimacy in International Society

Bernhard Stahl, Diplomatie und europäische Außenpolitik. Europäisierungseffekte im Kontext von Intergouvernementalismus am Beispiel von Frankreich und Großbritannien »

Anna Gielas, The Problem of Order in the Global Age. Systems and Mechanisms »

Manfred Mols, Politische Bildung und Praktische Philosophie. Ausgewählte Beiträge zur politischen Bildung. Hrsg. v. Joachim Detjen


September 2008 Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider

4 Verfassungsrechtliche Argumente gegen den Vertrag von Lissabon

Weert Canzler, / Lutz Marz Modernisierung und Automobilisierung in China

Berndt Keller Berufsverbände, Tarifautonomie und das System der Interessenvertretung

Sandra Seubert Was interessiert uns am Privaten? Probleme liberaler Selbstbeschränkung

André Bank, / Cilja Harders Irak-Effekte: Regionale Neuordnung, translokale Mobilität und Flüchtlingskrise im Nahen Osten

Philipp Genschel, / Bernhard Zangl Metamorphosen des Staates — vom Herrschaftsmonopolisten zum Herrschaftsmanager


Juni 2008, Nr. 151 Gesellschaftstheorie nach Marx und Foucault

Alex Demirovic: Das Wahr-Sagen des Marxismus: Foucault und Marx

Urs Lindner: Anti-Essentialismus und Wahrheitspolitik: Marx, Foucault und die neuere Wissenschaftstheorie

Alex Schärer: Theoretisch keine Brüder: Marx und Foucault als Antagonisten

Christian Schmidt: Die Reproduktion der Gesellschaft und die Praktiken der Freiheit

Florian Kappe ler: Die Ordnung des Wissens. Was leistet Michel Foucaults Diskursanalyse für eine kritische Gesellschaftstheorie?

Markus Griesser, Gundula Ludwig: „Endlose Transaktionen“. Eine hegemonietheoretische Aneignung Foucaults und deren Nutzen für die feministische Staatstheorie

Urs Marti: Kapitalistische Macht und neoliberales Regieren

Thomas Biebricher: Staatlichkeit, Gouvernementalität und Neoliberalismus

Jürgen Hoffmann, Rudi Schmidt: Der Streik der Lokführer-Gewerkschaft GDL. Anfang vom Ende des deutschen Systems der industriellen Beziehungen?

September 2008, Nr. 152 Politik mit der inneren (Un)Sicherheit

5 Andreas Fisahn: Repressive Toleranz und der "Pluralismus" der Oligarchien

Alexander Klose, Hubert Rottleuthner: Gesicherte Freiheit?

Loïc Wacquant: Die Bedeutung des Gefängnisses für das neue Armutsregime

John Kannankulam: Konjunkturen der inneren Sicherheit. Vom Fordismus zum Neoliberalismus

David Salomon: Carl Schmitt Reloaded. Otto Depenheuer und der „Rechtsstaat"

Jürgen Link: Wissen und Macht statt Ideologie und Interesse. Plausibilitäten und Defizite in Foucaults Marx-Kritik

Wang Hui: Das Vergessen der sechziger Jahre: Entpolitisierte Politik und Hegemonie im neuen China

Stephan Lessenich: Alles relativ. Warum es in Deutschland keine Armut geben darf

Slave Cubela: Geprellte Generationen. Zur Kritik der kritischen Sozialforschung am Beispiel des PROKLA-Heftes „Umkämpfte Arbeit“

Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik

Juni 2008

Großbürgerlich Grün Albrecht von Lucke

Deutsche Bahn: Ausverkauf auf Raten Tim Engartner

Wie die Lobby Europa regiert Korbinian Frenzel

Wo Fischer zu Migranten werden Janna Schönfeld

Spitzel-Discounter Detlef Grumbach

Ungarische Kapriolen Matthias Eickhoff

Südkorea, Taiwan, China: Auf der Suche nach Harmonie Siegfried Knittel

Afghanistan: mitgegangen, mitgefangen? Peter Bender

Zukunft oder Vergangenheit. Die Vereinigten Staaten vor der Wahl Norman Birnbaum

6 Weltkrieg oder Weltgesellschaft Harald Schumann, Christiane Grefe

Das Elend der WTO. Für eine Neuerfindung des Welthandels Tilman Santarius

Die Rethorik des Präventivstaates Clemens Knobloch

Arbeitnehmerrechte im Sinkflug. Wie der europäische Gerichtshof die Gewerkschaftsmacht aushebelt Felix Stumpf, Markus Büchting

Rechts von Berlusconi. Italiens Faschisten, Hooligans und radikale Katholiken Karin Priester

Die neue Lust an der Masse Regine Igel

Musik per Download Ulrich Dolata

Helden des Ascheplatzes Daniel Leisegang

Der Kampf um den Palamentsvorbehalt. "Das Parlamentsbeteiligungsgesetz ist anzupassen". Eine Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland. Beschluss der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion vom 6. Mai 2008 (Auszüge)

"Ohne parlamentarische Zustimmung ist ein Einsatz bewaffneter Streitkräfte grundsätzlich nicht zulässig" Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 7. Mai 2008

Juli 2008 Der Hungergipfel Armin Paasch

Kinder haben Rechte - auf Armut? Georg Rammer

Krise und Krieg Ingo Schmidt

Gehorsam oder Gewissen Jürgen Rose

Polens Linke: Niedergang oder Neuanfang Jens Mattern

Libanesischer Klientelismus Daniel Mützel

Südafrika: Ende des Regenbogens Helga Dickow

Das Ende der konservativen Ära? John McCain und das Dilemma der Republikaner Rick Perlstein

Der Militarist. Wie John McCain sich die amerikanische Außenpolitik vorstellt Matthew Yglesias

Die Welt als Schachbrett. Der neue kalte Krieg des Obama-Beraters Zbigniew Brzezinski Hauke Ritz


Internationaler Staatsgerichtshof: Erfolge und Defizite. Zm zehnten Jahrestag des römischen Statuts Herta Däubler-Gmelin

Wo bleibt der Reichtum? Dieter Klein

"68" - Theorie als Realität Manfred Lauermann

Der Kampf um den Weltraum Mischa Hansel

Flüssiges Gas Hermannus Pfeiffer

US-Klimapolitik: Chance zur Wende Arne Jungjohann

Bau ab - bau auf Albrecht von Lucke

Gefoltert in Guantánamo. Stellungnahme von Murat Kurnaz vor dem Ausschuss für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten des US-Repräsentantenhauses vom 20. Mai 2008

Teilamputierte Botschaft. Stellungnahme zur Unterwerfungserklärung der Bundesrepublik unter den Internationalen Gerichtshof von IALANA vom 23. Mai 2008 (Wortlaut)

August 2008 Nach dem Gipfel - und alle Fragen offen Michael R. Krätke

Alte Kameraden, neue Eliten Eberhard Rondholz

Österreichische Querelen Cornelius Lehnguth

Französische Kolonialreichsphantasien Bernard Schmid

Kanadischer Interkulturalismus Oliver Schmitke

Mexiko im Ausnahmezustand Albert Sterr

Terror-Reklame William Pfaff

Von der Waffe der Kritik zur Kritik der Waffe. Wie Jorge Semprún zum Kommunisten wurde Franziska Augstein

Harmonie auf Chinesisch. Von der Klassen- zur Volkspartei eigenen Typs Falk Hartig

In der Mitte gähnt der Abgrund. Die Krise der SPD Oliver Nachtwey

Kontinent der Chancen. Das Ende der weißen Dominanz in Afrika

8 Roger Peltzer

Die EU am Ende der Erweiterung. Mit der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik zur abgestuften Integration Georg Vobruba

Magd des Marktes. Das Elterngeld und die neue Familienpolitik Christine Wimbauer, Annette Henninger

Vom Schmelztiegel zur Armee der Randgruppen. Streitkräfte und Staatsideologie in Israel Arie John M. Wurm

Von '68 nach'89. Jirí Dienstbier, Jirí Grusa, Lionel Jospin, Adam Michnik, Oskar Negt und Friedrich Schorlemmer im Gespräch Jirí Dienstbier, Jirí Grusa, Lionel Jospin, Adam Michnik

Von der Finanzmarkt- zur Rohstoffkrise Jörg Goldberg

Faire Gaspreise Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff

Der unterdrückte Mann Ulli Gellermann

G8 zu Umwelt und Klimaschutz. Aus der Zusammenfassung des Gipfels von Toyako vom 9. Juli 2008

Gutachter, verweigert Gefährlichkeitsprognosen. Erklärung des Komitees für Grundrechte und Demokratie

September 2008 CDU – im Schlafwagen zum Erfolg Albrecht von Lucke

Mit Robin Hood aus der Krise Rudolf Hickel

Ein Herz fürs Kapital Detlef Hensche

Rheinischer Rechtsradikalismus Christoph Busch

Irak: Klientelpolitik als Flüchtlingsschutz Michael Bröning, Jolie Chai

Kaukasische GräbenUwe Halbach

Krieg von der Stange William Pfaff

Atomare Schatten. Das zweite Nuklearzeitalter Rolf Mützenich

Die Ratio des Iran. Zur Interessenpolitik einer Regionalmacht Volker Perthes

Die Abgründe der Prävention. Zu den Mechanismen des Überwachungsstaates Heribert Prantl

Das Scheitern des Monetarismus. Von den Theorien Milton Friedmans zur Weltfinanzkrise James K. Galbraith


Restauration statt Wandel. Das duale Bildungssystem in der Krise Jutta Roitsch

Der halbe Weg zur Hälfte des Himmels. Vier Jahrzehnte Neue Frauenbewegung Stefanie Ehmsen

Bewegungsrepublik Deutschland Roland Roth, Dieter Rucht

Der Osten, auf verlorenem Posten Reinhold Kowalski

Europa auf Schienen Oliver Foltin

Die gefloppt e Kritik Daniel Leisegang

Von Jugoslawien nach Georgien: Die Missachtung des Völkerrechts. Brief von Willy Wimmer (MdB/CDU) an Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier vom 18.8.2008

Von Jugoslawien nach Georgien: Die Missachtung des Völkerrechts. Stellungnahme der IALANA zur Unabhängigkeit des

Oktober 2008 Die USA vor dem Sieg der Angst? Hajo Funke

Der Unfall-Putsch Albrecht von Lucke

Deutschland im Bildungstief Annett Mängel

Hartz-IV-Hetze Martin Staiger

Nachha ltigkeit light Heike Leitschuh

Gespaltenes Bolivien Benedikt Behrens

Thailand im Teufelskreis? Wolfram Schaffar, Oliver Pye

Japan: Goldgräber am Silbermarkt Axel Klein

Sicherheitsrisiko Obama? Die Demokraten und die US-Außenpolitik Samantha Power

Deutschlands Schattenkrieger. Das Kommando Spezialkräfte in Afghanistan Jürgen Rose

Vom Ende der Demut Reinhard Mutz

Schildknappe Europa

10 Peter Bender

Kosovo im Kaukasus: Völkerrecht im Handgemenge

Russland und die Europäische Union: Inventur einer Partnerschaft Alexander Warkotsch

OSZE statt NATO: Alternativen zur Gewalteskalation Andreas Buro

Rätsel Ölpreis Mohssen Massarat

Grüne Gentechnik ohne Gewähr. Das neue deutsche Gentechnikgesetz Gerald G. Sander

Mehr Staat, mehr Wettbewerb: Gesundheitsfonds ante portas Thomas Gerlinger, Kai Mosebach, Rolf Schmucker

Die neue Abgeltungssteuer Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger

Die Mär vom Bär Uli Gellermann

Die "Berliner Rede" Barack Obamas vom 24. Juli 2008 (Wortlaut)

November 2008 Die große Depression Immanuel Wallerstein

Die Rückkehr des Staates Jörg Huffschmid

Bundeswehr im Kampf nach innen Norbert Pütter

Österreichs Rechte Cornelius Lehnguth

Frankreichs Linke Bernard Schmid

Südamerikas neues Selbstbewusstsein Gerhard Drekonja-Kornat

Südafrika nach Mbeki Helga Dickow

Wie weiter, Mr. President? William Pfaff

Die Panik im Finanzkasino und ihre Folgen Heiner Flassbeck

Die Weltfinanzkrise - und was der neue US-Präsident tun sollte James K. Galbraith

Weimar auf Italienisch. Ein Gespräch mit Valentino Parlato


Ein Traum der Vernunft. Das weiße Eutopia des James Watson Wulf D. Hund

Antisemitische Erblast. Vom Nationalsozialismus zum Nahost-Konflikt Gert Krell

Kommodes Gedenken. Die Erinnerungskultur des vereinten Deutschlands Harald Schmid

Verdrängt und Vergessen. Der Philosoph und Publizist Theodor Lessing Joachim Perels

Norwegen: Staatsfonds und Ethik Danyel Reiche

Der Irrsinn geht um Albrecht von Lucke

"Der Staat ist Hüter der Ordnung". Bundestagsdebatte vom 15. Oktober 2008

Forum Wissenschaft

2/2008 "Mythos ›Wissensgesellschaft‹: Verklärung oder Aufklärung?"

Frieder Otto Wolf Wissen und Handeln – Gesellschaft – Ökonomie – Handeln: eine Gedankenskizze

Christine Resch Rationalisierung von Kopfarbeit – Über die Geschichte der "Wissensgesellschaft"

Sabine Pfeiffer Mensch. Montage! Wissensarbeit, Erfahrung und Montage

Eva Hartmann Im Schatten der USA? Europa als neue Wissens-Imperialmacht

Ulrich Müller und Dieter Plehwe Nicht öffentlichkeitsfähig – Wissenschaft als Lobby-Instrument

Jens Korfkamp und Ulrich Steuten Analphabetismus in der Wissensgesellschaft – Erwachsenen-Alphabetisierung als Neue soziale Bewegung

Magnus Treiber "Streik" – Ein Lehrbeauftragter resümiert Erfahrungen

Ursula Rost Musik-Bachelor in der Bolognese-Pfanne

Andreas Keller Bologna darf nicht scheitern! Qualität muss vor Tempo gehen

Astrid Backmann, Julka Jantz und Sven Glawion Gläserne Decken, alte Zöpfe – Frauenförderung an Hochschulen auf dem Prüfstand

Hans-Jürgen Urban und Klaus Pickshaus

12 Illusion oder konkrete Utopie? Gute Arbeit im Finanzmarktkapitalismus

Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff Stromer-Planungen – Klima-Fehlsteuerung à la Energiewirtschaft

Albrecht Kieser Sanfte Waffen für harte Zeiten (II) – Von Tasern, Mikrowellen und Schallkanonen

Richard Albrecht Butter bei de Fisch’ – Oder: Bertelsmänner und die Kirchen

3/2008 Genossenschaften: Repolitisierung, Redemokratisierung gefordert

Heinz Bierbaum Renaissance der Genossenschaften? Alternative zu finanzmarktgetriebener Unternehmenspolitik

Johannes Blome-Drees Genossenschaftswissen-schaft und -praxis. Eine Wissenschaft in der Krise

Judith Dellheim Insellösungen? Genossenschaften brauchen Rahmen

Burghard Flieger Stadtteilgenossenschaften. Neue Kooperationen, Stärkung lokaler Ökonomie

Gabriele Herbert Demokratie praktizieren. Auch in der Wirtschaft

Ralf Ptak Vom Wert des Wissens. Paradoxien der Wissensgesellschaft

Karl Otto Henseling Menschen, Chemie, Umwelt. Die giftige Seite des fossilen Zeitalters

Kai Eicker-Wolf Vision oder Illusion? Die Idee vom bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen

Werner Jung Den Verstand abtropfen lassen. 1968 in Romanen und Erzähltexten (Teil I)

Albrecht Dümling UrheberInnen-Solidarität. Die Geschichte der Verwertungsgesellschaften (Teil I)

Stefan Hibbeler Demokratie gegen Elite? Interpretationen und Realität der politischen Krise in der Türkei

Wilhelm Achelpöhler Gewalt in Afghanistan. ... und die NATO umso mehr

Rolf Rosenbrock Ärmer stirbt früher. Soziale Ungleichheiten und Lebenserwartung

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte

21/2008 Internationale Solidarität

13 Demokratische Solidarität in der Weltgesellschaft Hauke Brunkhorst

Europäische Solidaritäten Steffen Mau

Solidarität und internationale Gemeinschaftsbildung Siegfried Schieder / Rachel Folz / Simon Musekamp

Soziale Globalisierung? Die Entstehung globaler Sozialpolitik Lutz Leisering

Die Entgrenzung der Solidarität. Hilfe in einer globalisierten Welt Katrin Radtke

Ein schillerndes Verhältnis - Moral in der französischen Afrikapolitik Klaus Schlichte

22/2008 Indien Indien auf dem Sprung zur Weltmacht - Essay Olaf Ihlau

Indiens Weg zur Wirtschaftsmacht Harald Müller / Carsten Rauch

Ein reiches Land mit armen Menschen Bernard Imhasly

Indiens internationale Klimapolitik Lavanya Rajamani

Hindu-Nationalismus - Gefahr für die größte Demokratie? Siegfried O. Wolf

Der indisch-pakistanische Konflikt Sumit Ganguly

23/2008 Vor- und Grundschule Die Zeitpolitik der Kinderbetreuung und Grundschulerziehung Konrad H. Jarausch / Cristina Allemann-Ghionda

Ganztagserziehung im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich Karen Hagemann / Monika Mattes

Das französische Ganztagsmodell Wolfgang Hörner

Frühkindliche Förderung und Vorschulerziehung in Großbritannien Sally Tomlinson

Zeitpolitik im schwedischen Bildungswesen Lisbeth Lundahl

Ganztägige Bildungssettings im Vor- und Grundschulalter Ludwig Stecher / Falk Radisch / Natalie Fischer

24-25/2008 50 Jahre Gleichberechtigung

14 50 Jahre Gleichberechtigung - eine Springprozession - Essay Ute Gerhard

50 Jahre Frauen in der Politik: späte Erfolge, aber nicht am Ziel Beate Hoecker

50 Jahre Geschlechter-gerechtigkeit und Arbeitsmarkt Jutta Allmendinger / Kathrin Leuze / Jonna M. Blanck

"Störfall Kind": Frauen in der Planungsfalle Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim

Geschlechterpolitik als Gestaltung von Geschlechterkulturen Peter Döge

26/2008 Religiöse Minderheiten im Islam Christen im Nahen Osten – Essay Udo Steinbach

Christen in der islamischen Welt Martin Tamcke

Zeugen uralter Kulturen: Christen im Irak und in Syrien Wolfgang Günter Lerch

Religiöse Minderheiten in der Türkei Günter Seufert

Religiöse Minderheiten im Iran Farshid Delshad

Die Religionsgemeinschaften im Libanon Abdel Mottaleb El Husseini

27/2008 Vietnam Doi Moi: Erneuerung auf Vietnamesisch – Essay Doris K. Gamino

Vietnam heute: Begrenzte Reformen, ausufernde Probleme Gerhard Will

Ho Chi Minh - Bilder einer Ikone Pierre Brocheux

Erinnerungsdebatten in Vietnam Martin Großheim

Die USA und Vietnam Stephen Maxner

Geschichtsbilder in Kambodscha Hannes Riemann

28/2008 Droge Alkohol Alkohol - der Kampf um die Attribute Rolf Hüllinghorst

15 Alkoholsucht und Familie - Kinder in suchtbelasteten Familien Michael Klein

Exzessiver Alkoholkonsum Jugendlicher - Auswege und Alternativen Heidi Kuttler

Neue Forschungsergebnisse zur Alkoholabhängigkeit Karl Mann

Alkohol im Spannungsfeld von kultureller Prägung und Problemverhalten Klaus Hurrelmann / Wolfgang Settertobulte

Alkoholismus Hasso Spode

Alkohol am Arbeitsplatz Astrid Zapf-Freudenberg

29-30/2008 Sportpolitik und Olympia Randsportarten: Am Tropf der Olympischen Spiele – Essay Peter Penders

Olympische Spiele und Politik Sven Güldenpfennig

Olympischer Moment: Werden die Spiele China verändern? Gudrun Wacker

Chinas Nutzen aus den Olympischen Spielen Helmut Digel

Doping: der entfesselte Leistungssport Karl-Heinrich Bette / Uwe Schimank

Sozioökonomische Bedingungen kollektiven sportlichen Erfolgs Werner Pitsch / Eike Emrich

Sportler zwischen Ost und West Jutta Braun

31/2008 Corporate Citizenship Wie moralisch sind Unternehmen? Essay Ludger Heidbrink

Gesellschaftliches Engagement von Unternehmen in Deutschland Sebastian Braun

Traditionspfad mit Entwicklungspotenzial Holger Backhaus-Maul

Making Money by Doing Good Jackson Janes / Tim Stuchtey

Euphorie des Aufbruchs und Suche nach gesellschaftlicher Wirkung Stefan Nährlich

Corporate-Citizenship-Forschung in Deutschland Judith Polterauer

16 32/2008 EU - Balkan Demokratie in der Europäischen Union: Eine Bestandsaufnahme Achim Hurrelmann

Der Zerfall Jugoslawiens und dessen Folgen Holm Sundhaussen

Die slowenische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2008 Sabina Kajnc

Zwischen äußerer Stabilisierung und innerer Krise: Mazedonien im Sommer 2008 Björn Opfer-Klinger

Kosovo: der jüngste Staat in Europa Marie-Janine Calic

Geopolitische Motive und Probleme des europäischen Einigungsprozesses Heinz Brill

33-34/2008 Abstieg - Prekarität - Ausgrenzung Armut, Abstieg, Unsicherheit: Die soziale Frage am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts - Essay Klaus Dörre

Die Absteiger: Angst und Verunsicherung in der Mitte der Gesellschaft Nicole Burzan

Prekarität und Prekariat - Signalwörter neuer sozialer Ungleichheiten Berthold Vogel

Nach Hartz IV: Erwerbsorientierung von Arbeitslosen Peter Bescherer / Silke Röbenack / Karen Schierhorn

Unsicherheiten im Lebensverlauf um 1900 und um 2000 Helga Pelizäus-Hoffmeister

Die Unterschicht und die Parteien Gero Neugebauer

35-36/2008 Migration in Europa Europa: Die Villa mit fünf Sternen – Essay Mely Kiyak

Die Grenzen Europas aus der Perspektive der Bürger Jürgen Gerhards / Silke Hans

Europäische Migrationspolitik: Ein stimmiges Bild? Petra Bendel

Migration und die Veränderung der Gesellschaft Michael Bommes

Ausbildung und Migration in Ostmitteleuropa Peter Jurczek / Michael Vollmer

Die Ukraine im europäischen Migrationssytem Barbara Dietz

17 37-38/2008 USA Amerika kommt auf Deutschland zu – Essay Andrew B. Denison

Die Außenpolitik der Bush-Administration Michael Staack

Defizite der Vorbild-Demokratie USA Josef Braml

Das handelspolitische Erbe der Bush-Administration Stormy Mildner

Die Wirtschaft der USA unter George W. Bush Stephan Bierling

Die außenpolitischen Positionen von Obama und McCain Helga Haftendorn

US-Präsidenten: "Real Men" oder "Sissies"? Essay Jakob Schissler

39/2008 Neue Medien - Internet - Kommunikation Raumzeitliche Struktur im Internet Christian Stegbauer

Globalisierung der Medien und transkulturelle Kommunikation Andreas Hepp

Aus Vielen wird das Eins gefunden - wie Web 2.0 unsere Kommunikation verändert Miriam Meckel

Perspektiven eines alternativen Internet Rainer Winter

Internetnutzung von Migranten - ein Weg zur Integration? Kathrin Kissau

Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen Virtualität und Realität Uwe Buermann

Psychische Folgen der Internetnutzung Nicola Döring

40-41/2008 Arbeitslosigkeit: Psychosoziale Folgen Arbeitslosigkeit als zentrale Dimension sozialer Ungleichheit - Essay Uwe Blien

Arbeit, Arbeitslosigke it und soziale Integration Markus Promberger

Aktivieren als Form sozialer Kontrolle Olaf Behrend

Arbeitslosigkeit: Was wir aus psychologischer Perspektive wissen und was wir tun können – Essay Michael Frese

18 Psychosoziale Folgen von Erwerbslosigkeit – Interventionsmöglichkeiten Gisela Mohr / Peter Richter

Die "Wunde Arbeitslosigkeit": Junge Ostdeutsche, Jg. 1973 Peter Förster · Elmar Brähler · Yve Stöbel-Richter · Hendrik Berth

Jenseits der Erwerbsarbeit liegen Antworten für eine Tätigkeitsgesellschaft – Essay Theo Wehner

42/2008 Politisches Theater Der Kaiser ist nackt – Essay Peter von Becker

Politisches Theater heute. Zwei Interviews Eberhard Görner

Politisches Theater nach 1945 Franziska Schößler

Das Imperium schreibt zurück: Postkoloniales Drama Geoffrey V. Davis

Theater im Fernsehen Wolfgang Bergmann

Politik als Theater: Plädoyer für ein ungeliebtes Paar Doris Kolesch

Prominenten-Diplomatie Günther Maihold

43/2008 Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Deutsche Außenpolitik: Vernunft und Schwäche - Essay Peter Bender

Deutschland am Hindukusch Dieter Weiss

Deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik im Rahmen der EU Stefan Fröhlich

Möglichkeiten einer Neuorientierung deutscher Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Carlo Masala

Arm, aber einflussreich: "Ankerländer" als außenpolitische Herausforderung Jörg Faust / Dirk Messner

Das pazifische Jahrhundert Michael Hennes

Der "demokratische Frieden" und seine außenpolitischen Konsequenzen Harald Müller

44-45/2008 Hirnforschung Die Illusion des freien Willens – Essay Franz M. Wuketits

19 Homo neurobiologicus - ein neues Menschenbild? Gerhard Roth

Eine sehr kurze Geschichte der modernen Hirnforschung Michael Hagner

Neuromarketing und Neuroökonomie Christian Hoppe

Plastizität und Regeneration des Gehirns Gerd Kempermann

Demokratie und die Macht der Gefühle Farah Dustdar

46/2008 UN und Menschenrechte Editorial Johannes Piepenbrink

Idee und Anspruch der Menschenrechte im Völkerrecht Bardo Fassbender

Gibt es eine "Responsibility to Protect"? Christian Schaller

Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat: Neue Kraft für den Menschenrechtsschutz? Sven Bernhard Gareis

Migration und die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte von 1948 Jörg Lange

Menschenrechts-NGOs im UN-System Kerstin Martens

Die Vereinten Nationen und Menschenrechtsbildung Anja Mihr

47/2008 Extremistische Parteien "Extremistische Parteien" - Worin besteht der Erkenntnisgewinn? – Essay Eckhard Jesse

Radikale Parteien in Europa Cas Mudde

Die NSDAP vor und nach 1933 Armin Nolzen

Die Kommunistische Partei in der Sowjetunion und in Russland Luke March

Wandel und Beharrung: SED und PDS Jürgen P. Lang

Der Aufstieg islamistischer Parteien Rachid Ouaissa

20 Theory, Culture & Society

May 2008, Volume 25, No. 3 Michael Taussig Redeeming Indigo

Frédéric Vandenberghe Sociology of the Heart: Max Scheler's Epistemology of Love

Udi E. Greenberg The Politics of the Walter Benjamin Industry

José van Dijck Future Memories: The Construction of Cinematic Hindsight

Vikki Bell The Burden of Sensation and the Ethics of Form: Watching Capturing the Friedmans

Ed Cohen A Body Worth Having?: Or, A System of Natural Governance

Richard Kilminster Narcissism or Informalization?: Christopher Lasch, Norbert Elias and Social Diagnosis

July 2008, Volume 25, No. 4 Michael Halewood Introduction to Special Section on A.N. Whitehead

Andrew Goffey Abstract Experience

Michael Halewood and Mike Michael Being a Sociologist and Becoming a Whiteheadian: Toward a Concrescent Methodology

Alberto Toscano The Culture of Abstraction

James Williams The Need for Metaphysics: On the Categories of Explanation in Process and Reality

Isabelle Stengers A Constructivist Reading of Process and Reality

Eric Alliez A Constructivist Flight from `A Constructivist Reading of Process and Reality'

Mimei Ito Seeing Animals, Speaking of Nature: Visual Culture and the Question of the Animal

Claire Blencowe Destroying Duration: The Critical Situation of Bergsonism in Benjamin's Analysis of Modern Experience

September 2008, Volume 25, No. 5 Jeffrey C. Alexander Iconic Experience in Art and Life: Surface/Depth Beginning with Giacometti's Standing Woman

Roy Boyne A Brief Note on Giacometti


David Stark and Verena Paravel PowerPoint in Public: Digital Technologies and the New Morphology of Demonstration

Henry A. Giroux The Militarization of US Higher Education after 9/11

Joel McKim Agamben at Ground Zero: A Memorial without Content

Benjamin Noys 'The End of the Monarchy of Sex': Sexuality and Contemporary Nihilism

Pathik Pathak Making a Case for Multiculture: From the `Politics of Piety' to the Politics of the Secular?

John Tomlinson Book Review: Visceral Cosmopolitanism: Gender, Culture and the Normalisation of Difference by Mica Nava Oxford: Berg, 2007

Adrian Mackenzie Book Review: My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts by N. Katherine Hayles Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005

Heikki Patomäki Book Review: Beyond Gated Politics: Reflections for the Possibility of Democracy by Romand Coles Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005

November 2008, Volume 25, No. 6 Rosi Braidotti In Spite of the Times: The Postsecular Turn in Feminism

Melinda Cooper Orientalism in the Mirror: The Sexual Politics of Anti-Westernism

Sarah Bracke Conjugating the Modern/ Religious, Conceptualizing Female Religious Agency: Contours of a `Post-secular' Conjuncture

Ross Abbinnett The Spectre and the Simulacrum: History after Baudrillard

Nick Crossley Pretty Connected: The Social Network of the Early UK Punk Movement

Laikwan Pang `China Who Makes and Fakes': A Semiotics of the Counterfeit

Huimin Jin Simulacrum: An Aesthetization or An-aesthetization

Rajeev S. Patke Book Review: Real Cities: Modernity, Space and the Phantasmagorias of City Life by Steve Pile London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2005

Tao Zhang Book Review: One China, Many Paths edited by Chaohua Wang London: Verso, 2005

22 Sociological Forum

Volume 23 Issue 3 September 2008 Time, Work, and Family Life: Reconceptualizing Gendered Time Patterns Through the Case of Children's Organized Activities Annette Lareau, Elliot B. Weininger

Interlegislator Relations and Policy Making: A Sociological Study of Roll-Call Voting in a State Legislature Clayton D. Peoples

Agency: The Internal Split of Structure Yong Wang

Exchange Relationships in Inshore Fisheries Sean R. Lauer

Members Only: Gated Communities and Residential Segregation in the Metropolitan United States Elena Vesselinov

Conservative Protestantism and Paternal Engagement in Fragile Families Christopher Wildeman

The Declining Significance of Delinquent Labels in Disadvantaged Urban Communities Paul J. Hirschfield

Socrates, Skinner, and Aristotle: Three Ways of Thinking About Culture in Action Stephen Vaisey

Comment on Stephen Vaisey's "Socrates, Skinner, and Aristotle: Three Ways of Thinking About Culture in Action" Ann Swidler

Reply to Ann Swidler Stephen Vaisey

BOOK REVIEWS Changing American Society Philip Kasinitz

Immigrants and Boomers Charles Hirschman

The Age of Independence Ann Meier

Strange Harvest Laura Mauldin

The American Dream and the Power of Wealth Aaron M. Pallas

Volume 23 Issue 4 December 2008 Ties that Bind: Cultural Interpretations of Delayed Adulthood in Western Europe and Japan Katherine S. Newman

Are They Really Mama's Boys/Daddy's Girls? The Negotiation of Adulthood upon Returning to the Parental Home Sharon Sassler, Desiree Ciambrone, Gaelan Benway

Arbiters, Entrepreneurs, and the Shaping of Business School Reputations Michael Sauder, Gary Alan Fine 23

Global Human Rights and State Sovereignty: State Ratification of International Human Rights Treaties, 1965– 2001 Christine Min Wotipka, Kiyoteru Tsutsui

Reconsidering Explanations for Regional Convergence in Voter Registration and Turnout in the United States, 1956–2000 Andrew S. Fullerton, Casey Borch

Navigating Globalization: Immigration Policy in Canada and Australia, 1945–2007 James Walsh

Sociologist Austin Turk and Policing: Structural Reinforcers and Reversals of the Positional Authority of Police Brian R. Kowalski, Richard J. Lundman

The Forum: Second Thoughts on Presidential Politics (p 852-860) Janet M. Ruane, Karen A. Cerulo

BOOK REVIEWS The Sociology of a Changing African America Philip Kasinitz

Off the Books Rebecca Casciano

Blue-Chip Black Bruce Haynes

Embracing Sisterhood Maggie R. Ussery

Theory and Society

Volume 37, Number 4 / August 2008 The once and future information society James B. Rule and Yasemin Besen

Religious nationalism and the making of the modern Japanese state Fumiko Fukase-Indergaard and Michael Indergaard

Reshaping the social contract: emerging relations between the state and informal labor in India Rina Agarwala

Social closure in American elite higher education David L. Swartz

Volume 37, Number 5 / Oktober 2008 Theorizing Institutions: Current Approaches and Debates

Theorizing the institution: foundations, duality, and data John W. Mohr and Roger Friedland

Approaching adulthood: the maturing of institutional theory W. Richard Scott

Language and social ontology John R. Searle


Technology and institutions: living in a material world Trevor Pinch

How to model an institution John W. Mohr and Harrison C. White

Volume 37, Number 6 / Dezember 2008 Polarization and convergence in academic controversies Sidney Tarrow

Social exclusion and social capital: A comparison and critique Mary Daly and Hilary Silver

Becoming citizens of empire: Albanian nationalism and fascist empire, 1939–1943 Besnik Pula

Erotic habitus: toward a sociology of desire Adam Isaiah Green

Economy and Society

Volume 37 Issue 3 2008 Governing Global Value Chains

Governing global value chains: an introduction Peter Gibbon; Jennifer Bair; Stefano Ponte

Analysing global economic organization: embedded networks and global chains compared Jennifer Bair

Global value chains: from governance to governmentality? Peter Gibbon; Stefano Ponte

Bringing the social context back in: governance and wealth distribution in global commodity chains Florence Palpacuer

Shifting sources and uses of profits: sustaining US financialization with global value chains William Milberg

Governance, value chains and networks: an afterword

Review article: Happiness: what's the use? Keith Tribe

Volume 37 Issue 4 2008 Sub-prime mortgage lending: a cultural economy Paul Langley

Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation: perverse effects, protectionism and Gemeinschaft Gareth Dale

Schumpeter's economic theory and the dynamic accounting view of the firm: neglected pages from the Theory of Economic Development Yuri Biondi


Foam architecture: managing co-isolated associations Christian Borch

Identity theft and the care of the virtual self Jennifer R. Whitson; Kevin D. Haggerty

On the stalling of the Malaysian industrialization project Suresh Narayanan

On the stalling of the Malaysian industrialization project: a reply to Narayanan Richard Phillips; Jeffrey Henderson

Review article: The architecture of risk management Richard Ericson; Myles Leslie

Political Theory

June 2008, Volume 36, No. 3 Claudia Leeb Toward a Theoretical Outline of the Subject: The Centrality of Adorno and Lacan for Feminist Political Theorizing

Nancy Luxon Ethics and Subjectivity: Practices of Self-Governance in the Late Lectures of Michel Foucault

Melissa Schwartzberg Voting the General Will: Rousseau on Decision Rules

Lisa Pace Vetter Harriet Martineau on the Theory and Practice of Democracy in America

Shannon Mariotti Review Essays: Critique from the Margins: Adorno and the Politics of Withdrawal: Adorno: A Political Biography by Lorez Jäger, translated by Stewart Spencer. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2004. Adorno in America by David Jenemann. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007.. Adorno: A Biography by Stefan Müller-Doohm, translated by Rodney Livingstone. Malden, MA: Polity, 2005.

Dana Villa Review Essays: Tocqueville: Life and Legacy: Alexis de Tocqueville: A Life by Hugh Brogan. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007. Tocqueville's Road Map: Methodology, Liberalism, Revolution, and Despotism by Roger Boesche. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006.

Babette E. Babich Books in Review: Speaking Against Number: Heidegger, Language, and the Politics of Calculation, by Stuart Elden. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006.

Aryeh Botwinick Books in Review: The Politics and Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott by Stuart Isaacs. London: Routledge, 2006.

Elizabeth Shakman Hurd Books in Review: A Secular Age, by Charles Taylor. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007.

August 2008, Volume 36, No. 4 James Farr Locke, Natural Law, and New World Slavery

26 Jakob De Roover and S.N. Balagangadhara John Locke, Christian Liberty, and the Predicament of Liberal Toleration

Leonard C. Feldman Judging Necessity: Democracy and Extra-legalism

Jean L. Cohen Rethinking Human Rights, Democracy, and Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization

Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall Sovereignty and the UFO

Ryan Patrick Hanley Review Essay: Cambridge's Enlightenment

Lina Erikkson Review Essay: Issues in Democratic Theory: Reflexive Democracy: Political Equality and the Welfare State, by Kevin Olson. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006. Radical Democracy: Politics between Abundance and Lack, edited by Lars Tønder and Lasse Thomassen. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2005

Chris Brown Book in Review: Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village, by Daniel H. Deudney. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.

October 2008, Volume 36, No. 5 Jack Turner Awakening to Race: Ralph Ellison and Democratic Individuality

W. James Booth The Color of Memory: Reading Race with Ralph Ellison

George Shulman Thinking Authority Democratically: Prophetic Practices, White Supremacy, and Democratic Politics

Kathy E. Ferguson Discourses of Danger: Locating Emma Goldman

Elisabeth Anker Review Essay: National Love in Violent Times: Postcolonial Melancholia, by Paul Gilroy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. The Truth about Patriotism, by Steven Johnston. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007

Journal of Peace Research

July 2008, Volume 45, No. 4 Ibrahim Elbadawi, Håvard Hegre, and Gary J. Milante The Aftermath of Civil War

Paul Collier, Anke Hoeffler, and Måns Söderbom Post-Conflict Risks

Desirée Nilsson Partial Peace: Rebel Groups Inside and Outside of Civil War Settlements

Indra De Soysa and Eric Neumayer Disarming Fears of Diversity: Ethnic Heterogeneity and State Militarization, 1988—2002

27 Victor A.B. Davies Postwar Capital Flight and Inflation

Aderoju Oyefusi Oil and the Probability of Rebel Participation Among Youths in the Niger Delta of

Colin Jennings and Hein Roelfsema Civil Conflict, Federalism and Strategic Delegation of Leadership

September 2008, Volume 45, No. 5 Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Baogang He Letting Go Without a Fight: Decolonization, Democracy and War, 1900—94

David Lektzian and Brandon C. Prins Taming the Leviathan: Examining the Impact of External Threat on State Capacity

Matthew Fuhrmann Exporting Mass Destruction? The Determinants of Dual-Use Trade

Neil F. Johnson, Michael Spagat, Sean Gourley, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, and Gesine Reinert Bias in Epidemiological Studies of Conflict Mortality

Christopher Paul US Presidential War Powers: Legacy Chains in Military Intervention Decisionmaking

Orla T. Muldoon, Katrina Mclaughlin, Nathalie Rougier, and Karen Trew Adolescents' Explanations for Paramilitary Involvement

Lotta Harbom, Erik Melander, and Peter Wallensteen Dyadic Dimensions of Armed Conflict, 1946—2007

November 2008, Volume 45, No. 6 Stephen L. Quackenbush and Jerome F. Venteicher Settlements, Outcomes, and the Recurrence of Conflic

Benjamin E. Goldsmith, Stephan K. Chalup, and Michael J. Quinlan Regime Type and International Conflict: Towards a General Model

Madhav Joshi and T. David Mason Between Democracy and Revolution: Peasant Support for Insurgency versus Democracy in Nepal

Akan Malici and Allison L. Buckner Empathizing with Rogue Leaders: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Bashar al-Asad

Ole Magnus Theisen Blood and Soil? Resource Scarcity and Internal Armed Conflict Revisited

Tor A. Benjaminsen Does Supply-Induced Scarcity Drive Violent Conflicts in the African Sahel? The Case of the Tuareg Rebellion in Northern Mali

Thomas J. Volgy, Elizabeth Fausett, Keith A. Grant, and Stuart Rodgers Identifying Formal Intergovernmental Organizations

Morten Bergsmo Book Notes: Brookshaw, Dominic P. & Seena B. Fazel, eds, 2007. The Baha'is of Iran: Socio-Historical Studies. New York: Routledge

Basel Saleh

28 Book Notes: Costigan, Sean & Gold David, eds, 2007. Terrornomics. Burlington, VT: Ashgate

Helge Holtermann Book Notes: Bräutigam, Deborah; Odd-Helge Fjeldstad & Mick Moore, 2008. Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries: Capacity and Consent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Åshild Falch Book Notes: Daley, Patricia O., 2007. Gender and Genocide in Burundi: The Search for Spaces of Peace in the Great Lakes Region. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press

Marit Brochmann Book Notes: Dinar, Shlomi, 2008. International Water Treaties: Negotiation and Cooperation Along Transboundary Rivers. London & New York: Routledge

Siri Aas Rustad Book Notes: Elaigwu, J. Isawa, 2007. The Politics of Federalism in Nigeria. London: Adonis & Abbey

Kaja Borchgrevink Book Notes: Fair, Christine C., 2008. The Madrassah Challenge: Militancy and Religious Education in Pakistan. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press

Kendra Dupuy Book Notes: Gberie, Lansana, 2005. A Dirty War in West Africa: The R.U.F. and the Destruction of . London: Hurst

Kjell Erling Kjellman Book Notes: Ghani, Ashraf & Clare Lockhart, 2008. Fixing Failed States: A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Nicholas Marsh Book Notes: Gray, John, 2007. Black Mass Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia. London: Allen Lane.

Stephan Davidshofer Book Notes: Gros, Frédéric, 2006. Etats de violence, Essai sur la fin de la guerre [States of Violence: Essay on the End of War], NRF essais. Paris: Gallimard.

Henrik Syse Book Notes: Kaplan, Fred, 2008. Daydream Believers: How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Henrik Syse Book Notes: Kielland, Anne & Maurizia Tovo, 2006. Children at Work: Child Labor Practices in Africa. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.

April Carter Book Notes: King, Mary Elizabeth, 2008. A Quiet Revolution: The First Palestinian Intifada and Nonviolent Resistance. London: Nation

Jørgen Jensehaugen Book Notes: Krämer, Gudrun, 2008. A History of Palestine. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press

Henrik Urdal Book Notes: Sachs, Jeffrey D., 2008. Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet. New York: Penguin.

Henrik Syse Book Notes: Sandoz, Ellis, 2006. Republicanism, Religion, and the Soul of America. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press

Farrid Shamsuddin Book Notes: Seierstad, Åsne, 2008. The Angel of Gronzy: Inside Chechnya. Trans. Nadia Christensen. London: Virago

29 Sven Gunnar Simonsen Book Notes: Shoesmith, Dennis, ed., 2007. The Crisis in Timor-Leste: Understanding the Past, Imagining the Future. Darwin: Charles Darwin University Press

Cultural Studies

Volume 22 Issue 3 & 4 2008 Cultural Studies and Environment, Revisited

OVERTURE. The most complicated word Phaedra C. Pezzullo

SPECULATIVE VISIONS AND IMAGINARY MEALS. Food and the environment in (post-apocalyptic) science fiction films Jean P. Retzinger

TOURISM, RACE AND THE STATE OF NATURE. On the bio-poetics of government Margaret Werry


CAT AND MOUSE. Iconographics of Nature and Desire Jody Berland



Interview: FROM WATER CRISIS TO WATER CULTURE Vandana Shiva, an interview by Andy Opel

Volume 22 Issue 5 2008 Cultural Studies and Anti-Consumerism: A Critical Encounter

INTRODUCTION. Cultural studies and anti-consumerism: a critical encounter Sam Binkley; Jo Littler

YOUNG WOMEN AND CONSUMER CULTURE. An intervention Angela McRobbie

AGAINST THE COMMODIFICATION OF EVERYTHING. Anti-consumerist cultural studies in the age of ecological crisis Jeremy Gilbert



LIQUID CONSUMPTION. Anti-consumerism and the fetishized de-fetishization of commodities Sam Binkley

THE ELUSIVE SUBJECTS OF NEO-LIBERALISM. Beyond the analytics of governmentality

30 Clive Barnett; Nick Clarke; Paul Cloke; Alice Malpass

CONSUMING THE CAMPESINO. Fair trade marketing between recognition and romantic commodification Matthias Zick Varul

ALTERNATIVE REALITIES. Downshifting narratives in contemporary lifestyle television Lyn Thomas

FOURTH WORLDS AND NEO-FORDISM. American Apparel and the cultural economy of consumer anxiety Liz Moor; Jo Littler

CONSUMING AUTHENTICITY. From outposts of difference to means of exclusion Sharon Zukin



Volume 22 Issue 6 2008 REREADING THE PASSING OF TRADITIONAL SOCIETY. Empathy, orthodoxy and the Americanization of the Middle East Umaru Bah

BEYOND AMBIVALENCE: Turkish artists at the Istanbul biennial Michel Oren

ACTIVE SUBJECTS, PASSIVE REVOLUTION. Agility, cleverness and irony in contemporary society Thomas Barfuss

RECOGNITION OR ETHICS? De/centering and the legacy of settler colonialism Avril Bell

ON THE REGISTERS OF CARIBBEAN MEMORY OF SLAVERY. Translated by Karen E. Fields and Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer Christine Chivallon

ECONOMIC REPRESENTATIONS. What's at stake? David F. Ruccio

International Organization

Volume 62 - Issue 03 Protecting Democracy in Europe and the Americas Darren Hawkins

A New Approach for Determining Exchange-Rate Level Preferences Stefanie Walter

Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Exclusion in the Nuclear Proliferation Regime Daniel Verdier

Does Flexibility Promote Cooperation? An Application to the Global Trade Regime Jeffrey Kucik and Eric Reinhardt

Protecting Free Trade: The Political Economy of Rules of Origin

31 Kerry A. Chase

Disaggregating Ethno-Nationalist Civil Wars: A Dyadic Test of Exclusion Theory Halvard Buhaug and Lars-Erik Cederman and Jan Ketil Rød

Volume 62 - Issue 04 Environmental Policy Convergence: The Impact of International Harmonization, Transnational Communication, and Regulatory Competition Katharina Holzinger and Christoph Knill and Thomas Sommerer

The Scope of IMF Conditionality Randall W. Stone

International Institutions and the Volatility of International Trade Edward D. Mansfield and Eric Reinhardt

Moving Hollywood Abroad: Divided Labor Markets and the New Politics of Trade in Services Kerry A. Chase

Sticks and Stones: Naming and Shaming the Human Rights Enforcement Problem Emilie M. Hafner-Burton

Ensuring Peace: Foreign-Imposed Regime Change and Postwar Peace Duration, 1914–2001 Nigel Lo and Barry Hashimoto and Dan Reiter

International Relations

June 2008, Volume 22, No. 2 Jean Bethke Elshtain On Never Reaching the Coast of Utopia

Basil Germond Multinational Military Cooperation and its Challenges: The Case of European Naval Operations in the Wider Mediterranean Area

Robbie Shilliam The Hieroglyph of the `Party': Contextualising the Agent—Structure Debate through the Works of Trotsky, C. L. R. James and Althusser

Or Arthur Honig The Whisper in the Leader's Ear: How Do Foreign Policy Advisers Perform their Job?

Brent J. Steele `Ideals that were really never in our possession': Torture, Honor and US Identity

Conversations in International Relations: Interview with Rosemary Foot

September 2008, Volume 22, No. 3 Gareth Evans The Responsibility to Protect: An Idea Whose Time Has Come ... and Gone?

Raymond Kuo Occupation and the Just War

Dan Plesch Introducing the Concept of a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone


Jan Prawitz A Brief Sketch of the Proposed Zone

Michael Crowley Verification and National Implementation Measures for a WMDFZ in the Middle East

Jonathan Spyer Israel in the Middle East: Threats and Countermeasures

Merav Datan Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East: Conditions for Disarmament1

Mustafa Alani The Gulf NW and WMD Free Zone: A Track II Initiative

Hugh Beach Is There a Future for Arms Control?

Anatol Lieven Confidence-Building Measures: Lessons for the Middle East

Alyson J. K. Bailes WMD in the Greater Middle East: Any Lessons from NATO and European Arms Control and Disarmament Structures?

Mark Fitzpatrick Will Nuclear Energy Plans in the Middle East Become Nuclear Weapons Strategies?

Bennett Ramberg The Promise of a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone

Dan Plesch and Poul-Erik Christiansen A Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East: Reflections on a Project of Academic Applied International Relations

European Journal of International Relations

June 2008, Volume 14, No. 2 Emanuel Adler The Spread of Security Communities: Communities of Practice, Self-Restraint, and NATO's Post—Cold War Transformation

Norbert Götz Reframing NGOs: The Identity of an International Relations Non-Starter

Caroline Fehl Living with a Reluctant Hegemon: The Transatlantic Conflict Over Multilateral Arms Control

Jennifer L. Bailey Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm Change

Dionyssis Dimitrakopoulos Norms, Strategies and Political Change: Explaining the Establishment of the Convention on the Future of Europe

Brian Greenhill Recognition and Collective Identity Formation in International Politic

33 September 2008, Volume 14, No. 3 Elke Krahmann Security: Collective Good or Commodity?

Chris Boyle The Mystery of Modern Wealth: Mercantilism, Value, and the Social Foundations of Liberal International Order

Tomas Baum A Quest for Inspiration in the Liberal Peace Paradigm: Back to Bentham?

Beate Sissenich Cross-National Policy Networks and the State: EU Social Policy Transfer to Poland and Hungary

Kai He Institutional Balancing and International Relations Theory: Economic Interdependence and Balance of Power Strategies in Southeast Asia

Christopher S. Browning and Pertti Joenniemi Geostrategies of the European Neighbourhood Policy

December 2008, Volume 14, No. 4 Matt McDonald Securitization and the Construction of Security

Hans-Martin Jaeger `World Opinion' and the Founding of the UN: Governmentalizing International Politics

Alejandro Colás Open Doors and Closed Frontiers: The Limits of American Empire

Andreas Dür Bargaining Power and Trade Liberalization: European External Trade Policies in the 1960s

Iver B. Neumann The Body of the Diplomat

Touko Piiparinen The Rise and Fall of Bureaucratic Rationalization: Exploring the Possibilities and Limitations of the UN Secretariat in Conflict Prevention

Journal of European Public Policy

Volume 15 Issue 5 2008 Reforming the European Commission

Introduction: Organizational change, management reform and EU policy-making Michael W. Bauer

'Mission impossible', but mission accomplished: the Kinnock reforms and the European Commission Hussein Kassim

Explaining variation in organizational change: the reform of human resource management in the European Commission and the OECD Christoph Knill; Tim Balint

Diffuse anxieties, deprived entrepreneurs: Commission reform and middle management Michael W. Bauer


Reforming the Commission: between modernization and bureaucratization Antonis Ellinas; Ezra Suleiman

Implementing organizational change - the case of the Kinnock reforms Emmanuelle Schoumln-Quinlivan

European Commission reform and the origins of the European Transparency Initiative Michelle Cini

Enlargement, reform and the European Commission. Weathering a perfect storm? John Peterson


Volume 15 Issue 6 2008 Beyond conditionality: international institutions in postcommunist Europe after enlargement

Beyond conditionality: international institutions in postcommunist Europe after enlargement Rachel A. Epstein; Ulrich Sedelmeier

After conditionality: post-accession compliance with EU law in East Central Europe Ulrich Sedelmeier

The remains of conditionality: the faltering enlargement of the euro zone Juliet Johnson

The politics of EU conditionality: the norm of minority protection during and beyond EU accession Gwendolyn Sasse

Tempered by the EU? Political parties and party systems before and after accession Milada A. Vachudova

The social context in conditionality: internationalizing finance in postcommunist Europe Rachel A. Epstein

Out-liberalizing the EU: pension privatization in Central and Eastern Europe Mitchell A. Orenstein

EU political accession conditionality after the 2004 enlargement: consistency and effectiveness Frank Schimmelfennig

A governance perspective on the European neighbourhood policy: integration beyond conditionality? Sandra Lavenex

Volume 15 Issue 7 2008 The European Union's governance ambitions and its administrative capacities Adriaan Schout; Andrew Jordan

Convergence towards where: in what ways, if any, are welfare states becoming more similar? Peter Starke; Herbert Obinger; Francis G. Castles

Two constitutionalisms? A comparison of British and French government attempts to justify the Constitutional Treaty Christopher Lord

Balancing competitiveness and conditionality: environmental policy-making in low-regulating countries

35 Christoph Knill; Jale Tosun And; Stephan Heichel

Explaining patterns of support for the provision of citizen welfare Karl C. Kaltenthaler; Stephen J. Ceccoli

The EU as a negotiator in multilateral chemicals negotiations: multiple principals, different agents Tom Delreux

The European Union and New Zealand: converging approaches to the knowledge-based economy? Anna Michalski; Christine Cheyne

Volume 15 Issue 8 2008 The Role of Political Parties in the European Union

Party politics as usual? The role of political parties in EU legislative decision-making Bjoumlrn Lindberg; Anne Rasmussen; Andreas Warntjen

Who leads, who follows? Re-examining the party-electorate linkages on European integration Johan Hellstroumlm

Decision-making dynamics in the European Commission: partisan, national or sectoral? Arndt Wonka

Party soldiers in a non-partisan community? Party linkage in the European Parliament Anne Rasmussen

Are political parties controlling legislative decision-making in the European Parliament? The case of the services directive Bjoumlrn Lindberg

Parties in the Council? Sara Hagemann; Bjorn Hoyland

Party politics in the European Council Jonas Tallberg; Karl Magnus Johansson

The party political make-up of EU legislative bodies Andreas Warntjen; Simon Hix; Christophe Crombez

Towards a partisan theory of EU politics Simon Hix

Global Governance

Volume: 14 Issue: 3 The Downside of Celebrity Diplomacy: The Neglected Complexity of Development Heribert Dieter and Rajiv Kumar

Beyond One Image Fits All: Bono and the Complexity of Celebrity Diplomacy Andrew F. Cooper

Promoting Global Accountability: The Experiences of the Global Accountability Project Robert Lloyd

Renegotiating the Food Aid Convention: Background, Context, and Issues John Hoddinott, Marc J. Cohen and Christopher B. Barrett

Governing Global Slums: The Biopolitics of Target 11 Tim Di Muzio


Unclear Ends, Unclear Means: Reintegration in Postwar Societies—The Case of Liberia Kathleen M. Jennings

Rights to Govern Lives in Postdisaster Reconstruction Processes Jane Krishnadas

The State of the Art on the Art of State Building Michael Wesley

Review Essay: Private Institutions and Business Power in Global Governance Morten Ougaard

Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Introduction: Global Governance of Water Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Joyeeta Gupta and Daniel Petry

Global Governance of Water: A Practitioner's Perspective Olcay Ünver

Governance and the Global Water System: A Theoretical Exploration Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Joyeeta Gupta and Daniel Petry

Toward Global Law on Water Joseph Dellapenna and Joyeeta Gupta

Integration in the Management of International Waters: Economic Perspectives on a Global Policy Discourse Ines Dombrowsky

Compliance and Performance in International Water Agreements: The Case of the Naryn/Syr Darya Basin Thomas Bernauer and Tobias Siegfried

Global Trade and Water: Lessons from China and the WTO Yongsong Liao, Charlotte de Fraiture and Mark Giordano

Review Essay: Global Water Governance Through Many Lenses Patricia Wouters


Volume 5 Issue 2 2008 Trading Morsels Introduction: Agriculture, Trade, and the Global Governance of Food Abigail M. Cooke; Sara R. Curran; April Linton; Andrew Schrank

Part 1: Global Complexities and Local Dynamics

The Global Complexity Framework Sara R. Curran

Unexpected Outcomes of Thai Cassava Trade: A Case of Global Complexity and Local Unsustainability Sara R. Curran; Abigail M. Cooke

The Bitter Harvest of Gambian Rice Policies Judith A. Carney

Sugar's Political By-Product: The Caribbean Basin Initiative Andrew Schrank

37 Globalizing Unsustainable Food Consumption: Trade Policies, Producer Lobbies, Consumer Preferences, and Beef Consumption in Northeast Asia Sjur Kasa

Part 2: Responses to Global Complexity—Branding and Certification

Branding and Certification Abigail M. Cooke

Have Private Supermarket Norms Benefited Laborers? Lemon and Sweet Citrus Production in Argentina Susana Aparicio; Sutti Ortiz; Nidia Tadeo

Aquaculture, Trade, and Fisheries Linkages: Unexpected Synergies Rebecca J. Goldburg

Global Resources and Market Impacts on US Pacific Northwest Fisheries Michael T. Morrissey

Places, Chains, and Plates: Governing Transitions in the Shrimp Aquaculture Production-Consumption System Louis Lebel; Phimphakan Lebel; Po Garden; Dao Huy Giap; Supaporn Khrutmuang; Sachiko Nakayama

Part 3: Responses to Global Complexity—Ethical Trade

Ethical Trade Initiatives April Linton

A Niche for Sustainability? Fair Labor and Environmentally Sound Practices in the Specialty Coffee Industry April Linton

Linking Consumers to Sustainability: Incorporating Science into Eco-friendly Certification Thomas V. Dietsch; Stacy M. Philpott

Are Sustainable Coffee Certifications Enough to Secure Farmer Livelihoods? The Millenium Development Goals and Nicaragua's Fair Trade Cooperatives Christopher M. Bacon; V. Ernesto Meacutendez; Mariacutea Eugenia Flores Goacutemez; Douglas Stuart; Sandro Rauacutel Diacuteaz Flores

Is Fair Trade-Organic Coffee Sustainable in the Face of Migration? Evidence from a Oaxacan Community Jessa Lewis; David Runsten

Fair Trade Wine: South Africa's Post-Apartheid Vineyards and the Global Economy William G. Moseley

In the Mists of Development: Fairtrade in Kenyan Tea Fields Catherine S. Dolan

Conclusion: Negot iating the Dynamics of Global Complexity Abigail M. Cooke; Sara R. Curran; April Linton; Andrew Schrank

Volume 5 Issue 3 2008 Transnational Municipal Networks in Climate Politics: From Global Governance to Global Politics Noah J. Toly

Present in the World Economy: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (1996-2007) Andreacute C. Drainville

Commentary on the Coalition of Immokalee Workers: 2007 Anti-Slavery International Award Winners Gemma Wolfes

Measuring… What? Notes on Some Globalization Indices

38 Marco Caselli

Cruisin' To Exclusion: Commodity Chains, the Cruise Industry, and Development in the Caribbean Michael Clancy

Poverty through 'Insufficient Exploitation and/or Globalization'? Globalized Production and New Dualist Fallacies Ray Kiely

Globalizations and the Transformation of Environmental Activism: Turkey since the 1980s Gabriel Ignatow

Britain and Globalization Luke Martell

The Institutionalization of Solidarity and Globalization: The Case of Darfur Thomas Olesen

The Global Uprising of Labour? The Korean Labour Movement and Neoliberal Social Corporatism Kevin Gray

International Studies Quarterly

Volume 52 Issue 2 June 2008 Contagion or Confusion? Why Conflicts Cluster in Space Halvard Buhaug, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch

Laissez Fear: Assessing the Impact of Government Involvement in the Economy on Ethnic Violence David A. Steinberg, Stephen M. Saideman

The Genesis, Design and Effects of Regional Institutions: Lessons from East Asia and the Middle East Etel Solingen

Anarchy, Failed States, and Armed Groups: Reconsidering Conventional Analysi Anthony Vinci

The Effect of Changing Conditions and Agreement Provisions on Conflict and Renegotiation Between States with Competing Claims Michaela Mattes

Choosing How to Cooperate: A Repeated Public-Goods Model of International Relations Randall W. Stone, Branislav L. Slantchev, Tamar R. London

Coordination in Large Numbers: An Agent-Based Model of International Negotiations David C. Earnest

Power and Authority in the Production of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 Laura J. Shepherd

Taking Stock Seriously: Equity-Market Performance, Government Policy, and Financial Globalization Layna Mosley, David Andrew Singer

The Tariff and the Lobbyist: Political Institutions, Interest Group Politics, and U.S. Trade Policy Sean D. Ehrlich

Volume 52 Issue 3 September 2008 Two Faces of Liberalism: Kant, Paine, and the Question of Intervention Thomas C. Walker


Incubators of Terror: Do Failed and Failing States Promote Transnational Terrorism? James A. Piazza

"A Hand upon the Throat of the Nation": Economic Sanctions and State Repression, 1976–2001 Reed M. Wood

Unraveling the Ties Between Civic Institutions and Attitudes Toward Political Violence Terrence L. Chapman

Does Private Information Lead to Delay or War in Crisis Bargaining? Bahar Leventoğlu, Ahmer Tarar

Decolonizing the Cuban Missile Crisis Mark Laffey, Jutta Weldes

Uneven Economic Growth and the World Economy's North–South Stratification Rafael Reuveny, William R. Thompson

Private Transnational Governance and the Developing World: A Comparative Perspective Klaus Dingwerth

Power and Discourse in Policy Diffusion: Anti-Money Laundering in Developing States J.C. Sharman

Costly Procedures: Divergent Effects of Legalization in the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures Moonhawk Kim

International Studies Review

Volume 10, Number 2, June 2008 Rethinking Poverty through the Eyes of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Blackmon, Pamela

The Northern Irish Peace Process: From Top to Bottom Hancock, LandonE.

New Directions for IPE: Drawing From Behavioral Economics Elms, DeborahKay

The Poliheuristic Research Program: An Assessment and Suggestions for Further Progress

Global Governance: Lest We Forget! Moore, Phoebe

Not Just Another Book on NGOs Hudson, NatalieFlorea

Tabloid Terror Neumann, IverB.

The Partisan Origins of Great Power Politics? Taliaferro, JeffreyW.

US-Cuban Relations: Is There a Light at the End of the Tunnel? Carranza, MarioE.

The Elements of Strategic Thinking Raymond, GregoryA.

40 Institutionalizing the EU One Case at a Time Case, RhondaEvans

Corridors to Global Justice? Felice, WilliamF.

In Search of a Civilizational Consensus Inoguchi, Takashi

Visuality as a Purveyor of Truth Lehman, Kathryn

Making History Work Scully, Eileen

Make Money, Not War Fordham, BenjaminO.

The European Parliament: Is It a Normal Legislature? Luedtke, Adam

Bionuclear Nightmares Morgan, PatrickM.

Who Pushes the United Nations to Act? VanAssche, Tobias

Regulating Global Capital in the Age of Neoliberalism Patomäki, Heikki

The Political Economy of Proliferation Lantis, JeffreyS.

European Identity: Things Better Left Unsaid? Arnold, Samantha

Structural Constraints and European Crisis Rhodes, Carolyn

Bureaucratic Diplomacy: Technocratic Cooperation in Transatlantic Trade Relations Sissenich, Beate

The Politics of Folly: Mis-Applying Financial Tools in the War on Terror Turner, Michael

Para-States, Quasi-States, and Black Spots: Perhaps Not States, But Not “Ungoverned Territories,” Either Stanislawski, BartoszH.

Volume 10, Number 3, September 2008 The Regulatory Power of Business Norms: A Call for a New Research Agenda Kollman, Kelly

Taking Stock of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: Using Social Psychology to Understand Regime Effectiveness Rublee, MariaRost

Fear in International Politics: Two Positions Tang, Shiping

Scaling IR Theory: Geography's Contribution to Where IR Takes Place

41 Sjoberg, Laura

Yielding Sovereignty to International Institutions: Bringing System Structure Back In Cooper, Scott; Hawkins, Darren; Jacoby, Wade; Nielson, Daniel

Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank and the Nobel Peace Prize: What Political Science Can Contribute to and Learn From the Study of Microcredit Bayulgen, Oksan

Identifying the Place of Democratic Norms in Democratic Peace Friedman, Gil

When Identity Matters: State Identity, Regional Institution-Building, and Japanese Foreign Policy Ashizawa, Kuniko

Putting People First: Globalization and Human Security Risley, Amy

An Anatomy of Peace-Making Galbreath, DavidJ.

Sharing Power to Settle Civil Wars Trumbore, PeterF.

A Bottom-up Approach to Peacebuilding Urlacher, Brian

Women and Work in the New Global Political Economy Roberts, Adrienne

A Knitting Expedition: Immigration to Europe Heindl, Brett

Neorealism in Search of New Territory Thies, CameronG.

Why Women's Contribution to Peacebuilding Matters Porter, Elisabeth

Imagine There's No Countries Paul, DarelE.

Antiterrorist Finance 2.0 Donohue, LauraK.

The Ultra Cruel: Comparing Human Rights Violators Hancock, KathleenJ.

Renegade Regimes and Global Order Kay, Sean

New Approaches to Resolving Old Conflicts Beardsley, Kyle

International Policing and State Sovereignty: A New Methodological Approach Manjikian, MaryMcEvoy

From Camps to Conversations in Critical Security Studies Hansen, Lene

Ordering Germans McAllister, James 42

Contending the Limits of Political Space Turcotte, HeatherM.

International Peacekeeping

Volume 15 Issue 3 2008 Post-conflict Peacebuilding and Corruption

Introduction - Key Themes in Peacebuilding and Corruption Christine S. Cheng; Dominik Zaum

Peacebuilding and Corruption Mark Philp

Corruption and Government Susan Rose-Ackerman

Corrupting Peace? Peacebuilding and Post-conflict Corruption Philippe Le Billon

Adaptation, Compensation and Imposition: Paradigms for Purging the Bosnian Judiciary Per Bergling

The Political Economy of Corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina Boris Divjak; Michael Pugh

Anti-corruption Efforts in Liberia: Are they Aimed at the Right Targets? FREE ACCESS FREE ACCESS William Reno

Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post-conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan FREE ACCESS FREE ACCESS Jonathan Goodhand

Reconstruction and Peacebuilding Under Extreme Adversity: The Problem of Pervasive Corruption in Iraq Robert E. Looney

Volume 15 Issue 4 2008 Integrated Missions Revisited: Policy and Practitioner Perspectives

Introduction: Integration Revisited Kathleen M. Jennings; Anja T. Kaspersen

The Strategic Context: Peacekeeping in Crisis, 2006-08 Richard Gowan

The UN's Reforms: Confronting Integration Barriers Susanna P. Campbell; Anja T. Kaspersen

Towards an Integrated Security Sector Reform Approach in UN Peace Operations Heiner Haumlnggi; Vincenza Scherrer

MONUC and SSR in the Democratic Republic of Congo Renner Onana; Hannah Taylor

Intelligence in Integrated UN Peacekeeping Missions: The Joint Mission Analysis Centre Philip Shetler-Jones

43 Integrated Missions: A Threat to Humanitarian Security? Adele Harmer

Culture and Interoperability in Integrated Missions FREE ACCESS FREE ACCESS Robert A. Rubinstein; Diana M. Keller; Michael E. Scherger

(Dis)integration, Incoherence and Complexity in UN Post-conflict Interventions Susanna P. Campbell

Eyewitness: Crisis, Contention and Coherence - Reflections from the Field Alan Doss

Conclusion: Integration Going Forward Kathleen M. Jennings; Anja T. Kaspersen

Volume 15 Issue 5 2008 'Impartial' Use of Force in United Nations Peacekeeping Hikaru Yamashita

Legitimacy and International Administration: The Ahtisaari Settlement for Kosovo from a Human Security Perspective Denisa Kostovicova

'Kosovanizing' the Ombudsperson: Implications for Kosovo and Peacekeeping Christopher P. M. Waters

Order Without Law? An Anatomy of Hamas Security: The Executive Force (Tanfithya) Beverley Milton-Edwards

Militarized Law Enforcement in Peace Operations: EUFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina Cornelius Friesendorf; Susan E. Penksa


Dutch Muslim Soldiers During Peace Operations in Muslim Societies Femke Bosman; Joseph Soeters; Fatima Ait Bari


Civil War and Its Discontents Mandy Turner

Security, Justice and the Rule of Law in Peace Operations Till Blume

Development and Change

Volume 39 Issue 3 May 2008 The ILO: An Agency for Globalization? Guy Standing

Multinational Corporations and Patterns of Local Knowledge Transfer in Costa Rican High-Tech Industries Elisa Giuliani

Bridging the Social and Digital Divides in Andhra Pradesh and Kerala: A Capabilities Approach Jayan Jose Thomas, Govindan Parayil

Possibilism: An Approach to Problem-Solving Derived from the Life and Work of Albert O. Hirschman

44 Philipp H. Lepenies

The Rise and Rise of Ecofeminism as a Development Fable: A Response to Melissa Leach's 'Earth Mothers and Other Ecofeminist Fables: How a Strategic Notion Rose and Fell Niamh Moore

Non-Market Institutions in Economic Development: The Role of the Third Sector Vladislav Valentinov

The Feminist Economics of Trade edited by Irene van Staveren, Diane Elson, Caren Grown and Nilüfer Çağatay A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi

Does Foreign Aid Really Work? by Roger C. Riddell Joseph Hanlon

Forests, People & Power: The Political Ecology of Reform in South Asia edited by Oliver Springate-Baginski and Piers BlaikieOur Forest, Your Ecosystem, Their Timber by Nicholas K. MenziesPartnerships in Sustainable Forest Resource Management: Learning from Latin America edited by Mirjam A.F. Ros-Tonen Ken Bauer

Hydro-Logic: Poverty, Heterogeneity and Cooperation on the Commons by Mathew Kurian and Ton Dietz Krishna Prasad Vadrevu

Good Governance and Development by B.C. Smith Sujay Ghosh

Global Unions: Challenging Transnational Capital through Cross-Border Campaigns edited by Kate Bronfenbrenner Helen Hintjens

External Liberalization in Asia, Post-socialist Europe and Brazil edited by Lance Taylor Servaas Storm

Poverty, AIDS and Hunger: Breaking the Poverty Trap in Malawi edited by Anne C. Conroy Jan Kees van Donge

Starter Packs: A Strategy to Fight Hunger in Developing Countries? Lessons from the Malawi Experience 1998– 2003 edited by Sarah Levy Bridget O'Laughlin

Decentralisation and Local Governance in Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective edited by Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee Raghav Gaiha

Everyday Politics of the World Economy edited by John M. Hobson and Leonard Seabrooke J. Joost Beuving

Volume 39 Issue 4 July 2008

Public Production of Anti-Retroviral Medicines in Brazil, 1990–2007 Matthew Flynn

Post-conflict Statebuilding and State Legitimacy: From Negative to Positive Peace? David Roberts

Patronage or Participation? Community-based Natural Resource Management Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa Fred Nelson, Arun Agrawal

Challenging Orthodoxies: Understanding Poverty in Pastoral Areas of East Africa

45 Peter D. Little, John McPeak, Christopher B. Barrett, Patti Kristjanson

The Dynamics of Real Markets: Cattle in Southern Zimbabwe following Land Reform B.Z. Mavedzenge, J. Mahenehene, F. Murimbarimba, I. Scoones, W. Wolmer

Women's Property, Women's Agency in China's 'New Enclosure Movement': Evidence from Zhejiang Sally Sargeson

Negotiating Remote Borderland Access: Small-Scale Trade on the Vietnam–China Border Laura Schoenberger

Book Reviews

Escape from Empire: The Developing World's Journey through Heaven and Hell by Alice H. Amsden Syed Mansoob Murshed

The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change edited by J. Timmons Roberts and A. Bellone HiteGlobalization, Development and Human Security edited by Anthony McGrew and Nana K. Poku Penny Griffin

Land, Poverty and Livelihoods in an Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Developing and Transition Countries edited by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Saturnino M. Borras Jr and Cristobal KayPromised Land: Competing Visions of Agrarian Reform edited by Peter Rosset, Raj Patel and Michael CourvilleReclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America edited by Sam Moyo and Paris Yeros Wendy Wolford

Towards Full and Decent Employment edited by José Antonio Ocampo and K.S. Jomo Servaas Storm

The European Union and International Development: The Politics of Foreign Aid by Maurizio Carbone Wil Hout

The Impact of International Debt Relief by A. Geske Dijkstra Joseph Hanlon

The State of Resistance: Popular Struggles in the Global South edited by Francois PoletGlobalizing Resistance: The State of Struggle edited by Francois Polet Helen Hintjens

The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy by Johann Graf Lambsdorff Lorenzo Pellegrini

After Mass Crime: Rebuilding States and Communities edited by Béatrice Pouligny, Simon Chesterman and AlbertSchnabel Mujibur Rehman

Sharing Power: A Global Guide to Collaborative Management of Natural Resources by Grazia Borrini- Feyerabend, M. Pimbert, M. Taghi Farvar, A. Kothari and Y. Renard Marlène Buchy

The Future Control of Food: A Guide to International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Food Security edited by Geoff Tansey and Tasmin Rajotte (p 715-717) Gavin Fridell

Pastoral Morocco: Globalizing Scapes of Mobility and Insecurity edited by Jörg Gertel and Ingo Breuer (p 717- 718) Karen Rignall

46 Volume 39 Issue 5 September 2008

China and India: The Institutional Roots of Differential Performance Ashwani Saith

New Developments in Latin America's Social Policy (p 759-774) Armando Barrientos, Jasmine Gideon, Maxine Molyneux

The 'Neoliberal Turn' and the New Social Policy in Latin America: How Neoliberal, How New? Maxine Molyneux Brazil's Bolsa Família: A Double-Edged Sword? (p 799-822) Anthony Hall

Women Beneficiaries or Women Bearing the Cost? A Gendered Analysis of the Red de Protección Social in Nicaragua Sarah Bradshaw, Ana Quirós Víquez

Entitled to Health? Social Protection in Chile's Plan AUGE Charles Dannreuther, Jasmine Gideon

Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and The Secret History of Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang Darko Kwabena Opoku

Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics by Carol Lancaster Arnaud Kurze

Fixing Failed States — A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World by Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart Joseph Hanlon

Endless War? Hidden Functions of the 'War on Terror' by David Keen Moustafa Bayoumi

Globalisation and Development by Sunanda Sen Servaas Storm

Grass-roots Democracy in India and China: The Right to Participate edited by Manoranjan Mohanty, Richard Baum, Rong Ma and George Mathews Frédéric Landy

India: The Emerging Giant by Arvind Panagariya Raghav Gaiha

Politics and Poetics of Water: Naturalising Scarcity in Western India by Lyla Mehta G. Ananda Vadivelu

Fujimori's Peru: Deception in the Public Sphere by Catherine M. Conaghan Liisa L. North

The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy in Argentina by Pablo T. Spiller and Mariano Tommasi Aparajita Gangopadhyay

Review of International Studies

Volume 34 - Issue 03 Theorising the international rule of law TERRY NARDIN

‘Our passion for legality’: international law and imperialism in late nineteenth-century Britain CASPER SYLVEST


Leaving Nuremberg: America’s love/hate relationship with international law LINDA S. BISHAI

The responsibility to protect as a duty of care in international law and practice LOUISE ARBOUR

Legalising norms of democracy in the Americas DARREN HAWKINS and CAROLYN SHAW

Fishing in the mild West: democratic peace and militarised interstate disputes in the transatlantic community GUNTHER HELLMANN and BENJAMIN HERBORTH

The political economy of global environmental governance PETER NEWELL

Beyond standards before status: democratic governance and non-state actors ANNE-MARIE GARDNER

The other War on Terror revealed: global governmentality and the Financial Action Task Force’s campaign against terrorist financing YEE-KUANG HENG and KEN McDONAGH

Volume 34 - Issue 04 Space, scale and Just War: meeting the challenge of humanitarian intervention and trans-national terrorism JOHN WILLIAMS

The responsibilities of victory: Jus Post Bellum and the Just War ALEX J. BELLAMY

Legitimacy and the use of force: bridging the analytical – normative divide CORNELIU BJOLA

An uncertain trumpet: reason, anarchy and Cold War diplomacy in the thought of Raymond Aron REED DAVIS

Justus Lipsius, political humanism and the disciplining of 17th century statecraft HALVARD LEIRA

Periphery theorising for a truly internationalised discipline: spinning IR theory out of Anatolia ERSEL AYDINLI and JULIE MATHEWS

A pluralistic approach to global poverty CARL KNIGHT

The making of an international Convention: culture and free trade in a global era VALENTINE M. MOGHADAM and DILEK ELVEREN

Taking sovereignty out of this world: space weapons and empire of the future RAYMOND DUVALL and JONATHAN HAVERCROFT

The ‘value’ of positive security PAUL ROE

Third World Quarterly

Volume 29 Issue 4 2008 Dividing the World: conflict and inequality in the context of growing global tension

48 Hermann Kreutzmann

Global Disorder and the Limits of 'Dialogue' Jeremy Salt

Better (Red)™ than Dead? Celebrities, consumption and international aid Lisa Ann Richey; Stefano Ponte

Class/Race Polarisation in Venezuela and the Electoral Success of Hugo Chaacutevez: a break with the past or the song remains the same? Barry Cannon

Geography in Ominous Intersection with Interrogation and Torture: reflections on detention in Israel Ghazi-Walid Falah

The Asian Development Bank and Developmental Regionalism in East Asia Christopher M. Dent

The Zuma Affair, Labour and the Future of Democracy in South Africa Carolyn Bassett; Marlea Clarke

Reconciliation through Sports? The case of South Africa Kristine Houmlglund; Ralph Sundberg

Review Article: Development Discourse of the Globalists and Dependency Theorists: do the globalisation theorists rephrase and reword the central concepts of the dependency school? Dhammika Herath

Volume 29 Issue 5 2008 Tourism and Development in the Global South

Tourism and Development in the Global South: the issues Frances Brown; Derek Hall

Pro-poor Tourism: a critique David Harrison

Pro-poor Tourism: a response Harold Goodwin

Consequences of Climate Policy for International Tourist Arrivals in Developing Countries Stefan Goumlssling; Paul Peeters; Daniel Scott

Buying Innocence: child-sex tourists in Thailand Heather Montgomery

Using Authenticity to Achieve Competitive Advantage in Medical Tourism in the English-speaking Caribbean Donna Chambers; Bryan McIntosh

Politics, Economics and Tourism Development in Egypt: insights into the sectoral transformations of a neo- patrimonial rentier state Thomas Richter; Christian Steiner

Tourism and Sustainable Livelihoods: the case of Taiwan Ming-Huang Lee

Cuba's Tourism 'Boom': a curse or a blessing? Stephen Wilkinson

Influencing Tourism at the Grassroots Level: the role of ngo Tourism Concern

49 Tricia Barnett

Mapping Educational Tourists' Experience in the UK: understanding international students Rong Huang

Finding a Way Forward: an agenda for research Derek Hall; Frances Brown

Volume 29 Issue 6 2008 The Role of the Privileged in Responding to Poverty: perspectives emerging from the post-development debate Sally Matthews

Discourses on Poverty: emerging perspectives on a caring economy Anita L. Wenden

Rethinking 'Citizenship' in the Postcolony Steven Robins; Andrea Cornwall; Bettina von Lieres

Neoliberal Law: unintended consequences of market-friendly law reforms Ioannis Glinavos

Bush's America and the New Exceptionalism: anti-Americanism, the Holocaust and the transatlantic rift David B. MacDonald

Legacies of Leftism: ideology, ethnicity and democracy in Benin, Ghana and Mali J Tyler Dickovick

The Indian it Industry and Neoliberalism: the irony of a mythology Jyoti Saraswati

The Developmental State under Global Neoliberalism Hugo Radice

Assessing the New Washington Pluralism from the Perspective of the Malaysian Model Robbert Maseland; Jan Peil

Whither the Developmental State? Explaining Singapore's continued Developmentalism Alexius A. Pereira

Review Article: Participation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: reviewing the past, assessing the present and predicting the future Joel Lazarus

Volume 29 Issue 7 2008 Globalisation and Migration: new issues, new politics?

Globalisation, Governance and Migration: an introduction Ronaldo Munck

Globalisation, International Labour Migration and the Rights of Migrant Workers Piyasiri Wickramasekara

The Ideal Immigrant? Gendered class subjects in Philippine-Canada migration Pauline Gardiner Barber

Feminisation of Migration and the Social Dimensions of Development: the Asian case Nicola Piper

The Myth of Invasion: the inconvenient realities of African migration to Europe

50 Hein de Haas

Globalisation and Migrant Labour in a 'Rainbow Nation': a fortress South Africa? Nicos Trimikliniotis; Steven Gordon; Brian Zondo

'Keeping Them in Their Place': the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa Oliver Bakewell

Capitalist Restructuring, Development and Labour Migration: the Mexico-US case Rauacutel Delgado Wise; Humberto Maacuterquez Covarrubias

The Violence of Development and the Migration/Insecurities Nexus: labour migration in a North American context Marianne H. Marchand

'Remittances are Beautiful'? Gender implications of the new global remittances trend Rahel Kunz

Development and Return Migration: from policy panacea to migrant perspective sustainability Marieke van Houte; Tine Davids

Migrant Workers in the ilo's Global Alliance Against Forced Labour Report: a critical appraisal Ben Rogaly

Towards a Theory of Illegal Migration: historical and structural components Martin Baldwin-Edwards

Review Article: A Critique of Global Policy Discourses on Managing International Migration Gerard Boucher

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik

2008/1 Medien im Nord-Süd-Konflikt

Bettina Köhler Medienkritik im Nord-Süd-Verhältnis

Cees J. Hamelink New Media, the Internet and the North/South Conflict

Janet Wasko What is Media Imperialism?

Naomi Sakr Oil, Arms and Media: How US Interventionism Shapes Arab TV

Georgette Wang Reconceptualizing the Role of Culture in Media Globalization: Reality Television in Greater China

Franz Nuscheler, Veronika Wittmann Global Digital Divide: eine neue Dimension der Zentrum-Peripherie-Polarisierung

Almut Schilling-Vacaflor Indigene Identitäten und politisch-rechtliche Forderungen im bolivianischen Verfassungsänderungsprozess: Ein Vergleich der CONAMAQ und der CSUTCB

51 2008/2 Periphere Staatlichkeit. Kritische Staatstheorie des globalen Südens

Ilker Ataç, Katharina Lenner, Wolfram Schaffar Kritische Staatsanalyse(n) des globalen Südens

Joachim Becker Der kapitalistische Staat in der Peripherie: polit-ökonomische Perspektiven

Wolfram Schaffar Birma: gescheiterter Staat oder (neue) Form peripherer Staatlichkeit?

Katharina Lenner Abhängige Staatlichkeit als umkämpftes Terrain – Politische Ökonomie und Repräsentationsformen in Jordanien seit 1989

Oliver Schwank Limits to a Developmental Regime in South Africa – Industrial Policy Revisited

Bernhard Leubolt, Anne Tittor Semi-periphere Sozialstaatlichkeit in Lateinamerika: Argentinien und Brasilien im historischen Vergleich

2008/3 Wachstum – Umwelt – Entwicklung

Andreas Exenberger Wachstum – Umwelt – Entwicklung

Gregor Kaiser Gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse im 21. Jahrhundert: ökologische und soziale Gerechtigkeit, Wirtschaftswachstum und eine Kritik geistigen Eigentums

Helmut Haberl Ein weiter Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit: Analysen sozialökologischer Übergänge zeigen das Ausmaß nötiger Veränderungen auf

Gilbert Ahamer Im Spiegelkabinett unterschiedlicher Entwicklungsvorstellungen

Sabine Beddies, Catherine D. Gamper Equity and Political Economic Challenges in Development Interventions

Uta Ammering, Martina Neuburger, Tobias Schmitt Umwelt zwischen Wachstum und Entwicklung: Politische Ökologie von Umweltkonflikten in den Ländern des Südens


May 2008, Volume 36, No. 3 Jean Bethke Elshtain Peace, Order, Justice: Competing Understandings

Christopher Coker Peace, War and the Heuristics of Fear

Oliver P. Richmond Reclaiming Peace in International Relations

52 Rosemary E. Shinko Agonistic Peace: A Postmodern Reading

Anthony F. Lang, Jr Punishment and Peace: Critical Reflections on Countering Terrorism

Andreas Behnke `Eternal Peace' as the Graveyard of the Political: A Critique of Kant's Zum Ewigen Frieden

Mark Evans Balancing Peace, Justice and Sovereignty in Jus Post Bellum: The Case of `Just Occupation'

Jörg Meyer The Concealed Violence of Modern Peace(-Making)

Douglas Bulloch For Whom Nobel Tolls? An Interpretive Account of the Migration of the Concept of Peace as Perceived through the Solemn Eyes of Norwegian Lawmakers

John Heathershaw Unpacking the Liberal Peace: The Dividing and Merging of Peacebuilding Discourses

Matti Jutila, Samu Pehkonen, and Tarja Väyrynen Resuscitating a Discipline: An Agenda for Critical Peace Research

Daniel Gorman Book Review: General International Relations: Alejandro Colás, Empire (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007, 233 pp., $22.95 pbk., $59.95 hbk.)

Maia Hallward Book Review: Brock F. Tessman, International Relations in Action: A World Politics Simulation (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007, 138 pp., $16.95 pbk.)

Zeynep Kaya Book Review: Kerim Yildiz and Tanyel B. Taysi, The Kurds in Iran: The Past, Present and Future (London: Pluto Press, 2007, 134 pp., £25.00 hbk.)

Bryan Mabee Book Review: Daniel H. Deudney, Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007, 391 pp., £19.95 hbk.)

Randall Newnham Book Review: Peter J. Katzenstein and Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Anti-Americanisms in World Politics (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007, 351 pp., $24.95 pbk., $55.00 hbk.)

André Sonnichsen Book Review: Helle Malmvig, State Sovereignty and Intervention: A Discourse Analysis of Interventionary and Non-Interventionary Practices in Kosovo and Algeria (London and New York: Routledge, 2006, 199 pp., £65.00 hbk.)

Karen Lund Petersen Book Review: Conflict and Peace Studies: Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen, The Risk Society at War: Terror, Technology and Strategy in the Twenty First Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, 224 pp., £17.99 pbk., £42.75 hbk.)

Kim McKechney Book Review: Robert K. Brigham, Is Iraq Another Vietnam? (New York: Public Affairs, 2006, 224 pp., $24.00 hbk.)

Michael Neu

53 Book Review: Alex J. Bellamy, Just Wars: From Cicero to Iraq (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006, 248 pp., £17.99 pbk., £55.00 hbk.): Brian Orend, The Morality of War (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2006, 289 pp., £16.99 pbk.)

Marco Pinfari Book Review: Aaron Hof, Building Trust: Overcoming Suspicion in International Conflict (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006, 213 pp., $55.00 hbk.)

Andrew A.G. Ross Book Review: Arjun Appadurai, Fear of Small Numbers: An Essay on the Geography of Anger (Durham: Duke University Press, 2006, 153 pp., £11.99 pbk., £45.00 hbk.): Veena Das, Life and Words: Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006, 281 pp., £11.95 pbk., £29.95 hbk.)

Paul David Kenny Book Review: Foreign Policy Analysis: Ian Shapiro, Containment: Rebuilding a Strategy Against Global Terror, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007, 132 pp., $24.95 hbk.)

Chris Reeves Book Review: Robert J. Jackson and Philip Towle, Temptations of Power: The United States in Global Politics after 9/11 (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 228 pp., $16.99 pbk.)

Andrea Birdsall Book Review: Gender and Human Rights: David Chandler, From Kosovo to Kabul and Beyond: Human Rights and International Intervention (London: Pluto Press, 2006, 304 pp., £15.99 pbk.)

Ron Dudai Book Review: Saladin Meckled-Garcia and Basak Cali, The Legalization of Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights and Human Rights Law (London: Routledge, 2006, 208 pp., £19.99 pbk.): Paul Gready (ed.), Fighting for Human Rights (London: Routledge, 2004, 198 pp., £15.99 pbk., £55.00 hbk.)

Tom Gregory Book Review: Krista Hunt and Kim Rygiel (eds.), (En)Gendering the War on Terror: War Stories and Camouflaged Politics (Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006, 252 pp., £55.00 hbk.

Laura J. Shepherd Book Review: R. Charli Carpenter, `Innocent Women and Children': Gender, Norms and the Protection of Civilians (Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2006, 230 pp., $85.95 hbk.): Laura Sjoberg, Gender, Justice and the Wars in Iraq: A Feminist Reformulation of Just War Theory (Oxford: Lexington Books, 2006, 278 pp., $32.95 pbk.)

Ariel I. Ahram Book Review: Mary Kaldor, New & Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, 2nd Edition (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006 [1999], 231 pp., $30.86 pbk.)

V.K. Vinayaraj Book Review: Daniel Cohen, Globalization and Its Enemies (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2006, 204 pp., $27.95 hbk.)

D.C. Bottomley Book Review: International History: Richard Tanter, Desmond Ball and Gerry van Klinken (eds.), Masters of Terror: Indonesia's Military and Violence in East Timor (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2006, 218 pp., $26.95 pbk., $72.00 hbk.)

Louis F. Cooper Book Review: Lawrence W. Serewicz, America at the Brink of Empire: Rusk, Kissinger, and the: Vietnam War (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2007, 235 pp., $40.00 hbk.)

Paul Timmermans Book Review: Religion and Politics: Peter D. Hershock, Buddhism in the Public Sphere: Reorienting Global Interdependence (London: Routledge, 2006, 229 pp., $120.00 hbk.)

54 August 2008, Volume 37, No. 1

Martin Müller Situating Identities: Enacting and Studying Europe at a Russian Elite University

David Chandler The Revival of Carl Schmitt in International Relations: The Last Refuge of Critical Theorists?

Elizabeth Dauphinee War Crimes and the Ruin of Law

Richard Beardsworth Cosmopolitanism and Realism: Towards a Theoretical Convergence?

Kimberly Hutchings 1988 and 1998: Contrast and Continuity in Feminist International Relations

Terrell Carver Men in the Feminist Gaze: What Does this Mean in IR?

Raluca Soreanu and David Hudson Feminist Scholarship in International Relations and the Politics of Disciplinary Emotion

Marysia Zalewski, Ann Tickner, Christine Sylvester, Margot Light, Vivienne Jabri, Kimberly Hutchings, and Fred Halliday Roundtable Discussion: Reflections on the Past, Prospects for the Future in Gender and International Relations

Michael J. Shapiro Slow Looking: The Ethics and Politics of Aesthetics: Jill Bennett, Empathic Vision: Affect, Trauma, and Contemporary Art (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005) Mark Reinhardt, Holly Edwards, and Erina Duganne, Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the Traffic in Pain (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2007) Gillo Pontecorvo, director, The Battle of Algiers (Criterion: Special Three-Disc Edition, 2004)

Matteo Stocchetti Book Review: GENERAL INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Jonathon W. Moses and Torbjørn L. Knutsen, Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 330 pp., £20.99 pbk.). Seán Molloy, The Hidden History of Realism: A Genealogy of Power Politics (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 187 pp., £42.00 hbk.)

Odeta Barbullushi Book Review: Raffaella Del Sarto, Contested State Identities and Regional Security in the Euro-Mediterranean Area (London: Palgrave, 2006, 296 pp., £45.00 hbk.)

Emma Hutchison Book Review: Elizabeth Dauphinée, The Ethics of Researching War: Looking for Bosnia (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007, 160 pp., £14.99 pbk.)

James Ker-Lindsay Book Review: Mats Berdal and Spyros Economides (eds), United Nations Interventionism, 1991—2004 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 303 pp., £17.99 pbk.)

Christina Rowley Book Review: François Debrix, Tabloid Terror: War, Culture, and Geopolitics (London and New York: Routledge, 2008, 193 pp., $41.95 pbk.). Philip Hammond, Media, War and Postmodernity (London and New York: Routledge, 2007, 175 pp., $34.95 pbk.)

Anna Leander Book Review: CONFLICT AND PEACE STUDIES Oded Löwenheim, Predators and Parasites. Persistent Agents of Transnational Harm and Great Power Authority (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2007, 280 pp., $25.95 pbk.)

55 Katja Freistein Book Review: Tan See Seng, The Role of Knowledge Communities in Constructing Asia-Pacific Security. How Thought and Talk Make War and Peace (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007, 284 pp., £69.95 hbk.)

Kartik Varada Raj Book Review: Vivienne Jabri, War and the Transformation of Global Politics (Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 240 pp., £45.00 hbk.)

Sambit Mallick Book Review: DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT Radoslav S. Dimitrov, Science and International Environmental Policy: Regimes and Nonregimes in Global Governance (Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, 222 pp., £21.99 pbk.). Robert Falkner (ed.), The International Politics of Genetically Modified Food: Diplomacy, Trade and Law (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 280 pp., £58.00 hbk.)

Rory Stephen Brown Book Review: FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS Stephen Holmes, The Matador's Cape: America's Reckless Response to Terror (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 332 pp., $19.80 hbk.)

Pinar Bilgin Book Review: Valerie M. Hudson, Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, 225 pp., $21.21 pbk.)

Jörg Friedrichs Book Review: Cornelius Friesendorf, US Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs: Displacing the Cocaine and Heroin Industry (London and New York: Routledge, 2007, 230 pp., £65 hbk.)

Leeshai Lemish Book Review: James Mann, The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression (London: Viking, 2007, 144 pp., £9.92 hbk.). Susan Shirk, China: Fragile Superpower: How China's Internal Politics Could Derail Its Peaceful Rise (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, 336 pp., £15.99 hbk)

Kevork Oskanian Book Review: George A. MacLean, Clinton's Foreign Policy in Russia: From Deterrence and Isolation to Democratisation and Engagement (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2006, 172 pp., £55.00 hbk.)

Sener Akturk Book Review: GOVERNMENTS AND THEORIES OF GOVERNANCE James N. Rosenau, David C. Earnest, Yale H. Ferguson, Ole R. Holsti, On the Cutting Edge of Globalization: An Inquiry into American Elites (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006

Martin Beckstein Book Review: John S. Dryzek, Deliberative Global Politics. Discourse and Democracy in a Divided World (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006)

Thomas Davies Book Review: INTERNATIONAL HISTORY Lorna Lloyd, Diplomacy with a Difference: the Commonwealth Office of High Commissioner, 1880—2006 (Leiden: Brill, 2007)

Michael Strange Book Review: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Brett Bowden and Leonard Seabrooke (eds), Global Standards of Market Civilization (London: Routledge, 2006.)

Derya Gocer Book Review: RELIGION AND POLITICS Maryam Panah, The Islamic Republic and the World: Global Dimensions of the Iranian Revolution (London: Pluto Press, 2007.)

Rahul Rao Book Review: Martha C. Nussbaum, The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007)

56 The British Journal of Politics and International Relations

Volume 10 Issue 3 August 2008 Thinking Ahead: David Cameron, the Henry Jackson Society and British Neo-conservatism Klaus Dodds, Stuart Elden

The Churchill Syndrome: Reputational Entrepreneurship and the Rhetoric of Foreign Policy since 1945 Richard Toye

'Foreign' Terror? London Bombings, Resistance and the Failing State Dan Bulley

GMOs and the Developing World: A Precautionary Interpretation of Biotechnology Sarah Lieberman, Tim Gray

Cave! Hic Everyday Life: Repetition, Hegemony and the Social Andreas Antoniades

Articulating Particularistic Interests: The Organic Organisers of Hegemony in Germany and Huw Macartney

Containing Dialogue: The British Government and Early Talks in the Northern Ireland Peace Process Graham Spencer

The Promise and Perils of Women's Participation in UK Mosques: The Impact of Securitisation Agendas on Identity, Gender and Community Katherine Brown

Policy Innovation and the Dynamics of Party Competition: A Schumpeterian Account of British Electoral Politics, 1950–2005 Andrew Hindmoor

Teaching Democracy: The Role of Political Science Education James Sloam

Volume 10 Issue 4 (November 2008)

The Orange Revolution: 'People's Revolution' or Revolutionary Coup? David Lane

Islamic Radicalisation among North Africans in Britain Jonathan Githens-Mazer

The Policy Impact of Defeats in the House of Lords Meg Russell, Maria Sciara

Supply or Demand? Women Candidates and the Liberal Democrats Elizabeth Evans

Whatever Happened to the Balance of Payments 'Problem'? The Contingent (Re)Construction of British Economic Performance Assessment Ben Clift, Jim Tomlinson

Does Depoliticisation Work? Evidence from Britain's Membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism, 1990–92 Steven Kettel

When Do Bureaucrats Prefer Strong Political Principals? Institutional Reform and Bureaucratic Preferences in English Local Government Francesca Gains, Peter John, Gerry Stoker

57 Another Reason to Support Marriage? Turnout and the Decline of Marriage in Britain David Denver

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something True? A Comment on Lister's 'Institutions, Inequality and Social Norms: Explaining Variations in Participation' Kai Arzheimer

Trade and Conflict Reduction: Implications for Regional Strategic Stability Lawrence Sáez


Cutting Scotland Loose: Soft Nationalism and Independence-in-Europe Peter Preston

The Differentiated Polity as Narrative Mark Bevir, R. A. W. Rhodes

What is at Stake? A Response to Bevir and Rhodes David Marsh

World Politics

Volume 60, Number 3, April 2008 Left Government, Policy, and Corporatism: Explaining the Influence of Partisanship on Inequality David Rueda

Economic Roots of Civil Wars and Revolutions in the Contemporary World Carles Boix

Capital Mobility and Coalitional Politics: Authoritarian Regimes and Economic Adjustment in Southeast Asia Thomas B. Pepinsky

The Rise of Ethnopopulism in Latin America Raúl L. Madrid

Immigration and Integration Studies in Western Europe and the United States: The Road Less Traveled and a Path Ahead Erik Bleich

World Development

Volume 36, Issue 6, June 2008 Multidimensional Poverty Analysis: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Illustrations, and Policy Implications

Introduction: Multidimensional Poverty Analysis: Conceptual Issues, Empirical Illustrations and Policy Implications Nanak Kakwani, Jacques Silber

Estimating Basic Capabilities: A Structural Equation Model Applied to Bolivia Jaya Krishnakumar, Paola Ballon

Vulnerability to Multidimensional Poverty: Peru, 1998–2002 Cesar Calvo

Measuring Pro-Poor Growth in Non-Income Dimensions Melanie Grosse, Kenneth Harttgen, Stephan Klasen

58 Global Estimates of Pro-Poor Growth Hyun H. Son, Nanak Kakwani

On the Watts Multidimensional Poverty Index and its Decomposition Satya R. Chakravarty, Joseph Deutsch, Jacques Silber

Experienced Poverty and Income Poverty in Mexico: A Subjective Well-Being Approach Mariano Rojas

Deprivation in the São Paulo Districts: Evidence from 2000 Conchita D’Ambrosio, Rute Imanishi Rodrigues

Using an Asset Index to Assess Trends in Poverty in Seven Sub-Saharan African Countries Frikkie Booysen, Servaas van der Berg, Ronelle Burger, Michael von Maltitz, Gideon du Rand

Volume 36, Issue 7, July 2008 Looking Ahead Optimally in Allocating Aid Adrian Wood

Improving Food Aid: What Reforms Would Yield the Highest Payoff? Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett

Threshold Effects of Corruption: Theory and Evidence Niloy Bose, Salvatore Capasso, Antu Panini Murshid

Economic Reforms, FDI, and Economic Growth in India: A Sector Level Analysis Chandana Chakraborty, Peter Nunnenkamp

Reforms with a Female Face: Gender, Liberalization, and Economic Policy in Andhra Pradesh, India Smriti Rao

The Mystery of Capital Formation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Women, Property Rights and Customary Law S.F. Joireman

Economic Efficiency and Supply Response of Women as Farm Managers: Comparative Evidence from Western Kenya Arega D. Alene, Victor M. Manyong, Gospel O. Omanya, Hodeba D. Mignouna, Mpoko Bokanga, George D. Odhiambo

Monetary Union Membership in West Africa: A Cluster Analysis Charalambos G. Tsangarides, Mahvash Saeed Qureshi

The Distribution of Household Income in Brazil: Unequal and Immutable? Orlando Sotomayor

Decentralization’s Effects on Educational Outcomes in Bolivia and Colombia Jean-Paul Faguet, Fabio Sánchez

Volume 36, Issue 8, August 2008 Social Spending, Human Capital, and Growth in Developing Countries Emanuele Baldacci, Benedict Clements, Sanjeev Gupta, Qiang Cui

Agriculture, Development, and Urban Bias Dirk Bezemer, Derek Headey

The Dynamism of Mexican Exports: Lost in (Chinese) Translation? Kevin P. Gallagher, Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Roberto Porzecanski

Export Processing Zones in the Dominican Republic: Schools or Stopgaps?

59 Andrew Schrank

Reconsidering the Backward Vertical Linkages of Foreign Affiliates: Evidence from Japanese Multinationals Kozo Kiyota, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Shujiro Urata, Yuhong Wei

Market Reaction to Risky Banks: Did Generous Deposit Guarantee Change It? Zeynep Önder, Süheyla Özyildirim

Understanding the Coexistence of Formal and Informal Credit Markets in Piura, Peru Catherine Guirkinger

Interpersonal, Intertemporal and Spatial Variation in Risk Perceptions: Evidence from East Africa Cheryl Doss, John McPeak, Christopher B. Barrett

Revisiting Theories of Frontier Expansion in the Brazilian Amazon: A Survey of the Colonist Farming Population in Rondônia’s Post-Frontier, 1992–2002 John O. Browder, Marcos A. Pedlowski, Robert Walker, Randolph H. Wynne, Percy M. Summers, Ana Abad, Nancy Becerra-Cordoba, Joao Mil-Homens

Volume 36, Issue 9, September 2008 Stop Interrupting: An Empirical Analysis of the Implementation of IMF Programs Ozlem Arpac, Graham Bird, Alex Mandilaras

A Cheap Lunch for Emerging Markets: Removing International Financial Market Imperfections with Modern Financial Instruments Christian Bauer, Bernhard Herz, Stefan Hoops

The Cost of Doing Business in Africa: Evidence from Enterprise Survey Data Benn Eifert, Alan Gelb, Vijaya Ramachandran

Is Local Beautiful? Fiscal Decentralization in Mexico Fausto Hernández-Trillo, Brenda Jarillo-Rabling

Poverty Transition and Persistence in Ethiopia: 1994–2004 Arne Bigsten, Abebe Shimeles

Hot Stuff: Index Insurance for Indian Smallholder Pepper Growers Wouter Zant

Global Private Regulation and Value-Chain Restructuring in Indonesian Smallholder Coffee Systems Jeff Neilson

What Policies will Reduce Gender Schooling Gaps in Developing Countries: Evidence and Interpretation Peter Glick

Birth Order, Child Labor, and School Attendance in Brazil Patrick M. Emerson, André Portela Souza

Volume 36, Issue 10, October 2008 Special Section: The Volatility of Overseas Aid

China’s Economic Growth 1978–2025: What We Know Today About China’s Economic Growth Tomorrow Carsten A. Holz

World Bank Conditional Loans and Private Investment in Recipient Countries Mariarosaria Agostino

Private Investment: Trends and Determinants in Thailand Juthathip Jongwanich, Archanun Kohpaiboon


Firm Productivity in Bangladesh Manufacturing Industries Ana M. Fernandes

Explaining Differences in Public Sector Efficiency: Evidence from Russia’s Regions David Hauner

Poverty Traps and Index-Based Risk Transfer Products Barry J. Barnett, Christopher B. Barrett, Jerry R. Skees

Rural Land Certification in Ethiopia: Process, Initial Impact, and Implications for Other African Countries Klaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali, Stein Holden, Jaap Zevenbergen

Spatial Externalities in Agriculture: Empirical Analysis, Statistical Identification, and Policy Implications David J. Lewis, Bradford L. Barham, Karl S. Zimmerer

How Well Can We Target Aid with Rapidly Collected Data? Empirical Results for Poverty Mapping from Cambodia Tomoki Fujii

Welfare Grants and Their Impact on Child Health: The Case of Sri Lanka Rozana Himaz

Peripheral Justice? Rethinking Justice Sector Reform in the Philippines Jennifer C. Franco

Success in High Value Horticultural Export Markets for the Small Farmers: The Case of Mahagrapes in India Devesh Roy, Amit Thorat

Governance Failure: Rethinking the Institutional Dimensions of Urban Water Supply to Poor Households Karen Bakker, Michelle Kooy, Nur Endah Shofiani and, Ernst-Jan Martijn

Slum Real Estate: The Low-Quality High-Price Puzzle in Nairobi’s Slum Rental Market and its Implications for Theory and Practice Sumila Gulyani, Debabrata Talukdar

The Knowledge that Counts: Institutional Identities, Policy Science, and the Conflict Over Fire Management in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela Bjørn Sletto

Building Institutions to Trade Ecosystem Services: Marketing Forest Carbon in Mexico Esteve Corbera, Katrina Brown

Technological Capabilities and Global–Local Interactions: The Electronics Industry in Two Mexican Regions Simona Iammarino, Ramon Padilla-Pérez, Nick von Tunzelmann

Do Local Knowledge Spillovers Matter for Development? An Empirical Study of Uruguay’s Software Cluster Effie Kesidou, Henny Romijn

Social Security and Wealth Accumulation in Developing Economies: Evidence from the 1981 Chilean Reform Rodrigo A. Cerda

Special Section: The Volatility of Overseas Aid

Introduction: The Volatility of Overseas Aid Aleš Bulíř, Alan Gelb, Paul Mosley

Volatility of Development Aid: From the Frying Pan into the Fire? Aleš Bulíř, A. Javier Hamann

Reforming Aid: Toward More Predictable, Performance-Based Financing for Development Benn Eifert, Alan Gelb 61

Aid Volatility, Policy and Development John Hudson, Paul Mosley

Comment “Investing in Farmers—The Impacts of Farmer Field Schools in Relation to Integrated Pest Management”—A Comment G. Feder, R. Murgai, J. Quizon

Reply “Investing in Farmers—The Impacts of Farmer Field Schools in Relation to Integrated Pest Management”—A Reply Henk van den Berg, Janice Jiggins

Volume 36, Issue 11, November 2008 The Microfinance Collateralized Debt Obligation: A Modern Robin Hood? Hans N.E. Byström

Growth is Good for Whom, When, How? Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Exceptional Cases John A. Donaldson

Job Reallocation in Two Cases of Massive Adjustment in Eastern Europe Štěpán Jurajda, Katherine Terrell

Rural–Urban Poverty Differences in Transition Countries Karen Macours, Johan F.M. Swinnen

Do Village Organizations Make a Difference in African Rural Development? A Study for Senegal and Burkina Faso Tanguy Bernard, Marie-Hélène Collion, Alain de Janvry, Pierre Rondot, Elisabeth Sadoulet

The Dynamics of Social Capital and Community Associations in Uganda: Linking Capital and its Consequences Kristof Titeca, Thomas Vervisch

The Returns to Vocational Training and Academic Education: Evidence from Tanzania Godius Kahyarara, Francis Teal

Competing Paradigms in Pastoral Development? A Perspective from the Far North of Cameroon Mark Moritz

Legal Pluralism and Decentralization: Natural Resource Management in Mali Charles E. Benjamin

Property Rights, Productivity, and Common Property Resources: Insights from Rural Cambodia Thomas Markussen

Dangerous Correlations: Aid’s Impact on NGOs’ Performance and Ability to Mobilize Members in Pakistan Masooda Bano

Destructive Competition: Factionalism and Rent-Seeking in Iran Kjetil Bjorvatn, Kjetil Selvik

Life Satisfaction in Urban China: Components and Determinants Simon Appleton, Lina Song

Market Reforms and Han–Muslim Variation in Employment in the Chinese State Sector in a Chinese City Xiaowei Zang

Synchronizing Export Orientation with Import Substitution: Creating Competitive Indigenous High-Tech Companies in China

62 Yu Zhou

Highway-Induced Development: Evidence from Sri Lanka Kumudu Gunasekera, William Anderson, T.R. Lakshmanan

Land Values in Frontier Settlements of the Brazilian Amazon Frank Merry, Gregory Amacher, Eirivelthon Lima

Opening Participatory Spaces for the Most Marginal: Learning from Collective Action in the Honduran Hillsides Lauren Classen, Sally Humphries, John FitzSimons, Susan Kaaria, José Jiménez, Fredy Sierra, Omar Gallardo

Education, Labor Supply, and Market Development in Rural Peru Sonia Laszlo

Impact of Microfinance on Schooling: Evidence from Poor Rural Households in Bolivia Jorge H. Maldonado, Claudio González-Vega

International Investment Agreements and Services Markets: Locking in Market Failure? Mark Manger

Government Subsidies and Presidential Election Outcomes: Evidence for a Developing Country Rodrigo Cerda, Rodrigo Vergara

Selective Spatial Closure and Local Economic Development: What Do We Learn from the Argentine Local Currency Systems? Georgina M. Gomez, A.H.J. Helmsing

Tax Evasion, Disclosure, and Participation in Financial Markets: Evidence from Brazilian Firms Thomas Kenyon

ZIB - Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen

2008/Heft 1 Reinhard Wolf Respekt. Ein unterschätzter Faktor in den Internationalen Beziehungen

Thorsten Bonacker/Sina Schüssler Entgrenzungsfolgen NGOs und die Quellen politischer Macht in der Weltgesellschaft am Beispiel internationaler Sanktionen

Marianne Beisheim/Achim Brunnengräber Das Parlament im Globalisierungsprozess Ein Desiderat in der Parlamentarismus- und Global Governance- Forschung

Michael Zürn/Matthias Ecker-Ehrhardt/Martin Binder Ordnung wider Willen Eine Antwort auf unsere Kritiker

Hanns W. Maull Wissenschaftliche Außenpolitik-Evaluation: Ein Oxymoron? Eine Replik auf Peter Rudolf

Thomas Widmer Evaluation in der Außenpolitik: Gründe für eine Evaluationslücke Eine Replik auf Peter Rudolf


Nr. 307 - Juli / August 2008 Dossier: Erklärt umkämpft - 60 Jahre Menschenrechte

63 Alle gehören dazu. Vom philosophischen Universalismus zur politischen Universalisierung der Menschenrechte Arnd Pollmann

Ideologiekritik oder praktische Anwendung - Eine Kontroverse. Zur Perspektivlosigkeit (materialistischer) Menschenrechtspolitik von Simon Birnbaum

Menschenrechte sind unteilbar Rolf Künnemann

Propagandainstrument Menschenrecht. Tibets feudalistisches Erbe Colin Goldner

Wie kommen die Menschenrechte zu den Frauen? Das Beispiel der weiblichen Genitalverstümmelung Senta Möller

Privileg, Recht oder Verpflichtung? Fallstricke des rechtsbasierten Entwicklungsansatzes Srilatha Batliwala

"Bangladesch ist ein Land im Übergang" Interview mit der bengalischen Menschenrechtsaktivistin Sultana Kamal über die Politik der Übergangsregierung

Welche Pädagogik brauchen Menschenrechte? Ein Plädoyer für Menschenrechtsbildung mit emanzipatorischer Perspektive Albert Scherr

In eigener Sache. Die neue AG Bildung stellt sich vor

"Zu begreifen, wie viel man selbst in der Welt bewirken kann" Youth on the World - Ein internationales Begegnungsprojekt an Schulen, Unis und in den Medien Heidrun Schmitt

Postkolonialismus: Mutige Großeltern. In Tansania wird an den antikolonialen Maji Maji-Krieg erinnert Jochen Lingelbach

Rassismus: Mobile Grenzen. Lampedusa und die italienisch-europäische Flüchtlingspolitik Anna Voigt

Peru: "Sie steuern unsere Wirtschaft" Interview mit Romulo Torres Seoane über die Auswirkungen der Krise in den USA

Lateinamerika: Gewehr bei Fuß. Der Kleinwaffenhandel in Lateinamerika führt zu massiver Unterentwicklung Rachel Stohl und Doug Tuttle

Migration: Gleichzeitig Vater und Mutter. Migration von El Salvador in die USA und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Geschlechter Eva Bahl

Film: Mission possible in Nollywood Lena Blaudez

Nachruf: Mit Frankreich gegen Frankreich . Der antikoloniale Poet und Politiker Aimé Césaire Andreas Eckert

Frankreich: "Ich zähle auf Sie". Präsident Sarkozy betreibt eine Politik des regressiven Multikulturalismus Tilman Vogt

Kolonialismus: Die Welt im Ton. In deutschen Sonderlagern für Kolonialsoldaten entstanden ab 1915 einzigartige Aufnahmen Britta Lange

64 Nr. 308 - September / Oktober 2008 Lesen und Teetrinken - Literatur in der Türkei

Menschenlandschaften. Einblicke in die moderne türkische Literatur Wolfgang Scharlipp

Orhan Pamuk - Die Fantasie als realer Ort Hilal Sezgin

"Tagträumen ist eine gute Sache". Ein Gespräch mit dem Nobelpreisträger Orhan Pamuk

"Es gibt keine Grenzen mehr". Jens Peter Laut über die Türkische Bibliothek, türkische Literatur und Literatur in türkischer Sprache

Pinar Selek. Einspruch gegen die patriarchale Ordnung Charlotte Schmitz

Aziz Nesin. Der unnachgiebige Kritiker Elisabeth Güde und Moritz Schelkes

Der Vorteil einer zweiten Identität. Der georgisch-türkische Schriftsteller Fahrettin Çiloglu über Identität, Sprache und Kultur

Yesim Eyüboglu - Die Welt hat ein Gedächtnis Sabine Ott

Das Haus mit dem Kirschbaum. Eine Erzählung von Yesim Eyüboglu

Türkei: Busenfreund der Militärs. Die PKK agiert ohne politische Vision, aber im Interesse der Generäle Siamend Hajo und Eva Savelsberg

Nepal: Kein Zurück mehr. Der Weg der Maoisten vom Untergrund ins Parlament Lutz Getzschmann

Religionskritik: "Flucht in jenseitige Versprechungen" Interview mit Bettina Rühl über den christlichen Fundamentalismus in Afrika

Tschad: "Wir wollen endlich Frieden!" Interview mit Balaam Facho über Regime und Opposition

Xenophobie I: Jenseits des Regenbogens. Gewalt, Fremdheit und nationale Mythen in Südafrika Romin Khan

Xenophobie II: einwandern - arbeiten - auswandern. Die Rückkehr der MigrantInnen in Burkina Faso Bettina Engels

Geodeterminismus: Traurige Theorien. Ansätze zur "Erklärung" von Unterentwicklung erleben ein Revival Sören Scholvin

Debatte: Black, blanc, beur. Sarkozys 'regressiver Multikulturalismus' ist eine Antwort auf die Krise des französischen Republikanismus Kolja Lindner

Kolonialismus I: Vorläufer des Holocaust? Die Debatte um die (Dis-)Kontinuität von Kolonialismus und Nationalsozialismus Philip Geck und Anton Rühling

Kolonialismus II: Gegenläufige Erinnerungen. Historizität und politischer Kontext der Debatten um Kolonialismus und Nationalsozialismus Jörg Später

Fotografie: Erst die Köpfe, dann die Bilder. Dekolonisierung in der afrikanischen Fotografie

65 Katja Behrens

Nr. 309 - November / Dezember 2008 Die Schraube anziehen - Arbeit macht das Leben schwer

"Arbeit macht das Leben süß..." Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte von Arbeitsaffirmation und Arbeitskritik Gerhard Hanloser

Prekär ist ganz normal. Was im Süden die Regel ist, bleibt im Westen nicht die Ausnahme Christa Wichterich

I-Pod mit Systemfehler. Arbeitsbeziehungen in China - das Beispiel der Elektronikindustrie Boy Lüthje

Spontan, aber nicht zufällig. Arbeitskonflikte in China jenseits der Gewerkschaften Chang Kai, Boy Lüthje und Luo Siqi

Dagongmei. Arbeiterinnen aus Chinas Weltmarktfabriken erzählen

Prekär für den Weltmarkt. Die kapitalistische Modernisierung Indiens schafft ein neues Proletariat der informellen Arbeit Lutz Getzschmann

Programmatischer Zwang zur Arbeit. Workfare in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Kai Schmidt-Soltau

Bolivien: Autonomie von rechts. Die Opposition gegen den Ethno-Sozialismus von Morales Simón Ramírez Voltaire

Kaukasus I: Anlass, Ursache, Folge. Der Krieg und das Ende außenpolitischer Illusionen Gregor Kritidis

Kaukasus II: Zeit für unbequeme Fragen. Die innenpolitischen Umbrüche in Georgien stehen noch bevor Stefan Müller

Iran: Friede den Mullahs. Die deutsche Politik und die Wirtschaft unterstützen das Regime im Iran Jonathan Weckerle

Türkei: Eine Frage des Glaubens. Die Regierungspartei AKP zwischen Verbot und erfolgreicher Islamisierung Sören Scholvin

NGOs: Toyi-Toyi statt Live Aid. Ein Essay über die Blindstellen des NGO-Diskurses in Afrika Issa G. Shivji

Kolonialismus I: Der erste deutsche Genozid. Zum Verhältnis von Kolonialismus und Holocaust Jürgen Zimmerer

Kolonialismus II: Entscheidende Unterschiede. Der Genozidbegriff ist wenig hilfreich Birthe Kundrus

Reiseliteratur: Der Ton macht die Musik. Ganz unterschiedlich schreiben zwei Reiseautoren über Afrika Fabian Frenzel

Film: "Es gibt Handlungen, die nicht wieder gut zu machen sind". Gespräch mit dem chilenischen Regisseur Luis R. Vera

66 Peripherie

Nr. 111 (2008) Machtverschiebungen in der Weltwirtschaft

Stefan Schmalz Umbrüche in der Weltwirtschaft: Aufstrebende Schwellenländer und der Niedergang von IWF und WTO

Joachim Betz Schwerpunktverschiebung nach Asien? China und Indien als aufstrebende Großmächte

Chris King-Chi Chan Neue Muster von ArbeiterInnenprotest in Südchina

Dik Roth & Jeroen Warner Virtuelles Wasser: Teil der Lösung oder Teil des Problems?

Reinhart Kößler PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: Weltwirtschaft

Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Volume 21, Number 3, September 2008

Europe in the American world order: balancing or socialization? Hansen, Birthe; Wivel, Anders

Balancing against threats or bandwagoning with power? Europe and the transatlantic relationship after the Cold War Wivel, Anders

European small states' military policies after the Cold War: from territorial to niche strategies Rickli, Jean-Marc

Social Europe and/or global Europe? Globalization and flexicurity as debates on the future of Europe Antoniades, Andreas

From Bretton Woods onwards: the birth and rebirth of the world's hegemon Subacchi, Paola

Republicanism and human rights: a plausible combination? Hope, Simon

Human security as power/knowledge: the biopolitics of a definitional debate Grayson, Kyle

Risk, responsibility and roles redefined: is counterterrorism a corporate responsibility? Petersen, Karen Lund

A just soldier's dilemma: facing a war that does not meet jus ad bellum criteria Harbour, Frances


Volume 39, Issue 4, July 2008 Themed Issue: Pragmatism and Geography

67 Unbounding area studies: Malaysian Studies beyond Malaysia and other geographies of knowing Tim Bunnell, Eric C. Thompson

The nonillusory effects of neoliberalisation: Linking geographies of poverty, inequality, and violence Simon Springer

Pragmatism and geography Nichola Wood, Susan J. Smith

Geography and the pragmatic tradition: The threefold engagement Leslie W. Hepple

American pragmatism: Towards a geographical introduction Trevor J. Barnes

John Dewey’s metaphysical ground-map and its implications for geographical inquiry Malcolm P. Cutchin

City senses: On the radical possibilities of pragmatism in geography Gary Bridge

Pragmatic localism uncovered: The search for locally contingent solutions to national reform agendas Jon Coaffee, Nicola Headlam

Stepping from the wreckage: Geography, pragmatism and anti-representational theory Owain Jones

Pragmatism and power, or the power to make a difference in a radically contingent world John Allen

Deservedness, development, and the state: Geographic categorization in the US Agency for International Development’s Foreign Assistance Framework Jamey Essex

Volume 39, Issue 5, September 2008 Theorising democracy geographically Clive Barnett

Spaces of enclosure Alex Vasudevan, Colin McFarlane, Alex Jeffrey

Fragile empowerment: The dynamic cultural economy of British drum and bass music Alistair Fraser, Nancy Ettlinger

Neoliberalising subjects: The legacy of New Labour’s construction of social exclusion in local governance Julie MacLeavy

‘Fire in the House’: Gendered experiences of drunkenness and violence in Siem Reap, Cambodia Katherine Brickell

Labor geographies in a time of early globalization: Strikes against Singer in Scotland and Russia in the early 20th century Mona Domosh

From smallholders to transnationals: The impact of changing consumer preferences in the EU on Ghana’s pineapple sector Niels Fold, Katherine V. Gough

Modernizing the nation: Postcolonialism, postdevelopmentalism, and ambivalent spaces of difference in southeastern Turkey

68 Leila M. Harris

Boosted bodies: Genetic techniques, domestic livestock bodies and complex representations of life Lewis Holloway, Carol Morris

Planning versus youth: Stamping out spatial unruliness in Harare Amin Y. Kamete

Negotiating through nature: The resistant materiality and materiality of resistance in Bolivia’s natural gas sector Brent Z. Kaup

Revisiting the red light district: Still neglected, immoral and marginal? Phil Hubbard, Mary Whowell

The social networks of British and Indian expatriate scientists in Boston William S. Harvey

Naming the land: San countermapping in Namibia’s West Caprivi Julie J. Taylor

Neoliberalism and natural resource management: Agri-environmental standards and the governing of farming practices Vaughan Higgins, Jacqui Dibden, Chris Cocklin

Environmental destruction as a counterinsurgency strategy in the Kurdistan region of Turkey Jacob van Etten, Joost Jongerden, Hugo J. de Vos, Annemarie Klaasse, Esther C.E. van Hoeve

Volume 39, Issue 6, November 2008 Placing Splintering Urbanism

Accumulation by spectacle and other teachable moments from the 2008 Beijing Olympics Julie Guthman

The Cold War and geography’s quantitative revolution: Some messy reflections on Barnes’ geographical underworld Ron Johnston, Malcolm Fairbrother, David Hayes, Tony Hoare, Kelvyn Jones

Stuck in a mess (again): A response to Johnston, Fairbrother, Hayes, Hoare and Jones Trevor Barnes

Dictionaries, disciplines and the future of geography David Demeritt

Placing splintering urbanism: Introduction Olivier Coutard

From free good to commodity: Universalizing the provision of water in Paris (1830–1930) Denis Bocquet, Konstantinos Chatzis, Agnès Sander

Water and power networks and urban fragmentation in Los Angeles: Rethinking assumed mechanisms Fionn MacKillop, Julie-Anne Boudreau

Splintered networks: The colonial and contemporary waters of Jakarta Michelle Kooy, Karen Bakker

Water and sanitation in the Buenos Aires metropolitan region: Fragmented markets, splintering effects? Sarah Botton, Bernard de Gouvello

Unbundling Stockholm: The networks, planning and social welfare nexus beyond the unitary city Jonathan Rutherford


Expanding networks for the urban poor: Water and telecommunications services in Lima, Peru Ana María Fernández-Maldonado

Differentiating networked services in Cape Town: Echoes of splintering urbanism? Sylvy Jaglin

Water and power in Santiago de Chile: Socio-spatial segregation through network integration Géraldine Pflieger, Sarah Matthieussent

Splintering urbanism in Mumbai: Contrasting trends in a multilayered society Marie-Hélène Zérah

Unbundled security services and urban fragmentation in post-apartheid Johannesburg Claire Bénit-Gbaffou

Effective livelihood adaptation to climate change disturbance: Scale dimensions of practice in Mozambique Henny Osbahr, Chasca Twyman, W. Neil Adger, David S.G. Thomas

Manufacturing rural finance in Asia: Institutional assemblages, market societies, entrepreneurial subjects Katharine N. Rankin

Farming as a livelihood source for the urban poor of Nakuru, Kenya Dick W.J. Foeken, Samuel O. Owuor

Domesticating home anchored work: Negotiating flexibility when bringing ICT based work home in rural communities Anne Sofie Laegran

Scaling the Baltic Sea environment Henrik Gutzon Larsen

The interplay between social welfare and competitiveness: The case of Canadian Medicare Ashby H.B. Monk

Altered landscapes, altered livelihoods: The shifting experience of informal waste collecting during Hanoi’s urban transition Carrie L. Mitchell

Emotional labour/body work: The caring labours of migrants in the UK’s National Health Service S. Dyer, L. McDowell, A. Batnitzky

‘We are managing!’ Uncertain paths to respectable adulthoods in Accra, Ghana Thilde Langevang

Framing in geographical analysis of environmental conflicts: Theory, methodology and three case studies Deborah F. Shmueli

Perspectives for Hamburg as a port city in the context of a changing global environment Iris Grossmann

Participation in payments for ecosystem services: Case studies from the Lacandon rainforest, Mexico Nicolas Kosoy, Esteve Corbera, Kate Brown

Geography of advice seeking A. Patel, N.J. Balmer, P. Pleasence

Neoliberalizing environmental governance? Land trusts, private conservation and nature on the Oak Ridges Moraine Shannon Logan, Gerda R. Wekerle

How fixed is fixed? Gendered rigidity of space–time constraints and geographies of everyday activities 70 Tim Schwanen, Mei-Po Kwan, Fang Ren

The effectiveness of decentralisation reforms in the Philippines’s forestry sector Kulbhushan Balooni, Juan M. Pulhin, Makoto Inoue

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

Vol. 1 Issue 4 Pakistan—an ungovernable space? Robina Mohammad

The Shock Doctrine: a discussion Naomi Klein, Neil Smith

The technological metaphysics of planetary space: being in the age of globalization Mikko Joronen

Foucault’s spatial combat Peter Johnson

The work of policy: actor networks, governmentality, and local action on climate change in Portland, Oregon Ted Rutland, Alex Aylett

Out of rubble: natural disaster and the materiality of the house Justin Wilford

On inscriptions and ex-inscriptions: the production of immediacy in a home telecare service Daniel López, Miquel Domènech

Inventing seed: the nature(s) of intellectual property in plants Thom van Dooren

The power of water: developing dialogues between Foucault and Gramsci Michael Ekers, Alex Loftus

Space and protest policing at international summits Mike Zajko, Daniel Béland

Acts of genocide

Introduction Christian Abrahamsson

Beseiged history? An evaluation of Shooting Dogs Nigel Eltringham

Sacrifice as gothic romance Bülent Diken

UNTITLED Gunnar Olsson

Vol. 26, Issue 5 The debate between Tarde and Durkheim Eduardo Viana Vargas, Bruno Latour, Bruno Karsenti, Frédérique Aït-Touati, Louise Salmon (English translation by Amaleena Damle, Matei Candea)

Introduction: Jeffrey Alexander on materiality

71 J Nicholas Entrikin

Iconic consciousness: the material feeling of meaning Jeffrey C Alexander

“Outside, it is snowing”: experience and finitude in the nonrepresentational landscapes of Alain Robbe-Grillet José Luis Romanillos

Closed spaces: can’t live with them, can’t live without them Antje Schlottmann

Philosophical conceptions of cultural space in Russia and Japan: comparing Nishida Kitarō and Semën Frank Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

Moving methods, travelling times Laura Watts, John Urry

Domopolitics and disease: HIV/AIDS, immigration, and asylum in the UK Alan Ingram

Thinking the event: Badiou’s philosophy of the event and the example of the Paris Commune Keith Bassett

Geopolitics, ethics, and the evangelicals’ commitment to Sudan Hannes Gerhardt

The Christian Right, eschatology, and Americanism: a commentary on Gerhardt Tristan Sturm

The role of ethical conviction and geography in religiously informed geopolitics: a response to Sturm Hannes Gerhardt

Review essay: The World at a Glance Megan Craig

Ecological Economics

Volume 66, Issues 2-3, June 2008 Response to South and Radcliffe comments on paper Brent Sohngen, Sandra Brown

Contingent valuation of ecotourism in Annapurna conservation area, Nepal: Implications for sustainable park finance and local development Nabin Baral, Marc J. Stern, Ranju Bhattarai

A comprehensive index for a sustainable society: The SSI — the Sustainable Society Index Geurt Van de Kerk, Arthur R. Manuel

Family farm sustainability in southern Brazil: An application of agri-environmental indicators Lúcio André de O. Fernandes, Philip J. Woodhouse

Modelling habitat conservation and participation in agri-environmental schemes: A spatial microsimulation approach Stephen Hynes, Niall Farrelly, Eithne Murphy, Cathal O'Donoghue

Approximating WTP and WTA for environmental goods from marginal willingness to pay functions Udo Ebert

A landscape approach for estimating the conservation value of sites and site-based projects, with examples from New Zealand

72 John R. Dymond, Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil, Jacob McC. Overton

Estimating the effect of unit-based pricing in the presence of sample selection bias under Japanese Recycling Law Takehiro Usui

The monetary compensation mechanism: An alternative to the clean development mechanism Xuemei Liu

Greenhouse gas benefits of fighting obesity Axel Michaelowa, Björn Dransfeld

Economy and ecology of emerging markets and credits for bio-sequestered carbon on private land in tropical Australia Colin Hunt

The relationship between rainfall and human density and its implications for future water stress in Sub-Saharan Africa David le Blanc, Romain Perez

Adaptation and mitigation strategies for controlling stochastic water pollution: An application to the Baltic Sea Ing-Marie Gren

Illegal GMO releases and corporate responsibility: Questioning the effectiveness of voluntary measures Jennifer Clapp

The use of contingent valuation for evaluating protected areas in the developing world: Economic valuation of Morro do Diabo State Park, Atlantic Rainforest, São Paulo State (Brazil) Cristina Adams, Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Ramón Arigoni Ortiz, John Reid, Cristina Ebersbach Aznar, Paulo Antonio de Almeida Sinisgalli

Economic development and environmental quality: A reassessment in light of nature's self-regeneration capacity Luisito Bertinelli, Eric Strobl, Benteng Zou

Quantifying the global and distributional aspects of American household carbon footprint Christopher L. Weber, H. Scott Matthews

Empirical influence of environmental management on innovation: Evidence from Europe Marcus Wagner

Spatial analysis of the amenity value of green open space Seong-Hoon Cho, Neelam C. Poudyal, Roland K. Roberts

Value and income Robert D. Cairns

How reliable are meta-analyses for international benefit transfers? Henrik Lindhjem, Ståle Navrud

Why are ecological, low-input , multi-resistant wheat cultivars slow to develop commercially? A Belgian agricultural ‘lock-in’ case study Gaëtan Vanloqueren, Philippe V. Baret

Environmental regulation and the export dynamics of energy technologies Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi

The Commitment to Development Index: An Information Theory approach Lee M. Stapleton, Guy D. Garrod

The high price of sweetness: The twin challenges of efficiency and soil erosion in Fiji's sugar industry Renuka Mahadevan

73 Is there an “animal welfare Kuznets curve”? Joshua Frank

Fossil resource trade balances: Emerging trends for the UK Eleni Papathanasopoulou, Tim Jackson

Demand and distributional effects of water pricing policies A. Ruijs, A. Zimmermann, M. van den Berg

The dynamics of belief in climate change and its risks in business organisations Mercedes Bleda, Simon Shackley

Consumer and producer environmental responsibility: Comparing two approaches João Rodrigues, Tiago Domingos

Consumer and producer environmental responsibility: A reply Manfred Lenzen

Consumer and producer responsibility: Comments João Rodrigues, Tiago Domingos

Book Review: J.D. Erickson and J.M. Gowdy, Editors, Frontiers in Ecological Economic Theory and Application, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (2007) ISBN 978 1 84376 888, 365 pages. Pages 552-553 Peter Victor

Volume 66, Issue 4, July 2008 Environmental regulation of households: An empirical review of economic and psychological factors Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh

Estimating intergenerational distribution preferences Helen Scarborough, Jeff Bennett

Preferences for environmental quality under uncertainty David C. Roberts, Tracy A. Boyer, Jayson L. Lusk

Measuring progress towards carbon reduction in the UK A. Druckman, P. Bradley, E. Papathanasopoulou, T. Jackson

Forest sustainability and trade policies Mihoko Shimamoto

Multi-agent simulations to explore rules for rural credit in a highland farming community of Northern Thailand Cécile Barnaud, François Bousquet, Guy Trebuil

Sustainability of nations by indices: Comparative study between environmental sustainability index, ecological footprint and the emergy performance indices J.R. Siche, F.Agostinho, E. Ortega, A. Romeiro

Trade and the governance of ecosystem services Richard B. Norgaard, Ling Jin

Is the environmental performance of industrialized countries converging? A ‘SURE’ approach to testing for convergence Mariam Camarero, Andrés J. Picazo-Tadeo, Cecilio Tamarit

The CO2 ‘trade balance’ between Scotland and the rest of the UK: Performing a multi-region environmental input–output analysis with limited data Peter G. McGregor, J. Kim Swales, Karen Turner

74 Health benefits of tunneling through the Chinese environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) Victor Brajer, Robert W. Mead, Feng Xiao

Non-parametric frontier approach to modelling the relationships among population, GDP, energy consumption and CO2 emissions Sebastián Lozano, Ester Gutiérrez

Do emotions matter? Coherent preferences under anchoring and emotional effects Jorge E. Araña, Carmelo J. León

Volume 67, Issue 1, August 2008 Theoretical foundations of sustainable economic welfare indicators — ISEW and political economy of the disembedded system Andrew John Brennan

Getting fourteen for the price of one! Understanding the factors that influence land value and how they affect biodiversity conservation in central Brazil Reinaldo Lourival, Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman, Gabriela Isla Martins Villar, Ana Raquel Ribeiro, Ché Elkin

Assessing the ecological and economic benefits of a no-take marine reserve Jeffrey Wielgus, Enric Sala, Leah R. Gerber

Causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP growth revisited: A dynamic panel data approach Bwo-Nung Huang, M.J. Hwang, C.W. Yang

Environmental regulation and MNEs location: Does CSR matter? Lammertjan Dam, Bert Scholtens

Beyond the lamppost: Optimal prevention and control of the Brown Tree Snake in Hawaii Kimberly M. Burnett, Sean D'Evelyn, Brooks A. Kaiser, Porntawee Nantamanasikarn, James A. Roumasset

An empirical study of income growth and manufacturing industry pollution in New England, 1980–1990 Bríd Gleeson Hanna

Analysis of the effectiveness of the first European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) Joaquín Cañón-de-Francia, Concepción Garcés-Ayerbe, Marisa Ramírez-Alesón

Port-induced erosion prediction and valuation of a local recreational beach Cherdvong Saengsupavanich, Udomsak Seenprachawong, Wenresti G. Gallardo, Ganesh P. Shivakoti

Physical energy cost serves as the “invisible hand” governing economic valuation: Direct evidence from biogeochemical data and the U.S. metal market Zhicen Liu, Joel Koerwer, Jiro Nemoto, Hidefumi Imura

An analysis of crop choice: Adapting to climate change in South American farms S. Niggol Seo, Robert Mendelsohn

Fire use and prevention by traditional households in the Brazilian Amazon Maria S. Bowman, Gregory S. Amacher, Frank D. Merry

Environmental spillover effects on firm productivity and efficiency: An analysis of agri-food business in Southeast Spain Emilio Galdeano-Gómez, José Céspedes-Lorente

The internalization of externalities in the production of electricity: Willingness to pay for the attributes of a policy for renewable energy Alberto Longo, Anil Markandya, Marta Petrucci

75 Volume 67, Issue 2, September 2008 Special Section: Biodiversity and Policy

Forest and water: The value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption: A comment Eugenio Figueroa, Roberto Pasten

Response to commentary on the paper “forests and water: The value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption” Daisy Núñez, Laura Nahuelhual

Introduction to the special issue on biodiversity and policy Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, Peter Nijkamp

Compensation payments for habitat heterogeneity: Existence, efficiency, and fairness considerations C. Ohl, M. Drechsler, K. Johst, F. Wätzold

Green auctions: A biodiversity study of mechanism design with externalities Ana Espinola-Arredondo

The value of conserving genetic resources for R&D: A survey Mare Sarr, Timo Goeschl, Tim Swanson

Counting the cost of vulture decline—An appraisal of the human health and other benefits of vultures in India Anil Markandya, Tim Taylor, Alberto Longo, M.N. Murty, S. Murty, K. Dhavala

Economic valuation of habitat defragmentation: A study of the Veluwe, the Netherlands C. Martijn van der Heide, Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh, Ekko C. van Ierland, Paulo A.L.D. Nunes

Economic valuation of biodiversity: A comparative study Peter Nijkamp, Gabriella Vindigni, Paulo A.L.D. Nunes

Biodiversity value and the optimal location of forest conservation sites in Southern Finland A. Maarit I. Kallio, Riitta Hänninen, Nina Vainikainen, Sandra Luque

K. William Kapp's theory of social costs and environmental policy: Towards political ecological economics Sebastian Berger

Qualitative valuation of environmental criteria through a group consensus based on stochastic dominance Kamran Zendehdel, Michael Rademaker, Bernard De Baets, Guido Van Huylenbroeck

Markov chain modeling of the global technological lifetime of copper Matthew J. Eckelman, Ichiro Daigo

Eco-efficiency approach for global warming in the context of Kyoto Mechanism Kyounghoon Cha, Songtak Lim, Tak Hur

Sustainability economics: Where do we stand? Robert U. Ayres

Reversing deforestation? Bioenergy and society in two Brazilian models Eliane Ceccon, Octavio Miramontes

Taxation of multiple greenhouse gases and the effects on income distribution: A case study of the Netherlands Annemarie C. Kerkhof, Henri C. Moll, Eric Drissen, Harry C. Wilting

Watershed externalities, shifting cropping patterns and groundwater depletion in Indian semi-arid villages: The effect of alternative water pricing policies Bekele Shiferaw, V. Ratna Reddy, Suhas P. Wani

Book Review: J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks , A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North– South Politics and Climate Policy, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2007) ISBN-13 978-0-262-68161-2

76 Gordon Walker

Book Review: Nick Johnstone, Editor, Environmental Policy and Corporate Behavior, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2007) ISBN 1 84720 032 7, 288 pp. Stephen J. DeCanio

Volume 67, Issue 3, October 2008 Preference uncertainty in contingent valuation Sonia Akter, Jeff Bennett, Sanzida Akhter

Designing trans-disciplinary research to support policy formulation for sustainable agricultural development V. Vandermeulen, G. Van Huylenbroeck

Regional sustainability: How useful are current tools of sustainability assessment at the regional scale? Michelle L.M. Graymore, Neil G. Sipe, Roy E. Rickson

Considering the effects of imprecision and uncertainty in ecological footprint estimation: An approach in a fuzzy environment Malcolm J. Beynon, Max Munday

Relating the philosophy and practice of ecological economics: The role of concepts, models, and case studies in inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research Stefan Baumgärtner, Christian Becker, Karin Frank, Birgit Müller, Martin Quaas

Gains from configuration: The transboundary protected area as a conservation tool Jonah Busch

Alternatives to conventional crude oil: When, how quickly, and market driven? Robert K. Kaufmann, Laura D. Shiers

Meeting the demand: An estimation of potential future greenhouse gas emissions from meat production Nathan Fiala

Using the concept of yield to assess the sustainability of different tourist types S. Becken, D. Simmons

Voting on the environment: Price or ideology? Evidence from Swiss referendums Nicholas Bornstein, Bruno Lanz

Measuring sustainable development: Some empirical evidence for France from eight alternative indicators Myriam Nourry

The “tragedy of tourism resources” as the outcome of a strategic game: A new analytical framework Salvatore Bimonte

A change in market responses to the environmental management ranking in Japan Fumiko Takeda, Takanori Tomozawa

Changes in social welfare and sustainability: Theoretical issues and empirical evidence Dimitra Vouvaki, Anastasios Xepapadeas

Precautionary principle as a rule of choice with optimism on windfall gains and pessimism on catastrophic losses Marcello Basili, Alain Chateauneuf, Fulvio Fontini

Carbon sequestration and farm income in West Africa: Identifying best management practices for smallholder agricultural systems in northern Ghana Ernesto González-Estrada, Luis C. Rodriguez, Valerie K. Walen, Jesse B. Naab, Jawoo Koo, James W. Jones, Mario Herrero, Philip K. Thornton

Resource abundance and internal armed conflict: Types of natural resources and the incidence of ‘new wars’

77 Heinz Welsch

Book Review: Herman Daly and Edward Elgar , Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development: Selected Essays of Herman Daly (2007) ISBN 978 1 84720 101 0 (hardbound), x + 270 pages. Richard Norgaard

Making development more sustainable: Sustainomics framework and practical applications, Mohan Munasinghe, Munasinghe Institute for Development, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2007, 650 pp. Rick Reibstein

Global environmental negotiations and US interests Henrik Selin

Volume 67, Issue 4, November 2008 Measuring sustainability: Why the ecological footprint is bad economics and bad environmental science Nathan Fiala

The rebound effect: An evolutionary perspective F. Ruzzenenti, R. Basosi

Integrating public demands into model-based design for multifunctional agriculture: An application to intensive Dutch dairy landscapes Carlos Parra-López, Jeroen C.J. Groot, Carmen Carmona-Torres, Walter A.H. Rossing

Willingness to accept compensation for the environmental risks of oil transport on the Amazon: A choice modeling experiment James F. Casey, James R. Kahn, Alexandre A.F. Rivas

Socio-ecological explanations for crowding-out effects from economic field experiments in southern Africa Bjørn Vollan

Designing, testing and implementing a trial dryland salinity credit trade scheme Jeffery D. Connor, John Ward, Craig Clifton, Wendy Proctor, Darla Hatton MacDonald

Energy substitutions, climate change and carbon sinks Gilles Lafforgue, Bertrand Magné, Michel Moreaux

Valuing environmental and health risk in agriculture: A choice experiment approach to pesticides in Italy Chiara Maria Travisi, Peter Nijkamp

The value of ecosystem services provided by the U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System in the contiguous U.S. Molly W. Ingraham, Shonda Gilliland Foster

Tariff escalation and invasive species damages Anh Thuy Tu, John Beghin, Estelle Gozlan

Spatial organization, transport, and climate change: Comparing instruments of spatial planning and policy Fabio Grazi, Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh

Behavioral economics for environmental policy L. Venkatachalam

Can sustainable consumption be learned? A model of cultural evolution Guido Buenstorf, Christian Cordes

The spatial impact of genetically modified crops Alistair Munro

Testing assumptions underlying economic research on transgenic food crops for Third World farmers: Evidence from Cuba, Guatemala and Mexico

78 Daniela Soleri, David A. Cleveland, Garrett Glasgow, Stuart H. Sweeney, Flavio Aragón Cuevas, Mario R. Fuentes, Humberto Ríos L.

Volume 68, Issues 1-2, December 2008 Volitional pragmatism Daniel W. Bromley

Contribution values of biodiversity to ecosystem performances: A viability perspective C. Béné, L. Doyen

Participatory modeling of endangered wildlife systems: Simulating the sage-grouse and land use in Central Washington Allyson Beall, Len Zeoli

Conserving what's important: Using choice model scenarios to value local cattle breeds in East Africa Kerstin K. Zander, Adam G. Drucker

A note on the interaction between corporate social responsibility and financial performance Bert Scholtens

Being green and export intensity of SMEs: The moderating influence of perceived uncertainty Inmaculada Martin-Tapia, Juan Alberto Aragon-Correa, Maria Eugenia Senise-Barrio

Participative democracy and local environmental issues Emmanuel Martinez, Tarik Tazdaït, Elisabeth Tovar

Luxury or ‘lock-in’? An exploration of unsustainable consumption in the UK: 1968 to 2000 Tim Jackson, Eleni Papathanasopoulou

Cost-efficient choice of measures in agriculture to reduce the nitrogen load flowing from the Danube River into the Black Sea: An analysis for Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania Lena Fröschl, Roger Pierrard, Wilfried Schönbäck

A reexamination of the role of income for the trade and environment debate Derek K. Kellenberg

Ecosystem service value assessment for constructed wetlands: A case study in Hangzhou, China Wu Yang, Jie Chang, Bin Xu, Changhui Peng, Ying Ge

Long term trends in resource exergy consumption and useful work supplies in the UK, 1900 to 2000 Benjamin Warr, Heinz Schandl, Robert U. Ayres

Watershed shift: Collaboration and employers in the New York City Catskill/Delaware Watershed from 1990– 2003 Joan Hoffman

Regional convergence of environmental variables: Empirical evidences from land degradation Luca Salvati, Marco Zitti

Norms and economic motivation in the Swedish green electricity market Kristina Ek, Patrik Söderholm

Coase, Pigou and the potato: Whither farmers' rights? Enrico E. Bertacchini

A three-perspective view of greenhouse gas emission responsibilities in New Zealand Robbie Andrew, Vicky Forgie

Environmental regulations and market power: The case of the Korean manufacturing industries Myunghun Lee


Climate policy and ancillary benefits: A survey and integration into the modelling of international negotiations on climate change Karen Pittel, Dirk T.G. Rübbelke

The sustainable residential water use: Sustainability, efficiency and social equity. The European experience Kostas Bithas

Biosecurity incentives, network effects, and entry of a rapidly spreading pest David A. Hennessy

The role of natural resource amenities in attracting retirees: Implications for economic growth policy Neelam C. Poudyal, Donald G. Hodges, H. Ken Cordell

Industrial output restriction and the Kyoto protocol: An input–output approach with application to Canada Benoit Lixon, Paul J. Thomassin, Bertrand Hamaide

Trust, cooperation, and implementation of sustainability programs: The case of Local Agenda 21 Ann L. Owen, Julio Videras

Relationships between water pollutant discharges per capita (PDCs) and indicators of economic level, water supply and sanitation in developing countries Yoshiaki Tsuzuki

Economic impact of alternative water policy scenarios in the Spanish production system: An input–output analysis Maria Llop

Estimating optimal conservation in the context of agri-environmental schemes Frank Wätzold, Nele Lienhoop, Martin Drechsler, Josef Settele

Eco-efficiency analysis of industrial system in China: A data envelopment analysis approach Bing Zhang, Jun Bi, Ziying Fan, Zengwei Yuan, Junjie Ge

The biophysical perspective of a middle income economy: Material flows in Mexico Ana Citlalic Gonzalez-Martinez, Heinz Schandl

Valuing black-faced spoonbill conservation in Macao: A policy and contingent valuation study Jianjun Jin, Zhishi Wang, Xuemin Liu

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Cameroon — Assessing costs and benefits Valentin Bellassen, Vincent Gitz

Reexamination of stock price reaction to environmental performance: A GARCH application Keiko Yamaguchi

Measuring consumption in households: Interpretations and strategies Jesper Ole Jensen

Valuing local endangered species: The role of intra-species substitutes Maria L. Loureiro, Elena Ojea

Swedish agriculture during the twentieth century in relation to sustainability Basim Saifi, Lars Drake

Costs of climate change: The effects of rising temperatures on health and productivity in Germany Michael Hübler, Gernot Klepper, Sonja Peterson

Long term changes in social metabolism and land use in Czechoslovakia, 1830–2000: An energy transition under changing political regimes Petra Kuskova, Simone Gingrich, Fridolin Krausmann

80 Marginal CO2 cost pass-through under imperfect competition in power markets Liliya Chernyavs'ka, Francesco Gullì

Increasing marginal returns and the danger of collapse of commercially valuable fish stocks Jose M. Maroto, Manuel Moran

Wetland ownership and management in a common property resource setting: A case study of Hakaluki Haor in Bangladesh Irina Ahmed, B. James Deaton, Rakhal Sarker, Tasneem Virani

Valuing future development rights: The costs of conservation easements Kathryn Anderson, Diana Weinhold

Employment impacts of EU biofuels policy: Combining bottom-up technology information and sectoral market simulations in an input–output framework Frederik Neuwahl, Andreas Löschel, Ignazio Mongelli, Luis Delgado

A common-pool resource approach for water quality management: An Australian case study Ashutosh Sarker, Helen Ross, Krishna K. Shrestha

Promoting environmentally sound furniture by green public procurement Katriina Parikka-Alhola

Salinity in water markets: An experimental investigation of the Sunraysia Salinity Levy in Australia Charlotte Duke, Lata Gangadharan

The ‘neighbor effect’: Simulating dynamics in consumer preferences for new vehicle technologies Paulus Mau, Jimena Eyzaguirre, Mark Jaccard, Colleen Collins-Dodd, Kenneth Tiedemann

Estimating cost functions for the four large carnivores in Sweden Göran Bostedt, Pontus Grahn

Farmers' satisfaction with aquaculture — A logistic model in Vietnam Nguyen Minh Duc

Least-cost tradeable risk permit scheme for controlling risk of introducing invasive alien species by shipping Hong Li Feng, David A. Hennessy

Using attitudinal data to identify latent classes that vary in their preference for landscape preservation Edward Morey, Mara Thiene, Maria De Salvo, Giovanni Signorello

The Environment and Well-Being in Urban China Russell Smyth, Vinod Mishra, Xiaolei Qian

The threat of weighting biases in environmental decision analysis Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Susanna Alaja

Bounded rationality in contingent valuation: Empirical evidence using cognitive psychology Oliver Frör

Natural disasters impacting a macroeconomic model with endogenous dynamics Stéphane Hallegatte, Michael Ghil

Journal of Political Ecology

Volume 15 (2008) Contesting moralities: the politics of wildlife trade in Laos Sarinda Singh

81 The political ecology of hazard vulnerability:marginalization, facilitation and production of differential risk to urban wildfires in Arizona's White Mountains Timothy W. Collins

Capitalism, Nature, Socialism

Volume 19 Issue 2 2008 All Aboard for Copenhagen! Joel Kovel

Ecosocialism, Global Justice, and Climate Change Joel Kovel

The Liberal Foundations of Environmentalism: Revisiting the Rockefeller-Ford Connection Michael Barker

Pondering Another Possible World Robert Nichols

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Metaphor: James Lovelock's Revenge of Gaia John Clark

Art and Environmentalist Practice Kavita Philip

Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India and the Chief Ministers of the States of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Manipur, Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal, Tripura and West Bengal

History and Hope from the Present Moment: Peter McLaren and Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy Samuel Day Fassbinder

Beyond the Bowers-McLaren Debate: The Importance of Studying the Rest of Nature in Forming Alternative Curricula Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro

Ecofeminist Cosmology in Practice: Genesis Farm and the Embodiment of Sustainable Solutions Phoebe C. Godfrey

Reclaiming the Good Life (Now!) Jane Hindley

Volume 19 Issue 3 2008 A Speech That Didn't Get Delivered Joel Kovel

Ecology, Distribution, and Identity in the World Politics of Environmental Skepticism Peter Jacques

False Starts and False Solutions: Current Approaches in Dealing with Climate Change Karen Charman

GE Trees, Cellulosic Ethanol, and the Destruction of Forest Biological Diversity Anne Petermann; Brian Tokar

Whales for Margarine: Commodification and Neoliberal Nature in the Antarctic Eric J. Ziegelmayer

82 The Globalization of Neoliberalism, its Consequences, and Some of its Basic Alternatives Claudia von Werlhof

Fitting into Country: Ecology and Economics in Indigenous Australia Deborah Rose

Eco-socialism and “Ecological Civilization” in China Ariel Salleh

Liberties and Commons for All Joel Kovel

Polluting the Waters of the Most Vulnerable Madronna Holden; Dawn Day Biehler; Beth Eddy

Volume 19 Issue 4 2008 Thinking Like an Ecosocialist

On Being None With Nature: Nagarjuna and the Ecology of Emptiness John Clark

An African and American Survival Ethics: The Case of Cuba Charles C. Verharen

Ideas for a Critical Theory of Nature Adrian Wilding

The Politics of Science and Sustainable Development: Marcuse's New Science in the 21st Century Katharine N. Farrell

On the Implications of the Global Financial Crisis: Some Thoughts about the Past and the Future Joseacute Tapia Granados

The State of the Global Carbon Trade Debate Patrick Bond

Ecological Modernization and Eco-Marxist Perspectives: Globalization and Gold Mining Development in Turkey Nahide Konak

Ecuador First to Grant Nature Constitutional Rights

A Very Special Life Energy: The Logic of Women Peacemakers Globally Zohl deacute Ishtar; Fae Dremock; Michael Keaney; Myrna Santiago

Global Environmental Politics

Volume 8, Number 2, May 2008 Transparency Under Scrutiny: Information Disclosure in Global Environmental Governance Aarti Gupta

Transparency for Whom?: Information Disclosure and Power in Global Environmental Governance Michael Mason

Making Transparency Work Ann Florini

83 "Baptists and Bootleggers, Once Removed": The Politics of Radioactive Waste Internalization in the European Union Robert G. Darst, Jane I. Dawson

Contesting Global Norms: Politics of Identity in Japanese Pro-Whaling Countermobilization Anders Blok

Cool Rationalities and Hot Air: A Rhetorical Approach to Understanding Debates on Renewable Energy John Barry, Geraint Ellis, Clive Robinson

The Role of Science in Environmental Governance: Competing Knowledge Producers in Swedish and Norwegian Forestry Lars H. Gulbrandsen

When Arguments Prevail Over Power: The CITES Procedure for the Listing of Endangered Species Thomas Gehring, Eva Ruffing

Book Review Essay. The Political Economy of the Car J. Samuel Barkin

Flagging Standards: Globalization and Environmental, Safety and Labor Regulations at Sea (review) Frank Alcock

The Voluntary Environmentalists: Green Clubs, ISO 14001, and Voluntary Environmental Regulations (review) Mihaela Papa

Nature and National Identity after Communism: Globalizing the Ethnoscape (review) Jane I. Dawson

Volume 8, Number 3, August 2008 The Governance of Transnational Environmental Harm: Addressing New Modes of Accountability/Responsibility

Climate Change Governance after Bali Peter M. Haas

The Governance of Transnational Environmental Harm: Addressing New Modes of Accountability/Responsibility Michael Mason

Equity Norms in Global Environmental Governance Chukwumerije Okereke

Responsibility in Uncertain Times: An Institutional Perspective on Precaution Luigi Pellizzoni, Marja Ylönen

Accountability of Networked Climate Governance: The Rise of Transnational Climate Partnerships Karin Bäckstrand

Private Rule-Making and the Politics of Accountability: Analyzing Global Forest Governance Sander Chan, Philipp Pattberg

Civil Society, Corporate Accountability and the Politics of Climate Change Peter Newell

Book Review Essay: Effectiveness of International Environmental Institutions Xinyuan Dai

Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Fair Trade, Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mexico and Central America (review)

84 Kevin P. Gallagher

Global Governance of Food Production and Consumption: Issues and Challenges (review) Steve Vanderheiden

Resisting Global Toxics: Transnational Movements for Environmental Justice (review) Rachel Bergstein, Armin Rosencranz

Volume 8, Number 4, November 2008 The Worst of Friends: OPEC and G-77 in the Climate Regime Jon Barnett

Striving for No: Saudi Arabia in the Climate Change Regime Joanna Depledge

The Influence of Business and Industry NGOs in the Negotiation of the Kyoto Mechanisms: the Case of Carbon Capture and Storage in the CDM Irja Vormedal

Conflicts and Coalitions Within and Across the ENGO Community Frank Alcock

Learning in International Organizations in Global Environmental Governance Bernd Siebenhüner

Understanding Water Regime Formation—A Research Framework with Lessons from Europe Stefan Lindemann

Climate Change, International Interests and the Future Nichole M. Fifer

NGO Diplomacy: The Influence of Nongovernmental Organizations in International Environmental Negotiations (review) Jack P. Manno

International Institutions and National Policies (review) Amanda Kirk

Poison in the Well: Radioactive Waste in the Oceans at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age (review) Priya Kurian

Journal of Environment & Development

September 2008, Volume 17, No. 3 Ken Conca The United States and International Water Policy

Samuel Luzi, Mohamed Abdelmoghny Hamouda, Franziska Sigrist, and Evelyne Tauchnitz Water Policy Networks in Egypt and Ethiopia

Jean-Philippe Venot, Bharat R. Sharma, and K.V.G.K. Rao Krishna Basin Development: Interventions to Limit Downstream Environmental Degradation

Sk Noim Uddin and Ros Taplin Toward Sustainable Energy Development in Bangladesh

Outi Ratamäki Finland's Wolf Policy and New Governance


December 2008, Volume 17, No. 4 Miranda A. Schreurs From the Bottom Up: Local and Subnational Climate Change Politics

Helmut Weidner and Lutz Mez German Climate Change Policy: A Success Story With Some Flaws

Ye Qi, Li Ma, Huanbo Zhang, and Huimin Li Translating a Global Issue Into Local Priority: China's Local Government Response to Climate Change

Daniel A. Mazmanian, John Jurewitz, and Hal Nelson California's Climate Change Policy: The Case of a Subnational State Actor Tackling a Global Challenge

Noriko Sugiyama and Tsuneo Takeuchi Local Policies for Climate Change in Japan

Review of International Political Economy

Volume 15 Issue 3 2008 In Memoriam Nicole Suveges 1970-2008

The rocky road ahead: China, the US and the future of the dollar Paul Bowles; Baotai Wang

Political determinants of international currencies: What future for the US dollar? Eric Helleiner

Forbidden fruit: Russia's uneasy relationship with the US dollar Juliet Johnson

From a supporter to a challenger? Japan's currency leadership in dollar-dominated East Asia Saori N. Katada

Dollar primacy and American power: What's at stake? Author: Jonathan Kirshner

A rivalry in the making? The Euro and international monetary power Kathleen R. McNamara

Review Essay: Institutional inertia, adjustment, and change: Japan as a case of a coordinated market economy Author: Ling Chen

Volume 15 Issue 4 2008 Organizational change 'from within': Exploring the World Bank's early lending practices Jeffrey M. Chwieroth

The Japanese challenge to neoliberalism: Who and what is 'normal' in the history of the world economy? Yong Wook Lee

Enabling TRIPs: The pharma-biotech-university patent coalition David Tyfield

Post-Fordist governance of nature: The internationalization of the state and the case of genetic resources - a Neo- Poulantzian perspective Ulrich Brand; Christoph Görg

86 Special Section: Resistance to Globalization in the Arab Middle East

Introduction: Resistance to globalization in the Arab Middle East Rolf Schwarz

The political economy of state-formation in the Arab Middle East: Rentier states, economic reform, and democratization Rolf Schwarz

Structural reform, economic order, and development: Patrimonial capitalism Oliver Schlumberger

Two-level negotiations in a fragmented system: Saudi Arabia's WTO accession Steffen Hertog

Review Essay: From comparing capitalisms to the politics of institutional change Gregory Jackson; Richard Deeg

Volume 15 Issue 5 2008 Special Section: Making Markets (and States)

The politics of influence: An analysis of IMF surveillance Domenico Lombardi; Ngaire Woods

Making market democracies? The contingent loyalties of post-privatization elites in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Serbia John A. Gould; Carl Sickner

Constructing power through law: Private law pluralism and harmonization in the global political economy Edward S. Cohen

The fall and rise of financial capital Aaron Major

'As the Central Planning Bureau says'. The Dutch wage restraint paradigm, its sustaining epistemic community and its relevance for comparative research Uwe Becker; Corina Hendriks

The political economy of sectoral exchange rate preferences and lobbying: Germany from 1960-2008, and beyond Daniel Kinderman

Review Essay: A very capitalist disaster: Naomi Klein's take on the neoliberal saga Walden Bello

Historical Materialism

Volume 16, Number 2, 2008 Productive Forces and the Economic Logic of the Feudal Mode of Production Wickham, Chris

Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia. Part I: Domestic Class Structure, Latin-American Trends, and Capitalist Imperialism Webber, Jeffery R.

The 'Returns to Religion': Messianism, Christianity and the Revolutionary Tradition. Part I: 'Wakefulness to the Future' Roberts, John


Postmodern Contributions to Marxian Economics: Theoretical Innovations and their Implications for Class Politics Kristjanson-Gural, David

Competitiveness and Critique: The Value of a New-Materialist Research Project Charnock, Greig

Marxists, Muslims and Religion: Anglo-French Attitudes Callinicos, Alex

Review: Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa; Unsustainable South Africa: Environment, Development and Social Protest; Against Global Apartheid: South Africa Meets the World Bank, IMF and Global Finance; Talk Left, Walk Right: South Africa's Frustrated Global Reforms; Arise Ye Coolies: Apartheid and the Indian, 1960-1995; We Are the Poors: Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa; Blacks in Whites: A Century of Cricket Struggles in KwaZulu-Natal Chari, Sharad

Review: Theory of the Global State: Globality as an Unfinished Revolution; A Theory of Global Capitalism: Production, Class, and the State in a Transnational World Anievas, Alexander

Review: Henryk Grossman and the Recovery of Marxism Green, Peter

Review: The Spirit of Terrorism; Ground Zero; Welcome to the Desert of the Real; America's Culture of Terrorism: Violence, Capitalism, and the Written Word; Afflicted Powers: Capital and Spectacle in a New Age of War; Portents of the Real: A Primer for Post-9/11 America Glass, Oren

Review: Ilf and Petrov's American Road Trip Hatherley, Owen

Volume 16, Number 3, 2008 Utopia Pre-Empted: Kett's Rebellion, Commoning, and the Hysterical Sublime Holstun, Jim

Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia. Part II: Revolutionary Epoch, Combined Liberation and the December 2005 Elections Webber, Jeffery R.

The `Returns to Religion': Messianism, Christianity and the Revolutionary Tradition. Part II: The Pauline Tradition Roberts, John

Debating Lebowitz: Is Class Conflict the Moral and Historical Element in the Value of Labour-Power? Fine, Ben

Marxism and the Union Bureaucracy: Karl Kautsky on Samuel Gompers and the German Free Trade Unions Gaido, Daniel

Samuel Gompers Kautsky, Karl

Review: Philosophy of the Encounter: Later Writings, 1978-1987 Sotiris, Panagiotis

Review: Books for Burning: Between Civil War and Democracy in 1970s Italy Robinson, Andrew

88 Review: Modern Times, Ancient Hours: Working Lives in the Twenty-First Century Hermann, Christoph

Review: Komplexität und Emanzipation Aydin, Yaşar

Review: Religion and the Human Prospect Friedman, Samuel R.

Volume 16, Number 4, 2008 US Financial Power in Crisis Konings, Martijn; Panitch, Leo

The Capitalist Labour-Process and the Body in Pain: The Corporeal Depths of Marx's Concept of Immiseration Fracchia, Joseph

Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia. Part III: Neoliberal Continuities, the Autonomist Right, and the Political Economy of Indigenous Struggle Webber, Jeffery R.

Mapping Pathways within Italian Autonomist Marxism: A Preliminary Survey Wright, Steve

A Titanic Phenomenon: Marxism, History and Biblical Society Boer, Roland

Production vs. Realisation in Marx's Theory of Value: A Reply to Kincaid Fine, Ben; Saad-Filho, Alfredo

Production versus Capital in Motion: A Reply to Fine and Saad-Filho Kincaid, Jim

Review: The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolution Traverso, Enzo

Review: The Limits to Capital Mattick, Paul

Review: Fashioning Socialism: Clothing, Politics and Consumer Culture in East Germany Hatherley, Owen

Review of Radical Political Economics

Summer 2008, Volume 40, No. 3 Jim Stanford Radical Economics and Social Change Movements: Strengthening the Links between Academics and Activists

Fadhel Kaboub Elements of a Radical Counter-movement to Neoliberalism: Employment-led Development

Mehrene Larudee and Timothy Koechlin Low-wage Labor and the Geography of Production: A Qualified Defense of the "Pauper Labor Argument"

Yongbok Jeon and Matías Vernengo Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Regularities: Cyclical and Structural Productivity in the United States (1950–2005)

Richard McIntyre and Michael Hillard The "Limited Capital-Labor Accord": May It Rest in Peace?


Ellen D. Russell Finance as Servant? Lessons from New Deal Financial Reform

Ellen Mutari and Deborah M. Figart Transformations in Casino Gaming and the Unionization of Atlantic City's Dealers

Omar S. Dahi and Firat Demir South-South Trade in Manufactures: Current Performance and Obstacles for Growth

Al Campbell The Cuban Economy: Where It Stands Today

Sinan Koont A Cuban Success Story: Urban Agriculture

Paulo Nakatani and Rémy Herrera Structural Changes and Planning of the Economy in Revolutionary Venezuela

Jonathan P. Goldstein Heterodox Macroeconomics: Crotty's Integration of Keynes and Marx

Paddy Quick Unpaid, Reproductive, Caring Labor? The Production of Labor Power? Theoretical and Practical Implications of Terms Used for Women's Work

Fred Moseley Introduction: Debate over Microeconomics

Emmanuelle Benicourt and Bernard Guerrien Is Anything Worth Keeping in Microeconomics?

Donald W. Katzner On the Analytical and Methodological Significance of Microeconomic Theory

Karl E. Case A Response to Guerrien and Benicourt

Emmanuelle Benicourt and Bernard Guerrien A Reply to Katzner and Case

George Lafferty Book Review Essay: Institutions, Culture, and the Moral Economy: The Reconfiguration of Class in Theory and Politics: The Moral Economy of Class: Class and Attitudes in Comparative Perspective Stefan Svallfors; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006, 248 pp., $45.00 (hardback). Marxism @ 2000: Late Marxist Perspectives Ronaldo Munck; New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000, 164 pp., $105.00 (hardback). Class Andrew Milner; London, Thousand Oaks, and New Delhi: Sage, 1999, 177 pp., $44.95 (paperback)

Richard Westra Book Review Essay: Economic Life beyond Capital: Socioeconomic Democracy: An Advanced Socioeconomic System Robley E. George; Westport, CT: Praeger Paperback, 2002, 328 pp., $36.95 (paperback). Lessons from the Failure of the Communist Economic System Ladislav Rusmich and Stephen M. Sachs; Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2004, 380 pp., $27.95 (paperback). The Postmodern Prince: Critical Theory, Left Strategy, and the Making of a New Political Subject John Sanbonmatsu; New York, NY: Monthly Review Press, 2004, 272 pp., $22.95 (paperback). After Capitalism David Schweickart; Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, 224 pp., $26.95 (paperback)

Angelo Reati Book Review Essay: The Battle on Foundations and Its Neglected Issues

William M. Dugger

90 Book Review: Economic Justice and Democracy: From Competition to Cooperation By Robin Hahnel. Postscript by Noam Chomsky. London and New York: Routledge, 2005. 423 pp. £13.99 paper

Gilbert L. Skillman Book Review: Economics in Real Time: A Theoretical Reconstruction By John McDermott. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004. 217 pp. $65.00 cloth

Paul Burkett Book Review: Socialist Register 2007: Coming to Terms with Nature Ed. Leo Panitch and Colin Leys. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006. 304 pp. $25.00 paper

Richard Leitch Book Review: Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World By Mike Davis. New York: Verso, 2001. 470 pp. $20.00 paper

Duncan K. Foley Book Review: Marxian Reproduction Schema: Money and Aggregate Demand in a Capitalist Economy By Andrew B. Trigg. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. 130 pp. £60.00 cloth

Robert Veneziani Book Review: A Future for Marxism? Althusser, the Analytical Turn and the Revival of Socialist Theory By Andrew Levine. London: Pluto Press, 2003 pp. $26.95 paper

Etelberto Ortiz Cruz Book Review: Introduction to Post—Keynesian Economics By Marc Lavoie. New York: Palgrave—Macmillan, 2006. 150 pp. $85.00 cloth.1

Brian Jackson Book Review: The Empire Has No Clothes By Ivan Eland. Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 2004. 304 pp.

Chris Pepin Book Review: Downsizing in America: Reality, Causes, and Consequences By William J. Baumol, Alan Blinder, and Edward N. Wolff. New York: Russell Sage, 2003. 321 pp. $29.95 cloth, $19.95 paper

Armagan Gezici Book Review: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man By John Perkins. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. 264 pp., $24.95 cloth

Victor D. Lippit Book Review: Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China By Thomas P. Bernstein and Xiaobo Lu. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 282 pp., $65.00 cloth

John William Salevurakis Book Review: The Global Political Economy of Sex By Anna M. Agathangelou. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2004. 214 pp. $59.99 hardback

Fall 2008, Volume 40, No. 4 Massimo De Angelis and David Harvie Globalization? No Question! Foreign Direct Investment and Labor Commanded

Hüseyin Özel The Notion of Power and the "Metaphysics" of Labor Values

Phillip J. Wood Cultivating Voters: The Social Relations of Agriculture and Racial Politics in the New South

Jonathan P. Goldstein and Michael G. Hillard Taking the High Road Only to Arrive at the Low Road: The Creation of a Reserve Army of Petty Capitalists in the North Maine Woods

91 Francisco Paulo Cipolla The Concept of Market Value: A Critical Note on Itoh's Theory

Luís Aguiar-Conraria A Note on the Stability Properties of Goodwin's Predator—Prey Model

Christopher Gunn Book Review: America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy Gar Alperovitz; Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2005

Anthony A. Gabb Book Review: The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism Ismael Hossein-zadeh; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 296 pp, $75.00 (hardcover)

Roger Sandilands Book Review: Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations: A Story of Economic Discovery David Warsh; New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2006, xxii + 426 pp., $27.95 (hardback), $16.95 (paperback)

Leanne Roncolato Book Review: Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America Dana Frank; Cambridge: South End Press, 2005, 141 pp., $12.00 (paperback)

Jerome Joffe Book Review: The Global Political Economy of Israel Jonathon Nitzen and Shimshon Bichler; London and Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 2002, 407 pp., $29.95 (paperback), $95.00 (hardback)

Rethinking Marxism

Volume 20 Issue 3 2008 Russian Aesthetics under Capitalism: An Introduction Yulia Tikhonova

Why I Am a Marxist Vladislav Sofronov

The Theory of Marxism: Questions and Answers Vladislav Sofronov; Fredric Jameson; Jack Amariglio; Yahya M. Madra

The Karl Marx School of the English Language David Riff

You Can't Anticipate Explosions: Jacques Ranciere in Conversation with Chto Delat Jacques Ranciere; Artemy Magun; Dmitry Vilensky; Alexandr Skidan

Profanation of the Profane, or, Giorgio Agamben on the Moscow Biennale Alexei Penzin

The Story of Angry Sandwich People, or, In Praise of Dialectics David Riff; Dmitry Vilensky

Legally Soviet: A Conversation Yevgeniy Fiks; Olga Kopenkina

Foucault, Marxism, and the Cuban Revolution: Historical and Contemporary Reflections Sam Binkley; Jorge Capetillo-Ponce

Foucault and the “New Man”: Conversations on Foucault in Cuba Sam Binkley; Jorge Capetillo-Ponce

Massive Change: The Exhibit as Apology for “New Capitalism”

92 Lauren Langman

From Principle to Context: Marx versus Nozick and Rawls on Distributive Justice Xiaoping Wei

Development, Capitalism, and Socialism: A Marxian Encounter with Rabindranath Tagore's Ideas on the Cooperative Principle Anjan Chakrabarti; Anup Kumar Dhar

Review: Children of Men, or, A Brief Guide to "Embedded" Cinema and the Remapping of Global Dispossession Mikel Parent

Volume 20 Issue 4 2008 Historical Dilemmas of Democracy and Their Contemporary Relevance for Citizenship Etienne Balibar

Introduction to Rethinking MARXISM Editorial Board

The Class Analysis of Households Extended: Children, Fathers, and Family Budgets Stephen Resnick; Richard Wolff

Beyond Capital-Nation-State Kojin Karatani

Re/membering Twenty Years of Rethinking Marxism: An Interview with David F. Ruccio and Jack Amariglio Kenan Erccedilel; Maliha Safri; S. Charusheela

Redoing Marxism at the Gigi Café: A Conversation Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak; Ben Conisbee Baer

Rethinking Marxism: Ten Years On The Editors

"Place-Based Globalism": A New Imaginary of Revolution J. K. Gibson-Graham

Materialism and Theology: A Conversation Antonio Negri; Gabriele Fadini

Rethinking Poverty: Class and Ethical Dimensions of Poverty Eradication Anjan Chakrabarti; Stephen Cullenberg; Anup Kumar Dhar

Imperialism and the Rhetoric of Democracy in the Age of Wall Street Author: Antonio Callari

New Left Review

Nr. 51, May/June 2008 Tsering Shakya Tibetan Questions

Walter Benjamin 1940 Survey of French Literature

Lucio Magri The Tailor of Ulm


Cihan Tugal The Greening of Istanbul

Ece Temelkuran Flag and Headscarf

Brent Shaw After Rome

Charles Armstrong Contesting the Peninsula

David Laitin Review: Paul Nugent, Africa Since Independence

Gopal Balakrishnan Review: Parag Khanna, The Second World

Daniel Miller Review: Jonathan Zittrain, The Future of the Internet

Nr. 52, Juli/August 2008 Emir Sader The Weakest Link? Neoliberalism in Latin America

Walter Benn Michaels Against Diversity

Norman Dombey The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Peter Gowan Twilight of the NPT?

Mark Elvin The Historian as Haruspex

Franco Moretti The Novel: History and Theory

Robin Blackburn Review: Louis Sala-Molins, Dark Side of the Light. Polemical assault on the French Enlightenment’s record on slavery—Condorcet’s contradictions, Diderot’s compromises, Montesquieu’s motivations.

Gregor McLennan Review: Charles Taylor, A Secular Age. A dialectical account of God’s role under conditions of modernity, with otherworldly intimations of ‘fullness’ compensating for materialism’s spiritual void.

Steve Smith Review: Alexander Rabinowitch, The Bolsheviks in Power

Nr. 53, September/October 2008 Robert Wade Financial Regime Change?

David Harvey The Right to the City

94 Andrei Platonov Father-Mother

Maristella Svampa The End of Kirchnerism

Peter Hallward Order and Event

Alain Badiou Roads to Renegacy

Vijay Prashad Review: Patrick Cockburn, Muqtada al-Sadr and the Fall of Iraq. Perceptive portrait of the Occupation’s single most elusive foe, and of the traditions of Shia militancy from which he descends.

Tom Hazeldine Review: Ronald Findlay and Kevin O’Rourke, Power and Plenty. Selective account of a millennium of global trade, with force as market-maker from the Pax Mongolica to the Cold War.

Alexander Cockburn Review: Rick Perlstein, Nixonland

Nr. 54, November/Dezember 2008 Susan Watkins The Nuclear Non-Protestation Treaty

Dmitri Furman Imitation Democracies

Nicholas Crafts Profits of Doom?

Michel Aglietta Into a New Growth Regime

Kozo Yamamura More System, Please!

Alexander Beecroft World Literature Without a Hyphen

Sven Lutticken Attending to Abstract Things

Joel Andreas Changing Colours in China

Kheya Bag Review: Martin Puchner, Poetry of the Revolution. The rules of the manifesto as a form, in revolutionary politics and in avant-garde art, and the history of its fortunes.

Henry Zhao Review: Gloria Davies, Worrying about China0

95 International Socialism

Issue 119 Summer 2008 Livingstone pays the price for "triangulation" Charlie Kimber

Behind the world food crisis Carlo Morelli

More than opium: Marxism and religion John Molyneux

China, Tibet and the left Charlie Hore

Zimbabwe: imperialism, hypocrisy and fake nationalism Leo Zeilig

Benjamin’s emergency Marxism Chris Nineham

Karl Marx, Abram Leon and the Jewish Question—a reappraisal John Rose

The world economy—a critical comment Jim Kincaid

Misreadings and misconceptions Chris Harman

Some notes on the crunch and the crisis Fred Moseley

Review: What’s wrong, and what can be done Paul McGarr

Review: Not all farmers were bad... John Newsinger

Review: The party that never was Kim Moody

Review: Where we came from Peter Wearden

Review: Politics without enough economics Adrian Budd

Review: Under pressure Sheila Cohen

Review: Organic intellectual Alan Kenny

Review: Valuable but flawed Mike Haynes

Review: A Marxist look at the legions Steve Roskams

96 Issue 120 - Autumn 2008 Latin America and the future of the Farc Mike Gonzalez

Interview: Korea’s summer of discontent

Afghanistan: the case against the “good war” Jonathan Neale

A crisis for the centre of the system Andrew Kliman

Snapshots of union strengths and weaknesses Chris Harman

Where is the radical left going? Alex Callinicos

Decyphering The Internationale: the Eugène Pottier code Donny Gluckstein

Marxism and ethics Paul Blackledge

A fiftieth birthday for Marxist theory Ian Birchall

Philadelphia Wobblies John Newsinger

Review: Practising Marxist archaeology Neil Faulkner

Review: Zionism under the microscope John Rose

Review: Aid for Spain Andy Durgan

Review: The tragedy of Iraq’s Communists Anne Alexander

Review: Hidden histories of sexuality Colin Wilson

Review: Taking the care out of social care Helen Davies

Review: Still fighting old battles Andy Zebrowski

Review: A study in African resistance Colin Barker

Review: The rise of the modern state Pepijn Brandon

97 New Political Economy

Volume 13 Issue 3 2008

The Rise of Pension Fund Capitalism in Europe: An Unseen Revolution? Adam D. Dixon

Veto Players and Central Bank Gold Sales Mark Duckenfield

Gulf Cooperation Council Oil Exporters and the Future of the Dollar Bessma Momani

Boundaries, Values and the Contested Nature of Market Expansion Joatildeo Rodrigues

A Pandemonium of Confusions: Kay and Marsh on Tiebout Keith Dowding

On the Tenacity of Tiebout: A Response to Dowding Adrian Kay; Alex Marsh

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Marcel Heires

Feature Review: The Collapse of Globalism and the Reinvention of the World Richard Falk

Volume 13 Issue 4 2008 Varieties of Change in German Capitalism: Transforming the Rules of Corporate Control Susanne Lütz; Dagmar Eberle

Challenging 'New Constitutionalism' in the EU: French Resistance, 'Social Europe' and 'Soft' Governance Owen Parker

The Effect of State-endorsed Arbitration Institutions on International Trade Yu Wang

Korea's Recovery since the 1997/98 Financial Crisis: The Last Stage of the Developmental State Thomas Kalinowski

André Gorz: Freedom, Time and Work in the Post-Industrial Economy Craig Berry; Michael Kenny

Venezuela under Hugo Chávez: The Originality of the 'Bolivarian' Project Richard Gott

Feature Review: Automobile Politics: Ecology and Cultural Political Economy John Barry

Monthly Review

July-August 2008, Volume 60, Number 3 Ecology: The Moment of Truth — An Introduction John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, Richard York

Peak Oil and Energy Imperialism John Bellamy Foster


The Political Economy and Ecology of Biofuels Fred Magdoff

Climate Change, Limits to Growth, and the Imperative for Socialism Minqi Li

The Oceanic Crisis: Capitalism and the Degradation of Marine Ecosystems Brett Clark, Rebecca Clausen

Framing India’s Hydraulic Crisis: The Politics of the Modern Large Dam Rohan D’Souza

Blue Covenant: The Alternative Water Future Maude Barlow

Memorial: Bill Livant (May 24, 1932–June 2, 2008) Ben Livant

September 2008, Volume 60, Number 4 Jeremiah Wright in the Propaganda System Edward S. Herman, David Peterson

Humanitarian Imperialism: The New Doctrine of Imperial Right Noam Chomsky

The U.S. Media Reform Movement Going Forward Robert W. McChesney

Poetry: Stately vistas of stately vistas Marge Piercy

Review: The Fire Inside Richard D. Vogel

October 2008, Volume 60, Number 5 The U.S. Imperial Triangle and Military Spending John Bellamy Foster, Hannah Holleman, Robert W. McChesney

An Alternative Worth Struggling For Michael A. Lebowitz

Marx's Critique of Heaven and Critique of Earth John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, Richard York

Four Crises of the Contemporary World Capitalist System William K. Tabb

Review: A Nation Built on the Hierarchy of Race. A Practical Guide to Beating White Supremacy Fernando E. Gapasin

November 2008, Volume 60, Number 6 Ecology and the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism John Bellamy Foster

Rifts and Shifts: Getting to the Root of Environmental Crises Brett Clark and Richard York


Capitalist and Socialist Responses to the Ecological Crisis Victor Wallis

Liquefied Natural Gas and Fossil Capitalism Anna Zalik

Ecological Crises and the Agrarian Question in World-Historical Perspective Jason W. Moore

December 2008, Volume 60, Number 7 Financial Implosion and Stagnation: Back to the Real Economy John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff

America Right or Wrong: Anglo-American Relations Since 1945 John Newsinger

Braddock, Pennsylvania: Out of the Furnace and into the Fire Jim Straub

Poetry: Happening upon the Exploding Sand Sculpture Competition on TV Denise Bergman

Review: The Human Costs of Economic Growth Immanuel Wallerstein

Review: Why Orthodox Economics Fails Carlos J. Castro

Z. Zeitschrift marxistische Erneuerung

Heft 74, Juni 2008 Kritik der neoliberalen Bildungspolitik

Jens Wernicke Bildungsreform als Herrschaftsinstrument

Nele Hirsch „Bologna-Prozess“ und der Kampf an den Hochschulen

Herbert Storn Bildungspolitik nach Gutsherrenart Wie die hessische Landesregierung Schüler, Lehrer und Eltern gegen sich aufbrachte

Klemens Himpele Neoliberale Bildungspolitik: Öffentliche Unterfinanzierung und Privatisierung der Kosten

Alexander Subtil Schule im Kapitalismus: Anmerkungen zu Freerk Huisken und Hans-Peter Waldrich

Heiko Bolldorf „Mut zur Erziehung heißt vor allem Mut zur Disziplin“. Die pädagogischen Vorstellungen Bernhard Buebs

Karl-Heinz Heinemann Verhindern PISA und Bologna Bildung?

Auseinandersetzung um 1968

100 Eberhard Dähne SDS und Neue Linke 1959ff: „Vorwärts und nicht vergessen, worin unsre Stärke besteht ...“

Guido Speckmann Ketzerischer Konformismus. Götz Aly und der Kampf um „68“

Lothar Peter Die Geburt des Neoliberalismus aus dem Geist von 1968. Notizen zu André und Raphael Glucksmann „Mai 68 expliqué à Nicolas Sarkozy“

Jörg Roesler Mit Blick auf 1968: Wirtschafts- und politische Reformen in Osteuropa. Vermeidbares Zusammentreffen oder notwendiges Zusammenspiel?

Weitere Beiträge

Roman George/Holger Kindler/Rosa Schwenger Der Arbeitskampf der Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer

Christoph Butterwegge Diffamierung, Denunziation und Manipulation. Methoden der bürgerlichen Publizistik im Kampf gegen und die LINKE

Emmerich Nyikos Der Kapitalkomplex als globale Gesellschaft

Heft 75, September 2008 Linke Parteien in Europa

Jens Renner Italiens Linke am Tiefpunkt. Die Vorgeschichte einer historischen Niederlage

Elisabeth Gauthier Die französische Linke. Reorganisation und neue Bündnisse gegen eine erneuerte Rechte

Hermann Dworczak Österreich nach dem Ende der großen Koalition. Chancen für ein eigenständiges Projekt links der SPÖ?

Julian Marioulas Die Kommunisten und die radikale Linke in Griechenland

Joachim Becker Tschechien: Die KP Böhmens und Mährens (KSCM). Zwischen Normalisierungsnostalgie und Regierungshoffnungen

Dominic Heilig Vereinigte oder vereinte Linke? Vereinigung der Linken stößt an ihre Grenzen

Europa – Geschichtliche Wendepunkte

Walter Schmidt 1848/49 als europäische Revolution

Lorenz Knorr Antikommunismus war die Triebkraft. Zu den Hintergründen des Münchener Abkommens von 1938

Staat, Ökonomie, Politik

Uwe Jens Heuer Staatsgewalt und Recht


Harry Nick Marx im Herzen und Keynes im Kopf?

Jörg Roesler Zur Rolle und Wirkung von „staatlich administrierten“ und „marktgerechten“ Konsumgüterpreisen. Anlässlich des 60. Jahrestags der Währungsreformen 1948

Florian Flörsheimer Das private Sicherheitsgewerbe und die „Innere Sicherheit“

Weitere Beiträge

Margarete Tjaden-Steinhauer Geschlechterdenken und Ideologie. Kritische Bemerkungen zu einem problematischen Sprachgebrauch

Simone Claar Linksruck in Südafrika? Die Wahl von Jacob Zuma zum ANC-Präsidenten Cornelia Schöler Revolution in Nepal?

Ulla Plener W. I. Lenin – 1920/1921 ein Verfechter der „Offensivtheorie“? Eine Replik zu Jörn Schütrumpfs „Paul Levi unter den ‘Doppelzünglern’“

Hansgeorg Conert Grundlagen und Entwicklung der Sowjetgesellschaft

Diether Dehm Unzeitgemäß: Ein Partisanenroman

Das Argument

Nr. 275 Reproduktionstechnologien

Wolf-Dieter Narr Frank Unger (1945-2008)

Silke Wittich-Neven Wider die ungerechtfertigten Privilegien

Marlene Streeruwitz Frau und Magie

Michi Knecht Reproduktionstechnologien und die Biomedikalisierung von Verwandtschaft. Anmerkungen aus ethnographischer Perspektive

Sarah Sexton Klonforschung und ihr Bedarf an Eizellen

Mona Singer Cyborg-Visionen. Zu den Kontroversen um neue Reproduktionstechnologien in feministischer Absicht

Britta Cacioppo, Eva Geber Allmachtsfantasien und Utopien

Claudia Schumann Erfahrungen mit Pränataldiagnostik in der gynäkologischen Praxis. Ein Gespräch mit Sigrid Graumann


Silja Samerski Entmündigende Selbstbestimmung. Über die Entscheidungszumutungen der Pränataldiagnostik

Vanessa Lux Von »Monstern« und »Sonnenscheinchen«. Umgang mit dem Risiko

José María Ripalda Adorno und das unmögliche Politische

Ingrid Galster Genese, Theorie und Praxis des Engagements bei Sartre und Beauvoir

Sinan Özbek Kleinhändlermoral in der türkischen Politik

Nr. 276 Kehrt die Revolution zurück in Lateinamerika?

Günter Mayer Hanns Eisler – unvergessen

Frigga Haug Eine Prise Geschlecht

Helmut Reinicke Gegengewalt

Wolfgang Fritz Haug Indoamerikanischer Sozialismus? Editorial

Stefan Schmalz Von der Hegemoniekrise des Neoliberalismus zum Aufstieg regionaler Alternativen

Dorothea Melcher Rohstoffboom und Ölrenten in Lateinamerika

Andreas Novy Die Rückkehr des Entwicklungsstaats in Brasilien

Raúl Zibechi Die neuen Herausforderungen der sozialen Bewegungen

Isabel Rauber Boliviens demokratische Kulturrevolution

Fabiola Escárzaga Indigene Bewegungen in Bolivien und Ecuador. Positionsbestimmung nach den Wahlen

Haraldo Dilla Die politische Konjunktur Kubas: Ein Epochenwandel?

Rainer Schultz Kubas Neue ökonomische Politik

Nr. 277 Zur Kritik der Kulturwissenschaften

Volker Braun

103 Das Elbtal

Christine Lehmann Der Kulturbedarfsbeutel

Stuart Hall Jeder muss ein bisschen aussehen wie ein Amerikaner. Ein Interview

Lutz Musner Wege aus dem Elfenbeinturm. Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz der Kulturwissenschaften

Thomas Barfuss, Juha Koivisto, Ines Langemeyer Schlüsselübergabe bei den Cultural Studies: Von Raymond Williams’ „Keywords” zu einem „Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society”

Pepi Leistyna Kulturwissenschaft als kapitalismuskritische Theorie erneuern. Wider den neoliberalen Angriff auf die Öffentlichkeit

Maria Elisa Cevasco Zu jedem Fortschritt ein Rückschritt: globalisierte Kultur aus brasilianischer Sicht

Etienne Balibar Zu Georges Labicas Theorie der Gewalt

Georg W. Auernheimer Der Designersarg. Aus dem Tagebuch

Nr. 278 Kapitalismus in Krise Krimis als Medium der Politik des Kulturellen

Giorgio Luzzi Brand bei Thyssen-Krupp (Nachdichtung von Volker Braun)

Gerhard Bauer Nachruf auf Christian Geissler

Frigga Haug Ungleichzeitigkeiten

Wolfgang Fritz Haug Die Krise denken

Elmar Altvater Die Finanzkrise – mehr als ein Weltmarktungewitter. Karl Marx zur Finanzkrise

Ingar Solty Barack Obama – ein neuer Clinton oder ein neuer Roosevelt?

Peter Jehle Kriminelle Verhältnisse

Christine Lehmann Doch die Idylle trügt. Zum Regionalkrimi

Peter Uwe Hohendahl Gesetz und Gerechtigkeit – Sara Paretsky

Frigga Haug, Else Laudan

104 Ariadne Krimis und die Politik des Kulturellen

Stefan Howald Einfühlen und Aufschneiden. Über Profiler und Gerichtsmedizinerinnen

Wolfgang Fritz Haug Wie wir uns erhoffen, dass im Krimi erzählt werde

Thomas Weber Samuel Kascher und Richter Lexer

Anne Showstack Sassoon Gramsci und das Geheimnis von Father Brown

Capital & Class

Issue 95 Summer '08 A Critique of John Holloway's Change the World Without Taking Power Colm McNaughton

NHS LIFT and the new shape of neoliberal welfare Rachel Aldred

Captive labour and the free market: Prisoners and production in the USA Genevieve LeBaron

The logic of a justified hope: The dialectic of police reform in Northern Ireland Barry J. Ryan

Review Article: History, scarcity, praxis … and Stalin? Review essay: Jean-Paul Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume II Andrew Robinson

Issue 96 Autumn '08 ‘It was absolute hell’: Inside the private prison Phil Taylor and Christine Cooper

Chinese state-enterprise reform: Economic transition, labour unrest and worker representation John Hassard, Jackie Sheehan and Xiao Yuxin

The ambiguity of resistance: Opposition to neoliberalism in Europe Andy Storey

When unions merge: The making of the UCU Bob Carter

The neoliberal transnational university: The case of UBC Okanagan Robert Whiteley, Luis L. M. Aguiar and Tina Marten


Nr. 26 Dragomir Olujić »Unsere Bewegung war pro-jugoslawisch«

Paul Pop

105 Mobilität, Kontrolle und Klassenkampf: Eine zweischneidige Angelegenheit

Colectivo Situaciones Die Politisierung der Trauer

Alex Demirović Kritik und Wahrheit.

Benjamin Opratko Von der Harmlosigkeit radikaler Demokratie

Angelika Ebbinghaus Taylor in Russland

Nr. 27 Heide Gerstenberger Staatsgewalt im globalen Kapitalismus

Dieter A. Behr & Lisa Bolyos „Was wir brauchen, ist eine Landwirtschaft mit hoher Diversität und geringem Karbonat-Input“. Ein Gespräch mit Patrick Mulvany über Hungerrevolten, Ernährungssouveränität und die Rolle der Wissenschaft

Jens Kastner Aspekte der Guerilla-Form

Vassilis Tsianos Die Karte Europas und die Ströme der Migration

Andreas Kranebitter Vom Kriegskommunismus zum Kommunismus im Krieg: Thesen über die Khmer Rouge

Nr. 28 Interview mit Pun Ngai: „Deshalb spreche ich immer von Arbeit und Körper, denn mit dem Körper kommt mehr Subjektivität ins Spiel ...“

Engelbert Stockhammer Finanzkrise: Chronologie, Ursachen und wirtschaftspolitische Reaktionen. Kasinokapitalismus mit staatlichen Fremdheilungskräften.

Max Henninger Abschreibung des Wertgesetzes? Kritische Anmerkungen zur Marx-Interpretation Antonio Negris

Rainer Midlaszewski, Ulrike Schulz Zwischen Freiheit und Zwang. Neue Selbständige in der Kreativwirtschaft – Eine Collage

Ayse Deniz Temiz Ein Meridian entscheidet über die Wahrheit? Wider die Rolle eines Wachpostens für den Eurostaat


Nr. 5 1968: Dimensionen der Rebellion

Mehr als eine Studierendenrevolte Chris Harman

106 Die Gleichzeitigkeit der Revolte (Interview) Marcel van der Linden

1968 oder Der Konflikt um die Demokratie Alex Demirovic

Dimensionen der Rebellionen Felix Wiegand

Sex, Drugs and Klassenkampf. MC5 in Detroit Philipp Probst

Zeit für Lenin Benjamin Opratko

Spekulationsblase als Abbruchbirne Robert Brenner

Feminismus weiterdenken. Rezension: Klinger, Cornelia/ Knapp, Gudrun-Axeli/ Sauer, Birgit (Hg.): Achsen der Ungleichheit. Zum Verhältnis von Klasse, Geschlecht und Ethnizität, / New York: Campus Verlag Katharina Hajek

Arbeiten am Hegemoniebegriff. Rezension: Winter, Jens: Transnationale Arbeitskonflikte. Das Beispiel der hegemonialen Konstellation im NAFTA-Raum, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 2007 Mario Becksteiner

Klassenkampf von oben. Rezension: Harvey, David: Kleine Geschichte des Neoliberalismus, Zürich: Rotpunktverlag 2007 Benjamin Opratko

Nr. 6 USA: Brüche im Imperium

Die neue Qual Gruppe Perspektiven

US-Wahlen: Is real change coming? Gary Younge

Globale Rivalitäten. Anspruch und Realität des amerikanischen Imperiums Tobias ten Brink

Zusammenbruch der Wall Street: Frequently Asked Questions Walden Bello

Stars and Strikes. Die Industrial Workers of the World Philipp Probst

Community Union Unity? Gewerkschaften und Worker Centers Maria Asenbaum

Das Geschlecht kommt selten allein. Theorie und Politik des Black Feminism Katharina Hajek und Katherina Kinzel

Sowjetmacht vs. Parteidiktatur. Klassenkämpfe in Russland 1917-1928 Veronika Duma und Stefan Probst

Rezension: Pun, Ngai/Li, Wanwei: dagongmei. Arbeiterinnen aus Chinas Weltmarktfabriken erzählen, Berlin/Hamburg: Assoziation A 2008 Daniel Fuchs


Rezension: Brinkmann, Ulrich/ Choi, Hae-Lin/Detje, Richard/ Dörre, Klaus/ Holst, Hajo/ Karakayali, Serhat/ Schmalstieg, Catharina: Strategic Unionism: Aus der Krise zur Erneuerung? Umrisse eines Forschungsprogramms. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2008 Mario Becksteiner

Rezension: Abl, Gerald: Kritische Psychologie. Eine Einführung. Stuttgart: Schmetterling Verlag 2007 Maria Asenbaum

Rezension: Schwenken, Helen: Rechtlos, aber nicht ohne Stimme. Politische Mobilisierungen um irreguläre Migration in die Europäische Union. Bielefeld: transcript 2006 Julia Hartung

Rezension: Hecken, Thomas: 1968. Von Texten und Theorien aus einer Zeit euphorischer Kritik. Bielefeld: transcript 2008 Felix Wiegand


Nr. 2/2008 Restrukturierung des öffentlichen Sektors

Catherine Needham Citizens, Consumers and Co-producers

Wolfgang Drechsler Aufstieg und Untergang des New Public Management

Eckhart Schröter Die Reform des öffentlichen Sektors als Demokratieproblem: New Public Management im Spiegel politischer Theorie

Christa Schlager, Elisabeth Klatzer Budgetpolitik als Motor zur Restrukturierung des Staates

Jean Shaoul Market based reforms in the provision and financing of healthcare in the UK

Roland Atzmüller Entwertung und Prekarisierung sozialer Dienstleistungen - Das Beispiel der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik

Aktuelle Debatte: Die US-Finanzkrise und Europa

Engelbert Stockhammer Von der Sub-prime Krise zur Finanzkrise. Ökonomische Entwicklungen und wirtschaftspolitische Reaktionen

Joachim Becker, Johannes Jäger Die Sub-prime Krise und Europa

Nr. 3/2008 Ernährung und Ökonomie

Catherine Needham Olaf Bernau: Soziales Desaster. Globales Agrarsystem zwischen kleinbäuerlicher Landwirtschaft und Agrobusiness

Philip McMichael Agro-fuels, food security, and the metabolic rift


Jacques Berthelot The food prices explosion: root causes and how to regulate them

Martia Wiggerthale, Alexandra Strickner Bauern oder Lebensmittelunternehmen – wer hat das sagen? Marktkonzentration und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Agrar- und Nahrungsmittelsektor und die Politik in der EU

Dagmar Vinz Enträumlichung und Entzeitlichung der Ernährung als Herausforderungen an eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

Lisbeth Trallori Ein Festmahl für Cyborgs. Körper, Gene und Konzerne

Franziskus Forster Ernährungssouveränität: Alternativen, Widerstand und Perspektiven. Über die gesellschaftspolitische Relevanz von Ernährung

Dieter Behr, Lisa Bolyos Schlafende Riesen? Kritik des kritischen Konsums und Thesen zu Brüchigkeiten in der Wertschöpfungskette

Aktuelle Debatte: „Steuerreformdiskussion in Österreich“

Karl Goldberg Die Entwicklung vermögensbezogener Steuern in Österreich

Cristopher Berka, Stefan Humer, Mathias Moser Verteilungspolitische Implikationen der steuerlichen Begünstigung des 13. und 14. Monatsgehalts


Volume 40 Issue 4 September 2008 Everywhere and Nowhere: The Exception and the Topological Challenge to Geography Oliver Belcher, Lauren Martin, Anna Secor, Stephanie Simon, Tommy Wilson

The Making of New Urban Borders: Neoliberalism and Protest in Buenos Aires Alejandro Grimson

Battles in Seattle Redux: Transnational Resistance to a Neoliberal Trade Agreement Joel Wainwright, Sook-Jin Kim

Privatizing Social Reproduction: The Primitive Accumulation of Water in an Era of Neoliberalism Adrienne Roberts

"Rousers of the Rabble" in the New Mexico Land Grant War: La Alianza Federal De Mercedes and the Violence of the State David Correia

Undoing Nature: The John Muir Trust's "Journey for the Wild", the UK, Summer 2006 A. Fiona D. Mackenzie

Scaling Post-Industrial Forestry: The Complex Implementation of National Forestry Regimes in the Southern Valleys of Wales Paul Milbourne, Terry Marsden, Lawrence Kitchen

Imaging Humanitarianism: NGO Identity and the Iconography of Childhood Kate Manzo

The Guests' Guests: Palestinian Refugees, Lebanese Civilians, and the War of 2006 Adam Ramadan


The Provocations of Neoliberalism: Contesting the Nation and Liberation after Apartheid Gillian Hart

Review: Guy Debord by Andy Merrifield; Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction by Andy Merrifield KANISHKA GOONEWARDENA

Review: Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism by Melissa W. Wright DIANA OJEDA

Review: Whiteness: An Introduction by Steve Garner LAURA BARRACLOUGH

Volume 40 Issue 5 November 2008 Open Access Publishing: Hypocrisy and Confusion in Geography Jenny Pickerill

A Special Brand of Sausage Winifred Curran, Euan Hague

Knowledge Grab: Corporate Appropriation and Exploitation of Academic Geographers Harald Bauder, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro

International Accompaniment and Witnessing State Violence in the Philippines Geraldine Pratt

Rethinking Security: Perspectives from Arab–American and British Arab Activists Lynn A Staeheli, Caroline R Nagel

Substituting for Families? Schools and Social Reproduction in AIDS-affected Lesotho Nicola Ansell

Cutting Through Topologies: Crossing Lines at the School of the Americas Sara Koopman

Symposium: Geographies of the Grundrisse Organizers: Geoff Mann and Joel Wainwright

Marx Without Guardrails: Geographies of the Grundrisse Geoff Mann, Joel Wainwright

Capitalism's Anxious Whole: Fear, Capture and Escape in the Grundrisse Vinay Gidwani

Uneven Developments: From The Grundrisse To Capital Joel Wainwright

Assessing the Effects of the Grundrisse in Anglophone Geography and Anthropology Nathan F Sayre

A Negative Geography of Necessity Geoff Mann

Book review: A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory And Social Complexity by Manuel DeLanda OZAN KARAMAN

110 Progress in Human Geography

August 2008, Volume 32, No. 4 Linda McDowell Thinking through work: complex inequalities, constructions of difference and trans-national migrants

Peter Kraftl and John Horton Spaces of every-night life: for geographies of sleep, sleeping and sleepiness

Phil McManus and David Gibbs Industrial ecosystems? The use of tropes in the literature of industrial ecology and eco-industrial parks

David O'Sullivan Geographical information science: agent-based models

Hayden Lorimer Cultural geography: non-representational conditions and concerns

Lynn A. Staeheli Political geography: difference, recognition, and the contested terrains of political claims-making

Tod D. Rutherford, Bob Jessop, and Jamie Peck Peck, J. 1996: Work-place: the social regulation of labor markets. New York: The Guilford Press

Dorothea Hilhorst and Rens de Man Book review: Birkmann, J., editor 2006: Measuring vulnerability to natural hazards. Towards disaster resilient societies. New York: United Nations Publications

Lisa Ficklin Book review: Butcher, J. 2007: Ecotourism, NGOs and development: a critical analysis. London: Routledge. 208 pp

Noel Castree Book review: Chesters, G. and Welsh, I. 2006: Complexity and social movements: multitudes at the edge of chaos. London: Routledge. 208 pp.; Lipschutz, R.D. 2006: Civil societies and social movements: domestic, transnational, global. Aldershot: Ashgate. 568 pp

Brett Christophers Book review: Coe, N.M., Kelly, P.F. and Yeung, H.W.C. 2007: Economic geography: a contemporary introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. 456 pp.

Gavin Bridge Book review: Peet, R. and Watts, M., editors 2004: Liberation ecologies: environment, development, social movements (second edition). London: Routledge. 464 pp.

Keith Sutton Book review: Tvedt, T. 2004: The River Nile in the age of the British. Political ecology and the quest for economic power. London: I.B. Tauris. 480 pp

Andrew Kent Book review: Williams, C.C. 2005: A commodified world? Mapping the limits of capitalism. London: Zed Books. 308 pp

October 2008, Volume 32, No. 5 Anindita Datta and Aparajita De Reimagining impossible worlds: beyond circumcized geographical imaginations: A play in many acts

J.K. Gibson-Graham Diverse economies: performative practices for `other worlds'

111 Catherine Johnston Beyond the clearing: towards a dwelt animal geography

Trevor J. Barnes History and philosophy of geography: life and death 2005—2007

Steve Herbert Contemporary geographies of exclusion I: traversing Skid Road

Bruce Braun Environmental issues: inventive life

Noel Castree, Duncan Fuller, Andrew Kent, Audrey Kobayashi, Christopher D. Merrett, Laura Pulido, and Laura Barraclough Geography, pedagogy and politics

Tim Brown Book review: Gandy, M. and Zumla, A., editors, 2003: The return of the white plague: global poverty and the `new' tuberculosis. London: Verso. 320 pp. Bashford, A., editor, 2006: Medicine at the border: disease, globalization and security, 1850 to the present. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 288 pp.

Elizabeth Brown Book review: Hackworth, J. 2007: The neoliberal city: governance, ideology, and development in American urbanism. New York: Cornell University Press. 248 pp.

Patrick Duffy Book review: Kincaid, A. 2006: Postcolonial Dublin: imperial legacies and the built environment. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 296 pp.

David M. Smith Book review: Mason, A. 2006: Levelling the playing field: the idea of equal opportunity and its place in egalitarian thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 256 pp.

Russell S. Kirby Book review: Meinig, D.W. 2004: The shaping of America, a geographical perspective on 500 years of history. Volume 4: Global America, 1915—2000. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 483 pp.

Evelyn J. Peters Book review: Ramirez, R.K. 2006: Native hubs: culture, community, and belonging in Silicon Valley and beyond. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 288 pp.

Rowan Ellis Book review: Sangtin Writers Collective and Nagar, R. 2006: Playing with fire: feminist thought and activism through seven lives in India. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 216 pp.

Peter North Book review: Wall, D. 2005: Babylon and beyond: the economics of anti-capitalist, anti-globalist and radical green movements. London: Pluto Press and the Green Economics Institute. 232 pp.

Anssi Paasi Book review: Yiftachel, O. 2006: Ethnocracy: land and identitypolitics in Israel/Palestine. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 368 pp

December 2008, Volume 32, No. 6 Craig Jeffrey `Generation Nowhere': rethinking youth through the lens of unemployed young men

Gavin J. Andrews and Josh Evans Understanding the reproduction of health care: towards geographies in health care work

112 Gordon Waitt, Kevin Markwell, and Andrew Gorman-Murray Challenging heteronormativity in tourism studies: locating progress

Ruth Panelli Social geographies: encounters with Indigenous and more-than-White/Anglo geographies

Robyn Dowling Geographies of identity: labouring in the `neoliberal' university

Ian Cook Geographies of food: mixing

Duncan Fuller Public geographies: taking stock

David N. Livingstone Book review: Arnold, D. 2006: The tropics and the traveling gaze: India, landscape, and science, 1800—1856. Seattle,WA:Universityof WashingtonPress. 312 pp.

Ralph Brand Book review: Gold, J.R. 2007: The practice of modernism: modern architects and urban transformation, 1954— 1972. London: Routledge.

Martin Hess Book review: Lawson, V. 2007: Making development geography. London: Hodder Arnold. 224 pp. Willis, K. 2005: Theories and practices of development. London: Routledge. 256 pp.

Peter Adey Book review: Lyon, D. 2007: Surveillance studies: an overview. London: Polity Press. 256 pp.

Ron Johnston Book review: Mead, W.R. 2007: Adopting Finland. Helsinki: Hakapaino Oy. 151 pp

Ulf Strohmayer Book review: Murdoch, J. 2005: Post-structuralist geography: a guide to relational space. London: Sage. 232 pp.

Erik Swyngedouw Book review: Redclift, M.R. 2006: Frontiers: histories of civil society and nature. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 251 pp.

Brett Christophers Book review: Tickell, A., Sheppard, E., Peck, J. and Barnes, T., editors 2007: Politics and practice in economic geography. London: Sage. 336 pp.

Ugo Rossi Pasquale Coppola (1943—2008)

Charles W.J. Withers Professor Mark Blacksell (1943—2008)

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

Volume 32 Issue 2 June 2008

Carceral Chicago: Making the Ex-offender Employability Crisis JAMIE PECK, NIK THEODORE

The Chengzhongcun Land Market in China: Boon or Bane? — A Perspective on Property Rights LI TIAN

113 Making Class Politics Possible: Organizing Contract Cleaners in London JANE WILLS

Institutional Responses to EU Challenges: Attempting to Articulate a Local Regulatory Scale in Greece IOANNIS CHORIANOPOULOS

Exploring the Social Face of Urban Mobility: Daily Mobility as Part of the Social Structure in Spain LUIS A. CAMARERO, JESÚS OLIVA

Political Infrastructures: Governing and Experiencing the Fabric of the City COLIN McFARLANE, JONATHAN RUTHERFORD

Technologies of Government: Constituting Subjectivities, Spaces, and Infrastructures in Colonial and Contemporary Jakarta MICHELLE KOOY, KAREN BAKKER

Let's Drink to the Great Thirst! Water and the Politics of Fractured Techno-natures in Sicily ILARIA GIGLIOLI, ERIK SWYNGEDOUW

Governing the Contaminated City: Infrastructure and Sanitation in Colonial and Post-Colonial Bombay COLIN McFARLANE

'Cold spots' of Urban Infrastructure: 'Shrinking' Processes in Eastern Germany and the Modern Infrastructural Ideal TIMOTHY MOSS

The Role of Small Towns in Regional Development and Poverty Reduction in Ghana GEORGE OWUSU

The Electoral Impact of Direct-Democratic Practices EVA ANDUIZA, JOAN FONT, PAU MAS, SERGI DE MAYA

The Challenges of Pursuing Cluster Policy in the Congested State ALEX BURFITT, STEWART MACNEILL

Review: On Some Challenges and Conditions for the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao to be an Effective Economic Re-activator BEATRIZ PLAZA

Review: Violent Night: Urban Leisure and Contemporary Culture – By Simon Winlow and Steve Hall Mark Jayne

Review: Right to Housing: Foundation for a New Social Agenda – Edited by Rachel Bratt, Michael Stone and Chester Hartman Nigel Sprigings

Review: Social Policy for the Twenty-First Century – By Bill Jordan Barbara Da Roit

Review: The European City and Green Space: London, Stockholm, Helsinki and St. Petersburg, 1850–2000 – Edited by Peter Clark Robert Rotenberg

Review: The Dynamics of Chinese Regional Development — Market Nature, State Nurture – By Jane Golley Yiping Fang

Review: Urban Studies – Edited by Sujata Patel and Kushal Deb Liza Weinstein

Review: Population Turnover and Area Deprivation – By Nick Bailey and Mark Livingston Reinout Kleinhans

114 Review: Geographies of the New Economy: Critical Reflections – Edited by Peter W. Daniels, Michael J. Bradshaw, Jonathan Beaverstock and Andrew Leyshon Richard Le Heron

Volume 32 Issue 3 September 2008 Local Governance as Government–Business Cooperation in Western Democracies: Analysing Local and Intergovernmental Effects by Multi-Level Comparison CLEMENTE J. NAVARRO YÁÑEZ, ANNICK MAGNIER, M. ANTONIA RAMÍREZ

Resurgent Metropolis: Economy, Society and Urbanization in an Interconnected World ALLEN J. SCOTT

An Unusual Clique of City-Makers: Social Networks in the Production of a Neighborhood in Beirut (1950–75) MONA FAWAZ

Urban Expansion and Industrial Nature: A Political Ecology of Toronto's Port Industrial District GENE DESFOR, LUCIAN VESALON

Recognizing Urban Public Space as a Co-Educator: Children's Socialization in Ghent SVEN DE VISSCHER, MARIA BOUVERNE-DE BIE

Spaces of Modernity: Religion and the Urban in Asia and Africa MARY HANCOCK, SMRITI SRINIVAS

The Sacred Geography of Bangkok's Markets ARA WILSON

Circuits of Secularity or the Aesthetics of Religion in an Age of Cities and Citations MARK ELMORE

Crossroads of Religions: Shrines, Mobility and Urban Space in Goa ALEXANDER HENN

Religion and Rehabilitation: Humanitarian Biopolitics, City Spaces and Acts of Religion YASMEEN ARIF

Accra's Sounds and Sacred Spaces MARLEEN DE WITTE

Provocations on the Urban Question: Four Essays AbdouMaliq Simone

The Urban Question as Cargo Cult: Opportunities for a New Urban Pedagogy ROB SHIELDS

Occupancy Urbanism: Radicalizing Politics and Economy beyond Policy and Programs SOLOMON BENJAMIN

Urban Interventions: Art, Politics and Pedagogy DAVID PINDER

Aboriginal Cosmopolitanism NIGEL CLARK

Review Essay — Stopping Sprawl Jon C. Teaford

Review: Gender, Place and the Labour Market – By Sarah Jenkins Adina Batnitzky

115 Review: Roads to Post-Fordism. Labour Markets and Social Structures in Europe – Edited by Max Koch Renata Semenza

Review: Framing Strategic Urban Projects: Learning from Current Experiences in European Urban Regions – Edited by Willem Salet and Enrico Gualini Marisol Garcia

Review: Unfolding the City: Women Write the City in Latin America – Edited by Anne Lambright and Elisabeth Guerrero Christien Klaufus

Review: Polluted Promises: Environmental Racism and the Search for Justice in a Southern Town – By Melissa Checker Julian Agyeman

Review: Postcolonial Dublin: Imperial Legacies and the Built Environment – By Andrew Kincaid Charles Travis

European Urban and Regional Studies

July 2008, Volume 15, No. 3 Orvar Löfgren Regionauts: the Transformation of Cross-Border Regions in Scandinavia

Tarmo Pikner Reorganizing Cross-Border Governance Capacity: The Case of the Helsinki—Tallinn Euregio

Lorenz Blume and Detlef Sack Patterns of Social Capital in West German Regions

Maddi Garmendia, José M. de Ureña, Cecilia Ribalaygua, Jesús Leal, and José M. Coronado Urban Residential Development in Isolated Small Cities That Are Partially Integrated in Metropolitan Areas By High Speed Train

Stuart Dawley, Alison Stenning, and Andy Pike Mapping Corporations, Connecting Communities: Remaking Steel Geographies in Northern England and Southern Poland

October 2008, Volume 15, No. 4 Ray Hudson Editorial: Geographies of Health and Well-Being in Europe

Sarah Curtis How Can We Address Health Inequality Through Healthy Public Policy in Europe?

R.A. Verheij, J. Maas, and P.P. Groenewegen Urban—Rural Health Differences and the Availability of Green Space

Karin Fröding, Charli Eriksson, and Ingemar Elander Partnership for Healthy Neighbourhoods: City Networking in Multilevel Context

Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Antonio Gutiérrez-Gracia, and Fernando Jiménez-Sáez Benchmarking Innovation in the Valencian Community

Rhys Andrews An Institutionalist Approach to Spatial Variations in Public Service Failure: Evidence From England

Harriet Bulkeley


Political Geography

Volume 27, Issue 4 May 2008 Recovering a sense of political economy Martin Jones

"The Glorified Municipality”: State formation and the urban process in North America Katherine M. Johnson

The conflicting logics of cross-border reterritorialization: Geopolitics of Euroregions in Eastern Europe Gabriel Popescu

Warrior geopolitics: Gladiator, Black Hawk Down and The Kingdom Of Heaven Simon Dalby

Governing relations between people and things: Citizenship, territory, and the political economy of petroleum in Ecuador Gabriela Valdivia

‘Kingdom Come’: Representing Mormonism through a geopolitical frame Ethan Yorgason, Chiung Hwang Chen

Book review: Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Editor, Borderlands: Comparing border security in North America and Europe, University of Ottawa Press, Ottowa (2007) Columba Peoples

Volume 27, Issue 5 June 2008 Sections and elections – Reflections on the early 2008 U.S. presidential primaries Fred M. Shelley

Fu Manchu versus Dr Livingstone in the Dark Continent? Representing China, Africa and the West in British broadsheet newspapers Emma Mawdsley

Diversity, density and turnout: The effect of neighbourhood ethno-religious composition on voter turnout in Britain Edward Fieldhouse, David Cutts

The cultural politics of climate change discourse in UK tabloids Maxwell T. Boykoff

The radical geopolitics of US foreign policy: Geopolitical and geoeconomic logics of power Julien Mercille

Populating the landscapes of critical geopolitics – Young people's responses to the war in Iraq (2003) Kathrin Hörschelmann

Book review: Miles Ogborn, Indian ink: Script and printing in the making of the English East India Company , University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2007) p. 318. James Duncan

Book review: Caitrin Lynch , Juki Girls, Good Girls: Gender and Cultural Politics in Sri Lanka's Global Garment Industry, Cornell University Press, Ithaca (2007) Kanchana N. Ruwanpura

117 Book review: G.J. Ashworth, Brian Graham and J.E. Tunbridge, Pluralising Pasts: Heritage, Identity and Place in Multicultural Societies , Pluto Press, London (2007) Stuart Burch

Volume 27, Issue 6 August 2008 Interventions in banal neoimperialism Steven Flusty, Jason Dittmer, Emily Gilbert, Merje Kuus

Inscribing empire: Guam and the War in the Pacific National Historical Park R.D.K. Herman

The challenge of a perception of ‘un-entitlement’ to citizenship in post-Apartheid South Africa Daniel Hammett

Towards a relational view of the shadow state Dan Trudeau

EUropean attachment and meanings of EUrope. A qualitative study in the EU-15 Marco Antonsich

Book review: Jamie Gough, Adam Eisenschitz and Andrew McCulloch, Spaces of Social Exclusion , Routledge, London (2006) 272 pp.. Allan Cochrane

Volume 27, Issue 7 September 2008 On the limits of dialogue between Francophone and Anglophone political geography Juliet Fall, Stéphane Rosière

Gaining ground: Emerging agrarian political geographies Alistair Fraser

Globalizing governance: The case of intellectual property rights in the Philippines Sarah Wright

Centres, peripheries, and party systems: Nested secession processes in Great Britain and Ireland John Coakley

Foliage and fighting: Forest resources and the onset, duration, and location of civil war Siri Camilla Aas Rustad, Jan Ketil Rød, Wenche Larsen, Nils Petter Gleditsch

Enduring territoriality: South African immigration control Darshan Vigneswaran

International relations theory and water do mix: A response to Furlong's troubled waters, hydro-hegemony and international water relations Jeroen F. Warner, Mark Zeitoun

Hidden theories, troubled waters: Response to critics Kathryn Furlong

Book review: Kate Bronfenbrenner, Editor, Global Unions – Challenging Transnational Capital Through Cross- Border Campaigns, ILR Press, Ithaca/London (2007) Nicola Piper

Book review: Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century , Verso, London/New York (2007) David S.G. Goodman

118 Book review: Bo Kjellen, A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Global Change , Routledge, London (2008) Raymond Bryant

Book review: Paul C. Adams, Atlantic Reverberations: French Representations of an American Presidential Election , Ashgate Press, Aldershot, UK (2007) Virginie Mamadouh

Urban Studies

July 2008, Volume 45, No. 8 Mark J. Holmes and Arthur Grimes Is There Long-run Convergence among Regional House Prices in the UK?

Bernard Fingleton Housing Supply, Housing Demand, and Affordability

Antonio Páez, Fei Long, and Steven Farber Moving Window Approaches for Hedonic Price Estimation: An Empirical Comparison of Modelling Techniques

Mark W. Horner `Optimal' Accessibility Landscapes? Development of a New Methodology for Simulating and Assessing Jobs— Housing Relationships in Urban Regions

Lanchih Po Redefining Rural Collectives in China: Land Conversion and the Emergence of Rural Shareholding Co- operatives

Yin-wah Chu Deconstructing the Global City: Unravelling the Linkages that Underlie Hong Kong's World City Status

Jian Zhou, Daniel P. McMillen, and John F. McDonald Land Values and the 1957 Comprehensive Amendment to the Chicago Zoning Ordinance

Ayda Eraydin The Impact of Globalisation on Different Social Groups: Competitiveness, Social Cohesion and Spatial Segregation in Istanbul

Owen Crankshaw Race, Space and the Post-Fordist Spatial Order of Johannesburg

Emma Baker Improving Outcomes of Forced Residential Relocation: The Development of an Australian Tenants' Spatial Decision Support System

Gill Scott Book Review: Care, Community and Citizenship: Research and Practice in a Changing Policy Context: Susan Balloch and Michael Hill (Eds), 2007 Bristol: Policy Press

Enzo Mingione Book Review: Rethinking the Future of Work: Directions and Visions: Colin C. Williams, 2007 Basingstoke Palgrave: Macmillan

Ron Johnston Book Review: Poverty, Wealth and Place in Britain, 1968 to 2005: Daniel Dorling, Jan Rigby, Ben Wheeler, Dimitris Ballas, Bethan Thomas, Eldin Fahmy, David Gordon and Ruth Lupton, 2007 York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Eric C. Thompson

119 Book Review: Vientiane: Transformations of a Lao Landscape: Marc Askew, William S. Logan and Colin Long, 2007 London: Routledge

Volker Eick and Eric Töpfer Book Review: Raum, Überwachung, Kontrolle: Vom staatlichen Zugriff auf städtische Bevölkerung: Bernd Belina, 2006 Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot

Simon Mackenzie Book Review: Blair's Community: Communitarian Thought and New Labour: Sarah Hale, 2006 Manchester: Manchester University Press

August 2008, Volume 45, No. 9 Amaya Vega and Aisling Reynolds-Feighan Employment Sub-centres and Travel-to-Work Mode Choice in the Dublin Region

Joong-Hwan Oh The Quest to Understand Self-employment in American Metropolitan Areas

John I. Carruthers and Gudmundur F. Úlfarsson Does `Smart Growth' Matter to Public Finance?

Ramin Keivani, Michael Mattingly, and Hamid Majedi Public Management of Urban Land, Enabling Markets and Low-income Housing Provision: The Overlooked Experience of Iran

Lynne C. Manzo, Rachel G. Kleit, and Dawn Couch "Moving Three Times Is Like Having Your House on Fire Once": The Experience of Place and Impending Displacement among Public Housing Residents

Ilda Lindell The Multiple Sites of Urban Governance: Insights from an African City

Mattias Kärrholm The Territorialisation of a Pedestrian Precinct in Malmö: Materialities in the Commercialisation of Public Space

Bulent Batuman Organic Intellectuals of Urban Politics? Turkish Urban Professionals as Political Agents, 1960—80

Ryohei Nakamura Agglomeration Effects on Regional Economic Disparities: A Comparison between the UK and Japan

Ann Forsyth, Mary Hearst, J. Michael Oakes, and Kathryn H. Schmitz Design and Destinations: Factors Influencing Walking and Total Physical Activity

John Friedmann Book Review: World City: Doreen Massey, 2007 London: Polity Press

Rodrigo J. Firmino Book Review: Perspectivas Urbanas: Temas Críticos en Políticas de Suelo en América Latina: Martim O. Smolka and Laura Mullahy (Eds), 2007 Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Nuala Rooney Book Review: The Shek Kip Mei Myth: Squatters, Fires and Colonial Rule in Hong Kong, 1950—1963: Alan Smart, 2006 Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press

Max Foran Book Review: Toronto Sprawls: A History: Lawrence Solomon, 2007 Toronto: The University of Toronto Press

120 September 2008, Volume 45, No. 10 Justin Beaumont Introduction: Faith-based Organisations and Urban Social Issues

Justin Beaumont Faith Action on Urban Social Issues

Lina Jamoul and Jane Wills Faith in Politics

David Ley The Immigrant Church as an Urban Service Hub

Caleb Rosado Context Determines Content: Quantum Physics as a Framework for `Wholeness' in Urban Transformation

Tanja Winkler When God and Poverty Collide: Exploring the Myths of Faith-sponsored Community Development

David Conradson Expressions of Charity and Action towards Justice: Faith-based Welfare Provision in Urban New Zealand

Nadia A. Mian 'Prophets-for-Profits': Redevelopment and the Altering Urban Religious Landscape

Adam Dinham Commentary: From Faith in the City to Faithful Cities: The `Third Way', the Church of England and Urban Regeneration

October 2008, Volume 45, No. 11 Neil Bania, Laura Leete, and Claudia Coulton Job Access, Employment and Earnings: Outcomes for Welfare Leavers in a US Urban Labour Market

Sally A. Weller Are Labour Markets Necessarily `Local'? Spatiality, Segmentation and Scale

Peter J. B. Brown and Stephen Hincks A Framework for Housing Market Area Delineation: Principles and Application

Robert M. Buckley and Ashna Singh Mathema Real Estate Regulations in Accra: Some Macroeconomic Consequences?

Jessie P. H. Poon and Christine A. Lai Why are Non-profit Performing Arts Organisations Successful in Mid-sized US Cities?

Ayda Eraydin, Bilge Armatli Köroglu, Hilal Erkus Öztürk, and Suna Senem Yasar Network Governance for Competitiveness: The Role of Policy Networks in the Economic Performance of Settlements in the Izmir Region

Evert Meijers Summing Small Cities Does Not Make a Large City: Polycentric Urban Regions and the Provision of Cultural, Leisure and Sports Amenities

Willem Salet Rethinking Urban Projects: Experiences in Europe

Elisabeth Peyroux Book Review: Planning and Transformation. Learning from the Post-apartheid Experience Philip Harrison, Alison Todes and Vanessa Watson, 2008 London: Routledge

121 Isabelle Dedieu Book Review: London Voices, London Lives: Tales from a Working Capital Peter Hall, 2007 Bristol: The Policy Press

Yvonne Whelan Book Review: Postcolonial Dublin: Imperial Legacies and the Built Environment Andrew Kincaid, 2006 Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press

Vincent Goodstadt Book Review: Skills for Planning Practice Ted Kitchen, 2006 Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Susan Ball Book Review: Enjeux de la sociologie (Issues Facing Urban Sociology) Michel Bassand, Vincent Kaufmann and Dominique Joye (Eds), 2nd edn, 2007 Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes

November 2008, Volume 45, No. 12 Loretta Lees and David Ley Introduction to Special Issue on Gentrification and Public Policy

Mark Davidson Spoiled Mixture: Where Does State-led `Positive' Gentrification End?

Andrew Harris From London to Mumbai and Back Again: Gentrification and Public Policy in Comparative Perspective

Henrik Gutzon Larsen and Anders Lund Hansen Gentrification—Gentle or Traumatic? Urban Renewal Policies and Socioeconomic Transformations in Copenhagen

Loretta Lees Gentrification and Social Mixing: Towards an Inclusive Urban Renaissance?

David Ley and Cory Dobson Are There Limits to Gentrification? The Contexts of Impeded Gentrification in Vancouver

Maarten Loopmans Relevance, Gentrification and the Development of a New Hegemony on Urban Policies in Antwerp, Belgium

Laurence Murphy Third-wave Gentrification in New Zealand: The Case of Auckland

Darren Smith The Politics of Studentification and `(Un)balanced' Urban Populations: Lessons for Gentrification and Sustainable Communities?

Gustav Visser and Nico Kotze The State and New-build Gentrification in Central Cape Town, South Africa

Alan Walks and Martine August The Factors Inhibiting Gentrification in Areas with Little Non-market Housing: Policy Lessons from the Toronto Experience

Rowland Atkinson Commentary: Gentrification, Segregation and the Vocabulary of Affluent Residential Choice

Kate Shaw Commentary: Is There Hope for Policy?

Elvin Wyly and Daniel Hammel Commentary: Urban Policy Frontiers


December 2008, Volume 45, No. 13 Brendan Gleeson Critical Commentary. Waking from the Dream: An Australian Perspective on Urban Resilience

Alexander Hamedinger, Herbert Bartik, and Alexander Wolffhardt The Impact of EU Area-based Programmes on Local Governance: Towards a `Europeanisation'?

Alex M. Mutebi and Rashid Ansari Small Independent Merchants and Transnational Retail Encounters on Main Street: Some Insights from Bangkok

Fiorenza Belussi and Silvia Rita Sedita The Symbiotic Division of Labour between Heterogeneous Districts in the Dutch and Italian Horticultural Industry

Manuel B. Aalbers and Sara Rancati Feeling Insecure in Large Housing Estates: Tackling Unsicherheit in the Risk Society

Geoffrey Meen Ten New Propositions in UK Housing Macroeconomics: An Overview of the First Years of the Century

Rayman Mohamed Who Would Pay for Rural Open Space Preservation and Inner-city Redevelopment? Identifying Support for Policies that Can Contribute to Regional Land Use Governance

Dan Trudeau Junior Partner or Empowered Community? The Role of Non-profit Social Service Providers amidst State Restructuring in the US

Catherine E. Bean, Robin Kearns, and Damian Collins Exploring Social Mobilities: Narratives of Walking and Driving in Auckland, New Zealand

Vanessa Mathews Artcetera: Narrativising Gentrification in Yorkville, Toronto

Mark Whitehead Book Review: Scaling Urban Environmental Challenges: From Local to Global and Back Peter J. Marcotullio and Gordon McGranahan (Eds), 2007 Earthscan: London

Samer Bagaeen Book Review: Growing Smarter: Achieving Livable Communities, Environmental Justice, and Regional Equity Robert D. Bullard (Ed.), 2007 Cambridge MA: The MIT Press

Ron Johnston Book Review: Identity in Britain: A Cradle-to-Grave Atlas Bethan Thomas and Daniel Dorling, 2007 Bristol: Policy Press

Stephen J. Bailey Book Review: The Tiebout Model at Fifty: Essays in Public Economics in Honor of Wallace Oates William A. Fischel (Ed.), 2006 Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Elena Besussi Book Review: Stupendous Miserable City, Pasolini's Rome John David Rhodes, 2007 Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press

123 Environment and Planning A

Vol. 40, No. 7, July 2008 Biosecurity: spaces, practices, and boundaries

Spatiality of risk Valerie November

Biosecurity: spaces, practices, and boundaries Nick Bingham, Gareth Enticott, Steve Hinchliffe

Securing life: the emerging practices of biosecurity Steve Hinchliffe, Nick Bingham

Biosecurity after the event: risk politics and animal disease Andrew Donaldson

The spaces of biosecurity: prescribing and negotiating solutions to bovine tuberculosis Gareth Enticott

Safe from the wolf: biosecurity, biodiversity, and competing philosophies of nature Henry Buller

Flexible boundaries in biosecurity: accommodating gorse in Aotearoa New Zealand Kezia Barker

Signals come and go: syndromic surveillance and styles of biosecurity Lyle Fearnley

Affect work and infected bodies: biosecurity in an age of emerging infectious disease Claire Major

The practice of biosecurity in Canada: public health legal preparedness and Toronto’s SARS crisis Estair Van Wagner

Participative urban renewal? Disability, community, and partnership in New Labour’s urban policy Claire Edwards

Deregulation and its long-run effects on the availability of banking services in low-income communities Cristina Bernad, Lucio Fuentelsaz, Jaime Gómez

Comfortable bodies: sedentary affects David Bissell

Testing the regional restructuring hypothesis in western Germany Herman J Bierens, Thomas Kontuly

The dynamics of land development in resort communities: a multiagent simulation of growth regimes and housing choice Brian Muller, Li Yin, Yuseung Kim, Florin Alexandrescu

Intelligent transport systems and preferences for office locations Raffael Argiolu, Rob van der Heijden, Ilona Bos, Vincent Marchau

Neighborhood effects and women’s agency regarding poverty and patriarchy in a Turkish slum Tahire Erman, Süheyla Türkyılmaz , Jul 08

Vol. 40, No. 8, August 2008 Remaking environments: histories, practices, policies

124 Remaking environments: histories, practices, policies Sarah J Whatmore

Geography and vision: Denis Cosgrove, 1948 – 2008 Felix Driver

Pathways to Sustainability in the forest? Misunderstood dynamics and the negotiation of knowledge, power, and policy Melissa Leach

Bindings against boundaries: entanglements of life in an open world Tim Ingold

The politics of true convenience or inconvenient truth: struggles over how to sustain capitalism, democracy, and ecology in the 21st century Timothy W Luke

Simplification is complicated: property, nature, and the rivers of law Nicholas Blomley

Has ‘geography’ always been modern?: choros, (non)representation, performance, and the landscape Kenneth R Olwig

Images and imagination in 20th-century environmentalism: from the Sierras to the Poles Denis Cosgrove

Power relations: the politics of risk and procedure in nuclear waste governance Jason Chilvers, Jacquelin Burgess

Experiencing visualities in designed urban environments: learning from Milton Keynes Monica Degen, Caitlin DeSilvey, Gillian Rose

Art and soul: powerful and powerless art in Singapore T C Chang

Internal and external dynamics of the Munich film and TV industry cluster, and limitations to future growth Harald Bathelt, Armin Gräf

Scientific innovation and non-Western regional economies: Cuban biotechnology’s ‘experimental milieu’ Simon Reid-Henry

Sustainability and scale: US milk-market orders as relocalization policy E Melanie DuPuis, Daniel Block

Intermodal freight transportation and regional accessibility in the United States Hyunwoo Lim, Jean-Claude Thill

Vol. 40, No. 9, September 2008 Ethnic residential segregation: some comments on a commentary Martin J Watts

Back to basics: a response to Watts Ron Johnston, Michael Poulsen, James Forrest

Living roofs and brownfield wildlife: towards a fluid biogeography of UK nature conservation Jamie Lorimer

Real estate advertising and intraurban place meaning: real estate sales consultants at work Harvey C Perkins, David C Thorns, Bronwyn M Newton

125 Heterotopia and structuralism Arun Saldanha

Diverse economies and the negotiations and practices of ethical finance: the case of Charity Bank Martin Buttle

Does venture capital investment really require spatial proximity? An empirical investigation Michael Fritsch, Dirk Schilder

Census fieldwork in the UK: the bedrock for a decade of social analysis Ludi Simpson, Mark Brown

Life-course influences on nonearnings income migration in the United States Peter B Nelson

Getting off the escalator? A study of Scots out-migration from a global city region Allan Findlay, Colin Mason, Richard Harrison, Donald Houston, David McCollum

Built-up encroachment and the urban field: a comparison of forty European cities Marianne Guérois, Denise Pumain

Retail innovation and shopping practices: consumers’ reactions to self-service retailing Andrew Alexander, Simon Phillips, Gareth Shaw

An evolutionary perspective on Internet adoption by retailers in the Netherlands Ron A Boschma, Jesse W J Weltevreden

Energy consumption and work-travel trips: London, Birmingham, and Manchester, 1981 – 2001 Martin Frost, Nigel Spence

Variable decision strategies, rational choice, and situation-related travel demand Pat Burnett

Vol. 40, No. 10, October 2008 Baghdad nights: evaluating the US military ‘surge’ using nighttime light signatures John Agnew, Thomas W Gillespie, Jorge Gonzalez, Brian Min

The emotional economy of housing 2296 – 2312 Hazel Christie, Susan J Smith, Moira Munro

The BBC, the creative class, and neoliberal urbanism in the north of England Brett Christophers

‘Tactical’ living: a situated study of teenagers’ negotiations around and interactions with living room media Dylan Tutt

A call for agonism: GIS and the politics of collaboration Kevin Ramsey

Collectivity and differentiation: a tale of two wine territories Jerry Patchell

Environmental justice in the Israeli context Deborah F Shmueli

Control by containment: the politics of institutionalizing pollution disputes in Taiwan Ming-sho Ho, Feng-san Su

Agglomeration mobility: effects of localisation, urbanisation, and scale on job changes Rikard Eriksson, Urban Lindgren, Gunnar Malmberg


The benefits of learning in clusters: analyzing upward mobility for skilled workers in the Cebu furniture cluster Niels Beerepoot

On distributing quarterly national growth among regions José Manuel Pavía, Bernardí Cabrer

Regional and urban – rural variations in the association of neighbourhood deprivation with community resource access: a national study Jamie Pearce, Karen Witten, Rosemary Hiscock, Tony Blakely

Effects on housing prices of urban attraction and labor-market accessibility Liv Osland, Inge Thorsen

Taking the bus: incorporating public transport timetable data into health care accessibility modelling David Martin, Hannah Jordan, Paul Roderick

How to get rid of W: a latent variables approach to modelling spatially lagged variables Henk Folmer, Johan Oud

Vol. 40, No. 11, November 2008 What about dialectics?

Why are students attracted to political ecology? Thembela Kepe, Jean-François Bissonnette, David J Roberts

The annual meeting of the AAG is out of control James McCarthy

On the other hand ... dialectics Deborah P Dixon, Keith Woodward, John Paul Jones III

Dialegesthai: towards a posttranscendent politics—or, let’s talk about bodies Barbara Hooper

The subaltern moment in Hegel’s dialectic Vinay Gidwani

Towards a dialectics of the positive Sue Ruddick

Geographic dialectics? Eric Sheppard

Positions without negations? Dialectical reason and the contingencies of space Chris Collinge

Žižek’s dialectics of difference and the problem of space Anna J Secor

Dialectics revisited. Reality discharged Marcus A Doel

Dialectics and the measure of the world Stuart Elden

Changing times, changing places: urban development and the politics of space – time Mike Raco, Steven Henderson, Sophie Bowlby

127 The rhetoric and reality of urban policy in the neoliberal city: implications for social struggle in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati Jean-Paul D Addie

People on the move: exploring the functional roles of deprived neighbourhoods Brian Robson, Kitty Lymperopoulou, Alasdair Rae

To the west and east of Interstate-35: obesity, philanthropic entrepreneurialism, and the delineation of risk in Austin, Texas Clare Herrick

Calculative spaces: cities, market relations, and the commercial vitalism of the outdoor advertising industry Anne M Cronin

Spatial-filtering-based contributions to a critique of geographically weighted regression (GWR) Daniel A Griffith

Family events and the residential mobility of couples Francesca Michielin, Clara H Mulder

Vol. 40, No. 12, December 2008 The Young Americans: Children and Youth Geographies in the USA

When Tony met Bobby Leigh Sparks

Science and the city Alan Wilson

Guest editorial: Young Americans: geographies at the crossroads Caitlin Cahill, Cindi Katz

Marketing the self: the politics of aspiration among middle-class Silicon Valley youth Elsa Davidson

Growing up in the new New York: youth space, citizenship, and community change in a hyperglobal city David Driskell, Carly Fox, Neema Kudva

Patchwork neighborhood: children’s urban geographies in Buffalo, New York Meghan Cope

The paradoxes of personhood: banal multiculturalism and racial – ethnic identification among Latina and Armenian girls at a Los Angeles high school Mary E Thomas

When ‘good neighbors’ go bad: territorial geographies of neighborhood associations Marcia England

Enclosed residential neighborhoods in Israel: from landscapes of heritage and frontier enclaves to new gated communities Gillad Rosen, Eran Razin

Uninterrupted views: real-estate advertising and changing perspectives on coastal property in New Zealand Damian Collins, Robin Kearns

Multipliers, markups, and mobility rents: in defense of ‘chain models’ in urban and regional analysis Joseph Persky, Daniel Felsenstein

Regional foreign participation and externalities: new empirical evidence from Mexican regions Jacob A Jordaan


Fostering environment efficiency through transnational linkages? Trajectories of CO2 and SO2, Richard Perkins, Eric Neumayer

Environmental risk, uncertainty, and participation: mapping an emergent epistemic community Jason Chilvers

Cities and regions: problems and potentials John B Parr

Economic Geography

Vol. 84 No. 2 April 2008 Accumulation by Decarbonization and the Governance of Carbon Offsets Adam G. Bumpus and Diana M. Liverman

The Effects of Spatial Mobility on the Performance of Firms Joris Knoben, L. A. G. (Leon) Oerlemans, and R. P. J. H. (Roel) Rutten

Managing the Transnational Law Firm: A Relational Analysis of Professional Systems, Embedded Actors, and Time–Space-Sensitive Governance James R. Faulconbridge

The Knot of Contracts: The Corporate Geography of Legacy Costs Ashby H. B. Monk

Review: Spaces of Social Exclusion, by Jamie Gough and Aram Eisenschitz with Andrew McCulloch Peter Sunley

Review: The Economic Geography of Innovation, edited by Karen R. Polenske Edward J. Malecki

Local and Regional Development, by Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, and John Tomaney Susan Christopherson, Page 241 Read Book Review

Review: The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization: Reinventing Space, edited by Giovanna Vertova Kean Birch

Review: Cluster Genesis: Technology-Based Industrial Development, edited by Pontus Braunerhjelm and Maryann Feldman Nicholas A. Phelps

Review: Understanding the Firm: Spatial and Organizational Dimensions, edited by Michael Taylor and Päivi Oinas Jennifer Clark

Review: Colonial and Post-Colonial Geographies of India, edited by Saraswati Raju, M. Satish Kumar, and Stuart Corbridge Haripriya Rangan

Vol. 84 No. 3 July 2008 The Neglected King: The Customer in the New Knowledge Ecology of Innovation Gernot Grabher, Oliver Ibert, and Saskia Flohr

Governing Finance: Global Imperatives and the Challenge of Reconciling Community Representation with Expertise Gordon L. Clark


Placing Progress: Contextual Inequality and Immigrant Incorporation in the United States Jamie Goodwin-White

Hybrid Branch Plants: Japanese Lean Production in Poland's Automobile Industry Tomasz Majek and Roger Hayter

Review: Contesting Neoliberalism: Urban Frontiers, edited by Helga Leitner, Jamie Peck, and Eric S. Sheppard Neil Smith

Review: Entrepreneurship, Investment and Spatial Dynamics: Lessons and Implications for an Enlarged EU, edited by Peter Nijkamp, Ronald L. Moomaw, and Iulia Traistaru Siedschlag Bert van der Knaap

Review: Energy Metropolis: An Environmental History of Houston and the Gulf Coast, edited by Martin V. Melosi and Joseph H. Pratt Martin J. Pasqualetti

Review: Industrial Agglomeration and New Technologies: A Global Perspective, edited by Masatsugu Tsuji, Emanuele Giovannetti, and Mitsuhiro Kagami Simona Iammarino

Review: Deflecting Immigration: Networks, Markets, and Regulation in Los Angeles, by Ivan Light Mark Ellis

Review: The Handbook of Service Industries, edited by John R. Bryson and Peter W. Daniels Proinnsias Breathnach

Review: Money and Liberation: The Micropolitics of Alternative Currency Movements, by Peter North Angus Cameron

World City, by Doreen Massey Jamie Peck

Social Politics

Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 2008 Jane Jenson Writing Women Out, Folding Gender In: The European Union "Modernises" Social Policy

Victoria Mayer Crafting a New Conservative Consensus on Welfare Reform: Redefining Citizenship, Social Provision, and the Public/Private Divide

Paul Kershaw, Jane Pulkingham, and Sylvia Fuller Expanding the Subject: Violence, Care, and (In)Active Male Citizenship

Janet Conway Geographies of Transnational Feminisms: The Politics of Place and Scale in the World March of Women

Aya Hirata Kimura Who Defines Babies' "Needs"?: The Scientization of Baby Food in Indonesia

Volume 15, Number 3, Fall 2008 Jane Lewis, Trudie Knijn, Claude Martin, and Ilona Ostner Patterns of Development in Work/Family Reconciliation Policies for Parents in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK in the 2000s

130 Annette Henninger, Christine Wimbauer, and Rosine Dombrowski Demography as a Push toward Gender Equality? Current Reforms of German Family Policy

Priscilla A. Lambert The Comparative Political Economy of Parental Leave and Child Care: Evidence from Twenty OECD Countries

Mona Lena Krook Quota Laws for Women in Politics: Implications for Feminist Practice

Merrindahl Andrew Questioning Women's Movement ‘Strategies’: Australian Activism on Work and Care

Volume 15, Number 4, Winter 2008 Sevgi Kiliç, Sawitri Saharso, and Birgit Sauer Introduction: The Veil: Debating Citizenship, Gender and Religious Diversity

Nora Gresch, Leila Hadj-Abdou, Sieglinde Rosenberger, and Birgit Sauer Tu felix Austria? The Headscarf and the Politics of ‘Non-issues’

Sevgi Kiliç The British Veil Wars

Sawitri Saharso and Doutje Lettinga Contentious Citizenship: Policies and Debates on the Veil in the Netherlands

Susan B. Rottmann and Myra Marx Ferree Citizenship and Intersectionality: German Feminist Debates about Headscarf and Antidiscrimination Laws

Ayse Saktanber and Gül Çorbacioglu Veiling and Headscarf-Skepticism in Turkey

Global Social Policy

August 2008, Volume 8, No. 2 Meri Koivusalo and Rama Baru Global Social Policy Forum: Introduction: Reclaiming Primary Health Care — Why Does Alma Ata Still Matter? Or Can We Still Speak of the Relevance of Alma Ata?

Debabar Banerji The World Health Organization's Decennial Ritual of `Remembering' the Alma Ata Declaration

Vicente Navarro Neoliberalism and its Consequences: The World Health Situation Since Alma Ata

Andrew Green Reflections on Alma Ata

Thelma Narayan Alma Ata and Social Movements

Rebecca Hope, Brian Nicholson, and David Baguley Establishing a Workforce of Globally Aware Health Professionals Alma Ata and Alma Mata Global Health Network

Abhay Shukla Re-Reading the Alma Ata Declaration: The Need to Say the Unsaid, to Do the Undone, and to Think for the 21st Century

131 Ray Forrest Globalization and the Housing Asset Rich: Geographies, Demographies and Policy Convoys

Sarah Bradshaw From Structural Adjustment to Social Adjustment: A Gendered Analysis of Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Mexico and Nicaragua

Nanna Kildal and Stein Kuhnle Old Age Pensions, Poverty and Dignity: Historical Arguments for Universal Pensions

Bernard H. Casey and Jörg Michael Dostal Pension Reform in Nigeria: How not to `Learn from Others'

Rana Jawad Review Essay: Possibilities of Positive Social Action in the Middle East: A Re-Reading of the History of Social Policy in the Region

December 2008, Volume 8, No. 3 Nick Manning and Vikram Patel Globalization and Mental Health: A Special Issue of Global Social Policy

Vikram Patel A Movement for Global Mental Health

Merikoivusalo, Robert O'Brien, and Nicola Yeates Global Social Policy Forum: Globalization and Mental Health

Leslie Swartz Globalization and Mental Health: Changing Views of Culture and Society

A.K. Kala and Kunal Kala Mental Health Legislation in Developing Countries with Special Reference to South Asia: Problems and Solutions

David M. Ndetei Retention or Migration of Mental Health Workers: Psychiatrists in Kenya

Jack Piachaud Globalization, Conflict and Mental Health

Joanne Corrigall, Sophie Plagerson, Crick Lund, and Johnathan Myers Global Trade and Mental Health

Kwame Mckenzie Urbanization, Social Capital and Mental Health

Vishal Bhavsar and Dinesh Bhugra Globalization: Mental Health and Social Economic Factors

Afiya S. Zia Review Essay: Feminism, Gender and Social Policy


06/2008 Betriebspolitik - Daten und Trends aus der WSI-Befragung von Betriebsräten 2007

Claus Schäfer

132 Die WSI-Betriebsrätebefragung 2007 - Methoden und ausgewählte Ergebnisse

Martin Behrens, Jürgen Kädtler Gesamtbetriebsräte: Neue Zuständigkeiten und die Folgen für betriebliche Arbeitsbeziehungen

Karina Becker, Ulrich Brinkmann, Thomas Engel "Hybride Beteiligung" im Betrieb? Sachkundige Beschäftigte und Arbeitsgruppen

Reinhard Bispinck, Wolfram Brehmer Kapitalbeteiligung und Bezahlung nach Gewinn

Stefanie Kremer, Nadine Zeibig Namenslisten bei Entlassungen - Ambivalentes Mittel für Betriebsräte

Astrid Ziegler Wirkungen von Standortverlagung und Ausgliederung auf die Arbeitsbedingungen

Hartmut Seifert, Wolfram Brehmer Leiharbeit: Funktionswandel einer flexiblen Beschäftigungsform

Christina Klenner Gleichstellung und familienfreundliche Arbeitsbedingungen

07/2008 Umbruch, Fortschritt oder Rückschritt? Analysen zur Arbeits- und Gesellschaftspolitik - Jubiläumsausgabe 60 Jahre WSI-Mitteilungen

Gudrun Linne Editorial: 60 Jahre WSI-Mitteilungen - Analysen zur Arbeits- und Gesellschaftspolitik

Peter Bofinger Das Jahrzent der Entstaatlichung

Günther Schmid Entgrenzung der Erwerbsarbeit - Erweiterung der sozialen Sicherheit

Christine Trampusch Sozialpolitik: Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsreformen und Neuvermessung von Solidarität

Martin Kronauer Verunsicherte Mitte, gespaltene Gesellschaft?

Michael Schumann Kampf um Rationalisierung - Suche nach neuer Übersichtlichkeit

Alex Demirovic Mitbestimmung und die Perspektiven der Wirtschaftsdemokratie

Jutta Allmendinger, Marcel Helbig Zur Notwendigkeit von Bildungsreformen

Birgit Riegraf Geschlecht und Differenz in Organisationen: Von Gleichstellungspolitik und erfolgreichem Organisationslernen

08/2008 Gewinner und Verlierer des Aufschwungs

Peter Hohlfeld, Camille Logeay, Rudolf Zwiener Editorial: Gewinner und Verlierer des Aufschwungs


Camille Logeay, Rudolf Zwiener Deutliche Realeinkommensverluste für Arbeitnehmer: Die neue Dimension eines Aufschwungs

Gerhard Bosch, Thorsten Kalina, Claudia Weinkopf Niedriglohnbeschäftigte auf der Verliererseite

Jürgen Kromphardt, Stephanie Schneider Wer hat von der zurückhaltenden Lohnentwicklung profitiert?

Hermann Gartner, Sabine Klinger Ein janusköpfiger Aufschwung: Beschäftigungsgewinne und Polarisierung

Dieter Vesper Vom Versuch der Rückwärtsrolle des Staates: Verteilungspolitische Aspekte der Finanzpolitik im Konjunkturverlauf

Reinhard Bispinck Tarifpolitischer Halbjahresbericht: Zwischenbilanz der Lohn- und Gehaltsrunde 2008

09/2008 Jan Priewe Kommentar: Was tun bei Inflations- und Rezessionsängsten?

Thorsten Schulten Europäischer Tarifbericht des WSI 2007/2008

Roman George Mindestlöhne und Beschäftigung

Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch Zur Entwicklung des ostdeutschen Arbeitsmarktes im Aufschwung

Dorothea Alewell, Sven Hauff Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen und die Konsequenzen für die betriebliche Mitbestimmung

Ralf Greifenstein, Leo Kißler, Elke Wiechmann Arbeitsbedingungen und Mitbestimmung in den neuen Arbeitsverwaltungen

Holger Brecht-Heitzmann, Marcel Gröls Betriebsnahe Tarifpolitik durch rückübertragbare Öffnungsklauseln

Peter Ellguth, Susanne Kohaut Tarifbindung und betriebliche Interessenvertretung: Aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem IAB-Betriebspanel 2007

Marie Seyboth, Rainald Thannisch Zukunftsfaktor Mitbestimmung

10/2008 Privatisierung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen

Hans-Jürgen Bieling, Torsten Brandt, Thorsten Schulten Editorial: Privatisierung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen

Gerold Ambrosius Konzeptionen öffentlicher Dienstleistungen in Europa

Christina Deckwirth Die Europäische Union als Triebkraft der Privatisierung


Hans-Jürgen Bieling Liberalisierung und Privatisierung in Deutschland: Versuch einer Zwischenbilanz

Achim Truger Privatisierung und öffentliche Finanzen

Wolfgang Gerstlberger, Karsten Schneider Public Private Partnership in deutschen Kommunen

Mario Candeias, Rainer Rilling, Katharina Weise Krise der Privatisierung - Rückkehr des Öffentlichen

Torsten Brandt, Thorsten Schulten Liberalisierung und Privatisierung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen und die Erosion des Flächentarifvertrags

Siegfried Broß Grenzen der Privatisierung öffentlicher Aufgaben aus verfassungsrechtlicher Sicht

11+12/2008 Thomas Gerlinger Kommentar: Der Gesundheitsfonds: Neue Schieflagen - Keine Problemlösung

Claus Schäfer Anhaltende Verteilungsdramatik - WSI-Verteilungsbericht 2008

Martin Brussig, Matthias Knuth, Sascha Wojtkowski Die Erwerbstätigkeit im Alter steigt - die Beschäftigungslosigkeit auch

Tatjana Mika, Jochen Baumann Soziale Konsequenzen der Abschaffung des Vorruhestands für Langzeitarbeitslose

Angelika Koch Elternzeit - Teilzeit - Aus(zeit)? Teilzeitrechte in Führungspositionen

Philip Wotschack, Eckard Hildebrandt, Franziska Scheier Langzeitkonten - Neue Chancen für die Gestaltung von Arbeitszeiten und Lebensläufen?

Hartmut Seifert, Andranik Tangian Flexicurity - Gibt es ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Arbeitsmarktflexibilität und sozialer Sicherheit?

Peter Kalmbach, Michael Schumann Finanzkrise als Schocktherapie

Hansjörg Herr Von der Finanzkrise zu Depression und Deflation

Mathias Heiden Arbeiten im Projekthaus

Matthias Möhner Sind Einkommen und Beamtenstatus ausschlaggebende Determinanten für die Lebenserwartung?

Astrid Ziegler Partnerschaft in den Europäischen Strukturfonds

135 Widerspruch

Nr. 54, 1/2007 Energie und Klima

Elmar Altvater Für ein neues Energieregime. Mit Emissionshandel gegen Treibhauseffekte?

Peter Niggli Nachholende Industrialisierung bald am Ende? Die globalen Folgen der Klimaerwärmung

Tina Goethe Agrotreibstoffe auf Kosten der Ernährungssouveränität

Achim Brunnengräber / Kristina Dietz / Simon Wolf Klima-Kapitalismus der EU. Klimaschutz als Wettbewerbspolitik

Hermann Scheer Energie – neu denken!

Hanspeter Guggenbühl Das Wachstum frisst die Effizienzgewinne. Weshalb die Umweltpolitik nicht hält, was sie verspricht

Beat Ringger Die Mobilitätswende. Eine radikale Umweltbewegung tut not

Bernhard Piller Energiepolitik und Versorgungssicherheit in der Schweiz

Armin Braunwalder Zurück zur 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft

Balthasar Glättli Energiewende - oder technokratische Politik? Die Grünen in der Schweiz stehen vor strategischen Entscheidungen

Burghard Flieger / Herbert Klemisch Eine andere Energiewirtschaft ist möglich. Neue Energiegenossenschaften

Adelheid Biesecker / Sabine Hofmeister (Re)Produktivität. Nachhaltige Natur- und Geschlechterverhältnisse

Tilman Santarius Was ist Ressourcengerechtigkeit?

Ulrich Brand „Umwelt“ in der neoliberal-imperialen Politik. Sozial-ökologische Perspektiven demokratischer Gesellschaftspolitik

Arbeitsgruppe Soziale Ökologie / BUKO Vergesst Kyoto! Die Katastrophe ist schon da

Rita Schäfer Frauen und die Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen. Chancen und Grenzen nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens in Afrika

Bruno Kern Ökosozialismus oder Barbarei. Wie wir den Untergang des Kapitalismus überleben

Patricia Purtschert Postkoloniale Diskurse in der Schweiz. „De Schorsch Gaggo reist uf Afrika“

136 Rita Glavitza / Georg Leitner / Thomas Roithner Von kalten Energiestrategien zu heißen Rohstoffkriegen?

Katja Fritsche / Sabine Nuss / Ann-Katrin Lebuhn Natur als Beute? Internationale Treffen zum Schutz der Biodiversität

Miges Baumann Landwirtschaft im Süden: Klimawandel und Greenhouse Development Rights

Hans Steiger Ökokapitalismus – ein Alptraum für Linke?

Andreas Missbach über Achim Brunnengräber / Kristina Dietz / Bernd Hirschl / Heike Walk / Melanie Weber: Das Klima neu denken

Heide Gerstenberger Markus Wissen / Bernd Röttger / Susanne Heeg (Hrsg.): Politics of Scale. Räume der Globalisierung und Perspektiven emanzipatorischer Politik

Ruedi Graf Amerikanismus, Passive Revolution und Hegemonie. Gramsci-Diskussionen und ihre Aktualität

Jutta Meyer-Siebert / Cornelia Möhring Frigga Haug: Die Vier-in-einem-Perspektive. Politik von Frauen für eine neue Linke

Adrian Zimmermann Tagung zu Robert Grimm (1881-1958)

Journal of European Social Policy

August 2008, Volume 18, No. Scott L. Greer Choosing paths in European Union health services policy: a political analysis of a critical juncture

David J. Bailey Explaining the underdevelopment of `Social Europe': a critical realization

Emmanuele Pavolini and Costanzo Ranci Restructuring the welfare state: reforms in long-term care in Western European countries

Geranda Notten and Franziska Gassmann Size matters: targeting efficiency and poverty reduction effects of means-tested and universal child benefits in Russia

Eva Bernhardt, Turid Noack, and Torkild Hovde Lyngstad Shared housework in Norway and Sweden: advancing the gender revolution

Alison E. Woodward Too late for gender mainstreaming? Taking stock in Brussels

Cécile Barbier and Dalila Ghailani European Briefing: Digest

November 2008, Volume 18, No. 4 Ian Gough, James Meadowcroft, John Dryzek, Jürgen Gerhards, Holger Lengfeld, Anil Markandya, and Ramon Ortiz JESP symposium: Climate change and social policy

137 Graham Room Social policy in Europe: paradigms of change

Mikkel Mailand The uneven impact of the European Employment Strategy on member states' employment policies: a comparative analysis

Miriam Hartlapp and Achim Kemmerling When a solution becomes the problem: the causes of policy reversal on early exit from the labour force

Jenny Cisneros Örnberg The Europeanization of Swedish alcohol policy: the case of ECAS

Cécile Barbier, Rita Baeten, Caroline de La Porte, and Dalila Ghailani European Briefing Digest

Michael Adler Book Review: Christopher Jewell Agents of the Welfare State: How Caseworkers Respond to Need in the United States, Germany and Sweden. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Alfio Cerami Book Review: Jochen Clasen and Nico A. Siegel (eds) Investigating Welfare State Change: the `Dependent Variable Problem' in Comparative Analysis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2007

Caroline de la Porte Book Review: Jon Kvist and Juho Saari (eds) The Europeanisation of Social Protection. Bristol, The Policy Press, 2007, Milena Büchs New Governance in European Social Policy: the Open Method of Coordination Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Journal of European Integration

Volume 30, Number 3, July 2008 Mission Impossible: the European Union and Policy Coherence for Development Carbone, Maurizio

The EU and the Global Development Agenda Holland, Martin

Imposed Coherence: Negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements Elgstrom, Ole; Pilegaard, Jess

The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy and Developing Countries: the Struggle for Coherence Matthews, Alan

The European Union as a Sustainable Development Actor: the Case of External Fisheries Policy Bretherton, Charlotte; Vogler, John

Fusing Security and Development: Just Another Euro-platitude? Youngs, Richard

The Migration-Development Nexus in EU External Relations Lavenex, Sandra; Kunz, Rahel

The Social Dimension of Globalization and EU Development Policy: Promoting Core Labour Standards and Corporate Social Responsibility Orbie, Jan; Babarinde, Olufemi

138 Volume 30, Number 4, September 2008 Adapting to Enlargement: The Role of Formal and Informal Processes of Institutional Adjustment in EU Committee Governance Puetter, Uwe

Does Size Matter? CFSP Committees after Enlargement Juncos, Ana; Pomorska, Karolina

The Prevention of Deadlock through Informal Processes of 'Supranationalization': The Case of Coreper Lempp, Jakob; Altenschmidt, Janko

Preparing the Economic and Financial Committee and the Economic Policy Committee for Enlargement Grosche, Gunter; Puetter, Uwe

From Policy to Politics? Informal Practices within the Social Protection Committee after the Enlargement Horvath, Anna

Financial Sector Committee Governance in the European Union Quaglia, Lucia

The Commission's Advisory Groups and Committees in the Field of Agricultural Policy Heard-Laureote, Karen


05/2008 Rainer Roth »Kein individuelles Problem«, zur Kritik der Reproduktionsbedarfsberechnungen

Anne Allex »Kein Mensch ist »Asozial««, zu Kontinuitäten und Brüchen einer Verunglimpfung

»Bescheiden genug«, Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste fordert: »Kein Lohn unter 10 Euro«

Anton Kobel »Klassenkampf im Einzelhandel«, ver.di seit Januar bzw. April 2007 ohne Tarifverträge

Friedrich Wöhler »Kostengünstig altern«, zum »innovativen« Chemie-Abschluss

»Kurz & nicht bündig«, Abschlusserklärung der 2. Offenen Arbeitskonferenz der IL

Holger Gorr »Arbeiter-Wirtschaften«, zur Geschichte der Volkshäuser – ein Überblick

»Grauzonen«, rechtliche Grundlagen der Überwachung im Betrieb – ein Gespräch mit Achim Neumann

»Strike Bike wird Volksrad«, die Produktion geht weiter!

»Lip oder die Macht der Phantasie«, ein Lehrbeispiel für Kommunikation und Demokratie

Willi Hajek »Assoziationismus«, nicht nur über den libertären Gewerkschafter Charles Piaget

Pit Wuhrer »Die Investoren aus dem Stollen«, über Arbeiterselbstverwaltung in Wales

Anne Scheidhauer »CSR, CoC, prima Gesetze...«, nur schade, dass Cadmium und Blei nicht lesen können – auch nicht in China


Hannah Jacobs Rezension: »Radikal – um unserer selbst willen«, zum Jahrbuch 2008 des Komitees für Grundrechte und Demokratie »Die globale Transformation menschenrechtlicher Demokratie«

06-07/2008 Tom Adler »Big Brother in Stuttgart«, über »De-Organizing«-Strategien bei Daimler – nicht nur in den USA

Mihai Balan/Kirsten Huckenbeck »Ein Schatz von Erfahrungen«, zwischen Inseln im Kapitalismus und Wortergreifungen – ein Tagungsbericht

Gregor Zattler »Website, nicht Supermarkt dichtgemacht«, in Erprobung: neue Arbeitskampfformen und Bündnisse im Einzelhandelsstreik

Anne Allex »Kein Mensch ist »asozial««, zu Kontinuitäten und Brüchen einer Verunglimpfung, Teil II

Carl Wilhelm Macke »Arbeiter, Gewerkschafter, Traumtänzer«, zum Tod von Horst Tauwaldt

»Große Freiheit Jugendknast«, ein Gespräch mit Beate Schwemer über »Nordsee ist Mordsee«

»Übers Wetter reden, aber anders«, Widerstand auf dem Lande: Konferenz zu Kapitalismuskritik und Klimawandel

Willi Hajek »Picknick-Tribunal«, Amandine et »Emmely« – Deutsch-französische Gemeinsamkeiten

»Der Tsunami kommt bei blauem Himmel«, Umbrüche der Zeitungsproduktion – das Beispiel Frankfurter Rundschau, Teil I

»Abstiegskampf?«, Solidaritätsveranstaltung zur FR

»Kapitalist ist kein Schimpfwort«, Klage von Ixion gegen Mag Wompel ist abgewiesen

»Innerste Sicherheit«, was Lidl kann, darf Daimler erst recht?

Nadja Rakowitz »Verpasste Chance«, eine Veranstaltung zum Prager Frühling

Edgar Weick »Verpatzte Chance«, »Prager Frühling« als Lifestyle neu besetzt

Winfried Beck »Vertane Chance«, oder: Warum ich enttäuscht bin von der Veranstaltung zum Prager Frühling

Slave Cubela »Irrlichter der Großstadt«, »Planet of Slums«, zu den sozialen Folgen des Urbanisierungsprozesses

Nadja Rakowitz »Michael Moore: Sicko«

Sal Godo »Grenzerfahrungen«, Sicko – angesehen und diskutiert

Wolfgang Schaumberg Rezension: »Kein Lesegewinn«, Neues aus der Win-Win-Wissenschaft; Stahlmann/Wendt-Kleinberg: Zwischen Engagement und innerer Kündigung. Fortschreitender Personalabbau und betriebliche Interaktionskulturen


Christian Frings »›Organizing‹ oder Macht am Arbeitsplatz?«, Kim Moody zum Scheitern der Gewerkschaftsreform von oben in den USA; »US Labor in Trouble and Transition. The Failure of Reform from Above, the Promise of Revival from Below«

08/2008 Anton Kobel »Mit letzter Kraft«, Tarifverträge im Einzelhandel durchgesetzt

Frank Uwe Betz »Notstand der Demokratie ... aber keiner hat was dagegen?«, Ein Kommentar zur ganz inneren Sicherheit

Peter Nowak »Mehr als Bilder«, Bericht über einen »Ratschlag« mit vielen Visionen

Anton Kobel »›Lebe, wie Du willst‹.« Kommt Ikea mit Kündigung einer Betriebsratsvorsitzenden durch?

»Unmögliches Möbelhaus«, Interessierte Kundennachfrage an IKEA

»IKEA ruft zur Kritik auf«, Antwortschreiben von IKEA zur express-Nachfrage

»Neckermann 2010«: Olympischer Staffellauf gegen Tarifflucht und Arbeitsplatzabbau bei Neckermann

»Qualität vs. Quantität?«, Tarifrunden der IGM zu Altersteilzeit, Löhnen & Gehältern

Der Tsunami kommt bei blauem Himmel«, Umbrüche der Zeitungsproduktion – das Beispiel Frankfurter Rundschau, Teil II

Herbert Steinfort »Qualität und Vielfalt sichern«, Initiative macht sich für ›Heimatblätter‹ an der Ostseeküste stark

Radka Sokolová »Heißer Frühling in Prag«, zu den Streiks gegen die Privatisierung des Gesundheitswesen in der Tschechischen Republik

Dagongzhe-WanderarbeiterInnenzentrum: »Breaking or Taking the Law?«, Studie zur Umsetzung des Arbeitsvertragsgesetzes in China erschienen

Chris Chan & Pun Ngai »The Making of...«, zum Werden einer Arbeiterklasse in China

»Geistlose Körper?«, Lesereise mit Pun Ngai und Leseempfehlung

Ingo Singe Rezension: »Getriebene auf der Suche«, über Brinkmann/Choi/Detje/Dörre et. al.: »Strategic unionism: aus der Krise zur Erneuerung?«

Pit Wuhrer Rezension: »Die neuen Freiheiten«, über Ken Loachs neuen Film »It’s a Free World«

09/2008 Kirsten Huckenbeck »Mehr Not, mehr Notstand«, Deutschland im Herbst – ein Kommentar zur Neuauflage ver.di LBZ Baden-Württemberg: »Chance 2011 statt Agenda 2010?«, Mitgliederorientierung als Maßstab des Organisationshandelns? Anmerkungen zum Diskussionspapier des ver.di-Bundesvorstands

141 Thomas Kunkel: »Notstand – zum Alltag geworden«

Wolfgang Schaumberg »GM zieht die Zeitschraube an«, über einen neuen Ansatz zur Leistungsbemessung in der Autoindustrie

Dieter Wegner »Gewonnen – aber der Kampf geht weiter«, zum Streik bei der Vacuumschmelze Hanau

Gregor Zattler »Verdachtskündigung«, über ein juristisches Skandalon

»IKEA – und kein Ende«, Proteste gegen Kündigung der BR-Vorsitzenden fortsetzen

Mike Parker »Keine Zauberei«, Einheitsgewerkschaften sind Spartengewerkschaften nicht immer vorzuziehen

Chris Chan & Pun Ngai »The Making of...«, über Kollektivaktionen von WanderarbeiterInnen in Südchina, Teil II

Willi Hajek/Peter Bach »Ohne Papiere, aber voller Hoffnung«, zu den Streiks der »Sans Papiers« in Frankreich

Slave Cubela Rezension: »Geprellte Generationen«, Thesen zur kritischen Sozialforschung am Beispiel des Prokla-Heftes »Umkämpfte Arbeit«

10/2008 Gaby Gottwald »Totengräber der Arbeitslosenversicherung«

Thomas Gehrig »War der Neoliberalismus eine Käpt‘n-Blaubär-Geschichte?«, Blütenlese im herbstlichen Blätterwald

Stephan Krull »Der Kampf um die Zeit«, Plädoyer für einen neuen Anlauf zur Arbeitszeitverkürzung und eine Initiative von attac

Redaktion express »Dann machen wir es halt selbst...«, Emanzipation und Produktion bei Karl Marx und bei LohnarbeiterInnen heute

»Vertrauenskrise nutzen«, Gütesiegel »faire Arbeit« im Drittweltland BRD

»So long! Bis dann!«, Neues vom Blaubär bei Opel-Bochum

Zukunftssicherung 2016«, Daimler-KollegInnen gegen neue Minusrunde bei Opel

»Chinesische Harmonie«, GoG gratuliert IGM-Chef Berthold Huber

Eckardt Johanning »Wir könnten, aber wir werden nicht«, Überprüfung der US-Wahlprogramme auf Herz und Nieren

Nadja Rakowitz »Kotau vorm Kapital?«, Gewerkschaften und Gesundheitsreform im US-Wahlkampf

»Verordnete Harmonie?« Perspektiven der Entwicklung von Kapital und Arbeit in China, ein Gespräch mit Chang Kai

»Statt ›Bosse‹ überzeugen«, Änderungen im chinesischen Arbeitsrecht

142 Anne Allex »Mobilmachung«, über Hartmann/Geppert: »Cluster – Die neue Etappe des Kapitalismus«, Teil I

11/2008 Böhm/Busch/Heim/Riexinger/Sauerborn »Weiter so – oder Krise als Chance?«

Geert Naber »Guter Lohn? Gute Arbeit?«, über den Briefmarkt und die Deutsche Post nach der Mindestlohn-Einführung

Marc Kappler »Einstürzende Leuchttürme«, über privatisierte Krankenhäuser und deren gewerkschaftliche Organisierung

Nadja Rakowitz »Deckel gelupft, aber nicht weg«, Wie weiter nach der Demo in Berlin?

Jakob Schäfer »Krisenfolgen nicht abwälzen (lassen)«, Anmerkungen zum Diskussionspapier des AK Weltwirtschaftskrise

Juanita Rosina Henning »Vor einer Verfassungsklage?«, Prostitution zwischen Evaluation und Rebellion

Mihai Balan, Beata Tarnowska & Malgorzata Zabron »Europäischer Wanderarbeiterverband am Ende?«, eine Replik

Peter Trotzig »Sag ›Ja‹ zur Opel-Bürgschaft«, über das »aber« und ein System ohne Zukunft

Willi Hajek »Tous ensemble«, Eisenbahner vorne dran – 20000 auf Demo der ETF in Paris

»Über die Grenze«, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe bei Arbeitskonflikten in China

Anne Allex »Mobilmachung«, über Hartmann/Geppert: »Cluster – Die neue Etappe des Kapitalismus«, Teil II


Nr. 7-8 (Juli / August 2008) Redaktion Sozialismus Die "Vergrünung der CDU"

Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje Der Niedergang der Volkspartei SPD

Karl Georg Zinn Wachstum und Wohlstand – die Konjunktion ist obsolet

Ach Europa

Murat Cakir Handlanger des Neoliberalismus in islamischen Gewändern. Die Krise des politischen Systems in der Türkei

Fritz Fiehler Mission accomplished? Mit dem Euro der Politischen Union keineswegs näher

Armando Fernández Steinko Spanien und seine Linke am Ende eines Zyklus


Klaus Dräger/Janeta Mileva Der europäische Weg zur Knechtschaft. Wie der Europäische Gerichtshof das Streikrecht aushebelt

Ulrich Meinecke Ein Jahr Tarifkampf im Einzelhandel. Eine Neuaufstellung ist notwendig

Harald Fiedler Der große Ausverkauf. Wie Kommunen Menschen ins Prekariat befördern

Michael Wendl Die Krankenhäuser in der "Lohnnebenkostenfalle". Über die Transformation öffentlicher Krankenhäuser in kapitalistische Unternehmen

Erhard Schleitzer Diakonie dreht an der Lohnspirale nach unten

Christoph Lieber Der Prager Frühling und die Grenzen der Entstalinisierung. ’68 als Anfang vom Ende?

Fritz Behrens Kurze Bemerkungen zum Prager Frühling (1968)

Helmut Steiner Fritz Behrens’ Bemerkungen zum Prager Frühling

Edelbert Richter Aufbruch von wankendem Boden – 1968 im außenpolitischen Kontext

Christina Ujma Vom Euromarxismus zur Realpolitik. Zum Tod von Detlev Albers (1943-2008)

Heft Nr. 9 (September 2008) Redaktion Sozialismus Kaukasus – Droht ein neuer Kalter Krieg?

Redaktion Sozialismus Keynesianisches Programm oder was?

Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje Politische Folgen der ökonomischen Talfahrt. Nach der Immobilien- und Finanzmarkt- nun die Konjunkturkrise

Guenther Sandleben Abschwung oder Absturz? Wir stehen vor einer schweren Weltwirtschaftskrise

Artur Tarassow / Silke Bumann Argumente gegen Angebotstheorie müssen empirisch untermauert werden (zu Ludwig u.a., Konjunktur- Perspektiven)

Heinz Bierbaum Vormacht der Rechten – Ohnmacht der Linken. Zur aktuellen Entwicklung Italiens

Joachim Rauscher Linke Volkspartei oder Wiedervereingung der Kommunisten? Die Kongresse von Rifondazione und PdCI

Christina Ujma Am Tiefpunkt Die italienische Linke nach der Parteitagssaison

Willi Kriehebauer Wurde wirklich genug "gestritten"? Zur österreichischen "Wende" und zu den Wahlen vom 28. September


Axel Gerntke IG Metall startet "Initiative Neuer Generationenvertrag"

Bernd Riexinger Kraftakt im Einzelhandel –Teilsieg errungen!

Redaktion Sozialismus / Forum Gewerkschaften Nikolaus "Niko" Schmidt

Karl Mai War die DDR wirtschaftlich unterlegen? Ergänzungen zu Hans Modrows Interpretation

Henning Hagen Wo war die Arbeiterklasse der DDR 1989/1990?

Jens Becker Pinochets langer Schatten und die "Kultur des Widerstandes"in Chile (zu B. Schöppner, Nachbeben)

Alexander Wolz Machtpolitik missbraucht Völkerrecht (zu G. Stuby, Gaus)

Nr. 10 (Oktober 2008) Redaktion Sozialismus "Heißes Herz" und "Klare Kante". Die SPD hat nicht nur ihren vierten Vorsitzenden in fünf Jahren verloren

Redaktion Sozialismus Erdrutsch in Bayern und Österreich. Die Ergebnisse der Landtags- und der Nationalratswahlen

Joachim Bischoff / Richard Detje Das Ende des Wallstreet-Dollar-Regimes

Ernst Bienert Die neoliberale Rentenpolitik ist gescheitert. Alternativen für die Herstellung einer solidarischen Rentenversicherung

Richard Detje / Otto König "Es geht um mehr". Die Konfliktlagen in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie

Michael Wendl Fallstricke der Tarifpolitik. Lohnentwicklung – Arbeitszeit – Beschäftigungspolitik

Klaus Dräger Die Stunde der Wahrheit rückt näher. Revision der EU-Arbeitszeitrichtlinie

Udo Achten Kein Jubiläum zum Feiern, aber Anlass zur Wachsamkeit. 100 Jahre Reichsvereinsgesetz

Olaf Kuschniok Sozialismus der Innovation. Oder: Was ist linke Innovationspolitik?

Guenther Sandleben Monetäre Werttheorie als Preistheorie. Geld und Wert bei Michael Heinrich

Fritz Fiehler Wie schafft sich das Kapital seine Voraussetzungen?. Über die Manuskripte zum "Zweiten Buch des Kapitals"

Heide Gerstenberger Staatsform und Rechtsarbeit. Zu Andreas Fisahns kritischer Staatstheorie

145 Ulrich Meditsch Entwicklungstendenzen in der Musik. Zu Michael Giehlens Erinnerungen "Unbedingt Musik"

Richard Lauenstein Rechten Meinungsmachern nicht das Feld überlassen!

Arno Klönne Kein dritter Weg – Linkssozialisten im "CDU-Staat"

Jens Becker Zwischen den Fronten (zu Gregor Kritidis, Linkssozialistische Opposition in der Ära Adenauer)

Nr. 11 (November 2008) Redaktion Sozialismus Verstaatlichung als Königsweg?

Joachim Bischoff Jahrhundertkrise des Kapitalismus

Peter Wahl Von wegen Entkopplung! Der Finanzcrash trifft auch die Entwicklungsländer

Karl Georg Zinn Der Misstrauensindex. Die Einlagenfazilität verschafft den Banken risikolos Zinsen von der Zentralbank

Fritz Fiehler Wall Street braucht Main Street. Effiziente Finanzmärkte oder instabiles Kreditwesen

Klaus Steinitz Aufschlussreicher Rückblick auf das Entstehungsjahr der "sozialen Marktwirtschaft" (zu Roesler, Wiederaufbaulüge)

Christina Ujma Heißer Herbst und viele Querelen. Italiens Linke probt den Protest

Franz Segbers Paradies fürs Kapital unter Palmen. Die unheilige Allianz von alter Bourgoisie und Neoliberalen auf den Philippinen

Dieter Scholz / Gerd Peter Woher die Kraft zur Veränderung nehmen? Versuch einer Beantwortung offener Fragen der Gewerkschaftsbewegung

Wolfram Elsner / Klaus-Rainer Rupp / Christoph Spehr Für einen praktischen Radikalismus der Linken

Christoph Lieber Der "Prager Frühling" und der Umgang mit Niederlagen. Eine Verteidigung gegen seine Verächter

Marion Fisch Was war, was bleibt von ’68? (zu Norbert Frei, 1968)

Jana Schultheiß "Eine Utopie von Frauen, die eine Utopie für alle ist" (zu Frigga Haug, Die Vier-in-einem-Perspektive)

Lothar Wentzel Ein spannendes Leben, packend erzählt (zu Gerd Balko, Land in dunklen Zeiten)

146 Sozialismus Supplement

7-8 / 2008 Martijn Konings / Leo Panitch Finanzmacht USA. Die Instabilität der Märkte: technisches Problem des Finanzmanagements oder tiefgreifende soziale Krise?

9 / 2008 Juri Hälker (Hrsg.) Organizing. Neue Wege gewerkschaftlicher Organisation

10 / 2008 Ingar Solty Das Obama-Projekt. Krise und charismatische Herrschaft

International Feminist Journal of Politics

Volume 10 Issue 3 2008 Eco/Feminism, Non-Violence and the Future of Feminism Niamh Moore


Eco/Feminism on the Edge. A COMMENTARY Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands


Gender Quotas - Controversial But Trendy. ON EXPANDING THE RESEARCH AGENDA Drude Dahlerup

A Gender Gap Not Closed by Quotas. The Renegotiation of the Public Sphere Petra Meier





Introduction-Engaging Islam. FEMINISMS, RELIGIOSITIES AND SELF-DETERMINATIONS Elora Halim Chowdhury; Leila Farsakh; Rajini Srikanth

147 Managing 'American Islam'. SECULARISM, PATRIOTISM AND THE GENDER LITMUS TEST Mitra Rastegar





European Journal of Women Studies

May 2008, Volume 15, No. 2 Michal Nahman Nodes of Desire: Romanian Egg Sellers, `Dignity' and Feminist Alliances in Transnational Ova Exchanges

Lisa Smyth Gendered Spaces and Intimate Citizenship: The Case of Breastfeeding

Mary Lou O'Neil Being Seen: Headscarves and the Contestation of Public Space in Turkey

Clare Hemmings Tuning Problems?: Notes on Women's and Gender Studies and the Bologna Process

Meg Barker Book Review: HOLDING THE OPPOSITION: WHAT WOMEN'S STUDIES CAN LEARN FROM PIONTEK'S QUEERING OF GAY AND LESBIAN STUDIES Thomas Piontek Queering Gay and Lesbian Studies Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2006

Helen Barrett Book Review: RETHINKING LESBIAN MOTHERHOOD Amy Hequembourg Lesbian Motherhood: Stories of Becoming New York and London: Harrington Park Press, 2007

Christina Scharff Book Review: A THIRD WAVE: ABOUT THE POLITICS OF PROCLAIMING A `NEW' FEMINISM Stacy Gillis, Gillian Howie and Rebecca Munford, eds Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration, expanded 2nd edn Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

Emma Williamson Book Review: RESPONDING TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN WITH AUTHENTIC MORALITY M.L. Penn and R. Nardos Overcoming Violence against Women and Girls: The International Campaign to Eradicate a Worldwide Problem Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003

Julie Billaud Book Review: OCCUPIED AFGHAN WOMEN'S LIVES: MULTIPLE EXPERIENCES, MULTIPLE CONSCIOUSNESSES Elaheh Rostami Povey Afghan Women: Identity and Invasion London: Zed Books, 2007

Maggie O'Neill Book Review: SEX, WORK AND MIGRATION: THE DYNAMICS AND REGIMES OF CARE AND CONTROL Laura Maria Agustin Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry London: Zed Books, 2007

148 August 2008, Volume 15, No. 3

Claire Hancock Spatialities of the Secular: Geographies of the Veil in France and Turkey

Fadwa Allabadi Controversy: Secular and Islamist Women in Palestinian Society

Runa Das Nation, Gender and Representations of (In)Securities in Indian Politics: Secular-Modernity and Hindutva Ideology

Chia Longman Sacrificing the Career or the Family?: Orthodox Jewish Women between Secular Work and the Sacred Home

Line Nyhagen Predelli Religion, Citizenship and Participation: A Case Study of Immigrant Muslim Women in Norwegian Mosques

Abby Day Wilfully Disempowered: A Gendered Response to a `Fallen World'

Kristin Aune Evangelical Christianity and Women's Changing Lives

Willy Jansen and Meike Kühl Shared Symbols: Muslims, Marian Pilgrimages and Gender

November 2008, Volume 15, No. 4 Natasa Bijelic Sex Education in Croatia: Tensions between Secular and Religious Discourses

Sonya Sharma Young Women, Sexuality and Protestant Church Community: Oppression or Empowerment?

Farideh Heyat New Veiling in Azerbaijan: Gender and Globalized Islam

Marta Kirejczyk On Women, Egg Cells and Embryos: Gender in the Regulatory Debates on Embryonic Research in the Netherlands

Aileen Blaney All's Fair in Love and War?: Representations of Prison Life in Silent Grace

Iris van der Tuin Deflationary Logic: Response to Sara Ahmed's `Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the "New Materialism" '

Ann Oakley Book Review: PERSONAL STORIES Carol Smart Personal Life Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007

Giulia Garofalo Book Review: PITY AND COURAGE IN COMMERCIAL SEX Laura María Agustín Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry London: Zed Books, 2007

Heather Joshi Book Review: A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Stephanie Hepburn and Rita J. Simon Women's Roles and Statuses the World Over Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006

Hege Skjeie

149 Book Review: MULTIDIMENSIONAL EQUALITIES Anne Phillips Multiculturalism without Culture Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007; Judith Squires The New Politics of Gender Equality Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007

femina politica

2/2008 Feminisierung der Politik? - Neue Entwicklungen und alte Muster der Repräsentation

BEATE HOECKER, ALEXANDRA SCHEELE Feminisierung der Politik? Neue Entwicklungen und alte Muster der Repräsentation – Einleitung

SARAH CHILDS, MONA LENA KROOK Theorizing Women’s Political Representation: Debates and Innovations in Empirical Research

TATJANA RODE Der peruanische Kongress im Wandel. Die Entwicklung der parlamentarischen Repräsentation von Frauen in Peru

FRAUKE RUBART Finnland: EU-Staat mit Präsidentin und weiblicher Regierungsmehrheit

LARS HOLTKAMP, SONIA SCHNITTKE Erklärungsmodelle für die Unterrepräsentation von Frauen. Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Kommunalparlamente von Baden-Württemberg und Nordrhein-Westfalen

CHRISTIANE LEMKE Gender Gap: Repräsentation von Frauen und Gender-Themen bei den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen 2008

NADJA SENNEWALD Aschenputtel, Femme fatale und Eiserne Lady. Ereignisbilder und ihre Diskurs- politik am Beispiel von , Gabriele Pauli und Hillary Clinton

MARION LÖFFLER Transformation des politischen Feldes als Chance für feministische Politik?

CHRISTA WICHTERICH Globale Verschwisterung im Log Frame? Zur Institutionalisierung von Frauen- und Genderpolitik in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

SABINE HAR Die Scham ist vorbei – Feminismus Re-loaded

CHRISTINE KULKE Ein Friede, der mehr Mut braucht als der Krieg. Gedanken zum 60. Jahrestag der Staatsgründung Israels

KERSTIN SEIFER Die Situation von Frauen in Afghanistan. Frauenbefreiung als Mittel zur Legitimierung des Krieges

MARIA WERSIG Zwei Jahre Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz. Reformbedarf in Deutschland und Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Antidiskriminierungspolitik

KIMIKO SUDA Die „Lala community“ in Beijing im Sommer 2008 – zur Selbstorganisierung lesbischer Frauen in der VR China

HEIKE KAHLERT, MARK KLEEMANN UND DOREEN KRUPPA Promotion – und was dann? Wissenschaftskarrieren in der Politikwissenschaft und Chemie im Geschlechtervergleich

150 SIGRID METZ-GÖCKEL Individualisierung auf die Spitze getrieben: Selbstbewusstsein und Karriere- orientierung als neue Variante des Feminismus? Kommentar zur Studie „Junge Frauen auf dem Sprung“

GABRIELE ABELS Bericht aus Vorstand und Beirat der DVPW

ANNETTE HENNINGER Bericht aus dem Ständigen Ausschuss für Fragen der Frauenförderung der DVPW (StAFF)

DAGMAR VINZ Zwischen Anerkennung und Marginalisierung: Gleichstellungspolitik in Zeiten von Exzellenz und Globalisierung. Tagung vom 25. bis 26.April 2008 in Bielefeld

MAGDALENA FREUDENSCHUß Umkämpfte Arbeit. Tagung vom 16. bis 18. Mai 2008 in Berlin

KATRIN BREMER Frauenfragen sind Männerfragen sind Geschlechterfragen? 40 Jahre Neue Frauenbewegung – Und jetzt? Konferenz vom 12. bis 14. Juni 2008 in Bochum

DAGMAR COSTANTINI Schnittstellen//Transmissions. Feministische Wissenschaft und Wissenstransfer. Tagung am 14. Juni 2008 in Fribourg (Schweiz)

HELLA BAUMEISTER Programmierte Frauenarmut. Fachtagung am 17. Juni 2008 in Bremen

JULIA LEPPERHOFF Gertraude Krell, Barbara Riedmüller, Barbara Sieben, Dagmar Vinz (Hg.) Diversity Studies. Grundlagen und disziplinäre Ansätze

BEATE RONNEBURGER Sylvia Marlene Wilz (Hg.): Geschlechterdifferenzen – Geschlechter- differenzierungen. Ein Überblick über gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und theoretische Positionen

ANNELI RÜLING Christine Wimbauer, Annette Henninger, Markus Gottwald: Die Gesellschaft als „institutionalisierte Anerkennungsordnung“. Anerkennung und Ungleichheit in Paaren, Arbeitsorganisationen und Sozialstaat

MIRJAM DIERKES Frigga Haug: Die Vier-in-einem-Perspektive. Politik von Frauen für eine neue Linke

GABRIELE ABELS Karin Zimmermann, Sigrid Metz-Göckel: Vision und Mission. Die Integration von Gender in den Mainstream europäischer Forschung

HEIKE KAHLERT Christine Färber, Ulrike Spangenberg: Wie werden Professuren besetzt? Chancengleichheit in Berufungsverfahren

LYDIA SCHAMBACH-HARDTKE Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Hans-Joachim Lenz (Hg.): Gewalt und Geschlechter- verhältnis. Interdisziplinäre und geschlechtersensible Analysen und Perspektiven

CLAUDIA BRUNNER Elisabeth Rohr, Ulrike Wagner-Rau, Mechthild M. Jansen (Hg.): Die halbierte Emanzipation? Fundamentalismus und Geschlecht

BETTINA KREMBERG Marion Stadlober-Degwerth: (Un)Heimliche Niederkunften. Geburtshilfe zwischen Hebammenkunst und medizinischer Wissenschaft 151

Gender and Society

August 2008, Volume 22, No. 4 Orit Avishai "Doing Religion" In a Secular World: Women in Conservative Religions and the Question of Agency

Anna C. Korteweg The Sharia Debate in Ontario: Gender, Islam, and Representations of Muslim Women's Agency

Kristen Barber The Well-Coiffed Man: Class, Race, and Heterosexual Masculinity in the Hair Salon

Julia Mcquillan, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, and Veronica Tichenor The Importance of Motherhood Among Women in the Contemporary United States

Arielle Kuperberg and Pamela Stone The Media Depiction of Women Who Opt Out

Maria Kefalas Book Review: Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice: How Women are Choosing Parenthood without Marriage and Creating the New American Family. By Rosanna Hertz. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006

Bonnie B. Spanier Book Review: Sperm Counts: Overcome by Man's Most Precious Fluid. By Lisa Jean Moore. New York: New York University Press, 2007

Barbara L. Jackson Book Review: Black Feminist Voices in Politics. By Evelyn M. Simien. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006

Mick Cunningham Book Review: Changing Rhythms of American Family Life. By Suzanne M. Bianchi, John P. Robinson, and Melissa A. Milkie. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2006

Catherine G. Valentine Book Review: The Purchase of Intimacy. By Viviana A. Zelizer. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005

Eileen Boris Book Review: The Politics of Disgust: The Public Identity of the Welfare Queen. By Ange-Marie Hancock. New York: New York University Press, 2004

Megumi Omori Book Review: Laboring On: Birth in Transition in the United States. By Wendy Simonds, Barbara Katz Rothman, and Bari Meltzer Norman. New York: Routledge, 2006

October 2008, Volume 22, No. 5 Denise A. Segura and Patricia Zavella Introduction: Gendered Borderlands

Michelle Téllez Community of Struggle: Gender, Violence, and Resistance on the U.S./Mexico Border

Chad Broughton Migration as Engendered Practice: Mexican Men, Masculinity, and Northward Migration

Gladys García-López

152 "Nunca Te Toman En Cuenta [They Never Take You Into Account]": The Challenges of Inclusion and Strategies for Success of Chicana Attorneys

Natalia Deeb-Sossa and Jennifer Bickham Mendez Enforcing Borders in the Nuevo South: Gender and Migration in Williamsburg, Virginia, and the Research Triangle, North Carolina

Katie L. Acosta Lesbianas in the Borderlands: Shifting Identities and Imagined Communities

Sylvanna M. Falcón Mestiza Double Consciousness: The Voices of Afro-Peruvian Women on Gendered Racism

Diane-Michele Prindeville Book Review: Latina Activists across Borders: Women's Grassroots Organizing in Mexico and Texas. By Milagros Peña. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007

Shonali M. Choudhury Book Review: Fixing Men: Sex, Birth Control, and AIDS in Mexico. By Matthew Gutmann. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007

Tomas Almaguer Book Review: Black behind the Ears: Dominican Racial Identity from Museums to Beauty Shops. By Ginetta E. B. Candelario. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007

Rachel Rinaldo Book Review: Women Building Peace: What They Do, Why It Matters. By Sanam Naraghi Anderlini. Boulder, CO, and London: Lynne Rienner, 2007

December 2008, Volume 22, No. 6 Joey Sprague Sociology: the Good, the Bad, and the Public

Judith Taylor The Problem of Women's Sociality in Contemporary North American Feminist Memoir

Edward W. Morris "Rednecks," "Rutters," and `Rithmetic: Social Class, Masculinity, and Schooling in a Rural Context

Gretchen Webber and Christine Williams Mothers in "Good" and "Bad" Part-time Jobs: Different Problems, Same Results

Darcie Vandegrift "This isn't Paradise—I Work Here": Global Restructuring, the Tourism Industry, and Women Workers in Caribbean Costa Rica

Robert Wyrod Between Women's Rights and Men's Authority: Masculinity and Shifting Discourses of Gender Difference in Urban Uganda

Elizabeth Esterchild Book Review: George W. Bush and the War on Women. By Barbara Finlay. New York: Zed Books, 2006

Emily Gaarder Book Review: Girls in Trouble with the Law. By Laurie Schaffner. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2006

Elizabeth Gorman Book Review: The Politics of Sexual Harassment: A Comparative Study of the United States, the European Union, and Germany. By Kathrin S. Zippel. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006


Melissa L. Caldwell Book Review: "Rice Plus": Widows and Economic Survival in Rural Cambodia. By Susan Hagood Lee. New York: Routledge, 2006

Robert E. Kettlitz Book Review: The Meanings of Marital Equality. By Scott R. Harris. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006

Susanne Zwingel Book Review: Negotiating Decolonization in the United Nations: Politics of Space, Identity, and International Community. By Vrushali Patil. New York and London: Routledge, 2008

Laura Grindstaff Book Review: Something Old, Something Bold: Bridal Showers and Bachelorette Parties. By Beth Montemurro. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2006

Feminist Theory

August 2008, Volume 9, No. 2 Anna Marie Smith Neoliberalism, welfare policy, and feminist theories of social justice: Feminist Theory Special Issue: `Feminist Theory and Welfare'

Janine Brodie We are all equal now: Contemporary gender politics in Canada

Sophia Jane Mihic Neoliberalism and the jurisprudence of privacy: An experiment in feminist theorizing

Anca Gheaus Gender justice and the welfare state in post-communism

Anette Borchorst and Birte Siim Woman-friendly policies and state feminism: Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality

Nancy Fraser with Kate Bedford Social rights and gender justice in the neoliberal moment: A conversation about welfare and transnational politics

Marysia Zalewski Book review: Wendy Brown, Edgework: Critical Essays on Knowledge and Politics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005

Georgina Firth Book review: Sarah van Walsum and Thomas Spijkerboer, eds, Women and Immigration Law: New Variations on Classical Feminist Themes. Abingdon: Glasshouse, Routledge-Cavendish, 2007

Philippa Gates Book review: Britta Sjogren, Into the Vortex: Female Voice and Paradox in Film. Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2006

Swati Parashar Book review: Cynthia Cockburn, From Where We Stand: War, Women's Activism and Feminist Analysis. London and New York: Zed Books, 2007

Christine Sylvester Book review: Helen Brocklehurst, Who's Afraid of Children? Children, Conflict and International Relations. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006

154 Anne Whitehead Book review: Jane Kilby, Violence and the Cultural Politics of Trauma. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007

December 2008, Volume 9, No. 3 Toril Moi 'I am not a woman writer': About women, literature and feminist theory today

Petra Nordqvist Feminist heterosexual imaginaries of reproduction: Lesbian conception in feminist studies of reproductive technologies

Anne M. Cronin Gender in the making of commercial worlds: Creativity, vitalism and the practices of marketing

Emma Renold and Jessica Ringrose Regulation and rupture: Mapping tween and teenage girls' resistance to the heterosexual matrix

Karen Dubinsky The fantasy of the global cabbage patch: Making sense of transnational adoption

LauraZahra McDonald Islamic feminism: Haleh Afshar, Islam and Feminisms: An Iranian Case-study. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998. Katherine Bullock, ed., Muslim Women Activists in North America: Speaking for Ourselves. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2005. Azza Karam, Women, Islamisms and the State: Contemporary Feminisms in Egypt. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998. Valentine Moghadam, ed., From Patriarchy to Empowerment. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2007. Haideh Moghissi, Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern Analysis. London: Zed Books, 1999. Amina Wadud, Inside the Gender Jihad: Women's Reform in Islam. Oxford: Oneworld, 2006 kylie valentine Feminist theory and science: Rosi Braidotti, Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics. Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity, 2006. 320 pp. Elizabeth Grosz, Time Travels: Feminism, Nature, Power. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2005. Elizabeth A. Wilson, Psychosomatic: Feminism and the Neurological Body. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2004.

Annette Schlichter Book review: Sabine Hark, Dissidente Partizipation: Eine Diskursgeschichte des Feminismus. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2005

Sylvia Bashevkin Book review: Michaele L. Ferguson and Lori Jo Marso, eds, W Stands for Women: How the George W. Bush Presidency Shaped a New Politics of Gender. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2007

Julie Billaud Book review: Elaheh Rostami Povey, Afghan Women: Identity and Invasion. London: Zed Books, 2007

Edel Lamb Book review: Carla Freccero, Queer/Early/Modern. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006

Ericka Johnson Book review: Lisa Diedrich, Treatments: Language, Politics and the Culture of Illness. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2007

Feminist Economics

Volume 14 Number 3 2008 The crisis of care, international migration, and public policy

155 Lourdes Beneriacutea

Altruism in individual and joint-giving decisions: What's gender got to do with it? Linda Kamas; Anne Preston; Sandy Baum

Sources of crime in the state of Veracruz: The role of female labor force participation and wage inequality Lorenzo Blanco; Sandra M. Villa

Multiple identities, multiple-discrimination: A critical review Kanchana N. Ruwanpura

Explorations: Time-use surveys in the south Valeria Esquivel; Debbie Budlender; Nancy Folbre; Indira Hirway

Volume 14 Number 4 2008 AIDS, Sexuality, and Economic Development

The AIDS Epidemic: Challenges for Feminist Economics Cecilia Conrad; Cheryl R. Doss

Gender and Access to Antiretroviral Treatment in South Africa Nicoli Nattrass

Safety First, Then Condoms: Commercial Sex, Risky Behavior, and the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Managua, Nicaragua Alys Willman

Race, Sex, and the Neglected Risks for Women and Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa Eileen Stillwaggon

Bias, Not Error: Assessments of the Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS Using Evidence from Micro Studies in Sub- Saharan Africa Deborah Johnston

Unpaid HIV/AIDS Care in Southern Africa: Forms, Context, and Implications Olagoke Akintola

Migratory Paths, Experiences of HIV/AIDS, and Sexuality: African Women Living withHIV/AIDS in France Doloregraves Pourette

Gendering China's Strategy against HIV/AIDS: Findings from a Research Project in Guangdong Province Lanyan Chen

Book Review: Reclaiming Our Lives: HIV and AIDS, Women's Land and Property Rights and Livelihoods in southern and East Africa - Narratives and Responses Cheryl Doss

Book Review: Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment with Legalized Prostitution Manisha Shah

Book Review: Econometrics, Statistics and Computational Approaches in Food and Health Sciences Yana van der Meulen Rodgers

Book Review: The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight against AIDS Ajay Mahal

156 Feminist Review

Volume 89, Issue 1 (June 2008) re-thinking intersectionality Jennifer C Nash desire, Duras, and melancholia: theorizing desire after the 'affective turn' Kristyn Gorton feminist-nation building in Afghanistan: an examination of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) Jennifer L Fluri feminism, policy and women's safety during Australia's 'war on terror' Ruth Phillips country matters: sexing the reconciled Republic of Australia Fiona Probyn-Rapsey the making of 'undeserving' homeless women: a gendered analysis of homeless policy in South Korea from 1997 to 2001 Jesook Song

'period problems' at the coalface Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt and Kathryn Robinson working class women, gambling and the dream of happiness Emma Casey the politics of visibility and the GLTTTBI movement in Argentina Aluminé Moreno

Book Review: Caribbean mothers: identity and experience in the UK Cecily Jones

Book Review: Sex after fascism: memory and morality in twentieth-century germany

Book Review: Transforming masculinities: men, cultures, bodies, power, sex and love Dave Clarke and Richard Taulke-Johnson

Book Review: American Sweethearts: Teenage Girls in Twentieth-Century Popular Culture Rebecca Munford

Book Review: British women writers 1914 –1945: professional work and friendship Gerry Holloway Fem Rev 89: 153-155; doi:10.1057/fr.2008.14

Book Review: White lives: the interplay of 'race', class, and gender in everyday life Vron Ware

Book Review: The ethics of cultural studies Julie Palmer

Book Review: The feminist history reader Liz Stanley

Volume 90, Issue 1 (October 2008) gendering diaspora: transnational feminism, diaspora and its hegemonies Tina Campt and Deborah A Thomas

157 'I Like Your Colour!' skin bleaching and geographies of race in urban Ghana Jemima Pierre why queer diaspora? Meg Wesling diasporic governmentality: on the gendered limits of migrant wage-labour in Portugal Kesha Fikes wal-mart, 'katrina', and other ideological tricks: Jamaican hotel workers in Michigan Deborah A Thomas engendering 'race' in calls for diasporic community in Sweden Lena Sawyer postcolonial criticism, transnational identifications and the hegemonies of dancehall's academic and popular performativities Denise Noble the comic side of gender trouble and Bert Williams' signature act Michelle Ann Stephens

Book Review: The ruptures of American capital (Grace Kyungwon Hong) Hsiao-Hung Pai

Book Review: Freudian mythologies: Greek tragedy and modern identities (Rachel Bowlby) Karín Lesnik-Oberstein


Autumn 2008 Volume 34, Number 1 Comparative Perspectives Symposium: Challenges to Women's Leadership

Challenges to Women's Political Representation in Europe Monique Leyenaar

Lessons on Women's Political Leadership from Bangladesh Najma Chowdhury

Women's Leadership in Vietnam: Opportunities and Challenges Truong Thi Thuy Hang

Obstacles for Women in Leadership Positions: The Case of South Africa Amanda Gouws

Political Women's Leadership in Sweden: Developments and Challenges Gunnel Gustafsson and Kerstin Kolam

Women's Politics and Leadership in Australia and New Zealand Marian Simms

New Transnational Opportunities and Challenges for Women's Leadership: The Consejo Consultivo del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (CC-IME) Laura Gonzalez and Jane Bayes

Silvia Tlaseca and the Kaolin Mushroom Workers Union: Women's Leadership in the Mexican Diaspora Victor Garcia

Gender Quotas, the Politics of Presence, and the Feminist Project: What Does the Indian Experience Tell Us? Neema Kudva and Kajri Misra


Urania's Inversion: Emily Dickinson, Herman Melville, and the Strange History of Women Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America Renée L. Bergland

Toward Thinking Feminism and Mathematics Together Suzanne Damarin

Shirin Neshat's Photographs as Postcolonial Allegories Iftikhar Dadi

Keeping Women Down and Out: The Strip Club Boom and the Reinforcement of Male Dominance Sheila Jeffreys

What Is Third-Wave Feminism? A New Directions Essay R. Claire Snyder

All Bound Up Together: The Woman Question in African American Public Culture, 1830–1900 by Martha S. Jones; Private Politics and Public Voices: Black Women's Activism from World War I to the New Deal by Nikki Brown Joyce A. Hanson Negras in Brazil: Re-envisioning Black Women, Citizenship, and the Politics of Identity by Kia Lilly Caldwell; Violence in the City of Women: Police and Batterers in Bahia, Brazil by Sarah J. Hautzinger Mariza Corrêa

Women, Gender, and Technology edited by Mary Frank Fox, Deborah G. Johnson, and Sue V. Rosser; Dolly Mixtures: The Remaking of Genealogy by Sarah Franklin; Global Political Economy in the Information Age: Power and Inequality by Gillian Youngs Wendy Harcourt

Pimps Up, Ho's Down: Hip Hop's Hold on Young Black Women by T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting; Home Girls Make Some Noise: Hip Hop Feminism Anthology edited by Gwendolyn D. Pough, Elaine Richardson, Aisha Durham, and Rachel Raimist angie colette beatty

From Mathura to Manorama: Resisting Violence against Women in India by Kalpana Kannibiran and Ritu Menon; Indian Feminisms: Law, Patriarchies and Violence in India by Geetanjoli Gangoli; Life and Words: Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary by Veena Das Purna Sen

Chicana Art: The Politics of Spiritual and Aesthetic Altarities by Laura E. Pérez; Gender on the Borderlands: The Frontiers Reader edited by Antonia Castañeda; Relocating Identities in Latin American Cultures edited by Elizabeth Montes Garcés Luz Calvo and Catrióna Rueda Esquibel

Winter 2009, Volume 34, Number 2 Comparative Perspectives Symposium: Feminist Philosophy

An Exotic Island: Feminist Philosophy in Romania Mihaela Miroiu

Feminist Philosophy in Norway, with a View to the Other Nordic Countries Ellen Mortensen

Feminist Philosophy in Korea: Subjectivity of Korean Women Kim Heisook

Has Feminist Philosophy a Future in Russia? Olga Voronina

159 Feminist Philosophy in Argentina: An Outline Ana María Bach

Setting Agendas for Feminist Thought and Practice in Nigeria Charmaine Pereira

Occidental Dreams: Orientalism and History in The Second Sex Sally Markowitz

Toward a Feminist Theory of Judgment Linda M. G. Zerilli

Matrilineal Subjects: Ambiguity, Bodies, and Metamorphosis in the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi Sarah Sheehan

Masculinity Dilemmas: Sexuality and Intimacy Talk among Christians and Goths Amy C. Wilkins

The Flux of Domesticity and the Exotic in a Wartime Melodrama Chikako Nagayama

“You can be anything you want, but you have to believe it”: Commercialized Feminism in Gender-Specific Programs for Girls Sara Goodkind

Double Trouble: Doing Gender in Hong Kong Marie-Paule Ha

Anna Julia Cooper, Visionary Black Feminist: A Critical Introduction by Vivian M. May; Black Women's Intellectual Traditions: Speaking Their Minds edited by Kristin Waters and Carol B. Conaway; Black Women in the Ivory Tower, 1850–1954: An Intellectual History by Stephanie Y. Evans; Daughter of the Revolution: The Major Nonfiction Works of Pauline E. Hopkins edited by Ira Dworkin Kathryn T. Gines

Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies by Cressida J. Heyes; The Body Problematic: Political Imagination in Kant and Foucault by Laura Hengehold Dianna Taylor

Science and Social Inequality: Feminist and Postcolonial Issues by Sandra Harding Catherine Hundleby

Feminist Philosophy and the Problem of Evil edited by Robin May Schott; Moral Understandings: A Feminist Study in Ethics by Margaret Urban Walker Tracy Isaacs

Feminist Politics: Identity, Difference, and Agency edited by Deborah Orr, Dianna Taylor, Eileen Kahl, Kathleen Earle, Christa Rainwater, and Linda López McAlister; Feminist Alliances edited by Lynda Burns C. Heike Schotten

Latina Activists across Borders: Women's Grassroots Organizing in Mexico and Texas by Milagros Peña; Building Feminist Movements and Organizations: Global Perspectives edited by Lydia Alpízar Durán, Noël D. Payne, and Anahi Russo Anna Sampaio

Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Spaniards in the Texas Borderlands by Juliana Barr; Gender, Race and Religion in the Colonization of the Americas edited by Nora E. Jaffary Sandra Slater

160 Latin American Research Review

Volume 43, Number 2, 2008 Editor's Foreword: Pioneering Multidisciplinary Research on Latin America Philip Oxhorn

Contributions of Racial-Ethnic Reclassification and Demographic Processes to Indigenous Population Resurgence: The Case of Brazil Stephen G. Perz; Jonathan Warren; David P. Kennedy

Priests and Pills: Catholic Family Planning in Peru, 1967–1976 Raúl Necochea López

Favela Utopias: The Bailes Funk in Rio's Crisis of Social Exclusion and Violence Paul Sneed

Gender and Attitudes Toward Justice System Bias in Central America Lee Demetrius Walker

Partisan Cleavages, State Retrenchment, And Free Trade: Latin America in the 1990s Beatriz Magaloni; Vidal Romero

Si Nicaragua Venció, El Salvador Vencerá: Central American Agency in the Creation of the U.S.–Central American Peace and Solidarity Movement Héctor Perla

Fear of the Trannies: On Filmic Phobia of Transvestism in the New Latin American Cinema Gustavo Subero

Latunes: An Introduction Gustavo Pérez Firmat

Fine Dining: Race in Prerevolution Cuban Cookbooks Christine Folch

Review Essay: Revolution and Its Aftermath in Cuba Jorge I. Domínguez

Review Essay: From Colony to Nation Rebecca Earle

Review Essay: Public Spheres, Crónicas, And Heterogeneous Landscapes: New Works in Latin American Urban History Ernesto Capello

Review Essay: You Can Teach An Old Revolutionary Historiography New Tricks: Regions, Popular Movements, Culture, and Gender in Mexico, 1820–1940 Mark Wasserman

Review Essay: Recentering Informality On The Research Agenda: Grassroots Action, Political Parties, and Democratic Governance Tina Hilgers

Review Essay: Democratization And Citizenship In Latin America: The Emergence of Institutional Forms of Participation Leonardo Avritzer

Review Essay: Recent Trends in the Study of Women and Religion in Colonial Mexico Kathleen Ann Myers

161 Volume 43, Number 3, 2008 Paradoxes of Police Reform: Federalism, Parties, and Civil Society in Argentina’s Public Security Crisis Kent Eaton

Latin American Silent Cinema: Triangulation and the Politics of Criollo Aesthetics Paul A. Schroeder Rodríguez pp. 33-58

Arguments about the Left Turns in Latin America: A Post-Liberal Politics? Benjamin Arditi

Ideology and Networks: The Politics of Social Policy Diffusion in Brazil Natasha Borges Sugiyama

Violence and Women’s Lives in Eastern Guatemala: A Conceptual Framework Cecilia Menjívar

“Las Proezas de la Ciudad y su Ilustre Ayuntamiento”: Simbolismo político y política urbana en Charcas a fines del siglo XVIII Sergio Serulnikov

Ethnic Citizenship in Colombia: The Experience of the Regional Indigenous Council of the Cauca in Southwestern Colombia from 1970 to 1990 Brett Troyan

Coffee, Farming Families, and Fair Trade in Costa Rica: New Markets, Same Old Problems? Deborah Sick

Review Essay: Diaspora Crossings: Afro-Latin America in the Afro-Atlantic George Reid Andrews

Review Essay: The Early-Modern Ibero-American World Ralph Bauer

Review Essay: Violence, State Formation, and Everyday Politics in Latin America John Bailey

Review Essay: Pinochet: The Father of Contemporary Chile Patricio Navia

Review Essay: Policy Responses to Globalization: Damned If You Do, Worse If You Don’t Leslie Elliott Armijo

Review Essay: Coffee and Flowers: Recent Research on Commodity Chains, Neoliberalism, and Alternative Trade in Latin America Stuart McCook

Latin American Perspectives

July 2008, Volume 35, No. 4 Jon Wolseth and Florence E. Babb Introduction: Youth and Cultural Politics in Latin America

Donna J. Guy The Shifting Meanings of Childhood and "N.N."

Guadalupe Salazar Second-Class Citizens in the Making: The Rights of Street Children in Chile

162 Leticia Veloso Universal Citizens, Unequal Childhoods: Children's Perspectives on Rights and Citizenship in Brazil

Jessaca B. Leinaweaver Improving Oneself: Young People Getting Ahead in the Peruvian Andes

Michelle J. Moran-Taylor When Mothers and Fathers Migrate North: Caretakers, Children, and Child Rearing in Guatemala

Jon Wolseth Safety and Sanctuary: Pentecostalism and Youth Gang Violence in Honduras

Bruno Baronnet Rebel Youth and Zapatista Autonomous Education

September 2008, Volume 35, No. 5 Ronaldo Munck Deconstructing Violence: Power, Force, and Social Transformation

In Memoriam: Luz Estela Villarreal Muñoz Scholar, Teacher, and Activist

Cath Collins State Terror and the Law: The (Re)judicialization of Human Rights Accountability in Chile and El Salvador

Peter Benson, Edward F. Fischer, and Kedron Thomas Resocializing Suffering: Neoliberalism, Accusation, and the Sociopolitical Context of Guatemala's New Violence

Mo Hume The Myths of Violence: Gender, Conflict, and Community in El Salvador

Ulrich Oslender Another History of Violence: The Production of "Geographies of Terror" in Colombia's Pacific Coast Region

Carlos M. Vilas Lynchings and Political Conflict in the Andes

Rosana Guber The Malvinas Executions: (Im)plausible Memories of a Clean War

Yajaira M. Padilla Setting La diabla Free: Women, Violence, and the Struggle for Representation in Postwar El Salvador

Agustín Santella Workers' Mobilization and Political Violence: Conflict in Villa Constitución, Argentina, 1970—1975

Andy Higginbottom Solidarity Action Research as Methodology: The Crimes of the Powerful in Colombia

James D. Cockcroft An Open Letter on U.S. Policy for Cuba

Ronaldo Munck Book Review: Political Violence, the State, and Social Transformation: Will Fowler and Peter Lambert (eds.) Political Violence and the Construction of National Identity in Latin America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Thomas Wright State Terrorism in Latin America: Chile, Argentina, and International Human Rights. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007. Martha Higgins, Mika Flaritos-Fatouris, and Philip Zimbardo Violence Workers: Police Torturers and Murderers Reconstruct Brazilian Atrocities. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. Lewis Taylor Shining Path: Guerrilla War in Peru's Northern Highlands, 1980—1997. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2006


November 2008, Volume 35, No. 6 Norma Giarracca and Miguel Teubal Women in Agriculture: Introduction

Anita Brumer Gender Relations in Family-Farm Agriculture and Rural-Urban Migration in Brazil

Flor Edilma Osorio Pérez Forced Displacement among Rural Women in Colombia

I.S.R. Pape "This Is Not a Meeting for Women": The Sociocultural Dynamics of Rural Women's Political Participation in the Bolivian Andes

Anna María Garza and Sonia Toledo Women, Agrarian Movements, and Militancy: Chiapas in the 1980s

Armando González-Cabán Globalization, Democracy, and Revolutionary Nationalist Movements in Latin America: An Introduction

Zack Fields Efficiency and Equity: The Empresas Recuperadas of Argentina

Hanna Laako Latin American Critical Enquiry and the Nature of the Political in the Era of Globalization

Barbara Sutton Contesting Racism: Democratic Citizenship, Human Rights, and Antiracist Politics in Argentina

Karen Kampwirth Abortion, Antifeminism, and the Return of Daniel Ortega: In Nicaragua, Leftist Politics?

Lawrence M. Ladutke Understanding Terrorism Charges against Protesters in the Context of Salvadoran History

Michael González-Cruz Puerto Rican Revolutionary Nationalism: Filiberto Ojeda Ríos and the Macheteros

Heather Williams Eyeing the Storm: New Scholarship on Bolivia: Forrest Hylton and Sinclair Thomson Revolutionary Horizons: Past and Present in Bolivian Politics. London and New York: Verso Press, 2007. 177 pp. Pablo Mamani Ramirez Microgobiernos Barriales: Levantamiento de la Ciudad de El Alto. El Alto: Centro Andino de Estudios Estratégicos, 2005. 161 pp. Benjamin Dangl The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia. Oakland, CA, and Edinburgh: AK Press, 2007. 226 pp. William Powers Whispering in the Giant's Ear: A Frontline Chronicle of Bolivia's War on Globalization. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2006. 301 pp

Themis Chronopoulos Neoliberalism in the Southern Cone: Alejandro Grimson and Gabriel Kessler On Argentina and the Southern Cone: Neoliberalism and National Imaginations. London: Routledge, 2005. 221 pp. David Harvey A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 247 pp. Marcus Taylor From Pinochet to the "Third Way": Nationalism and Social Transformation in Chile. London: Pluto Press, 2006. 224 pp

Stephen E. Lewis Unmasking Chiapas: Recent Scholarship on Subcomandante Marcos, Dissident Women, and Impotent Thugs: Nick Henck Subcommander Marcos: The Man and the Mask. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. 499 pp. Shannon Speed, R. Aída Hernández Castillo, and Lynn Stephen (eds.) Dissident Women: Gender and Cultural Politics in Chiapas. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006. 280 pp. Aaron Bobrow-Strain Intimate Enemies: Landowners, Power, and Violence in Chiapas. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. 271 pp

164 William Avilés Military Influence and Civilian Control in Venezuela: A Neoinstitutional Approach: Harold Trinkunas Crafting Civilian Control of the Military in Venezuela: A Comparative Perspective. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2005. 297 pp

Roderic Ai Camp Democracy's Path in Mexico?: Wayne A. Cornelius and David A. Shirk (eds.) Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007. 523 pp. He Li From Revolution to Reform: Comparative Study of China and Mexico. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2004. 199 pp. Sallie Hughes Newsrooms in Conflict: Journalism and the Democratization of Mexico. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006. 286 pp. Beatriz Magaloni Voting for Autocracy: Hegemonic Party Survival and Its Demise in Mexico. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 296 pp. David A. Shirk Mexico's New Politics: The PAN and Democratic Change. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2005. 278 pp. José Luis Velasco Insurgency, Authoritarianism, and Drug Trafficking in Mexico's "Democratization." New York: Routledge, 2005. 239 pp

Mark Overmyer-Velázquez Transforming Race and Nation: Recent Scholarship on Latin(o) American Migration: Nancy P. Appelbaum, Anne S. Macpherson, and Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt (eds.) Race and Nation in Modern Latin America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003. 352 pp. Nicholas De Genova Working the Boundaries: Race, Space, and "Illegality" in Mexican Chicago. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005. 329 pp. Sarah England Afro Central Americans in New York City: Garifuna Tales of Transnational Movements in Racialized Space. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2006. 273 pp. Gilbert G. Gonzalez and Raul A. Fernandez A Century of Chicano History: Empire, Nations, and Migration. New York: Routledge, 2003. 206 pp. Samuel Truett and Elliott Young (eds.) Continental Crossroads: Remapping U.S.-Mexico Borderlands History. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004.

Nueva Sociedad

Nr. 215 Mayo/ Junio 2008 La equidad, entre macroeconomía y política social

¿Cómo enfrentar la inseguridad en América Latina? La falacia de la mano dura Bernardo Kliksberg

Venezuela post-referendo Margarita López Maya

Palabras mortales. ¿Rearme y carrera armamentista en América del Sur? Jorge M. Battaglino

Las concepciones de la política social: universalismo versus focalización José Antonio Ocampo

Pobreza, desigualdad y trabajo en el capitalismo global Gilberto Dupas

Desigualdad y democracia Hans Jürgen Burchardt

Más allá de la focalización. Política social y desarrollo en México Rolando Cordera

Políticas sociales y productivas en un Estado patrimonialista petrolero: Venezuela 1999-2007 Leonardo V. Vera

Equidad social en la Europa globalizada Michael Dauderstädt

165 ¿Cómo conciliar desarrollo económico con bienestar social? Algunas reflexiones sobre los nuevos desafíos latinoamericanos Carlos Mussi / José Roberto R. Afonso

Ciudadanía y desarrollo humano en América Latina (reseña de Ciudadanía y desarrollo humano, de Fernando Calderón, coord.) María Clelia Guiñazú

Nr. 216 Julio/ Agosto 2008 ¿Cuba cambia?

Una oportunidad para Paraguay. Los desafíos de Fernando Lugo Andrew Nickson

Crisis alimentaria en Haití: ¿ruptura de un proceso? Amélie Gauthier

La integración sudamericana como requisito para la independencia Christoph Zöpel

La dirección y los límites de los cambios Haroldo Dilla Alfonso

La economía en Cuba: un balance necesario y algunas propuestas de cambio Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva

Europa frente a Cuba. El fracaso de una política subalterna Cristina Xalma

El sector agropecuario en Cuba Armando Nova González

La encrucijada de la dualidad monetaria Pavel Vidal Alejandro

Médicos por petróleo. La diplomacia médica cubana recibe una pequeña ayuda de sus amigos Julie M. Feinsilver

Envejecimiento y pensiones en Cuba: la carga creciente Carmelo Mesa Lago

Viejas y nuevas desigualdades en Cuba. Ambivalencias y perspectivas de la reestratificación social Mayra Espina

El muro del bloqueo:¿demolición o desmoronamiento? Cuba versus Estados Unidos y la cuestión de la democracia Rafael Hernández

Tiempo de cambios: tendencias del comercio exterior cubano Jorge F. Pérez López

Fotos de Cuba Leonardo Padura Fuentes

Nr. 217 Septiembre/ Octubre 2008 Los colores de la izquierda

El fin de la invulnerabilidad de las FARC. El estado actual del conflicto armado en Colombia Camilo Echandía Castilla


Entre la realidad y el sueño. La construcción de una arquitectura financiera sudamericana Oscar Ugarteche

De modelo ejemplar a objeto de enmiendas: el sistema de pensiones en Chile Yesko Quiroga

La socialdemocracia criolla Jorge Lanzaro

Socialismo nacional versus democracia social. Una breve revisión histórica Fernando Mires

La escala de la izquierda. La ubicación ideológica de presidentes y partidos de izquierda en América Latina Manuel Alcántara

¿Es posible una socialdemocracia en América Latina? Kenneth M. Roberts

La socialdemocracia en Europa. Un análisis de su capacidad de reforma Wolfgang Merkel / Alexander Petring

Nuevos gobiernos en América del Sur. Del destino a la construcción de un futuro Marco Aurélio Garcia

Las dos almas de la izquierda reformista argentina Edgardo Mocca

De los ideales al pragmatismo. La evolución del Partido Revolucionario Dominicano Rosario Espinal

La especificidad del gobierno de Lula. Hegemonía liberal, desarrollismo y populismo Brasilio Sallum Jr.

Del voluntarismo exacerbado al realismo sin ilusiones. El giro del APRA y de Alan García Martín Tanaka

«Las líneas de separación entre izquierda y derecha son otras, pero existen». Entrevista de José Natanson Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Nr. 218 Noviembre / Diciembre 2008 ¿Cuestión de género?

Bolivia: la geografía de un conflicto Fernando Molina

Entre las expectativas de cambio y los riesgos políticos. Una mirada sobre las elecciones presidenciales en El Salvador Álvaro Artiga González

Universidades en América Latina. Sugerencias para su modernización César Ferrari / Nelson Contreras

Gender mainstreamimg: un enfoque para la igualdad de género Maria Rigat-Pflaum

Las mujeres en la política latinoamericana. Nuevos liderazgos, viejos obstáculos Anna M. Fernández Poncela

Globalización, género y masculinidades. Las corporaciones transnacionales y la producción de productores

167 José Olavarría

Trabajo, género y raza. Un tema presente en la agenda brasileña Laís Abramo

Mujeres detrás de cámara. Una historia de conquistas y victorias en el cine latinoamericano Patricia Torres San Martín

El poder de la razón: las mujeres en el fútbol Mariana Inés Conde

Las mujeres negras en la lucha por sus derechos Matilde Ribeiro

Género, comercio internacional y desarrollo: una relación conflictiva Graciela Rodríguez

«Mariconerías de Estado»: Mariela Castro, los homosexuales y la política cubana Frances Negrón Muntaner

Review of African Political Economy

Volume 35 Number 115 March 2008 Good Friends/Partners: 'New' Face of China-African Co-operation

Good Friends and Good Partners: The 'New' Face of China-African Co-operation Marcus Power and Giles Mohan

What Does the Rise of China Do for Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa? Raphael Kaplinsky

New African Choices? The Politics of Chinese Engagement Giles Mohan and Marcus Power

History and Identity in the Construction of China's Africa Policy Chris Alden and Ana Cristina Alves

Explaining the Rise of 'Human Rights' in Analyses of Sino-African Relations Shaun Breslin and Ian Taylor

China and India as Africa's New Donors: The Impact of Aid on Development Dorothy McCormick

China and the Contradictions of 'Non-interference' in Sudan Daniel Large

African National Congress Change in Leadership: What Really Won it for Zuma? Claire Ceruti

China and India in Africa: An Introduction Lucy Corkin and Sanusha Naidu

India's Growing African Strategy Sanusha Naidu

Competition or Collaboration? Chinese and South African Transnational Companies in Africa Lucy Corkin

China's Developmental Model Comes to Africa Martyn Davies


China Faces Reality in Africa Lindsey Hilsum

The Political Crisis in Kenya: A Call for Justice and Peaceful Resolution Maina Kiai

The 'State, Mining and Development in Africa' Conference Report Philani Moyo

Third World Network - Africa

By Inviting Bush we are Dishonouring Ourselves Hamza Mustafa Njozi


China in Africa: A Review Essay Giles Mohan

Ten books on China and Africa Janet Bujra

Prisoners of Freedom: Human Rights and the African Poor by Harri Englund Jessica Mzamu Kampanje

Insiders and Outsiders: Citizenship and Xenophobia in Contemporary Southern Africa, by Francis B Nyamnjoh Vineeth Mathoor

Imperialism and Postcolonialism by Barbara Bush Owain Llyr ap Gareth

Volume 35 Number 116 June 2008 The Politics of Capital

The Politics of Capital Reginald Cline-Cole and Graham Harrison

South Africa: Revisiting Capital's 'Formative Action' Carolyn Bassett

Ethiopia: Reforming Land Tenure Wibke Crewett and Benedikt Korf

Tanzania: Decentralising Power or Spreading Poverty? Arrigo Pallotti

Uganda: Pastoral Conflict and Gender Relations Kennedy Agade Mkutu

'Uncomfortable Collaborations': Contesting Constructions of the 'Poor' in South Africa Shannon Walsh 255-270

Rejoinder: Collaboration, Co-optations & Contestations in Praxis-based Knowledge Production Patrick Bond

Rejoinder: The Propagandists, the Professors and their 'Poors' Ashwin Desai

A Response & An Update

169 Shannon Walsh

The ANC for Sale? Money, Morality and Business in South Africa Roger Southall

Egypt: The Anatomy of Succession Joshua Stacher

Sierra Leone: Beyond Change and Continuity Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh

Eritrea 2008: The Unfinished Business of Liberation Lionel Cliffe

A View from Eritrea: Any Chance of Change Without War? Peter Martell

A New Generation of Heterodox Development Scholars Peter Jacobs

UK High Court Reopens BAE-Saudi Corruption Investigation

The Corner House

Rwanda Genocide - 3 French Language Books Helen Hintjens

The Congo: Plunder and Resistance, by David Renton, David Seddon and Leo Zeilig Theodore Trefon

Never be Silent: Publishing and Imperialism in Kenya, 1884-1963, by Shiraz Durrani Daniel Branch

History Making and Present Day Politics: The Meaning of Collective Memory in South Africa, by Hans Erik Stolten (ed) Steffen Jensen

Everyday Corruption and the State Citizens and Public Officials in Africa, by Giorgio Blundo and Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan with N B Arifari and M T Alou Laura Routley

The Shock Doctrine The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, by Naomi Klein Graham Harrison