Download Instructions on How to Reach Our Office in Paris

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Download Instructions on How to Reach Our Office in Paris ECRIN-ERIC Office BIOPARK – PARIS 75013 IMPORTANT Please go to 7 rue Watt and call the door intercom for “Inserm Transfert Accueil” (Reception). Once you will have accessed the building, take the elevator to the 3rd floor. Ensure that you bring your passport or photo identification with you. DIRECTIONS TO THE ECRIN OFFICE The ECRIN-ERIC Office is located at 5 rue Watt, Paris, in the 13th arrondissement. However, the main entrance to our building is at 7 rue Watt, and check in at reception on the 3rd floor is requested. Nearest RER station: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand Nearest Metro station : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand Nearest Tramway station : Avenue de France Please note that rue Watt runs parallel to rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, and that it cannot be accessed directly from Avenue de France. ECRIN-ERIC Management Office | 5-7 rue Watt, 75013 Paris, France — SIRET: 801 933 235 00021 - APE: 7219Z - TVA Intracom: FR91 801 933 235 Page 2 of 4 DIRECTIONS FROM CHARLES DE GAULLE AIRPORT TO PARIS will take you from Charles de Gaulle Airport to downtown Paris. A free CDGVAL shuttle connects the RER B stations with the airport terminals. Access to RER line B from airport terminals: Terminal 1 and 3: Aéroport CDG 1 station Terminal 1 is available by free CDGVAL shuttle. Terminal 3 is available by pedestrian walkway. Terminal 2: Aéroport CDG 2 TGV station Terminals 2C, 2D, 2E and 2F can be accessed by foot and moving walkway. Terminal 2A can be accessed by foot or by free N shuttle from RER station, level 5. Terminal 2G can be accessed by free N2 shuttle, from Terminal 2F, exit 2.10. train from CDG Airport to Saint Michel Notre Dame station, then change to headed to Juvisy- sur-Orge and get off at Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station. Fare: 10.30 € one way (tickets available in all RER and Metro stations, including the airport). Journey time: from CDG Airport to Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station - approx. 45 min. Frequency : train every 10-20 min. on weekdays. From Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station approximately 8 minutes to 5-7 rue Watt. Take exit , walk down Avenue de France, turn left and go down Rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, turn right at Rue Albert Einstein and left down Rue Watt (see map below). Page 3 of 4 DIRECTIONS FROM ORLY AIRPORT TO PARIS will take you from Pont de Rungis Aéroport d’Orly station to Paris. This station can be reached by a “Paris par le train” shuttle bus - 10 minute journey. Access to shuttle from airport terminals: Paris Orly South – entrance C, stop 6. Paris Orly West – arrival entrance C, stop 6. From Pont de Rungis Aéroport d’Orly station take the train headed to Pontoise and get off at Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station. From Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station approximately 8 minutes to 5-7 rue Watt (see map on p. 2). Fare: 4.45 € RER train to Paris one way. 6.35 € (combined fare shuttle + train to Paris) one way. Tickets available in all RER and Metro stations, including the airport. Journey time: from Pont de Rungis Aéroport d’Orly to Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station - approx. 35 min. Frequency : train every 15-20 min. on weekdays. Shuttle also links Orly Airport to Paris Anthony station, where is accessible. This shuttle stops at the south terminal between exits K and J and outside the west terminal at exit A. Journey time is 15 minutes from the airport to Paris Anthony station. Fare: 12.10 € (combined fare shuttle + train to Paris) one way. Tickets available in all RER and Metro stations, including the airport. Journey time: from Paris Anthony to Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station - approx. 35min. Frequency : shuttle every 5-10 min. From Paris Anthony - take the train headed to Cité Universitaire station, where you will get off and take tramway headed to Porte de Vincennes. Get off at Avenue de France station. From Avenue de France approximately 6 minutes to 5-7 rue Watt. Fare: 1.90 € one way. Tickets available in all tramway stations. Journey time: from Cité Universitaire to Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station - approx. 20 min. (see map on p. 4) Frequency : tramway every 5-10 min. on weekdays. Page 4 of 4 DIRECTIONS FROM GARE DU NORD From Gare du Nord take the train headed to Melun and get off at Gare de Lyon station. Change to metro line and take the train headed to Olympiades. Get off at Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station. Walking time from Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station same as mentioned previously. Fare: 1.90 € one way. Journey time: from Gare du Nord to Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station - approx. 25 min. DIRECTIONS FROM GARE DE L’EST From Gare de l’Est take the train headed to Mairie de Montrouge and get off at Chatelet station. From there, take headed to Olympiades and get off at Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station. Walking time from Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station same as mentioned previously. Fare: 1.90 € one way. Journey time: from Gare l’Est to Bibliothèque François Mitterrand station - approx. 25 min. .
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