ANNUS ALBARUTHENICUS 2007 ГОД БЕЛАРУСКІ 2007 VILLA SOKRATES ANNUS ALBARUTHENICUS 2007 ГОД БЕЛАРУСКІ 2007 ВОСЬМЫ ТОМ Рэдактар САКРАТ ЯНОВІЧ KRYNKI 2007 Выдавецкае афармленьне: ЮРКА ХМЯЛЕЎСКІ Рэцэнзенты: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Tomaszewski prof. dr hab. Antoni Mironowicz Editor: STOWARZYSZENIE VILLA SOKRATES 16-120 KRYNKI POLAND Phone: (+48 – 85) 722 81 44 E-mail:
[email protected] Друк: OFFSET-PRINT BIAŁYSTOK © Copyright by Villa Sokrates ISSN 1640-3320 Zrealizowano dzięki dotacji Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji ЗЬМЕСТ – CONTENTS Yury Vashkievich, Metamorphoses of Sovietism..................................................7 Ryszard Radzik, Der weißrussische und tschechische nationsschöpferische Prozess im 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede............................................................................................29 Aliaksandar Smalianchuk, Belarusian National Idea in the Early Twentieth Century ..........................................................................................................55 Pavel Tserashkovich, Social Preconditions of National Revival of the Peoples in the East of Central Eastern Europe in the 19th – early 20th Centuries (Belarusians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians)........................69 Miroslav Hroh, Nation as a Product of Social Communication? (Report on the issue of comparison of the Czech and Belarusian „models”) .......... 111 Miloš Řezník, Historische Staatlichkeit und Nationalbewegung: ein weißrussisch-tschechischer