Russian borrowings in English: A dictionary and corpus study Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 UNIWERSYTET OPOLSKI STUDIA I MONOGRAFIE NR 000 Mirosława Podhajecka Russian borrowings in English: A dictionary and corpus study OPOLE 2013 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 RECENZENCI Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak Tadeusz Piotrowski REDAKTOR TECHNICZNY Halina Szczegot SKŁAD I ŁAMANIE Henryk Kobiela PROJEKT OKŁADKI Jolanta Brodziak © Copyright by Uniwersytet Opolski Opole 2013 ISSN 1233-6408 ISBN 978-83-7395-565-3 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 45-037 Opole, ul. H. Sienkiewicza 33. Składanie zamówień: 77 441 08 78; 774412714, e-mail: [email protected] Druk: ALNUS Sp. z o.o., 30-698 Kraków, ul. Wróblowicka 63, e-mail: [email protected] Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 To the memory of my Mother Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Table of Contents List of figures and tables. 11 List of abbreviations. 13 Acknowledgements. 15 Introduction. 17 PART ONE 1. Language contact: General considerations. 29 1.1. Definition of language contact. 29 1.2. Reasons for lexical transfer. 27 1.3. Mechanism of borrowing. 29 1.4. Glossary of key terms. 31 2. History of Anglo-Russian and Russo-American contacts. 33 2.1. Relations between England and Russia. 33 2.2. Relations between the United States and Russia. 41 2.3. Conclusions. 44 3. Russian loanwords in monolingual English dictionaries. 47 3.1. Russianisms in pre-twentieth-century dictionaries of English. 47 3.1.1. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language (1755) . 47 3.1.2. Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language (1828). 52 3.1.3. Conclusions. 57 3.2. Russianisms in the Oxford English Dictionary (1989) . 58 3.2.1. Description of the OED. 58 3.2.2. Selection procedure. 60 3.2.3. Russianisms in the diachronic perspective . 61 3.2.4. Types of borrowings . 63 3.2.5. Etymology. 65 Etymological metalanguage. 65 Russianisms: Ambiguous cases . 68 3.2.6. Range of vocabulary. 72 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Headword status. 75 Antedating headwords . 77 Russianisms: Orthography. 80 Russianisms: Phonology. 81 3.2.7. Semantic classification . 84 3.2.8. Conclusions. 88 3.3. Russianisms in three editions of Webster’s New International Dictionary (1909, 1934, 1961). 89 3.3.1. Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language (1909). 90 Etymologies. 91 Headwords. 93 Definitions . 96 Semantic classification. 98 Conclusions . 99 3.3.2. Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language (1934). 100 Etymologies. 100 Headwords. 102 Definitions . 106 Semantic classification. 110 Conclusions . 112 3.3.3. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of English (1961). 113 Etymologies. 114 Headwords. 119 Definitions . 123 Semantic classification. 127 Conclusions . 129 3.4. Russianisms in American dictionaries of new words. 130 3.4.1. The Barnhart Dictionary of New English 1963-1972 (1973). 131 3.4.2. Second Barnhart Dictionary of New English (1980). 132 3.4.3. Third Barnhart Dictionary of New English (1990). 133 3.4.4. Conclusions. 135 4. Russian loanwords in texts: A corpus approach. 137 4.1. Outline of the research procedure . 137 4.2. Corpus methodology . 138 4.2.1. Conceptual framework: Diachronic headword. 139 4.2.2. Conceptual framework: Raw frequency (RF), dispersion frequency (DF) and textual dispersion frequency (TDF). 139 4.2.3. Russian borrowings in the BNC: Facts and figures. 140 4.2.4. OED and BNC: Some interesting examples. 143 8 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Variant spellings. 143 Russian-based coinages. 144 Other Russianisms. 145 4.3. Russianisms in LDOCE. 146 4.3.1. Hyper-adequate documentation. 149 4.3.2. Adequate documentation. 150 4.3.3. Inadequate documentation. 151 4.4. Conclusions. 152 Concluding remarks. 155 PART TWO Table 1. Russianisms in alphabetical order (OED2). 161 Table 2. Russianisms in chronological order (OED2) . 177 Table 3. Semantic classification of Russianisms . 193 Table 4. Russianisms in dictionaries and corpus. 221 Explanations to Tables . 272 Bibliography. 273 Summary in Polish. 287 Index of names. 289 9 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 List of figures and tables Figure 1. Distribution of Russianisms (1550-2000). 61 Figure 2. Distribution of Russianisms (1900-2000). 63 Table 1. The first Russianisms documented in OED2 . 62 Table 2. Etymologies of voivode, vaivode and waywode in OED2 . 70 Table 3. Labels given to Russian loanwords in OED2. 77 Table 4. Semantic categories in OED2. 84 Table 5. Corresponding etymologies in Webster’s First and OED2. 92 Table 6. Field markers given to Russian borrowings in Webster’s First. 94 Table 7. Semantic categories in Webster’s First . 98 Table 8. Field markers assigned to Russian borrowings in Webster’s Second. 103 Table 9. Definitions of corresponding lemmas in Webster’s First and Second . 107 Table 10. Corresponding entries in OED2, Webster’s Second and the Century Dictionary. 108 Table 11. Examples of semantic extension in Webster’s Second . 109 Table 12. Semantic categories in Webster’s Second. 110 Table 13. Etymologies of ethnic names in Webster’s Third. 118 Table 14. Entry Russki in Webster’s Third on CD-ROM . 120 Table 15. Calques in Webster’s Third . 122 Table 16. Corresponding entries in Webster’s Second and Third (letter K). 125 Table 17. Semantic categories in Webster’s Third. 127 Table 18. Methodological framework of corpus research. 140 Table 19. Raw frequency, dispersion frequency and textual dispersion frequency . 140 Table 20. Textual dispersion frequency of Russianisms in the BNC. 141 Table 21. Most frequent Russianisms in the BNC. 141 Table 22. Russian loanwords with TDF 10-50. 142 Table 23. Sample spelling variants recorded in the BNC. 143 Table 24. Russian-based coinages recorded in the BNC . 145 Table 25. Differences between raw and dispersion frequencies. 146 Table 26. Russianisms in LDOCE 2 and LDOCE 3. 147 Table 27. BNC sample documentation for the word-form Soviets (a random query) . 150 Table 28. BNC sample documentation for the omitted meaning of Soviet. 150 11 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 List of abbreviations Languages1 Aleut. Aleutian N. Lat. New Latin Arab. Arabic OE. Old English Bulg. Bulgarian OFris. Old Frisian Caucas. Caucasian ON. Old Norse Da. Danish OPol. Old Polish East. Turk. Eastern Turkish ORuss. Old Russian Eng. English OSl., OSlav. Old Slavic / Old Slavonic Eskim. Eskimo OTeut. Old Teutonic F., Fr. French Pers. Persian Fin. Finnish Pg. Portuguese G., Ger. German Pol. Polish Goth. Gothic Roman. Romanian Gr. Greek Russ. Russian Icel. Icelandic Scand. Scandinavian It. Italian Serb. Serbian L., Lat. Latin Slav. Slavic / Slavonic Lap. Lapponian Sp. Spanish L. Ger. Low German Sw. Swedish M. E. Middle English Teut. Teutonic Med. Gr. Mediaeval Greek Tur. Turki MHG. Middle High German Turk. Turkish / Turkic Mod. Lat. Modern Latin Ukrain. Ukrainian Mong. Mongolian Yid. Yiddish Labels and field markers Alternative Med. Alternative medicine Biol. Biology Anthropol. Anthropology Chem. Chemistry Archaeol. Archaeology Cytol. Cytology Astron. Astronomy East. Church Eastern Church Austr./N.Z. Australia and/or New Econ. Economy Zealand Gastron. Gastronomy 1 The abbreviations in the list come from etymological sections of the dictionaries cited in this monograph. 13 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Geol. Geology Pharm. Pharmacy Hist. History Pol.2 Politics Med. Medicine Russ. Hist. Russian history Mil. slang Military slang Slang / Colloq. Slang and/or colloquial N. Amer. North America language Nonce wd. Nonce word Theol. Theology Obs. Obsolete US United States Path. Pathology Zool. Zoology Other abbreviations a. adopted from ind. ref. indirect references abbrev. abbreviation modif. of modification of ad. adapted from n. noun adj. adjective no ref. no references app. apparently orig. f. originally from cap. capitalized part. trans. partial translation corresp. to corresponds to perh. perhaps deriv. derivative pl. plural dimin. diminutive prob. Russ. probably of Russian origin etym. etymology sing. singular f. from v. verb geog. ref. geographical references var. form variant form 2 It should be noted that this label shares the form with the abbreviation for Polish. 14 Pobrano z https://repo.uni.opole.pl / Downloaded from Repository of Opole University 2021-09-28 Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to those who have made the writing and.
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