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Daily ConfuSion, 1Jac The Weather Today: Cloudy, windy, 83°F (28°C) Tonight: Cloudy, 58°F (14°C) Details, Page 2 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Sunday, August 26, 1995 Workshop Explores Date Rape Scenario L\ By Eva Moy going to be a jerk" in the future, STAFF REPORTER Wendy said. Last night Wendy went to a fra- ternity party, was offered and con- Emphasizes communication sumed a lot of alcohol, and had The point of the workshop was to unprotected sex with Raj, whom get students to talk about and ques- she had met at the party. But ,the tion, "Is that the way I want to be in next morning, Wendy and Raj had a relationship?" said Tracy A. Deso- different accounts of what had hap- vich, a health educator for MIT Med- pened. ical who runs the Medlinks program. This scenario (hopefully) did not Lynn Roberson, staff assistant in really happen last night, but was the Office for Counseling and Sup- part of a Medlinks-sponsored work- port Services, also emphasized the shop entitled "When Is It Love?" importance of good communication . / held yesterday afternoon in 10-250 and also trusting your own instincts. as part of Residence and Orientation People have difficulty identify- Week activities. ing with rape, and ociety tells The workshop was led by Up women to put up with certain Front, a subgroup of Medlinks, a behavior, Roberson said. student group that publicizes health "Talking about it would help and medical issues to the MIT com- more than it would hurt in most sit- munity.
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