1 Deadliest American Disasters and Large Loss
DEADLIEST AMERICAN DISASTERS AND LARGE LOSS-OF-LIFE EVENTS1 Homepage: http://www.usdeadlyevents.com/ A Catalog of, and Notes on, Natural and Man-Made Events Causing Ten or More Fatalities in America/The United States and its Territories Since 1492 CHRONOLOGY B. Wayne Blanchard, PhD Blue Ridge Summit, PA Feb 12, 2021 Copyright August 2017 Go to Homepage to access: Event Typology (e.g. aviation, epidemics, explosions, fires heat, mining, hurricanes, violence). Breakout of Events by States, District of Columbia and Territories. Rank-ordering within Types by State. Spreadsheet. Lines highlighted in Yellow indicate there is a narrative document with more information and sources in the Spreadsheet accessed by clicking on the URL at the end of the entry. There are more than 20,000 pages of additional material to be found there. Could be one page or over 100 pages per entry, depending on the event, but usually on order of 3-5 pages. 1. 1492-1800 -- North American Native American population decline, esp. disease--~2,800,000 2. 1527 -- Nov, Hurricane, Matagorda Bay, TX -- 200 3. 1538-1539, Unknown epidemic, “Cofitachequi”2 Natives, central SC -- Hundreds 4. 1539 --~Sep 16, Napituca Massacre, Hernando de Soto executes Timucuans, No. Cen. FL-30-200 5. 1540 -- Oct 18, Spanish (de Soto) battle/massacre, with Atahachi, Mabila, AL --2,500-6,000 1 We use the term “Large-Loss-of-Life Event to denote ten or more deaths. There are a number in instances where, for a variety of reasons, we enter an event with fewer than 10 fatalities. We do not, though, include these in tally.
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