
REVOLUTION; BERINE SANDERS V symbols and personalities

Painting by Leah Merete Robb – www.leahrobb.com

Supporters of Bernie

1. – President Candidate and Democratic socialist who spoke out against Wall St. and pharma greed, political lobbying and discrimination of minorities. He spoke for a National Health Care system and a higher minimum wage. 2. – Sanders’ wife and closest advisor 3. Jeff Weaver – Sanders’ campaign manager for the presidential race. 4. – A former Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee who resigned to support Bernie’s presidential campaign. 5. – The only other Senator to endorse Bernie and to switch from supporting Hillary 6. - Actress 7. Sandra Sarandon – Actress 8. – Actor 9. Danny Devito – Actor 10. ‘Statue of ’ Bernie support arrested during peaceful protest. Represented here as a T-shirt image. 11. – Rapper 12. Tara Houska – Bernie Sander's Native American Advisor 13. – Host of the Largest Online News Show in the World, , and clear supporter of values Sanders stands for. 14. Jeff Merkel – The first Senator to endorse Bernie 15. Banker for Bernie – Representative of a minority of bankers who agreed with Bernie’s view of Wall St. 16. Muslim woman speaking publically for Bernie Sanders 17. Native Americans for Bernie Sanders 18. President Obama looks on – staying neutral for a long time.

Bernie’s Presidential Campaign rivals

19. Donald Trump – Opposition to Bernie. A know fraud and swindler from the Billionaire class. He has underpaid workers throughout his business career and prides himself at having avoided paying taxes. He has also admitted that he gets high on money. Now he is the President of the United States… 20. – Opposition to Bernie. The Democratic Party’s heavily favoured candidate who was fighting her scandals till the end. Her she is with her blackberry checking emails while heading for her ‘fate’.


21. Fat Cats: Lobbyists paying to get favours from politicians. 22. Women who still earn less than men for the same job. 23. Black minorities 4 times as likely to be incarcerated for the same crimes by white people. 24. Working class crushed by the greed of the ‘Wall Street Bull’. 25. Budding tree: Wherever there is life, there is hope. 26. A continuing flow of supporters for the Revolution.