Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 No. 170 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Roberta and I are praying for Olivia leadership, and I thank his entire staff called to order by the Speaker pro tem- King’s children, her family, and her for their heroism. Special commenda- pore (Ms. WILD). friends at this difficult time. tion also goes to Collierville Fire Chief f As Collierville Alderman Maureen Buddy Billings and his men and women Fraser said: ‘‘Everybody needs to be for their swift action that prevented DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO more like Olivia King. She was very the additional loss of life. TEMPORE kind, very generous, very Christian, Further, I want to recognize all the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and a rule-follower.’’ first responders, the doctors, the sur- fore the House the following commu- Our hearts go out to all the victims, geons, the nurses, and their staff for nication from the Speaker: their loved ones, and everyone in the delivering the necessary and imme- WASHINGTON, DC, entire community who has been im- diate care to these victims. September 29, 2021. pacted. Lastly, I would like to extend my I hereby appoint the Honorable SUSAN I want to quote Collierville Police sincere appreciation to Collierville WILD to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Chief Dale Lane, who said that Mayor Stan Joyner, Town Adminis- day. Collierville is ‘‘one of the most resil- trator James Lewellen, and Collierville NANCY PELOSI. ient communities in America.’’ I be- Municipal School Board Chairman Speaker of the House of Representatives. lieve that this is an absolutely true Wright Cox for their continued and f statement. strong leadership. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE On that tragic day, we witnessed our Mayor Joyner issued a proclamation brave heroes—law enforcement offi- declaring tomorrow, September 30, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cers, Federal agents, firefighters, 2021, at 1:30 p.m., as a day of prayer and ant to the order of the House of Janu- EMTs, doctors, nurses, and other local meditation for the town of Collierville ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- officials—spring into action. Not a sin- and her victims. nize Members from lists submitted by gle person hesitated to act or tend to a The people of Collierville are strong the majority and minority leaders for person in need. and resilient. They will always remain morning-hour debate. Their training and selfless actions Collierville Strong. The Chair will alternate recognition helped save people’s lives that day. f between the parties, with time equally There is no doubt about it. I cannot allocated between the parties and each thank enough everyone for their in- PASS TRANSFORMATIONAL Member other than the majority and credible bravery and courage that day. CLIMATE LEGISLATION minority leaders and the minority The collaboration and cooperation The SPEAKER pro tempore. The whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no between all the law enforcement agen- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from event shall debate continue beyond cies and all the first responders was Washington (Ms. STRICKLAND) for 5 11:50 a.m. tremendous. These agencies included: minutes. f the Collierville Police Department; the Ms. STRICKLAND. Madam Speaker, Collierville Fire Department; the Americans nationwide have felt the RECOGNIZING HEROES AND Shelby County Sheriff’s Office; the impact of this year’s extreme weather, VICTIMS IN COLLIERVILLE Germantown Police Department; the from flooding to wildfires to record The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Germantown Fire Department; the heat. In Washington State, heat domes Chair recognizes the gentleman from Memphis Police Department; the Mem- in June and August of this year have Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF) for 5 minutes. phis Fire Department; the Bartlett caused hundreds to die of heat expo- Mr. KUSTOFF. Madam Speaker, last Fire Department; the Bartlett Police sure, roads and highways to buckle, week, our community in Collierville, Department; the Fayette County Sher- and shellfish to broil in their streams. Tennessee, experienced a horrific trag- iff’s Office; the DeSoto County, Mis- The iconic Mount Rainier, one of the edy. sissippi, Sheriff’s Office; the Tennessee snowiest places on Earth, was not im- On Thursday, September 23, last Highway Patrol; the FBI; and other mune to this. The unprecedented heat, week, a gunman opened fire at the Federal law enforcement agencies. nearly 40 degrees above the previous re- Kroger on Byhalia Road. Fifteen people They worked flawlessly together to ad- corded high, has had a devastating im- were shot, and one woman, Olivia King, dress and handle the situation in a pact on the mountain. This image a mother and grandmother, died as a timely and professional manner. shows Mount Rainier during most of result of her injuries in the hospital I also commend Collierville Police the summer, its sides bare, compared later that day. Chief Dale Lane’s strong and effective to its typical snow cover. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5509 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:09 Sep 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE7.000 H29SEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H5510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 29, 2021 For longtime residents of Wash- saw an opportunity. She wanted to and often too casually, but the indi- ington State, it is jarring to see Mount save money for college. vidual I am speaking about unquestion- Rainier without snow on its peak. In Again, as I said, she is an excellent ably defines the term and sets an ex- just 4 days this summer, 4 days in late student. She wants to be a veteri- ample we should all strive to achieve. June, the peak of the heat dome, the narian. Now, she knows that path is Elizabeth Jean Beck Vuna has served mountain lost 30 percent of its total not going to be easy, and it is going to as my district office casework manager snow cover. This is a visual demonstra- take a few dollars in the bank. She for 20 years. She has served the Con- tion that climate change is real. knew that this business opportunity gress and the American people for over The lack of snow became more nota- would give her a wonderful chance. 33 years. Prior to serving my constitu- ble as the summer progressed, and this Here she is in front of Tashina’s Cof- ents, she worked for Congressman heat is an ecological issue and an eco- fee. She also wanted to make sure that Glenn Anderson and Congressman Ste- nomic issue. Washington State’s shell- her local community, her small town, phen Horn from Long Beach, Cali- fish industry is among the largest in had the same amenities that large fornia. the Nation, contributing $270 million towns do, and I think we can all agree It is worth noting that the bitter par- to the State economy and supporting that a powerful cup of coffee is a great tisan politics of today have never nearly 3,000 jobs. amenity. From firsthand experience, I touched Elizabeth’s commitment to The heat dome this summer dev- can tell you that her coffee really is ex- service. She has worked for Democrats astated shellfish farms that make up cellent. and Republicans without concern for the core of this industry. Shellfish She works so hard, Madam Speaker, political philosophy. It is that dedica- growers reported shellfish baking to long days, long weeks, to make this tion, that determination to help peo- death, literally, in shallow water and business a success. Tashina is pas- ple, and that diligence that truly on the beach. Taylor Shellfish, located sionate about instilling a sense of inde- makes her irreplaceable. in my district, reported losing over 2 pendence and hard work among other Elizabeth will be retiring on Sep- million clam seeds. young people on her reservation. tember 30. When she does, we will be As our planet warms and climate This woman is going places. I am losing one of the most effective and change takes hold, these extreme proud to say that she is my friend. compassionate caseworkers in the his- weather events are becoming more Her father sums it up well. He said, tory of the Congress. Yes, I know that common, costing lives and critically Tashina ‘‘is not a victim. She is an ad- sounds boastful, but it is quite simply damaging our environment and our vocate.’’ the truth. economy. Now, Tashina’s story is one of many Little did I know when I hired Eliza- Against this backdrop, our need to throughout Indian Country and the beth in 2002 what a profound impact pass transformational climate change State of South Dakota that don’t get she would have on the lives of so many legislation becomes even more stark the attention that they deserve. I of my constituents and on me. and more urgent. We must invest in think of so many Tribal leaders that I Elizabeth began her career in public electric vehicle infrastructure. We have met with over the years who service because, when her brother re- must dramatically expand public tran- choose self-reliance: Leslie Crow, our turned home from the Vietnam war, he sit.
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