Adrian Weale | 496 pages | 02 Feb 2012 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9780349117522 | English | , United Kingdom The SS - Definition & Facts - HISTORY

This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit our website. By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of these cookies. We still know far too little about the SS. Since then, there have been detailed scholarly studies of aspects The SS: A New History the organisation's history, but nobody has pulled The SS: A New History this work together into a fully satisfactory synthesis, and much research still needs to be done. Some of what we do know is competently recounted in this readable new book by Adrian Weale, a freelance writer and former officer in the who remains active in the reserve and recently, as he tells us in his preface, did a six-month tour of duty in . The SS was formed as a bodyguard troop for Adolf Hitler in the s, but it was not until it was taken over by the young early infollowing the dismissal of a lacklustre predecessor, The SS: A New History it began to become the vehicle for more far-reaching ambitions. From the moment he fell under Hitler's spell until almost the very end of the Third Reich, Himmler born in was unconditionally loyal to the Nazi leader. Well-educated, from a solidly middle-class background his father was tutor to the Bavarian royal familyhard-working and extremely ambitious, Himmler quickly turned the SS into the ideological vanguard of Nazism. In Himmler's vision, the SS - soon made into an autonomous organisation, reorganised in a military-style The SS: A New History and equipped with smart new black uniforms to distinguish it from the chaotic mass movement of the Brownshirts - was to be a racial as well as an ideological elite. Weale The SS: A New History Himmler's directive of 31 December which stated that his aim was "to create a hereditarily The SS: A New History clan of a strictly Nordic German sort"; SS men had to prove their physical fitness and racial purity and were not allowed to marry without providing evidence of their suitability. It was clear enough that Himmler's boast that no man with even a single dental filling was going to be allowed to join the organisation was never going to be fulfilled in practice, and, as Weale points out, other physical requirements were soon relaxed as the SS expanded in numbers, especially during the war. However, even racial purity was diluted from the very beginning. Out ofThe SS: A New History men who applied for a marriage certificate between andonly 7, fulfilled all the racial and physical requirements; The SS: A New History, fewer than a thousand applications were turned down. Weale also fails to pay sufficient attention to the wilder side of Himmler's ideology, which went far beyond the core beliefs of Nazism. The pseudo-Germanic religious cult that he introduced into the SS, with sun-worship and the mystical invocation of Wotan and Thor at SS wedding ceremonies, for example, was ridiculed by Hitler, who devoted a speech in to emphasising the supposedly secular, scientific basis of Nazism "we do not have cult sites, but sports arenas". When the Brownshirts threatened to revolt against Hitler in JuneHimmler saw his chance. After proving its loyalty by serving as the instrument of Hitler's brutal curbing of the Brownshirts in the "Night of the Long Knives", the SS began to expand rapidly, taking over the police including the in and, when war came, building up a military wing, the Waffen-SS, in which, eventually, more thanmen served. Yet he fails to convey the extent to which the ideological fanaticism of the Waffen-SS drove its units into repeated acts of useless self-sacrifice. Its men were often criticised by more cautious regular army officers, some of whom, however, as Himmler complained, were only too ready to give them the most dangerous positions in battle in order to preserve their own troops and undermine the strength of this threatening rival. More than a third of all Waffen-SS men were killed in battle, a considerably higher death rate than that of the professional military forces. Weale devotes far too much space to the foreign legions recruited by the SS, especially the insignificant "British Free Corps", while neglecting the growth of the SS in other fields of activity. A good deal has been written recently about the burgeoning economic empire of the SS during the war, for instance. Not only did it supply forced labour from the camps it ran, making money The SS: A New History the hundreds of thousands of prisoners it supplied to major manufacturing firms, it also owned and ran housing corporations, cement works, textile factories, munitions producers and much more besides. In pursuit of his crusade against alcoholism in the SS, Himmler even acquired the mineral water company after it had been expropriated from its British owners. Yet some have pointed out that this motley collection of haphazardly acquired businesses was too incoherent to pose a serious threat to the existing management of the Nazi economy. This is yet The SS: A New History area that requires further investigation. As a military historian, Weale focuses too much on the Waffen-SS to the detriment of other branches of the organisation, and even here, he breaks no new ground. Pressing questions remain unanswered: we know far too little, for example, about the social composition of the Waffen-SS, about its training and indoctrination, and about its internal dynamics. Weale is apparently unable to read German, and so misses out on a great deal of recently published research on the SS; on the other hand, he has made good use of documents in the National Archives at Kew, including interrogation records of former SS officers The SS: A New History files on British volunteers for the SS, the subject of a previous book by the same author. He gives a good summary of some of the central aspects of the organisation's history, and his book is remarkably free from error I spotted only one obvious mistake, the misdating of the introduction of conscription to instead of But it tells us no more about the SS than we already knew; in some respects, indeed, a good deal less. In the end, the question he poses at the beginning of the book still needs a convincing answer. This article first appeared in the 23 August issue of the New Statesman, Pakistan. Sign up. You are browsing in private mode. - Wikipedia

Super Sportor SSis the signature performance option package offered by Chevrolet on a limited number of its vehicles. All SS models The SS: A New History with distinctive "SS" markings on their exterior. The SS package was first made available for the Impala. The package included Super Sport trim for both the interior and exterior, chassis reinforcements, stronger springs and shocks, power brakes, spinner wheel covers, and narrow-band whitewall tires. The car's dashboard received a Corvette style passenger hand bar and a steering column mounted rpm tachometer. Chevrolet builtImpalas that year and had the SS package, of which received the cid and received the cid. Both historically and today, the Super Sport package has The SS: A New History included high-performance tires, heavy-duty suspension, and increased power, along with a variety of other performance and appearance upgrades. Unlike the contemporary The SS: A New History, it was built as a hardtopwithout fixed 2 or The SS: A New History or frames around the door glass. InChevrolet released a concept car they named the SS. Though never intended for production, the vehicle was used as a show car and to hint at what was ahead for Chevrolet sports car design. It is usually easy to visually differentiate an SS from a "plain-Jane" model. However, it is more difficult to tell the difference between a genuine SS and a The SS: A New History, a non-SS vehicle that has been altered to look like an SS. Because of the number of SS clones in the marketplace, potential buyers are advised to do their research and contact their local car clubs for help to ensure that the vehicle is a true SS by running the VIN codes and casting numbers on the engine this also includes the vehicle's build sheet especially if the SS package was a factory option. Other non-SS vehicles altered to appear like them only use trim panels rather than aftermarket mechanical parts. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Super sport disambiguation. Main article: Chevrolet SS concept car. Archived from the original on Retrieved Categories : Chevrolet Muscle cars Official motorsports and performance division of automakers. Hidden categories: CS1 maint: archived copy as title. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. The SS: a New History

InHeinrich Himmler joined the unit, which had by then been reformed and given its final name. Under his direction — it grew from a small paramilitary formation during the Weimar Republic to one of the most powerful organizations in . They were tasked with the detection of actual or potential enemies of the Nazi state, the neutralization of any opposition, policing the German people for their commitment to Nazi ideologyand providing domestic and foreign intelligence. The SS was the organization most responsible for the genocidal killing of an estimated 5. The SS was also involved in commercial enterprises and exploited concentration camp inmates as slave labor. Ernst Kaltenbrunnerthe highest-ranking surviving SS main department chief, was found guilty of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials and hanged in He wished it to be separate from the "suspect mass" of the party, including the paramilitary Sturmabteilung "Storm Battalion"; SAwhich he did not trust. That same year, the Schutzkommando was expanded to a national organization and renamed The SS: A New History the Sturmstaffel Storm Squadronand finally the Schutzstaffel Protection Squad; SS. Hitler's personal SS protection unit was later enlarged to include combat units. Himmler displayed good organizational abilities compared to Heiden. The party announced that it was for "family reasons. He considered the SS an elite, ideologically driven National Socialist organization, a "conflation of Teutonic knightsthe Jesuitsand Japanese Samurai ". Inthe SS-Hauptamt main SS office was expanded and reorganized into five main offices dealing with general administration, personnel, finance, security, and race matters. Although officially still considered a sub-organization of the SA and answerable to the Stabschef SA Chief of Staffit was also during this time that Himmler began to establish the independence of the SS from the SA. In the latter half ofHimmler oversaw the creation of SS-Junkerschuleinstitutions where SS officer candidates received leadership training, political and ideological indoctrination, and military instruction. The training stressed ruthlessness and toughness as part of the SS value system, which helped foster a sense of superiority The SS: A New History the men and taught them self-confidence. Commitment to SS ideology was emphasized throughout the recruitment, membership process, and training. He initially intended it to be used as an SS training center, but its role came to include hosting SS dinners and neo-pagan rituals. The SS ideology included the application of brutality and terror as a solution to military and political problems. The SS was entrusted with the commission of atrocities, illegal activities, and war crimes. Himmler once wrote that an SS man "hesitates not for a single instant, but executes unquestioningly As part of The SS: A New History race-centric functions during World War II, the SS oversaw the isolation and displacement of Jews from the populations of the conquered territories, seizing their assets and deporting them to concentration camps and ghettoswhere they were used as slave labor or immediately killed. Members of trade unions and those perceived to be affiliated with groups that opposed the regime religious, political, social, and otherwiseor those whose views were contradictory to the goals of the NSDAP government, were rounded up in large numbers; these included clergy of all faiths, Jehovah's WitnessesFreemasonsCommunistsand Rotary Club members. In particular, it was the primary organization which carried out the Holocaust. The SS established a police state within Nazi Germany, using the secret state police and security forces under Himmler's control to suppress resistance to Hitler. Heydrich also continued as The SS: A New History of the SD; security service. The Gestapo's transfer to The SS: A New History was a prelude to the Night of the Long Knivesin which most of the SA leadership were arrested and subsequently executed. On 17 Juneall police forces throughout Germany were united under the purview of Himmler and the SS. In practice, since the SS The SS: A New History only to Hitler, the The SS: A New History facto merger of the SS and the police made the police independent of Frick's control. During Kristallnacht 9—10 NovemberSS security services clandestinely coordinated violence against Jews as the SS, Gestapo, SD, Kripo, SiPo, and regular police did what they could to ensure that while Jewish synagogues and community centers were destroyed, Jewish-owned businesses and housing remained intact so that they could later be seized. Some to 1, synagogues were destroyed, mostly by arson. In Septemberthe authority of the SS expanded further when the senior SS officer in each military district also became its chief of police. Their role was to police the population and oversee the activities of the SS men The SS: A New History their district. As the SS grew in size and importance, so too did Hitler's personal protection forces. Inhis larger personal bodyguard unit previously the 1st SS- was called to Berlin to replace the Army Chancellery Guard, assigned to protect the Chancellor of Germany. In Novemberthe name was changed to The SS: A New History Adolf Hitler. Two other SS units composed the inner ring of Hitler's protection. This unit consisted of eight men who served around the clock protecting Hitler in shifts. It continued under separate command and remained responsible for Hitler's protection. The RSD and FBK worked together for security and personal protection during Hitler's trips and public events, but they operated as two groups and used separate vehicles. The SS was closely associated with Nazi Germany's concentration camp system. Leadership at the camps was divided into five departments: commander and adjutant, political affairs division, protective custody, administration, and medical personnel. Members were never able to join the ranks of the German High Command and it was dependent on the army for heavy weaponry and equipment. This was primarily done to emphasize the SS as being independent of the Wehrmacht. The SS: A New History units took unnecessary risks and had a higher casualty rate than the army. After the invasion, Hitler entrusted the SS with extermination actions codenamed Operation Tannenberg and AB-Aktion to remove potential leaders who could form a resistance to German occupation. The killings were committed by task forces; deployment groups The SS: A New History, assisted by local paramilitary groups. Satisfied with their performance in Poland, Hitler allowed further expansion of the armed SS formations, but insisted new units remain under the operational control of the army. In the five-day campaign, the LSSAH linked up with army units and airborne troops after several clashes with Dutch defenders. SS troops did not take part in the thrust through the Ardennes and the river Meuse. The Germans then trapped the British and French troops in a huge pocket at Dunkirk. Two men survived. There, soldiers of the 2nd Battalion were responsible for the Wormhoudt massacrewhere 80 British and French soldiers were murdered after they surrendered. At the close of the campaign, Hitler expressed his pleasure with the performance of the SS-Leibstandartetelling them: "Henceforth it will be an honor for you, who bear my name, to lead every German attack. Fritz Klingenberga company commander in the Das Reichled his men across Yugoslavia to the capital, Belgradewhere a small group in the vanguard accepted the surrender of the city on 13 April. A few days later Yugoslavia surrendered. In some cases, they were joined by the Wehrmacht. Serbia became the second country after Estonia declared Judenfrei free of Jews. Of Greece's 80, Jews, only 20 percent survived the war. At first, they fought Soviet partisansbut by the autumn ofthey left the anti-partisan role to other units and actively took part in the Holocaust. While assisting the Einsatzgruppenthey formed firing parties that participated in the liquidation of the Jewish population of the Soviet Union. The SS was built on a culture of violence, which was exhibited in its most extreme form by the mass murder of civilians and prisoners The SS: A New History war on the Eastern Front. The extermination activities of the Einsatzgruppen generally followed a standard procedure, with the Einsatzgruppen chief contacting the nearest Wehrmacht unit commander to inform him of the impending action; this was done so they could coordinate and control access to the execution grounds. He decided that alternate methods of killing should be found, which led to introduction of gas vans. Prisoners or auxiliaries were often assigned to do The SS: A New History task so as to spare the SS men the trauma. In response to the army's difficulties in dealing with Soviet partisans, Hitler decided in July to transfer anti-partisan operations to the police. This placed the matter under Himmler's purview. Himmler set the SS and SD to work on developing additional anti-partisan tactics and launched a propaganda campaign. Thereafter, they secured rural communities and economic installations such as factories and administrative buildings. An additional priority was securing agricultural and forestry resources. The SS oversaw the collection of the harvest, which was deemed critical to strategic operations. Communists and people of Asiatic descent were killed presumptively under the assumption that they were Soviet agents. Increasing numbers of Jews and German citizens deemed politically suspect or social outsiders were arrested. Intensification of the killing operations took place in late when the SS began construction of stationary gassing facilities to replace the use of Einsatzgruppen for mass killings. For administrative reasons, all concentration camp guards and administrative staff became full members of the Waffen-SS in The labor needs of the war economy, especially for skilled workers, meant that some Jews escaped the genocide. Bythe SS-TV had been organized into three divisions: staff of the concentration camps The SS: A New History Germany and Austria, in the occupied territories, and of the extermination camps in Poland. Byit became standard practice to rotate SS members in and out of the camps, partly based on manpower needs, but also to provide easier assignments to wounded Waffen-SS members. InHimmler founded the The SS: A New History SS business venture, Nordland-Verlag, a publishing house that released propaganda material and SS training manuals. Thereafter, he purchased Porcelainwhich then began to produce SS memorabilia. Each had at least one factory or quarry nearby where the inmates were forced to work. Their workload was intentionally made impossibly high, under the policy of extermination through labor. Bythe SS had purchased 75 percent of the mineral water producers in Germany and were intending to acquire a monopoly. These operated in factories the SS had confiscated from Jews and Poles. The SS owned experimental farms, bakeries, meat packing plants, The SS: A New History works, clothing and uniform factories, and small arms factories. Items seized included 2, On 5 Julythe Germans launched the Battle of Kurskan The SS: A New History designed to eliminate the Kursk salient. On 17 July he called off the operation and ordered a withdrawal. Alarmed by the raids on St Nazaire and Dieppe inHitler had ordered the construction of fortifications he called the Atlantic Wall all along the Atlantic coast, from Spain to Norway, to protect against an expected Allied invasion. The Normandy landings took place The SS: A New History 6 June The division included tanks and 50 assault gunsplus supporting infantry and artillery. However, as the division was part of the armored reserve, Feuchtinger was obliged to seek clearance from OKW before he could commit his formation. They also took part in the Battle for Caen June—August These forces were to mount an offensive near Mortain and drive west through Avranches to the coast. The Allied forces were prepared for this offensive, and an air assault on the combined German units proved devastating. Waffen-SS units that had survived the summer campaigns were withdrawn from the front line to refit. Coincidentally, on 17 September, the Allies launched in the same area Operation Market Gardena combined airborne and land operation designed to seize control of the lower Rhine. In DecemberHitler launched the Ardennes Offensive, also known as the Battle of the Bulgea significant counterattack against The SS: A New History western Allies through the Ardennes with the aim of reaching Antwerp while encircling the Allied armies in the area. Spearheading the attack were two panzer armies composed largely of Waffen-SS divisions.