Mullocks Specialist Auctioneers & Valuers The Clive Pavilion, Ludlow Racecourse Bromfield Historical Documents, Autographs and Ephemera Ludlow Shropshire SY8 2BT Started 18 Mar 2014 13:00 GMT United Kingdom

Lot Description

English Civil War ? the Barebones Parliament The Barbone Parliament (First Parliament of the Commonwealth of England^ 1653) by H 1 A Glass^ London 1899. First edition. Good clean copy

Charles I manuscript copy of the Death Warrant of Charles I^ prepared by an attorney in the mid 19th c. We understand that this 1A document belonged to the family of Edward Whalley^ one of the signatories of the original document and was doubtless prepared during legal proceedings in the 19th c

English Civil War printed proclamation by Parliament banning the observance of Christmas Day and also permitting the opening of day 1B to day business on that day. Printed on a single sheet of folio paper^ but unfortunately someone in the past has removed the Parliamentary Seal which surmounted the doc ...[more]

Legal manuscript commonplace book compiled by James Pringle Barclay (1796-1884) of Wickham Market^ Suffolk^ attorney and author 2 of ?Cottage Rates^ 1836? c800pp on blue lined paper^ bound in modern green cloth^ c1870s. Wide range of topics written in a very neat legible hand^ each topic arranged alph ...[more]

Ecclesiastical - The Book of Common Prayer^ Oxford^ printed by John Baskett^ Printer to the King?s Most Excellent Majesty and to the 3 University 1719. Timothy Mauleverer?s copy with his initials to top cover and with two ms tables in his hand ? the first being a perpetual calendar for defining Easte ...[more]

Ecclesiastical ? English Civil War A Relation of the Conference between William Laud then Lord Bishop of St Davids^ now Lord Arch- 4 Bishop of Canterbury and Mr Fisher the Jesuite by the Command of King James of ever Blessed Memorie with an answer to such exceptions as AC takes against it... London 163 ...[more]

Royalty ? the Queen delightful series of three snapshots taken of George VI and Queen Elizabeth with the young Princesses Elizabeth 5 and Margaret on an official visit to Weymouth^ together with three other photographs showing the ceremonies for the visit. These were clearly pre-war. Together with a l ...[more]

Ephemera ? Receipt ? Twinings Tea a Twinings Tea receipt dated 1899 printed on blue paper with two Royal emblems to top^ good 6 condition^ together with copy of ?Two hundred and fifty years of tea and coffee? issued by Twinings in 1956 which features an illustration of a similar receipt.

Cheshire ? Macclesfield foolscap volume giving statistical details of entries^ quarter by quarter for each of the approx 50 locations in the 7 Macclesfield Registration District during the period 1909-1918. Ms entries to approx 17pp

Lunatics ? bundle of ms and printed documents relating to Major Bertram Orde^ a lunatic in the Royal Edinburgh Asylum for the Insane^ 8 including letters and documents relating to his family^ bequests^ wills etc c1860s.

West Indies ? Dominica ? Lord Huntingdon autograph letter signed dated Spithead December 19th 1821: ?...I am now ordered home 9 from the Mediterranean^ Lord Bathurst having informed me that I am appointed Governor of Dominica. You may be assured the moment I can arrange my affairs that I will with tha ...[more] West Indies ? Jamaica document on a single leaf of parchment dated 1877 being the probate of the will of Edward Everard Rushworth^ 10 former Governor of Jamaica. Fine example of the seal of the High Court of Justice

Science ? John Flamstead^ astronomer edition of the Philosophical Transactions for December 1670 featuring a paper by Flamstead 11 giving predictions on the nature of fixed stars in the following year. The publication also gives a review of a book by Robert Boyle. Approx 23pp in all^ modern paper wrapp ...[more]

Manuscript Music early 19th c an album of manuscript music early 19th c featuring approx 28 pieces written out for voice with piano 12 accompaniment^ ownership inscription of Eliza Phillipson of 4Portland Place to inside cover. Together with a printed score of six glees by Dr Calcott^ on 25 engraved pa ...[more]

Smuggling printed document issued by the Custom-House^ London dated January 4th 1825 being a circular (unissued in this instance) 13 to Port and Harbour Masters alerting them to the sloop ?Albion? of London^ Thomas Waddle^ Master^ which was fitted with various concealments to its hull for the purposes ...[more]

Maritime edition of the ?SS City of New York Gazette? printed at sea and dated December 1st 1891^ 4pp sm 4to in good condition^ 14 together with an illustration of the vessel at sea. Uncommon

Titanic ? three typewritten letters by John Maxton Graham^ author of ?Titanic Tragedy? to the noted Titanic collector Ken Shultz 15 discussing various maritime topics including the QE2.

Churchill original telegram sent by Winston and Clementine Churchill dated May 27th 1955 congratulating John E Harvey for winning the 16 Walthamstow East seat in the General Election that year^ framed with another telegram of congratulation sent to Harvey and with an original photograph of Churchill wi ...[more]

Ephemera ? Horticulture posters ?This Month in Your Garden? series of approx seven posters issued by Surecrop giving instructions of 17 what to plant each month from January to September^ generally good condition approx 52x38cm

Ephemera ? Horticulture poster Fruit Bottling as easy as ABC^ small poster advertising the new Snap Vacuum Closure system issued 18 by Graham Farish Ltd^ slight weakness in folds and slight scuffing^ approx 28x29cm

Ephemera ? Poster ? Boer War fine poster issued by George A Blackburn on Halifax featuring the portraits of Kitchener^ Lord Roberts 19 and Charles Beresford^ with various other military vignettes and also featuring the calendar for 1899^ approx 57x44cm

Ephemera ? Poster ? pantomime and circus two fine posters^ one advertising a performance of Cinderella^ the other featuring a graphic 20 of a clown covering the entire poster^ good condition on both approx 75x52cm

Ephemera ? Poster ? pacifist ?War is a Crime? striking bw poster featuring a photograph of the seats at a military tattoo which as the 21 poster says glorifies the whole business of war ? yet the picture has a striking resemblance to a second picture on the poster ? of rows of gravestones in a Commonwe ...[more]

Ephemera ? Poster ? WWII ? pacifist striking poster featuring a graphic of Christ standing over a battlefield with a quotation from the 22 Bible

23 Ephemera ? Poster ? pacifist striking poster featuring a depiction of the Crucifixion with the message ?War is Unchristian?

Ephemera ? Poster ? pacifist ?Many men say we must defend ourselves against our enemies ? Christ said ?Love your enemies? only 24 one of these is right^ which ??. Bold text only poster Ephemera ? Poster ? WWII fine large poster used for training purposes showing a cut away diagram of a German Ju188 Bomber in 25 flight ? clearly showing its most vulnerable parts for attack. Marked ?Restricted^ Air Ministry?. Encapsulated in protective clear plastic^ fine condition

Ephemera ? poster ? WWII ?Our Job is to keep turning it out...our boys will turn it loose ! ? You said it Uncle !? American issue dated 26 1943 showing the figure of Uncle Sam with a representation of US factories and American bombers destroying Japanese warships. Encapsulated in protective clear plast ...[more]

Ephemera ? poster ? WWII ?Their Passport to Victory ? buy US War Stamps and Bonds? American issue poster by Parents Magazine 27 dated 1942 showing a group of happy children with their war bonds approx 20x14ins^ encapsulated in clear plastic

Ephemera ? poster ? Judaica ? anti-Semitic^ Anti-Zionist fold out poster. The World`s Present Deadly Peril ?The Key to freedom. 28 1950s.Christian Educational Association.23"" x 35"". A scarce and unheard of item^ possibly produced forAnti-Semitic seminars at the height of the ...[more]

Ephemera ? Poster ? the Leipzig Trade Fair 1939 rare poster produced by W J Stoddart of Edinburgh^ advertising the Leipzig Trade 28A Fair of 1939^ with graphic showing the exhibition buildings and offering travel concessions. The Fair was set to run from August 27th - 31st^ but as we were at war just fou ...[more]

Ephemera ? Poster ? The League of Nations Has Brought More Freedom^ Better Conditions^ Greater Safety to Millions of Workers 29 throughout the World. Bold text only poster

Ephemera ? Poster ? Society for the Propagation of the Gospel colour poster featuring a graphic of a young African child in a waterhole 30 ? clearly intended for use with a blank section to be used for advertising an event

Ephemera ? Poster ? Performing Animals Defence League shocking poster issued by the League showing an elephant being cruelly 31 treated in order to make it perform circus tricks

Ephemera ? Poster ? Performing Animals Defence League A Warning to all Parents ? Great Circus Fire. A text only poster with a 32 warning to parents not to take their children to see performing animals in circus shows

Ephemera ? Poster ? Performing Animals Defence League powerful text only poster to parents asking them not to take their children to 33 circus and other performing animal shows

Ephemera ? Poster Performing Animals Defence League Holidays at home^ the Local Council is Knowingly is aiding and abetting 34 Cruelty to Animals. Powerful text only poster warning parents of the cruel treatment of performing animals

Ephemera ? Poster ? Industrial Christian Fellowship Jack ? a Worker in a Factory. Colour poster showing the benign features of ?Jack? 35 with text explaining that with the support of the Fellowship^ workers like ?Jack? can get a better understanding of Christian principles

Ephemera ? Poster ? Salvation Army ? WWII Lift up thy Fact to God ? Make thy prayer under Him. Featuring a graphic of a soldier 36 looking upwards towards the Salvation Army emblem. Waxed on the surface^ together with a small group of approx three small unconnected handbills for various events

Ephemera ? Poster ? medical Reform your Doctor?s Bill and Save Wealth ? Take Baldwin?s Herbal pills of health ! Text only poster^ 37 c1910 advertising health pills^ good condition approx 57x44cm

Ephemera ? Poster ? travel ? Battle of Hastings celebration ?Hastings ? welcomes your 1966 invasion? large colour poster featuring a 38 cartoon figure of a Normal soldier^ good condition approx 30x20ins Ephemera ? Poster ? advertising Guinness ? Battle of Hastings celebration large colour poster showing a section of the Bayeux 39 Tapestry with insertion of a bottle of Guinness in the hand of one of the soldiers. 1966. Fine condition approx 30x20ins

40 Ephemera ? Poster ? advertising ? beer large colour poster advertising Flowers Keg Bitter^ c1968^ good condition approx 30x20ins

Ephemera ? Poster ? advertising ? beer large colour poster advertising Flowers Brewmaster Bitter^ c1968^ good condition approx 41 30x20ins

Ephemera ? Poster ? Advertising ? Original artwork ? Schweppes ?Nature Watching in Schweppshire? an original proof for an 42 advertising poster for the famous soft drinks firm^ featuring an original watercolour illustration by George Him^ showing a naturalist upside down on a rope examining a piece of ...[more]

Ephemera ? Poster ? advertising ? The Design Centre^ London large colour poster advertising the Design Centre^ London^ c1969 ? 43 this one advertising an exhibition of furniture for the under-fives. Good condition. Approx 30x20ins

Ephemera ? Poster ? advertising ? Sunday Mirror. Colour poster advertising the Sunday Mirror National Exhibition of Children?s Art in 44 1967^ good condition approx 30

Ephemera ? Poster ? art and artists ? Edward Paolozzi large colour poster advertising an exhibition of his screen prints^ c1967^ good 45 condition approx 35x22ins

Ephemera ? Poster ? advertising ? 1960s Swinging London large colour poster advertising Lilley & Skinner?s boutique^ The Marquee^ 46 in Oxford Street^ c1967. Good condition approx 30x40ins.

Ephemera ? Poster ? London Transport large poster c1968 entitled ?Roundabout? with text advertising various attractions in London 47 including the Zoo^ the Horniman Museum^ street markets etc. Good condition approx 40x25ins

Ephemera ? Poster ? London Transport ? unofficial strike large official poster issued by London Transport informing the public of an 48 unofficial strike by booking clerks. Text only c1968 approx 40x25ins

Ephemera ? Poster ? Shell ? nature trails large colour poster issued by Shell advertising Shell nature trails and offering a free guide. 49 Good condition approx 48x32ins

Fire Insurance Certificate 18th c good example of a late 18th c fire certificate issued by the New Bristol Fire Office dated February 3rd 50 1789 printed on a large sheet of paper approx 47x34cm^ with ms insertions^ signed by directors of the company to base and with a fine printed emblem to top featur ...[more]

Ephemera ? early toy The Amazing Dancing Sinbad the Sailor Illusion. Early 20th c cardboard figure of a sailor with each joint held by a 51 rivet so that it becomes articulate. The idea was to attach the figure to cotton and mystify your friends by pulling the presumably invisible cotton so the figure ...[more]

WWII a fine archive of letters between members of the Carnegie Family^ but mainly letters to and from James Murray Carnegie (1909- 52 1985)^ son of a career Diplomat and later^ during WWII a Captain in the Royal Artillery. The main corpus of the archive are letters written to him by his wife^ Diana ? a ...[more]

WWII ? Hitler?s Roads Deutchlands Autobahnen^ Adolf Hitlers Strassen. 1937. Scarce volume illustrating the building of the German 53 system^ with a considerable number of illustrations of the work in progress^ and with 14 folding maps showing the layout of each major autobahn. Approx 278pp^ gr ...[more] WWII ? Poland two carefully crafted German publications aimed at inciting hatred amongst the German people against 54 Poland. The first called ?Polnische Blutchuld? alleges extensive atrocities by the Poles against ethnic Germans living within Poland?s boundaries^ and the other ?Dokumente Po ...[more]

WWII ? ? books Bereitschaft und Aufbruch [Preparedness and Departure] by Heinrich Anacker. A book of verse 55 celebrating the winter of 1940 with verse based on the idea of everyone that was going to conquer ? including England of course. With long autograph dedication to Himml ...[more]

WWII ? Heinrich Himmler ? books Flucht aus Frankreich [Flight out of France] by Alexander Langsdorff 1937.With printed foreword by 56 Himmler and featuring his printed signature. With further autograph dedication to Himmler dated October 7th 1937 to inside cover. Book has been creased at some stage lea ...[more]

WWII ? Heinrich Himmler ? books Westfalische Kunsthefte by Wilhelm Rave. A book on the local architecture in Westfalia. With 57 autograph pencil dedication from Rave to Himmler on title page dated 9.1.33. Pictorial paper wrappers a little loose with edge chipping and a few other blemishes to d/j^ but i ...[more]

WWII ? Heinrich Himmler ? books Deutsches Land [German Land] by Kehrt Heim. Buff coloured cloth boards. Signed by Himmler to 58 inside cover and dated 27.11.39

WWII ? German Army a remarkable extensive produced by a German schoolboy named Rudolf Sorje^ praising the successes of the 59 Germans in the early part of the war. The album^ written in a neat hand throughout and featuring well executed page designs^ and original drawings as well as a number of illustr ...[more]

60 WWII ? Nazi propaganda Odal ? Monatsschrift fur Blut and Boden [Monthly magazine for blood and soil] rare magazine dated April 1942

WWII ? autograph ? Robert Ley letter signed dated August 8 1935 to Reichsleiter Dr Frick discussing matters concerning the Nazi party. 61 This letter was written from the Brown House in Munich

62 WWII ? Nazi Propaganda Volk und Rasse (People and Race)^ No 4 for May 1938^ rare publication dealing with racial issues

WWII ? allied aerial propaganda group of four allied aerial propaganda leaflets dropped over France for French consumption^ together 63 with a copy of the magazine ?Accord? showing how friendly we were to the French

64 WWII ? allied aerial propaganda good example of an allied aerial leaflet based on Hitler?s retreat from Moscow^ 4pp 4to

WWII ? propaganda German/Italian leaflet entitled ?One More River !? with text warning allied soldiers that the River Po will be 65 impossible to cross^ and with a graphic illustration to verso showing dead soldiers in the river

WWII ? propaganda German/Italian issue in the form of a letter entitled ?The Po seen by a POW? written by an imaginary ?George? to 66 an imaginary ?Fred? warning him at the dangers of crossing the Po^ and with a graphic to verso showing the image of death and soldiers killed in a huge explosion

WWII ? propaganda German issue handbill entitled ?Rich man?s war^ Poor man?s fight?^ with a graphic of American and British 67 banknotes to recto and soldiers? graves to verso

WWII ? propaganda British issue leaflet featuring the heads of some of the leading Nazis with one of their sayings^ and with on the 68 verso a graphic of oppressed people under the showing what the real meaning of Nazism meant WWII ? propaganda handbill issued by the Germans^ no date^ issued to British troops suggesting that they had three options in fighting 69 ? one to become wounded for life^ two to die or thirdly ?to take your fate in your own hands? (ie to desert). With illustration of an allied cemetery to verso with t ...[more]

WWII ? autograph ? Walther Wust^ Nazi Party intellectual diploma signed from the Munich University. Wust was a leading orientalist 70 and academic who because President of the Institute of the SS and was largely responsible for investigations into the Ayrian Race. He survived the war and died ...[more]

WWII ? Hitler?s Roads Strassen und Bauten ^ by Georg Fritz^ 1938. An illustrated guide to the roads and buildings built 71 during Hitler?s short time as Chancellor^ with considerable number of drawings by Fritz. Cloth covers good condition throughout

Hitler?s Architecture scarce copy of the official publication to celebrate the opening of the Chancellery in in January 1939 with 72 approx 12 bw mounted photographs showing the building under construction^ plus one further bw mounted photograph showing Hitler with the architect of the building^ ...[more]

WWII ? Nazi Party group of approx 18 documents issues by the early Nazi party 1926-29^ with one letter signed by Hitler in 1926. This 73 high important group of documents show how the Nazi party was being organised at this time^ in the very year when Hitler had seen off his rivals for power within the ...[more]

WWII ? V2 Rockets a remarkable archive of typed test reports written during the development phase of the V2 Rockets ? the Nazi 74 developed weapons which were the first ballistic missiles and which eventually led to modern space exploration. The archive is typed on approx 39 sheets of A4 paper ? some l ...[more]

WWII ? remarkable archive relating to the career in the Hitler Youth of Helmut Nieboy including three volumes of his diaries 75 with numerous tipped in original photos^ manuscript maps and text recording his activities in the movement; a book with the minutes and reports of the meetings of ...[more]

WWII ? Hitler Youth an important typescript with ms insertions and corrections prepared by Karl Bierwirth^ a member of the Hitler Youth 76 who lived in Moringen. The typescript chronicles an expedition which he and other members of his Hitler Youth Group undertook between July 22 and August 4 1939 ? on ...[more]

WWII ? Hitler Youth an original drum as used by the Hitler Youth. Metal frame with 15in dia skins. Bottom skin damaged but easily 77 replaced.

WWII ? Hitler Youth Heimbau de Hitlerjugend^ (houses for the Hitler youth) 2 vols^ large oblong folio^ with considerable illustrations of 77A architectural plans for the buildings ? a comprehensive guide which will yield much information

WWII ? the Siege of Malta a highly important official British report on the Siege of Malta chronicling the events from June 1941 through 78 to July 1942^ and providing detailed information on the bombing by the German Luftwaffe and the response by the Allied Garrisons and the RAF based on the island^ a ...[more]

WWII ? the Battle of Flanders two original typescripts written by Staff Captain (later Major) Graham White^ being the transcripts of his 78A field diary together with further personal accounts during the Battle of Flanders in 1940- which ultimately ended in the mass evacuation from the beaches at Dunkir ...[more]

Hitler ? Mein Kampf 1932 edition^ black cloth covers^ spine slightly damaged to top^ boards slightly loose^ some pencil markings to 79 some pages but otherwise appears complete with no further blemishes. This copy carries a signature of Hitler below the usual facsimile signature below the frontispiece ...[more]

WWII ? Hitler Der Hitler Prozess^ 2 volumes 1924^ generally good condition^ with original promotional stickers to front covers (second 80 volume sticker with one portion removed affecting a few words). An extremely long and no doubt extremely turgid account of the rise of Hitler. Even at this very earl ...[more] WWII ? Hitler ? Mein Kampf ? Jubilee Edition good copy of the 1939 Jubilee Edition produced to celebrate Hitler?s 50th birthday. Blue 81 morocco boards^ with gilt sword device and title to front cover. Good condition in original card slipcase

WWII ? Hitler ? Mein Kampf 1939 ?wedding edition?^ with certificate signed by the Deputy Bergermeister of Schwerbeck^ for the 82 wedding of Wilhelm Pannebacker and Johanna Sons on July 15th 1939. Together with a presentation Lutheran Bible for the same event. Both in good order with original slip cases

WWII ? autograph ? Alfred Rosenberg one of the architects of the Nazi party edition of Der Mythus des 20 Jahrhunderts [Myths of the 83 20th century] signed by Rosenberg to inside cover.

WWII ? Adolf Hitler ? Mein Kampf Munich^ 1935. Reprint. VG hardback in good dj. Text in German blackletter; dust jacket slightly worn 84 with three creases^ otherwise in good order^ interior contents fine.

WWII ? The Holocaust ? Auschwitz original letter sent from Auschwitz dated 1941^ written by a Polish slave worker. Letter written in 85 German^ as was required on a standard letter form with printed instructions as to how the letter was to be written and what content was allowed and not allowed. Rare.

WWII ? The Holocaust ? the Persecution of the Gypsies scarce and chilling partly printed document with typewritten inserts issued by 86 the Dienststelle fur Zigeunerfgragen (Department for Gypsy Matters) dated Berlin^ May 10th 1940 stating that J Sepp Hagenberger had been moved to an area beyond the Ay ...[more]

WWII ? The Holocaust ? Auschwitz harrowing series of 10 original snapshot photographs taken by a Russian soldier ? five of which 87 show scenes on the liberation of Auschwitz^ with the other five showing equally horrible events^ including a hanged prisoner and a death squad about to open fire on a grou ...[more]

WWII ? the Holocaust ? concentration camp art original sketch on an 8vo size leaf of paper executed in pen and wash showing two 88 prisoners being beaten by a guard. This is believed to have been drawn by a prisoner from Orianienburg Concentration Camp. Extremely rare.

WWII ? the Holocaust ? the Altestenrat armband with the legend ?Altestenrat der Judischen Ghetto-Gemeinde?^ a few stains consistent 89 with wear. The Altestenrat was the committee of senior Jews in the Ghetto who had to provide some sort of liaison between the Nazis and the people of the Ghetto. In man ...[more]

WWII ? The Holocaust ? Breendonck Concentration Camp rare anti-Nazi song sheet c1944 featuring in particular verses about the 89A Breendonck Camp in Belgium^ which was used as a torture and interrogation centre as well as a transit camp for Auschwitz. The camp is now a museum.

90 WWII ? Nazi Party Das Programm der NSDAP Wird Erfullt by Alfred Himstedt

WWII ? Nazi Propaganda ? Das Kriegsziel der Weltplutogratie. A typical piece of Nazi propaganda printed in 1941 showing a clearly 91 Jewish writer on the front cover with a picture of Churchill and Roosevelt ? and linking the two into a conspiracy theory that Germany was going to be totally divided up ...[more]

92 WWII ? Hitler Reden des Fuhrers am Parteitage der Ehre 1936. [The Fuhrer?s speeches in 1936].

WWII ? Erich Raeder^ head of the German Navy typewritten letter signed dated April 20th 1942 congratulating his correspondent on 93 reaching his 65th birthday and thanking him for his services to the Navy^ together with a portrait photograph of Raeder bearing his signature WWII ? Heinrich Himmler ? autographs and documents autograph letter signed ?Heinrich? dated December 2nd 1932. The obverse 94 shows a picture of Mussolini

WWII ? Adolf Hitler Heer^ Flotte under Luftwaffe^ blue cloth boards^ spine detached down one side^ with the bookplate of Adolf Hitler to 95 inside cover. This book was apparently in a batch liberated by American troops from the library of the Berghof at the end of WWII.

WWII ? Autograph ? Adolf Hitler picture postcard showing a large contingent of storm troopers to obverse and signed in pencil by Hitler 96 to a reverse with a few words in pencil which may also be in Hitler?s hand

WWII ? Autograph ? Adolf Hitler remarkable Christmas card inscribed and signed by Hitler to Wieland Wagner^ grandson of the 97 composer Richard Wagner^ and a highly respected Operatic Director in his own right. The card is dated Berlin^ December 24th 1936 and bears Hitler?s name and the Nazi swastika ...[more]

WWII ? Autograph ? U Boats ? Gunther Prien excessively rare autograph letter signed by Prien dated December 3rd 1940 ? only a few 98 weeks before his death ? thanking his correspondent^ a young lady^ for her congratulations (probably for his spectacular sinking of HMS Royal Oak)^ and apologising for a ...[more]

WWII ? ?D Day? ? Omaha Beach a printed briefing on 6pp marked ?Top Secret Bigot? dated April 21st 1944^ being a briefing for 99 Omaha Beach^ containing a description of the terrain^ description of the tidal range^ obstacles which could be encountered^ two photograph illustrations and a section on the G ...[more]

Ireland ? WWII ? Adolf Hitler a complete set of the German plans to invade Ireland^ comprising the two photo books^ covering the North 100 and the South Coastlines^ and approx 10 further documents including detailed maps of the country including Dublin and Belfast. Rare. Despite the fact that Ireland re ...[more]

WWII ? Nuremberg Trials ? autographs ? War Criminals an important collection of five books signed and inscribed by War Criminals 101 who were prisoners awaiting sentence at the Nuremberg Trials. Included are: ?Die Judengestze Grossdeutschlands? signed and inscribed by Julius Streicher dated April 1st ...[more]

WWII Nuremberg Trials ? autograph ? Herman Goering first edition copy of ?Herman Goering Wert und Mensch [Herman Goering 102 Works and Deeds] Berlin 1938^ signed and inscribed by Goering on inside cover ?Herman Goering Nurnberg 1946?. Provenance: this was given to Dr Goldensohn along with the books in ...[more]

WWII ? autograph ? Herman Goering rare deluxe edition of Herman Goering Werk und Mensch [Herman Goering Works and Deeds] 103 with blue leather gilt embossed binding. Pre-first edition^ signed and inscribed by Goering on inside cover dated Christmas 1937

WWII ? autograph ? Goebbels postcard sent to a friend dated 1928^ the main body written by an unidentified person^ but with an 104 attached autograph sentiment signed by Goebbels and including the term ?Heil Grusse? ? ?Heil Greetings?. The fact that this is dated at a time when the Nazi Party and its va ...[more]

WWII an original map of the Eastern Highlands area of Northern Scotland^ taking in Aberdeen and Dundee. This has been plasticised 105 for strength and resilience against water damage. Approx 30x37ins. The map is taken from the Ordnance Survey.

WWII ? German Navy two copies of the German Navy newspaper ?Gegen Engeland? [Against England] with a masthead illustration of 106 a U-Boat. For June 28th and September 17th 1942 respectively.

WWII ? Regimental Christmas Card 1944 cyclostyled Christmas menu card produced by HQ 79C E&M Coy Royal Engineers in Belgium 107 in 1944 featuring the menu and signed in pencil by each member of the Company WWII ? Royal Artillery a particularly good group of approx six letters written by Gunner J Nicholson serving in Northern Europe with 188 108 Battery^ 75th Anti Tank Regiment^ Royal Artillery^ British Liberation Army covering the period October 1944 ? May 1945^ and providing a considerable amount of inf ...[more]

WWI ? Surrender of the German Fleet 1918 a remarkable photo album containing approx 11 8x6 bw photographs showing the 109 surrender of the fleet at the end of WWI [where it was scuppered] after the signing of the Armistice in November 1918. These are clearly not press stills^ nor bear any official marki ...[more]

WWII ? scarce set of approx 38 celluloid slides c1935 produced as a lecture on the ?Science of the Races? ? intended for school 110 children^ and clearly part of the general Nazi indoctrination campaign to highlight the advantages of the ?Ayrian Race? over other world races. Each approx 10x8 cms and eac ...[more]

Autograph ? WWII ? Phillip Bouhler ? war criminal ? head of Hitler?s Chancellery typewritten letter signed to General Schirmer saying 111 that he had Hitler?s permission to dedicate his book to him^ with envelope and a photograph showing Bouhler standing next to Hitler. Bouhler^ a notorious war criminal ...[more]

WWII a fine copy of ?Heinrich der Loewe? a novel by Werner Jansen 1923. Cream vellum boards with original title painted in 112 calligraphic script highlighted in gold^ and with two finely crafted miniature portraits to inside cover. This book came from the personal library of Dietrich Klagges. In mint c ...[more]

WWII ? Russian Propaganda leaflets group of approx 20 propaganda leaflets dropped by the Russians on German Troops during the 113 Eastern Front campaign. Rare.

WWII ? Middle East two photo albums featuring a large qty of original snapshots showing the RAF base in Habbaniya^ Iraq from 1941- 114 43 and the same RAF unit in Saudi Arabia in 1944. Many interesting images showing personnel^ war damage^ crashed planes^ locals etc

WWII ? Hitler?s Bunker a series of approx 29 mostly colour snapshot photographs showing the final demolition of Hitler?s bunker in 115 what was at that time East Berlin. We understand that taking photographs of this operation was strictly forbidden by the East German Authorities^ mainly because the site ...[more]

WWII ? Nazi Propaganda Europa und der Osten by Dr Georg Leibbrandt (Interned 1945-1949) Permanent Secretary 115A (Ministerialdirektor) of Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete (RMfdbO) and close associate of Nazi chief ideologist Alfred Rosenbe ...[more]

WWII ? Rumania important archive of documents concerning the Rumanian Government in exile during WWII^ including a ?Who?s 115B Who? of the Free Rumanian Movement 1941^ pamphlets on Rumanian and the Russo-German War^ 1941^ and Romania and the Future of Central Europe^ 1941^ a cyclostyled Free Rumanian ne ...[more]

WWII ? Eva Braun^ wife of Adolf Hitler portrait in oils^ believed to be the State Portrait of her^ showing her head and shoulders wearing 116 a red hat and slightly smiling^ looking to her front. Approx overall size 54x49cm^ framed. A statement by our vendor has been supplied to us: ?This portrait^ by H ...[more]

WWII ? Nazi era autograph and photo album compiled by a schoolboy in Germany during the 1930s^ some interesting photographs 117 showing the preparations for a Christmas celebration in his village in 1939^ together with many autographic entries from presumably local people and friends.

WWII ? Holocaust Lest We Forget^ published by the Daily Mail at the end of WWII to highlight the horrors of the Holocaust^ together 117A with a small group of anti-war publications including ?Covenants with Death? ?No More War? and three copies of magazines on the rise of the Third Reich. WWII ? RAF Middle East ? Iraq good photo album compiled by an RAF officer during the 1930 in the years just preceding WWII ? 117B numerous photographs of the local population and the RAF unit^ some commercial tourist photographs.

WWII ? Hitler good copy of the Deluxe version of the Hoffman production of reprints of a selection of seven of Hitler?s watercolours^ 118 each approx 31x21cm^ each matted for framing^ original boards with wood veneer^ in original card slip case^ very minor foxing to end paper but otherwise good through ...[more]

WWII ? Hitler a rare example of a ?flicker book? showing Hitler typically gesticulating while giving a speech ? the idea was that the book 119 contained multiple images so that if you ?flicked? them with a finger or thumb you had the effect of a very short movie

WWII ? the Women?s Voluntary Service 1^000^000 Women^ a picture story of the tireless enthusiasm and great achievement of the 120 Women?s Voluntary Services for Civil Defence^ issued by the Ministry of Information as a morale booster during WWII. 24pp approx 15x12ins^ original covers ? produced in a for ...[more]

WWII ? Channel Isles occupation issue of the Guernsey Evening carrying the proclamation of the German Commandant for the island^ 120A dated July 2nd 1940

WWI/WWII - Conscientious Objectors a fine and important archive on conscientious objectors during both WWI and WWII including an 121 original statement by an objector^ various pamphlets and booklets^ reserve occupation permits^ two letters of the Bishop of Hereford appealing for a man in WWI who has she ...[more]

WWI a fine collection of letters papers and other ephemera relating to Naval Signalman William Wheatley and including an original 122 Naval Signal announcing the Armistice on November 11th 1918. The collection also contains a number of letters some extensive to Wheatley while on active service a collect ...[more]

WWI group of approx five postcards^ one showing fighting in the trenches^ two of George V at the front^ a Red Cross nurse and a 123 scene of English and Canadian wounded at a recovery camp

WWI ? Autographs ? Field Marshal Lord Haig and Field Marshal Foch a fine pair of portraits of the two leading figures on the allied side 124 in WWI^ painted in 1920. Matted together in oval frames and each boldly signed below the image. Overall size approx 41x31cm

WWI a fine photo album from WWI including an Armistice Telegram^ shots of British personnel in formal poses^ group shots^ a group of 125 approx 11 aerial shots of the trenches (fine condition)^ some printed ephemera^ and some later letters including one on behalf of Churchill^ one on behalf of Adolf Hit ...[more]

WWII ? map an original map marked ?top secret? showing the whole of the British Isles as well as parts of Northern Europe^ printed in 127 Berlin in 1939. Clearly a wall map prepared for the invasion of Britain. Measures approx 46x43ins.

WWII Die Hitler Jugend^ Idee und Geftalt^ by Baldur Von Schirach^ first edition 1934- the original book on the Hitler Youth^ together 128 with a signed portrait photograph of Von Schirach

WWII ? Autograph ? Goerring typed letter signed no date^ requesting 30^000 tons of diesel fuel from a reserve of 200^000 tons and 129 giving details of delivery etc. Marked^ secret.

WWII ? Autograph ? Hess ? Rudolf Hess Reden^ 1st edition with an autograph inscription to inside cover signed by Hess to Emil Mazur 130 (SS and Police Leader and from 1940 Governor of Pomerania)

WWII ? Autograph ? Field Marshal Erwin Rommel document signed in pencil dated September 19th 1941 being an official order issued 131 from his North African Head Quarters WWI ? Air Aces ? Rolls Royce an original painting in oils showing a British air ace of WWI flying a bi-plane. This was produced for Rolls 132 Royce and the mount bears a plaque indicating that at one time the painting belonged to the company. This was probably produced as the basis for a promotional pos ...[more]

WWII ? the Budapest War Cemetery typescript concerning the actions of Wellington Bomber Crews who lost their lives in sorties over 133 Hungary mostly in 1944^ with schedule of those buried in the CWGC Cemetery in Budapest^ and a selection of photographs of the Cemetery

WWII ? Hitler?s chancellery an original marble block taken from Hitler?s bunker during the demolition by the East German authorities. 134 The white marble tile once graced the floor of the building which was largely destroyed during the Battle of Berlin in 1945 but which was eventually completely erased ...[more]

WWII ? the SS a large ledger bearing the title on a pasted down sheet to front cover ?Auptamt SS ? Bericht Amstelle ? Rechnungs- 135 Kontr.? [Main Office Official Report Book ? Accounting Control]. The ledger measures approx 17x13 ins and contains approx 460pp ? some have been torn out (obviously deliber ...[more]

WWII ? Nazis ? the SS a complete register of the members of the SS dated December 31st 1938. Folio^ black cloth covers with 136 embossed title in white lettering ?Diestaltersliste der Schutstaffel? [Seniority list of the protection staff]. The first two pages lists 53 officers of the SS who had died pri ...[more]

WWII ? Hitler the souvenir publication of the 1934 Nuremberg Rally^ cover a little soiled^ some slight interior foxing but generally good 137 condition. This volume bears on the inside cover a pencilled dedication [trans] ?To my good friend Percy with best wishes Adolf Hitler?. Provenance: According to ...[more]

WWI the personal album of Private G H G Warr of the Royal Army Medical Corps including four original cyclostyled menus from 138 celebration banquets held in the field during WWI^ five programmes for company entertainments^ and original printed Christmas Card designed by him for Christmas 1917^ an origin ...[more]

WWII ? liberation edition of a French newspaper dated August 22nd 1944 with the news that Paris had been liberated by the allies. 139 Usual slight browning but otherwise good

WWII ? Escape Map good example of a WWII escape map printed on silk^ covering Italy (North & Central) Switzerland (East)^ Belgium 140 & Germany (New Frontier) and areas of Eastern Europe. Fine unused condition

American Civil War ? Siege of Yorktown autograph letter signed by Colonel John J Carter of the 33rd Regiment NYS of the Union Army^ 141 dated Camp Winfield Scott^ Near Yorktown Va^ April 26th 1862^ five pp folio. An extensive letter providing detailed eye witness account of the Siege of Yorktown^ one of ...[more]

Mary Tudor and Phillip II bound edition of the Acts of the joint monarchs passed in the second and third years of their joint reign 1555. 142 Modern binding in good order^ interior contents in fine order with very slight worming only. Rare. A total of approx 22 Acts are listed including measures forbidd ...[more]

Art and Artists ? James McNeil Whistler catalogue of the memorial exhibition of the works of the late J McNeill Whistler^ third edition 143 1905^ sm4to 126pp^ burgundy cloth boards^ a little rubbed but interior contents appear good. An invaluable record and reference work for Whistler?s works

English Civil War An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the speedy raising and levying of moneys by way of excise ...July 22nd 144 1643. Sm 4to^ modern boards^ good condition throughout. Wing E 2052. The beginnings of the war ?a hasty attempt by the King to raise money for promoting the war against ...[more]

English Civil War An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the levying of moneys by way of excise or new import. Sm 4to^ modern 145 boards^ good condition throughout. Wing E1988 which lists six issues this being a variant of the first issue. English Civil War ? Battle of Naseby Historical Gleanings on the memorable field of Naseby^ by Henry Lockinge^ first edition 1830. 146 Original grey boards^ spine defective but interior contents appear good. 130pp^ adverts to rear^ folding plan of the battle with two further plates including the facsimi ...[more]

Almanac Rider?s British Merlin for the year of our Lord 1758...R Nutt for the Company of Stationers 1758. 16mo^ red morocco binding 147 with tooled gilt embellishments a little rubbed. Interior contents appear good throughout and complete. A fine mid-18th c almanac containing a wealth of information on ...[more]

Scotland bound volume of various printed Acts of Parliament from the reigns of George III^ through to Victoria relating to the 148 administration of Justice in Scotland. Calf covered boards with integral burgundy coloured panel with gilt tooled title ?The Lord Chancellor? which would seem to indicate th ...[more]

Scotland ? Sterling ? an early 19th c merchant three fine manuscript ledgers kept by Thomas Alexander of Sterling^ covering the years 149 1829 to 1832 and recording all his transactions with accounts information etc. Three particularly fine and informative ledgers. Alexander appears to be a merchant dea ...[more]

Smugglers an important manuscript book of instructions for the Excise men running from 1741 to 1760 providing considerable 150 information on the running of the Excise at that time when smuggling was rife throughout the coastal areas of the country. The 4to sized book contains approx 200 closely writte ...[more]

Excise ? Northumberland a fine manuscript minute book registering the activities of the Excise men belonging to the Newcastle^ Alnwick 151 and Wooler stations in Northumberland c1726-31^ with numerous entries recording visits by Excise men to premises throughout the area recording the nature of the acti ...[more]

Excise ? Northumberland ledger kept by the Newcastle^ Berwick and Wooler rides of the Customs and Excise c1842-47^ vellum backed 152 boards and while in an ?as used? condition^ it is fully legible throughout with interior contents in generally good order. The book contains numerous printed circulars iss ...[more]

Excise ? mid 18th c a manuscript letter book probably a personal book kept by an Excise officer from the mid-18th c^ containing approx 153 32pp of neatly written ms entries being either copies of letters he sent to his superiors or instructions to him which he obviously kept as aide memoirs. Contained i ...[more]

Sir ? papier mache bust of Churchill in nautical clothes^ smoking one of his trademark cigars. Mounted in a glass dish 154 set with red gemstones to handle and base. Rare and unusual. Overall height approx 16cm.

General Strike group of four newspapers produced during the strike May 9th-11th 1926^ including editions of the Daily Telegraph and 155 Sunday Pictorial (each printed) and a cyclostyled edition of the Evening News. Good condition throughout.

Socialist/Communist history ? the General Strike 1926 archive of documents issued by the Great Western Railway charting the progress 156 of the General Strike^ including printed notices for the public concerning train service^ printed notices to the employees promising protection to anyone who either c ...[more]

Ephemera ? commonplace book of Major General ECA Gordon^ Royal Engineers^ containing his diary covering a period of late 1846 157 and into 1847^ and also featuring a qty of pasted down press cuttings on various subjects but mostly relating to house and garden topics. Some pages of the diary have been ne ...[more]

Large sheet of ?Napoleon?s Wallpaper? the covers of a 19th scrapbook^ clad in a deep blue paper featuring a gilt pattern featuring 158 butterflies and flowers^ approx 26x19cm. The paper shows signs of wear but the pattern is clearly discernable. Inside there is an ms inscription which reads: ?The paper ...[more] Falklands War a remarkable^ detailed archive of dispatches issued and received during the Falklands War of 1982^ comprising approx 159 274 sheets of pre-printed/cyclostyled log forms^ either completed in manuscript or typescript^ together with approx 27 further sheets of photocopies of reports. This is ...[more]

Military ? WWII ? autograph ? Sir Brian Horrocks Patton: The Commander by H Essame^ Batsford^ 1974^ good copy in dj^ inscribed 160 and signed by Horrocks to inside cover : ?A Splendid Portrait of a great leader by an outstanding soldier and leader himself. Brigadier Essame subsequently promoted Major Ge ...[more]

Military ? Malta and Gozo attractive document on a single page folio paper being a warrant issued by Major General Hildebrand Oakes^ 161 Commanding His Majesty?s Forces in the Islands of Malta and Gozo to Thomas Fryers^ Deputy Paymaster General ordering payment to Lt Thomas Mackrell of the 44th Regiment ...[more]

Duke of Wellington ? Admiral Sir Nesbit Willoughby autograph letter signed by Willoughby to the Duke of Wellington presenting a copy 162 of his book ?Extracts from Holy Writ?^ with autograph draft reply by Wellington. Dated February 22nd 1843. Willoughby somewhat effusively presents the book to Wellingt ...[more]

Ephemera ? Duke of Wellington group of approx eight printed Acts of Parliament all relating to the Duke of Wellington including the 1812 163 Act for settling an annuity of £2^000 per year for him^ the 1813 & 1814 Acts for purchasing an estate for him^ and the 1852 Act for payment of bills on the da ...[more]

Wellington and Waterloo steel engraved print taken from the London Illustrated News showing George IV and Wellington at the field of 164 Waterloo^ affixed to an album leaf surmounted by part of a printed document bearing the signature of George IV (?George PR?)and Prince Regent (part of this torn away a ...[more]

Wellington and Waterloo a particularly fine ms document being the Abstract of Pay dated Head Quarters October 24th 1817 listing pay 165 due to the Duke of Wellington and his officers from August to October (totalling just under £7^500). Listed are the major names who fought at Waterloo^ including Wellin ...[more]

Wellington and Waterloo ? autograph ? Henry Hardinge^ Viscount^ succeeded Wellington as Commander in Chief fine document 166 signed dated May 4th 1829 confirming the accounts of the 39th Foot^ partially printed document with ms insertions^ 1p folio in fine condition

Wellington and Waterloo a remarkable series of approx 14 litho printed sketches showing scenes of the hand to hand fighting during the 167 Battle of Waterloo. By George Jones and dated 1816. These uncoloured images are most unusual in that they show the pain and suffering of the hand to hand fighting ra ...[more]

Wellington and Waterloo group of prints including a series of approx 11 litho scenes of the Battlefield of Waterloo and associated 168 memorials^ a steel engraving of a scene from the battle^ an ILN key drawing for a large scale image of the peace conference with Wellington at the centre^ an engraved sc ...[more]

Wellington and Waterloo a fine lithograph map showing the Battle of Waterloo with the various positions marked on both sides^ printed 169 in Brussels^ no date but clearly contemporaneous^ approx 425x345mm^ one close tear in original crease to bottom edge not affecting text or image otherwise in good con ...[more]

Wellington and Waterloo litho plan of the area surrounding the Battlefield of Waterloo as it was at the time of the battle with the various 170 forces and their positions shown between Charleroi in the South and Brussels in the North^ with textual explanations^ approx 33x22cm

Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway group of documents relating to land purchase in Worcestershire for the railway including an 171 original agreement for the purchase of the land^ near Pershore^ printed document with ms insertions^ a folding ms plan showing the land to be purchased^ three indentures ea ...[more] Industrial Revolution ? good group of documents^ letters etc including : Staffordshire potteries group of letters all relating to the potteries 172 including a letter dated 1839 providing an estimate for the repair of the Cockshead Flint Mill^ the final page of a letter from the early potter John Ridgew ...[more]

Manuscript illuminated manuscript on a strip of vellum approx 150x8cm^ with five illustrations^ one of which clearly indicates that this is 173 an early Christian document. The script is unidentified. Some soiling but generally good condition^ with illustrations highlighted in red and yellow.

Canals ? Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal printed Act of Parliament dated 1826 for making a canal from the Staffordshire and 174 Worcestershire Canal at Tettenhall^ Wolverhampton^ to the United Navigation of the Ellesmere and Chester Canals. Folio 85pp disbound good condition. Together with a pri ...[more]

Wales group of approx nine printed Acts of Parliament 1693-1819 all relating to Wales including measures limiting Justices of the 175 Peace^ disputes concerning Royal Mines^ disposal of personal estates^ improving the harbours at Barmouth and Swansea^ regulating the appointment of gamekeepers^ and provi ...[more]

Nelson ? the Battle of the Nile ? Poetical Handbill Banks of the Nile ? a much admired love song called the Banks of the Nile^ Dublin P 176 Brereton^ no date but c 1800 printed on a single slip of somewhat flimsy paper approx 28x11 cm very slight soiling to top otherwise clean and bright with pictorial ...[more]

Ireland ? Poetical Handbill Song from the Backwoods. Poetical handbill printed on rather flimsy paper approx 28x11cm lower right hand 177 corner torn away not affecting text. A song of six stanzas with nine lines each. Imperfectly printed and with some words incorrectly spelled. No date but possibly mid ...[more]

Linen Trade 18th c three printed reports dated 1744^ 1751 and 1773 all concerning the linen trade in Britain and Ireland. All disbound all 178 in good condition.

Historic Newspapers ? Strand Magazine ? Paranormal ? Literature ? Arthur Conan Doyle ? the Cottingley Fairies edition of the Strand 179 Magazine for Christmas 1920 in which is published for the first time Conan Doyle?s sensational assertion that two young girls in the village of Cottingley^ Yorks^ not o ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? Lloyd?s Evening Post ? Death of Munro ? India edition of Lloyd?s Evening Post for July 3rd-5th 1793 containing 180 an eyewitness account of the killing of the son of General Sir Hector Munro by a tiger while picnicking at Saugur Island of Calcutta. The event entered popular myth as ...[more]

Charles II ?Rye House Plot The Tryals of Thomas Walcot^ John Rous^ William Hone^ William Lord Russell & William Blagg for High 181 for conspiring the Death of the King and raising a Rebellion in this Kingdom^ 1683. Folio 81pp^ bound but binding loose^ some browning to paper but otherwise goo ...[more]

Charles II ? Titus Oates ? Popish Plot bound volume of approx 18 contemporaneous printed publications covering the whole history of 182 Titus Oates and the infamous Popish Plot ? 1679-1689^ including Oates?s original ?vindication? in which the ?plot? was alleged^ through to a final address from the Engl ...[more]

James II an excessively rare copy of ?The Declaration of Whitehall? whereby the newly installed James II attempted to stave off the 183 rumours that his recently born son^ the Prince of Wales was legitimate and therefore the rightful heir to the throne. A total of 40pp^ small folio^ modern binding^ oute ...[more]

The Highland Rebellion 1745 The Whole Proceedings in the House of Peers upon the indictments against William Earl of Kilmarnock^ 184 George Earl of Cromertie and Arthur Lord Balmerino. Printed transcript of the trials of the three most prominent of ?Bonnie? Prince Charlie?s Lieutenants who were captured ...[more] China ? Sino-Japanese War fine collection of approx 46 original snapshot photographs dating from 1932-7 during the Sino-Japanese 185 War showing the shelling of Shanghai by the Japanese. The images show the destruction of buildings^ street scenes^ scenes showing the pall of smoke over the city^ ...[more]

China ? Sino-Japanese War 1932 Hell over Shanghai^ published by Modern Books Ltd 1932^ a communist pro-USSR pamphlet 185A decrying the war on China by Japan. Rare

186 WWII ? The Holocaust a letter written from the Theresienstadt Ghetto in Czechsolovakia ? written on a postcard

187 WWII ? The Holocaust a letter written from the Theresienstadt Ghetto in Czechsolovakia? written on a postcard

188 WWII ? The Holocaust two anti-Semitic cartoons taken from 19th c publications

WWII ? The Holocaust Das Lied vom Levy (The Songs of Levi) Nos 1-6^ possibly a complete run of this rare 19th c German magazine 189 featuring anti-Semitic illustrations and verse.

WWII ? the Holocaust group of five original inflation era German banknotes^ each overprinted with Anti-Semitic slogans. These were 190 used as propaganda tools^ placing the blame for the hyper-inflation which ruined Germany throughout the 1920s on the Jews

WWII ? The Holocaust ? Concentration Camp Money group of three banknotes issued in Westerbork Concentration Camp. Good 191 condition

WWII ? the Holocaust remarkable colour picture postcard issued in Buchenwald concentration camp (with the stamp of the 192 Concentration Camp to verso) showing a group of men playing handball (or maybe football it is difficult to discern) ? two can be clearly seen as Jewish from the Star of David emblem ...[more]

WWII ? the Holocaust remarkable photograph showing two men who are clearly Jewish being bathed in a large oil drum^ beside a train 193 box car with the Star of David emblem and the number ?14?. A rare image to say the least

South Africa The Transvaal From Within ? A Private Record Of Public Affairs 1899 Important document of South African history^ 194 originally written in 1896 & initially printed for private circulation in 1899 the author set out to document the events of 1895-96 in the Transvaal & the reasons for ...[more]

Photographs ? Literature ? Charles Dickens an original carte de visite portrait of Dickens by R W Thrupp of Birmingham^ showing 195 Dickens at the height of his powers hs looking seriously to his left

Photographs ? carte de visite style photograph by H Murdoch^ 10 Beresford Terrace^ Ayr^ showing a female figure identifies as a young 196 Mary Ann Evans ? the novelist ?George Elliot?^ hs^ looking seriously to her front^ her hair tied back. Together with a small group of other photographs^ including one ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? Illustrated London News ? Literature ? H G Wells Summer Number of the ILN for 1898^ featuring a wealth of 197 emerging literary work^ including the first appearance of ?The Man Who Could Work Miracles? by Wells. Also featured are works by Bret Harte^ Baring Gould^ Quiller-Couch^ Ma ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? Illustrated London News ? the Prince Imperial specially bound volume of an edition of the ILN together with two 198 editions of the Graphic June and July 1879 with reports and engraved illustrations relating to the death of Prince Louis Napoleon^ the Prince Imperial^ as well as con ...[more] Historic Newspapers ? The Graphic ? Dreyfus Affair special edition of The Graphic entitled ?Dreyfus the Martyr? dated September 14th 199 1899^ with many illustrations of the whole history of the affair. Graphic illustration to front cover showing Dreyfus being ceremoniously stripped of his army insignia ...[more]

Military attractive partially printed document with ms insertions dated at Cape Town July 25th 1807 signed by Brigadier General W 200 Corkell being a pay receipt 1p folio in good condition partially laid to an album leaf

Military attractive partially printed document with ms insertions dated October 16th 1813 signed by Major General Gibbs being a pay 201 warrant for the Paymaster of the 4th Battalion Royal Scots^ 1p folio in good condition partially laid to an album leaf. Gibbs was killed at New Orleans in 1815

Autographs album page with affixed free fronts signed by Lord Sidmouth^ Prince Paul Esterhazy (addressed to Sir William Hamilton)^ 202 Viscount Exmouth and four others

Autographs ? Queen Victoria Victorian era autograph book with a qty of signatures pasted to card pages^ including: Queen Victoria^ 203 Robert Peel^ Lord Palmerston^ Earl Grey and many others. Loosely inserted is an als of Charles Halle relating to his musical concerts

Theatre ? autograph ? John Whitsed The World?s Slippery Turns or Mind How Your Wed^ a play in three Acts by John Whitsed MD^ 204 London 1845^ first edition. Red cloth boards embellished with gild decoration^ spine defective^ boards loose (but all easily repaired in our view)^ interior contents appear fi ...[more]

Northamptonshire ? Pedigree on vellum 18th c family pedigree of the children of Sir James Langham Bart (1736-95) MP for 205 Northamptonshire^ tracing the line back to Edward I. Set out on a scroll of vellum approx 80x30cm^ with each person containing in a roundel ^ the whole document highlighted in red^ ...[more]

Two Victorian physicians a group of approx 15 printed certificates with ms insertions given to two late Victorian physicians^ Robert and 206 John Fisher^ showing various awards and accomplishments ? contained in two metal tubes. Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Theatre ? George Bernard Shaw ? Malvern Festival bound collation of the Malvern Festival programmes for the years 1929-37^ 207 featuring the production of many of Shaw?s most famous plays. During this time^ the Malvern Festival became one of the most important theatre venues in the world. Pioneered by S ...[more]

Theatre ? George Bernard Shaw ? Malvern Festival a fine photo album containing professional bw stills showing productions at the 208 Malvern Festival of 1939. Productions include the world premiere of ?In Good King Charles? Golden Days? by Shaw and ?What they say?? by James Bridie. The photographs show ...[more]

Military To the Rt Hon William Windham on a partial re-organization of the British Army^ by Major General J Money^ London 1799^ first 209 edition^ 8vo 60pp^ bound with ?A Sketch of the Etat-Major or General Staff of an Army in the Field [by Hugh Swayne] London 1810^ first edition 175pp. Modern blue clot ...[more]

Ecclesiastical ? Sermons volume of approx 22 first edition printed sermons from 1692-1749^ each preached on the occasion of the 210 celebration of the Restoration of Charles II^(Oak Apple Day) 4to^ calf binding little rubbed and loose but interior contents appear generally good throughout^ with ms list ...[more]

Political ? Communism ?Sidney and Beatrice Webb Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation by Sidney and Beatrice Webb ? a postscript 211 added to the second edition ...privately printed by the authors for issue to purchasers of the First Edition. 8vo 71pp plus 33pp of appendices. Original grey paper wrappers ...[more]

Naval The New Navy List containing the names of all the commissioned officers in Her Majesty?s Fleet....compiled by Charles Haultain^ 212 Commander Royal Navy^ 1843 first edition^ 8vo 330pp^ original marbled boards rubbed but interior contents appear complete and in generally good order throughout. A ve ...[more] Antique maps - America ? Fort du Quense Pittsburg rare printed plan of the Fort du Quense Pittsburg ?before it was destroyed in 1758? 213 contained in a composite volume of the Grand Magazine of Magazines^ vol 2 for January ?June 1759. Original calf binding^ 8vo 372pp plus index. Appears complete and in ...[more]

Coronation of Queen Victoria ?Regulations to be observed on the day of the Coronation? Whitehall June 20th 1838. Folio 4pp^ paper a 214 little browned^ section torn from top right hand corner not affecting text^ a little weakness where originally folded. A rare item of Royal memorabilia- this document s ...[more]

Einstein printed menu for the third annual Chalutzim Sedar and farewell dinner held in honour of Albert Einstein by the National Labor 215 Committee for Palestine held at the Grand Ballroom Central Plaza Second Avenue New York on April 1st 1934. Printed on thick card 8vo

Bertram Russell Political Ideals by Bertram Russell^ published by the National Council for Civil Liberties^ no date but 1916^ 8vo 12pp^ 216 original grey paper wrappers a little soiled and torn but interior contents appear good. First Edition^ considered very rare. This was the first of six letters wri ...[more]

Legal ? Impeachment of Baron Somers A State of the Proceedings in the House of Commons with relation to the impeached lords and 217 what happened thereupon between the two houses^ London 1701. A verbatim printed transcript of the impeachment of Somers the Lord Chancellor under William III. Somers had at ...[more]

Canals ? [John Rennie] group of manuscript letters^ late 18th/early 19th c concerning canal construction including a letter dated April 218 25th 1821 written by James Caird to Edward Hull^ Secretary to the Harbour Commission at Donaghadee saying that his enquiries were under the consideration of Mr Re ...[more]

Northumberland ? Sawdon small group of late 18th c documents relating to Sawdon in Northumberland^ including a small group 219 concerning the building of new roads in the area^ with a ms sketch map^ an interesting petition of various tenants and farmers against a local miller who is not doing his job pr ...[more]

Northumberland ? Eshott abstract of leases^ minutes^ a pocket book and a bundle of papers relating to other properties in the area of 220 Eshott Note; miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Miscellaneous good group of approx 30 manuscript letters/documents^ mostly 18th/10th c^ including a letter of Lord Levington 221 concerning one of his sermons^ a warrant signed by General Dundas^ letters of James Graves^ William Palmer^ Thomas Pettigrew and many others^ also including six late 17th c ma ...[more]

Stagecoaches autograph letter signed by William Newman probably early 19th c describing the difficulties of travelling by stagecoach at 222 the time: ?...we left Bull and Mouth Inn London at 5 on Friday Evening (for Oxford) & by the time we left Oxford we mustered on the coach 18 living souls exclus ...[more]

Northumberland ? Bamburgh ? Dr John Sharp archive of letters 1772-74 being the correspondence to and from Dr John Sharp 223 regarding Lord Crewe?s estates in Northumberland which included Bamburgh Castle. Various correspondents discussing day to day legal affairs. Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to ...[more]

Miscellaneous group of approx 25 ms letters/documents mostly early 19th c^ including a ms recipe for marmalade^ a deed of co- 224 partnership in an attorneys in Westminster^ and various letters^ together with three early 19th c printed political cartoons. Note Miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Miscellaneous good group of approx 19letters/documents 17th ? 19th c including a legal document dated 1672^ a transcript of a letter of 225 Lord Hill regarding appointments following the death of the Earl of Chatham [ie William Pitt] a letter of Sir Robert Hildyard dated 1695^ a group of autographs/musi ...[more] English Civil War ? Charles Cullen^ Lord Cockayne group of approx nine ms documents relating to Charles Cullen^ Lord Cockayne^ 226 High Sherrif of Northamptonshire in 1636. Majority of the documents date from the Civil War period with one being a transcript of a document in the very rare name of the Kee ...[more]

Wiltshire ? the Eldridge Family large family photo album of the Eldridge Family of Pockeridge^ Wilts with a qty of original photographs 227 showing the family home^ a c de v portrait of the village postman^ portraits of family members^ a signed photograph of the King of Siam (ie Thailand) dated 1933^ a ...[more]

Postal History a very fine and extensive collection of German stamps including rare issues from Berlin as well as from Germany as a 228 whole. The Berlin issues cover every year from 1975 to 1990 (when the wall came down). Each stamp is mounted on a special album card with first day cancellation^ and wi ...[more]

Titanic ? the Daily Mirror April 16th 1912 with the first report of the disaster^ and approx 16 other editions throughout April and May^ all 229 with extensive coverage of the event^ all in fine condition

Titanic ? run of editions of The Times from April 17th-29th 1912 carrying the contemporaneous reports on the disaster^ some tears to 230 pages^ where originally removed from a bound volume^ but mostly intact and in fresh legible condition

Crime and Punishment The Genuine Account of the Trial of Eugene Aram for the of Daniel Clark late of Knaresborough in the 231 County of York^ the eighth edition^ 1792^ 8vo 83pp^ crude card boards^ but interior contents in good order. A famous case. Aram^ a philologist^ was originally suspected of ...[more]

Postal History ? Crimean War ? Congress of Paris commemorative envelope featuring a watermarked face bearing the emblem of the 232 Congress of Paris (which brought the Crimean War to an End) and with a watermark to the back flap bearing ?30 Mars La Paix?. Postally unused. Approx 14x6cms^ together with c ...[more]

Northumberland ? Chillingham group of five letters and one ms document dated 1833 relating to the presentation of a silver plate to the 233 Rev John Sandford^ former Vicar of Chillingham^ Northumberland^ who had obviously moved to a parish in London. The group includes letters from Sandford to the Churc ...[more]

Cornwall ? Pendennis Castle 1809 diary covering the period 1809-1811 addressed from Pendennis Castle^ written in a neat hand on 234 approx 43pp 8vo in a calf bound book.

Medical ? Edinburgh ? autograph ? Andrew Duncan Snr ? leading early 19th c physician good autograph letter signed to Dr Alexander 235 Ewing^ one of his pupils at Edinburgh University^ 1p 4to with integral address panel^ dated June 18th 1817 thanking Ewing for receipt of his observations on the circulati ...[more]

Theatre group of three autograph letters signed by Alfred Reynolds who wrote the music for the much loved production^ 1066 And All 236 That discussing performances in Dublin and Birmingham^ with a letter to Reynolds discussing the Dublin production^ together with a script for the play and a programme f ...[more]

Scotland ? Caledonian Canal archive of 20 original printed reports for the building of the Caledonian Canal ? Telford?s masterpiece in 237 the Scottish Highlands which ensured safe inland water passage between the North Sea and the Atlantic and which is still in full operation today. Reports date from 1 ...[more]

Manchester Ship Canal fine collection of nine original pamphlets produced during the period when the planned Manchester Ship Canal 237A was subject of heated debate. The Pamphlets put the arguments both pro and against the building of the canal ? one of the finest and iconic achievements of the industria ...[more]

Ireland ? County Antrim ? Killoquin extensive archive of letters^ papers^ documents etc relating to the family of Sir Robert Harvey Bart 238 and his various estates including a large quantity of documents relating to the Killoquin Estate in County Antrim^ Northern Ireland^ including three fine rent book ...[more] Literature ? Michael Drayton^ Elizabethan Poet England?s Heroical Epistals by Michael Drayton Esq^ London^ John Smethwicke 1637. 239 16mo^ modern binding^ interior contents in generally good order. Lacking engraved title page. An early edition of one of the major works by Drayton^ first published in 159 ...[more]

Judaica ? Palestine and Israel 10x8 bw press still showing a Jewish agricultural worker tilling the fields with a rifle strapped to his back. 240 The caption to verso is headed ?To Defend Selves?. Dated 1937.

Ephemera ? anatomy Bailliere?s Popular Atlas of the anatomy and physiology of the Male Human Body^ 1942 reprint^ many diagrams 241 and illustrations.

Body Snatchers ? John Bishop and Thomas Williams run of seven editions of the Spectator newspaper from November 12th through to 242 December 31st 1831 covering the whole court case of the notorious body snatchers Bishop and Williams who murdered various people in London and then sold the bodies for medi ...[more]

Ephemera ? Royalty qty of ephemera relating to Royal Coronations. Events etc^ including Coronation Day travel maps for 1937 and 243 1953^ a qty of Illustrated London News commemoratives^ newspapers^ brochures etc. Note: Miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Ephemera ? Royalty ? the honeymoon of Charles and Diana fine collection of photographs taken during the honeymoon of Prince 244 Charles and Diana Princess of Wales including approx 17 bw postcard sized prints of the honeymoon together with approx 35 bw postcard sized prints showing an overseas tour by t ...[more]

Elizabeth I document in her name written in Latin on a strip of vellum approx 29x9 cm^ a total of 13 lines in an attractive script^ being a 245 legal transaction. A little soiling and very slight fading to right hand edge but otherwise in generally good condition and an attractive 16th c document

James I ? Middlesex 1613 manuscript document from the Reign of James I being an extract from the Sessions Roll for Middlesex 246 dealing with the fine of 3s 4d on John Thornton^ James Williamson and Thomas Boycott all of High Holborn for hurting and wounding Ralph Hollingshead. Written in Latin on a sli ...[more]

Scotland 17th c two attractive manuscript documents on paper^ one dated 1650^ the other undated but possibly late 16th c^ both 247 property transactions involving the Hamilton family of Edinburgh. The later document involves Sir James Hamilton and Thomas Forrest^ a prominent Edinburgh merchant together ...[more]

Ottoman ? Serbian war 1876 two extensive letters being copies on onion paper of the originals written from a British Army officer ? 248 Colonel William Mure ? in Belgrade in 1876 ? 17pp and 7pp folio respectively. Dated September 1st & 2nd respectively. Mure had obviously been sent to assess the sit ...[more]

China China Treaty Document US Senate President John Tyler 1845 USA. A very early piece of Chinese and American history^ a rare 249 and original printed fourteen-page US Document^ dated January 22^ 1845^ entitled message from the President of the USA^ Communicating An Abstract of the Treaty between the ...[more]

250 Japan ? Netsuke a finely hand carved hard wood netsuke depicting a moveable fish inside a fishing basket^ signed by the artist. Rare

Japan ? Netsuke an unusual hand carved hard wood netsuke of a rabbit carrying a tortoise on its back^ very find detailed carving^ 251 signed by the artist

Japan ? Netsuke a particularly fine carved hard wood netsuke comprising four mice on an upturned basket. The artist has meticulously 252 executed the fineness of detail^ Signed by the artist China Chinese revolution ? formation of the Republic of China. Further correspondence respecting the affairs of China?. China No 3 253 (1912). (In Continuation of ""China No 1 (1912)"" Cd 6148). London. Published H.M.S.O. Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majes ...[more]

Political ? Autograph ? Lord Hailsham group of approx 29 letters^ five postcards and two other cards by Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone 254 (1907-2001) Conservative Cabinet Minister in Margaret Thatcher?s Government and later Lord Chancellor all written between 1991 and 1995. An intriguing archive of le ...[more]

Literature ? [Oscar Wilde] photograph of a young man identified in a typed note to verso as being of Oscar Wilde. Approx 8x6cm^ 255 framed and glazed

Literature ? autograph ? Henry Thrale^ friend of Dr Johnson The Art of Preserving Health: A Poem. London 1744. Lacking covers^ but 256 otherwise appears complete 134pp. Contained in modern purpose built case. Bearing the signature of Henry Thrale to title page. Thrale^ from a successful brewing family^ ...[more]

Political ? Disraeli bound volume of Punch cartoons all featuring Disraeli^ published in 1878^ original purple cloth boards^ a little faded 257 but interior contents appear good and complete together with a group of printed political cartoons relating to the Halifax Election of 1868^ a book of cartoons ...[more]

Art and Artists ? attrib Franz Cleyn two early wood cuts c1650 attributed to Franz Cleyn^ both showing rather gruesome execution 258 scenes taken from ancient history^ each approx 14x11cm image size^ both matted for framing^ good condition.

259 Art and artists ? Japanese prints four decorative prints^ probably Japanese^ three framed and glazed^ good condition

Art and Artists ? Feliks Topolski artist?s proof of his pastel study of Trafalgar Square^ signed in pencil to base of image^ image size 260 approx 67x45cm^ framed and glazed

Political satire 19th c three editions of Figaro in London^ a political satire newspaper for March 24th^ April 7th and April 14th 1832^ 261 together with a political broadside entitled ?A Receipt to make a peaceable King? and an anti-Jacobite broadside

Stocks and shares large qty of miscellaneous dividend coupons cut from share certificates^ mainly 19th c^ including Russian railway 262 shares and others. Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Autographs group of more than 50 autograph letters mostly to Lord Knutsford^ letters include from Mary Cholmondley (authoress)^ 263 Lawrence Houseman (1865-1959)^ Edmund Farrer^ William Pett-Ridge^ author^ A.S. Scott-Gutty^ Violet Markham^ ASM Hutchinson^ ^Augustus Birrell^ Lord Buckmaster^ Sir James De ...[more]

Ephemera ? original prints ? Horse Racing The First Steeplechase on Record^ set of four aquatints by Henry Alken^ engraved by J 264 Harris^ published by Ben Brookes at his Eclipse Sporting Gallery^ March 1st 1839^ unframed^ Plates I-IV

Ephemera ? original prints ? topographical including Bristol View of St Vincent?s Rock with the Hot Wells near Bristol^ original coloured 265 engraving^ late 18th c^ framed and glazed. A view of the River Avon where Brunel built his Clifton Suspension bridge some 50 years later. Wells Cathedral engravin ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? London Gazette Number 84 issue covering August 30 to September 3 1666^ two pp folio^ fine condition^ 266 evidence of original collation in a bound volume to left hand margin^ not affecting text. A classic issue^ carrying at the bottom of page two the bald report : ?London Sept 2 Ab ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? London Gazette fine collection of approx five issues of the London Gazette providing contemporaneous reports 267 on the last illness and subsequent death of Charles II and the proclamation and accession of James II. Covering the period February 2nd ? 19th 1684 (ie 1685) The first ...[more] Historic Newspapers ? London Gazette Monmouth?s Rebellion fine collection of approx 18 issues of the London Gazette effectively 268 covering the entire story of Monmouth?s Rebellion^ including a contemporaneous report on the Battle of Sedgemore ? the last battle fought on English soil ? and the eventual ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? London Gazette ? Titus Oates and the ?Popish Plot? two issues of the London Gazette covering the period May 269 7th ? May 18th 1685^ the first announcing that Titus Oates had been found guilty of perjury in organising the ?Popish Plot? and the second with a contemporaneous report o ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? London Gazette ? James II issue number 2120 of the London gazette covering the period March 11th-15th 1685 270 (ie 1686)^ and containing a verbatim report of the Proclamation of James II offering a General Pardon to all his subjects. This was a four page issue of the paper^ in good ...[more]

Historic Newspapers ? London Gazette Rhode Island and New Jersey 1685 issue 2053 of the London Gazette covering the period July 271 20th-23rd 1685 carrying addresses from the Colonies of Rhode Island and New Jersey welcoming the accession of James II

English Civil War ? Death of Charles I The Martyr of the People or the Murdered King... 1649. Sm 4to^ disbound^ 6pp plus title. A rare 272 and remarkable publication issued in the wake of the execution of Charles I. Published anonymously for obvious reasons. In good order throughout.

English Civil War ? Pamphlet The Declaration of Captain James Hind (close Prisoner in Newgate)^ 6pp small 4to plus title page with an 273 engraved vignette portrait of Hind to front cover^ slight dusting and very slight foxing. Hind^ a Royalist^ grew up as a butcher?s assistant in Chipping Norton^ Oxfor ...[more]

Charles II ? The Rye House Plot rare group of painted documents relating to the Plot ? the attempt to assassinate Charles II which was 274 hatched at the Rye House in Hertfordshire in 1683. Including a printed list of the all the conspirators^2pp folio^ a little frayed at edges affecting a few words but ...[more]

The 1715 Rebellion three printed copies of the Votes of the House of Commons relating to the abortive attempt of rebellion by James 275 Edward Stuart in 1715^ each 2pp folio

Charles II An Act for the better securing the liberty of the subject and for prevention of imprisonments beyond the seas...1691. Folio 276 17pp plus title. Possibly a later printing of the original Act passed in 1679 ? one of the cornerstones of international law which brought in the right of ?habeus co ...[more]

Boer War ? historic newspapers ? The Pretoria Friend a complete run of the 17 issues of this rare newspaper which ran from June 26th 277 ? July 14th 1900^ each issue 4pp. Approx size 41x27cm^ fine condition unbound. Together with a photo copy of the preliminary notice announcing the publication of the p ...[more]

Boer War ? Illustrated London News bound volume of The Transvaal War^ being a compilation of the articles carried by the ILN 278 covering the whole war from 1899-1901^ blue cloth boards with gilt embossed title^ very minor blemishes^ interior contents good^ with decorative title page^ full page portrait ...[more]

Boer Way ? siege of Ladysmith special edition of the Graphic for April 2nd 1900 covering the events of the Siege of Ladysmith. 279 Illustrated covers loose but otherwise good

Autograph ? Arnold Louis Chevallier fine autograph letter signed to ?My dear Mr Le Sueur?^ dated in another hand May 27th 1942^ 2pp 280 4to on lined paper discussing the development of small arms: ?...I have been overdriven by having to focus my attention on two separate propositions & dividing my a ...[more] Gordon of Khartoum ? the Battle of Omdurman special issue of the Graphic entitled ?The Avenging of Gordon? issued on September 281 24th 1898. Featuring a plan of Omdurman to front cover. An edition describing in words and pictures the Battle of Omdurman. Slight dusting and wear damage to covers but gene ...[more]

Henry Morton Stanley special edition of the London Illustrated News for February 6th 1878 devoted to Stanley?s expedition to Africa. 282 Many illustrations.

283 Polar Exploration special edition of the Graphic for November 8th 1876 devoted to arctic exploration^ with many illustrations

Antique Atlas ? harbour charts Plans of the Principal Harbours^ Bays^ & Roads^ in St George`s and the Bristol Channels^ from Surveys 284 made Under the Direction of the Lords of the Admiralty: By the late intelligent and ingenious Hydrographer^ Lewis Morris^ Esq. with Hints on Improvements Necessary ...[more]

Thomas Gainsborough edition of the London Chronicle for August 9-12 1788 with a report on the funeral of Thomas Gainsborough. 8pp 285 unbound generally good condition

French Revolution three editions of the London Chronicle July 20th-27th 1793 with extensive reports on the progress of the French 286 Revolution including the Assassination of Marat and the execution of Charlotee Corde for the murder.

Tipoo?s Tiger and the Death of Hugh Monro Edition of the London Chronicle for July 4-6 1793 with a long report on the death of Monro 287 who was killed by a tiger while hunting with several companions on Saugor Island in the Bay of Bengal. The event inspired the creation of ?Tipoo?s (or Tipu?s) Tiger? a ...[more]

Crime and Punishment ? The Trial of Richard Patch. Edition of the London Chronicle for April 5-8 1806 carrying an extensive report on 288 the trial ? a total of 18 columns (remarkable coverage for the time) with a virtual verbatim report on the trial of one of the most celebrated murderers of his era. P ...[more]

Literature ? Death of William Cowper edition of the London Chronicle for April 29 ? May 1 1800 featuring a report on the death of William 289 Cowper^ as well as fairly extensive reports on the activities of Napoleon

Literature ? Death of Edward Gibbon edition of the London Chronicle for January 18 -21 1794 with a fairly extensive report on the death 290 of Edward Gibbon

Political Magazine 1784edition 56 for March 1784^ featuring considerable political information for the time and including a report on the 291 theft of the Great Seal. The magazine also features extensive coverage of the day to day business in the Houses of Parliament. Original blue paper wrappers^ 240pp ...[more]

The Trial of Admiral Byng 1757 printed verbatim report on the trial of Admiral John Byng ? the only British Admiral to be executed^ 292 following a Court Marshal which to this day is hotly debated in legal circles on account of the many claims that it was nothing more than a sham trial featuring false w ...[more]

Ireland ? Irish Rebellion 1798 remarkable archive of 27 official printed documents chronicling the Irish Rebellion ? one of the bloodiest 293 civil conflicts in UK history^ which lasted from May to September 1798 and claimed the lives of an estimated 20^000 people ? though estimates vary quite sharply ? ...[more]

Handbill An Account of a most dreadful accident at Hyde near Manchester^ Thirty Persons Killed^ by the giving way of the floor of the 294 room in which Seven Hundred Persons were assembled... Handbill on a single piece of flimsy paper^ affixed to a larger stiff paper backing^ a little creased and with e ...[more] Popular verse handbill bearing two examples of verse^ c1830s both with woodcut title pieces ? the first called ?The Queen of Merry 295 England? in praise of the newly crowned Queen Victoria^ the second called ?The Gipsey Girl?. Printed by Birt^ Printer^ 39 Great Str Andrew Street^ Seven Dials ?Printing ...[more]

Culloden and the Highland Rebellion ? Lord Lovat The Speech of the Right Honourable Philip Lord Hardwicke...upon giving judgement 296 against Simon Lord Lovat in Westminster Hall on the impeachment for High Treason exhibited against him...London 1747^ folio 8pp^ unbound^ some slight dusting^ and final ...[more]

Ephemera ? Royalty ? George V decorative ticket being an invitation to the Coronation of George V and Queen Mary in 1911^ signed by 297 the Duke of Norfolk as Earl Marshal and made out to Sir Charles Steward Scott^ a career diplomat who had been Ambassador to Imperial Russia from 1898-1904. The ticket i ...[more]

Ephemera ? Royalty ? George V highly decorative colour invitation card for the laying of the foundation stone of the new railway offices 298 at Wellington^ New Zealand by George V and Queen Mary (when Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York) in 1901. The colour invitation card approx 36x28 features portr ...[more]

Ephemera ? the Cato Street Conspiracy hand coloured print dated 1820 showing a view of Cato Street with printed key to the various 299 buildings depicted and their significance in the conspiracy. Approx 29x26cm^ matted for framing. Good condition. One of the most celebrated events in British legal histo ...[more]

WWI ? Original Art ? Punch ? Bernard Partridge an original cartoon by Partridge^ one of the leading cartoonists in the late 19th/early 300 20th c^ particularly for Punch magazine. This example show Kaiser Wilhelm speaking urgently to a German citizen with the punch line: Desperate Remedies: Kaiser (to G ...[more]

Nottinghamshire group of seven deeds on vellum 1794-1809 all relating to the establishment and subsequent bankruptcy of a bank at 301 Newark^ Notts. The deeds comprise two for the co-partnership of the bankers^ a mortgage agreement^ an assignment of bonds as collateral security and then a number involvi ...[more]

Miscellaneous carton of documents and papers relating to various legal transactions in Nottinghamshire^ mainly in the Newark Area^ 302 18th -20th c including wills^ abstracts of title^ obligation bonds etc Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Nottinghamshire good group of printed auction particulars for various properties and livestock 19th/20th c Note: miscellaneous lot not 303 subject to return

Nottinghamshire ? Political ? the Newark Election 1840 qty of ms and printed papers all relating to the Newark Election of 1840 including 304 lists of voters^ all of whom are allied to particular pubs in the town^ various legal documents^ a bill of expenses by the chief constable^ messengers lists etc. ...[more]

Indentures miscellaneous group of approx 18 indentures on vellum mainly 18th c but a few from earlier^ including an attractive indenture 305 from the reign of James II with a pendant wax seal. Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Miscellaneous carton of documents and papers relating to various legal transactions in Nottinghamshire^ mainly in the Newark Area^ 306 18th -20th c including wills^ abstracts of title^ obligation bonds etc Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Yorkshire ? railways and canals good group of approx 16 private Acts and Bills of Parliament relating to the development of the railways 307 and canals in Yorkshire^ mostly 19th c. Including the North Midland Railway^ Aire and Calder Navigation and the South Leeds Junction Railway Note: miscellaneous l ...[more]

Josiah Wedgwood and the Thermometer Science ? Josiah Wedgwood three rare printed scientific papers by Wedgwood discussing the 308 development of thermometers for dealing with high heat ? each extracted from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society and dated 1782^ 1784 & 1786 respectively. ...[more] Ephemera ? Newspapers collection of complete newspapers and sections from newspapers including a page from John Bull of 1830 309 with the death of George IV^ a section from a further edition with a full report on the funeral of the King^ as complete Cincinnati Gazette (USA) with reports on the death of ...[more]

An important Act in the abolition of Slavery Slavery An Act to carry into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of 310 America for the suppression of the African Slave Trade^ printed Act of Parliament dated July 17th 1862^ folio 37pp unbound^ together with a further rectifying Act ...[more]

WWI ? the Lusitania Proceedings in camera on Tuesday 15th and Friday 18th June 1915 at the Formal Investigation into the 311 circumstances attending the foundering on 7th May 1915 of the British Steamship ?Lusitania? of Liverpool after being torpedoes off the Old Head of Kinsale^ Ireland. HMSO 1919^ fol ...[more]

Panama and Suez Canals small group of approx five official publications concerning the Panama and Suez Canals^ including the 312 correspondence concerning the original treaty for establishing the Panama Canal in 1901. Sold as a group not subject to return

Motor Traffic Parliamentary ?Blue Book? dated 1913 concerning the development of motor traffic^ folio^ 92pp in good order. By 1913 313 the growth of motor traffic was becoming a problem.

Smoking among the Young Parliamentary ?Blue Book? dated 1906 concerning the Juvenile Smoking Bill. Folio 51pp in good order. It 314 seems remarkable today that the original steps to prevent smoking among the young because of the dangers to health were outlined more than 100 years ago. The Bill proposed ...[more]

Tobacco growing in Britain printed report of the British Tobacco Growers? Society^ their first report dated March 1915^ folio 25pp in 315 good order. The Society was formed to promote tobacco growing in the UK- no doubt with a view to the enormous amounts of cigarettes being smoked at the time by soldie ...[more]

Miscellaneous printed sales particulars for a large farm in Stowey area of Somerset^ dated 1928^ loosely inserted folding colour map. 316 Together with printed sales particulars for property in Herefordshire and a small group of late 19th c property deeds

317 Political collection of political ephemera^ including voting cards^ Trades Union pamphlets etc^ various dates

Science large qty of approx 66 engraved plates taken from Philosophical Transactions^ mostly 18th c^ various sizes covering a wide 318 spectrum of scientific investigation^ including anatomy and medicine^ physics^ history etc. Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Antique Maps collection of approx antique maps including three 17th c miniature Elzevir maps of ancient geography^ an 18th c map of 319 the transit of a total eclipse in 603 BC^ and a few others. Sold as a collection not subject to return

Autograph Collecting Signatures of some eminent fellows of the Royal Society^ lithographed from the charter Book^ privately printed by 320 Charles Richard Weld 1851. A valuable collection of facsimile signatures for autograph collectors. Signatures include Queen Victoria^ George II^ William IV^ Prince A ...[more]

Antique Atlas ? John Cary Cary`s New Itinerary: or an Accurate Delineation of the Great Roads^ both Direct and Cross throughout 321 England and Wales; with many of the Principal Roads in Scotland^ Seventh Edition 1817. Appears complete and in good order throughout

Lancashire ? the Marquis of Huntly extensive and very attractive indenture on eleven leaves of parchment^ elaborately bound^ and 322 dated July 12th 1869 being the marriage settlement of the Marquis of Huntly and Amy Brooks^ the daughter of William Cunliffe Brooks. The amounts of money involved were en ...[more] Scotland ? Archers attractive document on a single leaf of parchment being the appointment of Lord George Francis Hamilton to be a 323 member of the Royal Company of Archers^ Queen?s Bodyguard in Scotland^ dated June 19th 1869. Partially printed document with ms insertions and a seal of the company susp ...[more]

Popish Plot The Tryal and Conviction of John Tasborough and Ann Price for subornation of perjury in endeavouring to persuade Mr 324 Stephen Dugdale to retract and deny his evidence about the horrid Popish Plot^ London 1679/80. Folio^ unbound 60pp slight dusting to outer leaves but interior contents fine ...[more]

Popish Plot The Tryals of William Ireland^ Thomas Pickering and John Grove for conspiring to murder the King...London 1678. Folio 325 84pp unbound^ slight dusting to outer leaves but interior contents fine and appears complete

Oxfordshire ? Crime and Punishment The Tryal of Mary Blandy^ spinster for the murder of her father^ Fancis Blandy^ gent. 1752. Folio^ 326 46pp unbound^ some dusting and fraying^ modern repair to final page which is missing one section at the top but otherwise appears complete. Rare. The case of Mary Bla ...[more]

Judaica ? the Jews and the World Wars ? WWI Solidarity amongst the Shipowners^ by J T Walton Newbold with foreword by Tom 327 ^ 1916^ produced by the Reformers? Bookstall^ Glagow. Buff coloured wrappers^ a little soiled throughout but completely legible. Stamp of ?Ex Libris L Locker? in Hebrew and E ...[more]

Judaica ? Royalty ? funeral of the Duke of Clarence scarce copy of the Memorial Service in the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue 328 dated January 20th 1892 to mark the funeral of the Duke of Clarence. The Duke^ son of Edward VII has long been suspected by some as being Jack the Ripper.

Judaica A letter to Hitler^ by Louis Golding 1932^ published by the Hogart Press. 8vo^ 28pp plus cover. A rare^ early appeal to Hitler 329 against his anti-Semitism

330 Judaica group of approx six theatre playbills and programmes for the Maccabi Association of London 1945-6

331 Judaica two editions of ?The Future? the Yiddish Monthly for October and November 1927 respectively

332 Judaica original portrait dated January 30th 1920 entitled ?Only a Jew?

Judaica ? Royalty ? the Coronation of Elizabeth II scarce copy of the Prayer and Thanksgiving for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II^ 333 printed in Hebrew and English^ issued by the Office of the Chief Rabbi^ 1953

Judaica albumen photograph taken by L Fiorillo showing three Jewish people in Jerusalem^ probably taken against the Wailing Wall^ 334 c1880 approx 25x20cm

Judaica photo album featuring approx 94 snapshots taken of the Kibbutz and the people working and living there at the time ? 335 c1920s/30s. Shots show individuals and groups^ some children^ people working on the land^ people building new accommodation huts^ general views of the Kibbutz and the surround ...[more]

Judaica ? the Holocaust photograph of a man standing against a doorway looking sadly towards the camera. Stamped to verso with the 336 date of January 31st 1940 and with a pencilled caption : ?A Warsaw Jewish trade spends most of life waiting for business? Possibly a press photograph but nevertheless a ...[more]

Judaica photograph identified in typescript to face ?Egyptian official photograph ? the ceremony of Tel Aviv Jaffa on the occasion of 337 bringing back the Siphrei Torah? with further typed caption to verso ?The ceremony of Tel Aviv Jaffa on the occasion of bringing back the Siphrei Torah (Scrolls of th ...[more] Judaica photograph showing the first guard being mounted by British troops in Jericho during WWI. Press Agency photograph with 338 caption to verso and date of February 21st 1918 Approx 18x12cm

Judaica An Answer to Ernest Bevin ? evidence submitted to the Palestine Royal Commission (House of Lords^ London^ February 11th 339 1937) by Vladimir Jabotinsky^ |New York^ 1st ed. 32pp plus grey card wrappers^ 8vo good condition

Judaica ? The Irgun rare pamphlet issued by the Irgun in French^ explaining the aims and methods of this organisation led by 340 Menachim Begin and regarded by the British as a Terrorist Organisation. 4to 12pp cyclostyled.

Judaica Holy Stones ? Remnants of Synagogues in Poland ? drawings by Joseph Cempla^ DVIR Publishers^ Tel Aviv 1959. Portfolio of 341 18prints^ appears complete with explanatory text^ good condition throughout. Approx 39x30cms

Judaica Israel in Britain by John Leech ? a rebuttal of a pamphlet by W F P Burton entitled ?Why I do not believe the British-Israel 341A theory?. Rare. Privately printed by the author

Original artwork make up for an original cartoon 1981 from an American satirical magazine showing an inflatable doll in the image of the 342 Lewis Carroll illustrations of Alice in Wonderland ? with the caption ?A Stimulating deviation for gentlemen of leisure ? Inflate your personal nymphet ? a challen ...[more]

WWI ? Prisoners of War Kriegsgefangenen- Lager Griessen German propaganda publication produced as almost like a tourist brochure 343 to this WWI allied POW camp^ showing pictures of the camp and the activities of the inmates and indicating that they were doing lots of decent things and enjoying themselv ...[more]

WWI ? the Great Tank Exhibition in Trafalgar Square souvenir tissue handkerchief commemorating the event held in Trafalgar Square 344 on November 26th 1917 when a tank was displayed and used as a basis for an exhibition and rallying call for people to take out War Bonds (which they did in their millio ...[more]

WWI ? Zeppelin raid tissue handkerchief issued to commemorate a Zeppelin raid on London which killed 22 civilians including men^ 345 women and children on October 19th 1917. The text lists the dead by name with accompanying verses etc. Framed and glazed^ overall dimensions approx 45x45cm

WWI The Kaiser?s Kalendar for 1915 ? or the dizzy dream of demented Willie ? British satirical pamphlet^ oblong 8vo^ featuring month 346 by month pages with notable historical events listed and cartoons of the Kaiser to accompany each month. Rare

WWI Speedy ? the Central Flying School Magazine Vol 2 March ? December 1918^ bound volume of this rare publication^ featuring 347 articles^ illustrations etc^ library binding interior contents good^ 4to 280pp

WWI ? RFC student notes compiled by Cadet C M H Cordaceo^ Cadet Wing RFC Toronto University dated June and July 1917^ being 348 his notes on all aspects of aircraft and flying in preparation for his joining a combatant squadron of the RFC^ 4to^ limp covers about 40pp including diagrams

WWI ? Recruiting Poster Step into Your Place ? colour poster issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee (No 104). An iconic 349 image showing a group of civilians from all walks of life marching in line and gradually merging members of a platoon of soldiers. Approx 75x50 cm^ one small area of slig ...[more]

WWII ? Fascists ? Oswald Mosley original cartoon of Mosley by ?Zip? showing him in profile smiling with arms extended. Annotated in 350 pencil ?Oswald Mosley MP?. Approx 25x19cm on light brown paper. Mosley is shown here in the days before his conversion to . A note indicates that this was purcha ...[more]

351 WWII ? Fascists Why they join the Fascists by Lionel Birch^ published by the People?s Press. 352 WWII ? Fascists Fascism ? Its History & Significance published by The Plebs^ London 1924. A very early anti Fascism publication

WWII ? WE PROTEST ? National Socialist Propaganda pamphlet c1944. 12 pages fully illustrated. A very scarce pamphlet that seeks 353 to correct the constant ridiculing of the German fighting man by desk bound propagandists.The quotes and referencesare all taken from Allied based and published sources. ...[more]

The Jewish Peril ? The Protocols of The Elders Of Zion. The Britons^ 1920^ 3rd edition^ 2nd Britons Edition with a new preface and 354 pasted in note noting that the Britons had full rights over this translation as it had been purchased off George Shanks. 96pp. First English translation. Good. Origina ...[more]

WWII ? Germany`s HitlerbyHeinz A. HeinzHurst & Blackett^ London^ 1934 1st edition Hard Cover.Very good copy^ fully illustrated in 355 good dust wrapper^ slight loss at from top.288 pp.^ photo tables^ index^Author dedication to the Reich Minister Rudolf Hessby Heinz A. Heinz

WWII ? Anti-Semitic literature ? TrauKeinem Fuchs Auf GrünerHeid^ Und Keinem Jud BeiSeinem Eid! EinBilderbuchFür Gross Und 356 Klein. Nürnberg^ StürmerVerlag^ 1936. 5. Auflage^ 61-70 Tausend^ Oblong 4to. 44 pp. with 21 coloured lithographed plates by Elvira Bauer and 22 textpages printed in Sütterlin Sc ...[more]

WWII ? the Holocaust Germany and the Jewish Problem by Dr F. K. Wiebe. Published on behalf of the Institute for the Study of the 357 Jewish Problem^ Berlin. Druck Muller & Son^ 1939^ First edition. 86 pages. A very scarce original National Socialist study.

WWII ? Anti-Semitic literature ""The Protocols And World Revolution ? including A Translation And Analysis Of The Protocols Of The 358 Meetings Of The Zionist Men Of Wisdom"". Boston^ Small Maynard & Company^ 1920 edition 149pp. This edition was translated by Boris Brasol who als ...[more]

WWII ? anti Masonry/Jewish propaganda rare^ two-sided^ vintage Politico ? Occult ? Judaeo ? Masonry Chart/Poster. L. Fry. Masonic 359 conspiracy in graphic chart form. 22.5"" x 17.5"" L. Fry?s ?Politico-Occult-Judaeo-Masonry Chart? of 1940^ she begins with 18th Century Jewry^ Freemas ...[more]

WWII ? Poverty Or Plenty?Decisions of Paramount Importance Affecting the Welfare of Every Person In This realm Are Being Made at 360 The World Economic Conference ? Marquis of Tavistock? Meeting Brochure to oppose the International Cartel. Scarce item in mint condition.

361 WWII ? British Fascists Duke of Bedford / The Strickland Press.The Absurdity of the National Debt. 4th ed^ 16pp.

WWII ? Fascists Militant Christian Patriots 1938. 16 pages. A Fascist pamphlet which claims the Jews rule Russia and very few 362 Russians are involved with the Bolshevik leadership.

WWII ? Fascists ? Arnold Leese ?Lets All Go Mad !"" making the UK an ARP Country ? ALL JEWS! ? Alien Refugees 363 Paradise`?Leaflet. Scarce item.Arnold Leese operated his own faction of Fascists which was even further right wing than Mosley. Both men detested each other probably more than t ...[more]

WWII ? Fascists ""The Hidden Hand ? A Plain Statement For The Man in the Street"".Lieut-Col A H Lane^1930s^ 36pp.Very good in 364 paper covers.Large pamphlet.

WWII ? Anti-Semitic literature Anti-Semitic poster issued by Julius Streicher`s propaganda newspaper^ ""Der Sturmer""^ 9"" x 12 1/2""^ 365 Nuremberg [n.d.]. The broadside advertises the paper and bears a depiction of a stern S.A. soldier^ an eagle clutching a snak ...[more]

FOR INDIA ? Calcutta c1932. Indian Empire Society^ Calcutta^ 10 pages. No author but presumed Sir Louis Stuart - Very anti-Semitic 366 pamphlet from the respectable but very conservative Indian Empire Society whose membership briefly included Churchill. References to the White Paper on Bolshevism^ The f ...[more] WWII With Hitler on the Road to Power. 69 Fitzjohn`s Avenue ? H.F. Lucas London 1934^ 1st English Edition. Exceptionally scarce title 367 printed by H.F. Lucas^ whose clients included Arnold Leese^ the Britons & the British Union of Fascists. This appears to have been issued from a private address.

WWI ? Scarce Anti-Bolshevik Poster A scarce copy of the vintage poster by Otto Von Kursell entitled Nieder Bolschewismus approx 368 31.5 x 23cm.One of the most well-known anti-Bolshevik expressionist posters of the period. Some loss around the edges.

WWII ? Nazi Propaganda Terramare Publications 1-10 published by The Terramare Office.Uniformly produced & many are fully 369 illustrated. Set of original 1930s Nazi propaganda pamphlets in English. Numbers 1-10.All edited by Richard Monning. Adolf Hitler ? A Short Sketch of his Life by Philipp Bo ...[more]

370 Anti-Semitic Literature Communist-Zionist Destroyers of The Holy Land ? Know Your Enemy: 11. Published in the 1950s 8pp.

WWII ? British Free Corps a scarce edition of ?The Camp? the propaganda newspaper set up for the sole purpose of recruiting allied 371 P.O.Ws into the Nazi cause in particular the British Free Corps ? the notorious unit of the SS which was made up entirely of British troops. According to Marquis de Sl ...[more]

WWI ? Mesopotamia campaign Notes and Lectures on the campaign in Mesopotamia by A Kearsey^ London 1927. 8vo 106pp^ folding 372 map present at end^ brown cloth boards^ appears complete and in good condition throughout.

Chartists ? four editions of the Chartist Circular May 2nd ? June 20th 1840^ covering various topics on oppression and freedom of 373 speech ^ each 4pp folio^ some browning^ one with a few dust stains but otherwise in generally good condition. Rare. These are very early editions from the newspaper of th ...[more]

Peterloo Massacre An Exposure of the Calumnies circulated by the enemies of social order and reiterated by their abettors against the 374 Magistrates and the Yeoman Cavalry or Manchester and Salford by Francis Philips^ 4th edition (no date but c1807). 8vo 49pp unbound but in good condition throughout. A ...[more]

Political ? Westminster Election 1807 original handbill providing the state of the Westminster Election of 1807 which returned the radical 375 pro-reformer Sir Francis Burdett to Parliament^ who was nick named ?Old Glory? for his vehement opposition to the establishment and his pro-reformist stance thro ...[more]

Political ? Communist literature On the coming European Revolution. A British communist pamphlet cyclostyled on 30pp folio^ produced 376 just after WWII

Great Train Robbery ? A wood and metal British Railways marker sign reading SEARS CROSSING^ wooden backing^ painted black^ 377 with inserted metal characters painted white. Approx 100x17cm. This is the famous original British Railways sign placed at the side of the track where the Glasgow to London Mail ...[more]

Autograph ? Suffragettes ? Lydia Becker autograph letter signed on the letterhead of the Manchester National Society for Women?s 378 Suffrage dated May 7th 1878 to ?Dear Miss Colling? discussing her article on Suffrage which Becker had hoped to get into the May journal and regretting that she had not be ...[more]

Autograph ? Duke of Wellington autograph letter unsigned to his manservant Christopher [Collins] written from Windsor Castle dated 379 November 10th 1841^ 1p 8vo in good condition laid to an album leaf^ giving details of his movements and adding: ?...have some tea & coffee for my breakfast...?

Autograph ? Duke of Wellington autograph letter in the third person requesting that ?Mrs Huntley? postpone her visit as he is indisposed 380 and requesting that she postpones her visit for some days dated London June 7th 1835^ 2pp 8vo Autograph ? literature and entertainment autograph book with good content of signatures including : John Betjeman^ C Day Lewis^ 381 Winifred Atwell^ Sandy Lane^ Dick Emery^ Kenneth More^ Jimmy Edwards^ John Cobb^ Vera Lynn^ R C Sherriff^ Norman Wisdom^ Brenda Bruce^ Richard Attenborough^ Valentine Dyal ...[more]

Autographs small group of signed letters etc including examples by Edward Heath^ Anna Neagle^ Patricia Cutts^ Marius Goring^ Hunter 382 Davies^ Bernard Braden^ Dirk Bogarde^ C Aubrey Smith^ Noel Streatfield^ Dorothy Tutin^ Geraldine McEwan and many others ? about 24 in all

Autograph ? Music ? autographs and ephemera ? Yehudi Menuhin^ perhaps the most important virtuoso violinist of the 20th c 383 Substantial collection of material relating to Yehudi Menuhin^ including letters from him^ programmes^ tickets^ addresses by him^ correspondence relating to him^ newspaper cuttin ...[more]

Music ? Autograph ? Edvard Grieg postcard sized photograph of Grieg by Otto Borgen dated 1907^ showing him at the age of 64 half 384 length looking seriously towards his right^ his head resting on his hand^ boldly signed in ink across the image. Grieg died in September of 1907 so this must rate as one ...[more]

Autographs ? Music fine autograph book with many entries including: Vaughan Williams^ autograph musical quotation signed; Havergal 385 Brian^ autograph musical quotation signed^ Balfour Gardiner autograph musical quotation signed^ Julius Harrison autograph musical quotation signed^ Edgar Bainton autogra ...[more]

Autograph ? Music ? Leonard Bernstein^ Autograph note signed ?Lenny? to the Greek harpsichordist Lina Lalandi with a postscript on 386 the reverse^ dated January 29th 1975^ congratulating her on the award of the OBE (he signs himself ?Your OBEdient servant?)

Autograph ? Music ? Joseph Joachim brief autograph letter signed ?J.J.? in English: ?Many ?Yes? and a thousand thanks to dear Mrs 387 Warburg. Best love to all of you in the upper and lower house...?

Autograph ? Music ? Franz Lehar postcard sized photograph based on a painting by J von Eicke-Glasen showing him conducting^ 388 signed and inscribed to image^ a little creased and worn but an attractive image

Autograph ? Music ? Jenny Lind^ the ?Swedish Nightingale? attractive autograph musical quotation signed of four bars headed 389 ?Swedish Polka? and ?In Kind Remembrance? dated July 1863.

Autograph ? Music ? John McCormack photograph signed probably from a programme^ showing him half length looking seriously 390 towards the camera. The form of his signature here reflects his hereditary title of ?Count John McCormack?

Autograph ? Music ? Adelina Patti cabinet photograph inscribed and signed ?Adelina Patti/Marquise de Caux? to verso. Dated June 26 391 1874. Previously mounted^ with slight damage were previously removed with name of the dedicatee somewhat obscured but the signature is unaffected.

Autograph ? Music ? Sir Arthur Sullivan autograph letter signed to Mrs Moore extending an invitation: ?...your place will be reserved for 392 you tomorrow evening at my table d?hote 8 o?clock. I hope you will come...?

Music ? William Walton group of letters by Susanna Walton^ widow of William Walton concerning a biography of her husband^ several 393 letters on cards with a portrait of Walton ^ and including a first day cover issued in Italy celebrating the Walton Centenary in 2002 and a souvenir programme for the ope ...[more]

Autographs ? Music group of signed letters etc relating to biographies of William Walton and Igor Stravinsky by Neil Tierney^ including 394 letters from Edward Heath^ John McCabe^ John Rutter^ Wilfred Josephs^ Gerald Moore^ Charles Groves and many others- also including a signed photograph of Malcolm S ...[more] Autographs ? Literature/theatre ? Liverpool collection of letters written in support of the fight to save the Royal court Theatre in 395 Liverpool^ including examples by : Dame Margot Fonteyn^ Dora Bryan^ Ken Dodd^ Michael Denison^ Brian Rix^ Kenneth More^ Brian Patten and others^ about 16 pieces in all

Autographs ? Sir George Henschel series of 12 autograph letters signed discussing various musical business including accepting the 396 Presidency of a Handel Society^ discussing his works^ possible soloists^ asking for other works to be played at concerts of his music etc^ with one musical quotation

Autograph ? Literature ? Sir Noel Coward autograph letter signed ?Noel? to ?Dear Dorothy (possibly Dorothy Dickson^ the actress)?...I 397 did see you in; The Great Adventure? and thought you were excellent. My new play is cast up unfortunately but the moment there is anything [sic] the least suitable I? ...[more]

Autograph ? Literature ? Sir John Betjeman brief typewritten letter signed accepting the offer to become President of an unnamed 398 organisation ?even though I can so seldom be with you?^ dated September 9th 1970

Autograph ? Literature ? George Borrow signature ?G H Borrow? on a flyleaf detached from a book^ together with a letter attesting the 399 authenticity of the signature and further material relating to its sale in 1942

Autograph ? Literature ? Anthony Burgess menu for a dinner in Monte Carlo signed and inscribed to verso of cover and dated July 3rd 400 1982

Autograph ? Literature ? Marie Corelli autograph letter signed to Mrs Gregg accepting an invitation and promising to come over with her 401 lifelong companion [Bertha] Vver : ?...she plays croquet but I don?t however I shall be quite happy in the view of your very charming garden...?

Autograph ? Literature ? Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ??Lewis Carroll? fine autograph letter signed to Mr Rivington in dark ink clearly 402 written at a time before Dodgson took up his more familiar purple ink. ?...I fear I must put off the Iffley expedition for a few days...? Iffley is a village on the out ...[more]

Autograph ? Literature ? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle autograph letter signed on a correspondence card to General [Enesy in Budapest]^ 403 informing him that he would be unable to come for a public lecture that year but depending on circumstances would try to come for a private visit to Budapest. It is likel ...[more]

Autograph ? Literature ? Elinor Glyn two good autograph letters signed and a telegram (received copy) to [?Arthur] Bryant praising 404 Bryant?s talk^ urging him to broadcast his ideas to the masses and arranging to meet at Prunier?s for dinner

405 Autograph ? Literature ? Thomas Hughes^ author of ?Tom Brown?s School days? autograph letter signed agreeing to attend a meeting

Autograph ? Literature ? Sir Vidiadhar Naipaul autograph letter signed dated January 1973^ an interesting letter mentioning Michael 406 Heseltine^ Anthony Powell^ the Arts Council and Bradford on Avon

Autograph ? Literature ? Sir Walter Scott autograph cheque signed on a small slip dated January 10th 1826^ drawn for £50 in favour of 407 the bearer on James Ballantyne^ Scott?s printer and business partner in the firm who failure later this year was to blight the last years of Scott?s life

Autograph ? Literature ? George Bernard Shaw autograph letter signed on a correspondence card to Miss Dorothy Furniss (daughter of 408 Harry Furniss the artist) dated March 31st 1926^ asking to see the blocks should they be easily accessible but informing her that they are too large for ?my page? ? pre ...[more]

Autograph ? Literature ? Dame Edith Sitwell menu of a luncheon on June 24th 1952 signed by both Edith and Osbert Sitwell and three 409 others. Autograph ? medical ? Elizabeth Garrett Anderson ? physician autograph letter signed expressing satisfaction at her correspondent?s 410 good progress since her operation

Autograph ? Political ? Clement Attlee^ Prime Minister typewritten letter signed ?Attlee? agreeing to write an article but not until the 411 following February ? dated January 2nd 1957

Autograph ? Political ? Arthur James Balfour^ Prime Minister and author of the ?Balfour Declaration? typewritten letter signed to Sir 412 Henry Newbolt^ the poet dated July 29th 1927 asking Newbolt whether he ought to consider supporting the Authors? Club

Autograph ? architecture ? Sir Charles Barry^ architect of the Houses of Parliament autograph letter signed to an unnamed 413 correspondent saying it would be impossible for him to give him work in his own studio ?without establishing a precedent that would prove to be extremely irksome and embarrassing ...[more]

Autograph ? Political ? George Canning^ Prime Minister autograph letter signed dated May 22nd 1811 inviting his correspondent to 414 dinner.

Autograph ? Science ? Sir Humphrey Davy autograph letter signed to Dr Babington (possibly the physician and mineralogist William 415 Babington) asking him to convey some letters of introduction to Dr Benjamin.

Autograph ?Royalty ? Maria Fitzherbert^ secret wife of George IV autograph letter signed with initials to Mrs Johnstone announcing that 416 she is getting much better. Unfortunately she didn?t^ as a contemporary note records that this letter was written on March 13th 1837 only a fortnight before she die ...[more]

Autograph ? Science ? Astronomy ? Sir John Herschel group of documents including c17 leaves of calculations in Herschel?s hand^ 417 letters to Herschel^ including on reporting on the observations of a comet at Gibraltar^ and a book of mathematical calculations in the hand of Constance Herschel. Also inc ...[more]

Autograph ? horticulture ? Gertrude Jekyll^ artist and iconic gardener good autograph letter signed to Pearsall Smith^ with sketches in 418 the margin^ taking him to task over his explanation of the expression ?by hook or by crook? and mentioning a reference in Shakespeare to ?bag & baggage?

Autograph ? medical ? Joseph Lister^ founder of antiseptic surgery autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent returning 419 some papers commenting on them and mentioning Cheyne (probably Sir William Cheyne bacteriologist and surgeon who had been one of his pupils).

Autograph ? Royalty ? Leopold I first King of independent Belgium document signed^ dated May 12 1832^ 1p oblong folio on vellum^ 420 appointing Alfred Fox Consul at Falmouth

Autograph ? modern entertainment ? Elvis Presley album cover for ?Burning Love and hits from his movies? (record not present)^ 421 signed to bottom left hand corner

Autograph ? modern entertainment ? Elvis Presley postcard sized photograph showing him looking towards the camera smiling signed 422 across the image

Autograph ? modern entertainment ? Elvis Presley album containing a number of postcard photos of Elvis with the first bearing a bold 423 signature across the image. Clearly compiled by a fan in the late 1950s

Autograph ? modern entertainment ? Paul Newman typewritten letter signed dated January 30th 1977 turning down an offer of an 424 interview with the BBC : ?...I am not doing interview right now even though the project is an interesting one...I confess the British audiences are my favourite so this is don ...[more] America ? Chicago contemporary copy of an indenture dated July 2nd 1838 being a title deed to a lot of ground in Chicago from Wm L 425 May to S Tams. 3pp 4to. Together with an als of the Bishop of Honolulu dated 1882

Ephemera ? John Wesley ? Founder of Methodism printed memorial card of John Wesley?s tomb inscription approx 15x10cm in a 426 decorative border with another version from the Methodist Magazine showing a variant line and the memorial card from the tombstone of the Rev Samuel Wesley

Admission ticket to Vauxhall pleasure gardens ? an original printed admission ticket to the gardens with the permission ?Admit Two ? 427 Globe? with ms insertion ?Tuesday July thirteen 1847? and signed A Gore. Rare. Vauxhall Pleasure gardens was the most famous place of its kind in the country ? particu ...[more]

Masonry/Friendly Societies a fine collection of Masonry certificates and other printed ephemera 19th/20th c including printed menus for 428 Masonic events^ an indenture from 1858 relating to the Loyal St Hilda Lodge of the Oddfellows^ a programme for the Masonic celebrations for Queen Victoria?s Diamond ...[more]

An attractive Scottish Burgess Ticket ? attractive printed document with ms insertions date September 14th 1826 appointing Lord 429 Alloway a Burgess of the Town of Dumfries^ printed on a single sheet of large folio paper^ with seal to bottom right hand corner.

Boxing ? Racial Prejudice ? Jack Johnson v James J Jeffries watercolour^ presumably contemporaneous^ showing the moment Jack 430 Johnson knocked down the previously undefeated Heavyweight Champion James L Jeffries on July 4th 1910 in what was at the time described as the ?Fight of the Century?. Jeffries ...[more]

Bookplates good collection of approx 70 decorative bookplates^ some armorial^ mostly c19th c but a few very decorative ones date 431 from 20th c Note: miscellaneous lot not subject to return

Canada ? Newfoundland group of early documents relating to Newfoundland^ including an indenture of 1815 relating to property on St 432 John?s Island^ an ms document relating to a Newfoundland company dated 1818 and a printed pamphlet issued by HMSO providing advice for emigrants to Newfoundland dated 18 ...[more]

India and the Punjab An 1861 catalogue^ titled ?CATALOGUE des OBJETS D`ART et de CURIOSITE^ composant la célèbre collection 433 DU PRINCE SOLTYKOFF?^ Vendu à DROUOT en 1861. Bound in original half leather^ with contemporary inscription and prices realised written in ink beside the lots details. Extensiv ...[more]

India ? Punjab ? First Hand Account of the Sikh Wars. A Year on The Punjab Frontier^ in 1848-49 by Major Herbert B Edwardes^ 433A London^ Richard Bentley^ 1st edition 1851. From the Library of Sir John Lawrence^ (Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub & Viceroy of India) with his bookplate to volume I^ with a ...[more]

India ? Punjab ? British Treaties with the Sikhs & the Punjab. Scarce volume of Treaties^ Engagements and Sanads: Relating to India & 433B Neighbouring Countries ? Vol 1 ? Containing THE TREATIES RELATING TO THE PUNJAB^ THE PUNJAB STATES AND DELHI. Compiled by C U Aitchison^ Under Secretary to th ...[more]

India ? Punjab ? Memorandum of Maharajah Sher Singh?s widow. Fine 2pp handwritten copy of an official signed memorandum from 433C the Under Secretary to the Government of India to the Agent to the Governor General at Benares^ dated Fort William 29th August 1859. The document pertains to correspondence fr ...[more]

India ? Princess of Kapurthala hand coloured photograph by Van Dyke of a child princess in a sari^ inscribed on reverse in pencil as 434 Karpurthala Princess. A similar photo of the Princess Indira of Kapurthala is in the collection of the Royal House of Jabbul. Approx 19x14cm in original frame India ? Important Signed Document from Maharajah of Patiala regarding the Princes Delhi Pact of 1932. A four page typed confidential 435 document dated Rajgarh Villa Palace^ Chail (Patiala State) 19th July 1932 signed in ink ?Bhupinder Singh?. The documents concerns the Delhi Pact? supporting All-Partie ...[more]

India ? Golden Temple Amritsar photograph. A fine vintage photographs of the Sikh Temple in Punjab as a side elevation^ view of the 436 British clock tower built in 1863 and second photograph of the Amritsar Horse Fair. c1900.

India ? Golden Temple Amritsar photograph. A fine vintage sepia photograph of the entrance of the Amritsar Temple in the Punjab^ 437 showing Sikh pilgrims leaving. 90mm x75mm

438 India ? postcards group of approx 16 postcards showing various aspects including Sikhs with supplies in the NWF/Tirah campaign

India ? Important Letter from Maharajah Patiala regarding the Chamber of Princes. Fine double-sided typed letter dated 1926 and on the 439 Maharajah of Patiala?s crest letterhead signed in ink ?Bhupinder Singh?^ and addressed to the Maharajah of Gondal^ inviting to the meetings of princes in Delhi in 19 ...[more]

India ? Race^ Beliefs & Customs of India A superb highly illustrated book capturing the people of India^ village life^ rituals^ practices^ 440 tribe^ Muslims at Prayer^ Hindu festivals and processions^ Sikhs Priest at Amritsar. Mainly full page colour photographic plates. Nd. c1900.

India Punjab ? Photographs of the Maharajah of Patiala. Three vintage photographs of the Maharajah of Patiala^ all inscribed on 441 reverse; The Maharajah attending Chamber o Princes conference in 1928; The Maharajah in 1923 in state robes; The Maharajah with the 8th Duke of Buccleugh^ Walter John Dougl ...[more]

India ? Glass slide of Indian troop with Lord Roberts ? late 19th century glass lantern slide showing Lord Roberts of Kandahar with a 442 Sikh Indian Officer.

India ? Maharajah of Kashmir CDV fine carte de visite photograph of Maharajah Ranbir Singh of Kashmir (1830-1885) who ruled the 443 territory of Kashmir independently from the Lahore Durbar after his father purchased the state from the British for allying with the British during the First Sikh War. Ranb ...[more]

India WW1 ? Indian Troops ? 3x 1915 stereoviews showing Sikh Infantry marching to the front; Indian bombers throwing bombs at the 444 Germans; and the Famous Ghurkhas with their deadly Kukries charge at the enemy at Neuve Chapelle.

India ? Sikh & Indian Sailors ? early Carte de Visite photo showing Indians and a turbaned Sikh aboard a British Ship c1870 with their 445 British master standing over them c1870

India ? ALS of Vandyk to the Maharajahs of India ? fine typed letter dated 1926 from the Royal photographer Herbert Vandyk^ 446 introducing himself and offering his services for the Maharajah of Gondal. The letter would have been sent to all the Princes of India by Vandyk^ as he became renowned for capt ...[more]

India & Pakistan ? Vintage 1920s Guide to Lahore ? Capital of the Punjab A Guide to places of interest with history and map by Lt Col H 447 A Newall^ Indian Army^ bound in original brown covers^ a post independence Lahore Guide^ full of illustrations and a map^ together with c1910 stereoview of the ...[more]

India Indien in wort und bild (India in words and pictures)^ by Emil Schlagintweit^ Leipzig 1880/81^ two volumes^ 253 &227pp large folio 448 respectively^ many engraved illustrations in text and plates^ sumptuously bound in red cloth^ embellished in gold and black^ in generally good condition. Germa ...[more] India early book on the Sikhs and India 1840 in French. 311 pages^ 2 plates. A fascinating account of the Lahore Sikh court by 449 Alexander Burnes published whilst Ranjit Singh was alive and well. SirAlexanderBurnes(1805-1841) British traveller explorer and writer was born on 16 May 1805. He joined ...[more]

India early Sikh Ranjit Singh 1846 byVictorJacquemontin Frenchtwo volumes ? 1846^ 434 and 417 pages leather 450 binding.Jacquemonttravelled to India in 1828 and remained there for the rest of his life. While he was there he met Maharaja Ranjit Singh at Lahore in 1831.Jacquemontprovides a fascina ...[more]

India Voyagedansl`Indeanglaise 1857 ? Travel in British India. A great early book with a chapter on General Jean-Francois Allard^ a 451 french soldier and adventurer serving in Napoleons army until he left for Punjab in 1820. In 1822 he joined the service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and was commissioned ...[more]

India an original sketchbook showing members of the XVIII (Loyal) Bengal Infantry^ dated 1899.Large oblong folio with gilt embossed 452 presentation inscription to cover saying that it was presented to the Officers? Mess by Captain J C Sutherland in 1899. The sketches are satirical based on cut out phot ...[more]

453 India and the Punjab Islamic Persian calligraphic page 19th c or earlier^ possibly from the Koran.

India Paintings of the Sikhs ARCHER^ W G 1st Edition^ Col frontis^ 80 plates^ London HMSO^ 1966^ 284pp. This highly illustrated 454 book is one of the rarest and sought after modern day publications on the Sikhs^ as it has been long out of print and no second edition was ever printed. W G Archer was lon ...[more]

India Shooting Records Game Book ? Prince Duleep Singh. A fascinating leather bound manuscript Game Book log^ showing the Guns 455 and various bags made on each occasion of Partridges^ Pheasants Hares^ Rabbits^ Wild Fowl^ Woodcocks^ Snipe etc^ guns include Duke of Marlborough^ Earl of Westmorland^ HH Pr ...[more]

India ? rare Chronicles of Ranjit Singh?s Durbar ? fine 1961 1st edition of Umdat-Ut-Tawarikh Daftar III Parts (I-V) Chronicles of the 456 Reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh 1831-1839 AD by Lala Sohan Lal SURI. Translated from Persian into English with corresponding Christian dates and explanatory and eluci ...[more]

India ? early Account of Ranjit Singh by Vigne A personal narrative of a visit to Ghuzni^ Kabul^ and Afghanistan^ and of a residence at 457 the court of dost Mohamed. With notices of Runjit Sing^ Khiva^ and the Russian expedition. 2nd ed. Vigne^ G.T. London^ George Routledge^ 1843. XIII^ 479 pp. 1 hand ...[more]

India Maharajah Duleep Singh Privately Printed Biography ? fine 1884 first edition of Maharajah Duleep Singh & The Government^ 458 171pp^ privately printed for private circulation amongst Duleep Singh?s inner circle and nobles of rank. The book was the Maharajah?s auto-biography giving personal acco ...[more]

India Indian Troops at Queen Victoria?s Diamond Jubilee ? exceptionally super large antique Lithoprint measuring approx 100cm x 459 70cm showing Sikh and Indian Cavalry at the front of the procession in London^ titled ?The Diamond Jubilee Procession^ June 22nd 1897?. The print is in old frame and has no ...[more]

India Maharajah Duleep Singh Lithograph An original coloured antique chromo lithograph of Maharajah Duleep Singh of Lahore. 460 Measures 26cms x 21cms^ accompanied by biographical details. Duleep Singh was the last Sikh ruler of the Punjab and later exiled to England.

India ? rare Engraving of Maharajah Duleep Singh ? fine steel engraving titled Submission of the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh to Sir Henry 461 Hardinge^ at Kanha Cushwa^ Feb 19^ 1846^ engraved by H K Browne & Young^ and published by Tallis. Measures 28cm x 18cms. Duleep Singh?s army was defeated by the B ...[more]

India Antique Lithograph of the Golden Temple Amritsar ? three large 19th century prints of the important Sikh Temple of Amritsar in the 462 Punjab^ includes two large coloured litho prints and one engraving^ dating from the 1850s. India ? 3 Antiques Prints of Sikh Akali Warriors Three vintage prints by Raven-Hill of a Sikh Warriors during the Delhi Durbar^ Akali Sikh 463 from Patiala Camp^ Nabha Horseman^ and Jhind Warrior. Each measure 25cm x 19cm^ c1911

India ? rare Book on Shaheed Bhagat Singh A scarce book titled Bhagat Singh and his Comrades^ by one his colleagues Ajoy Kumar 464 Ghosh^ who was Bhagat Singh?s comrade-in-arms and fellow accused in the Lahore Conspiracy Case 1st edition^ 1945^ 35pp^ with a 1946 presentation inscription on title page^ s ...[more]

India Sikh Pilot Hardit Singh Malik Photograph A vintage photograph of the first Indian Royal Flying Corps Pilot who fought gallantly in 465 the WW1 and known for his dogfights with the infamous Red Baron. He later became the Indian High Commissioner in Canada. Photograph has stamped date on reverse 9th ...[more]

India ? Letters of Maharajah of Nabha Correspondence of the Sikh Princely state of Nabha^ Punjab^ Maharajah Malvendra Singh^ 466 including a signed letter written from Mussoorie^ a typed two page letter from the Nabha ruler^ and a signed letter from the Raja of Gondal to His Highness Ripudaman Singh Bah ...[more]

India Letters of Maharajah of Kapurthala Correspondence of the Sikh princely state of Kapurthala^ Punjab^ includes a signed letter by 467 Maharaja Jagatjit Singh on Crested paper to Raja of Gondal asking him to submit a handsome contribution for the statue of King George V at New Delhi to commemorate hi ...[more]

India Letters of the Maharajah of Patiala Correspondence of the Sikh Princely state of Patiala^ as the Chancellor of the Chamber of 468 Princes^ five letters^ four signed by Maharajah Bhupinder Singh^ a 4pp letter dated Simla 1933 to the Raja Saheb of Wankaner (Kathiawar) regarding the appointment of th ...[more]

India ? Persian Indian Miniature Painting ? folio leaf from a Persian / Moghul manuscript with a miniature painting and text on reverse. 469 Possibly India^ 19th century. Folio measures 30cms x 21cms

India ? Prince of Wales Regt ? Jullundur & Amritsar India Photographic Record ? vintage 1911 Photo record of the 2nd Battalion Prince 470 of Wales Leinster Regiment Royal Canadian ? Jallandar & Amritsar (India) 1911^ printed in Paris. Contains 18 full page photographic illustrations of the Regim ...[more]

India ? Military & Amritsar Photos. Four late 19th century photographs mounted on an albumen page^ include The Golden Temple of 471 Amritsar^ Corner of the Camp^ Camels at a Rest Camp^ Camels with Tent^ the reverse has a further three photos of three native Indians c1890.

472A India Pair of Fine Mughal or Persian Portraits c19th century ? each measures 3.5"" x 2.75"" Framed

473 India Pair of Fine Mughal Islamic Portraits c19th century ? each measures 3.5"" x 2.75"" Framed.

474 India Persian Print of a painting? framed

India and the Punjab fine group of four ms letters written from India by a British resident 1842 to 1846 with a later letter written from 475 Calcutta in 1887. In the first three letters the writer describes in some considerable detail the life he is leading in India^ with observations on the local popu ...[more]

476 India Indian Painting 19th c Mughal School. A fine 19th century copy after an 18th century original of a bird.

477 India A set of nine 19th c fine Indian Miniature Paintings^ each measure 4cm x 3cm inc Taj Mahal and others c1850 Indian Miniature Painting c18th c ? fine depiction of the God Krishna being given offerings by worshipers both men and women^ 478 musicians are seen to the base of the painting as well as warriors and guards. In bright colours highlighted in gold^ slight surface damage^ but in generally good condition M ...[more]

Indian Miniature Painting c19th c fine depiction of a warrior prince on horseback^ sword in his hand^ with followers surrounding him. In 479 bright colours highlighted in gold. No inscription to verso^ approx 34x36cm

Indian naval letter 1803 ? Madras a fine ms letter written by a British Naval Officer on board an East Indiaman in Madras Roads dated 480 March 12th 1803. A closely written letter on 3pp 4to giving news on his voyage to Bengal before arriving at Madras where he had heard that the King of Candia had been ...[more]

India ? Maharajah of Jaipur photographic portrait of the Maharajah c late 19th c^ mounted on a card album leaf with a further 481 photograph showing him with a family group. Sizes approx 13x10cm for the portrait and 16x16cm for the family group

India ? Sikh and India interest ? eight early lithographs French Publication 1890s ? Chromo lithographs of the Golden 482 Temple^Maharajah Ranjit Singh?s Tomb^ Taj Mahal and many more in form of a booklet ? with French Key identifying buildings. Approx. 30cm x 24cm

India and the Punjab ? the Punjab Muslim League printed document on a single leaf of parchment^ undated but between 1905 and 483 1910^ being a loyal address to Lord Minto as Viceroy and Governor General of India on his first visit to the Punjab by the Punjab Muslim League ? signed to base by all members ...[more]

India Fine Miniature portrait of Tipu Sultan of Mysore 1840. A finely executed watercolour of the great Tipu Sultan 1840-1850^ oval 484 mount^ 9.5cm x 7cm^ framed. Tipu Sultan was a farsighted person who could foresee East India Company?s design to get entrenched in India. He therefore negotiated with t ...[more]

Indian or Persian Noble portrait 19th century. Fine miniature painting of A Mughal or Persian King greeting another Royal noble. 485 Measuring 11.4 cm x 8.8cm framed.

India Indian school painting of Krishna on a lotus flower 19th century or earlier^ housed in original frame. This is a very fine painting of 486 Krishna

487 India Large Islamic Persian flag with inscriptions 19th century. A silk embroidered standard from the Qajar era. Measures 235 x 147cm

India two miniature paintings^ probably Moghul^ c19th c^ the first showing a fighting in a palace scene^ with ms inscription^ possible in 488 Persian^ the second showing a group of men showing homage to a rider on horseback. Slight area of worming to the first^ both framed and glazed^ Image size approx ...[more]

India ? Punjab two colour printed handbills^ possibly used for recruiting Sikh troops for WWII^ the first featuring a Sikh figure in the 489 mode of the famous Kitchener WWI poster^ and the second showing a Sikh soldier with images of the sort of India which he should protect ? both with detailed print ...[more]

India fine pair of miniature paintings^ probably modern^ showing a King and a Queen. Although modern these depict considerable 490 artists

India fine miniature possibly 19th c showing a noble figure seated surrounded by female servants^ written on a manuscript leaf with 491 considerable inscription to verso

India ? Rigobert Bonne Map ? Sikh 1780 Punjab. A rare early (1780) engraved map of India by cartographer Rigobert Bonne. Hand 492 coloured this map is the first known map to recognise Sikh Misl territory in the Punjab/Lahore region. The word Schiecks on the map refers to the Sikhs. India ? Sikh illustration of the Lahore court 19th century. European school^ appear to be from a French publication showing Sikh figures 493 of the Lahore court.

India Sant Sitara by Avtar Singh Asad 1957 Approx 140 Pages ? good reading copy includes info on Guru Nanak^ Guru Arjan Dev Ji^ 494 Bhai gurdass Farid etc. In Punjabi. A rare title

India Idol worship ? by Bhai Randhir Singh 1967. A great book by one of the most respected Sikhs in the 20th century ? Bhai Randhir 495 Singh. In Punjabi ? titled ? De Pooja buth prasti. Approx 148 Pages. He explains why worshipping the Guru Granth Sahib is not idol worship a detailed book. Bhai Sahib R ...[more]

India fine archive of stereo cards issued by Underwood & Underwood^ with a total of 97 (out of 100) stereo cards showing various views 496 in India c1904. In custom made library box^ condition appears very good throughout

India ? an outstanding presentation photo album for the wedding of Maharajah Javarirao Scindia and Maharani Vijaya Ra in 1943^ 497 featuring approx 103 bw photographs in an artificial leather album^ various sizes. The shots cover the entire event showing a typical high status wedding including the arriv ...[more]

India ? two finely executed miniatures ? probably 20th c ? on period manuscript paper^ showing hunting scenes^ highlighted in gold. 498 Both framed and glazed each image size approx 31x22cm.

India ? Major General Sir Howard Elphinstone VC ? original art study of a mountain scene signed ?H Elphinstone 1859?^ image size 499 approx 48x31cms^ framed and glazed. Elphinstone was ADC to Queen Victoria. He toured various parts of what was then the British Empire including India and this is consider ...[more]

India Punjab ? Sword inscribed Maharajah Ranjit Singh ? early 19th century Northern India curved talwar sword^ inscribed in Punjabi 500 script inside the hilt ?Akal Sahai Ranjit Singh Lahore? and dated. The sword has remnants of what seems gold pitted around the hilt. The blade has an engraved silhouett ...[more]

India ? 19th Century Anglo-European style military trumpet with a provenance note - a signed letter from Mr C F Burrow^ State Band 500A Master of Jammu & Kashmir State^ addressed to a Mr Judd^ he writes ?I send you a trumpet used in the late Maharaja Ranjit Singh?s army (Punjab) before he was conquer ...[more]

India ? John Dickinson^ Chairman of the Indian Reform Society fine autograph letter signed dated September 18th 1861 discussing 501 relations with various local Kingdoms and adding: ?...I most sincerely regret to learn that the G[overnor] G[eneral]?s Afenst has refused compensation to the Dweass Chiefs. ...[more]

India ? John Dickinson^ Chairman of the Indian Reform Society autograph letter signed by John Fleming on behalf of Dickinson saying 502 that he had the pleasure of receiving his recipient?s letter giving an account of the Grand Durbar in which HRH the Maharajah had received with due honours Her Majesty ...[more]

India ? John Dickinson^ Chairman of the Indian Reform Society fine autograph letter signed dated Nov 4th 1861 to an unnamed 503 correspondent saying that the intelligence he has received ?...that negotiations are on food for a matrimonial alliance between the young Rajah of Dhur to Princess of the House ...[more]

India ? HH Raja Sir Sajjan Singh of Ratlam Typed letter from the Central India Agency dated Indore July 3rd 1918 to the Raja saying 504 that the Viceroy was due to stay at Indore on August 28th and hoping that the Raja will see fit to receive the Viceroy. Together with another letter dated July 11th 191 ...[more]

India ? HH Maharajah Birjinder Bulwunt Singh Bahjadur Bahadur Jung decorative letter sent by the Secretary to the British Imperial 505 Government to the Maharajah dated Fort William January 23rd 1837^ sending his greetings for Christmas and the New Year and sending his gratitude for the Maharajah?s good ...[more] India ? Mahatma Gandhi 78prm 10in disc of Gandhi?s Spiritual message^ together with similar discs by Bose and Naidu. Note: we have 506 not played these discs and therefore cannot verify their quality. Sold as seen not subject to return.

India ? Delhi Durbar 1911 locally produced souvenir album for the Durbar^ with many printed photographs showing the Durbar^ some 507 worming and tears to pages but an interesting contemporaneous record of the event

India ? Delhi Durbar 1911plan of the Durbar showing the arrangement of the Royal Canopy and Throne and the arrangements of the 508 various dignitaries^ regiments etc. Some offsetting. Printed on flimsy paper which has been affixed to a light card backing.

India ? Imperial Delhi printed city plan of Imperial Delhi on a scale of 12 inches to the mile^ used for a building programme during 509 1922/3^ approx 42x30cm^ linen backed^ a little browned but in acceptable condition.

India ? Masonic large photograph of the Lodge Light of Burma No 5081^ consecrated on January 23rd 1929^ showing the various 510 members of the Lodge with their names printed on the mount. Image size approx 30x22cm

India ? the Maharajah of Baroda fine full length portrait print of him showing him in his ceremonial dress looking seriously to his front^ 511 with printed details below. Framed and Glazed^ overall dimensions 75x55cm approx

India ? Delhi Durbar 1911 large print showing the King and Queen on their thrones at the Durbar with a horseman in front^ framed and 512 glazed. Overall size

India large over painted photograph of a young Indian Maharajah^ the image highlighted with crystal^ showing him seated looking 513 seriously to his front

India framed cloth trade label issued by Grace Brothers (India) Ltd showing Edward VII (when Prince of Wales) on an elephant out 514 hunting^ together with a large colour ILN print showing him in India standing by his horse and flanked by local soldiers^ with an impression of the Taj Mahal in the distan ...[more]

India ? the Maharajah of Jhalawar fine printed colour portrait of him on silk^ showing him hs looking seriously to his front^ with extensive 515 floral decorations surrounding the image