
# from what/ where which how why who for MOBILE versi on click here when who who where when index source "location, event" "phys, pol, med, doc" detail physical detail political name "9/11 Truth Interactive Spreadsheet Click on dow n arrow to sort / filter, click again to undo." Top 100 / compilations entity entity detail country / state date Item .. right-click on li nk to open in new tab 1 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC physical Controlled demolition Explosive experts "Overwhelming evidence indicates that a combination of n uclear, thermitic and conventional explosives were used in a controlled demoliti on of the WTC on 9/11. Nanothermite contributed but does not have sufficient det onation velocity to pulverize the WTC into dust. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is leading gatekeeper trying to deflect 's role. See Cozen O'Connor 9/11 lawsuit." pic "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Engineers / Scie ntists "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 2 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag Cabal "The cabal: U.S., Britain, and Israel execu ted the 9/11 false flag attack in order to usher in a new 'war on terror' along with the Iraq and wars and fullfil the PNAC's 'Full Spectrum Dominan ce' of the and its resources ... all have roots that go back to Zion ist / Nazi Germany, the Cold War ... 9/11 was a planned step." lnk Intel ag encies "Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA" / Sayeret Matkal "U.S., Israel, S A, Britain" 3 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Neutron, Fissionless Fusio n" Controlled demolition "VeteransToday: Fox, Kuehn, Prager, Vike n,Ward, Cimono & Fetzer on mini neutron bombs discuss all major WTC theories micr o nuke (neutron) most promising comparatively low blast effects, a quick blast o f radiation that doesn't linger, a series of shape charged mini-neutron bombs we re detonated from top to bottom to simulate a free fall collapse. ... localized damage only to WTC." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists Israel 4 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Truth factions "Reasonably clear factions have developed in the 9/11 Truth community (mininukes vs nanothermite or planes/no planes..etc). Site s that claim that nuclear demolition of the WTC to be disinformation including 9 11Truth, 9/11Review, 911Research ..etc also omit any information about the compl icity of Israel, Saudi Arabia or the UK. Are they gatekeepers? We believe yes... " pic Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" 9/11 Review U.S. 5 NYPost WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Myeloma" Victims "9/11 Nu ke Demolition Proof: Firefighters Radiation Cancers Off the Scale Firefighters who recovered bodies at Ground Zero are developing cancer at a faster rate than tho se who worked before the atrocity cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkins l ymphoma and multiple myeloma. The report also states increases in esophageal, pr ostate and thyroid cancers. see USGS data in pic" pic "Victims, all" NYC U.S. 4/1/2011 6 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalist agenda "hijacker, patsies" "Conflict of interest: Zionists held relevant controlling positions in the NYC mayor's office, District Attorney , Port Authority, Emergency Management, judicial offices relevant to victim comp ensation and insurance litigation, WTC security, debris (evidence) removal, opti ons trading, media coverage, the alleged demolition, and nuclear radiation remed iation of 9/11 event." lnk Top 20 "Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 7 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" Israel used Zim American Shipping Comapa ny out of Houston Texas to smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland Carnaby set up cameras to track these shipments. Zim has cl ose ties to the Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the police in a high speed chase i n Houston ... his laptops contained information on the shipments. lnk Zim Shipping Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 8 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel Zionists " comprise only .02% of the world's populati on but have a disproportionate control over the U.S. Congress (via AIPAC), execu tive branch (Cheney, Libby ... ), 9/11 litigation (Hellerstein, Mukasey, Feinber g) and the operational control of the Dept of Defense during the run-up to the A fghanistan and Iraq wars, which were 'justified' by 9/11. (Wolfowitz, Feith, Zak heim ... )" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" "Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA" CIA "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 9 WMR WTC 1-2 political Whistleblower "Calabrese, Mich ael" "WMR: info on suspicious death of Michael Calabrese: source: ""Dave Adam "" (Navy), claimed involvement in placement (by CIA demo experts, Malmstrom AF b ase) of vending machines (Aramark) containing detonation and relay switches in W TC 1-2, ... coodinated by 'Military Sealift Command Atlantic', ... E-Team and Ge litin (vetted by Lower Cultural Council) were coordinated distractions ," lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov CIA U.S. 11/13/2014 10 FME WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Fissionless Fusion" Controlled demolition Finnish Military Expert "Finnish Military Expert (FME) D estruction of twin towers took from 6-18 months of preparation by around 20 work ers placing thousands of thermate cutter charges, one or more micro nukes and na palm for dramatic explosions near top of towers. A complicit MSM is controlled b y 9/11 perps ... huge bomb in WTC 6 has gone unreported ..." lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 11 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Video fakery "Video fakery by MSM is clearly identified as CGI editin g, thus we declare agreement with 'no planes' theory. All info from the MSM, FAA , NORAD, FBI, CIA, NTSB, NIST, DoJ about 9/11 is lies and designed to promote th e government's incompetence, 'failure of imagination' meme. Israel nuked wtc, .. . embracing planes crashing into wtc is MSM /neocon/Israeli gatekeeping/smokescr een." vid Video fakery U.S. gov FBI U.S. 12 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Rosen, Marvin" "GW Bush hired Marvin Rosen's law firm in Gore vs Bush litigatio n, Dec 2000, ... Rosen was Clinton's campaign finance chief (of Greenberg Trauri g in Miami) in 1995/96 election, a leader in Florida election corruption. Severa l days before 9/11 Jeb Bush placed Florida under martial law ... collected all H uffman Aviation (CIA front) papers, Walt Disney Corp (& Rozen) assisted in illeg al visas to the hijackers." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "White House, Bush GW" U.S. Dec-00 13 PressTV WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, W-54" Controlled demol ition "Clinton, Bill" The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified v ersion of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells covertly provided to the Israelis be tween 1988 ... during the Bush/Clinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandia was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the war heads based on samples taken after 9/11 of the fallout at ground zero. lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Israel 14 Veterans Today WTC 1-2 political Controlled demolition "Gordon Duff: Putin dumping 9/11 intel on the net: Israel's nuclear arsenal incl udes mostly US illegally exported, stolen? (from Pantex, see Carnaby) W-54 nucle ar artillery shells taken out of service in 1978,1-2 kiloton range, remachined a nd used by Israel / Neocons to bring down WTC. Plutonium-based footprint, ... lo w fallout gone in 72 hours. Steven Jones (DoE) helped design the nukes? (Webb) n uked." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Israel 1/1/1978 15 "Fox, Donald" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Mini Nukes, w-5 4" Controlled demolition "Donald Fox: ... The mini-nuke theory (a ssociated with Dr. Ed Ward MD, the Anonymous Physicist, Dr. Bill Deagle, Jeff Pr ager and myself). We have determined that the mini/micro nuke hypothesis best fi ts the evidence. See the Mystery Solved and the Mini-Neutron Bomb articles for a full break down of the WTC Mini-Nuke Theory." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 16 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mininuke s 9/11 Groundwork nuclear smuggling "Roland Carnaby (deceased), was an ex-CIA operative who was president of the local chapter (Houston, TX) of the National Association for Intelligence Officers. There is a CIA memorial garden i n his honor. He was gunned down under suspicious circumstances by the Houston po lice while investigating a nuclear smuggling ring headed by Israel involving the Port of Houston." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 6/1/2007 17 Mondoweis "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Carter, Ashton" "Ashton Carter, the former #2 at Defense, replac ed Chuck Hagel ... who expounded on the 'Jewish lobby' ... of which SNL parodied a unaired skit that called on Hagel to fellate a donkey for Israel ... the ADL wasn't happy. Carter visited Mitkan Adam AB in July 2013 said the relationship h as never been stronger ... said protecting America means protecting Israel, ... including the use of attack dogs on Palestinians." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov DoD U.S. 13-Jul 18 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan "Jonathan Bush, uncle of President Georg e W. Bush, was an executive at Riggs Bank during the mid 1970s The Riggs Bank is one of the most important links between BCCI scandal, Bush, Saudi Arabia, Israel etc and the 9/11 hijackers. Providing accounts for money laundering and support for the hijackers." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Riggs Bank U.S. 1/1/1975 19 "Webb, Stew" WTC 1-2 political "Mini Nukes, Israel" "Jones, Steven" "Gordon Duff ... talks about the hidden past of Steven Jones of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth as a nuclear weapons designer! In fact, Steven Jones designed the very specialized low radiation micro nukes designed to destroy buildings! Jones worked for DoE, helped with real report that says WTC taken down with nukes." vid Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" AE911Truth U.S. 20 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nukes, Isr ael" "Carnaby, Roland" "Israel, ... has been pilfering spent U.S. nucle ar fuel from American nuclear arms caches (Pantex) at a phenomenal rate mostly th rough Houston, the same shipping pipeline that Carlyle Group front companies use d to ship nerve gas chemicals to 's Iraq in the 1980s, ... Carnaby was tracking nuclear shipments..." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. corp Carlyle Group U.S. 1/1/1980 21 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "The Israelis discovered that only U.S. nuclear cores co mposed of plutonium alloys were ripe for theft at Pantex. They used required ref rigeration trucks to move the cores through the port of Houston and into refrige ration containers loaded on board ships belonging to Zim-American Israeli Shippi ng Company, a firm with close links to the Mossad." lnk Zim Shipping Israeli gov Israel 22 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1-2 political Bentham Open Science Jou rnal Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth g atekeepers: these search terms absent from entire website: uranium, plutonium, t ritium, tritiated water, fission, fusion, barium, thyroid cancer, multiple myelo ma, USGS data, mininuke, nuclear, the resignation of Bentham Open Science's Mari e-Paule Pileni, and detonation velocity or how their super-duper-nano-thermite w as implemented." pic Gatekeepers "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 23 PRNews Wire "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschi ld & 9/11 "Rothschild announced strategic alliance with GTP... Wil liam Perry, Gerald Rosenfeld (CEO, Rothschild North America, John M. Deutch (CIA ..); John P. White (DoD, OMB, Kodak, Wang); Paul G. Kaminski ( General Dynamics, Anteon Corp, Condor Systems, Inc., DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc., DynCorp, Ge neral Dynamics; Ashton Carter, DoD, Nato; Robert J. Hermann, Irving B. Yoskowitz " lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank Global Technolog y Partners U.S. 24 Anonymous Physicist "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "China S yndrome, bathtub" Controlled demolition "A fission nuke (W-54) u ses up only some 1-6% of its fissile material in its chain reactions before the remainder is blown apart and gave rise to the underground fires, the micro-nukes placed within the 47 core columns were chosen small enough so as to not vaporiz e the outer structure ... The buildings didn't come down at free fall accelerati on until the mini nukes vaporized the core columns." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 25 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosions, during 9/11 attack" Controlled demolition "Seigel, Rick" "Explosion #3, of 10 explosions WINS TV video/audio 10 10 WINS TV audio track, use headphones to hear low frequency expl osion sounds about 24 minutes into the video 9:56:10 AM notice at 1:31:28 discus sion of flashes from helicopter are these electromagnetic pulses that can initia te nuclear explosions in 4th generation micro nukes? see Dr. Bill Deagle / Steve n Jones row 28" vid "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 9/11/2001 26 AVWeb "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell phone calls "Inside an airliner, because of its superior position, the cellphone may reach s everal cellsites at once. This creates problems for software that determines whi ch site is to handle the call makes its judgment based on the relative strength of calls. If the call is made from an overhead position, it may well not be able to distinguish relative strength at different cellsites. A cascade of decisions closes down the call." "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp U.S. 27 911Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Sept 11 Litigation: 03 MDL 1570 (GBD) (FM) ECF Case 1:03-md-015 70-GBD-FM Document 2890 Filed 09/15/14 Stephen A. Cozen, Esq. Elliott R. Feldman , Esq amendment of 2002-4,to hold accountable the principal parties who provided material support to al Qaeda and provided it with the essential means to carry out the September 11th attacks, (all Israel gatekeeping)" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Saudi Royal Family Saudi Arabia 28 "Deagle, Bill Dr." WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controll ed demolition "Jones, Steven" A discussion between Dr. Steven Jones and Dr. Bi ll Deagle on evidence of neutron activation in WTC dust. Jones is desparatetly tr ying to keep the conversation on a 'crucial test' for radioactive isotopes and i s evasive about Dr. Deagle's attempt to add inability of thermate to bend massiv e steel beams into pretzel shapes. lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 29 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Remote-c ontrolled aircraft WTC Security "Zakheim, Dov" "A subsidiary of Zakheims (Jewish rabbi) SPC firm, known as Tridata Corporation, oversaw the investigatio n of the first World Trade Center terrorist attack in 1993, which would have pro vided vital first-hand knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprin ts of the World Trade Center. ... use the chaos of war to further political agen da." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp Tridata Corporat ion Israel 30 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "9/11, Wall St. & Israel" "9/10/2001 at the CBOE there were 4,516 puts on American Airlines to only 748 calls. United Airlines was targeted for 4, 744 puts as opposed to 396 calls. The numbers on the reinsurance companies were similarly lopsided. Biggest trader of put options was Deutsche Bank Alex Brown" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp CBOE U.S. 9/10/200 1 31 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Bout, Viktor" "Bout regularly flew ... weapons into West Afric a on behalf of and his Saudi interlocutors as part of a joint Is raeli-Saudi plan to break the Lebanese Shi'a- monopoly on the West Afri can diamond trade. The plan involved the recruitment by Mossad agents of Bin Lad en loyalists to displace Shi'a from the diamond trade in countries like Sierra L eone, Liberia, and Guinea." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 32 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Anthrax hoax "Hauer, Jerome" "Hauer, (Zionist), managed WTC security thru Kro ll, managed Giuliani's OEM controversially moved to WTC 7, and directed the Anth rax attack response. Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retir ed Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the N ew York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion" lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" NYC Israel 33 "Hall, Richard D." WTC 1-2 political Video fakery "Hall, Richdard D." "Richard D. Hall: Video Fakery, more evidence, the plane was composited on top of a ball shaped object, not the other way around where a 'pod' for remote control was added to the plane. painstaking accurate analysis of videos proves his point" vid Video fakery 9/11 Truth U.S. 34 "Dean, James" WTC 1-2 political Mininukes Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Dean, James" "... mothballed Davy Crockett tactical nukes (us ed to demolish WTC) had been spirited out the back door via an inventory account ing system ... The inventory had gone to Israel after the Dimona accident had wr ecked their ability to produce weapons grade material, but they had the expertis e to re-manufacture the Davy Crocketts into modern tactical nuclear weapons." lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Israel 35 "Duff, Gordon" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Controlled demo lition, nuclear" Controlled demolition "The Military District of Manhattan, (w)as an underground testing facility for nuclear weapons of 3% fissi on initiation assembled from re-machined pits transferred through Britain in partnership with South African, Zimbabwean arms dealers, chaos theory" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov CIA Israel 9/11/2001 36 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan "A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi housed an d opened bank accounts for two of the 9/11 hijackers. About two weeks after the assistance began, al-Bayoumi's wife began receiving monthly payments totaling te ns of thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa bint Faisal, the wife of Saudi am bassador and Bush family confidant, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, through a Riggs ba nk account" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Saudi Arabia 37 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan "In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi r oyal family set up covert accounts at the Riggs Bank in Washington amounting to tens of millions of dollars; this money was used by the so-called ""Safari Club" " to run intelligence operations at a time when American intelligence was paraly zed by investigations in the aftermath of Watergate." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. corp Riggs Bank 1/1/1975 38 "Grabbe, Dr. Crockett" WTC 1-2 political Controlled demolition Controlled demolition "Grabbe, Dr. Crockett" "Dr. Crockett Grabbe-National Sw indle on the World Trade Center 1/2 received his PhD in Applied Physics from Cal tech in 1978, having received Bachelor of Science with Highest Honors and Master 's degrees in Physics from the University of Texas. He is an experienced scienti st who does research & consulting in applied physics (particularly plasma physic s)," lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 39 "Dean, James" WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes False flag "Dean, James" "Mini Nukes incidents: Marines Beirut, in 1983. Murrah F ederal Building in Oklahoma. 1995. The Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad, i n 1995. The Khobar Towers Saudi Arabia, 1996. The American Embassies in an d Tanzania, 1998. British Consulate, Turkey. Sari nightclub Bali 2002. The UN Of fice in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003. The Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2 004. Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005" lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, ant i-Zionists" Israel 1/1/1983 40 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Structural, steel" Controll ed demolition The top 14 floors of the WTC account for only about 1.4% of the buildings mass. It is physically impossible for that mass to cause the d estruction of the lower 98%. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 41 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing al Taqwa Bank "The Al Taqwa Bank ... is a financial institution incorp orated in 1988. It is based out of The Bahamas, , and Liechtenstein. Al Taqwa Bank was accused by the US of having links to Islamist terror organizat ions, and that it was a major source of funds for the operations of Osama bin La den and his associates ... see Bush connections" lnk Corporations & 9/11 Swiss corp al Queda banks Switzerland 1/1/1988 42 NYPost "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical "Cancer, Myeloma" Victims "2,500 Ground Zero workers have cancer the World Trade Center Health Program at Mount Sinai Hospital counts 1,655 responders with cancer among the 37,000 cops, hard hats, sanitation workers, other city employees and volunteers it monitors . ..higher rates than expected in the normal population prostate, thyroid, leukemi a and multiple myeloma." lnk "Victims, all" NYC U.S. 43 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Bath, James" "James Bath (born 1936) is a former director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a former frontman for Salem bin Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush, with whom Bat h served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov Bush Crime Famil y U.S. 7/1/1991 44 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 political Gatekeepers "The thermite 'sniffers' say that iron spheres were added to thermite to make it explosive, while the nuclear demolition adherents say the iron spheres are a pr oduct of nuclear detonations. The theories are so far apart that one has to be w rong. Motive provides the answer. Gordon Duff wants to widen his investigation o f AE911Truth gatekeeping to Jones and his Mormon money connections." lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" U.S. 45 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, / Israel mafia" "Madoff, Bernie" "Madoff scandal related to Forest Hills, NY Jewish mafia, money laundering by Bank of New York and Russi an Israeli mafia, OPERATION SPIDERWEB, and Benex (Marc Rich), offices in same bu ilding as Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Latvian-born Israeli who laundered bi llions through his Vienna-based NORDEX firm. ... nuclear smuggling, and and Clin ton re-election ... Sam Dombs" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Israel 1/1/1996 46 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Graham, Senator Bob" "The 28 pages make up part four of the r eport, a section titled Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensi tive Matters. They are widely believed to implicate Saudi offic ials or describe support from Saudi intelligence for the hijackers, 15 of whom w ere Saudi citizens." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Saudi Ar abia 8/1/2014 47 WMR Plamegate political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Plame, Valerie" "... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research Center) suffered a major equipment failure in the 1990s that impacted on Israel's ability to re-pro cess nuclear fuel.prompting Israel to actively smuggle nuclear materials to Isra el.... the smuggling operations immediately became known to the CIA's Counterpro liferation Division and its non-official cover (NOC) Brewster Jennings & Associa tes ... see Carnaby and Pantex" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov CIA Israel 1/1/1995 48 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Hijackers, Florida" Bush GW "Bush GW ..While still at Sarasota's Emma E. Boo ker Elementary on the day of the 2001 terrorist attacks,... three of the hijacke rs had been living in the area while taking flying lessons at Huffman Aviation . .. ""There was a network supporting the hijackers, ... a Saudi Arabian family wh o were living in an upscale Sarasota gated community. Twelve days before 9/11" "Neocons, all" U.S. gov "White House, Bush GW" Saudi Arabia 8/30/200 1 49 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" Controll ed demolition "The US Geological Survey collected samples of dust and airfall debris from more than 35 localities within a 1-km radius of the World Tr ade Center site on the evenings of September 17 and 18, 2001. Quantity ratios of cesium, uranium, thorium, barium, strontium, yttrium, rubidium, molybdenum, lan thanum, cerium, chromium and zinc found highly correlate with amounts consistent with nuclear fission." pic Mini Nukes U.S. gov USGS U.S. 17-Sep-01 50 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Cleanup, NNSA" Controlled demol ition "NNSA, National Nuclear Security Agency, officials and experts r esponded immediately to the nuclear demolition of the WTC and responded to the m assive radiological contamination at ground zero the point directly above, below or at which a nuclear explosion occurs." pic "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NNSA U.S. 51 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" "Carnaby used a number of cell phones to control and download port cameras. However, an Israeli surveillance firm, Orsus , ... put Carnaby's nuclear smuggling surveillance operations in jeopardy. The f inancial backers of Orsus include ComSor Venture Fund LDC, a joint operation of Comverse Technology, ..subsidiary of Verint Systems, and Soros Fund Management's Quantum Industrial Holdings Ltd." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 52 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, w-54" Controll ed demolition At least two different types of nuclear weapons were use d. One being a standard micro nuke with a (W-54 Pit design) of less than 3 kilot on in size and greater than 500 ton minimum in blast size. a 3 kiloton weapon wi ll produce a 150 foot fireball volcanic burst of hot iron plasma will literally gut the inside of the building lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 53 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" Controll ed demolition A Uranium or Plutonium can be used as the primary weapon . The primary only needs to be a fission weapon design. Uranium is also used in a Plutonium weapon as a neutron reflector and energy booster. It reduces the amo unt of PU needed by 25 to 50%. The Uranium will not completely burn because it i s a neutron reflector so it shows up in the fallout. lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 54 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Atta, M ohammed" Mohammed Atta and Prince Nayif: the Saudi drugs dealers who help ed finance the 9/11 attack. the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) broke open a major conspiracy involving a Saudi princes Colombian cocaine smuggling from Ve nezuela to support some future intention involving Koranic prophecy lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov DEA Saudi Arabia 1/1/1999 55 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Nayef, Prince" "Mohammed Atta and Prince Nayef: the Saudi drugs dealers who helped fina nce the 9/11 attack. The DEA operations were contained in a Declassification of a Secret DEA 6 Paris Country Office memo: dated June 26, 2000, a date which coinci ded with the height of Israeli art student and 911 hijacker activity in the U.S. " lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov DEA Saudi Arabia 6/26/2000 56 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Nayef, Prince" "Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, also spelled Naif, was the crown prince of Saudi Arabia as well as first deputy prime minister from 2011 t o 2012. He was also minister of interior from 1975 to 2012 After the September 1 1 attacks, as the man in charge of the Saudi investigation he received US critic ism for his continuing to insist that the Saudi hijackers were dupes in a Zionis t plot for over a year after 9/11" lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Arabia 57 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Financing "Nayef, Prince" "Prince Nayif: The DEA investigation centered around Saudi Prince Nayif al Saud, whose alias was El Principe (the Prince). Nayif's full name is Nayif (or Nayef) bin Fawwaz al-Shaalan al-Saud. In pursuit of his international drug deals, Nayi f traveled in his own Boeing 727 and used his diplomatic status to avoid customs checks" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov DEA Saudi Arabia 1/1/2000 58 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Nayef, Prince" "Prince Nayif: The Boeing 727 was operated by Skyways International,a Sa udi-owned airline with past connections to the mysterious James Bath, George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard friend and later Arbusto and Harken Energy inves tment pass-through between the Saudis and Bush." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov DEA Saudi Arabia 1/1/2000 59 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Financing "Bath, James" "Prince Nayif: These investors included Salem Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden's late older brother who was killed in a 1988 plane crash in Texas. Bath was the regist ered agent for Salem Bin Laden. The Saudi princes drug smuggling operation was sm ashed by the DEA and French police in October 1999." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov DEA Saudi Arabia 1/1/2000 60 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal "Cheney, Dick" "Rogue government chain of command: Vice Preside nt Dick Cheney, COS David Addington, AF Sec Michael Wynne, AF COS Gen. Michael M osely, Gen. Lawrence Stuztriem CHECKMATE, Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, Dr. Lani Kass, Col. Bruce Emig, Maj. Gen. Stephen Goldfein ... Minot Barksdale nuclear event." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 61 State of the Nation "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "When the Israelis were no longer able t o produce nuclear weapons, they found a way to just take them off the shelf in t he USA. They began cherry picking (nuclear pits sent to Pantex), to re-build the Israeli nuclear arsenal after the Dimona reactor operation had crashed ... Colo nel James Henke, Attaché to Israel, and now Editor of VT, was in the reactor on be half of US government," lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Pantex Israel 62 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, Russia / Israel mafia" "Loutchansky, Grigori" "Russia Ukraine Israel M afia (RUIM): Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish mafia, money laundering by Bank of New York and RUIM, OPERATION SPIDERWEB, and Benex (Marc Rich), offices in same building as Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Latvian-born Israeli who laundered billions through his Vienna-based NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear smuggling and Clinton re-election ... Sam Domb" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Israel 1/1/1996 63 NNSA WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) memorial at Pantex honoring first responde rs who died of radiation related illinesses from the nuclear demolition of the W TC in NYC on 9/11 by Zionist Neocons. The thyroid gland is highly susceptible to radiation carcinogenesis and exposure to high-dose ionising radiation is the on ly established cause of thyroid cancer. source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pic "Victims, all" U.S. gov NNSA Israel 64 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Ijaz, Mansoor" "Stratesec director James Abrahamson He also co-founded a company called Crescent Investment Management (Crescent) with the Pakistani-American, Mansoor Ijaz." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Crescent Investment Management Pakistan 65 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Mini Nukes, W-5 4" Controlled demolition "Davy Crockett, The M-28 or M-29 Davy Cr ockett Weapon System(s) was a tactical nuclear recoilless rifle for firing the M 388 nuclear projectile that was deployed by the US during the Cold War. one of s mallest ever built M-388 round used a version of the W54 warhead ... yield betwe en 10 or 20 tons of TNT ... had a selectable yield feature ..." lnk Mini Nuk es U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 1/1/1950 66 NIH NCBI Chernobyl medical "Cancer, Chernobyl" "An increased incidence of thyroid cancer in the exposed children remains the mo st well-documented long-term effect of radioactive contamination after the Chern obyl nuclear accident in April, 1986. Multiple studies on approx 4000 children a nd adolescents with thyroid cancer have provided important new information about the epidemiological aspects of radiation-induced carcinogenesis in the thyroid gland" lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov NIH U.S. 67 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Judaized British Freemasons conspired to create the Wahhabi sec t in Saudi Arabia, to divide Islam, and provide a geopolitical advantage for a n ew state of Israel... Hempher (British spy) was responsible for shaping of the e xtreme tenets of Wahhabism was mentioned in a Turkish work, Mirat al-Haramain, by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933-1938." lnk Top 20 UK gov Saudi Royal Fami ly Saudi Arabia 1/1/1933 68 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear physics short course Controlled demolition Donald Fox short course on nuclear physics lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 69 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Schiphol Hijacker patsies "Both the 'underwear bomber' Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab... on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight 253, and Ric hard Reid 'shoe bomber' American Airlines flight 63 from Paris to Miami in Decem ber 2001 had no problems boarding their respective planes... ICTS controlled sec urity at Schiphol airport" lnk U.S. gov ICTS Israel 70 "Duff, Gordon" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Drills g one live Hijacker patsies "Mohammed Atta and the Saudis in the US w erent training to attack on 9/11 but rather were being trained by the CIA to fly drugs out of Afghanistan. They were there as patsies on 9/11 just like the 7/7 bom bers were set up in London, where 'terror' drills were executed... 'miraculously ' at the same time as the real bombings." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov U.S. 7/7/2005 71 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "In the 1960s the SAWT AL ARAB Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Eg ypt, and the Broadcasting Station in SANAA confirmed the Jewish Ancestry o f the SAUDI Family. FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time could not deny his families kind red with the JEWS when he declared to on Sept. 17, 1969 stat ing: WE, THE SAUDI FAMILY, are cousins of the Jews," lnk Saudis & 9/11 Israeli gov Saudi Royal Family Saudi Arabia 1/1/1960 72 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g "Bout, Viktor" "The Bout story is directly linked to relationships betw een former Soviet Jews and the Sephardic Jews in Israel, who, working with Arab ""business partners"" from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, decided to back the Asif Ali Zadari-Benazir Bhutto campaign to finance and establish the Taliban as reliable protectors of the vital ""Afghan Highway project,"" which was the key link for a ""Mumbai-to-Moscow""" lnk "Neocons, all" 73 "Hopsicker, Daniel" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling "Tadiran, Israel The Israeli connection to SkyWa y (cocaine smuggling), including the involvement of an Israeli tele-com firm, Tadi ran, accused of being involved in worldwide , and which owned the headq uarters of SkyWay in Clearwater, Florida. See links between Mohammed Atta, DEA, Is raeli Art Students, Prince Nayef (Nayif)." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Tadiran Israel 74 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Explosions, dur ing 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "Rodriguez, William" "at 8:46 we hear 'BOOM!' An explosion so powerful and so loud that push us upward in the air comi ng from below! It was so powerful that all the walls cracked, the false ceiling fell on top of us, the fire sprinkler system got activated and everybody started screaming in horror: 'HELP!" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th U.S. 75 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rockefellers & 9/11 "Lauder, Ronald" "Richard Parsons, AOL Time Warne r chairman and a member of the board of Estee Lauder Ronald S. Lauder ( of Estee L auder and WTC privitization) and has a close long-time business relationship wit h the Rockefellers (Rothchilds)" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli corp MSM U.S. 76 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "9/11, Wall St. & Israel" "Parsons, Richard" "Parsons (Citi chairman) represents the interests of the Rockefeller family and the Council on Foreign Relations in his meetings with Obama, described as one-way communications that ensure that Obama is carrying out the wishes of the Rockefellers and their business friends. Rothsch ilds created Rockefellers who led WTC construction." lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Citi U.S. 12/1/2001 77 WMR Plamegate political "9/11, Wall St. & Israel " "Hohlt, Richard" "Richard Hohlt was hired by Citi chairman Richar d Parsons. His roster of clients has included JPMorgan, , TimeW arner, Philip Morris, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Chevron, and the Nuclear Energy Inst itute. Hes a close associate of and collaborated with Robert Novak in o uting Valerie Plame. He was a George Bush Super Ranger bagman. see money laundering Raul Salinas" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Citi U.S. 78 Antiwar "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" """A few of the operatives (Israeli Art Students) are well known in the Israeli intelligence community.... Peer Segalovitz, Aran Ofek, ... Yaron Ohana, Ronen Kalfon, Zeev Cohen and Naor Topaz."" see also connections to Retalix, student employees of.Retalix headquaters in Israel and offices in Plano , Texas" lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Israel 1/1/2000 79 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized crime & 9/11 "Berezovsky, Boris" "There is increasing evidence that the radioacti ve poisoning assassination of ex-KGB and FSB agent and Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko was the result of a plot by anti- criminal syndicates ( Berezovsky) based in Britain, Israel, Ukraine, and Poland to embarrass the Russi an government." lnk Mini Nukes Israeli gov Russia 80 ASCE Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floo r "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) report: ""...essentially all interior impact damage was inflicted in the first story. The aircraft seems for the most part to have slipped between t he first-floor slab on grade and the second floor."" impossible for a 225,000 jetl iner to dissappear in the 1st floor of a building..." lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 81 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Controll ed demolition "For an explosive to demolish a material, it must have a detonation velocity equal to or greater than the speed of sound in that materia l. The speed of sound in concrete is 3,200 m/s, in steel 6,100 m/s. But the high est detonation velocity attributed to nanothermite in the is only 895 m/s." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 82 Wikipedia Port Chicago medical "Cancer, Port Chicago" Controll ed demolition "Port Chicago disaster: (1st nuclear explosion?) ... munitio ns explosion... occurred on July 17, 1944, at the Port Chicago Naval Magazine in Port Chicago, California. Munitions detonated while being loaded onto a cargo v essel bound for the Pacific Theater of Operations, killing 320 sailors and civil ians and injuring 390 others. Most of the dead and injured were enlisted African -American sailors." lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov Manhattan Projec t U.S. 7/17/1944 83 NIH NIEHS WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "the NYC DOHMH investigated cancer incidence during 20032008 in a cohort of appro ximately 56,000 individuals registered with the WTC Health Registry and reported statistically significant increases in thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and mul tiple myeloma among rescue and recovery workers in 20072008" "Victims , all" U.S. gov NIH U.S. 84 DoE WTC 1-2 docs "Controlled demolition, nuclear" Controll ed demolition "From DoE: Restricted Data Declassifications Decisions: August 1958: ""Mere fact that the U. S. has developed atomic munitions suitable for use in demolition work."" and The fact of weapon laboratory interest in Mini mum Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The fact of successful development of MRR devices."" (1976)" doc "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov DoE U.S. 8/1/1958 85 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Controlled demolition, nuclear" Controlled demolition Our hypothesis is that World Trade Center Buildi ngs 1 and 2 were demolished by a series of very low-yield micro nuclear devices that were planted in the center columns of the buildings and detonated sequentia lly from top to bottom and configured or directed to explode upward in order to simulate a free fall collapse. A mini-nuke or series of mini-nukes were also det onated in the basement of WTC 6 lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th U.S. 86 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 medical Cancer Zadroga Act "Zadroga, James" "A third opinion from NY State Police chief forensic pathologist backed Zadroga' s family original claim that WTC dust was responsible for his death, citing no ' track marks' on his body, and that he had taken anti-anxiety and painkillers inc luding OxyContin and had never ground up and injected drugs that the NY Medical Examiner accused him of." lnk "Victims, all" NYC U.S. 87 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "From ASCE: ""The Boeing 757 approached the west wall of the Pentagon from the s outhwest at apprximately 780 ft/sec. (531.8 mph) As it approached the Pentagon site it was so low to the ground that it clipped the antenna on a vehicle on an adjac ent road.""This is impossible because of ground effect, also impossible for a pr ofessional pilot, and there also was no damage to the lawn..." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 88 "Hopsicker, Daniel" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "9/11, Wall St. & Israel" "SkyWay was part of a network of compani es, three of whichL-3 Communications, Net Command Tech Inc, and Triton Network Sy stems Inc. were cited by Elliot Spitzer, then the Attorney General of New York St ate, for being used by brokers in pump and dump schemes which cost unw ary investors tens of millions of dollars." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Israel 89 WMR Plamegate political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" "... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research Center) suffered a major equipment failure in the 1990s that impacted on Israel's ability to re-pro cess nuclear fuel.prompting Israel to actively smuggle nuclear materials to Isra el.... the smuggling operations immediately became known to the CIA's Counterpro liferation Division and its non-official cover (NOC) Brewster Jennings & Associa tes ... see Carnaby and Pantex" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Brewster Jennings U.S. 1/1/1995 90 "Duff, Gordon" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "The Saudis also have a stash of W54s acquired fro m the US under Bush2. (Editors note: Confirmed) The Israelis have also provided t hem to India, Brazil, China, Taiwan, Japan, North and South Korea etc. (Editors n ote: All but South Korea confirmed. Canada had been believed to be the source of Brazilian nuclear weapons.)" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Ch eney" Saudi Arabia 91 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal "Addington, David" "Rogue government chain of command: Vice President Dick Cheney, COS David Addington, AF Sec Michael Wynne, AF COS Gen. M ichael Mosely, Gen. Lawrence Stuztriem CHECKMATE, Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, Dr. Lan i Kass, Col. Bruce Emig, Maj. Gen. Stephen Goldfein ... Minot Barksdale nuclear event." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 92 "Shimatsu, Yoichi" WTC 1-2 political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Olmert, Ehud" "The explosions at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant were actually caused by nuclear fission of warhead cores stolen from Pantex ... (evaporation in the cooling ponds led to detonation) . were authorized under a t hree-way deal between the Bush-Cheney team, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Elhud Olmert's government in ." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Israel 93 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political MSM "Perle, Richard" "Heartson.com: Richard Perle led the Defense Pol icy Board,... is also director of Hollinger Inc, Hollinger Digital also owns Ons et Technology which cooperates with spy messenger software of Comverse (Amdocs) and Odigo. Hollinger (Conrad Black) operated 400 worldwide, #3 after Gannet and Murdoch," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Amdocs U.S. 94 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St., Israel & 9/11" "The Vulcans... war chest ($240 billion l ooted from Russia) ... known by several names: Black Eagle Trust, the Marcos gol d, Yamashitas Gold, the Golden Lily Treasure, the Durham Trust or Project Hammer. ... of covert illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury n otes by relaxation of SEC immediately following 9/11." lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" U.S. gov Vulcans U.S. 9/17/2001 95 "Shimatsu, Yoichi" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Cheney, Dick" Shimatsu: US & Israel knew Fukus hima had weapons-grade PU and UR (W54 pits) that were exposed to the atmosphere after the tsunami hit. ... In retaliation for Japan's support for a Palestinian State. Cheney/Bush had the reactor sabotaged with the virus twenty minut es after the tsnami hit hampering the shutdown and enabling the meltdowns. lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Israel 3/1/2011 96 911 Review "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies Hijacker patsies "According to German newspapers, the Mos sad gave the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US and said that it appea red that they were planning to carry out an attack in the near future... at leas t four names did refer to actual 9/11 hijackers: Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar , Marwan Alshehhi, and Mohamed Atta." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 8/23/2001 97 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Rights lost "Carter, Ashton" "An Ashton Carter 1998 essay in Foreign Affairs, co-written with Philip Zelikow,, and former Deputy Defense Secr etary John Deutch: ... on 9/11 ... "" ... Like Pearl Harbor, this event would di vide our past and future into a before and after. ... The US might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, ... ""." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 98 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Minimum Res idual Radiation" Controlled demolition "Norfidid: MRR, .. radia tion from fusion devices is short lived, produces tritium and that the DoE admit s to at least MINIMAL Residual Radiation weapons, Nuclear fusion leaves behind t ritium... a fact recorded by the EPA at ground zeroTritium: a radioactive isotope of hydrogen having a mass of 3 units; it is produced in nuclear reactors by the action of neutrons on lithium nuclei." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 99 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia Bandar bin Sultan "Bandar bin Sultan's wife ( Princess Haifa al Fa isal, the wife of Prince Bandar " Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov "White H ouse, Bush GW" Saudi Arabia "bin Sultan bin Abdul Az iz al Saud, the Saudi Ambassador to the .) " gifted $1 million to Bus h 43 presidential library. 100 EIR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, Russia / Israel mafia" "Rich, Marc" "Rich's partner in crime was hed ge-fund manager Michael Steinhardt, a second generation Meyer Lansky syndicate f ront-man. Steinhardt, who is the founder of the.. Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) (RNC lookalike) and who is the sugar-daddy of Sen. Joseph Lieberman... to secure Sharon's reelection, and ... Likud" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" U.S. 101 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Rich, Marc" "Federal probes of various security leaks, criminal acti vity, and dirty money -- Abramoff, Kidan, CIA leak, Niger bogus documents, AIPAC gate, election fraud, Indian gambling casino money laundering, dirty GOP campaig n money, oil profiteering, 9/11--all related to Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian Mafia (RUIM)." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" global Russian-Israeli- Ukrainian Mafia (RUIM) "Russia, Ukraine, Israel" 102 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Rothschild & JFK Jewish "The common link between 9/11, JFK and the Holoc aust is the creation, sustenance and expansion of the state of Israel. It would not exist if not for the Holocaust, JFK's anti-Israel policies were dealt with ( assassination) and the Iraq / Afghanistan wars were fought in part to expand, pr otect and enrich Israeli Zionists. Michael Collins Piper was the first author to expose Mossad as JFK assassins." link "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" "Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA" Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 103 ASCE Pentagon physical "Pentagon, wall holes" Disinfo & ommissions "The ASCE report states that a Boeing 757 slipped in bet ween the second story floor and the ground floor which is absolutely ridiculous.a 200,000 lb aircraft to disappear in the first floor of a five story building." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 104 ASCE Pentagon physical "Pentagon, wall holes" Disinfo & ommissions "The FBI would not allow the ASCE entry into the Pentago n for at least two weeks, and until all the debris had been removed." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 105 "Francis, Stephen NFU" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, wall holes" Disinfo & ommissions "Whatever crashed into the Pentagon, cou ld not have been a 125 ton airliner. The entry point was too small, the official story does not consider the practically indestructible 10-ton jet engines that should have pierced the wall in two separate places... and would have been easil y recovered and displayed if they existed." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 106 AE911Truth WTC 1-2 physical Disinfo & ommissions "On detonation velocity, AE911Truth website does not even mention the concept as seen from a search of their website." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 107 Wikipedia Plamegate political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Plame, Valerie" "Brewster Jennings & Associates was a fr ont company set up in 1994 by the CIA... employed Valerie Plame, Robert Novak ou ted her identity on July 2003.. Novak said Richard Armitage was his source the co mpany was used by the CIA to investigate an alleged foreign intelligence ring, i ncluding Pakistan's ISI, which was attempting to recruit moles to obtain U.S. nu clear secrets" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 7/14/200 3 108 Aangirfan "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Operatio n Code Angel " the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 was called 'Operation Code Angel,' also known as Tripod II - a U.S. Department o f Justice 'war games' exercise involving the Federal Emergency Management Admini stration (FEMA)" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 109 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "bin Laden, Osama" "Al Taqwa Bank... a George H. W. Bush / Swiss / German b ank on behalf of Osama bin Laden, headquartered in the Italian Swiss enclave Cam pione d'Italia and had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets blocked by US Treasury, changed its name to Nada Management. see Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Italy gov al Queda banks Italy 110 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "Powell, Lord Charles" Lord Charles Powell became an advisor to the board of BA E. He also served on the board of Jardine Matheson which is linked to HSBC which is reportedly involved in transfer of funds through Dubai to the 9/11 hijackers . lnk Saudis & 9/11 UK gov HSBC Saudi Arabia 111 "Gordon Duff, VT" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear physics short co urse "Duff, Gordon" "If you fill a glass vile with PU-239 oxide flak es add some acid and compress it properly you will get a small nuclear chain rea ction in the single ton range. It is called a nuclear Co-hearer, Detonator, Trig ger or Red Mercury. Put that into a 40mm grenade launcher and it will drop a small building or take out any bunker. One gram of PU equals one ton of TNT." Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Alternative media U.S. 112 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Jeff Gates: Less than two weeks prior to the mass murder of September 11, 2001, the Israeli government made a $1 million grant to Israeli super-spy Jonathan Po llard. (Signal?)he is celebrated in Israel 110 CIA agents died because of the 1 mi llion documents Pollard stole which Israel passed on to Russia... in exchange fo r emigration guarantees." "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 9/1/2001 113 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Victims emergency workers In the oral hist ories of 503 emergency personel on 9/11 over 100 reported explosions prior or du ring the collapses. Citizens reported explosions that blew glass out of doors an d windows. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp NY Times U.S. 8/1/2005 114 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" "Cleanup, Zionis t companies" 9/11 & UK "Giuliani, Rudy" "Sir Peter Mason is a Kn ight of the British Empire. The former mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, who gave the management of the WTC site to the two British firms, AMEC and Bovis Len d Lease, received an honorary knighthood in the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II on Feb. 13, 2002. " lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" UK corp Bovis Construction UK 2/1/2002 115 "Barrett, Kevin VT" WTC 1993 political Remote-controlle d aircraft WTC Security "Zakheim, Dov" "A subsidiary of Zakheims SPC fir m, known as Tridata Corporation, oversaw the investigation of the first World Tr ade Center terrorist attack in 1993, which would have provided vital first-hand knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade C enter." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Tridata Corporat ion Israel 6/1/1993 116 Washington Times "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "Loutchansky, Grigori" "Bill Cl inton was photographed at a Democratic Party function with controversial Russian businessman Grigory Loutchansky, whose Vienna, Austria-based company Nordex has been the focus of multiple international probes investigating Russian organized crime and money laundering. Mr. Loutchansky surfaced in" link Mini Nuk es U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" U.S. 9/1/1999 117 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Anthrax hoax "Hauer, Jerome" "Jerome Hauer advised the White House to begin taking Ci pro, ... " lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. "Mr. Hauer's advice was not made public, when the first anthrax letters appeared, and again three weeks after that, when anthrax appeared in letters to Democratic Senators Daschle and Leahy." 118 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Anthrax hoax "Hauer, Jerome" "Jerome Hauer joined New York City's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in 1998 and quickly obtained funding from the office of then-m ayor Rudy Giuliani for the study of West Nile virus. The following year the viru s appeared in the city, and Jerome Hauer led the fumigation effort." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 1/1/1998 119 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Anthrax hoax "Jerome Hauer managed the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. T he anthrax used in the attacks was identified as an Ames strain, which means it had to have come from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Dis eases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland." lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov NIH U.S. 120 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Black boxes Disinfo & ommissions "Six out of eight black boxes on supposed 9/11 hijacked planes were never released, while the two (on Fl ight 77 and Flight 93) that were reportedly found cannot be verified as genuine, Should be 2 hours of recordings for four hijackings total," lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 121 9/11 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Hauer, Jerome" "Despite Kroll's leading role in providing the s ecurity plan for the WTC, neither the 9/11 Commission nor the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mentioned Kroll in their respective reports. " lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL L abs U.S. 122 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Friedman, Stephen" "Friedman figured promin ently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a mem ber of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Marsh & McClennan U.S. 123 "Shimatsu, Yoichi" El al Flight 1862 political Nuclear smuggling & Schiphol "Worst Dutch air disaster ... Oct 4, 200 9 & scandal .. involved Israel, Mossad, the US, El Al, secret and illegal chemic al weapons transfers, unconfirmed allegations of weapons-grade plutonium, 2000 r esidents / firefighters with radiation poisoning symtoms, ... the chemicals aboa rd El Al Flight 1862 could have produced 270 kilos of sarin (see ICTS, Cukierman )" Mini Nukes Israeli gov ICTS Israel 10/4/2009 124 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Friedman, Stephen" "Friedman figured promin ently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a mem ber of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp In-Q-Tel U.S. 125 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & UK "Shirlz007: Buller: Director General of MI5 Eliza Mannin gham-Buller, instrumental in the cover-up of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, 1 998, secured Britain's role in 1st , dismantled last remnants of the IRA with false flag attacks on British soil blaming Irish Republicans, possibly rec ruited Gerry Adams, was in NY Sep 12, 2001." link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" UK 9/12/2001 126 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Hauer, Jerome" "Kroll has operated as a private , and has been called ""The CIA of Wall Street"". In this ro le, Kroll traced and recovered the assets of Ferdinand Marcos, Jean-Claude ""Bab y Doc"" Duvalier, and Saddam Hussein (for Kuwait). Kroll also worked for the Rus sian government to recover funds, and for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporat ion (FDIC) during the Savings and Loan scandal." lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 127 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Hauer, Jerome" "Kroll helped out by finding emb arrassing secrets about the takeover company's executives, thereby preventing th e takeover. Former CIA spies, FBI agents, and prosecutors were hired by the firm , and made as much as twice the salaries they made in the public sector while in vestigating corporate and personal misdeeds." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 128 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "Kroll, Jules" "Jules B. Kroll in 1972. Mr. Kroll was admitted to the New York Bar in 1967, and had spent several years as an assistant Distric t Attorney for New York County." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" NYC U.S. 129 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Riggs Bank was a large Washington, D.C.-based commercia l bank with branches around the world. .. Saudis set up accounts with 10s of mil lions for use by Safari Club in wake of Watergate scandals. and funded 9/11 hijac kers patsies." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Safari Club Saudi Ar abia 130 ASCE Pentagon political Disinfo & ommissions "Rumsfeld, Donald" There were two unneeded evacuations of fire fighting per sonel that were initiated by Donald Rumsfeld sighting more attacks on the Pentag on that never materialized. lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov U.S. 131 Aviation Week "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell pho ne calls "Neither the service, nor the ""third generation "" hardware, nor the ""Picco cell"" CDMA base station inside the cabin (which so to speak mimics a cell phone communication tower inside the plane) were availab le on the morning of September 11, 2001." link "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp MSM U.S. 132 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Wikipedia rewrites history "There is a high correlation between so- called 9/11 Truth websites that deny nuclear demolition devices and 'no planes' and websites that do not mention Israel, UK or Saudi Arabia roles in 9/11. includ ing AE911Truth, 911review, 911Truth NBC, CBS, ABC and would all immedia tely be suspects in the cover-up." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p MSM U.S. 133 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Eisenberg, Shaul" "An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New York and New Jer sey Israeli intelligence-connected office moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems, which was discovered to have conducted an emergency move of the Israel i Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company from the World Trade Centers North Tower just weeks prior to 911," link Zim Shipping Urban Moving Sys tems Israel 134 WMR ISIS political 9/11 & ISIS "ISIS ha ve disturbing links to intelligence services of the United States, Israel, and B ritain. ""Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant"" (ISIL), or, as it is variably c alled, ""Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham"" (ISIS), ""Al Dawlah"" (the State), or ""Da'ish"" (a concatenation of ""al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al-Sham""," link ISIS U.S. gov ISIS Israel 135 WMR ISIS political 9/11 & ISIS "ISIL is an outgrowth of the Organization of Jihad's Base in the Country of the Two Rive rs or Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. As with the current le ader of ISIL, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, questions surrounded the background of Zarqa wi." link ISIS U.S. gov ISIS Israel 136 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Addington, David" "Cheney's team executed 9/11 power conso lidation to drive far-reaching legal changes under a new set of rules ... team c omposed of: David Addington (Cheney's legal counsel), Timothy Flanigan (dep WH c ounsel), John Yoo (dep chief of Office of Legal Council) and Alberto Gonzalez wi th no accountability on or adherence to any democratic process." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 137 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia Nayef "Link the DEA, Venice (Florida) hijacker flight school training, Prince Nayif's (Nayef) drug smuggling conviction and offices in Venice, Mohamme d Atta, Sky Way Aircraft, cocaine smuggling at the airport and the Israeili Art Sudents" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov DEA Saudi Arabia 138 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Eastman, Dick" "Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal Branch -- Sayeret M atkal is a deep-penetration unit that has been involved in assassinations, the t heft of foreign (US) defense, financial, industrial and diplomatic secrets and t he theft and destruction of foreign weapons and research facilities. They did 9- 11." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Sayeret Matkal Israel 139 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamophobia "Islamists are anti-Western mainly in the sense that they do nt like pornography, alcohol, sexualized advertising, usury, and other manifestat ions of Western decadence. ... few hate Democracy ... Shia Islamism, the Islamic Republic of , and the less-successful, less-savvy but still leading force of Sunni Islamism, the , are very strongly pro-democracy." lnk 9/11 Truth al Queda U.S. 140 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 28 pages declassified! "Lynch, Stephen Congressmen" "AIPAC is impeding Lynch / Jones emergency bill to declassify full Joint Congression Report on 9/11. Why is SA protecting Saudi Arabia? Does the report implicate the Mossad, FBI, CIA, MI5," lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" AIPAC U.S. 141 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Wolfowitz, Paul" Chairman of the State Department's Inter national Security Advisory Board. One of Wolfowitz's key areas of responsibility will be non-proliferation and arms control and he will have input on the propos ed US-Turkey nuclear technology deal. See Soreq Nuclear Research lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov State Dept U.S. 142 "Cahill, Dr. Thomas" WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Controlled demolition "Cahill, Dr. Thomas" According to Lawrence Livermore Laboratories the maximum detonation velocity for an energetic compound made of i ron oxide and aluminum in a silica substrate is 895mps. ... the velocity can be increased to above 2000 mps if copper is added.... Dr. Jones samples did not hav e a copper component. Nuclear detonation velocity approaches 100k mps. Logisticall y impossible to put enough nanothermite in WTC to demolish it. link Mini Nuk es U.S. gov Lawrence Livermore Lab U.S. 143 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of inte rest Rothschild "Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-1 1 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the l aw firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the pa rent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and his son E douard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank "Amit, Pollak & Matalon" Israel 144 "Shimatsu, Yoichi" El al Flight 1862 political Nuclear smuggling & Schiphol "The Dutch Attorney General testified be fore the commission that the El Al security unit at Schiphol wasn't actually an El Al security unit at all, but a front operation for the Mossad. * Airport empl oyees testified that since 1973, the Netherlands' authorities had allowed El Al planes to transfer cargo at Schiphol Airport without being inspected by customs or by the Dutch Flight Safety Board" Mini Nukes U.S. gov ICTS Israel 1/1/1993 145 ASCE Pentagon political "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "ASCE report: ""Controlled access to the site was granted to the full team after rescue and recovery operations were complete. On Oct 4, 2001 the Pentagon team inspected the interior and exterior of the damaged area of the Pentagon for appr oximately four hours.""including John Durrant (ASCE dir) and W. Gene Corely (WTC BPS leader)" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 10/4/2001 146 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 IC TS "Olmert, Ehud" "Ehud Olmert, like his Russian-born parents who emigrate d first to China and then to Palestine, is an ideological child of Jabotinsky. O lmert's father, Mordechai, was a devoted follower who joined the right-wing Heru t movement and the Irgun militia then led by the notorious Zionist terrorist Men achem Begin. Olmert's intensely right-wing family lived on a cooperative farm ca lled Nahalat Jabotinsky." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Zionists Israel 147 ASCE Pentagon political "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "The six-member Pentagon Building Performance Study team is headed by Lead Techn ical Director Paul F. Mlakar, ... includes Mete A. Sozen. Mlakar and Sozen had w orked together on the (FEMA) investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing under W. Gene Corley, who is now assigned as FEMA/ASCEs team leader for the WTC investi gation 09/12/2001)" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 9/12/2001 148 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 IC TS "Olmert, Ehud" "Olmert, who has long been tarnished by allegations of f inancial crimes, was implicated in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which he was co-treasurer. This af fair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, the Likud treasurer." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov PM Israel 1/1/1996 149 Bollyn Pentagon political "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "Corley, W. Gene" "W. Gene Corley is a concrete specialist who performed a similar service (Pentagon reports) after the Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City bom bing, and the bombing of the Pentagon. Corley, now deceased, received from the C rown family (Chicago, General Dyanics, Lithuanian Jewish ) the Henry Crown award for his work in 1997" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Henry Cr own Israel 1/1/1997 150 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 IC TS "Atzmon, Menachem" "... convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign fi nance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of securi ty at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh US A in 1999. See ICTS, Huntleigh, Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukierman" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "Huntleigh, USA" Israel 1/1/1999 151 Bollyn Flight 93 physical Israel & 9/11 ICTS "UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originat ed in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. See ICTS and Huntleigh" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "Huntleigh, USA" Israel 152 "Shimatsu, Yoichi" El al Flight 1862 political Nuclear smuggling & Schiphol "Undocumented El Al cargo flights arrive d from Schiphol en route from New York to Tel Aviv, Dutch Journalist Dekker clai ms, ... the jet carried 27 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, enough to make seven warheads, ... * Soil samples taken at the crash site have turned up eviden ce suggesting that nuclear weapons technology" Mini Nukes U.S. gov ICTS Israel 153 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 IC TS "Huntleigh, along with the other security companies, was granted complete congressional protection in 2002 and will not be called to account for its actions on 9-11 in any U.S. court. -" lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S. 1/1/2002 154 "Bowles, William" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "bin Laden, Osama" "William Casey's covert operatio ns as Director of the CIA led from the arming the mujehaddin to the intricacies of Contragate. Drug profits from this funneled through BCCI at the behest of Sau di Arabia / CIA that used the Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds went to a dru g dealer named Hekmyatar and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden." link Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov CIA Saudi Arabia 155 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Control led demolition, nuclear" Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Davy Cr ockett mini nuke: The M-388 uses a version of the W54 warhead, a small sub-kilot on fission device. The Mk-54 weighed about 51 pounds, with an equivalent of 10-2 0 tons of TNT, The round weighed 76 pounds. It was 31 x 11 inches, 2100 were man ufactured, taken out of service in 1967, used in Special Atomic Demolition Munit ion project and the AIM-26A Falcon. see M65." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. military U.S. 1/1/1967 156 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & Schiphol "On 17 July 2014, Flight 17 departed from Amster dam Airport Schiphol Gate G03 at 12:14 CEST (10:14 UTC)[77] and was due to arriv e at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 06:00, 18 July MYT" lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Israel 157 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Feith, Douglas" "The smuggling network and the outing of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings directly involved the fact that the CIA's c ounter-proliferation network had accumulated a great deal of intelligence on Dou glas Feith's and Richard Perle's International Advisors, Inc. (IAI), registered foreign agents for the government of Turkey;" lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Brewster Jennings Turkey 158 Wikipedia 7/7 London bombings political 9/11 & U K "Lowy, Frank" "Westfield (of WTC lease) has an interest in ten shoppin g centres in England and Northern Ireland. By far its most significant asset is Westfield's 50% partnership inWestfield London development in Shepherd's Bush,.. . The development included the construction of a new railway station for the Lon don Overground.... and a new entrance for the London Underground station. where 7/ 7 bombings occurred" lnk UK gov Westfield Group UK 159 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Hussein, Sadam" "U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that I raqi President Saddam Hussein has raised the amount offered to relatives of suic ide bombers from $10,000 per family to $25,000," link "Neocons, all" UK gov Zionists Israel 4/3/2002 160 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Lauder, Ronald" "His daughter Jane is married to Kevin Warsh, a former member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve see connections t o Loutchansky, Russia Israeli mafia" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Federal Reserve U.S. 161 MSM WTC 7 physical 9/11 & UK "A conde nsed video synopsis of CNN and the BBC's 9-11 coverage where both reported 'sour ces' had indicated WTC7 had collapsed, well before it occurred. https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v=2GEAnn3uN30" lnk "Neocons, all" UK corp MSM UK 9/11/2001 162 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommiss ions "Cheney, Dick" "Bush, Cheney meet with 9/11 panel, refused to testify u nder oath appeared together, dismissed suggestions that he appeared before the p anel with Cheney to coordinate stories. ""see our body language... how we work t ogether."" no recording made of the session nor a stenographer in the room." link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 163 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Bout, Viktor" "WMR Taliban sources report that it was Bout who secretl y flew Osama Bin Laden and his family out of Afghanistan prior to the massive U. S. bombing of Tora Bora in late 2001. Bout, a Bukharan Jew was... involved with the in logistics for their construction activities, diamond bus iness." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov RUIM Saudi Arabia 12/1/200 1 164 CourtFool "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars Bush GW "the US war against Afghanistan ... is about ...the tran sport oil and gas from the east side of the Caspian Sea, pipelines had been plan ned through Afghanistan. Because ... UNOCAL, failed to control the Afghan route, the war was prepared. ... 9/11 gave Bush the pretext to start this war..." link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S. 165 PressTV WTC 1-2 political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" "Carnaby was holding a trove of documents outlining the theft and transfer of hundreds of nuclear warheads from the Pantex Plant near Am arillo, Texas. Weapons sent there for disassembly were transshipped to Israel an d, from there, refurbished, their cores remachined and then sold around the worl d or stored in Israeli embassies and consulates around the world." link Mini Nukes Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 166 "Henderson, Dean" global political Zionism = Nazism "The Rothschilds exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtab le, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rho des- whose Rhodes Scholarship is granted by Cambridge University, out of which o il industry propagandist Cambridge Energy Research Associates operates. Rhodes f ounded De Beers and Standard Chartered Bank." link Zionism = Nazism U.S. gov Rothschild Israel 9-Jan 167 "Gordon Duff, VT" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear physics short co urse Controlled demolition "Duff, Gordon" "Micro nukes can be mass produce d fast and cheap when needed. Just assemble and test. Cruise missiles weighing l ess than 1,000 lbs., not 4,000 lbs. Any plane can drop one. Even a Cessna 150 ca n be turned into a drone. Mortars and tanks can shoot the rounds. Man-pad / RPG micro nukes are just around the corner. Nuclear tipped hand grenades and 36 mm r ounds are next." link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Alternative medi a U.S. 168 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "The official version of 9/11 is so indefensible little time is spent defending it. Most efforts by the perpetrators involve dis information campaigns, opposition control, gatekeeping, limited hangout, distrac tions and intimidation. A large part of Washington DC knows that Israel double-c rossed us by using our own nukes on the WTC." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 9/11/2001 169 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "China S yndrome, bathtub" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Concret e used to fill a 40 ft deep, 80 ft. wide whole with melted rock sides which was revealed as the debris was removed. It appeared that something (nuclear reaction ) had melted the sides of the whole. This got no MSM attention see pic. See Nuclea r Demolition" pic "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 170 YouTube WTC 1-2 physical No planes Video fakery "See video of airliner crash test where a single 12"" telephone pole easily slic es through the wing of the aircraft and another pole cuts half way through betwe en two engines. Part of proof of no planes see" link Video fakery 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 171 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Explosions, during 9/11 attack" Victims "Morelli, Philip" "8:30:00 AM Basement explosion reported by NY1 TV, four stories below ground. TV film of Philip Morelli stating this on NY1 TV impact of explosion ""through me to the f loor"", and then a second explosion, tile was falling down, ceiling fixtures fal ling down, " lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp MSM U.S. 172 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons, Strauss" "Hannah, John" "Hannah was also a key liaison between C heney and the Iraqi National Congress (INC) headed by Ahmed Chalabi, the controv ersial Iraqi exile who was a close confidant of many neoconservative figures in and out of government prior to the 2003 Iraq War. Chalabi was eventually accused of feeding false information to the Bush administration regarding Saddam Hussei n's weapons programs -" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Iraqi National Congress Iraq 173 WMR Iran Contra political 9/11 Financing Negropon te "Yeslam Binladin, Kelhoffer, Potomac Capital (Geneva), Manucher Ghorbani far office where Potomac Capital is located. [redacted]: Potomac Capital played a hand in Honduras and El Salvador, Iran-contra (Negroponte and Hannah) Negronon te now Deputy Secretary of State in Obama administraion" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Potomac Capital Switzerland 174 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Bout, Viktor" "Bout regularly flew ... weapons / personnel into West A frica on behalf of Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi interlocutors as part of a join t Israeli-Saudi plan to break the Lebanese Shi'a-Hezbollah monopoly on the West African diamond trade. The plan involved the recruitment by Mossad agents of Bin Laden loyalists to displace Shi'a from the diamond trade in countries like Sier ra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Saudi Arabia 175 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "Lauder, Ronald" Ron Laud er (former U.S. Ambassador to Austria and former candidate for Mayor of New York ) also had ties to mafia oligarch Vadim Rabinovich (a convicted criminal who spe nt 9 years in jail) a business partner with Grigori Loutchansky (Nordex). Stefan Lemieszewski lnk Mini Nukes Israeli gov Russia 176 DEA "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Demolition prep "Segalovitz, Peer" "DEA report: Segalovitz was untruthful about his reasoni ng to be in the United States for approximately the first 3 hours. Segalovitz fi nally admitted that he was one of approximately 30 Israeli art students who are currently in Florida. Segalovitz would not admit what their purpose was in Flori da, but did state that they were not here for legitimate means." link "Neocons , all" U.S. gov DEA U.S. 177 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Fissionless Fusion" Controlled demolition "Fissionless fusion ... without requirement of a fission trigger, a fusion device can be made tiny ... A vertica l series of fusion point sources, placed every 10 floors of WTC or so, could app roximate a thin vertical cylinder of Sun-like temperatures ... That would also h elp explain the initial upward trajectory of so much of the towers' mass during the 'collapses' as (supposedly only) gravity was pulling them down. " lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 178 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear physics short course Controlled demolition "the nuclear event began by the violent upward thr ust of the nuclear blast 150 feet per second. Its white-hot heat shot upward vap orizing the Towers interiors of concrete, steel, glass, combustiblesand peopleinto dust. Blowing to the top and out into the atmosphere, the tremendous energy flun g its steaming load of vaporized materials skyward to become multi-colored pyroc lastic clouds of dust and radioactive fuel." link Mini Nukes U.S. thi nk tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S. 179 WhoDidIt WTC 1993 political Litigation & 9/1 1 "Mukasey, Michael" "Michael Mukasey (Jewish), federal judge in New York; presided over 1993 WTC bombing case; active in 9-11 cases, including Larry Silversteins insurance claims; oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI;" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" NYC DoJ U.S. 180 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical "Hat trusses, antenna" Controll ed demolition Nuclear demolition: The radiation dissolves the steel in to iron oxide consuming the carbon and silicone in the steel. This explains the missing steel columns and the very important clue of the vaporized 20 ton antenna tower atop the south tower. The upward blast of radiation literally vaporized it . lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 181 IRMEP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Krytron triggers "Nuclear smuggling, Netanyahu" "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "IRMEP Institute for Res earch: Middle East Policy, Grant F. Smith Netanyahu worked with Heli Trading Co (an Arnon Milchan company, Pretty Woman movie) headed by Richard K. Smyth (Milco ), who was convicted of smuggling 800 Krytron nuclear triggers to Israel. FBI in vestigated and buried all." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli corp "Milchan, Arnon" Israel May-84 182 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition Melted steel and iron oxide or nano thermite is a byproduct of the very high gamma ray / Neutron flux induced into the central steel core. The rad iation dissolves the steel into iron oxide consuming the carbon and silicone in the steel. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 183 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical Seismographs Controlled demol ition "Seismologists point out that Richter readings always come from Earths movements or explosives coupled to the ground, not from plane impacts on b uildings or falling debris. Earthquakes rumble up to a climax and then decrease, but a sudden spike denotes a ground-planted explosive device. The Seismic Waves produced during the WTC collapse were High Frequency Waves an impulsive explosiv e source." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionis ts" Engineers & Scientists U.S. 184 911 Review WTC 1-2 political NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Bement, Arden" "Arden Bement, the metallurgist and expert on fuels and material s who was nominated as director of NIST by President George W. Bush in October 2 001, was former deputy secretary of defense, former director of DARPAs office of materials science, and former executive at TRW." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 10/1/2001 185 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nu kes, Israel" "Both the United States and the Soviet Union have acknow ledged producing nuclear weapons small enough to be carried in specially-designe d backpacks during the Cold War, but neither have ever made public the existence or development of weapons small enough to fit into a normal-sized suitcase or b riefcase. It has also been reported that Israel has produced nuclear warheads sm all enough to fit into a suitcase" lnk Mini Nukes Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1/1/1952 186 "Ellsberg, Daniel" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleblower "Ellsberg, Daniel" "Former military analyst and famed whist leblower Daniel Ellsberg said that the case of a certain 9/11 whistleblower is " "far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers"". He also said that the government is ordering the media to cover up her allegations about 9/11." link Whistebl owers 9/11 Truth U.S. 187 Exiled Online "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Carlucci, Frank" "Carlyle Group director: Norman Augustine, another ex-president of the Boy Scouts, another Princeton alum, and f ormer board director at the scandal-plagued Riggs bank." link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank U.S. 188 Exiled Online "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "After the attacks on 9/11, the FBI discovered that Saud i government officials used accounts at Riggs bank to wire funds to at least two known associates of the Saudi hijackers who crashed Flight 77 into the Pentagon ." link Saudis & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia 189 Exiled Online "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan "A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi housed an d opened bank accounts for two of the 9/11 hijackers. About two weeks after the assistance began, al-Bayoumi's wife began receiving monthly payments totaling te ns of thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa bint Faisal, the wife of Saudi am bassador and Bush family confidant, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, through a Riggs ba nk account." link Saudis & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Ar abia 190 WMR ISIS political 9/11 & ISIS "Zarqawi 's real name was Ahmed Fadeel Nazal al-Khalayleh. He was born in the Jordanian t own of Zarqa. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was an alias as much as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is an alias today for the leader of ISIL. Al Baghdadi, a native of Samarra, Iraq , is actually Ibrahim ibn Awwad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ali ibn Muhammad al-Badri al-Sam arrai." link al Queda U.S. gov Israel 191 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Plame, Valerie" "The smuggling network and the outing of Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings directly involved the fact that the CIA's c ounter-proliferation network had accumulated a great deal of intelligence on Dou glas Feith's and Richard Perle's International Advisors, Inc. (IAI), registered foreign agents for the government of Turkey;" lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Brewster Jennings Turkey 192 "Ward, Ed" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Evidence of tremendous heat can be seen in a 8 ton 6"" thick I beam that is bent like a horseshoe without warping, kinking or splitting. ... th ere is no way for thermate to create this horseshoe, unless it is ""miraculous"" thermate. Nor, is there any unspecified vague ""scalar"" weapon that can do thi s even if the beam was isolated and not covered by some degree of 110 floors of concrete and steel.)" "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 193 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Henshall, Ian" "the 9/11 movement in the UK led by Ian Henshall, which doesnt want to ruffle feathers by addressing the discoveries that make a differen ce, such as the use of mini-nukes to blow apart the Twin Towers, that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, that all four of the crash sites were fabricated or faked, albeit in different ways, and that the Mossad played a crucial role in 9/11." lnk "Neocons, all" "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" UK 194 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical no planes Disinfo & ommissions "the plane huggers, such as Rob Balsamo, the head of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, who want to hang onto the myth that these big Boeings actually crashed on 9/11, when all the evidence contradicts them." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 195 WMR ISIS political 9/11 & ISIS "Zarqawi was recruited in by ""The Base"" or ""Al Qaeda"" to serve in the ranks o f Arab legions fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. General Mark Kimmitt, the U. S. Central Command's chief public affairs officer in Iraq stated in a 2004 inter nal CENTCOM briefing that ""The Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful inf ormation campaign to date.""" link al Queda U.S. gov Israel 196 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Spitzer, Denis" "Thermites are energetic materials, which do not release gaseous species when they decompose. However, explosives can be blended in thermites to give them blasting properties, which implies that, unless supple mented with explosives, nanothermites are non-explosive." lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Soli ds U.S. 197 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Walker, Wirt" "Stratesec (WTC security firm) had a small board of dire ctors that included retired Air Force General James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt Walker III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a member of the Kuwaiti royal family" lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S. 198 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Deutch, John" "John Deutch, dir of CIA; co-authored paper, ""Catastrophic Terr orism: A National Policy"" with Zelikow, Ashton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; his Russian Jewi sh father quickly rose to deputy director at the War Production Board, WWII, was on Chicago Tribune's ""List Alien 'Rulers' in U.S.""" lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Global Technology Partners U.S. 199 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roo ts """To understand 9/11, we must return to the dissolution of the USSR in 1990-91, which left the US military-industrial-intelligence complex with out an international boogeyman to motivate the American people to continue to su pport vast expenditures on bombs, planes and tanks.""" lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 1/1/1990 200 "Fetzer, James" Pentagon physical Light poles Disinfo & ommissions It's impossible for a Boeing 757 to fly less than 80 fee t altitude at normal cruising speeds because of the ground effect. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Boeing U.S. 201 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Structural, ste el" Controlled demolition "Smith, William Franklin" "B-25 bomber cra shes into Empire State Building, between 78th and 80th floors, one engine shoots through the side opposite the impact, and flies as far as a block and lands on a roof of a nearby building, starts fire, fire extinguished in 40 minutes, 14 pe ople killed, building opens for business the following Monday." lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth CIA U.S. 7/1/1945 202 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Seismographs Controlled demol ition "Craig Furlong and Gordon Ross, Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an inside job, where they compared very precise seismic data from a geological lab run by Columbia University with FAA and military radar data for the alleged impact time s of the planes and found that they occurred 14 and 17 seconds prior to the alle ged impacts." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" Academia Universi ties U.S. 203 Alternative news Pentagon physical "Pentagon, missi le" Highlights from interviews with eyewitnesses/Pentagon po lice officers SGT William Lagasse and SGT Chadwick Brooks see YouTube a Boeing 75 7-200 flew over the Pentagon Ronald Reagan International Airport is only a few mi les away. The Pentagon is in the normal landing approach path. It created divers ion for missile. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 204 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Victims "Wellsto ne, Sen. Paul" "Sen. Paul Wellstone, was murdered in a plane crash by rogue ele ments of the U.S. Government the control of the US Senate changed upon his death removing an obstacle in the path of the invasion of Iraq. Norm Coleman a war ha wk replaced him." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 10/25/2002 205 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "The proper principle on which societies should be based is that of treating eve ry person as intrinsically valuable and never merely as a means. The term merely i s crucial within this context, since we treat one another as means all the time, where employers use their employees as their means to conduct a business and ma ke a profit" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 206 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Silverstein, Lawrence" "Rudy Dent, Fire Marshal, 32 yea r veteran of NYFD NYFD does not 'pull' buildings Silverstein lying, buildings" NYC Silverstein Properties U.S. 9/11/2001 207 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical No planes Video fakery "Reynolds, Morgan" "Morgan published a piece by Joe Keith, who was the soft ware engineer who designed the on-ground shaker system for Boeing, who points out that the videos show the plane (Flight 175, presumably) passing through its whol e length into the building in the same number of frames it passes through its ow n length in air, which is impossible" lnk Video fakery 9/11 Truth U.S. 208 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Flight 93 anomil ies Disinfo & ommissions " according to FAA Registration records I have in hand, the planes corresponding to Flights 93 and 175 were not deregiste red until 28 September 2005 . Supports fact of no planes" lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 209 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nu kes, Israel" "Taylor, Theodore" "According to Dr. Theodore Taylor after reviewing leaked photographs of disassembled weapons components taken before 198 6, Israel possessed boosted weapons and would require supercomputers of that era to advance further toward full two-stage weapons in the megaton range without n uclear test detonations" lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists Israel 210 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical No plane parts i d "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Nelson, Col. George" "Col. Ge orge Nelson, USAF (ret.) has observed, although there are millions of uniquely i dentifiable components of those four planes, the government has yet to produce e ven one. no parts then no planes" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th U.S. 211 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Flight schedule anomalies "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Kollerstrom, Nicholas" "The first to notice that American Airlines Flights 11 and 77 were not even sche duled to fly on 9/11 was the brilliant Australian blues musician, Gerard Holmgre n, who was interviewed by David West on 27 June 2005. Others, such as Nick Kolle rstrom, 9 Keys to 9/11?, have also reported the same difficulty with the governme nts official account." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 212 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Flight schedule anomalies Disinfo & ommissions "Hendrie, Edward" "In his new book , 9/11: ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (2011), Edward Hendrie has published the da ta tables for both of these alleged flights, where it turns out that the BTS sub sequently revised their tables with partial data in order to cover up their abse nce. For Flight 77" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 213 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Disinfo & ommissions "hijacker patsies, alive" "Waleed al-Shehri, whom the gove rnment claims was aboard AA Flight 11, was interviewed after 9/11 by a London-ba sed and spoke with the US Embassy in on 22 September, if hijac kers still alive then 'no planes'...." lnk "Hijackers, all" 9/11 Tru th U.S. 214 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical No planes Disinfo & ommissions "hijacker patsies, alive" "Ahmed al-Nami and Saeed al-Ghamdi, both alleged to have been aboard Flight 93 and were interviewed by m ultiple sources, while the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., reported that thre e other alleged hijackers, Mohand al-Shehri, Salem al-Hazmi, and Abdulzaiz al-Om airi, were all alive and well and living in Saudia Arabia... if hijackers still alive then 'no planes'...." lnk "Hijackers, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 215 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical No planes Video fakery "Jules Naudet, a French filmmaker, just happened to be i n the vicinity doing a modest documentary about New York Firemen out looking for a gas leak supposedly filmed 1st plane hitting WTC part of proof of no planes" lnk Video fakery 9/11 Truth U.S. 216 Bollyn Pentagon political 9/11 & Israel "Corley, W. Gene" "W. Gene Corley is a concrete specialist who performed a similar service (Pentagon reports) after the Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, an d the bombing of the Pentagon. Corley, now deceased, received from the Crown fam ily (Chicago, General Dyanics, Lithuanian Jewish ) the Henry Crown award for his wor k in 1997" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp General Dyanmics Israel 1/1/1997 217 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 "Perry, William" "William Perry former Secretary of War; associated with the Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technolog y Partners, a Rothschild affiliate" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" UK corp Global Technology Partners UK 218 "Fetzer, James" Flight 93 physical Flight schedule anomalie s Disinfo & ommissions "Pilots for 9/11 Truth has done some of the most important work on this subject, including establishing that Flight 93 w as over Urbana, IL, after it had allegedly crashed in Shanksville;" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 219 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Flight schedule anomalies Disinfo & ommissions "Flight 175 was over Pittsburgh, PA, long after it had allegedly entered the South Tower. FAA Registration data show that the pl anes associated with Flights 93 and 175 were not de-registered or formally taken out of service until 28 September 2005" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 220 "Ward, Ed" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, W-54" "Declassified August 1958: Mere fact that the U. S. has developed atomic munition s suitable for use in demolition work. Declassified January 1967, The fact that we are interested in and are continuing studies on a weapon for minimizing the eme rging flux of neutrons and internal induced activity." link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 8/1/1958 221 "Ward, Ed" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, W-54" "Declassified March 1976, The fact of weapon laboratory interest in Minimum Resid ual Radiation (MRR) devices. The fact of successful development of MRR devices. T ritium from a thermonuclear (fusion) bomb would be way above these trace levels of a few NANOcuries per liter. (A nanocurie = nCi, 1 billionth of a curie." link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 3/1/1976 222 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Zelikow, Philip" "Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of t he 9/11 Commission, for example, had as his area of academic specialization befo re entering government the creation and maintenance of public myths, the 9/11 Co mmission was established in November 2002" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" 9/11 Truth "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 11/1/2002 223 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleb lower "Lindauer, Susan" "Susan Lindauer reveals inside information that 9/11 was an inside job. She served as the liaison between the CIA and Saddam Husse in learned of plans to attack Iraq, she protested vigorously to President Bush. For taking that step, for speaking out about her concerns... she was harassed, i ntimidated, imprisoned and tortured." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 224 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell pho ne calls Disinfo & ommissions "Dewdney, A.K." "A.K. Dewdney has shown, all of the alleged phone calls from those planes were faked (Dewdney 2003). An aircraft traveling at normal speed and altitude would not be over the cellsite l ong enough to complete the electronic handshake (which takes several seconds to co mplete) before arriving over the next cellsite" lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 225 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political "Kennedy, John F." "LBJ, bipolar, manic depressive, racist, active in JFK a ssassination, feared Kennedy would remove him from 1964 ticket, Warren Commissio n a total cover-up, ... LBJ connections to many shady characters: Bobby Baker, s talled Civil Rights until assumed Presidency, ... conspired with Texas oil men, CIA, FBI, Cuban missile crisis to murder Kennedy ... E. Howard Hunt death bed co nfession." lnk Holocaust 9/11 Truth U.S. 226 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Rumsfeld, Donald" "Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11 attacks created the k ind of opportunities that World War II offered, to refashion the world." link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 227 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Clark, Gen Wesley" "Gen. , the former Supreme Commander of NATO , has reported being informed immediately following 9/11 of a plan to destabiliz e and overthrow the governments of seven nations in five years, including Afghan istan, Iraq, and Libya, but working up to and eventually Iran." link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 228 WMR "JFK assassination, Israel" political "Kilgallen, Dorothy" Dorothy Kilgallen suspicious death. JFK assassination her book and reporting. link U.S. gov U.S. 229 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Hijack code 7500 Disinfo & ommissions FAA assumed that the aircraft pilot would notify t he controller via radio or by squawking a transponder code of 7500 the universal cod e for a hijack in progress. lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov FAA U.S. Griffin then goes on to explain how all four planes did not squawk the hijack code. 230 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Hijack code 7500 Disinfo & ommissions "Eberhart, Ralph" "Ralph Eberhart (commander of NO RAD) also gave false information about the NORAD response to others. General Ric hard Meyers, acting CJCS that morning, said that Eberhart told him there were sev eral hijack codes in the system. Yet none of the four planes had squawked the hij ack code on 9/11" lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 231 "Francis, Stephen NFU" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, wall holes" Disinfo & ommissions "... a 100-ton airliner with a 125? wing span and a tail standing 40? above the ground, according to the official story v aporized as it entered the Pentagon. A small hole about 15 feet in diameter mark s the alledged entry point." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 232 "Fetzer, James" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, lawn" Disinfo & ommissions "The lawn in front of the supposed impact area o f Flight 77 is utterly undisturbed. This coupled with the fact that the second f loor sustained little damage from the impact assumes the airliner disappeared in to the first floor of the Pentagon, which is utterly absurd." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 233 "Prager, Jeff" WTC 1-2 physical USGS data Jeff Prager has done extensive work with the USGS dust samples and well use some of the slides from his Vancouver Power Point presentation to help us analyze the USGS data: pic Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 234 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Bentham Open Science Journal Disinfo & ommissions "Pileni, Marie-Paule" "(former) Editor-in-Chief of the Bentham Open Science Journal, Marie-Paule Pileni, who specializes in nano-mater ials research at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in France, resigned her posi tion in protest of Steven Jones' nanothermite publication, which she regarded as very inappropriate." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. think tank Bentham Open Sci ence Journal U.S. 235 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 Jewish "An important trail linking 9/11, JFK an d the Holocaust (Nazi Germany) threads through the Israel Corporation (Rothschil d motives and funding of Jewish emmigration to Palestine), International Credit Bank (Tibor Rosenbaum and Permindex, JFK) and the Zim American Shipping Service (Roland Carnaby and 9/11 mini nukes in the Houston shipping channel." link Zim Shipping U.S. gov Permindex Israel 236 "Fetzer, James" WTC 7 physical Ejections Controlled demol ition "NIST: When WTC 1 collapsed at 10:28:22 AM, . . . some fragments [of debris] were forcibly ejected and traveled distances up to hundreds of mete rs. Pieces of WTC 1 hit WTC 7, severing six columns on Floors 7 through 17 on th e south face and one column on the west face near the southwest corner. The debr is also caused structural damage between Floor 44 and the roof.85" pic "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 237 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition Controll ed demolition In a standard controlled demolition a debris pile remain s that is about 12% of its original height. The WTC towers debris piles were onl y about three stories. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 238 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" Controll ed demolition "By reaching beyond conventional weaponry in to the rang e of unconventional weaponry, such as lasers, masers, plasmoids, mini-nukes. I m ean, who knows in advance of actually conducting an investigation that theories or hypotheses about the use of lasers or masers or mini-nukes are wrong? You cant know that without investigation." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 239 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, thermobaric" "A fuel-air explosive (FAE) device consists of a container of fuel and two separ ate explosive charges. After the munition is dropped or fired, the first explosi ve charge bursts open the container at a predetermined height and disperses the fuel in a cloud that mixes with atmospheric oxygen, the size of the cloud varies with the size of the munition." lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, ant i-Zionists" Engineers & Scientists U.S. 240 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Controll ed demolition ". The highest degree of explosiveness for iron oxide/al uminum nanothermitethe chemical form claimed to have been involved in WTC destruc tionthat Mark could find documented in the technical literature has a detonation velocity of only 895 m/s (or meters per second). TNT is 6900 m/s and nuclear wea pons are 100,000 m/s." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 241 "Hightower, T. Mark" WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Controlled demolition "While thermite in one or another of its guises as a rapid incendiary could have been used to sever or pre-weaken steel members, this low velocity melting process is a totally different mechanism for the cutt ing of steel than the shock wave method that requires detonation velocities of a t least 3,200 m/s for concrete and 6,100 m/s for steel." link "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 242 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "... explosive nanothermite, when used to describe the causal mech anism for demolishing the Twin Towers is either seriously misleading under a cha ritable interpretation and at worst deliberately deceptive under an uncharitable one. (were developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL)" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 243 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Find and document peer-reviewed scientific research that demonst rate that a gas-generating nanothermite (GGNT) based upon iron (III) oxide (Fe2O 3) and aluminum (Al), where the gas-generating chemical added to the nanothermit e is not itself a high explosive, can be made to be a high explosive with at lea st a detonation velocity of 2000 m/s. ... will donate up to $1000 for proof." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 244 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" Israel used Zim American Shipping Comapa ny out of Houston Texas to smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland Carnaby set up cameras to track these shipments. Zim has cl ose ties to the Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the police in a high speed chase i n Houston ... his laptops contained information on the shipments. lnk Zim Shipping Israeli gov Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 245 "Hersh, Seymour" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Hersh, Seymour" "It has also been reported that Israel h as produced nuclear warheads small enough to fit into a suitcase. Hersh, Seymour M (1991), The Samson Option, New York: Random House, p. 220, ISBN 0-394-57006-5 ." Mini Nukes U.S. think tank Israel 1/1/1991 246 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Thermites are energetic materials, which do not release gaseous species when they decompose. However, explosives can be blended in thermites to give them blasting properties, which implies that, unless supplemented with expl osives, nanothermites are not explosive. iron oxide/aluminum nanothermite detona tion velocity is less than 300 m/s" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids U.S. 247 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Controll ed demolition "Deets, Dwain" "Dwain Deets, the former Chief of Research Engin eering and Director for Aeronautical Projects at NASA Dryden Flight Research Cen ter ... for a high explosive to significantly fragment a material, its detonatio n velocity has to be greater than the speed of sound in that material, which req uires a detonation velocity of at least 3,200 m/s to fragment concrete and 6,100 m/s to fragment steelfar beyond 895 m/s for nanothermite." lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth NASA Dryden Flight Research Center U.S. 248 "Dean, James" WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Controlled demol ition "Dean, James" IAEA image The 9-11 commission was never interested in t he molten pools of granite under the towers. Photo from IAEA inspector. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Israel 249 Darkmoon WTC 1-2 political Military officers for 9/ 11 Truth "Sabrosky, Dr. Alan" "DR ALAN SABROSKY (former director of st udies at the US Army War College) : What we need to stand up and say is that not only did they, the Israelis, attack the USS Liberty they did 9/11 also. They di d it!... 9/11 was a Mossad operation" lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 250 "Pieczenik, Steve" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "bin Laden, Osama" "Pieczenik is a Harvard University-train ed psychiatrist and has a doctorate in international relations from the MIT, he received a B.A. degree in Pre-Medicine and Psychology from Cornell , was deputy assistant secretary of state under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker ... says that Osama Bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in 2001 shortly after 9/11." link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda 9/11 Truth U.S. 10/1/2001 251 Darkmoon WTC 1-2 political Military officers for 9/ 11 Truth "Cossiga, Francesco" "Francesco Cossiga: (former Prime Minist er of Italy): All the intelligence services of America and know well that the disastrous 9/11 attack was planned and realized by the CIA and Mossad, with the help of the Zionist world, in order to pin the blame on the Arab Countries and persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Italy gov Italy 252 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 political Warnings "Odigo had a branch office only two blocks away from the World Trade Center. Eve n more coincidentally, Odigos headquarters were located in Herzliya, Israel, a to wn just north of Tel Aviv where wonder of wonders! Mossad is also headquartered. " lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Odigo Israel 253 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Controlled demol ition "mini-nukes which were probably neutron bombs planted in the cen ter columns of the buildings, detonated from top to bottom and configured to exp lode upward, can explain what is observed." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 254 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 political Mininukes Gatekeepers "Wood, Judy" "Judy Wood, Ph.D., has proclaimed that a Tesla-inspired directed energy weapon (DEW) was responsible for the destruction of the WTC buildings an d has vehemently denied nuclear bombs were used." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 255 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Ejections Controlled demol ition The explosives that demolished the Twin Towers were so powerful that North Tower debris was ejected up at a 45° angle and out over 600 feet into t he Winter Garden. 90% of the debris from the Twin Towers destruction landed outs ide the buildings footprints. pic "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 256 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" Controll ed demolition "The Department of Energy (DOE) collected water samples from the basement of Building 6 eleven days after 9/11 that showed tritium level s 55 times greater than background.barium, zinc, and lead, elements that never s hould have turned up in Lower Manhattan" pic Mini Nukes 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 9/17/2001 257 Alternative news WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Myeloma" "In 1988, Congress established (Radiation Exposed Veterans Compensation Act Pub. L. 100-321) those diseased attributed to ionizing radiation from nuclear explos ions. Listed as Number 2 under leukemia is multiple myeloma." lnk "Victims , all" U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S. 1/1/1988 258 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "In 1997 Enron attempted to negotiate a $2 billi on deal with the Uzbek state-owned Neftegas with help from the Bush White House. When that effort and other privatization attempts were rebuffed in 1998, CIA-ba cked Islamist attacks on Uzbekistans government were ratcheted up." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Enron U.S. 1/1/1998 259 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "In a paper titled Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Co llapse? (2006), physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones cited thermite to explain the molte n metal and first started raising the possibility that nanothermite could explai n the additional explosive effects observed." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 1/1/2001 260 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Harrit, Niels" "... Active Thermitic Material Discovered in the Dust fro m the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe by Niels Harrit, et al. (April, 2009), ... assumed that nanothermite had been definitively identified as the prime cand idate destructive agent." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th AE911Truth U.S. 4/1/2009 261 "Dean, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear physics short course Controlled demolition "Dean, James" The day the world fell down9-11 was a nuc lear attack VT has gone public with the official US 2003 classified report on th e Ground Zero attack being a nuclear event confirmed by a mass spectrometry anal ysis of the dust samples IAEA investigators confirmed the nuclear bombing histor y and our own Sandia labs had designed the bombs that were supposed to be used t o defend us. lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Israel 262 "Fetzer, James" Pentagon physical "Fires, Pentagon" Disinfo & ommissions "black smoke--was coming from a series of enormo us dumpsters in front of the Pentagon and not from the building itself, a nice e xample of the use of ""special effects"" on 9/11." lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 263 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Melting planes Controlled demol ition the impact of a moving plane impacting with a stationary buildin g should create the same effects as those of a moving building impacting with a stationary plane. We would not expect a car crashing into an enormous tree to di sappear into the tree. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 264 "Francis, Stephen NFU" Pentagon political Video fa kery "Flight 77 (as reportedly seen in surveillance videos) should ha ve been more than twice the size of the plane in the Pentagons own frame. So my t hird question is, why isnt the plane in the image the size of a Boeing 757?" lnk Video fakery 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 265 "Francis, Stephen NFU" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, plant ed evidence" Disinfo & ommissions Two men wearing business attire were photographed carrying airliner parts within a hundred feet of the Pentagon crash area. Other parts were suspiciously carried and placed at the scene by fir efighters. The parts were suspiciously clean and shiny. lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 266 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition And Im going to suggest that a gigantic hoax is being perpetrated on the research community by the claim that [the] scientific method supports th is very narrow definition of the use of thermite and thermate . . . . lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 267 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Nanothermite Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Then we have the thermite sniffers, led by Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, who insist that this obscure incendiary could have blown apart the buildings, and see link to Bentham Open Science Journal paper on nanot hermite that is surrounded in controversy." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth 268 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Eisenberg, Shaul" "An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New York and New Jer sey Israeli intelligence-connected office moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems, which was discovered to have conducted an emergency move of the Israel i Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company from the World Trade Centers North Tower just weeks prior to 911," link "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" Urban Mo ving Systems Israel 269 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Brennan, Saudi Arabia" "Brennan, John" "Obama continues to rely on Erdogan for advice on how to handle the ISIS threat. The relationship is encouraged by CIA John Brennan who maintains an unhealthy relationship with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, major supporter s of ISIS. The Saudis and Qataris, skittish about Erdogan's neo-Ottoman plans (C rimea) and ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, see him as a counterweight to Iran." lnk ISIS U.S. gov ISIS Saudi Arabia 270 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 political Disinfo & ommissions "Sept Clues video: The 9/11 imagery was nothing but a Hollywood-style film produ ction, complete with actors in the role of eye-witnesses or firefighters, staged runn ing crowds No airliners were hijacked or ... crashed into the WTC towers The WTC c omplex was demolished with powerful explosives ... 3000 people did not perish.." lnk Video fakery 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 271 Forward "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban Moving Sy stems, Dancing Israelis" "Suter, Dominik Otto" Two of the five 'dancing Israelis (Mossad agents) 'worked' for Urban Moving Systems (a Mossad front comp any created by The Jewish Agency to smuggle illegal immigrants into Palestine). They were seen at Liberty park at the time of the alleged first plane impact (fo reknowledge of 9/11). They were caught with multiple passports and a lot of cash . "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli corp MSM Israel 6/1/2001 272 "Cahill, Dr. Thomas" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" Controlled demolition "Cahill: soil and glass were boiling at Ground Zer o well after 9/11 and up to and including Oct 30, 2001 and beyond. ...extraordin ary temperatures required and oxygen.... Underground fires, whether fed by nanot hermite or other incendiaries, require oxygen. There is only ONE source of ignit ing and maintaining a fire without a constant feed of oxygen. Nuclear reactions... ." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scie ntists U.S. 10/30/2001 273 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Rothschild In 1985 Drexel Lambert S&L crook Michael Milken helped Houston Natural Gas merged with Internorth to create Enro n. Kenneth Lay headed Houston Natural Gas and became chairman and CEO of the new company. Enron was the biggest corporate contributor to George W. Bushs campaign to become Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Rothschild Israel 274 "Prager, Jeff" WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Controll ed demolition "Jeff Prager has done extensive work with the USGS dust samples and well use some of the slides from his Vancouver Power Point presentati on to help us analyze the USGS data, and see Veterans Today.on detonation velocit y" pic "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scie ntists U.S. 275 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel Rothschild In 1985 Drexel Lambert (Rothschild front) S&L cr ook Michael Milken helped Houston Natural Gas merged with Internorth to create E nron. Kenneth Lay headed Houston Natural Gas and became chairman and CEO of the new company. Enron was the biggest corporate contributor to George W. Bushs campa ign to become Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook (9/11 roots easily go back to th e 1980s) link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Rothschild Israel 1/1/1985 276 "JFK assassination, Israel" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Maurice Greenberg (close to Shaul Eisenberg, Pe rmindex) CEO of American International Group (AIG) on 9-11 which became co-owner of the private spy agency, Kroll Associates, in 1993 and was a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-11 was Maurices son Jeffrey; director of the New York Federal Reserve bank (1988-1995);" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots "Irgun, Betar, Stern, LEHI" Israel 277 Wikipedia "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political 9/11 & Israel "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Eisenberg founded the company Israel Co rporation (links to JFK assassination), he purchased Zim Integrated Shipping Ser vices,... oil refineries, and others. became an exporter of weapons from Israel to countries in and South America. ... established businesses in China .. . Eisenberg is considered a significant donor to political parties, influencing the Israeli politics." link Zim Shipping Israeli corp Eisenberg empire Israel 278 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag Dancing Israelis "Three Israelis were also arrested in Ne w York on 9/11 with a truck load of explosives in an apparent effort to blow up the George Washington Bridge. Chertoff ordered mobbed-up New York Police Commiss ioner Bernard Kerik to destroy all records of the arrest, and witnesses have bee n murdered; but the New York Police audio recording of the arrest escaped destru ction and can be heard on YouTube." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 279 Cryptome "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Students, spies" Israeli Art Students "About 200 Israelis who were mem bers of Israeli intelligence units were also deported without investigation afte r 9/11... Telegraph, Haaretz daily. In Texas: Hillel Dor, Tomer Ben Dor, Marina Glickman, Ofir Navon, Zeev Miller Retalix USA headquarters, 6100 Tennyson Parkwa y, Suite 150, Plano, TX 75024" Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 280 9/11 Justice Halifax "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis" ... these Israeli Art St udent agents were given full access and residence in the WTC towers for up to tw o years. ... (Enough time to set up explosive charges) ... did videos and photos of dropping of full human sized gelatin people off the tower and filming it. se e Gelatin The B Thing book photos. Mysterious Gelatin Art Group Living in WTC prio r to 9/11 lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" 9/11 Tru th Israel 281 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/11 "Blair, Tony" Tony Blair lnk UK gov PM U.S. 282 "Bollyn, Christopher" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Hellerstein, Alvin" "2001 Bollyn ) Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a law yer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely conn ected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is hea ded by Roger Cukierman and his son Edouard." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" U.S. gov DOJ Israel 283 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Victims 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two companies that manag ed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the O ffice of Naval Intelligence. lnk "Victims, all" U.S. corp Cantor F itzgerald 284 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "9/11, Wall St. & Israel" "Domb, Sam" "Forest Hills has been identified by the FBI as a major center of cooperation for both the Russian-Israeli Mafia and Mossad. In 2002, OPERATION SPIDERWEB, a joint FBI-EUROPOL operation, resulted in the arrest of 20 Russian-Israeli dual citizens on charges of money laundering.... involved the Bank of New York, the Russian bank Menatep, and an "" bank"" called the European Union Bank." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian Mafia (RUIM) Israel 1/1/2002 285 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalist agenda "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "2001 Pauline Neville-Jone s - International Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman o f UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Informat ion Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" UK corp BBC 286 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "2001 some less known players in 9/11 Thom as Pickard, Dale Watson, Dave Frasca, Marion Spike Bowman, Ralph Eberhardt, Larry Arnold , Eric Findley, Montague Winfield, Richard Mies ,Henry Shelton, Peter Sch oomaker, Geoffrey Lambert, John Brinkerhoff, Tony Gentry, Philip Odeen ,Lewis Ei senberg," lnk "Neocons, all" 287 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1-2 political Demolition prep 2001 Stumblein Shaul Eisenberg owned the Mossad company called Atwell Security. Atwe ll tried to obtain the security contract for the World Trade Center (and Port Au thority) in the late 1980s. .... Eisenberg still alive... see Globes articles. lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Security companies Israel 1/1/1989 288 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1-2 physical 9/11 Groundwork "Olmert, Ehud" "2001 9/11 Olmert, ... tarnished by allegations of financial crime s, was implicated in a financial donations scandal involving forged receipts in the 1988 Likud campaign, This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Likud Israel 289 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of interest "Hellerstein, Alvin" 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothschild-Funded ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security) & Mariani case and 2 Sheila Birnbaum (Zionist) was appointed special mediator between Hellerstein and the victims fami lies lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp ICTS Israel 290 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of interest "Mariani, Elen" 9-11 Judge Hellerstein is Connected to Rothsch ild-Funded ICTS .. (9/11 Airport Security) & Mariani case and 2 ... Sheila Birnbaum (Zio nist) was appointed special mediator between Hellerstein and the victims families lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp DoJ Israel 291 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1-2 physical "Cleanup, Zionist compan ies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Ratner, Alan" Alan D. Ratners ( Jewish) Metals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Ratner merged wi th the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp SIMS Group Israel 292 RawStory "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Military officers for 9/11 Truth "Shelton, Gen. Hugh" "Gen. Hugh Shelton, Chai rman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1997-2001: The US had no reason to invade Iraq in 2003, and only did so because of a series of lies told to the American people by the Bush administration, see his book: Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior. He was replaced by Richard Meyers in Oct 2001" link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 10/1/2001 293 EIR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots "Jabotinsky, the patron-saint of Israel's Likud party who also created Revisioni st Zionism, and Chaim Weizmann, chairman of the World Zionist Org..., were both witting champions of the British Empire. They were instruments of Lord Alfred Mi lner... authors of the Balfour Declaration, who craftily used them to secure Bri tish rule over Palestine as part of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreements." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israel 1/1/1916 294 "Bollyn, Christopher" "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political WTC Security "Malkin, Peter Zvi" "Zvi Malkin, joined in 1950, ex plosives specialist, master of disguises, the capture of Adolph Eichman, 'retire d' to NY in 1976, went under cover as an artist, (Michael Chertoff's mother owne d an art gallery in New Jersey), ...inspiration for Israeli Art Students?, was s ecurity consultant involved in brokering the WTC, Port Authority security contra ct. Wikipedia omits this fact" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 295 RT.com global political 9/11 & Israel "Brand, Russel" "Russel Brand voted the world's 4th most influential person is also a 9/11 Truth er He sits between Canadian economist and activist Naomi Klein, who came third, a nd Nobel-winning US economist Paul Krugman, who came fifth. Topping the list is French economist Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, fo llowed by left-wing Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis." link 9/11 Truth Israel 15-Mar 296 Alternative news global political Hijacker patsies "Sky Way Aircraft Inc., have entered into a sales and marketing partnership agre ement with The Titan Corporation see Kwik Chek owned by Makram Majid Chams, Veni ce Florida, flight schools, bars, nightclubs, strippers, Titan Corp also involve d in Pentagon after action reports and Abu Ghraib prison nightmare" link Intel agencies U.S. gov Titan Corp U.S. 297 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St., Israel & 9/11" "On the 9/11, the SEC lifted Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection Reserves and Custody of Securities. Thus GSCC Government Sec urities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack " lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" U.S. gov SEC U.S. 298 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Goff, Michael S." "... PTech's original manager of marketi ng and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communicatio ns, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff co mes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Com monwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith " link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Guardium U.S. 1/1/1994 299 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC lease "Peterson, Pete" Peter Peterson --also was Chairman and C EO of Lehman Brothers (1973­1977) link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Blackstone Group U.S. "and later the Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc. (1977­1984), . Ambassador and Personal Representative to President Richard Nixon. .and on the boards of the JP Morgan Chase National Advisory Board and the New York City Partnership Board of Directo rs." 300 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Philip Zelikow (Zionist Jew)-- led the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission ; personally wrote the 9-11 Commission Report, a best-selling work of fiction; a ppointed Counselor of US Department of State; ""dual citizen"" of US and Israel his area of academic specialization before entering government the creation and maintenance of public myths (Fetzer)" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 301 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical SEC bond rules suspended "In the vaults beneath the World Trade C enter Towers, major government security brokerages and their securities certific ates for bonds were destroyed. " link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 302 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 6 political 9/11 Financing "Building 6 was destroyed by explosions from within. Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE.gov, U.S. Customs Service O ffice of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinatin g all major money-laundering investigations in the U.S " link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations U.S. 303 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Zelikow, Philip" "Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of t he 9/11 Commission, for example, had as his area of academic specialization befo re entering government the creation and maintenance of public myths, the 9/11 Co mmission was established in November 2002" link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" 9/11 Truth "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 1-Nov-02 304 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Rumsfeld, Donald" "Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11 attacks created the k ind of opportunities that World War II offered, to refashion the world. Rumsfeld use of the word 'missile' in interviews when referring to the Pentagon attack he ld a press conference to announce that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from Pentagon c offers and could not be located" link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 305 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Clark, Gen Wesley" "Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme Commander of NATO , has reported being informed immediately following 9/11 of a plan to destabiliz e and overthrow the governments of seven nations in five years, including Afghan istan, Iraq, and Libya, but working up to Syria and eventually Iran." link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 306 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Butler, Smedley" Stopped American coup to overthrow Roosevelt adm inistration. He was recruited to become president but exposed the plot at the op portune time. link 9/11 Finacing & Roots 9/11 Truth U.S. 307 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Wellstone, Sen. Paul" "The NTSB accident report is disputed in the book American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone by Don ""Four Arrows"" Jacobs and James H. Fetzer. The authorsdocument official co ver-up. One of their principal claims is that FBI personnel left the field offic e in St. Paul for northern Minnesota before the plane crashed." link "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 25-Oct-02 308 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Cleanup , Zionist companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" Rothschild "GlobalGuru Executives and board members at AMEC include former directors of NM R othschild, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton), and SG Warburg. " link "Neocons, all" UK corp Bovis Construction UK 309 "Dean, James" WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Controlled demol ition "Dean, James" "... mothballed Davy Crockett tactical nukes had been sp irited out the back door via an inventory accounting system ... The inventory ha d gone to Israel after the Dimona accident had wrecked their ability to produce weapons grade material, but they had the expertise to re-manufacture the Davy Cr ocketts into modern tactical nuclear weapons." lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Tr uth, anti-Zionists" Israel 310 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mininuke s 9/11 Groundwork nuclear smuggling "Roland Carnaby (deceased), was an ex-CIA operative who was president of the local chapter (Houston, TX) of the National Association for Intelligence Officers. There is a CIA memorial garden i n his honor. He was gunned down under suspicious circumstances by the Houston po lice while investigating a nuclear smuggling ring headed by Israel involving the Port of Houston." link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Zim American Shi pping Co. U.S. 311 Damn Interesting "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Nuclear physics short course Demolition prep "method known as ""boosting."" E arly on in atomic weapons development, nuclear weapon scientists realized that i njecting a bit of tritium gas into the center of a nuclear device could increase its destructive power tremendously.... the only way to create usable quantities of the gas is inside nuclear reactors, by using neutron activation of lithium-6 ." link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 312 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Feith, Douglas" "the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly financed al Queda in Bosnia civil war, was established by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, and fa cts strongly indicate that there was high-level coordination between Abramoff's underworld network of Russian-Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy Saudi financie rs, and Bush neocon operatives." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Neocon financial org U.S. 4/1/1992 313 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed 8:46:00 AM Media reports: American Airlines Flig ht 11 impacts the north side of the North Tower (1 World Trade Center) of the WT C between the 94th and 98th floors. American Airlines this is impossible see Pil ots for 9/11 video link link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Pilots for 9/11 Truth U.S. 9/11/2001 314 Global Research 7/7 London bombings political 9/11 & I srael "Giuliani, Rudy" "Rudolph Giuliani, who was mayor of New York Cit y at the time of the 9/11 attacks, was staying at the Great Eastern hotel on the 7th of July, where TASE was hosting its economic conference, with Israels Financ e Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as keynote speaker." link "Rothschild Zion ists, all" NYC U.S. 7/7/2005 315 "Fox, Donald" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Donald Fox list of gatekeepers: Truth Movement as Architects & En gineers Steve Jones, Richard Gage, Christopher Bollyn, Mark Bilk, Judy Wood, And rew Johnson, Thomas Potter, Emmanuel Goldstein, S. Tiller and Pete Santilli none a lso mention Israel or Saudi Arabia except for Bollyn who is a thermite sniffer." lnk "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" Israel 316 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Truth "Carroll, Pete" "Seattle Seahawks and Pete Carroll have the 9/11 Truth movement on their side going into the Super Bowl He kind of became an instant celebrity i n the 9/11 Truth movement during a 2013 meeting with retired Army Gen. Peter Chi arelli, Carroll pressed him about several 9/11 conspiracy theories." link 9/11 Truth MSM U.S. 317 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Victims "Victims, 9/11" 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two comp anies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers . 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center t hat housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp 318 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Rumsfeld, Donald" "Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11 attacks created the k ind of opportunities that World War II offered, to refashion the world. Rumsfeld use of the word 'missile' in interviews when referring to the Pentagon attack he ld a press conference to announce that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from Pentagon c offers and could not be located" link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 319 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "9/11, Wall St. & Israel" "9.10/2001 at the CBOE there were 4,516 puts on American Airlines to only 748 calls. United Airlines was targeted for 4, 744 puts as opposed to 396 calls. The numbers on the reinsurance companies were similarly lopsided. Biggest trader of put options was Deutsche Bank Alex Brown" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Deutsche Bank Alex Brown 9/10/2001 320 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "2001 Pauline Nevi lle-Jones - International Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Ch airman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group , a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)" link "Neocons, all" UK gov UK Joint Intelligence Committee 321 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political MSM "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "2001 Pauline Neville-Jones - Internationa l Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman of UK Joint Intel ligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology compa ny with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Ad visory Council (IAAC)" link Intel agencies U.S. corp QinetiQ Group 322 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/11 "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "2001 Pauline Neville-Jones - Inte rnational Governor of BBC on 911; Member of Bilderberg group; Chairman of UK Joi nt Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technolo gy company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assu rance Advisory Council (IAAC)" link Secret societies U.S. gov Bilderberg 323 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Sept. 10, 2001 - ""The match is about to begin.""... "" Tomorrow is zero hour"" In addition, two other intercepts of Al Qaeda cells in t he United States were also ignored: Sept. 10, 2001 - ""Watch the news."" Sept. 1 0, 2001 - ""Tomorrow will be a great day for us.""" lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" U.S. gov U.S. 9/10/2001 324 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Olmert, Ehud" "Olmert, as deputy prime minister to Ariel Sharo n, made an unannounced and secret visit to New York City on September 10-11, 200 1" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 325 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 "Zakheim, Dov" London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) a nd London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind ) relationship. Dov Zakheim attended LSE. link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" UK gov LSE UK 326 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Goff, Michael S." "Later Goff worked for Guardium, an Isra eli software-firm with links to services. This is the cruc ial connection (PTech > Goff > Guardium) that was helpful in uncovering the larger Israeli military network that was behind the events of 9/11." link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Guardium U.S. 327 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Goff, Michael S." "But the company's original manager of m arketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Commun ications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And G off comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester 's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith " link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ptech U.S. 328 Wikipedia Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "On 17 July 2014, Flight 17 departed from Amster dam Airport Schiphol Gate G03 at 12:14 CEST (10:14 UTC)[77] and was due to arriv e at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 06:00, 18 July MYT" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 Israeli corp Schipol Airport Israel 329 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Demolition prep "But the company's original manager of marketing and inf ormation systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, curren tly represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith " link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank B'nai Brith Israel 330 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 6 political Money Laundering "Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE .gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U .S " link "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. Customs Ser vice Office of Investigations U.S. 331 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Abramoff, Jack" "AP reported on Sept 26, 2001 that the FBI took possessi on of photos from Abramoff owned SunCruz Casino boats... ""SunCruz Casinos has t urned over photos to ... FBI investigators after employees said they recognized some of the men suspected in the terrorist attacks as customers. Names on the pa ssenger list from a Sept. 5 cruise matched those of some of the hijackers." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov FBI U.S. 9/26/2001 332 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Dimon, Jamie" "Fed owned by consortium of Jewish affiliated banks: Lazard, Kuh n Loeb, Rothchild, Israel Moses Seif, Warburg, Lehman Bros, Goldman Sachs, NY/Mo rgan Guaranty Trust (JP Morgan Chase, ), Hanover Trust these banks have been financing both sides of war for centuries... were undoubtedly involved in financing of 9/11 thru money laundering, ... hijacker support." lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Federal Reserve Israel 333 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 6 political Money Laundering "Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE .gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U .S .. All these investigation records were destroyed." link "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 334 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & UK "GlobalGuru Executives and board members at AMEC include former directors of NM Rothschild, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton), an d SG Warburg. " link "Controlled demolition, all" UK corp Bovis Constructi on UK 335 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "Argenbright which ran security on 9/11 at Dulles and Ne wark airports where Flight 77 and Flight 93, respectively, took off that day. Ar genbright also managed some, perhaps unrelated, security checkpoints at Logan Ai rport in Boston, where the two other 9/11 planes took off." link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Neocon security companies U.S. 336 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "Argenbright which ran security on 9/11 at Dulles and Ne wark airports where Flight 77 and Flight 93, respectively, took off that day. Ar genbright also managed some, perhaps unrelated, security checkpoints at Logan Ai rport in Boston, where the two other 9/11 planes took off." link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Logan International Airport U.S. 337 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Investigators in the US and the UK revealed that BCCI had been ""set up deliber ately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and operated extensively in bank s ecrecy jurisdictions. Its affairs were extraordinarily complex. Its officers wer e sophisticated international bankers who operated in secrecy to commit fraud on a massive scale, and to avoid detection. Wikipedia omits any reference to Jewish banking dominance" lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" global BCCI UK 338 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "The CIA held numerous accounts at BCCI,... also used and held mult iple accounts at BCCI. These accounts were used for... transfers of money and we apons related to the Iran-Contra scandal, ... The CIA also worked with BCCI in a rming and financing the Afghan mujahideen ... which becomes al Queda... scapegoa t for 9/11." lnk "Neocons, all" global Mujaheddin UK 339 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Cleanup, Zionis t companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo Ameri can plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), New mont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp AMEC U.S. 340 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Cleanup , Zionist companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" clean-up execs "These five companies were AMEC Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turne r Construction, Tully Construction and Tishman Construction. Charlie Vitchers, w ho worked for Jim Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at Ground Zero, said the sit e was then broken up ""into basically five segments." link Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Tishman Construction U.S. 341 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Cleanup , Zionist companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "These f ive companies were AMEC Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turner Constr uction, Tully Construction and Tishman Construction. Charlie Vitchers, who worke d for Jim Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at Ground Zero, said the site was th en broken up ""into basically five segments." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Tishman Construction U.S. 342 TruthSeeker "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "Cukierman, Roger" "Roger Cukierman was CEO of the Edmond d e Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank. He has also served a s the chairman of several venture capital funds established by the Rothschild Gr oup. One of these funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing par tner of private equity at Cukierman & Co. and the head of ICTS at the time of 9- 11" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli corp Rothschild Group Israel 343 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Wolfowitz, Paul" Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Secretary of War o n 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel ; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Ban k scandal link "Neocons, all" Global Jewish financial organizations US Israel 344 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Nero and blaming the burning of Rome on the Christians Israeli Embassy in Argentina bombed in False Flag attack in 1992," link Global Global 3/1/1992 345 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1-2 political "Cleanup, Zionist compan ies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Ratner, Alan" Alan D. Ratners M etals Management and the SIMS group is responsible for quickly scooping up the W TC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters. Alan Ratner is Jewish. Ra tner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp SIMS Group Israel 346 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Goff, Michael S." "... the company's original manager of m arketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Commun ications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And G off comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester 's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith " link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli think tank Jewish organizations U.S. 1/2/1994 347 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Goff, Michael S." "... the company's original manager of m arketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Commun ications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And G off comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester 's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith " link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli think tank B'nai Brith Saudi Arabia 1/2/1994 348 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 "Perry, William" "William Perry former Secretary of War; associated with the Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technolog y Partners, a Rothschild affiliate" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" UK corp Rothschild UK 349 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Clark, Gen Wesley" "Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme Commander of NATO , has reported being informed immediately following 9/11 of a plan to destabiliz e and overthrow the governments of seven nations in five years, including Afghan istan, Iraq, and Libya, but working up to Syria and eventually Iran." link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov DoD U.S. 350 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons Pilgrim Society lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Global Pilgrim Society Global 351 IRMEP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, Netanyahu" "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "IRMEP Institute for Research: Middle Ea st Policy, Grant F. Smith Netanyahu worked with Heli Trading Co (an Arnon Milcha n company, Pretty Woman movie) headed by Richard K. Smyth, who was convicted of smuggling 800 Kryton nuclear triggers to Israel. See Milco," link Corporat ions & 9/11 Israeli corp Jonathan Institute Israel 352 911 Review "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NIST / F EMA Cover-up "Science Applications International (SAIC) is the DOD an d Homeland Security contractor that supplied the largest contingent of non-gover nmental investigators to the NIST WTC investigation. SAIC has extensive links to nano-thermites, developing and judging nano-thermite research proposals for the military and other military contractors, and developing and formulating" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp SAIC U.S. 353 "Francis, Stephen NFU" Pentagon physical "Generator, Pent agon" The end of the generator that was in the flight path of the 'missile' was knocked towards the Pentagon building and had a round shaped d ent on an upper corner. This dent could not have been made by a Boeing 757 consi dering its structural dimensions. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 354 "Francis, Stephen NFU" Pentagon physical "Fires, Pentagon " "Fires (intentionally) burned for three days, which were initially reported as contained." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 355 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots "Zakheim, Dov" "System Planning Corporation (SPC) International ( leader in remote control aircraft) executive, Dov Zakheim, called for ""some cat astrophic and catalyzing event ""like a new Pearl Harbor"" In 2010 he became Sen ior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton . His father played a leading role in the 1905 turmoil that paved the way for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Systems Planning Corp U.S. 356 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Rich, Marc" "Scooter Libby (Jewish) as Marc Rich's attorney Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the disastrous Clinton Presidential pardon of Rich, working directly with ""former"" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. Marc Rich was an international arms dealer in nucle ar materials." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov "White House, Cl inton" U.S. 357 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 & Israel "Libby, Scooter" "In the... ""Working Paper"" entitled ""The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"", University of Chicago political science professor Jo hn J. Mearsheimer and academic dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University Stephen M. Walt argue that Libby was among the Bush admini stration's most ""fervently pro-Israel ... officials""" lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" 9/11 Truth "White House, Cheney" U.S. 358 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Butler, Smedley" Stopped American coup to overthrow Roosevelt adm inistration. He was recruited to become president but exposed the plot at the op portune time. link 9/11 Finacing & Roots 9/11 Truth U.S. 359 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons, Strauss" "Laski, Harold" "Links Rothschild, LSE, Neocons, Strauss , Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Shulsky" lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Office of Special Plans U.S. 360 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Nuclear physics short course A nuclear fission chain reaction begins with a n eutron bombarding a uranium 235 atomthat splits into Bromine and Zenon then split ting Krypton and Cesium then splitting Rubidium and Barium to Strontium until al l the fisionable material is gone. This is the China Syndrome. lnk Mini Nuk es 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 361 Global Research WTC 1993 political 9/11 Groundwork "Rahman, Sheik Omar Abdel," "Schoenman correctly identifies the support prov ided by the Clinton Administration to the al Qaeda network at a time when Al Qae da, and more specifically Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was being accused of mastermin ding the 1993 WTC bombing." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots "White H ouse, Clinton" Israel 362 Global Research Bosnia political al Queda "Lake, A nthony" "A 1997 document of the US Congress reveals how the Clinton administrati on --under advice from the National Security Council headed by Anthony Lake-- ha d ""helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base"" leading to the recruitment through the so-called ""Militant Islamic Network,"" of thousands of Mujahedin f rom the Muslim world." link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Bosnia 363 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Hadley, Stephen" "Cornell Universitys Quill & Dagg er society. This included Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Advisors Sandy Berge r and Stephen Hadley, Marsh & McLennan executive Stephen Friedman, and the found er of Kroll Associates, Jules Kroll." lnk Secret societies U.S. thi nk tank Quill & Dagger U.S. 364 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Wellstone, Sen. Paul" "The NTSB accident report is disputed in the book American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone by Don ""Four Arrows"" Jacobs and James H. Fetzer. The authorsdocument official co ver-up. One of their principal claims is that FBI personnel left the field offic e in St. Paul for northern Minnesota before the plane crashed." link "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 25-Oct-02 365 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1993 political Litigati on & 9/11 "Mukasey, Michael" "Michael Mukasey (Jewish), federal judge in New York; presided over 1993 WTC bombing case; active in 9-11 cases, includi ng Larry Silversteins insurance claims; oversaw the detained material witnesses o f 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI; The fox es are in the hen house. ... have overwhelming control of NYC judicial system" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" NYC DoJ U.S. 366 Global Research Pentagon political Litigation & 9/1 1 "Gallop, April" "Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals) presides over April Gallop 9/11 suit agains t Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers" link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov "White H ouse, Cheney" U.S. 367 Global Research Pentagon political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Walker, Judge John M." "Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of th e 2nd Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals) presides over April Gallop 9/11 suit against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers" link "Neocons, all" U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 368 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 Jewish "An important trail linking 9/11, JFK an d the Holocaust (Nazi Germany) threads through the Israel Corporation (Rothschil d motives and funding of Jewish emmigration to Palestine), International Credit Bank (Tibor Rosenbaum and Permindex, JFK) and the Zim American Shipping Service (Roland Carnaby and 9/11 mini nukes in the Houston shipping channel." link "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. gov Permindex Israel 369 EIR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, eretz" "... West Bank settlers, ""Greater Israel"" racists, and ""Jewish underground"" terrorists... directed against then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the architect of the Oslo peace accords, and set the preconditions for his Nov. 4, 1995 assass ination. The assassin, Yigal Amir, came from the ranks of the Sharon and Benjami n Netanyahu-led anti-Rabin mob." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Likud Israel 1/1/1990 370 "Francis, Stephen NFU" LTCM political "Wall St., Israe l & 9/11" "Long Term Capital Management scandal, Israel connection s, Jewish bankers, Zionist banksters, bailouts," lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" Israel 371 "Ward, Ed" WTC 1-2 physical "Structural, steel" Controll ed demolition "Evidence of tremendous heat can be seen in a 8 ton 6"" thick I beam that is bent like a horseshoe without warping, kinking or splitting . ... there is no way for thermate to create this horseshoe, unless it is ""mira culous"" thermate. Nor, is there any unspecified vague ""scalar"" weapon that ca n do this even if the beam was isolated and not covered by some degree of 110 fl oors of concrete and steel.)" link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 372 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "China S yndrome, bathtub" Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Chernobyl site, They tri ed in vain to put out the fire with 2400 tonnes of lead and 1800 tonnes of sand. . Mayor Giuliani ordered the trucking in and out of sand the very next morning. Th ese are real unextinguishable fires Steven Jones, desperately tries to claim for (n ano-composite) thermite--which actually stops burning in minutes." link "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 373 Government Computer News "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "China Syndrome, bathtub" Controlled demolition "High temperatur e hotpsots (""1500 degrees, sometimes higher"") revealed in this article, to be present until at least March, 2002 could only have been caused by the GENERATION of heat from nuclear reacting criticality sites underground-- the China Syndrom e. ... see Operation Anvil" pic "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 374 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Graham, Senator Bob" RT.com: Graham speaks of close p ersonal ties between the Bush family and the Saudi Arabia rulers. But why the pol icy of covering up Saudi involvement [in 9/11] persisted under the Obama adminis tration is something he fails to understand. link Saudis & 9/11 U.S. cor p Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia 375 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Graham, Senator Bob" "Graham says the FBI -- which is fighting the release of thousands of pages of its investigation -- is continuin g to cover up the Saudi Arabian connection between Sarasota and the 9/11 attack. ""After having said there were 'no' documents about the investigation in Saraso ta, 'no' has now become 80,000 pages,""" link Saudis & 9/11 9/11 Tru th Saudi Arabia 376 WRMEA global political 9/11 Groundwork "Eisenberg, Shau l" David Kimche lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Eisenberg empire 377 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 28 pages declassified! "Graham, Senator Bob" Some light on the Saudi role in the 9/11 tragedy could be shed if the 28 redacted pages from the inquiry were ma de public. Graham has been campaigning for that. link Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia 378 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Graham, Senator Bob" "Despite the fact that 15 out of 19 of the hijackers were Saudis, some 144 of their compatriots mostly from the Saudi aristocracy, were able to return home to Saudi Arabia within days of the a ttack without being questioned by the FBI." link Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Ar abia gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia 379 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Graham, Senator Bob" "Failure by the US to investigat e Saudi Arabias connection to the 9/11 attacks is among the factors that led to t he rise of ISIS, Bob Graham, a former senator and co-chairman of the official in quiry into 9/11, told The Independent in an interview." link Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov "White House, Obama" Saudi Arabia 380 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Hijacker patsies "hijacker patsies, alive" "Six hijackers still ali ve. BBC, NYTimes, official apology. The official explanation that they were vict ims of identity theft is ludicrous. The probability that one of them was a victi m of this is very low, but the probability that more than one had their identity stolen is beyond astronomical." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov DOJ Saudi Arabia 381 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Adelson, Sheldon" "Adelson, Ukranian (Ashkenazi) Jew, worth $36 bi llion, heavily funds Republican party, developed COMDEX (Las Vegas) sold it to S oftbank, razed the Sands, built Venetian,close relationship to Netanyahu funded r emovel of Olmert" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think ta nk RNC U.S. 382 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Anthrax hoax "Jerome Hauer managed the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. T he anthrax used in the attacks was identified as an Ames strain, which means it had to have come from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Dis eases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland." lnk U.S. gov USAMRIID U.S. 383 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Minimum Res idual Radiation" Controlled demolition "MRR, Minimum Residual R adiation, Fourth Generation Nuclear Devices, This means elimination of the neutr on activation of bomb components, of materials outside the bomb, and reducing th e fissile content . It may also be desirable to minimize the use of relatively h azardous materials like plutonium." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 384 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical Controll ed demolition Controlled demolition "WTC7, which was not hit by a pl ane and only had small office fires on a few floors, and the collapse was identi cal to controlled demolition. The asymetrical of the fires could not have precipitated a symetrical destruction. Seismic and videographic evidenceplus a m ajor witnesss statementstrongly indicate the basements also were hollowed out by a shattering morning explosion." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th "9/11 Commission, omissions" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 385 Thyroid WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "Most nu clear accidents release radioactive iodine into the atmosphere which can be abso rbed into the body. When thyroid cells absorb too much radioactive iodine, it ca n cause thyroid cancer to develop several years after the exposure. Thyroid canc er seems to be the only cancer whose incidence rises after a radioactive iodine release" link "Victims, all" U.S. gov NNSA U.S. 386 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Tritium" Controll ed demolition "Tritium is the smoking gun for a hydrogen bomb detonation . Traces of tritiated water (HTO) were detected at the WTC ground zero after 9/1 1/01. A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01, contained (0.164±0. 074) nCi/L of HTO ... 20 TUs is standard ... DoE report says 1,092.54 TUs 55x ti mes standard." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov DoE U.S. 13-Sep-0 1 387 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Controlled demolition "Skilling, John" "The WTC twin to wers were designed to withstand the impact of a large airliner traveling at 600 mph. There would be a fire but the building would withstand it no signs of collap se after explosions ""all the columns on one side could be cut as well as two cor ners and several columns on the adjacent sides, and the tower would still be str ong enough to withstand a 100 mph wind.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 388 DoE WTC 1-2 docs "Mini Nukes, Minimum Residual Radiation" "Mini Nukes, Israel" "From DoE: Restricted Data Declassifications Dec isions: August 1958: ""Mere fact that the U. S. has developed atomic munitions s uitable for use in demolition work."" and The fact of weapon laboratory interest in Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The fact of successful development of MRR devices."" (1976)" doc Mini Nukes U.S. gov DoE Israel 8/1/1958 389 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & Israel "Lowy, F rank" "In January 2001, Silverstein, via Silverstein Properties and Westfield America (Lowy), made a $3.2 billion bid for the lease to the World Trade Center. S ilverstein was outbid by $30 million by Vornado Realty, ... Vornado withdrew and Silverstein's bid for the lease to the World Trade Center was accepted on July 24, 2001" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp Westfiel d Group "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1/1/2001 390 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wa rs "Kelhoffer, Hartmut" "Kelhoffer sent $10 billion on June 23, 1996 fro m Cyprus (on behalf of Saudi Royals) to Enron Houston via Barclays This was the money for CentGas pipeline. Russian Finance Ministry was aware of the money tran sfers to Enron from the Saudis." lnk Saudi Arabia gov Saudi banks Austria 6/1/1996 391 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Scaramella, Mario" "Scaramella-Berezovsky link to WTC security firm emerges in Italian law enforcement investigation. .. Mario Scaramella linked to 9/11 through Kroll & Associates, Kroll purchased OnTrack Data" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates Italy 392 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Tritium" Controlled demolition "Radiation from fusion devices is short lived, p roduces tritium and that the DoE admits to at least MINIMAL Residual Radiation w eapons, Nuclear fusion leaves behind tritium... a fact recorded by the EPA at gr ound zeroTritium: a radioactive isotope of hydrogen having a mass of 3 units; it is produced in nuclear reactors by the action of neutrons on lithium nuclei." pic Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 393 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l WTC Security "Bush, GW" It was omitted that GW Bush's br other Marvin Bush and his cousin Wirt Walker III were principles in WTC security firm Securatec. See Securacom lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Securatec "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 394 "Harrit, Niels" WTC 1-2 political Nanothermite Controlled demol ition Neils Harrit "The world is awash in mini nuclear weapons. Neils Harri t's articles claim that hundreds of tons of nanothermite would be necessary to d emolish the WTC, but offers no explanation of who, how, when, where and why they were implemented. Nanothermite can cut (but not eject) steel beams. How much ha s to be applied to concrete slabs (one acre/ floor) to pulverize it into dust if even possible?" lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 395 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" Controlled demolition There ar e photos of government agents with business attire carrying plane parts within m inutes of the attack. lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI "U.S., I srael, SA, Britain" 396 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Fissionless Fusion" Controlled demolition "Unhived Mind: Special Atomic De molition Munition Normal radiation levels will not be found ...by standard Geige r counters since these nuclear devices give off only alpha radiation from their 99.7% plutonium 239 core, this obviously aids a cover-up unless you test with a Muller Tube" Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 397 Tahil / Cahill WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Controlled demol ition "The clincher for Tahil that reactors were involved was the pres ence of high levels of vanadium, a radioactive decay product. An expert in aeros ols and atmospheric sciences, Dr. Thomas Cahill of the University of California, also had studied the USGS report and pronounced the vanadium level the highest ever seen in the U.S." pic Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 398 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Tritium" Controll ed demolition "From DoE, LLNL 2002, Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center (UCRL-JC-150445). It is used in thermonuclear fusion weapons, ...The most common method of producing tritium is by bombarding a natural isotop e of lithium, lithium-6, with neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The presence of tri tium in large quantities is a telltale sign of a hydrogen bomb." lnk 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 399 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 docs "Mini Nukes, Tritium" Controlled demol ition "From DoE, LLNL 2002, Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Tr ade Center (UCRL-JC-150445). It is used in thermonuclear fusion weapons,...The m ost common method of producing tritium is by bombarding a natural isotope of lit hium, lithium-6, with neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The presence of tritium in large quantities is a telltale sign of a hydrogen bomb." lnk 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 2-Nov 400 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "Powell, Lord Charles" Lord Charles Powell became an advisor to the board of BA E. He also served on the board of Jardine Matheson which is linked to HSBC which is reportedly involved in transfer of funds through Dubai to the 9/11 hijackers . He was chairman of Jacob Rothschild Capital Management ... he controlled what Margaret Thatcher was told and his brother was Blair's chief of staff. lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots UK gov HSBC Saudi Arabia 401 Wikipedia El al Flight 1862 political Nuclear smuggling & Schiphol "In 1992 El Al said Boeing 747 had contained fru it, perfumes, and computer components. Dutch authorities asserted that it contai ned no military cargo. In 1993 it was reported that the cargo (national defense materials) had not been inspected ..In 1998 it was publicly revealed by El-Al th at 190 liters of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a CWC schedule 2 chemical which,use d for synthesis of Sarin gas... and DU." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov ICTS Israel 402 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Adelman, Kenneth" "Adelman, dual Israeli citizen, neocon, member Defense Policy Board, PNAC, Committee for the Present Danger, Edelman Pub lic Relations, promoted but regrets incompetence of Iraq War, supports Obama," lnk U.S. gov Israel 403 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 28 pages declassified! "Lynch, Stephen Congressmen" Emergency request by Con gressmen Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) for a Congressional resolu tion demanding that President Obama declassify the full Joint Congressional Repo on 9/11? The report implicates one or more foreign intelligence agencies in t he planning and execution of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Penta gon. lnk U.S. gov US Congress U.S. 404 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1-2 physical Bentham Open Science Jou rnal Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth w ebsite does not contain any references to the controversy around Bentham Open Sc ience Journal and the fake paper they accepted that was generated by SCIgen. see Center for Research in Applied Phrenology (CRAP).... they ignore the resignatio n of its director Marie-Paule Pileni, over inappropriate publication of Steven J ones paper." lnk "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 405 "Fulford, Benjamin" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "More coming soon, White Dragon Society (good CIA Pentag on etc elements), formerly Black Dragon Society. Bush 43 delivered nukes to Iran (who abandoned them at Iraq border) in order to start WWIII. Netanyahu in on pl anting nukes at Fukushima as part of broad blackmail scheme... NWO losing. Washi ngton DC earthquake was nuking of NWO underground bunkers." lnk Secret s ocieties 9/11 Truth U.S. 406 911Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Sept 11 Litigation: 03 MDL 1570 (GBD) (FM) ECF Case 1:0 3-md-01570-GBD-FM Document 2890 Filed 09/15/14 Stephen A. Cozen, Esq. Elliott R. Feldman, Esq amendment of 2002-4,to hold accountable the principal parties who provided material support to al Qaeda and provided it with the essential means t o carry out the September 11th attacks, (all Israel gatekeeping)" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Cozen O'Connor Saudi Arabia 407 Wikipedia Chernobyl "Cancer, Chernobyl" "There is a clear link (see the UNSCEAR 2000 Report, Volume 2: Effects) between the Chernobyl accident and the unusually large number, approximately 1,800, of t hyroid cancers reported in contaminated areas, mostly in children." lnk 408 "Attkisson, Sharyl" WTC 7 political Disinfo & ommiss ions "Attkisson, Sharyl" "Conservative investigative journalist, resigned from CBS News (substitue anchor) Mar 2014, reported on how Red Cross raised and spent over $300 million after Hurricane Sandy (see NYAG Eric Schneiderman) and its handling of 9/11 funds meant for recovery, " "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Red Cross U.S. 3/1/2014 409 "Rampoldi, Milena" "JFK assassination, Israel" political Jewish organizations "Eisenberg, Shaul" LEHI ...Lohamei Herut Yisrael al so known as the Stern Gang after its founder Avraham Stern who murdered innocent civilians to cleanse Palestine of its British occupiers and its indigenous inha bitants ... solicited Albert Einstein raise American money ... the efforts failu re helped to create the American Zionist council that would concentrate on the U S Congress. link "Irgun, Betar, Stern, LEHI" Israel 410 411 Prison Planet "Holocaust hoax, Wall Street" political Holocaust revision "Bush, Prescott" "Prescott Bush, made $1.5m from Auschwitz labor camp and placed in a blind trust in 1980 by Bush 41 through Unio n Banking Corporation (UBC), Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker, Fritz Thyssen , financed Adolf Hitler before and during World War II. It was first reported in 1994 by John Loftus and Mark Aarons in The Secret War Against the Jews." lnk Fascism & Neocons Nazi Germany Bush Crime Family Germany 1-Jan-80 412 Israeli Connection to 9/11 WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & I srael "One week prior to the WTC attack, the Zim Shipping Company (off ices in Norfolk, Manhattan, Haifa) ... moves out of its offices in the WTC, brea king its lease and costing the company $50,000 ... (16,17th floors), hijackers A tta and Shehhi in Norfolk in Feb/April 2001," lnk Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 413 Alternative news "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Secret societies "Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Ce ntury .. By Helsing Jan Van ... The key person in linking the Rothschild and the BCCI scandal was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the Swiss branch of the BCCI (Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA), head of the Zurich Rothsch ild bank AG and member of the board of N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London." link Secret societies Israeli corp BCCI Israel 414 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political 9/11 & Israel "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Eisenberg's ties to JFK assassination g o through Tibor Rosenbaum (BCI and Clay Shaw) and ties to 9/11 go through Zim Am erican Shipping which was owned by Israel Corp which he founded. WMR reports tha t Roland Carnaby was killed for his investigative work involving the shipment of mini nukes in Houston ship channel (2007) by Zim American Shipping (16th floor WTC, 2001)" link Zim Shipping Permindex Israel 415 416 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roo ts """To understand 9/11, we must return to the dissolution of the USSR in 1990-91, which left the US military-industrial-intelligence complex with out an international boogeyman to motivate the American people to continue to su pport vast expenditures on bombs, planes and tanks.""" lnk Top 20 U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 1/1/1990 417 "Fetzer, James" JFK assassination political Rothschi ld & JFK "Lansky, Meyer" "Murder in Dealey Plaza, by James Fetzer Bush 41 was in Dallas Nov 22, 63, Bush 43 did 9/11 ... Baker is LBJ's right hand man. Murc hison's empire overlaps with that of Mafia financial wizard Meyer Lansky and Tea mster leader Jimmy Hoffa.] search Trafficante and ""CIA contract agent and profe ssional anti-Communist Frank Sturgis"" and ""Victor Ostrovsky, an Israeli Mossad agent"" ..." lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. gov Bush Crime Famil y Mexico 418 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" "The location with the greatest concentration of nuclear pollutants, according t o the data, was the southeast corner of Water Street and Coenties Slip, near the Brooklyn Bridge. It had the greatest levels of zinc (2,990 ppms) and the second highest levels of both strontium (1,000 ppms), and barium (765 ppms)." lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" U.S. 419 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, thermobaric" Controlled demolition "A Nuclear Thermobaric Weapon is a type of enhan ced radiation weapon that utilizes boosted plasma from the nuclear fire ball to generate an intense, high-temperature explosion, and in practice the blast wave produced is typically larger and longer in duration than in a conventional explo sive weapon design." lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Engineers & Scientists U.S. 420 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1993 physical "Mini Nukes, thermobaric " Controlled demolition "Thermobaric explosives apply the princi ples underlying unconfined vapor cloud explosions, which include those from disp ersions of flammable dusts and droplets. Such explosions are most often encounte red in flour mills, their storage containers,coal mines, oil tankers and refiner ies." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Engineers & Scientists U.S. 421 research "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roo ts "Zakheim, Dov" "Julius Zakheim (father of Dov Zakheim, one of 9/11 mast erminds), born in the Ukraine (1870), was a Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx. He was a Menshevik/Bolshevik and played a leading role in the 190 5 turmoil that paved the way for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. (also the father of Dov Zakheim, Pentagon comptroller 9/11/2001)" link Israeli think tank Chabad Lubavitch Israel 422 --- "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" --- 423 Wikispooks "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Globalist agenda "The Pilgrims, Le Cercle, 1001, Club of Rome... etc .. are the umbrella organizations ... together they encompass all aspects of the globalist movement: Anglo-American business and banking, Paneuropean Cathol ic fanatics, multinationals worldwide, old blue blood family lines. Western and Middle- Eastern intelligence, the illegal arms trade, and the environmental move ment." link Secret societies "1001, LeCercle & Pilgrims" 424 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Lieberman, Joseph" "Jewish members of Congress regularly at tend seminars conducted by a Washington DC Lubavitcher rabbi. The Assistant Secr etary of Defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, the comptroller of the DoD, Dov Zakheim (an ordained Orthodox rabbi), and Stuart Eizenstat, former Deputy Treasury Secretar y, are all Lubavitcher groupies." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Chabad Lubavitch Israel 425 "Francis, Stephen NFU" LIBOR scandal political "Wall St ., Israel & 9/11" "LIBOR scandal," lnk Israel 426 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Fleischer, Ari" "Ari Fleischer White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group cal led the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics Fleischer was the co-president of Chabad's Cap itol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the American Frie nds of Lubavitch in October, 2001. see also Eric Cantor, Debbie Wasserman Schult z, Joe Lieberman" lnk U.S. gov Chabad Lubavitch U.S. 10/1/2001 427 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs Rothschild & 9/1 1 "Carter, Ashton" "Ashton Carter co-authored paper, Catastrophic Te rrorism: A National Policy with Zelikow and Deutch; senior partner at Global Tech nology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America advocates use or threa t of force to prevent them from obtaining nuclear weapons" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Global Technology Partners U.S. 428 Israeli Connection to 9/11 WTC 1993 political 9/11 & Israel "Israeli security officials inspect the garage of Zim Am erican Israeli Shipping in the WTC, and conclude that the WTC garage is vulnerab le to a car bomb. The bomb was probably a modified W54 (too much damage for the amo unt of conventional explosives that could be packed into a van.... same with Okl ahoma City Murrah building. McVeigh was set up.)" lnk Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 1-Jan-91 429 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Perle, Richard" "the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly financed al Queda in Bosnia civil war, was established by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, and fa cts strongly indicate that there was high-level coordination between Abramoff's underworld network of Russian-Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy Saudi financie rs, and Bush neocon operatives." lnk Fascism & Neocons U.S. gov Neocon financial org Saudi Arabia 430 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" Israeli Art Students "Israeli Art Students and Arab hijackers paths crossed in a number of cities in 2000 was covered up by John Ashcroft and Robert Mueller. Hollywood, Florida, Irving, Texas [near Dallas-Forth Worth Inter national Airport]; San Diego; Jersey City; and Laurel, Maryland." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 431 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Energy / Drug wars "The omission of important infor mation about the relationship between the Taliban and Unocal, Caspian region oil and gas pipelines through Afghanistan and Pakistan would give the Bush administ ration a pretext for war." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "9/11 Commission, omissions" Afghanistan 1/1/2001 432 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "bin Laden, Osam a" A CIA insiders's view of 9/11 and who may have been responsible WMR is publishing as an exclusive a draft report written by a longtime Central I ntelligence Agency officer and top Middle East expert who once spent time in the Saudi home of Mohammed Bin Laden in link Saudis & 9/11 9/11 Tru th Saudi Arabia 433 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Barlow, Richard" "In 1989, one of Valerie Plame Wilson's predecessor's in the CIA's Counter-Proliferation Division, Richard Barlow, was f ired after he uncovered the involvement of the George H. W. Bush administration in facilitating the A Q Khan network and Pakistan's nuclear weapons program." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" Pakistan 1/1/1989 434 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "link between those who 'outed' CIA counter-proliferatio n covert agent Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates cover firm and convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The link centers around convicte d Israeli-South African nuclear components smuggler Asher Karni, a former office r in the Israeli Defense Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally smuggled 66 U.S.-m ade triggered spark gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, " lnk U.S. gov Brewster Jennings U.S. 435 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Khan, AQ" "The A Q Khan network sold nuclear materials to Libya, North Korea, and most importantly, Iran. Karni's end-user client for the nuclear triggers in Pakistan was Humayun Khan's import-export Pakland Corp. Huma yun Khan is no relation to A Q Khan." lnk Pakistan gov Pakland Corp Pakistan 436 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Victims, 9/11" "William Rodriguez (WTC building maintenance manager), president of the Hispanic Victims Group, said he spotted and talked to Mohand Al-Shehri c asing the North Tower, he said he passed numerous tips to the FBI but they were ignored " lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 6/1/2001 437 BusinessWeek "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & U K "Carlucci, Frank" Carlucci: Director and Member of Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee UK corp BAE Systems UK BAE Systems Land & Armam ents 438 "Tarpley, Webster" global political 9/11 roots "Harriman, Averall" Bush 41 passed his most important days at the Yale Skull & Bones Society ... link Secret societies U.S. think tank Skull & Bones U.S. in The Tomb... Roland an d Averrall Harriman belonged also ... an agency for British subversion of the Am erican Republic ... power sharing through intermarriage with other similar elite 'club's ... wealth rooted in Russel opium syndicate. ... similar to Rothschild opium predation. 439 John F Kennedy.net "JFK assassination, Israel" political PROMIS "Ben-Gurion, David" "Realizing that Kennedy would not change his min d, Ben-Gurion decided to join forces with Communist China in developing a secret nuclear program through intermediary Shaul Eisenberg, who owned Zim Shipping, t hat transported nuclear weapons for 9/11 in Houston Ship Channel ... see Carnaby ... how US secrets were stolen or doctored by PROMIS software ... and PROMIS / 9/11" link "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. gov Israel 440 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Flight 93 political Flight 93 Shot down US military "The omission of all the evidence indica ting that Flight 93 was shot down by a military plane despite undeniable evidence of airliner parts discovered in a wide debris field. Sommerset County Coroner Wall ace Miller. Dennis Roddy, editor of Pittsburg Gazette, couldn't identify any pla ne parts, and mayor of Shanksville Ernie Smith, said there was no airplane at th e crash site." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 441 "Shimatsu, Yoichi" WTC 1-2 political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Cheney, Dick" "The explosions at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant were actually caused by nuclear fission of warhead cores stolen from Pantex ... (evaporation in the cooling ponds led to detonation) . were authorized under a t hree-way deal between the Bush-Cheney team, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Elhud Olmert's government in Tel Aviv." U.S. gov Israel 442 WMR "JFK assassination, Israel" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Eisenberg, Shaul" Israel Corporation / Shaul Eisen berg were major and covert weapons suppliers to Southeast at least since de als with genocidal Khmer Rouge (Pol Pot) regime in the 1970s. Eisenberg (Zim Ame rican Shipping) was intelligence and business partner with the Japanese Imperial government. This relationship instrumental in forming the Irgun and the Shangha i Betar. lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" Israel Corporation 443 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Disinfo & ommissions "Cheney, Dick" Omission of claim that C heney did not reach the underground shelter (the PEOC [Presidential Emergency Op erations Center until 9:58. lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov PEOC "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 444 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Pentagon missile "Mineta, Norman" "The 9/11 Commis sion omission of multiple testimony, including that of Norman Mineta to the Comm ission itself, that Cheney was in the PEOC before 9:20." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 445 446 Iamthe Witness "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Freemasons / Illuminati "Rothschild, Mayer Amschel" Weishaupt soon infiltrat es the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establi shes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all un der the orders and finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has sprea d and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day. lnk Secret societies Israeli think tank Illuminati Israel 447 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Flight 93 physical Black boxes "FBI states airliner is buried in the ground, fo und data recorder 12 feet below the surface, and cockpit voice recorder about 25 ft deep. Both of which are always installed in the rear of the plane. NTSB reco nstructs most major airline crashes, but this was not done on Flight 93. All par ts have been sequestered by the FBI," lnk U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 448 NIST WTC 1-2 docs Controlled demolition 911Repor t.pdf link U.S. gov U.S. NISTBuilding7FinalReport .pdf NISTReportWtc1&2.pdf 449 911 Blogger WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Another client was Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), where scientists were working on the development of nanothermite, a type of explosive material that has since been discovered in the WTC dust" lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov Los Alamos National Laboratory U.S. 450 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Eisenberg, Shaul" "An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New York and New Jer sey Israeli intelligence-connected office moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems, which was discovered to have conducted an emergency move of the Israel i Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company from the World Trade Centers North Tower just weeks prior to 911," link Top 20 Urban Moving Systems Israel 451 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators McDaniel "WTC, McDaniel was in charge of the secu rity operation in terms of what he called a completion contract, to provide servic es up to the day the buildings fell down. iii] McDaniel came to Stratesec directly from BDM International, where he had been Vice President for nine years. BDM was subsidiary of Carlyle Group ... black projects." lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Carlyle Group Israel 452 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l War Games NORAD "The failure to probe the issue of how t he ""war games"" scheduled for that day were related to the military's failure t o intercept the hijacked airliners." lnk U.S. gov NORAD "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 453 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Feinberg, Kenneth" "Kenneth Feinberg (Jewish) is an American attorn ey, specializing in mediation and alternative dispute resolution. Feinberg was a ppointed Special Master of the U.S. government's September 11th Victim Compensat ion Fund and served as the Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation, popul arly called the ""pay czar.""" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 454 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "With Hillary Clintons kn owledge, her brothers Anthony and Hugh jaunted into the highly politically charg ed former Soviet Republic of Georgia last month in pursuit of a $118 million mon eymaking scheme involving close associates of Russian mafia boss Grigori Loutcha nsky" link U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Russia 10/1/199 3 455 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Conflict of interest "Zelikow, Philip" "The failure to point out that the Commission's claimed ""independence"" was fatally compromised by the fact that its executive director, Philip Zelikow, was virtually a member of the Bush administration." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission , omissions" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 456 American Bhudda "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Globalist agenda "Harriman, Averall" "The first two Hegelian wars (Sp anish-American war and the Ango-Boer of 1899 set the 'new world order' and then WWI and II, secretly formulated by Averal Harriman: Hitler, by the Guarantee Tru st Co. and Brown Brothers Harriman vs Marxist Russia funded by Guarantee Trust, Union Banking Corp and RuskomBank" lnk U.S. gov Brown Br others Harriman Russia 1-Jan-17 457 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Conflict of interest "The failure to point out that t he Commission's chairman, most of the other commissioners, and at least half of the staff had serious conflicts of interest." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 458 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Conflict of interest "The failure of the Commission, while bragging that it presented its final report ""without dissent,"" to point out that this was probably possible only because Max Cleland, the commissioner w ho was most critical of the White House and swore that he would not be part of " "looking at information only partially,"" had to resign in order to accept a pos ition with the Export-Import Bank, and that the White House forwarded his nomina tion for this position only after he was becoming quite outspoken in his critici sms." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" "U.S., I srael, SA, Britain" 459 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings Bush GW The President's Daily Brief the FBI was aware that suspected terrorists were conducting surveillance of the WTC towers lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 8/6/2001 460 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Tower infernos "A bomber hit the Empire State Building that killed 13 p eople and caused widespread damage, but the building was never in danger of coll apsing." lnk 9/11 Truth "9/11 Commission, omissions" New York 461 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Disinfo & ommissions "Silverstein, Lawrence" """I remember ge tting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, ""We've had su ch terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it."" And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.""" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties "U.S., Israel, S A, Britain" 462 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Neocons "Neocons wrote in PNAC that ""a new Pearl Harbor "" was necessary to bring about the changes they sought" lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 463 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Energy / Drug wars "O'Neill, Paul" "Paul O'Neill:... Going after Hussein was 'Topic A"" 10 days after Bush inauguration," lnk U.S. gov Sec of the Treasury U.S. 1/1/2000 464 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "O'Neill, Paul" "Paul O'Neill attempted to expose Dubai, HSBC, BAE, Saud i 9/11 hijacker financing and was forced to resign as Secretary of the Treasury, " lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Sec of the Treasury Saudi Ar abia 3/1/2002 465 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Perle, Richard" "the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly financed al Queda in Bosnia civil war, was established by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, and fa cts strongly indicate that there was high-level coordination between Abramoff's underworld network of Russian-Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy Saudi financie rs, and Bush neocon operatives." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov Neocon financial org Saudi Arabia 466 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "..., Riggs Bank officials invited Pinochet to open an a ccount at Riggs Bank. Pinochet was arrested in 1998... Riggs executives helped P inochet disguise millions of dollars by using shell companies and hiding account s from federal regulators, Riggs illegally allowed Pinochet to retain access to much of his fortune. see Bandar bin Sultan." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia 1/1/1998 467 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Whistleblower "Rowley, Coleen" "FBI whistleblower, disc overed info that could have uncovered 9/11 plot, memos never got past her superi ors, and she was prevented from pursuing her investigation," lnk Intel ag encies 9/11 Truth FBI U.S. 8/1/2001 468 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Warnings "Rowley, Coleen" "FBI whistleblower, disc overed info that could have uncovered 9/11 plot, memos never got past her superi ors, and she was prevented from pursuing her investigation," lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 8/1/2001 469 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Bath, James" "James Bath (born 1936) is a former dire ctor of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a former frontman for Salem bin Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bus h, with whom Bath served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War." lnk Intel agencies U.S. corp CIA front companies U.S. 470 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Utilitarianism, where right and wrong are calculated on the bas is of the benefits that accrue to the group regardless of their consequences for others What has happened to our society appears to be that the rich and powerfu l are acting in accordance with the principles that define limited utilitarianis m rather than those of deontological moral theory." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots 9/11 Truth Israel 471 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Pentagon missile "Cheney, Dick" "Gave a direct order to not shoot the supposed Flight 77, see Norman Mineta. ""Vice President, the plane is ten miles out"" ""do the orders still stand?"" ""of course they do"", " lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov PEOC U.S. 9/11/2001 472 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "ACE built the elevator systems in the World Trade Center and un til September 11, 2001 had been their sole servicer, from which it derived 90 pe rcent of its revenue. Unable to make up enough of that income from other sources , ACE filed under chapter 11 on December 21, 2004" link 9/11 Finacing & Roots Ace Elevator U.S. 12/21/2004 473 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Katz, Rita" "SITE is infamous for releasing unverified video and audio tapes from such Al Qaeda leaders as Osama bin Laden; Dr. Ayman al-Zaw ahiri; and Adam Gadahn, aka Adam Pearlman, whose grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a member of the board of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)." link Israeli think tank ADL Israel 474 Alternative news WTC 1-2 political Warnings "Loizeaux, Mark" "Loizeaux, only expert that said in advance that WTC wer e coming down... ""Somebody's got to tell the Fire Department to get out of ther e .... I picked up the phone, dialed 411, got the number, and tried it -- busy. So I called the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management"" -- which was in 7 World Trade. ""All circuits were busy. I couldn't get through.""" link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Controlled Demolition Inc. U.S. 9/11/200 1 475 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 physical "China Syndrome, bathtub" Controlled demolition "From Cheshire (DoE, Feb 1976 tests) ... tempera tures as high as 150°C had been measured in the melt glass (formed in underground nuclear test cavities) and small perturbations as much as 11 years later ... hig h temperatures following the Cheshire test may have dramatically increased the r ate at which radionuclides were released from the melt glass" lnk Mini Nuk es U.S. gov DoE U.S. 2/1/1976 476 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Debunkers "Meigs, John" "Popular Mechanics (Hearst owned ), most known 9/11 debunker, 2006 book Debunking 9/11 Myths, forward by John McC ain, John Meigs is Editor in Chief, also see Michael Shermer," lnk U.S. think tank Popular Mechanics U.S. 1/1/2005 477 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Hellyer, Paul" "US air defense system failed to intercept any of the four aircraft in the one and a half hours of the 9/11 attack. Paul Hellyer, Canada Minister of National Defense." lnk U.S. gov National defense depts Canada 478 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Incompetence theory "The official version is that th e failure to intercept any of the hijacked airplanes were blunders, miscommuncat ions and mistakes . 'incompetence theory'." lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 479 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Incompetence theory "Official reason for failure, Ai r Defense was designed for external not internal threats. Debunkedbut FAA respons ible for internal threats, according to Rumsfeld himself, if a plane goes off co urse it is contacted and then referred to Pentagon if need be." lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 480 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, Russia / Israel mafia" "Domb, Sam" "Russia Ukraine Israel Mafia (RU IM): Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish mafia, money laundering by Bank of New Yor k and RUIM, OPERATION SPIDERWEB, and Benex (Marc Rich), offices in same building as Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Latvian-born Israeli who laundered billions through his Vienna-based NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear smuggling and Clinton re-election ... Sam Domb" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov "White H ouse, Clinton" Israel 1/1/1996 481 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l war games "Until Sept. 11, 2001, NORAD conducted f our major exercises a year. Most included a hijack scenario, but not all of thos e involved planes as weapons. Since the attacks, NORAD has conducted more than 1 00 exercises, all with mock hijackings." lnk U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 482 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l NORAD / FAA "NORAD fighters based in Florida have in tercepted two hijacked smaller aircraft since the Sept. 11 attacks. Both origina ted in Cuba and were escorted to Key West in spring 2003, NORAD said." lnk U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 4/1/2003 483 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers, Pentagon Building Performance Report (s ee docs). ""... blast-resistant glass installed as part of the Pentagon renovati on was not broken by the impact or the fireball, even where the windows were loc ated as close as 10 ft to the impact point of the fuselage""" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1/1/2003 484 CDC WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Israel" Soil commonly contains an average of about 6 parts of thorium per million parts (ppm) of soil. USGS data maximum thorium found was 30.7 ppm which is 5x more tha n normal. pic U.S. gov U.S. 485 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Controlled demolition "Mineta, Norman" "Mineta testimon y before 9/11 Commission, questioned about underground bunker, PEOC, in White Ho use, where Cheney took charge of the situation that day. Mineta said ""the plane is fifty miles out"", Cheney responded ""of course the orders still stand"" ""h ave you heard anything to the contrary""? excluded in report." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 5/1/2003 486 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Controlled demolition "Cheney, Dick" "9:37:00 AM The 9/11 Com mission report and Mineta's testimony are in conflict. It can be proven from num erous sources that Cheney was in the PEOC at 9:37, but the 9/11 Commission repor t says he didn't enter until around 20 minutes later. The effect of this lie is to negate the chance that Cheney allowed Flight 77 to attack the Pentagon." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissi ons" U.S. 487 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Hijacker patsies hijacker patsies "No one has ever produced a single security camera image showing the alleged terrorists boarding any of the four hijacked airplanes. The only photo shows Alomari and Mohammed A tta going through a security checkpoint, but they are not boarding Flight 11, bu t a flight from Maine to Boston," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 488 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Hijacker patsies hijacker patsies "No images of hi jackers in security cameras: but In 2005 a video was released of hijackers of Fl ight 77 at Dulles checkpoint, but the time stamp was missing making it suspect, if they were in the airports it is impossible that they would not have been reco rded because of the number and locations of the cameras." lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 1/1/2005 489 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Rich, Marc" "The Taliban sources report that it was Bout (Marc Rich partner) who secretly flew Osama Bin Laden and his family out of Afghanistan pri or to the massive U.S. bombing of Tora Bora in late 2001. Bout, a Bukharan Jew w as... involved with the Bin Laden family in logistics for their construction act ivities, diamond business." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Russian Israeli mafia Saudi Arabia 12/1/2001 490 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Black boxes hijacker patsies "No recorded conversations of hi jackers from cockpit voice recorder, American Flight 11 Black box said never fou nd, For United 175 that hit second tower said never found, for Flight 77 voice r ecorder found but contents unusable, for United Flight 93 voice recorder found b ut good recording was never made public." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 491 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Victims "Families of 9/11 of Flight 93 asked the FBI to release voice recordings, FBI refused," lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Co mmission, omissions" U.S. 12/1/2001 492 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Hijacker patsies hijacker patsies "The only record ings of hijackers come from controller tapes of hijackers pressing the wrong key s, but the clips could have come from any source and are highly questionable and don't prove the hijackers were aboard the planes. By way of deception we shall do war.Mossad" lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 493 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "From (DEA) Report drafted in June 2001 on the activitie s of the art students and... (FBI) list of the hijackers and other terrorist sus pects, accidentally released in early October 2001 on a Finnish government web s ite. The DEA memo specifically stated that the Israelis may have had ties to an I slamic fundamentalist group." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 6/1/2001 494 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l "Hijackers, lack of evidence" hijacker patsies "FBI age nt Louis Schiliro said agents examined footage of dozens of cameras at the three airports where the terrorists allegedly boarded aircraft and found nothing, eve n ticket areas, restaurant, departure lounges, boarding call, ..etc. David Brent scanned 300 videos and found no hijackers." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov "Airlines, US" U.S. 495 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis" "Cameron, Carl" "Fox News, Carl Cameron, four-part investigation of an Israeli spy ring casing h ijackers shown only once then deleted from its website, is available online" lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" U.S. corp Fox News "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 12/1/2001 496 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l "Hijackers, lack of evidence" hijacker patsies "No secu rity cameras on 9/11 show hijackers, Washington Dulles had security cameras, but time-stamps were missing making them highly suspicious and could have been prod uced by an ordinary camcorder." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov "Airlines, US" U.S. 497 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Black boxes "Every black box carries a metal plaque with the model number and serial number. The serial number is used to signify memory con figuration changes, to perform correct recovery of the data, . These numbers exi st in every NTSB report for the last twenty years, but were missing in NTSB repo rts on Flight 73 and Flight 93" lnk U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 498 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Black boxes Disinfo & ommissions "FOIA request to the FBI , FAA and NTSB for model number and serial numbers for Flight 77 and Flight 93 d ata recorders were all denied." lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 499 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Riggs Bank was fined $25 million in May 2004 ..for viol ations of money-laundering laws. A long running Justice Department investigation was wrapped up quickly in February 2005 ... a Wall Street Journal article repor ted December 31, 2004, that Riggs had extensive ties to the CIA, ... bank offici als held security clearances" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Israel 2/1/2005 500 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed "Below 10,000 feet air speed must be bel ow 250 mph. Each airplane has a VMO, max operating velocity, flutter can occur t hat rips the plane apart," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Boeing U.S. 501 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed "Using a simulator designed and develope d by Aeronautical Engineers, Pilots For 9/11 Truth attempt to duplicate the 9/11 attacks based on data provided by the government regarding the excessive speeds reported, starting from the exact locations and altitudes according to governme nt data." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Boeing U.S. 502 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed "Air China 006 marginally exceeded VMO i n 1985. Landing gear doors were ripped off plane, visible damage all over plane, but it landed safely. All 9/11 aircraft exceeded VMO by more than 100 mph. VMO for 757 is 402," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Boeing U.S. 503 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed "Brokaw, Tom" Tom Brokaw reported that Flight 175 was going nearly 600 mph when it supposedly hit the north tower of the WTC. This is impossible. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp MSM U.S. 504 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed "Boeing 757 engines need six times the p ower to fly at sea level at 500 miles and hour than they do at 30,000 feet due t o the density of air at sea level. These are factual physical restraints that ca n't be refuted." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Pilots for 9/11 Truth U.S. 505 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l False flag Operation Northwoods detail how to swap a passenger aircraft with a military aircraft in midair and undectectable to air traffic controllers. lnk U.S. gov Operation Northwoods U.S. 506 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Barium, Strontium" "The Thorium Lithium correlation are the same as Barium Strontium correlations.. .We therefore have compelling evidence that this fission pathway of Uranium to T horium and Helium, with subsequent decay of the Helium into Lithium, has indeed taken place." lnk 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 507 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Wikipedi a rewrites history "Wikipedia completely endorses the 9/11 Commissi on Report version of 9/11, which is confirmation of Israel's complicity in 9/11. " lnk Israeli think tank Wikipedia Israel 508 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell phone calls "Olson, Ted" Ted Olson changed his st ory about his wifes calls from cell phones to airphones and once it became appare nt that cell phones could'nt be used the official narrative became ambiguous. 9/ 11 Commission report only has one mention of it. lnk U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 509 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation Wikipedi a rewrites history "Wikipedia does not mention elevator rennovation s on its WTC page, which is significant. When Wikipedia omits something that is important to 9/11 Truth, it confirms the importance of that subject" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" Israeli think tank Wikipedia Israel 510 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell phone calls "Burnett, Thomas" Caller ID proves the cell phone connections worked see Thomas Burnett. But it has been proven tha t they could not have worked from an airliner. lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 511 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" "US secretly selling nukes worldwide via Israel Carnaby was holding a trove of documents outlining the theft and transfe r of hundreds of nuclear warheads from the Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas." link Mini Nukes Israeli gov Pantex Israel 512 "Dean, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear physics short course "Dean, James" "Jim W. Dean is managing editor of Veterans Today, He has been w riting, speaking and doing public relations, television, consulting and now mult imedia work for a variety of American heritage, historical, military, veterans a nd Intel platforms." lnk Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" U.S. 513 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nukes, Isr ael" "Carnaby, Roland" "US secretly selling nukes worldwide via Israel Carnaby was holding a trove of documents outlining the theft and transfer of hun dreds of nuclear warheads from the Pantex Plant near Amarillo, Texas." link Mini Nukes Israeli gov Pantex Israel 514 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical Remote-controlled aircraft Controlled demolition Many eye witness es report a small jet or screaming missile rather than a Boeing 757. or Global H awk lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Boeing U.S. 515 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical Light poles Any airplane with an 85 ft wing span could have downed the light poles. The wing span of a Boeing 757 is 125 ft. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Boeing U.S. 516 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" "Where's the wreckage, no tail, no seats, nothing . Except mismatched what looks like planted parts." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 517 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" Omitted that only two wi ndows broken out in second floor of the Pentagon. Damage inconsistent with offic ial version. lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 518 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" "The fuselage of an airp lane is the weakest structure, yet the official story claims this is what put th e whole in the C-ring of the Pentagon. The engines and wings should have done mo re damage for they are the first points of hard surfaces," lnk U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 519 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" The core's of the Rolls- Royce RB-211 engines are practically indestructible but were never found while t he weakest part of the plane supposedly crashed through the C-ring of the Pentag on. Purdue University produced an animated simulation where the engines simply d issappear. lnk U.S. gov Boeing U.S. 520 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" The Pentagon Building Pe rformance report by the American Society of Civil Engineers stated that columns in the direct path of the plane were damaged but still standing after impact. Th e fuselage was destroyed in a distance approximately equal to its length which i s far less than the distance to the C-ring. No fuselage part reached the C-ring. lnk U.S. think tank ASCE U.S. 521 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" The opening on the first floor is only half the width of the projected dimension of the Boeing wingspan given the 42 degree angle of entry. No valid explanation why there is almost no d amage where the wingtips would have entered. and no similar damage from the tail . lnk U.S. think tank ASCE U.S. 522 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" The FBI has never releas ed definitive video surveillance tapes from at least 85 sources around the Penta gon. FOIA requests replies said only one tape showed the plane. and is only five frames that have become the focus of many theories over the years of which fram e 23 is the most controversial. lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 523 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon political Video fakery The FBI release another video in 2006 that has been comp ared and synchronized with the first footage released and frame 23 show visible proof of being retouched. Using sophisticated digital analysis techniques. lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 524 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical "Pentagon, where's the wreckage?" We're supposed to believ e that a 100 ton aircraft is buried underground. Witnesses speak of little piece s of shrapnel but no plane parts tv reporters could not identify any of the small pieces as parts of an airplane. lnk U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 525 lnk 526 "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Secret societies "Soros, George" "Soros connection to Rothschild goes through Richard Katz managi ng director of Rothschild Italia SpA. and a director ofN.M. Rothschild & Sons, L td., London. Rothschild Italia is controlled by Edmund de Rothschild, and Nils O . Taube chief executive officer of St. James Place Capital. The firm is controll ed by Jacob Rothschild" lnk Secret Societies U.S. corp Rothschi ld Israel 527 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies "Debunkers say the aircraft flight path was nearly vertical but this is not true. NTSB data shows flight path at about 4 5 degrees. The whole is only about 10 by 50 ft. The official story claims that 1 00 tons of airplane parts were excavated from a whole about 10-15 feet in diamet er, but no one has ever seen the parts." lnk U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 528 NYPost WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Myeloma" Victims "9/11 Nu ke Demolition Proof: Firefighters Radiation Cancers Off the Scale Firefighters who recovered bodies at Ground Zero are developing cancer at a faster rate than tho se who worked before the atrocity cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkins l ymphoma and multiple myeloma. The report also states increases in esophageal, pr ostate and thyroid cancers. see USGS data in pic" lnk Top 20 NYC U.S. 4/1/2011 529 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies "Normal plane crashes exhibit thick plum e of black smoke from fuel fires, but this did not occur for Flight 93 the smoke resembled more of an a bomb explosion. The crash site doesn't have a burned jet fuel odor, more like scorched earth.. The grass around hole is untouched, unburn ed, The plane was carrying 8-10 thousand gallons of fuel at the time of supposed impact." lnk U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 530 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies "Plane debris was found several miles aw ay from crash site. Debris fell in Indian Lake, a couple miles away, included a rib bone, pieces of seats, chunks of melted plastic, and New Baltimore, eight mi les away, the official story is that the plane nosedived into the ground in one piece" lnk U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 531 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" "recorded in tables: Uranium and its deadly offspring of strontium, barium, and zinc. Massive levels were found of strontium: 3,130 ppms as a maximum; 378 ppms as a minimum; and 726.61 ppms as the mean. In leaching tests, strontiums minimum was a 561 ppms; the maximum, a staggering 1,690 ppms; a mean of 1,083.10 ppms." pic Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 532 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Flight 93 physical Flight 93 anomilies "People speak of lights flickering at th e moment of the crash. pertains to radar functions in a shoot-down, the mayor sp oke of witnesses seeing a missile, and witnesses who said they saw a small white plane flying over just before the crash, Transcripts from voice recorder were u sed to analyze moments around Let's roll, but the actual recording was never mad e public." lnk U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 533 WMR "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Gladio Nebula "Gladio, stay behind, right-wing terrorist attacks, including death squa d hits and bombings, which were initially blamed by authorities on leftist guerr illa groups such as the Communist Combatant Cells. Belgian deepstate network, nu clear smugglers, drug dealers, diamond and gold smugglers, weapons merchants, al l tied to the Mossad," lnk Secret societies Israeli gov Nebula Israel 1-Jan-94 534 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 political Asbestos 9/11 Groundwork "WTC towers were obsolete and heating cooling costs were prohibitively high. Port Authority would have had to spend $800 million to mode rnize. 1993 bombing dropped tenancy, they contained 400 tons of asbestos, 7 mill ion square feet of asbestos tiles, every renovation required expensive asbestos remidiation," lnk "Controlled demolition, all" NYC Port Authority U.S. 535 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Strauss , Nietche, Heidegger, Schmidt" "Strauss, Leo" "Leo Strauss, was a Jewish Germa n-bornAmerican political philosopher who specialized in classical political philo sophy at the University of Chicago. .. immersed in the work of the phenomenologi sts Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, medieval Islamic and Jewish philosophy and encouraging the application of those ideas to contemporary political theory. " lnk Fascism & Neocons U.S. think tank Hudson Institute Israel 536 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Asbestos "Silverstein, Lawrence" "Asbestos abatement bill of $1 billion, the same cost of a brand new tower, Port Authority lost a lawsuit against insurance companies to fund asbestos cleanup. Port Authority could not demolish them because of asbest os, but too costly to maintain," lnk "Controlled demolition, all" NYC NYC Port Authority U.S. 5/1/2001 537 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 political WTC insurance fraud "Silverstein, Lawrence" "Silverstein purchased a 99 year lease on the WTC towers for $200 million, and insured them for $3.2 billion (in cluded a terrorism clause). His office was in the North tower. He claimed they w ere two separate events, court settlement was for $4.5 billion. NY Times reporte d that Silverstein spent $200 million on it to reinforce it beyond requirements for its main tennant Salomon Brothers." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Silverstein Properties U.S. 7/24/2001 538 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 political WTC insurance fraud "Silverstein, Lawrence" Silverstein received $800 millio n to rebuild WTC7 that originally cost $400 million. chairman of United Jewish Ap peal partner of Frank Lowy treasurer of the Jonathan Institute in 2001 lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties U.S. 539 Slate "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political BCCI corruption "Khashoggi, Adnan" "Washington Post: Khashoggi crime connections: A partial list would include Iran-Contra, Wedtech, BCCI, the Marcos Philippine kleptocrac y, the Synfuels fiasco, and the discovery of buried mustard gas in the pricy Spr ing Valley neighborhood of Washington, D.C. To these we must now add the tragic events of 9/11. Clinton to Auchi to Khashoggi" link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" "White House, Clinton" 540 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Bush, Marvin" "Stratesec had a small board of directors that included retired Air Force General James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother of George W . Bush) and Wirt Walker III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah , a member of the Kuwaiti royal family" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Bush Crime Family 541 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Walker, Wirt" "Stratesec had a small board of directors that included retired Air Force General James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother of George W . Bush) and Wirt Walker III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah , a member of the Kuwaiti royal family" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Bush Crime Family 542 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Controlled demolition Roth & Sons "WTCs were built to hold 3x-5x the weight they were required to hold. ""Its 244 perimeter columns made i t one of the most redundant and one of the most resilient skysrapers"". ""The bu ilding as designed is sixteen times stiffer than a conventional structure."" The rebuilt WTC7 has the same design as the original WTC. Skyscraper within a skysc raper thus validating the design." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Journal of Metallurgy U.S. 543 Salon "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "The Israeli art student mystery For almost two years, hundreds of young Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices -- in particular, th e DEA. In March 2001, the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive ( NCIX), a branch of the CIA, issued a heads-up to federal employees about suspicio us visitors to federal facilities." lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 544 Nodisinfo "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Bronfman, Edgar" "MEGA ... Israeli intell igence network ... (9/11 connections, Clinton) ... a goup of Jewish billionaires created in 1991 to provide political clout to AIPAC ... members: Michael Steinh ardt, Edgar Bronfman; Seagrams' Charles Bronfman; GOP power broker Max Fisher; c osmetics heir Ronald Lauder; CBS owner Lawrence Tisch; and bagel mogul Max Lende r." lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" Bronfman Israel 545 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Structural, steel" Controlled demolition WTC twin towers destruct ion exemplified at least 10 features suggestive of?controlled demolition. Freefa ll time of demoltion was about 10 seconds. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 546 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Controlled demolition "Skilling, John" "Steel melts at about 2800 F and softening at about 1100 degrees F. NIST found no proof that, .. . no beams temperature was beyond 480 degrees F. ""Live loads on these (permiter ) comumns can be increased by more than 2000% before failure occurs."" Normal hi gh rise buildings are designed to carry 3x to 5x times strength, so preliminary explosion are necessary to weaken the structure." lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 547 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Bout, Viktor" "Bout, Russian citizen, was arrested in Thailand in 2008 before being extradited in 2010 convicted of smuggling arms to FARC, in 1995 made arms shipments to pre-Taliban Northern Alliance, supplied arm s to Charles Taylor in Sierra Leon civil war, Wikipedia omits any info on W54 nucl ear pits and South Africa" lnk U.S. gov South Af rica 1/1/2008 548 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Office f urnishings fires Controlled demolition "Young, Leslie: No proof of temperatures about 250 degrees C. (480 degrees F). Jet fuel (bomb explosions ) burnt up in a few minutes only fuel left is office furnishings which are requir ed by code to be fire resistant. NIST claims temperatures of 1800 degrees have ne ver published data from simulations showing this..." lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 549 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Office f urnishings fires Controlled demolition NIST "Steel melts at about 28 00 F and softening can begin at about 1100 degrees F. NIST found no proof that, accept for a few isolated spots, no beams temperature was beyond 480 degrees F. ""Live loads on these (permiter) comumns can be increased by more than 2000% bef ore failure occurs.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 550 Wikispooks "JFK assassination, Israel" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Eisenberg ... Israel's main arms merchant, Mossad agent, founder of Israel Corp (that owned Zim America n Shipping) ... and see (Edmund de Rothschild chairman of BOD), close ties to Ki ssinger, funneled advanced US nuclear tech to China via Israel, served the Japan ese Imperial gov during WWII, Iran Contra deals, formed first units of the Irgun and Shanghai Beter ..." lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. corp Permindex U.S. 551 Journal of 9/11 Studies WTC 1-2 physical Pancaking Controll ed demolition "Chandler, David" The theory published by Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso in JOM in link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th FEMA U.S. "December 2001, and adop ted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) study, postulated that the floor connections broke due to fire, leading to a ""pancaking"" collapse of the floors. (which was later rejected)" 552 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Office furnishin gs fires NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Knoblauch, Loring" Loring Knoblauch CEO of Underwriters Labs; said that jet fuel fires were not reasonably foreseeab le; resigned suddenly in August 2004 after UL performed tests of WTC floor models where floors did not collapse and were barely affected lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. corp NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 8/1/2004 553 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Fireproo fing Controlled demolition NIST "NIST claims the fire proofing dislodged from the beams hastening the process causing the beams to sag. And made the dis lodging a necessary condition for the towers to collapse, Sagging trusses theory created even more problems for official version" lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 554 lnk 555 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Zadroga Act "Zadroga, James" "Not until June 2012 did the Zadroga Act include cancer benefits, but expires in 2016 and there isn't enough money to help the greatly e xpanding list now that numerous cancer illinesses have been included. Both the 9 /11 Victim Compensation Fund and the World Trade Center Health Program are funde d under the Zadroga Bill ... includes thyroid cancer victims. ... among 36,000 W TC related illnesses." lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov U.S. 6/1/2012 556 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Office f urnishings fires Controlled demolition "Sunder, Shyam" "Jet fuel does n ot create enough heat to melt the steel so the official story changed to the ste el was weakened or ""fire weakened steel"". Expands, softens and weakens failure due to sagging they pulled on the exterior columns as much as five feet breaking the columns.. 16 people were able to descend through the area of impact without being burned alive." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 557 Physics911 WTC 1-2 physical Office furnishings fires NIST / FEMA Cover-up NIST "Kerosene fires burned for less than 10 minutes (NIST 2005), or that the few fires remaining in the building were mostly oxygen- starved, low-temperature office fires and could not have melted or even weakened in any way 5"" thick steel columns." link "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 558 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Office f urnishings fires Controlled demolition NIST "NIST said they have no proof of temperatures high enough to weaken steel. ""of the more than 170 areas examined on 16 perimeter column panels, only three columns had evidence that the steel reached temperatures above 250 degrees C (480 degrees F) Omitted that the jet fuel fires lasted only a few minutes" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 559 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political 9/11 & Israel "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Eisenberg's ties to JFK assassination g o through Tibor Rosenbaum (BCI and Clay Shaw) and ties to 9/11 go through Zim Am erican Shipping which was owned by Israel Corp which he founded. WMR reports tha t Roland Carnaby was killed for his investigative work involving the shipment of mini nukes in Houston ship channel (2007) by Zim American Shipping (16th floor WTC, 2001)" lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" Permindex Israel 560 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Philip Zelikow (Zionist Jew)-- led the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission ; personally wrote the 9-11 Commission Report, a best-selling work of fiction; a ppointed Counselor of US Department of State; ""dual citizen"" of US and Israel his area of academic specialization before entering government the creation and maintenance of public myths (Fetzer)" lnk Top 20 U.S. gov "9/11 Co mmission, omissions" U.S. 561 Alternative News "Holocaust hoax, Wall Street" political Holocaust revision "Bush, Samuel Prescott" "Samuel Prescott Bush (family pa triarch). Founder of the Buckeye Steel Castings Company in 1894, Remington Arms Company, and Chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board for . Frank Rockefeller (brother of J.D. Rockefelle r) ran Buckeye Steel Castings ... Harriman's railroads were clients." lnk Fascism & Neocons Nazi Germany Bush Crime family U.S. 562 lnk 563 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Trusses Controlled demolition Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "Cause of initia l collapse: There was inward bowing of the exterior columns but the trusses were not strong enough to destroy the exterior columns. But if explosives were used they would add enough energy to initiate the collapse. NIST received $20 million to ""Determine why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the initial impa cts of the aircraft "". But have never done this." lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S. 564 WTC Demolition WTC 1-2 physical "Structural, steel" Controll ed demolition WTC Demolition Blog lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 565 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Controlled demolition "NIST: ""although it does not ac tually include the structural behavior of the tower after the conditions for col lapse initiation were reached and collapse became inevitable."" ""NIST did not d escribe the specific sequence of events after global collapse initiated."" 80,00 0 tons, John Gross, NIST lead engineer." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 566 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Controlled demolition debunkers / gatekeepers "Researchers sym pathetic to official version refer to publication: 'What Did and Did not Cause C ollapse of WTC Twin Towers in New York.' states: ""The high tilt seen on the Sou th Tower top would call for a three-dimensional model of progressive collapse."" Bazant, Zdenek P." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank debunkers U.S. 567 Alternative news "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Globalist agenda "Norman, Montagu" "Book: Britain Was Responsible f or WWI, WWII & the Holocaust search: ""montagu norman"" harriman schacht" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" UK Rothschild Israel 568 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Controlled demolition "Gage, Richard" "AE911Truth has asked NI ST to ""Publish their data in regards to the potential energy released during th e downwards movement of the upper stories and the absorbitive capacity of the in tact structure below the collapse zone.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S. 569 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "Angle, Richard Laws of physics violated, Newton's Third Law of Motion: ""For ev ery action there is an equal and opposite reaction"" like the head-on collision o f two cars, the top 14 floors collapse would use up all the energy available and none would remain to destroy the remaining 96 stories." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 570 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "Laws of physics violated, Law of Momentum Conservation, The total energy in an isolated system must always remain the same. Even if you assume that the top 14 stories had the potential to destroy the remaining 96 stories, it could not have happened at freefall speed. ... the transformation from movement to deformation ." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Scientists / eng ineers U.S. 571 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roo ts "Bath, James" "James Bath (born 1936) is a former director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a former frontman for Salem bin Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush, with whom Bat h served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. ... exihibits strong ties between Saudi monarchy and Bush crime family." lnk U.S. gov BCCI U.S. 572 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleblower "Bennett, Scott" "Scott Bennett, U.S. Army Special Operat ions Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychologic al Operations Command) clashed with Zakheim in efforts to expose funds flowing t hrough Swiss Banks to terrorists.... to protect deep state funding flowing to radic al Muslim terrorists." lnk Saudis & 9/11 "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" al Queda banks Saudi Arabia 573 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "Lopez, Alfred P. E. ""The towers could not have come straight down through the resistance of 80,000 tons of structural steel at the speed of freefall. "" Chand ler, David ...""If the top section made an impact on the core structure below it , the core structure is going to push back equally hard, and that's what is goin g to cause the collapse to slow down.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S. 574 Iamthe Witness "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Freemasons / Illuminati Jewish "The 'conspiracy theory' that Freemasonry and Il luminati secretly control many major aspects of society and are working to contr ol society for a New World Order is an actual reality when you look at Jewish co ntrol of the western world's finance, media, entertainment, alcohal, gambling in dustries. The Hegelian Cold War, 9/11, JFK were all incremental events." lnk Secret societies Israeli think tank Illuminati Germany 575 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "Dusterwald, Steven, P. E. ""As energy is drained away from the system, to defor m those members, it would slow down the descending mass and cause a descent at l ess than freefall speed."" Gibbs, Jody The building fell at a freefall speed whi ch can only occurr if the vertical structure below has been removed." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S. 576 Wikipedia JFK assassination political Rothschi ld & JFK "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. f ormerly ZIM Israel Navigation Company Ltd. and Zim American Israeli Shipping Inc ., Haifa, Hamburg, Manhattan, Norfolk, founded 1945 by the Jewish Agency / Hista drut ... on immigration tasks, 1948 war, oil from Iran to Israel... purchased by Shaul Eisenberg" lnk Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shi pping Co. Israel 577 Killtown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Angel, Udi" "In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought 100,000 immigrants to Israel. ... In 1969, the Israel Corporation acquired about half of Zim shares. T he Israeli government and other, smaller, investors held the rest. In April 1999 , the Ofer Brothers Group became the major shareholder of the Israel Corporation , and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman of the Board of Zim. In February 2004 the Israel Corp completed ownership" link Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 578 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "Rice, William P. E. ...""The only way that it can accelerate is by having it pr e-engineered, precisely timed, and precisely placed explosives"" freefall speed automatically means controlled demolition. Cazzaniga, Luigi Debunkers claim the collapse speed of 10 seconds is correct, but the time on available videos is 16 seconds, by listening to how long the rumble lasts." lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S. 579 "Hoefle, John" JFK assassination political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Deutch, John" "Link Cheney, Brown & Root, Dresser, Sch lumberger (John Deutch) to JFK assassination thru banks like Lazard Frères and Rot hschild connected ( First City National Bank, Houston) ... through co. pres. Jea n de Menil, the White Russian husband of Schlumberger heiress Dominique Schlumbe rger de Menil, acting through the New Orleans office of the Swiss-based company Permindex" lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. corp Citi U.S. 1-Jan-63 580 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition "Gage, Richard" """ A floor impacting th e floor below itwould transfer momentum it would take a minumum of 30 seconds to collapse just by transferring the momentum to the floors the 10 second freefall speed has been confirmed by official sources. ""Since the stories below the leve l of collapse initiation provided little resistance the building section above c ame down essentially in freefall.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Scientists / engineers U.S. 581 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Globalist agenda "At the time of the Oil-for-Food scandal it turn ed out that Nadhmi Auchi's (Le Cercle) General Mediterranean Holdings had a majo rity share in BNP Paribas, the bank that handled all of the Iraqi loans and has subsidiaries all over the Middle-East. Auchi is a member of Le Cercle and is up to his ears involved in illegal arms trafficking, British Intelligence, and the British throne itself." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" UK gov Rothschi ld Israel 582 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition "Sunder, Shyam" "Shyam Sunder of NIST (l ead investigator), ""The measurements have indicated that Tower One collapsed in about 11 seconds and Tower Two collapsed in about 9 seconds"" and has acknowled ged that the tower camed down in nearly freefall speed. "" the entire top of the building pretty much came down in freefall.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 583 \ "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political False Fl ag Jewish "1940, SS Patria, with 1900 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany to Palestine was bombed by the to prevent British authorites from depor ting the refugees. 260 were killed in the explosion. They were operating under o rders from Moshe Sharett (the future second prime minister of Israel, 1953-1955 ... Zionist leaders blamed the British, Haganah lie eventually revealed." lnk Holocaust Israeli gov Palestine 584 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Gatekeepers debunkers / gatekeepers "Quirant, Jerome the deb unkers response to freefall issues: none. They either belittle or ignore AE911Tru th organization." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank debunkers U.S. 585 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Gatekeepers debunkers / gatekeepers "David Meis, of Popular Mechanics, wrote: ""Not one of the leading conspiracy theorists has a backgroud in engineering, construction, or related fields."" appeared in 'Debunking 9/11 M yths, 2006 and revised version in 2011" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank Popular Mechanics U.S. 1/1/2006 586 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Gatekeepers "Rivera, Geraldo" More than 2000 architect s and engineers have examined the evidence about WTC7 collapse and disagree with the NIST report AE911truth no longer features this number on their website front pagethe number is no longer increasing and has remained around 2340 for over six months as of Mar 2015. ... They do not mention Israel anywhere on their site. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S. 587 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1993 physical "Mini Nukes, thermobaric " Gatekeepers "The explosive used by the bombers in the 1993 W orld Trade Center bombing incorporated the FAE (fuel air explosion) principle, u sing three tanks of bottled hydrogen gas to enhance the blast." lnk "Control led demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Engineers & Scientists U.S. 588 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Hat tru sses, antenna" Controlled demolition Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth The antenna began descending before the exterior trusses indicating the central core was destroyed first. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Scientists / engineers U.S. 589 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Structu ral, steel" Gatekeepers debunkers / gatekeepers The debunkers have offer ed different reasons than controlled demolition saying it would have been imposs ible to place explosives and be undetected saying it would take an army of worke rs and months to be accomplished. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank debunkers U.S. 590 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation 9/11 Groundwork Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "A major elevator rennovation in both towers by Ace Elevator was occurring in the months before 9/11. This could provide cover for explosives being planted. Elevator Wo rld Magazine Humin, Richard: Chief elevator engineer for WTC. The elevator shaft s gave direct access to the core columns." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Ace Elevator U.S. 591 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Peterson, Pete" "Peter Peterson CEO of the Black stone Group, parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000" lnk Secret s ocieties U.S. think tank CFR U.S. 592 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation 9/11 Groundwork Scientists / Engineers 9/11 Truth "Forbes, Scott: Movement of heavy equipment on supposedly empty floors was noted by buil ding occupants in the weeks leading up to 9/11. Forbes said the people who worke d for Aon were moved from the 97th floor. Pneumatic drills, hammering sounds. Fl oors were skaking something heavy moved and taken off wheels." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. corp Aon U.S. 7/1/2001 593 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation 9/11 Groundwork "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "William Rodriguez, who worked at the WTC for 20 years also recalls heavy machinery movements. 34th floo r, heavy equipment being moved around. He knew is was an empty floor and no one was supposed to be there. The elevators didn't stop on the 34th floor." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 truth U.S. 594 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical bomb sni ffing dogs 9/11 Groundwork "dogs, bomb sniffing" "After 1993 bomb sniffin g dogs were used in WTC security, but were removed on Sept 6, 2001." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots NYC Port Authority U.S. 9/6/2001 595 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Power do wn 9/11 Groundwork "Corbett, Gary: Unprecedented total building pow er down on Sept 8, 2001 until Sept 9, 2001. For the first time in 30 years, all the security systems were useless at the same time. All surveillance cameras wer e inoperative. and door security." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" NYC Port Authority U.S. 9/8/2001 596 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Power do wn 9/11 Groundwork "Forbes, Scott" "Scott Forbes, database administrator in the South Tower, also reported power down. He said Port Authority was conductin g a recabling exercise to increase the bandwidth of computer networks. He saw sp ools of cable, tool boxes, uniformed workers, looked legitimate," lnk "Controlled demolition, all" NYC Port Authority U.S. 9/9/2001 597 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Controll ed demolition Controlled demolition debunkers / gatekeepers "Coburn, David: Debunkers say ""controlled demolition always begin from the bottom"" WTC destruct ion began from the top but this is not true. They are designed according to engin eering needs and are initiated from top, bottom and middle." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. think tank Popular Mechanics U.S. 598 Radiation .org WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" "U.S. counties with the highest thyroid cancer incidence are in a contiguous are a of eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and southern New York. Radiation.org blam es nearby nuclear power plants, but Shoreham was decommissioned in 1989, Oyster Creek is 75 miles south," pic "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 599 "Rowley, Coleen" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleblower "Rowley, Coleen" "Minneapolis Special Agent, FBI, tried i n vain to get a wiretap of Zacarias Moussaoui, Rowley described how in mid-Augus t of 2001, her office was contacted by some flight instructors, concerned becaus e Moussaoui had paid for flight lessons with large amounts of cash. ... Time Mag azine named her Person of the Year in 2002, along with fellow whistleblowers Cyn thia Cooper of WorldCom and Sherron Watkins of Enron." link Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 8/15/2001 600 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosions, during 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "Seigel, Rick" "Rick Seigel, WTC 2, 10 pre-collapse explosions, DVD, www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCrLDQwNlqw 10 10 WINS TV audio track, use headpho nes to hear low frequency sounds about 24 minutes into the video" link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 601 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "... on 3/27/01, S/A's arrested Eran LIVNI, Aran OFEK, b oth Israeli males, and Michal GAL, POB: Afula Israel, an Israel female. OFEK and GAL were recognized ... attempting to sell paintings at the DEA Dallas F.D. on Regal Row WMR has linked them to Concord Camera, Amdocs and Everest Special Situ ations Fund, Hollywood, Florda" lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 3/3/2001 602 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Gatekeepers debunkers / gatekeepers "Loiseau x, Mark: People mistake the sound of explosions, but most were reported by firef ighters and police who have experienced many explosions." lnk "Control led demolition, all" debunkers U.S. 603 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 physical "Controlled demolition, nuclear" "How small can a nuclear reaction be? Through hy drodynamic experiments for triggering fusion, extremely lows yield nuclear explo sions have been generated on the magnitude of ""several Pounds of TNT."" As note d above, in 1961 .01 kt was unveiled in 1961. In 1956, the Tamalpais with a yiel d of 0.072 kt was declassified." link "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. military U.S. 604 Fascism & Neocons 605 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical Ejections "Ejections: 50-ton exterior column beams flung upward from Towers basements to p ierce buildings such as the Deutsche Bank across from WTC 2 (15th floor), the Am erican Express (17th-19th) and Verizon buildings across from WTC 1s two sides." pic 9/11 Truth U.S. 606 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Controlled demolition "9:59 am, Collapse of the South Tower, 9:59:00 A M" lnk U.S. gov Israel 607 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Controlled demolition "10:28, Collapse of the North Tower," lnk U.S. gov Israel 608 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Controlled demolition "5: 20 pm, controlled demolition of WTC7" lnk U.S. gov Israel 609 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "Rodriguez, William" "William Rodriguez, reported explosions that pushed him upward, that came from the B2 an d B3 level. He thought is was the mechanical room, ""when I went to verbalize it was a generator we heard a BOOM all the way on the top two different events two different times.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 610 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Controlled demolition 9/11 Commission "9/11 Co mmission explanation of explosions: ""A jet fuel fireball erupted upon impact an d shot down at least one bank of elevators."" ""The fireball exploded onto numer ous lower floors, including the B4 level, four stories below ground."" but witne sses report explosions before impact of plane." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 611 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Griffit h, Arturo: There were only two elevators that spanned all floors, that were used by maintenance people and Arturo Griffith, who was on that elevator and recalle d the three separate explosions " lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 612 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Each to wer contained 2,160,000 cubic yards of space, the alleged planes had 10,000 gall ons of fuel at time of impact, . Or 50 cubic yards insignificant if half the fuel was consumed on impact, and 20 needed to ignite furnishings, leaving only 5 to d escend over 800 ft to the basement ... all impossible.." lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 613 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Gatekeepers debunkers / gatekeepers "David D unbar of Popular Mechanics(Hearst owned), ignored that the explosions were heard before impact (faked)." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. thi nk tank Popular Mechanics U.S. 614 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Elevato rs, fuel fires" Controlled demolition No regular elevators connecting the top floors to the basement. The WTC was constructed of three separate buildi ngs built on top of each other. each with their own elevator system. only two el evators connecting the lobby and 78th floor. But (plane) struck 97th floor ... n o continuous shaft for fuel to pour down. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 615 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Scott, Michelle: Three lobby explosions within one hour after impact that blew all the windows out before collapse It took survivors one hour to walk down Tower One aft er plane impact (faked). When they got to the lobby there was another explosion. " lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 616 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" Israel used Zim American Shipping Comapa ny out of Houston Texas to smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland Carnaby set up cameras to track these shipments. Zim has cl ose ties to the Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the police in a high speed chase i n Houston ... his laptops contained information on the shipments. lnk T op 20 Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 617 Wikispooks WTC 1-2 physical "Khalesov, Big Nukes" "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "Khalezov, Dimitri" "Dimitri A. Khal ezov, is a Russian National and former citizen of the Soviet Union. He is a form er commissioned officer of... the Special Control Service of the 12th Chief Direct orate of the Defense Ministry of the USSR.... Soviet atomic (later nuclear) intell igence was a secret military unit responsible for the detection of nuclear explo sions" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Russia 618 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "John Sc hroeder NYFD, was climbing stairs, when he heard explosion from below, ""We came down and it looked like a bomb went off in the lobby."" There were dozens of ex plosions reported before and during the collapse (demolition) of the WTCs." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 619 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "McLough lin, John, Port Authority Police: Explosions moments before South Tower collapse d, ""We heard a loud explosion coming from the area near Building Two"" at that point the whole building began collapsing"" " lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 620 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Many wi tnesses describe explosions during the collapse. ""it sounded like if you had a hundred of those little fire crackers and you lit em all off"" ""sounded like th e finally of the Fourth of July"" ""there were explosions less than a second apa rt"", ""boom, boom, boom (in raped sequence)... twenty straight hits""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 621 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "Loutchansky, Grigori" "Grigory Loutchansky, linked by Interpol to the Russian mafia, money laundering, drug tr afficking, nuclear smuggling across the Baltics, and international arms trading, attended a Democrat Party White House dinner in October of 1993. Loutchansky go t a private two-minute meeting and a picture with Mr. Clinton. (The Washington T imes, 2/11/97;" link U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Russia 622 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NIST / F EMA Cover-up "Hamburger, Hamburger" Ronald Hamburger structural engineer and Senior Principal at Simpson Gumpertz and Heger consulting engineers; was a prin cipal author of FEMAs initial report on the collapse of the twin towers; later a key participant in the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed. lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov Simpson Gumpertz & Heger U.S. 623 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" MSM Sequence of explosions heard in ABC Television report NIST FOIA Cumulus release The same sequence of explosions heard in ABC television report can be heard on PBS documentary. lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 624 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Graham, Senator Bob" "The 28 pages make up part four of the r eport, a section titled Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensi tive National Security Matters. They are widely believed to implicate Saudi offic ials or describe support from Saudi intelligence for the hijackers, 15 of whom w ere Saudi citizens." lnk Top 20 U.S. gov Saudi Arabia 8/1/2014 625 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" Israel used Zim American Shipping Comapa ny out of Houston Texas to smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland Carnaby set up cameras to track these shipments. Zim has cl ose ties to the Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the police in a high speed chase i n Houston ... his laptops contained information on the shipments. lnk Zim Shipping Israeli gov Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 626 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 medical "Cancer, Thyroid " Wall Street workers "survivors, 9/11 WTC" Elevated numbers of case s of Multiple myeloma and Hodgkins disease are reported among WTC first responde rs and Wall Street workers. Did Griffin purposely omit Thyroid cancer in his sta tement. Thyroid cance is only contracted through nuclear radiation of which Grif fin (AE911Truth) says was not a factor in 9/11. Gatekeeper? lnk "Victims , all" U.S. corp NNSA U.S. 627 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "Jennings, Barry" "Barry J ennings reported a big explosion in WTC7 before either of the twin towers disint egrated. sometime after 9am he was trying to reach street level from the 23rd fl oor of WTC7. ""We made it to the 8th floor big explosion "" he was trapped in th e building for several hours and kept hearing explosions." lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 628 Alternative News "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Hegelian dialect Jewish "Occult Forces 1943 Paul Riche (Mamy) learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring with the Jews and the Anglo-american nations t o encourage France into a war against Germany. Jean Mamy, a ex-freemason himself , was executed after the war. Occult Forces 1943" lnk Secret societies global Illuminati Israel 629 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" MSM "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Ron Di Francesc o, the person who descended from the 91st floor of the South Tower all the way t o ground level, he was so close to an explosion that a fireball was coming right at himblew him across Church street, he woke up in the hospital two days later CN N, Beyond 9/11" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp CNN / Ti me U.S. 630 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "There were at least thr ee explosions in the North Tower before the supposed impacts of the plane. explo sion in lobby of North Tower 1 hr after impact of the plane but before the colla pse of tower two. Michael Hess confirmed the explosion on the 8th floor of WTC7. He was colleague of Barry Jennings. He said he was in the Emergency Management Center on the 23rd floor," lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th U.S. 631 9/11 Encyclopedia "JFK assassination, Israel" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Eisenberg, Shaul" "AIG's Greenberg was dee ply involved in Chinese trade in the 80s with Kissinger. Greenberg was also very close to Shaul Eisenberg, who headed the Asian section of Israels Mossad, sellin g sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese Communist military. Greenberg appointed Kissinger as chairman of AIGs International Advisory Board" lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" "Irgun, Betar, Stern, LEHI" Israel 632 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Squibs Controlled demolition "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Steve Luce, US Army, Explosive Demolitions Expert, noticed squibs 30-40 stories below the collapsing floors tha t contained concrete and debris, they were isolated to certain floors, if it was air compression it would have occurred on all floors and would not contain conc rete dust or smoke that far below." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S. 633 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Squibs Gatekeepers debunkers / gatekeepers "Squibs, according to debunkers is air b lowing out the windows, as the structure cascades down, and ignore that squibs w ere seen as much as 40 floors below collapsing sections." lnk "Control led demolition, all" debunkers AE911Truth U.S. 634 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Ejection s Controlled demolition "Donly, Michael" "Powerful ejections of c oncrete and steel seen during collapse that would require far more explosive ene rgy than thermite or possibly even conventional explosives. Ejecta, lateral ejec tion of large structures, over 500 ft in all directions, reaching the Millenium Hotel and WTC 3," lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 635 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Ejection s Controlled demolition "FEMA documented a 1200 ft diameter debr is field around each tower where major chunks Bank across from WTC 2 (15th floor ), the American Express (17th-19th) and Verizon buildings across from WTC 1s two sides. Down in WTC 5s basements, a firefighter reported one guy had an I beam on him ." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 636 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Ejection s Controlled demolition "Jody Gibbs, an architect, says gravity works vertically not laterally. Material was ejected hundreds of yards laterally . The ejected structures are steel, and aluminum exterior columns. And were embe dded in buldings nearby." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 637 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Ejection s Gatekeepers debunkers / gatekeepers Debunkers say that lateral eject ions were composed of aluminum cladding only. not true lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" debunkers U.S. 638 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Ejection s Controlled demolition "David Chandler calculated the energy ne eded to hurl structures laterally. Plotted graphs from data, energy needed to hu rl a 4 ton girder is comparable to shooting a 200 lb cannon ball three miles. Jo dy Gibbs, an architect, says gravity works vertically not laterally. Material wa s ejected hundreds of yards laterally. The ejected structures are steel, and alu minum exterior columns." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 639 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical 45 degre e & V-cut beams "8:00:00 PM Redyke, James: 45 degree cuts with t hermite are typically used in controlled demolitions. shaped charges some of the cuts were made by ironworkers in the cleanup, Dykon Explosive Demolition" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 640 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical 45 degree & V-cut beams First responders "Kevin McPadden saw ""to ns and tons"" of 45 degree cut beams in the evening of 9/11 when there was no ac etylene or iron workers on site. ""It's just not possible to cut that amount of beams in that short a time"" 45 degree shaped charges are commonly used in build ing demolition." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 641 lnk 642 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical 45 degre e & V-cut beams "V-cut, a controlled demolition technique was ob served on steel beams from WTC7. In the cleanup, iron workers would not use diag onal or v-cuts." lnk 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 643 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Hat tru sses, antenna" Controlled demolition "The complete disappearance of t he hat trusses, large structures that bound the columns from above, covered an a cre in area on top of each building. Nothing could have crushed them from above, they also supported the antenna on the South Tower, should have been sitting on top of the rubble." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 644 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Hat tru sses, antenna" Controlled demolition "The antenna on the North Tower which was supported by the hat truss was found, but the hat truss itself was com pletely destroyed. There was obviously nothing above it to cause this." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 645 Anonymous Physicist WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "A fission nuke (W-54) uses up o nly some 1-6% of its fissile material in its chain reactions before the remainde r is blown apart and gave rise to the underground fires, the micro-nukes placed within the 47 core columns were chosen small enough so as to not vaporize the ou ter structure ... The buildings didn't come down at free fall acceleration until the mini nukes vaporized the core columns." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 646 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "Hotspots remain ed clearly visible and were getting worse. As they cleared more rubble, oxygen w as better able to reach the fires and would burst into flames. ""Vitchers crew p icked up 40 to 60 foot-long pieces of steel impaled in the pile, where the botto m 20 ft would be glowing redhot."" temps 1300 degrees, Petake, CNN, ABC all repo rted melting boots, flames ... days, weeks after 9/11" lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. corp Bovis Construction U.S. 10/23/2001 647 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "Last undergroun d fire extinguished Dec 19, 2001. From OSHA.gov, ""Underground fires burned at t emperatures up to 2000 degrees."" and was confirmed by Mayor Giuliani, and Ameri can Society of Safety Engineers said therographic images taken from helicopters showed temperatures from 400- 2800 degrees." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov OSHA U.S. 12/19/2001 648 ------Fascism & Neocons 649 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "Concrete is res ilient to high temperatures, yet molten concrete was found at ground zero and pr eserved at the New York Police Museum, including hand guns embedded in concrete. On a plaque it said: Fire temperatures were so intense that concrete melted lik e lava around anything in its path..." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" NYC New York Police Museum U.S. 650 Wikipedia JFK assassination political Rothschi ld & JFK "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. f ormerly ZIM Israel Navigation Company Ltd. and Zim American Israeli Shipping Inc ., Haifa, Hamburg, Manhattan, Norfolk, founded 1945 by the Jewish Agency / Hista drut ... on immigration tasks, 1948 war, oil from Iran to Israel... purchased by Shaul Eisenberg" lnk Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shi pping Co. Israel 651 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Beams, horseshoe" "Voorsanger, Bart: Steel beams bent and mangled, builders and architects have never seen anything like it, 6"" thick beams curle d into prezel shapes, near perfect horseshoe bend, History Channel, 9/11 museum curator" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" Israeli corp U.S. 652 "Cahill, Dr. Thomas" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "Cahill: soil and glass were boil ing at Ground Zero well after September 11th, 2001 and up to and including Octobe r 30, 2001 and beyond. ...extraordinary temperatures required and oxygen.... Und erground fires, whether fed by nanothermite or other incendiaries, require oxyge n. There is only ONE source of igniting and maintaining a fire without a constan t feed of oxygen. Nuclear reactions...." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 10/30/2001 653 Killtown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Angel, Udi" "In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought 100,000 immigrants to Israel. ... In 1969, the Israel Corporation acquired about half of Zim shares. T he Israeli government and other, smaller, investors held the rest. In April 1999 , the Ofer Brothers Group became the major shareholder of the Israel Corporation , and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman of the Board of Zim. In February 2004 the Israel Corp completed ownership" link "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 654 WRMEA "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild / Zio nism "Deutch, John" "John Deutch, Jewish, .. is an Institute Professor at th e MIT and serves on the Board of Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. Deutch is also a member of the Trilateral Commission. Was char ged with having classified materials on his laptop, Janet Reno declined prosecut ion and Clinton pardoned him." link Secret societies U.S. think tank Trilateral Commission U.S. 655 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "Ron Burger of t he National Envirnomental Health Association stated: ""Feeling the heat, seeing the molten steel, the layers upon layers of ash, like lava, it reminded me of Mt . St. Helen's."" Peter Tulley of Tully Construction, saw pools of ""literally mo lten steel"" at the WTC." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. thi nk tank National Environmental Health Association U.S. 656 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "William Langewi sche, author of American Ground, mentions ""Streams of molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole."" Mar k Loizeaux, CEO of Controlled Demolition, Inc, was told by contractors about ""H ot spots of molten steel in the basements at the bottom of the elevator shafts o f the main towers.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 657 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Cars, t oasted" debunkers "Debunkers suggest fuel from cars in parking lot s, and power generators, but the Journal of the American society of Safety Engin eers said of the 2000 cars in the basement many were in pristine condition. And 72000 gallons of diesel fuel for generators was found and had not exploded." lnk U.S. think tank Journal of the American Society of Safety Engine ers U.S. 658 Alternative news "JFK assassination, Israel" political Israel & JFK assassination "Hunt, H.L." "The United States Army Environm ental Command (USAEC) was loaded with Jewish agents that hated JFK for his anti- nuke actions Morris Jaffe, who owned the Dal-Tex building and bankrolled LBJ elec tions was made rich by collusion with LBJ, H. L. Hunt and the USAEC through uran ium deals (Dal-Tex front)... the USAEC basically owned LBJ." lnk "JFK, 9/ 11 & Zionists" U.S. gov USAEC U.S. 659 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" Controlled demolition "Astaneh, Dr. Abolhassan " "Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh, professor of civil engineering at University of California at Berkeley, said "" I saw melting of girders in World Trade Center. "" ... like the clocks in Savador Dali paintings That could only happen if you g et steel yellow hot or white hot -- perhaps around 2000 degrees.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. Academia University of California U.S. 660 "Cars, toasted" Controlled demolition "Wood, J udy" "(Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) toasted cars. No proof no evidence, just conjecture." 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 661 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Molten steel, concrete & granite" NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Molten steel ru nning down channels of beams seen, debunkers and NIST deny any knowledge of molt en steel, A dense mass of fused concrete and steel objects is held at a hangar a t the Kennedy Airport. ""The Meteorite""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 662 American Chronical "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Dulles, Allen" "James Angleton, the head of cou nter-intelligence for the CIA 1963, was in fact a mole working for Mossad and cl osely worked with Allen Dulles ... Both Angleton and Dulles had close ties to th e CIA (Mossad) front company Permindex, a subsidiary of International Trade Mart run by Clay Shaw (CIA asset). Rosenbaum, Mossad's chief money launderer and arm s merchant ran Permindex." lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. gov Permindex Israel 1-Jan-63 663 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "While the US issued humiliating certifications to judge countries on their ability to stop drug traffic, Big Oil produced 90% of the ch emicals needed to process cocaine and heroin, which CIA surrogates process and d istribute. CIA chemists were the first to produce heroin." link Intel ag encies "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" CIA U.S. 664 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Pulveriz ation NYC & 9/11 "Pataki, George" "Evidence against a gravitationa l collapse: Complete pulverization of all the contents of the WTC towers, beginn ing with the concrete floors. Governor George Pataki told of pulverized concrete all over Manhattan in a 2-3 inch layer. 425,000 cubic yards of concrete." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" NYC U.S. 665 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Pulveriz ation Controlled demolition First responders "43,600 windows, 600,000 sq ft of glass, 200,000 tons of structural steel, 5 million sq ft of gypsum, si x acres of marble, and the contents of 110 stories of furnishings. Nothing was r ecognizable other than dust and steel. No phones, tables, desks, computers, chai rs, Pulverization of filing cabinets, only one was found and it was melted into a blob of steel found in the basement." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank U.S. 666 WMR Plamegate political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" "... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research Center) suffered a major equipment failure in the 1990s that impacted on Israel's ability to re-pro cess nuclear fuel.prompting Israel to actively smuggle nuclear materials to Isra el.... the smuggling operations immediately became known to the CIA's Counterpro liferation Division and its non-official cover (NOC) Brewster Jennings & Associa tes ... see Carnaby and Pantex" lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. gov Brewster Jennings U.S. 1-Jan-95 667 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 medical "Victims, vapori zed" Victims chief medical examiner "Victims were vaporized. No bodies found . Hospitals recorded almost no arrivals. 2749 people were killed. Fewer than 300 whole bodies were recovered. 20,000 pieces of bodies were found. 6000 small eno ugh to fit in 5 in. test tubes. 200 pieces were matched to a single person. 1630 identified, 800 by DNA alone. Vaporization is a signature of a nuclear weapons u se" lnk "Victims, all" NYC Engineers & Scientists U.S. 668 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 medical Victims chief medical examiner 1119 or 41 % of victims remained unidentified because th ere wasn't enough DNA. Body parts found in a wide field around the site. And fra gments of human remains emerged for many years. lnk "Victims, all" NYC NYC Medical Examiner U.S. 669 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 medical Victims chief medical examiner "Body parts of victims found on the roof of the Deutsche Bank building kept increasing to a total more than 700. USA Today wrote that the bone fragments were tiny the size of your pinky nail, they couldn't have come fr om planes, blocked by the South Tower, were of fire fighters not in North Tower. " lnk "Victims, all" NYC NYC Medical Examiner U.S. 670 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical Controll ed demolition Controlled demolition "WTC 7, first, had not been hit by an airplane, but displayed all the characteristics of a controlled demolition . Suffered non-devastating fires, sudden onset of collapse, rapid acceleration t owards the ground, symetrical descent, the collapse appeared to start at the bot tom, unlike the twin towers." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 671 lnk Top 20 672 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical Controll ed demolition MSM "Rather, Dan" "Dan Rather: ""It's reminiscent of all t hose pictures we've seen on television where a building was deliberately destroy ed by well placed dynamite"" Danny Jowenko: ""That's a controlled demolition"" th is is a professional job done by a team of experts."" ""the bottom goes first"" They just blew up the columns, then the rest just caves in."" " lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. corp U.S. 673 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical Controll ed demolition NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Sunder, Shyam" "NIST's explanation: ""W TC7 collapsed because of fires"" ""We really have a new kind of collapse where f ire produces progressive collapse"" according to NIST it was due to the failure of Column 79 it blamed thermal expansion as the ""new phenomena"" that caused th e collapse of the structure. Sunder Shyam is NIST Building & Fire Research Lab D irector" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / F EMA UL Labs U.S. 1/1/2008 674 "Francis, Stephen NFU" physical Soil trucked into WTC "Evidence destruction, obstruction" Soil trucked into WTC immediatel y after 9/11 to remidiate radioactivity lnk "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" U.S. 675 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Washington Group is owned by URS Corp, who ""he lp manage and operate Idaho National Lab, Los Alamos NL and Lawrence Livermore N ational labs LLNL,"" through a partnership with Battelle, ... Washington Group a lso made payments to Greenhorne & O'Mara, whose employee Theresa McAllister was a lead author for the FEMA and NIST reports on the WTC disaster." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp URS Corp U.S. 676 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Controlled demolition NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Sunder, Shyam" "Computer model to simulate the fires is also inconsistent with their own statements. No one has been allowed to verify the data used to create it. NIST computer model shows fi res on floor 12 east side peaked about 4pm but photos show they died out by 4pm. NIST inconsistently states: ""their is no indication of fires burning on the ea st side of the 12th floor at this time.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 677 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical Controll ed demolition Controlled demolition "Quirant, Jerome" "Debunkers say t hat the steel in WTC 7 was weaker than the average structure, and had been built over an electrical substation. But NIST itself has refuted this possibility. In final report: ""The transfer elements such as trusses, girders and cantilever o verhangs that were used to support ... the office building over the Con Edison s ubstation did not play a significant role in the collpase of WTC7.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" debunkers U.S. 678 Take Our World Back "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political False flag "Ben-Gurion, David" "David Ben-Gurion declares the independe nce of the new Zionist State of Israel,... hours before the British Mandate is d ue to expire. May 15. Eleven minutes after midnight, U.S. President Harry Truman officially recognises the proclaimed Jewish state in Palestine." lnk global Israeli gov "Irgun, Betar, Stern, LEHI" Israel 15-May-48 679 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical NYC & 9/11 First responders "Dozens of NY police, fire fighters and first responders were warned by the fire department that WTC7 was going to be br ought down as much as five hours before it happened. "" by noon or one o'clock th ey told us we had to move from that triage site "" said Indira Singh, a first re sponder on Guns and Butter, KPFA" lnk NYC U.S. 680 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical Warnings First responders "Fire fighters were warned of the impend ing collapse of WTC7. ""We were just hanging out, until Tower 7 came down."" and Sweeny confirmed." lnk NYC NYFD U.S. 681 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical MSM "4:00:00 PM CNN was spreading the rumor that WTC 7 was ""going t o collapse or is collapsing"" " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp CNN / Time U.S. 682 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 political Disinfo & ommissions "Stanley, Jane" "5:00:00 PM BBC announced that WTC7 had collapsed, but their own video shows it still standing during the message." lnk UK corp BBC U.S. 683 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 political MSM "CNN (and BBC) reported that the police were clearing the area a round WTC7 preparing for its collapse. ""We are walking back. The building is ab out to blow up.""" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp CNN / Ti me U.S. 684 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel (9/11 roots go at least back to the 1980s) ... In 1985 Dre xel Lambert (Rothschild front) S&L Jewish crook Michael Milken helped Houston Na tural Gas merged with Internorth to create Enron. Kenneth Lay (Neocon) headed Ho uston Natural Gas and became CEO. Enron was the biggest corporate contributor to George W. Bushs campaign to become Texas Governor. link "JFK, 9/11 & Zio nists" Rothschild Israel 685 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical First responders "5:20:00 PM A person heard a countdown right before the collapse. waiting for orders from a Red Cross representative, The Red Cross pers on had a radio ... McPadden: ""at the last three seconds he took his hand off an d you hear three, two, one ... after a second or two you started to hear the exp losions, ... then boom, boom, ... then building collapsed." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. think tank Red Cross U.S. 686 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "In 1997 Enron attempted to negotiate a $2 billi on deal with the Uzbek state-owned Neftegas with help from the Bush White House. When that effort and other privatization attempts were rebuffed in 1998, CIA-ba cked Islamist attacks on Uzbekistans government were ratcheted up." link U.S. corp Enron U.S. 1-Jan-98 687 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 physical Controll ed demolition Controlled demolition "Chandler, David" "After the initi al failure of the penthouse on the eastern side of the building, the entire stru cture came down in about 6 seconds. The first 2.5 seconds is indistinguishable f rom gravity freefall speed." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th AE911Truth U.S. 688 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 political Controll ed demolition NIST / FEMA Cover-up "AE911Truth confronted NIST with freefall analysis and forced NIST to change their story. They then said the col lapse happened in three stages. First a slow descent corresponding to buckling o f exterior columns, second a freefall for 2.25 seconds, which sealed the debate, the bottom floors can't just disappear." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov AE911Truth U.S. 689 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 7 political NIST / FEMA Cover-up "McCain, John" "John McCain was posed a question about WTC7 freefall in 2013, he claimed ignorance even though he wrote the forward to the 9/11 Myths book." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 690 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Pentagon missile "Cheney, Dick" "Mineta testimony before 9/11 Commission, questioned about PEOC, in White House, where Cheney took charg e. Flight 77 alledged crash at 9:37, Flight 93 at 10:03, order to shoot down com mercial aircraft came after Pentagon strike, Mineta said ""the plane is fifty mi les out"", Cheney: ""of course the orders still stand"" ""have you heard anythin g to the contrary""? excluded in report." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 691 FBI "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies hijacker patsies "Hijackers: Khalid Al-Midhar, Majed Moqed, Nawaq Alhamzi , Hani Hanjour, Satam Al Suqami, Waleed M. Alshehri, Wail Alshehri, Mohamed Atta , Abdulaziz Alomari, Marwan Al-Shehhi, Fayez Ahmed, Ahmed Alghamdi, Hamza Algham di, Mohald Alshehri, Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Alhaznawi, Ahmed Alnami, Ziad Jarrahi -" "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov FBI U.S. 692 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Steel scrap companies Steel from WTC hurredly shipped overseas to remo ve crime scene evidence of explosives. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 693 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 political Dirty tricks "O'Neill , John" "An August 19, 2001 New York Times report ... suggested that O'Neill had been the subject of an ""internal investigation"" at the FBI. The report sugges ted that O'Neill was responsible for losing a briefcase with ""highly classified information""..."" The briefcase was recovered shortly after its disappearance. " lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 8/19/2001 694 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Elevato rs, fuel fires" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Griffith, Arturo: There were only two elevators that spanned all floors, that were used by maintenance people and Arturo Griffith, who was on that elevator and recalled the three sepa rate explosions " lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 695 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Elevato rs, fuel fires" WTC survivor "survivors, 9/11 WTC" "Each tower contained 2, 160,000 cubic yards of space, the alleged planes had 10,000 gallons of fuel at t ime of impact, . Or 50 cubic yards insignificant if half the fuel was consumed on impact, and 20 needed to ignite furnishings, leaving only 5 to descend over 800 ft to the basement ... all impossible.." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 696 NIH WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Myeloma" "Most re cently, the NYC DOHMH investigated cancer incidence during 20032008 in a cohort o f approximately 56,000 individuals registered with the WTC Health Registry and r eported statistically significant increases in thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and multiple myeloma among rescue and recovery workers in 20072008 (Li et al. 201 2)." lnk U.S. gov NIH U.S. 697 "Duff, Gordon" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Mininukes "The Military District of Manhattan, (w)as an underground testing facility for nuc lear weapons of 3% fission initiation assembled from re-machined W54 pits transf erred through Britain in partnership with South African, Zimbabwean arms dealers ," lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov CIA Israel 9/11/2001 698 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Macover, Micha" "Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on Septemb er 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating w ith Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find t he original sender of the message predicting the attack." link Corporat ions & 9/11 Israeli corp Odigo U.S. 9/26/2001 699 "Hankey, John" global political Rockefellers & 9/11 "Brzezinski, Zbigniew" "Brzezinski is the most prominent of Rockefeller servant s, founder and director of the Rockefeller's Tri-Lateral commission," link Secret societies U.S. think tank Trilateral Commission U.S. 700 "Harrit, Niels" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Niels Harrit,... While thermite was used for melting the steel b eams, he is certain that conventional explosives were also used. He lost a Copenh agen libel lawsuit over the statement: "" Why not just invite Niels Harrit and ot her lunatics from the 9/11-skeptic environment, now we're at it? What about Holo caust denier environment?""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th U.S. 701 Mearsheimer & Walt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Hart, Alan" "former lead BBC Mideast correspondent Alan Hart ( had relationships with Golda Meir, Yassar Arafat) ... says, the hard-line Zio nists around Netanyahu want to start a big Mideast war. This would allow them to finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestine." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" BBC Israel 702 "Hendrie, Edward" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Rich, Marc" "British weapons secretly destined for Abu Nidal were financed through BCCI offices and shipped under export documents that Marc Rich knew to be phony. My role at the bank was to handle the Nidal account. I l ater became a spy for the CIA and MI6, Ghassan Quassem, who was a senior officer with BCCI for nearly two decades," link Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 703 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Karni, Asher" "The CIA and US Customs Service busted one nucle ar smuggling ring involving South African-Israeli national Asher Karni, a Pakist ani businessman named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish Jew with strong Israeli ties n amed Zeki Bilmen. The smuggling network involved companies in Cape Town; Secaucu s, New Jersey; and Islamabad, Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US court for sm uggling nuclear triggers to Pakistan via South Africa." lnk U.S. gov Turkey 704 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Perle, Richard" "Richard Perle caught passing in tel to Israel . This data was given to Perle by NSC staff member Helmut Hal Sonnen feldt, who was under investigation since 1967 for providing classified documents to the Israelis." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Israel 1/1/1967 705 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Perle, Richard" "An FBI wiretap at the Israeli E mbassy in Washington picks up Richard Perle, an aide to Senator Henry Scoop Jackso n (D-WAsee Early 1970s), discussing classified information with an Israeli offici al." lnk U.S. gov Israel 1/1/1970 706 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Jackson, Henry" "Scoop Jackson, Henry Martin ...was a U. S. Congressman and Senator from the state of Washington from 1941 until his deat h in 1983. known as ""the Senator from Boeing"" and a ""whore for Boeing"" mentore d Douglas Feith Richard Perle was an aid to Jackson." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Congress Israel 9/1/1983 707 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political CIA coup s "Mosaddeq, Muhammad" "The Shahs secret police, SAVAK, trained by the C IA and Israels Mossad, are widely perceived as being as brutal and terrifying as the Nazi Gestapo in World War II. British oil interests in Iran, partially natio nalized under previous governments, are returned to British control. American oi l interests are retained by 8 private oil companies, who are awarded 40% of the Iranian oil industry." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA Iran 1/1/1953 708 911 Review Pentagon political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "NIST partners with the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NS WC-IH) on Chemical Science and Technology ... and see Argonide and Technanogy .. . and contractors in 1999 were SAIC, Applied Ordnance, Battelle, Booz Allen Hami lton, Mantech, Titan, ... William Caswell, an employee of NSWC-IH, dead on (Flig ht 77). He had for many years worked on deep-black projects at NSWC-IH" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov SAIC U.S. 1/1/1999 709 911 Review WTC 1-2 political NIST / FEMA Cover-up "NIST partners with the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-IH) on Chemical Scien ce and Technology ... and see Argonide and Technanogy ... and contractors in 199 9 were SAIC, Applied Ordnance, Battelle, Booz Allen Hamilton, Mantech, Titan, .. . A tragic coincidence left William Caswell, an employee of NSWC-IH, dead on (Fl ight 77). He had for many years worked on deep-black projects at NSWC-IH" lnk U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 710 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "NORAD Has 1,200 Interceptor Aircraft in 1960 - NORAD .. establi shed by the US and Canada in 1958 to counter the threat posed by the Soviet Unio n. It is initially responsible for intercepting any Soviet long-range bombers th at might attack the Northern Hemisphere. By 1960, it has about 1,200 interceptor aircraft dedicated to this task." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1/1/1960 711 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "NORAD's Mission Changes after Cold War Ends - With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991, the threats NORAD has to counter change significantly. During the early 1990s, NORADs missio n consequently changes from one of air defense to one of maintaining air sovereig nty," lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1/1/1990 712 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roo ts "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' - In the 1920s, William J. Cameron, editor of the Dearborn Independent, popularized the manuscript called T he Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which purported to detail the secret teachings of Judaism, including the planned takeover of the worlds governments, the subjuga tion of non-Semitic races, cannibalistic rituals practiced by Jews." lnk Israeli think tank Israel 1/1/1920 713 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Florida , Sarasota" "Bush, GW" "8:00:00 AM Bush meets with Manatee County Sheri ff Charlie Wells, Sarasota County Sheriff Bill Balkwill, Sarasota Police Chief G ordon Jolly, and Manatee County Sheriffs Colonel Ken Pearson. all at beach resort .. The four law enforcement officials will later travel to the Sarasota school i n the presidents motorcade." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bu sh" Florida 9/11/2001 714 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "Hamre, John J." "revealed that NORAD has the capacity to inject simulated material into the system, as though it was being sensed for the first t ime by a radar site. In a training exercise in December 1998, for example, NORAD ran 30 different simulations, some of them being mass attacks, some of them being single missiles." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 715 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical "Elevato rs, fuel fires" Controlled demolition "Loizeaux, Mark" "Mark Loizeaux, CEO of Controlled Demolition, Inc, was told by contractors about ""Hot spots of molten steel in the basements at the bottom of the elevator shafts of the main t owers.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Controll ed Demolition Inc. U.S. 716 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Siddiqui, Aafia" "the Saudis wrote a $20,000 check that s ame day to a third Saudi who had listed the same address as Aafia Siddiqui, a mi crobiologist who is believed to have been a US-based operative for 9/11 mastermi nd Khalid Shaikh Mohammed" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia 717 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Bush Cri me Family "Ghorbanifar, Manucher" "In November 2001, Swiss investigators w ill search the home of Youssef Nada, the leader of Al Taqwa Bank, a Swiss bank t hat had just been shut down by the US and the UN for alleged ties to al-Qaeda, H amas, see Osama bin Laden. Bush connections" lnk global global 11/1/2001 718 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Ramadan, Said" "The Al Taqwa Bank is closely associated with th e Muslim Brotherhood, and one of its key founders, Said Ramadan, is one of the M uslim Brotherhoods top leaders, and also the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the f ounder of the Muslim Brotherhood." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda Saudi Arabia gov Muslim Brotherhood Saudi Arabia 719 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political CIA coup s "Ramadan, Said" "there is strong evidence that Ramadan also was a long-t ime CIA asset. ... Declassified Swiss documents reveal that in the 1960s, the Sw iss government considered him to be, among other things, an intelligence agent of the British and the Americans. The Wall Street Journal will report in 2005, Histo rical evidence suggests Mr. Ramadan worked with the CIA." lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 720 History Commons WTC 1-2 political "Mini Nukes, Saudi Arabi a" "Wright, Robert" "A. Q. Khan and his Khan Laboratories. Khan is c onsidered the father of Pakistans nuclear weapons capability. But since the funding for this nuclear program gets traced back to Saudi Arabia, restrictions are pla ced on the inquiry. Also in early 2001, FBI agent Robert Wright, attempting to p ursue an investigation into Saudi multimillionaire Yassin al-Qadi, is told by FB I superiors, its just better to let sleeping dogs lie" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov FBI Pakistan 721 Damn Interesting "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Mininuke s Demolition prep "the modern, and most common W80 nuclear warhead -- has a maximum yield of about 150 kilotons. ... can wipe out a typical medium- sized city, but at the flick of a switch, the warhead's potency can be reduced t o as little as five kilotons." link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 722 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Edelman, Eric" "Ambassador Eric Edelman used his position as am bassador to Turkey to cement a triad of weapons and drug smuggling and money lau ndering involving Turks, Israelis, and Americans." lnk U.S. gov Office of Special Plans 723 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Hastert, Dennis" "House Speaker Dennis Hastert's receipt of Turkish-Russian-Israeli heroin and nuclear smuggling proceeds in the form of campaign contributions; and nuclear smuggling money laundering in Cyprus, Dubai, and the Cayman Islands." lnk U.S. gov Brewster Jenning s Israel 724 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roo ts "In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain and was soon operating i n Saudi Arabia. In 1933, when Hitler seized power, Standard Oil New Jersey suppl ied Germany with the patents it required for tetraethyl lead aviation fuel. In 1 936, the company Schroder, Rockefeller Investment Bankers, included board direct ors linked to the Gestapo and several European, Nazi-linked banks. see Prescott Bu sh, Harriman, Luftwaffe" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Bush Cri me Family Saudi Arabia 1/1/1932 725 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rockefel lers & 9/11 "Bush, Prescott" "In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia. In 1933, when Hitler seized power, Stand ard Oil New Jersey supplied Germany with the patents it required for tetraethyl lead aviation fuel. In 1936, the company Schroder, Rockefeller Investment Banker s, included board directors linked to the Gestapo and several European, Nazi-lin ked banks. see Prescott Bush, Harriman, Luftwaffe" lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Bush Crime Family Saudi Arabia 726 How911WasDone "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Goff, Michael S." "The role that Goff played within PTech consiste d of buying software for PTech and sales of enterprise software developed within PTech. Later Goff joined Guardium, a company that formed a branch of the resear ch and development department of the Israeli air force. Guardium is a spin-off o f Log-On Software, founded by major Gil Migdan (Israeli marine) en Joseph Segev" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Guardium U.S. 727 How911WasDone "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Yoran, Amit" "Another founder and director of Guardium is Amit Yoran, an Israeli who became manager for computer security of the Pentagon. After 9/11 he was appointed by GW Bush to cyber security czar for the ministry of Homeland Security. Yoran was charged with the design of a security architecture for the Pentagon." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "White House, Bu sh" Israel 728 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently No n-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "Warburg , SG" U.S. 729 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschi ld & 9/11 "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Directo r Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previou sly an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group an d held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Execut ive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp "Rothsch ild, NM" U.S. 730 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical "Elevators, fuel fires" Controll ed demolition There was elevator doors ajar. There were elevator doors missing. I could see an elevator car twisted in the shaft 50-ton exterior column b eams flung upward from Towers basements to pierce buildings such as the Deutsche Bank across from WTC 2 link "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S. 731 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently No n-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk UK corp Tullow Oil UK 732 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Hijacke rs, SunCruz" "Abramoff, Jack" "Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hija ckers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashken azi Jew, Jack Abramoffs Sun Cruz casino boats. ... " lnk "Hijackers, all" Israeli gov Israel 9/5/2001 733 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Atta, Mohammed" "Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a sti ll-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Ab ramoffs casino boats. ... " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Florida 734 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "It is discovered that US drug agents DEA communi cations have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comve rse Infosys, both owned by Israelis." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp AMDOCS Israel 735 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "Shiron, Eitan" "AMDOCS generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of who is talking to who m. ... Shiron was Amdocs security manager interrogated by Interpol about a huge compu ter espionage spy ring involving Amdocs. See also PROMIS, Michael Haephrati," lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp AMDOCS Israel 736 comment WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & Israel "Lieberman, Jose ph" "The most prominent backer of the Lubavitchers on Capitol Hill is Senato r Joseph Lieberman (D.Conn.), an Orthodox Jew, and the former candidate for the Vice-Presidency of the United States. The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), has commended Chabad Lubavitch ""ideals"" in a Senate floor statement." "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Chabad Lubavitch Israel 737 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael Comverse has built a back door into the system that is being exp loited by Israeli intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug inter diction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers. lnk "Controlled demo lition, all" Israeli corp Comverse Infosys Israel 738 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "The investigation by the FBI leads to the expos ure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, ope rated by Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happen s." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 739 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" "Barak, Roy" "At around noon on September 12, 2001, Roy Barak , a former Israeli paratrooper, and Motti Butbul, both employed by Urban Moving Systems as drivers, were stopped by police near York, Pennsylvania. They were en route from Chicago to New York City. Police discovered Barak had an expired vis a and Butbul had no work permit." lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Mov ing Systems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 12/12/2001 740 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis" Dancing Israelis "Three o f the five 'Dancing Israeli's appeared on Israeli television after their deporta tion.... see Bollyn Paul Kurzberg, Silvan Kurzberg, Israelis Yaron Shmuel, and O mer Gavriel Marmari" lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 741 Iamthe Witness WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, D ancing Israelis" "Kurzburg, Sivan" "The Israelis are interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel. The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and flees to Israel. The Uni ted States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11. ABC 20/20 report the East Rutherford poli ce report. Explosives detected in their 2000 Chevy van." lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli corp Israel 742 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" Dancing Israelis "All of this is reported to the public via a four part story on Fox News by Carl Cameron. Pressure from Jewish g roups, primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to remove the story from their website." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fox News U.S. 743 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Two hours prior to the 9-11 attacks, Odigo, an Israeli company with offices jus t a few blocks from the World Trade Towers, receives an advance warning via the internet. The manager of the New York Office provides the FBI with the IP addres s of the sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow this up." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Odigo U.S. 744 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban M oving Systems, Dancing Israelis" "The FBI is investigating 5 Isra eli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence. ... It is revealed that prior to the attack millions of dollars of put options on both American Air lines and United Airlines, were traded." lnk "Israeli art students, U rban Moving Systems" Israeli corp FBI U.S. 745 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Khashoggi, Adnan" "... article by Frank Connolly i n Ireland's Sunday Business Postquotes unnamed U.S. intelligence officials alleg ing that Khashoggi has made ""protection payments"" to Osama Bin Laden." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Saudi Arabia 746 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "After 9/11, anonymous letters containing anthrax are sent to va rious politicians and media executives. ... blamed on Al-Qaeda , later determine d to be weaponized anthrax made by a United States military laboratory. ... " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 747 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Anthrax hoax "Zack, Dr. Philip" "The FBI then discover that the main suspect for these anthrax letters is a Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who had been reprima nded several times by his employers due to offensive remarks he made about Arabs ." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp al Queda U.S. 748 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Anthrax hoax "Zack, Dr. Philip" "Dr. Philip Zack, was caught on camera entering the storage area where he worked at Fort Detrick which is where the Anthrax was kept. FBI and MSM then stopped coverage.. " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 749 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Rubin, Irvin" "Jewish Defence League Chairman since 1985, Ashkenazi Je w, Irv Rubin is jailed for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque and the offices o f a Arab-American congressman. He dies shortly after slitting his throat in a su icide attempt, before he can be brought to trial. ... " lnk Israeli think tank Jewish Defense League Israel 1/1/1985 750 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "One week prior to the WTC attack, the Zim Shipping Company moves out of its off ices in the WTC, breaking its lease and costing the company $50,000. No reason h as ever been given, but Zim Shipping Company is half owned by the State of Israe l" lnk Zim Shipping Israeli gov Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 751 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Sharon, Ariel" "Ariel Sharon,... ""Every time we do something you tell m e America will do this and will do that....I want to tell you something very cle ar, don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, contro l America, and the Americans know it."" Every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 752 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Libby, Scooter" Lewis Scooter Libby PNAC founding member; studied political science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to Cheney; convicted for lyi ng about outing of Valerie Plame; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Aspen Strategy Group Israel 753 Iamthe Witness "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political 9/11 & I srael "Mossad: ""By way of deception, Thou Shall Do War""" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 754 Iamthe Witness "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political Illumina ti "The Illuminati is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews." lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" Israeli think tank Illuminati Germany 755 Iamthe Witness "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political Illumina ti "Weishaupt, Adam" "Adam Weishaupt officially completes his organis ation of the Illuminati on May 1 of this year. The purpose of the Illuminati is to divide the goyim (all non-Jews) through political, economic, social, and reli gious means. " lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Germany 756 Iamthe Witness "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political Freemaso ns "Rothschild, Mayer Amschel" Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continent al Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of t he Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all under the orders a nd finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has spread and is followe d within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day. lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" Israeli think tank Illuminati Israel 757 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Cleanup, Zionis t companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo Ameri can plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), New mont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp U.S. 758 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently No n-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk Secret societies U.S. corp Tarmac G roup U.S. 759 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Kasputys, Joseph" "Joseph Kasputys, Pres. Ford's a ssitant Sec of Commerce, Ran Primark that had offices in both Towers, James Baker worked with Joseph Kasputys. Kasputys worked with DiBona during the Arab Oil Em bargo as reps of US DoE, The Analytical Sciences Corporation (TASC) a Primark su bsidiary, worked with so-called 'black projects'. TASC also worked closely with th e NIST." lnk U.S. think tank Primark U.S. 760 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschi ld & 9/11 "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Directo r Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previou sly an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group an d held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently Non-Execut ive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp "Rothsch ild, North America, Inc." U.S. 761 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Thompson, Simon" "Amec Simon Thompson Non-Executive Director Age 52, was appointed a non-executive director in January 2009. He was previously an executive director of Anglo American plc, Chairman of the Tarmac Group and held positions with S G Warburg and N M Rothschild. He is currently No n-Executive Director of Tullow Oil plc (UK), Newmont Mining Corporation (US) and Sandvik AB (Sweden)." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Newmont Mining Corp U.S. 762 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "It is discovered that DEA communications have b een penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, b oth owned by Israelis." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 763 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nu kes, Israel" Richardson to be Secretary of Energy in July 1998 (Clint on). His tenure was marred by the Wen Ho Lee (Los Alamos) nuclear espionage scan dal. Richardson publicly named Lee as a suspect who might have given nuclear sec rets to the Chinese government. Lee was later cleared of espionage charges and w on a settlement. He is an ardent Zionist supporter. lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Israel 7/1/1998 764 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nu kes, Israel" "Israel has had nukes since 1967, unofficially it is est imated that Israel possesses from 75 to as many as 400 nuclear weapons,... inclu ding neutron bombs, tactical nuclear weapons, and suitcase nukes Israel is belie ved to manufacture its nuclear weapons at the Negev Nuclear Research Center." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Israel 1/1/1967 765 Iamthe Witness "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political Illumina ti "Weishaupt, Adam" "Illuminati, The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst themselve s; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think ta nk Illuminati U.S. 766 Source Watch "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Hijacke rs, SunCruz" "Abramoff, Jack" "Abramoff and his partner, Adam Kidan, w ere indicted by a federal grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on fraud charg es arising from a 2000 deal to buy casino boats. Kidan and a third associate, Be n Waldman, as yet unindicted, are accused of using a fake wire transfer to defra ud Foothill Capital Corp. and Citadel Equity Fund Ltd that had agreed to lend $6 0 million to purchase the casinos on condition that Abramoff and his partners ma de a cash contribution of $23 million." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Foothill Capital U.S. 8/1/2005 767 IMC "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Hijackers, SunC ruz" "Abramoff, Jack" "Abramoff is a central figure in a series of hig h-profile political scandals linked to the Republican Party. and involvement in the Abramoff-Reed Indian Gambling Scandal, He was indicted on August 11, 2005, b y a third grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for bank fraud arising out of an unrelated business deal." link "Hijackers, all" U.S. corp Florida 8/1/2005 768 "Sheen, Charlie" WTC 1-2 physical "Elevators, fuel fires" Controlled demolition "Sheen, Charlie" " 9/11 Truth Sheen questioned the pl ausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when co ntrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings." "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 769 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Barium, Strontium" "Strontium-90, (30 yr half life), dangerous too environment, mimics properties o f calcium and is taken up by living organisms and made a part of their electroly tes as well as deposited in bones. ... and is not subsequently excreted like ces ium-137. It has the potential for causing cancer, ... decay product is Yttrium 9 0, its fission pathway that proceeds through Krypton then Rubidium" lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 770 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Bermas, Jason" "One of the more outspoken and prominent members of the Kosher 911 truth movement is so called infowarrior Jason Bermas. Co-produced Loose Change, which doesn't mention Israel" link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers " U.S. 771 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers Bronfman "Alex Jones shares the same lawyer as Holly Bronfman Lev , the younger sister of Edgar Bronfman Jr, one of the most prominent Jew familie s in the world." link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 772 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Bermas, Jason" "These three films, which were made by Bermas in conjunc tion with the Jew Dylan Avery, were associated and promoted by a Jewess named De borah Simon, who married into the billionaire Jewish Simon family of Minneapolis ." link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" U.S. 773 NY Times WTC 1-2 political MSM "Bloomberg, Mich ael" "Bloomberg proposed legislation to ban detectors to warn them in case of a biological, chemical or radiological attack. which includes Geiger counters " lnk NYC U.S. 1/1/2008 774 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Tarpley, Webster" "Webster Tarpley has been a central figure in th e Kosher truth movement, and wrote a book called 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA. Tarpley is a firm supporter of the Kosher version of the truth which is that Bush & Cheney orchestrated 9/11;doesn't mention Israel" link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" U.S. 775 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "perps, 911" "9/11 players: Abdussattar Shaikh, Abdul lah Noman ,Daniel Lewin, Dominic Suter, Sivan Kurzberg, John Gross, Theresa McAl lister, Ronald Hamburger, William Baker, Harold Nelson, Ramon Gilsanz, Shankar N air, Gene Corley, Paul Mlakar, Mete Sozen," link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 776 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Clawson, Patrick" "Patrick Clawson (Director of Research a t WINEP) (Middle East Quarterly) has openly called for the mass murder of Americ ans in a false-flag attack to launch a war on Iran, (Wikipedia calls it 'crisis initiation') made the statement in front of United Jewish Communities audience" lnk US. Think tank WINEP U.S. 9/1/2012 777 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "perps, 911" "9/11 players: Loring Knoblauch , Michae l Cherkasky , Pauline Neville-Jones, Mahmoud Ahmad and WarIsCrime same n ames, more detail." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 778 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of inte rest "Hellerstein, Alvin" "Hellerstein has a clear conflict of interest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalo n, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company , the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierman and h is son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Group" lnk Israeli think tank Cukierman & Company Israel 779 WMR WTC 1-2 political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "According to the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, ""Hands down, Israe l was South Africa's most important missile supplier. Pretoria got most of what it needed from Tel Aviv."" ... ""In June 1980, the CIA (Central Intelligence Age ncy) reported to the National Security Council that the 2-3 kiloton nuclear test had probably involved Israel and South Africa." lnk U.S. gov South Africa 6/1/1980 780 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Berger, Mike" "Mike Berger - a member of the steering committee of the kosher 911truth.org website, that never mentions Jews. Steers away from Zionist complicity in 9/11." link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" U.S. 781 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Gold, Jon" "Jon Gold, co-founder of 911blogger.com, Jewish gatekeep er, departed on ""too much discussion"" of controlled demolition. Returned as ""r eprehenser"" see www.theholohoax.com" link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers " 911 Blogger U.S. 782 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Controlled demol ition "Neils Harrit, a proponent of the nanothermite hypothesis, has e stimated that it would have required hundreds of tons to do the job (where Harrit has also offered the more precise calculation of from 29,000 metric tons to 143, 000 metric tons for each tower)" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 783 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Elinoff, Jonathan" "Jonathan Elinoff (Jewish) - This WeAreChange Co lorado activist is the creator of a series of films called Core Of Corruption, s o called documenting the global conspiracy. Underplay role of Israel, attacked Mi ssing Links (wasn't mentioned on CoC." link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers " U.S. 784 NY Daily News WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" "The cancer rate for cops has jumped fivefold in the decade since the World Trad e Centers twin towers collapsed, an NYPD study shows. And theres been a tenfold in crease in cops diagnosed with thyroid cancer, while the number falling ill with non-Hodgkins lymphoma has gone up by a factor of 3 1/2. most members of the depa rtment did rescue and recovery work at toxic sites post-9/11." lnk "Victims , all" NYC U.S. 785 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Marrs, Jim" "Jim Marrs, avoids Israel 9/11 question, ""Inside Job"" excludes Jews. Promotes 'Rise of the Fourth Reich', Nazis gaining control of Ame rica, by 1%, secret societies, fascism" link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers " U.S. 786 JewCrmNt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "Kleist, Von" Von Kleist is kosher member of 9/11 Truth? In Plame Sigh t does not mention Jews only Bush Cronies link "9/11 Truth, gat ekeepers" U.S. 787 Jewish Virtual Library "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political False flag "Lavon Affair Egyptian Jews who agreed to spy for Israel , Israeli underground cells that had been operating in were uncovered by t he Egyptian police, Darling, John" link Israeli gov Egypt 788 Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floo r "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "ASCE report: ""in the area of t he impact of the fuselage and the tail, severe impact" lnk U.S. gov U.S. "damage did not extend a bove the third-floor slab.."" the third floor slab is twenty feet off the ground t he tail is 44' high all impossible" 789 Journal of 9/11 Studies "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Controlled demolition Journal of 9/11 Studies website contains approxi mately 70 peer-reviewed publications. link 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 790 Journal of 9/11 Studies WTC 1-2 physical Freefall acceleration Controlled demolition The roof line of the North Tower of the World Tr ade Center is shown to link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. "have been in constant d ownward acceleration until it disappeared. ... The downward acceleration of the upper block can be understood as a consequence of, not the cause of, the disinte gration of the lower section of the building." 791 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 physical Pancakin g Gatekeepers "Quirant, Jerome" "Debunker and official first exp lanation was the ""pancake theory"" for the collapse of the WTC towers, but had a major flaw in that it doesnt explaing why the 47 column core structure also col lapsed." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank debunker s U.S. 1/1/2002 792 Killtown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Incompet ence theory "CNN report: In the two years before the Sept. 11 attack s, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating w hat the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used a s weapons to crash into targets ...were regional drills, not regularly scheduled continent-wide exercises." link U.S. gov U.S. 4/1/1999 793 Killtown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "CNN report on NORAD exercises before 9/11: One of the imagined targets was the World Trade Center. In another exercise, jets performed a mock s hootdown over the Atlantic Ocean of a jet supposedly laden with chemical poisons headed toward a target in the United States" link U.S. gov U.S. 4/1/1999 794 Killtown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "USA Today report on NORAD exercises before 9/11 that involved h ijacked airliners. In a third scenario, the target was the Pentagon but that dri ll was not run after Defense officials said it was unrealistic, NORAD and Defens e officials say." link U.S. gov U.S. 4/1/1999 795 Killtown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "Project on Government Oversight, released a copy of an e-mail w ritten by a former NORAD official referring to the proposed exercise targeting t he Pentagon. The e-mail said the simulation was not held because the Pentagon co nsidered it ""too unrealistic.""" link U.S. gov U.S. 4/1/2004 796 Pravda "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Direct involvement with BCCI's illegal activities would besmirch...every US pre sidential administration from Nixon to Clinton: Clark Clifford, Richard Helms, G eorge Bush I, James Baker, William Casey, Bert Lance, and Marc Rich among them. BCCI clients included the intelligence agencies form the US and Saudi Arabia, th e Medellin Cartel and Saddam Hussein." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots global BCCI 797 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators In 1985 Drexel Lambert S&L crook Michael Milken helped Houston Natural Gas merged with Internorth to create Enron. Kenne th Lay headed Houston Natural Gas and became chairman and CEO of the new company . Enron was the biggest corporate contributor to George W. Bushs campaign to beco me Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook List of Rothschild banks lnk Fascism & Neocons Rothschild Israel 798 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 IC TS "Atzmon, Menachem" "Olmert, who has long been tarnished by allegati ons of financial crimes, was implicated in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which he was co-treasurer. This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, i ncluding Menahem Atzmon, the Likud treasurer." lnk Israeli gov PM Israel 799 WMR WTC 1993 political Drills gone live "1993: February 26. The WTC garage is hit by a car bomb. The FBI has been aware of the plot via their informant Emad Salem yet let it go ahead... a plan to subs titute harmless powder for the explosives was called off by an FBI supervisor Th ere now exists a pretext for subsequent ""fireproofing upgrades"" Salameh framed , Josie Hadas was Mossad agent." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 2/26/1993 800 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "bin Laden, Osama" WMR previously reported that a classified French intelli gence report stated that Bin Laden and his Afghan forces remained under the oper ational control of Britain's MI-6 and the CIA until 1995. lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov CIA "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1/1/1995 801 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Fraker, Ambassador" "As the BAE Systems bribery scandal continues to circle around top Saudi officials, including the last two Saudi ambassadors to Washington, Princes Bandar and Turki bin Faisal, the Tony Blair government, and possibly, Bush administration officials aware of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act v iolations by BAE Systems, a major Pentagon contractor but failing to take action , the selection of Fraker, who has spent much of his career in London, the focal point of the BAE scandal, has taken on greater significance." lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" UK corp BAE Systems UK 802 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots "Cook, Robin" "Shortly before his suspicious death in Scotland in 2005, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook wrote in that ""Al Qaeda"" wa s a CIA database of mercenaries, financiers, and interlocutors used by the CIA t o fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. He was murdered because he dared to speak th e truth about 9/11 and the Iraq/Afghanistan wars." lnk UK gov al Queda UK 1/1/2005 803 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & UK "Cook, Robin" "Shortly before his suspicious death in Scotland in 2005, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook wrote in The Guardian that ""Al Qaeda"" wa s a CIA database of mercenaries, financiers, and interlocutors used by the CIA t o fight the Soviets in Afghanistan:" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA UK 804 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia Bandar bin Sultan "As the BAE Systems bribery scandal continues to circle around top Saudi officials, ... Princes Bandar and Turki bin Faisal, the Blair government, and possibly, Bush administration aware of Foreign Corrupt Pr actices Act violations by BAE Systems,... but failing to take action, the select ion of Fraker, is significant" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. cor p BAE Systems Saudi Arabia 805 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Fraker, Ambassador" "As the BAE Systems bribery scandal cont inues to circle around top Saudi officials, ... Princes Bandar and Turki bin Fai sal, the Blair government, and possibly, Bush administration aware of Foreign Co rrupt Practices Act violations by BAE Systems,... but failing to take action, th e selection of Fraker, is significant" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p BAE Systems Saudi Arabia 806 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "On the eve of the Iraq War, Rep. James Moran (D-VA)said: ""if it were not for t he strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not b e doing this."" Moran's quick apology demonstrated once more the power of the Zi onist lobby over not only US Middle East" lnk U.S. gov U.S. Congress Israel 807 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 Groundwork "Lake, A nthony" "Eleven signatories of the final report of WINEP's 1992 commission on US -Israeli relations, ""Enduring Partnership,"" joined the Clinton administration. Among them were National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, ... Madeleine Albright, Undersecretary of Commerce Stuart Eisenstat and the late Les Aspin" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov WINEP Israel 1/1/1992 808 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots "1993, the Clinton administration announced a policy of ""dual containment"" aim ed at isolating Iran and Iraq. The principal formulator and spokesperson for tha t policy was Martin Indyk, in his new role as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the NSC. ""Dual co ntainment"" was the forerunner of George W. Bush's ""axis of evil"" policy." lnk U.S. gov Israel 1/1/1993 809 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Cheney, Dick" "Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle" lnk Israeli think tank JINSA Israel 810 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Bolton, John" "Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle" lnk Israeli think tank JINSA Israel 811 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Feith, Douglas" "Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton a nd Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle . Feith lobbied for rejec tion of Additional Protocols of Geneva Convention during Reagan administration.. ." lnk "Neocons, all" Israeli think tank JINSA Israel 1/1/1988 812 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Perle, Richard" "Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) JINSA's board of advisors included Cheney, Undersecretary of State John Bolton a nd Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith. Richard Perle" lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank JINSA Israel 813 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political PNAC "Khalilz ad, Zalmay" "PNAC affiliates include Cheney and his chief of staff Lewis Lib by, Rumsfeld and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz, Bolton, special envoy to ""Free Iraq is"" Zalmay Khalilzad, Secretary of State Colin Powell's deputy Richard Armitage and Elliott Abrams, a rehabilitated Iran-contra criminal who now serves as Nati onal Security Council adviser for the Middle East." lnk U.S. thi nk tank Israel 814 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 Groundwork """A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,"" advocated that Israel repudiate the Oslo accords and seek permanent annexation of the West Bank and t he Gaza Strip. Even more provocatively, it urged Israel to support Jordan in adv ocating restoration of the Hashemite monarchy in Iraq and the elimination of the regime of Saddam Hussein" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank Israel 815 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political PNAC "January 26, 1998, PNAC sent a letter to President Bill Clinton urging that he l aunch a war against Iraq. The signatories included Kristol, Cheney, Libby, Rumsf eld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Perle, Abrams, Khalilzad and Armitage." lnk U.S. think tank Israel 1/26/1998 816 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political PNAC "The result of efforts by PNAC and others was the passage of the Iraq Liberation Act of November 1998, which announced the switch in US Iraq policy from disarma ment to regime change. This legislation was adopted weeks before Clinton ordered the UNSCOM inspectors out of Iraq and launched Operation Desert Foxfour days of intensive bombing." lnk U.S. think tank Israel 11/1/199 8 817 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Perle, Richard" "Soon after the 9/11 attacks, Perle convened a two-day s eminar of the Defense Policy Board. The consensuswas removing Saddam Hussein fro m power should be an objective in the US war on terrorism despite the lack of an y evidence linking Iraq to the attacks or to al-Qaeda." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank Defense Policy Board Israel 10/1/2001 818 MERIP "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Perle, Richard" "Perle also sits on the advisory board of WINEP, the mor e established pro-Israel think tank in Washington (as did Wolfowitz before he en tered government)" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank WINEP Israel 819 YouTube "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Bush, GW" """ the operatives had been instructed to insure the explosives w ent off at a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped from above fro m escaping"" David Cameron quote: ""...when the Twin Towers *and* World Trade Ce nter #7 were blown up""" link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 820 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Bout, Viktor" "Bout regularly flew ... weapons / personnel into West A frica on behalf of Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi interlocutors as part of a join t Israeli-Saudi plan to break the Lebanese Shi'a-Hezbollah monopoly on the West African diamond trade. The plan involved the recruitment by Mossad agents of Bin Laden loyalists to displace Shi'a from the diamond trade in countries like Sier ra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea." lnk Top 20 U.S. gov Saudi Ar abia 821 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political BCCI corruption "Mahfouz, Sheikh Khalid bin" "DeepCapture: published an ob ituary marking the death that year of Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, the Saudi billi onaire and Muslim Brotherhood oligarch who had, in the 1980s, been the largest s hareholder of BCCI, and who had served as executive director of the bank." link Saudis & 9/11 global BCCI Saudi Arabia 822 NFU Rothschild "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political CIA coup s "August 19, 1953, the democratically elected government of Iran was overthrown by a coup instigated by the US government. Sixty years after the event declassified CIA documents detail how the secret CIA operation overthrew a democratic government (Mossadeq) and imposed Washingtons puppet on the people of Iran." link Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 8/1/1953 823 NNP WTC 5 physical Mininukes The nine -story WTC 5 suffered two gigantic holes that went straight through to the botto m-level basement. The hole in the eight-story WTC was 100 feet in diameter Seism ic evidence and witness statements indicate that high-yield explosives were used in basements of all buildings except the Marriott that morning to clear space f or their remains. NNP Nuclear Non-Proliferation community Mini Nuk es U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S. 824 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" Israel used Zim American Shipping Comapa ny out of Houston Texas to smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland Carnaby set up cameras to track these shipments. Zim has cl ose ties to the Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the police in a high speed chase i n Houston ... his laptops contained information on the shipments. lnk Zim Shipping Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 825 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Ejections Controlled demolition There was elevator doors ajar. There were elevator doors missing. I could see an elevator car twisted in the shaft 50-ton exterior column beams flung upward from T owers basements to pierce buildings such as the Deutsche Bank across from WTC 2 pic "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Proliferatio n community U.S. 826 NNP WTC 1-2 physical Ejections Controlled demolition "It is well known in seismology that Impact Sources produce Low Frequency Waves w hile Explosive Sources produce High Frequency Waves. The Seismic Waves produced during the WTC collapse were High Frequency Wavesagain indicating that they could not have been produced by the impact of rubble on the surface, but rather by an impulsive explosive source." pic "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. thi nk tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S. 827 DOE WTC 7 physical "Mini Nukes, Tritium" debunker s "DOE report produced on Oct 1, 2002 says tritium came from gun sights, w atches and fuel fires: This work was performed under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. See Fetzer ... Open Letter to Steven Jones in link" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Lawrence Livermore Lab U.S. 10/1/2002 828 NNP WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" "... levels never fall below 400 ppm for Barium and they never drop below 700 pp m for Strontium and they reach over 3000 ppm for both of them at WTC01-16, Broad way and John Streets." pic Mini Nukes U.S. think tank Nuclear Non-Prol iferation community U.S. 829 NNP WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" theres a 99% correlation in the variation in the concentration between these two elements (barium and strontium). They vary in lockstep; they vary together. Fiss ion is the only process that explains this. pic Mini Nukes U.S. thi nk tank Nuclear Non-Proliferation community U.S. 830 Northern Truth Seeker "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Flight s chedule anomalies Flights 11 and 77 did not even exist on 9/11 according to FAA records. link 9/11 Truth U.S. 9/11/2001 831 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Ramadan, Said" "The Al Taqwa Bank is closely associated with the Muslim Brother hood, and one of its key founders, Said Ramadan, is one of the Muslim Brotherhoo ds top leaders, and also the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Mu slim Brotherhood." lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov al Taqwa Bank Saudi Arabia 832 WTC China Syndrome "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical "China Syndrome, bathtub" Victims "Firefighters/responders' computer cataloging of 7000 human remains found at the WTC from 9/25/01 to 5/30/02. It states that, "" For six months after Sept. 11, the ground temperature varied between 600 degrees Fahrenheit and 1,500 degrees, sometimes higher."" ..., ""In the first few weeks , sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 5/1/2002 833 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "China S yndrome, bathtub" Controlled demolition "Cahill, Proffessor" "Remembe r, we know unequivocally from the aerosol analysis carried out by Prof. Cahill, that for over 6 weeks the temperatures under the WTC were so high that soil and glass were being evaporated - boiled away. This means the temperature must have been well over 2000 degrees centigrade." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 834 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Soil tru cked into WTC "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Giuliani, Rudy" "Chernobyl site, They tried in vain to put out the fire with 2400 tonnes of lead and 1800 tonnes of sand. .Mayor Giuliani ordered the trucking in and out of sand t he very next morning. THESE are real unextinguishable fires Steven Jones, desperat ely tries to claim for (nano-composite) thermite--which actually stops burning in minutes." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 835 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "China S yndrome, bathtub" Disinfo & ommissions "The MSM, NIST and the 9 11 Commission hide any mention of molten metal. They simply ignore it, or say th ere was no evidence of molten steel. The government, was also very active in des troying any proof of high temperatures after the 9/11 event-such as altering the second AVIRIS data set." link "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 836 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "China S yndrome, bathtub" Controlled demolition "Much of the rubble pile was indeed hot, and led to such phenomena as melted firemens and dogs boots; and the need to hose down the rubble pile for many weeks and months, with countless photos showing the steam emanation that resulted. A nanothermite fire does not con tiue to burn for weeks or even months..." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 837 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Hanging skin Victims "Felipe, David" Felipe Davids hanging skin indicates the largest nukes we re likely in the sub-basement. link "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 838 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Nanother mite Controlled demolition "Much of the rubble pile was indeed hot, and led to such phenomena as melted firemens and dogs boots; and the need to hose down the rubble pile for many weeks and months, with countless photos showing t he steam emanation that resulted. Nanothermite would cool down within minutes or an hour." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 839 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Cheney, Dick" "Three W-69M nukes were lost near the Somalia co ast due to B-52 crash. Cheney's efforts to recover them were too late, as they e nded up in North Korea. Cheney also later falsified intelligence to show that th e North Korean bomb was procured from a DIY (do-it-yourself) kit obtained from t he A Q Khan nuclear smuggling network in Pakistan." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 2/1/1991 840 RawStory "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Controll ed demolition "A Government Accountability Office investigator smuggle d live bomb components into a federal building in just 27 seconds, then assemble d a bomb in a restroom and ventured throughout the building without being detect ed ... In addition, congressional investigators were able to penetrate every sin gle federal building they probed without any difficulty 10 in all." link U.S. gov GAO U.S. 841 Nuclear demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Gatekeepers "Wood, Judy" "She provides absolutely no hard evidence for DE W, which confirms the lack of credibility of her efforts hurricane Erin, Class 3 , just offshore, New York." link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" U.S. 842 NYC CAN WTC 7 political Gatekeepers "NYCcan. org, High Rise Safety Initiative, to reinvestigate WTC 7 failed, but was a highl y successful organizing event" 9/11 Truth "U.S., I srael, SA, Britain" 10/1/2014 843 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Seismogr aphs Controlled demolition "The Palisades seismic record shows that -- as the collapses began -- a huge seismic ""spikes"" marked the moment the gr eatest energy went into the ground. The strongest jolts were both registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before the falling debris struck the earth. 9:59:00 AM" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. Academia Seismogr aph orgs U.S. 9/11/2001 844 Bollyn WTC 1993 political WTC Security "Bendor, Avraham" "After failing to secure the Atwell security contract for the WT C, Shalom (Avraham Bendor) then went to work for Kroll Associates and Maurice Gr eenberg after being forced to resign as head of the Shin Bet in 1986, by Shin Be t agents. Kroll then obtained the security contract for the WTC in 1993 and was responsible for security until 9-11" lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Shin Bet Israel 845 Info Underground "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Alexander, Kobi" "Odigo was later bought up by another Is raeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, dual Israel i-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarte rs of Mossad" lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Odigo Israel 846 PBS "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Mininukes "Yes, small atomic charges exist. They are very small. Several dozen kilos, thir ty kilos, forty kilos. ..Russian ones do exist, Their power is about one kiloton , Yeltsin's former Science Advisor, Alexei Yablokov, testified to the American C ongress regarding the so-called suitcase bombs" link Mini Nukes 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 847 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "From ASCE report: ""The photograph also shows that the only column missing on t he second floor in the west exterior wall of the building was at column line 14. The spandrel beam for the third floor and all third-floor exterior columns appe ars to be intact"". Impossible for a 225,000 lb aircraft to disappear into the 1s t floor of a building...." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 848 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "From ASCE report: ""Impact of the fuselage was at column line 14, at or slightl y below the second- floor slab.The left wing passed below the second-floor slab, and the right wing crossed at a shallow angle from below the second- floor slab to above the second-floor slab""" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 849 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "ASCE: ""The photograph also shows that the only column missing on the second fl oor in the west exterior wall of the building was at column line 14. The spandre l beam for the third floor and all third-floor exterior columns appears to be in tact." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 850 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "The BPS team concluded that the impact of the aircraft destroyed or significant ly impaired approximately 50 structural columns.The ensuing fire weakened a numb er of other structural elements. However, only a very small segment of the affec ted structure collapsed, approximately 20 minutes after impact" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 851 Pentagon Building Performance Report Pentagon physical Boeing 757 slips into first floor "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "The collapse, fatalities, and damage were mitigated by the Pentagon's resilient structural system. Very few upgraded windows installed during the renovation br oke during the impact and deflagration of aircraft fuel. confirms no airliner glass windows cannot withstand the impact of a 120 ton Boeing 757." lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 852 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" WTC 1-2 political Office f urnishings fires Disinfo & ommissions "Gage, Richard" "When Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth asked to see government data on fire temperature sim ulations, there request was denied." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S. 853 Physics911 "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell pho ne calls "An aircraft, having a metal skin and fuselage, acts like a Faraday cage, tending to block or attenuate electromagnetic radiatio n. One can make a cellphone call from inside an aircraft while on the ground bec ause the weakened signal is still close enough to the nearest cellsite (relay to wer) to get picked up." link 9/11 Truth Physics911 U.S. 854 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed NTSB "The airplane was UA175, a Boeing 767-200, short ly before crashing into World Trade Center Tower 2. Based on analysis of radar d ata, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity o f 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots." link "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. gov U.S. 855 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pedophilia rings "Buffett, Warren" "3:07 p.m. Bush arrives at U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska."" - September11News.com see Warren BuffetOffutt is right outside Omaha Nebraska, home of the Franklin Sca ndal Omaha. The pedophile ring reached all the way to the White House of George Herbert Walker Bush." lnk U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S. 856 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Smith, Raymond W." "Raymond W. Smith was si tting on the board of directors at US Airways on 9/11. Ray Smith has served on t he boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Coresta tes Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the bo ard of Five Arrows (Rothschild)." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp "Rothschild, North America, Inc." Israel 857 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Giuliani, Rudy" " During the restructuring of US Airways, the company hired Rudy Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the res tructuring. Delta Airlines was paying $400,000 a month to restructuring specialis ts Giuliani Capital Advisors, founded by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Giuliani Capital Advisors U.S. 858 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Simon, James Jr." "US Airways also had a 2 8 year CIA veteran sitting on it's board as well. James M. Simon Jr. is now on t he board at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, he was designated as the senior inte lligence official for homeland security establishing and chairing the Homeland S ecurity Intelligence Council." link U.S. gov Homeland Securit y Intelligence Council. U.S. 859 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11, Singh said. ""Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency." link U.S. gov U.S. 860 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Mitre Corp / Ptech, in FAA basement If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA -- that there was a window of opportunity or to in sert software or to change anything -- it would have been Ptech along with MITRE ."" Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi Arab ia " link Saudis & 9/11 U.S. corp Mitre corp Saudi Arabia 861 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Mitre Corp / Ptech, in FAA basement If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA -- that there was a window of opportunity or to in sert software or to change anything -- it would have been Ptech along with MITRE ."" Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections with Saudi Arab ia " link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 862 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 physical ACARS messages "ACARS Messages have been provided through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) which demonstrate that the aircraft received messages through ground stations l ocated in Harrisburg, PA, and then later routed through a ground station in Pitt sburgh, 20 minutes after the aircraft allegedly impacted the South Tower in New York." lnk 9/11 Truth FAA U.S. 863 Pilots for 9/11 Truth Pentagon physical Flight schedule anomalies It has been reported that American Airlines Flig ht 77 departed Washington Dulles International Airport at approximately 08:20 AM on 9/11/2001 allegedly from Terminal Concourse D Gate 26 (1). ... Flight Data R ecorder positional data provided by the NTSB tells a very different story. link 9/11 Truth Pilots for 9/11 Truth U.S. 864 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 physical Airliner air speed "Boeing spokeswoman Leslie Hazzard in this recording saying 500+ mph at 700 feet is impossible. (Interviewer asks -) ""So there's no way the aircraft could be g oing 500 mph at [700 ft] altitude then?"" Boeing Spokesperson - (Laughs) ""Not a chance...""" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Boeing U.S. 865 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed "Lear, John" Lear stated during this interview that A A11 and UA175 demonstrated impossible speed and that no planes hit the towers. link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Lear Corporation U.S. 866 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airliner air speed "Bursill, John" "The aircraft (Boeing 767, 757) were wel l within their structural limit of .86 Mach by a margin of .12 Mach or approxima tely 14%; flying at maximum of reported speed of .74 Mach. The simulator test ca rried out on an actual certified Full Flight Simulator (the best available), in a fully accredited pilot certification facility, showed that the 767 aircraft ca n reach an airspeed of .86 Mach in a flat trajectory at approximate sea level." link 9/11 Truth Pilots for 9/11 Truth U.S. 867 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard, Cheryl" " Cheryl G ruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the ch ief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She was a senior mana ging director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krong ard. see Edward S. Gordon" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. cor p "Rothschild Asset Management, Inc." U.S. 868 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Giuliani, Rudy" " During the restructuring of US Airways, the company hired Rudy Giuliani''s firm as an advisor to the res tructuring. Delta Airlines was paying $400,000 a month to restructuring specialis ts Giuliani Capital Advisors, founded by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp US Airways U.S. 869 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 "Smith, Raymond W." " Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financ ial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Fiv e Arrows (Rothschild)." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp US Airwa ys U.S. 870 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Simon, James Jr." "US Airways also had a 2 8 year CIA veteran sitting on it's board as well. James M. Simon Jr. is now on t he board at ORBIMAGE. After September 11th, he was designated as the senior inte lligence official for homeland security establishing and chairing the Homeland S ecurity Intelligence Council." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp US Airways U.S. 871 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11, Singh said. ""Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. Singh has spoken extensively about Ptech's alleged connections wi th Saudi Arabia " link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp US Airways U.S. 872 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Krongard, Buzzy" " Cheryl Gruetzmacher Gord on/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief executive of ficer of Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She was a senior managing director at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see Edward S . Gordon" link Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 873 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 "Gruetzmacher Gordon/Krongard, Cheryl" " Cheryl Gruetzmac her Gordon/Krongard is currently on the BOD at US Airways. She is the chief exec utive officer of Rothschild Asset Management, Inc. She was a senior managing dir ector at Rothschild also. She recently remarried ex-CIA AB 'Buzzy' Krongard. see Edward S. Gordon" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp US Airwa ys U.S. 874 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Smith, Raymond W." " Raymond W. Smith was sit ting on the board of directors at US Airways on 9/11. Ray Smith has served on th e boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestat es Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the boa rd of Five Arrows (Rothschild)." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p US Airways U.S. 875 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 Rothschild " Raymond W. Smith was sitting on the boar d of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestates Financial, Fir st Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the board of Five Arrows (Rothschild)." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp "Rothsch ild, North America, Inc." U.S. 876 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Smith, Raymond W." " Raymond W. Smith was sit ting on the board of directors at US Airways on 911. Ray Smith has served on the boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Corestate s Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North A merica, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the boar d of Five Arrows (Rothschild)." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. cor p Rothschild U.S. 877 PlaneSafe "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "... the U.S. House passed the Homeland Security Bill -and very late they slipped in clarifying provisions, which granted corporate immunity to Ar genbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Security Services (Sweden), and Hun tleigh USA Corp. (Dutch company)" link U.S. gov U.S. Con gress U.S. 7/1/2002 878 Pornography of Power "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Vulcans & 9/11 "Wohlstetter, Albert" "Rise of the Vulcans, book, James Mann" link 9/11 Truth Israel 879 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban Moving Sy stems, Dancing Israelis" "Hariri, Michael" "Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of Ameri ca. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jew ish holiday known as Purim." link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Syst ems" Israeli gov Israel 880 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots Purim "Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to sed uce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people d eemed enemies of the Jews. the Neocon / Zionist celebration of Purim was the executi on of the Iraq / Afghanistan wars." link Israeli gov Israel 881 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban Moving Sy stems, Dancing Israelis" Dancing Israelis "the dancing Israelis went on Israeli television and admitted their complicity in 9/11, but denied having planted the explosives that destroyed the Twin Towers, saying: We were only there to document the event." link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 882 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Netanyahu, Benjamin" """We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the att ack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. (Ha'aretz, Apr 16, 2008 - Report: Netanya hu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel.)" link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 4/16/2008 883 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Lavon Affair, otherwise known as Operation Susannah. In that covert operation, Israeli Mossad operatives, disguised as Egyptians, bombe d American targets in Egypt. ...Israel officially denied the event ... But Wikip edia: In March 2005, Israel publicly honored the surviving operatives," link Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 3/1/2005 884 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots "Kissinger, Henry" "Kissinger was undeniably the mastermind of the first 9/ 11 (Chile coup). As President Nixon's National Security Advisor in 1973, and the head of the ""40 Committee"" that oversaw US covert operations, Kissinger desig ned the coup that overthrew and murdered Allende. ... he would eventually be nom inated to head the 9/11 Commission report." link Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 885 Wikipedia "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political "Israel, Eretz" "Eretz Israel ..biblical name for the territory roughly corresponding to the area encompassed by the Southern Levant. ..including ... La nd of Canaan, the Promised Land, the Holy Land, and Palestine. The Land of Israe l (between Tigris and Euphrates rivers) concept ... of Judea and Samaria (West Ban k) ... etc." lnk Holocaust Israeli gov Israel 886 PressTV "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Kissing er, Henry" "Kissinger has been a leading advocate of the neoconservative pl an to destroy ""seven countries in five years"" as Gen. Wesley Clark revealed. " "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country (Chile) go communist be cause of the irresponsibility of its own people." link Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 887 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Plame, Valerie" The Turkish spy ring also intersects wit h Israeli espionage ring a link between the Turkish espionage ring in the US Sta te and Defense Depts and the outing of and Brewster Jennings by the very same Tu rkish intelligence and influence-peddling ring that also involved former US amba ssador to Turkey and Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman lnk Israeli think tank AIPAC Turkey 1/1/2001 888 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Grossman, Marc" "On June 10, 2003, Grossman, who was tru sted by the Cheney neocon cabal in the White House, received a memo drafted by a n analyst in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR's) on INR's skepticism about President Bush's State of the Union charge that Iraq h ad tried to procure uranium from Niger." lnk U.S. gov INR Niger 889 Qualcom "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell phone calls "Not until July 2004 did American Airlines and Qualcomm, announce the developmen t of a new wireless technology --which will at some future date allow airline pa ssengers using their cell phones to contact family and friends from a commercial aircraft" Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Qualcom U.S. 7/1/2004 890 Want to Know.info "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St., Israel & 9/11" "On the 9/11, the SEC lifted Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection Reserves and Custody of Securities. Thus GSCC Government Sec urities Clearing Corporation] was allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack" link U.S. gov SEC U.S. 9/11/2001 891 RawStory Pentagon political Eyewitness "Gallop, April" "Spc. Gallop also says she heard two loud explosions, and does n ot believe that a Boeing 757 hit the building. Her son sustained a serious brain injury, and Gallop herself was knocked unconscious after the roof collapsed ont o her office." link U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 892 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Scaramella, Mario" "Mario Scaramella, under investigation by prosec utors in Rome, Naples, and Bologna for international arms smuggling, divulging o fficial judicial secrets, conspiracy, international trafficking in radioactive m aterials, and the dumping of hazardous waste through unauthorized third parties. " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates Italy 893 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Scaramella, Mario" "Also of interest is another ""environmental"" l ink that ties the various Scaramella-Litvinenko players under the cover of an in ternational environmental network. An SEC EDGAR search revealed a stockholders' agreement between Harrison-Kroll Environmental Services, Inc. of Louisiana and P alumbo Partners, a Delaware corporation dated December 31, 1992, in which Kroll acquired Palumbo Partners." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates Russia 894 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists "SS-Hptscharf. Adolf Eichmann, had visited Palestine, in October , 1937, as the guest of the Zionists. He also met, in Egypt, with Feivel Polkes, a Zionist operative, whom Eichmann described as a ""leading Haganah functionary ."" The chain-smoking Polkes was also on the Nazis' payroll ""as an informer.""" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 1/1/1937 895 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists "Brenner isn't the first writer to address the mostly taboo subj ect of how the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis. Rolf Hilberg's semi nal ""The Destruction of European Jews""; Hannah Arendt's ""Eichmann in Jerusale m""; Ben Hecht's ""Perfidy""; Edwin Black's ""The Transfer Agreement""; Francis R. Nicosia's ""The Third Reich and the Palestine Question""; Rudolf Vrba and Ala n Bestic's ""I Cannot Forgive""; and Rafael Medoff's ""The Deadening Silence: Am erican Jews and the Holocaust,"" also dared, with varying public success." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 1/1/1944 896 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis "Hecht, Ben" "Popular American playwright and fervent Zionist Ben Hecht wrote the first book on the subject, Perfidy, relating the history of a Hungarian Zioni st leader who arranged for his family and several hundred prominent Jews to esca pe while facilitating the movement of the rest of Hungarian Jews to Nazi concent ration camps." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 897 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists "in 1933 Zionist leaders concluded a secret pact with the Third Reich that transferred 60,000 Jews and $100,000 to Palestine, Zionists promising in return that they would halt the worldwide boycott that threatened to topple t he Hitler regime in its first year. The Transfer Agreement" link "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 1/1/1933 898 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists "Brenners second book on the topic, 51 Documents, Zionist Collabor ation with the Nazis, includes a 1940 letter from underground Zionist terrorist l eader Avraham Stern proposing that Jewish militias would fight on Germanys side i n exchange for Nazi help in creating an historic Jewish state. Ultimately, 9/11 is a bout protecting and expanding Israel." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 1/1/1940 899 Rense Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis "Ben-Gurion, David" "In The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust, I sraeli historian Tom Segev quotes Zionist leader and future Israeli Prime Minist er David Ben Gurion: If I knew that it was possible to save all the Jewish childr en of Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transpor ting them to Palestine, I would choose the second." link "Rothschild Zion ists, all" Israeli gov Israel 900 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities with Litvinenko are the t ip of a huge iceberg of private intelligence intrigue that involves a number of wanted Russian exiles, including Roman Abramovitch, and Chechen ""Foreign Minist er"" Akhmed Zakayev. Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's] spokesman, Russian exile Al ex Goldfarb, freely operates out of both London and New York." link Intel ag encies 901 RightWeb "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Libby, Scooter" Libby was closely associated with the clique of hardline and neoconservative advisers that was instrumental in shaping the forei gn policy of the Bush administration in the wake of 9/11. link "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" Israel 902 RightWeb "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 & Israel "Libby, Scooter" "Libby's views on U.S. defense and foreign policy is the now-infamous 1992 draft Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), a controversial defens e blueprint created in the administration of President George H.W. Bush. The dra ft DPG seems to have been a major influence on the evolution of neoconservative thinking during the 1990s." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "White House, Bush HW" U.S. 1/1/1992 903 RightWeb "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Libby, Scooter" "March 2007 on charges of lying to gover nment investigators probing the leak of the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame. Among the charges were two counts of perjury, one count of making false stateme nts, and one of obstruction of justice." link U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" Israel 3/1/2007 904 RightWeb "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Libby, Scooter" "During the Bush Senior administration, Libby worked at the Pentagon under Wolfowitz and then-Secretary of Defense Cheney. Libby became Vice President Cheney's chief of staff in 2001, after the younger Bush took offi ce." link U.S. gov "White House, Bush HW" U.S. 1/1/2001 905 RightWeb WTC 1-2 docs Rogue government "Libby, Scooter" "In 1992, while he was working under Cheney, Libby teamed up wit h Wolfowitz to writewith the assistance of Zalmay Khalilzadthe Pentagon's new Defe nse Policy Guidance, or DPG. The draft version of the guidance, ordered by Chene y, laid out a military strategy for global military dominance and preventive war " link U.S. gov "White House, Bush HW" U.S. 1/1/1992 906 RightWeb WTC 1-2 docs Rogue government "Khalilz ad, Zalmay" "In 1992, while he was working under Cheney, Libby teamed up wit h Wolfowitz to writewith the assistance of Zalmay Khalilzadthe Pentagon's new Defe nse Policy Guidance, or DPG. The draft version of the guidance, ordered by Chene y, laid out a military strategy for global military dominance and preventive war " link U.S. gov "White House, Bush HW" U.S. 1/1/1992 907 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Litigation & 9/1 1 "Rodriguez, William" William Rodriguez filed a lawsuit against the th en President George W. Bush and 155 other parties and accused them of complicity in the 9/11 attacks. He claimed that the Twin Towers were devastated by means o f controlled demolitions which the members of New York fire department were ordere d on instructions of the CIA link 9/11 Truth U.S. 908 RT.com "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Money Laundering "Benard, Cheryl" "Zalmay Khalilzad suspected of money laundering. Former U.S. ambassador to the UN, America's envoy to Iraq and Afghanistan under Bush, c urrently CEO of Khalilzad Associates, a division of Gryphon Partners, his wife C heryl Benard is accomplice." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Gryphon Partners Afghanistan 9/1/2014 909 RT.com "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St., Israe l & 9/11" "Segarra, Carmen" "The tapes were recorded (of Fed / Goldm an Sachs duplicity) by a former New York Federal bank examiner, Carmen Segarra, who was an embedded supervisor with Goldman Sachs. She began the recordings when she became worried about what she was witnessing among her colleagues and at Go ldman Sachs over a deal with Banco Santander." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Goldman Sachs Israel 910 RT.com "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleblower "Segarra, Carmen" "A record was needed in case events were disputed. Nearl y seven months into her work Segarra was fired in May 2012, after as she claims she refused to alter a critical assessment of Goldmans legal and compliance units . ProPublica, conflict of interest." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Goldman Sachs Israel 5/1/2012 911 RT.com "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleblower "Segarra, Carmen" "The tapes were recorded by a former New York Federal ba nk examiner, Carmen Segarra, who was an embedded supervisor with Goldman Sachs. She began the recordings when she became worried about what she was witnessing a mong her colleagues and at Goldman Sachs over a deal with Banco Santander." link 9/11 Truth Goldman Sachs Israel 912 RT.com WTC 1-2 physical Tower infernos "Krasnoy arsk, Russia The residential tower Novaya Vysota [New Pinnacle] was built in 2001, reports the local branch of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. All floors engu lfed in flames, no danger of collapse." link 9/11 Truth Global 913 "Ruppert, Michael" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue government "Ruppert, Michael" "Ruppert is the author of Crossi ng The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil, published in September 2004. Crossing The Rubicon claims that VP Dick Cheney, t he US government, and Wall Street had a well-developed awareness of and colluded with the perpetrators of 9/11." link 9/11 Truth "White H ouse, Cheney" U.S. 914 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosions, during 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "Seigel, Rick" "Rick Seigel, WTC 2, 10 pre-collapse explosions, DVD, www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCrLDQwNlqw 10 10 WINS TV audio track, use headpho nes to hear low frequency sounds about 24 minutes into the video" link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 915 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical Eyewitness "Seigel, Rick" "FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise helicopter possibly seen hovering nea r top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port Authority headquarters, Pier 92" link 9/11 Truth U.S. 916 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosions, during 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "Seigel, Rick" "Explosion #3, WINS TV audio track ... www.youtub e.com/watch?v=vCrLDQwNlqw 10 10 WINS TV audio track, use headphones to hear low frequency sounds about 24 minutes into the video 9:56:10 AM" link "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 9/11/2001 917 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical "Explosions, during 9/11 attack" Eyewitness "Seigel, Rick" "9/11 WTC Explosion #4-10, WINS TV audio track, www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCrLDQwNlqw 10 10 WINS TV audio track, use headphones to hear low frequency explosion sounds about 24 minutes into the video 9:56:10 AM" link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 9/11/200 1 918 KillTown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Angel, Udi" "In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought 100,00 0 immigrants to Israel. ... In 1969, the Israel Corporation acquired about half of Zim shares. The Israeli government and other, smaller, investors held the res t. In April 1999, the Ofer Brothers Group became the major shareholder of the Is rael Corporation, and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman of the Board of Zim. In F ebruary 2004 the Israel Corp completed ownership" link "JFK, 9/11 & Zio nists" Israeli corp Israel Corporation Israel 919 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 Fellowship Foundation "The annual Prayer Breakfast contrivance of the Fellowship Foundation is a ruse designed to provide a series of top level intell igence and organized crime meetings under the sanctioning smile of ""Jesus."" Th e person who invited Brudno, Dubov, and the jailed Khodorkovsky to the prayer br eakfast was Lantos, whose wife, daughter, and son-in-law are devout Mormons." link Secret societies U.S. think tank Fellowship Foundation 920 link Fascism & Neocons 921 "Henderson, Dean" "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Rothschild / Zionism Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the first oil p ipeline from the to the Mediterranean to bring BP Iranian oil to Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil. He is considered by many the fathe r of modern Israel. Link Rothschild to Warburg ... the creation of Israel was not about Jews but establishing a foothold in the Middle East to control oil. link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Rothschild Israel 922 Global Research "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political "The Fed cartel: The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dut ch/Shell (Rothschild), BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP , Barclays and other European old money behemoths. They financed the British/Nazi plans to start WWII, see RIIA, Rhodes Round Table" link "JFK, 9/11 & Zio nists" Israeli corp Rothschild Israel 923 Take Our World Back "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political False flag "Lowy, Frank" "Frank Lowy, billionaire Australian, fought in J ewish Underground. He was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Isra eli war of independence. Before this he was a member of Hagganah, a Jewish terro rist organization. owner of Westfield Group WTC retail operation. (connections t o 7/7 London bombing false flag attack)." link "Controlled demolition, all" Israeli gov "Irgun, Betar, Stern, LEHI" Israel 924 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical FEMA Tripod exercises "Seigel, Rick" "FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise helicopter possibly seen hove ring near top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port Authority headquarters, Pier 92" link NYC Port Authority New York 925 "Seigel, Rick" WTC 1-2 physical FEMA Tripod exercises "Seigel, Rick" "FEMA, Tripod 2 emergency exercise helicopter possibly seen hove ring near top of WTC 2 prior to collapse, Port Authority headquarters, Pier 93" link U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 926 Serendipity "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda "Libby, Scooter" "Scooter Libby was Marc Rich's attorney (from 1985) Libby was the behind-the-scenes Svengali responsible for the Clinton pardon of Rich, working directly with ""former"" Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah a nd Avner Azulay. Larry Silverstein and Marc Rich both hired Jack Quinn as their at torney." link Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1/1/1985 927 "Sheen, Charlie" WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation Controlled demolition "Sheen, Charlie" " 9/11 Truth Sheen questioned the pl ausibility of a fireballs traveling 110 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when co ntrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings." "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 928 Spectator.co.uk "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Silverstein, Lawrence" Larry Silverstein and Marc Rich both hired Jack Quinn as their attorney. link U.S. gov Silverstein Properties U.S. 929 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Begin, Menachem" "Menachem Begin's Irgun Jewish terrorists dress as Arabs and bomb the King David Hotel, killing 92 people. The Irgun also plot t o assassinate British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin; fortunately, this conspira cy is foiled by MI6." lnk Israeli gov Irgun Israel 7/1/1946 930 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Ben-Gurion, David" "David Ben-Gurion declares the independe nce of the new Zionist State of Israel, born from deception and from the blood o f victims of Jewish terrorism hours before the British Mandate is due to expire. May 15. Eleven minutes after midnight, U.S. President Harry Truman officially r ecognises the proclaimed Jewish state in Palestine." lnk Israeli gov Irgun Israel 5/15/1948 931 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag Operation Susannah "An Israeli spy ring is arrested in Egyp t. These Israeli secret service agents have been assigned to attack U.S. and Bri tish interests in Egypt. ""Operation Susannah"" is a typical example of false-fl ag terrorism ... The operation is unsuccessful, the Israeli defense minister Pin has Lavon is forced to resign as a result of the scandal, and the incident becom es known as the Lavon Affair. ... but he is later honored in Israel." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 7/1/1954 932 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Israel carries out a sustained air and naval attack on the USS Liberty for over an hour, employing torpedoes, machine guns and napalm r ockets, even to the extent of machine-gunning lifeboats launched to save the mos t seriously wounded. 34 men are killed and more than 170 wounded." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 6/1/1967 933 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Cesium" "Besides its persistence and high activity, cesium-137 has the further insidious property of being mistaken for potassium by living organisms and taken up as pa rt of the fluid electrolytes. This means that it is passed on up the food chain and re-concentrated from the environment by that process." lnk Mini Nuk es 9/11 Truth U.S. 934 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Piper, Michael Collins" "American journalist and author Michael Collins Piper, in an article for The Spotlight, exposes Roy Edward Bullo ck as a full-time professional operative and informant for the Anti-Defamation L eague of B'nai B'rith (ADL). Bullock, a homosexual from San Francisco whose info rmation is passed on to both Israel and the South African government, poses as a n ""art dealer"", a ""populist"" and a ""good patriot""" lnk "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" ADL Israel 1/1/1986 935 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Pollard, Jonathan" "Jonathan Pollard, a for mer U.S. Navy intelligence officer, is convicted of spying for Israel. One case of many." lnk Israel 1/1/1987 936 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical 9/11 Groundwork "Israeli security officials inspect the garage of Zim Am erican Israeli Shipping in the WTC, and conclude that the WTC garage is vulnerab le to a car bomb. The bomb was probably a modified W54 (too much damage for the amo unt of conventional explosives that could be packed into a van.... same with Okl ahoma City Murrah building. McVeigh was set up.)" lnk Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 1/1/1991 937 Take Our World Back WTC 1993 political "Evidenc e destruction, obstruction" "Rahman, Shaik Omar Abdul" "US fed prosecut ors suppressed critical evidence in 1993 WTC bombing trial of Shaik Omar Abdul R ahman that demonstrated links between the CIA and Muhjaeddin, including Osama bi n Laden." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI Israel 2/1/1993 938 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "Barak, Roy" "The DEA compiled a list of the Israeli Art Students WMR has repr inted that list in his book The Star and the Sword. Roy Barak is on the list and was arrested on Sept 12, 2001. He was a driver for Urban Moving Systems. See al so Tinker Air Force Base. ... and Canadian authorities also aware of IAS activit ies... see Winnegeg Sun, Bob Holliday." lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Mov ing Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 9/12/2001 939 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "The team active in Irving, Texas had links to the Chesterfield, Missouri-based AMDOCS, Michael Calmanovic was the leader of the IAS Irving group, Calmonovic wa s arrested, and his address was just a few blocks away from 9/11 hijacker Ahmed Khalifa (Khafefa), ... Marbletree Apts, ... the IAS were either decoys or were c asing and supporting the hijackers." lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Mov ing Systems" Israeli corp AMDOCS Israel 10/1/2001 940 Antiwar WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "Baer, Ophir" "In another case of arrested ""art students"" of the Israeli per suasion, we are told who posted bail: one Ophir Baer, an employee of AMDOCS (p. 13, paragraph 42), an Israeli-based company that has a virtual monopoly on phone -billing in the US, and is mentioned prominently both by Carl Cameron of Fox New s and Paul Rodriguez of Insight magazine in their respective exposés of Israeli pe netration of US communications systems." link "Israeli art students, U rban Moving Systems" Israeli corp AMDOCS Israel 941 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" CALEA "The DEA used the T2S2 intercept system provided by Comverse, Israel reim bursed Comverse for 50% of its operations, the FCC (supported by Booz Allen) use d T2S2 in counter narcotics HIDTAs, see WMR for information on links between NSA , Comverse Infosys, STELLAR WIND, Narus, TDC, Unit 8200 (Israel's NSA) ISNU, Pau l Jacobson." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 942 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Hufschmid, Eric Blane" "June 18. Eric Blane Hufschmid's half-sister Kat hryn marries James Murdoch, son and heir apparent to billionaire Zionist media m ogul Rupert Murdoch." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 943 Take Our World Back WTC 1-2 physical Fireproofing Controll ed demolition "Tom Leppert: 2001: January Fireproofing ""upgrades"" ar e being carried out at the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, as also occurred ov er several years pre-2001. The contract holder is Turner Construction, whose CEO is Tom Leppert." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Turner Construction U.S. 1/1/2001 944 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Murdoch, Rupert" "February 15. Rupert Murdoch's F ox TV network broadcasts a documentary entitled ""Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?"" This weak conspiracy theory has plenty of evidence against it, a nd very little to support it." lnk 9/11 Truth Fox News U.S. 2/1/2001 945 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "Domb, Sam" "Jewish business man, Sam Domb, arranged Leutchanskys invitation, and was a good friend of Americ an scoff law, and Israeli money launderer Marc Rich. Domb was a conduit by which Nordex funneled illegal campaign funds to Clintons campaign. Leutchansky discuss ed with the President the means he was using to force the Ukraine to return its nuclear ICBMs to Moscow" link U.S. gov "White House, Cl inton" Israel 946 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Murdoch, Rupert" "March 19. Fox TV rebroadcasts i ts ""Moon hoax"" conspiracy theory." lnk U.S. think tank Fox News U.S. 3/1/2001 947 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC lease "Silverstein, Lawrence" "April. Real estate developer Larry A. S ilverstein is still in the running as one of three bidders for the 99-year lease on the World Trade Center, after having been viewed as a ""dark horse"" who was unlikely to win the deal." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties U.S. 4/1/2001 948 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC lease "Eisenberg, Lewis" "Silverstein .. WTC bidder, However, Por t Authority chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg is in charge of negotiations. Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman Sachs for many years, and is on the planning Board of t he UJA / United Jewish Federation ""charity""." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties Israel 4/1/2001 949 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Silverstein, Lawrence" Silverstein served as Chairman of the Bo ard of the United Jewish Appeal. See also Runway 69 Strip Club controversyhe said he was unaware of its existence? And its connection to Negev and a free trade zo ne controversy. lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp Silverst ein Properties Israel 950 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC lease "Benjamin Netanyahu's friend Larry Silverstein, in partn ership with billionaire Australian Frank Lowy who fought ""in the Jewish undergr ound"", takes control of the WTC lease, and insures the buildings against terror attacks for billions of dollars, with a clause stating that in the event of a t errorist attack, the partners could not only collect the insured value of the pr operty, but would also be released from all of their obligations under the 99-ye ar lease." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Silverstein Prop erties Israel 6/30/2001 951 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "The DEA used the T2S2 intercept system provided by Comverse, Israel reimbursed C omverse for 50% of its operations, the FCC (supported by Booz Allen) used T2S2 i n counter narcotics HIDTAs, see WMR for information on links between NSA, Comver se Infosys, STELLAR WIND, Narus, TDC, Unit 8200 (Israel's NSA) ISNU, Paul Jacobs on." lnk U.S. gov Booz Allen U.S. 952 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Kerik, Bernard" "August 26. New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik leaves for a four-day trip to Israel, where he is to meet governm ent officials to discuss terrorism. The trip has been approved by Mayor Giuliani , with New York taxpayers picking up the tab." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" NYC Israel 8/26/2001 953 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Lowy, Frank" "Frank Lowy, billionaire Australian, fought in J ewish Underground. He was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Isra eli war of independence. Before this he was a member of Hagganah, a Jewish terro rist organization. owner of Westfield Group WTC retail operation." lnk Israeli gov Irgun Israel 954 lnk 955 Take Our World Back WTC 1-2 political "Wall St., Israe l & 9/11" "September 6. In the U.S. stock options market, an extra ordinary proportion of trades are betting that the United Airlines price will fa ll. The put / call ratio is 25, i.e., ""puts"" are about 96.154 percent of the v olume, and ""calls"" only 3.846 percent, as opposed to a typical 50:50 ratio." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Stock market U.S. 9/6/2001 956 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "September 10. The Washington Times publishes details of a study by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), which has this to say of Israel's Mossad: ""Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to t arget U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.""" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp MSM U.S. 9/10/2001 957 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Brown, Willie" San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is warned not t o fly the next day. lnk U.S. 9/10/2001 958 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings Goldman Sachs "An internal memo is sent around Goldman Sachs i n Tokyo, advising all employees of a possible terrorist attack against American buildings." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Goldman Sachs Japan 9/11/2001 959 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St., Israel & 9/11" "In the U.S. stock options market, an ex traordinary proportion of trades are betting that the American Airlines stock pr ice will fall. The proportion of ""put"" options, at more than 80 percent, (85.7 9 percent at the Chicago Board Options Exchange, according to this source) far e xceeds the proportion of ""call"" options. September 11." lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp CBOE U.S. 9/11/2001 960 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Giuliani, Rudy" "7:00:00 AM Also in New York is Rudy Giu liani. Odigo, an Israeli instant messaging company with offices in Herzliya, Isr ael, provides two hours' advance warning of an attack on the World Trade Center. " lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Odigo Israel 9/11/200 1 961 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Bollyn, Christopher" "Also in Herzliya, which is where Chris Bollyn's first Jewish wife worked for Israeli military intellige nce, is the ""Interdisciplinary Center"" (IDC). The IDC has close connections wi th Israeli intelligence, and the Annual Herzliya Conference Series is chaired by Prof. Uzi Arad, a former (1997-1999) foreign policy advisor to Benjamin Netanya hu and head of research at the Mossad, where he served for some twenty-five year s." lnk Israeli gov IDC Israel 1/1/1999 962 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NRO drills "At 9:00 a.m., officials at the National Reconnaissance Office, Chantilly, VA, start to run an exercise involving a plane crashing into a tower. Another drill is scheduled at the 97th floor of the WTC South Tower whe re Fiduciary Trust has offices, and numerous other war games and exercises distr act NORAD so that any truly hijacked (electronically or otherwise) planes cannot be intercepted in time. NRO" lnk U.S. gov National Reconna issance Office U.S. 9/11/2001 963 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Arad, Prof. Uzi" "The IDC has close conne ctions with Israeli intelligence, and the Annual Herzliya Conference Series is c haired by Prof. Uzi Arad, a former (1997-1999) foreign policy advisor to Benjami n Netanyahu and head of research at the Mossad, where he served for some twenty- five years." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 964 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Silverstein, Lawrence" "Uncharacteristically, Larry Silverstein does not breakfast at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107t h floors of the North Tower that day since he has a ""dermatologist's appointmen t"", and another consequence is that his two children, who work at Silverstein P roperties, are running late." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 9/11/2001 965 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Fireproo fing Controlled demolition "The steel was certified to ASTM E119 by Universal Laboratories. In subsequent tests to be sponsored by NIST on correspo nding floor assemblies subjected to greater heat exposure and protected with les s fireproofing than at the WTC on 9/11, it will be found that the test specimens ""were able to sustain the maximum design load"" without collapsing for as long as the tests were run: 2 to 3 1/2 hours)." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 966 "Fetzer, James" "9/11, JFK, Holocaust & ISIS" political "9/11, Wall St. & Israel" "Lansdale, Edward" "Commenter: General Edwa rd Lansdale's role in ""Operation Golden Lilly"", is exposed in the book Gold Wa rriors, by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave ... the treasure financed $240 billion wo rth of bonds that were used to bring down of the Soviet Union and those bonds co uld only be ""cleared"" by creating a stock-exchange emergency, i.e. the 9/11 "" attacks""" lnk U.S. gov SEC Russia 967 "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" lnk 968 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Disinfo & ommissions "Hauer, Jerome" "Within hours, Jerome Hauer goes on TV t o tell everyone that ""It... certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like bin Laden"", and that the World Trade Center collapsed because of ""the velocity of the plane"" and ""intense heat probably weakened the structure as well""." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp MSM U.S. 9/11/2001 969 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Anthrax hoax "Hauer, Jerome" "Hauer reportedly advises the White House to sta rt taking Cipro, an effective antibiotic against anthrax." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 9/11/2001 970 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "The DEA used the T2S2 intercept system provided by Comverse, Israel reimbursed C omverse for 50% of its operations, the FCC (supported by Booz Allen) used T2S2 i n counter narcotics HIDTAs, see WMR for information on links between NSA, Comver se Infosys, STELLAR WIND, Narus, TDC, Unit 8200 (Israel's NSA) ISNU, Paul Jacobs on." lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 971 Wikispooks "JFK assassination, Israel" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Eisenberg, Shaul" "Maurice Greenberg (clos e to Shaul Eisenberg, Permindex) CEO of American International Group (AIG) on 9- 11 which became co-owner of the private spy agency, Kroll Associates, in 1993 and was a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-11 was Maurices son Jeffrey; director of the New York Federal Reserve bank (1988-1995);" lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. corp AIG U.S. 972 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Explosi ons, during 9/11 attack" Controlled demolition Middle Eastern people "A ""panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center"" is stopped, and found to contain yet another team of ""ethnic Middle Eastern pe ople"" - i.e., Israelis. There is evidence to suggest that this van exploded. An d team is caught attempting to blow up the George Washington Bridge with a truck packed with tons of explosives. Dan Rather reported on it on 9/11." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 9/11/2001 973 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pedophilia rings "Bush, GW" "Bush is whisked away to the United Stat es Strategic Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska, w here Warren Buffett is hosting his annual golf charity event." lnk U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S. 9/11/2001 974 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Tatlock, Ann" "Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. Int ernational, having been invited to this charity event, is, like the Silversteins , was not in her office on 9/11. 87 of 650 employees were killed." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fiduciary Trust Co. U.S. 9/11/200 1 975 Veterans Today WTC 1-2 political "Khalesov, Big Nukes" Controll ed demolition "Khalezov, Dimitri" Khalezov theory: Nuclear reactors existe d for a long time in the basements of the Twin Towers and were intentionally cau sed to melt down. When they eventually exploded the vaporized the core columns o f the WTC thus causing their total destruction. Theory doesn't address squibs or explosions prior to collapse lnk 9/11 Truth Russia 976 911 Review WTC 1993 political WTC Security "Hauer, Jerome" "SAIC investigated the 1993 WTC bombing, ... also responsible fo r evaluating the WTC for terrorism risks in 1986. SAIC is also linked to the lat e 1990s security upgrades at the WTC, the Rudy Giuliani administration, and the anthrax incidents after 9/11, through former employees Jerome Hauer and Steven H atfill." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp SAIC U.S. 977 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Students, spies" Middle Eastern people "6:00:00 AM A van occupi ed by what turned out to be Israelis (Middle eastern men), pulled up to The Colo ny Beach & Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, Florida were turned away because of no appointment. Many reports from local and national media report on this." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Colony Beach resort U.S. 9/11/2001 978 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Bush, GW" 6:30:00 AM Bush goes for a four mile jog around the golf course at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort. lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Colony Beach resort U.S. 9/11/2001 979 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings Odigo "6:45:00 AM Two hours before the first attack, two worke rs at the instant messaging company Odigo receive messages warning of the WTC at tack. This Israeli owned company has its headquarters two blocks from the WTC." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Odigo Israel 9/11/2001 980 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Passengers, 9/11" "Atta, Mohammed" "6:50:00 AM US media shows video Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari's flight from Portland, Maine arrives on ti me at Boston's Logan Airport." lnk U.S. 9/11/200 1 981 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Lewin, Daniel" "Daniel ""Danny"" Mark Lewin (Hebrew: ????? (???) ???? ? ????) (May 14, 1970 September 11, 2001) was an American-Israeli mathematician an d entrepreneur who co-founded internet company Akamai Technologies. He died in t he ." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" "9/11 Commission, omissions" Israel 982 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "WMR reported that United Flight 93 hijackers were present on the evening of Sep tember 10, 2001, in a Wayne, New Jersey strip club before rising in the morning and heading off to Newark International Airport." lnk 9/11 Tru th U.S. 9/10/2001 983 "Guyénot, Laurent" "JFK assassination, Israel" political Rothschild & JFK "Johnson, Lyndon" "Johnson, heavily involved in th e Zionist plot from the beginning, was capable of murder, and had enough power t o control the investigation ... could keep Israel out of view. He and Ben Gurion had to stop Kennedy's plan to deny Israel the bomb, to overcome Kennedy's stop implementation of 1948 UN Palestinian Resolution 194), to restrict the ZOA (AIPA C), withdraw troops from Vietnam, stop the Cold War...etc." lnk "JFK, 9/ 11 & Zionists" U.S. gov "White House, Johnson" Israel 984 ------Top 20 985 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Passengers, 9/11" US media reports about 229 people on the four fl ights but in planes with a total capacity of 762 people or about 70 % empty. htt p://911Timeline.net/36or37missingand70percentempty.htm lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp U.S. 9/11/2001 986 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "While the US issued humiliating certifications to judge countries on their ability to stop drug traffic, Big Oil produced 90% of the ch emicals needed to process cocaine and heroin, which CIA surrogates process and d istribute. CIA chemists were the first to produce heroin." link 9/11 Fin acing & Roots "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" CIA U.S. 987 911 Blogger WTC 1993 political 9/11 Groundwork "Baker, James" "James Baker, who went to Princeton with Rumsfeld and Carlucci, and who was White House Chief of Staff, and Secretary of the Treasury, for Reaga n. Baker was also George H.W. Bushs campaign manager and Secretary of State, and Bushs White House Chief of Staff again in his last government position. Baker bec ame a partner at Carlyle just two weeks after the February 1993 bombing of the W TC." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" 9/11 Truth "White House, Bu sh" U.S. 988 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Plame, Valerie" "Through AMDOCS Israel ... discovered th at the Pantex nuclear facility near Amarillo, Texas, stores enriched plutonium f uel that is 99 percent pure plutonium that does not require reprocessing for ano ther 60 to 90 years. Israel gained access to the classified details of the Pante x operation ... the reason Plame was outed" lnk Mini Nukes Israeli corp AMDOCS Israel 989 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Ostrovsky, Victor" "Victor John Ostrovsky is an author and a former katsa (case officer) for the Israeli Mossad (foreign intelligence service). He authored two non-fiction books about his service with the Mossad: By Way of Dece ption, a New York Times No. 1 bestseller in 1990, and The Other Side of Deceptio n several years later." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israel 1/1/1990 990 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical ACARS me ssages "If a pilot loses their transponder the controllers cons ole immediately alerts him to this fact since he no longer has the transponder c ode and altitude. The pilot is instructed to stay below 3,500 feet and return to the airport. The reason for the concern is the pilot is a hazard to navigation. Northeast corner of U.S. is the busiest." lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 9/11/2001 991 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Evidence destruction, obstruction" FBI confiscate all of these tape s between the controllers and these four flights? lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 9/11/2001 992 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Hijackers, Florida" "Card, Andrew" "9:05 a.m.: Andrew Card walks up to Bush while he is listening to a Goat Story ... in Sandra Kay Daniels class at Emma E . Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. Card whispers in his ear ""A se cond plane has hit the World Trade Center. America is under attack."" Bush doesn 't leave for up to 18 minutes." lnk U.S. gov Sarasota Florida 9/11/2001 993 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "Norquist, Grover" "Abramoff's connections to the Saudis goes back to the 1 980s when he and Grover Norquist, who had close links to the Saudis were aiding the mujaheddin through the International Freedom Foundation. Grover Norquist has close ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahm ... Norquist was also cofounder of the Is lamic Institute, Talat Othman" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. think tank Islamic Institute Saudi Arabia 1/1/1980 994 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Bush, GW" "8:32:00 AM Bush's motocade leaves The Colony Beach and Tennis R esort on Longboat Key, Florida for Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota. " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Colony Beach resort Florida 9/11/2001 995 Telegraph UK "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Israeli spies, historical" "AN Israeli secret agent was found guilty by Swi tzerland's supreme court of spying and given a one-year suspended sentence for h is role in a botched wiretap by Mossad. Tried under his codename Issac Bental, h e is thought to be the first confirmed Mossad agent to be convicted outside Isra el." link Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 7/1/2000 996 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Norquist, Grover" "Abramoff's connections to the Saudis goes back to the 1980s when he and Grover Norquist, who had close links to the Saudis were aiding the mujaheddin through the International Freedom Foundation. Grover Norq uist has close ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahm ... Norquist was also cofounder o f the Islamic Institute, Talat Othman" lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. think tank Islamic Institute Saudi Arabia 1/1/1980 997 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Rumsfeld, Donald" "35) 8:44 a.m.: Secretary of Defense Rum sfeld, talking about terrorism at the Pentagon says, ""Let me tell you, I've bee n around the block a few times. There will be another event.""He then repeats it for emphasis, there will be another event.""" lnk U.S. gov DoD U.S. 9/11/2001 998 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "9/11, Wall St. & Israel" "Citigroup Inc had a lawsuit for violating federal secur ities laws by misrepresenting Citigroup's potential Enron-related exposure in it s 2001 Annual Report and elsewhere, and failing to disclose the true extent of C itigroup's potential legal liability arising out of its 'structured finance' dea lings with Enron. see Enron 9/11 links" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Citi U.S. 10/22/2001 999 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Al-Ahmoudi, Ahmed" "German police files indicated that Al Ahmoudi m et in the fall of 2000 Mohammed Belfas, an Islamic leader in Hamburg, who once s hared an apartment with Ramzi bin al-Shibi, a kingpin in the 9/11 attacks" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov International Freedom Foundation Saudi Arabia 1000 WTC Demolition WTC 1-2 physical EMP "A nucle ar bomb emits a flux of gamma rays. These will ionize (expel electrons from) sur rounding air molecules. ... then a coherent electromagnetic wave front (electrom agnetic pulse) moves outward that will adversely affect any metallic objects tha t it intersects. A high voltage and current will be induced into the metal, whic h can cause circuitry, or any metallic parts to melt, catch fire, or explode." lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1001 Wikispooks WTC 1-2 political "Khalesov, Big Nukes" Warnings "Khalezov, Dimitri" "Khalezov claims that he knew about the in-built so-call ed emergency nuclear demolitions scheme for the Twin Towers as long ago as the 198 0's, whilst a serviceman in the Soviet Special Control Service. also says he is colleague of Vikot Bout Amazon / Facebook prohibit entries on his books." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Russia 1002 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, Russia / Israel mafia" "Clinton, Bill" "Russia Ukraine Israel Mafia (RU IM): Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish mafia, money laundering by Bank of New Yor k and RUIM, OPERATION SPIDERWEB, and Benex (Marc Rich), offices in same building as Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Latvian-born Israeli who laundered billions through his Vienna-based NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear smuggling and Clinton re-election ... Sam Domb" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov "White H ouse, Clinton" Israel 1/1/1996 1003 Take Our World Back WTC 1-2 physical NORAD / FAA 8:47 a.m.: NORAD informed of American Airlines Flight 11 striking the World Trad e Center. lnk U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 9/11/2001 1004 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 Medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "Environmental (WTC, 9/11) exposure to ionizing radiation from both natural backgrou nd sources and artificial sources are suspected to play a significant role, and there are significant increased rates of thyroid cancer rates in those exposed t o mantlefield radiation for lymphoma, and those exposed to iodine-131 following the Chernobyl disaster. (and a 239% increase in NYC)" lnk "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 1005 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies Israeli Art Students "Israeli Art Students and Arab hijackers paths crossed i n a number of cities in 2000 was covered up by John Ashcroft and Robert Mueller. Hollywood, Florida, Irving, Texas [near Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport ]; San Diego; Jersey City; and Laurel, Maryland." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1006 Iamthe Witness "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Comverse Infosys (Israeli company) built the tapping equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but suspic ion formed that Comverse Infosys, which got half of its research and development budget from the Israeli government," lnk Intel agencies Israeli corp Comverse Infosys Israel 1007 "Fox, Donald" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Victims "Just eleven days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Congress created the Septemb er 11th Victim Compensation Fund 2750 died at the WTC, but only 1634 identified. About 9000 remains remain unidentified and are stored at an undisclosed location ." link "Victims, all" U.S. gov U.S. 9/22/2001 1008 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Bush Crime Family "Bush, GW" "8:51:00 AM Bush arrives at Emma E. Book er Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida for a photo op with 16 second graders. He is there to promote his administration's new bill on education." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush GW" U.S. 9/11/2001 1009 "Fox, Donald" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Feinberg, Kenneth" "Diane and Kenneth Feinberg were co-chairmen of a General Assembly of the Jewish Federation, Diane is also an executive member o f the United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Federation of Washington. She also hap pens to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency the parent or ganization of the Mossad." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov U.S. 1010 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Cell phone calls "Olson, Barbara" "8:53:00 AM Barbara Olson, a pas senger on American Airlines Flight 77, ""allegedly called"" her husband, Solicit or General Theodore Olson at the Justice Department. He is watching the WTC news on TV. She tells him, ''they had box cutters and knives. They rounded up the pa ssengers at the back of the plane.'' She asks him, ""What should I tell the pilo t to do?""" lnk U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 9/11/2001 1011 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Controll ed demolition Tower infernos unsucessful building demolitions: vid "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. 9/11/2001 1012 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Controll ed demolition Tower infernos Tower infernos video vid 9/11 Truth U.S. 9/11/2001 1013 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Money Laundering "Lowy, Frank" "Billionaire, Frank Lowy (Westfield malls, global) and his sons David, Peter and Stephen hid assets from the Australian Taxation Office, using t he European tax haven of Liechtenstein (LGT Bank) to conceal tens of millions of dollars for more than a decade ...Rothschild connection through Bombardier" link U.S. think tank Israel 7/1/2008 1014 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon political Pentagon surveillance tapes All discussion about the surveillance ca mera videos of the Pentagon being confiscated and classified by the FBI are omit ted lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI "U.S., Israel, SA, Brita in" 1015 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" Pentagon physical Pentagon surveillance tapes "Rumsfeld, Donald" Secretary of Defense Rum sfeld use of the word 'missile' when referring to the Pentagon attack were omitt ed. lnk U.S. gov DoD "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1016 911 Review WTC 1-2 physical NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Ryan, Kevin" "Kevin Ryan seems to be inferring that nanothermites were spraye d on steel girders underneath the fireproofing (substituted for intumescent pain t) on the floors corresponding to the floors impacted and 'weakened' by the alle dged plane impacts, all possibly with the knowledge by Buro Happold of the NY Po rt Authority" lnk NYC NYC Port Authority NY 1017 911 Review WTC 1-2 physical Fireproofing Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Ryan, Kevin" "TRW has had a long collaboration with NASA labo ratories in the development of energetic materials that are components of advanc ed propellants, like nano-gelled explosive materials (NASA 2001). TRW Aeronautic s also made fireproof composites and high performance elastomer formulations, an d worked with NASA to make energetic aerogels." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp TRW U.S. 1018 911 Review WTC 1-2 political Anthrax hoax "Bement, Arden" Bement (NIST) was also a director at both Battelle and the Lord Corporat ion. Battelle (where the anthrax was made) is an organization of experts in funda mental technologies from the five National Laboratories we manage or co-manage f or the US DOE. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Battelle U.S. 1019 911 Review WTC 1-2 political NIST / FEMA Cover-up "Zachariah, Michael" "Hratch Semerjian, long-time director of NISTs chemical d ivision, was promoted to acting director of NIST in November 2004, and took over the WTC investigation until the completion of the report on the towers. Semerji an is closely linked to former NIST employee Michael Zachariah, perhaps the worl ds most prominent expert on nano-thermites (Zachariah 2008). (Who better to run the cover-up?)" lnk U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 1020 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Incompetence theory "Bush, GW" "9:01:00 AM Bush statement. ""And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the to wer"" ... Bush could not have possibly seen the first plane (American Airlines F light 11) hit the WTC, because the only video showing this was not shown on tele vision till later in the day. So how could he have possibly seen and said this?" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 9/11/2001 1021 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NORAD / FAA 9:02:00 AM Official story: United Airlines Flight 175 im pacts the south side of the South Tower of the WTC between the 78th and 84th flo ors at a speed of over 500 MPH. lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bu sh" U.S. 9/11/2001 1022 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag Israel 'faked al-Qaeda presence' ... Officials from the Palestinian Authority ha ve accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up the mock cell in order to justify attacks in Palestinian areas. pic Intel ag encies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 12/1/2002 1023 Wikispooks WTC 1-2 political "Khalesov, Big Nukes" Controll ed demolition "Khalezov, Dimitri" "Khalezov claims that he knew about the in-built so-called emergency nuclear demolitions scheme for the Twin Towers as lon g ago as the 1980's, whilst a serviceman in the Soviet Special Control Service. also says he is colleague of Vikot Bout Amazon / Facebook prohibit entries on hi s books." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Russia 1024 FBI "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommiss ions "Mueller, Robert" """In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper either here in the United States, or in the treasure trov e of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot.""" link Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1025 TruthMove WTC 1-2 physical Bentham Open Science Journal Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Bentham .... turns the conventional business mo del of on its head by charging publication fees to the autho rs of research papers, and then making the content available for free. ""I recei ved solicitations for journals for which I had no subject expertise at all"" ... so they tested Bentham: submitted a SCIgen paper that generates nonsensical com puter science papers, ... it was accepted... for a $800 fee." link "Control led demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 1026 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 physical Bentham Open Science Journal Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Wikipedia accepted without question that In Apr il 2008, Jones, along with four other authors, published a letter in The Bentham Open Civil Engineering Journal, titled, 'Fourteen Points of Agreement with Offi cial Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction'" lnk "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 4/1/2008 1027 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Nanothermite Gatekeepers "Ryan, Kevin" "Then we have the thermite sniffers, led by Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, who insist that this obscure incendiary could have blown apart the buildings," lnk "Controlled demolition, all" "9/11 Truth, gat ekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 1028 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite Gatekeepers "Griffin, David Ray" "Griffin: We are happy with our formulation, that it can be tailored to work as an incendiary or [as] an explosive. We cannot be responsi ble for the fact that many people may equate explosive with high explosive, his answe r raised a number of rather disturbing questions about the ethical implications of allowing these enormously misleading impressions to linger:" lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth AE911Truth U.S. 1029 "Nader, Ralph" "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Zionism = Nazism "Norman, Montagu" "It was Montagu Norman, as Chair man of the Bank of England, who, from 1933 through 1939, met repeatedly with Hja lmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Economics, and a member of the Rhodes Round Tabl e, to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime with British credit, and guided the strategies of Hitlers primary supporters, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Ha rrimans." Secret societies UK gov Business Round Table Germany 1030 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "Israel Art Students Hanan Serfaty, lived at 701 S. 21st St. in Hollywood, aroun d the corner from Shuckums Bar in Hollywood Florida. He also lived at the Emeral d Greens Apartments at 4220 Sheridan Street, Apartment 303, practically across t he street from Mailbox Rentals, where Omari and Al Shehhi, as well as two other hijackers, Khalid al Midhar and Walid al Shehri, maintained a mail drop. see pic " pic "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" U.S. gov DEA Israel 7/1/2001 1031 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Zim American Shipping moved out of the WTC around Sept. 4, 2001 and into a newly built office building in Norfolk, Va., even though they had a significant remaining lease obligation at the WTC.6 In fact, An April 3, 2001 ar ticle in the Virginian-Pilot stated, Zim expects to open the new (Norfolk) buildi ng by Sept. 4 and will eventually employ 235 people." link Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 4-Sep-01 1032 Salon "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "The Israeli art student mystery For almost two years, hundreds of young Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices -- in particular, th e DEA. In March 2001, the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive ( NCIX), a branch of the CIA, issued a heads-up to federal employees about suspicio us visitors to federal facilities." link Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 1033 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NORAD / FAA 9:06 a.m.: Order to halt traffic is expanded to include the entire northeast from Washington to Cleveland. FAA's air traffic control cen ter outside Washington D.C. notifies all air traffic facilities nationwide of th e suspected hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11. lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 9/11/2001 1034 AVWeb "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell phone calls "FCC had apparently requested that airlines make this rule, owing to the tendenc y for cell phone calls made from aircraft at lower altitudes to create cascades th at may lead to breakdown of cellsite operations. (Frazier 2002)" U.S. gov FCC U.S. 1035 911Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell pho ne calls "Beamer, Tod" 911Truth.org report: Verizon wireless re cord shows that 19 calls were made from Tod Beamers cell phone long after the cra sh of UA 93. link "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" FAA U.S. 1036 "Henderson, Dean" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators In 1985 Drexel Lambert S&L crook Michael Milken helped Houston Natural Gas merged with Internorth to create Enron. Kenne th Lay headed Houston Natural Gas and became chairman and CEO of the new company . Enron was the biggest corporate contributor to George W. Bushs campaign to beco me Texas Governor. HendersonLeftHook global Zionist / Neocon Nazi Germany Germany 1037 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 Rothschild "Hearst estate is being advised by NM Roth schild," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Hearst Corp UK 1038 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 Hearst "Hearst estate is being advised by NM Rothschild, the investment bank. Popular Mechanics Magazine is a Hearst publication and at the f orefront of 9/11 disinformation." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Popular Mechanics Israel 1039 Global Research Pentagon political Litigation & 9/1 1 "Gallop, April" "April Gallop versus Dick Cheney: Court Dismisses 9/11 S uit against Bush Officials April Gallop who survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 20 01, claims that no evacuation was ordered inside the Pentagon, despite flight co ntrollers calling in warnings of approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20 minutes before the building was struck." link U.S. gov "White H ouse, Cheney" U.S. 1040 Global Research Pentagon physical Litigation & 9/1 1 "Gallop, April" "April Gallop versus Dick Cheney: Court Dismisses 9/11 S uit against Bush Officials April Gallop who survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 20 01, claims that no evacuation was ordered inside the Pentagon, despite flight co ntrollers calling in warnings of approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20 minutes before the building was struck." link U.S. gov "White H ouse, Cheney" U.S. 1041 ------Fascism & Neocons 1042 ------1043 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 political Nuclear smuggling & Plam egate "Countryman, Tom" "is a career diplomat who has been the United St ates Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferatio n since September 27, 2011, a special advisor to Madeleine Albright now Assistan t Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 9/1/2011 1044 Take Our World Back Flight 93 physical NORAD / FAA "9:23 a.m.: A sonic boom occurs, which was picked up by an earth quake monitor in southern Pennsylvania, 60 miles away from Shanksville. This was most likely caused by a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier." lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 9/11/2001 1045 PressTV political Disinfo & ommissions "After a series of commissions, lawsuits and investigations, it wasnt until 1991 when the US government admitted that Agent Orange had already killed as many as 100,000 veterans. Were they diagnosed and treated using information the governme nt withheld, many if not most would be alive today. The same thing is happening wi th WTC cancer." 9/11 Truth U.S. 1/1/1991 1046 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 physical Bentham Open Science Journal Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Bentham Open journals claim to employ peer revi ew; however, the fact that a fake paper generated with SCIgen had been accepted for publication, has cast doubt on this. Furthermore, the publisher is known for spamming scientists with invitations to become a member of the editorial boards of its journals" lnk "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Tru th U.S. 1047 ------1048 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NORAD / FAA 9:26:00 AM The FAA halts takeoffs nationwide. All airbor ne international flights are told to land in Canada. lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 9/11/2001 1049 Aangirfan "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Libby, Scooter" "Allegedly, Marc Rich is an asset of the CIA, Mo ssad and the Russian Jewish Mafia. ""Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18- year collaboration with Russian Mafia 'godfather' Marc Rich" lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian Mafia (RUIM) Israel 1050 WTC Demolition "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical EMP "Ondrovic, Patricia" "9/11 EMT Patricia Ondrovic. ... as she entered WTC 6 (a s WTC 1 began to explode), she saw a series of flashes around the ceiling of the lobby all going off one-by-one like the X-mass lights ... pattern"" These are EM Ps passing through that area and causing wires or lighting fixtures to pop. ... ca rs near her caught fire for no apparent reason. ... a car door exploded off a ca r and injured her." lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov U.S. 1051 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Eisenberg, Lewis" "Silverstein .. WTC bidd er, However, Port Authority chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg is in charge of negotiat ions. Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman Sachs for many years, and is on the pla nning Board of the UJA / United Jewish Federation ""charity""." lnk Israeli think tank United Jewish Federation Israel 4/2/2001 1052 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions 9:32:00 AM Secret Service agents burst into Chen ey's White House office. They carry him under his arms -- nearly lifting him off the ground -- and take him to the security of the underground bunker in the Whi te House basement. lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 9/11/2001 1053 Alternative news "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political "LSE was founded by Fabian Socialists, with Sidney Webb playing a significant ro le. Original patrons include Sir Ernest Cassel, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and armaments firm of Basil Zaharof, Vickers. Early funders: Rockefeller Founda tion (via the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund), Rothschilds (Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild having been a Governor ..." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" LSE 1054 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Washington Group is owned by URS Corp, and they still ""help manage and operate Idaho National Lab, Los Alamos NL and L awrence Livermore National labs LLNL,"" through a partnership with Battelle, Was hington also made payments to Greenhorne & O'Mara, whose employee Theresa McAlli ster was a lead author for the FEMA and NIST reports on the WTC disaster." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Washington Group U.S. 1055 USA Today WTC 1-2 political Elevator renovation Controll ed demolition "According to USA Today: On Sept. 11, ACE Elevator of Pal isades Park, N.J., had 80 elevator mechanics inside the World Trade Center. The W orld Trade Center, Silverstein was there only client." link "Controlled demo lition, all" U.S. corp ACE Elevator U.S. 9/11/2001 1056 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NIST / FEMA Cover-up "McAllister, Theresa" "Washington Group is owned by UR S Corp, who ""help manage and operate Idaho National Lab, Los Alamos NL and Lawr ence Livermore National labs LLNL,"" through a partnership with Battelle, ... Wa shington Group also made payments to Greenhorne & O'Mara, whose employee Theresa McAllister was a lead author for the FEMA and NIST reports on the WTC disaster. " link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Lawrence Livermore Lab U.S. 1057 Alternative news Port Chicago medical "Cancer, Port Chicago" "Vogel, Peter" "Manhattan Project: The implosion design (tested at Port Chicago? 6/17/1944) acquired a new urgency in April 1944, when studies of reactor-produced plutonium confirmed that it could not be used in a gun-type weapon. An accelerat ed effort was called for to design and build the implosion-type weapon, codename d Fat Man. (was this related to Port Chicago? ... and ultimately thyroid cancer de aths)" lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov Manhattan Project U.S. 4/1/1944 1058 Rense Port Chicago medical "Cancer, Port Chicago" "Port Chicago: Witnesses report seeing a tremendous blinding light and a Wilson condensation cloud, the first ever atomic explosion?" link "Victims, all" U.S. gov Manhattan Project U.S. 1059 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nukes, Isr ael" "LAKAM is an acronym for Bureau of Scientific Relations, an Isra eli intelligence agency then headed by spy-master Rafi Eitan (1981-1986). It col lected scientific and technical intelligence abroad, particularly for Israel's n uclear program. It was reorganized in 1986 following the arrest of Jonathan Poll ard." lnk Israeli gov Lakam Israel 1060 Take Our World Back Pentagon political Disinfo & ommissions "Mineta, Norman" "9:40:00 AM Transportation Secretary Nor man Y. Mineta, summoned by the White House to the bunker, was on an open line to the Federal Aviation Administration operations center, monitoring Flight 77 as it hurtled toward Washington, with radar tracks coming every seven seconds. Repo rts came that the plane was 50 miles out, 30 miles out, 10 miles out-" lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 9/11/2001 1061 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs EMP "Ondrovic, Patri cia" "9/11 EMT Patricia Ondrovic. ... as she entered WTC 6 (as WTC 1 began to explode), she saw a series of flashes around the ceiling of the lobby all going off one-by-one like the X-mass lights ... pattern"" These are EMPs passing throu gh that area and causing wires or lighting fixtures to pop. ... cars near her caug ht fire for no apparent reason. ... a car door exploded off a car and injured he r." doc "Victims, all" U.S. gov U.S. 1062 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NORAD / FAA 9:40:00 AM The FAA stops all flight operations at U.S. a irports and orders all planes in the air to land at the nearest airport. No civi lian aircraft are allowed to lift off. This is the first time all commercial fli ghts in the U.S. have been suspended. Only military and medical flights are allo wed to fly. lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 9/11/2001 1063 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Bush, GW" "9:45:00 AM Bush's motorcade leaves the Emma E. Booker Elementar y School in Sarasota, Florida headed for Air Force One at the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bu sh" U.S. 9/11/2001 1064 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Cars, toasted" "Rich, Marc" "Marc Rich (Jew), was charged in 1982 with the largest tax-evasi on scheme in U.S. history, having evaded more than $48 million in income taxes. ... Rich also violated the Trading with the Enemy Act by conducting business wit h Iran, during hostage crisis. In 1983, Rich fled to Switzerland, beame an Israe li citizen, Barak and Olmert urged pardon." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda Israeli gov Jewish organizations Israel 1/1/1982 1065 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical Mini Nukes Iodine 131 "Sediment cores pulled from the Hudson River near the World Trade Center site ju st a month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks contain a thin layer of m etal-rich ash and pulverized debris. The top 3 cm of silt contained layers with unnaturally high concentrations of copper, strontium, and zinc from the towers, says Sarah D. Oktay, a geochemist..." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 1066 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" "Uranium, always radioactive, under scanning electron microscopy was found at 7. 57 parts per million (93 Bequerels per kilogram) in the dust taken from the gird er coatings by USGS personnel. Normal uranium content on earth is between 12 Bq/ kg as a low and 40 Bequerels per kilogram as the maximum high making this girder coating uranium level between 2 and 7.75 times the expected level." lnk "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" U.S. 1067 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Bush, GW" 9:55:00 AM Bush arrives at the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport and boards Air Force One. lnk U.S. gov "White H ouse, Bush" Florida 9/11/2001 1068 "Mineta, Norman" Pentagon physical "Mineta, Norman" "9:55:00 AM Inside his White House bunker, a military ai de asks Cheney, ""There is a plane 80 miles out. There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?"" Cheney immediately says, ""Yes."" As the fighter gets neare r to United Airlines Flight 93, he is asked the same thing twice more, and respo nds yes both times." link Intel agencies U.S. gov PEOC U.S. 9/11/2001 1069 Brookings Institute "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nu kes, W-54" Controlled demolition "Shortest range (in miles) of a U.S. nuclear shell. Known as the Davy Crockett, the W54 weapon, a small nuclear wa rhead with a weight of 51 pounds, was fired by a recoilless gun mounted on a jee p." link Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. military U.S. 1070 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nu kes, W-54" 9/11 Groundwork "Operation Hardtack II, 1958 - Nevada Te st Site was a banner year for by the U.S., with a total of 77 U.S. tests, 10 shots were conducted to verify the safety and effectiveness of a primary for the XW-54 warhead. the XW-51 Davy Crockett warhead - weighing only 16 kg in its tested form." link Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. mil itary 1/1/1958 1071 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Cleanup, NNSA" Massive set of photos of cleanup of WTC Facebook 911 Nuclear Demolition lnk 9/11 Truth NNSA U.S. 9/12/2001 1072 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 1-2 political "Cancer, Myeloma" Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth gatekeepe rs: these search terms absent from entire website: uranium, plutonium, tritium, tritiated water, fission, fusion, barium, thyroid cancer, multiple myeloma, USGS data on radioactive elements found at WTC site, mininuke, nuclear, the resignat ion of Bentham Open Science's Marie-Paule Pileni," pic Gatekeepers "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" AE911Truth U.S. 1073 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 political "Mini Nukes, tritium" "Mini Nu kes, Israel" "From the 1960-80s, South Africa pursued research intoWM D, including nuclear weapons. Six nuclear weapons were assembled. South Africa w as able to mine uranium ore domestically. South Africa is suspected of receiving assistance from Israel in building its first nuclear device. in 1977 Israel tra ded 30 grams of tritium for 50 tonnes of South African uranium" link Israeli gov South Africa 1/1/1977 1074 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Mini Nukes, W-5 4" 9/11 Groundwork "Davy Crockett, The M-28 or M-29 Davy Crockett W eapon System(s) was a tactical nuclear recoilless rifle for firing the M388 nucl ear projectile that was deployed by the US during the Cold War. one of smallest ever built M-388 round used a version of the W54 warhead ... yield between 10 or 20 tons of TNT ... had a selectable yield feature ..." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 1075 Take Our World Back WTC 1993 physical Sting go es live "Salem, Emad" "Feb 1993. The WTC garage is hit by a truck bomb. The FB I has been aware of the plot via their informant Emad Salem yet let it go ahead, killing six and injuring more than a thousand ... after a plan to substitute ha rmless powder for the explosives was called off by an FBI supervisor. Mossad mol e Ahmad Ajaj, involved in the early stages of the plot,... pretext for subsequen t ""fireproofing upgrades"". now exists" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov FBI Israel 2/26/1993 1076 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Kasputys, Joseph" "Joseph Kasputys, Pres. Ford's a ssitant Sec of Commerce, Ran Primark that had offices in both Towers, James Baker worked with Joseph Kasputys. Kasputys worked with DiBona during the Arab Oil Em bargo as reps of US DoE, The Analytical Sciences Corporation (TASC) a Primark su bsidiary, worked with so-called 'black projects'. TASC also worked closely with th e NIST." lnk U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 1077 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC lease "Eisenberg, Lewis" "Silverstein .. WTC bidder, However, Por t Authority chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg is in charge of negotiations. Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman Sachs for many years, and is on the planning Board of t he UJA / United Jewish Federation ""charity""." lnk Israeli think ta nk United Jewish Federation Israel 4/2/2001 1078 "Hoefle, John" "JFK assassination, Israel" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Elkins, James" "Brown & Root was one of the com panies centered around First City Bancorp. of Houston (Zim Shipping) and the Vin son & Elkins law firm. First City, which was founded by Vinson & Elkins founder James Elkins, was identified by 1976 House Banking Committee report as part of t he Rothschild banking network ... & see Schlumberger (Banque de Neuflize, Schlum berger, Mallet, Demach)" lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. corp Permindex U.S. 1079 "Bollyn, Christopher" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "Hellerstein, Alvin" "Hellerstein has a clear conflict of int erest in the 9-11 tort litigation because his son is a lawyer with Amit, Pollak & Matalon, the law firm that works for and is closely connected with Cukierman & Company, the parent company of ICTS. Cukierman & Co. is headed by Roger Cukierm an and his son Edouard. Previously, Roger was CEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Gr oup" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank Rothschild U.S. 1080 TruthSeeker "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "Cukierman, Roger" "Roger Cukierman was CEO of the Edmond d e Rothschild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank. He has also served a s the chairman of several venture capital funds established by the Rothschild Gr oup. One of these funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing par tner of private equity at Cukierman & Co. and the head of ICTS at the time of 9- 11" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli corp Rothschild Group Israel 1081 TruthSeeker "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "Harel, Boaz" "Roger Cukierman was CEO of the Edmond de Rothsc hild Group and chairman of the Israel General Bank. He has also served as the ch airman of several venture capital funds established by the Rothschild Group. One of these funds, the Catalyst Fund, is run by Boaz Harel, a managing partner of private equity at Cukierman & Co. and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli corp Rothschild Group Israel 1082 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "ICTS is the parent company of Huntleigh, USA, a passenger screening company whi ch was operating at Logan Airport on 9/11/01. Huntleigh, USA is a defendant in t his case." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp "Huntleigh, USA" U.S. 1083 "US District Court, Southern" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "Harel, Ezra" Ezra Harel is a resident of Israel who owned a c ontrolling interest in ICTS at the time of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks. He own ed 65% of ICTS when he supposedly died of a heart attack at the age of 53 in 200 3. The Ezra Harel Family Estate retained ownership of 59% of ICTS as of 2004 link Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp ICTS Israel 1084 USA Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Incompet ence theory "Rice, Condoleeza" "... the 9/11 Commission heard testimony from national security adviser Condoleezza Rice that the White House didn't ant icipate hijacked planes being used as weapons. President Bush said at a news con ference Tuesday, ""Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the pri or government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale.""" link U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 4/1/2004 1085 Wikipedia "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Dulles, Allen" "Avery Rockefeller - was a direc tor the J. Henry Schroder Bank & Trust Company and the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) acquired SMH," lnk Zionist / Neocon Nazi Germany U.S. corp Rockefellers Germany 1086 USA Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Incompet ence theory "... one operation, planned in July 2001 and conducted l ater, that involved planes from airports in Utah and Washington state that were ""hijacked."" Those planes were escorted by U.S. and Canadian aircraft to airfie lds in British Columbia and Alaska." link U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 7/1/2001 1087 USA Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Incompet ence theory "McKinley, Maj Gen Craig" "on NORAD exercises: ""Threats o f killing hostages or crashing were left to the scriptwriters to invoke creativi ty and broaden the required response,"" Maj. Gen. Craig McKinley, a NORAD offici al, told the 9/11 commission. No exercise matched the specific events of Sept. 1 1, NORAD said." link U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 4/1/2004 1088 "Ventura, Jesse" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Rights lost "Ventura, Jesse" "Jesse Ventura, upon his inaugur ation as Governor of Minnesota, a group of state government officials who were a lso undercover CIA officers summoned him to a briefing in which it was made clea r who was really running the State of Minnesota." link Intel agencies 9/11 Truth CIA U.S. 1089 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Ri ghts lost "Bowman, Robert" "Air Force Colonel, Bob Bowman, directed Star Wars program in 1970's and was National Commander of veterans organization 'The Patriots'." lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1090 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Ri ghts lost "Barrett, Kevin" "9/11 debate challenges, synopsis, names mentioned: Jim Fetzer, Anthony Hall, Frank McLaughlin, JFEF, Richard Shaddock ( ANETA), David Griscom, Donald Downs, Ann Althouse, Marshall Onellion, Mathew Mil ls of We Are Change grabbed a mic and managed a short statement during an MVP in terview." lnk U.S. Academia U.S. 1091 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Incompet ence theory "Graham, Senator Bob" Sen. Graham : None of the people leading this investigation think it is credible that 19 people most who could not speak English and did not have previous experience in the United States could carry ou t such a complicated task without external assistance. lnk U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S. 1092 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Zelikow, Philip" "Zelikow published an article in 1998 entitled Ca tastrophic Terrorism. In it, he speculated about the likely social, psychological and cultural effects of a Pearl Harbor style event such as the destruction of th e World Trade Center." lnk U.S. think tank Neocons U.S. 1/1/1998 1093 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Ri ghts lost "Bush, GW" "Guantanamo Bay, Gitmo, created from US governme nt 9/11." lnk U.S. think tank Neocons U.S. 1094 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Rights los t "Clergy Response Teams are real clergy hired by DHS to calm down the public in the event of disasters and martial law.28,000" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1095 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Benyamin Netanyahus 1996 Clean Break plan which was drafted by American neo-cons to use the US military to eradicate the Z ionist regimes enemies...The plan was put into action on 9/11 to remove governmen ts in seven countries- Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran over five years, Dr. Barrett said, citing retired Army General Wesley Clark." lnk Israeli gov Zionists Israel 1/1/1996 1096 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Litigati on & 9/11 Bandar bin Sultan "a US federal court ruled that relatives of people who died in the 9/11 attacks can sue Saudi Arabia, reversing a lower court ruling in 2002 that had found the kingdom immune from lawsuits. The compla int states that much of the funding for 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia" lnk Saudis & 9/11 9/11 Truth Saudi Arabia 12/1/2013 1097 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Litigati on & 9/11 "Hellerstein, Alvin" Judge Alvin Hellerstein ordered American Airlines to pay Cantor Fitzgerald half a billion dollars. lnk U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 12/1/2013 1098 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of Interest "Mariani, Ellen" "Alvin Hellerstein, 9/11 judge, sanction ed Ellen Mariani's attournies for pointing out his obvious conflict of interest" lnk Israeli gov DoJ U.S. 6/1/2012 1099 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleb lower "Bowman, Robert" "Air Force Colonel, Bob Bowman, is well known wo rldwide as the Pentagon insider who blew the whistle in the early 1980?s on the U.S. governments plans to use Star Wars as an offensive first-strike weapon. ," lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1100 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "Clark, Gen Wesley" "Benyamin Netanyahus 1996 Clean Break plan which was drafted by American neo-cons to use the US military to eradicate the Z ionist regimes enemies in the region, he explained. The plan was put into action on 9/11 to remove governments in seven countries- Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, S omalia, Sudan and Iran over five years, Dr. Barrett said, citing retired Army Ge neral Wesley Clark." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Military Israel 12/31/1995 1101 Videographers WTC 1-2 political Video fakery "Herzakh ani, Michael" A layering CGI glitch in the video editing software produced one significant proof of video fakery. The left wing of the Flight 175 passes behin d WTC 7 as it is about to slice into the south WTC tower. link Video fa kery 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1102 Videographers WTC 1-2 political Video fakery The planes nose emerges from opposite side of the WTC tower that it entered. The nose is the weakest part of the airplane and could not have survived intact. link Video fakery 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1103 "Ward, Ed" WTC 6 physical Mininukes A thorough examination the debris of the WTC buildings reveals further evidence of massive power and heat - a thermonuclear blast. WTC 6 was 8 stories high. The total height of its central debris of the crater was about 30 to 50 feet below sea level and about 120 feet wide. Eight stories of building collapses and leave s a hole at least 30 feet deep. link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 1104 "Ward, Ed" WTC 1-2 physical "Beams, horseshoe" Controll ed demolition "Evidence of tremendous heat can be seen in a 8 ton 6"" thick I beam that is bent like a horseshoe without warping, kinking or splitting . ... there is no way for thermate to create this horseshoe, unless it is ""mira culous"" thermate. Nor, is there any unspecified vague ""scalar"" weapon that ca n do this even if the beam was isolated and not covered by some degree of 110 fl oors of concrete and steel.)" link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1105 "Ward, Ed" WTC 1-2 physical "Beams, horseshoe" Controll ed demolition the horse shoe beams steel that has been exposed to massiv e and intense heat that is entirely consistent with a thermonuclear explosion an d virtually nothing else can produce this single effect. Nanothermite cannot pro duce this effect. link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1106 "Ward, Ed" WTC 1-2 physical "Beams, horseshoe" Controll ed demolition the horse shoe beams steel that has been exposed to massiv e and intense heat that is entirely consistent with a thermonuclear explosion an d virtually nothing else can produce this single effect link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1107 Washington Blog "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Martial law "Obama, Barack" CONTINUATION OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY DECLARED BY PROC. NO. 7463 link U.S. gov "White House, Obama" U.S. "Notice of President of the United States, dated Sept. 10, 2009, 74 F.R. 46883, provided: " "Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001," 1108 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Hijacker patsies hijacker patsies "Two of 19 suspects named by the FBI, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi, have the same names as men listed at a housing facility for for eign military trainees at Pensacola. Two others, Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alnami , have names similar to individuals listed in public records as using the same a ddress inside the base." link "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov MSM Saudi Arabia 1109 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical "Hijackers, alive" hijacker patsies "Saeed Alghamdi graduated from the Defense Language Inst itute at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, while men with the same names a s two other hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari, appear as graduates o f the U.S. International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and th e Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, respectively ." link "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov MSM U.S. 1110 Pilots for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Smith, Raymond W." "Raymond W. Smith was si tting on the board of directors at US Airways on 9/11. Ray Smith has served on t he boards of Bell Atlantic, The Carnegie Corporation, Westinghouse, CBS, Coresta tes Financial, First Union, and others. He is also Chairman of Rothschild, North America, Inc. and Chairman of Verizon Ventures. Mr. Smith also served on the bo ard of Five Arrows (Rothschild)." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Israel 1111 Killtown "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Angel, Udi" "In 1949 alone, Zim ships brought 100,000 immigrants to Israel. ... In 1969, the Israel Corporation acquired about half of Zim shares. T he Israeli government and other, smaller, investors held the rest. In April 1999 , the Ofer Brothers Group became the major shareholder of the Israel Corporation , and Udi Angel was appointed Chairman of the Board of Zim. In February 2004 the Israel Corp completed ownership" link Zim Shipping Israeli corp Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 1112 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC leas e "Peterson, Pete" "Peter Peterson CEO of the Blackstone Group, par ent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman o f the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000" lnk U.S. think tank Blackstone Group U.S. 1113 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Pentagon, missi le" Rogue government "Rumsfeld, Donald" Donald Rumsfeld former S ecretary of War and PNAC member; close friend of Cheney; was at Pentagon on 9-11 ; once slipped and said when that missile hit the Pentagon lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1114 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Thompson, Tommy" "Tommy Thompson Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary; hired Jerome Hauer, former Office of Emergency Center, on 9-10-01" lnk NYC U.S. 9/10/2001 1115 WhoDidIt Murrah Federal Building political "ASCE Re ports, Pentagon" "Sozen, Mete" Mete Sozen part of ASCE team that invest igated both WTC and Murrah Federal building attacks lnk U.S. gov ASCE U.S. 1116 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Peterson, Pete" "Peter Peterson CEO of the Black stone Group, parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000" lnk U.S. gov Fed Res Bank of NY "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1117 WhoDidIt Murrah Federal Building political "Cleanup, Zionis t companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Loizeaux, Mark" Mark Loizeaux as CEO of CDI was instrumental in recycling steel from WTC crime sce ne; CDI also buried the rubble from the crime scene of the Murrah Federal Buildi ng lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Controlled Demolition In c. U.S. 1118 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Peterson, Pete" "Peter Peterson CEO of the Black stone Group, parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000" lnk Secret s ocieties U.S. think tank CFR U.S. 1119 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Libby, Scooter" Lewis Scooter Libby former PNAC member; st udied political science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to Cheney; convicted f or lying about outing of Valerie Plame; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist lnk U.S. think tank PNAC Israel 1120 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Libby, Scooter" Lewis Scooter Libby former PNAC member; st udied political science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to Cheney; convicted f or lying about outing of Valerie Plame; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist lnk U.S. think tank Hudson Institute Israel 1121 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Rich, Marc" "Marc Rich, (was born in 1934 to a Jewish family in Antwerp), Be lgium ... has close ties to the Sharon government and Israeli intelligence Rich had made substantial donations to Israeli charitable foundations over the years, and many senior Israeli officials, such as Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert, and Bi ll and Hillary Clinton" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1122 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Lowy, Frank" Frank Lowy he and partner Larry Silverstein obtained 99- year lease on WTC shortly before 9-11; came to Palestine in 1945 from Hungary to fight as Golani commando in Israeli War of Independence; lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 1/1/1945 1123 WhoDidIt Murrah Federal Building political "ASCE Re ports, Pentagon" "Mlakar, Paul" Paul Mlakar part of ASCE team that inves tigated both WTC and Murrah Federal building attacks lnk U.S. gov ASCE U.S. 1124 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/1 1 "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "Pauline Neville-Jones International Gov ernor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); C hairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)" lnk UK gov BBC U.S. 1125 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/1 1 "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "Pauline Neville-Jones International Gov ernor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); C hairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)" lnk Intel agencies U.S. corp QinetiQ Group UK 1126 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/1 1 "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "Pauline Neville-Jones International Gov ernor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); C hairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)" lnk Secret societies U.S. gov Bilderberg U.S. 1127 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Perle, Richard" "Richard Perle former assistant Secretar y of War, chairman War Policy Board, and PNAC member; dual citizen of US and Israe l; Zionist; allegedly gave $100,000 to head of Pakistans ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad; nick named Prince of Darkness" lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1128 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pakistan & 9/11 "Perle, Richard" "Richard Perle former assistant Secretary of War , chairman War Policy Board, and PNAC member; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zioni st; allegedly gave $100,000 to head of Pakistans ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad; nicknamed Pri nce of Darkness" lnk U.S. gov DoD Israel 1129 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Perle, Richard" "Richard Perle former assistant Secretar y of War, chairman War Policy Board, and PNAC member; dual citizen of US and Israe l; Zionist; allegedly gave $100,000 to head of Pakistans ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad; nick named Prince of Darkness" lnk U.S. gov War Policy Board Pakistan 1130 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Abramoff, Jack" Jack Abramoff entertained USG terrorist patsy Mohammed Att a on his yacht just before 9-11; convicted criminal lobbyist; ardent Zionist lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 1131 WhoDidIt Iran Contra political 9/11 & Israel "Abrams, Eliot" "Elliot Abrams (Zionist) former member of PNAC, National Securit y Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1/1/1991 1132 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Ahmad, Mahmoud" "Mahmoud Ahmad head of Pakistans ISI; had Ahmed O mar Saeed Sheikh wire $100,000 to lead 9-11 terrorist patsy Mohammad Atta" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA Pakistan 1133 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Armitage, Richard" "Richard Armitage former member of PNAC, Deputy Secretary of State; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistans ISI and 9-1 1 financier, shortly after 9-11" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. thi nk tank PNAC Pakistan 1134 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NORAD / FAA "Arnold, Larry" Larry Arnold NORAD Commander Major General on 9-11; has used 9-11 to push militarization of USA lnk U.S. Military NORAD U.S. 1135 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Ashcroft, John" John Ashcroft Attorney General on 9-11; protected terrori st patsy Abdussattar Shaikh from subpoena after 9-11; stopped flying commercial a ircraft in 2001 lnk U.S. gov DOJ U.S. 1136 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Carter, Ashton" "Ashton Carter co-authored paper, Catastrophic Te rrorism: A National Policy with Zelikow and Deutch; senior partner at Global Tech nology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America he held positions at t he Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, and Rockefeller University." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Global Technology Partners U.S. 1137 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NIST / F EMA Cover-up "Baker, William" "William Baker member of FEMA Probe Team ; partner with Skidmore, Owings, Merrill; contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed" lnk U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 1138 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political FBI cove r-up "Bowman, Marion" Marion Spike Bowman FBI agent who thwarted FBI inv estigations into both Zacarias Moussaoui and the anthrax attacks on Congress lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1139 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Bremer, Paul" "Paul Bremer Marsh & McClennan executive on 9-11; Chairman of th e Congressional National Commission on Terrorism, 1999 to 2000; US Ambassador-at -Large for Counterterrorism, 1986 to 1989; Presidential Envoy to Iraq and Admins trator of the Coaltion Provisional Authority, May 2003 to December 2004" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1140 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Martial law "Brinkerhoff, John" "John Brinkerhoff retired US Army Colonel who wa s a career senior executive in the Office of Secretary of War; from 1981 to 1983 , FEMA associate director for national preparedness developed martial law plan;" lnk U.S. gov U.S. military U.S. 1141 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pedophil ia rings "Buffett, Warren" Warren Buffett was hosting golf charity event at the US Strategic Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha on 9-11 (Bush flew to Offutt afternoon of 9-11); worlds second richest person lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1142 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Martial law "Bush, Jeb" "Executive Orders Blog: Jeb Bush Executive Order (#01-260), Florida governor on 9-11; gave authority to the Florida National Guar d to activate its membership (martial law) in Florida four days before 9-11 see also #01-17" link Florida gov PNAC U.S. 1143 WhoDidIt WTC Memorial political "China Syndrome, WTC poo ls" "9/11 Memorial, radiation" "9/11 Memorial Museum, 110,000 s q. ft., World Trade Center, Survivor's Staircase, American Airlines Flight 11, s lurry wall, 10,000 artifacts, 23,000 still images, 500 hours of film (propaganda) very clever means of hiding the nuclear radiation and heat coming from the effec ts of nuclear explosions." lnk NYC Empire State Development U.S. 4/14/2014 1144 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda "Bush, GHW" George H.W. Bush Bush crime family Don; Skull an d Bones; CIA operative involved in JFK assassination; former head of CIA; son of friend shot Reagan when he was VP; war profiteer lnk U.S. gov Bush Crime Family U.S. 1145 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Bush, Marvin" "Marvin Bush brother of George Bush; on board of Securac om, US-Kuwaiti company paid $9.2 million to manage WTC security October 1996 to 1998; on board of HCC Insurance, big WTC insurer" lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Securacom U.S. 10/1/1998 1146 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Florida , Sarasota" "Card, Andrew" "Andrew Card Bushs Chief of Staff on 9-11; was wi th Bush at Booker Elementary School in Florida on 9-11; claims to have whispered to Bush, A second plane hit the second tower, America is under attack" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" Florida 1147 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Carlucci, Frank" Frank Carlucci former Secretary of War; affiliated with PNAC; served as chairman of (1992-2003 ); on BoD of BDM International lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Carlyle Group U.S. 1148 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political War Game s "Cheney, Dick" "Dick Cheney former PNAC member; former chairman of CFR; guilty of war profiteering, treason; was in bunker on 9-11 directing several war games; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission about timing of 9-11 activities" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 1149 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Cherkasky, Michael" Michael Cherkasky CEO of Kroll o n 9-11; former investigator in the Manhattan DAs Office from 1978 to 1994; now CE O of insurance-firm Marsh & McClennan lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Kroll & Associates U.S. 1150 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Debunker s "Chertoff, Benjamin" Benjamin Chertoff 25-year-old cousin of Michael Chertoff; senior researcher for Popular Mechanics hit piece on 9-11 Truth Movement lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Popular Mechanics U.S. 1151 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban M oving Systems, Dancing Israelis" "Chertoff, Michael" Michael Chertoff Assistant Attorney General on 9-11; freed over 100 Israeli spies in the US afte r 9-11; promoted to head Homeland Security; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist ; likely Mossad agent lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 1152 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "ASCE Re ports, Pentagon" "Corley, Gene" Gene Corley led FEMA/ASCE WTC collapse in vestigation; was the principal investigator for ASCE and FEMA of the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City lnk U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 1153 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Evidenc e destruction, obstruction" "Delaney, Kevin" Kevin Delaney FAA manage r at the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center who destroyed controllers tape s of 9-11 lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 1154 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/1 1 "Deutch, John" "John Deutch former Undersecretary of War, director of C IA; co-authored paper, Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy with Zelikow, Ash ton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothsc hild North America; married Rachel Fischer, the daughter of Jean ""Yonah"" Fisch er, a diamond merchant of Antwerp who ran the Zionist Federation of ." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp Global Technology Partne rs U.S. 1155 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Martial law "Eberhardt, Ralph" "Ralph Eberhardt NORAD Commander on 9-11; fanati cal supporter of missile defense scheme, militarization of space; enthusiastic s upporter of merging law enforcement and the military" lnk U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 1156 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda "Eisenberg, Lewis" Lewis Eisenberg chairman Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on 9-11; authorized transfer of WTC leases to Silvers tein and Lowy just weeks before 9-11; later appointed chairman of Republican Nat ional Committee; Zionist lnk U.S. Political RNC U.S. 1157 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Feith, Douglas" "Douglas Feith effectively in command, with Wolfowitz, o f War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member son of Da lk Feith, President of Betar, a Revisionist Zionist youth organization." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1158 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Canada & 9/11 "Findley, Eric" Eric Findley Canadian Air Force Major General; acting co mmander of NORAD on 9-11 lnk U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 1159 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Fleischer, Ari" Ari Fleischer White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group call ed the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics lnk U.S. gov "White H ouse, Bush" U.S. 1160 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political FBI cove r-up "Frasca, Dave" "Dave Frasca FBI Radical Fundamentalists Unit Chief; per sonally scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams in July 2001 and Coleen Rowley in August 2001, the Arizona and Minnesota FBI agents who were actively investigatin g terrorist patsies in CIA-operated flight schools" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1161 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Debunker s "Ganzi, Victor" "Victor Ganzi president and CEO of Hearst Corporation si nce June 1, 2002; the Hearst publication, Popular Mechanics, has repeatedly trie d to debunk the truth of 9-11" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Hearst Corp U.S. 1162 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Danger "Nayef, Prince" "ABCNews: Prince Nayef, a Saudi prince moved roughly two tons of cocaine from Colombia to an airport outside Paris, using his diplomatic status and a royal family 727 jet, U.S. and French law enforcement authorities told ABC News. See Able Danger, al Queda cells identified" lnk Saudis & 9/11 9/11 Truth U.S. Congress Saudi Arabia 10/1/2004 1163 MSM WTC Memorial physical "China Syndrome, WTC pools" "9/11 Memorial, radiation" "Arad, Michael" "Michael Arad (son of Moshe Arad , Israeli ambassador to US, Golani Brigade) with Peter Walker of PWP Landscape A rchitects, won the 9/11 Memorial design contest. Walker's comment on the project : ""New York is so rough on trees,"" Walker said. ""So much soot in the air and so much radiation that the average tree in New York only lives seven or eight ye ars."" see Nancy Somerville, ASLA CEO" lnk NYC Empire State Dev elopment Israel 9/1/2011 1164 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Gingrich, Newt" Newt Gingrich former Speaker of the House; PNAC member; reputed to be a member of the CFR; served on the Pentagons War Policy Boa rd lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1165 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Operatio n Code Angel "Giuliani, Rudy" Rudolph Giuliani mayor of New York on 9- 11; hailed as hero for his gutsy leadership on 9-11; allegedly involved with FEMA an d former NYC Police Chief Kerik in Operation Code Angel lnk NYC U.S. 1166 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pakistan & 9/11 "Goss, Porter" "Porter Goss former House Intelligence Chair; was meetin g with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistans ISI and 9-11 financier, on 9-11; promoted to Director of CIA, resigned after hookergate" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1167 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pakistan & 9/11 "Graham, Senator Bob" "Bob Graham former Florida Senator; was meeting with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistans ISI and 9-11 financier, on 9-11; ra n for President in 2004" lnk Florida gov Florida 1168 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Greenberg, Maurice" "Maurice Greenberg CEO of Americ an International Group (AIG) on 9-11 which became co-owner of the private spy age ncy, Kroll Associates, in 1993 and was a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-11 was Maurices son Jeffrey; director of the New York Federal Rese rve bank (1988-1995);" lnk Intel agencies U.S. corp CIA front compan ies U.S. 1169 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Arad, Moshe" "Moshe Arad, father of Michael Arad, designer WTC memori al, president of The Israel Council on Foreign Relations (ICFR) ... publishes a triannual policy and scholarly journal, The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, w hich offers a platform for the discussion and analysis of international affairs. The ICFR operates under the auspices of the World Jewish Congress, of which Ron ald S. Lauder is president." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank ICFR Israel 1170 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pakistan & 9/11 "Grossman, Marc" "Marc Grossman Under Secretary for Political Aff airs on 9-11; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistans ISI and 9-11 fina ncier, on or shortly after 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel" lnk U.S. gov State Dept Israel 1171 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NIST / F EMA Cover-up "Hamburger, Hamburger" Ronald Hamburger structural engineer and Senior Principal at Simpson Gumpertz and Heger consulting engineers; was a prin cipal author of FEMAs initial report on the collapse of the twin towers; later a key participant in the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed. lnk U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 1172 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Hauer, Jerome" Jerome Hauer managing director of Kroll and senior advis er to US Secretary of Health and (HHS) for National Security and Emergency Manag ement on 9-11; put John ONeill at the WTC on 9-11; lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 1173 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Hilliard, Wallace" "Wallace Hilliard with Saudi investors i ncluding Shiek , , and Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz. bo ught Venice, Florida Huffman Aviation in 1999 where Mohammed Atta and other alle ged 9-11 highjackers allegedly learned to fly;" lnk "Hijackers, all" Florida corp Huffman Aviation Saudi Arabia 1174 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Holbrooke, Richard" Richard Holbrooke former US ambassador to UN; CF R member; co-chaired Independent Task Force on Americas Response to Terrorism in wh ich the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) was promoted lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov State Dept U.S. 1175 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Operatio n Code Angel "Kerik, Bernard" Bernard Kerik NYC Police Chief on 9-11; s idekick of Giuliani; allegedly involved with FEMA in WTC demolition war games calle d Operation Code Angel lnk NYC U.S. 1176 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Kissinger, Henry" Henry Kissinger long criminal history; wanted for war cr imes in several countries; sat on War Policy Board under Perle; chosen to lead 9 -11 Cover-Up Omission Commission; dual citizen of US and Israel lnk U.S. gov DoD U.S. 1177 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Lauder, Ronald" "Richard Parsons, AOL Ti me Warner chairman and a member of the board of Estee Lauder Ronald S. Lauder ( of Estee Lauder and WTC privitization) and has a close long-time business relation ship with the Rockefellers (Rothchilds)" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli corp MSM U.S. 1178 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Kristol, William" William Kristol PNAC co-founder; adherent of Leo Strauss ; editor of The Weekly Standard; strong advocate of the Iraq war; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1179 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Kroll, Jules" "Jules Kroll founder of Kroll Corporation, a security ser vices company which was in charge of security at WTC on 9-11; has close links to CI A and is active private military contractor in Iraq; Zionist" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 1180 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St ., Israel & 9/11" "Krongard, Buzzy" "A.B. Buzzy Krongard now number th ree Executive Director at the CIA; until 1998, managed firm used to place put opt ions on United Airlines which has left $2.5 million in profits unclaimed" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1181 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban M oving Systems, Dancing Israelis" "Kurzberg, Sivan" "Sivan Kurzberg driver of van belonging to the celebrating Israelis; when stopped by police on 9 -11, he said We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our prob lems. The Palestinians are your problem Dominic Suter ring leader." lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Israel 1182 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Lambert, Geoffrey" "Geoffrey Lambert Major General; SOCOM (Special Operations Command) Intel Chief; made Able Danger, the program that tracked pats y terrorists, off limits to FBI" lnk U.S. Military SOCOM U.S. 1183 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iran Con tra "Ledeen, Michael" "Michael Ledeen anti-terrorism advisor to Secretar y of State, Al Haig in 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-Contra affair; allege d ties to Italian fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with Libby, Cheneys Chief of Staff; top NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl Rove;" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 1184 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Lehman, John" "John Lehman Reagans Navy Secretary from 1981 till 1987; claims U S is in religious war against violent, Islamic Fundamentalism; member 9-11 Omissio n Commission; PNAC member" lnk U.S. Military "9/11 Commission , omissions" U.S. 1185 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Lewin, Daniel" "Daniel Lewin officer in elite, secret unit of Israeli military called Sayeret Matkal; orchestrated activities of Mossad agents in USA before 9-11 ; was allegedly stabbed or shot by highjacker Satam al-Suqami before AA flight 11 crashed into the WTC" lnk Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1186 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Grossman, Marc" The INR memo described a Feb 2002 CIA me eting at which Joseph Wilson was mentioned as the best candidate to undertake a mission to Niger to check on the uranium allegations. The memo also reportedly i dentified Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA counter-proliferation officer and associ ated her with the Brewster Jennings & Associates cover company (keep in mind tha t Grossman had already compromised the company's covert status in June 2001). lnk U.S. gov INR Niger 1187 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Grossman, Marc" "not only did Ashcroft, ... try to cover up the Turkish-Israeli [and, to an extent, Pakistani] nuclear espionage ring, b ut that Patrick Fitzgerald, the CIA leak Special Counsel, and Paul McNulty, the US Attorney for Eastern Virginia who later became Alberto Gonzales' Deputy Attor ney General, were pressured to limit their investigations of the leakers and two AIPAC lobbyists, (Rosen, Weissman)" lnk U.S. gov INR Niger 1188 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Cleanup, Zionis t companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "Loizeaux, Mark" Mark Loizeaux as CEO of CDI was instrumental in recycling steel from WTC crime sce ne; CDI also buried the rubble from the crime scene of the Murrah Federal Buildi ng lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Controlled Demolition In c. U.S. 1189 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Lowy, Frank" Frank Lowy he and partner Larry Silverstein obtained 99- year lease on WTC shortly before 9-11; came to Palestine in 1945 from Hungarian to fight as Golani commando in Israeli War of Independence; lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" U.S. corp Silverstein Properties U.S. 1190 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical NIST / F EMA Cover-up "McAllister, Theresa" "Theresa McAllister, Shankar Nair, Harol d Nelson, John Gross, Ramon Gilsanz, contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed" lnk U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL L abs U.S. 1191 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Mueller, Robert" Robert Mueller FBI director on 9-11; under his leadership FBI field agents warnings of an imminent attack were stifled lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1192 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Incompet ence theory "Meyers, Richard" Richard Meyers in charge of USA air defe nses on 9-11; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission about reasons for air defense fai lure on 9-11; promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff lnk U.S. Military NORAD U.S. 1193 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political War Game s "Mies, Richard" "Richard Mies former Admiral; ran Global Guardian war gam e on 9-11 out of US Strategic Command (Stratcom) at Offutt Air Force Base; now CE O of Hicks & Associates, a strategic consultant to the USG dealing in military tran sformation" lnk U.S. Military DoD U.S. 1194 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "ASCE Re ports, Pentagon" "Mlakar, Paul" Paul Mlakar part of ASCE team that inves tigated both WTC and Murrah Federal building attacks lnk U.S. gov ASCE U.S. 1195 WhoDidIt WTC 1993 political Litigation & 9/1 1 "Mukasey, Michael" "Michael Mukasey federal judge in New York; pres ided over 1993 WTC bombing case; active in 9-11 cases, including Larry Silverste ins insurance claims; oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI;" lnk NYC DoJ U.S. 1196 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political MSM "Murdoch, Rupert" Rupert Murdoch key player in Zionist-controlled corporat e media which began the 9-11 cover-up on day one; connected to individuals who p rivatized and leased WTC just weeks before 9-11; vocal supporter of Zionist extr emists Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon; lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Murdoch empire U.S. 1197 MSM WTC Memorial political "China Syndrome, WTC pools" "9/11 Memorial, radiation" "Weisbrod, Carl" "Carl B. Weisbrod, (Jewi sh) Ford Foundation Trustee, pres. -Alliance for Downtown New York 1994-2005, Ta rragon Corp, board affliations: Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, pres.-NYC Econ omic Development Corporation, and Columbia.edu professor, good friend of NYC may or, Ed Koch" NYC Lower Manhattan Cultural Council NYC 1/1/1994 1198 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Anthrax hoax "Hatfill, Stephen" "Stephen Hatfill, at one time considered a prime suspect in this still-unsolved case, had worked for USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. S trangely, perhaps, he had also worked with Jerome Hauer, for Scientific Applicat ions International Corporation, at the Center for Counterterrorism Technology an d Analysis." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp SAIC U.S. 1199 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Benjamin Netanyahu former Israeli Prime Ministe r; said 9-11 was good for US-Israeli relationship; in NYC on 9-11 and in London on 7-7 bombings coined the phrase ""war on terror""." lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" NYC Israel 1200 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/1 1 "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "Pauline Neville-Jones International Gov ernor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); C hairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)" lnk UK corp BBC UK 1201 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Noman, Abdullah" "Abdullah Noman worked for the US Consul ate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; filed 10-15 visas for the patsy 9-11 hijackers in the Visa Express Program" lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov State De pt Saudi Arabia 1202 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Odeen, Philip" "Philip Odeen as director of Program Analysis for the National S ecurity Council, provided staff support to Henry Kissinger from 1971 to 1973; se rved as Deputy Assistant Secretary of War in Systems Analysis; named to chair th e National War Panel in 1997;" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov NSC U.S. 1203 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Cell pho ne calls "Olson, Ted" "Ted Olson Solicitor General of the United State s on 9-11; alleges that his wife, Barbara, phoned him from AA Flight 77 to repor t that it was highjacked by men with knives and box cutters;" lnk U.S. gov FAA U.S. 1204 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Perle, Richard" "Richard Perle former assistant Secretar y of War, chairman War Policy Board, and PNAC member; dual citizen of US and Israe l; Zionist; allegedly gave $100,000 to head of Pakistans ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad; nick named Prince of Darkness" lnk U.S. gov DoD U.S. 1205 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Perry, William" "William Perry former Secretary of War; associated with the Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technology, a Rothschild affiliat e" lnk U.S. gov DoD U.S. 1206 Aangirfan "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Money La undering "Goldman Sachs, money laundering" lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov Office of Naval Intelligence U.S. 1207 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Pickard, Thomas" Thomas Pickard took over the job of FBI director from Louis Freeh in August 2001; held this position only for a few weeks before Robert Mueller became director; former Terror Task Force chief John ONeill compl ained about sabotage by Pickard lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1208 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pakistan & 9/11 "Powell, Colin" "Colin Powell Secretary of State on 9-11; met with Gener al Mahmoud Ahmad two days after 9-11; former chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; he lped cover up Vietnam My Lai massacre" lnk U.S. gov State De pt U.S. 1209 911Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Rice, Condoleeza" "Condoleeza Rice National Security Adviser on 9-11; prom oted to Secretary of State; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission while under oath. I dont think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the P entagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplan e as a missile." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 5/16/2002 1210 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical 9/11 Gro undwork "Rockefeller, David" " vice director of the CFR (194 9-1985), vice president (1950-1970), and chairman (1970-1985); as chairman of th e Downtown-Lower Manhattan Assc. (1958 to 1975) was builder of WTC complex; foun der and honorary chairman of the Trilateral Commission;" lnk Secret s ocieties U.S. think tank CFR U.S. 1211 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rockefel lers & 9/11 "Rockefeller, Nicholas" Nicholas Rockefeller told film-maker Aar on Russo of coming catastrophic event eleven months before 9-11 lnk Secret s ocieties U.S. think tank CFR U.S. 1212 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Rove, Karl" "Karl Rove Bushs top strategist, known as Bushs Bra in; Americas Joseph Goebbels; Karl Rove was behind the campaign to oust Georgia Re presentative Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politician to q uestion Bushs role in 9-11; in June 2005, said," lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 6/1/2005 1213 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political 9/11 & Israel "Gorton, Mark" "Fifty Years of the Deep State HOLLY BRONFMAN LE V IS Edgar Bronfman Jrs sister. As founder of the Bet Lev Foundation and 100% own er of Lev Group Ltd, Holly Bronfmans legal affairs are conducted by the high-powe red lawyer, Elizabeth Schurig, who also happens to handle the legal affairs of A lex Jones." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov U.S. 1214 Wikipedia WTC 1993 political "Neocons, Straus s" "Woolsey, James" "Within hours of 9/11, Woolsey appeared on telev ision suggesting Iraqi complicity. In September 2002, ... also told the Wall Str eet Journal that he believed that Iraq was also connected to the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993" lnk U.S. gov Neocons U.S. 1215 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Terroris t entrapment "Shaikh, Abdussattar" Abdussattar Shaikh FBI informant to the San Diego office; helped bring terrorist patsies to USA; protected by Attorney Gen eral Ashcroft lnk U.S. gov FBI informant program U.S. 1216 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Sharon, Ariel" "Ariel Sharon Israeli PM on 9-11; heavy Mossad involveme nt in 9-11 (200 Israeli intelligence agents rounded up after 9-11, swarn into of fice Mar 2001" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 3/1/2001 1217 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Kean, Thomas" "Kean, co-chairman of the 9/11 Commissio n, Kean's official Commission biography was his role as director of Amerada Hess Corporation, which in 1998 formed joint venture Delta-Hess, with Delta Oil, in part owned by Khalid bin Mahfouz. Mahfouz inherited a controlling interest in th e National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia, the country's largest bank, and was a director with 20% interest in BCCI," lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" Saudi Arabia 1218 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC leas e "Silverstein, Lawrence" Larry Silverstein he and partner Frank Lowy obta ined 99-year lease on WTC shortly before 9-11; made several billion dollars on 9 -11 insurance fraud; admitted to pulling WTC 7; Zionist lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties Israel 1219 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Dietrich, Snell" "Eliot Spitzer New York Attorney General on 9-11 ; barred his top aide, Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell, from testifying t o Congress on Able Danger; threw out Karl Schwarzs 9-11 synopsis" lnk NYC DoJ U.S. 1220 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Danger "Shaffer, Lt. Col. Anthony" Able Danger was a Top Secret U.S. Special Operat ions Command / Defense Intelligence Agency unit who were shadowing al Queda oper atives in 1999 the same year that Nayef drug smuggling was discovered. Skyway In ternational lnk U.S. gov al Queda U.S. 1/1/1999 1221 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Mini Ne utron, Fissionless Fusion" Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Jones, Steven" "Steven Jones links to Los Alamos, DOE (early 80s) in late 80s he was on review p anel, helped to shut down controversial research into cold fusion (Fleischmann P ons) Jones had a clear conflict of interest in the case Eugene Mallove MIT scien tist resigned as protest to review process and rejection of cold fusion, was mur dered in 2004 " lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1222 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Tenet, George" George Tenet director of the CIA on 9-11; was aw arded the Medal of Freedom by Bush for his fine work on 9-11; reported to be dual c itizen of US and Israel lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1223 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Thompson, Tommy" "Tommy Thompson Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary; hired Jerome Hauer, former Office of Emergency Center, on 9-10-01" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1224 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Evidenc e destruction, obstruction" "Thorton, Charles" "Charles Thornton partne r of Richard Tomasetti; told Karl Koch, whose company erected the WTC steel, Karl , we all know what caused the collapse; part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah Federal building attacks" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1225 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Evidenc e destruction, obstruction" "Tomasetti, Richard" Richard Tomasetti partne r of Charles Thornton; reportedly behind the unprecedented and widely criticized decision to destroy most of the WTC steel evidence lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp U.S. 1226 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Walker, Wirt" "Wirt Walker cousin of George Bush; principal at Securac om, US-Kuwaiti joint-venture that managed security for WTC, United Airlines, and Dulles Airport, all of which figured into 9-11" lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Securacom U.S. 9/11/2001 1227 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Watson, Dale" "Dale Watson, former Deputy Chief of the CIA at the Counter-Terr orist Center; Inspector Deputy Assistant Director (NSD), ignored at least four d ifferent FBI agents warnings including a CIA urgent cable on Aug 23rd about Almihdh ar and Alhazmi" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1228 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Winfield, General Montague" "Montague Winfield Major General in char ge of Pentagon war room on 9-10-01, the evening of September 10th he requested a rookie to stand in for him on 9-11" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. Mil itary DoD U.S. 9/10/2001 1229 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Wolfowitz, Paul" Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Secretary of War o n 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel ; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Ban k scandal lnk U.S. gov DoD U.S. 1230 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Woolsey, James" "James Woolsey former CIA director; PNAC member; claims incompetence was reason for 9-11 a member of Board of Advisors of the Global Panel Foundation in Berlin, chairman of Freedom House board of truste es, advisory board of NGO Monitor, served on the Rumsfeld Commission, a partner in Lux Capital, cofounded US Energy Security Council, vp of Jamestown Foundation , America Abroad Media" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1231 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pentagon millions missing "Zakheim, Dov" Dov Zakheim Pentagon comptroller when tr illion dollars reported missing on 9-10-01; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist ; Shul Rabbi; former CFR member; former CEO of fly-by-remote manufacturer; reput ed 9-11 mastermind lnk U.S. Military DoD U.S. 1232 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Evidenc e destruction, obstruction" Naval Intelligence employees 39 of 40 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died when their office was struck (see NFU Flight 77 pages lnk Intel agencies U.S. Military Office of Naval Intelligence U.S. 1233 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political SEC bond rules suspended Bush GHW " Illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of Septem ber 11." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Treasury U.S. 1234 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St ., Israel & 9/11" SEC On 9/11 the Securities and Exchange Commission d eclared a national emergency and for the first time in U.S. history invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and eased regulator y restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for 15 days. lnk U.S. gov SEC U.S. 1235 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Kean, Thomas" "... Bush's nominee to head the panel that's investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Thomas Kean, used to serve as the company's director" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Fiduciary Trust Co. U.S. 1236 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/1 1 "Mason, Peter" " BAE Director Sir Peter Mason is the retired chief executive of AMEC (Pentagon Flight 77) plc, a British engineering firm with ties to N.M. R othschild." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Amec U.S. 1237 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Ptech / Mitre "Rove, Karl" " Ptech involved in ""wiring backdoors"" into the computer systems of the FAA, NORAD, Pentagon, and White House to bring about the operati onal collapse of the computer systems during the morning of 9/11." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ptech U.S. 1238 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Ziade, Oussama" "Oussama Ziade co-founded Ptech in 1994 with the capital financing provided by Kadi through one of his nominee companies, Sarman y Limited. Initially, in 1994, Kadi invested approximately $5 million in Ptech t hrough Sarmany," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ptech U.S. 1/1/1994 1239 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NYC & 9/ 11 "Hauer, Jerome" Jerome Hauer ran Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management (OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for th is office to be placed in Silverstein's WTC Building 7. lnk NYC OEM U.S. 1240 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "WMR has also obtained a possible second connection between the Swiss network connected to George H. W. Bush and other 911 hijackers. The first connection concerned hijacker Fayyaz Ahmed and a $50,000 check he received from a tranche connected to the Swiss network." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Potomac Capital 1241 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Olmert, Ehud" "2001 9/11 Olmert, ... tarnished by allegations of financi al crimes, was implicated in a financial donations scandal involving forged rece ipts in the 1988 Likud campaign, This affair culminated in the March 1996 convic tion of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Zionists Israel 3/1/1996 1242 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St ., Israel & 9/11" "Silverstein, Lawrence" "2001 9/11 SEC... reached out to m ajor market participants, ...to Securities Industry Association and the Bond Mar ket Association, to determine whether it could provide appropriate temporary reg ulatory relief to facilitate the reopening of fair and orderly markets." lnk U.S. gov SEC U.S. 1243 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "2001 9/11 Netanyahu's father Benzion was secret ary to Ze'ev ""Vladimir"" Jabotinsky,founded the Zionist terrorist movement that played an important part in the creation of Israel (e.g. King David hotel bombi ng, conspiracy to assassinate British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin)," lnk Israeli gov Irgun U.S. 1244 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pentagon millions missing "Zakheim, Dov" "2001 9/11 video Dov Zakheim, Dov Zakheim -- Pentagon comptroller when trillion dollars reported missing on 9-10-01; ""dual citizen"" of US and Israel; Zionist; Shul Rabbi; former CFR member; former CEO o f fly-by-remote manufacturer;" lnk Israeli gov Zionists Israel 1245 Alternative news Pentagon physical Remote-controlle d aircraft "Victims, Flight 77" "Robert Penniger worked for BAE Systems, (""an industry leader in flight control systems""), whose Board is comp rised of many from the intelligence community. BAE has apparently removed their Board of Directors page, but it listed a ""who's who"" of high level connections to the CIA, DARPA, and NSA." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp BAE Systems U.S. 1246 NYPost WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "Wall St reet traders and brokers cancer: 10,800 downtown workers make up the second-larg est group of registered claimants after 39,500 Ground Zero responders. There are another 16,600 in smaller categories such as residents, students, child-care an d health-care workers." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" NYC U.S. 1247 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Gold, W TC looting" "Edmonds, Sibel" Convar rival with offices in Germany. See Sibel Edmonds Baltimore Chronical and YouTube WTC Gold heist. 100's of billions. lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1248 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St ., Israel & 9/11" "2001 9/11 WTC Gold Rediff, German company Convar, d ata recovered from hard drives shows unusual financial activity (put options?), not investigated by FBI, Pirmasens, Henschel " lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1249 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Tomasetti, Richard" "9/11 NWO International Banking and Finance Carte l, as well as the Federal Reserve Banking Monopoly. ""Black Nobility"", House of Hanover, Germany; the House of Hapsburg, Austria; House of Orange, Netherlands; House of Lichtenstein in Lichtenstein, House of Guelph (Welf:" lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots U.S. gov New World Order U.S. 1250 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Corley, Gene" "Zdenek Bazant and W. Gene Corley were key proponents of the the ory that the Twin Towers' collapses were caused by fires that weakened the steel structure, although such steel-framed towers have never collapsed before due to fire. -" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov U.S. 1251 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschi ld & 9/11 "Peterson, Pete" " 9/11 Peter Peterson -- CEO of the Blackstone Gro up (controlled by Rothschild), parent corporation of one of three lease-holders fo r WTC 7, " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Blackstone Group U.S. 1252 Veterans Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Butler, Smedley" "Stopped American coup to overthrow Roosevelt ad ministration. He was recruited to become president but exposed the plot at the o pportune time. Comment: Butlers book begins with the startling statistic that Wor ld War I created 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires." link 9/11 Fin acing & Roots 9/11 Truth U.S. 1253 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Wolfowitz, Paul" "9/11 SeptemberClues, two Mitre-guided COCOM bases ..Florida based U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) was joined by U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) in Omaha, Nebraska and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). " lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Mitre corp U.S. 1254 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Nuclear physics short co urse "Discover mag: In 2006 Thiago Olson (teenager) built a n uclear fusion device in his basement ... a hydrogen bomb ... 'plasma in a jar' d evice. ... with high voltage x-ray transformer, deuterium source, neutron bubble dosimeter ... succeeded in creating a tine hot plasma at 200 million degrees th at created bubbles indicating the presence of non radioactive helium." lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1255 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC leas e "Eisenberg, Lewis" "2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney pres idential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. " lnk U.S. gov NY Port Authority U.S. 1256 WhoDidIt Murrah Federal Building political "Evidenc e destruction, obstruction" "Charles Thornton partner of Richard Tom asetti; told Karl Koch, whose company erected the WTC steel, Karl, we all know wh at caused the collapse; part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah F ederal building attacks" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1257 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Wolfowitz, Paul" Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Secretary of War on 9-11; d ual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Bank scanda l lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank PNAC US Israe l 1258 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Woolsey, James" "James Woolsey former CIA director; Rhod es Scholar, Oxford, PNAC member; worked for Shea & Gardner, worked on SALT, clai ms incompetence was reason for 9-11, member of WINEP board of advisors, Clinton co urted neocons including Woolsey, Chairman of Foundation for Defense of Democraci es, and a patron of the Henry Jackson Society, a British think tank." lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1259 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda "Zakheim, Dov" Dov Zakheim Pentagon comptroller when trillion d ollars reported missing on 9-10-01; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; Shul R abbi; former CFR member; former CEO of fly-by-remote manufacturer; reputed 9-11 mastermind lnk Secret societies U.S. think tank CFR U.S. 1260 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Zakheim, Dov" "Dov Zakheim Pentagon comptroller when t rillion dollars reported missing on 9-10-01; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionis t; Shul Rabbi; former CFR member; former CEO of SPC, a fly-by-remote manufacture r; reputed 9-11 mastermind" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Systems Planning Corp U.S. 1261 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Zelikow, Philip" "Philip Zelikow led the 9-11 Commission; personally wrote the 9-11 Omission Commission Report, a best-selling work of fi ction; appointed Counselor of US Department of State; dual citizen of US and Israe l" lnk 9/11 Commission 1262 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Wolfowitz, Paul" Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Secretary of War on 9-11; d ual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Bank scanda l lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov DoJ US Israel 1263 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Hauer, Jerome" "Tommy Thompson Health and Human Service s (HHS) Secretary; hired Jerome Hauer, former Office of Emergency Center, on 9-1 0-01" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1264 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC leas e "Lowy, Frank" Larry Silverstein he and partner Frank Lowy obtained 99- year lease on WTC shortly before 9-11; made several billion dollars on 9-11 insu rance fraud; admitted to pulling WTC 7; Zionist lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties Israel 1265 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Schoomaker, Peter" Peter Schoomaker US Army Chief of Staff; former SOCOM (Special Operations Command) chief; ran Able Danger lnk U.S. Military SOCOM U.S. 1266 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "McKinney, Cynthia" "Karl Rove Bushs top strategist, known as Bushs Brain; Americas Joseph Goebbels; Karl Rove was behind the campaign to oust Ge orgia Representative Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politic ian to question Bushs role in 9-11; in June 2005" lnk 9/11 Tru th "White House, Bush" U.S. 6/1/2005 1267 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Globalis t agenda "Rockefeller, David" "David Rockefeller vice director of the CFR (1949-1985), vice president (1950-1970), and chairman (1970-1985); as chairm an of the Downtown-Lower Manhattan Assc. (1958 to 1975) was builder of WTC compl ex; founder and honorary chairman of the Trilateral Commission;" lnk Secret societies Trilateral Commission U.S. 1268 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Rockefeller, David" "David Rockefeller vice director of the CFR (194 9-1985), vice president (1950-1970), and chairman (1970-1985); as chairman of th e Downtown-Lower Manhattan Assc. (1958 to 1975) was builder of WTC complex; foun der and honorary chairman of the Trilateral Commission;" lnk Secret s ocieties U.S. think tank Trilateral Commission U.S. 1269 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschi ld & 9/11 "Perry, William" "William Perry former Secretary of War; associated with the Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technology, a Rot hschild affiliate" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Global T echnology Partners U.S. 1270 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Rice, Condoleeza" "Condoleeza Rice National Security Advis er on 9-11; promoted to Secretary of State; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission whi le under oath, Condosleezy" lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission , omissions" U.S. 1271 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Rice, Condoleeza" "Condoleeza Rice National Security Advis er on 9-11; promoted to Secretary of State; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission whi le under oath, Condosleezy" lnk U.S. gov Secretary of Sta te U.S. 1272 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "Pauline Neville-Jones International Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and U SA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)" lnk Intel ag encies UK gov UK Joint Intelligence Committee UK 1273 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Neville-Jones, Pauline" "Pauline Neville-Jones I nternational Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committe e (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with governme nt customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council ( IAAC)" lnk Intel agencies U.S. corp QinetiQ Group U.S. 1274 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Kissinger, Henry" "Philip Odeen as director of Program Analysis for the Na tional Security Council, provided staff support to Henry Kissinger from 1971 to 1973; served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of War in Systems Analysis; named to chair the National War Panel in 1997;" lnk U.S. gov National War Panel U.S. 1275 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Mies, Richard" "Richard Mies former Admiral; ran Global Guardian war game on 9-11 out of US Strategic Command (Stratcom) at Offutt Air Fo rce Base; now CEO of Hicks & Associates, a strategic consultant to the USG dealing in military transformation" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1276 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC priv itization "Murdoch, Rupert" Rupert Murdoch key player in Zionist-con trolled corporate media which began the 9-11 cover-up on day one; connected to i ndividuals who privatized and leased WTC just weeks before 9-11; vocal supporter of Zionist extremists Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon; lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Murdoch empire U.S. 1277 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Lewin, Daniel" "Daniel Lewin officer in elite, secret unit of I sraeli military called Sayeret Matkal; orchestrated activities of Mossad agents in USA before 9-11; was allegedly stabbed or shot by highjacker Satam al-Suqami befo re AA flight 11 crashed into the WTC" lnk "Hijackers, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1278 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Lehman, John" "John Lehman Reagans Navy Secretary from 1981 till 1987; claims U S is in religious war against violent, Islamic Fundamentalism; member 9-11 Omissio n Commission; PNAC member" lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1279 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Kroll, Jules" "Jules Kroll founder of Kroll Corporation, a security services com pany which was in charge of security at WTC on 9-11; has close links to CIA and is active private military contractor in Iraq; Zionist, Silverstein hired Kroll ap proximately near Sept 7, 2001" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 9/7/2001 1280 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Ledeen, Michael" "Michael Ledeen anti-terrorism advisor to Secretary of State, Al Haig in 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-Contra affair ; alleged ties to Italian fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with Libby, Cheneys Chief of Staff; top NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl Rove;" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 1281 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Ledeen, Michael" "Michael Ledeen anti-terrorism advisor to Secretary of Sta te, Al Haig in 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-Contra affair; alleged ties t o Italian fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with Libby, Cheneys Chief of Staff; top NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl Rove;" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 1282 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Kristol, William" William Kristol PNAC co-founder; adheren t of Leo Strauss; editor of The Weekly Standard; strong advocate of the Iraq war ; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1283 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Operatio n Code Angel "Giuliani, Rudy" Bernard Kerik NYC Police Chief on 9-11; s idekick of Giuliani; allegedly involved with FEMA in WTC demolition war games calle d Operation Code Angel lnk NYC U.S. 1284 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Kissinger, Henry" Henry Kissinger long criminal history; wanted fo r war crimes in several countries; sat on War Policy Board under Perle; chosen t o lead 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission; dual citizen of US and Israel lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov DoD U.S. 1285 WhoDidIt WTC 1993 political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Greenberg, Maurice" "Maurice Greenberg CEO of American Inter national Group (AIG) on 9-11 which became co-owner of the private spy agency, Krol l Associates, in 1993 and was a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan whose CE O on 9-11 was Maurices son Jeffrey; director of the New York Federal Reserve bank (1988-1995);" lnk Intel agencies U.S. corp CIA front companies U.S. 1286 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Hauer, Jerome" Jerome Hauer managing director of Kroll and senior advis er to US Secretary of Health and (HHS) for National Security and Emergency Manag ement on 9-11; put John ONeill at the WTC on 9-11; lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 1287 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "O'Neill, John" Jerome Hauer managing director of Kroll and senior advis er to US Secretary of Health and (HHS) for National Security and Emergency Manag ement on 9-11; put John ONeill at the WTC on 9-11; lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 1288 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political FBI cove r-up "Rowley, Coleen" "Dave Frasca FBI Radical Fundamentalists Unit Ch ief; personally scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams in July 2001 and Coleen Ro wley in August 2001, the Arizona and Minnesota FBI agents who were actively inve stigating terrorist patsies in CIA-operated flight schools" lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1289 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political FBI cove r-up "Williams, Kenneth" "Dave Frasca FBI Radical Fundamentalists Unit Ch ief; personally scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams in July 2001 and Coleen Ro wley in August 2001, the Arizona and Minnesota FBI agents who were actively inve stigating terrorist patsies in CIA-operated flight schools" lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1290 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political FBI cove r-up hijacker patsies "Dave Frasca FBI Radical Fundamentalists Unit Ch ief; personally scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams in July 2001 and Coleen Ro wley in August 2001, the Arizona and Minnesota FBI agents who were actively inve stigating terrorist patsies in CIA-operated flight schools" lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1291 WhoDidIt Murrah Federal Building political "ASCE Re ports, Pentagon" "Corley, Gene" Gene Corley led FEMA/ASCE WTC collapse in vestigation; was the principal investigator for ASCE and FEMA of the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City lnk U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 1292 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC leas e "Eisenberg, Lewis" Lewis Eisenberg chairman Port Authority of New Y ork and New Jersey on 9-11; authorized transfer of WTC leases to Silverstein and Lowy just weeks before 9-11; later appointed chairman of Republican National Co mmittee; Zionist lnk NYC Port Authority U.S. 1293 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Feith, Douglas" "Douglas Feith effectively in co mmand, with Wolfowitz, of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Poli cy; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; fo rmer PNAC member son of Dalk Feith, President of Betar, a Revisionist Zionist yout h organization." lnk U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 1294 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Feith, Douglas" "Douglas Feith effectively in command, w ith Wolfowitz, of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNA C member son of Dalk Feith, President of Betar, a Revisionist Zionist youth organi zation." lnk U.S. gov DoD U.S. 1295 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Jewish o rganizations "Fleischer, Ari" Ari Fleischer White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group call ed the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics lnk Israeli think tank Chabad Lubavitch Israel 1296 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Jewish o rganizations "Fleischer, Ari" Ari Fleischer White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group call ed the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics lnk U.S. gov "White H ouse, Bush" U.S. 1297 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Cherkasky, Michael" Michael Cherkasky CEO of Kroll on 9-11; former i nvestigator in the Manhattan DAs Office from 1978 to 1994; CEO of insurance-firm Marsh & McClennan lnk NYC U.S. 1298 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Cherkasky, Michael" Michael Cherkasky CEO of Kroll on 9-11; former i nvestigator in the Manhattan DAs Office from 1978 to 1994; CEO of insurance-firm Marsh & McClennan lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Marsh & McClennan U.S. 1299 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Abrams, Eliot" "Elliot Abrams former member of PNAC, National S ecurity Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra a ffair; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist" lnk Israeli think ta nk Likud U.S. 1/1/1991 1300 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iran Con tra "Abrams, Eliot" "Elliot Abrams former member of PNAC, National Security Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; du al citizen of US and Israel; Zionist Bush appointed him to the International Oper ations at the National Security Council on June 25, 2001" lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov NSC U.S. 1/1/1991 1301 Wikipedia Iran Contra political 9/11 Groundwork "Abrams, Eliot" "Elliot Abrams (Jewish) former member of PNAC, National Security Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; d ual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist Bush appointed him to the International Ope rations at the National Security Council on June 25, 2001" lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov NSC U.S. 1/1/1991 1302 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political NIST / F EMA Cover-up "Baker, William" "William Baker member of FEMA Probe Team ; partner with Skidmore, Owings, Merrill; contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed" lnk U.S. gov NIST / F EMA UL Labs U.S. 1303 MSM WTC Memorial political "China Syndrome, WTC pools" "9/11 Memorial, radiation" "Arad, Michael" "NY Times: Michael Arad, an unkn own young architect, won the design competition in 2004 run by the Lower Manhatt an Development Corporation (LMDC) which is a subsidiarty of the Empire State Dev elopment Corporation (ESDC) project costs tripled to $1 billion," lnk NYC Empire State Development 11/1/2001 1304 Wikipedia WTC Memorial political "China Syndrome, WTC poo ls" "9/11 Memorial, radiation" "The New York State Urban Develo pment Corporation (unaccountable), dba Empire State Development is a public bene fit corporation Pataki used the corporation to process $20 billion in federal ai d following the September 11 attacks to rebuild lower Manhattan and build a memo rial. ... with total lack of public scrutiny... about 20 unaudited subsidiarys o f UDC... see Hevesi" lnk NYC Empire State Development NYC 1305 WMR global political "Israeli spies, historical" "Bennett, William" "Madsen attributes the clubbing death of CIA missile exp ert William Bennett in Landsdowne, Virginia, in March 2009 to the Mossad. Bennet t had uncovered evidence that Israel had shared with or sold to China and Russia classified U.S. Patriot missile and stealth technology." link Intel ag encies U.S. gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 3/1/2009 1306 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Butler, Smedley" "The McCormack-Dickstein Committee confi rmed some of Butler's testimony in its final report. ""In the last few weeks of the committee's official life it received evidence showing that certain persons had made an attempt to establish a fascist organization in this country." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Jewish financial organizations U.S. 1307 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organize d Crime & 9/11 "Scaramella, Mario" "Mario Scaramella (born 1970 is an Itali an lawyer, security consultant and academic nuclear expert who came to internati onal prominence in 2006 in connection with the poisoning of the ex-FSB agent Ale xander Litvinenko. As responsible for intelligence analysis and production on KG B and military GRU espionage in Europe," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates Russia 1308 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organize d Crime & 9/11 "Litvinenko, Alexander" "On 1 November 2006 Scaramella met the e x-Russian FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko for lunch at Itsu, a sushi restaurant i n Piccadilly, London. Scaramella has stated he ate nothing and drank only water at the restaurant. On 1 December 2006 he was taken to University College Hospita l, and it was confirmed that he has been exposed to Polonium-210" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates Russia 11/1/200 6 1309 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC insu rance fraud "Greenberg, Jeffrey" "Eliot Spitzer announced the initiation of a civil action against Marsh, alleging impropriety in the steering of clients to insurers with whom the company maintained payoff agreements, and for solicit ing rigged bids for insurance contracts from the insurers. Former CEO Jeffrey W. Greenberg resigned several weeks later." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Marsh & McClennan U.S. 1310 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical "Cancer, Myeloma" 9/11 & Israel "Schiro, James" "James Schiro died of Multiple Myeloma, Lloyd Bl ankfein and President Gary Cohn of Goldman Sachs made a statement. He received t he American Jewish Committee's National Human Relations Award in 1997 (Thyroid can cer still an issue with the Eniwetok and Bikini fusion atomic detonations)." lnk "Victims, all" U.S. corp Goldman Sachs U.S. 8/1/2014 1311 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Eisenberg, Shaul" "An attempt by the FBI to penetrate New York and New Jer sey Israeli intelligence-connected office moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems, which was discovered to have conducted an emergency move of the Israel i Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company from the World Trade Centers North Tower just weeks prior to 911," lnk Zim Shipping Urban Moving Sys tems Israel 1312 "Fox, Donald" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda Rothschild "The Council on Foreign Relations was founded by Elihu Root, who was the personal attorney for JP Morgan. Morgan was well known to be a Rothschild frontman" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. thi nk tank CFR U.S. 1313 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 medical "Cleanup, Zionist companies" "Evidenc e destruction, obstruction" "Victims, 9/11" "Three years later, in February 2005, the New York City Medical Examiner's office ended its process of identifyi ng human remains at the site." lnk "Victims, all" NYC NY Port Authorit y U.S. 2/1/2005 1314 Spitfire List "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political Globalist agenda "Dulles, Allen" "The , the Third Reich, the Dulles brothers (principal operators in Sullivan & Cromwell and British spy and Nazi agent Jack Philby. ...the period between WWI and WWII was characterized by three men: Jack Philby, a British spy; Ibn Saud, his Arab protégé; and Allen Dulles , an American spy and Wall Street lawyer .... ISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia ..." link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Sullivan & Cromwell Saudi Arabia 1315 NNSA "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Mini Nukes, Barium, Str ontium" "The NNSA announced that for four days leading up to the Boston Marathon conduct a helicopter-based survey to measure naturally occurrin g background radiation in a ten square mile area west of downtown Boston. The me asurements are being taken to ""establish baseline levels [which] is a normal pa rt of security and emergency preparedness""," lnk U.S. gov NNSA U.S. 1316 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "NUMEC, Nuclear Materials & Equi pment Co., first ever company to provide nuclear fuel, and Zalman Shapiro (found er, Zionist) suspected of diverting hundreds of lbs of uranium to Israel. He had extensive business interests and a contract to build nuclear powered generators in Israel. He was the president of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Zionist Organi zation of America" lnk Israeli gov Zionists Israel 9/1/1968 1317 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Cleanup, NNSA" "The NNSA conducted a four-day helicopter-based survey to measure naturally occu rring background radiation in a ten square mile area west of downtown Boston. It did the same for Obama's inauguration, Super Bowl and Fukushima." lnk U.S. gov NNSA U.S. 4/1/2014 1318 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Khan, AQ" Juan Zarate: AQ Khan relied on the Swiss enginee r Friedrich Tinner and his sons Urs and Marco to facilitate his global financial network. ... an investigation found suspicious money from a Dubai currencey exc hange used by the 9/11 hijackers to Marco Tinner's Swiss accounts and companies. see Scomi Precision Engineering (Malaysia) and B.S.A. The CIA used to Tinner to disrupt AQ Khan. Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA Switzerl and 1319 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Victims First re sponders "343 Firefighters and 72 law enforcement officers died in NYC on September 11, 2001 hundreds more would die of radiation related cancer deaths o ver the next decade." lnk "Victims, all" Israeli think tank Wikipedi a Israel 1320 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Victims "bin Lad en, Osama" "Osama bin Laden, who was never charged with a crime for 9/11 wa s killed in a raid in Pakistan in May 2011. His death in May 2011 was a made-for -TV fiction in November of 2014 Robert O'Neill claims he killed bin Laden as did Ma tt Bissonnette, (Mark Owen)." lnk "Victims, all" Israeli think tank Wikipedia Israel 5/1/2011 1321 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "Ptech's roster of clients included included the U.S. Armed Forc es, NATO, Congress, the DoE, DoJ, FBI, Customs, the FAA, the IRS, the Secret Ser vice, and the White House. Despite the eventual 2009 indictment of PTech's CEO a nd CFO, as late as May 2004 they were still contracted by several federal agenci es, including the White House." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ptech U.S. 5/1/2004 1322 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Rice, Condoleeza" "Libby was part of a network of neo-cons ervatives known as the ""Vulcans""its other members included Wolfowitz, Condoleez za Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld. See also Zelikow Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert Zoellick, Scooter Libby. Dick Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell" lnk Intel agencies U.S. thi nk tank Vulcans U.S. 7/1/1998 1323 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre "al-Qadi, Yasin" "Ptech Inc. was a Quincy, Massachusetts-based pr ovider of business process modeling software that was closed down in late 2003 u nder Operation Green Quest. The search was related to the relationship of the co mpany to businessman Yasin al-Qadi, a multi-millionaire from Jeddah, Chicago. He is the son-in-law of Sheikh Ahmed Salah Jamjoom, a former Saudi Arabian governm ent minister with close ties to the Saudi royal family" lnk Intel agencies Saudi Arabia gov CIA Saudi Arabia 11/1/2003 1324 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "al-Qadi, Yasin" "Ptech Inc. was a Quincy, Massachusetts- based provider of business process modeling software that was closed down in lat e 2003 under Operation Green Quest. The search was related to the relationship o f the company to businessman Yasin al-Qadi, a multi-millionaire from Jeddah, Chi cago. He is the son-in-law of Sheikh Ahmed Salah Jamjoom, a former Saudi Arabian government minister with close ties to the Saudi royal family" lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov Operation Green Quest Saudi Arabia 1325 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Ri ghts lost "Wellstone, Sen. Paul" "After voting against the congressional authorization for the war in Iraq on October 11, 2002, in the midst of a tight e lection, Wellstone is said to have told his wife, ""I just cost myself the elect ion.""" lnk U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 10/1/2002 1326 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Wellstone, Sen. Paul" "The NTSB accident report is disputed in the book American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone by Don ""Four Arrows"" Jacobs and James H. Fetzer. The authorsdocument official co ver-up. One of their principal claims is that FBI personnel left the field offic e in St. Paul for northern Minnesota before the plane crashed." lnk U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 10/25/2002 1327 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Tru th "Reynolds, Morgan" "He served as chief economist for the United Sta tes Department of Labor during 20012002, George W. Bush's first term. In 2005, he gained public attention as the first prominent government official to publicly claim that 9/11 was an inside job, and is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth." lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1328 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Rogue go vernment "Reynolds, Morgan" "Reynolds argues that the mainstream ver sions of the JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 9/11 attacks are all lies. He states The network concealed in deep politics has grown more aud acious since the Kennedy triumph escalating to mass murders like the Oklahoma Ci ty bombing and the World Trade Center" lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1329 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars The invasion of Afghanistan began on 7 October 2001 lnk U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 10/7/2001 1330 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "On October 7, 2001 the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan o ffered to detain bin Laden and try him under Islamic law if the U.S. made a form al request and presented the Taliban with evidence." lnk "Afghani stan, gov" Taliban Afghanistan 10/7/2001 1331 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" "It has also been reported that Israel has produced nuclear warheads small enoug h to fit into a suitcase. Hersh, Seymour M (1991), The Samson Option, New York: Random House, p. 220, ISBN 0-394-57006-5." lnk Mini Nukes Israeli gov Israel 1/1/1991 1332 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" "The lightest nuclear warhead ever acknowledged to have been manufactured by the U.S. is the W54, which was used in both the Davy Crockett 120 mm recoilless rif lelaunched warhead, and the backpack-carried version called the Mk-54 SADM (Speci al Atomic Demolition Munition)" lnk Mini Nukes Israeli think tank Wikipedia Israel 1333 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Hariri, Michael" "was a Israeli intelligence officer in the Mossa d. He was involved in several notable operations, including the failed Lillehamm er affair and the rescue of hostages at Entebbe." lnk Intel agencies 9/11 Truth Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 1334 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Hariri, Michael" "During his time in the Mossad he ran agents in Europe, eventually advancing to the head of the Operations Branch. It was during this time that he helped build and lead teams in , the Is raeli response to the Munich Massacre in 1972. In what became known as the Lille hammer affair" lnk Intel agencies 9/11 Truth Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 1/1/1972 1335 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Hariri, Michael" "During his time in the Mossad he ran agents in Europe, eventually advancing to the head of the Operations Branch. It was during this time that he helped build and lead teams in Operation Wrath of God, the Is raeli response to the Munich Massacre in 1972. In what became known as the Lille hammer affair" lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1336 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False fl ag "Hariri, Michael" "Harari became the Mossad station chief of Latin America but based in Israel... He returned to Israel just before or during the 1989 United States invasion of Panama, which deposed and install ... Harari later appeared on Israeli television and denied that he was ever a cl ose advisor of Noriega." pic Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1/1/1989 1337 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Hamre, John J." "is a specialist in international studies, a for mer Washington government official and President and CEO of the Center for Strat egic and International Studies, a position he has held with that think tank sinc e January, 2000." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Defense Policy Board U.S. 1/1/2000 1338 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Hamre, John J." "is a specialist in international studies, a for mer Washington government official and President and CEO of the Center for Strat egic and International Studies, a position he has held with that think tank sinc e January, 2000." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank CSIS U.S. 1339 Wikipedia WTC 1993 political 9/11 Groundwork "Hamre, John J." "Hamre was DoD Comptroller (19931997) and Deputy Secretar y of Defense (19971999), both under President Bill Clinton." lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots U.S. gov DoD U.S. 12/1/1999 1340 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "Hamre, John J." "9:34:00 AM NEADS Surveillance Technicia ns instructed to remove simulations from Radar ScreensEdit event ...... turn off their sim switches, apparently so as to remove from their radar screens simulated information for a training exercise that was being conducted this morning, 9/11 " lnk U.S. gov NORAD U.S. 1341 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Perle, Richard" "Historically, the Defense Policy Board ... served as a method for the Pentagon to leverage consulting expertise in the private sector. However, the DPBAC served a very powerful and influential role i n foreign policy in the George W. Bush presidency." lnk U.S. thi nk tank Defense Policy Board U.S. 1342 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Scowcroft, Brent" "Former Chairman Richard Perle (DPB) was an influence in the decision to go to war in Iraq, Prior chairmen have been Brent Scowcroft, fo rmer senator Warren Rudman, former House speaker Tom Foley, Gen. M axwell Taylor and former Johnson administration secretary of defense Clark Cliff ord." lnk U.S. think tank Defense Policy Board U.S. 1343 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Perry, William" "Former Chairman Richard Perle (DPB) was an infl uence in the decision to go to war in Iraq, Prior chairmen have been Brent Scowc roft, former New Hampshire senator Warren Rudman, former House speaker Tom Foley , Gen. Maxwell Taylor and former Johnson administration secretary of defense Cla rk Clifford." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank Defense Policy Board U.S. 1344 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 Groundwork "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (c ommonly known as the ""Clean Break"" report) is a policy document that was prepa red in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the th en Prime Minister of Israel.[1]" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. thi nk tank PNAC Israel 1345 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs Iraq War "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "The report (Clean Break) explained a new approach to so lving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on ""Wester n values"". It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting their possession of ""we apons of mass destruction""." lnk U.S. think tank Israel 1346 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs "Neocons, Straus s" "Feith, Douglas" "it (Clean Break) was written by the Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000, which was a part of the Institute for Ad vanced Strategic and Political Studies. the final report included ideas from Dou glas Feith, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Robert Loewenberg, David Wurm ser, and Meyrav Wurmser." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. think tank IASPS Israel 1347 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 & Israel "Wurmser, David" "it (Clean Break) was written by the Study Group on a Ne w Israeli Strategy Toward 2000, which was a part of the Institute for Advanced S trategic and Political Studies. the final report included ideas from Douglas Fei th, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank IASPS Israel 1348 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs Energy / Drug wa rs "Colbert, James" "it (Clean Break) was written by the Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000, which was a part of the Institute for Ad vanced Strategic and Political Studies. the final report included ideas from Dou glas Feith, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Robert Loewenberg, David Wurm ser, and Meyrav Wurmser." lnk U.S. think tank IASPS Israel 1349 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs Zionism "While there are those who will counsel continuity, Israel has the opportunity t o make a (CLEAN BREAK); it can forge a peace process and strategy based on an en tirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and p rovides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionis m, the starting point of which must be economic reform.[1]" lnk U.S. think tank Zionists Israel 1350 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Rather than pursuing a ""comprehensive peace"" with the entire Arab world, Isra el should work jointly with Jordan and Turkey to ""contain, destabilize, and rol l-back"" those entities that are threats to all three." lnk Israeli think tank Zionists Israel 1351 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jord an, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq an important Israeli strategic ob jective in its own right as a means of foiling Syrias regional ambitions." lnk Israeli think tank Zionists Israel 1352 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism supporting King Hussein by providing him with some tangible security measures to protect his regime against Syrian subversion; encouragingthrough influence in th e U.S. business communityinvestment in Jordan to structurally shift Jordans econom y away from dependence on Iraq lnk Israeli think tank Zionists Israel 1353 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "... it would be understandable that Israel has an interest in supporting the Ha shemites in their efforts to redefine Iraq, Were the Hashemites to control Iraq, they could use their influence over Najf to help Israel wean the south Lebanese Shia away from Hizballah, Iran, and Syria" lnk Israeli think ta nk Zionists Jordan 1354 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Hashemite (also spelled Hashimite),... refers to those belonging to the Banu Ha shim, or ""clan of Hashim"", an Arabian clan within the larger Quraysh tribe. It also refers to an Arab dynasty whose original strength stemmed from the network of tribal alliances and blood loyalties in the Hejaz region of Arabia, along th e Red Sea." lnk Israeli think tank Zionists Jordan 1355 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Wurmser, David" "In March 2003 Patrick J. Buchanan, referring to the 200 3 invasion of Iraq and the report, wrote that ""Their plan, which urged Israel t o re-establish 'the principle of preemption,' has now been imposed by Perle, Fei th, Wurmser & Co. on the United States.""" lnk U.S. think tank Zionists Israel 3/1/2003 1356 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Wolfowitz, Paul" "In Paul Wolfowitz's words, ""The road to peace in the M iddle East goes through Baghdad."" It has indeed become an article of faith (lit erally in some cases) in Washington that American and Israeli interests are iden tical, but this was not always so, and ""Jewish interests"" are not the main rea son for it now." lnk U.S. think tank Zionists Israel 1357 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "George Packer, in his 2005 non-fiction analysis of the Iraq war The Assassins' Gate, explicates the Clean Break report ""through the lens of Wurmser's subseque nt AEI-published volume, which argued (in 1999) that America's taking out Saddam would solve Israels strategic problems and leave the Palestinians essentially he lpless" lnk U.S. think tank Zionists Israel 1/1/1999 1358 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "George Packer, in his 2005 non-fiction analysis of the Iraq war The Assassins' Gate, explicates the Clean Break report ""through the lens of Wurmser's subseque nt AEI-published volume, which argued (in 1999) that America's taking out Saddam would solve Israels strategic problems and leave the Palestinians essentially he lpless" lnk U.S. think tank Zionists Israel 1359 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Netanyahu seems to be the main mover in Americas officia l adoption of the 1996 white paper A Clean Break, authored by him and American f ellow neocons, which aimed to aggressively remake the strategic environments of Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. As they say in boxing circles, three down, two to go" lnk U.S. think tank Zionists Israel 6/1/1996 1360 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Lake, Anthony" "He ... converted to Judaism in 2005, be fore marrying Julie T. Katzman, currently the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Inter-American Development Bank" lnk global Israel 1361 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bush GW "A Saudi named Omar al-Bayoumi housed and opened bank ac counts for two of the 9/11 hijackers. About two weeks after the assistance began , al-Bayoumi's wife began receiving monthly payments totaling tens of thousands of dollars from Princess Haifa bint Faisal, the wife of Saudi ambassador and Bus h family confidant, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, through a Riggs bank account." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia 1362 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bush GW "In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi royal family set up covert accounts at the Riggs Bank in Washington amounting to tens of millions of dollars; this money was used by the so-called ""Safari Club"" to run intelli gence operations at a time when American intelligence was paralyzed by investiga tions in the aftermath of Watergate." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia 1/1/1975 1363 Wikipedia global political 9/11 Financing Bush GW "In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi royal family set up covert accounts at th e Riggs Bank in Washington amounting to tens of millions of dollars; this money was used by the so-called ""Safari Club"" to run intelligence operations at a ti me when American intelligence was paralyzed by investigations in the aftermath o f Watergate." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots global Riggs Bank Saudi Ar abia 1/2/1975 1364 Wikipedia global political Yamamah deal Bandar b in Sultan "According to British investigations on the Al Yamamah deal, rep orted by The Guardian, Bandar would have received over $ 1.5 billion in bribery from BAE Systems, laundered through the Riggs Bank." lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Riggs Bank Saudi Arabia 1365 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan "According to British investigations on the Al Yamamah deal, reported by The Guardian, Bandar would have received over $ 1.5 billion in bribery from BAE Systems, laundered through the Riggs Bank." lnk Saudis & 9/11 UK corp BAE Systems Saudi Arabia 1366 Wikipedia global political Yamamah deal Bandar b in Sultan "According to British investigations on the Al Yamamah deal, rep orted by The Guardian, Bandar would have received over $ 1.5 billion in bribery from BAE Systems, laundered through the Riggs Bank." lnk UK corp BAE Systems UK 1367 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Libby, Scooter" "Libby was born to an affluent Jewish family in New Have n, Connecticut; his late father, Irving Lewis Liebowitz, was an investment banke r, " lnk Zionists Israel 1368 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Rice, Condoleeza" "Libby was part of a network of neo-conservatives known as the ""Vulcans""its other members included Wolfowitz, Condoleezza Rice, and Don ald Rumsfeld." lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Vulcans U.S. 1369 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Rumsfeld, Donald" "Libby was part of a network of neo-conservatives known as the ""Vulcans""its other members included Wolfowitz, Condoleezza Rice, and Don ald Rumsfeld." lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Vulcans U.S. 1370 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda "Libby, Scooter" "Libby was part of a network of neo-cons ervatives known as the ""Vulcans""its other members included Wolfowitz, Condoleez za Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld." lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Vulcans U.S. 1371 "Duff, Gordon" 7/7 London bombings political Drills g one live Hijacker patsies "Mohammed Atta and the Saudis in the US w erent training to attack on 9/11 but rather were being trained by the CIA to fly drugs out of Afghanistan. They were there as patsies on 9/11 just like the 7/7 bom bers were set up in London, where 'terror' drills were executed... 'miraculously ' at the same time as the real bombings." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov U.S. 7/7/2005 1372 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Libby, Scooter" "JTA bureau chief Ron Kampeas observed that form er Soviet dissident and Israeli politician and writer Natan Sharansky was one of many ""Jews pleading leniency for Libby without success"" He describes how badl y the Blair camp gets on with Vice-President Dick Cheney and his office, and par ticularly with Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, who is close to Israel's Li kud party." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "White H ouse, Cheney" U.S. 1373 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of Interest "Walton, Judge Reggie" Judge Reggie Walton sentenced Libby lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 1374 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Kroll, Jules" "Eventually law firms like Skadden, Arps and investment banks became major clients. In 1982, Drexel Burnham Lambert hire d Kroll to perform due diligence on persons and companies Drexel was underwritin g." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp Rothschild U.S. 1/1/1982 1375 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Kroll, Jules" "Eventually law firms like Skadden, Arps and investment banks became major clients. In 1982, Drexel Burnham Lambert hire d Kroll to perform due diligence on persons and companies Drexel was underwritin g." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 1376 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Plamegat e "Cheney, Dick" "The 1993 Mumbai bombings were a series of 13 bomb explo sions that took place in Bombay (now Mumbai), Maharashtra, India on Friday, The attacks were coordinated by Dawood Ibrahim, don of the Mumbai-based internationa l organised crime syndicate named D-Company. See Cheney" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 1377 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Plamegat e "Ibrahim, Dawood" "The 1993 Mumbai bombings were a series of 13 bo mb explosions that took place in Bombay (now Mumbai), Maharashtra, India on Frid ay, The attacks were coordinated by Dawood Ibrahim, don of the Mumbai-based inte rnational organised crime syndicate named D-Company. See Cheney" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 3/12/1993 1378 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Cheney, Dick" IASPS lnk U.S. think tank IASPS U.S. 1379 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Cheney, Dick" AEI American Enterprise Institute lnk U.S. thi nk tank AEI U.S. 1380 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Strauss, Leo" "Leo Strauss, was a Jewish German-bornAmerican po litical philosopher who specialized in classical political philosophy at the Uni versity of Chicago. .. immersed in the work of the phenomenologists Edmund Husse rl and Martin Heidegger, medieval Islamic and Jewish philosophy and encouraging the application of those ideas to contemporary political theory." lnk U.S. think tank Hudson Institute Israel 1381 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Shulsky, Abram" "Abram Shulsky is a neoconservative scho lar who has worked for U.S. government, RAND Corporation, and the Hudson Institu te. Shulsky served as Director of the Office of Special Plans, a unit whose func tion has been compared to the 1970s Team B exercise. In the run-up to the 2003 i nvasion of Iraq, Shulsky approved OSP memos with talking points about Iraq and w eapons of mass destruction and terrorism." lnk U.S. gov Office of Special Plans U.S. 1/1/2003 1382 Wikipedia Cold War hoax political "Neocons, Straus s" "Shulsky, Abram" "In 1974, Albert Wohlstetter, a professor at the University of Chicago, accused the CIA of systematically underestimating Soviet missile deployment, in his 1974 foreign policy article entitled ""Is There a St rategic Arms Race?"" Wohlstetter concluded that the United States was allowing t he Soviet Union to achieve military superiority by not closing a perceived missi le gap." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov Team B U.S. 1/1/1974 1383 Wikipedia Cold War hoax political "Neocons, Straus s" Team B was a competitive analysis exercise commissioned by the C entral Intelligence Agency (CIA) to analyze threats the Soviet Union posed to th e security of the United States. The Office of Special Plans was a similar entit y as Team B. lnk U.S. gov Office of Special Plans U.S. 1384 Wikipedia Cold War hoax political "Neocons, Straus s" "Luti, William" "head of the Pentagons Near Eastern and South Asian desk, Under-Secretary of Defense during the administration of George W. Bush, on 9/11 Team B." lnk U.S. think tank Hudson Institute U.S. 1385 Wikipedia Cold War hoax political "Neocons, Straus s" "Luti, William" "head of the Pentagons Near Eastern and South Asian desk, Under-Secretary of Defense during the administration of George W. Bush, on 9/11 Team B." lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Team B U.S. 1386 Wikipedia Cold War hoax political "Neocons, Straus s" "Luti, William" "Team B, led by Cheney to advance and oppose Pentagon an alysts and advance neocon / Israeli war agenda." lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Team B U.S. 1387 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Cheney, Dick" "The Project for the New American Century ... established in 199 7 as a non-profit educational organization founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan. The PNAC's stated goal is ""to promote American global leadership" lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 6/1/1997 1388 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Kagan, Robert" "The Project for the New American Century ... established in 199 7 as a non-profit educational organization founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan. The PNAC's stated goal is ""to promote American global leadership" lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1389 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Kristol, William" "The Project for the New American Century ... establishe d in 1997 as a non-profit educational organization founded by William Kristol an d Robert Kagan. The PNAC's stated goal is ""to promote American global leadershi p" lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1390 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs Iraq War "Cheney, Dick" "Some have regarded the PNAC's January 16, 1998 letter to Presid ent Clinton, which urged him to embrace a plan for ""the removal of Saddam Husse ins regime from power,"" and the large number of members of PNAC appointed to the Bush administration as evidence that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a foregone c onclusion" lnk U.S. think tank PNAC U.S. 1/16/1998 1391 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda "Cheney, Dick" "Between 1987 and 1989, during his last term in Congress, Cheney was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations foreign poli cy organization." lnk Secret societies U.S. think tank CFR U.S. 1392 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Cukierman, Roger" "Roger Cukierman is a French banker, businessman and Jewish philanthropist. He serves as the President of the Conseil Représentati f des Institutions juives de France and Vice President of the World Jewish Congr ess and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli corp Cukierman & Company Israel 1393 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Cukierman, Roger" "Roger Cukierman is a French banker, businessman and Jewish philanthropist. He serves as the President of the Conseil Représentati f des Institutions juives de France and Vice President of the World Jewish Congr ess and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli think tank World Jewish Congress Israel 8/1/2001 1394 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Cukierman, Roger" "Roger Cukierman is a French banker, businessman and Jewish philanthropist. He serves as the President of the Conseil Représentati f des Institutions juives de France and Vice President of the World Jewish Congr ess and the head of ICTS at the time of 9-11" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli corp Jewish financial organizations Israel 1395 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Cukierman, Roger" "Roger Cukierman, director of Banque privée Edmond de Rothschild, He has also served as Vice President of the European Jewish Cong ress and the Alliance Israélite Universelle." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli corp Rothschild Israel 1396 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "ICTS International is an Israeli firm based in the Neth erlands that develops products and provides consulting and personnel services in the field of aviation and general security. It was established in 1982, by form er members of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency, and El Al airline security agents. The company's shares are traded on NASDAQ under the symbol ICT S" lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Shin Bet Israel 1/1/1982 1397 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "Another subsidiary of ICTS International is Huntleigh U SA Corporation (Huntleigh), which engages primarily in non-security related acti vities in the United States. Providing limited aviation security services, its m ain aviation services include cleaning aircraft cabins, skycap services, and whe elchair attendants" lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp "Huntlei gh, USA" Israel 1398 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "ICTS subsidiary, Huntleigh, shared security duties at B oston's Logan Airport on September 11, 2001, where two of the four planes hijack ed for use in the attacks originated. According to Logan Airport officials, the company provided gate and baggage security services for United Airlines." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp "Huntleigh, USA" Israel 9/1/2001 1399 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS Underwear Bomber "ICTS International and its two subsidia ries, ISEC and PI, provide security services to the Schipol airport, where the U nderwear Bomber also transited." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli corp Schipol Airport Israel 1400 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "Huntleigh faced multiple lawsuits for alleged screening failures by its workers at Logan Airport, but denied any liability for those ca ses" lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp "Huntleigh, USA" Israel 1401 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "Atzmon, Menachem" "Atzmon, the Chairman of the Board of Di rectors since 2004, holds controlling shares, owning more than 55% of ICTS Inter national through a family trust. See ICTS, Huntleigh, Hellerstein and Cukierman See ICTS, Huntleigh, Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukierman" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 Israeli corp ICTS Israel 1402 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS ICTS... security system came under scrutiny and as part of the international investigation into how Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Underwear bomber) was able to board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 with explosive material s lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp ICTS Israel 1403 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Secu rity "Yoran, Amit" "The Guardium is an Israeli unmanned security vehicle (U SV), created by G-NIUS, an Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles joint venture com pany established by Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Guardium Israel 1404 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Yoran, Amit" Amit Yoran was the National Cyber Securi ty Division director within the United States Department of Homeland Security. H e took up the post in September 2003 and served as the initial Director of the U S-CERT. He resigned in October 2004. lnk U.S. gov DHS Israel 1405 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Revisionist Zionism is a faction within the Zionist mov ement. It is the founding ideology of the non-religious right in Israel, and was the chief ideological competitor to the dominant socialist Labor Zionism. Revis ionism is the precursor of the Likud Party,Netanyahu, Olmert, Barak, Sharon, eth nic cleansing of Palestine ... Iraq War." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli gov Likud Israel 1406 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "Rich, Marc" "Marc Rich ... he had made his ""most important and most profitable"" business deals by violating international trade embargoes and doing business with the apartheid regime of South Africa. ... Castro's Cuba, Marxist Angola, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Gaddafi's, Nicolae Ceausescu's, and Pinochet's" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" U.S. 1407 DoD "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, Netanyahu" Six AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles were mistakenly loaded o n a United States Air Force B-52H heavy bomber at Minot AFB and transported to B arksdale AFB. U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 1408 ------1409 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical 9/11 & I srael "Barnaby, C. F." "According to Dr. Theodore Taylor after reviewin g leaked photographs of disassembled weapons components taken before 1986, Israe l possessed boosted weapons and would require supercomputers of that era to adva nce further toward full two-stage weapons in the megaton range without nuclear t est detonations" lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scie ntists U.S. 1410 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Lauder, Ronald" "Jewish, opened The Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy is a school within the Interdisciplinary Center private college located in Herzliya, Israel son of Estee Lauder cosmetics" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1411 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Jewish o rganizations "Lauder, Ronald" "Lost mayoral race to Giuliani, a vocal Likudnik, with long-standing ties to Benjamin Netanyahu. Lauder manages investme nts in real estate and media, including Central European Media Enterprises and I sraeli TV" lnk Israeli think tank Jewish World Congress Israel 1412 "Chaitman,Helen Davis" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Madoff, Bernard" "Madoff could not have stolen $64.8 bill ion of other peoples money without the complicity of a major financial institutio n. ... Madoff maintained huge balances in his JPMorgan Chase account, reaching $ 4 billion or more from 2006 on senior officers of JPMorgan Chase knew that Madoff was misappropriating customer funds and knew who all the victims were. see also Chaitman and Gotthoffer" Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Jewish financial organizations Israel 1/1/2006 1413 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Lauder, Ronald" "Lauder is actively involved in numerous civic o rganizations, including the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Or ganizations, the Jewish National Fund, the World Jewish Congress, the American J ewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Theol ogical Seminary, Brandeis University, and the Abraham Fund." lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots Israeli think tank ADL Israel 1414 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC priv itization "Lauder, Ronald" "In 1998, the Port Authority decided to privatize the World Trade Center, leasing the buildings to a private company to manage, and awarded the lease to Silverstein Properties in July 2001" lnk NYC New York State Commission of Privatization New York 1/1/1998 1415 Wikipedia global political 9/11 Financing Bush GW "In the mid-1970s members of the Saudi royal family set up covert accounts at th e Riggs Bank in Washington amounting to tens of millions of dollars; this money was used by the so-called ""Safari Club"" to run intelligence operations at a ti me when American intelligence was paralyzed by investigations in the aftermath o f Watergate." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots global Riggs Bank Saudi Ar abia 1/2/1975 1416 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "the Taliban offered to surrender Osama bin Laden if we could prove that he had been involved, which we promised to do but of course ign ored." link "Afghanistan, gov" Taliban Afghanistan 1417 ------Top 20 1418 ------1419 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Deutch, John" "Jewish, . He is an Institute Professor a t the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and serves on the Board of Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. Deutch is also a member of the Trilateral Commission." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. cor p Jewish financial organizations Israel 1420 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Deutch, John" "Jewish, . He is an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Inst itute of Technology and serves on the Board of Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. Deutch is also a member of the Trilateral Commis sion." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. corp Raytheon U.S. 1421 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Deutch, John" "Jewish, . He is an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Inst itute of Technology and serves on the Board of Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. Deutch is also a member of the Trilateral Commis sion." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank Trilateral Commi ssion U.S. 1422 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Blankfein, Lloyd" "Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs ... ""of cour se we didn't dodge the mortgage mess We lost money .. Then made more money than we lost because of shorts"" 85 Broad St. Is a public company, by controllings sh are held by consortium of 221 people including Rothschilds" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Goldman Sachs Israel 1423 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Blankfein, Lloyd" "Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs ... ""of cour se we didn't dodge the mortgage mess We lost money .. Then made more money than we lost because of shorts"" 85 Broad St. Is a public company, by controllings sh are held by consortium of 221 people including Rothschilds" lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" Israeli corp Rothschild Israel 1424 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "bin Laden, Osama" "Later reports confirmed that the Bin Laden fami ly had invested $2 million into Carlyle's $1.3 billion Carlyle Partners II Fund in 1995, making the family relatively small investors with the firm. These conne ctions would later be profiled in 's Fahrenheit 911. The Bin Laden family liquidated its holdings in Carlyle's funds in October 2001." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Carlyle Group U.S. 10/1/2001 1425 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "bin Laden, Osama" "Carlyle has completed investments in such notab le companies as Booz Allen Hamilton, Dex Media, Dunkin' Brands, Freescale Semico nductor, Getty Images, Kinder Morgan, Nielsen, and United Defense. ranked as the third largest private equity firm in the world ..." lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Carlyle Group U.S. 1426 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Carlucci, Frank" "At the Carlyle annual board meeting in New York guests including Bush 41 & 43, Shafig bin Laden , half-brother 'of Osama Bin La den leader of Al Qaeda ,Shafig Bin Laden is one of 13 members of the bin Laden f amily who left the United States aboard a Boeing 727 registered in the United St ates N521DB September 19, 2001" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots NYC Carlyle Group New York 9/11/2001 1427 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "bin Laden, Osama" "At the Carlyle annual board meeting in New York guests including Bush 41 & 43, Shafig bin Laden , half-brother 'of Osama Bin La den leader of Al Qaeda ,Shafig Bin Laden is one of 13 members of the bin Laden f amily who left the United States aboard a Boeing 727 registered in the United St ates N521DB September 19, 2001" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots NYC bin Lade n family New York 9/19/2001 1428 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis "At the Carlyle annual board meeting in New York guests includin g Bush 41 & 43, Shafig bin Laden , half-brother 'of Osama Bin Laden leader of Al Qaeda ,Shafig Bin Laden is one of 13 members of the bin Laden family who left t he United States aboard a Boeing 727 registered in the United States N521DB Sept ember 19, 2001" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov al Queda Saudi Ar abia 9/20/2001 1429 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Mahfouz, Sheikh Khalid bin" "Khalid bin Mahfouz (died 2009) was a wealthy Saudi Arabian businessman residing in Ireland. He was accused of s upporting al-Qaeda, fined $225 million for BCCI scandal," lnk Zionist/ Neocons created al Queda Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Royal Family Saudi Arabia 1430 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Mahfouz, Salem Ahmed bin" "Khalid bin Mahfouz was the seco nd eldest son of Salem Ahmed bin Mahfouz, a Saudi who rose from being an illiter ate moneychanger to the founder of the first bank in his country, the National C ommercial Bank of Saudi Arabia (NCB). Salem Ahmed then became the personal banke r of the Saudi royal family. He handed management of NCB, the largest bank in th e country, to Khalid sometime in the 1980s." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Royal Family Saudi Arabia 1431 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 fin ancing "Bath, James" "In the 1970s Khalid bin Mahfouz bought and lived in a $ 3.5 million chateaux-style house, later named ""Versailles,"" in the River Oaks area of Houston. He also bought a four thousand acre (16 km²) ranch along the Trin ity River in Liberty County, Texas, near the ranch of James Bath" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank Bush Crime Family U.S. 1432 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Bath, James" "In the 1970s Khalid bin Mahfouz bought and lived in a $3.5 million chateaux-style house, later named ""Versailles,"" in the River Oaks area of Houston. He also bought a four thousand acre (16 km²) ranc h along the River in Liberty County, Texas, near the ranch of James Bath ." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. think tank Bush Crime Family Saudi Ar abia 1/1/1975 1433 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Eisenberg, Lewis" "Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaig n, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. " link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Bush Crime Family U.S. 1434 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Eisenberg, Lewis" "2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney pres idential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. " link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Goldman Sachs U.S. 8/1/2001 1435 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Eisenberg, Lewis" "2001 9/11 Wikispooks Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney pres idential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. " link 9/11 Finacing & Roots NYC "White House, Bush" Israel 1436 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Hauer, Jerome" "Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's moth er, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursi ng and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in t he creation and support of the State of Israel." link Israeli gov Zionists Israel 1437 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC priv itization "Lauder, Ronald" "was chairman of both New York State Com mission of Privatization and the New York State Research Council on Privatizatio n. In 2000 Lauder helped privatize the Stewart Air Force base in New Windsor, NY into the hands of another Zionist, William Rollason and his National Express Gr oup." link NYC New York State Commission of Privatization New York 1/1/2000 1438 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC priv itization "Lauder, Ronald" He helped privatize Stewart Air Force ba se where the two twin tower-bound planes converged. link U.S. gov Stewart Air Force base U.S. 1439 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC priv itization "Lauder, Ronald" "Larry Silverstein, super-Zionist UJA bo ard member and Frank Lowy, ex-Haganah terrorist, both multi-millionaires billion aires with very close ties to the state of Israel, acquired this lease for the W TC in late July of 2001 hardly 6 weeks before the attack through the efforts of Lauder and Eisenberg. All four of these men had personal friendships and relatio ns with Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, leaders of the Israeli government and suspects in 9/11" link NYC New York State Commission of Pri vatization New York 7/1/2001 1440 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC leas e "Eisenberg, Lewis" "Lewis Eisenberg - Eisenberg was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to Silverstein and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaig n, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. " link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Goldman Sachs U.S. 1441 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommiss ions "bin Laden, Osama" " clearly different people in images of bin Laden over the years, source of images: Search for International Terrorist Entities ( SITE) is a Washington, DC-based research institute with links to Israeli right-w ing Likud elements and Mossad. SITE is operated by Israeli intelligence asset Ri ta Katz" link Intel agencies Israeli gov SITE Israel 1442 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue government "Cheney, Dick" PDAS The super-classified network that served as command and cont rol for the 9/11 false flag attack on America .... includes some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activ ities that permitted the 9/11 attack .... link U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 1443 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Demolition prep McDaniel "WTC, McDaniel was in charge of the security operation in terms of what he called a completion contract, to provide services up to the day the buil dings fell down. iii] McDaniel came to Stratesec directly from BDM International, w here he had been Vice President for nine years." link Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Stratesec Israel 1444 WMR global political Neocons "Italian paralle l network, neo-Fascist covert kidnapping team, links between terrorists and Bush , SISMI, assassinated Nicola Calipari, kidnapped Imam Abu Omar" link Intel ag encies Italy gov Gladio Italy 1445 Take Our World Back "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Eisenberg, Lewis" "Silverstein .. WTC bidd er, However, Port Authority chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg is in charge of negotiat ions. Eisenberg was a partner of Goldman Sachs for many years, and is on the pla nning Board of the UJA / United Jewish Federation ""charity""." lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 Israeli corp Goldman Sachs Israel 1446 WMR WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition Gatekeepers "June 3, 2014 The 24-member 9/11 Consensus Panel which includes physicists, chemi sts, engineers, commercial pilots, attorneys and lawyers today announced three n ew studies confirming the controlled demolition of World Trade Center 7." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth 9/11 Consensus Panel U.S. 6/3/2014 1447 WMR WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition "The studies (Consensus Panel) scientifically refutes the U.S. National Institut e of Standards and Technology (NIST) claim that, for the first time in history, fire caused the sudden and complete collapse of a large, fire-protected, steel-f ramed building on 9/11." link 9/11 Truth 9/11 Consensus P anel U.S. 1448 WMR WTC 7 physical "Controlled demolition, NIST" Peer rev iew "(Note that whereas the Consensus Panel uses a scientific methodol ogy to peer-review its work, the NIST is not peer-reviewed." link "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth 9/11 Consensus Panel U.S. 1449 WMR WTC 7 physical "Controlled demolition, NIST" Controll ed demolition "NIST computer simulations, which purported to show that fire-induced thermal expansion caused a girder to be pushed off its seat at Col umn 79, a FOIA request shows that the NIST simulations omitted basic structural supports that would have made this girder failure impossible." link "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth 9/11 Consensus Panel U.S. 1450 WMR WTC 7 physical "Controlled demolition, NIST" Controll ed demolition "The Consensus Panel study deals with NISTs claim that it did not recover any steel from this massive steel-frame skyscraper. This is extraor dinary, given that this is the first time in history a steel frame structure col lapsed supposedly from fire alone." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth 9/11 Consensus Panel U.S. 1451 WMR WTC 7 physical "Beams, horseshoe" Controlled demol ition "We know now that some of the steel was recovered. Photographs recent ly obtained by researchers show the strange curled-up paper-thin WTC 7 steel, wi th a NIST investigator pointing it out." link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth 9/11 Consensus Panel U.S. 1452 WMR WTC 7 physical Controlled demolition "Drury, James" "On WTC 7: Assistant Commissioner James Drury: ""I must have lingered th ere. There were hundreds of firefighters waiting to -- they were waiting for 7 W orld Trade Center to come down. and Chief Thomas McCarthy:" link 9/11 Truth 9/11 Consensus Panel U.S. 1453 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue government "Soros, George" "Susan Rice and UN ambassador Samantha Power, both students of t he George Soros ""responsibility to protect"" (R2P) school of thought. R2P, in r eality, is nothing more than a baked-over neoconservative interventionist foreig n policy trimmed with ""humanitarian"" intentions." link U.S. gov "White House, Obama" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 7/1/2014 1454 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss / German bank on behalf of Osama bin Laden, headquartered in the Italian Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets blocked by US Treasury, changed its na me to Nada Management. see Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)" link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Nada Management Bahamas 1455 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss / German bank on behalf of Osama bin Laden, headquartered in the Italian Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets blocked by US Treasury, changed its na me to Nada Management. see Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)" link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein) 1456 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "bin Laden, Osama" "Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss / German bank on behalf of Osama bin Laden, headquartered in the Italian Swiss enclave C ampione d'Italia and had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets blocked by US Treasury , changed its name to Nada Management. see Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov bin Laden family Saudi Arabia 1457 Aangirfan "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Goldman Sachs, Office of Naval Intelligence" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Goldman Sachs Israel 1458 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St ., Israel & 9/11" "LTV was among the companies whose stocks were f lagged for insider trading related to 9/11. The FBI also briefly considered inve stigating Stratesec for insider trading related to 9/11, due to an SEC referral of suspicious accounts see BDM, Carlyle, Baker, Kasputys" lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp LTV U.S. 1459 WMR WTC 7 political "Israeli spies, historical" "FBI agent John O'Neill was investigating Israeli ""art students"" and ""movers" " engaged in suspicious activity around sensitive facilities prior to the 911 at tacks. Upset at interference of investigations of Suadis and Israelis by Bush of ficials, .'art students...spies.... investigations." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1460 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "O'Neill, John" "the late FBI John O'Neill, the head of the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and the man who fought bureaucratic meddling in his investiga tion of the October 2000 USS Cole bombing and the Saudi connection to the fundin g of Al Qaeda, he was killed when South Tower collapsed." lnk Zionist/ Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov al Queda U.S. 10/1/200 0 1461 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "O'Neill, John" "FBI agent John O'Neill was investigating Israeli ""art students"" and ""movers"" engaged in suspicious activity around sensitive facili ties prior to the 911 attacks. Upset at interference of investigations of Suadis and Israelis by Bush officials, .'art students...spies.... investigations." lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" U.S. gov FBI Saudi Arabia 1462 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "O'Neill, John" O'Neills briefcase was stolen and returned after a few hours. Contained reports on Israeli intelligence activities originally emi nating from DEA and suspicious activities of Israeli operatives in same location s as future 9/11 patsy hijackers. lnk U.S. gov DEA U.S. 1463 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "O'Neill, John" "the Atlanta consulate serves as a liaison to ja iled Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who is imprisoned at the Butner Federal priso n in North Carolina. Atlanta consulate interceded on behalf of Israeli Art Stude nts. Namely: Deput Counsel Aviv Ezra, who routinely visits Pollard." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1464 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Ofri, Yosef Sagir" "FBI surveillance of Israeli operatives surged before 9/11and see Yosef Sagir Ofri, sodomy, child molestation, contact wi th minors, returned to Israel with ease." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1465 WMR Flight 93 political "Hijacker, Lace" "According to well-informed police sources in New Jersey, on the evening of Sept ember 10, 2001, the four men who would, the following morning, hijack United Fli ght 93 en route from Newark Liberty International Airport to San Francisco, were living it up in a Wayne, New Jersey strip club called ""Lace.""" lnk "Hijackers, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Saudi Arabia 9/10/2001 1466 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalis t agenda "Wolfowitz, Paul" "Cornell Universitys Quill & Dagger socie ty. This included Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Advisors Sandy Berger and St ephen Hadley, Marsh & McLennan executive Stephen Friedman, and the founder of Kr oll Associates, Jules Kroll." lnk Secret societies U.S. think tank Quill & Dagger U.S. 1467 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Hijacker, Lace" "hijacker patsies, Lace" "The FBI confiscated the security tape from ""La ce"" and it was never identified or discussed in the official 911 Commission rep ort. the four hijackers, Ziad Jarrah (Lebanese), the pilot, and three Saudis: Ah med al-Haznawi, Ahmed al-Nami, and Saeed al-Ghamdi. The FBI confiscated the tape s hand has never made them available." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov FBI Saudi Arabia 1468 WMR WTC 1993 political Hijacker patsies hijacker patsies The El Salaam Mosque is where both the 1993 and 2001 Wor ld Trade Center attackers were active prior to each attack. lnk "Hijacke rs, all" U.S. gov FBI Israel 1/1/1993 1469 WMR WTC 1-2 political Hijacker patsies "hijacke r patsies, video store" "The Kennedy Boulevard video store video tapes showing S audi hijackers and Israeli Urban Moving Systems Israeli agents patronizing the s tore were seized as evidence by the FBI and the store's computer hard drive, wit h the names, addresses, and phone numbers of video rental customers, was stolen in a ""black bag"" operation believed to have been carried out by the FBI." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov FBI "U.S., Israel, SA, Brita in" 1470 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Bandar b in Sultan "Islamist mercenaries from the West would not be flocking to joi n the ranks of ISIL / ISIS if it were not for the support given them by Saudi na tional security adviser Prince Bandar bin Sultan, whose fingerprints are all ove r the 9/11 false flag attack on the United States." lnk ISIS U.S. gov ISIS "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 7/1/2014 1471 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Brennan, Saudi Arabia" "Brennan, John" "Brennan's operations on behalf of anti-Christian and an ti-Shi'a Islamist radicals would not have been possible without the diplomatic c over provided to him by the female duo of national security adviser Susan Rice a nd UN ambassador Samantha Power," lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov "White House, Bush" Saudi Arabia 7/1/2014 1472 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Brennan, Saudi Arabia" "Rice, Susan" "Susan Rice and UN ambassador Samantha Power, both stude nts of the George Soros ""responsibility to protect"" (R2P) school of thought. R 2P, in reality, is nothing more than a baked-over neoconservative interventionis t foreign policy trimmed with ""humanitarian"" intentions." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov "White House, Bush" Saudi Arabia 7/1/2014 1473 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Power, Samantha" "Susan Rice and UN ambassador Samantha Power, both students of t he George Soros ""responsibility to protect"" (R2P) school of thought. R2P, in r eality, is nothing more than a baked-over neoconservative interventionist foreig n policy trimmed with ""humanitarian"" intentions." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Obama" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 7/1/2014 1474 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Middle East poli cy "SECRET CIA reference guide titled ""Islam and Politics: A Compe ndium,"" dated April 1984, outlines the agency's divide and conquer policies in the Muslim and Arab worlds. Issued when Brennan was a junior-ranking CIA case of ficer fluent in ," lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1/1/1984 1475 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies The Kennedy Boulevard video store video tapes showing Saudi hijackers and Israel i Urban Moving Systems Israeli agents patronizing the store were seized as evide nce by the FBI and lnk "Hijackers, all" Israeli gov Urban Mo ving Systems Israel 1476 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Kennedy Boulevard video store's computer hard drive, with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of video rental customers, was stolen in a ""black bag"" oper ation believed to have been carried out by the FBI. Saudi hijackers, Muslim, Ara b world" lnk "Hijackers, all" Israeli gov Urban Moving Sys tems Saudi Arabia 1477 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Kean, Thomas" "... Bush's nominee to head the panel that's investigating the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Thomas Kean, used to serve as the company's director" link U.S. gov "9/11 Co mmission, omissions" U.S. 1478 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "The CIA's involvement in Afghanistan in the 1980s gave rise to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the latter spawning various Islamist groups now wreaking havoc in Syri a, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, Mali, Somalia, and other countries." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1/1/1980 1479 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Jefferson, William Rep." "May 24, 2006 -- The Saturday raid by 19 armed F BI agents on the House of Representatives office of Rep. William Jefferson" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S. 5/1/2006 1480 WMR WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims First responders "Sept. 12, 2006 -- From FEMA sources: at Ground Zero on and after 9/11, resident s of southern Manhattan and rescue and clean-up workers and first responders of WTC attack are experiencing an unusually high rate of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, from extremely high levels of ionizing radiation in nuclear blasts, leaks," lnk "Victims, all" U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 9/1/2006 1481 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "May 24, 2006 -- The Saturday raid by 19 armed FBI agents on the House of Repres entatives office of Rep. William Jefferson ... a threatening broadside against t he 110th Congress,. ""engage in investigations, hearings, subpoenas of Bush admi nistration current and ex-officials, and impeachment notions," lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 5/1/2006 1482 WMR WTC 1-2 physical Pulverization Controlled demolition "FEMA sources: ... reason for the ""pulverization"" of concrete, molten metals, pyroclastic surges and fallout, and other anomalies resulting from the catastrop he. It was also pointed out that some vehicles parked on the west side of the Wo rld Trade Center were ""fused"" on the sides facing the towers" lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 10/1/2006 1483 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Evidence destruction, obstructi on" FEMA sources: FEMA banned unauthorized photos of Ground Zero and southern Manhattan for weeks after 9/11. lnk U.S. gov FEMA U.S. 11/1/2006 1484 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Truth "Hirschhom, Joel " "Joel S. Hirschhorn, Ph.D., served twelve years as a Senior Staff Member of the former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. Hirschhorn has cal led for a new investigation of 9/11." lnk 9/11 Truth US Congr ess U.S. 1/1/2007 1485 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Truth "Margulis, Lynn" "Lynn Margulis, Ph.D. is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Margulis called the official account of 9/11 ""fraud"" and called for a new investigation " lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1/1/2007 1486 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Truth "Quintiere, Jame s" "James Quintiere, Ph.D. is the former Chief of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Fire Science Division. He called for an indepen dent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation" lnk 9/11 Truth NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 1/1/2007 1487 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Truth "Ayres, J. Marx" "J. Marx Ayres, a former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building S afety Council and former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission, als o called for a new investigation of 9/11." lnk 9/11 Truth National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council U.S. 1/1/2007 1488 WMR WTC 1-2 political Military officers for 9/11 Truth "Kolstad, Ralph Commander" "Commander Ralph Kolstad, a U.S. Navy Top Gun pilo t, questioned the official account of 9/11 and called for a new investigation. K olstad said, ""When one starts using his own mind, and not what one was told, th ere is very little to believe in the official story.""" lnk 9/11 Tru th U.S. military U.S. 1/1/2007 1489 Pentagon physical "ASCE Reports, Pentagon" "ASCE report: ""...essentially all interior impact damage was inflicted in the f irst story. The aircraft seems for the most part to have slipped between the fir st-floor slab on grade and the second floor.""" lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1490 Engineery News Record WTC 1-2 physical "Structural, steel" "WTC: Live loads on these [perimeter] columns can be increased more than 2,000% b efore failure occurs. One could cut away all the first-story columns on one side o f the building, and part way from the corners of the perpendicular sides, and th e building could still withstand design loads and a 100-mph wind force from any direction. Engineering News-Record, April 2, 1964" link Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp U.S. 4/2/1964 1491 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 political "Mini Nukes, Israel" The Pantex plant is the United States' only nuclear weapons assembly and disasse mbly facility managed by DoE and Sandia National Laboratories see plutonium stor age many labor disputes and anti-nuclear activist events lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1492 "Shimatsu, Yoichi" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "February 9, 2000 cable from the American Embassy in Doh a, issuing a security alert on a Qatari resident in the U.S. named Mohammed Ali Dahham Mansoori, who guided a three-man team that allegedly scouted the World Tr ade Center, the Statue of Liberty and the White House for the upcoming 9-11 atta ck." U.S. gov Qatar 2/9/2000 1493 MSM WTC 1-2 political WTC Security in Janua ry 1998 a Mafia-type team used maintenance access to grab over $1.6 million from a Brinks crew about to enter the Bank of America on the North Towers 11th floor. On e robber had worked at the WTC for 20 years and used his ID card to get their br iefcases full of ski masks and guns past Securacom guards. link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Securacom U.S. 1/1/1998 1494 Bollyn Flight 93 physical Israel & 9/11 ICTS "UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originat ed in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. See ICTS, Huntleigh, Hellerstein, Rothschild and Cukier man" lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Cukierman & Company Israel 1495 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Financing LeBourge t Airport outside of Paris was the airport that received the Bin Laden family fl ight from the United States following the 9/11 attacks. lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots France gov Saudi Arabia 10/1/2001 1496 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush's longtime mysterious Swiss Germ an money operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, his family, and some of his clos est business associates. The network of Swiss-based terrorist financiers are als o linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and fascist leaders. 20070409_1" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov bin Laden family Switzerland 1/1/2001 1497 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Al Taqwa ... George H. W. Bush / Swiss / German bank on behalf of Osama bin Laden, headquartered in the Italian Swiss enclave Campione d'Italia and had offices in the Bahamas. ..assets blocked by US Treasury, changed its na me to Nada Management. see Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein)" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov bin Laden family 1/1/2001 1498 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Al Taqwa ... funded procurement of nuclear material from former Soviet Union, through Baltics, these companies included Iksir Holding, SA Asat Trust (Liechtenstein), Iksir Ltd. (Bahamas), Gulf Center (Italy), NASCO (Turkey) , Nasreddin International Group (Liechtenstein), Akida Bank (Bahamas), MIGA (Swi tzerland)," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov bin Laden family 1/1/2001 1499 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "The Iranian con man and Pentagon neocon contact Manucher Ghorba nifar, Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, and members of the Bin Laden family ar e reportedly linked to Geneva-based Potomac Capital, a front company created by George H. W. Bush when he was CIA Director in 1976" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov bin Laden family 1/1/1976 1500 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "The Iranian con man and Pentagon neocon contact Manucher Ghorba nifar, Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, and members of the Bin Laden family ar e reportedly linked to Geneva-based Potomac Capital, a front company created by George H. W. Bush when he was CIA Director in 1976" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov bin Laden family 1/1/1976 1501 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Potomac Capital, a front company created by George H. W. Bush w hen he was CIA Director in 1976. Interestingly, it was George W. Bush, who, in N ovember 2001, cited Al Taqwa as part of ""Al Qaeda's"" money laundering activiti es." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Potomac Capital 1/1/2001 1502 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Potomac Capital appeared ... the Iran-Contra investigation cond ucted in the late 1980-90s. The Al Taqwa connection to weapons of mass destructi on proliferation, Bin Laden, and George H. W. Bush and his business associates s tands as another reason the George W. Bush administration leaked the CIA's Brews ter Jennings" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Potomac Capital 1/1/2001 1503 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Atzmon, Menachem" "Atzmon was implicated in a financial donations scandal involving forged receipts in the 1988 Likud campaign, This affair culmin ated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzm on, Ehud Olmert" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Likud Israel 1/1/1988 1504 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "Saeed Alghamdi was one of the hijackers on board United Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylania after being shot down by U.S. military fighter planes (according to an NSA employee who was on duty in the National Security Op erations Center on the morning of 911" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Potomac Capital 1505 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" "The second is the listing of Ahmed Mesfer Ahmed Alghamdi as a s hareholder of Al Taqwa on a Central Bank of the Bahamas document dated April 15, 2000. Ahmed Alghamdi and Hamza Alghamdi were two of the Saudi hijackers on boar d United Flight 175," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Potomac Capital 4/15/2000 1506 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "bin Laden, Osama" "Osama bin Laden is never far away from his ex-U.S. Air Force T-39 twin engine Sabreliner, bought in 1993 from the Davis Monthan Air For ce Base ""boneyard"" outside of Tucson, Arizona. ...purchased for $200,000 by Es sam al Ridi to be used to ship missiles between Bin Laden's home base of Sudan a nd Pakistan. 20070412_13" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov bin Laden family U.S. 1507 WMR WTC 1993 political 9/11 Financing "bin Lad en, Osama" "Saberliner, bin Laden . the plane sale was made to Bin Laden aft er intercepts of the Sudanese mission to the U.N. prove d that two Sudanese diplomats were working with Bin Laden to bomb the World Trad e Center in 1993." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov bin Lade n family U.S. 1/1/1993 1508 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "bin Laden, Osama" "Bin Laden's Sabreliner was, according to an ex-CIA sour ce, retrofitted at an ex-CIA base in Marana, Arizona by Evergreen International, an airline company with close ties to the CIA. Evergreen currently operates the base as the ""Evergreen Air Center.""" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Evergreen International 1509 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "bin Laden, Osama" "The Bin Laden banking ..... SICO (Saudi Investment Co. Organization), centered in Geneva and Jeddah with operations in Rotterdam, Brist ol, London, Panama, Curacao, Cayman Islands and USA. SICO primarily M&A. SICO al so ""talent spots"" competent associates in new jurisdictions and off-shore loca tions. 20070411_31" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Saudi In vestment Co. Organization Saudi Arabia 1510 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Oscar, Kenneth" "One of the top U.S. contractors in Iraq was also intimately involved in the Bin Laden global financial empire. Fluor Co rp, Kenneth Oscar, VP, was assistant Sec Army for Procurement, Bobby Ray Inman o n Board, former deputy director of CIA and NSA" lnk U.S. gov Fluor Corporation U.S. 1511 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Inman, Bobby Ray" "One of the top U.S. contractors in Iraq was also intimately involved in the Bin Laden global financial empire. Fluor Co rp, Kenneth Oscar, VP, was assistant Sec Army for Procurement, Bobby Ray Inman o n Board, former deputy director of CIA and NSA" lnk U.S. gov Fluor Corporation U.S. 1512 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Inman, Bobby Ray" "Fluor had long standing ties to Bin Lad en family, SICO, through off-shore: Curacao, Cayman Islands, London, Netherlands , Virginia." lnk U.S. gov Fluor Corporation U.S. 1513 EIR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Sharon, Ariel" "Sharon's drive to wreck the peace process and install a fascist war Cabinet, was a collection of Russian ""Mafiya"" dons and American o rganized crime figures, whose own longstanding goal was to install their ally Sh aron in power, and complete the process of transforming Israel into a Mafiya ""m ini-state,"" a goal first set out by Meyer Lansky in the 1960s." lnk Israeli gov Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian Mafia (RUIM) Israel 11/1/1995 1514 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Nevzlin, Leonid" "Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities with Litv inenko are the tip of a huge iceberg of private intelligence intrigue that invol ves a number of wanted Russian exiles, including Nevzlin, Berezovsky, ex-Russian media magnate Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Chernoy, Roman Abramovitch, and Cheche n ""Foreign Minister"" Akhmed Zakayev. Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's] spokesman , Russian exile Alex Goldfarb, freely operates out of both London and New York." link Israeli think tank Israel 1515 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Scaramella, Mario" WMR first to suggest that the Scaramella-Litvine nko affair was a dirty bomb plot gone bad and that the intelligence services of Russian President Vladimir Putin may have actually derailed the plot. 20070428_7 6 lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates Russia 1516 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Nevzlin, Leonid" "Nevzlin's and Berezovsky's activities with Litv inenko are the tip of a huge iceberg of private intelligence intrigue that invol ves a number of wanted Russian exiles, including Roman Abramovitch, and Chechen ""Foreign Minister"" Akhmed Zakayev. Berezovsky's [and Litvinenko's] spokesman, Russian exile Alex Goldfarb, freely operates out of both London and New York." link Israeli think tank Israel 1517 WMR Savings & Loan Scandal political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Kroll, Jules" "According to a knowledgeable source, Jules Kroll, who f ounded Kroll Associates in 1972 obtained needed funding for his firm from Foothi ll Capital in the 1980s. Foothill was deeply enmeshed in the Savings & Loan coll apses in the 1980s but salvaged itself to become a part of Wells Fargo Bank." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Foothill Capital U.S. 1518 WMR Savings & Loan Scandal political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Kroll, Jules" "Kroll, who helped Curtis Publishing (renamed Cadence In dustries after a merger) cut waste in the 1970s (and pilfer the company's pensio n fund in the process), got his first big break when he helped locate the stolen millions of Philippine ex-President Ferdinand Marcos, Scaramella" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Foothill Capital U.S. 1519 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Kroll, Jules" "According to our well-placed source, Ray Steffans (aka diStefano of New Jersey), Jewish mobster Gideon Chern, and Eddie Baker of Vangua rd Petroleum met in Houston in September 1983 to discuss, among other items, fun ding for Kroll, who handled security for WTC. see links to Scaramella" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 9/1/1983 1520 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 Gideon Chem "Bernard Taubenfeld, Gideon Chern and Shalom Goldburd, o fficials of B'nai Torah Institute affiliate, Nutrition for Youth, were convicted of defrauding the government by submitting bills for food that was never served to poor children in the New York City summer lunch program" lnk Israeli think tank B'nai Torah Institute Israel 1521 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Giuliani, Rudy" Chern's other organized crime activity in the 19 80s reportedly had an important protector -- former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Rudolph Giuliani. B'nai Torah Institute lnk Israeli think tank B'nai Torah Institute Israel 1/1/1980 1522 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "O'Neill, John" Kroll was responsible for the security of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The firm had hired FBI top counter-terrorism agent John O'Neill as Dir ector of World Trade Center security upon his retirement from the FBI. O'Neill d ied in the 9/11 attacks. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates Israel 9/11/2001 1523 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 Gideon Chem "The Chern link brings us back to the Russian-Israeli Ma fia connections of Scaramella and company. Berezovsky's friend, former Yukos co- owner Leonid Nevzlin, a Russian-Jewish oligarch and former President of the Russ ian Jewish Congress who now lives in Tel Aviv and is wanted by Russia for tax ev asion and corruption." lnk Russian-Israeli Mafia Israel 1524 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Nevzlin, Leonid" "Yukos co-owner Leonid Nevzlin, a Russian-Jewish oligarch and former President of the Russian Jewish Congress who now lives in T el Aviv and is wanted by Russia for tax evasion and corruption." lnk Israeli think tank Russian Jewish Congress Israel 1525 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Nevzlin, Leonid" "Nevzlin (Russian-Jewish oligarch) is now in the United States, protected by the FBI from arrest based on previously-issued Russ ian and Interpol arrest warrants. This is not Nezvlin's first visit to the Unite d States. In the summer of 2005, he appeared before the US Congress' Helsinki Co mmittee to criticize the government of Vladimir Putin." lnk U.S. gov US Congress Israel 7/1/2005 1526 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Nevzlin, Leonid" "Nevzlin (Russian-Jewish oligarch) used the hear ing to argue for the expulsion of Russia from the G-8. Another Nevzlin supporter is Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, GOP" lnk U.S. gov US Congress Israel 1527 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Nevzlin, Leonid" "the Arlington, Virginia-based Fellowship Founda tion, dubbed the ""Christian Mafia"" by many local residents, two of Nevzlin's w anted Yukos fellow shareholders, oligarchs Mikhail Brudno and Vladimir Dubov, wh o were indicted in Russia on charges similar to those brought against jailed Yuk os former chairman Mikhail Khodorkovsky, were invited the have breakfast with Pr esident George W. Bush at the February 5, 2005 ""National Prayer Breakfast.""" lnk U.S. think tank Israel 2/1/2005 1528 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 Fellowship Foundation "The annual Prayer Breakfast contrivance of the Fellowship Foundation is a ruse designed to provide a series of top level intell igence and organized crime meetings under the sanctioning smile of ""Jesus."" Th e person who invited Brudno, Dubov, and the jailed Khodorkovsky to the prayer br eakfast was Lantos, whose wife, daughter, and son-in-law are devout Mormons." lnk U.S. think tank Fellowship Foundation 1529 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Nevzlin, Leonid" "Nevzlin (Russian-Jewish oligarch) has been unde r investigation by Israeli police for illegally laundering $500 million through a Tel Aviv branch of Bank Hapoalim, Israel's largest bank. Nevzlin also took ove r assets of Khodorkovsky's collapsed bank, Menatep, which was also linked to mon ey laundering involving the Bank of New York." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Jewish financial organizations Israel 1530 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Putin, Vladimir" Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev suppor ts Putin's attempt to bring the Russian-Israeli oligarchs to justice. He told Br itain's Sunday Times that it is believed that the exiled oligarchs have hidden a way $1 trillion. lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Israel 1531 Abel Danger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 ICTS "Security at Schiphol Airport is operated by ICTS, an Is raeli-owned airport security company based in the Netherlands, founded by former officers of the Shin Bet intelligence agency. Its subsidiaries, including Proch eck, Ramasso, and I-SEC, are also involved in key security functions there." lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Schipol Airport Israel 7/1/2001 1532 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Abramof f, Jack" "Abramoff was Senior Director of Government Affairs for the Gree nberg Traurig law and lobbying firm and was CRNC National Chairman from 1981-85. He is also a Director of the National Center for Public Policy Research, a cons ervative activist group." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Greenberg Traurig U.S. 1/1/1985 1533 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Jeffrey Greenberg "In July 2004, Marsh-McLennan bought Kro ll and Associates. Marsh-McLennan is run by Jeffrey Greenberg, son of Maurice (H ank) Greenberg of AIG." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 7/1/2004 1534 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Lay, Kenneth" Chase and Citibank notes from Kenneth Lay/Enron were purchased in May 2001 by AIG and the MacArthur Foundation. lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Enron U.S. 5/1/2001 1535 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political WTC Security "O'Neill, John" Kroll was responsible for the security of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The firm had hired FBI top counter-terrorism agent John O'Neill as Dir ector of World Trade Center security upon his retirement from the FBI. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Kroll & Associates U.S. 1536 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political UK & 9/11 "Bremer, Paul" "Marsh established a crisis consulting practice specializing in terrorism, with Ambassador L. Paul Bremer as Chairman and Andrew R. Daniels as P resident and COO. Marsh also announced a partnership with Control Risks Group to provide political risk assessment. Lord Lang of Monkton is chairman" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Marsh & McClennan UK 10/1/200 1 1537 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of Israel's extreme right-wi ng Likud party founded by Irgun terrorists, at the Ron Lauder School of the Moss ad school, the Inter-Disciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, January 2008. see Ir gun King David Hotel " lnk Israeli gov Irgun Israel 1/1/2008 1538 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Litvinenko, Alexander" "The connections now discovered by Italian and R ussian investigators between the Russian-Israeli-Italian-British-US private inte lligence network of former intelligence agents and billionaire mobsters suggest that the ""serious crimes"" committed may be more than the poisoning of Litvinen ko and others with radioactive materials. The investigators are wise to pursue t he links to U.S. security firms and former CIA personnel involved in pre-9/11 pr otection functions." lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1539 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommiss ions CIA "Over ten former top U.S. cops and spies all agree: 911, the USS Cole bombing, and the U.S. embassy attacks in East Africa were products of acts of commission and omission by the top leadership of U.S. intelligence and law e nforcement 20070412_46" lnk Intel agencies "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1540 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork CIA "Contrary to the findings of the 911 Commission, there were several atte mpts after the 1998 U.S. embassy attacks in East Africa and the 2000 USS Cole bo mbing in Aden by CIA, DIA, and FBI officers to coordinate their activities but e very one of these efforts were met by coordinated resistance from the FBI hierar chy led by then-Director Louis Freeh, ... Rumsfeld, Cohen, Chertoff, Tenet, Hayd en, Bush..." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1/1/1998 1541 WMR WTC 1993 political Middle East policy CIA "WMR has reported the WTC 93 bombing was carried out as the result of a fatwa issued by top Saudi clerics in response to the January 1993 "" Incide nt"" in which 18 U.S. military personnel assigned to Saudi Arabia were shot to d eath by Pakistani guards at the Islamic holy shrine in Mecca after the Americans attempted to storm into Kabaa Square while drunk and disorderly." lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Arabia 1/1/1993 1542 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia Saudis "Four Americans flew with ""Air Bin Laden"" flight transporting Bin Laden family members to Saudi Arabia and Europe nine days after 911. The pos t-911 domestic flights of Bin Laden family members out of the United States with the sanction of the Bush White House were not the only instances where American s have flown with the family that spawned ""Al Qaeda"" leader Osama Bin Laden. 2 0070411_32" lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Ar abia 9/20/2001 1543 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis "Four Americans flew with ""Air Bin Laden"" flight transporting Bin Lade n family members to Saudi Arabia and Europe nine days after 911. Aero Services p rivate charter flight from Le Bourget Airport, north of Paris include Jason Blum , J.P. Buonono, Joseph Allen Wyka and Ricardo V. Pascetta." lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Arabia 9/20/2001 1544 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis "two Bin Ladens with U.S. citizenship were also on the charter flight: K halil Sultan Binladen and Badr Ahmed Bin Laden. A British citizen, Akberali [sic ] Moawalla [sic], identified by French intelligence as the same Akbar Moawala (t he Tanzanian in the French intelligence report below regarding SICO and Fluor Co rp.), was also on the flight." lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Arabia 9/20/2001 1545 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis "A Saudi diplomatic passport holder named Kholoud Osama Kurdi accompanie d the passengers to Jeddah. What is significant about Mr. Kurdi is that the Bush administration claimed the Saudi flights were purely ""private"" in nature. Sha fig Bin Laden, who had attended a Washington, DC meeting of the Carlyle Group at the Ritz Carlton Hotel on the morning of September 11 (George H. W. Bush and Ja mes Baker were present at the same meeting the day before)," lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Carlyle Group Saudi Arabia 9/20/2001 1546 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism / NeoNaz i "Breivik, Anders" "Mossad links to neo-Nazi, anti-Muslim gangs, an d renewed interest in massacre of Norwegian socialist youth on Utoya Island and bombings in downtown Oslo carried out by pro-Zionist, neo-Nazi Anders Breivik." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1547 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "The ATLAS Report's detailed investigation of Zionist players in global financia l scandals dovetails with recent comments by officials of Egypt's Muslim Brother hood that the former corrupt regime of Hosni Mubarak represented a ""Talmudic di ctatorship"" imposed on Egypt by international players." lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1548 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gladio Nebula "Gladio, stay behind, right-wing terrorist attacks, including death squad hits a nd bombings, which were initially blamed by authorities on leftist guerrilla gro ups such as the Communist Combatant Cells. Belgian deepstate network, nuclear sm ugglers, drug dealers, diamond and gold smugglers, weapons merchants, all tied t o the Mossad," lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1/1/1994 1549 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gladio "Przedbo rski, Felix" "The ATLAS Report also identified who the Belgian police believe d was a kingpin of Nebula. It is also noteworthy how Costa Rica is identified as a major nexus for the worldwide network. Przedborski, Felix husband of Helene K rygier, Belgian Costa Rican nationality," lnk Costa Rica Nebula Costa Rica 1550 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Pinal military a ircraft boneyard "Marshall, Phillip" "Pinal is the home to America's ""boneyard"" of retired civilian aircraft, including Boeing passenger aircraft. Nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is the home to the boneyard of retired milit ary aircraft. In addition, the CIA and US Special Forces maintain operations at Pinal, the CIA through its contractor, Evergreen International." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA 3/1/2013 1551 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Sweeny, Amy: flight attendant on AA Flight 11, Amy Sweeney, on 9/11 called her office, revealed seat numbers of hijackers.. FBI Director Robert Mueller later s aid, This was the first piece of hard evidence.[2] In his memoirs CIA Director Geo rge Tenet and Richard Clarke all emphasize the importance of the passenger manif ests, , but there were no hijacker names on the manifest .... 20080731" lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov CIA U.S. 9/11/2001 1552 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Naik, Niaz" "A former Pakistani diplomat, Niaz Naik, tells virtually the sam e story. During a BBC interview, three days after 9/11, Niak claimed that senior American officials had informed him in mid-July 2001 that the US would attack t he Taliban before the snows start falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of Octobe r at the latest." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Military Afghanis tan 1553 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pinal military a ircraft boneyard "Marshall, Phillip" "Those who murdered 9/11 author and former Iran-contra CIA contract pilot Phillip Marshall were hoping to block Marshall's investigation into the role that the Pinal Air Park/Marana Airfield o utside of Tucson, Arizona played in the 9/11 attack." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 1554 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Fuller, Mark" "The senior U.S. Judge for the Middle District of Alabama, Mark Fuller, is a major player in the 9/11 operation owing to his former ownership of Doss Aviation, the U.S. Air Force contractor that trained Egyptian Air Force Lt . Col. Mohammed Atta at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama and who also had contr acts to train Saudi pilots." lnk "Hijackers, all" Saudi Arabia gov Doss Aviation Saudi Arabia 1555 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of Inte rest "Siegelman, Don" "U.S. Judge for the Middle District of Alabama, Mark Fuller, is the judge who sent former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegel man to prison on trumped up charges" lnk U.S. gov Alabama 1556 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Hijacker patsies "Atta, Mohammed" "Doss Aviation, the U.S. Air Force contractor that train ed Egyptian Air Force Lt. Col. Mohammed Atta at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabam a and who also had contracts to train Saudi pilots." lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. Military Maxwell Air Force Base Egypt 1557 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Bush, GHW" Potomac Capital set up by GHW Bush in 1976 while he was CIA Dire ctor. Potomac Capital was pattern for BCCI. Potomac Capital was Bushs funding mec hanism for CIA ops. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Potomac Capital U.S. 1/1/1976 1558 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Lorenzo, Frank" "Eastern Airlines planes ended up in eastern Afghanistan . ULTRAIR Boeing 727s. Frank Lorenzo, Texas Air Corp., bought Eastern" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ultrair Afghanistan 1559 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Kelhoffer, Hartmut" Hartmut Kelhoffer. Austrian lived in Vienna. He called x xxx in April 1996. connected to Baliko. Kelhoffer is an expert on international funds transfers ( is likely the bag man between Yeslam Binladin and Osama Bin Lade n). He went to Scotland and had a Panamanian corporation with a brass plate office in Zurich. Office raided in 1996 by Interpol and Swiss police. Name mentioned i n Noriega trial. lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Saudi banks Switzerland 4/1/1996 1560 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wa rs "TAPI pipeline, designed to bring Israeli-owned gas from Turkmen istan to India and China, after pacifying Afghanistan, is still in the plans Tra ns-Afghanistan Pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline being developed by th e Asian Development Bank" lnk Israeli gov Israel 1561 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wa rs "Kelhoffer, Hartmut" Enron and UNOCAL negotiated on pipeline with Tal iban in Sep 1996. Kelhoffer now in Geneva. Kelhoffer friend of Gaidar Aliyev of Azerbaijan. Kelhoffer is likely the bag man between Yeslam Binladin and Osama Bi n Laden. John Hannah knew of false radio signal used to bring down Ron Browns air craft while Kelhoffer and Baliko (a Hungarian expert on sending false radio sign als) were in Italy link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Enron Afghanistan 9/1/1996 1562 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wa rs "Maiman, Josef" "Enron and UNOCAL negotiated on pipeline with Taliban in Sep 1996. Link Unocal, Bush, Lay, Enron to Israel via Josef Maiman President of Merhav Group, global energy conglomerate, and Channel 10 in Israel, Venezuela ca ble 9/11 was the pretext for creating the chaos of war and stealing resources al l over the world" link Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Merhav G roup Israel 9/1/1996 1563 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wa rs "Kelhoffer, Hartmut" Enron and UNOCAL negotiated on pipeline with Tal iban in Sep 1996. link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Unocal Afghanistan 9/1/1996 1564 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Hannah, John" Kelhoffer is likely the bag man between Yeslam Binladin and Osam a Bin Laden. link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Unocal Afghanis tan 1565 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Djejerian, Ed" "Three Arabs involved in financial transfers arrested a few week s after 911 in Fort McMurray, Alberta. [redacted] told James Baker. Baker told f ormer US amb. to Israel and Syria Ed Djejerian." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov State Dept 1566 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Baker, James" "Three Arabs involved in financial transfers arrested a few week s after 911 in Fort McMurray, Alberta. [redacted] told James Baker. Baker told f ormer US amb. to Israel and Syria Ed Djejerian." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov State Dept Canada 1567 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "Bush, GHW" "xxxx noticed an ULTRAIR plane at Lambert Field, St. Louis. Told White House chartered their planes. GHW Bush leased the planes from the financi ally troubled company. Janet Reno had the investigation of Bush-ULTRAIR links as a top priority. Vince Foster, Dept WH Counsel discovered that ULTRAIR was being used to buy weapons and ship them to Afghanistan. Frank Lorenzo was in Afghanis tan after he left Texas Air. Mujaheddin was funded out of Houston." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ultrair U.S. 1568 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "Foster, Vince" "Vince Foster, Dept WH Counsel discovered that ULTRAIR was being used to buy weapons and ship them to Afghanistan. Frank Lorenzo was in Afghanis tan after he left Texas Air. Mujaheddin was funded out of Houston." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ultrair U.S. 1569 "Vogel, Peter" Port Chicago medical "Cancer, Port Chicago" "see Peter Vogel, The Last Wave of Port Chicago" "Victims, all" U.S. gov Manhattan Project U.S. 7/17/1944 1570 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "Lorenzo, Frank" "Vince Foster, Dept WH Counsel discovered that ULTRAIR w as being used to buy weapons and ship them to Afghanistan. Frank Lorenzo was in Afghanistan after he left Texas Air. Mujaheddin was funded out of Houston." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ultrair U.S. 1571 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin Safra Safra killed by a hit man from Mexico. link U.S. 1572 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Litigation & 9/1 1 "Giuliani, Rudy" Bracewell and Patterson is now Bracewell Giulian i (Pat Oxford of Bracewell Patterson brought in Giuliani link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Neocon legal org 1573 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing US funds in Italy (for special ops) are handled by Banco Nazionale del Lavoro. B ank tied up in the Vatican Bank scandal link 9/11 Finacing & Roots Italy co rp Banco Nazionale del Lavoro Italy 1574 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "bin Laden, Yeslam" "Yeslam Binladin, Kelhoffer, Potomac Capital (Geneva), M anucher Ghorbanifar office where Potomac Capital is located (same office buildin g). [redacted]: Potomac Capital played a hand in Honduras and El Salvador, Iran- contra (Negroponte and Hannah)" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Potomac Capital Switzerland 1575 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "Marcos, Ferdinand" "Frank Decolater, NBC News producer, was aware of Five S tar Trust gold stash (from Marcos) in NYC." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1576 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing Agent 1193125 SECinfo.com shows links to Agent 1193125 of Evergreen family of companies that are of interest to us: UNISYS and the Republic of Panama; Warren Buffett; Blackrock; ING family of companies; Gary Halbert's family of companies; JP Morgan: Harte Hanks which has a Larry Franklin listed - a Larry Franklin has recently been indicted for treason with Israel; NU SKIN: Kopin - link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Blackrock U.S. 1577 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Ptech / Mitre Agent 1193125 SECinfo.com shows links to Agent 1193125 of Evergreen Neal Bush; PTECH; American Realty Inc. Gene Philips of First Equity and Southmark [S&L ban k robber]; DuPont; Pennichuck and Veolia; State Street Bank; Banyan; link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Ptech 1578 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing Agent 1193125 SECinfo.com shows links to Agent 1193125 of Evergreen: JP Morgan : Harte Hanks which has a Larry Franklin listed - a Larry Franklin has recently been indicted for treason with Israel; NU SKIN: Kopin - link Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp U.S. 1579 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing Agent 1193125 "SECinfo.com shows links to Agent 1193125 of Evergreen: TETRA HO LDINGS US, Marisco, Danone, Vornado, Comerica, Marathon Oil, AIG, Ace, Mischer, Sarofim Fayez, [Ptech]; Phoenix Technologies, and many more connections to Hobbs Act violators." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Evergree n Capital U.S. 1580 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing Agent 1193125 "Evergreen connects to Evergreen Capital, etc. In the case of Ev ergreen Capital again its the agent, Advisor Compliance Associates, Washington D C. One of the links is Nevis Capital Mgmt LLC which links to Hyperion Solutions. Besides Amerindo, Hyperion Solutions issuers include: FMR, Pilgrim Baxter and M FS." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Evergreen Capital U.S. 1581 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing Advisor Compliance Assoc.llc also links to Emerson Investment Mgmt 11 Beacon Str eet Boston MA. link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1582 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "In re: Datotech. I found a DSI Datotech Systems Inc. out of Vancouver whose age nt is 1130319. This agent also is agent for Hollinger, Ravelston Corp, Nortel Ne tworks and Alderwoods companies - linking back to Evergreen." link Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1583 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Feith, Douglas" "Douglas Feith, the chief architect of the Pentagon's Of fice of Special Plans, this agency lies at the very center of the Neocon/Ziopnis t push to invade Iraq. headed by Abram Shulsky" link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Office of Special Plans 1584 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Edelman, Eric" "Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and Plans Eric Edelman has been identified as then ""then Principal Deputy"" to Vice President Dick Cheney 's recently indicted Chief of Staff Lewis Libby." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Office of Special Plans 1585 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Feith, Douglas" "Eric Edelman replaced Douglas Feith, the chief architec t of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, as Undersecretary after he was give n a recess appointment by President Bush to the Pentagon post." link "Neocons , all" U.S. gov Office of Special Plans 1586 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Edelman, Eric" "Edelman left the Vice President's office in June 2003 to take u p his post as ambassador to Turkey. However, the indictment indicates that Edelm an continued to be involved in discussions with Libby after beginning Turkish la nguage training." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov Office o f Special Plans 6/1/2003 1587 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Friedman, Stephen" "Friedman figured promin ently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a mem ber of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel" lnk Secret societies U.S. think tank Bilderberg U.S. 1588 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 roots "CIA: early 1960s, Kennedy confronted David Ben-Gurion with U-2 intelligence tha t Israel had constructed a nuclear facility at Dimona in the Negev Desert. Kenne dy demanded that Ben-Gurion provide an explanation for the facility. The Israeli Prime Minister responded to Kennedy by lying: he said the facility was a ""text ile factory." lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1/1/1962 1589 Truth Alliance WTC 1-2 political WTC Security "Israeli Art Students and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Councilmembers of the Lowe r Manhattan Cultural Council were invited to use the 91 and 92 floor in WTC Towe r 1, as part of a residency program (World Views program) from 1997 to 2001. see B-thing stunt..." link Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Israel 1/1/2001 1590 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Kranz, Rabbi Herzel" "There is a link between Karni and Abram off. Rabbi Herzel Kranz, the head of the Hebrew Sheltering Home in Silver Spring where Karni was housed after his bail, is also a colleague of Abramoff's. Kranz praised Abramoff for donating to Jewish projects and, referring to Abramoff's c onviction, said, 'people make mistakes.'""" lnk Israeli think ta nk Israel 1591 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Edmonds, Sibel" "Revelations from former FBI Turkish tra nslator Sibel Edmonds that top officials of the U.S. government were involved in a espionage ring involving Turkey, Israel, and Pakistan." " In fact, Edmonds revelations support the earlier US intelligence conclusions t hat Turkish ""private entities"" were engaged in nuclear proliferation activitie s." lnk 9/11 Truth Turkey 1592 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Wolfowitz, Paul" Chairman of the State Department's Inter national Security Advisory Board. One of Wolfowitz's key areas of responsibility will be non-proliferation and arms control and he will have input on the propos ed US-Turkey nuclear technology deal. lnk U.S. gov State De pt U.S. 1593 Alternative news WTC 1-2 physical "Lobby destruction, WTC" Controlled demolition "The WTC 1 lobby also was a wreck, according to a firefighter whose unit arrived two minutes after one aircrafts impact: glass fr om windows and revolving doors blown onto West Street, 10-foot marble panels han ging off walls, elevators for Basement Levels 1-6 to Floor 30 with doors blown o ff hinges, and two fire-blackened people dying in that lobby. Jet airliners coul d not have done this." vid U.S. gov Israel 1594 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Wikipedi a rewrites history "Wikipedia states: ""Two weeks after the Septemb er 11 attacks, the Federal Bureau of Investigation connected the hijackers to al -Qaeda"", but Ehud Barak was on national TV within two hours exclaiming al Queda 's complicity" lnk 1595 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Khan, Humayun" "The CIA and US Customs Service busted one nucle ar smuggling ring involving South African-Israeli national Asher Karni, a Pakist ani businessman named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish Jew with strong Israeli ties n amed Zeki Bilmen. The smuggling network involved companies in Cape Town; Secaucu s, New Jersey; and Islamabad, Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US court for sm uggling nuclear triggers to Pakistan via South Africa." link U.S. gov Turkey 1596 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Khan, Humayun" "The CIA and US Customs Service busted one nucle ar smuggling ring involving South African-Israeli national Asher Karni, a Pakist ani businessman named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish Jew with strong Israeli ties n amed Zeki Bilmen. The smuggling network involved companies in Cape Town; Secaucu s, New Jersey; and Islamabad, Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US court for sm uggling nuclear triggers to Pakistan via South Africa." link Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1597 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Bilmen, Zeki" "Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza Technologies of Seca ucus, New Jersey, apparently died under suspicious circumstances in 2004 after K arni's arrest by Federal agents." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Giza Technologies U.S. 1598 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Bilmen, Zeki" "The CIA and US Customs Service busted one nucle ar smuggling ring involving South African-Israeli national Asher Karni, a Pakist ani businessman named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish Jew with strong Israeli ties n amed Zeki Bilmen. The smuggling network involved companies in Cape Town; Secaucu s, New Jersey; and Islamabad, Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US court for sm uggling nuclear triggers to Pakistan via South Africa." link Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1599 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs False flag "Perle, Richard" """A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,"" writt en by Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and David Wurmser in 1996 an d being pushed by Binyamin Netanyahu, was the dismemberment of Iraq after the ov erthrow of Saddam Hussein. ""Clean Break"" being carried out: Israeli and U.S.-p lanned dismemberment of Iraq into Kurdistan, western Sunni Iraq, and eastern/sou thern Sh'ia Iraq in full swing." link U.S. gov PNAC Israel 1/1/1996 1600 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia Bandar bin Sultan "Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sult an has paid off key members of the U.S. Senate and House leadership, as well as key ministers of the French government, with ""incentive cash"" to support an Am erican and French ""shock and awe"" military strike on not only Syria but Hezbol lah positions in Lebanon." link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov U.S. Congress Syria 9/1/2013 1601 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin al Queda "According to classified documents from French intelligence, Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had still been under the operational control of U.S. and Bri tish security services until 1995, fully two years after the 1993 World Trade Cent er bombing." link U.S. gov al Queda U.S. 1/1/1995 1602 ------"JFK, 9/ 11 & Zionists" 1603 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "Israeli art students activities: the casing of the offi ces and homes of Federal law enforcement officials, U.S. military bases, and oth er sensitive sites by Israeli art students during 2000 and 2001 were eventually ar rested by New Jersey police near Giant Stadium ... the five Israeli 'movers' (Ku rzberg, his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Elner, and Omer Marmari)" link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1/1/2000 1604 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "Israeli art students activities: unusual activities of Israeli movers around sensitive areas during and after 911. ... incidents occurred in tandem with the suspiscious activities of other former Israeli military and intelligence officials in Canada and Mexico, after 911. In addition, a number of Israeli intelligence agents were apprehended abroad for passport violations and other illegal activities." link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Syst ems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1/1/2000 1605 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "a number of the Israelis arrested for suspicious activi ties involving selling bogus Israeli art and driving moving vans were concentrat ed in some of the same neighborhoods where a number of the 911 Saudi and other A rab hijackers lived and trained at flight schools. ... Hollywood, Florida; Miami , Florida; and Irving, Texas." link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Syst ems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 5/1/2001 1606 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "From (DEA) Report drafted in June 2001 on the activitie s of the art students and... (FBI) list of the hijackers and other terrorist sus pects, accidentally released in early October 2001 on a Finnish government web s ite. The DEA memo specifically stated that the Israelis may have had ties to an I slamic fundamentalist group." link Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI U.S. 10/1/2001 1607 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommiss ions "Ashcroft, John" Attorney General John Ashcroft issued a memorand um that states his Justice Department will use its enormous legal might to defen d any refusal by any government agencies to withhold information requested under the FOIA. link U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 1/1/2002 1608 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "December 2001 when the Fox News Network, in a four part series by Carl Cameron, referred to Israelis being arrested and detained in the United States for espionage. Cameron also stated, Evidence linking these Israeli s to 911 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. Its classified information." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fox News U.S. 12/1/2001 1609 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork Dancing Israelis "suspected Israeli intelligence activity surrounding 911 , including the arrest by New Jersey police near Giants Stadium of five Israelis who were seen celebrating, high-fiving, jumping up and down, and videotaping th e collapse of the World Trade Center, was reported by the media." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fox News U.S. 1610 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Groundwork "Otto, Dominik" "The Israelis were later linked to an Israeli-owned office moving company called Urban Moving Systems headquartered in Weehawken, New Jersey at 3 West 18th Stre et." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1611 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Groundwork "Suter, Dominik Otto" "Urban Moving office was located on West 50th Street in Manhattan. Urban Movings owner, Dominik Otto Suter, fled to Israel shortly before he was to be re -questioned by the FBI. [4] One of the five Israelis had a ticket for Bangkok an d was due to fly out on September 13.[5]" link 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1612 WMR Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis """Third Congress of the Jewish Community of the Far East,"" was held in Jan., 1 940, in Harbin, Manchuria, then reeling under a brutal military occupation by th e Japanese imperial forces. At that time, too, Tokyo was already aligned with Hi tler and Italy's Mussolini, in the notorious Anti-Comintern Pact." link Israeli gov Jewish organizations Japan 1/1/1940 1613 WMR Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Anti-Comintern Pact Anti-Comintern Pact link "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli gov 1614 WMR Zionist / Nazi Germany political Zionism & Nazis Zionists The Zionist also had a trade plan with the Berlin government by which German Jews could redeem their property in Nazi goods exported to then Bri tish-occupied Palestine. link Israeli gov Zionists Israel 1615 "Edmonds, Sibel" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & Plamegate "Edmonds, Sibel" "In a March 12, 2012 FOI A appeal response, the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) implicitly acknowledged the exi stence of FBI File 203A-WF-210023, which FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has sai d contains evidence of top US officials complicity in the trafficking of nuclear secrets, arms and drugs, in addition to bribery, blackmail, money-laundering and obstruction of investigation into 9/11." link Whistleblowers U.S. gov FBI U.S. 3/12/2012 1616 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & Plamegate "Sell, Clay" "Bush and Cheney's point man for nuclear issues was DoE Deputy Director Clay Sell, a lawyer born in Amarillo and former aide to Panhandle district Congressman Mac Thornberry. Sell served on the Bush-C heney transition team and became the top adviser to the President on nuclear iss ues." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Pantex U.S. 1617 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Franklin, Lawrence" "Franklin convicted of passing classified information, i ncluding Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), to two AIPAC officials who t hen passed the information to a Mossad officer assigned to the Israeli embassy i n Washington" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli think tank AIPAC U.S. 1618 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Franklin, Lawrence" "Franklin was also closely linked to then-Secretary of D efense Donald Rumsfeld. It was Rumsfeld's closest ally in the Bush administratio n, Vice President Dick Cheney," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli think ta nk AIPAC U.S. 1/1/2001 1619 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Cheney, Dick" "Vice President Dick Cheney, who, after Grossman reportedly leak ed Brewster Jennings' cover to Turkish intelligence operatives in 2001, ordered the ""work up"" on Plame's husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson. Cheney's or der ultimately resulted in Grossman preparing a report on Plame and Wilson and P lame's covert role within the CIA." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli think tank AIPAC U.S. 1/1/2001 1620 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Weissman, Keith" "The two AIPAC employees, Steven Rosen and Keith Weisman , were indicted for illegally receiving classified information. Franklin and oth er neo-con cell members -- Harold Rhode and Michael Ledeen -- conducted secret n egotiations with the knowledge of Rumsfeld and Pentagon policy chief Douglas Fei th -- with the Iranian government through the offices of Iran-Contra co-conspira tor Manucher Ghorbanifar.""" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli think ta nk AIPAC Israel 1621 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Wolfowitz, Paul" "the Turkish intelligence ring exposed b y Edmonds through the FBI's wiretaps of the Turkish embassy, key Turkish operati ves in Washington, and top figures in the State and Defense Departments had clos e ties to the Office of Special Plans (OSP), set up under the aegis of then-Unde rsecretary of Defense for Plans and Policy Douglas Feith and Deputy Defense Secr etary Paul Wolfowitz." lnk Israeli think tank AIPAC Israel 1622 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Khaleso v, Big Nukes" Nuclear smuggling & Plamegate "Khalezov, Dimitri" "Dimitri Khalezov, former officer in the Soviet Union's nuclear intelligence service, no w staff writer for Veterans Today, discuss whether Mossad agent Michael Harari o rganized 9/11, Gordon Duff says this should be taken seriously, " lnk Intel agencies "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1623 History Commons WTC 1-2 political "Mini Nukes, Saudi Arabi a" "Khan, AQ" "A. Q. Khan and his Khan Laboratories. Khan is considere d the father of Pakistans nuclear weapons capability. But since the funding for thi s nuclear program gets traced back to Saudi Arabia, restrictions are placed on t he inquiry. Also in early 2001, FBI agent Robert Wright, attempting to pursue an investigation into Saudi multimillionaire Yassin al-Qadi, is told by FBI superi ors, its just better to let sleeping dogs lie" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1624 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Grossman, Marc" "The penetration by the Israelis of the Defense Intellig ence Agency is also significant. From WMR's Sept. 28, 2006 report: ""Grossman, w ho now works for the Cohen Group of former Defense Secretary William Cohen, was, according to U.S. intelligence sources, a subject of interest to counter-intell igence agents since his stint as U.S. ambassador in Ankara." lnk Intel ag encies U.S. gov DIA U.S. 9/1/2006 1625 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Feith, Douglas" "IAI, for which Feith was CEO and sole stockholder, also steered hundreds of thousands of dollars to Feith's law firm, Feith and Zell (F ANZ), which, along with Perle, was involved in setting up the Bosnia Defense Fun d and amassed millions of dollars of contributions from Muslim countries for Bos nia." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Jewish organizations Israel 1626 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Edmonds, Sibel" "Following the 911 attacks, Melek Can applied for a tran slator job at the FBI's Washington Field Office. In a Justice Department Inspect or General report, it is stated that Melek Can failed to list on her application her prior jobs with ATA, ATAA, and the German-Turkish Business and Cultural Ass ociation." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Turkey think tank American Turkish Council Turkey 1627 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Khan, AQ" "U.S. intelligence sources stated that the ""sam e people"" who have continually protected Perle and Feith since the 1980s were a lso protecting Dickerson and Grossman. CIA sources, including those who served i n Istanbul tracking nuclear smuggling in the late 1980s, also confirm that the T urkish-U.S. nuclear black marketeering ring was directly tied to the Abdul Qadee r Khan nuclear smuggling ring in Pakistan, an operation that sold sensitive nucl ear technology to Iran, North Korea, and Libya." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA Pakistan 1628 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & Plamegate "Libby, Scooter" Lewis Scooter Libby PNAC founding member; studied political science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to Cheney; c onvicted for lying about outing of Valerie Plame; dual citizen of US and Israel; Z ionist lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" Israel 1629 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Wolfowitz, Paul" "the Turkish intelligence ring exposed b y Edmonds through the FBI's wiretaps of the Turkish embassy, key Turkish operati ves in Washington, and top figures in the State and Defense Departments had clos e ties to the Office of Special Plans (OSP), set up under the aegis of then-Unde rsecretary of Defense for Plans and Policy Douglas Feith and Deputy Defense Secr etary Paul Wolfowitz." lnk Israeli think tank AIPAC Israel 1630 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Bilmen, Zeki" "Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza Technologies of Seca ucus, New Jersey, apparently died under suspicious circumstances in 2004 after K arni's arrest by Federal agents." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Giza Technologies U.S. 1/1/2004 1631 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Livingston, Bob" former House Speaker Bob Livingston's lo bbying activities on behalf of Turkey and the Cayman Islands; the lobbying activ ities and Pentagon ties of the American Turkish Council; lnk U.S. gov Brewster Jennings Cayman Islands 1632 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Hauer, Jerome" "Hauer, (Zionist), managed WTC security thru Kro ll, managed Giuliani's OEM controversially moved to WTC 7, and directed the Anth rax attack response. Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retir ed Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the N ew York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion" lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" NYC Israel 1633 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Karni, Asher" "The link centers around convicted Israeli-South African nuclear components smuggler Asher Karni, a former officer in the Israel i Defense Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered s park gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, South Africa, where his company was located, to the Pakistan-based network of Abdul Qadeer ('A Q') Khan, a major tar get of Plame Wilson's CIA team." lnk U.S. gov Plame Wi lson CIA team Israel 1634 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Karni, Asher" "The CIA and US Customs Service busted one nucle ar smuggling ring involving South African-Israeli national Asher Karni, a Pakist ani businessman named Humayun Khan, and a Turkish Jew with strong Israeli ties n amed Zeki Bilmen. The smuggling network involved companies in Cape Town; Secaucu s, New Jersey; and Islamabad, Pakistan. Karni was convicted by a US court for sm uggling nuclear triggers to Pakistan via South Africa." lnk Intel agencies South Africa gov CIA South Africa 1635 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Grossman, Marc" Turkish spy ring also intersects with Is raeli espionage ring a link between the Turkish espionage ring in the US State a nd Defense Departments and the outing in 2001 of former CIA covert agent Valerie Plame Wilson's Brewster Jennings & Associates non-official cover energy consult ancy by the very same Turkish intelligence and influence-peddling ring that also involved former US ambassador to Turkey and Undersecretary of State for Politic al Affairs Marc Grossman. ... also included AIPAC and DIA officer Larry Franklin lnk Israeli think tank AIPAC Turkey 1/2/2001 1636 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Barlow, Richard" "In 1989, one of Valerie Plame Wilson's predecessor's in the CIA's Counter-Proliferation Division, Richard Barlow, was f ired after he uncovered the involvement of the George H. W. Bush administration in facilitating the A Q Khan network and Pakistan's nuclear weapons program." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" Pakistan 1/1/1989 1637 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "link between those who 'outed' CIA counter-proliferatio n covert agent Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates cover firm and convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The link centers around convicte d Israeli-South African nuclear components smuggler Asher Karni, a former office r in the Israeli Defense Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally smuggled 66 U.S.-m ade triggered spark gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, South Africa" lnk U.S. gov Brewster Jennings U.S. 1638 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "link between those who 'outed' CIA counter-proliferatio n covert agent Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates cover firm and convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The link centers around convicte d Israeli-South African nuclear components smuggler Asher Karni, a former office r in the Israeli Defense Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally smuggled 66 U.S.-m ade triggered spark gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, South Africa" lnk U.S. gov Brewster Jennings U.S. 1639 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Karni, Asher" "The link centers around convicted Israeli-South African nuclear components smuggler Asher Karni, a former officer in the Israel i Defense Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered s park gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, South Africa, where his company was located, to the Pakistan-based network of Abdul Qadeer ('A Q') Khan, a major tar get of Plame Wilson's CIA team." lnk U.S. gov Plame Wi lson CIA team Israel 1640 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Karni, Asher" "The link centers around convicted Israeli-South African nuclear components smuggler Asher Karni, a former officer in the Israel i Defense Force and Orthodox Jew who illegally smuggled 66 U.S.-made triggered s park gap nuclear detonators, via Cape Town, South Africa, where his company was located, to the Pakistan-based network of Abdul Qadeer ('A Q') Khan, a major tar get of Plame Wilson's CIA team." lnk U.S. gov Plame Wi lson CIA team Israel 1641 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Khan, AQ" "The A Q Khan network sold nuclear materials to Libya, North Korea, and most importantly, Iran. Karni's end-user client for the nuclear triggers in Pakistan was Humayun Khan's import-export Pakland Corp. Huma yun Khan is no relation to A Q Khan." lnk Pakistan gov Pakland Corp Pakistan 1642 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Khan, AQ" "The A Q Khan network sold nuclear materials to Libya, North Korea, and most importantly, Iran. Karni's end-user client for the nuclear triggers in Pakistan was Humayun Khan's import-export Pakland Corp. Huma yun Khan is no relation to A Q Khan." lnk Pakistan gov Pakland Corp Pakistan 1643 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Bilmen, Zeki" "Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza Technologies of Seca ucus, New Jersey, apparently died under suspicious circumstances in 2004 after K arni's arrest by Federal agents." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Giza Technologies U.S. 1/1/2004 1644 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Bilmen, Zeki" "Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza Technologies of Seca ucus, New Jersey, apparently died under suspicious circumstances in 2004 after K arni's arrest by Federal agents." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Giza Technologies U.S. 1/1/2004 1645 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Kranz, Rabbi Herzel" "There is a link between Karni and Abram off. Rabbi Herzel Kranz, the head of the Hebrew Sheltering Home in Silver Spring where Karni was housed after his bail, is also a colleague of Abramoff's. Kranz praised Abramoff for donating to Jewish projects and, referring to Abramoff's c onviction, said, 'people make mistakes.'""" lnk Israeli think ta nk Israel 1646 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Kranz, Rabbi Herzel" "There is a link between Karni and Abram off. Rabbi Herzel Kranz, the head of the Hebrew Sheltering Home in Silver Spring where Karni was housed after his bail, is also a colleague of Abramoff's. Kranz praised Abramoff for donating to Jewish projects and, referring to Abramoff's c onviction, said, 'people make mistakes.'""" lnk Israeli think ta nk Israel 1647 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Able Danger was a classified military planning effort led by (S OCOM) and (DIA). It was created... in early October 1999 by Arlen Specter held a hearing on September 21, 2005, looking into the facts about Able Danger. However , Lt. Col. Shaffer and the other four members of Able Danger were ordered not to testify by the DoD" lnk U.S. gov Israel 10/1/199 9 1648 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Feith, Douglas" "In 1998, Feith was one of a number of U.S. officials wh o signed an open letter to President Bill Clinton calling for the United States to oust Saddam Hussein. Feith was part of a group of former national security of ficials in the 1990s who supported Ahmad Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress and encouraged the U.S. Congress to pass the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998" lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1/1/1998 1649 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC 6 political Money Laundering "Building 6 was home to the U.S. Customs agency and the El Dorado Task force, (ICE .gov, U.S. Customs Service Office of Investigations, Bank Secrecy Act) which was responsible for coordinating all major money-laundering investigations in the U .S " lnk U.S. gov El Dorado Task Force U.S. 1650 Veterans Today WTC 1-2 physical Seismographs Warnings "Widely circulated in the Internet (and admitted by the U.S. Government to be tr ue ... two supposed seismograms from seismographs of the Columbia Universitys Lam ont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, 21 miles north of the WTC, allegedly recorded some suspicious seismic activity on September 11, 2001." link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Russia 9/11/2001 1651 WMR Cold War hoax political Mujaheddin "Bush, G HW" "There is a belief by some seasoned US intelligence professionals that t he Turkish-Israeli-US network involves the continuation of the unofficial ""Safa ri Club,"" a network of intelligence chiefs created under the aegis of then-CIA director George H. W. Bush in 1976 as a bulwark against the Soviets." link Secret societies U.S. gov Safari Club U.S. 1/1/1976 1652 WMR Cold War hoax political Mujaheddin "Bush, G HW" "The Safari Club brought together the intelligence chiefs of Saudi Arabi a, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, the Shah's Iran, the United States, and eventually, I srael and Pakistan (although Iran was dropped after the overthrow of the Shah). Israel and Pakistan became Safari Club insiders after the decision to use Pakist an to arm the Afghan mujaheddin, partly with captured Soviet weapons held by Isr ael" link Secret societies Turkey gov Safari Club Russia 1/1/1976 1653 WMR Cold War hoax political Mujaheddin "Bush, G HW" "There is a belief by some seasoned US intelligence professionals that t he Turkish-Israeli-US network involves the continuation of the unofficial ""Safa ri Club,"" a network of intelligence chiefs created under the aegis of then-CIA director George H. W. Bush in 1976 as a bulwark against the Soviets." link Secret societies Turkey gov Safari Club Israel 1/1/1976 1654 WMR Cold War hoax political Mujaheddin "Bush, G HW" "The Safari Club brought together the intelligence chiefs of Saudi Arabi a, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, the Shah's Iran, the United States, and eventually, I srael and Pakistan (although Iran was dropped after the overthrow of the Shah). Israel and Pakistan became Safari Club insiders after the decision to use Pakist an to arm the Afghan mujaheddin, partly with captured Soviet weapons held by Isr ael" link Secret societies Israeli gov Safari Club Turkey 1/1/1976 1655 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "bin Laden, Osama" "Bin Laden was spirited out of Afghanistan to his native region of Yemen, was never charged with a crime involving 9/11." link Yemen 1656 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda al Queda "Al Qaeda"" website Al Sahab." link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov al Queda U.S. 1657 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "Baxter, J. Clifford" "WMR has received documents sent to one of the president ial campaigns from Leonard D. Wallace, a former business associate of former Enr on Vice Chairman J. Clifford Baxter, that provides details of Al Qaeda and the 9 /11 attacks being financed through Citigroup/Citibank." link 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov al Queda U.S. 1658 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "Wallace, Leonard D." "WMR has received documents sent to one of the president ial campaigns from Leonard D. Wallace, a former business associate of former Enr on Vice Chairman J. Clifford Baxter, that provides details of Al Qaeda and the 9 /11 attacks being financed through Citigroup/Citibank." link Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Citi U.S. 1659 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" Dancing Israelis "A Weehawken, New Jersey-based moving co mpany, linked by the FBI and CIA to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, rece ived $498,750 in assistance from the US federal government in 2001, according to FedSpending.org, a web site operated by the federal spending watchdog organizat ion, OMB Watch." link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 9/11/2001 1660 "Hoefle, John" "JFK assassination, Israel" political Rothschild & JFK "Wakeham, John" "Vinson & Elkins was the outside counsel for Enron, whose board included Lord John Wakeham, the former British Energy Mi nister who joined the board of N.M. Rothschild after he left government service. Enron's accountant, Arthur Andersen, also handled Halliburton, and there have b een suggestions that Halliburton engaged in some Enronesque accounting of its ow n under Cheney." lnk "JFK, 9/11 & Zionists" U.S. corp Perminde x U.S. 1661 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" Waleed Al Shehri "A Union City off-duty policemen, saw th ree suspicious people at Union Park next to the Doric Temple at the corner of 9t h Street and Palisades Avenue in Union City. The three, who matched the descript ion of other Israeli false flag' teams, were filming New York Citys skyline befor e the first plane hit the World Trade Center." link "Israeli art students, U rban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1662 WMR WTC 1993 political "Urban Moving Systems, D ancing Israelis" Marwan al Shehhi "According to Jersey City police sources, another FBI agent, Monica Patton, investigated the activities of Israe li 'movers' and four of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and two Saudi brothers Waleed M. and Wail Al-Shehri -- at the same video rental store in Jersey City. One of the videos the Saudi brothers rented was an HBO documentary on the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center." link "Israeli art stu dents, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1663 WMR Murrah Federal Building political "Urban Moving Sy stems, Dancing Israelis" "McVeigh, Timothy" "Jersey City Police also reported that the business card of a Jersey City municipal government social wo rker had been found on Timothy McVeigh after his arrest for the bombing of the M urrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraeli connections." link Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems U.S. 1/1/1995 1664 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" "Elner, Oded" "After serving two and a half months in prison a nd after a barrage of official complaints from the Israeli government, the five Israeli 'movers' (Kurzberg, his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Elner, and Omer Marmari) were released over the objections of the CIA and permitted to return home." link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 12/1/2001 1665 "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" 1666 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" "Olmert, Ehud" " Mayor Ehud Olmert interceded twice wi th his good friend New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to have the Israelis released . On September 14, 2004," link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Syst ems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1667 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" Dancing Israelis the five 'dancing Israelis' filed suit a gainst the United States in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn for wrongful arrest and imprisonment. link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1668 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" Dancing Israelis "Some of the Dancing Israelis were class ified as being 'of high interest' to the governments terrorism investigation, 'Wi tness Security' and/or 'Management Interest Group 155.' They were 'housed in one of the most highly restrictive prison settings possible, the Administrative Max imum Special Housing Unit ('ADMAX SHU') of the Metropolitan Detention Center ('M DC')" link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1669 Alternative news Holocaust hoax political "Putin, Vladimir" "TodaysCatholicWorld.com: The ""Russian"" Revolution was not Russian but Jewish ... ""the first Soviet government ... composition was 80 -85 percent Jewish."" -Vladimir Putin, Russian President ... (Extract from offic ial transcription of Putins speech at a Moscow museum ceremony, June 13th, 2013)" lnk Holocaust 1670 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" Mossad "The Forward, reported that a top U.S. government offici al told it, 'The assessment was that Urban Moving Systems was a front for the Mo ssad and operatives employed by it the conclusion of the FBI was that they were s pying on local Arabs.'" link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1671 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing I sraelis" Dancing Israelis "ABC 20/20 host Barbara Walters commente d on how the story of the Israeli movers was received in the Arab world, 'The st ory is that Israel knew more than it would like to admit about the terrorist att ack in this country." link "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1672 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Ofri, Yosef Sagir" "FBI surveillance of Israeli operatives surged before 9/ 11and see Yosef Sagir Ofri, sodomy, child molestation, contact with minors, return ed to Israel with ease." link Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1673 WMR WTC 1993 political Mujaheddin "The Egyptian Islamists who killed Sadat would become a major recruiting ground for the CIA in hiring Arab mujaheddin to travel to Afghanistan to fight the Sovi ets. Out of their ranks came Al Qaeda's number two man, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, a nd the man convicted of planning the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Omar Abdel Rahman, otherwise known as the ""Blind Shaikh.""" link U.S. gov Mujaheddin U.S. 1674 WMR WTC 1993 political Mujaheddin The Egyptian Islamists who killed Sadat would become a major recruiting ground f or the CIA in hiring Arab mujaheddin to travel to Afghanistan to fight the Sovie ts. link "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Mujaheddin U.S. 1675 WMR WTC 1993 political Mujaheddin "bin Lad en, Osama" "Both Zawahiri and Rahman assisted the CIA in identifying Egypti ans who, after fighting in Afghanistan, would swear allegiance to Saudi milliona ire Osama Bin Laden. Qaddafi, on the other hand, would issue the very first Red Notice, or international arrest warrant, for INTERPOL to apprehend Bin Laden. 20 140903_2" link U.S. gov Mujaheddin U.S. 1676 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Polls "Salem-News: 67% of Australians cite 9/11 government conspiracy in poll. How can a government get so out of touch with reality, so snookered by American pressure o ver the 9/11 coverup that it would wake up one morning looking totally idiotic t o its own people?" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1677 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Cook, Robin" "Zarqawi was recruited in Jordan by ""The Base"" or ""Al Qaeda"" to serve in the ranks of Arab legions fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. As t he late British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook pointed out,. Zarqawi's real name w as Ahmed Fadeel Nazal al-Khalayleh. He was born in the Jordanian town of Zarqa. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was an alias" link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda al Queda Afghanistan 1678 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda al Queda """The Base"" or ""Al Qaeda"" was a Central Intelligence Agency database containing the names of various CIA recruiters, financiers, exporters, and other personnel required to maintain the flow of mercenaries, weapons, and m oney to Afghanistan and Pakistan to sustain the campaign against the Soviets in Afghanistan." link Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA Afghanistan 1679 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Groundwork "Dick, Michael" "Urban Moving office was located on West 50th Street in Manhattan. Urban Movings owner, Dominik Otto Suter, fled to Israel shortly before he was to be re-questio ned by the FBI. [4] One of the five Israelis had a ticket for Bangkok and was du e to fly out on September 13.[5]" link 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Urban Moving Systems Israel 1680 WMR WTC 1-2 political 9/11 Groundwork "Suter, Dominik Otto" The New York Department of Transportation revoked Urban Moving Systems li cense after it was discovered that its Manhattan business address was merely a p ost office box. link 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Urban Moving Sys tems Israel 1681 Jerusalem Post "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Israel used centrifuges identical to those in I ran to test out worm that set Teheran's nuclear program years back; virus was au thorized by Bush administration, rather than allow an Israeli attack. Siemens co operated with the Idaho National Laboratory, allowing it to identify problems in the comany's computer controllers, which are used in Iranian nuclear plants." link U.S. gov Los Alamos National Laboratory Israel 1682 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, USGS data" "US Geological Survey data on nuclear materials found at WTC site includes amoun ts of Barium, Strontium,Thorium,Uranium, Lithium, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Chromium a nd Tritium" pic Mini Nukes U.S. gov USGS U.S. 1683 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling "Cheney, Dick" "Cockburn: February 3, 1991, a B-52G had been deployed to circle around Baghdad. It was armed with 3 SRAM missiles armed with nuclear warheads and fitted with rocket drives to push them 100 miles to t he rear of the B-52 before detonating" link Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 2/1/1991 1684 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommiss ions "Katz, Rita" "SITE is infamous for releasing unverified video and aud io tapes from such Al Qaeda leaders as Osama bin Laden; Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri; a nd Adam Gadahn, aka Adam Pearlman, whose grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a membe r of the board of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)." link Intel agencies Israeli think tank SITE Israel 1685 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Feith, Douglas" "It has been reported that the FBI questioned Feith in r elation to Franklin's passing of classified documents to the Israeli embassy off icial. At the time, Franklin was an employee of Feith's in the OSP." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli think tank AIPAC Israel 1686 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Plame, Valerie" """... highly classified CIA information convicted Penta gon analyst Larry Franklin passed through (AIPAC) staffers Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman to Israeli agents attached to the Israeli embassy in Washington dealt with Iranian nuclear development and that CIA sensitive sources and methods not disclosed by the outing of Plame Wilson/Brewster Jennings were discovered in the leak of the CIA documents to AIPAC and the Israelis.""" lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots U.S. gov Brewster Jennings Israel 1687 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Franklin, Lawrence" """There is also evidence that some of the highly classi fied CIA information convicted Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin passed through Am erican Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) staffers Steve Rosen and Keith We issman to Israeli agents attached to the Israeli embassy in Washington dealt wit h Iranian nuclear development and that CIA sensitive sources and methods not dis closed by the outing of Plame Wilson/Brewster Jennings were discovered in the le ak of the CIA documents to AIPAC and the Israelis.""" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov AIPAC Israel 1688 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Can, Melek" "When FBI translator Sibel Edmonds (a Turkish, Farsi, and Azerba ijani translator who worked with Melek Can) complained publicly about MIT's pene tration of the FBI, Senators Patrick Leahy and Charles Grassley pointedly asked the FBI why no Special Background Investigation (SBI) was conducted on Melek Can ." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Turkey think tank American Turkish Council Turkey 1689 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 Medical "Cancer, Chernobyl" "Environmental (WTC, 9/11) exposure to ionizing radiation from both natural backgrou nd sources and artificial sources are suspected to play a significant role, and there are significant increased rates of thyroid cancer rates in those exposed t o mantlefield radiation for lymphoma, and those exposed to iodine-131 following the Chernobyl disaster. (and a 239% increase in NYC)" lnk "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 1690 "Morgan, Karl Z." Manhattan Project Medical "Cancer, Thyroid " Victims "Morgan (dir of Health Physics, Manhattan Project) lamen ts his ""pitifully limited"" wartime awareness of the true risks of radiation, c iting studies that suggest the nuclear industry's ""acceptable"" levels of airbo rne emissions and its contamination of waterways with radioactive wastes have gr eatly increased the incidence of cancer, cataracts and genetic mutation." "Victims, all" U.S. gov Manhattan Project U.S. 1/1/1947 1691 Wikipedia Chernobyl Medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "Chernobyl disaster, reactor vessel rupture, steam explosions and radioactive cl oud that will eventually kill about 4000 out of the 600,000 or so workers, evacu ees and residents.." lnk "Victims, all" Russia gov Russia 4/26/1986 1692 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical "Khalesov, Big Nukes" "Khalezov, Dimitri" See VeteransToday article by James Fetzer on Khalezov 'B ig Nuke' theory lnk 9/11 Truth Russia 1693 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "Bin Laden, Osama" "After the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, Zarqawi, w ho befriended Bin Laden, returned to Jordan but was jailed by the authorities fo r setting up Jund al-Sham, a ""caliphate"" liberation movement with the goal of establishing an Islamist state in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Cyprus, and southern Turkey." lnk Jordan gov Mujaheddin Jordan 4/30/1988 1694 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wa rs "Citigroup Inc had a lawsuit for violating federal securities la ws by misrepresenting Citigroup's potential Enron-related exposure in its 2001 A nnual Report and elsewhere, and failing to disclose the true extent of Citigroup 's potential legal liability arising out of its 'structured finance' dealings wi th Enron. see Enron 9/11 links" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Citi U.S. 10/22/2001 1695 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Israel & 9/11 IC TS "Olmert, Ehud" "Ehud Olmert, like his Russian-born parents who emigrate d first to China and then to Palestine, is an ideological child of Jabotinsky. O lmert's father, Mordechai, was a devoted follower who joined the right-wing Heru t movement and the Irgun militia then led by the notorious Zionist terrorist Men achem Begin. Olmert's intensely right-wing family lived on a cooperative farm ca lled Nahalat Jabotinsky." lnk Israeli think tank Irgun Israel 1696 "Harrit, Niels" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite "Harrit, Niels" "Summary of nanothermite : red/gray chips found in WTC dust were analyzed with SEM, XEDS and DSC. 100 nm grains were largely iron oxide and elem ental aluminum that are intimately mixed. The chips were separated from the dust and found to ignite at 430 degrees which is far below the ignition temp of conv entional thermite. Iron rich spheres found are unreacted thermitic material." lnk U.S. think tank Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1697 "Harrit, Niels" WTC 1-2 physical Nanothermite "Harrit, Niels" ClimateGuy report auguing that no nanothermite found Steel rusts. Rust c rusts crack and blow off the steel when physically disrupted When steel rusts in a humid building environment it grows a crust composed of layers of different F e-oxides and Fe-oxyhydroxides ... these Fe-oxyhydroxides typically form as nanop articles and have the same needle and nanoflake-like morphologies as observed he re lnk U.S. think tank Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1698 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Zarqawi, Abu Musab" "After the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, Zarqawi, w ho befriended Bin Laden, returned to Jordan but was jailed by the authorities fo r setting up Jund al-Sham, a ""caliphate"" liberation movement with the goal of establishing an Islamist state in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Cyprus, and southern Turkey." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda Jordan g ov Mujaheddin Jordan 5/1/1988 1699 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing Agent 1193125 SECinfo.com shows links to Agent 1193125 of Evergreen family of companies that are of interest to us: UNISYS and the Republic of Panama; Warren Buffett; Blackrock; ING family of companies; Gary Halbert's family of companies; JP Morgan: Harte Hanks which has a Larry Franklin listed - a Larry Franklin has recently been indicted for treason with Israel; NU SKIN: Kopin - lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Evergreen International U.S. 1700 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Asbestos "Ambros, Otto" "Dow hired jailed Nazi scientist Otto Ambros (Ambros manufacture d the infamous Zyklon-B gas, invented liquid silicone, and pushed asbestos on Am erican industries). After his release, he became an adviser to chemical companie s such as J. Peter Grace, Dow Chemical, as well as the U.S. Army Chemical Corps, and Konrad Adenauer. Wikipedia" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Chemical manf. U.S. 1701 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & Plamegate "Bilmen, Zeki" "Zeki Bilmen, owner of Giza Technologies of Seca ucus, New Jersey, apparently died under suspicious circumstances in 2004 after K arni's arrest by Federal agents." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Giza Technologies U.S. 1702 Nuclear Weapon Archive WTC 1-2 doc "Controlled demolition, nuclear" "Underground nuclear weapons testing: Antler, Shrew, Boomer, Chena, Mink Fisher, Gnome, Mad, Ringtail, Feather, Stoute, Agouti, Doormouse, Stillwater, Armadillo , Atomic Demolition Munitions, (ADM)" lnk U.S. gov DoE U.S. 1703 Global Research "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Source of word al Queda: ... early 80s, the Islamic Bank for Development, Jedda h, SA ... hosted Islamic Conference and created database and files to exchange/s tore info, ... In Arabic, the files were called al Quida, short for Q eidat il-Ma aloomaat and Q eidat i-Taaleemaat. then one file: Q eidat ilmutiaat 'base', Kelley.... " link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov Saudi Arabia 1704 Alternative news Pentagon physical Remote-controlle d aircraft Controlled demolition Weapons manf execs "Peter Gay (Flig ht 11) was Raytheons vice president of operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, California. ... Ra ytheons El Segundos Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Raytheon U.S. 1705 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Abramof f, Jack" "Abramoff was Senior Director of Government Affairs for the Gree nberg Traurig law and lobbying firm and was CRNC National Chairman from 1981-85. He is also a Director of the National Center for Public Policy Research, a cons ervative activist group." lnk U.S. think tank RNC U.S. 1/1/1981 1706 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Abramof f, Jack" "Abramoff was Senior Director of Government Affairs for the Gree nberg Traurig law and lobbying firm [1] and was CRNC National Chairman from 1981 -85. He is also a Director of the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative activist group." lnk U.S. think tank Jewish organizat ions U.S. 1707 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Netanyahu, Jonathan" "The Jonathan Institute is important source of Islamopho bic propaganda, named after Benjamin Netanyahu's brother Jonathan who was killed in the 1976 Israeli raid on Entebbe, Uganda to free hijacked Air France hostage s." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1/1/1976 1708 Wikispooks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamoph obia "Netanyahu, Jonathan" "Jonathon Institute, 9/11 perp \" link "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1709 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Jonathon Institute, 9/11 perp \" lnk Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1710 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Silverstein, Lawrence" "The treasurer of the Jonathan Institute in 2001 was Larry Silverstein," lnk Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1711 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Netanya hu, Benjamin" "Netanyahu also told the 2008 Jonathan Institute gathering that his father, Ben-Zion Netanyahu, a noted Zionist and the personal assistant to Zi onist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky," lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1712 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Jabotin sky, Ze'ev" "Netanyahu also told the 2008 Jonathan Institute gathering that his father, Ben-Zion Netanyahu, a noted Zionist and the personal assistant to Zi onist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky," lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1713 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "Jabotin sky, Ze'ev" Jabotinsky was a Benito Mussolini supporter and an Adolf Hitler enabler through the Zionist leader's support for the Transfer Agreement that was concluded between Jabotinsky and the Nazi German government that permitted a ma jor influx of German Jews into the British mandate of Palestine in the 1930s. lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank Jonathan Institu te Israel 1714 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "The Jonathan Institute held its first major conference in Jerusalem in 1979. It s second conference was held in 1984 in Washington, DC and it attracted many of the neo-cons serving in the Ronald Reagan administration, including Secretary of State George Schultz, UN ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, and Michael Ledeen." lnk Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1715 WMR WTC 1993 political Drills gone live "1993: February 26. The WTC garage is hit by a car bomb. The FBI has been aware of the plot via their informant Emad Salem yet let it go ahead, killing six and injuring more than a thousand in the resulting fires after a plan to substitute harmless powder for the explosives was called off by an FBI supervisor There now exists a pretext for subsequent ""fireproofing upgrades""" lnk "Control led demolition, all" U.S. gov al Queda "U.S., Israel, SA, Brita in" 1716 WMR WTC 1993 political Drills gone live "According to Israeli intelligence sources, Ahmad Ajaj, involved in the early st ages of the WTC 93 bombing plot, was a Mossad mole." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1717 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Emanuel, Rahm" """FBI surveillance teams have seen Emanuel ente r Washington, DC and Chicago synagogues at the same time known Mossad agents ass igned to the Israeli embassy in Washington and the Israeli Consulate General in Chicago entered the facilities." lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1718 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis "Four Americans flew with ""Air Bin Laden"" flight transporting Bin Lade n family members to Saudi Arabia and Europe nine days after 911. including a Los Angeles Police Department officer named Jason Blum, The other three Americans o n the passenger list are J.P. Buonono, Joseph Allen Wyka and Ricardo V. Pascetta ." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov bin Laden family Saudi Ar abia 1719 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis ". In addition, two Bin Ladens with U.S. citizenship were also on the ch arter flight: Khalil Sultan Binladen and Badr Ahmed Bin Laden. A British citizen , Akberali [sic] Moawalla [sic], identified by French intelligence as the same A kbar Moawala" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov bin Laden family Saudi Arabia 1720 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis ". A Saudi diplomatic passport holder named Kholoud Osama Kurdi accompan ied the passengers to Jeddah. What is significant about Mr. Kurdi is that the Bu sh administration claimed the Saudi flights were purely ""private"" in nature. S hafig Bin Laden, who had attended a Washington, DC meeting of the Carlyle Group at the Ritz Carlton Hotel on the morning of September 11 (George H. W. Bush and James Baker were present at the same meeting the day before)" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov bin Laden family Saudi Arabia 1721 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis "The parties arriving at Le Bourget for the onward flight to Geneva and Jeddah flew from Los Angeles International, Dulles International, Boston Logan, and Orlando International." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fluor Corporation U.S. 1722 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "bin Laden, Osama" "One of the top U.S. contractors in Iraq was also intimately involved in the Bin Laden global financial empire. the U.S. construction and engineering firm Fluor Corp. has raked in handsome profits fro m reconstruction contracts awarded by the Pentagon in Iraq. Fluor," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fluor Corporation U.S. 1723 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Plamegate "Cheney, Dick" "Fitzgerald refused to enter as evidence tapped phone calls of V ice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis ""Scooter"" Libby and others that would have proven the severe damage of Libby's actions to the covert count er-proliferation operation involving Plame and her Brewster Jennings & Associate s cover firm." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 1724 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Plamegate "Cheney, Dick" "Ibrahim, was a key 'unsavory' ally of the CIA and Cheney in the war against 'Al Qaeda.' In fact, Ibrahim's dalliances with the CIA go back to t he Afghan mujaheddin war against the Soviets and coincide with the CIA's allianc e, at the time, with Osama Bin Laden ." lnk U.S. gov "White H ouse, Cheney" U.S. 1725 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Plamegate Brewster Jennings "Ibrahims operations connect with those of the CIAs Tinner s, and, quite possibly, the investigations by Valerie Plame Wilsons Brewster Jenn ings network of Israeli and Turkish involvement in nuclear black marketing throu gh the Asher Karni and Zeki Bilmen operations....puts Indias mob boss at the hear t of an operation that was eventually disrupted by Cheneys and ... Libbys revelati ons about Brewster Jennings and Wilson." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 1726 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Plamegate "Karni, Asher" "Ibrahims operations connect with those of the CIAs Tinners, and, quite possibly, the investigations by Valerie Plame Wilsons Brewster Jennings net work of Israeli and Turkish involvement in nuclear black marketing through the A sher Karni and Zeki Bilmen operations....puts Indias mob boss at the heart of an operation that was eventually disrupted by Cheneys and ... Libbys revelations abou t Brewster Jennings and Wilson." lnk U.S. gov "White H ouse, Cheney" U.S. 1727 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Whistleblower "JP Morgan Chase whistle-blower Alayne Fleischmann Jamie Dimon paid $9 billion for nondisclosure ofsub-prime loan fraud, involving GreenP oint selling high-risk loans as low risk securities she wrote detailed letters t hat were ignored, Holder protected Chase, ... fines ended up as tax write-offs, slap on the wrist." Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Chase U.S. 12/1/2006 1728 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal "Cheney, Dick" "Minot and Barksdale incident took place on 29 a nd 30 August 2007 Six cruise missiles AGM-129 ACM , each fitted with a nuclear w arhead W80 to return variable , were charged by mistake in a heavy bomber B-52H of the United States Air Force (USAF) in Minot and transported to Barksdale. Mis sile warheads should have been removed before leaving them to their storage bunk er." link Mini Nukes U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 8/29/2007 1729 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal "Cheney, Dick" "Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal related to Oper ation Orchard, bombing of alleged nuclear facility in Syria, with the cooperatio n of Israel. Bent Spear, AGM-129 ACM was commissioned in 1987 as a platform stea lth cruise missile to deliver a nuclear warhead W80-1 ... related the Cheney rogue government ... PDAS" link Mini Nukes U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 9/6/2007 1730 Global Research "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "U.S. depleted uranium bombs dropped by Israel on Lebanon in 2006 contained enri ched uranium4,5 suggests covert testing of fourth generation nuclear weapons." Israel 1/1/2006 1731 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Operation Orchar d "Cheney, Dick" "Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal related to Operation Or chard, bombing of alleged nuclear facility in Syria, with the cooperation of Isr ael. Bent Spear, AGM-129 ACM was commissioned in 1987 as a platform stealth crui se missile to deliver a nuclear warhead W80-1 ... related the Cheney rogue governm ent ... PDAS" link Mini Nukes U.S. gov Rogue govt U.S. 1732 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Wolfowitz, Paul" Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Se cretary of War on 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for s pying for Israel; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to res ign in World Bank scandal lnk U.S. gov DoD US Israe l 1733 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "bin Laden, Osama" "paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's longtime myste rious Swiss German money mover to a now defunct bank operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, his family, and some of his closest business associates. See Al Taqw a Bank, Nada Management Organization," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots global Bush Crime Family global 1734 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "Ghorbanifar, Manucher" "paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's longtime myste rious Swiss German money mover to a now defunct bank operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, his family, and some of his closest business associates. See Al Taqw a Bank, Nada Management Organization," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots global Bush Crime Family global 1735 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "Khashoggi, Adnan" "paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's longtime myste rious Swiss German money mover to a now defunct bank operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, his family, and some of his closest business associates. See Al Taqw a Bank, Nada Management Organization," lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots global Bush Crime Family global 1736 WMR Iran Contra political 9/11 Financing "Ghorban ifar, Manucher" "Yeslam Binladin, Kelhoffer, Potomac Capital (Geneva), Manucher Ghorbanifar office where Potomac Capital is located (same office building). [red acted]: Potomac Capital played a hand in Honduras and El Salvador, Iran-contra ( Negroponte and Hannah) now Deputy Secretary of State in Obama administraion" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Potomac Capital Switzerland 1737 WTFRLY "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Cameron, Carl" "Transcripts of Carl Cameron four-part series on Israeli spies o n and before 9/11, Amdocs, Israeli Art Students, DEA casing the 9/11 hijackers" lnk Intel agencies U.S. corp Fox News U.S. 1738 Zfacts "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Chalabi, Ahmed" "1956, a secular Iraqi Shiite from a wealthy banking fam ily, left Iraq at age 12." link U.S. think tank U.S. "1985, introduced Perle to Wolfowitz. 1989, fled Jordan after receiving 22 year sentence for embezzlemen t. 1999, Wurmser says Chalabi one of two mentors concerning the Middle East." 1739 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Perry, William" "William J. Perry . Hamb recht & Quist, In-Q-tel, LGS Innovations, Sec of Energy Advisor Board, Stanford, Lucent, Anteon International Corp, Center for a New American Century, Defense P olicy Board, Atlantic Council, DoD, GTP, Aspen Strategy Group, Stanford, Iraq St udy Group, Technology Strategies & Alliances Corp, ESL, Nuclear Tipping Point, H oover Institute." lnk U.S. think tank Aspen Strategy Group U.S. 1740 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Krytron triggers "Nuclear smuggling, Netanyahu" "Milchan, Arnon" "Arnon Milchan, Dec 6, 1 944) is an Israeli billionaire, film producer (New Regency Films ... was also a former key Israeli intelligence operative from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s , Earned degree from LSE (Rothschild), known for obtaining sensitive technology and ma terials for Israel's nuclear weapons program." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Lakam Israel 1/1/1985 1741 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Litvinenko, Alexander" "Scaramella-Berezovsky link to WTC security firm emerges in Italian law enforcement investigation. .. Mario Scaramella linked to 9/11 through Kroll & Associates," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Kroll & Associates Italy 1742 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Scaramella, Mario" "Scaramella-Berezovsky link to WTC security firm emerges in Italian law enforcement investigation. .. Mario Scaramella linked to 9/11 through Kroll & Associates," lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Kroll & Associates Italy 1743 WTC 6 physical "Explosions, during 9/11 attack" Controlled demolition Explosions in WTC Building 6 prior to the suppos ed plane attack on WTC. "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. 9/11/2001 1744 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Peterson, Pete" "Peter Peterson CEO of the Black stone Group, parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000" lnk U.S. think tank Blackstone Group U.S. 1745 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Tatlock, Ann" "Offutt Air Force Base, Warren B uffett. Watched her offices blown up on 9/11. Bush flew to Offutt on 9/11" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fiduciary Trust Co. U.S. 1746 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "The CPSG is closely affiliated with both the neoconservative Pr oject for the New American Century (PNACsee June 3, 1997 and January 26, 1998) an d the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI), both of which boast P erle as a powerful and influential member. Jim Lobe of the Project Against the P resent Danger later learns that the CPSG is funded in large part by a sizable gr ant from the right-wing Bradley Foundation, a key funding source for both the PN AC and the AEI." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank Neocon f inancial org U.S. 1747 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Chalabi, Ahmed" "Ahmed Chalabi an Iraqi-born businessman and founder of the Iraqi National Congress, helped Perle secure millions of dollars from the U. S. government in 1990.[2] Chalabi was one of the key figures driving the war in Iraq and helped transmit important information to U.S congress and the public that would successfully help sell the war effort." lnk U.S. think tank Defense Policy Board Israel 1748 "Barrett, Kevin VT" WTC 1-2 physical "Chertof f, Michael" "Michael Chertoff, supervised the non-investigation by the F.B.I . in which more than 99 percent of the steel evidence from the World Trade Cente r was hastily shipped to China and other Asian nations to be destroyed." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov FBI U.S. 1749 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Jewish o rganizations "Chertoff, Michael" Jewish Theological Seminary of America ( deep Chertoff family connections) lnk U.S. think tank Jewish o rganizations Israel 1750 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Sell, Clay" "Bush and Cheney's point man for nuclear issues was DoE Deputy Director Clay Sell, a lawyer born in Amarillo and former aide to Panhandle district Congressman Mac Thornberry. Sell served on the Bush-C heney transition team and became the top adviser to the President on nuclear iss ues." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Pantex U.S. 1751 911Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Legal Complaint Against Saudi Arabia is Back Litigation Daily, Michael Goldhabe, attorney Ronald Motley in NYTimes 2004, new complaint in 2014, seeks $200 billion, a pro-Israel law firm (Cozen O'Connor) attempting t o deflect 9/11 complicity on Saudi Arabia, clients include Lucent, HSBC.. see FS IA, WAMY" lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Saudi Royal Family Saudi Arabia 1752 Storyleak "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Molten steel, c oncrete & granite" Many alternative media reports that Puti n (Snowden confirms) is dumping 9/11 evidence on the internet in retaliation for sanctions. Huge cavern where the towers once stood of melted granite. "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov Russia 1753 Videographers WTC 1-2 political Video fakery "Video fakery accomplished with compositing. These factors were required: (1) a high contrast between sky and towers, (2) a steady camera with no panning, tilti ng or zooming, (3) airplane path across sky only, (4) airplane has to disappear across a straight edge. All the live shots from MSM contained these features." link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp MSM U.S. 1754 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 political Video fakery "Lear, John" Lear stated during this interview that AA11 and UA175 demonstrat ed impossible speed and that no planes hit the towers. link Video fakery 9/11 Truth Lear Corporation U.S. 1755 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 political Video fakery "Lear, John" Lear has possession of military documents stating reality of hol ographic aparatus used in strategic visual perception management. link Video fakery 9/11 Truth Lear Corporation U.S. 1756 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 physical Jet engine planted "Lear, John" The jet engine (Flight 175) on Murray Street in New York (which just happened to be lying on top of a Murray St. street sign!) was identified as a GE CFM-56 (or CF-6). Boeing only used Pratt & Whitney engines. It was determi ned that the fake engine was dug out of a landfill on Staten Island ( the coolin g duct was the evidence of this). link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 1757 Pilots for 9/11 Truth Flight 93 physical Flight schedule anomalies Flight 93 Shot down "Flight 93 was spotted on April 10, 2003 at Chicago O'hare Aiport, N591UA, Flight 1111, a United Airlines 757." link 9/11 Truth U.S. 4/10/2003 1758 Pilots for 9/11 Truth Flight 93 physical Flight schedule anomalies Flights 11 and 77 did not even exist on 9/11 acc ording to FAA records. link 9/11 Truth U.S. 1759 "Lindauer, Susan" WTC 1-2 physical Warnings "Lindauer, Susan" Ex-CIA agent Susan Lindauer: Trucks were arriving at the WTC at 3:00 AM till 5:00 AM delivering what she believes to be explosive device s. She said she was warned to stay of of NY on 9/11 and that a mini nuke would b e used on the WTC. link Whistleblowers U.S. gov FBI U.S. 8/22/2001 1760 "Lindauer, Susan" WTC 1-2 physical Whistleblower "Lindauer, Susan" Trucks were arriving at the WTC between Aug 23 and Sept 2 at 3:00 AM till 5:00 AM delivering what she believes to be explosive devices. link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth FBI U.S. 8/22/200 1 1761 DoE WTC 1-2 physical "Controlled demolition, nuclear" Controlled demolition "From DoE: Restricted Data Declassifications Dec isions: August 1958: ""Mere fact that the U. S. has developed atomic munitions s uitable for use in demolition work."" and The fact of weapon laboratory interest in Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The fact of successful development of MRR devices."" (1976)" link "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov DoE U.S. 8/1/1958 1762 "Lindauer, Susan" WTC 1-2 physical Power down Demoliti on prep "Lindauer, Susan" Power (scheduled) prior to 9/11 completely disab led all security systems. link "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Tru th U.S. 1763 Truth in Seven Minutes WTC 1-2 political Video fakery A careful analysis of the difference between recorded live videos and videos pla yed later in the day that are synched exactly reveals no plane in the live video s. link 1764 Truth in Seven Minutes "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical "Victims , fake names" "Victims, fake names" link "Victims, all" 1765 Truth in Seven Minutes "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical "Victims , no SS#" "Victims, fake names" link "Victims, all" 1766 NY Times WTC 1-2 physical "Drills gone live, globa l" """Just before the south tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m., a spurt o f calls reached the 911 operators. One of these was from Shimmy Biegeleisen, who worked for Fiduciary Trust in the south tower on computer systems. He was on th e 97th floor where, by chance, an emergency drill had been scheduled for that da y."" - NY Times (03/31/06)" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp U.S. 1767 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WWI-II, Fascism & Zionism" political 9/11 Groundwork "Group of Thirty, Business Roundtable" lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots global Group of Thirty 1768 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Warnings "Palfrey, Janet" Her call girls had information on 9/11 hijackers lnk Florida 1769 USA Today WTC 1-2 physical Towers low tenancy """The buildings were half-empty when the jets struck. USA TODAY estimates 5,000 to 7,000 people were in each tower when the attack began. Earlier estimates ran ged from 10,000 to 25,000 per tower. But company head counts show many desks wer e empty at 8:46 a.m. There were few tourists; the observation deck wasn't schedu led to open until 9:30 a.m.""" link Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Silverstein Properties U.S. 1770 USA Today WTC 1-2 physical NRO drills "U.S. intelligence agency, NRO was planning an exercise last 9/11 in which an er rant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings ...... a small corporate je t would crash into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure. ... in simulation, some stairwells and exits were to be closed off," link U.S. gov National Reconna issance Office U.S. 9/11/2001 1771 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue go vernment "... NRO reports to both the Director of National Intell igence and the Secretary of Defense and serves as Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Intelligence Space Technology). has ""virtually no federal workforce"",w orks ... through ""tens of thousands"" of defense contractor personnel. by far t he largest budget of any intelligence agency" lnk U.S. gov National Reconnaissance Office U.S. 1772 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political War Game s "Fulton, John" "... NRO reports to both the Director of National Intell igence and the Secretary of Defense and serves as Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Intelligence Space Technology). has ""virtually no federal workforce"",w orks ... through ""tens of thousands"" of defense contractor personnel. by far t he largest budget of any intelligence agency" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1773 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Pentagon, evacu ations" NRO drills "Fulton, John" "During the attacks most of the employee s at NRO headquarters were evacuated, save for ""essential"" personnel. In charg e of the exercise was CIA man John Fulton, head of the NRO's ""Strategic War Gam ing Division"" see Menwith UK." lnk U.S. gov National Reconna issance Office U.S. 9/11/2001 1774 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political War Game s "Fulton, John" "On 9/11, John Fulton and his team at the CIA were runni ng a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Fulton served as as Chief of th e Strategic War Gaming Division of the NRO" lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1775 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Pedophil ia rings "In 2014, an inspector generals' report concluded that N RO failed to report felony admissions of child sexual abuse to law enforcement a uthorities. NRO obtained these criminal admissions during abusive polygraph test ing but never forwarded the information to police. ... former NRO examiners were the whistleblowers." lnk U.S. gov National Reconnaissance Office U.S. 1776 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Hijacker patsies "Brent, David" "David Brent said he was part of team that scanned surveillance videos for the hijackers and found nothi ng from over 300 cameras with 30 days retention," lnk "Hijackers, all" U.S. gov FBI U.S. 10/1/2001 1777 EIR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iran Contra "Khashoggi, Adnan" "Adnan Khashoggi, a Bush-allied Saudi billionaire and ar ms trafficker, founder of the Barrick Gold Corp.; famous for his illegal weapons sales to Iran. e Iran-Israel-Nicaragua guns and cocaine tangle which would expl ode in 1986 as the ""Iran-Contra"" scandal." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Barrick Gold Saudi Arabia 3/1/1986 1778 MSM Flight 93 political Disinfo & ommissions "... debris from the plane was found in New Baltimore, some 8 miles away from th e crash. A second debris field was in and around Indian Lake about 3 miles from t he crash scene. the debris was all very light material, such as paper and thin n ylon the wind would easily blow. NTSB ... the debris is from the crash, it is pr obable," link U.S. gov NTSB U.S. 1779 September Clues WTC Memorial physical "China Syndrome, WTC poo ls" "9/11 Memorial, radiation" "Williams, Candace L." "At least 43 of the pics at the Voices of September, the official website of the 9/11 National M emorial Museum were photoshopped. backgrounds have been removed, people inserted ... even faces blurred at least some 9/11 victims ... were created out of thin a ir..." link NYC Empire State Development U.S. 1780 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "CNN was a AOL - Time Warner subsidiary in 2001 Gerald L evin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner is Jewish," lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp MSM U.S. 1781 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Gerald Levin, of AOL Time Warner, Michael Eisne r of the Walt Disney Company, Edgar Bronfman of Seagram Company Ltd, Edgar Bronf man, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram, Company Ltd, Sumner Redstone of Viacom, I nc, Dennis Dammerman, of GE, Peter Chernin of News Corporation Limited are all J ewish, Ashkenazi Jews." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp MSM U.S. 1782 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamophobia "Katz, Rita" "Most of the ISIL press releases are laundered through SITE, the Washington-based Search for International Entities run by Israeli-Iraqi-America n Talmudist Jew Rita Katz." lnk Intel agencies Israeli think tank SITE Israel 1783 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamoph obia "Katz, Rita" "Katz (Jewish) is a terrorism analyst and the co-founder of the Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Intelligence Group, a private intelligence firm based in Washington, DC. The Institute tracks global terrorist networks, and intercepts and distributes secret messages, videos, and advance warnings of suicide bombings from terrorist groups' communications netwo rks" lnk Intel agencies Israeli think tank SITE Israel 1784 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamoph obia "Katz, Rita" "In October 2007, it was revealed that Katz had discover ed and issued to the Bush administration a copy of an Osama bin Laden video whic h had yet to be released by al-Qaeda. Katz issued the video via a private link t o a SITE web page to White House counsel Fred F. Fielding and Joel Bagnal, deput y assistant to the President for Homeland Security. It soon appeared on Fox News ...." lnk Intel agencies Israeli think tank SITE Israel 10/1/200 7 1785 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamoph obia "Katz, Rita" "In October 2007, it was revealed that Katz had discover ed and issued to the Bush administration a copy of an Osama bin Laden video whic h had yet to be released by al-Qaeda. Katz issued the video via a private link t o a SITE web page to White House counsel Fred F. Fielding and Joel Bagnal, deput y assistant to the President for Homeland Security. It soon appeared on Fox News.. .." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. corp Fox News U.S. 1786 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamoph obia "Katz, Rita" in 1997 Katzs husband was offered a research fellowship i n endocrinology at the National Institutes of Health and they moved to Washingto n with their three children lnk U.S. gov NIH U.S. 1787 "Gordon Duff, VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Islamophobia "Katz, Rita" Who is controlling the phony terror news? Who sa ys Al Qaeda takes credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us Bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much all information telling us Muslims are bad? R ita Katz? link Intel agencies Israeli think tank SITE Israel 1788 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "Khalilzad, Zalmay" "Unocal was one of the key players in th e CentGas consortium, an attempt to build the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline to run from the Caspian area, through Afghanistan and probably Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean. One of the consultants to Unocal at that time was Zalmay Khalilzad, forme r US ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, and the United Nations." lnk Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Energy companies U.S. 1789 Aangirfan "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organize d Crime & 9/11 "Rich, Marc" "Marc Rich was an asset of the CIA, Mossad and t he Russian Jewish Mafia. ""Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18-year colla boration with Russian Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich who sold Iranian oil to Israel and Nigerian oil to South Africa. He" lnk Mini Nukes Israeli gov Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian Mafia (RUIM) Israel "sold North Korean arms to Iran ... several deals involving gold, grain, nickel and tin with the Russian Mafia and henchmen of the former Soviet Union." 1790 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Osman, Timothy" "its claimed... the CIA had ties with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda and its ""Afghan Arab"" fighters when it armed Mujahideen groups agains t the Soviet Union during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Robin Cook, BBC said bi n Laden had security training from the CIA Wikipedia does not mention Timothy Os man." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1791 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "The Ha'aretz article by Sara Leibovich-Dar reveals the ""close ties with Netanyahu"" that Silverstein has. ""The two have been on frien dly terms since Netanyahu's stint as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations. - See more at: http://www.bollyn.com/the-ties-between-netanyahu-and-silverstein# sthash.LTWgJZNK.dpuf" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1792 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Silverstein, Lawrence" "The Ha'aretz article by Sara Leibovich-Dar reveals the ""close ties with Netanyahu"" that Silverstein has. ""The two have been on frien dly terms since Netanyahu's stint as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations. - Was there more to these meetings than just social chatter?" lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1793 Wikipedia 7/7 London bombings political "Drills gone live, global" "On the day of the bombings Peter Power of Visor Consultants gave interviews on BBC Radio 5 Live and ITV, Manchester Evening New s... saying that he was working on a crisis management simulation drill, in the City of London, ""based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning"", when he heard that an attack was goi ng on in real life. ... he spoke of ""an exercise involving mock broadcasts when it happened for real" lnk Intel agencies UK gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1794 Wikipedia 7/7 London bombings political False fl ag "On the day of the bombings Peter Power of Visor Consultants gav e interviews on BBC Radio 5 Live and ITV, Manchester Evening News... saying that he was working on a crisis management simulation drill, in the City of London, ""based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning"", when he heard that an attack was going on in real li fe. ... he spoke of ""an exercise involving mock broadcasts when it happened for real ... All terrorist attacks associated with 'drills'." lnk Intel ag encies UK gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1795 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Kroll, Jules" "Thanks to a pledge of $100,000 in direct grants from the Righteous Persons Foundation (RPF), The Foundation for Jewish Culture convened a panel in January 2014 and selected four projects to receive awards fr om the Lynn and Jules Kroll Fund for Jewish Documentary Film." lnk "Rothsch ild Zionists, all" Israeli think tank The Foundation for Jewish Cultur e Israel 1796 Global Research 7/7 London bombings political "Drills gone live, global" "Power, Peter" "Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants (and former senior Scotland Yard official), a private firm on contr act to the London Metropolitan Police, described in a BBC interview how he had o rganized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business c lient. That terror drill went live on 7/7" "Rothschild Zionists, al l" UK gov UK 1797 Global Research 7/7 London bombings political "Drills gone live, global" "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "According to a report of the As sociated Press correspondent in Jerusalem, the Israeli embassy in London had bee n advised by Scotland Yard of an impending terror event, suggesting that there w as advanced knowledge of the planning of the 7/7 bomb attack by the British Home Office. (AP, July 7, 2005)" "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Israel 7/1/2005 1798 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Mini Nu kes, Fissionless Fusion" Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Davy Cr ockett mini nuke: The M-388 uses a version of the W54 warhead, a small sub-kilot on fission device..taken out of service, retooled by Israel ... used in Special Atomic Demolition Munition project and the AIM-26A Falcon. see M65. converted fu sion device? 4th gen mini nuke?" "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov U.S. military U.S. 1/1/1967 1799 Norfidid WTC 1-2 physical "China Syndrome, bathtub" The bathtubs construction supervisor George Temaro has said the chiller had two s teel cooling water intake pipelines with six-foot diameters to siphon water from t he Hudson River and two discharge lines. Reactor cores require a coolant circula ting around the core vessel containing the bundles of nuclear fuel to prevent ov erheating. lnk NYC NYC 1800 National Commission on Terrorist Attacks "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Passports, miraculously found" "In an official statement by Susan Ginsberg of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, she stated that three passports were found at the plane crash sites: two in Pennsyl vania and one in New York. Another passport was found in a piece of Mohammad Att a's ""left-behind luggage."" Impossible ...." "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov National Commission on Terrorist Attacks U.S. 1801 "Bush, GW" WTC 1-2 political False flag "Bush, G W" "Bush's quote: ""...ensure that the explosives went off at a high....a p oint that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."" see You Tube video." "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov "White H ouse, Bush" U.S. 1802 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Patriot Act "Patriot Act signed into law 15 days after 9/11. passed opportun istically with little debate, unread, among vast amount of usurpation of rights: allows NSLs, allows access to voicemail through a search warrant rather than th rough a title III wiretap order, allow the nationwide service of search warrants , allowed for agents to undertake ""sneak and peek"" searches." lnk U.S. gov US Congress U.S. 10/26/2001 1803 Top 20 1804 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs Iraq War "Zakheim, Dov" "The Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf (CPSG), a bipa rtisan group made up largely of foreign policy specialists, sends an Open Letter to the President calling for President Clinton to use the US military to help Ira qi opposition groups overthrow Saddam Hussein and replace him with a US-friendly government." lnk U.S. think tank CPSG U.S. 1805 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs Iraq War "Zakheim, Dov" "These co-signers (of CPSG) include Elliott Abrams, Richard Armi tage, John Bolton, Stephen Bryen, Douglas Feith, Frank Gaffney, Fred Ikle, Rober t Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, Michael Ledeen, Bernard Lewis, Peter Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, Gary Schmitt, Max Singer, Casper Weinberger, Paul Wolf owitz, David Wurmser, and Dov Zakheim." lnk U.S. think tank CPSG U.S. 2/18/1998 1806 Kolhamevaser "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Zakheim, Dov" Rabbi Dr. Dov Zakheim served as the Undersecretary of De fense (Comptroller) and Chief Financial Officer for the U.S. Department of Defen se from May 2001 to April 2004. 9/11 Finacing & Roots Israeli gov Israel 5/1/2001 1807 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israeli spies, historical" "Cameron, Carl" "JINSA President and CEO David Steinmann is also a director of CAMERA (Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America), the group that actually staged the e-mail, fax, letter, and phone call mobiliza tion that squeezed Fox TV, to the point that they removed the transcripts of the four Carl Cameron segments from their own web site." Israeli think tank CAMERA Israel 12/1/2001 1808 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Cameron, Carl" "JINSA President and CEO David Steinmann is also a director of CAMERA (Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America), the group that actually staged the e-mail, fax, letter, and phone call mobiliza tion that squeezed Fox TV, to the point that they removed the transcripts of the four Carl Cameron segments from their own web site." Israeli think tank JINSA U.S. 1809 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators Israeli US military officers "JINSA's board includes a dozen or more retired flag grade U.S. military officers, including Lt. Gen. Anthony Bu rshnick (USAF), Gen. Crosbie Saint (USA), Maj. Gen. Lee Downer (USAF), Adm. Leon Edney (USN), Gen. John Foss (USA), Adm. David Jeremiah (USN), Adm. Jerome Johns on (USN), Maj. Gen. Jarvis Lynch (USMC), Rear Adm. Sumner Shapiro (USN). Dore Go ld," Israeli think tank JINSA U.S. 1810 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Rumsfeld, Donald" "On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Rum sfeld held a press conference to announce that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from Pe ntagon coffers and could not be located https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ayer_embedded&v=IVpSBUgbxBU" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov DoD U.S. 9/10/2001 1811 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "The CPSG is closely affiliated with both the neoconservative Pr oject for the New American Century (PNACsee June 3, 1997 and January 26, 1998) an d the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI), both of which boast P erle as a powerful and influential member. Jim Lobe of the Project Against the P resent Danger later learns that the CPSG is funded in large part by a sizable gr ant from the right-wing Bradley Foundation, a key funding source for both the PN AC and the AEI." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank Bradley Foundation U.S. 1812 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Perle, Richard" "The CPSG is closely affiliated with both the ne oconservative Project for the New American Century (PNACsee June 3, 1997 and Janu ary 26, 1998) and the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI), both of which boast Perle as a powerful and influential member. Jim Lobe of the Proje ct Against the Present Danger later learns that the CPSG is funded in large part by a sizable grant from the right-wing Bradley Foundation, a key funding source for both the PNAC and the AEI." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. thi nk tank AEI U.S. 1813 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Hussein, Sadam" "Iraq War commenced, Shock and Awe, based on lies about WMD, Sadam Hussein." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov US Military U.S. 3/20/2003 1814 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War Bush GW "December 1998 - Fall 1999: Vulcans Tutor Bush on Foreign Affairs includes: Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Robert Zoellick," lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Vulcans U.S. 12/1/1998 1815 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork Bush GW "December 1998 - Fall 1999: Vulcans Tutor Bush on Foreign Affairs i ncludes: Dick Cheney, George Schulz, Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Z akheim, Robert Zoellick," lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank Vulcans U.S. 12/2/1998 1816 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Perle, Richard" "Conservative Sen. Henry Scoop Jackson meets with Pres. Ford ... on standoff with the Soviet Union over trade and emigration of So viet Jews to Israel. Jacksonhawkish, defense-minded, and solidly pro-Israel. ... is a forerunner of what in later years will be called neoconservatism Richard Perl e is his outspoken aid." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank Neocons U.S. 1817 "Tarpley, Webster" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political War Games "Tarpley, Webster" "16 War games occurring on 9/11, book, A simulated terrorist attack exercise called ""Mall Strike 2001"" is conducted in the Pennsylvania county of Westmoreland which borders Somerset county where the city of Shanksville is located in." 9/11 Truth U.S. 1818 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Bush tie s to Saudi Arabia "bin Laden, Salem" "James Bath (born 1936) is a for mer director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a former front man for Salem bin Laden, and also former part owner of Arbusto Energy with Georg e W. Bush, with whom Bath served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard dur ing the Vietnam War." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov Saudi Royal Fami ly U.S. 1819 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Chalabi, Ahmed" "Moreover, Perle and Chalabi also had very similar motiv es: they both wanted the Hussein regime deposed and Chalabi to be elected as pre sident. In 2004, the FBI investigated Chalabi after U.S. intelligence sources re vealed that he was working as a double agent for Iran" lnk U.S. thi nk tank Neocons U.S. 1820 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Perle, Richard" "Moreover, Perle and Chalabi also had very similar motiv es: they both wanted the Hussein regime deposed and Chalabi to be elected as pre sident. In 2004, the FBI investigated Chalabi after U.S. intelligence sources re vealed that he was working as a double agent for Iran" lnk Intel agencies U.S. think tank FBI U.S. 1821 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Chalabi, Ahmed" "Chalabi is a controversial figure, especially in the US , ... In the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Iraqi National Congress ( INC), with the assistance of lobbying powerhouse BKSH & Associates, provided a m ajor portion of the information on which U.S. Intelligence based its condemnatio n of the Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, including reports of WMD and alleged ti es to al-Qaeda" lnk U.S. think tank Neocons U.S. 1822 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Wolhstetter, Albert" "Chalabi is said to have had political c ontacts within the Project for the New American Century, most notably with Paul Wolfowitz, a student of nuclear strategist Albert Wohlstetter, and Richard Perle . He was a special guest of First Lady Laura Bush at the 2004 State of the Union Address." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. think tank U.S. 1823 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Perle, Richard" "... is a member of the Steering Committee of th e Bilderberg Group, Perle is the former co-chairman and director of Hollinger, I nc., a partner of Trireme Partners and a non-executive director of Autonomy Corp oration. classmates include Joan Wohlstetter (the daughter of Albert and Roberta Wohlstetter of the Rand Corporation). LSE, CSP" lnk Secret societies global Bilderberg global 1824 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Wohlstetter, Albert" "... is a member of the Steering Committee of th e Bilderberg Group, Perle is the former co-chairman and director of Hollinger, I nc., a partner of Trireme Partners and a non-executive director of Autonomy Corp oration. classmates include Joan Wohlstetter (the daughter of Albert and Roberta Wohlstetter of the Rand Corporation)." lnk Secret societies global Bilderberg global 1825 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iraq War "Cheney, Dick" "November 2005, Chalabi traveled to the U.S. and met with top U. S. government officials, including Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Vice Pr esident Dick Cheney, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, Secretary of Sta te Condoleezza Rice, and National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. At this time Chalabi also traveled to Iran to meet with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ." lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 11/1/200 5 1826 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Neocons "Wohlstetter, Albert" "Wohlstetter .... taught in the political science depart ment of the University of Chicago, and chaired the dissertation committees of Pa ul Wolfowitz and Zalmay Khalilzad. He is often credited with influencing a numbe r of prominent members of the neoconservative movement, including Richard Perle" lnk Intel agencies U.S. corp Rand Corp U.S. 1827 Alternative news WTC 1-2 political NIST / FEMA Cove r-up "Bement, Arden" "NIST is not an independent scientific institution, but a dependency of the Ministry of Commerce, ... George Bush named Arden Bement its management in October 2001 Bement, metallurgist and expert on fuels and materia ls, is a former deputy defense minister, former director of the division of mate rials science from... (DARPA), and a former executive of the firm TRW, Inc. sour ce: Lameduse.ch" "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 10/1/2001 1828 USA Today "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Nayef, Prince" Saudi Arabia acknowledged for the first time tha t 15 of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers were Saudi citizens ... But Interior Mini ster Prince Nayef told The that Saudi leaders were shocked to l earn 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. ... and also said they were Zio nist dupes as reported by NY Times.... and Wikipedia link Saudis & 9/11 U.S. corp MSM Saudi Arabia 2/1/2002 1829 WMR WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Students, spies" "Nayef, Prince" "Mohammed Atta and Prince Nayif: the Saudi drugs dealers who hel ped finance the 9/11 attack. The DEA operations were contained in a Declassificat ion of a Secret DEA 6 Paris Country Office memo: dated June 26, 2000, a date whic h coincided with the height of Israeli art student and 911 hijacker activity in the U.S." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov DEA Saudi Arabia 6/26/2000 1830 "Barrett, Kevin VT" WTC 1-2 political "Israeli Art Stu dents, spies" "Elinoff, Jonathan" Jonathan Elinoff calls into Kevin Barret ts radio program to reveal a story he is breaking about art students who lived in tents on the 90th floor of the World Trade Center. He claims they lived there i llegally for months before the attack and that they were later arrested after 9/ 11 and detained as part of an Israel spy ring although they are Austrian and Ger man. lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 7/1/2001 1831 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 fin ancing "Nayef, Prince" "Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz Al Shaalan (born 1956) is a Saudi Arabian prince. He was convicted of drug trafficking in a French court. H e is a maternal grandson of the founding monarch, King Abdulaziz Nayef's father- in-law is Abdul Rahman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi Arabia's former deputy minis ter of defense and aviation who is a member of the powerful Sudairi Seven. Nayef 's twin brother Saud is also son-in-law of Prince Abdul Rahman" lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots Saudi Arabia gov France 5/16/1999 1832 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Danger "Shaffer, Lt. Col. Anthony" What the French and US law enforcement investiga tors discovered in 1999 may have been a major financial source for al Queda's te rrorist attacks. The Able Danger unit was shadowing al Queda the same year that Nayif's courier activities were discovered. ... Gigabytes of info on Nayef may h ave been destroyed when Able Danger data was destroyed. lnk "Rothschild Zion ists, all" U.S. gov U.S. 1833 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Spitzer, Eliot" "Eliot Spitzer New York Attorney General on 9-11 ; barred his top aide, Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell, from testifying t o Congress on Able Danger; threw out Karl Schwarzs 9-11 synopsis" lnk NYC DoJ U.S. 1834 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia Able Danger "A business card obtained by WMR shows a clear link betw een Skyways International, the firm tied to the Bush family and the Saudis, and the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia. The business card for a flight eng ineer named Keith Monroe indicates that Skyways International is a subsidiary of the National Commercial Bank." lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Saudi banks Saudi Arabia 1835 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "The 9-11 Commission, (highly deceptive cover-up) offici ally called the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, was formed by President Bush in November 2002 to prepare a full and complete acc ount of the circumstances surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and to offer recommendations for preventing future attacks." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 2-Nov-02 1836 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue government "Addington, David" "David S. Addington is group vice president for research at The Heritage Foundation. assistant general council of the CIA, chief counsel or counsel for four congressional committees (Senate intelligence committee, Ho use intelligence committee, House foreign affairs committee and House Iran-Contr a committee)... head of Meese Center ... Dep Secretary of Defense..." U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 1837 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Shaffer, Lt. Col. Anthony" "According to statements by Lt. Col. Ant hony Shaffer and those of four others, Able Danger had identified 2 of 3 Al Qaed a cells active in the 9/11 attacks; the 'Brooklyn cell' linked to ""Blind Sheik" " Omar Abdel-Rahman, including September 11 attacks leader Mohamed Atta, and thr ee of the 9/11 plot's other 19 hijackers. Gen. Hugh Shelton created Able Danger. " lnk U.S. gov U.S. Military U.S. 1838 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Shaffer, Lt. Col. Anthony" "The Senate Judiciary Committee first at tempted to investigate the matter for the Senate in Sept, 2005. The Pentagon ""o rdered five key witnesses not to testify"", according to Senate Judiciary Commit tee Chairman Arlen Specter. In December of 2006 the US Senate Intelligence Commi ttee concluded ""Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11 hij acker at any time prior to 9/11." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Con gress U.S. 9/1/2005 1839 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions al Queda "The Senate Judiciary Committee first attempted to investigate the matter for the Senate in September, 2005. The Pentagon ""orde red five key witnesses not to testify"", according to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. In December of 2006 the US Senate Intelligence Committe e concluded ""Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11 hijack er at any time prior to September 11, 2001" lnk U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S. 9/1/2005 1840 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Nayef, Prince" "The Senate Judiciary Committee first attempted to investigate the matter for the Senate in September, 2005. The Pentagon ""orde red five key witnesses not to testify"", according to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. In December of 2006 the US Senate Intelligence Committe e concluded ""Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other 9/11 hijack er at any time prior to September 11, 2001" lnk U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S. 9/1/2005 1841 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Disinfo & ommissions "Shelton, Gen. Hugh" "The Senate Judiciary Committee first at tempted to investigate the matter for the Senate in September, 2005. The Pentago n ""ordered five key witnesses not to testify"", according to Senate Judiciary C ommittee Chairman Arlen Specter. In December of 2006 the US Senate Intelligence Committee concluded ""Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any other 9/1 1 hijacker at any time prior to September 11, 2001" lnk U.S. gov U.S. Congress U.S. 9/2/2005 1842 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Weldon, Sen. Curt" "Shaffer reportedly told Zelikow that DIA leader ship declined to share this information with the FBI... Shaffer also asserted th at he briefed ... George Tenet on three separate occasions regarding his unit's activities. The 9/11 Commission Report did not mention Shaffer's allegations, bu t in 2005 and 2006 the Chairman of the House Select Intelligence Committee, Rep. Curt Weldon, publicized Shaffer's allegations..." lnk 9/11 Tru th U.S. Congress U.S. 6/1/2005 1843 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Able Dan ger "Gentry, Tony" Tony Gentry Army Intelligence and Security Command Gener al Counsel; ordered 2.5 terrabytes of Able Danger data destroyed lnk Intel agencies U.S. Military U.S. 1844 "Chronicle, Houston" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Bush ties to Saudi Arabia """Federal authorities are investigating the activities of a Houston businessman (James Bath) -- a past investor in comp anies controlled by a son of President Bush GW -- who has been accused of illega lly representing Saudi interests in the United States. ... James R. Bath guided money to Houston from Saudi investors who wanted to influence U.S. policy under the Reagan and Bush administrations" "Neocons, all" Saudi Arabia 1845 "Chronicle, Houston" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots Bush HRW "1976 trust agreement, drawn shortly after Bush was appointed director of the CIA, Saudi Sheik Salem M. Binladen appointed James Bath as his business representative in Houston. Binladen, see Binladen Brothers Construction,...According to White, Bath told him that he had assisted the CIA in a liaison role with Saudi Arabia since 1976." Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Harken Energy Saudi Arabia 1/1/1976 1846 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggli ng, Russia / Israel mafia" "Madoff, Bernard" "Russia Ukraine Israel M afia (RUIM): Madoff & Forest Hills, NY Jewish mafia, money laundering by Bank of New York and RUIM, OPERATION SPIDERWEB, and Benex (Marc Rich), offices in same building as Grigori Loutchansky ... who is a Latvian-born Israeli who laundered billions through his Vienna-based NORDEX firm. ...connect nuclear smuggling and Clinton re-election ... Sam Domb" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Israel 1/1/1996 1847 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Mahfouz, Sheikh Khalid bin" "House of Bush, House of Saud" lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Saudi Arabia 1848 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mininukes BCCI corruption "Khan, AQ" 1981 and After: BCCI Charity Front Funnels Money to A. Q. Khans Nuclear Program lnk Mini Nukes Pakistan gov BCCI Saudi Arabia 1/1/1981 1849 History Commons "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mininukes BCCI corruption "Pharaon, Ghaith" 1982 and After: BCCI Charity Front Funne ls Money to A. Q. Khans Nuclear Program lnk Mini Nukes Pakistan gov BCCI Saudi Arabia 1/1/1981 1850 Judicial Watch "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Air bin Laden Saudis On 9/18/01 69 Saudis were questioned by the FBI and on 9/19/01 5 1 Saudis departed Las Vegas on flight DC-8-73 the airplanes tail # TR-LTZ. Then o n 9/20/01 18 Saudis departed Las Vegas on flight B 727-21 the airplanes tail # N 727PX. On 9/24/01 34 Saudis departed Las Vegas on flight (ATA) L-1011 the airpla nes tail # N189AT Intel agencies Saudi Arabia gov FBI Saudi Arabia 9/18/2001 1851 MSM WTC Memorial physical "China Syndrome, WTC pools" "9/11 Memorial, radiation" "4 Js Associates LLC, a joint venture of 4 Js Plumbing & Heating Corp. and Fresh Meadow Mechanical Corp., was tasked with the piping installation for the memorial. KSW Inc. was responsible for the insta llation of a heating and cooling system as well as the chiller plant." pic NYC Empire State Development U.S. 1852 Judicial Watch "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Saudis On 9/18/01 69 Saudis were questioned by the FBI and on 9 /19/01 51 Saudis departed Las Vegas on flight DC-8-73 the airplanes tail # TR-LTZ . Then on 9/20/01 18 Saudis departed Las Vegas on flight B 727-21 the airplanes tail # N727PX. On 9/24/01 34 Saudis departed Las Vegas on flight (ATA) L-1011 th e airplanes tail # N189AT Intel agencies Saudi Arabia gov FBI Saudi Arabia 9/20/2001 1853 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Norquist, Grover" "Abramoff's connections to the Saudis go es back to the 1980s when he and Grover Norquist, who had close links to the Sau dis were aiding the mujaheddin through the International Freedom Foundation. Gro ver Norquist has close ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahm ... Norquist was also cof ounder of the Islamic Institute," lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. think tank Neocons Saudi Arabia 1854 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Norquist, Grover" "Abramoff's connections to the Saudis go es back to the 1980s when he and Grover Norquist, who had close links to the Sau dis were aiding the mujaheddin through the International Freedom Foundation. Gro ver Norquist has close ties to the Saudi Al-Abdul Rahman Amoudi through American s for Tax Reform." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank International Freedom Foundation Saudi Arabia 1855 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Abramoff, Jack" "In December 1994, Abramoff was hired as a lobbyist at Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP, the lobbying ar m of the law firm Preston Gates & Ellis LLP Slade Gorton is of counsel at Presto n Gates & Ellis LLP. He also recently served as a Commissioner on the 9/11 Commi ssion" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Preston Gates & Ellis U.S. 12/1/1994 1856 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Al-Amoudi, Abdul Rahman" "During this time Al-Amo udi served as an Islamic adviser to Clinton and a fundraiser for both the Republ ican and Democratic parties. More recently, Al-Amoudi worked with Grover Norquis t, president of Americans for Tax Reform. Al-Amoudi was convicted in an assassin ation plot on Crown Prince Abullah." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. think tank Neocon financial org Saudi Arabia 1857 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators Yamamah deal "is the name of a series of a record arm s sales by the UK to Saudi Arabia, which have been paid for by the delivery of u p to 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day to the UK government. The prime contra ctor has been BAE Systems and its predecessor British Aerospace. The first sales occurred in September 1985, and then 2006, Charles Powell." lnk Saudis & 9/11 UK gov BAE Systems Saudi Arabia 9/1/1985 1858 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 fin ancing "Hijacker, patsies" "Bandar's wife, Princess Haifa, used money from the same Riggs bank accounts containing the secret payments, to pay for the lodg ing of one of the 9/11 hijackers." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots UK gov BAE Systems Saudi Arabia 1859 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing "Peterson, Pete" "Peter Peterson CEO of the Blackstone Group, par ent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman o f the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Blackstone Group U.S. 1860 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 fin ancing "Rich, Marc" "Marc Rich (born Marcell David Reich); was an internatio nal commodities trader, hedge fund manager, financier and businessman... founded the commodities company Glencore and for being indicted in the United States on federal charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Glencore U.S. 1861 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Organized Crime & 9/11 "Feith, Douglas" "... the Bosnia Defense Fund, which partly finan ced al Queda in Bosnia civil war, was established by Richard Perle and Douglas F eith, and facts strongly indicate that there was high-level coordination between Abramoff's underworld network of Russian-Ukranian-Israeli gangsters, wealthy Sa udi financiers, and Bush neocon operatives." lnk U.S. gov Russian Israeli mafia Israel 12/1/1995 1862 WMR WTC 1-2 physical Anthrax hoax Urban Moving Sys tems "Five Israelis are arrested that afternoon after tie-ins to the 9/11 att acks are found in their van, such as maps of the city with certain places highli ghted. The FBI searched their warehouse, discovered fertilizer, other chemicals for making explosives, pipes, caps and traces of Anthrax. Sivan Kurzburg was the driver. ""We are Israelis...""" lnk Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal U.S. 9/11/2001 1863 9/11 Scholars WTC 1-2 physical Elevator renovation Demoliti on prep "In 1978, the 59-story story Citicorp building was secretly retr ofitted at night over the course of several months without the knowledge of tena nts, the general public, or the media:" lnk "Controlled demolition, all" U.S. corp Jewish financial organizations U.S. 1/1/1978 1864 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of Interest "Zelikow, Philip" "Government Accountability Office record s show his frequent calls to the 456 telephone exchange in the 202 area code use d exclusively by the White House. Zelikow ordered his assistant to stop keeping a log of his calls, although the Commission's general counsel overruled him" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush" U.S. 1865 "Fetzer, James" WTC 1-2 physical Nuclear physics short course Controlled demolition Periodic Table of Elements pic 9/11 Truth U.S. 1866 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political al Queda "Deutch, John" "during the 1990s, the CIA, under its two proto-neocon directors , James Woolsey and John Deutch, unsuccessfully tried to prevent publication of Unholy Wars because of its exposure of the CIA's role in nurturing Osama bin Lad en and Al Qaeda during the Mujaheddin war against the Soviet Union." link Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1867 "Francis, Stephen NFU" Franklin Scandal Omaha political Pedophilia rings Bush GW "White House pedophilia ring, RNC, Lawrence Fran klin, Omaha" lnk U.S. think tank RNC U.S. 1868 "Prager, Jeff" WTC 1-2 physical Detonation velocity Controll ed demolition "Jones, Steven" "According to Lawrence Livermore Laboratories th e maximum velocity for an energetic compound made of iron oxide and aluminum in a silica substrate is 895mps. Again, according to Lawrence Livermore the velocit y can be increased to above 2000mps if copper is added. We know that the energet ic compound allegedly found by Dr. Jones did not have a copper component." "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Lawrence Livermore Lab U.S. 1869 "Prager, Jeff" WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Myeloma" Victims "As of March 1st, 2011, the rate of Multiple Myeloma and death among Ground Zero First Responders was 18 per 100,000 with all of those afflicted being between t he ages of 37 and 60. Some First Responders have succumbed to not one, not two, but in some cases three rare cancers. ... including thyroid, brain and pancreati c cancer." Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 3/1/2011 1870 Global Research Fukushima medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "Fukushima thyroid cancer in children: 140 cases out of 300,000 in three years f ar greater than the expected 7 cases. Government cover-up rampant. Using estimat es made by the Norwegian Air Laboratory it is possible to estimate that more tha n 250PBq (200 x 1015) Bq of Iodine-131 (half life 8 days) were released at Fukus hima" "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth Japan 1871 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Carter, Ashton" "Ashton Baldwin Carter ... a phy sicist, dep sec of Defense, 2011-13and U.S. ..a senior partner of Global Technol ogy Partners advising on tech and defense, an advisor to Goldman Sachs ... he wa s professor and chair of the International Relations, Science, and Security facu lty at Harvard ... received his doctorate in theoretical physics from the Univer sity of Oxford in 1979, where he was a Rhodes Scholar." lnk U.S. thi nk tank Global Technology Partners U.S. 1872 EIR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Ara bia "Munk, Peter" "Link Peter Munk, Adnan Khashoggi and George HW Bush Barr ick Gold, Munk was jr. partner in Barrick Petroleum, Bush elected in 1988, passe d special dispensation that shot up Barrick's value to billions Sheik Kamal Adham initial owner and chief of Saudi Intelligence ... connected to illegal arms thr ough Khashoggi to Yemen guerillas." lnk Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Arabia gov Bush Crime family Saudi Arabia 1/1/1987 1873 EIR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 financing "Adham, Sheik Kamal" "Link Peter Munk, Adnan Khashoggi and George HW Bush Barr ick Gold, Munk was jr. partner in Barrick Petroleum, Bush elected in 1988, passe d special dispensation that shot up Barrick's value to billions Sheik Kamal Adham initial owner and chief of Saudi Intelligence ... connected to illegal arms thr ough Khashoggi to Yemen guerillas." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Saudi Ar abia gov Bush Crime family Saudi Arabia 1874 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 fin ancing "Adham, Sheik Kamal" "Adham...was a businessman and former director g eneral of Saudi Arabia's Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah or the general intelligence dir ectorate. He served as a royal counsellor to both King Faisal and King Khalid. S ee BCCI, Mukhabarat, Khashoggi" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots Saudi Arabia gov Mukhabarat Saudi Arabia 1875 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 fin ancing "Adham, Sheik Kamal" "Adham involved in the huge BCCI scandal at the beginning of the 1990s.[34] The US prosecutors accused him of playing a key role in the secret and illegal takeover of First American bank by BCCI. In 1992, he pleaded guilty in the US under a deal with the prosecutors" lnk 9/11 Fin acing & Roots Saudi Arabia gov BCCI Saudi Arabia 1/1/1992 1876 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of Interest "Faisal, Mohammed al" "Jamie Gorelick, while serving in the Do J under the Clinton administration, developed the policy (the ""wall memo"") tha t prevented communication between... the FBI and CIA ... also on board of United Technologies, ... and Gorelick's firm represented Prince Mohammed al Faisal in the suit by the 9/11 families. The families contend that al Faisal has legal res ponsibility for the 9/11 attacks." lnk U.S. gov "White H ouse, Clinton" U.S. 1877 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of Interest "Gorelick, Jamie" "Jamie Gorelick, while serving in the Do J under the Clinton administration, developed the policy (the ""wall memo"") tha t prevented communication between... the FBI and CIA ... also on board of United Technologies, ... and Gorelick's firm represented Prince Mohammed al Faisal in the suit by the 9/11 families. The families contend that al Faisal has legal res ponsibility for the 9/11 attacks." lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" U.S. 1878 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Conflict of Interest "Gorelick, Jamie" "Jamie Gorelick, while serving in the Do J under the Clinton administration, developed the policy (the ""wall memo"") tha t prevented communication between... the FBI and CIA ... also on board of United Technologies, ... and Gorelick's firm represented Prince Mohammed al Faisal in the suit by the 9/11 families. The families contend that al Faisal has legal res ponsibility for the 9/11 attacks." lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Saudi Arabia 1879 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Litigati on & 9/11 "Faisal, Mohammed al" "After 9/11, the victims families launch ed a lawsuit against Prince Mohammed al Faisal along with two other members of t he House Saud, ... late Prince Sultan and Prince Turki, in addition to other peo ple whom they accused of financing Al Qaeda " lnk Saudis & 9/11 U.S. gov Saudi Arabia 1880 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia "Walker, Wirt" "Stratesec had a small board of directors that i ncluded retired Air Force General James Abrahamson, Marvin Bush (the brother of George W. Bush) and Wirt Walker III, a cousin of the Bush brothers. Yousef Saud Al Sabah, a member of the Kuwaiti royal family" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Kuwait gov Stratesec Kuwait 1881 Rense "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "1990s Illuminati Game Cards Still Creating Controversy card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail. in 1995 correctly places floors, shows Illuminati pyramid, identifies the perpetrators as 'terrorists'. And the Pentagon strike on a separate card" 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. thi nk tank Illuminati global 1/1/1995 1882 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Hersh, Seymour" "... Seymour Hersh have opined that Stra uss endorsed noble lies, ""myths used by political leaders seeking to maintain a cohesive society"". In The City and Man, Strauss discusses the myths outlined i n Plato's Republic that are required for all governments." lnk global 1883 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Strauss, Leo" Machiavellian became a pejorative term describin g someone who aims to deceive and manipulate others for personal advantage. agre ed about Machiavelli's influence on republicanism and argued that even though Ma chiavelli was a teacher of evil he had a nobility of spirit that led him to advo cate ignoble actions. lnk global 1884 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Zakheim, Dov" "System Planning Corporation (SPC) International executive, Dov Zakheim, called for ""some catastrophic and catalyzing event ""l ike a new Pearl Harbor"" Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Booz Allen U.S. 1/1/2010 1885 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Adelson, Sheldon" "Adelson, Ukranian (Ashkenazi) Jew, worth $36 bi llion, heavily funds Republican party, developed COMDEX (Las Vegas) sold it to S oftbank, razed the Sands, built Venetian,close relationship to Netanyahu funded r emovel of Olmert" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" Israeli think ta nk RNC U.S. 1886 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Las Vega s & 9/11 "Netanyahu, Benjamin" "Adelson, Ukranian (Ashkenazi) Jew, wort h $36 billion, heavily funds Republican party, developed COMDEX (Las Vegas) sold it to Softbank, razed the Sands, built Venetian, close relationship to Netanyah u funded removel of Olmert" lnk Israeli think tank Israel 1887 "Tatum, Chip" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Bennett, Scott" "Scott Bennett, author of Shell Game and Follow the Money. He worked for Booz Allen Hamilton. He ..., held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance..., and operations for U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the St ate Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism,." Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Booz Allen U.S. 1888 Military Officers for 9/11 Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Carter, Ashton" "Carter on the board of MITRE Corp, and the Advisory Boards of MIT's Lincoln Laboratory and the Draper Laboratory. a consultatnt to Goldman Sachs and Mitretek Systems, also a member of the Aspen Strategy Group, CFR, International Institute for Stra tegic Studies, and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. Carter was el ected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences." Corporat ions & 9/11 U.S. corp Mitre corp U.S. 1889 Washington Times "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Nuclear smuggling, Russia / Israel mafia" "Loutchansky, Grigori" "Bill Cl inton was photographed at a Democratic Party function with controversial Russian businessman Grigory Loutchansky, whose Vienna, Austria-based company Nordex has been the focus of multiple international probes investigating Russian organized crime and money laundering. Mr. Loutchansky surfaced in" link Mini Nuk es U.S. corp Nordex U.S. 9/1/1999 1890 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Ri ghts lost "The November 13, 2001 Presidential Military Order purpo rted to give the President of the United States the power to detain non-citizens suspected of connection to terrorists or terrorism as enemy combatants. As such , that person could be held indefinitely, without charges being filed against hi m or her, without a court hearing, and without legal counsel." lnk U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 11/13/2001 1891 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Civil Ri ghts lost ".A writ of habeas corpus,..., allows for a court to det ermine whether the custodian has lawful authority to detain the prisoner. In Jun e 2008, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the (Military Commissions Act of 2006 d id suspend habeas and found it unconstitutional." lnk U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 6/1/2008 1892 Pollsters "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Polls "A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults found that 36% of Americans consider it ver y likely or somewhat likely that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves." 9/11 Tru th U.S. 6/1/2006 1893 Pollsters "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Polls "Pew Research: In 2008 polls ... skepticism about 9/11 persists among Muslim pub lics. When asked whether they think groups of Arabs carried out the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., most Muslims ... say they do not believe this. There is no Muslim public in which even 30% accept that Arabs conducted the attacks." U.S. think tank U.S. 3/1/2008 1894 Pollsters "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Polls "A WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of 17 nations found that majorities in only nine of them believed that al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Unit ed States. 46 % said that al Qaeda was behind the attacks while 15% say the US g overnment, 7% Israel, and7% some other perpetrator. 25% said they do not know." global global 9/1/2008 1895 Pollsters "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political polls "Wikipedia: August 2004 on 808 randomly selected residents of New York State. It found that 49 percent of New York City residents and 41 percent of New York sta te citizens believe individuals within the U.S. government ""knew in advance tha t attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciousl y failed to act." U.S. 8/1/2004 1896 Pollsters "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political polls "Wikipedia: 42% believe: Some people believe that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradic ts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks, saying there has be en a cover-up" U.S. 5/1/2006 1897 Pollsters WTC 7 political polls "Wikiped ia: 38% of New Yorkers responded yes to: Are you aware of this skyscraper's (WTC 7) collapse, and if so do you believe that the Commission should have also inve stigated it? 43% said not aware of WTC 7 collapse." U.S. 5/1/2006 1898 Pollsters "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political polls The results of the 2007 August poll indicate that 51 percent of Americans want t he United States Congress to probe President George W. Bush and Vice President D ick Cheney regarding the 9/11 attacks and over 30 percent of those polled seek i mmediate impeachment. U.S. 8/1/2007 1899 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Dual citizens" "Fleischer, Ari" Ari Fleischer White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; dual citizen of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group call ed the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics lnk U.S. gov "White H ouse, Bush" U.S. 1900 "Fetzer, James" Pentagon physical "Fires, Pentagon" "black smoke--was coming from a series of enormous dumpsters in front of the Pen tagon and not from the building itself, a nice example of the use of ""special e ffects"" on 9/11." 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1901 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Canada & 9/11 Israeli Art Students "Israeli spies, Israeli Art Students" lnk Intel ag encies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1902 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeepers "911Truth.org does not have any references to Silverstei n, and a search on 'Israel' leads to no artilces that implicate Israel in 9/11." lnk "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" U.S. 1903 911Truth "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Fin ancing Bandar bin Sultan "President George W. Bush meets with Prince Band ar bin Sultan, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, on August 27, 2002, at Bushs ranch in Crawford, Texas." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov "White House, Bush" Saudi Arabia 8/27/2002 1904 WhoDidIt "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Gro undwork "Gingrich, Newt" Newt Gingrich former Speaker of the House; PNAC member; reputed to be a member of the CFR; served on the Pentagons War Policy Boa rd lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank DoD U.S. 1905 WhoDidIt Iran Contra political 9/11 Groundwork "Abrams, Eliot" "Elliot Abrams former member of PNAC, National Security Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; dual citiz en of US and Israel; Zionist" lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov PNAC U.S. 1/1/1991 1906 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel "Netanyahu also told the 2008 Jonathan Institute gathering that his father, Ben- Zion Netanyahu, a noted Zionist and the personal assistant to Zionist leader Ze' ev Jabotinsky, told him in the 1990s that the Twin Towers would one day be broug ht down in the manner that they were on 9/11." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, al l" Israeli think tank Jonathan Institute Israel 1907 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Perle, Richard" "Much of the Jonathan Institute's work in developing int ernational terrorism as a bête noire for the Western military industrial complex w as taken up by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), see University of Chicag o alum Walter Berns ""A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,"" wh ich was partly written by Jonathan Institute habitué Richard Perle." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. think tank AEI Israel 1908 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" docs 9/11 Groundwork "Perle, Richard" "Much of the Jonathan Institute's work ...was taken up by the Am erican Enterprise Institute (AEI), see University of Chicago alum Walter Berns " "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,"" which was partly writte n by Jonathan Institute habitué Richard Perle." lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. think tank AEI Israel 1909 JFK Murder Soloved "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" "Nicoletti confided to him that he (Nicoletti) , Marshall Caifano, Johnny Rosell i and James Files were the hitteam on Dealey Plaza. ""We blew his brains out"". See Permindex, Meyer Lansky, Israel, Dimona, Military Industrial Complex, revers e Kennedy's attempt to pull troops out of Vietnam. Murder in Dealey Plaza, Assas sination Science, James Fetzer" lnk Holocaust 9/11 Truth U.S. 1910 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Eretz" "Eretz Israel ..biblical name for the territory roughly correspo nding to the area encompassed by the Southern Levant. ..including ... Land of Ca naan, the Promised Land, the Holy Land, and Palestine. The Land of Israel (between Tigris and Euphrates rivers) concept ... of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) ... e tc." lnk Israeli gov Israel 1911 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Eretz" "PressTV: Israels contested legitimacy is founded on two myths. Myth #1 claims that Zionists are always victims and never perpetrators. M yth #2 asserts that Israel is a modern liberal democratic state that respects hu man rights and the rule of law, both domestically and internationally. ... Settl ements explode those myths..." Israeli gov Israel 1912 "Barrett, Kevin VT" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Eretz" "Israel always claimed, ... that all of its settlements on territory seized in 1967 were temporary. The purpose of these settlements was supposedly to serve as bargaining chips in a land for peace deal. ..., Israel was going to make peace, retreat back to its pre-1967 borders, and be accepted by i ts neighbors... especially the Palestinians it ethnically cleansed in 1948. ... claims have been proven to be lies." Israeli gov Israel 1913 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Israel, Eretz" "Yad Vashem in Jerusalem (Holocaust Museum) opened ..but.. unified opposition of so-called ultra-orthodox, or Haredi Jewry some experts say, between 50% - 70% o f those murdered by the Nazis, were ""traditionally religious Jews... only one o f the 50-60 taped testimonies are from Haridi Jews.. secular Zionists created Is rael at the expense of Orthodox Jews. ... 9/11 is extension of this imperialist policy." lnk Israeli gov Israel 1/1/2005 1914 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wa rs "Maiman, Josef" "Maiman made deals with PetroSaudi in 2009, but was also involved in Enron negotiations in 2001, Ken Lay, Dabhol Power in Turkmenistan, the world's 10th-largest gas producer. The United States, Europe, China, Russia and Iran are all clamoring for access to its vast gas fields. PetroSaudi, headed by Turki bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, one of the sons of the Saudi monarch" lnk Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Merhav Group Israel 1/1/2001 1915 UPI "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Maiman, Josef" "BEIRUT, Lebanon, Dec. 10, 2009 (UPI) -- The dri ve by foreign companies to grab a piece of the action in gas-rich Turkmenistan i s reported to be producing some strange bedfellows -- like PetroSaudi, owned by the son of King Abdallah, and Merhav, an Israeli conglomerate run by former Isra eli intelligence officer Yosef Maiman." Saudis & 9/11 Merhav G roup Saudi Arabia 12/1/2009 1916 UPI "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Maiman, Josef" "BEIRUT, Lebanon, Dec. 10, 2009 (UPI) -- The dri ve by foreign companies to grab a piece of the action in gas-rich Turkmenistan i s reported to be producing some strange bedfellows -- like PetroSaudi, owned by the son of King Abdallah, and Merhav, an Israeli conglomerate run by former Isra eli intelligence officer Yosef Maiman." Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Enron Saudi Arabia 12/2/2009 1917 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Kissinger, Henry" "Kissinger is also closely assoc iated with several 9/11 Commissioners, including his long-time National Security Council assistant John Lehman, and his fellow Hollinger board member James R. T hompson." lnk U.S. gov 9/11 Commission U.S. 1918 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Lehman, John" "Kissinger is also closely associated wi th several 9/11 Commissioners, including his long-time National Security Council assistant John Lehman, and his fellow Hollinger board member James R. Thompson. " lnk U.S. gov 9/11 Commission U.S. 1919 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Lehman, John" "Kissinger is also closely associated wi th several 9/11 Commissioners, including his long-time National Security Council assistant John Lehman, and his fellow Hollinger board member James R. Thompson. " lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov NSC U.S. 1920 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Odeen, Philip" "And Phillip Odeen of BDM, who was Barry McDaniels boss until McDaniel left to lead WTC security company Stratesec, was a Kissinger assistant for several years." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp BDM U.S. 1921 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Ruggiero, Renato" "Renato Ruggiero of Kissinger As sociates. Mr. Ruggiero was present on 9/11 in the sense that he was on the Inter national Advisory Board for Salomon Smith Barney (SSB), the company that occupie d all but ten of the 47 floors in WTC building 7" lnk Corporations & 9 /11 U.S. corp Salomon Smith Barney Israel 1922 911 Blogger WTC 7 political Interlocking BOD & consp irators "Kissinger, Henry" "Renato Ruggiero of Kissinger Associates. Mr. Ru ggiero was present on 9/11 in the sense that he was on the International Advisor y Board for Salomon Smith Barney (SSB), the company that occupied all but ten of the 47 floors in WTC building 8" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Salomon Smith Barney Israel 1923 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Money laundering "Salomon Brothers (Jewish) (Arthur, Herbert and Percy, Ben Levy) merged with Smith Barney, became Salomon Inc in the 1980s, whic h was acquired by Travelers, which was acquired by Citigroup, because of Clinton deregulation of investment banks" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Citi Israel 1924 Aangirfan "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Rich, Marc" "Allegedly, Marc Rich is an asset of the CIA, Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia. ""Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18-year collaboration with Russian Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich" lnk Mini Nukes Israeli gov "White House, Clinton" Israel 1925 Alternative News "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Roots "Occult Forces 1943 Paul Riche (Mamy) learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring with the Jews and the Anglo-american nations to encour age France into a war against Germany. Jean Mamy, a ex-freemason himself, was ex ecuted after the war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiMR8LuWcLs Occult Forces 1943" global Illuminati Israel 1926 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Money laundering "Clinton, Bill" "Salomon Brothers (Jewish) (Arthur, Herb ert and Percy, Ben Levy) merged with Smith Barney, became Salomon Inc in the 198 0s, which was acquired by Travelers, which was acquired by Citigroup, because of Clinton deregulation of investment banks" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" U.S. 1927 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Wall St ., Israel & 9/11" "Long-Term Capital Portfolio L.P., collapsed in the late 1990s, leading to an agreement on September 23, 1998 which included Ban kers Trust, Barclays, , Chase Manhattan Bank, Credit Agricole, Credi t Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Paribas, Salomon Smith Barney, Societe Generale, and UBS for a $3.6 billion recapitalization (bailout) under the supervision of the Federal Reserve." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Jewish f inancial organizations Israel 1928 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Kroll, Jules" "Cornell Universitys Quill & Dagger socie ty. This included Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Advisors Sandy Berger and St ephen Hadley, Marsh & McLennan executive Stephen Friedman, and the founder of Kr oll Associates, Jules Kroll." lnk Secret societies U.S. think tank Quill & Dagger U.S. 1929 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Woolsey, James" "Stratesec director James Abraha mson He also co-founded a company called Crescent Investment Management (Crescen t) with the Pakistani-American, Mansoor Ijaz. Crescents board of advisors include d James Woolsey, the CIA Director for President Clinton who became a PNAC signat ory and Booz Allen Hamilton executive." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA U.S. 1930 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Woolsey, James" "Stratesec director James Abraha mson He also co-founded a company called Crescent Investment Management (Crescen t) with the Pakistani-American, Mansoor Ijaz. Crescents board of advisors include d James Woolsey, the CIA Director for President Clinton who became a PNAC signat ory and Booz Allen Hamilton executive." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Booz Allen U.S. 1931 AE911Truth WTC 1-2 physical Mininukes Gatekeepers "Jones, Steven" "Steven Jones quote: ""All nuclear weapons ... release copious h igh-energy neutrons which will activate steel and other materials... I have stud ied fusion for decades, and have made frequent measurements of neutron radiation ... I tested WTC dust samples and a solidified metal sample for radioactivity us ing a Geiger counter: I found zero radioactivity.""" link Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth debunkers U.S. 1932 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rogue government "Ambros, Otto" "Dow hired jailed Nazi scientist Otto Ambros (Ambros manufacture d the infamous Zyklon-B gas, invented liquid silicone, and pushed asbestos on Am erican industries). After his release, he became an adviser to chemical companie s such as J. Peter Grace, Dow Chemical, as well as the U.S. Army Chemical Corps, and Konrad Adenauer. Wikipedia" lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. cor p Chemical manf. U.S. 1933 Aneta WTC 1-2 docs 911Report.pdf http://www .aneta.org/911experiments_com/articles/911Report.pdf U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" U.S. 1934 1935 Aneta WTC 1-2 docs NIST / FEMA Cover-up NISTRepo rtWtc1&2.pdf http://www.aneta.org/911experiments_com/articles/NISTReportWtc1&2.p df U.S. gov NIST / FEMA UL Labs U.S. 1936 911 Blogger "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interloc king BOD & conspirators "Ijaz, Mansoor" "Ijaz went on to become a Fox News corre spondent, and he was a strong promoter of false claims leading up to the Iraq Wa r, including WMDs and ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda." Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Fox News U.S. 1937 Alternative News "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Anthrax hoax "October 9, identical anthrax letters are postmarked in Trenton, New Jersey, with lethal doses to Senators Daschle and Leahy" U.S. gov U.S. 10/9/2001 1938 Alternative News "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Energy / Drug wars "The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv astutely notes: " "If one looks at the map of the big American bases created [in the Afghan war], one is struck by the fact that they are completely identical to the route of the projected oil pipeline to the Indian Ocean" U.S. gov U.S. 10/1/2002 1939 Bollyn "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Truth facti ons "Fox, Donald" "Donald Fox works for a Canadian financial company, whic h happens to be the largest partner in Tamir Fishman, an Israeli financial firm where Ehud Barak is a senior partner and adviser, suggests that his disinformati on work against 9-11 Truth is connected to his employment at RBC Capital Markets " lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1940 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Interlocking BOD & conspirators "Friedman, Stephen" "Friedman figured promin ently in the evaluation of WTC tenants, due to his role at Marsh & McLennan and his later role as George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a mem ber of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel" lnk U.S. gov Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board U.S. 1941 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition "The gravitational potential energy... formula is U = mgh. U is the potential en ergy, m is mass in kilograms, g is the gravitational acceleration, and h is the height in meters. Energy is in joules. One watt is one joule per second, and a j oule is roughly the energy needed to raise one pound one foot" lnk 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1942 "Duff, Gordon" WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition "The WTCs weighed 600k tons So the total gravitational potential energy in one t ower was 6 x 108 kg x 9.8 m/sec2 x 400 m x 1/2..... So we have U = 1.2 x 1012 jo ules. A kiloton is 4.2 x 1012 joules, so the gravitational potential energy is a bout a quarter of a kiloton or 280 tons of high explosive, per tower." lnk Engineers & Scientists U.S. 1943 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Neocons , Strauss" "Perle, Richard" "Scoop Jackson, Henry Martin ...was a U. S. Congressman and Senator from the state of Washington from 1941 until his deat h in 1983. known as ""the Senator from Boeing"" and a ""whore for Boeing"" mentore d Douglas Feith Richard Perle was an aid to Jackson." lnk U.S. gov U.S. Congress Israel 9/1/1983 1944 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 "Frost, Martin" Martin Frost The 'Rothschild Connection': in the invasion of Iraq lnk 1945 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "The Israelis discovered that only U.S. nuclear cores co mposed of plutonium alloys were ripe for theft at Pantex. The 99 percent plutoni um fuel was more well-guarded. Because the older plutonium cores required refrig eration to keep them cooler than 150 degrees, the Israelis used refrigeration tr ucks to move the cores through the port of Houston and into refrigeration contai ners loaded on board ships belonging to Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company, a firm with close links to the Mossad. From Houston, the plutonium alloy cores we re shipped to Israel and Dimona." lnk Mini Nukes Israeli gov Israel 1946 WMR Plamegate political Nuclear smuggling & 9/11 "Plame, Valerie" "... (Dimona, Negev Nuclear Research Center) suffered a major equipment failure in the 1990s that impacted on Israel's ability to re-pro cess nuclear fuel.prompting Israel to actively smuggle nuclear materials to Isra el.... the smuggling operations immediately became known to the CIA's Counterpro liferation Division and its non-official cover (NOC) Brewster Jennings & Associa tes ... see Carnaby and Pantex" lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Brewster Jennings U.S. 1/1/1995 1947 "Hopsicker, Daniel" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Financing "SkyWay was part of a network of companies, three of whi chL-3 Communications, Net Command Tech Inc, and Triton Network Systems Inc. were c ited by Elliot Spitzer, then the Attorney General of New York State, for being u sed by Wall Street brokers in pump and dump schemes which cost unwary investors te ns of millions of dollars." Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Israel 1948 "Bowles, William" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political BCCI corruption "Casey, William" "William Casey's covert operations as Di rector of the CIA led from the arming the mujehaddin to the intricacies of Contr agate. Drug profits from this funneled through BCCI at the behest of Saudi Arabi a / CIA that used the Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds went to a drug dealer named Hekmyatar and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden." Intel agencies U.S. gov CIA Saudi Arabia 1949 Alternative news "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 Shirlz007: Buller: Director General of MI5 Eliza Manningham-Buller connected to Rothschild through her father Victor Dilhorne. "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov Rothschild UK 9/12/200 1 1950 Alternative News Iran Contra political False fl ag "Ari Ben Menashe, a top Israeli military intelligence official, alleged that the Achille Lauro hijacking and other terrorist attacks had been pa id for by Israeli intelligence ... aimed at gaining sympathy for Israels war agai nst the Palestinians. Meanwhile, a large cast of Israeli officials and arms deal ers were involved with Monzer al-Kassar in the Iran-Contra dealings." Intel agencies Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal Israel 1951 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 Medical "Cancer, Chernobyl" "Environmental exposure to ionizing radiation from both natural background sourc es and artificial sources are suspected to play a significant role, and there ar e significant increased rates of thyroid cancer rates in those exposed to mantle field radiation for lymphoma, and those exposed to iodine-131 following the Cher nobyl disaster." lnk "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 1952 CDC Fukushima Medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "For thyroid cancer, the only latency (onset of disease) information available w as from radiation studies in children, with a reported minimum latency of 4 year s. The Administrator selected a minimum latency of 2.5 years for thyroid cancer, based on lifetime risk modeling of low-level ionizing radiation." "Victims, all" U.S. gov CDC U.S. 1953 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Airline cell phone calls "Cell phone calls were impossibl e from commercial airlines in 2001 because of technological limitations. Cell ph one towers could not hand off calls from one to the next fast enough. The phones use low power transmitters, receiving towers boost signal" lnk "Airlines, US" U.S. 1954 "Fetzer, James" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical No Arab names Disinfo & ommissions "Davidson, Elias" "We have studies (3) by Elias Da vidsson demonstrating that the government has never been able to prove that any of the alleged hijackers were aboard any of those planes no hijackers, then no pla nes" lnk 9/11 Truth U.S. 1955 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Cabal the US trading arm of Deutsche Bank which bought traditional Eig ht Families wealth repository and largest Four Horsemen shareholder Banker's Trus t in 1999 to become the worlds largest bank with $882 billion in assets. lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Deutsche Bank Alex Brown U.S. 1956 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political EMP Vela 'nu clear' incident "The Vela Incident, or South Atlantic Flash, was ... ""d ouble flash"" of light detected by an American Vela Hotel satellite (by TRW) (wi th EMP sensor) on September 22, 1979, near the Prince Edward Islands off Antarct ica, believed to be a joint South African and Israeli nuclear test ... denied by Israel ... most information about it is classified. ... a double flash was also seen at Port Chicago 1944" lnk Israeli gov TRW Israel 22-Sep-79 1957 Pilots for 9/11 Truth WTC 1-2 physical Controlled demolition Two billion pounds seemed like an extremely large amount of particulate matter f rom buildings whose total weight has been quoted at around 3 billion pounds. Deb ris removal has been quoted at 1.2 billion pounds. Based on these rough numbers 2/3rds of the building was indeed turned to dust or vaporized. link 9/11 Truth U.S. 1958 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Controll ed demolition Tower infernos "CTV Tower, China, Russia, Spain. Etc" lnk Engineers & Scientists Global 1959 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeepers "Sheen, Charlie" "Charlie Sheen has spoken out for 9/11 T ruth and even created videos, but has since distanced himself from the movement" lnk "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" U.S. 1960 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political "Urban Moving Systems, Dancing Israelis" Five Israeli Army vetera ns (Mossad) dressed in Arab clothing were seen celebrating after WTC attack. .. they were arrested. Their visas were expired and they were in the country illega lly. There was no investigation and were sent back to Israel. lnk "Israeli art students, Urban Moving Systems" Israeli gov Mossad / Sayeret Matkal "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1961 911 Review Pentagon political "Victims, Flight 77" "NIST partners with the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-IH) o n Chemical Science and Technology ... and see Argonide and Technanogy ... and co ntractors in 1999 were SAIC, Applied Ordnance, Battelle, Booz Allen Hamilton, Ma ntech, Titan, ... William Caswell, an employee of NSWC-IH, dead on (Flight 77). He had for many years worked on deep-black projects at NSWC-IH" lnk "Victims , all" U.S. gov SAIC U.S. 9/11/2001 1962 Truth in Seven Minutes WTC 1-2 physical no planes Video fa kery A careful analysis of the difference between recorded live video s and videos played later in the day that are synched exactly reveals no plane i n the live videos. link 1963 Wikipedia WTC 1993 political "Neocons, Straus s" "Woolsey, James" "Within hours of 9/11, Woolsey appeared on telev ision suggesting Iraqi complicity. In September 2002, ... also told the Wall Str eet Journal that he believed that Iraq was also connected to the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993" lnk U.S. gov Neocons U.S. 1964 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mujaheddin "Karzai, Hamid" "Karzai (Afghan pres.), the leader of the southern Afghan Pashtu n Durrani tribe, was a member of the mujaheddin that fought the Soviets during t he 1980s. He was a top contact for the CIA and maintained close relations with C IA Director William Casey, VP George Bush, and their Pakistani ISI Service inter locutors." link U.S. gov Neocons U.S. 1965 WMR "WTC," political "Neocons, Strauss" "Rogue government chain of command: Vice President Dick Cheney, COS David Adding ton, AF Sec Michael Wynne, AF COS Gen. Michael Mosely, Gen. Lawrence Stuztriem C HECKMATE, Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, Dr. Lani Kass, Col. Bruce Emig, Maj. Gen. Steph en Goldfein" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Cheney" U.S. 1966 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" Medical 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "bin Laden, Osama" It was omitted that Osama bin La den was treated in July 2001 by an American doctor in an American hospital in Du bai. FBI said there never was enough evidence to charge him with a crime involvi ng 9/11. lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda Saudi Arabia gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" Saudi Arabia 7/1/2001 1967 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 Medical Cancer Wikipedia: Healt h effects arising from the September 11 attacks page there is no mention of any radioactive elements on this page.. Despite ample evidence of such elements in t he USGS data the fact that Wikipedia is omitting these is actually a important in dicator of there existence. lnk U.S. gov U.S. 1968 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l 9/11 Financing "Posner, Gerald" The omission of any info rmation on Gerald Posner's account of Abu Zubaydah's testimony concerning Saudi funding of al-Queda lnk 9/11 Finacing & Roots U.S. gov al Queda Saudi Arabia 1969 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Posner, Gerald" The omission of any information on Gerald Posner's account of Abu Zubaydah's testimony concernin g Saudi prior knowledge of 9/11. lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" Saudi Arabia 1970 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l 9/11 & Saudi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan "The 9/11 Commis sion's denial of any evidence that money from Prince Bandar's wife, Princess Hai fa, went to al-Qaeda operatives. Prince Bandar were allowed to leave the U.S. on 9/13/2001 without being adequately investigated." lnk Zionist/Neocons created al Queda U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" Saudi Ar abia 9/13/2001 1971 NIH NCBI WTC 1-2 Medical "Cancer, Myeloma" Multiple Myeloma (Hiroshima disease): The exact cause of multiple myeloma is not clear. Past treatment with radiation therapy increases the risk of this type of cancer. Cancer.org confirms this: People who were exposed to radiation from an atomic bomb blast had a higher risk of multiple myeloma. "Victims , all" U.S. gov U.S. 1972 MSM Fukushima political WTC Security "Magna BSP, an Israeli security company controls security systems at the Fukushi ma nuclear power plant. " Corporations & 9/11 Israeli corp Magna BSP Israel 1973 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Whistleblower "Rowley, Coleen" Omitted Coleen Rowley's claim that the Kenneth Williams memo was seen by some FBI officials and her atte mpts to obtain a search warrant on Zacarias Moussaoui was sabotaged by FBI. lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov FBI "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1974 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Warnings "Wright, Robert" Omitted any information concerning Robert Wright's case on a 9/11 terrorist cell and used intimidation t o prevent publication of his book about this. lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 1975 FAS WTC 1-2 docs Nuclear smuggling "Leitner testimony to Congress on Clinton decontrols of 280 MTOP super computers in cont ext of dual-use technology transfer to foreign governments. political payback for campaign contributions Providing access to even greater processing power will i mpart to potential adversaries and proliferators the ability to pursue design, m odeling, prototyping, and development ... of wmds, nuclear" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" U.S. 1976 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Cleanup , Zionist companies" "Evidence destruction, obstruction" "These f ive companies were AMEC Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turner Constr uction, Tully Construction and Tishman Construction. Charlie Vitchers, who worke d for Jim Abadie at Bovis, and was a leader at Ground Zero, said the site was th en broken up ""into basically five segments." lnk Corporations & 9/11 U.S. corp Salvage companies U.S. 1977 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Rothschild & 9/11 "Zakheim, Dov" London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) a nd London School of Economics are links to Rothschild / Dov Zakheim (9/11 mastermind ) relationship. lnk UK gov LSE UK 1978 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" politica l Disinfo & ommissions "Tenet, George" "Omission of evidence th at ISI chief Mahmoud ordered $100,000 to be sent to Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11." lnk U.S. gov "9/11 Commission, omissions" Pakistan 1979 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 28 pages declassified! "Graham, Senator Bob" "Graham says the FBI -- which is fighting the release of thousands of pages of its investigation -- is continuin g to cover up the Saudi Arabian connection between Sarasota and the 9/11 attack. ""After having said there were 'no' documents about the investigation in Saraso ta, 'no' has now become 80,000 pages,""" Saudis & 9/11 Saudi Ar abia gov ISIS Saudi Arabia 1980 "Griffin, David Ray New Pearl Harbor" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Hijacker patsies "hijacker, patsies" Hani Hanjour (Flight 77 Pentagon ) failed small plane flight training and could not have piloted Boeing jet aircr aft. Professional pilots using flight simulators found it essentially impossible to fly the planes the way they were depicted in the 9/11 Commission Report. lnk "Hijackers, all" 9/11 Truth "9/11 Commission, omissions" Saudi Arabia 1981 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" medical Victims "Victims, 9/11" Scribd: 2001 Doeda 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two companies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eur obrokers. 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. link Intel agencies U.S. gov Office of Naval Intelligence 1982 Global Research Pentagon political Litigation & 9/1 1 "Walker, Judge John M." "Bush cousin (Judge John M. Walker of the 2nd Ci rcuit of the United States Court of Appeals) presides over April Gallop 9/11 sui t against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers" U.S. gov DoJ U.S. 1983 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical Nuclear physics short course "The 1994 NDAA National Defense Authorization Ac t , prevented US from developing nuclear weapons with a yield under 5 kilotons, but was repealed under the 2004 NDAA. The lightest is the W54, which was used in both the Davy Crockett 120 mm recoilless riflelaunched warhead, and the backpack version called the Mk-54 SADM (Special Atomic Demolition Munition" lnk U.S. gov "White House, Bush GW" U.S. 1/1/1994 1984 Alternative News WTC 1-2 physical "China Syndrome, bathtub " Controlled demolition "Twin Towers were reduced to a few large pieces and millions of cubic yards of very fine dust, which appears to have bee n critical for the preservation of the bathtub, the shattering of which would ha ve allowed Hudson River water to flood beneath Lower Manhattan, the subway and t he PATH train tunnels, causing monumental damage to the most valuable real estat e in the world" "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineer s & Scientists U.S. 1985 MSM "WTC, Pentagon, PA" Medical Cancer "Bolt: I n contained underground detonations of fusion devices, radioactive products are trapped in cracked rock and rubble beneath the ground's surface. The gaseous pro ducts such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, iodine, and tritium gradually cool. . .. tritiated water is formed with the interaction of iodine and lithium which mi xes with ordinary water." 9/11 Truth U.S. 1986 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" Medical "Cancer, Thyroid" Victims "Iodine-131, I-131,radioiodine, is an important radioisotope of iodine ... 8-day half life, a product of uranium / plutonium fission (nearly 3% by weight) ... significant contributor to health hazards from open-air atomic bo mb tests, Chernobyl, Fukushima ... I-131 is also a major fission product of uran ium-233, produced from thorium." lnk "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 1987 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" Medical Cancer Cancer is a stochastic rather than deterministic effect of radiation. The probab ility of occurrence depends on the dose received. Enough radiation to cause ioni zation breaks molecular bonds thus altering the structure of cell tissue and cel l DNA. Cell repair mechanisms help but once double strand breaks (DSBs) appear e pigentic expression is disrupted and cells that survive uncontrollably reproduce . lnk "Victims, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 1988 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Zionism "BuzzFeed was funded by money from Ben Horowitz, the son of the king of neo-cons ervative political correctness on college campuses, David Horowitz. Ben Horowitz , a wealthy entrepreneur, is a major funder of the American Jewis h World Service." link Israeli think tank Buzzfeed Israel 1989 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag "Cheney, Dick" "Minot-Barksdale nuclear scandal related to Operation Orchard, b ombing of alleged nuclear facility in Syria, with the cooperation of Israel. Ben t Spear, AGM-129 ACM was commissioned in 1987 as a platform stealth cruise missi le to deliver a nuclear warhead W80-1 ... related the Cheney rogue government ... PDAS" lnk Mini Nukes Syria gov Operation Orchard Syria 1990 "Bowles, William" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Iran Contra Hekmyatar "William Casey's covert operations as Director o f the CIA led from the arming the mujehaddin to the intricacies of Contragate. D rug profits from this funneled through BCCI at the behest of Saudi Arabia / CIA that used the Pakistan ISI as a proxy. These funds went to a drug dealer named H ekmyatar and to his protégé, Osama bin Laden." Intel agencies Pakistan gov ISI Pakistan 1991 "Graham, Sen. Bob" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Saudi Arabia "Graham, Senator Bob" "I believe that the failure to sh ine a full light on Saudi actions and particularly its involvement in 9/11 has c ontributed to the Saudi ability to continue to engage in actions that are damagi ng to the US and in particular their support for ISIS," Zionist/Neocons created al Queda Saudi Arabia gov ISIS Saudi Arabia 1992 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Gatekeep ers "9/11 Truth.org was launched in June 2004 and has become a centr al portal for many 9/11 Truth movement organizations. It is run by Janice Matthe ws (Executive Director), David Kubiak (International Campaign Advisor) and Mike Berger (Media Coordinator), among others, and its advisory board includes Steven E. Jones and Barrie Zwicker." lnk "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" 911Truth U.S. 1993 Wikipedia WTC 1-2 Medical Cancer "Madame Curie di ed in 1934 at the sanatorium of Sancellemoz (Haute-Savoie), France, due to aplas tic anemia brought on by exposure to and effects of ionizing radiation nearly bli nded from catarcts ... she coined the term radioactivity and discovered the elem ents polonium and radium, ... her personal papers are too hot to handle. Oppenhe imer died of throat cancer." lnk "Victims, all" France gov France Jul-34 1994 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "9/11, JFK & Holocaust" political "Kennedy, John F." "Kennedy assassination video, LBJ, CIA, Big Oil murdered him" vid Holocaust U.S. gov U.S. 22-Nov-63