# from what/ where which how why who for MOBILE versi on click here when who who where when index source "location, event" "phys, pol, med, doc" detail physical detail political name "9/11 Truth Interactive Spreadsheet Click on dow n arrow to sort / filter, click again to undo." Top 100 / compilations entity entity detail country / state date Item .. right-click on li nk to open in new tab 1 "Francis, Stephen NFU" WTC physical Controlled demolition Explosive experts "Overwhelming evidence indicates that a combination of n uclear, thermitic and conventional explosives were used in a controlled demoliti on of the WTC on 9/11. Nanothermite contributed but does not have sufficient det onation velocity to pulverize the WTC into dust. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is leading gatekeeper trying to deflect Israel's role. See Cozen O'Connor 9/11 lawsuit." pic "9/11 Truth, anti-Zionists" Engineers / Scie ntists "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 2 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political False flag Cabal "The cabal: U.S., Britain, Saudi Arabia and Israel execu ted the 9/11 false flag attack in order to usher in a new 'war on terror' along with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and fullfil the PNAC's 'Full Spectrum Dominan ce' of the Middle East and its resources ... all have roots that go back to Zion ist / Nazi Germany, the Cold War ... 9/11 was a planned step." lnk Intel ag encies "Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA" Mossad / Sayeret Matkal "U.S., Israel, S A, Britain" 3 "Fox, Donald" WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Neutron, Fissionless Fusio n" Controlled demolition "VeteransToday: Fox, Kuehn, Prager, Vike n,Ward, Cimono & Fetzer on mini neutron bombs discuss all major WTC theories micr o nuke (neutron) most promising comparatively low blast effects, a quick blast o f radiation that doesn't linger, a series of shape charged mini-neutron bombs we re detonated from top to bottom to simulate a free fall collapse. ... localized damage only to WTC." lnk "Controlled demolition, all" 9/11 Truth Engineers & Scientists Israel 4 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Truth factions "Reasonably clear factions have developed in the 9/11 Truth community (mininukes vs nanothermite or planes/no planes..etc). Site s that claim that nuclear demolition of the WTC to be disinformation including 9 11Truth, 9/11Review, 911Research ..etc also omit any information about the compl icity of Israel, Saudi Arabia or the UK. Are they gatekeepers? We believe yes... " pic Mini Nukes "9/11 Truth, gatekeepers" 9/11 Review U.S. 5 NYPost WTC 1-2 medical "Cancer, Myeloma" Victims "9/11 Nu ke Demolition Proof: Firefighters Radiation Cancers Off the Scale Firefighters who recovered bodies at Ground Zero are developing cancer at a faster rate than tho se who worked before the atrocity cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkins l ymphoma and multiple myeloma. The report also states increases in esophageal, pr ostate and thyroid cancers. see USGS data in pic" pic "Victims, all" NYC U.S. 4/1/2011 6 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Globalist agenda "hijacker, patsies" "Conflict of interest: Zionists held relevant controlling positions in the NYC mayor's office, District Attorney , Port Authority, Emergency Management, judicial offices relevant to victim comp ensation and insurance litigation, WTC security, debris (evidence) removal, opti ons trading, media coverage, the alleged demolition, and nuclear radiation remed iation of 9/11 event." lnk Top 20 "Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA" "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 7 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Nuclear smugglin g & 9/11 "Carnaby, Roland" Israel used Zim American Shipping Comapa ny out of Houston Texas to smuggle nuclear cores (used in WTC demolition) stolen from Pantex. Roland Carnaby set up cameras to track these shipments. Zim has cl ose ties to the Mossad. Carnaby was killed by the police in a high speed chase i n Houston ... his laptops contained information on the shipments. lnk Zim Shipping Zim American Shipping Co. Israel 8 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & Israel Zionists "Jews comprise only .02% of the world's populati on but have a disproportionate control over the U.S. Congress (via AIPAC), execu tive branch (Cheney, Libby ... ), 9/11 litigation (Hellerstein, Mukasey, Feinber g) and the operational control of the Dept of Defense during the run-up to the A fghanistan and Iraq wars, which were 'justified' by 9/11. (Wolfowitz, Feith, Zak heim ... )" lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" "Cabal: US, UK, Israel & SA" CIA "U.S., Israel, SA, Britain" 9 WMR WTC 1-2 political Whistleblower "Calabrese, Mich ael" "WMR: info on suspicious death of Michael Calabrese: source: ""Dave Adam "" (Navy), claimed involvement in placement (by CIA demo experts, Malmstrom AF b ase) of vending machines (Aramark) containing detonation and relay switches in W TC 1-2, ... coodinated by 'Military Sealift Command Atlantic', ... E-Team and Ge litin (vetted by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) were coordinated distractions ," lnk "Neocons, all" U.S. gov CIA U.S. 11/13/2014 10 FME WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, Fissionless Fusion" Controlled demolition Finnish Military Expert "Finnish Military Expert (FME) D estruction of twin towers took from 6-18 months of preparation by around 20 work ers placing thousands of thermate cutter charges, one or more micro nukes and na palm for dramatic explosions near top of towers. A complicit MSM is controlled b y 9/11 perps ... huge bomb in WTC 6 has gone unreported ..." lnk "Control led demolition, all" 9/11 Truth U.S. 11 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Video fakery "Video fakery by MSM is clearly identified as CGI editin g, thus we declare agreement with 'no planes' theory. All info from the MSM, FAA , NORAD, FBI, CIA, NTSB, NIST, DoJ about 9/11 is lies and designed to promote th e government's incompetence, 'failure of imagination' meme. Israel nuked wtc, .. embracing planes crashing into wtc is MSM /neocon/Israeli gatekeeping/smokescr een." vid Video fakery U.S. gov FBI U.S. 12 WMR "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 Groundwork "Rosen, Marvin" "GW Bush hired Marvin Rosen's law firm in Gore vs Bush litigatio n, Dec 2000, ... Rosen was Clinton's campaign finance chief (of Greenberg Trauri g in Miami) in 1995/96 election, a leader in Florida election corruption. Severa l days before 9/11 Jeb Bush placed Florida under martial law ... collected all H uffman Aviation (CIA front) papers, Walt Disney Corp (& Rozen) assisted in illeg al visas to the hijackers." lnk "Rothschild Zionists, all" U.S. gov "White House, Bush GW" U.S. Dec-00 13 PressTV WTC 1-2 physical "Mini Nukes, W-54" Controlled demol ition "Clinton, Bill" The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified v ersion of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells covertly provided to the Israelis be tween 1988 ... during the Bush/Clinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandia was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the war heads based on samples taken after 9/11 of the fallout at ground zero. lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov "White House, Clinton" Israel 14 Veterans Today WTC 1-2 political Controlled demolition "Gordon Duff: Putin dumping 9/11 intel on the net: Israel's nuclear arsenal incl udes mostly US illegally exported, stolen? (from Pantex, see Carnaby) W-54 nucle ar artillery shells taken out of service in 1978,1-2 kiloton range, remachined a nd used by Israel / Neocons to bring down WTC. Plutonium-based footprint, ... lo w fallout gone in 72 hours. Steven Jones (DoE) helped design the nukes? (Webb) n uked." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov Israel 1/1/1978 15 "Fox, Donald" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" physical "Mini Nukes, w-5 4" Controlled demolition "Donald Fox: ... The mini-nuke theory (a ssociated with Dr. Ed Ward MD, the Anonymous Physicist, Dr. Bill Deagle, Jeff Pr ager and myself). We have determined that the mini/micro nuke hypothesis best fi ts the evidence. See the Mystery Solved and the Mini-Neutron Bomb articles for a full break down of the WTC Mini-Nuke Theory." lnk Mini Nukes U.S. gov U.S. 16 "Francis, Stephen NFU" "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political Mininuke s 9/11 Groundwork nuclear smuggling "Roland Carnaby (deceased), was an ex-CIA operative who was president of the local chapter (Houston, TX) of the National Association for Intelligence Officers. There is a CIA memorial garden i n his honor. He was gunned down under suspicious circumstances by the Houston po lice while investigating a nuclear smuggling ring headed by Israel involving the Port of Houston." lnk Mini Nukes 9/11 Truth U.S. 6/1/2007 17 Mondoweis "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & I srael "Carter, Ashton" "Ashton Carter, the former #2 at Defense, replac ed Chuck Hagel ... who expounded on the 'Jewish lobby' ... of which SNL parodied a unaired skit that called on Hagel to fellate a donkey for Israel ... the ADL wasn't happy. Carter visited Mitkan Adam AB in July 2013 said the relationship h as never been stronger ... said protecting America means protecting Israel, ... including the use of attack dogs on Palestinians." lnk Intel agencies U.S. gov DoD U.S. 13-Jul 18 Wikipedia "WTC, Pentagon, PA" political 9/11 & S audi Arabia Bandar bin Sultan "Jonathan Bush, uncle of President Georg e W. Bush, was an executive at Riggs Bank during the mid 1970s The Riggs Bank is one of the most important links between BCCI scandal, Bush, Saudi Arabia, Israel etc and the 9/11 hijackers.
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