
CEAUP• Via Panorâmica s/n•4150-564 PORTO•junho de 2013, Nº 42, Ano XIII


P. 1 Reuniões Científicas

P. 4 Publicações

P. 10 Projetos e Base de Dados

P. 10 Anúncios Três fatores contribuíram para a missionação a partir de dentro: a abolição da escravatura, o retorno de Reuniões Científicas missionários à Europa durante a I Guerra Mundial, a forte expansão (neo)pentecostal desde os finais do século XX até à atualidade, onde o importante con- tributo brasileiro deve ser considerado. 17 a 18 de outubro — 2013 O estudo das ações e mediações missionárias suscitou uma Colóquio Internacional - Da evangelização vigorosa produção científica na área das ciências sociais, da África à África evangelizadora: Mediações de modo especial da antropologia, sobretudo a partir do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, acontecimento que missionárias em África e a partir de África, acelerou a descolonização de muitos países africanos. FLUP, Porto, Portugal Este congresso tem como objetivo central refletir so- Desde os primeiros contactos, ainda no século XV, que bre as diferentes modalidades de evangelização em a presença europeia no continente africano se fez acom- África, desde os seus frágeis inícios até ao forte in- panhar por campanhas missionárias. Assegurada num cremento do século XIX e deste até à atualidade pós primeiro momento e em largo espectro pelas Ordens e colonial e globalizada e a respetiva interação com Congregações Religiosas católicas, a ação missionária vai outros domínios da realidade africana. lentamente obtendo resultados, traduzíveis numa presença que se pretendia mais estável e institucionalizada (de que a Inscrições pontual ereção de dioceses poderá ser um indicador). As inscrições para o Colóquio deverão ser enviadas para o email indicado abaixo, com indicação clara Em paralelo assistir-se-á à entrada em campo de mission- de nome, estatuto (estudante ou público em geral), ários de outras confissões cristãs, aduzindo à evangelização morada, número fiscal (obrigatório) e comprovativo de África a tónica de pluralidade confessional que o cristian- de transferência bancária de pagamento. Os recibos ismo ganhara na Europa a partir do séc. XVI. Ao entrar no de pagamento serão entregues nos dias do Colóquio séc. XX, no entanto, apenas 10% da África era cristã. Hoje na banca do CEAUP. podemos dizer que cerca de metade o é. O sucesso dessa ex- pansão resultou fundamentalmente do facto de muitos dos Informação africanos convertidos se terem transformado em missionári- Email | [email protected] os procedendo a uma readaptação cultural da mensagem. Web | http://www.africanos.eu

http://www.africanos.eu Reuniões Científicas

13 a 14 de novembro — 2013

Aegis Indian Ocean Thematic Conference Thematic outline ‘Pirates, preachers and politics: Security, re- World system change since the end of the Cold War ligion and networks along the African In- has led to a break-up in the identity of global units dian Ocean coast’, Roskilde University and cohesions, and given new significance to oceans and coastlines that used to constitute the boundaries The AEGIS thematic conference is organised jointly and the in-between between areas and regions. by the research priority initiative on ‘The dynamics of globalisation, inequality and new processes of interna- The workshop on ‘Politics, preachers and politics: Security, tional interaction’ at Roskilde University, CEA-ICT, religion and networks long the African Indian Ocean coast’ Lisbon, and the AEGIS collaborative research group will engage the existing research situation and aim to iden- on ‘ in the Indian Ocean’. tify important agendas and paradigms for future studies.

The deadline for the submission of 200 words ab- It will discuss strategies and stracts of proposed presentations to the conference methodological approaches, from academics based at AEGIS member institutions and will investigate practical is 25 June 2013. possiblities projects for research collaboration and There will be a second deadline in August 2013 for support. submission of abstracts from other researchers. Information Abstracts should be sent to Preben Kaarsholm, at the Emails| [email protected] e-mail mentioned at the end. Web | http://www.aegis-eu.org/

27 a 29 de novembro — 2013

Colóquio Internacional ‘Conhecimento e Ciência colonial’, St. Catharines, On- tario, Canada

O Colóquio internacional Conhecimento e Ciência Colo- nial resulta de uma parceria entre o Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa e o Centro de História Neste contexto, o Colóquio privilegiará uma abordagem do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical. transdisciplinar que permita lançar um olhar global sobre estas questões, incentivar a sua discussão e aumentar a sua A relação entre a ciência pós-Iluminista e a questão do visibilidade no quadro de um interesse alargado e consciên- progresso, do desenvolvimento e da modernização, cia crescente da sua importância e dos seus contributos. trouxe um debate cada vez mais intenso sobre os con- As propostas estão abertas até dia 5 de Julho. ceitos, valores, ações e consequências da sua prática num contexto colonial que pretende explorar a reciprocidade e proximidade entre o Estado-nação moderno e a ciência Informação e as suas instituições. Será que existiu uma ‘ciência colo- Teresa Vilela (Inst. de Invest. Científica Tropical) ou nial’? A transversalidade destas questões inscreve-as num Márcia Belchior (Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da contexto transnacional e transdisciplinar no qual a aná- Universidade de Lisboa) lise do contributo da ciência no contexto colonial pode Tel +351 21 363 14 60 ter um papel estruturante no quadro do debate sobre a Email | [email protected] construção de um conhecimento específico. Web | http://coloquiocienciacolonial2013.wordpress.com/

2 Reuniões Científicas

6 de dezembro — 2013

GAPSYM7: Africa and Food: Challenges, At this conference we propose twelve different panels, ad- Risks and Opportunities, Ghent, Belgium dressing the theme of food in Africa from a wide variety of different research domains. Food will be seen as one Call for papers of the 7th annual symposium of of Africa’s richest resources, be it on a cultural, linguistic, the Africa Platform of Ghent University Associa- historical or biological level. Food will be conceptualized tion, entitled “Africa and Food: challenges, risks as an element of psychosocial well-being, of political sta- and opportunities”. bility and of basic human rights. And others.

Food and Africa often seem to be closely linked, Paper proposals (abstract of maximum 300 words) can though only on a very superficial level: Africa is ei- be submitted until the 1st of July 2013. ther associated with a lack of food and famine, or with gastronomy and the cultivation of exotic fruits.

By organizing an international conference on Africa and Food, the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association will look beyond such superficial con- notations.

Its aim is to contribute to the scholarly debate in Information which food is not only seen in terms of problem- Ghent University atic situations in Africa, but also and primarily in A/C Dominique Godfroid terms of new challenges and opportunities that Email | [email protected] have emerged in the area. Web | http://www.gap.ugent.be/GAPSYM7_en

3 a 6 de abril — 2014

2014 Conference African Diasporas: The conference will also provide ample time for profes- Old and New, The University of Texas, sionals from various disciplines and geographical loca- Austin tions to interact, exchange ideas, and receive feedback. November The goal of this conference is to create an interdisciplinary The deadline for submitting paper proposals is 31, 2013 dialogue concerning Africa and Africans throughout the . Proposals should include a 250-word abstract world from both historical and contemporary approaches. and title, as well as the author’s name, address, telephone This conference seeks to bring together a vast array of schol- number, email address, and institutional affiliation. ars on a variety of academic levels to discuss the complex Information experiences of African descended peoples across the globe. Email | [email protected] Web | http://www.utexas.edu/cola/orgs/2014africa- As with all our previous conferences, participants will conference/call-for-papers.php be drawn from different parts of the world. Submit- ted papers will be assigned to particular panels ac- cording to similarities in theme, topic, discipline, or geographical location. Papers can also be submitted together as a panel. Additionally, selected papers will be published in book form. This conference also has a commitment to professional development which will be fostered through workshops in writing, pub- lishing, and conference presentation.

3 Publicações

From the Great Transforma- Reclaiming the F Word. Dicionário livre santome- tion to the Great Financial- Feminism Today português/Livlu-nglandji ization. On Karl Polanyi santome-putugêji and Other Essays Four years into the unfolding of the Feminism is so last century. Surely Com mais de 8500 verbetes, o Di- most serious crisis since the 1930s, in today’s world the idea is irrel- cionário livre santome-português é Karl Polanyi’s prediction of the fateful evant and unfashionable? a mais completa obra de referência consequences of unleashing the de- da principal língua da República structive power of unregulated market Wrong. Since the turn of the mil- de São Tomé e Príncipe. capitalism on peoples, nations, and lennium a revitalised feminist the natural environment has assumed movement has emerged to chal- Produzido a partir de fontes orais new urgency and relevance. Polanyi’s lenge these assumptions. e escritas, cada verbete em san- insistence that ‘the self-regulating mar- tome traz a transcrição fonética ket’ must be made subordinate to de- Based on a survey of over a thou- e a equivalência em português, mocracy, otherwise society itself may sand feminists, Reclaiming the F incluindo nomes científicos de be put at risk, is as true today as it was Word reveals the what, why and plantas e animais. when Polanyi wrote. how of today’s feminism, from cosmetic surgery to celebrity cul- O leitor encontrará também uma Written from the unique perspec- ture, from sex to singleness and lista de palavras correspondentes tive of his daughter, From the Great now, in this new edition, the gen- em português. A obra é ideal para Transformation to the Great Finan- dered effects of possibly the worst falantes nativos e interessados nas cialization is an essential contribution economic crisis ever. línguas crioulas de base portu- to our understanding of the evolution guesa. and contemporary significance of Karl This is a generation-defining book Polanyi’s work, and should be read demanding nothing less than free- against the background of the acceler- dom and equality, for all. ating accumulation of global finance that created a series of financial crises in Latin America, Russia, Asia, and, eventually, the heartlands of capital- ism itself. Autores: Gabriel Antunes de Araujo (Univ. São Paulo/CNPq), Tjerk Hage- meijer Hagemeijer (Univ. Lisboa) Autor: Kari Polanyi Levitt Autores: Catherine Redfern; Kris- Editora: Editora Hedra Educação, Editora: ZedbBooks, 309 pp., 2013 tin Aune 176 pp., 2013 ISBN: 978-178-032-648-1 Editora: ZedbBooks, 320 pp., 2013 ISBN: 978-857-715-322-0 Preço: £17.99 (Paperback) ISBN: 978-178-032-627-6 Preço: $ 40,00 Encomendas: http://www.zedbooks.co. Preço: £8.99 (Paperback) Encomendas: http://www.hedra.com.br/ uk/paperback/from-the-great-transforma- Encomendas: http://www.zedbooks.co. livros/busca?term=Dicion%C3%A1rio+ tion-to-the-great-financialization uk/paperback/reclaiming-the-f-word livre+do+santome-portugu%C3%AAs

4 Publicações

Pan-Africanism and Com- Christianity and the Afri- Long Journeys. African Mi- munism. The Communist can Imagination. Essays in grants on the Road International, Africa and Honour of Adrian Hastings the Diaspora, 1919-1939 Based on new materials from the During the twentieth-century, Chris- Trapped inside lorries or huddled archives of the Communist Inter- tendom shifted its centre of gravity aboard unseaworthy boats, irregular national in Moscow as well as oth- to the Southern Hemisphere, Africa African migrants make for troubling er established sources, Professor becoming the most significant area headlines in western media, fueling Hakim Adi has given us the very of church growth. This volume ex- fever pitch fears of an impending first book that explains the history plores Christianity’s advance across “African exodus” to Europe. and activities of The International the continent, and its capturing of Trade Union Committee of Negro the African imagination. Despite the increasing, albeit sensa- Workers (ITUCNW) in relation tional, attention irregular migration to the attainment of black eman- From the medieval Catholic King- attracts on both sides of the Medi- cipation, the role of such leading dom of Kongo to a transnational Pen- terranean, little is known about figures as George Padmore, the nu- tecostal movement in post-colonial what shapes and influences the lives anced discussions within the com- , the chapters explore how of these Africans before, during, and munist movement on Pan African- African agents - priests and prophets, after their “migratory projects.” ism and how to attain liberation martyrs and missionaries, evangelists from colonial domination. and catechists - have seized Christi- By privileging migrants’ narratives anity and made it theirs. and drawing on evidence-based The book abounds with new in- field research from different disci- sights, original reflections, fresh Emphasizing popular religion, the plinary backgrounds, the volume interpretation and new conclu- book shows how the Christian ideas demystifies … read moreand dis- sions on what was generally called and texts, practices and symbols, lodges many common assump- the Negro Question. which have been adapted by Africans, tions about the human ecology help them accept existential passions of irregular African migration to —Toyin Falola, University Distinguished and empower them through faith to Europe, arguably one of the most Teaching Professor and the Frances Hig- deal with material concerns for health widely debated, yet least under- ginbothom Nalle Centennial Professor, and wealth, and to overcome evil. stood, phenomenon of our time. University of Texas in Austin

Autores: Maxwell e Ingrid Lawrie (Eds.) Autores: Alessandro Triulzi, Robert Autor: Hakim Adi Editora: Brill Academic Publishers, McKenzie Editora: Editora Africa World Press, Inc., 422 pp., 2013 Editora: Brill Academic Publishers, 2013 ISBN: 978-900-424-510-5 Inc., 264 pp., 2013 ISBN: 978-159-221-916-2 Preço: $43.65 (Paperback) ISBN: 978-900-424-376-7 Preço: $39.95 Encomendas: http://www.barnesandnoble. Preço: €59.00 (Paperback) Encomendas: http://www.africaworld- com/w/christianity-and-the-african-imagina- Encomendas: http://www.brill.com/ pressbooks.com/servlet/Detail?no=1068 tion-maxwell/1112920313 long-journeys-african-migrants-road

5 Publicações

African Dynamics in a Mul- The Influence on South African AIDS Ac- tipolar World Northern Berber tivism and Global Health Politics

Fifty years after the foundation of The Arabic Influence on Northern What did South African AIDS the OAU and the consolidation Berber provides an overview of the activists contribute, politically, to of most African states and institu- effects of language contact on a wide early international advocacy for tions, the international panorama array of Berber languages spoken in free HIV medicines for the world’s and Africa’s position in it have the Maghrib. poor? Mandisa Mbali demon- changed considerably. strates that ’s Treat- These languages have undergone ment Action Campaign (TAC) The world’s geopolitical and eco- important changes in their lexicon, gave moral legitimacy to the in- nomic configuration has evolved, phonology, morphology, and syntax ternational movement which en- with new actors appearing in a as a result of over a thousand years of abled it to effectively push for new new period of globalization. In Arabic influence. models of global health diplomacy tone with ECAS 2013, this vol- and governance. The TAC rapidly ume proposes that the experi- The social situation of Berber-Ar- acquired moral credibility, she ar- ences appearing in Africa question abic language contact is similar all gues, because of its leaders’ anti- dominant paradigms in terms of over the region: Berber speakers in- apartheid political backgrounds, political practice and academic re- troducing Arabic features into their its successful human rights-based flection and thus offer a clear chal- language, with only little language litigation and its effective popular- lenge to the academic community. shift going on. ization of AIDS-related science.

The volume offers clues to answer Moreover, the typological profile of The country’s arresting democratic questions such as: … read moreWhat the different Berber varieties is rela- transition in 1994 enabled South is the impact of the current processes tively … read morehomogenous. African activists to form transna- of globalization for African countries The comparison of contact-induced tional alliances. Its new Constitu- and African citizens? How should change in Berber therefore adds up tion provided novel opportunities African Studies be engaged to gauge to a study in typological variation of for legal activism, such as the TAC’s African dynamics, both at a local and contact influence under very similar advocacy against multinational global level? and many others. linguistic and social conditions. pharmaceutical companies and the South African government. Autores: Ulf Engel, Manuel João Ramos (Eds.) Autor: Maarten Kossmann Editora: Brill Academic Publishers, Editora: Brill Academic Publishers, Autor: Mandisa Mbali Inc., 220 pp., 2013 Inc., 420 pp., 2013 Editora: Palgrave, 312 pp., 2013 ISBN: 978-900-425-604-0 ISBN: 978-900-425-308-7 ISBN: 978-023-036-062-4 Preço: €59.00 (Paperback) Preço: €139.00 Preço: £60.00 (Hardback) Encomendas: http://www.brill.com/ Encomendas: http://www.brill.com/ Encomendas: http://www.palgrave. african-dynamics-multipolar-world arabic-influence-northern-berber com/products/title.aspx?pid=539128

6 Publicações

Creating Postcolonial Lit- Current African Issues Discussion Paper erature. African Writers and British Publishers

CAI 52 | Musical Violence: Gang- DP 76 | The in Creating sta Rap and Politics in Sierra Le- Light of the Arab Revolts: An examines the publishing of African one: Hip Hop has become a global appraisal of the foreign policy literature in the postcolonial period. force in recent years. However, and security objectives of South Its focus is the largely forgotten when taken up by youth outside Africa, and : Three Crowns series by Oxford Uni- its American birthplace, it is often The fall of authoritarian regimes versity Press (1962-1976), which dismissed as a shallow adaptation or in Tunisia, and Libya has was the vehicle for the publication imitation of American popular cul- changed political dynamics on of and Athol Fugard, ture. However, its global popularity the African continent. One im- along with many other major Afri- cannot be questioned, and its pro- mediate concern has been the im- can writers, including Lewis Nkosi, liferation is aided by its adaptabil- plications of these developments John Pepper Clark, Obi Egbuna, ity to local contexts. It has become for the African Union (AU) and Oswald Mtshali, Joe de Graft and associated with an emergent youth its member states. Leopold Sédar Senghor. political identity in many parts of the world, a result of its ability to Would overall political dynamics in It addresses the construction of literary embody rebellious youth energy. the AU be changed? Would the most value, the relationships between Afri- powerful member states use the al- can writers and British publishers, and Hip Hop is a new global lingua fran- tered circumstances to enhance their the critical importance of the African ca for youth rebellion that exists be- influence on AU policies andframe- marketplace in the development of yond the boundaries of the state, and works? What would the impact be African literature during this period. is aided by the emergence of the in- for the AU’s overall authority? Based on new archival research, it as- ternet and accompanying communi- sesses the institutions of postcolonial cations technologies. Analysis of the In this Discussion Paper series, literary publishing on both a macro political ramifications of Hip Hop three edited papers are presented and micro level, by combining a thor- in West African societies is vital to that tackle AU political and insti- ough analysis of the historical, politi- gaining a true sense of what democ- tutional dynamics in light of the cal and economic context of British racy means in the local context. This Arab revolts. A particular puzzle publishing in Africa in this period paper focuses on the West African addressed is the current postures with detailed author case studies. country of Sierra Leone, and explores of South Africa,Ethiopia and Al- how youth participation in Hip Hop geria within the AU. there is a radical political project. Autor: Caroline Davis Editora: Palgrave, 272 pp., 2013 Autor: Tucker, Boima Autores: Gelot, Linnea; Eriksson, Mikael ISBN: 978-023-036-936-8 Editora: NAI, 64 pp., 2013 Editora: NAI, 64 pp., 2013 Preço: £50.00 (Hardback) ISBN: 978-917-106-734-0 ISBN: 978-917-106-735-7 Encomendas: http://www.palgrave.com/ Download: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn Download: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn products/title.aspx?pid=550724 =urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1761 =urn:nbn:se:nai:diva-1765

7 Publicações

African and Asian Studies African Diaspora. A Journal Light and Power for a Mul- of Transnational Africa in a tiracial Nation Global World

The journal presents a scholarly This scholarly journal seeks to un- The Kariba Dam, stretching across account of studies of individuals derstand how African cultures and the Zambezi River between today’s and societies in Africa and Asia. societies shape and are shaped by Zambia and Zimbabwe, was one Its scope is to publish original re- historical and current diasporic of the most famous development search by social scientists in the and transnational movements. projects in Africa in the late 1950s. area of anthropology, sociology, history, political science and re- Contrary to assuming ‘Africa’ as As a producer of abundant and lated social sciences about African a bounded geographical … read cheap power, Kariba was to boost and Asian societies and cultures moreentity and the African diaspo- the economy of the newly estab- and their relationships. ra as a single imagined community, lished Central African Federation. the journal charts uncovered ter- The journal focuses on problems ritories and entangled histories of The book shows how the dam proj- and possibilities, past and future. plural diasporas and transnational ect crystallised both the hopes and Where possible, comparisons are movements from, to and within the flaws of the Federation, a highly made between countries and con- Africa. controversial experiment of ‘multi- tinents. Articles should be based racial’ nation-building by which on original research and can be the British colonial power meant co-authored. These include, but are not lim- to appease both settler and African ited to, the Transatlantic, the In- aspirations for independence. This issue is entitled The Owl of dian Ocean, the Middle East as Minerva on a Baobab Tree, School- well as Europe and the former so- The author sketches the perspec- ing, and African Awakening: Half cialist countries of the European tives of a great variety of people a Century of Post-Colonial. And is continent. involved in the Kariba project, in- guest edited by the guest edited is cluding World Bank experts, colo- N’Dri Assié-Lumumba, Ali A. Maz- nial administrators, the local pop- rui, and Martial Dembélé. ulation, nationalist politicians, and the workers building the dam. Autor: Tukumbi Lumumba (Ed.) Autor: Morten Jerven Editora: BRILL, Jounal, Volume 12 - Editora: BRILL, Journal, Volume 6 Special Issue, 2013 2013 ISSN: 1569-2094 ISSN: 1872-5457 Autor: Julia Tischler Preço: Institutional Subscription (E- Preço: Institutional Subscription (Print Editora: Palgrave, 336 pp., 2013 only) €288.00 ; Individual Subscrip- Only) €185.00; Individual Subscrip- ISBN: 978-113-726-876-1 tion (Print Only) €106.00 tion (Print Only) €62.00 Preço: £65.00 (Hardback) Encomendas: http://www.brill.com/ Encomendas: http://www.brill.com/ Encomendas: http://www.palgrave. african-and-asian-studies african-diaspora com/products/title.aspx?pid=630657

8 Publicações

The History and Practice of Settler and Land A History of Violence in the Humanitarian Intervention Rights in South Africa. Pos- Early Algerian Colony and Aid in Africa session and Dispossession on the Orange River

Ambitious humanitarian military, Reviews Using newly-discovered documen- economic and social interventions, “This is a highly innovative study of tation from the French military undertaken by Western actors act- substantial contemporary relevance. archives, A History of Violence in ing in defence of liberal values, In a compelling analysis Cavanagh the Early Algerian Colony offers a have today become indelible fea- uses the prism of settler colonialism to comprehensive study of the forms tures of Africa’s engagement with compare the Griqua Philippolis and of violence adopted by the French the world. Afrikaner Orania polities, foreground- Army in Africa. ing issues of dispossession, land rights, Yet the continent’s long, complex sovereignty, indigeneity and restitu- Its coverage ranges from detailed historical relationship with West- tion. Insightful and accessible, this is a case studies of massacres to the ern humanitarian intervention, book that will appeal to both academic question of whether a genocide dating back to the origins of im- and lay readers.” - Mohamed Adhikari, took place in Algeria. perial engagement with the con- University of Cape Town tinent, is often overlooked in the It begins by asking whether French study of contemporary African se- “This book constitutes a significant brutality in Algeria was a conse- curity and development issues. contribution to the burgeoning field of quence of Europeans mirroring a settler colonial studies. It does so in a culture of atrocities they believed This volume responds to a need for very original and persuasive way: apply- they would find on ‘the Barbary greater historical grounding in the ing this paradigm to the analysis of past Coast’, and goes on to study the study of humanitarian interven- and present circumstances and to the manner in which an extermina- tion, by bringing together a wide investigation of developments affecting tory policy was agreed upon by and interdisciplinary range of con- very different sociopolitical collectives in Ministers, generals and soldiers in tributors who explore the history, very different historical circumstances. the campaigns of the 1840s. theory, and practice of humanitar- Settler Colonialism and Land Rights in ian intervention in Africa. South Africa convincingly reintroduces settler colonialism to South African his- tory.” - Lorenzo Veracini, Swinburne In- stitute for Social Research

Autores: Bronwen Everill, Josiah Ka- plan (Eds.) Autor: Edward Cavanagh Autor: William Gallois Editora: Palgrave, 272 pp., 2013 Editora: Palgrave, 184 pp., 2013 Editora: Palgrave, 216 pp., 2013 ISBN: 978-113-727-001-6 ISBN: 978-113-730-576-3 ISBN: 978-023-029-431-8 Preço: £57.50 (Hardback) Preço: £50.00 (Hardback) Preço: £50.00 (Hardback) Encomendas: http://www.palgrave. Encomendas: http://www.palgrave. Encomendas: http://www.palgrave. com/products/title.aspx?pid=631668 com/products/title.aspx?pid=657051 com/products/title.aspx?pid=499612

9 Projectos e Bases de Dados

Projecto Projecto

The Archives of the Church of Online | Kept at Uganda Christian University, Mukono

The records in this collection document the history of the Church of the Province of Uganda. Christianity came to Uganda late compared with many other parts of Africa. The first Church Missionary Society mis- sionaries arrived at King Mutesa’s court on June 30, 1877. This was seventy-eight years after the founding of the Church Missionary Society in Great Britain.

Neram N’Dok – Novo documentário IMVF However, within eight decades, after having passed sobre as Ilhas Urok - Guiné-Bissau through much persecution, Uganda had become one of the most successful mission fields in the world. By Neram N’Dok é uma expressão Bijagó que significa 1914, through its indigenous teachers and a few Eu- “levem e guardem convosco” e é também o mote do ropean missionaries, nearly the whole of the area to- novo documentário produzido pelo IMVF, Tiniguena day called Uganda had already been evangelized. e FIBA, em parceria com a Universidade de Aveiro, no âmbito do projeto “Urok Osheni! Conservação, In 1961 the growth of the Church of Uganda was desenvolvimento e soberania nas Ilhas Urok”, na recognized in the Anglican Communion with the es- Guiné-Bissau. tablishment of the Church of the Province of Uganda, -Burundi and Boga-Zaire. Com a duração de 40’, Neram N’Dok apresenta um ol- har particular sobre a Área Marinha Protegida no Arqui- This collection is an important source not only for pélago dos Bijagós, uma área criada e gerida pelas pes- the history of Christianity in Uganda, but also for the soas que nela vivem e um modelo único de governação. political and social development of the country, both before and after its independence. A gestão participativa autónoma assente em regras que permitem a conservação, o desenvolvimento e ISBN | 978-900-425-244-8 cultura deste espaço foi, aliás, um elemento decisivo Microfiche/reels | 326 reels na garantia da qualidade de vida dos seus habitantes num equilíbrio próprio. Web | http://www.brill.com/publications/online- resources/archives-church-uganda-online Co-financiado pela União Europeia, Camões – Insti- tuto da Cooperação e da Língua e FIBA - Fondation Internationale du Banc d’Arguin, o projeto no arquipé- lago dos Bijagós, desenvolvido pelo IMVF e Tiniguena entre Janeiro 2010 e Março 2013, contribuiu para a preservação do património histórico, cultural e tradi- cional, a valorização dos produtos da biodiversidade e o reforço dos processos de governação participativa.

Neram N’Dok poderá ser visualizado e partilhado na íntegra através do link indicado abaixo.

Web | http://youtu.be/6cEQAKYnFoA

10 Anúncios

Bolsas e Emprego Técnico de Contabilidade (M/F) – Cabo Verde

O nosso cliente é uma prestigiada Instituição recon- hecida pela qualidade dos serviços prestados aos seus Anúncio de Vagas - Programa na Guiné- clientes. No seguimento da sua estratégia de cresci- -Bissau mento pretende recrutar um Técnico de Contabili- dade em Cabo Verde (m/f). A Fundação Fé e Cooperação (FEC) é uma Organização Não Governamental para o Desenvolvimento (ONGD) Descrição da Função com estatuto de Utilidade Pública. Actua na área da - Classificação e lançamento de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento, sobretudo na documentos contabilísticos; Guiné-Bissau e em , tendo como sectores priori- - Preparação de documentação para TOC; tários a educação, a saúde e a capacitação institucional. - Assegurar a contabilidade analítica, de modo a dis- ponibilizar a inf. necessária à tomada de decisão; Na área da Educação para o Desenvolvimento e Advoca- - Elaborar relatórios financeiros tendo como base a aná- cia Social a FEC aposta da dinamização de redes com im- lise dos índices financeiros, Demonstrações de Resulta- pacto junto de decisores políticos, económicos e religio- dos, Balanço Social e outros. sos. Os projectos da FEC são financiados, entre outros, - Elaborar todas as declarações fiscais necessárias; pelo Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, pela - Será responsável pela elaboração de reconciliações União Europeia, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, UNI- bancárias, todos os Recebimentos de Clientes e Paga- CEF, Caritas Guiné-Bissau, Plan Guiné-Bissau, Câmaras mentos a Fornecedores e pelo Processamento Salarial. Municipais de Cascais e Santa Maria da Feira. Perfil do candidato A FEC convida à apresentação de candidaturas para - Lic. Contabilidade, Gestão, Economia ou área similar; o provimento de vagas para o programa na Guiné- - Experiência mínima de 2 anos a trabalhar com Cont- -Bissau 2013/2014: abilidade em Cabo Verde; - Gestor(a) Administrativo(a) e Financeiro(a) (ver Termo - Conhecimentos Fiscalidade, metodologias de análise, de Referência) com licenciatura em Gestão ou Economia reporting e recomendação de intervenções; e/ou com experiência comprovada em funções similares - Forte capac. analítica e de resolução de problemas; - Fluência de Inglês falado e escrito; - Gestor(a) de Avaliação e Impacto (ver Termo de - Conhecimentos de informática na óptica do utilizador: Referência) com licenciatura em Gestão, Economia ou MS Word, Excel; Ciências Sociais e Humanas, preferencialmente com - Capacidade para trabalhar por objec. e sob pressão; especialização em Monitoria e Avaliação de Projectos e/ - Autonomia e dinamismo; ou com experiência comprovada em funções similares - Disp. para viajar entre as várias ilhas de Cabo Verde; - Nacionalidade Cabo Verdiana (factor eliminatório). Enviar as respostas e Curriculum Vitae (português e em formato europeu) para email abaixo indicado até 5 de Oferta Julho de 2013, indicando a posição para que se candi- - Integração em empresa sólida e prestigiada; data no assunto do e-mail. - Perspectiva de progressão na carreira; - Pacote salarial de acordo com a tabela em vigor. O CV acompanhado de carta Responder para | Elevus Lisboa - ADM & FINAN de motivação e da indicação de 2 pessoas de ref.ª e contacto. Os candidatos interessados deverão encaminhar o CV para o mail abaixo indicado, colocando no Assunto/ Informação Subject do e-mail, a referência ELAF/059/13 A/C André Oliveira Tel + 351 218 861 710 Email | [email protected] Email | [email protected] Web | http://www.net-empregos.com/1739827/tecnico- Web | http://www.bayreuth-academy.uni-bayreuth.de/ de-contabilidade-m-f-cabo-verde/#ixzz2XS5MZLll

11 Anúncios

Responsável de Compras (M/F) - ANGOLA Chamada de Colaborações 00989/15

A Adecco Recursos Humanos está a recrutar para em- presa cliente um Responsável de Compras (M/F) para Angola.

Descrição/Funções Revista de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portu- - Atendimento geral ao cliente; guesa e Espanhola solicita artigos - Análise e pesquisa de preços; - Elaboração de estudos de mercado; A Revista electrónica de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portu- - Contato com fornecedores; guesa e Espanhola – RCBLPE é o órgão oficial da Associa- - Compra de mercadorias para a empresa e cliente. ção de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola – ACBLPE. A RCBLPE pretende constituir um instru- Requisitos mento de trabalho para pesquisa de nível internacional - Experiência anterior em funções similares mínima sobre línguas crioulas de base ibero-românica, e línguas de 2 anos na área; em contacto envolvendo o português e o espanhol. - Licenciatura em Informática ou áreas afins / Frequên- cia Universitária; A RCBLPE incentiva a publicação de pesquisa actual sobre - Bons conhecimentos de Informática (Hardware e todos os aspectos da teoria e da descrição de línguas crioulas Software) de base ibero-românica, e línguas em contacto envolvendo o - Conhecimentos avançados de Excel; português e o espanhol. A revista recebe, em caráter de fluxo - Boa capacidade de negociação; contínuo, artigos para apreciação. Artigos originais poderão - Facilidade no atendimento ao cliente; ser enviados em inglês, francês, espanhol ou português. - Bons conhecimentos de técnicas de compra - Disponibilidade para residir em Angola; Emails | [email protected] - Disponibilidade Imediata Web | http://www.umac.mo/fsh/ciela/rcblpe/index.html.

Oferece-se - Contrato directo com a empresa Ficha Técnica - Pacote salarial atrativo PROPRIEDADE Centro de Estudos Africanos Os candidatos interessados devem enviar Curriculum da Universidade do Porto Vitae detalhado, indicando o título do anúncio a que se candidatam para o mail abaixo indicado. EDIÇÃO Ramiro Pimenta GRAFISMO Henriqueta Antunes Data | 26-06-2013 Referência | # 1735281 EDIÇÃO ONLINE Raquel Cunha Email | [email protected] Web | http://www.net-empregos.com/1735281/ Colabore... responsavel-de-compras-m-f-angola-00989- Envie-nos informações ou artigos que considere 15/#ixzz2XSA4AKx3 relevantes e que possam ser inseridos no âmbito desta publicação. O Boletim Africanista conta com a sua preciosa contribuição!

Boletim Africanista Via Panorâmica, s/n 4150-564 Porto  [email protected]