[email protected] • • 4455 7741 inside David O Russell weaves Oscar CAMPUS • Noble International pattern from his School holds own reinvention 7th Annual Day P | 4 P | 8-9 COMMUNITY • Total staff mark Marhaba Day in traditional Qatari style P | 5 FOOD • Peanut recipes: A culinary winter cure-all P | 7 HEALTH • Hookah is not harmless, say experts P | 11 TERMITES INSPIRE TECHNOLOGY • Widescreen TVs, sliding steering wheels: The future of driverless cars ROBOTS P | 12 The termite, a wood-eating nemesis of buildings and homes, Learn Arabic has inspired a new batch of construction robots. The automated • Learn commonly machines, each about the size of a small brick, can work as a used Arabic words and their meanings team to build any predefined structure given to them — without a leader or step-by-step instructions, as termites are thought to do. P | 13 2 PLUS | MONDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2014 COVER STORY Termites inspire robots that can build houses By Meeri Kim actions by assessing what work has thought to create huge, towering nests. biologists even believe they provide he termite, typically reviled already been done and adding to it. So, “Around here, you hear about the colony with air conditioning and as the wood-eating neme- say, the first robot puts down a block. termites destroying buildings,” said atmosphere control. sis of buildings and homes, As it leaves the site, another comes study author and Harvard University Werfel and his colleagues wanted to has ironically inspired a along and senses the block’s location.