Alfonsas Sigitas Tamošiūnas, prof. dr. NUOTRAUKA Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Institute of biology and Plant CONTACTS: biotechnology, Studentų g. 11 LT-53361 Akademija, Tel. 370-37-752265, E-mail:
[email protected] RESEARCH AREA: Plant micropropagation MAIN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: Scientific articles in ISI Web of Science journals with citation index Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas; Gliožeris, Simas. In vitro propagation of caladium x hortulanum birdsey // Propagation of Ornamental Plants. Sofia. ISSN 1311-9109. 2008, Vol. 8, Nr. 3, p. 161-163. [ISI Web of Science]. [Citav. rod.: IF 0,167 AIF 1,388]; Gliožeris, Simas; Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas. Rooting of micropropagated calla lily // Propagation of Ornamental Plants. Sofia. ISSN 1311-9109. 2008,Vol. 8, Nr. 3, p. 164-166. [ISI Web of Science]. [Citav. rod.: IF 0,167 AIF 1,388]; Kerpauskas, Paulius; Sirvydas, Povilas, Algimantas; Vasinauskienė, Regina; Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas. Influence of thermal effect duration on onion yield. Agronomy Research. 2009, Vol. 7, s pecial issue 1. ISSN 1406-894X p. 323-327. Danilčenko, Honorata, Dabkevičius, Zenonas, Jarienė, Elvyra, Tarasevičienė, Živilė, Televičiūtė, Dalė, Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas, Jeznach, Maria. The effect of stinging nettle and field horsetail extracts on the synthesis of biologically active compounds in germinated leguminous and quinoa seed. Žemdirbystė = Agriculture / Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centras, Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas. T. 104, Nr. 4 (2017). ISSN 1392-3196 p. 337-344. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: created plant varieties 1. Begonia x tuberhybrida Voss 'Irena Virkau' (Gliožeris S.; Krasauskas A.; Štuopytė L. Tamošiūnas, A. ). 2009. Reference number of reporting authority BBO 8001. 2. Begonia x tuberhybrida Voss 'Vytautas Virkau' (Gliožeris, S.; Krasauskas, A.; Tamošiūnas, A.; Venskutonienė, E.).