Blight on Flowers;
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~y ~~y / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Wellcome Library https ://arch i ve . o rg/detai I s/b29289543 . ft • ' s , it . Hi . i ' 1 I I I 1 : ; S5SSD BLIGHT ON FLOWERS; OR, FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE INSECTS INFESTING THE FLOWER GARDEN INCLUDING VARIOUS MEANS FOR DESTROYING THOSE WHICH BY THEIR DEPREDATIONS OCCASION MANY OF THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. ALSO, COPIOUS DIRECTIONS FOR THE SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF ALL KINDS OF FLOWERS, WHETHER IN THE HOTHOUSE, GREENHOUSE, OIi OPEN AIR, Illustrate*) Iintf) iScbcntcnx plates* BY SAMUEL IiEREMAN. GARDENER TO VISCOUNT PALMERSTON. LONDON T. M. CRADOCK, PATERNOSTER ROW. r 1842 , TO MRS. HALL, WHOSE GENERAL BENEVOLENCE, EXCELLENT TASTE IN GARDENING, AND KIND PATRONAGE OF WHATEVER IS LIKELY TO PROMOTE THE INTERESTS OF HORTICULTURE IN IRELAND, ARE EQUALLED BY FEW, f I!§ filial AIT T 31 M IP T 9 TO POINT OUT SOME OF THE MANY CAUSES OF FAILURE IN THE ©yiTyi&i ©if fl@w WITH THEIR REMEDIES, IS, WITH GRATITUDE AND RESPECT, HUMBLY DEDICATED, BY HER MOST OBEDIENT SERVANTS, THE AUTHORS PREFACE. Little more than a year has elapsed since the “ Gardener's Library ” commenced, and if we may judge from the flattering reception this Volume on the many Failures incident to the best managed Flower Gardens has already met with, it might be said that we have, at least in some degree, met the general wants of the present age. It cannot be doubted but, to many of our scientific readers, various errors in the histories of the different insects will be will observed ; should such be the case, we trust they consider these decrepancies as consequent on our imperfect observations as plain practical will received Gardeners ; and any corrections be with thankfulness. The volume contains upwards of 60 coloured figures of Insects found in our Flower Gardens, some of which are extensively inju- rious. These figures have been drawn either from living specimens found on the plants at the time, or sent by friends, or from such as were previously collected, and are in the cabinet of the Authors. The Names of the Insects are chiefly taken from Mr. Stephen’s and Mr. Curtis’ Nomenclature, and the Synonyms are such as are either generally used amongst gardeners, attached to the Insects in other cabinets, or have been observed in works on the subject which have come under the notice of the Authors, Vlll PREFACE. The means of preventing injuries to Flowering Plants, occasioned by Insects and other causes, detailed in the following pages, are such as have been practised by the Authors themselves for several years with success. The volume contains also nineteen coloured Figures of Plants, chiefly designed to elucidate the natural habits of the Insects. There are also several designs for Horticultural Buildings, as Conservatories and Plant Stoves, with calculations on the probable expenses of erection. The general letter-press not only points out the causes of Failure in the Culture of Flowering Plants, and means to be used as prevent- atives and cures, but also enters largely into the propagation and general culture of most genera, and the peculiarities of others. Besides this, there are a few directions for forming Flower Gar- dens, Fountains, planting Shrubberies, and most other particulars necessary to be known by all lovers of gardening. The increasing demand for the work, leads the Authors to con- clude, that edition will be called for very shortly previ- another ; ous to the issue of which, they particularly request that any inaccu- racies may be pointed out by their numerous readers, that they of may have an opportunity correcting them in the second edition ; also any additional information will be thankfully received. Narrow Water, March, 1840. INDEX Acarus teiarius, plate 2, figure 2, pages 15, 62, 106. Acarus holosericeus, plate 2, figure 1, pages 15, 62. Aeherontia atropos, plate 15, pages 195, 199. , Aleucita hexadactyla, frontispiece and page 181. {j, H Anarta myrtilli, plate 13, pages 171, 208. Aphis cactas, plate 4, figure 5, page 59. Aphis cassias, plate 4, figure 5, page 58. Aphis rosse, plate 12 b, figure 3, pages 163, 171. Aphis geranias, plate 8, figure 2, page 103. Aphis vitis, plate 1, figure 3, pages l, 4, 106. sylvella 187. v * > Argyromiges , frontispiece and page Barred Yellow moth, plate 12 a, figure 2, pages 159, 163. Bee-fly Hawk moth frontispiece, figure and page 183. , 3, Bee Tiger moth, page 1 99. Beautiful Underwing moth, plate 13, figure 6, page 208. Brides-maid moth, plate 13, figure 1, pages 171, 185. Brindled moth, plate 12 a, figure 3, pages 155, 166. figure c 106. Brown Scale, plate 1, 4 , d ef, pages 1, 3, 58, Brown Weevil, plate 9, figs. 1 and 2, pages 119, 208. Butterfly, white turnip, plate 13, figure 2, pages 171, 197. Cactus louse, plate 4, figure 5, page 59. Cassia louse, plate 4, figure 5, page 58. Caterpillar of Pontia rapse, plate 13, figure 2, pages 171, 197. Caterpillar in rose buds, plate 12 a, figure 1, pages 155, 161. Caterpillar, a buff one on roses, plate 12 a, figure 2, pages 155, 167. Caterpillar, a green one on roses, plate 12 a, figure 3, page 155. Caterpillar, a small one on the rose, plate 12 b, figure 7, pages 163, 167. Caterpillar of the Mullein moth, plate 13, figure 4, pages 171, 184. Caterpillar of the Death’s-head moth, plate 15, pages 195, 199. Chermes, plate 1, figure 2 a b, pages 1, 2, 59, 106. Chrysalis of Death’s-head moth, plate 15, lowest figure, pages 195, 199. Cetonia aurata, plate 12 b, figure 2, pages 163, 167. Coccus adonidum, plate 4, figures 1, 2, 3, pages 47, 54. figure l, Coccus hesperidum, plate 1, 4 , c d ef, pages 3, 58, 106. Coccus vitis, plate 4, figure 4, pages 47, 52. Crimson Scale, plate 4, fig. 4, page 52. Death’s-head Hawk moth, plate 15, pages 195, 199. Earwig, plate 14, pages 179, 192. Emperor Moth, frontispiece and page 163. • * /, b X INDEX. Emphytus fasciatus plate 12 a, pages 155, 169. Elater obscurus, plate 14, the brown beetle, pages 179, 191. Forlicula auricularia, plate 14, pages 179, 192. Grub at the roots of carnations, plate 14, right hand lower fig. pages 179, 193. Geranium louse, plate 8, figure 2, page 103. Gracillaria anastomosis, frontispiece, figure 5, page 177. Humming Bird moth, frontispiece, figure 2, page 182. Harpalyce fulvata, plate 12 a, figure 2, pages 155, 163. Hylaeus dilatatus, plate 13, figure 5, pages 171, 197. Leaf-rolling caterpillar on the rose, plate 12 a, figure 1, pages 155, 161. Lilac leaf-roller, frontispiece, figure 5, page 177. Lilac slender moth, frontispiece, figure 5, page 177. Lozotaenia rosana, plate 12 a, figure 1, pages 155, 161. Megachile centuncularis, plate 12 b, figure 1, pages 163, 168. Mealy Bug, plate 4, figure 4, pages 47, 52. Microsetia ruficapitella, plate 12 b, figure 6, pages 163, 159. Microsetia sericiella, plate 12 b, figure 4, pages 160, 164. Mining Insects on the rose, plate 12 5, figures 4, 5, pages 160, 162. Mining Insects on the primrose, plate 13, figure 3, pages 171, 187. Moth, a small one on the rose, plate 12 b, figure 7, pages 163, 167. Oniscus asellus, plate 3, figures 1, 2, 3, pages 31, 62. Pontia rapaa, plate 13, figure 2, pages 171, 197. Porcelain moth, frontispiece, figure 6, page 187. Psylla cratsegi, plate 1, figure 2 a b, pages 1, 2, 59, 106. Red Spider, plate 2, figure 2, pages 15, 62, 106. Rose chaffer, plate 12 b, figure 2, pages 163, 167. Rose leaf-roller, plate 12 a, figure l, pages 155, 161. Saturnia pavonia minor, frontispiece, figure l,page 163. Sesia bombiliformis,/roattsp?ece, figure 3, page 183. Sesia fuciformis, page 183. Seale, white, plate 4, figures 1, 2, 3, pages 47, 52, 54. brown, plate 1 figure 4 c d e pages , 106. Scale, , , f, 1 3, 58, Scale, crimson, plate 4, figure 4, pages 47, 52. spider, plate figure pages 62. Scarlet 2, 1 , 15, Six-cleft moth, frontispiece, figure 4, page 181. Slug, plate 8, figure 1, and plate 14, pages 103, 179, 194. Snail, a small one on the rose, plate 12 b, figure 8, pages 163, 172. Thrips physapus, plate 1, pages 1, 106. Triphaena pronuba, plate 13, figure 1, pages 171, 185. Twenty-plume moth, frontispiece, figure 4, page 181. Vine louse, plate 1, figure 3, pages 1,4, 106. scale, plate figures 54. White 4, 1 , 2, 3, pages 52, Wireworm, plate 14, left hand bottom figure, pages 179, 191. Woodlouse, plate 3, figures 1, 2, 3, pages 31, 62. Worm in the bud, plate 12 a, figure 1, pages 155, 161, INDEX TO THE COLOURED FIGURES OF PLANTS. Azalea, variegated flowered, plate 9, page 119. Auricula, Commander in Chief, plate 13, page 171. Camellia, Donklaer’s japan, plate 1, page 1. Carnation, yellow picotee, plate 14, page 179. Cliorizema, Henchmann’s, plate 9, page 119. Euphorbia, jacquinia-flowered, plate 4, page 47. Jasmine, zambae or moutlee, plate 4, page 47. Jasmine, Dr. Wallich’s, plate 15, page 195. Ladies’ Slipper, admirable, plate 3, page 31. Manettia, smooth-leaved, plate 2, page 15. Pelargonium, Emily, plate 7, page 87. Pomegranate, yellow-flowering, plate 8, page 103. Pomegranate, red-flowering, plate 8, page 103. Pink, Sir Isaac Newton, plate 14, page 179. Rose, red, plate 12 a, page 155. Rose, Jaune Desprez, plate 12 b, page 163. Sollya, various-leaved, frontispiece. Thunbergia, white- flowering winged, plate 2, page 15. Verbena, Mr. Tweedie’s, plate 9, page 119.