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February 4, 1874. ~is Grace the DUKE OF AaQ~r.~, K.T., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. ~homas Stevenson, Esq., C.E., F.R.S.E., 17 Heriot Row, Edin- .urgh ; Henry Fisher, Esq., 131 SeTmour Place, Bryanston Square, W.; ~[auriee Delmard, Esq., B.S. & L., the Cedars, Northenden, near Manchester; John Dixon Kendall, Esq., St. Bee's, Carnforth; Cor- 3oral William Parsons, R.E., of the Trigonometriea~ Survey; anr ~olonel William Boyle, of Tabac, Arizona, U. S., were elected Fellow~ of the Society. The LIS~ of Donations to the Ia~brary was read. The following communications ~rere read :-- 1. "The Physical ~steryof t~he Valley of the Rhine." By Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., V.P.R.S, u 2. "On the CorrespondeRce between some Areas of Apparent Up- heaval and the Thickening of Subjacent Beds." By W. Toptey', Esq., F.G.S., Geological Survey of . The following specimens were exhibited :- Dermal Spines of a Great Saurian from the Kimmeridge Clay; exhibited by J. W. Hulke, Esq.

ANNUAL aE~SRAL MEETING, February 20, 1874. His Grace the DVK~ oz ARGrLL, K.T., F.R.S., President, in t~e Chair.

R~Po~ oF T~,~ Co~c~ FOR 1873~ In presenting their Report for the year 1873, the Council of the Geological Society have much pleasure in congratulating the Fellows on the continued and increasing prosperity of the Society. The number of new FelloWs elected during the year was 68, of whom 55 paid their fe6s before the end of the year, making, with 10 previously elected Fellows who paid their fees in 1873, a gross increase of 65 FelloWs. Against this we have to place the loss of 23 Fellows by death and of 9 by resignation, whilst 6 Fellows have been removed from the list for non-payment of con- tributions, being a total loss of 38 Fellows. Thus an actual increase on the year of 27 Fellows. The number of Contributing Fellows is increased by 33, being now 575. The Society sustained the loss of 5 Foreign Members and of 1 Foreign Correspondent during the year 1873, and the vacancies thus caused are now being filled up. The total number of Fellows and Foreign Members and Corre- spondents was 1237 at the end of 1872, and 1258 at the end of 1873. b Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016


It is with much satisfaction that the Council have to report that in 1873 the income of the Society exceeded its expenditure by .~375 14s. 8d. The total Receipts of the year were .s 2s. 4d., and the total Expenditure .s 7s. 8d. The Council have to announce the completion of Vol. XXIX. of the Quarterly Journal, and the commencement of the publication of u XXX. After due consideration the Council resolved to in- troduce in this volume a change in the arrangement of the compo- nent parts of the Journal, which they believe will prove highly beneficial. The details of the business of the Meetings will in future be paged separately, under the title of "Proceedings of the Geolo- gical Society," which will also include the Annual l~eport and the Presidential Address. The Papers brought before the Society and ordered to be printed , either in full or in abstract, will appear as nearly as possible in the order of their being read; but, as the chronological arrangement of the articles will no longer be essential, those papers of which it is necessary to defer the publication for any reason may be printed, when it becomes convenient to do so, without placing them under a separate category as "Postponed Papers." The body of the Journal will by these means be rendered much more homogeneous than it has hitherto been ; and, to complete its consolidation, the lists and analyses of Books and Periodicals added to the Library will no longer appear in four quarterly instahnents mixed up with the Papers, but as a single annual list, forming the concluding portion of the "Proceedings" of the Society. The Council regret that the anticipations which they entertained a year ago, that the Society would be in occupation of its new House before the commencement of the present Session, have not been realized. Urged, probably, by the necessities of the Royal Academy, the Architects and Contractors seem to have devoted nearly all their energies during the past summer to the completion of the apartments assigned to the three Societies already lodged in Burlington House; and it was not until these were ready that the fitting-up of the rooms belonging to the Geological Society was carried on with any vigour. Now, however, the Meeting-Room, Library, and Museum are fast approaching completion; and it is justifiable to expect that the Society may be able to take possession of its most important rooms in the course of a week or ten days. The Council hope that the removal of the Library and the fitting-up of the Meeting-Room may be effected during the Easter recess ; and they accordingly propose to call in all Books and to close the Library from the 26th of ~[arch until the second Meeting-day in April. The removal of the Museum will take place more gradually, as it implies a rearrangement of nearly all the specimens in the Society's possession. The Council have secured the assistance of Prof. T. Rupert Jones to examine the collection of British Fossils, to select superfluous duplicates, and generally to condense the collection. Mr. B. B. Woodward has been appointed to assist Prof. Rupert Jones in this labour, which is now far advanced towards completion. In May last, in view of the great expense which: must necessarily Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

PROCEEDINGS 017 THE ~EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. vii be incurred in the removal of the Society's effects and in suitably furnishing the new rooms, the Council thought it right to request Contributions from the Fellows for these specific purposes. Their appeal was liberally responded to ; and subscriptions to the amount of .s 12s. have been obtained. The Council estimate the total expense connected with the removal of the Society to its new residence at about s The Council have awarded the Wollaston Medal to Prof. Oswald Heer, of Ziirich, in acknowledgment of the important services which he has rendered to Geological Science by his researches on Fossil Botany and Entomology. The balance of the proceeds of the Wollaston Donation Fund has been awardec~ to ~:. Henri Nyst, of Brussels, to assist him in his researches on the Tertiary ~[olluscan Fauna of Belgium. The ]Kurchison ]t[edal and a sum of Five Guineas have been awarded to Dr. Bigsby, F.R.S., F.G.S., in recognition of his researches in Silurian Geology and Pal~eontology. The balance of the proceeds of the ]l~urchison GeOlogical Fund was awarded in equal proportions to ]~r. Alfred Bell and M~r. Ralph Tate, F.G.S., to aid them in their pal~eontological researches.

Report of the Library and Museum Gommittee. ZibrmTt. The Standing Library-Committe~ have continued from time to time to recommend additions to the Library by the purchase of such books as they thought would prove useful to the Fellows ; and among those purchased since the last Anniversary Meeting, the following important works may be cited :-- A. Fritsch's ~ Cephalopeden der b~ihmischen Kreideforma~ion ; 9 A. Pomel's ' Paldontologie, ou description des Animaux Fossiles de la province d'Oran,' fuse. 5; Col. Drayson's ' Last Glacial :Epoch of Geology ; ' Koch and Wiechmann's ' ]~ollusken-Fauna des Stern- berger Gesteins in Mecklenburg ; ' A. Knoss's ' Studien fiber Stoff- wandlungen im Mineralreich;' H. Lecoq's ' L'eau sur le plateau central de Ia France ;' Prof. Wyville Thomson's ' The Depths of the Sea; ' Pro~. Oswald Hcer's ' Le Monde Primitff de la Suisse ; ' Dr. D. Riolacci's ' L'anciennetd de l'homme prouvOe par l'explora- tion des cavernes et des citgs lacustres ;' E. Lambert's ' Nouveau Guide dll Odologue ;' Van der Binckhorst's 'Monographie des Gastdropodes et des Cdphalopodes de la Craie supdrieure de Lim- bourg;' Bertrand-Rou.x's 'Description Gdognostique des'environs de Puy-en-u ;' C. Vogt's ' Lehrbuch der Geologic and Petre- factenkunde; ' A. Burat's' Les Houill~res ;' Maury's ' Physical Geography of the Sea,' ed. 15 ; F. Pfaff's 'Allgemeine Geologic als exacto Wissensehaft ;' A. Burat's' Gdologie de la France ;' and the continuations of the' Paldontologie Fran~aise,' the ' ]Katdriaux pour la Paldontologie Suisse' of the late F. J. Pictet, of Quenstedt's ' Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands,' of the ' Conchologia Iconica,' and of the ' Palteontographica.' The cost of books and periodicals pur- b2 Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

vili PRO(~EEDINOS OF THE 6EOI~O{~ICA:~ SOCIE~. chased by the Society during the year 1873 was .s 4s. lld., and of binding .s 16s. ld. A great number of valuable books have been presented to the Library during the past year, including, besides I~riodicals and the publications of Learned Societies, many separate works of importance, such as :~ M. 5. Barrande's ' Crustacgs divers et Poissous des d~pJts Silu- riens de la Boh~me' and 'Syst~me Silurien de la Boh~me,' vol. i. Supplement; Dr. J. Beringer's 'Lithographia Wirceburgensis;' M. C. d'Aneona's ' Malacologia Pliocenica Italiana,' fast. 2 ; Prof. Dawson's ' Story of the Earth and Man ;' M. A. Gaudry's ' Ani- maaX l~ossiles du Merit Lgberon ; ' Prof. Geinitz's ' Das Elbthalge- birge in Sachsen ;' Prof. E. Hull's ' Coal Fields of Great Britain ;' M. E. Kayser's ' Studien aus dem Gebiete des rheinischen Devon ;' the continuation of Messrs. Lartet and Christy's ' Reliqui~ Aquitanic~ ;' Dr. A. yon Lasaulx's ' Grundziige einer neuen Systematik der Ge- steine;' M. C. Martius's 'Comparaison des membres pelviens et thoraciques chez l'Homme et chez les Mammif~res;' parts of M. Pie~et's ' Matgriaux pour la Pal6ontologie Suisse ;' the continuation of Dr. F. Sandberger's ' Land- und Siisswasser-Conchylien; ' ]Hr. W. W. Smyth's ' Coal and Coal-mlning ;' Mr. T. P. Barkas's ' Illus- trated Guide to the Fish, Amphibian, Reptilian, and supposed Mammalian Remains of the Northumberland Carboniferous Strata ; ' vol. ii. of Prof. D'Achiardi's ' Mineralogia della Tescana; ' ' La Seine, 6tudes hydrologiques, r6gime de la pluie, des sources, des eaux courantes; Applications s l'Agriculture,' par E. Belgrand (8re text, and 4to atlas, 1872-3) ; ' Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland, with notes on the Natural History of the Coast and 1%ighbourhood,' by R. Damon (1860) ; ' Mat6riaux pour la Carte O6ologique de la Suisse,' 12 me livr. ; ' Alpes de Fribourg en g~n6ral et Housalvens en particulier, parV. Gillieron ' (1873) ; ' The Coal Fields of Gloucestershire and Somersetshire, and their Resources,' by John Anstie, C.E. (1873) ; ' Die mikroskopische Besehaffenheit der Mineralien und Gesteine yon Dr. Ferdinand Zirkel' (1873); 'Beitr~ge zur geologischen Karten der Schweiz herausgegeben yon der geologischen Commission der sehweizerischen natufforschenden Gesellschaft,' 15. Lief. (Das Gotthardgebiet yon K. yon Fritsch, 1873) ; ' Recherches sur les Animaux Fossiles,' L. G. de Koninck (part ii. 1873). Numerous Maps, Plans, and Sections have been added to the Society's Collection : they include the Maps of the Geological Surveys of Switzerland, Hesse, and the Middle Rhine ; Maps of Idaho, Mon- tana, and Wyoming, and of the Yellowstone National Park, by Dr. F. V. Hayden ; a geological Map of Russia in Europe, by General yon Helmersen, and of Newfoundland by Mr. A. Murray ; a Topo- graphical and Geological Map of the Republic of Chili; the Maps of the Ordnance Survey ; Plan of part of the North shore of Lake Superior by Mr. Devine ; and Sections (M.S.) of the Paris basin by M. ]tebert, of the Upper Coal-measures of New South Wales by Mr. Y. Mackenzie, and of the well sunk at the Bank of England in 1851. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016


2~useum. The Collections in the ]~[nseum are in good condition, and are now in course of rearrangement prior to their removal to Burlington House. The only additions to the ~Iuseum during the past year have been a series of fossils presented by Dr. Bryce in illustration of his paper on the Geology of Skye and Raasay; some recent and fossil shells from Bushire, presented by Dr. A. H. Sehindler; and a model of a large South-African Diamond, presented by Prof. Tennant, Gomparative Statement of the ~V~mber of the Society at the close of the years 1872 and 1873. Dec. 31, 1872. Dec. 31,187& Compounders ...... 230 ...... 245 Contributing Fellows ...... 542 ...... 575 Non-contributing Fellows.. 382 ...... 361

1154 1181

Honorary ~:embers ...... 3 o~176176176 3

Foreign Members ...... 40 o~176 35

Foreign Correspondents .... 40 ~176176176176 39

1237 1258 General Statement exTlanato~y of the .Alteration in the number of Fellows, Honorary Members, Sfc., at the Jose of the years 1872. and 1873. Number of Compounders, Contributing and Non- contributing Fellows, December 31, 1872 .. J 1154 Add Fellows elected during former year, and paid in 1873 ...... j 10 Add Fellows elected and paid in 1873 ...... 55

1219 Deduct Compounders deceased ...... 3 Contributing Fellows deceased ...... 8 Non-contributing Fellows deceased .. 12 Contributing Fellows resigned ...... 6 Non-contributing Fellows resigned .. 3 Contributing Fellows removed ...... 6 38

1181 Number of Honorary Members, Foreign) ~[embers, and Foreign Correspondents, [ 83 December 31, 1873 ...... j Deduct Foreign Members deceased ...... 5 Foreign Correspondent deceased .. 1 --6 77

i 1258 Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016


9D~C~.ASXD FzJ~OWs. 6'o+n~,ders (3). {L F. Coi)eland, Esq. I Sir W. Tire. J. R. M'Clean, Esq.

Resider and o$~r Cantr,'buti~ Fvllows (S)o C. Chil~, Esr t. C. Longmar~, Esq. J'. W. Flower, :Es~t. W. Marshall, :Esq. Sir Henry Holland, Bart. J. Ph~lips, :Esq. J. Lawson, Esq. O. Ree~, Y~q.

lf(o~tri'6ut~ng Fellows (12). F. Ayrto~, :Esq. l J.G. Marshall, Esq. ]g. Bretherton, ]~sq. t G. Ormerod, Esq. N. Busby, :Esq. T.C. Parr, :Esq. J. H. Forbes, :Esq~ H.C. Salmon, :Es~. ]~v. 1~. Gilbert. Prof. Sedgwick. W. A. Jones, F~q. ~ W. Sisson, Esq.

Foreign Me',nSe,'s (5). Prof. L. Agassiz. Prof. fl. Rose. Dr. J. J. Kaup. M. :Ed. de Verneuil. Prof. C. F. Naumann.

Foreign Gorres~ondent (1). ]Prof. A. :E. Ritter yon Reuss.

:': Fe ws (9)i +: W. R. Anerum, :Esq. Rev. S/Norwood. Rev. N. Glass. R. Rawlinson, :Esq. W. A. Lewis, :Esq. T. C. Sorby, Esq. Viscount Milton. Col. C. W. Tremenheere. Rev. X. H. Morris.

Fellows ]~evnoved (6). W. C. Bonnerjee, Esq. W. Prosser, Esq. W. A. Curr, :Esq. W. Smith, :Esq. l:[, Leonard, :Esq. Dr. G. Suche.

The following Persons were deet~d Fdlows durincj the year 1873. January 8th.--Joseph Chaning Pearee, Esq:, M.B., The Manor House, Brixton Rise, S.W. ; H. G. Fordham, F~sq., University Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

PROCEEDINGS OF TH~ 6EOI,OGIC&L SOCrETY, xi Hall, Gordon Square, W.C. ; and Richard Dickon Poppleton, Esq., Lesney Villa, Erith. January 22nd.--Charles Fox Strangways, Esq., of the Geological Survey of England and Wales, 45 East Mount Road, York; Alexander Irving, Esq., High School, Nottingham ; Thomas IAdney Dickinson, Esq., Newbold, near Chesterfield; William Bath Kemshead, M.A., Ph.D., Hanover Villa, Thurlow Park Road, Dulwich, S.E. ; J~ M'Mnrtrie, Esq., Radstoek Collieries, Somersetshire; and John Dawes, Jun., Esq., ~Ianor Colliery, Hales Owen, near Birmingham. February 5th.---Thomas Cheekley, Esq., 70 Liehfield Street, Wal- sall ; John Mackenzie, Esq., Government Examiner of Coal-fields for New South Wales, Newcastle, N. S. W. ; John Ollenshaw Middleton, Esq., 1 Ebenezer Terrace, Plumstead Common, S.]~. ; Walter Rowley, Esq., 74 Albion Street, Leeds; and George William Shrubsole, Esq., Victoria Road, Chester. 26th.---James Henry Johnson, Esq., Strangeways, near Wigan ; Henry Louis Philipps, Esq., 19 Warrington Crescent, Maida Yale, N.W. ; and William Henry Holloway, Esq., of the Geological Survey of England and Wales, 28 Jermyn Street, S.W. ~Iarch 12th.---James Geikie, Esq., F.R.S.E., of the Geological Survey of Scotland; William Dugald Campbell, Esq., C.E., Box Grove Road, Guildford, Surrey; Thomas Jesson, Esq., B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge ; and Charles Henry Axbuthnot, Esq., 8 Chapel Street, Orosvenor Square, W. 26th.--Rev. Edward Hale, M.A., Assistant Master at Etch College; William Gibb, Esq., Aberdeen; John Berger Spenee, Esq., 75 Mark Lane, E.C. ; F. W. North, Esq., Rowley Hall Col- liery, Dudley ; John A. Coombs, Esq., C.E., Gas-Works, Nine Elms, S.W., and William Kingdon Clifford, Esq., Professor of Applied ]~athematics at University College, London. April 9th.--Thomas Maedougall Smith, Esq., 1 Chapel Place, Duke Street, S.W. ; Archibald Liversidge, Esq., Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Lecturer on Geolo~oT and Mineralogy at the Uni. versify of Sydney, N.S.W. ; Matthew Robert Bigge, Esq., J.P., Islip Grange, Thrapston; and John ~[ilne, Esq., 3 Hermitage Villas, Richmond. 30th.--Lieut.-Col. J. D. Shakespear, R.A. (retired), 22 Augusta Road, Ramsgate ; Richard Clifford Smith, Esq., Parkfield, Swinton, Manchester; and Roy. Edward S. Dewiek, M.A., The College, Eastbourne, Sussex. May 28th.--Robert Pietor, Esq., Box, Wilts ; Thomas Devine, Esq., Toronto, Canada; and Charles Smith Sey~n, Esq., C.E., Preston Lodge, Walton-on-Thames. June 25th.--Thomas Douglas, Esq., West Lodge, Crook, Darlington ; Joseph ~itchell, jun., Esq., Wasbro' Dale, near Barnsley ; Ralph Bogey, Esq., Hindley, near Wigan; Daniel Ruddle, Esq., 60 Delaney Street, N.W.; John Dunning, Esq., C.E., Middlesborough; Thomas Stephens, Esq., ~.k., Hobart Town, Tasmania; and James Willis, Esq., Government Inspector of Mines, Durham. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

xii Pxoc~vrses ol, za~ e~O~OGICA~ SOCIm~r. November 5th.--I,ieut. Daniel List Brain, 4th King's Own l~oyal Rogiment ; Arthur UnderhiU, Esq., B.A., 1 Child's Race, Temple, E.C. ; James Taylor Smith, M.D., Colpike, Nightingale Lane, Clapham Common, S.W. ; and the ~v. Arthur Beaniand, North Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire. 19th.--Heury Francis, Esq., Santo Domingo, Chontales, l~icara~a ; and Rev. J. T. Campbell Gullan, Uplands, Swausea. December 3rd.--James WiUiam Davis, Esq., ~bert House,Greetland,. near Halifax ; J. Hooke Taunton, Esq., ~.Inst.C.E., Brimscombe, near Stroud; C. J. Woodward, Esq., B.Sc. Lond., Lecturer on Chemistry and Physics to the Birmingham and Midland Institute, Birmingham; William Blakemore, Esq., Heath~eld Villa, near Wolverhampton; Edward Bennett Jenkinson, Esq., Bawtry, york- shire; Rev. Henry Grifl~th, Bowdon, Cheshire; William Cash, Esq., ~.lm Field Terrace, Savile Park, Halifax ; Jethro flus"t'an~"an Harris Teall, F~sq., B.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge, 18 Grosvenor Place South, Cheltenham; Benedict Kitto, Esq., Redruth; Henry Wlllett, Esq., Arnold House, Brighton; Robert Pinchin, Esq., C.E., Government Surveyor, Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope ; and John Shaw, Esq., M.A., Ph.D., Colesberg, South Africa. 17th.~WilEam T. Loveday, Esq., 17 Stanley Crescent, W. Nathanael Gr~ith, F~sq., Assoc. Royal School of Mines, Wrexham ; F. Ducane Godman, Esq., Bibury Court, Fairford; Edwin Tulley Newton, Esq., Museum, Jermyn Street, S.W.; ThomasWorthington Hilton, Esq., Wigan; and Rev. Cosine Reid Gordon, D.D., M.A., 3 Norland Place, Netting ~]l, W- The following Lists contain the Names of Persons and Public Bodies from whom the Society has received Donations to the Library and Museum since the last Anniversar~ Meeting, February 21, 1873. I. List of Sceieties and public Bodies from whom Donations of Books have been received since the last Anniversary Meet~_ng. Basle, Naturalists' Society off Brazilian Government. Bath, Natural-History and Anti- Brussels. Royal Academy of quarian Field-Club off Belgium. Belfast Naturalists' Field-Club. - Natural History and Phi- Caen. Geolo~cal Society of losophical Society. Normandy. Berlin. German Geological So- Calcutta. Asiatic Society of clety. Bengal. - . Royal Prussian Academy. Canada, Geological Survey of. 9 - ,Society of Naturalists of. Chilian Government. Birmingham, Free Libraries' Christiania, SocietyofSclences of. Committee of. ~, Royal University of. Bologna. Congr~s International Copenhagen. Royal Danish Aca- d'Anthropologie. demy. Bordeaux, Society of Physical and Devonshire. Scientific Associa- Natural Sciences of. tion. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016


Dijon, Imperial Academy of London. East-India Associa- Sciences of. tion. Dresden, (Isis) Natural-History -. Geologists' Association. Society of. 9 . Institution of Civil En- Dublin. Royal Geological Society gineers. of Ireland. ~. Linnean Society. 9 Royal Irish Academy: ----. London Institution. ~, Royal Society of. ~. Photographic Society.

- . Quekett Microscopical Edinburgh, Geological Society of. Club. , Royal Society of. L . Ray Society. Erlangen, Physico-Medical So- . Royal Agricultural So, ciety of. ciety of England. Exeter. Teign Naturalists' Field' ~. Royal Asiatic Society of Club. Great Britain. ~. Royal College of Phy- Falmouth. Royal Cornwall Poly- sicians. technic Society. Royal Geographical So- Florence. RoyalGeologicalCom- ciety. mission of Italy 9 ~. Royal Institution. Frankfort. Senckenbergian Na- ~. Royal Society. tural-History Society. ~. Society of Arts. ~. Zoological Record Asso- Geneva, Physical and Natural- ciation. History Society of. ~. Zoological Society. German Association of Natural- ists and Physicians. Manchester, Geological Society of. Giessen. Upper Hessian Society 9 ---, Literary and Philosophi- Glasgow, Geological Society Of. cal Society of. Milan. Italian Society of Nao Haarlem, Society of Sciences of. rural Sciences. Halifax (N.S.). Nova Scotian ~. Royal Lombard Institute. Institute of Natural Sciences. Minnesota, Academy of Natural Sciences of. Indian Government. Montreal, 1Vatural-History So- Indiana, Geological Survey of. ciety of. Moscow, Imperial Society of Kasan, University of. Naturalists of. Munich, Academy of Sciences of. Lausanne. Vaudoise Society of Natural Sciences. Netherlands, Government of the. Liege, Royal Society of Sciences Neuchatel, Society of Natural of. Sciences of. Lisbon, Academy of Sciences of. Neweastle-on-Tyne. North of Liverpool, Geological Society of. England Institute of Mining , Literary and Philosophical Engineers. Society of. 9Northumberland and Dur- London, Art Union of. ham Natural History Society. 9 British .A~ssociation. Newfoundland, Geological Survey . Chemical Society. of. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

xiv PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. New Zealand, Geological Survey t Shanghai. North China Branch of. ~ I of the Royal Asiatic Society. Institute. Sydney. Royal Society of New South Wales. Odessa. Society of Naturalists of New Russia. Tasmania, Royal Society of. Turin, Royal Academy of Sciences

Paris. Academy of Sciences. 9 of...... D~pSt de la Marine. . Geological Society of United States Government. France. Pesth, Royal Geological Insti- Vienna, Imperial Academy of tute of Hungary. Sciences of. 9 . Royal Hungarian Aca- , Geological Institute of. demy. ~-,, Zoologico - Botanical So- Philadelphia, Academy of Natural ciety of. Sciences of. 9 American Philosophical Warwickshire Naturalists' and Society, Archaeologists' Field-Club. Plymouth Institution. Natural History and Archaeological Society. Rugby School, Natural History Washington. Smithsonian In- Society of. stitution. Wiirttomberg, Natural History St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy Society of. of Sciences of. Salem (Mass.). Peabody 9Aca- Yokohama. German Natural demy of Sciences 9 History and Ethnological So~ San Francisco. Californian Aca- ciety for Eastern Asia. demy of Sciences. Yorkshire Philosophical Society.

II. List containing the names of Persons from whom Donations to the Library and Museum have been received since the last Anniversary Meeting. American Journal of Science, Bland, Dr. Thomas, F.G.S. Editors of the. Blanford, W. T., Esq., F.G.S. Annales des Mines, Editors of the. Bleasdale, Rev. J. J., F.G.S. /mstie, John, E~q., F.G.S. Bolton, J., Esq. Archer, W. H., Esq. B~ttger, Dr. O. Athenaeum, Editor of the. Bristow, H. W., Esq., F.G.S. Brodie, Rev. P. B., F.G.S. Barkas, T. P., Esq., F.G.S. Bryce, Dr. James, F.G.S. Barrande, M. J., F.M.G.S. Beckett, H., Esq., F.G.S. Calvert, J., Esq., F.G.S. Beealey, T., Esq. Canadian Journal, Editors of Beke, Dr. C. T. the. Belgrand, M. E. Capellini, Prof. G., F.C,G.S. Binney, W. G., Esq. Cartailhac, M. ~, Blake, W. P., Esq. Chemical News, Editor of the. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICA]~ SOCIETY. X~ Christy, Executors of the late H., Hull, Prof. E., F.G.S. Esq. Hutton, Capt. P. W., F.G.S. Coechi, Prof., F.C.G.S. Colliery Guardian, Editor of Illustrated Review, Editor of the. the. Collins, J. H., Esq., F.G.S. Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geo- Colonies, Secretary of State for logie, &c., Editors of the. the. Jervis, W. P., Esq., F.G.S. Cope, E. D., Esq. Jones, Prof. T. Rupert, F.G.S. Crawford, J. C., Esq., F.G.S. Karrer, M. F. D'Achiardi, Prof. A. Kayser, Dr. E. D'Aneona, Sign. C. Koninck, Prof. L. G. de, F.M.G.S. Damon, R., Esq., F.G.S. Dana, Prof. J. D., F.M.G.S. Lancaster, A., Esq. Daubr~e, Prof. A., F.M.G.S. Lapparent, M. de. Dawson, Prof. J. W., F.G.S. Lartet, M. Louis. Delesse, Prof. A., F.M.G.S. Lasaulx, Dr. A. yon. De Rance, C.E., Esq., F.G.S. Laube, Dr. G. C. Devine, T., Esq., F.G.S. Lebour, G. A., Esq., F.G.S. Dewalque, Prof. G., F.C.G.S. Lenz, Dr. Oskar. Dickinson, J., Esq., F.G.S. Liversidge,Archibald,Esq.,F.G.S. Duncan, Prof. P. Martin, F.G.S. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, Edi- Etheridge, R., Esq., jun., F.G.S. tors of the. Lubbock, Sir John, Bart., F.G.S. Fritsch, Dr. A. Ludwig, Prof. R. Fuchs, Prof. T. H. Lyell, Sir Charles, Bart., F.G.S. Galloway, W., Esq. MacPherson, J., Esq. Gastaldi, Prof. B., F.M.G.S. Major, Dr. C. J. Forsyth. Gaudry, Prof. A., F.M.G.S. Manzoni, Prof. A. Geikie, James, Esq., F.G.S. Marsh, Prof. O. C., F.G.S. Geinitz, Dr. H. B., F.M.G.S. Martins, Prof. C., F.C.G.S. Geological Magazine, Editor of Medlicott, H. B., Esq., F.G.S. the. Mello, Rev. J. M., F.G.S. G~mbel, Dr. C. W., F.C.G.S. Miall, L. C., Esq. Guppy, R. J. L., Esq., F.G.S. Mojsisovics, Dr. E. yon. Monthly Microscopical Journal, Halloy, J. J. d'Omalius d', Editors of the. F.M.G.S. Moore, C., Esq., F.G.S. Harvey, A. J., Esq. Mouflon, M. Hayden, Dr. F. V. Murray, A., Esq., F.G.S. Hdbert, Prof. E., F.M.G.S. Helmersen, General G. yon, Nature, Editor of. F.M.G.S. Nyst, M. H., F.M.G.S. Hicks, H., Esq., F.G.S. Hirschwald, Dr. J. Owen, Prof. R., F.G.S. Hitchcoek, Prof. C. H. Hopkinson, John, Esq., F.G.S. Packard, Dr. A., jim. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

xvi PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Pietet-de-la-Rive, Madame. Seaman, Ezra C., Esq. Polytechnic Bulletin, Editor of Sexe, M. S. A. the. Smyth, R. B., Esq., F.G.S. Peele, H. S., Esq., F.G.S. Taylor, J. E., Esq., F.G.S. Qudtelet, M. A. Telegraphic Journal, Editors of the. Ramsay, Prof. A. C., F.G.S. Tennant, Prof. J., F.G.S. Rath, Dr. G. veto. Reade, T. Me]lard, Esq., F.G.S. Ulrich, Dr. G. H. F., F.G.S. Revue Scientifique, Editors of the. Richardson, R., :Esq. Virlet d'Aoust, M. Rieketts, Dr. C., F.G.S. Rigaux, M. E. Walker, Henry, Esq., F.G.S. Rosemont, M. A. de C. de. Whitaker, W., Esq., F.G.S. Riitimeyer, Prof. L. Winkler, Prof. T. C. Woodward, H. B., Esq., F.G.S. St. Clair, G., Esq., F.G.S. Works, First Commissioner of. Sandberger, Prof. F. Schindler, Dr. A. H. Zigno, Baron A. de, F.C.G.S. Scott, R. H., Esq., F.G.S. Zirkel, Prof. F., F.C.G.S.

L/st of PAPZRS read since the last Anniversary Meeting, February 21st, 1873. 1873. February 26th.NOn the Jurassic Rocks of Skye and Raasay, by James Bryce, M.A., LL.D., F.G.S. With a Palmontologioal Ap- pendix, by Ralph Tare, Esq., F.G.S. Observations on the more remarkable Boulders of the North-west of England and the Welsh Borders, by D. Mackintosh, :Esq., F.G.S. March 12th.--On Solfatams and Deposits of Sulphur at Kalamaki, near the Isthmus of Corinth, by Prof. D. T. Ansted, M.A., F.R.S., F.G .S. Note on some Brachiopoda collected by Mr. Judd from the Jurassic Deposits of the East Coast of Scotland, by Thomas Davidson, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. On the Origin of Clay-ironstone, by J. Lucas, Esq., F.G.S. Note in vindication of Le2tophlwum rhombieum and Lepi- dodendron gaspianum, by Principal Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. March 26th.--Synopsis of the younger Formations of New Zealand, by Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. 0n the Tree Ferns of the Coal-measures, and their Rela- tions to other Living and Fossil Forms, by W. Carruthers, :Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. Notes on the Geology of Kazirfn, Persia, by A. H. Schindler, Esq. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016


1873. April 9th.mLakes of the i~or~h-eastern Alps, and their bearing on the Glacier-erosion Theory, by the Rev. T. G. Bonney, M:.A., F.G.S. ~ -- On the Effects of Glacier-Erosion in Alpine VaUeys, by Signor B. Gastaldi, F.C.G.S. April 30th.--On the Permian Breccias and Boulder-beds of Armagh, by Prof. Edward Hull, F.R.S., F.G.S. Geological Notes on Griqualand West, by G. W. Stow, Esq., F.G.S. On some Bivalve Entomostraca, chiefly Gyprldinld~, of the Carboniferous Formations, by Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., F.G.S. May 14th.--On the Genus Pal~eoco~ne, Duncan & Jenkins, and its Affinities, by P. Martin Duncan, M.B. Lond., F.R.S., V.P.G.S. Notes on ~arkings in the Chalk of the Yorkshire Wolds, by R. ~[ortimer, Esq. On Platysiagum sr Egerton, and Palveospinax priscus, ]~gert~n, by Sir Philip Grey Egerton, Bart., ~K.P., F.R.S., F.G.S. On a new Genus of Silurian Asteria&e, by Thomas Wright, ~.D., F.R.S.E., F.G.S. May 28th.wOn the Glaciation of the Northern Part of the Lake- district, by J. Clifton Ward, Esq., F.G.S. Alluvial and Lacustrine Deposits and Glacial Records of the Upper-Indus Basin, by Frederic Drew, LL.D., F,G,S. June llth.--On the Nature and Probable Origin of the Superficial Deposits in the Valleys and Deserts of Central Persia, by W. T. Blanford, Esq., F.G.S., C.M.Z.S. On Caryophyllia Bredai, Milne-Edwards & Jules Haime, from the Red Crag of Woodbridge, by P. Martin Duncan, M.B. Lond., F.R.S., V.P.G.S. On the Cephalopoda-bed and the Oolite Sands of Dorset and part of Somerset, by James Buekman, Esq., F.L,S., F.G.S. On Cetarthrosaurus Walkeri (Seeley), an Ichthyosaurian from the Cambridge Upper Greensand, by B. G. Seeley, Esq., F.L.S., F.G.S. June 25th.--On six Lake-basins in Argyllshire, by His Grace the Duke of Argyll, K.T., D.C.L., F.R.S., President. Description o~f the Skull of a Dentigerous Bird (Odonto- pteryx tollaTicus, Owen) from the London Clay of Sheppey, by Professor Owen, F.R.S., F.G.S. Contribution to the Anatomy of HypsiloThodon Foxii. An Account of some recently acquired Remains, by J. W. Hulke, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. On the Glacial Phenomena of the Long Island, or Outer Hebrides, by James Geikie, Esq., F.R.S.E., F.G.S. Notes on the Glacial Phenomena of the Hebrides, by J. F. Campbell, Esq., F.G.S. On the Older Tertiary Formations of the West-Indian Islands, by P. Martin Duncan, M.B. Lond., F.R.S., V.P.G.S. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

~ ~ XVlll PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1873. June 25th.--Note on the Lignite Deposit of Lal-Lal, Victoria, Aus- tralia, by Robert Etheridge, Esq., junior, F.G.S. November 5th.--Description of the Skull of a Species of Halitheriu~ (H. Ganhami) from the Red Crag of Suffolk, by W. H. Flower, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. New Facts bearing on the Inquiry concerning Forms intermediate between Birds and Reptiles, by Henry Woodward, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. Note on an Asta-agalus of Iguanodon Mantelli, by J. W. Hulke, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. - Note on a very large Saurian Limb-bone adapted for progression upon land, from the Kimmeridge Clay of Weymouth, by J. W. Hulke, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. November 19th.---Supplemental Note on the Anatomy of Hypsilo- Thodon Foxil, by J. W. Hulke, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S. The Drift-beds of the North-west of England.--Part I. Shells of the Lancashire and Cheshire Low-level Boulder-clay and Sands, by T. ]Vrellard Reade, Esq., C.E., F.G.S. Note on a Deposit of Middle Pleistocene Gravel, near Leyland, Lancashire, by R. D. Darbishire, Esq., F.G.S. December 3rd.--Notes on the Structure sometimes developed in Chalk, by H. George Fordham, Esq., F.G.S. A short Description of the Geology of the Eastern Pro- vince of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, by R. Pinchin, Esq., C.E. On the Mud-craters and Geological Structure of the Mekran Coast, by Lieut. A. W. Stifle, F.R.A.S. December 17th.--Observations on some Features in the Physical Geology of the Otrter Himalayan Region of the Upper Punjab, India, by A. B. Wynne, Esq., F.G.S. On the Mode of Occurrence of Diamonds in South Africa, by E. J. Dunn, Esq. 1874. January 7~h.uThe Origin of some of the Lake-basins of Cumberland, by J. Clifton Ward, Esq., F.G.S. On the Traces of a great Ice-sheet in the Southern Part of the Lake-district and in North Wales, by D. Mackintosh, Esq., F.G.S. Notes on some Lamellibranchs of the Budleigh-Salterton Pebbles, by Arthur Wyatt-Edge]], Esq., F.G.S. January 21st.--The Secondary Rocks of Scotland.--Second Paper. On theAncient Volcanoes of the Highlands, and their Relations to the Mesozoic Strata, by J. W. Judd, Esq., F.G.S. Remarks on Fossils from Oberburg, Styria, by A. W. Waters, Esq., F.G.S. February 4th.--On the Physical History of the Valley of the Rhine, by Prof. Ramsay, LL.D., F.R.S., V.P.G.S. On the Correspondence between some areas of apparent upheaval and the Thickening of subjacent beds, by W. Topley, Esq., F.G.S. Downloaded from at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016

III~OCEF.DINGS OF THE OEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, xix After the Reports had been read, it was resolved,-- That they be received and entered on the Minutes of the Meeting, and that such parts of them as the Council shall think fit be printed and distributed among the Fellows. It was afterwards resolved,-- That the thanks of the Society be given to His Grace the Duke of Argyll, K.T., retiring from the office of President. That the thanks of the Society be given to Professor Duncan and Professor Ramsay, retiring from the office of Vice-President. That the thanks of the Society be given to John Evans, Esq., retiring from the office of Secretary. That the thanks of the Society be given to Professor Ansted, W. Carruthers, Esq., Professor Duncan, J. W. Hulke, Esq., and R. H. Scott, Esq., retiring from the Council. After the Balloting-glasses had been duly closed, and the lists examined by the Scrutineers, the following gentlemen were declared to have been duly elected as the Officers and Council for the ensuing year :- OFFICERS.

.PRESIDENT. John Evans, Esq., F.R.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Robert Etheridge, Esq., F.R.S. R. A. C. Godwin-Austen, Esq., F.R.S. Sir , Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S. , Esq., F.R.S. SECRETARIES. "David Forbes, Esq., F.R.S. Rev. T. Wiltshire, M.A. FOREIGN SECRETARY. Warington W. Smyth, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. TREASURER. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, Esq., F.R.S. COUNCIL. The Duke of Argyll, K.T., D.C.L., Sir Charles Lyell, Bart., D.C.L,, F.R.S. F.R.S. H. Bauerman, Esq. C. J. A. Meyer, Esq. Prof. G. Busk, F.R.8. J. Carrick Moore, F,sq., ]~.A., J. F. Campbell, Esq. F.R.S. Frederic Drew, :Esq. Joseph Prestwich, Esq., F.R.S. Sir P. de M. G. Egerton, Bart., Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., F.R.S. M.P., F.R.S. Samuel Sharp, Esq., F.S.A. Robert Etherldge," Esq., F.R.S. Warington W. Smyth, Esq., M.A., John Evans, Esq., F.R.S. F.R.S. David Forbes, Esq., F.R.S. Prof. J. Tennant, F.C.So Capt. Douglas Galton, C.B., F.R.S. W. Whitaker, Esq., B.A. R. A. C. Godwin-Austen, Esq,, Rev. T. Wiltshire, M.A., F.L.S. F.R.S. Henry Woodward, Esq., F.R.S. J. Gwvn Jeffreys, Esq., F.R.S.