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Front Matter (PDF) THE QUARTERLY JOUItNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON EDITED BE THE ASSISTANT-SECRETARY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Quod si cui mortalium cordi et curse sit non tantum inventis h~erere, atque iis ut|, sed ad ulteriora penetrate ; atque non disputando adversarium, sed opere naturam vincere ; denique non belle et probabiliter opinari, ~d certo et ostensive scire; tal~, tanquam veri scientiarum fllii, nobia (~i videbitur) se adjtmgant. ~Novum Organum, Preefatio. VOLUME THE THIRTY-FOURTH. 1878. LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER. PARIS: FLIED, KLINCKSIECK, ll RUE DE LILLE ; F. SAVY, 24 RUE HAUTEFEUILLIL LEIPZIG : T. O. WEIGEL. SOLD ALSO AT THE APARTMENTS OF THE SOCLETY, MDCCCLXXVIII. u.f t OFFICER8 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON Elected February 15, 1878. ~re~i~tnt, H. Clifton Sorby, Esq., F.R.S. Robert Etheridge, Esq., F.R.S. I Prof. J. Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S. John Evans, Esq,, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. [ Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D, F.R.S. br Prof. T. G. Bonney, M.A., F.R.S. I Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S. :lFarcign bccrttar~, Warington W. Smytb, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. grr162 J. Owyn Jeffreys, Esq., LL.D., F.R.$. H, Bmlevman, Esq. Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S. Prof. T. G. Bonney, M.A. J. Morris, Esq. Prof. W. Boyd Dawkins, M.A., F.R.S. J. A. Phillips, Esq. Prof. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S. Prof. J. Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S. Robert Etheridge, EJq~, F.R.8, F. G. H. Pric~, Esq. John Evans, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S, Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., F.1LS. Henry Hicks, Esq. R. H. Scott, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. W. ti. Hudleston, Esq., M.A. Warington W. Smyth, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. Prof. T. MCKenny Hughes, M.A. H. Clifton Sorby, Esq., F.R.S. J. W. Hulke, Esq., F.R.S. Admiral T. A. B. Spratt, C.B., F.R.S. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S. Bey. T. Wiltshire, M.A., F.L.S. Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S. $,ai, tant~hctrttarl2, Kibrarian, an~[ Curator. w. s. Dallu, Eul., LL.$. ~[r [ 1Librarp ~i~tant. Mr. W. W. Leighton. [ Mr. W. Rupert Jones. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page ABBAY, Rev. R., M.A. On the Building-up of the White Sinter Terraces of Roto-M~hhn~ ................................ 170 BONNEV, Rev. T. G. On the Serpentine and associated Igneous Rocks of the Ayrshire Coast .............................. 769 Note on the Microscopic Structure of some Welsh Rocks.. 144 --, and Roy. E. HILL, M.A. The Precarboniferotm Rocks of Charnwood :Forest.--Part II. (Plate X.) .................. 199 CALLaWaY, C., Esq., M.A., D.Sc. On the Quartzites of Shropshire 754 CLOVOH, C. T., Esq., B.A., and W. GUNN, Esq. On the Di,covery of Silurian Beds in Tee~ale .............................. 27 DA~NTR~E, R., Esq. Note on certain Modes of Occur:ence ef Gold in Australia. (Plates XVII. & XVIII.) .................. 431 DAUBR~.E, Prof. A. On Points of Similarity between Zeolitic and Siliceous Incrustations of recent :Formation by Thermal Springs, and those observed in Amygdaloids and other altered Volcanic Rocks. (Plate IV.) .................................... 73 DAVIES, T., Esq. Note on a Rock-specimen from the Centre of the so-called Porphyritic Mass to the East of Tal-y-sarn ........ 152 On the ~Iicroscopic Structure of some Dimetian and Pebi- dian Rocks of Pembrokeshire ............................ 164 DAWKINS, Prof. W. BOYD, M.A. Contributions to the History of the Deer of the European Miocene and Pliocene Strata ........ 402 DAWSOn, G. M., Esq., D.Sc. On the Superficial Geology of British Columbia. (Plate V.) .................................. 89 DE RANCE, C. E., Esq., and Capt. H. W. ~EILDEN. Geology of the Coasts of the Amtic Lands visited by the late British Expedition under Capt. Sir George Nares, R.N., K.C.B., I~.R.S. (Plate XXIV.) ...... .......................................... 556 E~Ys~ J. D., Esq. On Sand-worn Stones from New Zealand ...... 86 ETH~.Rn)G~, R., Esq. Palseontology of the Coasts of the Arctic Lands visited by the late British Expedition under C a~. Sir George Nares, R.N., K.C.B., F.R.S. (Plates XXV.-XX:~).. 568 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page ETKERIDGE, R., Jun., Esq. On our Present Knowledge of the Inver- tebrate Fauna of the Lower Carboniferous or Calciferous Sand- stone Series of the Edinburgh Neighbourhood, especially of that Division known as the Wardie Shales; and ca the First Ap- pearance of certain Species in these Beds. (Plates I. & II. ).. 1 Further Remarks on Adherent Carboniferous Produetidm. 498 ]~h~I)EZ~, Capt. tI. W., and C. E. DE RANCh, Escl. Geology of the Coasts of the Arctic Lands visited bythe late British Expedition under Capt. Sir George Nares, R.N., K.G.B., F.R.S. (Plate XXlV.) ................................................ 556 FOST~.R, C. L~. NF.v~., Esq., B.A., D:Sc. Onthe Great Flat Lode south of Redruth and Camborae, and on some other Tin-deposits formed by the Alteration of Granite (Plate XXX.) ........ 640 . On some Tin Stockworks in Cornwall .................. 654 (~ARDNER, J. S., Esq. On the Cretaceous Dentaliid~e. (Plate III.) 56 Gm-KI~, JAMES, Esq., LL.D. On the Glacial Phenomena of the L~ Island, or Outer Hebrides. Second Paper. (Plate ~III.) .............................................. 819 ~, and Prof. A. C. RAMSAY. On the Geology of Gibraltar. (Plate XXlII.) ........................................ 505 Go])~aEY, J. G. H., Esq. Notes on the Geology of Japan ........ 542 GUNN, W., Esq., and C. T. CLOUG~, Esq., B.A. On the Discovery of Silurian Beds in Teesdale .............................. 27 HEER~ Prof. O. Notes on Fossil Plants discovered in GrinneU Land b_y Capt. It. W. Feilden, Nattu'alist of the English North-Polar Expedition ............................................ 66 I-I,c~s, H., Esq., M.D. On some Pre-Cambrian (Dimetian and Pebidian~Rocks in Caernarvonshire. With a Note by T. DAVIES, _sq ........................................... 147 . Additional Notes on the Dimetian and Pebidian Rocks of Pembrokeshire. With an Appendix by T. DAVIES, Esq ....... 153 On the Metamorphic and Overlying Rocks in the Neigh- bourhood of Loch Maree, Ross-shire ................ ..... 811 HILL, Rev. E., M.A., and the Rev. T. G. Bo~EY, M.A. The Precarboniferous Rocks of Charnwood Forest.--Part II. (Plate X.) .................................................. 199 HUSHEs, Prof. T. I%I'K., M.A. On the Pre-Cambrian Rocks of Bangor. With a Note on the Microscopic Structure of some Welsh Rocks, by Prof. T. G. BONN~Y, i%I.A................. 137 HTJLKE, J. W., Esq., F.R.S. Note on two Skulls from the Wealden and Purbeck Formations indicating a new Subgroup of Croco- dilia. (Plate iV.) ....................................... 377 - . .. Note on an Os articulate, presumably that of Iguanodon Mantelli ................................................ 744 JONES, Prof. T. RVP~RT~ F.R.S. Note on the Foraminifera and other Organisms in the Chalk of the Hebrides .............. 789 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page JUDy, Prof. J. W. The Secondary Rocks of Scotland. Third Paper. The Strata of the Western Coast and Islands. With a Note on the Foraminifera and other Organisms in the Chalk of the Hebrides, by Prof. T. RUPERT JONES (Plate XX.XL).. 660 KEEPING, WALTER, ESq. On ]PelanecMnus, a new Genus of Sea- urchins from the Coral Rag. (Plate XXXIV.) ............ 924 LAPWORTH, C., Esq. The Moffat Series. (Plates XI.-XIII.) .... 240 MAttR, J. E., Esq. On some well-defined Life-zones in the Lower Part of the Silurian (Sedgwick) of the Lake-district ........ 871 MAW, G., Esq., F.L.S. On an Unconformable Break at the Base of the Cambrian Rocks near Llanberris ...................... 764 Moo~t~, C~ARLV.S, Esq. Notes on the Paleeontology and some of the Physical Conditions of the Meux-well Deposit"s .......... 914 N]~WTON, E. T., Esq. Notes on a Crocodilian Jaw from the Coral- lian Rocks of Weymouth. (Plate XVI.) .................. 398 . Description of a new Fish from the Lower Chalk of Dover. (Plate XIX.) .......................................... 439 Remarks on Saurocephalus, and on the Species which have been referred to that Genus .............................. 784 Owner, Prof. R., C.B. On Argillornis longipennis, Ow., a large Bird of Flight, from the Eocene Clay of Sheppey. (Plate VL) .... 124 On the Influence of the Advent of a higher Form of Life in modifying the Structure of an older and lower Form ...... 421 L .--. On the Affinities of the Mosasaurid~e, Gervais, as exempli- fied in the Bony Structure of the Fore Fin .................. 748 I~ACH, C. W., Esq. On the Circinate Vernation, Fructification, and Varieties of 8phenopteris a~iuis, and on Staphylopteris (?) t)eaehii of Etheridgo and Balfour, a Genus of Plants new to British Rocks. (Plates YII. & VIII.) ............................ 131, s, J. A.~ Esq. On the so-called "Greenstones" of Central and Eastern Cornwall. (PlatesXX.-XXII.) .............. 471 PRESTWICH, Prof. J. On the Section of Messrs. Meux & Co.'s Artesian Well in the Tottenham-Court Road, with Notices of the Well at Crossness, and of another at Shoreham, Kent ; and on the probable Range of the Lower Greensand and Palaeozoic Rocks under London ............ ........................ 902 RAmsAY, Prof. A. C., LL.D., and JA~s GEIKn~, Esq., LL.D. On the Geology of Gibraltar. (Plate XXHI.) .................. 505 RE~,v~ T. M., Esq. The Submarine Forest at the Mouth .... 447 .. On a Section through Glazebrook Moss, Lancashire ...... 808 SEELEY, Prof. H.G. On new Species of Procolop~ion from the Cape Colony preserved in Dr. Grierson's Museum, Thornhill~ Dum- friesshire ; with some Remarks on the Aifmities of the Genus. (Plate XXXII.) ........................................ 796 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. SH01VE, W., Esq. On the Glacial Deposits of West Cheshire, to- Page gether with Lists of the Fauna found in the DHft of Cheshire and adjoining Counties ................................... 383 TOKES, R.
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