


OF .

November 1st, 1875.






President. * John Evans, Esq., Y.P.E.S.

Vice-Presidents. Prof! P. Martin Duncan, M.B., E.R.S. Sir P. de M. G. Egerton, Bart., M.P., F.E.S. Eobert Etheridge, Esq., E.R.S. Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., E.R.S.

Secretaries. David Eorbes, Esq., E.R.S. Rev. T. AVUtshire, M.A.

Foreign Secretary. Warington W. Smyth, Esq., M.A., E.R.S.


J. Gwyn Jeffreys, LL.D., E.R.S.


H. Bancrman, Esq. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, LL.D., E.R.S. W. Carruthers, Esq., E.R.S. C. J. A. Meyer, Esq. Frederic Drew, Esq. J. Carrick Moore, Esq., M.A., E.R.S. Prof. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., E.R.S. Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., E.R.S. Sir P.dc M. G. Egerton, Bart., M.P., Samuel Sharp, Esq., E.S.A. E.R.S. Warington W. Smyth, Esq., M.A., R. Etheridge, Esq., E.R.S. E.R.S. John Evans, Esq., Y.P.R.S., E.S.A. H. C. Sorby, Esq., E.R.S. David Eorbes, Esq., E.R.S. Prof. J. Tennaut, E.C.S. R. A. C. Godwin-Austen, Esq., E.R.S. W. Whitaker, Esq., B.A. , Esq. Rev. T. Wiltshire, M.A., E.L.S. Prof T. McKenny Hughes, M.A. Henry Woodward, Esq., E.R.S. J. W. Hulke, Esq., E.R.S.

Assistant-Secretary, Librarian, and Curator.

W. S. Dallas, Esq., E.L.S.

Clerk. Mr. W. W. Leighton.

Liljrary Assistant. Museum Assistant. Mr. "W. R. Jones. Mr. B. B. Woodward. B 2 —


Evert Canclidate for adniissiou to the Society as a Fellow must be pro- posed by three or more Fellows, at least one of whom must be personally acquainted with the Candidate. The Certificate must set forth the names, description, place of residence, and qualifications of the Candidate. See Byc- Laius, Sect. 3, Art. 1 to 4.


Every newly elected Fellow shall pay an Admission-fee of Six Pounds Six Shillings.

The Annual Contribution to be paid by Fellows shall bo Two Pounds Two Shillings, due on each successive 1st of January, and payable in advance for the current year.

Every newly elected Fellow, if elected in the month of January or February, shall be subject to the whole contribution of the current year; but if elected in any subsequent month, shall be subject to a proportionate part only of such contribution, to be computed from the day of his election to tlie 1st of January next ensuing.

A Fellow may at any time compound for future Annual Contributions, that of the current year inclusive, by payment of Twenty-one Pounds.

[The Fellows are particularly requested to communicate immediately all changes of Residence.]

Fellows of Ihe Society are entitled to bori'ow Boots, Maps, Drawings, Specimens, ic. under certain Regulations, from the Library and Museum. They are entitled to introduce visitors to the Museum and Library (at Burlington House), wliich are o2x;n daily from 10 to 5 o'clock, and visitors at the Evening Meetings held fortnightly during the Session (at Burlington House).

All FelloiL's, elected on and after Kovemhcr 30, 1859, ai'e entitled to receive (he Quarterly Journal of the Society. FELLOWS



The Names without any marks before them are those of Non-resident Fellows elected i^reviously to November 30, 1859.

(*) indicates Fellows elected previously to March 1, 1862, who reside and contribute annually.

(**) indicate Fellows elected previously to March 1, 1802, who have compounded for the Annual Contribution, (t) indicates Non-resident Fellows elected on and after November 30, 1859, who pay an Annual Contribution of One Guinea and a Half. (It) indicate Non-resident Fellows elected on and after November 30, 1859, who have compounded for the Annual Contribution.

(I) indicates Fellows elected on and after March 1, 1862, who contribute Two Guineas annually.

(II) indicate Fellows elected on and after March 1, 1802, who have compoimdcd for theii* Annual Contribution. The Names in Italics, at the end of the several letters, are those of persons who, having been Honorary Members before the incorporation of the Society, possess the privileges of attending its ordinary meetings, and of having access to the Library and Museum. Those Fellows to whose names the letter W is prefixed have received the Wollaston Medal. Tliosc Fellows to whose names the letter w is prefixed have received the Balance of the Proceeds of the Wollaston Donation-fund. Those Fellows to whoso names the letter M is prefixed have received the Murchison Medal.

Those Fellows to whose names the letter ji is prefixed have received the Proceeds of the Murchison Geological Fund.

Those Fellows to whose names the ij( is prefixed have contributed papers which have appeared in the Society's Publications.

Year of Election. 1869. + Abbay, Eev. Eichard, B.A. F.R.A.S. Pellow and Lecturer of Wadham College, Oxford. Ouselurn, Tori: 1857. *Abbott, Arthur 11., Esq. Grove House, Tottenham. 1863. JAdams, Andrew Leitb, M.A. M.B. F.li.S, 18 Clarendon Gardens, Maida HiU. W. 1874. tJAdams, G. F., Esq. GuUdhall Chambers, Cardiff. 18.58. Adams, "William, Esq. Cardiff, Glamoir/anshire. 1865. t+Adams, William Grylls, Esq. M.A. F.E.S. Eellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, Professor of Natural Philosophy in King's College, Loudon. Kine/'s College. W.C. ^'

+Adamson, Daniel, ] ^ The Towers, DldshuriL Man . iAitken, John, Esq. Bacup, 3Ianc7iester. JAUen, C. J. H., Esq. F.L.S. 4 Parh Crescent. N'.W. ttAllen, Edward, Esq. St. Savionrgate, Yorlc. jAllport, Samuel, Esq. Snow Hill, Birmhvjham. jAudersou, John, Esq. HiUhrool; Holi/ivood, Belfast. JAnderson, Richard, Esq. E.C.8. 130 Strand. W.C. jAnderson, Sir James. 16 Warrinr/ton Crescent. W. tAndre, George Guillanme, Esq. 16 Craven Street, Strand.

W.C. ; and Haveloclc Cottage, Dorlcing. *Ansted, David Thomas, Esq. 3I.A. F.E.S. Melton, Suffolh; and 4 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street. s.w. tAnstie, John, Esq. B.A. 7 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. **Arden, Richard Edward, Esq. East Barnham House, Bucl-

iuqhamshire ; and Sunhurij Parle, Middlesex. *Argfll, Duke of, K.T. D.C.L. E.R.S. Campden Hill, Kens-

ington, W. ; and Inverarij Castle, Argyllshire. jArmstrong, George Frederick, Esq. M.A. C.E. Professor of CivU Engineering, M'Gill University. Montreal; and Al- bion Place, Doncaster. ^Armstrong, 'William, Esq. Pelaiv House, Chester-le-Street, Durham. ArundeU, Rev. Thomas, 31. A. Hagton Vicarage, Torh- shire. **Ashwell, James, Esq. M.A. M.Inst.C.E. 11 BrocTc Street, Bath. +Atherstone, William Guyhon, 3I.D. M.R.C.S. GraJiam's Town, Cape of Good Hope. *Atkinson, Henry G., Esq. 61 Upper Gloucester Place, Dorset Square. X.W. tJAttwood, George, Esq. F.C.S. '26 Oakleij Street. S.W. **Auldjo, Johu, Esq. 5 Rue des Alpes, Geneva. Austen, Rev. John H., 3I.A. Enshury House, near Wimborne, Dorset. **Austin, Charles Edward, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 61 Queensborotigh

Terrace. W. ; and 1 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. Austin, Major Thomas. Lgncombe Villa, Hampton Iload, Redland, Bristol. Aveline, WUliam Talbot, Esq. Geological Survey of .! Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. jAyers, Sir Henry. Adelaide, South Australia.

**Baher, James, Esq. 1 South Place, Kniqhtsbridge. S.W. Babington, Charles Cardale, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. F.L.S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. 5 Brookside, Cambridge. Babiugton, William, Esq. M.R.A.S. JBailey, Samuel, Esq. The Pleclc, Walsall. Wljl Baily, William Hellier, Esq. F.L.S. Acting Palaeontologist to the Geological Survey of Ireland, and Demonstrator in Palasontology to tlie Royal College of Science for Ireland. 14 Hume Street; and Apsley Lodge, 92 Rathcjcw Road, Dublin. Bainbridge, Jolin, jun, Esq. Klip Kraal, Ladysmith, Natal. Baker, John Lloyd Barwick, Esq. Hardwiche Court, Glouces- tershire. jBaldry, James Danford, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 2 Queens Square Place, Westminster. S,\Y. jBall, Valentine, Esq. Geological Survey of India. Hastings Street, Calcutta. JJBalston, William Edward, Esq. B.A. Bearsted House, Bear- sted, Maidstone. jBarkas, T. P., Esq. Newcastle-on-Tijne. jtBarker, Ilobert Arnold, M.D. Beerbhoom, Bengal, India. tBarlow, Henry Clark, M.D. 11 ChurcJi- Yard Bow, Newing- ton Butts. S.E. **Barlow, Pet^r William, Esq. F.E.S. M.Inst.C.E. 26 Great George Street, Westminster. S.W. jBarnes, John Hickman, Esq. 30 Great George Street. S.W, JjBarnett, A. K., Esq. Chyandour, Penzance.', JBarr, William Eoby, Esq. Norris Banlc, Stoclcport.

*Bass, John Holmes, Esq. 2 Picton Villas, Camden Road. I!T. W. Basterot, Baron De. *Bateman, John Frederick, Esq. F.R.S. M.Inst.C.E 16 Great George Street, Westminster. S.W. jBates, Rev. J. Chadwick, M.A. F.R.A.S. St. Martin's, Castleton Moor, near Manchester. :jBauerman, Hilary, Esq. Geologist to the American Boundary

Commission. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. ; and 22 Acre Lane. S.W. tBeale, W. Phipson, Esq. 27 Victoria Street. S.W. :|;Beanland, Rev. Arthur. Barton-on-Humber, Hidl. Beardsley, Amos, Esq. F.L.S. Grange, near Ulverston, Lan- cashire. *Beaumont, John Augustus, Esq. 81 Lancaster Gate. S.W. *Beaumont, Wentworth Blackett,*Esq. M.P. 144 Piccadilly.

W. ; Bretton Park, WaTcefield ; caul Allenheads, North- mnberland. Beckett, Henry, Esq. 1 Spring Hill Terrace, Penn Fields, near Wolverhampton. Beckles, Samuel Husbands, Esq. F.R.S. 9 Grand Parade, St. Leonards. **Bell, Matthew, Esq. Bourne Parh, Canterbury. JBeU, Professor Robert. Geological Survey of Canada. Mon- treal, Canada. **BeU, Thomas, Esq. F.R.S. F.L.S. The Walces, Selhorne, Alton, Hants. **Belper, Lord, D.C.L. F.R.S. 75 Eaton Square. S.W. JBelt, Thomas, Esq. 38 Southampton Buildings, Chancery

Lane. W.C. ; and Cornwall House, Ecding. W. : ;


Beusou, Starling, Esq. Swansea. iBentinck, Genera A. C. East Court, Wolc'inrjliam, Berks. jBeor, E. J., Ph.D. Beaufort Square, Chepstow. +Betley, Ealph, Esq. Hindley, Wigan. Bcttington, Albemarle, Esq. M.R.A.S.; of the Bombay Cml Service. Bevan, G. P., Esq. Lower Walmer, Kent. tBewick, Thomas John, Esq. Haydon Brkhje, Carlisle. Bideu, William Downing, Esq. Australia. iBigge, Matthew E.., Esq. Mersham, Ashford. *Bigsby, John J., M.D. F.E.S. 89 Gloucester Place, Portman Square. W. **Bilke, Edward, Esq. 1 Chester Square. S.AY. Billings, Elkanah, Esq. Paltcontologist to the Geological Survey of Canada. Montreal. Binney, Edward William, Esq. F.R.S. 55 Peter Street, Man- chester. *Biunie, Alexander Richardson, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Town Hall, Bradford. JBirch, E. W. P., Esq. 5 Westminster CJiamhers, Victoria Street. S.W. jBlack, J. M., Esq. 19 Bishopsr/ate Street Within. E.G. iBlake, Eev. J. P., M.A. 6 Wells Boad, Regents Pari: N.W. tjBlake, J. Hopwood, Esq. Assoc. Inst.G.E. Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jermi/n Street. S.W. **Blake, WiUiam John, Esq. F.E.S. 2-5 Portland Place. AY. and Daneshury, near Welunjn, Herts. iBlakemorc, William, Esq. Heathjield Villa, Wolverhampton. Bland, Thomas, Esq. 45 and 47 Exchange Place, New Yorl; U.S.

jBlanford, Professor H. F. Meteorological Office, Calcutta; and 12 Keppel Street, Eussell Square. W.C. tBlanford, W. T,, Esq. F.E.S. Geological Survey of India. Calcutta. **Blanshard, Henry, Esq. M.E.A.S. jBleasdale, Eev. John, D.D. St. Francis, Melbourne. Blomefield, Eev. Leonard, M.A. F.L.S. 19 Belmont, Bath. *Blount, William, Esq. Orchehill, Gerrard's Cross, Slough. Boase, Henry, M.D, F.E.S. Seafcld House, Magdalen Place, Dundee. jBock, Carl, Esq. Great Grimsby. Bolton, Daniel, Major-Gen. E.E. Cape of Good Hope, jBompas, George Cox, Esq. 15 Stanley Gardens, Kensing-J ton. W. tfBonney, Eev. Thomas George, M.A.F.C.S. Fellow of St. John College, Cambridge. Cambridge. fBooth, Isaiah, Esq. Mining Engineer, Oaks Colliery, Oldham Hollinwood, Manchester. JjBosworth, John Alleyne, Esq. Humberstone, Leicestershire. jBott, Arthur, Esq. 227 Southampton Street. S.E. +Bott, Thomas D., Esq. 1 Langdcde Villas, Bushey Hii Boad, Cambenvell. S.E. jBoulgcr, G. S., Esq. Beugal Civil Service. Cressingliam. Beadinij, Berks. Bowerbaiik, James Scott, LL.D. F.E.S. E.L.S. 2 East Ascent, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Bowles, William, Esq. jBowman, Frederick H Esq. F.R.A.S. F.C.S. Halifax, YorJishire. JiBojie, Colonel William Tuson, Arizona Terriforif, U.S. JBraby, Frederick, Esq. F.C.S. Mount Hcnleij, iSydenJiam Hill. S.E. BraddyU, Thomas E. Gale, Esq. Bradley, Christopher Lonsdale, Esq Prior House, Richmond, TorlsJiire. Bradley, Lonsdale, Esq. Prior House, EicJimond, YorlcsMre. JBrady, Sir Antonio, J.P. Man/land Point, Strafford. E. jBrady, Henry Bowman, Esq. F 'H.S. E.L.S. F.C.S. 29 Mosley Street, Ncwcastle-on-Ti/ne. jBragge, William, Esq. F.S.A. Shirle Hill, SheffieU. jBrain, Lient. D. L., 4th llegiment. St. Anne's, Haveloch Road, Sotdhsca, Hants. Brand, George, Esq. M.A. Her Majesty's Consul, Angola, Africa. Brass, Eev. Henry, M.A, Red Hill, Reigate. Bravender, John, Esq. Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Breton, William Henry, Commander E.N. 15 Camden Cres- cent, Bath. Brickenden, Major Eichard Thomas William Lambert. jBrigg, John, Esq. Broomfield, Keiqhleij, :+Bright, Sir Charles Tilston, M.Inst.C.E. 26 Pvlce Street, Westminster. S.W. Bright, James, M.D. 12 Wellington Square, Cheltenham. *Bristow, Henry William, Esq. F.E.S. Director of the Geolo- gical Survey of England. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. +Brockbauk, WiUiam, Esq. Broclchurst, Didshurg, Manchester. Brodie, Eev. Peter Bellinger, M.A. Roivingion Vicarage, near Warwiclc. JBrogden, Alexander, Esq. M.P. 51 Princes Gate, Hyde Park. S.W. tJBrogden, Henry, Esq. HaleLodge, near Altrincham, Cheshire. jBrogden, James, Esq. Coedriglan, near Cardiff. iBrooke, Edward, Esq Oakley House, Edgeston, Hudders- field. jBrooke, Sir Yictor, Bart. Colehrooke, Brookehorough, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland. +Brookes, John, Esq. Collegiate School, Middlegate, Newark. jBrooks, Major T. B. Marquette, Michigan, U.S. ^Brothers, Horatio, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Western House, Kensal Green. W. fBrough, Lionel, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Coal- mines. Clifton, Bristol. Broughton, Capt. William E. Delves, E.E. jjBrown, Capt. Alexander Burton, E.A. F.E.A.S. 10

jBro-wn, Ed\7iii, Esq. Burton-vpon-Trent. Erown, Eev. Henry, il.A. BroTra, John, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. LittUworth, IlednesforJ, near . jBroAvu, Joseph, Esq. Q.C. 54 Avenue Road, Regent's Parle. X.W.; and 2 Essex Court, Temple. E.G. jBrown, Richard, Esq. 115 Lansdowne Road, Nottlnrj HUl. W. Brown, Thomas, Esq. jBrown, Thomas Eorster, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Guildh'dl Chamhers, Cardiff. **Browne, The Yen. Archdeacon Robert W., IT. A. Prebend of St. Paul's. Wells, Somerset. iBrowne, Rev. T. H. Hirih Wycomhe, Buds. jBrowne, R. Mackley, Esq. Nortliside, Bt. Jolm's, Sevenoahs, Kent. jBrowniug, Arrott, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 34 Russell Road, Ken- sington. W. *Brumell, Charles, Esq, Universities Club, JermynStreef. S.W. jBrunlees, James, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 5 Victoria Street, West- minster. S.W. iBrunton, John, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 13 a Great George Street. S.W. jBrunton, Richard Henry, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Engineer's Office, Government of Japan. Yokohama, Japan. Bryce, James, M.A. LL.D. 18 Jlorningside Place, Edin- hurgli. Buckman, James, Esq. F.L.S. Bradford Abhas, near Sher- borne, Dorset. BuU, Rev. Josiah, M.A. Bury Lodge, South Norwood. S.E. JBuUer, Walter, Esq. F.L.S. 7 Westmimter Chamhers, Vic- toria Street. S.W. *Bunbury, Sir Charles James Fox, Bart. F.R.S. F.L.S. A'^Eaton Place, Belgrave Square, S.W.; and Barton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. *Bunbury, Edward Herbert, Esq. M.A. 35 St. James's Street. S.W. **Burdett, Sir Robert, Bart. Ramsbury Pari; Wilts. **Burnand, George, Esq. Burrow, Rev. Edward John, D.D. tfBiirton, Frederick Merryweather, Esq. Highfield, Gains- borough. iBurton, Rev. John Richard, B.A. Tlie Grammar School, Beivdley. *Busk, George, Esq. F.R.S. F.L.S. 32 ETarley Street. W. iBp-om, W. Ascroft, Esq. 27 King Street, Wigan.

jCadle, Clement, Esq. Gloucester. Calder, James, Esq. Caley, James Augustus, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Flax Bourton, Somersetshire. tJCallard, T. Karr, Esq. 4 Blenheim Terrace, St. Johns Wood. KW. 11

JCallawaj^ Charles, Esq, M.A. B.Sc. 5 Havehch Bqimre, Sheffield. Calvei't, John, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Kulu, Punjab, India. jCameron, W. M., Esq. Drat/ton Lodije, South Kensington. ^Y.

!:jCampbell, Johu E., Esq. Islay ; and Niddry Lodye, Ken- sington. W. tCampbell, AV. D., Esq. Box Grove Road, Guildford. jCapron, John Hand, Esq. Guildford. fjCardwell, Edward, Viscount, D.C.L. E.R.S. 74 Eaton Sciuare. S.W. Carey, Sir Peter Stafford, M.A. Cctndie, Guernsey. JCarnac, H. Eivett, Esq. Bombay Civil Service. Allahabad, India. Carnegy, Charles Hay, M.D. *Carpenter, William Benjamin, M.D. E.R.S, F.L.S. Registrar of the University of London. 56 Regent's Parle Road. N.W. JCarrington, Thomas, jun. Esq. Kiveton Parle Colliery, Sheffield. w iji JCarruthers, William, Esq. E.R.S. E.L.S. British Museum. W.C; and4Woodside Villas, Gipsy Hill. S.E. Ji+Carter, Richard, Esq. Cocherham Hall, Barnsley. Cartmell, Rev. James, D.D. Master of Christ's College, Capi- bridge. Cambridge. JCaruana, A, A., D.D. The University, Malta. JCarvalho, S. N., jun. Esq. 99 Inverness Terrace. W. JCash, WiUiam, Esq. Elmfield Terrace, Savile Parle, Halifax. tCater, Rev. Joseph, M.A. C'avell, Edmund, Esq. Saxmundham, Suffolk. fChamberlin, Rev. T. C. Bigsby. I^orth Wheatley Vicarage, East Retford. Chambers, William, LL.D. 13 Chester Street, Edinburgh. JChampernowne, Arthur, Esq. M.A. Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon. *Chance, Edward John, Esq. E.L.S. 59 Old Broad Street. E.C. *Charlesworth, Edward, Esq. 113a Strand. W.C. JCharlton, George, Esq. 36 Beresford Road, Highbury New Pari: N. JCheckley, Thomas, Esq. Street, Walsall. tJChurchill, George Cheetham, Esq. Care of Mr. E. Stanford, 55 Charing Cross. S.W. jClark, GeorgeT., Esq. E.S.A. Dowlais House, Mertliyr Tydvil. t+Clarke, Charles Baron, Esq. F.L.S. Dacca, India. Care of S. Clarke, Esq., Whitchurch, Hants. Clarke, James, Esq. Royal Society, Melbourne, Australia. Clarke, Rev. WilHam Branwhite, M.A. BrantJmaite, North SJiore, Sydney, New South . tJClarkson, Erank, Esq. I Squires Mount, Hampstead. Z^T.W. Clay, Joseph Travis, Esq. Rastriclc, near Huddersfield. jCliff, John, Esq. Halton, Runcorn. .

^Clifford, AViUiam Kiugdon, Esq. M.A. I'.ll.S. F.K.A.8. Pro- fessor of Applied Mathematics in University College, Loudon. 26 CoJviUe JRoad, Baijsivater. "W. JJC'line, G. AV., LL.D. Financial DejKirtment, Accountant

GeneraVs Office, Bomhay. IClippcrton, Captain Robert Charles, H.B.M. Consul at Nantes. Nantes. jClose, Rev. Maxwell H. NeiutoivH Pari; BhcJcrocl; Co. Dnhlin. *Clutterbuck, Robert, Esq 8 Great Cumberland Place. "W. JCockburn, "William, Esq. UpleatJiam, Yorkshire. *Codrington, Thomas, Esq MJnst.C.E. 10 Montagu Villas, Biclunond, Surreij. JColchester, V. D., Esq. Ipswich. Colchester, William, Esq. Springfield House, Ipswich. *Colebroke, Sir Thomas Edward, Bart. M.P. 37 South Str, rt, Grosvcnor Square. W. Coles, John, Esq. Stonehouse, Devonshire. Collard, Thomas '\Miite, Esq. St. George's Place, Canterluni. Collet, Thomas, Esq. Collings, Rev. "William Thomas. Guernscg. ^*Collingwood, J. Frederick, Esq. Anthropological Instifff', 4 St. Martin's Place. ^Y.C. t+CoUins, "W. Whitaker, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 1 Drayton Terrace, Old Brompton. S.W. iColHus, J. H., Esq. 57 Lemon Street, Truro. jCollinson, Henry, Esq. F.L.S. 7 Devonshire Place, Portluid Place. AV. Colquhonn, James, Esq, Colthurst, Joseph, Esq. Drifneg Castle, CorTc. jColvin, Alexander, Esq. B.A. Barham Lodge, Weghridge. *Coode, Sir John. M.Inst.C.E. 2 Westminster Chambers,

Victoria Street. S.AV. ; and 35 Norfolk Square. AV. i :J:Cook, Henry, M.D. Eingmore, Teignmouth, Devon. I Cooke, Anthony Charles, Lieut.-Col. R.E. Mauritius, i JCooke, Edward AAllHam, Esq. R.A. F.R.S. F.LS. «tc. Glen-\ Andred, Groombridqe, Tvnhridqe Wells; and Athenceum' Club, Pcdl Mcdl. S.W. +Cooke, James Samuel, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 5 Raymond Build- ings, Gray's Inn. AA'".C. Cooke, Rev. Robert Bryan, Bryn Alyn, Mold, Flintshire. iCooke, Rev. S. H. Xorthbourne Rectory, near Deal. jCooke, Theodore, Esq. M.A. LL.D. Principal of the Civil Engineering College, Poona. Bombay. Cooksey, Joseph, Esq. West Bromivich. jCoombs, John A., Esq. C.E. London Gaslight Co., yinc Elms. S.AA\ JCopc, James, Esq. Wolverhampton **Coiiland, Alexander, Esq. Corheld, AA^illiam Henry, Esq. M.D. :M.A. F.C.S. Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford; and Professor of Hygiene in University College, London. 10 Bolton Roxv, Mayfair. AV. ,


J+Cory, William, Esq. Devonshire House, Devonshire Place. W. Cossham, Handel, Esq. Hill House, near Bristol. *Cotton, Kichard Payne, M.D. 33 Cavendish Square. ^Y. iCotton, Thomas, M.D. 214 Seven Sisters' Boad. N. Courtney, Charles F. A., Esq. JCourtney, John Sampson, Esq. Penzance. +Cowlishaw, John, Esq. Thomcliffe and OhapeUown Col- lieries, Sheffield. JCox, Samuel Herbert, Esq. E.C.S. Geological Survey of New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand. Cox, Travers, M.D. iCoxon, Samuel £., Esq. Usworth Hcdl, Washington Station, Co, Durham. +Crane, Edward, Esq. St. John's Lodge, Wellington Villas, Brighton. Crane, George, Esq.

iCraven, Alfred E. Kenwood BanJc, Sharrow, Sheffield. jCrawford, James Coutts, Esq. Resident Magistrate and Sheriff of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. *Crichton, Alexander, Esq. 1^ Adelaide Crescent, Brighton; and Athenceum Club, Pall Mall. S.W. JCrombie, Eev. James, M.A. F.L.S. 1 EocJchall Terrace, CricUewood. N.W. jljCross, Eev. J. E., M.A. F.E.A.S, Appleby, Brigg, Lincoln- shire. jCrosskey, Eev. H. W. 28 George Eoad, Edghaston, Bir- mingham. jCrossley, John S., Esq Barrow-on-Soar, Loughborough *Crowley, Jonathan S^Jarrow, Esq 3 Pari- Hill Rise, Croijdon. jCruttwell, Alfred Cecil, Esq. C.E. Cardiff; and West Hill, Frome, Somerset. jCumming, John, Esq. 16 Wohurn Square. W.C. Cunliffe, Brooke, Esq. Bathafarn, Euthin. Cunningham, George, Esq. Cunningham, John, Esq. 5 FenivicJc Street, Liverpool. {Cunningham, Eobert 0., M.D. F.L.S. Professor of Natural History in Queen's College, Belfast. Queen's College, Belfast. *Cumiiugton, William, Esq. Argyll House, Cold Harhour Lane, Brixton. S.W. **Cure, Capel, Esq. 51 Grosvenor Street. W. Curley, Timothy, Esq. Hereford. Currie, Eev. Charles, M.A. Tilneg Vicarage, Lynn.

jDaglish, John, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Tynemouth, North Shields. jDahll, Tellef, Esq. Krageroe, Norway. tDaintree, Eichard, Esq. 32 Charing Cross. S.W.; and Lol- ivorth, Cambridgeshire, jjDale, William, Esq. Epsom. {Damon, Eobert, Esq. Weymouth. {Danby, Thomas William, Esq. M.A. 5 Jlenley Road., IpsuAch, 14

tDarbishire, Eobert Dukinfield, Esq. B.A. F.S.A. 26 Georfje * ! Street ; and Victoria Park, Manchester. **Darwin, Charles E., Esq. M.A. E.E.S. F.L.S. G Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square. W. **Daiibeny, Eobert Heury, Esq. Wrington, Somerset. jDavey, Edward Charles, Esq. Wantage. tDavey, Henry, Esq. Hyde Lodge, St. Johns E'dl, Leeds. JDavey, Eev. Henry^ Mahouy, M.A. Portjield Vicarage, Chichester. Davey, Eichard, Esq. Redruth, CormvedJ. *Davidson, Thomas, Esq. F.E.S. 3 Leopold Road, Brighton; and Muir House, Midlothian. 1^ jDavies, D. C, Esq. Elrncd Lodge, near Osivestry.

jDavics, Thomas, Esq. British Museum. "W.C. ; and 59 Law- ford Road, Kentish Tovm. N.W. tDavis, J. Frederick, Esq, F.C.S. Cape Toivn, Cape Colony. Care of James Davis, Esq., 2 Harley Road, IVest Brompton. S.W. JjDavis, James W., Esq. Albert House, Greetlcmd, near Halifax. tDawes, George, Esq. Milton Iron-ivorhs, near BarnsJey. jDawes, John, jun. Esq. Manor Colliery, Hcdes Given, near Birmingham. Dawes, John 8ami;el, Esq. Lappicd Lodge, Qu'mton, near Birmi7if/7iam. tDawkins.'William Boyd, Esq. M.A. F.E.S. F.S.A. Professor of and PalfEontology in the Owens College, Manchester. TJie Owens College; and Birch View, Norman Road, Rushohne, Manchester. Dawson, George, Esq., M.A. King's Norton, near Bir-

minglmm. ' JDawson, George M., Esq. Geologist to H.M. Xorth-Amcrican Boundary Commission. Victoria, British Columlia. Dawson, John ^Yilliam, LL.D. F.E.S. Principal of IM'Gill' College. Montreal, Canada. jDay, Edward C. Hartsiuek, Esq. Normal College, GQtJi- Street cmd 4ih Avenue. New TorJc. ttDeane, Eev. George, D.Sc. B.A. Lond. The Chcstmds

Moseley, Bum inghwin . jDees, James, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Whitehaven. Denton, John Bailey, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Gravely, near Stevenage, Herts. jDenys, Sir George "Vi'illiam, Bait. Braycott Hall, Richmond Yorlshire. ±jDc Eance, Charles E., Esq. Geological Survey of England j Museum, Jermyn Street. S.\y. *De Sails, "William Fane, Esq. Denvley Court, U.vlridge. P jDevinccnzi, II Commcndatore G. Senator, Rome. tjDcvine, Thomas, Esq. Surveyor in Chief of the Crown Land; of the Province of Ontario, Canada. Toronto, Canada. *DeTonshire, Duke of, Iv.G. M.A. D.C.L, F.E.S. RiccadUhj W. 15

jDewick, Eev. Edward S., M.A. 10 Granville Pari- Lewls- ham. S.E. +tDickinson, F. H., Esq. Klngiveston, Somerset ; and 121 St. George's Square, PlmJlco. S.W. Dickinson, Joseph, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Coal-mines. South Banl; Pendleton, Mancliester. JtDickinsou, Thomas Lidncy, Esq., one of Her Majesty's In- spectors of Coal-mines. South Banl; Pendleton, Man- chester. ttDickinson, William, jun. Esq. G Prince's Street, Lothhmj. E.C. Dickson, James, Esq. jDiggens, James, Esq. Springfield Terrace, Lancaster. Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn, Esq. M.P. F.L.S. Hendrefoilan, Sivansea. Dixon, George, Esq. Whitehaven. jDixon, Eev. E., M.A. High ScJiool, Nottingham. jDixon, Stephen Erown, Esq. Pewsey, Wilts. JDobson, A. Dudley, Esq. C.E. Westport, Neiv Zealand. jDoruing, Elias, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 41 John Dalton Street, Manchester. Dorrington, John, Esq. M.A. JDougias, Thomas, Esq. West Lodge, Crooh, Darlington. rjDowker, George, Esq. Stourmouth House, near Wiiigham, Kent. JDresser, Christopher L. Esq. C.E. r.C.S. 30 Parh Boiu, Leeds. *Drew, Frederic, Esq. Eton College, Windsor. JDrew, Joseph, LL.D. F.E.A.S. Belgrave Terrace, Wey- mouth. Drummond, Capt. Henry, Bengal Army. India.

*Ducie, Earl of, F.E.S. 16 Portinan Square. W. ; and Tort- ivorth Court, Wotton-under-Edge. Duckworth, Henry, Esq. F.L.S. Eolmfield House, Grassen- dalc, Liverpool. Duke, Eev. Edward. Lalx House, Salisbury. •'Duncan, Major Francis, M.A. D.C.L. LL.D.Eoyal Artillery. 29 The Common, Woolivich. *Duncan, Peter Martin, M.B. Lond. F.E.S. Vice-Peesident. Professor of Geology in King's College, London. 99 Abbey Poad, St. Johns Wood. 1^.^Y. jDunlop, AudrcAv, M.D. 50 Val Plaisant, Jersey. iDunning, John, Esq. Assoc.Inst.C.E. Middlesbrough.

Earle, Charles, Esq. +tEassie, William, Esq. F.L.S. ChUd:s Hill, . N.W. iEaston, Edward, Esq. 23 Dvl-e Street, Westminster. S.W. jEccles, James, Esq. 15 Durham Villas, Phillimore Gar- dens, Kensington. W. TEddy, James Eay, Esq. Carleton Grange, Shipton. jEdgell, Arthur Wyatt, Esq. Lympstone, Devonshire. ;


Tear of i Election. | 1829. W^ **Egerton, Sir Philip de Halpas Grey, Bart. M.P. F.RSi1 Vice-President. Oalton Farl-jTavjiorley, Cheshire; and 2Sb Albemarle Street. W. Egcrton, Rev. William Henry. WhitcJmrcJi, Salop. JElliot, Sir George, Bart. M.P. :M.Iust.C.E. 23 Great George Street, Westmuister. S.W. Ellis, Francis Jervoise, Esq. B.A. *Elpliiustoue, Sir Howard, Bart. AT.A. 11 WaterhoPlace. S.W. Elwiu, Hastings, Esq. Canada. jjEmmons, S. F., Esq., Chief Geologist of the U.S. Geological Survey of the 40th Parallel. 23 Fifth Avenue, New Tori-. England, Rev. Thomas, ]\1.A. Rectory, North Lew, Devon. *Enniskillen, Earl of, D.C.L. F.R.S. Florence Court, Ennis- lillen; and Go Eaton Place. S.W. *Entwisle, John, Esq. 1 Russell Square. W.C, :I:Enys, John Davies, Esq. Trelissicl; Cunterhinf, NewZealaml. |:JEskrigge, R. A., Esq. 3 & 4 Batavla Bmldings, Eachhis He)/, Liverpool. Wljl *Etheridge, Robert, Esq. F.R.S. L. et E. Vice-Pkesidext. Palaeontologist to the Geological Survey of Great Britain.

Museum, Jermtjn Street. S.W. ; and 19 Jlalseij Street, Cadof/an Place, Chelsea. S.AV. jEtheridge, Robert, jun. Esq. Geological Survey of ,

Geological Survey Office, India Buildings, Victoria Street, Edinburgh. jEvans, Caleb, Esq. 3 Downshire Hill, Hampstead. N.W. *Evans, Daniel Thomas, Esq. 5 Elm Court, Temple, E.C. and 10 Kent Gardens, Castle Hill Parle, Ealing. W. Evans, John, Esq. F.R.S. F.S.A. President. Nash Mills, Hemel Hempstead. jEvans, ilortimcr, Esq, F.R.A.S. 97 West Regent Street,

Glasgow ; and SJcelmorlie Heights, Wemgss Bay, Ayrshire. Evans, Rev. Robert, M.A. Evans, Thomas, Esq., one of Her ^Majesty's Inspectors of Coal-mines. Pen-y-hryn, Duffield Road, Derhy. jjEvcn, J. B., Esq, JEvcrard, J. B., Esq. G Millstone Lane, Leicester. *Eversley, Yiscount, D.C.L. 114 Eaton Square. S.W. **Eyrc, George Edward, Esq. Warrens, Stoneg Cross, Hant.-^. Eyton, Thomas Campbell, Esq. F.L.S. Eyton, near Don- nerville, Wellington. Shropshire, Eaton, Josiah, Esq.

JFabian, 0. R., Esq. 4 Angel Place, Edmonton. ^Falconer, Charles, Esq. 21 Pari- Crescent. N.W. Falconer, Thomas, Esq. Judge of the County Courts of Gla- morganshire. Usl-, Monmouthshire. Farrar, Rev. Adam Storey, D.D, F.R.A.S. The College, Durham. ++Favell, T. Milnes, Esq. Xorth Shields Water Co. USaville Street, North Shields. Fearn, Samuel Wright, Esq. St. Peters, Derhy. ;


JJFeddeu, Frauds, Esq. Geological Sui-'s^ey of India. Care of Messrs. Griadlay, (iroom, & Cj., Bjmh:c^ ; coil 4 Hlllsi'L; Cothain, neir Bristol. jFeildeu, Captain Henry Wemyss, E.A. jSTatimxIist to H.M. Arctic Expedition. JFergie, George, Esq, Coronel, South Chili. Care of Rev. T. F. Fergie, M.A., Lies, Wijan. **Fergnson, William, Esq. F.L.S. Kinmwiclt/, near Miatlaw, Aberdeenshire. jFergusson, James, Esq. F.E.S. 20 Lanjham Place. W. and Athenmun Cluh, Pall Mall. S.W. JFilliter, Edward, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Leeds. Finch, Francis, Esq. JFinch, Frederick George, D.Se. B.A. Lond. 21 Oroom's Hill, Greenwich. S.E. jFisher, Henry, Esq. 171 Golhorne Road, Notting Hill. W. Fisher, John Cowley, Esq. Wool Hall, near Cocl-ermoutli, Cumberland. Fisher, Eev. Osmond, M.A., late Fellow and Tutor of Jesus CoUege, Cambridge. Harlton Rectory, Cambridge. Fitch, Eobert, Esq. F.S.A. Norwich. Fletcher, Isaac, Esq. M.P. F.E.S. F.E.A.S. F.S.A. Tarn- banTc, near Carlisle. Fletcher, Colonel Thomas WiUiam, M.A. F.E.S. F.S.A. Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge. Fletcher, "William, Esq. Brigham Hill, near Carlisle. JFlight, Walter, D.Sc. Lond. 51 Lincoln's Inn Fields. W.C. tFloreuce, H. L., Esq. 6 Prince of Wales Terrace, Kensing- ton. W. tJFlower, William Henry, Esq. F.E.S. F.L.S. Hunteriau Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Conservator of the Museum, Eoyal College of Surgeons. Lincoln's-Lm-Fields. W.C. Floyer, John, Esq. B.A. M.P. Stafford, Dorchester. JFoord, Arthur Humphrys, Esq. Artist to the Geological Survey of Canada. Montreal, Canada. JFoote, E. B., Esq. Geological Survey of India. Care of Messrs. Xing and Co., Cornhill. E.G. **Forhes, David, Esq. F.E.S. F.C.S. Secretary. 11 Torh Place, Portman Square. W. fForbes, John E., Esq. 36 Brunswick Street, Ardwich Green, Manchester. Ford, John, Esq. Tancrecl, WMxley, Tori-. jFordham, H. G., Esq. Odsey, near Royston, Herts. jForster, George Baker, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Baclcivorth Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Forster, William, Esq. *Fortescue, The Hon. Dudley Francis, M.P. Summerville, Waterford; and 9 Hertford Street, Mayfair. W. JFoster, Clement Le Neve, D.Sc. B.xl. Loud. H.M. Inspector of Metalliferous Mines for Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset. Truro. .


JFotherby, Henry I., M.D. Lond. 3 Finsbury Square. E.G. jlFothergill, Capt. C. W, Eoyal Military College, Sand- hurst. JFoiilerton, Jolin, M.D. F.E.C.S.E. F.E.S.E. 44 Pemhridge Villas, Bayswater. "W. *Eowler, John, Esq. 3I.Inst.C.E. 2 Queen Square Place, IVestminster. S.W. JFox, Col. A. Lane, F.S.A. Guildford. {Francis, Henry, Esq. Netv Quehrada Mines. Care of Messrs. Boulton and Co., Tucacas, Venezuela, South America. **Franci3, WilUam, Ph.D. F.L.S. F.E.A.S. Red Lion Court,

Fleet Street. E.C. ; and Manor House, Richmond, Surrey. {{Franks, A. W., Esq. M.A. F.R.S. F.S.A. Keeper of Antiquities at the British Musenm. 103 Victoria Street. S.W. {{Eraser, Eev. Charles, M.A. Christcliurch, Canterbury, N. to Zeedand. **Freeland, Humphrey "William, Esq. Athenceum Club. S.W. {Fritzglirtner, M. G. Eeinhold, D.Sc. Middleton One Row, Darlington.

{Gale, James, Ph.D. M.A. F.C.S. Beulah, KingsTcerswill, Devon. Galland, Bland Hood, Esq. **Galton, Capt. Douglas, C.B. D.C.L. F.E.S. F.L.S. F.C.S. 12 Chester Street, Grosvenor Place. S.W. *Galton, Francis, Esq. F.E.S. 42 Rutland Gate, Knights- bridge. S.W. tGardner, John Starkie, Esq. Parh House, St. Johns Wood Pari: N.W. {Garland, Joseph, Esq. Care of J. Davey, Esq., Alma Cottage, Gunnislalce, TavistocJc. {{Gatty, Charles Henry, Esq. M.A. F.L.S. F.E.A.S. Felbridge Pari-, East Grinsiead, Sussex. Gavey, George Edward, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Care of Mrs. Gavey, 17 Louvaine Road, New Wandsworth. S.W. {{Gayner,' Charles, M.A. M.D. F.E.S.E. F.L.S. 1 New College Lane, Oxford. Geikie, Archibald, Esq. F.E.S. L. & E. Director of the Geo-

logical Survey of Scotland. Geological Survey Office, India Buildings, Victoria Street, Edinburgh. {Geikie, James, Esq. F.E.S. L. & E. Geological Survey of Scot- land. Geological Survey Office, India Buildings, Victoria Street, Edinburgh.

*Gibb, Sii' George Duncan, Bart. M.D. M.A. LL.D. 1 Bryan-

ston Street, Portman Square. W. ; and Falkland, Fife. {Gibb, William, Esq. Rubislavj Granite-quarries, Aberdeen. {Gibson, John, Esq. B.A. Albert College, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. *Gib3on, Thomas Field, Esq. Broadivater Doivn, Tunbridge Wells. Gibson, William Sidney, Esq. {Gillespie, Franklin, M.D. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 19

;+GiUespie, William, Esq. Torhane Hill ; and A.Q Melville Street, Edlnhurrjh. JGillman, Pritz, Esq. Care of E. Gillnian, Esq., 14 Ashley Place, Victoria Street. S.W. iGilpiu, Edwin, Esq. Halifax, Nova Scotia. iGledhiU, Joseph, Esq. E.E.A.S. Bermerside Observatori/, STcircoat, Hcdifax, Yorkshire. JGoadby, Eev. J. Jackson. The Manse, Henley-on-Thames. jGodman, F. Du Cane, Esq. 6 Tenterden Street, Hanover Square. W. w^ *Godwin-Austen, Eobert AlfredC, Esq. B.A. E.E.S. Shalford House, Guildford. Gomonde, William Henry, Esq. ^iGoodeuough, Lieut.-Colonel William Howley, E.A. Bombay. Care of Messrs. Cox & Co., Craiq^s Court, Charing Cross. S.W. :tGonzalez y Orbegoso, Sefior Carlos Alfonso. Lima, Peru. Care of Messrs. A. Gibbs & Co., 15 Bishojisyate Street Within. E.C. JGordon, Douglas, G. H., Esq. 6 Chichester Road, West- bourne Square. W. *Gordou, Lewis D. B., Esq. Totteridqe, Whetstone. N. jGordon, Lieut.-General The Hon. Sir A. H., K.C.B. 50 Queens-gate' Gardens, South Kensington. S.W. ^Gordon, Eev. C. E., D.D. M.A. 3 Norland Place, Notting Hill. W. Gongh, Yiscount, F.L.S. Lough Cutra Castle, Gort, Galway. Gould, Charles, Esq. B.A. Director of the Geological Survey of Tasmania. Hohart Town. jGover, Eev. William, M.A. Saltley Lodge, Dulwich Wood Parle, Upper Nonvood. S.E. jGraham, Charles, Esq. D.Sc. University College, Gower Street. W.C. JGrant, Alexander, Esq. M.A. Mayleigh, Petersham, Surrey. Grant, C. W., Capt. Bombay Engineers. jGrant, James A., M.D. Ottaiva, Canada. *Grautham, Eichard B., Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 22 Whitehall Place. S.W. jGranville, J. Mortimer, Esq. L.E.C.P. M.E.C.S. Scientific Club, 7 Savile lioiu. W. Gray, William, Esq. 75 Petergate, To7'l: *Greaves, Charles, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 3 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. jGreavcs, Eev. Eichard Wilson, M.A. 1 Whitehcdl Gardens. S.W. :jGreen, A. H., Esq. M.A. Professor of Geology in the York- shire College of Science. 5 Marlborough Terrace, Leeds. jGreen,W. Abbott, Esq. M.E.C.P. Marchmont House, Lee. S.E. Greenwell, George C, Esq. Poynton, Stochport, Greg, Eobert Phillips, Esq. F.E1\.S. Coles Parle, Bunting- ford, Herts. 4:Gregory, T. Currie, Esq. 150 St. Vincent Street, Glasgoiv. c2 20

iGreufell, Joliu Granville, Esq. B.A. CJlfton Co^.l-je, Bristol. JGricsbach, C. L., Es(i. 6i Ehjln Crescent. W. Griffin, Thomas, Esq. ^Griffith, N. E., Esq. Wrexham. ^Griffith, Rov. Henry. TrcUwjjd Rouse, Birnet, Herts. Wiji Griffith, Sir Eichard John, Bart. LL.D, E.E.S.E. M.Inst.C.E. M.E.I.A. 2 FitzwUUam Place, DabUn. jGrifflths, Ernest Howard, Esq. B.A. Sid ne>/- Sussex College, Camhridt/e. Grindrod, Ealph Barnes, M.D. LL.D. F.L.S. Towmend House, Great Malvern. *Grote, Arthur, Esq. F.L.S. Care of Messrs. King & Co., 65

CornhUl. E.G. ; and Atlmuenm Cluh, Pall Mall. S.W. +Guest, Eev. William. Mllton-on-Tham^s, Kent. Guise, Sir William Vernon, Bart. F.L.S. Elmore Court, near Gloucester. jGuUon, Eev. J. T. Campbell. The Manse, Swansea.

+Gun, Capt, Henry Allen, E.E. Royal Engineers^ Offi:e, Manchester. Gunn, John, Esq. jil.A. 10 Cathedral Street, Norwich. iGuppy, Eobert John Lechmere, Esq., F.L.S., Superintendent of Education. Trinidad. Gurdon, John, Esq. Assington Hall, Sudbury, Suffolk.

jHaast, Julius, Ph.D. F.E.S. F.L.S. Director of the Canterbxiry ^Museum. ChristcJiurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. JHaincs, John, Esq. Vernon Lodge, Addison Road, Kensington. W. jHale, Eev. E., M.A, Eton College, Windsor. *Hale, Eobert Blagden, Esq. 10 Bolton Street, PicecdilJy. W. JjHall, George Berringer, Est}. 134 London Wall. E.G. JtHall, Hugh Fergie, Esq. .17 Dale Street, Liverjpool ; and- GreenheifS, Wallaseif, Cheshire. ijHall, Capt^ Marshall, F.C.S. Scientific Cluh, 7 Savile Row. W. *Hall, Eobert Wriglit, Es(][. 37 Great George Street, West- minster. S.W. tjHall, Townshcnd Monckton, Esq. Pilton Parsonage, Barn- staple. •'•*Hambly, Charles Hambly Burbidgc, Esq. Barrow-on-Soar, Loughborough. ^Hamilton, Archibald, Esq. South Barroiv, Bromley, Kent. Hamilton, Charles William, Esq. M.E.I.A. 1 Denmark Street, Dublin. Hamilton, Yery Eev. Henry Parr, Dean of Salisburv, M.A. F.E.S.L. & E. Salisbury. ^Hamilton, John, Esq. Fyne Court, Bridgewater, Somersetshire. Hamond, "W^illiam Parker, Esq. **Hankey, John Alexander, Esq. F.L.S. Balcombe Place, Cuclfield. .tHannah, Eobert, Esq. Craven House. Church Street, Ful- ham Road. S.W. 21

**Harcourt, Egerton V.Yernon, Esq. WliitiueJlHaU, Yorkshire. +Hardn]g, Eev. A. G. H. Hardiug^ William, Lieut.-Colonel. Uj3cott, near Barnstaijle. JHardwick, P. C, Esq. F.S.A. 2 Hereford Gardens, Parh Lane. W. Hare, John, jun. Esq. Hargreaves, Edward Hammond, Esq. Harkness, Eobert, Esq. E.E.S. Professor of Geology in Queen's College, Cork. Corl\

*Harlo-we, Stephen Harlowe, Esq. 3 North Banlc, ,St. Joint's Wood. N.W. t^Harmer, E. W., Esq. Heigliam Grove, Norwich. ttHarper, John, Esq. 1 Osborne Grove, Vpr)er Tollingion Pari: N. *Harradeu, Samuel, Esq. 32 St. John's Wood Pari: N.W. jHarris, Edward, Esq. Ilydcd Villa, Longton Grove, Syden- ham. S.E, Harris, WUliam, Esq. Harris, "William, Esq. Charing, Kent. jHarris, William Hethcriugton, Esq. B.A. B.Sc.Lond. CUwer House, Windsor. jHarrison, John Thornhill, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 8 Pctrliament

Street. S.AV. ; and Thornhill, Castlebar, Ealing. W. JHarrison, Jonathan, Esq. The Cottage, Coalville, near Leicester. Harrison, WiUiam, Esq. E.S.A. Samleshury Hall, near Pres- ton, Lancashire ; Royal Thames Yacht Club, Albemarle

Street. W. ; and Conservative Club, St. James's Street. S.W. jHarte, John, Esq. HartweU, Francis, Esq. jHaslett, Samuel, Esq. Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland, New Zecdand. Haughton, Eev. Samuel, M.A. M.D. F.E.S. M.E.I.A. Pro- fessor of Geology in Trinity College, Dublin. Trinity College, Dublin. *Hawes, William, Esq. 17 3Iontagu Place, Russell Square. w.c. jHawker, E. W., Esq. LL.E. B.A. Care of Messrs. Hazard and Caldecott, 1 Neiv Basinghcdl Street. E.C. *Hawkins, B. Waterhouse, Esq.'F.L.S. Century Club, East loth Street, New York City. Hawkins, John Heywood, Esq. F.E.S. BignorPark, Petworth. Hawkins, Thomas, Esq. *Hawkshaw, Sir John, F.E.S. M.Inst.C.E. 33 Great George Street, Westminster. S.W. JjHawkshaw, John Clarke, Esq. M.A. M.Inst.C.E. 25 Cormvall Gardens, South Kensington. W. JHawksley, Thomas, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 30 Great George Street. S.W. jHayter, Harrison, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 33 Great George Street, Westminster. S.W. *Heath, Douglas Denon, Esq. M.A. Kitlands, nearDorkrng. '

22 i JHeatheriugton, A. Esq. HaVifax, Nova Scotia. jHebert, E. J., Esq. B.A. Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jenni/n Street. S.W. ffHector, James, M.D. E.E.vS. Director of the Geological Sur- vey of iN'ew Zealand. Wellington, Neio Zealand, 5:Hcighton, H. J., Esq. Gold Street, Kettering. jHemaus, George "Willoughby, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 1 West- minster Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. ^Henderson, F. B., Esq. C.E. Plas Qwyn, Oohowen, Oswestnj, tHenriques, A. G., Esq. F.Z.S. Barrister-at-Law. 2 Stone Buildinris, Lincoln's Inn. W.C. Henry, AYilliam Charles, M.D. F.E.S. HaffieU, near Led- bunj, Herefordshire. jjHenslow, Rev. George, M.A. F.L.S. 140 Kensington Park Road. W. *IIerapath, Spencer, Esq. 18 Upper Phillimore Gardens. W. Herbert, John M., Esq. ^Herbert, W. H., Esq. Havenfield Lodge, Great Missenden, Bucl-s. Hertzog, WiUiam Frederick, Esq. Cape of Good Hope. Hervey, The Eev. Lord Charles A., M.A. Vicarage, Great Chesterford, Saffron Walden, Essex. ^Hewlett, Alfred, Esq. Haigh, near Wigan. **Heywood, James, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. F.S.A. 26 Kensiwjton Palace Gardens. W. *Hichens, Major William, Royal Engineers. 27 Chester Street, Grosvenor Place. S.W. jHicks, Henry, Esq. Henot House, Hendon. iN'.W. jHiggs, Samuel, jun. Esq. Wallaroo Mines, Kadina, SoutJi Australia. *Highlcy, Samuel, Esq. 10 a Great Portland Street. W. Hill, Rev. Edward, M.A, Sheering Rectory, Harloiv, Essex. jHilton, T. W., Esq. Haigh, near Wigan. jHinde, George J., Esq. TorTcville,near Toronto, CanadaW(St. **Hindmarsh, Frederick, Esq. 4 Mew Inn, Strand. W.C. Hobbins, Joseph, M.D., Wisconsin Academy of Science. Madison, U.S. jHolden, J. Sinclair, M.D. Sudbury, Svffollc. :j:Holl, Han^ey B., M.D. Perdiswell, near Worcester. Holl, WilUam, Esq. JjHolloway, W. H., Geological Survey of England. Museum,

Jermyn Street. S.W. ' Home, David Milne, Esq. F.R.S.E. Paxion House, Beridch- on-Tiveed. fHome, Lieut.- Colonel R., R.E. C.B. 25 Kidhrooh Pari- Road, Blaclheath. S.W. +Homer, Charles J., Esq. Chatterley Hall, Tunstall, Staf- fordshire. jHoneyman, Rev. David, D.C.L. Provincial Museum, Hcdifax, Nova Scotia.

tjHood, Thomas H. Cockburn, Esq. Karnes, Benuidshiri: ; and Christchurch, Canterburi/, Nevj Zealand. 23

**Hooker, Joseph Dalton, M.D. C.B, F.R.S. F.L.S. Eoyal Gardens, Keiv. W.

jHoi^kinson, John, Esq. Holhi Banlc, Watford ; and Scien- tific Chib, 7 Savile Row. W. Hore, Eev. William Strong, M.A. Barnstaple, Devon. jHorne, John, Esq. Geological Survey of Scotland. Geolo- gical Survey Office, India Buildings, Victoria Street, Edinburgh. jHousman, Rev. Henry. 77 MarTcet Street, Edgiuare Road. W. tlHoustoun, George L., Esq. Johnstone Castle, Johnstone, Renfreiushire. Howell, H. H., Esq. Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. t+Howitt, Alfred William, Esq. Bairnsdale, Gippsland, Vic- toria, Australia. tjHudleston, Wilfred H., Esq. M.A. F.C.S. 21 Gloucester Place, Portman Square. W. *Hudson, Eobert, Esq. F.R.S. F.L.S. Clapham Common. S.W. tjHughes, Theodore H., Esq. Geological Survey of India. 12 Dartmouth Parh Road, Highgate. N.W. jHughes, Thomas M'^Kenny, Esq. M.A. F.S.A. Woodwardian Professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge. Trinity College, Cambridge. jHulke, J. Whitaker, Esq. F.E.C.S. F.E.S. 10 Old Burling- ton Street. W. Hull, Edward, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. Director of the Geological

Survey of Ireland ; and Professor of Geology in the Royal College of Science for Ireland. 14 Hume Street,

Dublin. ,- *Humbert, Charles Francis, Esq. Watford, Herts. Humble, WHliam, M.D. jHumiston, Ransom Franklin, Esq. M.A. F.C.S. Professor of Chemistry in Cleveland Institute, U.S. Universiti/ Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. jHunt, Arthur Roope, Esq. Quintella, Torquay. jHunt, H. G. B., Esq. 4 Garden Court, Temple. E.C. Hunt, Robert, Esq. The Mint, Sydney, Australia. {Hunter, Rev. Robert, M.A. 9 Mecklenburgh Street. W.C. *Hunter, William Percival, Esq. jHurst, Thomas Grange, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Riding Mill, Northumherland, jHutchiuson, Major Alex. H., R.A. Bull Point, Devonport. ttHutton, Frederick WoUaston, Esq. Provincial Geologist for Otago. Dunedin, New Zealand. *Huxley, Thomas Henry, LL.D. Ph.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. Pro- fessor of Natural History at the Government School of

Mines. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. ; and 4 Marl- borough Place, St. John's Wood. l!i.W. Hymers, Rev. John, D.D. F.R.S. Late FeUow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Braudsburton Rectory, near Beverley. ;


**rAuson, Edward, Esq. 7 a. Laurence Poxmtney Hill, Cannon Street. E.G. JI'Anson, J. Coventry, Esq. E'.bor House, Salfburn-by-theSea. **Ibbetsou, George Augustus, Esq. 19 a Hanover Square. W. ++Ince, Joseph, Esq. E.L.S. 29 /S7. Steplicns Road, SJupJiercFs Bush. W. Ingram, Eev. Arthur Henry AYinnington, !M.A. Harvington, near Evesham, Worcestershire. tJlnnes, Gapt. W., R.E. Penanr/. jlrvine, Duncan R., Esq. Geological Survey of Scotland.

GeoJoffical Survey Office, India Buildings, Victoria Street, Edinburgh.

ilrving, Eev. Alexander, B.A. 13. Sc. Higli School, Notting- ham. JIseHn, J. F., Esq. !M.A. Inspector of Science Schools. 3i Cromwell Road West. S.W. jjlves, James T. B., Esq. 5G Wigmorc Street, Cavendish Square. "W.

Jack, Alexander, Gapt. Bengal Native Infantry. India. JJack, Robert Logan, Esq. Geological Survey of Scotland.

Geological Survey Office, India Buildings, Victoria Strci t, Edinburgh. Jackson, Abraham 'Williamson, Esq. 8 Landsdowne Square, Brighton. **Jackson, Edward Steaue, Esq. M.A. Portland Grammar School, Plymouth. JJackson, Henry WiUiam, Esq. M.E.C.S. 15 The Limes Terrace, Lewisham, S.E. James, Sir Henry, ^NEajor-General E.E. F.R.S. Ordnance

Survei/ Office, Southampton. JJames, Lieut. W. H., E.E. Gare of H. G. James, Esq., 33 Regent's Park Road. N.W. *James, Sir Walter G., Bart. 6 Whitehall Gardens. S.^Y. and Betteshanger Parle, Sandtvich, Kent. tfjamieson, Thomas E., Esq. Ellon, Aberdeenshire. Jauncey, W^alter, Esq. The Homend, Cradley, near Malvemi. fjeffcock, Thomas William, Esq. G.E. 18 Banh Street, Shffield. *Jeffreys, J. Gwyn, LLD., F.E.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Tkeastjkek.

Ware Priory, Herts ; and 33 Grosvenor Street. W. jJJenkins, Henry Michael, Esq. Secretary of the Eoyal Agricultural Society of England. 12 Hanover Square,

W. ; and Scientific Club, 7 Savile Row. W. JlJenldnsou, Edward Bennett, Esq. Swinton, Rotherham. Jenner, Eobcrt F. LasceUes, Esq. Wenvoe Castle, Cardiff. Jennings, Francis M., Esq. M.E.I.A. Brown Street, Cork. fJervis, le Ghev. William Paget. Conservatore del Reale Museo Industricde Italiano, Turin. Jerwood, James, Esq. A.M. 8 Dix^s Field, Exeter. ;

JJesson, Thomas, Esq. B.A.

Johues, John, Esq. Dolau-cothy , near Llandeih. l+Johuson, David, Esq. F.C.S. Grosvenor Road, Wrexham. JJohnson, James ilemy, Esq. Strangeiuai/s Hall Collieries, 7iear Wigan. JJohnson, James Trubshaw, Esq. C.E. Bettisjield Colliery, Holywell. +Johuson, John, Esq. M.Iust.C.E. Osborne Terrace, Jesmond Road, Neiucastle-on-Tyne. tJohnson, M. Hawkins, Esq, 379 Euston Road. N.W. **JohnstGn, Charles, Esq. JJohnston, William, M.D. 6 Gloucester Terrace, Weymouth. JJoliffe, The Hon. Hedworth Hylton. Carlton Club. S.W. and Merstham, Surrey. +.Tones,' Daniel, Esq. Albrighton, near Wolverhamiiton. Jjones, John, Esq. Scdthurn-hy-the-Sea, Yorkshire. JJJones, T., Esq. F.R.A.S. 1 Brunswick Villas, Shooters Hill. S.E. \v 1^ Jones, Thomas Eupert, Esq. F.E.S. Professor of Geology, Eoyal Military and Staff Colleges, Sandhurst. 5 College Terrace, Yorhtoivn, Surrey. Josephson, Joshua Erey, Esq. Sydney, New South Wales. ^Jordan, Henry Keys, Esq. Bridgend, Glamorganshire. JJudd, Charles, Esq, E.E.A.S. ' 3 Stoneleigh Villas, Totten- ham. JJudd, J. W., Esq. 6 Manor Vieiv, Brixton Road. S.W. JJJukes-Browne, A. J., Esq. Geological Survey of England.

Museum, Jermyn Street, S.W. ; and 5 West Hill, High~

gate. jST.

*Kell, William Ghrimes, Esq, 112 Westhourne Terrace, Hyde Pari: W.

J+Kelly, Edmond, Esq. B.A. Box 329, Post Offic New Yorl; U.S. +Kemshead, WiUiam Bath, M.A. Bh.D. E.E.A.S. Hanover Villa, Thurlow Pari- Road, DulwicJi. S.E. tKendall, John Dixon, Esq. 59 Roper Street, Whiteharen, jKendall, Nicholas, Esq. Pelyn, Lostivithiel, Cornwall. Kendall, Eev. William Charles, il.A. Newark. ^Kennedy, Myles, Esq. Hill House, Ulverston. jKernahan, Eev. James, M.A. Ph.D. 4 College Street, St. Albans. jKimball, James Putnam, Ph.D. Geological Rooms, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S. jKing, Charles Cooper, Lieut. Eoyal Marine Artillery. Royal Military College, Sandhurst. jjKing, Clarence, Esq. Director of the U.S, Geological Survey of the 40th Parallel. 23 Fifth Avenue, New York. jKing, John Langley, Esq. Doublegates, Merton, Surrey. S.W. JjKing, William Poole, Esq, Avon-side House, Clifton, Bristol. ;


*Kiuno.ircl, Vd. Hon, Lord. K.T. Ilossic Priory, Inchture, Perthshire. iKirkhouse, Herbert, Esq. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. *Kirkpatrick, John, Esq. Kirshaw, John William, Esq. Warwich. j^Kitching, A. G., Esq. Florence House, Enfield. JKitto, Benedict, Esq. Redruth, Cornwall. tKnapping, Dale, Esq. Blaclcheath Parle. S.E. jKnobel, Edward Ball, Esq. The Heath, SfajyenJdll, Burton- on-Trent. Knowles, Eev. John, A.M. Ph.D. F.S.A. Tunhridcje Wells. JKoch, Walter E, Esq. South Frith Lodge, Tunhridge. JKoma, 11., Esq. E.C.S. Care of Japanese Post Office, Yolo- hama, Japan.

**Laing, Samnel, Esq. 3I.P. 1 Eastern Terrace, Brighton. Laing, Thomas Josiah, Esq. jLainson, Henry, Esq. Colley Manor, Meigate, Surrey. :JLambert, Alan, Esq. Heath Lodge, Putney Heath. S.W. JLambert, Charles, Esq. F.R.A.S. E.L.S. 'E.C.S. 3 Queen Street Place, Upjoer-Thames Street. E.G. Lament, James, Esq. 79 West Regent Street, Glasgoiv. Lancaster, John, Esq. Billon Grange, Rugby ; and Ash- field, Wirjan. {Lancaster, William James, Esq. F.E.A.S. F.C.S. Heathfield Road, Birmingliam. *Lane, Christopher Bagot, LL.D. M.Inst.C.E. G Westminster

Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. ; and 2 Howley Place Villas, Maida Hill. W. ijLangdon, Rev. Edward, M.A. jLapworth, Charles, Esq. Abbotsford Road, Galashiels, Scotland. jLaugel, M. Auguste, Ex-Secretaire de la Societe Geologique de . Orleans House, Twickenham. W. Lanrance, John, Esq. Elton, Peterborough, Northampton- shire. tLavis, H. J. J., Esq. University College, Gower Street. W.C. jLawder, A. W., Esq. Executive Engineer, Kumson Divi- sion. Almora, N. W.P., India. rjLawrence, Philip Henry, Esq. Fearegg House, Prince's Road, Wimbledon Pari: S.W. JLea, John Walter, Esq. 6 The Grove, Highrjate. N. i:+Leaf, Charles John, Esq. F.L.S. F.S.A. Old Change. E.G. and Pains Hill, Cobham, Surrey. :j:Lebour, George A., Esq. Wedep)ark House, Lintz Green, Neu'castle-on-Tyne. Leckenby, John, Esq. 33 St. Nicholas Street, Scarborough. i:jLee, Henry, Esq. The Waldrons, Croydon. jLee, J. Bridges, Esq. B.A. F.C.S. 8 Figtree Court, Temple. E.G. Lee, John Edward, Esq. F.S.A. Villa Syracusa, Torquay. Lees. Edwin, Esq. F.L.S. Green Hill Summit, Worcester. 27

*Le Feuvre, "William Henry, Esc 28 Brunswick Gardens,

Kensington. W. ; and Jersey. **Lefevre, Henry Francis Shaw, Esq, 29 Green Street^ Gros- venor Square. W. *Leigh, John Studdy, Esq. 8 Old Jetury. E.G. JjLeighton, William Henry, Esq. 2MertonPluce, CJiisivich. W. jLemon, William George, Esq. B.A. Blaclhcath. S.E. **Lendy, Capt. Anguste Frederic, F.L.S. Sunhury House, Sunhury. jLennox, Arthnr C. W., Esq. 18 Hans Place. S.W. ^Leonard, Hugh, Esq. Geological Survey of Ireland. 14 Hume Street, Duhlin. Lester, Lester, Esq. F.L.S. Langton Mcdtravers, Dorset. jLewis, J. F., Lieut. E.E. Malta. jLewis, Lewis Thomas, Esq. Cadoxton Lodge, Neath. JLewis, William Thomas, Esq. C.E. Mardy, Aherdare. **Lindley, William, Esq. 1 Kidhroolc Terrace, BlackJieath. S.E. Lindsay, Charles, Esq. Bidge Parle, Lanark, Scotland. *Lingard, John Eowson, Esq. 4 Westminster Chambers,

Victoria Street. S.W. ; and 10 Booth Street, Piccadilly, Manchester. Lingwood, Robert Maulkiu, Esq. M.A. F.L.S. 1 Bei-hy Villas, Cheltenham. tjLiversidge, Archibald, Esq. F.C.S. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, and Lecturer on Geology and Mineralogy at the University of. Sydney, New South Wales. The Uni- versity, Sydney, New South Wales.

fLlewellin, David, Esq. Glamvern Offices, Bryn Gwyn Place,

Pontypoo 1, Monm outhshire. Lloyd, George, M.D. Birmingham. jLloyd, Thomas G. B., Esq. C.E. Scientific Club, 7 Savile Bow. W. JLobley, James L., Esq. 59 Clarendon Boad, Notting Hill,

W. ; and Scientific Club, 7 Savile Bow. W. *Loch, George, Esq. 2 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. ^ Logan, J. E., Esq. Singajjore. JLonge, Francis Davy, Esq. B.A. 4 York Terrace, Cheltenham. **Longman, Thomas, Esq. Paternoster Bow. E.G. **Longman, WilHam, Esq. F.S.A. 36 Hyde Park Square. W. jLoveday, William T., Esq. 17 Stanley Crescent. W. jLow, William, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Boseneath Grove Park, Wrexham. Lowe, Edward J., Esq. F.E.S. F.L.S. F.R.A.S. Highfield

House Observatory , near Nottingham. jLuard, Capt. C. E., E.E. Horse Guards, Whitehall. S.W. *Lubbock, Sir John, Bart. M.P. D.C.L. F.E.S. F.L.S. F.S.A.

15 Lombard Street, E.C. ; and High Elms, Bromley, Kent. t:i:Lucas, Henry, Esq. 46 Gloucester Square, Hyde Park. W. Lucas, Joseph, Esq. Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. Lucas, Eev. Samuel. Wcdton-on-Thames. 28

fLucy, "W. C.,Esq. TheWinstones,Brool-thorpe,ncar(Jhucesicr. jLudlam, Henry, Esq. 1 74 Piccadilhj. W. tLundy, John James, Esq. E.C'.S. Leith. jLupton, Arnold, Esq. BugilU, North Wales. jLyall, George, Esq. South Shields. j+Lyell, Leonard, Esq. 42 Ber/int's Park Road. N.W. Lynde, James Gascoigne, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. ^0101 Hall, Manchester. Lyon, "William, Esq. J. P. Wellhujton, New Zeeiland.

M'Caun, James, Esq. jM^Clean, Frank, Esq. M.A. M.Inst.C.E. 23 Great George Street. S.AV. jMaclean, William Crighton, Esq. 31 Camperdown Terrace, Greeit Yarmouth. McClelland, John, Esq. F.L.S. Bengal ilcdical Service. Calcutta. M'^Connel, David C, Esq. M'Coy, Erederiek, Esq. Professor of Zoology and Natural His- tory in the University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Victoria. {Macdonald, Alexander, Esq. Aberdeen. Mackenzie, Charles, Esq. ±Mackeuzie, G. Welland, Esq. E.ll.C.S. 15 Hans Place. S.W. ^Mackenzie, John, Esq. Government Examiner of Coal-fields. Neivcastle, New South Wcdes. Mackeson, Henry Bean, Esq. Hythe, Kent. tMackesy, Major William Henry, Assistant-Secretary, Go- vernment of the Punjab. Lediore, Punjdb, India. *Mackie, Samuel Joseph, Esq. 3 Delahaij Street, Great George Street. S.W. +Mackinnon, A. K., Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 77 Wanvich Square, Pimlico. S.W. fMackintosh, Daniel, Esq. 30 Dcde View; Eoad, Higher Tranmere, Birlenhead. M^Landsborough, John, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. P.E.A.S. The Exchange, Bradford, Yorlcshire. MacLauchlan, Henry, Esq. 14 Liston Boad, Grafton Square, Clapham. S.W. Maclennan, Rev. Alexander, M.A, Carlton House, Newcastle- on-Tyne. jM<^Murtrie, James, Esq. Rachtoch Collieries, Bath. JMaddock, P»ev. Henry E., M.A. 15 Hyde Gardens, Easthoxmie. tjMaUet, E. E., Esq. Geological Survey of India, 1 Hastings Street, Cedcutta. *MaUet, Eobcrt, Esq., F.E.S. M.Inst.C.E. 16 The Grove,

Claj)ham Boad. S.W. ; and 7 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. *Manby, Lieut.-Col. Charles, E.E.S. M.Inst.C.E. GO West- bourne Terrace. W. *Mann, C. S., Esq. Eltham. Mansel-Pleydell, John C, Esq. Longthi Blandford, Dorsetshire, ;


Mantell, "William Baldock Diirrant, Esq. Wellington, New Zealand. Margessou, Philip Davis, Capt. E.A. India. JtMarsh, 0. C, Esq. M.A. Professor of Palagontology at Yale College. Tale College, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S. Marshall, Arthur, Esq. Headingleg, near Leeds. **Marsham, Hon. Eobert. 5 Chesterfield Street, Mayfair. W. JMasey, T. Adair, Esq. North Cheam, Surrey. *Maskelyne, Nevil Story, Esq. M.A. F.E.S. F.C.S. Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Oxford. British Museum. W.C. T+Mason, James, Esq.F.C.8. Tgnsham Eall, near Witney,Oxon and San Domingos and Pomaron, Alemtejo, Portugal.

JMason, James Wood, Esq. Queen's College, Oxford ; Assistant-Curator of the Government Museum, Calcutta. India Museum, Calcutta. **Matheson, Sir James, Bart. M.P. F.E.S. 13 Cleveland Bow. S.W.; andSkye, N.B. Mathews, William, Esq. M.A. 39 Harhorne Road, Birming- ham. Maury, M. F., juu. Esq. Room No. 1, Engcn's Building, Charleston, West Va., U.S. tjMaw, George, Esq. F.L.S. F.S.A. Benfhall Hall, Broseley, Saloiy. Mayo, Herbert, Esq. Cheshunt, Herts. Medlicott, Henry Benedict, Esq. B.A. Geological Survey of India. Calcutta. JMelliss, John Charles, Esq. C.E. Abbey Hill, Kenilworth. jMello, Eev. John Magens, M.A. St. Thomas's Rectory, Brampton, Chesterfield. JMellor, T. Eandolph, Esq. C.E. *Meryon, Edward, M.D. 14 Clargcs Street. W. Meyer, Charles, Ph.D. *Meyer, Christian Paul, Esq. JMeyer, C. J. A., Esq. 8 Church Buildings, Chrpham Com- mon. S.W. tjMiall, Louis Comptou, Esq. 4 Marlborough Terrace, Leeds. {Middleton, John 0., Esq. 1 Ebenezer Terrace., Plumstead Common, Kent. *Millar, John, Esq. F.E.C.P.E. F.L.S. Bethnal House, BetJi- ncd Green. E. jMiller, Hugh, Esq. Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. *Miller, John, Esq. Burgo Pari-, Bridge of Allan; and Thurso, Scotland. Miller, William Hallows, LL.D.M.A. F.E.S. F.C.S. Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. 7 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge. JtMilligan, Joseph, Esq. F.L.S. F.E.A.S. G Craven Street,

Strand, W.C. ; and Roycd Society of Tasmania, Hobart Town, ;

30 i|

J:J:Milne, John, Esq. Imperial College of Engineering, Tolcei, Yolcoliama, Japan. JMilnes, "William, Esq, Coal Exchange. E.G. Minton, Samuel, Esq. Oakham House, near Dudley, Staf- fordshire. Mitchell, Frank Johnstone, Esq. Kewport, Monmouthshire. Mitchell, Joseph, Esq. C.E. Inverness. jJMitchell, Joseph, jun. Esq. Worshord' Dcde, near Barnsley. Moffat, Thomas, M.D. E.ll.A.S. Ilaivarden, near Chester. *"Moggridge, Matthew, Esq. 8 Bina Gardens, South Kensing- ton. S.W. j+Moiser, E. H., Esq. Heworth Grange, Yorlc. Molouy, Charles Preston, Lieut. -Colonel 2oth Madras Native Infantry. Cannamore, India. jMolyneux, "Wm., Esq. Branston Cottage, Burton-upon-Trent. Montague, Eev, John. The Vicarage, Wimhish, near Saf- ron Walden. Moore, Charles, Esq. G Camhridge Place, Bath. *Moore, John Carrick, Esq. M.A. E.E.S. 113 Eaton Square, S.W. tJMoore, Septimus P., Esq. LL.B, B.Sc. 5 St. John^s Park Villas, Haverstoch Hill. 1^.^Y. **Morant, Alfred AYilliam, Esq. P.S. A. 33 Virginia Road, Leeds. jMoreland, Richard, jun. Esq. Old Street. E.G. JMorgan, Conwy Lloyd, Esq. Weyhridge Heath, Surrey. Morgan, llev. Francis Hcnrj', M.A. Gisbro' Rectory, Yorkshire. *Morgan, James Arthur, Esq. 47 Fiiisbury Circus. E.G. Morgan, Thomas, Esq. Mornay, Aristides Franklin, Esq. Morris, Edmund, Esq. Wljl **Morris, John, Esq. Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in L'niversity College, London. 15 Upper Gloucester Place, Dorset Square. N.W. Mortimer, WiUiam Henry, Esq. Morton, George Highfield, Esq. 21 West Derhy Street, Liverpool. jMoslej', George, Esq. 7 St. Paul's Scpiarc, York. jMosse, George Andrew, Esq. Cowley Hall, near U.vhridqe. t+Murie, James, M.D. F.L.S. 18 Camden Road. N.W. jMurphy, J. J., Esq. Old Forge, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim. *Murray, Adam, Esq. 17 King William Street, Strand, W.C. and Scientific Club, 7 Savile Roiu. W. jMurray, Alexander, Esq. Geological Survey of Canada. St. John's, Newfoundland, *Murray, John, Esq. 50 Albemarle Street. "W. Jiturray, William, Esq. Monkland House, Lanarkshire. tMussou, Edward Coulson, Esq. M.A. Brotvne's School, Stamford. jMyers, Edward, Esq. The Parsonage, Claremont Hill, Slireivslmry. *Mylue, Eohert AYilliam, Esq. F.E.S. F.S.A. 21 Whitehall Place. S.W. 31

^'Napier, Charles G., Esq. 141 Rathgar Road, Dull in. JNapier, Charles Ottley Groom, Esq. 20 Maryland Eoad, Jlarroiu Road. "W. jNeedham, John Manning, Esq. 41 Oloucesier Square, Hyde Parh. W. JNevill, AVilliam James, Esq. E.Z.S. Whaddon House, Bruton, Somerset. jNewman, Frederick, Esq. C.E. 51 Bclsize Road, St. JoJms Wood. N.AV. JJlSTewton, Edwin TuUcy, Esq. Assistant Naturalist to H.M. Geological Survey. Museum, Jermijn Street. S.W. jNicholas, Kev. Thomas, M.A. Ph.D. 3 Graven Street, Strand. W.C. ^Nicholas, "William, Esq. Mining Dejxirtment, Melbourne, Victoria. *:Nicholson, Sir Charles, Bart. M.D. D.C.L. 26 Devonshire Place, Portland Place. W.

^Nicholson, Cornelius, Esq. F.S.A. Well/ield, Muswell Hill IS". JNicholson, H. A., M.D. D.Sc. Professor of Civil and Natural History in the University of St. Andreves. St. Andreivs, Fifeshire. Nico'l, James, Esq. F.R.S.E, Professor of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen. JtjSToble, John, Esq. 50 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Pari: W. tNoble, Thomas Shepherd, Esq. Lendal, Yorl: Noel, Ernest, Esq. Lydhurst, Warninglid, Hayivard's Heath. *Norman, George Ward, Esq. Bromley, Kent. :tNorth, F. W., Esq. Dixon's Green House, Dudley. jNorth, S. AV., Esq. Castlegate, TorJc. jNorton, Henry, Esq. 21 ilnthanlc's Road, Nonvich. *Norwood, Rev. Thomas Wilkinson. The Rectory, Chelsea, "^ S.W. Noyes, Thomas Herbert, Esq.

;tOakley, Christopher, Esq. 10 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. S.W. jOats, Francis, Esq. Kimberley, Griqualand West, South Africa. Ogilby, William, Esq. A.B. tOldfield, Richard C, Esq. India. Care of Messrs. Kettle- well and BuUen, Calcutta. Oldham, Rev. John Lane, M.A. Audley End, Saffron Wal- den, Essex. Oldham, Thomas, M.A. LL.D. F.R.S. Director of the Geo- logical Survey of India. 1 Hastings Street, Calcutta. jOrchard, J. Walrond, Esq. B.A. Waterloo, near Liverpool. Ormerod, George Wareing, Esq. M.A. Broohbank, Teign- mouth. jOrmerod, Henry Mere, Esq, Clarence Street, Manchester. *Osborne, Lieut.-Col. Willoughby, C.B. Political Agent. Bhopcd, Schira, India. Otter, Henry C, Capt. R.N. Tear of Election. 1837. 1835. 33

*Petlierick, John, Esq. Surhiton, Kingston-vpon-Tluimes. IjlPeter, llov. John. Ivif House, Bala. tPetrie, Capt. Francis W. H. Killeedy Oottar/t', Oosham, Hampshire. jPeyton, John E. H., Esq. E.R.A.S. 108 Marina, St. Leonards. Phear, John Budd, Esq. M.A. Judge iu the High Court of Calcutta. India. Phear, llev. Samuel George, D:D. M.A. Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Cambridge. +Phene, J. S., Esq. E.S.A. 5 Garlton Terrace, Oaldeii Street. S.W.

tJPhilipps, Henry Louis, Esq. 19 Warrington Crescent. "VV. Phillips, James, Esq. E.N. JPhillips, J. Arthur, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. E.C.S. Cressington Park, Aighurth, Liverpool. Philpot, The Veu. Archdeacon B, Mona Lodge, Amersham Boad, Futneg. S.W. jPickup, Peter, Esq. Towneleg Collierg, Burnley, LancasJdre. Picquot, Anthony, Esq. jPictor, llobert, Esq. Rudloe House, Box, Chippenham. +Pidgeon, D., Esq. Holmwood, Putneg Hill. S.AV. jPinchin, Eobert, Esq. C.E. Government Surveyor, Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope. jPiper, George H., Esq. Court House, Ledbury. jPlant, James, Esq. 40 West Terrace, West Street, Leicester, jPlaut, John, Esq. Boyal Museum, Peel Parle, Salford, Man- chester. jPlant, Nathaniel, Esq. De Montfort House, Leicester. tjPlayne, George F., Esq. Whitecroft, Nailsworth, Stroud, Oloucestershire. Plews, Henry T., Esq. Bedale, Yorkshire. Polwhele, Thomas Eoxburgh, Esq. M.A. Polwhele, Truro, Cornivall. fJPoole, Henry Skeffington, Esq. M.A. Government Inspector of Mines. Halifax, Nova Scotia. jPooley, Charles, Esq. F.E.C.S. F.S.A. 1 Raglan Circus, Weston-super-Mare, Pope, Charles, M.D, F.L.S. Glastonbury, Somerset. jPoppleton, Eichard Dickon, Esq. Leather Market, Ber- mondsey. S.E, ^Potter, Frederick Antony, Esq. B.Sc. Takasima Colliery,

near Nagasaki, Japan ; and 88 Tower Hill. E.C. t^Potter, William Aubone, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Cramlington House, Northumberland. Powrie, James, Esq. Beswallie, near Forfar. jPreston, Lawrence, Esq. Wichwar, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire. W)5 *Prestwich, Joseph, Esq. M.A. F.E.S. F.C.S. Professor of Geology in the University of Oxford. 34 Broad Street,

Oxford ; and Darent-Hulme, near Shoreham, Sevenoaks. E::{:Prevost, L. de Tessier, Capt. -ITth Eegiment. Brigade Major.

2nd Brigade Office, Aldmhot. 34

jPrice, F. G. H., Esq. 25 Clarendon Gardens, Maida Vale.

jPrice, T. Jones, Esq. B.A. Pencoed, near Bridgend. jPricc, Capt. W. E., M.P. Tihherton Court, near Gloucester. Priiigle, Johu William, Esq. Pritchard, Eev. Charles, M.A. F.E.S. E.K.A.S. Savilian Pro- fessor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford. 8 Kehle Terrace, Oicford. Prout, Rev. Thomas J. CJirist Church, Oxford. **Pulleine, James, Esq. Clifton Castle, Bedale. fPurdou, William, Esq. Lahore, Punjab.

Quain, Jones, M.D. Quiros, Francis, Esq. F.L.S. Lima.

+Eamsay, Alexander, Esq. Kihnorey Lodge, Castlchar, Ealing. W. w^ ''^Kamsay, Prof. Andrew C, LL.D. F.E.S. Yice-President. Director-General of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Museum, Jernign tStrect. S.W.; andloCrom- ^vcll Crescent, West Cromwell Road, South Kensington, S.W. +Eandall, John, Esq. Madeleg, Salop. jEandell, James S., Esq. Rudloe Lodge, Corsharn, Wilts. Eatclitf, Charles, Esq. F.L.S. F.S.A. Wyddritigton, Edg- haston, Birmingham. JEeade, T. lleUard, Esq. C.E. Heath House, Blundellsands, Liverpool. Eeadwin, Thomas Allison, Esq. Mersey Villa, Tuehrooh, Liverpool. Eeed, William, Esq. Great Blahe Street, Tori: :|:Eeid, Clement, Esq. Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. Eeid, Capt. James Hales. Beaumanville, Darlington, Ca- ncula West. JEcnshaw, Alfred George, Esq. 2 Suffolk Lane, Cannon Street. E.C. jEhys, Leyson, Esq. Aherdare. jEichards, Thomas, Esq. Banlchouse, Redruth, Cornwall. jEichardsou, John, Esq. Assoc.Inst.C.E. Methley Parh, Leeds. Eichardson, Joshua, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Neath, Glamorgan- shire. jEichardson, Eichard, Esq. Rhayader, Radnorshire. i:4:Eichardson, James William Hamilton, Esq. 27 East Parade, Leeds. JJEickard, Major F. Ignacio, Government Inspector-General of Mines, Argentine Eepublic, South America. San Juan, Buenos Ay res ; and 135 Cannon Street. E.C. tjEicketts, Charles, M.D. 22 Argijle Street, Birkenhead. *Eidsdale, Edward L. J., Esq. Roycd Mint, Tower Hill. E. jjEipon, Marquis of, K.G. D.C.L. F.E.S, F.L.S. 1 Carlton Gardens. S.W. 35

Eobbins, George, Esq. 9 Boyal Crescent, Batli. *Robert des Euffieres, Charles, Esq. 68 Belsize Parh Gardens, South Hanqjstead. N.W.; and Junior Athenamm Club, PiccadUhj. W. iijPtoberts, Isaac, Esq. 26 Boclc Pari; Rock Ferry, Cheshire. 4:Roberts, E. D., Esq. B.A. Glare Collerje, Gamhridge. jEoberts, W. ChancUer, Esq. E.E.S. Roi/cd Mint, Toiver

Hill. E. ; and Thurhiv Place, Duhvich. S.E. Eoberts, 'VVilliani Howland, M.D. India. jEobertson, David, Esq. 108 Woodlatids Eoad, Glasgoiu. Eobinson, Albert, Esq, •*Eobinson, Augustin, Esq. Lavant House, Chichester. jEobinson, Henry, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 7 Westminster Cham- bers, Victoria Street. S.W. jEobinson, John, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 2 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street. S.W. Eofe, John, Esq. 9 Crosbie Terrace, Leamington. JEogers, Alexander, Esq. Bombay Civil Service; Eevenue Commissioner, Northern Division. Bombay. J;Eogers, George, M.D. Longwood House, Long Ashton, near Bristol. *EoUo, Lord, M.A. E.S.A. Duncrub House, Perthshire. jEomilly, The Hon. Edward, E.L.S. 8 Htjde Parh Gate Sonth. S.W. Eoosmalecoeq, Andrew Henry, Esq. Ceylon Civil Service. Colombo, Ceylon. *Eoi)er, Ereeman Clark Samuel, Esq. E.L.S. Palgrave House, Eastbourne. Eoper, Eichard S., Esq. F.C.S. Newport, Monmouthshire. illose, H. C, M.D. E.L.S. Hampstead. N.W. +Eoss, J. Carne, Esq. Oahjield House, Wordsworth Street, Cardiff. jEoupell, Eobert Priolo, Esq. Q,.C. 75 Albany, Piccadilly. W. jEouth, Edward J., Esq. M.A. E.E.S. F.E.A.S. St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Eowlandson, Thomas, Esq. San Francisco. jEowley, "Walter, Esq. 74 Albion Street, Leeds. jEuddle, Daniel, Esq. 60 Delancy Street. N.W. jEndler, Erederiek William, Esq. Assistant Curator of the Museum of Practical Geology. Jermyn Street, S.W. Eushout, George, Esq. *Euskin, John, Esq. M.A. Denmark Hill, Camherwell. S.E. jEussell, Eobert, Esq. Geological Survey of England. Mu- seum, Jermyn Street. S.W. jEutley, Frank, Esq. Geological Survey of England. Mu- seum, Jermyn Street. S.W. tjEylands, Thomas Glazebrook, Esq. E.L.S. E.E.A.S. F.C.S. Highjields, Thelwell, near Warrington. tjSafford, John Burham, Esq. East Dereham, NorfoVc ; and Richmond, Surrey. d2 86

jSt. Clair, George, Esq. 35G Coventrii Road, Birmiiujham. JSainter, Joseph Deuby, Esq. MacclesfieM. fSalmou, William, Esq. 3 Green Bank, Ulverston. jSalter, "William, Esq. Maldon, Victoria, Australia. JSanders, Eev. Samuel J. W., AE.A. The Grammar School, Northampton. Sanders, William, Esq. F.E.S. Haahury Lodrje, The Avenue, Clifton, Bristol. Sandford, William Ayshford, Esq. N>jmhead Court, IFe?- lington, Somerset. *Saunders, Edwiu, Esq. 13 a George Street, Hanover Square. W. *Saunders, James Ebenezer, Esq. F.L.S. F.E.A.S. 9 Finshunj Circus. E.G. *Sawkiris, James G., Esq. 3 Albert Villas, Turnham Green. W. Saxton, George Harj^er, Lieut. -Col. Madras Xative Infantry. jScarth, W. T., Esq. Rahy Castle, near Darlinyton.

fSchvarcz, Julius, Ph.D. Stuhhueissenhurg , Hungary. JjScott, Douglas A., Lieut. E.E. Roorlcee, N.W. Provinces, India. Care of Dr. J. Scott, 8 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square. W. jScott, Eobert Henry, Esq. M.A. F.E.S. Director of the Meteorological Office. 116 Victoria Street; ami 36 OnS' low Square. S.W. **Scourfield, J. H., Esq. M.F. Williamsfon, Haverfordivest. w^ *Scrope, George Poulett, Esq. F.E.S. Fuirlaxvn, Colham,, Surrey. Mljl I+Seeley, Harry Govier, Escj. F.L.S. Professor of Physical

Geography in Bedford College, London ; and Lecturer on Geology and Physiology in Dulwich College. 61 Adelaide Road. X.W. **Selkirk, Earl of, F.E.S. St. Mary's Isle, Kirlccmlhright. jSells, Thomas Jenner, Esq. Guildford. jtSelwyn, Alfred E., Esq. F.E.S. Director of the Geological Survey of Canada. Montrecd, Canada. iiSerocold, Charles Pearce, Esq. Taplow Hill, Maidenhead. iSeyton, Charles Smith, Esq. C.E. Preston Lodge, Walton-oU' Thames.

jShakespear, Lieut.-Col. J. D. Augusta Road, Ramsgate. • Shai-p, John, Esq. Culverdon Hill, Tunhridge Wells. fSharp, Samuel, Esq. F.S.A. Dallington Hcdl, yorthanvpton. Sharp, William, Esq. F.E.S. Rugby, WarwicTcshire. **Sharpe, Samuel, Esq. 32 Higlibury Place. 'N. Shaw, George, Esq. 37 Temple Street, Birmingham. Shaw, John, M.D. F.L.S. Hop House, Boston, Lincoln- shire. jSliaw, John, Ph.D. M. A. South-African College, Cape Town. jShelford, AVilHam, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 35 a Great George Street, Westminster. S.W. tjSheUey, G. Ernest, Esq. Avinr/ton House, Winchester, Hants. SherWill, W. S., Lieut. -Colonel Bengal Army, Eeveuue Sur- veyor. Perth. ;


iShoiie, Isaac, Esq. Peatrefdin House, Wrexham. JtShone, \Yilliam, Esq. 42 Watergate Street, Chester. 4:Shoolbred, James N., Esq. B.A. Assoc.Inst.C.E. 3 Yoi-Tc

Buildings, Dale Street, Liveriwol ; and 12 DelaJuoi Street. s.w. jShrubsole, George William, Esq. Victoria Road, Chester. *Shuttlcworth, Sir J. P. Kay, Bart. 68 Cromwell Road,

South Kensington, S.W. ; Athenceum Club, Pall Mall, S.W. and Barhon ParJc, KirTchy Lonsdale. +Silver, Eev.Ercderick, M.A.E.L.S. E.E.A.S. Rectory, Norton- in-Hales, Market Drayton, Salop. jSimpson, J. B., Esq. Hedgefield House, Blaydon-on-Tyne, Durham. jSkertchly, S. B. J., Esq Geological Surrey of Englaud. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. *Slack, Henry James, Esq, Ashdown Cottage, Forest Row, Sussex. JSlade, Jeremiah, Esq. 100 Barnshury Road. N. :J:Sladen, Major E. B, Care of Messrs. Grindlay and Co., Par- liament Street. S.W. jSladeu, W. Percy, Esq. Exley House, near Halifax. *Smirke, Sydney, Esq. E.S.A. Care of A. Gates, Esq, 7 a Whitehall Yard. S.W. JjSmith, Charles, Esq. Barroiv-in-Farness, Lancashire. jSmith, Edmund James, Esq. 16 Whitehall Place. S.W. Smith, G. Fereday, Esq. M.A. Grovehurst, Tunhridge Wells. Smith, Henry, Esq. Oerehro, Sweden. jSmith, James Taylor, M.D. Colpihe, Nightingale Lane, Clapham. S.W. :J:tSmith, K.. Clifford, Esq. Parlcfield, Swinton, Manchester. jSmith, Samuel Joseph, Esq. C.E. E.C.S. E.S.A. Aucklands, Wandsivorth Common. S.W. JSmith, Thomas Macdougall, Esq. M.Inst. C.E, 1 Chapel Place, Delahay Street, Westminster. S.W. Smith, Thomas James, Esq. E.C.S. Hessle, near Hull. Smithe, Eev. Frederick, M.A. LL.D. Church Down Vicarage, Gloucester. Smithe, J. Doyle, Esq. Government Commissioner. Madha- poor, Punjab. Carcof Messrs. Xing & Co., Co Gornhill. E.G. Smyth, E.. Brough, Esq. Assoc.Inst.C.E. Secretary for Mines. Office of Mines, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria. *»Smyth, Warington W., Esq. M.A. E.R.S. Foreign Secre- tary. Chief Inspector of Crown Mines. Museum, Jermyn

Street. S.W. ; 92 Inverness Terrace. W., and- Marazion, Cormuall. JSollas, W. J., Esq. B.A. St. John's College, Cambridge. itSopwith, Arthur, Esq. Cannock Chase Collieries, Walsall. *Sopwith, Thomas, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. M.Inst.C.E. 103 Victoria Street. S.W. tSopwith, Thomas, jun. Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Thornfield, Night- ingale Lane, Clapliam Common. S.W. Wis Sorby, Henry Clifton, Esq. F.R.S. Broomfield, Sheffield. 38

Sowerby, William, Esq. India. tSpark, Henry King, Esq. Shirsr/iU Parle, Penrith. fSparrow, James, Esq. Gwersyllt Hill, mar Wrexham. jSpence, J. Berger, Esq. F.L.S. Ellesmere Chambers, King Street, Manchester ; and 75 Marh Lane. E.G. jSpencer, John Henry, Esq. Crawshaw Booth, Manchester. ;};Speucer, "William, Esq. Cross House Chambers, WeMjate Road, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. jjSpicer, Henry, juu. Esq. F.L.S. 14: Aberdeen Parle, Hifjh- bury. N. jSpooner, Charles Easton, Esq. C.E. Bron-y-Garth, Port-

madoc. , Spratt, Thomas A. B., Eear-Admiral, C.B. F.R.S. F.S.A. Clare Lodye, Timbridye Wells, Kent. tSpruce, Samuel, Esq. Albert Road, Tamworth. jSpurrell, F. C. J., Esq. Belvedere, Lessness Heath, Kent. *Stainton, Henry Tibbats, Esq. F.E.S. F.L.S. Mountsfield, Lewisham. S.E. IStair, Alfred, Esq. 13 Anton Street, Amlmrst Road, Haclc- ney. E. jSteele, J. Dormau, Ph.D. Ehnira Free AccuUmy, Ehmra, New Torlc. Stephen, George Miluer, Esq. Melbourne, Australia. tJStephens, DureU, Esq. St. Stephen's, Plympton, Devon. JtStephens, Thomas, Esq. il.A. Chief Inspector of Schools, Tasmania. Holbroolc Place, Hobart Toivn, Tasmania. jStevenson, George "Wilson, Esq. C.E. 4 Westminster Cham- bers, Victoria Street. S.W. tStevenson, Thomas, Esq. F.R.S.E. 17 Heriot Row, Edin- buryh. jStiffe, A. W., Esq. F.E.A.S. Manora, Hollinyton Pari; St. Leonards-on-Sea. StiU, Henry, Esq. jStoddart, William Walter, Esq. F.C.S. 9 North Street, Bristol. tStokes, Ai'thur H., Es(J. one of Her Majest/s Inspectors of Coal-mines. Green Hill, Derby. Stokes, Eev. WiUiam Haughton, M.A. FeUow of Caius Col- lege, Cambridge. Denver, nmr Downham Marlcet. tStone, John Benjamin, Esq. Holly Villa, Sutton Street, Aston Manor, Birmingham. jStopes, Henry, Esq. East Hill, Colchester. tJStory, E., Esq. M.A. F.L.S. F.E.A.S. 88 Oldjteld Road, Stolce Newington. N. tjStow, George "W"., Esq. . Queenstoivn, South Africa. *Straehey, Eichard, Lieut. -General Bengal Engineers, C.S.I.

F.E.S. F.L.S. India Office, Cliarles Street, Westminster. S.W. jStrangways, C. Fox, Esq. Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. tiStrutt, The Hon. Arthur. Milford House, Derby. Stuart, Graham, Esq. Dolgelly, Merionethshire. +Stubbins, John, Esq. Chester Cottage, Old Lane, Halifax. 39

jStutchbur}', Edward, E Beech Lodge, ClmrcMll, near Bristol jSwann, Capt. John Sackville, F.S.A. Holyshute, Honiton, Devon. Sylvester, John Henry, Esq, Bomhay, India. JSymes, Richard G., Esq. Geological Survey of Ireland Vic- toria Terrace, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Symonds, Eev. W. S., M.A. Pendoclc Rectory, near TeivJceshury. /Sl-ene, James, Esq.

Tabuteau, Captain A. 0., 93rd Highlanders. Shorncliffe Camp, FoRestone. i+Tackhadakar, M.A., Esq. Care of Mr. Lewis, 186 Goiver Street. W.C. jTait, Colonel I. L. Montgomery, Alahama, U.S. Talbot dc Malahide, James, Lord, E.R.S. E.S.A. Malahide

Castle, Count t/ Dublin; and Evercreecli House, Somerset. jTarbotton, Marriott Ogle, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. The Faric, Nottingham. Mljl tfTate, Ralph, Esq. A.L.S. Professor of ISTatural Science in the University of Adelaide. The University, Adelaide, South Australia. jTaunton, John Hooke, Esq. The Hill, Brimscomhe, Stroud. jTawney, Edward B., Esq. 16 Royal Yorh Crescent, Clifton, Bristol. *Taylor, John, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 6 Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street. E.G. JTaylor, John Ellor, Esq. F.L.S. Museum, Ipstvich. Taylor, Joseph Walter, Esq. Noungme, Greenland. *Taylor, Richard, Esq. 6 Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street. E.C. Taylor, William, Esq. +TeaIL, J. J. H., Esq. B.A. 18 Oi-osvenor Place South, GheU tenham. **Tennant, James, Esq. F.C.S. E.Z.S. Professor of Mineralogy in King's College, London. 149 Strand. W.C. iTeschemacher, E., Esq. E.C.S. 1 Highhury Parh North. '^. jThomas, Arnold, Esq. Bilson House, Newnham, Gloucester- shire. jThomas, George, Esq. 7 Grove Road, Wrexham. jThomsou, James, Esq. 276 Er/lington Street, Glasgoiv.

Thomson, Wyville, LL.D. F.R.S.L. cfc E. Professor of Natu- ral History in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Thornton, Rev. John, B.A. Vicarage, Aston Abbots, Aylesbury. Thornton, Rev. William. Kingstliorpe, Northampton. Thorp, The Venerable Archdeacon, B.D. Kemerton, Tewkes- bury. jThorpe, William, Esq. Gloucester House, LarMall Rise.

S.W. ; and Bartons House, Ipplepen, Neivton Abbot. *Thurburn, Capt. Henry. 43 Russell Road, Kensington. W. Thurtell, Rev. Alexander, M.A. Fellow of Caius College. Oxbxirgh Rectory, Stol-e Ferry, Norfolk. 40

jTiddeman, K. H., I'sq. M.A. GeologicarSurvej- of Englaud. Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. wk Timing, Charles, Esq. -^ * jTimius, Eev. John Heniy, M.A. West Mailing, Kent. +Todd, Rev. J. W., D.D. Tudor Hall College, Forest Hill. S.E. jTopley, William, Esq. Geological Survey of England. Mu- seum, Jermyn Street. S.W. +Traqiiair, Ramsay H., M.D. 28 Upper Gray Street, Nnv- ington, Edinhurgh. JiTravers, Archibald, Esq. Addison Road, Kensington. AY.; and 119 Cannon Street. E.G. *Tremenheere, G. B., Major-Gen. Bengal Engineers. Spring Grove, Hounslow. W. JTremenheere, H. Seymour, Esq. C.B. 43 Thurloe Square, Brompton. S.W. Trcvelyan, Sir Walter Calverley, Bart. M.A. F.R.S.E. E.S.A. Wallington, Newcasth-on-Tyne. jtTrotter, Coutts, Esq. Tlie Firs, Bournemouth. "Trotter, Robert, Esq. *Tuckett, Philip Debell, Esq. Southwood Laivn, HigJigaie. N. TurnbuU, Rev. Thomas Smith, M.A. F.R.S. Blojield, Nor- folk. ilTurner, Henry, Esq. Court Lodge, Knoclcholt, Sevenoals. Turner, Rev. William, M.A. *Twamley, Charles, Esq. 11 Regent's Parle Road. X.W. JTwite, Charles, Esq. 5 Victoria Street, Westminster. S.W. Tylden-Wright, Charles, Esq. Shireoal- Colliery, WorJcsop. tTyler, Charles, Esq. E.L.S. 317 Holloivay Road. N.

*Tylor, Alfred, Esq. 2 Newgate Street. E.G. ; and Shep>ley House, Carshalton, Surrey. t+Tyndall, John, LL.D. F.R.S. F.C.S. Professor of Natural Philosojihy in the Royal Institution. Royal Institution, Albemarle Street. W.

jUlrich, G. H. F., Esq. Toricl- Cluh, Collins Street East, Melbourne, Victoria. jUnderhiU, Arthur, Esq. B.A. 4 Middle Temple Lane, Fled Street. E.G. Upton, James Samuel, Esq. M.A. IJUsshcr, W. A. E., Esq., Geological Survey of England. Mu- seum, Jermyn Street, S.W. tUster, Henry L. T. von, Esq. 1 Pari- Cottages, Haverstoch Hill. ^^W.

fValpy, Robert Harris, Esq. Enhorne Lodge, Newbury. **Vaughan, George, Esq. jYenuor, H. G., Esq. Geological Survey of Canada. Montreal, Canada. tjYicary, William, Esq. The Priory, Colleton Crescent, Exeter. JtYincQjit, M. C, Esq. Professor of Economic Geology and

Metallurgy, Inspector of Mines, &c. Cincinnati, ' Ohio ; and 127 Strand, London. 41

*Vivian, Henry Hussey, Esq, M.P. Singleton Home, Sivansea. ^*yjvjan, Sir Eichard Eawlinson, Bart. E.K.S. M.E.A.S. Trelowarren, Helston, Cornwall.

ijWaguer, Henry, Esq. M.A. E.S.A. IQKing Street, St. James's Square. S.W. jWalker, Henry, Esq. 8 Walterton Boad, St. Peter's Parh. W. :+Walker, Jolin Erancis, Esq. M.A. E.L.S. E.C.S. 16 Gilhj- qate, YorTc. :+Wklker, T. E. W., Esq. M.A. 3 Circus, Bath. tWall, George Parkes, Esq. Victoria Road, Broomhall Parh, Sheffield. *Wall, Philip William, Esq. 9 Victoria Chamhers, Victoria

Street, S.W. ; and 2 Lessness Pari-, Belvedere, Kent. Wallace, John, Esq. Carshalton Lodge, Surrey. tjWalton, Elijah, Esq. The Forelands, Bromsgrove ; and 4 Westminster Chamhers, Victorico Street. S.W. iWarburton, Thomas, Esq. 11 Graiuie Boad, Canonhury Parle. N. tfWard, Henry, Esq. Bodbaston, Penlcridge. jWard, James Clifton, Esq. Geological Survey of England.

Museum, Jermyn Street. S.W. ; and Greta Banh Cottage, Keswicl-, Cumberland. Ward, Eev. John, M.A. jWard, John, Esq. 25 Stafford Street, Longton, Stafford- shire. JWardell, Erank N., Esq., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Coal-mines. Wath, near Botheram, Yorlcshire. +Wardle, Thomas, Esq. E.C.S. LeeTc, Staffordshire. jWaring, Samuel Long, Esq. The OaJcs, Nonuood. S.E. Warrand, William E., Major Bengal Engineers. Westhorpe Hall, Southivell, Notts. jWarren, Charles, Captain Eoyal Engineers. Waltham Abbey, Essex.

jWarwick, Frederick, Esq. 25 BucMersbury. E.C. ; and 20 Torh Street, Swansea. Waterhouse, John, Esq. E.E.S. F.E.A.S. Wellhead, Halifax. ^Waters, Arthur W., Esq. Woodbrooh, Alderley Edge, near Manchester. Wathen, G. Henry, Esq. Natal. Watson, Joseph G. W., Ph.D. *Watson, Joseph Yelloly, Esq. Thorpe Grange, Colchester. + +Watson, Eev. Eobert Boog, B.A. E.E.S.E. Care of Mrs. Watson, 4 Bruntsfield Place, EdinburgJi. J JWatson, Eobert John, Esq. M.A. Scientific Club, 7 Savile Bow. W. itWatts, William, Esq. Piethorne, Bochdale. JWaugh, Henry, Esq. Stanwell, Middlesex. JWaugh, Eev. Benjamin, 5 WoodlandVillas, Blachheath. S.E. *Webb, Edward Brainerd, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 6 a Victoria Street. S.W. '


+Webb, "William Frederick, Esq. Newsiead Abbe)/, Notts. "Webster, William Bullock, Esq. "Wedgwood, H. A., Esq. +"West, George Herbert, Esq, B.A. Woodcote, Bournemouth. t"Weston, "William, Esq. Chemical Department, Portsmouth , Doilcyard. jWheatley, J. Hewitt, Ph.D. F.L.S. Abheyview, Sllgo, Ireland. Whinfield, Edward "Wrey, Esq. B.A. Severn Grange, Worcester. **"Whitaker, "William, Esq. B.A. Loud, Geological Survey of England. Museum, Jermijn Street. S.W. i:"White, Arthur, Esq. The Cedars, Hammersmith Road. W. J"White, Rev. F. Le Grix, M.A, Learning House, Ulleswater, Penrith. "Wliite, Henry Campbell, Esq. Hucclecote, Gloucester. \ **^^^lite, James, Esq. 58 Gresham House, Old Broad Street. E.G. ' t"White, J. Tolsou, Esq. Halesfield, Altofts, Normanton. ^Tiiteaves, Joseph Frederick, Esq. Montreal, Canada. ^"Whitehead, Charles, Esq. F.S.A. Barminrj House, Maidstone. ;J:

+"Whitehead, Herbert Maguire, Esq. 1 SuffolTc Place, Pall '.

Mall. S.W. ! J'W'hitfield, John, Esq. Baneerjunrje, Benrjal. | J"\Miitley, Henry Michell, Esq. Assoc.Inst.C.E. Penarth, f Truro, Cornwall. ' Eobert, Esq. Street. "W. jJ"Wigram, 4 Harley [ Wilkins,. Ernest Powell, Esq. Licent. Eoy. Coll. Phys. Edinb. Newport, Isle of Wight. "Wilkinson, Pvev. John Brewster, B.D. J"^'illacy, Rev. T. R., B.A. Holy Innocents, Fallovfeld,' Manchester. j"^lllett, Henry, Esq. Arnold House, Brighton. *Williams, Alfred, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. 18 Great George Street. S.W. J:"WilKams, Charles 0., Esq. C.E. Holt Street House, Wre.v- ham. ++"Williams, Sir Frederick, Bart. M.P. Goonvrea, near Truro. "Williams, John, Captain R.E. jTVilliams, Rev. "William. Christ Church Vicarage, Coclcer- mouth. J"Williams, W. R., Esq. Vron Arran, Dolgelhj, North Wales. J"\\''illiamson, Ezekiel, Esq. 12 Goodiers Lane, Regent Road,' Salford. tWiUis, James, Esq., one of Her ilajesty's Inspectors of Coal- mines. Newcastle-on-Ti/ne. J"Wilson, Edward, Esq. 18 Loro Pavement, Nottingliam. J"Wilson, Henr}-, Esq. Ivy House, Marshe-hy-the-Sea, Yorh shire. JJ"V^^ilson, Hugh, Esq. Mount Forest, Ontario, Canada. +JWilson, James Maurice, Esq. M.A. F.R.A.S. late Fellow of St

John's College, Cambridge. Rugby School, Warwicl'shire , ;


Wilson, John, Esq. Wilsou, John, Esq. Wilson, Jolin, Esq. F.R.S.E. Professor of A.gricnlture in the University of Edinburgh. Edinhurgh. JWilson, Wmiam H„ Ph.D. F.C.S. Professor of Physical Sciences in the Presidency College, Madras. Madras. **Wiltshire, llev. Thomas, M.A. F.L.S. F.E.A.S. Secketart. 25 Granville Parle, Leivisham, S.E. jWinbolt, J. S., Esq, M.A. SoutJi Norivood ParTc. S.E. tWingate, Major Sir George, K.C.S.I. Crofton, Hants. JtWinn, Rowland, Esq. M.P. 8 Queen's Gate Place. S.W. and Applehy Hall, Brigg, Lincolnshire. jWinstone, Benjamin, Esq. E.C.S. 53 Russell Square. W.C. jWiuwood, Rev. H. H., M.A. 11 Cavendish Crescent, Bath. ttWitchell, Edwin, Esq. Stroud, Gloucestershire. Witts, Rev. Edward Francis. Upper Slaughtei% near Stotv- on-the-Wold. JjWollaston, G. H., Esq. M.A. The College, Clifton, Bristol. jWonnacott, John, Esq. 15 Haddington Road, Stoke, Devon- port. Wood, Edward, Esq. Richmond, Yorhshire. Wood, Colonel Edward Robert. Stout Hall, near Stvansea. Wood, Rev. Henry Hayton, M.A. Holivell Rectory, Sher- borne, Dorset. w^ **Wood, Searles Valentine, Esq. Beacon Hill House, Martle- sham, near Woodbridge, Suffoll'. ^ +tWood, Searles Valentine, jun. Esq. Beacon Hill House, Ilartlesham, near Woodbridge, Suffolk. Woodall, John Woodall, Esq. St. Nicholas House, Scar- borough. **Woodd, Charles H. Lardner, Esq. Roshjn, Hampstead. N.W. Woodhouse, John Thomas, Esq. M.Inst.C.E. Overseal, near Ashby-de- la-Zouch. jWoodman, William, Esq. Waterloo House, Odiham, Hants and Paraguay. tfWoods, Rev. Julian E. Tenison, FLS. St. Joseph's, South Brisbane, Queensland. tjWoodward, C. J., Esq. B.Se.Lond. Birmingham and Mid- land Institute; and 4 Warwiclc Place, Francis Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. ^Woodward, Henrj', Esq. F.R.S. F.Z.S. British Museum.

W.C. ; and 142 St. PauVs Road, Camden Square. N.W. ttWoodward, Horace Bolingbroke, Esq. Geological Survey of

England. Museu7n,Jermgn Street. ii.W. ; ccnd 13 Valen- tine Street, Dereham Road, Norwich. ttWorms, Baron George de, F.S.A. 17 Parh Crescent. N.W. *Worms, Baron, Henry de, F.R.A.S., South Lodge, Rutland Gate. S.W. *Worsley, Philip, Esq. 26 Chester Terrace, Regent's Parh, N.W. Worsley, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Master of Downing CoUege, Cambridge. Cambridge. Year of Election. 1875. 1831. 1832. 1866. 1859. 45


iji Abich, Dr. Hermann. T'lflls, Northern Persia. Wsv" Barraude, M. Joachim, Corresp. M. Imp. Acad. Vienna. 22

Rue de VOdeon, ; and 419, Kleinseite, Chotelsgasse, . Borromeo, Count Vitaliano. Milan. Wiji Boue, Ami, M.D. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sc. Vienna. Breunner, Count August. Sinc/erstrasse, 16, Vienna. W Brongniart, HI. Adolphe T., Memb. de I'lnstit. For. Mem. E.S. Professor of Botany in the Museum of Natural History. Jardin des Plantes, Paris ; and Rue Ouvier, 57, Paris. Bunsen, Eobert W., Ph.D. For. Mem. R.S. Professor of Che- mistry in the University of Heidelberg. Heidelberg. W Dana, James D., LL.D. A.M. Silliman Professor of Geology and Natural History in Yale College. New Haven, Con- necticut. Daubree, Prof. A., Memb. de I'lnstit. Director of the School of Mines, and Professor of Geology in the Museum of Natural History, Paris. 62 Boulevard St. MicJiel, Paris.

iji Dechen, Herr Henry von, Berghauptmann, &c. Bonn. ^ Delesse, M. Achille, Professor of the Faculty of Sciences of Besangon. Rue de Madame, 37, Paris. Desnoyers, M. Jules, Mem. de i'lnstit. Jardin dcs Plantes, Paris. Desor, M. Edouard. NeucTidtel. Edwards, Dr. Henry Milne-, Memb. de I'Institut, For. Mem. R.S. Professor of Natural History in the Museum of Natural History. Jardin des Plantes, Paris. Ww Ehrenberg, Prof. Christian Gottfried, M.D. For. Mem. E.S. Secretary of the Eoyal Academy of Berlin. Berlin. Favre, M. Alphonsc, Professor of Geology at the Academy. Geneva. IS Gastaldi, Prof. B. Turin. ^ Gaudry, M. Albert, Professor of Palaeontology in the Museum of Natural History, Paris. Paris. ^ Geinitz, Hanns Bruno, Ph.D., Professor of Mineralogy and Geology in the University of Dresden. Dresden. 1^ Gervais, M. Paul, Professor of Comparative Anatomy in the Museum of Natural History, Paris. 11 Rue Rollin, Paris. ^ Goeppert, Heinrich Robert, M.D. Ph.D. Professor of Natural History in the University of Breslau. Breslau. \Vw^ Hall, James, Esq., State Geologist. Albany, State of New Tori: 46 Tear of Election, 1871. Hauer, Dr. Franz Ritter vou, Director of the Austrian Geo- logical Survey. Vienna. 1874. Hebcrt, ^. Edmond, Professor of Geology at the Sorbonne. Paris. 1870. Heer, Eev. Dr. Oswald, Professor of Botany in the Univer- sity of Zurich. Zurich. 1851. Helmersen, General G. von. St. Petershurg. 1853. Keyserling, Count Alexander von. EayliiU, via Eeval, Esthonia, Russia. 1875. Kjerulf, Dr. Theodor. Christiania University. 1853. Wwiji Koninck, Laurent-Guillaume de, M.D. Professor of Che- mistry and Palseontology in the University of Lioge. Lierje. 1866. Leidy, Joseph, M.D. Philadelphia. 1862. ilcrian, Pierre, M.D. Professor in the University of Basle. Basle. 1871. Nilsson, Dr. S. Lund. 1871. Xyst, Dr. H. Brussels. 1859. Roemer, Ferdinand, Ph.D. Professor of Geology and Palae- ontology in the University of Breslau. Breslau. 1844. Rogers, "William Burton, Esq. [late Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Virginia, Boston, U.S.]. Boston, U.S. 1875. vri^i Sandberger, Fridolin, Ph.D. Professor of Mineralogy in the University of ATiirzburg. Wilrzbuiv/, Bavaria. 1851. Sismonda, II Cavaliere Angelo, Professor of Mineralogy in the Royal University. Turin. 1850. Studer, M. Bernard, Professor of Geology. Berne. 1862. Waltershausen, Baron "W. Sartorius vou. University oj G'Ottingen. 47


Beyrich, Prof. E. Berlin. Eosquet, M. J, Maestriclit. Brandt, Dr. J. F. St. Petersburg. Capellini, II Commendatore Giovanni, Professor of Geology and Palaeontology in the University of Bologna. Bologna. Cocchi, Sig. Igino, Professor of Geology in the Museum of JSTatm-al History, Plorence. Florence. Coquand, M. Henri. Marseilles. Gotta, Prof. Bernhard. Freiberg. Cotteau, M. Gustave H. Auxerre. Credner, Herr Bergmeister. GotJia. Dewalque, Prof. G. Liege. Giimbel, Dr. Carl Wilhelm. Munich. Hayden, Dr. F. Y. Washington. Jjigcr, Dr. G. F. Stuttgart. Kokscharow, M. von. St. Petersburg. Lesley, Prof. J. P. Philadelphia. Loven, M. S. Stockholm. Mareou, Jules, Esq. Cambridge, U.S. Marschall, Count A. G. 33 Wollzeil, Vienna. Martins, Dr. Charles. Montpellier. Meneghini, Sig. G., Professor of Palaeontology in the Univer- sity of Pisa. Pisa. Newberry, Dr. J. S. New Tori: Nordenskiold, Prof. A. E. Stockholm. Ponzi, Sign. Pome. Quenstedt, Prof. Tilhingen. Eaulin, M. Victor, Professor of Geology in the Faculty of Sciences. Bordeaux. Schimper, M. W. P., Professor of Geology in the University of Strasbourg. Strasbourg. Seguenza, Sig. Giuseppe, Professor in the University of Messina. Messina. Sella, Sign. Quintino. Turin. Senft, Dr. F. Eisenach. Steenstrup, Dr. J. Copenhagen. Stur, Herr Dionys. Vienna. Suess, Prof. Edouard. Vienna, Szabo, Prof. Joseph. Pesth. Torell, Prof. Otto. Lund. Tsehermak, Prof. Gustav. Vienna. Yibraye, Marquis de. Paris. Whitney, Prof. J. D. Cambridge, U.S. Winkler, Dr. T. C. Harlem. Zigno, Baron Achille de. Padua. Zii-kel, Prof. F. 38 Franhfurter Strasse, Leijpsig.






"To promote researclies coucerniug the mineral structure of the earth, and to enable the Council of the Geological Society to reward those individuals of any country by whom such researches may hereafter be made,"—"such individual not being a Member of the Council."

1831. Mr. William Smith. 1855. Sir H. T. De la Beche. 1835. Dr. G. A. Mantell. 1856. Sir W. E. Logan. 1836. M. L. Agassiz. 1857. M. . Mej-er. ^''^P*- ^- ^- Cautley. lOKQ ) Herr Hermann von 1837. I I Dr. H. Falconer. ( Mr. James Hall. 1838. Professor R. Owen. 1859. Mr. . 1839. Professor C. G. Ehrenberg. 1860. Mr. Searles V. Wood. 1840. Professor A. H. Dumont. 1861. Professor Dr. H. G. Bronn. 1841. M. Adolph T. Brongniart. 1862. Mr. Robert A. C. Godwin- 1842. Baron L. von Buch. Austen. ^^' ^' ^® Beaumont. 1863. Professor Gustav Bischof. 1843" i I M. P. A. Dufrenoy. 1864. Sir R. I. Murchison. 1844. The Rev. W. D. Couybeare. 1865. Mr. Thomas Davidson. 184.5. Professor John Phillips. 1866. Sir . 1846. Mr. William Lonsdale. 1867. Mr. G. P. Scrope. 1847. Dr. Ami Bou.5. 1868. Professor Carl F. Naumaun. 1848. The Rev. Dr. W. Buckland. 1869. Mr. II. C. Sorby. 1849. Professor . 1870. Professor G. P. Deshayes. 1850. Mr. . 1871. Professor A. C. Ramsay. 1851. The Rev. Prof. A. Sedgwick. 1872. Professor J. D. Dana. 1852. Dr. W. H. Fitton. 1873. Sir P. de M. G. Egerton.

I g^.T I M. le Vicomte A. d'Archiac. 1874. Professor Oswald Heer.

I M. E. de Verneuil. 1875. Professor L. G. de Koninck. 1854. Sir Richard Griffiths. 50



1831. Mr. William Sinitli. 1855. Drs. G. and F. Sandberger.

]\Ir. 1856. Professor P. Deshayes. 1833. WiUiam Lonsdale. G. " 1834. M. Louis Agassiz. 1857. Mr.'fe. P. Woodward. 1835. Dr. G. A. Mantell. 1858. Mr. James Hall. 1836. Professor G. P. Desliayes. 1859. Mr. Charles Peach. 1838. Professor Richard Oweu. Professor T. Rupert Jones. ^^^- j 1839. Professor C. G. Elirenberg. hli-. W. K. Parker. 1840. Mr. J. De Carle Sowerby. 18G1. Professor A. Daubree. 1841. Professor . 18G2. Professor Oswald Heer. 1842. Professor John Moi-ris. 1803. Professor Ferdinand Senft. 1843. Professor John Moms. 1804. Professor G. P. Des 1844. Mr. WilUara Lonsdale. 1805. Mr. J. W. Salter. 184-5. Mr. Geddes Bain. 1806. Mr. Hemy Woodward. 1846. Ml-. TVilliam Lonsdale, 1807. Mr. H. BaUy. W. ' 1847. M. Alcide d'Orbigny. 1868. M. J. Bosquet.

Cape-of-Good-Hope 1869. lyii-. W. Camithers. -^^'Q^iQ I :M. .llcide d'Orbigny. 1870. M. Marie Rouault. I 1849. Mr. William Lonsdale. 1871. Mr. R. Etheridge. 1850. Professor John Moms. 1872. 'Mi: James Croll. 1851. M. Joachim Ban-aude. 1873. Ml-. J. W. Judd. 1852. Professor John Monis. 1874. Dr. Henri Xyst. 1853. Professor L. de Koninck. 1875. Mr. L. C. MiaU. 1854. Mr. S. P. Woodward.




1873. Mr. William Davies. Medal. 1873. Professor Oswald Heer. 1874. Dr. J. J. Bigsby. Medal. 1874. Mr. Alfi-ed Bell. 1^74. Mr. Ralph Tate. 1875. ^Ir. W. J. Ileuwood. Medal. 1875. Mr. H. G, Seelev. TOPOGEAPHICAL INDEX



Beside?it in the Country or Abroad.




The following Index is intended to form a Supplement to the ordinary

Alphabetical List, by means of which the name of every Fellow re- siding in any part of the world may be ascertained at a glance.

To facilitate reference, the aim has been to group, in each county, the various localities around their respective post-towns. Names of streets and houses have been omitted ; but those of parishes and more distant estates have been inserted whenever it appeared reqmsite.

The only inconvenience attending the adoption of this rule will be found in the very few instances where the residence of a FeUow is situated in one county and his post-town in another.

Much difficulty has been experienced in the preparation of the Index in consequence of the incomplete and inaccurate descriptions frequently given. The attention of Fellows is therefore again directed to the request of the Council, that all changes of residence should be imme- diately communicated to the Secretary.

A List of those Fellows of the Society whose addresses are unknown has been appended to the Index, and the Secretary wUl be glad to receive any information concerning them.




ENGLAND. Bedfoedshire.

Bedford—Wjidt, J.

Berkshibe. Maidenhead (Taplow) — Serocold, Sandhurst—Gillespie, F. G. X . 'King, Lieut. C. C. Newbury—Valpy, R. H. S/ouf/7i(Gerrard's Cross) —Blount,W. Readinxf ( Cressinr/hant) — Boulger, Wantafje—Davey, E. 0. Windsor (Clezver) —Harris, W. H. Sandhurst—Fothergill, Capt. 0. W. Wokiuffham—Bentinck, Gen. A. C.

Buckinghamshire Ayleshurr/ {Aston Abbots) -Thorn Eton—Rale, Eev. E. ton, Eey. J. Great Missenden—Herbert, W. H, Burnham, East—Ardeu, R. E High Wycombe—Browne, Eev. T. H. Eton—DxQ^, F.

Cambridgeshire. Cambridge—Babington, Prof. C. C. Cambridye—Eoberts, E. D. Bonney, Eev. T. G. Eouth, E. J. Cartmell, Eev. J. Sollas, W. J. Griffiths, E.H. Worsley, Eev. T. Hughes, Prof. T. M'^Kennv. (7/«r/^>()—Fisher, Eev. 0. Miller, Prof. W. H. Loltcorth—Daintree, E. Phear, Eev. S. G.


Alderley Edye—Waters, A. W. MacclesJieJd—Sainter, J. D, Altrincham—Brogden, H. Bock Ferry—Eoberts, L — (^o«y7o»)—Griffith, Eev. H. Ttuncorn {Halton)— Clift", J. Birkenhead—^iSickmios}!, D. Stockport—Barr, W. E. Eicketts, C. {Poynton)—Greenwell, G. C. Chester—Shone, W. Tarporley—Egerton, Sir P. de M. G. Shrubsole, G. W. Wallasetj-R^W, H. F.


^e/,,^o»—Vyvyan, Sir E. E. Bedruili —Eichards, T. Lostwifhicl (PeZyrt)—Kendall, N T/'?«-o—Collins, J. H. Ilarazion—Smyth, W, W. Foster, C. Le Neve. Penzance—Barnett, A. K, (Goonvrea) — Williams, Sir F.

• Com-tney, J.'S. M. Redruth—Davey, E. (Pe»ffri!7i)—Whitley, H. M. Kitto, B. (PoZw/je^cO—Polwhele, T, E. 56


^^s/o«—Paull, J. M. Kesxvick—"Ward, J. C. Carlisle {Brigham Hill) —Fletcher, PewreY/i—Spark, H. K. {TJllesioater)—\N\iiiQ, Rev {Hm/don ^?-(V7f/e)—BewickjT. J. LeG. (Trt/viiw;;/.-)—Fletcher, I. Whitehaven—Dees, J. Cockermouth —"Williams, Rev. W. Dixon, G. ( Wood Ilcdl)—Fishev, J. C. Kendall, J. D.


Chesterjield {Brainpto)i)- -Mello.Rev. : Derby -Feam, S. W. J. M. Stokes, A. H. !)£>/%—Evans, T. {3Iilford)—^\x\\t\, Hon. A.

Devoxshibe. Barnstaple—Hall, Townshend M. Xorth Lew—England, Rev. T, Harding, Lieut.-Col. W. Plymoidh— Jackson, E. S. Hore, Rev. W. S. Worth, R. N. Devonport—Hutchinson, Major A. H. Plympton—Stephens, D. (Stohe) —Wonnacott, J. Stonehouse— Coles, J. Exeter—Jerwood, J. Teignmoidh—Cook, H. Yicary, W. Ornierod, G. W. (Lrjmpdone)—'Ed.^e\\, A. W. Torquay—Hunt, A. R. Honiton (Holyshute) —Swann, Capt. Lee, J. E. J. S. Pengellv, W. Netvton Abbot (Ijiplepen)—Thorpe,W. Totnes—Chanipemowne, A. (KinffsJcerstcell)—Gale, J.

Dorsetshire Blandford (Longthorns) Mansel Wcymordh—Brown, Capt. A. B. PleVdell, J. C. Damon, R. Dorchester (Stafford) —Floyer, J. Drew, J, Langton MaUruvers—Lester, L. Johnston, W. Sherborne {Bradford Abbas)—Buck Wimborne—Austen, Rev. J. H, man, J. (7/o/u-e/O—Wood, Rev. H. H,

Durham. Blaydon-on-Tym—Simpson, J. B. Durham—Farrar, Rev. A. S. Chester-le-Street—Armstrong, W. Sotdh Shields—LjaW, G. i)«/7(V;r/^-?i— — Douglas, T. Washington Station ( Usicorth) (Middlcton One Boiv)—FnXZ' Coxon, S. B. gartner, M. G. R. {Raby Castle)—^c&rih, W. T.

Essex. Colcheder—Stopes, H. Saffrm Walden (Chesterford)—lIer- (Thorpe)—Watson, J. Y. vey. Rev. Lord C. A. Ilarhw ( Sheering)—'RiW, Rev. E. ( Witnbish) —Montague, Rev. J. Saffron Walden (Audley End)— Old- Waltham Abbey—Warren, Capt. C. ham, Rev. J. L, 57


Bristol—Oosshaui, H. Gloucester ( Churchdoion) — Smithe, Grenfell, J. G. Ptev. F. Pease, T. {Elmore Cot(rt)—G

Cirencester—Bravender, J. Wotton-under-Edge ( Tortworth)— Gloucester—Cadle, C. Ducie, Earl of. {BrooWiorpe)—Ijucy, W. C. ( Wichwar) —Preston, L. Hampshire. Aldershot—Vv&\o^i, Capt. L. de T. Southeonjiton—James, Sir H. Alton {8elborne)—^(i\\ T. Southsea—Brain, Lieut. D. L. Boxirnemouth—Trotter, C. Stoney Cross—Eyre, G. E. West, G. H. Winchester—Shelley, G. E. Cos^rtwi—Petrie, Capt. F. W, II. Fareham (Crofton)—Wingate, SirG. Isle of Wi(jht. Odiham—Woodman, W. Netvport—Wilkins, E. P. Portsmouth—Weston, W. Herefordshire.

ITere/brfZ—Curley, T. Ledbury {HaffieM)—H.emy , W. C. Ledbury—Piper, G. H. I Hertfordshire. Albans, St. —Kernahan, Rev. J. Stevenage (Gravely) —Denton, J. B. 5arae«—Griffith, Rev. H. TFare—Jeftreys, J. Gwyn. Bimtingford—Greg, R. P. Watford—Ilopkinson, J. Cheshunt—Mayo, H. Humbert, C. F. Hemel Hempstead—Evans, J. Wehvyn (Danesbury) —Blake W". J. Roystcm (Odsey) —Fordham, H. G.


Ashford ( Charing)—Harris, W. EltJiam—'M&mi, C, S. {Mersham)—Bigge, M. R. Folkestone (Shornclife) — Tabuteau, Bromley—Hamilton, A. Capt. A. O. Lubbock, Sir J. Hythe—Mackeson, H. B. Norman, G. W. Lessness Heath ( Belvedere) —Spurrell, Canterbury—BqW, M. Coilard, T. W. —': (—^) Wall, p. w. Deal{Northbourne)—Cooke,Rev,S.H. Maidstone—Whitehead, C. ( TTa^mer)—Bevan, G. P. (Bearsted)—B&\3ton, W. E. —


Kent (continued). Pliamtcad—Middletou, J. 0. Tuithridi/e—Koch, W. E, Rainscfcitc—Shakespear, Lieut.-Col. Tunbridf/e Wells—Knowles, Rev. J. J. i). Sharp, J. Sandioich (Betteshanger)—James, Sir Spratt, Rear-Admiral T. A. B. W. C. ~ (Broadivater) —Gibson, T. F. Sei'ciwaJis—Browne, R, M. (Groomb?-idf/e) —Cooke, E. W. (KnocMoIt)—Turner, H. (GroveJiursi) —Smith, G. F. IShoreham)—Prestwich,Prof.J. West M(dU)i(i—Timins, Rev. J. H. Sittinghmirne {Milton)—Guest, Rev. JJ^i/if/Ji(im ( Stourmouth) —Do-wker,G. W. Woohcich—Duncan, Major F. Lancashhie.

Bctrroic-in-Fttrness—Vavke, G. H. Manchester ( Castleton Moor)—Bates, Smith, C. Rev. J. C. Bolton —Peuninp:ton, R. {Didsbury)—Adamsou, D. Burnley—Pickup, P. ( ) Brockbank, W. Lancaster—Dippens, J. {Fallouyfield) —'S\"\\\&cx, Rev. Liverpool—Cimningham, J. T. K. Eskriofo-e, R. A. (Hollimcood')—Booth, I. Hall, H. F. {Rushobne)—Darbishire, R. D.

Morton, G. H. ( ) Dawkins, AV. B. Shoolbred, J. N. (SffZ/wY/)—Plant, J. (^(>&?<;-/7()—Phillips, J. A. ( ) "Williamson, E. (BlHndellsands)—T.eaie, T. M. \Sicinton)—^m\i\i, R. C. j

(Grassendale) — Duckworth, H. : Preston (Satnlesbun/)—Hamson, W. (Tf^V/^w/oo)—Orchard, J. W. Bochdede—W&tts/^V. I Manchester—Binney, E. W. Ulverston—Kennedy, M. Darhishii-e, R. D. Salmon, W. Dickinson, J. (Grange)—Beardsley, A. Dickinson, T. L. Warrinqton—Paterson, J.

Doming, E. ( 7"/»/?/-ff/0—Rylands, T. G. Forbes, J. E. Wigan—Byrom, W. A. Gun, Capt. H. A. (AshjiekT) —Lancaster, .J, Lingard, J. R. (i?rtiV/70— Hewlett, A. -—- Lvnde, J. G. ( -) Hilton, T. W. Ormerod, H. M. (lf/Hf/%)—Betley, R. Spence, J. B. (Strangetcays)—Johnson, J. H. . (Bacup)—Aitken, J. (Cratvshmvbooth) — Spencer, J. H. Leicesteeshtre.

I) — Leicester (LIvmherstone) Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Over ! —Bosworthj Woodhoiise, J. T. J. A. Leicester— Everai'd, J. B. Loughborough (Barrotc-on-Soar)—

. Plant, J. Crosslev, J. S.

Plant, N. ( -) Hambly, C. H. B. ( Coalville) —Han-ison, J

LrNCOLXSHTRE. Boston—Shaw, J. Great Grimsly—Bock, C. Brigg—"Winn, R. Sleaford—Pariy, T. (Aiipleby) —Cross, Rev. J. E. Stamford—Musson, E. C. Gainsborough (Highjield)—Biu'tou, r. M. 59

MiDDLKSEX. Edmonton—Fabian, O. R. Tottcnham—Ahhoit, A. R, Enfield—K{ic\xm^, A. CI. Judd, C. StanivoU—Waush, H. Uxhrid(ie—Mosse, G. A. y, Capt. {i)awley)—DQ Salis, W. F.

Smibury ParJi—Ardeu , R. E.

MONMOUTHSHIEE, Chepstow—Beor, E. J. Newport—Roper, R. S. Yeats, J. Pont-y-Pool—Llewellin, D. JVe?t;por<—Mitchell, F. J. CWo—Falconer, T.

Nohfolk. Doivnham Market (Denver) —Stokes, Norwich—Norton, H. Rev. W. H. Woodward, H. B. East Dereham—Safford, J. B. (^/o/('/fO—Turnbull, Rev. T. S. Lynn {Tilney) —Currie, Rev. 0. Stohe Ferry {Oxburyh)—Thmi(A\, Norwich—Fitch, R. Rev. A. Gimn, J. Yarmotith, Great—Maclean, W. C. Harmer, F. W.

Northamptonshire. Ketteriny—Heighton, H. J. Northampton {Overstone Park)— Norfhan/pton—Sanders, Rev.S. J.W. Overstone, Lord. (Dallinytun)—Sharp, S. Peterborouyh (Elton) —Laurance, J. {Kinysthorpe)—Thornton, Rev. W.

NORTHXJMBERLAND. Allenheads—Beaumont, W. B. Nexccastle-on- Tync—Willis, J. £erwic7c-on-Ticeed—Home, D. M. (Bachrorth)—Foy&ie\; G. B. • Cramlinyton—Potter, W. A. {Lintz Green)—Lebour, G. A, Newcastle-on-Tyne—Barkas, T. P. ( Wallinyton)—Trevelyan, Sir Brady, H. B. W. C. Johnson, J. North Shields—Fme\l, T._M.

Maclennan, Rev. A. ( Tynimonth)—Daglish, J. Page, D. Ridiny Mill—Rxa&i, T. G. Spencer, W.

NOTTINGHAMSHmE. Neioark—Brookes, J. Nottinqham (Netvstead Abbey)— Kendall, Rev. W. C. Webb, W. F. Nottinyham—Dixon, Rev. R. Petford (North Wheatley) — Cham Irving, Rev. A. berliu. Rev. T. C. B. Lowe, E. J. Southwell—Warrand, Major W. E. Tarbotton, M. 0. Worksop (Shire Oak) —Tylden- Wilson, Edward. Wright, C,

Oxfordshire. Henley- on- Thames — Goadby, Rev. 0.r/brf?—Abbay, Rev. R. J. J. Gayner, C. 60

OxFoniiSHiuK {continued).

0.r/t»/-r/—Parker, J. Oxford—Vrou\, Kev. T. J. — Prestwicli, Prof. J —^ AYyndham, T. H. G. Pritchard, Rev. C. Witneu [fi/nsham)—Mason, J.


Broselvy {BentliaU)—^l(VX, G. Osicestry—Henderson, F. B. J/«f7e%—Eandall, J. Shrewsbury—Myers, E.

Market Brmjton ( Nortun-in-Hahs)- WeUinyton (DonnervUle)—Eyton, Silver, Eev. F. T. 0. Oswestry—Davies, D. C. Whitchurch—E^Qi-ion, Rev. W. H.

SoJIERSETSHrRE. Bath—Asliwell, James. Flax Bourton—Caley, J. A. Blomefield, Rev. L. P/-o«ie—Cruttwell, A. C. Breton, Com. W. H. Glastonbury—Pope, C. Moore, C. SomeHon (Kinqwestun) —Dickinson, Roljbins, G. F. H. Walker, T. F. W. Wellinf/ton (Nynehead)—Sanford, Winwood, Rev. 11. H. W. A. (i2«£7s

Staffordshiee. Burton-npon- Trent—Brown, E. Stone—AVyune, T. Knobel, £. B. Tr«/s«//—, T. ^lolyneiix, AV. Sopwith, A. Dudley—Minton, S. (P/fc/c)—Bailey, S Nortli, F. W. West Bromwich—Cooksev, J. Leek—^\ay-Ale, T. Parton, T. Penkridye (Rodbaston) —Ward, II. Wolverhampton—Beckett, H. Stafford (Hednesford)—Brown, J. Blakemore, AY. Stoke-on-Trent (Lonyton) —Ward, J. Cope, J. (Tu>hstall)—Homer, J. C. (Alhriyhton)—:ionei^, D.


Bury St. Edmunds (Barton)- -Bun Sudbury—Holden, J. S. bury, Sir C. J. F. (Assinf/ton) —Gurdon, J. Ipsicich—Colchester, A'. D. Woodbridye (Martlesham)—AYood, Colchester, AA'. S. Y. Danbv, T. AY. ( ) Wood, S. A^, jun. Taylor, J. E. {Melton)—Ansie&, Prof. D. T. Saxmundham—Cavell, E,

Carshalton—Tylox, A. Croydon —Lee, H. Wallace, J. Dorking—Andre, G. G. CoJArt»i—Leaf, C. J. (A7^/fl;(f7sj—Heath, D. D. {Fairlaiai)—Scrope, G. P. Epsom—Dale, AA'. Croydon—Crowley, J. S. (?i«W/o;-(?—Campbell, AY. D. .


SrRRKY (continued)

Guildford—Capron, J. R. Richmond—Francis, W.

Fox, Col. A. Lane. . Safford, J. B. Sells, T.J. {Petersham)—Grant, A. (Slialford) — Godwin-Austen, Sutton (Cheam) —Masey, T. A. E. A. c: Walton-on- Thames—Lucas, Rev. Kingston (Surbiton)—Petherick, J. Seyton, C. S. Heir/afc—Lainson, H. Weyhridge—Oolvin, A. '- (Mcr,^t/>am)—Jome, Hon.H. H. Morgan, C. L. - {lied/ii/r)—Brass, Rev. H. ForA'/oiCTJ—Jones, Prof. T. R. Hic/i mond—Codi'ino'ton, T.

Sussex. Brighton—Crane, E. Forest Hoiv—Ql&ck, H. J. Cricliton, A. Grinstead,E.(FeIbrid(/e)—Qatty,C.'H. Davidson, T. Hm/ivard's Heath {Warninglid) — Jackson, A. W. Noel, E. Laing, S. Petworth (Bif/nor) —Hawkins, J. H. Willett, IL St. Leonard's-on-Sea—Beckles, S. H. Chichester (Lavant)—Robinson, A. Bowerbank, J. S. (For(/leId)—B&vej, Rev. H. JSI. Parish, Sir W. Cuck/ield—Hankey, J. A. Peyton, J. E. H. HasiboKrne—MixMock, Rev. H. E, Stiffe, A. W. Roper, F. C. S. Wakwickshire. Birmingham—Allport, S. Birmingham (Mosdey)—Deane, Rev. Lancaster, W. J, G. Lloyd, G. (Qidnton)—Dawes, J. S. Mathews, W. Coventry (AIlcslei/)—Wyles, T. St. Clair, G. Kenilworfh—Melliss, J. C. Shaw, G. Leamington—Rofe, J. (Aston 31anor) —Stone, J. B. Rugby—Sharp, W. (Ednbaston)—Crosskey, Rev. Wilson, J. M. H. W. (Bilton) —Lancaster, J. ( ) Ratcliff, C. Tamicorth—Spruce, S. ( ) Woodward, C. J. Warwick—Kirshaw, J. W. _ (Hales Given)—Dawes, J., jun. (Rowington) — Brodie, Rev. (Kings Norton)—Dawson, G. P. B. Westmobeland.

Kirkhy Lomdcde—Shuttleworth, Sir J. P. Kay, Bart.

WiLTSHIEE. Cliippenham (Box)—Pictor, R. Ramsbury—Burdett, Sir R. Corsham—Randell, J. S. Sedisbury—Hamilton, Dean H. P. Peiosey—Dixon, S, B. (Lake)—Duke, Rev. E. Worcesteeshiee.

Beivdley—Bmton, Rev. J. R. Stourbridge—Fletchev, Colonel T. \V. Bromsgrove (Forelands)—Walton, E. Pearce, H. Evesham (Harvington) — Ingram, Worcester—Lees, E. Rev. A. II. W, "WTiiufield, E. W. Malvern, Great—Grindrod, R. B, - (PerdisH'ell)—Jlol\, H. B. —— (Crflf/%)—Jauncey,W. 62


Barnsley—Carter, R. Normanton {Altoft.'i)—\N\\\io, .J. T. iJawes, G. Ousehurn—Abbay, Rev. R. {Hoylund) —Peacock, W. H. Riclniwnd—Bradley, C. L. (iForshom)—Mitchell, J., jun. Bradley, L. ^^f/«/e— Plews, PI. T. Wood,E. (Clifto)i Castle) —Pulleine, J. Yeoman, H. W. BeverJey (Brandsbu)-ton) — Hjmers, (i>/-«(/co«)—Denys, Sir G.W. Rev. J. Rotherham (Swinton) —Jenkinsou, Bradford—Binnie, A. K. E. B. McLandsborough, J. (TFa^A)—Warden, F. N. Doncasfer—Ai-mstrong-, Prof. G. F. Salthurn-hy-the-Sea—I'Anson, J. C. Guisborouf/Ji—Moi'gan, Rev. F, H. Jones, J. JTalifax—Bo-wmau, F. 11. Scnrhorouyh—Leckenbv, J. Cash, W. Woodall, J. W.' GledhUl, J. Sheffield—Bragge, W. Sladen, W. P. ' Callavray, C. Stubbbs, J. Carringtou, T. (areeilaiid)—J)si\is, J. W. Cowlishaw, J.

{ WcUlwad) —AVaterhouse, J. Craven, A. E. Suddcr^/jcld (Edrjeston) —Brooke, E, Jeftcock, T. \V. {iiadrkk)—C\a,y, J. T. AVall, G. P. Hull (Barton-oti-Hmnber) — Beau- (BroomJleld)—Sorhy, H. C. land, Rev. A. Skipton {Carlcton) —Eddy, J. R. (/fess/e)—Smith, T. J, Upleatham—Cockburn, W. KeighJei/—Brigg, J. JVakrJield (Bretton) — Beaumont, Leeds—Davey, H. W. B. Dresser, C. L. J'orZ;—Allen, E. Filliter, E. Grav,W. Green, Prof. A. H. Moiser, H. R. MarshaU, A. Mosley, G. Miall, L. C. Noble, T. S. Moraiit, A. W. North, S.W. Richardson, J. Reed,W. Richardson, J. W. H. Walker, J. F. Rowley, W. (//«2/^o;i)—Arundell, Rev. T. Marske-hy-the-Sea—Wilson, 11. (Tf7uV;re//)—Harcourt, E. V. V. Mkldkshroiiyh—Duuuiug, J. ( 7r7(w%)—Ford, J.



Llandeilo (Dolaii-cothy) Johues, J. Cuermarihcn—Parkinson, J. ] —


Beddffclert (Bryu GtoyHa)it)—Wjatt, I Port»H(doc~B]}ooneVf C. E.

Denbighshire. Rxithin (Bathafarn) —Cuuliffe, B, 63

Flintshire, Hatvarden—Moftat, T, Wrexham—Low, W. Holywell—Johnson, J. T. Shone, I. {Bac/Ult) —Liipton, A. Thomas, G. Mold {Bnjii Al!jn)—GodkQ, Rev. Williams, C. O. KB. Yorke, P. Wrexham—Qhmth, N. E. {Gioersyllt) —Sparrow, J. Johnson, D.


Aberdare—Kirkhouse, H. Merthyr Tydvil (Doir/a^ls) — Clark, Rhys, L. G. T. (J/ff^Y///)—Lewis, W. T. Neath—Richardson, J. Bridqend—Jordan, II. K. {Cadoxtoii) —Lewis, L. T. ' (Pwicort/)—Price, T. J. Swansea —Benson,, S. Crt;Y/(^—Adams, G. F. GuUon, Rev. J. T. 0. Adams, W. Warwick, F, Brown, T. F. {Hendrefoilaii) —Dillwyn, L. L. Ross, J. C. {Singleton) —Vivian, H. H. . {Coedriylan)—Brogdeu, J. {Stout IlalF)—Wood, Ool. E. R. ( Wenvoe)—Jenner, R. F. L.


Bala—Peter, Rev. J. I Dolgelli/— Stuart, G. Z)oZ(7e%—Williams, W. R. | Pembrokeshire.

Haverfordwest {WilUamston)—Scourfield, J. II. Radnorshire. Rhayader—Richardson, R.


Ayrshire. Wemyss Say {Skelmorlie)—Evans, M, Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen—Gibb, W. Ellon—Jamieson, T. F. Macdouald, A. Mintlaw {Kinmtmdy) —Ferguson, W. Nicol, Prof. J.


Inverary Castle—Argyll, Duke of. | Islay—Campbell, J. P.


Kames—llood, T. H. C.

- Caithness.

Thurso—milev, J, 64

E]DINBrHGHSHinK. Edinburgh —Bryce, J. Edinhurgli—Jack, R. L. Chambers, W. Stevenson, T. Etlieridge, R., Jim. Thomson, Prof. W. Geikie, Prof. A. Traquair, R. H. Geikie, J. "Wilson, Prof. J. Gillespie, W. Leith—Lnndy, J. J. Home, J. Muir House—Davidson, T. Irvine, D. E.


Falkland—aVihh, Sir G. D. St. Andrews—Kic\\oho\\, Prof. H. A. I


Dundee—Boase, H. 1 Heswal/ie—Fovfvie, J.


Inverness—Mitchell, J. Ski/c, Isle o/"—Matheson, Sir J. I


St. Mary's j:?/e—Selkirk, Earl of.


Olasgoio—Evans, M. Glasyoxo—Young, Prof. J. Gregory, T. C. Young, J. Lament, J. Lanark—Lindsay, 0. Robertson, D. Monkland—Murray, W. Thomson, J.

Linlithgowshire. Torlam JT';?/—Gillespie, W.


Duncrich House—Rollo, Lord. Incldure (Fosst'e Priori/) —Kinnaird, Ferth-Shevv^m, Lieut. -Col. W. S. Lord.

Renfrewshire. Castle—Houstoun, G. L. Roxburghshire. Galashiels—Lapworth, C.


Fridge of Allan—]Miller, J,

IRELAND. Antrim.

.BeZ/rts/— Cunningham, Prof. R, 0, Felfast (Holywoo(r)—Anievaon, J. Wright, J. DtmmwTi/—Murphy, J. J. 65


Cork—Ilarkness, Prof. R. I Cork {Drifney Castle) — Coltliurst, J.

Jeuniiigs, F. M. |


DMhlin—B&i\Y, W. H. Dublin—Leonard, 11. Griffith, Sir E. J. Napier, C. G. Hcamilton, C. W, (£lackrock)—Close, Rev. M. H. Haughtou, Rev. Prof. S. — (3Ialakide)—Talhot de MaJa- Hiill/Prof. E. hide, Lord.


Enniskillm {Florence Court)—Ennisldlleu, Earl of. Brookhoroufjh ( Colebrooke)—Brooke, Sir V.

Galway. Gort {Lowjli Cutra) —Gough, Viscount.

Mayo. Ballina—Symes, R. G.

Sligo. Sliijo {Ahhey Viciv)—Wheatley, J. H.


Waterford {Summer ville) —Fortescue, Hon. D. F.



Carey, Sir P. S. Colliugs, Rev. W. T. |

Jeesey. Dunlop, A. Peacock, R. A. Le Feuvre, W. H. j 66


A^IEPJCA, UNITED STATES OF. Alabama. New York. Montgomery—Tait, Col. I. L. Alhamj—Hall, J. Ehnira—Steele, J. D. Arizona Territory. Kev: Fo;-A-—Bland, T. Day, E. C. H. Tuson—BojlQ, Col. W. Emmons, S. F. Hawkins, B. W. C.AilPORXIA. Kelly, E. San Francisco—Eowlandson, T, King, 0. Newberry, J. S. Co^"^T,CTICtJT. Ohio. Kewhaven Dana, Prof. J. D. — Cincinnati—Vincent, Prof. M. C. Marsh, Prof. 0. C. Cleveland—Humiston, Prof. R. F. District of Columbia. Pe>-xsylvaxia. Washwffton—Hayden, F. V. ^rf7i/e/(e?«—Kimball, J. P. PniLABELPHIA. ]MASSACHrSETT.S. Philadelphia—Leidy, J. Boston—Rogers, W. B. Lesley, Prof. .1. P. Cambridf/e— Whitney, Prof. J. D. Virginia. Marcou, J. Charleston—Maury, M. F. MiCHIGAX. "Wisconsin. Marquette—Brooks, Major T. B. Madison—Bobbins, J. ANGOLA. Brand, G. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC.

Buenos Ayres (San Juan)—Rickard, Major F. I. AUSTRALL4.

Bideu, W. D. Adelaide—Tate, Prof. R. Kadina—Higgs, S., jun. New South Wales. Victoria. Newcastle—Mackenzie, .T. Gippsland Sydney—Clarke, Rey. W. B. —Ho-^\-itt, A. W. Hunt, R. .1/«Wo«—Salter, W. Melbourne Clarke, J. Josepbson, J. F. — Liyersidge, A. MToy,Prof. F. Nicholas, W. Queensland. Smyth, R.B. Stephen, G. M. SouthBrisbane— Woods, Rey. J. E. T. Uh-ich, G. IL F. (St. Francis) — Bleasdale, Australia. South Rey. J. Adelaide—Ayers, Sir H. 67

AUSTRIA. Vieima—Bone, A. BOHEMi; Breunuer, Count A. Prague- Hauer, F. E. von. -Barraiide, J. Marscball, Count A, Hungary. Stur, D. Suess, Prof. E. Pes^/i—Szabo, Prof. J. Stuhliceissenhurg— Sclivarcz. J.


Bnissels—^y&t, H. Liege—Koninck, Prof. L. G. cle. I Liege—Dewalque, Prof. G,

BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria—Dawson, G. M. CANADA. Elwin, H. Montreal—Selwyn, A. R. Darlington {BeauinanviUe)—Reid, Vennor, H. G. Capt. J. H. Whiteaves, J. F. Montreal—Armstrong, Prof. G. F. Ontario—Gibson, J. Bell, Prof. R. Wilson, H. Billings, E. Ottawa—Grant, J. A. Dawson, J. W. Toronto—Devine, T. Foord, A. H. {YorkvHle)—Hin^e, G. J.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Bolton, Major-Gen. D Graham's Toim — Atberstone, W, G. Hertzog, W. F. Po7-t Ulizabeth—Pinch'm, R. Cape Town—Davis, J. F. Queenstou-n—Stow, G. W. Shaw, J.

CEYLON. Colombo—Roosmalecoeq, A. H.

CHILI. Coronel—Fergie, G. DENMARK, Copenhagen—Steenstnip, J.

FRANCE. Auxerre—Cotteau, G. Paris—Delesse, Prof. A. Bordeaux—Raulin, V. Desnoyers, J. Marseilles—Coquaud, H. Edwards, Prof. H. M. Mo)}t2}ellier—'Miii'tms, C. Gaudry, Prof. A. Nantes—Clipperton, Capt. R. C. Gervais, Prof. P. Paris—Barrande, J. Hebert, Prof. E. Brongniart, Prof. A. T, Vibraye, Marquis de. Daubree, Prof. A. Strasbourg—Schim-j^ev, Prof, W. P. 68


Baden. S.VXF. Cor.URG GOTHA. IIeicIcIbcrr/-~Bimsdn, Prof. ^Y. R. j Gotha —Credner, H. Bavaria. Saxe Weimar Eisenach. 3funich—G\imhe[, 0. W. Eisenach—Senft, F. Wiirzhim/—Sandberger, Prof. F, IIaxover. Saxony. Gotthuicii —Waltershauseu, Baron Dresden—Geiuitz, Prof H. B. W. "S. TOU. Freiberg—Cotta., Prof B. Leipsiy—Zirkel, Prof F. Pbussia. Berlin—Berricb, Prof. E. Wurtesiberg. Ehrenberg, Prof C. G. Stuttgart—3A^ex, G. F. Bonn—Decben, II. von. Tubingen—Q uenstedt, Prof. Bresluu—troeppert, Prof II. Roemer, Prof F. GREENLAND. Noungme—Taylor, J. W,


if«7-/e/;i—Winkler, Dr. T. C. | Maestricld—'Bo?:Ci\iQi, J.


Foote, R. B. Z>m.'a—Clarke, C. B. Margesson, Capt. P. D. Ratieegunge —Whitfield, J. Molouv, Lieut.-Col.C. P. Oldfield, R. 0. BOJIBAY. Osborne, Lieut. -Col. W. Bombay— Coo'ke, T. Parker, Capt. F. G. S. Fedden, F. Roberts, W. II. Goodenougb, Lieut.-Col. W. Sowerby, W. II. Rogers, A. Bengal. Sylvester, J. H. Drummond, Capt. H. Jack, Capt. A. Madras. Allahabad—Carnac, H. R. Madras—Wilson, W. Beerhhoom—Barker, R. A. Calcutta—B&W, \. NoRTH--v\-EST Provinces. Blauford, Prof H. F. Roorkee—Scott, Lieut. D, A, Blanford, AV. T. Almora—Lawder, A. W. Cline, G. W. McClelland, J. Punjab. -^— Mallet, F.R. Wynne, A. B. Mason, J, W. ^m/m— Calvert, J. MedHcott, H. B. Lahore—Mackesy, Major W. H. Oldbam, T. Purdou, W. - Pbpor. .T. r,. Madhnpoor—Smithe, .7. D. 69

ITALY. ^o%/;«— Capellini, Prof. G. Fame—Perazzi, C. Florence —Cocchi, Prof. I. Ponzi, Sig. 3Iessina—Seguenza, Prof. G, Twrw—Gastaldi, Prof. B. Mi/an —Borromeo, Count V. Jervis, W. P. Padua—Zigno, Baron A. de. Sella, Q. Fisa—Meueghini, Prof. G, Sismonda, Prof. A. Fo)>ie—Deviucenzi, G.

JAPAN. Nagasaki (Takasima)—Potter, F. A. Yokohama—Koma, E. Yokohama—Brimton, K. H. Milne, J.


Caruana, A. A. Lewis, Lieut. J. F. I

MAURITIUS. Cooke, Lieut.-Col. A. C

NATAL. Bainbridge, W, Watheu, G. H. I NEW ZEALAND Aucklaml—Ilaslett, S. Wellinqton—Cox, S. H. Christ Church—Fraser, Rev. 0. "Crawford, J, 0.

Haast, J. Hector, .T. Hood, T. H. C. Lyon, W. Z)f/;i«/("H.—Hutton, F. W. Mantell, W. B. D. TreUssick—Enys, J. D. Westport—Dobsou, A. D, NEWFOUNDLAND.

St. John's—Murray, A. NORWAY. Christiania—Kjerulf, T. Krafjerce—DakW, T. I

NOVA SCOTIA. HaUfax—Gil^m, E. Halifax—Houeyman, Rev. D. ' Heatherington, A. Poole, H.S, PARAGUAY. Woodman, W.

PERSIA, NORTH. Tiflis—Ahkh, H.


Lima—Gonzalez y Orbegoso, 0. A, | Zw«?rt—Quiros, F. PORTUGAL. Alemtejo (Pomaron) —Mason, J.


Raijkiill—Keyserliug, Count A. von. I St. Petersburg—Helmersen,Geu. G.v.

St. Petersburg—Brandt, J. F. | Kokscliarow, M. vou.


Penang—Lines, Capt. W. Singcqwre—Logan, J. R, I

SWEDEN. Lund—Xilsson, S. Stockholm—Loven, S. Torell, Prof. 0. Nordenskiolcl, Prof, A. E. Oerebro—Smith, 11.

SWITZERLAND. Basle—Merian, Prof. P. Geneva—Favi'e, Prof. A. Berne—Studer, Prof. B. Neuchiitel—Desor, E. Ge)ieva—Auldjo, J. Zurich—Heer, Rev. Prof. O.


Ilobart ToHVi— Goidd, C. Ilobart rwtvi—Stephens T. I Milligan, J.

VENEZUELA. [Tticaeas—Francis, H.

WEST INDIES. Trinidad—Guppy, R. J. L. Names of Fellows whose Addresses are unknown.

Eabingtou, William, Esq., M.R.A.S. Basterot, Baron De. [Civil Service.

Bettington, Albemarle, Esq., M.R.A.S. ; of the Bombay **Blaiisbard, Henry, Esq., M.E.A.S. Bowles, WiUiam, Esq. BraddyU, Thomas R. Gale, Esq. Brickendeu, Major E. T. W. L. Broughton, Cajit. William E. Delves, R.E. Brown, Capt. A. B. Brown, Eev. Henry, M.A. Brown, Thomas, Esq. **Burnand, George, Esq. Burrow, Eev. Edward John, D.D. Caldcr, James, Esq. Carnegy, Charles Hay, M.D. JCatcr, Eev. J., M.A. Collet, Thomas, Esq. Colqnhoun, James, Esq. **Copland, Alexander, Esq. Courtney, Charles F. A., Esq. Cox, Travers, M.D. Crane, George, Esq. Cunningham, George, Esq. Dickson, James, Esq. Dorrington, John, Esq., M.A. Earle, Charles, Esq. Ellis, Francis Jervoise, Esq., B.A. Evans, Eev. Eobert, M.A. J|Even, J. B., Esq. Eaton, Josiah, Esq. Finch, Francis, Esq. Forster, William, Esq. Galland, Bland Hood, Esq. Gibson, Wniiam Sidney, Esq. Gomondo, William Henry, Esq. Grant, C. W., Capt. Bombay Engineers. Griffin, Thomas, Esq. Hamond, William Parker, Esq. +Harding, Eev. A. G. H. Hare, John, jun., Esq. Hargreaves, Edward Hammond, Esq. Harris, WiUiam, Esq. +Harte, J., Esq. HartweU, Francis, Esq. Year of 72 Election. 1832. Hawkins, Thomas, Esq. 1838. Herbert, Jolin M., Esq. 183G. Holl, William, Esq. 1840. Humble, William, 'M.B. 1836. **Hiinter, William Pcrcival, Esq. 1873. jjcsson, T., Esq., E.A. 1851. '•*Jobnstou, Charles, Esq. 1851. **Kirkpatrick, John, Esq. 1858. Laing, Thomas Josiah, Esq. 1864. I+Langdon, Eev. E., M.A. 1855. M'^Cann, James, Esq. 1858. M'Connel, David C, Esq. 1813. ^Slackeuzie, Charles, Esq. 1874. JMellor, T. R. 1814. Meyer, Charles, Ph.D. 1849. **Meyer, Christian Paul, Esq. 1830. Morgan, Thomas, Esq. 1830. Mornay, Aristides Eranklin, Esq. 1839. Morris, Edmund, Esq. 1854. Mortimer, WiUiam Henry, Esq. 1824. Noyes, Thomas Herbert, Esq. 1832. Ogilbv, William, Esq., A.B. 1846. Otter,' Henry C, Capt. R.I^. 1837. (Juchterlony, J., Lieut. Madras Engineers. 1836. Parry, Francis Charles, Esq., M.A. 1829. **Perry, Thomas Erskine, Esq., B.A. 1836. PhiUips, James, Esq., E.N. 1822. Picquot, Anthony, Esq. 1827. Pringle, John William, Esq. 1833. Quain, Jones, M.D. 1847. Kobinson, Albert, Esq. 1833. Eushout, George, Esq. 1837. StiU, Henry, Esq. 1808. Skene, Jam'es, Esq. 1812. Taylor, William, Esq. 1848. Timins, Charles, Esq. 1831. Trotter, Eobert, Esq. i 1830. Turner, Rev. W., M.A. 1829. Upton, James Samuel, Esq., M.A. 1835. **Yaughan, George, Esq. 1828. Ward, Eev. John, M.A. 1852. Watson, Joseph G. W., Ph.D. 1856. Webster, William Bullock, Esq. 1848. Wedgwood, H. A., Esq. 1823. WUkinson, Eev. John Brewster, B.D. 1839. Williams, John, Capt. E.E. 1814. WUson, John, Esq. 1820. Wilson, John, Esq. 1831. Wrey, W. Long, Esq. 1832. Wright, J. Eobinson, Esq.

1808. 1 Walker, John, Esq.





November 1st, 1875.