Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016 PROCEEDING S OF THE GEOX~)GI~AL SOCIETY. February 4, 1874. ~is Grace the DUKE OF AaQ~r.~, K.T., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. ~homas Stevenson, Esq., C.E., F.R.S.E., 17 Heriot Row, Edin- .urgh ; Henry Fisher, Esq., 131 SeTmour Place, Bryanston Square, W.; ~[auriee Delmard, Esq., B.S. & L., the Cedars, Northenden, near Manchester; John Dixon Kendall, Esq., St. Bee's, Carnforth; Cor- 3oral William Parsons, R.E., of the Trigonometriea~ Survey; anr ~olonel William Boyle, of Tabac, Arizona, U. S., were elected Fellow~ of the Society. The LIS~ of Donations to the Ia~brary was read. The following communications ~rere read :-- 1. "The Physical ~steryof t~he Valley of the Rhine." By Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., V.P.R.S, u 2. "On the CorrespondeRce between some Areas of Apparent Up- heaval and the Thickening of Subjacent Beds." By W. Toptey', Esq., F.G.S., Geological Survey of England. The following specimens were exhibited :- Dermal Spines of a Great Saurian from the Kimmeridge Clay; exhibited by J. W. Hulke, Esq. ANNUAL aE~SRAL MEETING, February 20, 1874. His Grace the DVK~ oz ARGrLL, K.T., F.R.S., President, in t~e Chair. R~Po~ oF T~,~ Co~c~ FOR 1873~ In presenting their Report for the year 1873, the Council of the Geological Society have much pleasure in congratulating the Fellows on the continued and increasing prosperity of the Society. The number of new FelloWs elected during the year was 68, of whom 55 paid their fe6s before the end of the year, making, with 10 previously elected Fellows who paid their fees in 1873, a gross increase of 65 FelloWs. Against this we have to place the loss of 23 Fellows by death and of 9 by resignation, whilst 6 Fellows have been removed from the list for non-payment of con- tributions, being a total loss of 38 Fellows. Thus there.is an actual increase on the year of 27 Fellows. The number of Contributing Fellows is increased by 33, being now 575. The Society sustained the loss of 5 Foreign Members and of 1 Foreign Correspondent during the year 1873, and the vacancies thus caused are now being filled up. The total number of Fellows and Foreign Members and Corre- spondents was 1237 at the end of 1872, and 1258 at the end of 1873. b Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016 vi PROCEEDINGS 0Y THE GEOLOOICAL SOCIETY. It is with much satisfaction that the Council have to report that in 1873 the income of the Society exceeded its expenditure by .~375 14s. 8d. The total Receipts of the year were .s 2s. 4d., and the total Expenditure .s 7s. 8d. The Council have to announce the completion of Vol. XXIX. of the Quarterly Journal, and the commencement of the publication of u XXX. After due consideration the Council resolved to in- troduce in this volume a change in the arrangement of the compo- nent parts of the Journal, which they believe will prove highly beneficial. The details of the business of the Meetings will in future be paged separately, under the title of "Proceedings of the Geolo- gical Society," which will also include the Annual l~eport and the Presidential Address. The Papers brought before the Society and ordered to be printed , either in full or in abstract, will appear as nearly as possible in the order of their being read; but, as the chronological arrangement of the articles will no longer be essential, those papers of which it is necessary to defer the publication for any reason may be printed, when it becomes convenient to do so, without placing them under a separate category as "Postponed Papers." The body of the Journal will by these means be rendered much more homogeneous than it has hitherto been ; and, to complete its consolidation, the lists and analyses of Books and Periodicals added to the Library will no longer appear in four quarterly instahnents mixed up with the Papers, but as a single annual list, forming the concluding portion of the "Proceedings" of the Society. The Council regret that the anticipations which they entertained a year ago, that the Society would be in occupation of its new House before the commencement of the present Session, have not been realized. Urged, probably, by the necessities of the Royal Academy, the Architects and Contractors seem to have devoted nearly all their energies during the past summer to the completion of the apartments assigned to the three Societies already lodged in Burlington House; and it was not until these were ready that the fitting-up of the rooms belonging to the Geological Society was carried on with any vigour. Now, however, the Meeting-Room, Library, and Museum are fast approaching completion; and it is justifiable to expect that the Society may be able to take possession of its most important rooms in the course of a week or ten days. The Council hope that the removal of the Library and the fitting-up of the Meeting-Room may be effected during the Easter recess ; and they accordingly propose to call in all Books and to close the Library from the 26th of ~[arch until the second Meeting-day in April. The removal of the Museum will take place more gradually, as it implies a rearrangement of nearly all the specimens in the Society's possession. The Council have secured the assistance of Prof. T. Rupert Jones to examine the collection of British Fossils, to select superfluous duplicates, and generally to condense the collection. Mr. B. B. Woodward has been appointed to assist Prof. Rupert Jones in this labour, which is now far advanced towards completion. In May last, in view of the great expense which: must necessarily Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016 PROCEEDINGS 017 THE ~EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. vii be incurred in the removal of the Society's effects and in suitably furnishing the new rooms, the Council thought it right to request Contributions from the Fellows for these specific purposes. Their appeal was liberally responded to ; and subscriptions to the amount of .s 12s. have been obtained. The Council estimate the total expense connected with the removal of the Society to its new residence at about s The Council have awarded the Wollaston Medal to Prof. Oswald Heer, of Ziirich, in acknowledgment of the important services which he has rendered to Geological Science by his researches on Fossil Botany and Entomology. The balance of the proceeds of the Wollaston Donation Fund has been awardec~ to ~:. Henri Nyst, of Brussels, to assist him in his researches on the Tertiary ~[olluscan Fauna of Belgium. The ]Kurchison ]t[edal and a sum of Five Guineas have been awarded to Dr. Bigsby, F.R.S., F.G.S., in recognition of his researches in Silurian Geology and Pal~eontology. The balance of the proceeds of the ]l~urchison GeOlogical Fund was awarded in equal proportions to ]~r. Alfred Bell and M~r. Ralph Tate, F.G.S., to aid them in their pal~eontological researches. Report of the Library and Museum Gommittee. ZibrmTt. The Standing Library-Committe~ have continued from time to time to recommend additions to the Library by the purchase of such books as they thought would prove useful to the Fellows ; and among those purchased since the last Anniversary Meeting, the following important works may be cited :-- A. Fritsch's ~ Cephalopeden der b~ihmischen Kreideforma~ion ; 9 A. Pomel's ' Paldontologie, ou description des Animaux Fossiles de la province d'Oran,' fuse. 5; Col. Drayson's ' Last Glacial :Epoch of Geology ; ' Koch and Wiechmann's ' ]~ollusken-Fauna des Stern- berger Gesteins in Mecklenburg ; ' A. Knoss's ' Studien fiber Stoff- wandlungen im Mineralreich;' H. Lecoq's ' L'eau sur le plateau central de Ia France ;' Prof. Wyville Thomson's ' The Depths of the Sea; ' Pro~. Oswald Hcer's ' Le Monde Primitff de la Suisse ; ' Dr. D. Riolacci's ' L'anciennetd de l'homme prouvOe par l'explora- tion des cavernes et des citgs lacustres ;' E. Lambert's ' Nouveau Guide dll Odologue ;' Van der Binckhorst's 'Monographie des Gastdropodes et des Cdphalopodes de la Craie supdrieure de Lim- bourg;' Bertrand-Rou.x's 'Description Gdognostique des'environs de Puy-en-u ;' C. Vogt's ' Lehrbuch der Geologic and Petre- factenkunde; ' A. Burat's' Les Houill~res ;' Maury's ' Physical Geography of the Sea,' ed. 15 ; F. Pfaff's 'Allgemeine Geologic als exacto Wissensehaft ;' A. Burat's' Gdologie de la France ;' and the continuations of the' Paldontologie Fran~aise,' the ' ]Katdriaux pour la Paldontologie Suisse' of the late F. J. Pictet, of Quenstedt's ' Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands,' of the ' Conchologia Iconica,' and of the ' Palteontographica.' The cost of books and periodicals pur- b2 Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at University of California-San Diego on July 10, 2016 vili PRO(~EEDINOS OF THE 6EOI~O{~ICA:~ SOCIE~. chased by the Society during the year 1873 was .s 4s. lld., and of binding .s 16s. ld. A great number of valuable books have been presented to the Library during the past year, including, besides I~riodicals and the publications of Learned Societies, many separate works of importance, such as :~ M. 5. Barrande's ' Crustacgs divers et Poissous des d~pJts Silu- riens de la Boh~me' and 'Syst~me Silurien de la Boh~me,' vol. i. Supplement; Dr.
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