nUSSDAT, 8BPieMSEl 4. IN T -'7 ■ >AGE EICHMOf * ^ IHattrlrratpr gpptttefl ^gralii Daily ClTcalatlen The Weather Fee tte Mrfh eS Aramil. 1M1 ef I). a Wemke

Tba Tounff Faopla'a Society win A daugMar.. .Laural Christine, 9,040 was bom fhia morning at the Hart­ Making Voters meat at OoneoWHa Lutheran church FOR SA LE reotleelag About Town tomorrow evantnir at 7:80. ford bomital to Mr. and Mrs. l>on- •nl Nlcoe of 144 Parker street They have another small daughter, At 2 Sessionsa CALL EXCELLENT 7-ROOM Bmanuel U ith eru e h a r e h Hefular rehaaraala of tha O CSef Susan Andrea. Mrs. Niaaa waa tha Monclietfer— J City of VttlagB Charm (cbeoki oa Church straet and tha dub will ha raaumed Thuraday, former Mias Lola Agard, daughter Steam Heat, Sun Room Hantod. Geragc, Large LoL Sept 11 at 7:80 at Kmanuel Luth­ WMt Skfr. will re-opaA on Sunday, of Mr. and Mra Han)ld Agard of Town (^Ippk and Selcrl- Blove Ib Ib IS Days. eo page IS) (FOURTEEN PAGES) with t ^ a l aervlcaa at »:18. eran church. East Center atreet. VOL. LXVL, NO. 224 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1947 PRICE FOUR CENTS men lo Meet on Sep* 4166 CASH REQUIRED S4.60A. Mr and Mra. Walter Hobby of Mr and Mra. Francia Joaeph Knights of Pythias membera and Henry atreet hare ratunirf after Donahue, of 14 Park atreet have their famlliaa are reminded of the temher 13 and 20 aoendinf aeveral weeha In Win- hom^ aft^r a ftay of two state-wide picnic Sunday at Chesh­ THE MANCHESTER TAXI HOWARD R. HASTINGS Map CIO Strategy w*^ka at Nlantlc. Real Eatato SaadaHat chendon, Maa*. ire, Conn. All who have Ucketa TTic Sclertmon ond the Town Francia Diekenaon Prop. Regular Air Force on the automobile and government ,Clerk will two sessions this TELEPHONE 2*1107 Full Support Pledged bonds are requested to make re­ month to make voters. The first turns not Ister than Saturilay eve­ session will be held September 13, ning. WANTED Modern floral and the aerond session will be held Ready for Battle Bolton Library, which ia locatet' September 20. The hours for both ' Maaaangar Girl Arrangements in the Community building at Bol­ sessions will be fiom P o’clock In United Nations Again ton Center, o|>ened yesterday the morning to 8 o’clock at n ig h t; By experienced florists. For afternoon from one to live o’clock, f«r ornind* snd seneral Weddinss. AnnIversarieN and will be open again Friday This will be the last time that Seen Peace Need ofBco work. evening from V:3« to 8:30. These voters will be made by the present FuncraK Etc. hours will be maintained Wednea-^ Sele t^them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED an odd year, a national elei'tlon la aircraft and 400,000 trained not held. leaders were reported reliably to­ For U. N. to Follow Three Hopeless Cases (AV-Prasident 'Trumsn to­ TO TAKE HOME. CALL S80.1. A daughter waa bom yesterday men. A standing Air Corpa of at the Hartford hospital to Mr. and From H a le Self Serve and Health Market day to have agreed upon forma­ day pledged anew the full ’s that sixe ia- necessary, said Weshlngton, SepL 6—(F)—Sec­ Mrs. Robert Besslona of 31 Orove Lieut 0«n. George B. Stratemey- tion of a broadened cabinet auoh By A ltea L. BlalwalMt backing of tha United States COMMUNITY RESTAURANT street. Rockville. Mra. Heaalona.waa er, to provide tbe nation etmteglc as United States diplomats have retary of State MarshaU today Assorlatad Press Hcieaee Reporter to the United Nations and ex­ 143 NORTH MAIN STREET ^ MANCHESTER the former Miss Katherine TTuimer •tr power aecond to none end "to urged for Greece. TiMae leadets of the CIO met at PIttatargli to ontliae the greap’e poIM m ea the Taft-Harttey Act held forth the new Inter-American St. Louis, Sept. 6—(F>—A New pressed confidence the prob* of this town. TaU Cedars insure a lasting peace." Generally depsndabls Inferm- aad to prepare for next moath'e ooat-eatlen. Left to right: fleorge BaMaari, vice preeldent. Textile security pact as tha outstanding York setentiat today said he plan­ ^leakers: Albert PltageraM, preeldent, Valted Electrical Workers; Frank ReeeaMum, ereretary. Amal- lemit of peace can be s^ved In an addresa Ufefore tbe ahta said last ths agree­ post-war example of how nations ned to try the Ruaalan "K R serum" 23c Fruits & Vegetobles ment between the Populist gamatod dothlag Workere; R. J. Tkomaa, vice preahteaL I’altod Aute Workere; Joha Green, preeldeaL "with mutual good will and 10 Ox. Jar 48th encampment of tbe Veterans can join together to promote world for cancer on three hopeless hu­ Peanut Butter (R oyalist) and the opposition Lib­ Mariae, ShlpbnlldlnR Werkere; Allaa 8. Heywoed, vice pieoideaL United Steel W’erkero; Walter F. Rea- peace. forbearance.” of Foreign ware—now in Ita aec- ther, preeldent. United Ante Workere; Joaeph Curraa, preeldeat. Maritime t^nlen and Jemee B. Carey, Bingo oBd day—tbe military leader de­ eral parties, provided that: MsrahsU who will prtoent the man cases this fall, after getting Speaking before a Joint eeesiaa Thsmlstokles Sophoulla, SS-yesr- sscivtery-trwnsarer. CIO. Philip Marray, prt^dent ef both the CIO and the Ualtod Steel Workere, la treaty to the United Netlona As­ some Apparent cures In mice in clared: eented la froaL (A P wirephoto). o f the BrasUian Omgreao In TIrat PINEHURST GROCERY, INC. Strawberry or Raspberry i Feoebes For Canning "W e must, aa aoon ae poasible, old Liberal Issder, would become sembly two weeks hence, and Sen­ prellmlnsry teats. dentes palace, Mr. Truman alse Orange HaU k^iruw w ilj VI iwaptervaij h ALE HAVEN — Best of the Season! O T O have a regulv Air Force ready for premier. ator Vsndenberg iR., Mich.) hail­ But he emphstlcslly etresaed hailed aa “splendid" the achieve* Constantin Tssldsria, Populist ed It In a radio broadcast last that there was not yet the slight­ mont of the recent Inten'AmertoaB I I 1 6 * C ^ U B r t ao««»ooeeeeeeeeeooee___^ | • m Jr battle, comprised of 10,000 up-to- night as s pattern for tha U.N. Toiftori'OM' tba n^ute .aircraft and 400,000 leader and present premier, would Risiiig Prices est hope to believe that humans conference In reaching agreenwra Preserve______direct sin inner cabinet group — to follow in its quest for world would reset Uks ths mice. on defense of the weetara bemi* trained men to adequately man, Vote of Confidence wide security. equip and adminiater a 70 group the Ministries of War, Public A t the same time, another scien­ sphere. ' Night at B program. Order and Justice— having to do To Foods Implied Critielam Of Russia tist reported no cures and only BrasU and the United Statea, bfi 23 REGULAR GAMES 25c Peach Preserve 1 Lb. Jar 23c Grapefruit with the fight on Oommunlat-led, Throughout the' talks of both moderate effecte at beat from KR said, must continue to cooperate "We must also have a strong anti* government guerrillas. in mica in hie expertmente over a with other countries of the bemI* Air Reserve and Air National Given to Ramadier men ran sn Implied criticism of 7 SPECIAL GAMES Scphoulls had demanded- the Russia and the Soviet attitude to­ period of two years. sphere "in the development of a SWEEPSTAKES II M MW/ Guard, highly trained and equipped Nation’ s Commodity H ie apparent recoveries In aotne strong and concerted force for the Vttb reasonably mOdeni aircraft to premlerahip • for himself and the ward Internsttonsl cooperation. WEEKLY PRI'^B Ministries of Public Ordsr, War Mariiets Cast Shadows French Premier Consid* MsrshsU dsclarad that ths re­ mice were reported by William M. good of mankind." Orange augment our regular striking Mallaoff, PhD., btochm ist and ro- Mr. Truman noted that the twa Grapes faros." and Justlcs fo r other Ubarala. sults of the conference at Pstro- Tsaldarte had opposed these de­ Over Family Budgets ering Resigning; Will News Tidbits polts, BraalL in which tbe treaty ■earch director of the Longevity nations have been "spared 1 Lb. Jar Army Air Force personnel offi- waa drafted and signed "demon­ Research foundation. New York, wanton destruction and dialog Marmalade cisla ia Washington reported at mands. Decide Whether Vole Called From V P i Wirts Coohiag CoaBdeaee Vote Poetpoaed Chtcsgo, Sept 6—IF)—The na­ strated, 1 think beyond doubt, that to the Fourth International Cancer Uon" of war. He said ho ia cer­ the beginning of tha current where nations are sincerely dO' Research congreaa. tain they “wUl he faithful to a bMnth the A. A. F. had about M7,- Their reported compromise fol­ tion’s principal commodity msr- Is Strong Enough lowed psrtiament’s p^ponement strous of promoting the peace and K R ia named for ito* Rnasian de­ great trust on which depend tM 000 men’ and 48,000 offleera. Thla ksts cast Isagthening shadows V well-being of the world it can be elopers, Nina Kkiyeva and Oreg­ lives and Uberty of so many mip Potted Meat 2 c.»17c Apples eonmaras with an authorised of a vote of confidence on TbaU Paris, Sept. B— (;P)— Pre­ eentence rortoi 10 on trial on charge darts' ons-party rightist govem- ovsr fam ily household budgets to­ of delivering military secrets to done." on Roikln, wtw from lions o f dlsUluslonsd and dira strength o f 884,000 men and SS,000 mier Paul ^m adier won a He added that " it can be dona organtams that causa a t r o p i^ oouraged peopla" i snthsm S«w offtoers. manL formed a week ago yester­ day ia a dissy whirl of rising Britiah and American ambaasa- prices. vote of confidence in the Na­ without frustrating delays dissaes. chagas dlasass. The addreae waa Mr. Trumaai 8 S ^ Man nMrmtad day. dors . . . Seliiag features etock without much o f the confusing and The Bo Vi Sts have cautiously re­ TWs vote, set for last night, on .With moat staple foods at high tional Assembly today, but market again today . . . Report aecond on Brasilian soU this w eira' Can oericisls said tbe A . A. F. had peak for the year and certain to diaturMng propaganda that lias ported about 10 “ more or teas auc- In hla first, ht told the InteiF T unaf ish 43c Celery Sopbottlis' motion was put oB un­ the white-bearded leader was Britain has rejectod Russian pro­ attended oqr efforts of the past ceasfuT reoovertsa from canosv recruited more than 80,000 men in til tomorrow. TssMaria’ cabinet go still higher, the consumer was test against raising level of weot American conference Tuesday IRm considering resigning never- two yeara." among 40 persons trsatod wtth KR tha United Stotas I# fietonaiati MMm the Isqt few months in an effort had taesd dsfeat In the te s t His advised to adjust to substitutes, German Industry . . U. 8.’ex­ I I uieen Tbe secretary, who earlier this InVecUons, said Theodore H. Haus- to remain strong* and fulfill Its to regain ita wartime effieiMicy PopoUsts havs only 141 of 'Partia- such’ aa spsym ttl, and to shop the-less, cabinet ministers port# declined during Jul^ for On leveL year Mient eight futOe weeks ia chks, l*hD., mlcroMalogiat of the oMigatioaa to ths U. N. Ha alak Manchestcr’a Piano mant’s W4 seatx, end evsn wltk arqund.for chewer cuts of meat said. Th.e vote was 292 for the seeond coneocutlve mohth . . . Moacew trying to negotiate agree- Institute tor Oancer Itesoarch, Lan- OaQing a "second best A ir FOree ths presumed support o f Gen. Only ff«Mi fruits and* jreg^blss sxptassed baUif-^BMr 'that post­ Distributor for Sardines 2 Cans 25c II Peppers jaetioa. of-confidence, and 243 VFW convention to debate pro­ ’ffEMUren fbe future of Germany kenaa hospitaJ, P b llad sl^ la . war disputes can be ssttlsd with­ Uks a second best polisr'Swad-*. Napneon'BervaF >8 Xfatlonsllsta were holding at steady pricex agatotsL posal to oattow tito Cqaanaaiat with Russia, Britain and France, you'n bsttsr a « without IL" tha New Reoevd Blgba OeasraRy Pssr Rsoalto arnied confilcL Frifwd’s could not havs mustersd s mxjqr* ee Abstoattoaa party . . , Admiral Louis IB. returned Wednesday from the Continuiag on that theme in his •SOHMER general listed these other itMU he ity. BephouIlF Liberals hold 48 Some obeervers predicted that It wss Dr, Hsusdiks who ro­ However, therv were eo sbsten- Denilsld expected to sueoetd Ad* PstropoUs meeting where the 19 ported the genarsUy poor results addreae to the BrasUian OongiqM, considered neeeaaary to naUonol untold "consumer resistance" tlofis. Associates said Rsmsdler miral WiUhua D. Leaky as chief Aroeriesn governments present •GULBRANSEN defense: shows the market places wtth ICR preparations grade at Mr. Trumsn termed the dsfenae Pork and Beans Tbaldaris had sat his cahlnat up, bad to deride whether the vote of Btsir to President Truman • , • drew up the new security treaty Philadelphia. agreement aa an Uluetratlon to UM •WURLITZER c“ II Cabbage 1. "A healthy aircraft Industry at ths request of King Paul 1, six eggs in New York will soar to ft was strong enough to support his Britiak lim it afamber o f nswa- in three weeks. a dosen, butter and meat |1 a dox- Dr. MaUsoff said he has been world that “right-thinking sm b •HARDMAN Flow Sweet Instaad of the withered vine now dayx a fter the coUxpae o f the leadership, in view of the coun­ pspermen permitted to see the Ts Freeeat Feet to Bsanto making a ip t soluUon alnoe last can submerge their Indlyldasl Oreea producing, leas than its 1889 pre­ coalition govamment under Popu­ ea, butter and mast |1 s pound. try ’s economic troubles and Immi­ ehlps carrying “Exodus" Jews Vsndraberg, chairman of ths May. and "I intend using thla prejudicee" for the benefit of the w ar OUt|Nlt" • list Deinatrios Maxlmos, from Such grains as com and oats sold nent Interaatlonsl negotiations. dock S t Hamburg . . . Mias Mar­ Senate Foreign RelsUona commit­ method on three already-salsctsd wcrid. Pancake Syrup Pint t, A vigorous program of aero­ which SophoulU* L ih e i^ s w trs in. futures trading yesterday at A cabinet meeting was sche^ garet Ford of Brookline, MSM., tee. told his radio lleteners he human cases about Oia end o f Oc­ Aaserting the "problems s4 Beans 2 Lbs. 25c nautical research and development excludsd. new raoord bbA' l^ ce a in the 89- uled tontght. ' newkpaperwotnsn, end John Bliilr- would present the pact to the tober. Tlio cases, of course, win t. A "supcrlaUve” civil aviation Slnos the Maxlmos cabinet fell year aistory of the Chicago Board The Assembly, giving Ramadier na, of ’’Information Please,” mar­ Senate for ratification with "every bo inoperable and in very advanced (fToattaaed ea Page Btekt) KEMP'S Aiint Jemima nofcHag confldenom that it w ill deserve INC. system. U., 8. representatives had been o f ’Trade." his fifth exprvaal^ of confidence ried in Brookline, today. stagra." 4. A set of blueprints governing seeking another and broader coali­ Johh' Krey, chairman of ths since he became pnm ler in Janu­ Drank who tried to win many prom^ and enthuslastle approval There have been nimora that at ROBART TURKEY FARM. Furniture and Mu'iic Pancake Flour Pkg. 17c 10 Lb. Bag 43c tadustrlal planning and mobilisa­ tion govenunenL Tlieir advice car­ Aiaerican Meat institute, said "a ary, approved the Kovernment’s by poeiag aa "Robe" $lnrqaard, o f trediUonally American least one parson haa been treated Wetl Wiltingtan, Conn. tion for any emsrgeney "and ried the wets^t of the U. 8. pro­ an^r'catastrophe is striking this program of subsidies for the ooal form er Giant pitohliig star, Jailad with KR In this country, but all industry.. Rs called r the treaty “aunllght •minst any attsmpt to catdi us gram for helping Greece with country sad a hungry world be- in Hoboken . . . nUip WlgUe sdsntlata questioned bm eald off guard with a worst Pearl Har­ |M0,000,000 in mUitary and other caqae of the drastic reduction in Tfecked On ,To Cenl Issue in a dark world" and declared they could not confirm tbe r«- suppikw in line with denies reports he is candidate tor ttet ‘it ts good for tbs United Nto. Kraft Cheese 2 Lb. Box bor." this year’s corn production." The confidence motion wss tack­ Congress In Indians . Butter ports. Flashes! MARKET 6. Heavy appropriations for sir Tniman doctrine to stem Com­ In anticipation o( further ad­ ed on to the coal issue. tlOM.** Let Us Help You Sell munism. goes up three cento on wholoaaJe Marshall repeatedly etresaed the Even if there should bq any de­ (L a te af Ma (ff) tfftes) power. vancing prlqea tor tha grain, one The Communists and a sprin­ market in CSilcago .... Stm gree o f success. Dr. Matieoff said, Again thla week we offer Robart Native Connecticut Frcnh Tnrkeyg as a leading meat Snappy Amertran 5. Popular support of Air Force Wats Of Uedarstapdlng Chicago, broker reported that kling of rightist and'Centrist dep­ importance of the new arrnnge- Your Properly— We Hints of an understanding be­ mack radlo»:tivtw at BlktaL but the preparation of ICR is so dUfi- value. Hiey will be sold at 59c a poui\d. and tbe weights average 11 to 14 pounds. CO m II For your Sunday dinner what could be better utise formed the opposition to the human beings cotfd rasids'' thsre cult and the supply so sasall that Labor Law tween Tteldaris and Sophoulla and eu Page Sis) measure, which authorised the (Oeat ea Png* r) Proleel llie'Buyer----- been heard after they conferred « without danger fp r’brief periods, "there ts no IIMlhood of our Staatferd, Sept, IhkflMMe 4181 aad wa will a turkey as aear your atae aa possible. When Frank “ Pepperldgn Store Cheese than nice fresh Poultry, for roasting, broiling govemment to grant 4,660.000,000 working on othsr cssss for a long ft e m " Crooka auw lie aobart turkeys In our moat department last week-end, he wanted to know yeaterday wtth Loy Henderaon. francs ($88,600,000) In subsidies to two Notre Dame aclsnttsta report tleaa feraeaffag Msst the repeal e f the Seller. chief of tbe State department’s : . . Bcvla made his gold propos­ Uma to eosM." Uw Taft-Hartley law, ahsia sa af why wn dMa*t tell him oo that he roald aend In a hoHday shipment o f Peptwrldge Farm Stuffing to La R o m ) or stew? We’re offering Coventry grown hold down prices in the coal in­ In hrist summary, ths two re­ gu wtth them. This roudy to uao acaaoned stufflag la oa sale now al 78r a hag. and we have plenty Division of Naar Vast Affairs, at al uhisfly to "stimulate a wide «0s- Confirms Tale the state rales aad nne tax aad a We have rom|ielent eeiesmea 60,00Q Miners Strike Hurts dustry. ports today ware: Federal laqalry^lato the high eosi sf nman Spray and Cliff ton Cranberry Sauce to servo with your poultry. on our staff ready to assist you u. 17c fresh Chickens, you know. Ambassador Linooln MaoVsagh's ' Although the thTMt of s gov- cttsalon,’’ s ia y e Wbltoball aource residwice, . . . Bllad beggar sSntsnoed to Dr. Hsuschka; . Is using tha sf Svtag were approved today hp We arin also feature Freoh Native roaaeellcul Fryers, Broilers and Roasting Chickens. in your real estate pniblema— Macaroni aramsnt crisis waa thus cased, Henderson also saw Vsnixsiiats labor still waa agitating poUtiesUy 81 yean In BarUmore*tor rage of Official Gone same straia of dtsass organism aa the Oeaaectient FedaraUoa m so-^f vnu want PROM FT Also we’ll have those popular cut iip Fowl Out in Britain Uheral Sophoctes Vsnlaslos, So­ Steel Output the Riisetane. has experimented on Labor cnavrafW. WItb tbe elose .4RRVK r, Uold Mnlal sgslnat the soaring cost of living. six year old girl . ... UeotT Ed­ at 99c each. cial Democrat George Papandreou Union Issdera were far from ward L. Sbeltoa. V. 8. N,. haa 1,300 mice. Has triad saversl o f tbe four-day eoaelavo < HERE AT PINEHURST MEAT DEPARTMENT fall and National tTnlonlst Panayotia content with the recent cut in the been dismissed from N avy as a re­ German Minister - Presi­ methods of preparing 'KR mate­ away, tbe detegatea Wn eoaaldor It part af our service to And aa navortment of good qnallly meals al low prices. Union CMBclals Fear Kanellopoulos. Ppoduction CurtaHod at bread ration, skyrocketing food sult of hta conviction of brib^ rial. One, made from blood plas­ recorded tbeawelvee aa apaeaed Flour 5 Lbs. 53c Our display case will be attrartive as usual with -Resignations o f thdss three "withoat reeerratloa" to tlw Tbft* Bvory Item la guaranteed le give a complete aatlsfactlon or we will replace It, Walkout May Spread pricss, and official stattatlcs put­ and conaplraoy at New London dent of lliuringia ma of niice with chagas dtsesse, JARVIS enuasd the ooUnpee o f Mnximos' eUtsburgh PlfiHls ting living costa ten times higher brought a few partial ragresslona Hartley law, eabject at tbfse days Campbell’e Fresh BecU Veal, Lamb, Pork and Smoked cabinet two weeks sRo today. Thsy sub bsav. of criticism dnrlag the eeaveatlsa. Lena Short Shaaked Smoked Pinehnrst Special Style •.M renter Stieet To Vital Kent Flelda than In 183S. , RspubUesn state circles now Reported as Missing o f tumors, but no complete ones, had criticised the conduct of the By ' Railway Dispute and often brought other toxic • * • Tel. 411^ nr 7:11.1 Meals. ' ^ m oot predtetkig revival of .the once- Shoulder Hams Ib. 58c sntl-guerrtlln war and had demand­ O -H Hah Called effects with mortality generally Held For Oraad Jury Chuck Pot Roast lb. 65c 3 Cans 29c London, Sept S—(F)—Some 60,- ed that Zervas, minister of public Pittsburgh, Sept. 6——A spokes­ Maktea. Naaa„ Sept. 5—(F>—, Tomato Soup man here for the Communlet- higher than in mice not getting Dried B eef...... Ib. 3.5c From ^ and .4A beef. THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE! 000 Yorkshire coal miners shun­ order, and George Stratoe, minister strike of _ 11,81)0 railroaders em­ in Paris bus and subway servlcss partment . . . MeJatosh apple crop the injections. "With my mste- Raymoad SulUvaa, S8, of It Jdy thla afternoon. Poat offlcea wUI in Oonnectlcut mcpected to be light dominated Socialist Unity party Lumb Patties...... Ib. 49c Vteilre Maid ned the pits today, bringing tha of war, be replaced. Stratoe was ployed by the u. S. Steel Corp- street. New Loadoa, CoaB^ was Pinchurst Ground Reef .. , . . . Ih. Fre«h Ground , toitoy brought Immediate oatail- close two hours early and remain this year . . . R ^ n t ly tboUahed (BED) conSrmed today, a news­ held for the graad Jary la fljg l Orota * Weigel or Swlft'a total o f struck coIUerisa to 64 as paper report that Dr, Rudolf PauL (Osottaasd en Page Ms) Ground V eal...... II). .'Vfle (Osnttaaad en Page r) ment of production at the firm's shut'until tomorrow morning. state Dairy and Food commiseion ball today oa a ebarge sf aaui- union offlctsla volesd fssrs that ntUburgh district plants. Caretakers of national cems- reports to governor that adtdtera- German minister-president of the skuighter la jeoaaectioa wHb the Cooked Russian-occupied province of Frankfurts Ib. 59c Veal and Pork (iniund. .’T. ... . Ib. ,")9c Hamburg Ib. 39c ths three-weck-old walkout aright iSvo unions, repreashtlng eni- teriea, moat of them disabled vet­ tioa aad adshroadlag ef feeds July 11 death of George H. Osaaat, erans, also were on strike for have not dwindled since the war .. ThurinjDa, was missing. th PhMharat Oeanlae Mprlag Beef and Ham Grdund...... lb. «9c sprsad to the vital Kent coal Selds ployca of tbs subsidiary union rall- Jewish Units S ft, Slllqg statioa operator, ia Cans higher pay, Democratic Florida congressman He said Paul’s whereabouts the Ureeawood eectioo of Wake­ Spaghetti 25c Dellcloua Heat lingers ro ^ atoppfd work tips morning Lamb Shoulders Ib. 42c Pinehnrst Boneless 3111k Fed In southeast England. »* " after a hrett In contract negoUa- Ramsdier’s apparent poUUoal vie- preposaa Osaeral Eissahewer aa were "undetermined." but )m add­ field. SulUvaa pleaded kraem AHhur HcriMr, oscratary gener­ tlons. The road - connects “big tory came after his own party vot­ Democratic vice presidenUal can­ ed that the newspaper story "must Dtotrtet Court Judge EMrtdge Booed It deUtnd. be taken with a grain of salt, Battle Today Native Veal Ib. 59c Sm\y Brand lb .4 9 c al o f tha National Union a4,^Mtns In Southwest steel" plants, emplojrtng 96,000, ed to support him In the eonfidsooe didate. Davis was told by poRoe aad a Frankfurts and feeds Into autjor railroad lines. bsllotlng, which ths premier had Capt. HIroaht Iwanaml, Jm > med- Bihce the mlniater-prealdant^ edn medical examlaer that Ooaaat was Tender Fowl Ib. 49c Worktrs. hurrisdly.laft a’ Trades not emradr." Veal Legs Peas *j Carnsgis-nUnols Steal Oorp.. posed oa his request fo r $88,600,000 lesl offloer, aratoacod to haag for Members ' of Hagana struck one or more btows pa tlw Cut the Ptuehurat way. Ib. 42c Union conterencs at Southport Thunderstorms Break biggest 17. S. Steel producing sub- in government subsidies fo r the atrocity murders of 10 American Vapiahee from Weimar head with soow dub-Uke object s’. S. Pleree last night and Hsstsned to London sidliiry, banked 10 blsst ftirnaoes coal Industry. airmen on Tnik . . . Driving license The paper, the British-Heeasod Clash With Irgun in after he refused to re-epea the sto- PiBcburst Genuine Hpring Idtmb Legs, medium size, at 69r a pound; Rib Roast Beef Salt PoVk for sn emeigency coiUercnca with Hot Spell Midwest tmmedtaMy and' an offVcUa eald When leftwing fsctlootsta swung of Special Justice James E. Dsvis Telegraf, said today that Dr. Paul tloa he was eloalag at addnlght (except first two ribs) at 63c a pound; and Sirhiin Steaks at 89c a pound are also giM>d Fusl Ifin lster Bmsnutl SlUnweU sevep. and possibly elghL other to his support at a five-hour party. of Springfield, fined to r drunken had vanished Mbndsy from W ei­ Streets of Tel Xviv whea SulUvaa sought to buy gaee- values in migbty fine eating. Applesauce and Natlnoal Goal board oillctalo Has Been Endnring furnaces would go down during driving In Rhode laluid, w ill be mar, provlitciai capital. It re­ t for Beans Ib. 29c sashing to end* tbs walkout. ths day. The CMlrtqn'coke by­ (Osattoasd on Page Fear) ■topnsdsd todeBaltaiy- • • New Jer­ ported that ho trace o f him bad Jerusalem, Sept. 8— (F )—Mem­ Agreee to Wage Increase No. 8 Caa Nllgar Heart Visit Strike SoeM By Tbs AassrUitefl Prsss products ptont wss ordered cut sey opens new oyster harvest . . been found in a search ordered by bers of Hsgsna, underground Jew­ ABILITY For ••Grlllx" ar "Burglwra" tock to 88 .per cent of capacity. Treasury Balance ‘’- Prsvda reports that three Oommu Deputy Minister President Wer­ Washlagion. SepL 6 — (JF SHOP PINEHURST FOR GROCERIES Yorkshire district Isadsra qdit Midsummer heat with tempera­ ner Eggerath. head of provincial ish defense orgsnlxsUon, hstUed In George Harrison, preeldent of tbe ths Southport oonfarence to )^ t tures abovs Ktt Ungsred in the 141 Hemtha Oaeed nist officisle w ire eenteaeed to six the streets of sll-Jewlah Tel Avtv Taa w ill Rad the freshest vegetable|^ displayed on rmrked Ice, n full line oM ro.ied foods, a |iet Grapefruit Juice 3 A U. 8. Steel epokesman eaid Waablngton, Sept. 8.—(F)— Tbe to eight years for arveetlag re­ imlice. AFL Brotberbeod of BaUway dwartm eat with all kinds of dog nod cat foods, a mudrm dairy rase full of fresh milk, sn ^\rrpllonal- is an important part of the strike scene. The N ationri aouthwest aad sbuthent aections of The Thuringlan govemment has today with members of the Jewish Clerks, aanounred today tbe Bait­ Sandwich Cheese Ib. 49c union haa disapproved the strike. the nation today aa coder air and 101 of tbe lOS open hearths served poeirion of the Treasury SepL 8: porter who critlclied them In his underground Irgun Zvsl Leuml. ly taucy oM faokloaed store rboese and eggs fresh from the term.' Liability— your ability to by the railroad were ordered Reoeipts, $187,887,787.97; expen- newspaper . . ()ueetian whether Issued no statement on Paul’s dla- way Express agency has agreed No. 3 Can Kewspspers^pointing out that thundershowers broks the hot spelf appesranoe. An informant In the Ten persons were Injured, two of meet expensive claims fo r in the midwest closed down as well as three elec­ dlturva, $188,840,877Y9; balance, Russia will appoint new amha them seriously snou^ to be boe- to a 16V't *cato hourly wage >a* Full PIbU of PaiWake' Syrup...... 29c Good Quality Polatues ... . yi lbs. 42c the number of struck mines had tric furnaces. He said primary government told The Associated crease tor 48.000 employes. damages for injuries to Jumped from 17 to 64 within two . Teropsrfturas again were beaded $$.$11,686,666.48. sador to Greece. lUUUxed. SwanaoB’a Boned Chicken...... 49c Becker’s Native Carrots .. . . Thunch 8c for ths aear 100 ssark in Mtaaouri. min and finishing mill operations Press by telephone, "nothing la boost, effective as ef Sept. 1, M T .n 9.riiw Juice 25c I r i i ^ , |b. 35. days—Joined government oSicials ware expected to come to x halt known here except that he isn’t ■nM clash occurred when the Swaasoa’a Boned Turkey...... 39c Becker’s Native Beets ...... hunch Rc others. Ask us about iEtna Kinaae, Okishwna Atkanssa and Hagans group, whoso orgsnlution the same Increase givsa eariler in cgpteasing anxiety ovqr the ef- tOfPshL here." this week to approximately 1,044,* StraBaon’a Chicken »Fricas8ee...... 54c Red, Ripe Tomatoes...... lbs. 25c I Comprehensive Personal S. S. Pierre fept of the strike on the national txas aftfr yw tsrd^a high masks has vowed to fight Holy Land ter­ Dromedary D ates...... box 29r E those stoOf. 1«e cdotsr w The strtkliig eagtnsers, firemen, Paul’s wife, hla chief interpre­ 0Q4 railroad workers under an ac* Rumble Bee While Tuna ...... «9c I Liability Insurance for economy- .hrahemen and. conductors are Minister Spends Vacation ter and two police otflcera also are rorism, tore Irgun posters from the New Roasted Peppers...... can 2.1c which Bwved into most of the walla of buildings along DIsongoff biteatioa award. Armour’s T re e l...... ran ,39c home owners. Try Our Mony Yorkshire factories — midwoet wss eapocted to reach in­ meiabers of tne Brotherhood ef missing, the paper said. Paul’s • • • Orange and Grapefruit their coal pUss perUoualy low — Railroad TralnaMa and Brother­ sutomobne wss last reported seen street and Petah Tlliva road. Ir- SPRY to the Texas pen handle by tomor- gunlsts, whoaa organisation haa Saaaturinni Oocior Held ...... 3 pound cans $1.05 Freshly Curod Corned Boof ^ bavs alriady curtailed production. hood of Locomotive Engineers. A On Labor Job in Factoiry on the BUtobshn near Boelltx Norwich, SepL 6— (A3 ^ Dux, Oxydtd, Rinao...... large package 31e Can Tbe dlspi'-t' began among some union spokesman said a few train headed fo r Berlin, while another claimed responatbUlty for recent Sections 23c Merenry Above 100 Palestine vfcUence, gays battle. Virgil F. Neumaaa, 44-year-eld Wa offer a ahipment of Towels and Tiaaue from Scott, while stock lasts.' Lipiit two on We disalay a variety of cots and prices so yoa can 8,000 workers at ths Grimsthorps The mercury climbed to KM at crews remained on the toh * to automobile In which hte w ife , was I mciutier of the medical ataff al pit when mtnsrs quit in protsot McAlester, Okla., yasterday. the assist in tbs orderly shutdown of Milwaukee, SepL 6—~- TIm 4 1 think everyone in ChrUtlan ■Sid to have been riding wss found Ultimatara Te Officials tlaanf, 1 towel to an order to distribute fairly. Gold Duxt have yoar fffek! Tel Av|v poUee reported, mean­ I'nras-ua-Tbaaws, state tuhercM* Robert J. Smith. Iiir. against an crdai by ths NsUonsl higheal reading In Uw area, while steel milla—always a slow process. Rev. Daniel L. Huntwork, a S7 work should get out and work Tuesday n l^ t near the Potsdam losls sanatorium, was pass sated 1 Jdl-O . . . 1 Jell-O Pudding . . . . . ’...... ,....lh e 2 for 16c it reglaterad 107 at Tulsa, Okla. Affect^ by the atrtke are U. 8. year old Baptist minister, seeking udth his hands in normal labor railway station In the Soviet sone. while, that a young Jtw a:^ Jew­ Cm board that they dig two feet ess claiming to represent the before Judge Charles W. Casal^ House & Half Building 6 Can. 2 5 c more of coal each day. Sympathy Oklahoma city reported 106 and Steel operations at- Hdmestead. to raise $880 he had pledged for environment, so he won’t get too Telegraf continued. Cleanser Green Stamps Given W’ith Cash Sales! , ‘■While the first version spread Stem gang, s small Jewish under­ in police court here this nwrafdg walkout in othsr mines followed. Springfield, lio., and Little Rock, Braddock, Duquesae and Clairton. miaslonsty purposes, spent his $0 far away from these problems. He on a ebarge of indeeeat asaaall Ark., sweltered la 1(M tempera­ Officials of tu corporation,said day vscstlon working as a laborer should do it every three or four that Paul was the victim of an as­ ground unit, had deliver^ an ul­ Phone 3450 The Orimethorpe workers main­ sassination, there la now no doubt timatum personally to 18 Jewish aad orderril held for SapestaP tures. others at aU principal plants would in a factory. years." court. Boads ter tbe btedever w«S| L f e. Pkg. 32c tained that aa enlarged ooal face rsdsral ferecosters la CtUcago ha shutdown Just as soon aa poasi- "We religious workers live too Ths otsrgymaa, pastor of ’rxbsr- that he fied,” Telegraf said. officials of the Pelestino Income p.m eflu/rst Q7^e/t^/.9nc: Lux Flakes would increase the danger of their Tax department to resign within 44 Sxed at 418,084 and weta fs e U i reported thuadmbowers over a bls "la an orderly procedure." sheltered lives,” said ths Rev. Mr. nacls Baptist cnurch, said he had Befased Nasi MemberaWp Job beosuee ef local conditions, The newspaper said Paul ap­ hours o r tecs drastic consequences. by the accused. Neumnaa waa f wide area from the Missouri sad The strike wap ordered at a Huntwork, who described his ex­ worked nights at the Safway Steel rested Thursday by Lieut. WURlfS * DIAL 4151 MAIN STREE.T without actually stapplng up pro­ Ohio vaUsya to. southern asettoos Joint memberahlp meeting last perience as ‘insplrstlonsl,^ "We Products. Inc., fo r on# week be­ pealed to Hermann «P the State in-1 ^ Hartfon. Sapt. *—Tb* « r d In- duction on February 34, 1S41 to stalls have been set up under the Barlow's chances of again becom­ Mr. and Mra. Harry Ertal of 500 peraons amiy wui contiiiuie lighted In-i . fuitry VtrUttm Vet«»n« A*»cU- September 33, 194S are eltglbla for direction of William Foster, super­ ing a atata employs In the imme- ‘‘THE BILLY High street obeen.'Sd their twenty- the State Highway Deoartment'a directly will show by lines etched I ^ intendent of grounds. Rockville, Sept. 6— (Special)— tloo wUI or**nl** on a permanent memberahip and will be welcomed dtaU future teemed dim today with fifth welding anniversary on I exhibit In the Connecticut Build- In the plastic the. road network to| at the reunion. In order to obtain In Addition to the two-way por­ A aporta program win be a fea- Thursday. They will spend the Ing at the flrat poat-war Eastern be built or Improved under the '<■ at Um reunion to be held at the dlactosure that the poaltlon In reservations, registration should be table radio that ia to be given tupa of the picnic aponaored by week-end In New York City. Mr. States Ihipualtlon In West Spring- away aa a door prim, a box of as- which be aought reinaUtement baa JO Y TR IO 'V 8ve-year plan and under the laur camp McOonaughy, Niantic, Conn.. made Immediately with Joaeph R. Local 58, TextUa Worker# Union end Mrs. Ehlel have four daugh- field. Maas. Sept. 14-20, the SU te' pionam., ; I OB September 12. 13 and 14. Bet­ Zimmer, State Armory, Hartford, aorted novalty randlea wilt be given been aboUabed. tars, tbe Misses Barbara. Harriet, i aa a second door piixe. TheM Barlow, a Stonington rwddent ^TODAYl They*re Really Terriffc! to ba held Saturday at the Italian Development Commission, manag­ ’rile five-year plan ia basically ter taren aa the ‘Winged Victory ' Katherine and Faith Brtel. ing the building, said today. Conn. candles have been donated by the and-former member of thfi L«gla- Social Club on Snlpalc atreet for the .program recommended by the I DlTlalan, 'naa»ed In honor of Major The Development Conimladon Highway Advisory Commiaalon In M Oanerai Leonard F. Wing of Ver­ H. L. Diehl Mfg .-Co., of Buck- lature, realgned In May froifi the Sate and Sun. It JOB want to hear soamthlaf differeni—« obm< mtmbera and their familiea. Thia land. wholesale manufacturers of 37,BOO-a-year poat aa assistant dep­ program will atart at 3 p.m. and reported that the "Highway Thca-1 1944 and la currently under way. | F” mont. who led this famoua fighting thing in a claaa by Itself—Hear This Trio Tonight! tar” one of 11 unique displays to | (3ost for the plan Is estimated at > , J glrMon In action in the 'Pacific Special Services novelty candle* which are dis­ uty state comptroller during the will include a fat man'# race for Aged Attorney tributed to the leading department height of the critIcUm about the thoaa 190 pound# and over; a race I bo kous^ In the state structure. I 899 million at tha. 1946 price level. | M from New Guinea to the Philip- will preoent three 15-mlniita shows' Smaller Inaeta adjacent to the ^ W.1—, the coming reunion of the Fur Onlination stores In United Staten aa well as laaae be negotiated for the state to Ahraya Legal for boya from 8 to 8 ytara, alao Held in Slaying foreign countries. rent the Plimpton building In 8 to 13 year#; a race for girls from I per hour using Kodachrome alldea map will point out tj-plcal statia-1 ^ 4trd wni be the firet meeting of a The program for afternoon and KiRCTif Cool B cY cragcs j aynchronlsed with a transcribed tlcal data, such aa anticipated j Ma permanent organiaational nature downtown Hartford. SMUMBA 8 to 13 yeara; a doll contest with Three special aerviceo Sunday at evening at the Wapping Fair, la He withdraw hU resignation af­ I ANVTMM priMs for the prettiest, most un- Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 5—(e> commentary to acquaint audicncea ret* of traffic Increase end con- • rince a meeting held in Kumagaya. the covenant Congregational as follows; Japan, September 34. IMfi, prior to ter a "one-man grand Jurjr" Invea- .ttsual and funniest doll; a pie est- —A 44-year-old barber, Thomaa I with past highway dtvelophient, I stn ctlon coats, used as a batls for church will mark the ordination to 12 Noon—Exhibits open to tha tng contest for men and boya and A. Lartag (asster). Nrtlnwsii at SUte Da^-olopment Coas- I tbe department's present "five- i highway planning, the outflfe more to the U. S. and tlgatlon conducted by State'# At- s E. Hobgood. waa slain becauae ha -nlfitin cammlttcc haadllag Coaaeetletrt RsIMUg at Eaatcra SUtse the rainlatry of lU pastor. Rev. public. a tug of war between the Mlnter- lanctlratlan at which Major Oen- tocney Meade Alcorn and Superior AVEY^S year plan.” and Us long-range I ■ The theater will be epen fer the Raynold G. Johnson, who sseumed 3— Parade, float contest, fife and *burn and tha Hockanum; the thought two women were In dis­ BxpaaHton. Waat SpsU gSM hUsa., Sept. 14-38, pelaU eat BUto’s I plans for tha future. i full exposition day, 1 to 9 p. m. on i atal Harold R. Barker of Provl- Court Judge Ernest A. Inglls found exMMt feaUrao ea boUdlng model to Developneat Cemmlaeloaera leaderahip three jrearo ago after drum corp drills. no evidence of any wrong doing on BpringvlUe end the American end tress and went to their aid. and *nie color alldea Include elrvlews' Sunday. Sept. 14, and 9 a. m. to 9 . waa elected temporary chair- .I Doodlebug pulling contest, W'lUaid B. R ^ r * (M t). also as expoettloa Irostae.’ aad Fraacia 8. Sandy Newman, Age 10 graduating from North Park Col­ the part of anyone connected with TMnlels and Saxony. an aged attorney waa being held < of the Merritt Parkway and shots I p. m. dally for the balance of the lege, Chicago. 4— Softball game. The grounds will be open at Morphy. ______I of other dual hichways as well as ' waek. ;>7 Turnbull Road Notnmationa will be made for the 7—Dancing to recorded music. the teaae, which has been abrogat­ on a murder charge, Q ty Detec­ Dr. N. W. Lund of that college ed on orders of Governor McCon- soon and there will be recorded tive J. R. Norrell reported. . , * fa«*4r and aecondary roada In all ’ Hulliatcr School, 5th (trade efBces of national commander, 5— Dancing to Hoffman's or­ Oma. music from 1 to 2 p.m. when the will preach at the morning aervlce aughy. Norrell said the murder charge plant employs 700 and normally, p^rts of tha State. All are repre- At 8L Helena Uvea a tortise ttMSurer, chaplain,. Judge advo- at 11:00 and will alao deliver the chestra. speaking program‘ will start. The Campbell PlaiiJ enta. A national aiecuUve commit- 9 Auction of donated articles. Appilea For Belaatatemeat was placed egainst 78-year-old operate# until Octaber. ' aantatlv# of th# carefully planned, I which probably eew Napoleon. HY SMALL FRY: ordination sermon at 3:30 p. m. Barlow, acting under provisions apeakers will Include Joaeph R. Richard L. Williams after three Tbe plant manager said an open i ' tea will also be voted upon. The Rev. Walter Palm, pastor of the 10 Drawing for door priie. .. r. White, atate director of the TWUA; shop prevallB and be waa unaware imt««n»i aacretary and eergeant-at- of the sUte’s merit system-law, G"rjfBAND Senator Patrick Ward of Hart­ witnesses to tbe shooting Identi­ Hit bv Strike Am I glad this column ia for ut small fry aa well Oo\tnant Congregational church. applied for relnatatement a few fied him in a police lineup. If a strike vote had been taken. as teen ageis. We are getting old enough now tn arms will be appointed by the ford; Attorney Benjamin Wyle. as­ The workers made no statement#. nommander-etect and executive Brooklyn. N. Y., who la also chair­ weeks ago, and conferences about Homicide DetecUve M. O. Thorn want to have our say about what we like to do pnd man of the EMstem Missionary As- sistant couiuel of TWUA. Salisbury, Md.. Sept. 8—l^ -- Parvln said the shutdown came committee. Although the 43rd waa Attend Gathering the sltuaUon have been held be- For the convenience of picnicera. said Hobgood and bis eight-year- wear. aoclatioo, will speak at the evening tween Coniptrollep Fred R* Zeller, ^ e S S tiw : lounm M ^Aicutiom if^sm irKdffrF old niece were on their way to a Maryland's Eastern Shore farm­ after a demand for an increase of This summer has been a lot of fun, but It will be eriglnahy a National Guard divi- S chartered bus uill leave near ten cents an hour and a 10 per RANGE AND FUEL OIL service at 7:30 and hava a part In Of Kiwanians 1 who waa Barlow'a Immediate supe­ IN BOLTIN — 2 MII.E8 FROM MANCHESTER the Union office at 28 Union drug store when the barber ers, with tomatoes already rotting nice to get back to Hollister School and eee my the ordination, alao Rev. Lealle stopped to remonstrate with a cent night differential. Present friends In 6th Grade. 'Then things really get busy rior, and the governor, at whoae Street at 1 and 1:30 p.m. The on the vines and in baskets for Ostberg of .Worceater and Rev. C. suggestion Barlow realgned. drunken man whom Hobgood starting scales are 65 cents an with Dancing School, ^ivenlle Orange, Sunday name bus will leave the grounds hour for women, 70 cents for men O. Simpson of Center Oongrega- Three members '- In the evening at 9:30 and 10 thought ’ was molesting the lack of canning facilitlca. today Wholesole Gasoline School, Junior Choir, anti Girl Scouts. tlonal church who la president of end 76 cents for night w-orkere. Did you haw a chance to eee our' new camp. chester Klwanls Club, Vice Presi­ ever, that tha moment Barlow le- (o’clock. From 5 to 10 p.m. there women. Were without services of thalr the ManchMter Ministerial a algned the posiUon of aaalatant GALA FLOOR SHOW— PLUS Dial wlU be dancing with music by J The barber waa killed, aald largest consumer, the Campbell *‘Mcrrie-WoodT” It It euper, and our leadfra.wera datlon. dent Herbert McKinney, Paat deputy comptroller became n » - Bojka’s orchestra. Refreshments | ‘rtiorn, when the drunken stranger Soup company plant, which Man­ swell. I've been a Brownie for three years but now Spnclal mualc wlU be renderad presidents Joel M. Nichols and existent by vlrture of a dlrectlva BOLTON WlU be served during the day. shot him In the chest. ager W. L Panin said waa cloaed I am going to be a real Scout and It euro will ba at each service. In the morning Thomas Ferguson, went to New which the governor had Issued pro- ' Chslrman Reatgna by a strike. Company fun! ART HeKAT Public Bantly My grandfather ihe'a a Jeweler) Just fixed the MlBs Greta Nelson and the Youth Britain last evening to attend a vtounly B8 nn economy meMure, 3815 At a meeting of the Democratic 106 Projects Cainp>cte6 Parvln said a group of workers Ha\ Main Street Tel. 5298 or 2-1057 Choir will sing. Mlaa Nelson wUl pre-convention meeting of the Town committee held Thursday met other employee at the gate rhsrma on my bracelet so I wouldn't loae them, and eUmlnntlBf ell «Ute Jobe that were aisahtM OrehOMtsw added a new cme—a tiny pair of aclaaora that raally also bo tbe soloist at the evening delegates lo the annual New Eng­ vacant or were about to become LAKEHOU Or 3823 cvcnlifg Leo Flaherty resigned aa Hartford, Sept. 8.— The last night and told them the plant Setback Forty Oppooite tho Armory meeting. Luncheon wlU be nerved EXUEI.LENT FINID AND DRINKS chairman after serving In thia State Highway department haa would not be operated. Tbe cut. I like It better than my little chariot with land District convention. The con­ vacant. .. .j t • wheals that go around. |AT r o m iL’Mnr s a t it b o a t after the ordlnaUon aervlce In the vention is to .be held at Poland •’The Job he iBarlow) held has Ohtortog Tm Baaqaeta aad Weddtog Partlml capacity for 13 years. John L competed 108 highway proJecU Givon by An^orann-Sbga afternoon by the Ladles Aid Socle- MUSIC! FUN! LAUGHTER AND GAIETY! Moran of Talcott avenue was nam­ totalling 86,700,000 deapite Inflat­ / My mothac Is getting my achool clothas ready. Springs, Maine, commencing next been abolished and therefora there Auiiliary. No. 2048 At leaat giria my age don't have to worty about FUOSTEO POOD SPECIAL! Thursday evening. The purpose of Is no Job to which he can be reln- ed aa towTi chairman to succeed ed prices and th shortage of ma- ^^invltaUona to the above aerviceo GUARANTEED A GOOD TIME! Mr. Flaherty and Mrs. Ruth Mb- i tcrlMs, State Highway Oommla- the length of our skirts beesuse we still like them the meeting wai to nominate a atated," said one high atate ofR- EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT short. We like plenty of skirts, snd Jumpers. Wa were mailad early In th# week to candidate for lieutenant governor clal who declined to be quoted by Kinstry Cooley waa named secre-1 gioner G. Albert Hill aald In hla Cinder Blocks FAIRMONT EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY tary of the totvn committee, th e' flrst annual report to Gov. James AT V. F. W. HOME like pretty blouses, snd swesteia to go with them the parlahloners. and It la earnest­ for the First KIv ania diatriet and name. CXNDEB BUM;K 8IFO. CO.. ly desired that every family In the office previously held by Mr. L McConaughy. A start haa been Manchester Green I f You Need A Truck for school, and a pretty plaid dreaa for boat. The Dr. D. W. Parke, of the Meriden X poaltlon once abolished can The Ever Popular INC. corduroy clothes arc nice thia year. too. PEAS, 25c box piulah be represented. club, was chosen. Tbe meeting al­ only he re-created by the State Moran. , made bn 74 proJecU coating about Drop Magaslne Dn%'e $15,000,000 during the flacal year 1 Hrizeal Refreahmenta! My hair will still ba In plgtalia this year, but I can Tea wUI M i abant every so was unanimous in Its opposition LOG JOY AND HIS JOYMAKERS i m a e a x ! i t u m m i 760 ToUaad St., East Hartford have It cut and In a page boy on my 11th birthday waat In froeted foods to the proposition of dividing the The Board of Eklucation of the whl:h ended June 30. the report TCL Htfd. 8-S968 Playing tfaris at 8:80 sharp Conte To See Us Town of Vernon will give the High states. The largest single under- In May. Motorist Killetl New England dlrtrict. The dele­ Sn miOUBOlEsaJOUOr WEROIfllS TRUCKS ARE STILL SCARCE — BUT^ I'll like that better becsu*e ths boys are always anew_Cn»y OnmiOrange inter gates enjoyed a dinner at the With Lovely Kaye Johnson, Vocalist School Athletic Association , the Uklng of the year waa the aUrt sum of 8300 in order that they of the Raymond E. Baldwin bridge WE MAY BE ABLE TO SUPPLY SOME MODELS leasing me by pulling the ribbons off thorn. Had Haapberriea Sheraton hotel. E m L O E I V s It won't be long before we'll be getUng our skates lO xadlW tB Upon Crossing »4A(< t r The 3 Sharps may drop their annual magazine across the Connecticut river at QUICKER THAN YOU THINK Ray Delaney of the New Britain BOATING! BATHING! FISHING! drive which ha- been conducted to ' Lyme, sharpened for Center Springs. I've been saving my club, who la the present lieutenant DRIVE IN THEATRE money for figure skates becauae that's what I want governor, presided at the meeting. (Russ Potterton—Art Fcrrcl and BIO Osoaky) raise funds each year. North Haven, Sept. 8—(MTi—A Barry FltageraM Accommodations For Outings And Picnics! ' to be when I grow up la figure skater). Maybe , Etc. PRESENTED FOR YOUR DANCING PLEASURE! Superintendent of Schools A. E. Income Tax Bill* Mailed V,; motorist who an eyimdtnaaa said Betty Hi “ Cbatterton has announced that SOUMENE & FUGG, Inc. Santa Claus (ahem) will bring me a corduroy sVat- [ a t u n kh u b s t s a t c r d a t "did not look to the right or to Boost Staaaea for President ••StOBB Why Pay A Premium ' Ing outfit. Do ytili think red w-ould be pretty? NO COVER! NO MINIMUM! Doctors William Schneider and O. I Hertford, Sept. 8—(g^—Approx- the left* but Just seemed to stare PINE FOODS LEGAL BEVERAGES Squlllante had been appointed aa 634 Center street i Aa Excellent Meal Vatne straight ahead” after his coupe Loa Angalea, SepL 0—(A^— The I Iniately. 80.000 Connecticut tax-1 1 _ Wai Be school physicians for the school I payers have been billed this wrtek I BO. NOTE: If wa toaght aehoal wa'd oertolaly, stopMKl on Sackett Point road Harold E. Staa^n-for-praaldant We Po$Uively Serve Alwajra Rcfrushingly Air Condltkmedl year 1947-1948 with William Sad- Aad Rea^mbcr: fhna yea aa “ A” for eofapooltfoa. I HwMPi PienMnni grad# croaalng. died yeaUrday movement has received Its first for their third quarterly Income lak being re-appointed aa truant i tax installment. Internal Revenue I Only DODGE Builda JOB-RATED Trucks Itm ga. Meaty, Lean when S' New York. New Haven southern California push. Attor­ officer. The elementary school and Hartford raUroad passenger ow’ l sri'oWatllRM i Collector Frank W. Kraemer aald i Price For An ney David G. Saundera, acting aa tuition has been raised from 875 SHOULDER train ploughed Into his automo- STABTS SUNDATl The Best Steok last night. Tboee receiving bills | ^ a ^ \ chairman of the local Stassen vol­ to 8125 effective September 1, j are peraons who filed estimated { btla. unteers, told a gathering of some H I.rE DAHUA” with Alaa Ladd 1947. due to The increased cost per HAMS, 58c lb. Police quoted the unidentified Plus: “ Follow That Womaa** tax returns In June. ’’Any taxpay- j witneae aa aaytag that he called M persons yesterony that "at In Town! Oak Grill pupil to tbo tfiwn. er wno should have filed a declare-1 laast 100,090 southern Californ­ ' Registration I Grate’s Fnuikforta to the victim. Bdward A. Hillman so Oak street TdtaphoBO 8894 tlon in March or June, but failed; 43. of New Haven:."Get off the ians would prefer” the former A total of 1,287 pupils were en­ to do so, ahould immediately take: Oil Burner Name? I or “The Hobm of Btitertainmcnt** — .— rolled In the public schools of tbe tracks, a train la coming.” Hillman Minnesota governor aa the 1948 Mnjdern and Old Fashioned steps to file an estimate and pay i rSwift’g Fnuikfarta gave no response, police said. Republican standard bearer. The town of Vernon on the opening the tax which will be due,” Krae-! 59e poand Ths train which struck tha car group plans to incorporate. day with an even 500 being en­ mer advised. We Have Oil Burners in Slock That Will had left New Haven at 13:30 p.m., rolled. at the High school. In the DANCING other achools the flgurea were: Extra Valne WUI Be and waa an hour lata arrlvli^ at Perform With Any Name Brand \ _____To Order Sprlngflald, Mam., bacausa of the Every Saturday Night East school, 332; Maple street accident. . school, 308: school, 87; CANADIAN Hillman., whosa brother, Jacob, at VeiTKMi Depot, 38; Talcott vllle Complete with MinneapoUa-Honeywell Controla — Tut- died Sunday In Hamden after auf- 'Home of Manchester's school, 22. [BACON, 95c lb. ferlng n heart attack, laavea two Qty View Danre Hall CLUB Reunion Tonight hill ^ m p — Webster Transformer and Motors made by Blstera, Mrs. Hattie Malavaky and Keeney Street The Claaa of 1942 of the Rock­ WELCOUE Rqputable Companiee. 2-Year Guarantee! leaf . . . for meat Mra. Henrietta Goodman, both of . NOW PLAYi: Delicious Food Most Popular ville High school will hold a din­ ner dance this evening at the far epaghetU and New Haven. and ‘ * y • oaggeet Beginning Sept. 6 Princess Hall. Dinner will- be I . . 10 R & K takesi a tip Flannigan’s Orchestra Night Club served at 7 p. m. Duke LaMothe is “7 IflnHmrat Freshly Chopped I Hadden Assistants Entertainment president of the class. Henry Spinks, Prompter HIANTI Sheet Club |AK OlD-miE ES/OSni I GROUND BEEF The Skect club of the American Giving Walsh Aic Legion will meet this evening at iBiUllatl from the tulip..'. 55c lb. e l^ t o’clQgk at the Legion Home In Yoar Fnrnsca IH DcrOT SOUAM on West street. I AT PtNEinTBST BATTBOAT . Hartford, SepL S— i_ Chapped...... t for 35c to devote to the salea anti use tax Every Saturday Night, ti** been elected president of tbe AT nNEHI'ltST SATI'KIIAV I dlvlaion, Mr. Hadden said, will be MYBAINTIR-HLNRY HUU 8:15 to 12:00 - Rockville Exchange Club with re­ "comparable to that of one full- "The Food fhaes A Meal In ItsellV mainder of the slate as follows: it's the PETAL dresy A Onod Bay On la-Poand Bitge I time employe.” PLUS: “>Veb Of Danger' Vice president, Werner KunsU; See the arqnaUlv St. Mary's Hall secretary and treasurer, Wilfred Main St„ East Hartford, CL SERVED EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Lutx; assistant secretary, Roland pretty j $ a y POTATOES I Rally Day Sunday Featuring Wise; Inunedlate peat president, One of Connecticut’s ‘ALL MANCHESTER IS TALKING ABOUT IT! BE SURE TO TRY THIS TEMPTING WUliam* accepted. Written eppUcation afternoon to recelv* th* decision the laat two years to pre\’enl ------amounts of albumin laava tha tnat was axarcteed In giving tnla lUstmtloBs Aecspted. Conteata Develop in iDplicBtion Can Be rules oloo apply to next of kin of Enfield Teachers Amo* ready granted by the board were: Of New Rule By William A. O’BrIea, .M. D, body by war of tha kidney, in­ Town Adopted Special For teachers who have no de­ of the School board. If any decision famlno and "to pro'ld* hope for town a special laaaa on toeai aonuig Recruiting exAray peraonnel who have died elation Sets Deadline la forthcoming. rifinm th— Sufkerritor desperate million* throughout tha Writtaa far NBA Service jections of albumin ara balpful. la paying off now. Far protaettco Vice Preaidential Field Maile _ at line* their dtocharge from the ear- gree. $3,400; for teachers With world." . , « Injections 01 human blood ara Two BH Blaod Typss Legislation^ That In* ■long any togislattva Unas, tt ap­ Tomorrow Afternoon four yeara' experience. $3,80(1; and (CaatlaiM trM* Page Oaal Tha discovery that thart ara two In State Federation Dftok at P. O. vice. Moiled apptiratlona wUI be Wife Of Farmer Suicide LffMin Ho im on Crater A TheMarahaU plan. Inviting used In a variety of conditions. eluded Zoning Rule* pears that gmiaral acta, which may proceaaed a* soon os poorible upon for teachers holding master's de­ Registrant Notice j oountrlaa of Europe to consider The discovery ihal the whole blood typea bt blood (IU> poaitlva and oa owaeplngly rspealad, gtva ao- grees, $3,800. reUlnad In TaaldarU’ govamment: Rb nagatlve) baa partially aolvad The Army and Air Fore# Ra- receipt and madoU will be for­ Enfleld. Sept. 8—(iPi—Unless the For principals, auperVlsora and Hazardvllle, Sept. •—UT)—Mnz. Street; He® New Job* their own needs on a common le not needed n every condition wnere near tha surety tnat apa- C«dar atemford. Bept S—SP) — Del*- warded to reclplente. Only applica­ Zarvaa was not. led to the sepal ation of the blood the problem of special blood raac- Except that ManchesUr, at spe­ Bnfleld Board of BduceUon com- clerka; Ralph A. Stevens, 31. «*as found Town of Manchesttr Sophoulls served as premier from cial acta do, for tha latter must be Cetee to the (A F L) Ooanactleut cruiUng Station today announced tion of former A m y and Air Force |UchM4 NMaer of Csntoo, C ^ o . "Theaa action,” he aald. “the not Into Its various parts, called blood tiona In tha newborn. It Is poeatble cial town meeting last year adopt- particulariy dealt with, usually pllee with en ultimatum of th* Seven now receiving $3,000 to dead yesterday, a .33-coUber rifle late November, 1943. until after Faderetlen of Lebor'a eniroel con* tluL commencing Tuaedey It be­ peraonnel con be accepted. Navy, get $3,800; four how receiving by her old*, and Dr. Thornton B. 'Pie rsglstrara of voter# a# tlw MtMmtativ* of tho CloiBtoih»w the actions of a naUon that da- derivatlvee. to withdraw the harmful blood ad and approved special legislation ,/itn fuu publicity. CloIhRt Poles Enfleld Teechera eeaocleUon by S the parllamcnUry election of When large airounta of blood from tha infant and to replace It voatlon today were prepared to gan the dlatribuUon of World War Ooest Guard end Marine COrpe ep- $3,500 to get $3,90(1; and one now Vail, medical examiner,' aald the Town of Mancheotor wilt meat on i S S t o g Cbmpony. h u >*>*•** eiiea wrar. They do not Indicate a March. 1943. Tsaldafia then headed InifgU td. pllcatlona must be sent to their p.m. Saturday, achoola In Thomp- ruthleaa aad cynical quest aXur are loet througii hemorrhage, or dc- , with „ blood------which does not cause setting up a Town Planning Com* n victory Medela and American ennvllle. Hexerdvllle end Enflaid receiving $3,000 to get $3,400. woRMn, wife of a farmer here, hod Tuesday, Sept. 9. 1947, In th* C a e e w OwiUr « t m t • » * ^ the government until last January, re-elect their two top offlclela ee own respective service'distribution Teachers last year received a OonnecUcut State Armory from • MM0y H wltk hU wlfo All* fAmily P®k*r. ^ . stroyed In bume. Injection! of i a raactlon. mlaalon that comUnaa planning I Defense Service Madels with For- WlU not open on achedule Monday committed sulfide by shooting her- when Maximoa set up hla cabinet. Animal blood has bean used 4n Jewish Units conteete developed In the vice elm Service Oaaps to Air Force centers. minimum of $2,000 and a maxi­ self through the right eye. Police A. M until 8 P. M foi th* purpo^ Mart Moodsy- Mr. Nm m f la to "On tha contrary, they reflect a Bophoulla’ party opoaed the plebl- plasma or salt toluUon temporarily and Boning functiono, thar* would . LOAM FOR SALE morning. tlie O wntnahaw Com* daep and sincere desire to do the tide the patlrf.t r.ver, but a whole transfualona, but the severe reac­ now be no sort of aonlng control preeldantlel Said. vSterena end A m y vetarena or to The next of kin of those Individ- Proepecte of Um echoola open­ mum of $3,200. The Board of Edu­ sold Mrs. Stevens had been under of eUlne for bia fifth term ply In peraon et the U. *. A m y Um neceaoery documents to make that the deadline aet tw the teech- The teachers' pro|>o*al further tha body on a living room couch, Re$huffting of Turk whole blood ame often needed, and made at regular intervals and this ■Ion of tha Laglalatura enacted a F. Filsgerald end AAF Recruiting office, located application elsewhere, may apply cre wee too elooa ena that with atipulated that minimum and In- her mother, two brother* and a rio­ Regiatrera et Votere et Um etiss. Cootlaa BoM Parade aa praoldant end Rourka for hi* Town of Mencheeter. Tka eompany Jiaa Juat a The Military Order of COtle. the a successful ay*T«hi of shipping It will provide a regular supply of bill, confusing to stats oSIclals, Police- described the couple as 4 Lincoln SL* T*l. 2-1417 aecohd aa aevretary-treaaurer end et Poet Office, Manchester, Conn. to C3ilef, Damobillxed Peraonnel several membere out of town on t*rme4late salary ochadulea be ter. Funeral plana are Incomplete MOtract to ra-aaaaaa wabatar, Cabinet Approved • overseas was oevtolopad. blood and blood oarlvatlvea for the that seU up a new list of pro­ Tamanlte Jews. Under th* dUtributlon plan cur­ Records Brenc^ Buildinglng 105. vecetioa. It would be Impoeelbla to fun (and work) organisation with­ (>ri- MllUcel egant. Ahlla Oalllne end Maaa.. and Seymour. Conn. Mr. in tha VTW, marched down Ruelld Ankara, Turkey, Sept. 5 - Plasma la coltoctad by separating Bick and injured. cedures for aonlng, not affective The attempt to bring about the Rourka were unoppoaed In th* rently in effeet. It will take ep- Records AdmmistraUv* chanter. eaaemble the full board In time to Nasaar kill have the s^rvlslon of avenus last night before a pollca- The People'* party today tha liquid portion of the blood Gaaetlani I have so much pain until afUr tha coming elections, proxlmetcly one week from date AGO. Bt. Louis 30. Missouri. All conridcr tho teechera' demands. approved Premier Recep Peker’a large-scale resignations was viewed noinlnationa. the Hartford. New M il of these Jobe. He Iws Juat aatlmat^ enw^ of SO.OOO watch* from the sofida, or cells. The blood and stiffness In my knaea that it but which rapaalad tha former by autborlUas aa another step to Britain^ New London end Norwich of eppllcetlon before the medals written applicaUona must clearly Following a meeting of the the re*aasaasment work reshuffling of hla cabinet to com­ cell! may ba kept In salt water la difficult for n.c to' t « t around aonlng statutes wrltb pasaaga of will ba aveUabl* for iosue. Eligibil­ Indicate return address. Teechera association last night ara, bat stvelllng criticlam of Internal the Stem gang's announced Mllcy diatricto found two candldataa In la Shelton. Conn. In havtag. hta Tha parade added torches and and Injected Into patients who nnd do my work. I ean hardly the new bill. Thus, during the of aponaoring non-payment of tax­ BULLDOZER each ocaking th* vice prealdency. ity for the Amerlean Dofeaso Scr- (wadQuartcra In Mancllestar ha pollclea, especially In the realm of have anemia. Injected calls laat Bleep at night because of the pain Bummtr, for those towrns operating vlee Medal rsqulrto ectlv* asrrloe mnmitm dsBces snd a predilection economica, Anatolia News agency es by PalasUns Jaws. 14 Seek I t r**t« will be available for any work that for diapers, aborts and red draw- as l>pecebene in New York. windshields of passing autoroobUas tar llscusaion behind closed doora mant control of commarcs, bustncaa pesoed eerlier in the day to Uv as e crew member of an etoplena lala the Sguraa In both towns Marshall Sees satup under special act Is not af­ V eT d o n d r u g 'c o .* 24 Romaetaad Etreet creea* from one to three th* num Althou.Th Oarl <• recognized ea a with a broom and other Ingenious during which Peker defended hla and tnduatry. ;• I rl'V lh ''*, participating In regular end fre­ 1 etartlng October 1. fected. Phont 7091 or 2-9455 her of Vic* preaidcnta-et-lerga end quent fUgbU over ocean wetera. forms of amvscmant. antlre program and demandad ap­ Laat night the parUsmantary Originally Manchcater’a aonlng Praaerlptlea Phariaaflata he and hla crew also feature the Othar addrasaei today Include proval of the changes to help him group of tha BoclaUat party decid­ •01 Mata St. Tel. 8M 1 requiring that two of them be w uJiU •» •--te lacioUitd World War II Victory Medele era Security Pact was put through under the general ■elected from tnduatriel unione ■worded to thoea persona who Refi;ular Air Force appaaranoaa by Senator Styles caiT-.' It out. ed after a five-hour aeaolon to sup­ statute which has been repealed, that grace the HU Pprade roster. Sitdgsa of New Hampshire and A blgh source reported yester­ port Ramadiar on tha, vote of con­ The president termed the Besides his orchestra, • Amaa also ■erved between 7 December, 1*41 Re-Opening Sept. 6 and if the Town Planning Commla- end SI December, 1948. No cleape Ehto. (3en. Oaorge H. Horkan, rap- day that Peker had ahlftad one Best Example fidence. ' ■lon had not baen fonnad. Man- amendment, which was sponeored presents an aunnented stage show, Ready for Battle mtloB chief. minister and appointed 3ve new The Assembly Tuesday night cheater, like many other towma, FOR S A L E by the Steintord Electrical broth­ featuring the Nonchalant* In "niff- or eteni ere euthorlaed. Indlvlduela A Dixie banquet, a gathering of ones in an effort to give hla cabi­ beat-down Ramaditr’a demand for Johnson't erhood, “claaa leglalatlon" and llned entertainment"; Rudy Car­ eligible to apply In peraon must (Coatlnued Prom Page One) would And Itaelf In a lawless posi­ Seen Peace Need IS aoutbem atatea, also la on the net a more moderate complexion. a $38,338,000 steel price subsidy tion aonlng-wrise. Dark Rich .^Poultry Farm questioned the exact distinction denas, Mexico's juggling wonder; present cither original dlacherge agenda while dlvUlonal reunions Critic* of Peker’e government, and the premier Immediately de The special act under which the between an Induatrlal union and a Dulcina, glamoroua "Puerto-Rlcan certlfleeto, or certlflcete In lieu of and sUta dinners are listed for va­ some cf them in hla own party, mant to the United Nation^ termlned to peg bis ooal subsidy zoning authority here now oper­ 847 Middle Turnpike, West croft union. Firefly” ; J^erol Richards, Holly­ lost or destroyed dlacherge eerU- daring that the treaty affords lOaaMwMd freaa Page Oae» rious hotala. . have held It to rtva the appear­ demands to a vote of confidence. ates was approved by the General Humus Phone ^00(I5 wood's newest ringing discovery, flcete or certlflcete of aervice. AU T o r that organization "a algnlSeant A apokeamen for the sponsoring and other acta which will moke diochergM must be honorable. ance at being n'itocratlc. He contends that without aubsldles Assembly May 31, 1948. and was Recommended For Stamford brntharhood, answering laaiulTlTig aad uatveraal raUtary (Some United States nawapa- sxampia—an example, I feel, of coal prices will rtse and be fol this inaugural show at Hartford's Veterans who cannot apply In BALLET which It I* In great need at the Lawns Gardena Broilers* Fryere Oolllna, asserted that induatrlal State theater the beat ever, peraon may apply In writing, an- para have crttlclud the Turkish lowed by general price Increases of unions should have greeter repre- Al> r - * ' govemmant In the same vein In prasant time." (^meteries Tliere are late stage shows Sat­ cloalng th* required document, to: 18 percent In all Induatrlcs. The ■en lotion ainc*. the greatest new BALLROOM niMao are the stapa bv which W ed d in g s' their comment on a U. S. program At another point he referred to effect in the and, he said, would Shraba— Nursery Plants ond Fowl urday and Sunday, eterting et 10 Commending Officer, Recruiting em ean rsisaubllah unbaatabla for 1100,000,000 In aid to Turkey the outcome of the Brazil meet­ WE DO ALL KINDS Oieaoee Sat. WkUs Tea WaHl members during thrpeat year bad p.m. be a runaway Inflation. Holds Moisture come from tha United Mine Work­ BATON Mr P«wsr to Amariaa.*' aald Gen* GinoUl*Godrra3r to modemlaa her armed fofeea. ing aa "one eonztnictive Interna­ •torts* so* BSaiy Ts-Lag ^ Stratameycr. “With thto OF AUTOMOBILE ers, District 80, and the brother­ Film Pteyera Married This program la In Una adth the tional develcrment of a world aad- TeL Manchester 2-1942 Ptolleto. hpead of air power, e o u j^ with Mlaa Margaret Godfrey, daugh­ ao-cai'ed Truman doctrine.) ly In need of such encourage­ hood, which be classifled as Indus­ Hollywood, Sept. 8—( ^ — Film JAME.S AND MARIE CHARACTER • gtm g Amy and a *t iCavy^a ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Godfrey, Moat source* had expectad for- ment." Confirms Tale REPAIR WORK ON DeUvered Reaaonably OpM Tknrs*sy • to * B. N. trial unions. Players, Shelle Ryan- end Eddie of Hartford, and Michael Ginotfl, CLARK naad have no wonlaa mat announcement of the cabinet Description of Pact Motioe to Beconalder Loses. Norris have diacloscd their we:V ACROBATIC e f a asUltary nature. ■on of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gtnol- ALL MAKES OF ding in Ensenada, Max., laat changes to come late yaatarday Vandenbarg described the pact Official Gone OolUna' motion to reconsider 29 Griffin Rond TcL 7822 wnme fiectiaad against any and fl, wars marrtsd Saturday. August during a specially called seeeion March 18. Mias Ryan, 38, former­ ADAGIO sS eontlngaiieiaa, we. of the weat- n , In 6t. Petar’s church, Hartford. In these terms: CARS was defeated, 139 votes to 109. REAL ESTATE of t.ha NaUonal Assembly. They The convention unanimously ac­ ly was married to. Actor Allan o n haoUtokara ean band our ^* Thay wars attandad by Mlaa Patri­ •Tha rapubllca off North. Cen­ said discontent within tha partis- (Caattoped fwBi Pajgs One) cepted tha report qf Joeeph P. Lane. Norris had two prevloua Tonr Listinffs Solicited ftoito toward faahloalng the Unit* cia Godfrey. sUtar of tha bride, aa mentary group delayed it. tral and South America have unit­ CLARENCE W. HELSING wives, one of them Ann Sheridan. I ad Natlona Into the tnatrumant It maid of honor, and Donald OalU ed In a hard and fast agreement GdRM AN Cleery, heed of the non-pertlaan mamber of tha Nasi party but was Political Action committee, who Special Tap Clouet for Boyt! ^ dealgnad to bo-tha foelpi%of of Bloaell straat aa best man. that an attack upon one is an at­ refused. When the Rusaiana occu Mus. Bae. asra to pmrant all wara.“ Given In marriage bv her father, tack upon all. pled TburlAgia, they made him MOTOR SALES asked tha allocation of more Nnthiuttj AJftttistA Jaraaa Fwrraatal, nawly named the bride wore a atreet length Organist and Choir IHrector — Emanuel Luth. Churdi money to th* committee so "we So They Say- ••Whan the .AtUck comes home min.ater-prcaldent 285 M«ln 81. T e l 7220 of dofanaa. warned last drees of aqua satin, with white ae- to u* within our region they ten do th* job right" Cleery said ALSO caosortaa. She earrtetf a prayer The Telagraf aald Paul had been , that the only reason hla committee of totaUtaiian govenunant pledge Immediate and effective at oilds with many members of the Teacher of Piano, Orgon, Theory _ ha aaM ware ttylng to “ put book with orchid marker and I do not feel that the Japanese action—all for one and one for recommended tha election of 'Student Teacher Courtet atreamera of atcphanotls. Her at­ Comirunlst - dominated Socialist DeinocraUc candidates last year __ toon Sat" on smallar naUons. could become iilllltartly strong all. When It origthataa outsida party. Including Eggerath, at tha Mr. Helsing reenmee teaching after September Srd and IO O % Virgin wool • water-repellent! Without nomlng any country, tendant wore a atreat length dress within 100 yaara even If all super­ our region they pledge Immediate was becauat “ wa couldn’t find e of gray crepa with pink accesoortea, Munich conference for heada of will accept a limited number of pnplla for the coming the Dafenae secretary told the vet vision were wilhdrawrn. conaulUUon looking toward united Rapubllcam candidate we could oaana of foreign wan at their with which aha wore a wolatlet of all German provinces three season. beck.” mixed ’ sweet peas. The bride­ —Ges. Dvugto* MacArthur. action—again, all for one and one monthb ago. Paul was spokesman VIEW MASTER dIOl annual encampment: * for all." for the five provinces In the Rus­ Earlier In the dey State Lebor •^totalitarian governments, groom’s mother wore black vel­ T E L E P H O N E 2-2525 Oommlsaloner John J. Egen, him­ T rn V a l Registration laattog not the win of the peoples vet, white accesaortea and cersaga Military waakness will load this I sian zone and led a walkout 'oy country down tha old familiar road Soyl'ct tone delegates self e former secretery-treesurcr that they govern but of groupa of of wrhlta roses. > of the Federation, told the conven­ Saturday, Sept. 6, l(k l2 a. m., 2-6 p. m. - iSthlaaa and ambitloua man within The ceremony wa* foUowad by of appaaaamant to an all-out shoot- Confidence Vote Tho Tburinglan government Chopper Jackets Worid War III. tion that the goal of hie deport­ gad aattbout the oountty. rule aev- a raeepuon for 80 gueM at the I In* ^ was reported !n constant session, ment was a atete freed of Indus­ 41 Purnell Place Mgl oountrlaa. and are now en* home of the brldegroom'a parenU Given Rauiadier but thus far wa* said to have tak­ trie] strife. ' r Straight from Uie logging camp*,' with refincasenu WSTnrlnf to put the same iron flat which W’oa decorated In rainbow prrme Court Justice. en nj action w1tU regard to Paul's by TruVal deaigneri, comes the “ C o p p e r "— the oa olksra." colors. disappearance. Political circles In "Exoeedingly Busy" Year ZtopiMing what he caUad “axoas* When leaving for their wedding The State Dt-partment’a foreign (Coattouad from Page One) Thuringia alitoady w-crc beginning Egen sold U^it the Mediation ideal garment fo r the cold-weather sportaroan or Rea um of the veto.” he eald It had trip which Included a week at Old broadcasts have brought big rs* to siieculate on hi.' succesaor, Tele- and Arbitration division of hla de­ outdoor worker. The 20-ounce, 100% virgin wool Studio Phone 1 2.1090 iwaparad the United Natlona and Orchard, Maine, and a week In suits at amall coat. There ti no war council laat night, llamalder graf said. partment had been "exceedingly reason why we should be shame­ Walton W. Grant fabric is water-repellent; and the built-in poncho Bpsitad V. S. attampU "to resolve Pramlngliam. Maaa./the bride woe could couiM. hlmaelf In. for Forelm busy” during the pest year, add­ Come and Saa— the monara and dissolve the fear attired In a black ault. black ac- faced about trying to sell our Idea Minister Georges Bldaulf* M. R. P. REALTOR ing It looked as. though it would cape over the chest snd shoulders gives Residen<;e Phone Hartford S>1226 tkat Hag In the atomic bomb." caaaortes and write orchid cor­ of freedom to the rest df the party had provloualy pledged Its continue so "aaslstlng employers warmth where it’s mo8t needed. The second thickness 647 Main Street 22 Cambridge Street • AAA Auto Roc**, Friday and Saturday IndianapoUs 1*47 Vtorreatal aaaurad the veterans sage. They will bs at home to world. • backing. and unloni In negotiating their ...Robert C. Hherwoed, playrlght. Manchester Race Champion*. buttons over the two over-sized breast pockets. In their friende after SepUmber 8 Withdrawal Threatened Hartford* Conn. contracts." Said he: Puplla ere tborougWy treluad by a taerber wb* to eapebto af sxeeattaf at 77 Birch street. PEACHES Viewers and Films. Evening* 8160 • ThriU Show* — eftemoona at th* grandataed. .RaUdrivaes, green and black, white and black, red and black plaids. every pbea* ef the deeos abe tastraets. Mtos Jura to • awmber uf the The threat of a cabinet crlsl* TeL 2-7584 "We have tried to underatsnd The bride attended Hartford Ganeroslty oi Impulae and the problecfia of both Industry and Vaudeviila and Circua acta. Duucing Meaters of Anmrlee. eed tbe Pfueiag 'nertiera Club of Cou- loomed for a time when left wing ALL THIS WEEK Personal Notice* schools and was employed by abundant good will of peaoeloving ' Always in Stock labor end hove tried to work with necUcut, and boa Ju«t eomptoted aaverel edveeeed etady cearaaa to Brown, •Thomson Company. The natlona are not enough to guar- SoclnliaU. led by Deputy Gul Mol- • Horae Show — Thuraday, Friday and Saturday avaoingi at Footwear for the Family New ro rb . let. threatened to withdraw their Hale-Haven, South Havon, A4ANCHESTER AND VICINITY both aldee for the purpose of com­ bridegroom graduated from Man- ante* world poiltiral stability. Only plete Industrial peace in the state grandstand. In Mamortani support of Ramndler unless the »•» chestar High school, and aarvad In slow progress can be made toward C A M P F IE L D R O AD — Modem home with six finished * • • • • Rodeo and Hippodroma at ery evening. Monday through the Coiwt Guard for twro and a half peae* unfesa pecct-aceklng nations', ta laviag zaamorr •( oar dear aen rooms; two full b$ths; built 1941; hot water heat; oil; Egen aeid he waa firmly con­ Saturday in Coliseum. aad brnthar. Patar J, Vandrtito, Jr., years and Is a mstartal dark at moral leadership . Is supported by i Joseph Novelli vinced that It waa Governor Mc- oifee aras klHad 8e^ (. INI. Pratt A Whitney's. strength. insulated: screens and atorm windowa, G(x>d condition; Coneughy'a eemeat dealre that • Huge farm machinery and livestock abotra- The bride gave to her maid of ' President Truman. ; KEMP’S desirable neighborhood; 2-car detached garage. Sixty Farm Ctonnectlcut continue to have "the Is goBS but B0t forgoUen, honor a pin and earring set. The • Demonstrations, programa and azhlMts for life homeatakar J as dawM aaotbar yaar; (lays occupancy. Price 515,600. beet lebor-menegement relation bridegroom gave to his beet man The tneentiv* to enter teaching Glastonbury Furniture—Mueic at Storrowtown. CEHOUSE&SON ear loaair boura et tliinkins. ■hlpa that It la possible to have." ttfbta of hUa sra alwara near. a wallet. la gone when the elevator girl is Tel. Manchester 6997 • Helicopter demonstratioa daily. Larlagly ramambered. paid more thar the beginning A T T R A C T IV E P R E -W A R 4% ROOMS— BuUt 1940; fin- W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS Mothar, alatara and brotliera. I teacher. leacner. ished stairway to an unfinished second floor; steam hast; 1*91 ether sttraetleM — nawae, bigg**, better et the PAPER COLLECTION I Wce The Women || •• *•" oil; fireplace; copper plumbing; very good condition. 9 A a ^ a c t ! Shew of Showe, tho INT Baooeittoo. Card o t Thsnka IN THE Lot 60 X 127. Occupancy October 1. Nice quiet msi- Wa wish ts Uank all e( eur n«ifh- By Bath Mlllett If there la oi:o subject on which , MANCHESTER FRUIT STAND dentlal street, north of Cambridge. Not in a develo];v frlsad* and rslatlTti ter th« NBA Staff Writer every unprejudiced peraon Is i t1 1 ■say I I af ktndn«*8 and sympathy Every community has en* or agreed. It le thai unions must be < Comer Spruce and Wells Streets ment. Pirlce 510>000. _ OS la our rseant bsrtavoment. made rasponsihie for their acts; { . also thaafc th ^ who Mnt the mors mlddle-agsd widows with baautlfol floral trlbuui and'loaned the too much time on their hands and that collective bargaining cannot I EASTERN STATES EXPOSITION SOUTHWEST SECTION ^.Specials For This Week-End JUST OFF CENTER STREET— Modem six-room home; HOT et ears. too little Income for real aecurlty. continue an Important factor | And every middle-class neighbor- In our labor relations unloss both I U. S. NO. 1 W INTER POTATOES, 59c peck; (52.00 bu.) semi-air conditioned; oil; fireplace; oak floor*: copper m N uo The Old Colony Domentes Lombardi ar.d family. T 9 H O f i hood has young mothara . who parties are bourd by their con- . W O U LD YO U 8UNKIST ORANGES ...... 2 doz. 59c plumbing; good condition; early occupancy; one-car ga­ I would gladly pay for the occasion­ trsrts. ; SEEDLESS GRAPES ...... 2 Iba. 29c rage. Lot is well shnibbed. Price for quick sale $11,500. al services of a proxy grand­ —«en. Bobart A. Taft (R ) of Ohio. ' S E N D H E R \ S O N N E T P IE A P P L E S ...... lbs. 29c Miinchester mother. So why, then, don’t the young The Germans arc not making all WRITTEN BY N.ATURE? Open Every Day 9 :30 a. m. to 9 :30 p. m., Incl. Sundays. FRESH OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE Evening Hemlil and the older women of a com­ th* effort they can to feed them­ SOUTH COVENTRY Restaurant munity gat together? selves. -Charles P. hindleberger, chief. Free Delivery-Telephone 2-0884 ClssitBcd Adverttoeinenta Here la on* case where they SEE OUR BEATIFUL 100-ACRE FARM— Large bam with bawment: 9-room AN OSTRICH DOES NOT 787 Conn. Boulevard, East Hartford did: State Department Division

. 1 .

:^.is..., MANCHEOTEE EVENINO HEEALD. IIANCHESTBE. OOlfN. FECDAT. 8EFTEMBEE 8,1841 m i n t ministration tncreaaaa pejrmanta bitration of tha dispute concerning i l i t i a i i — - went on Uimlnal iMve March $. Big Reduction Npt M of tba daU It M aotlfiad and tha Inclusion at auparvlaory per- 194$; racalvad a War departaaant Churches Back T o B u ild T en Exu»d«d FoncMi W arn Veterans Teachers Sign be aura ta uadMstsnd vary cIm t- Court Favors not ratroactively to tba data tba aonnal In tha Taachera asaocMtion, iUnrt^rBtrr ly Just what was involved If it Plans to Hike talagram, racalUng bar to aetlM Living Cott Drop veteran actually eeqnlrad a de­ which M tba bargaining agent for News Tidbits duty, on May 2$, one day before Boatoa, Sept S.—4B)—Eatanded war. a Russian ganaral who caOsd pendant. the teachers. In thM arbltraUon, bar taiMlnaJ iMva axiilrad May $0, On Schedules Duplex Houses foraoaat for tba next flirt daya, On Benefits A prlnclpel ceuM of delaya of New Contract i|pral& a praaa sonfarsnos ht Bertln and- CallH Fro* (fP) Wirts Form er W A G tba word of tha beard of arbltra- Pullman Rates and waa arrastad by military po­ Wataihunr, Bapt Saturday tbroiigh Wadnaaday; checks to vataraM la Inoorraet tora WlU be flnaL both sldM anaotfflosd to tbs world that Rus­ lice June $, 194$. A Bank sUMt ki TamparatUTM In tba New Bng- addraMaa, according to Wood. agreed. JS^tnc. Her attorney, Hugh Obaar, mads a W par cant radilc- Irving Stitch Discloses nd ana wUl avaraga near ur Those Entering College "Postal regulations governing d Scheduled Opening of U pMiM Mi«M sia bad Just built a MriM of new Atomle Energy MmnlMion pre­ Thote Joining for Sum­ This board win constat of one Special Permitifiion Giv­ paring to ship radlolMtopM to Decifiion Voids Army argued that "the Army has the tiofi yastardA. hi an arUcla of sUgbUy above normal. Several livery of government checks ni M irr"*" Oe««. fislda In the Russian occupation naarcaandlM. nut It didn't In- mer Monllu Here Re- H is PI bob at Meeting Advised on Getting Norwalk Sehook Mon­ member eboaen by the aaeocMtlon, NowOr m for TBiMiAB r^auuaon Australia aa first step in aharing Conviction in Hefise power to recall officara from aa brief cool parioda wUl altaraata vary apaclflc," ha sakL "A check tons of- OMinany and that thsM en by Interfitate Com­ inactlva sUtus but ytat power dloaU any (saaral drop In tbs with abort apaUs at wanaer will not bo delivered to on » one member cboMn by tbe Board h TW i m '. o**"* -**,y f* with other naUons t t. by-producU •ume Single Servicei O f Zoning Board Snbsistenoe Checks day Now Assured of Education and a third to bo fislda now constituted Russls’s of atomic energy. . . .With tha Crown Jewel Theft may not be used to recall aa of­ klgh coat i f Uvlng wMtbar. No M rn day to day tam- droM which M no longer the rSal- ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER m erce Commiifiion After Inquiry from a star- dance of the eddiMOM. It wtn net choaan by both. Among Ita dutlM r«MipM "first IlM of dsfsnM In the West." Bttiiatlon In India mors quiet, ficer for a i-ourt martial.” paratura fluctuattana are aaptetad. W Uao window abonper, the mer- Now that the summar vaeatloa Zrvtng Butch at tha baaring of NormaM for tba partod: Boaton Hartford, Sept. S—Within a few be left for forwnrdlng. It U vitally Norwalk, Sept. S— — Tbe will ba to define exactly tha term Chilltd, Rsody To Serrt If Tob LIko ssrs.s%r>' Ws Anasriesns would consider Uandhl aada his fast, but «*ama CharlMton. W. Va., Sept. 5—OH Judge Moore said "paUtloneris |>M» >inwr •I Cm «~ •• Wsriilngton, Sept. 11— Th. terminal leave orders wan never chaat ehsng^ the price of a pwlod drWvs to a cIom and tha tba Zoning Board of Appaala Mat and Nnntuckat SS, New Havan waaks hnndrad of i-ctarana Important, therefore, that vet­ acbeduled opening of the public "aupervlaory personnel” for tbe that a clear and bold act of Rus- tha communal fartldns In India • m sm aaw a «i tun Mattw. Pullman company announced last and Pakistan that bla next fast —Former WAC Oapt Kathlaan affectively revoked and that by dtapiayad pair ot h ^ a aocka children hsM rsturnad to acbooL night dlacloaad hM plan tr to tract---- - and Providanor 86. Concord and throughout ConnacUcut will ba an- erans kMp VA Informed of any schools M assured on Monday In conteatanta. WINES LIQUORS CORDIALS f f n sifTsaalnn Ws would point night pUns to hike alMpIng car Nash Durant, 4$, waa one step thair Mlf-axacuUng previsions aba from $56 to 66 rants. ProtMtant eburebaa will be return­ tan two family dupwx bouarabo In Portland 82. Burlington SS, East- addram changM during the period Veto 4 9a 2 goM u m m u N ------will -'ha unto death". . t .Mrs. taring acbooU and oollagM under when oubristence checks are « thM Indurtnal city where Mat Om •» Kail ...... •**•* out tnat Osrmsny Is an occupied rvics rstM 1 to per cant on Mah'a Albertson, Fort Worth, naarar freedom today with a court waa finaUy and formally separat­ ing to tbrir regular programa. tba vicinity of Cbambara, Irving port end QraanvUM. SS. Praaqua Tha Yota of acceptance by the Am pIo PBitiag Spaco Oct. 1 by special permission of and Broad atrMta. Thia Infor- tha or Bin for tba first time. For pectad." year the first atrika of public Tax, enlla for ambnlanc*, which ed from the servica on May $0, 8ome o t thorn that have bean wor- triola I ST. ■ board at tbo new contract w m 4 Om MMtft 99 iton ••••••••••••• territory, not a part of Russia. Ws the InUraUU Commerce commis­ decision voiding her court-martial maUon waa Impartad wban ba tba banaflt of Um m prospacUva Vatarana were also advised to boot Uaebara la tba country 650 CENTER ST. TEL. 4WI find, her and her husband both 1$4$." ‘KR Serum’ to Be ehlplng togethar for tbo past two RalnfaU wUl avaraga 'betaraen to 2, with Fradarick F. Lovajoy, iiM it Otfor ...... •••! *2 would regard such a Russian sion. conviction In the HaaM crown montha will return to tbeir Indi­ aaktd parmlaalon to lua flva lota ona-qunrter and on# half aa Inch. students, Harry T. Wood, managef attend schools which are approved took place. Tha company eallmated in Its shot to dMtb. . . .Bore sernm tha state board of education. legal aaaUtant to tha board, and ■Mta. O.. t « r ... fJJ-w statement as an announcement of being rushed from New York to Jewel theft. vidual church schedule next Sun- at tba cornar of Cbambara and ThU arUI occur m ahowara and of tba Hartford Itaglonal OfflM of Tha Board of Education and the psUtion to the ICC that the In- U. B. District Judge Ban Moors Irving atraata, which M In an A %^A cannot pay subaistanca. tul- Mrs. Marvin Taylor, voting Intention to mAlntmn permanent protect animals In London aoo Used on Humans scattarad thundarBiowara Friday Profaaatonal commlttM of the against acceptance. cressM will bring In an additional ruled jraatarday that Mrs. Durffht 8103^13350 Paid * ^be North Matbodlat riiureh win tona for tbe aracUon of thrM of night and early Saturday and tha Vatarana Administration, Uat- tloa or expansM to vaterana at­ Norwalk Taachera aaaocMUon HMliNlM ur mlUMry sstabllabmmts in Oer- $18,000,000 a year, which It said from spread ol cat dlatampar. ed n faw Important facts on aduca- tending achooM not approved by Lovajoy, w)m lad tha fight m *a*oa*TEO . Mkitarv police in Tokyo sMking was a civilian at tha time of bar reeune lU regular program arttb thoM bouaM. Ha praaantad a a ^ n about Monday and Wadnas- agraad Mat nlghl on a contract iBsny. Ws would, to put it blunt­ la nMded to mMt higher operat­ arrest and that an A ra ff court- fram Fags Oaa) plot plan ntaowlng the Mtup of tba day. tlonal benafita , for non-dlaablad tha appraprtata atata board of against tha teachers In last year’s two Aroarican eoldlera who threw On Veteran Bonds tba morning aarvtca.'8apt. T, noxt vatarana which must pa ramam- education,’' Wood warned. "There­ that will run until July 1, 1948. A atrika. aald ho voted against ac- t « ** M UtlM I . tiM M i « ^ ly, regard such a Rumlsn sUts- ing coats. lapaairrt girt t . her $Mtk from martial lacked Jurisdiction In aan- ■unday. The mlnlatarIT will Ispeak on tan bouaea Mvan of which are to Joint a^aam an aald tha contract **Musie For Your Needs .11 MW. «M)M. I. *1 M In granting the rate revision rlalA I think clinical um (for hu- bared by aU vaterana who wish to fore, before making any arrange- captanca for two reasoM. Ho aald ment as to an snneaa* downtown bridge. . . .Attorney tanclng her to five yaars in prison. Tha » n l of IndifferenM.a M - ba located on tha aaat - alda of WM subetanUally the aama m tha Right In the Heert of Mein Street H. - MMfwiM W M 'tM la Mia without a hMring, the ICC stipu­ WMhlngton, Bapt. 6. mana) la not yat hi right" '• 6 Broad atiMt in a reaidanea B xona make certain that tlvaro wlU be menta to attend n aehool under tba he WM oppoMd to collective bai^ _ _ k|aB UM laaai aaw. pwMiMad aM.> Uen of Osrmany. lated that any affseted person or David F. Smith, asaignsd as at­ Thera waa no final order direct­ The church aehool wUI not con­ Sunday Schools* no doMya In raealvlng thair sub- Ol Bin. check with VA and mnka tMchan won last year at tba Alt f’gbto at rwwt«itatt«a •! ing Mrs. Durant's ralMM from First Incomplete reports to tha Taamra Daeraaaifi la Blaa for which no excapUona are need­ gaining iriU< tbo tMcbera and be­ Orcr W. T. Grant Co. group could ask suspension of the torney for defense In Jap war vene till the 14th. when the boys BiatanM cbacks. certain tba school M approved." tarmlnatlon et their strike. Thare lieved n Mparate salary contract AUMtatMa MrMC *f* elwtwr— Ws would Invoke the original crimer trial In Tokyo. rMigna Ms tha Federal Panitantlary for Treasury today showed that tha Dr. MaUaoff: Obtalaad a atratn and girls of tha ontlra parish wUI ed. AU floor plana are tba aama order and a formal Inquiry JntrrUi. of dlaaaaa organlsma from the "Tha laltMl stop for a vataraa no, however, Uu m cbangM with each teacher should ba nago- Moscow AgTMmsnt, In which the poet after clashes with presiding Woman In Alderson, W. Va. This govaramant ^ d out at taest racalva a cordial wtleoma to tha but tba extariora sriU ba different. To Open Sunday wbicb Sidney VogeL eounfbl for r«U awwia. aiiMt at W. a *• Incraaaas. \ Univarrity of Mleblgan. has Mr. SUtch alao aald that tbe contampMUng entering aehool for tMtad. Ha aald ho alec w m op* AIUm swore they would not um Australian chief Justice. . . . will be prepared by opposing $10$.$13J50 to radMm Ol termi­ elsasM of their group. Minimum Rate ol fifiJfiO nal iMva bonds on Tuesday and wortcad with about 200 mica rinca bouaM wera to ba built with gov- tha first time la for him to obtain tbe aaeocMtlon, aald ware Import­ posed to arbitration on the subject Is Fenlur^ Every Day at the their own military force In occu­ Pullman plans to sat up a mini­ Charles Capwell. 100 today in counsel and submitted to Judge Tha North Methodist win con­ Emanuel Lutheran Church Sun­ n cartlflcata of allglblUty from tba Retired'Mason ant raMiMw. *apfM.»uti^: Tka Scranton, Pa., wants to cMt ’•Just Wadnaaday, tha first two days last June. In mice breast can- ernmant aid with tha IntanUon of of the auparvMory omployas. JMtu. MaMaw. Spaei.i A g e n e j^ *^ pied countrlM for purposM beyond mum lower berth rate of S3.S0 In­ Moots for hla approval. ____ 'all tuinora dacreaaed In rise duct a Church Attandaaea Cru- ranUng InatMd of Mlllng. ’The day School and tha branch school Vatarana Administration," Mr. ta Oestnet one more vole” In presidential U. S. District Attorney Leslie veterans could cMh them. Mda during October and Novem­ Wood explained. "ThM certificate K rk ^ c S m r^ » « ■oataa. stead of the present rates pf Officials regard thia m only a and complria regramlon waa noted buUdInga are to help out In tbo conducted at tha Sllvar Lnaa Com­ Found Hanging Thaaa, he said, artabliabad: A thoM of occupation, and we amuld $2.39, 18.69 and fi3.fi9 for short election...... Aastrnlla has soU E. Olven Mid that should tha gov­ ber. Bperial programa will ha ar­ munity Houm wUl open Sunday rridM proof to tbe school au- peobatkinary partod of two yaara MVMliaMIt AUDIT borcao or have no doubt that RuMla now In­ 199,000 ounces of gold to Britain fragmentary maaaure of the aarly In 26 to $8 per cent of casM de­ praaent boualng ahortage. The over-night trips In varioua parts ernment fils objectiona to tha final pending on the KR prenaraUon ranged to IntarMt aU the famUlaa Board granted Uw parmlaalon for morning at t:16 o'cloek with a irttMa that tba .veteran U during which tba board could tar- ^^Little Music Shoppe’’ aftcvutnuKS. to help It meet odilar crisis. . . . cash-lna, which an Aeeoclatad allglbM for adueational benafita un­ WlUimantlc, Bapt. 8—(B>—Tba tended to attack the world. ^ of tha country. On tha I3.S9 raU, order, tha court might or might ProM survey Indicated wars heavy ua^ and number of Injectlona. amir group. the change aaked. Mr. SUtch pocMl opralng day ehlldroa’a aa mlnate or not ranaw tba employ­ Alict Cofran Tfea Bm.). maliac OomH»f. thia will be a 48.9 per cent In- Denmark’s ForelRn MinlaUr Raa- not order Mrs. Durant's release. loo at tha church. der tba Mw.” , body of Otto Schmidt, TO-^Mr-old ment of any tMcher for any or no iMmaa a. Bamaeial raMOMi.iiUjr M That Imaginary case 1. the ex­ miisSen announces he Intanda to in many araaa. A spot check yes- Fifteen per cent of the animals waa rapreaentad by Attorney Jay With the Large Stock of Sheet Mnsie Moctapaiwi amr* apMartec la #■- cresMa. CkHivleted lu Germany tarda> by AP showed the Initial wars kept alive and have ahown E. Rubinow. Rev. Earl B. Olson wlU apeak to Tha VA official furtbar stated ratirad atone mason, w m found stated reason; n change In tha aa« aM.tTMa;aA .Mtw act parallel to OMnral Kenney's Other changes will range down discuss the Oreenland question She was convicted by an Army tha children. Announcements and that It M wMa to have tha rartlfl- Readingt Daily rush baa tapered off. no return of tha tumors groMly In Strike Hurt? Other AppUoatlona hanging In n gnraga behind hM dlimlaaal p ro c u re which would e ta Tk. lUrneirnmn B*aaiB«Baraia present statement over In Japan. to 1 per cent on a $17.39 standard with SecreUry of State Marshall. tribunal In Oermany Of participat­ grMtlnga wiU be glvoa by CMrenoe cate of aliglbiUty lir tba hands of hon&a here lata Mat night, and Dr. . , .Our ambnsaadui In Poland Tha Treasury (IgurM evara In- the courM of one to taro monthe." The Board laat night denied one ba Incorporated In A book of'rulM IM Cbarch St. Hartford But even If Russia should now lower berth rate. On rates of $17.70 ing In tha theft of $1,900,000 worth Wogiaan, suportatandent of tha tha aehool ragkitrar tbe day the Brae Rafferty, madiert exnmlnar, to ba dtstrihutad to ovary tMChar; No Order Toe SauUI Or Too Large! riMay, SapUmber 5 or more, there will be no incresM. gets assurance Polish prMs wlU coomista bacauM banka wan giv­ In a cancer of connective tiesues, Steel Output paUUon, Ubiad another, announc­ Tsisphoiis f-2084 Imitats us. and simouncs belllger of tha Hsu crown Jewels from en $0 days In which to turn in to "fiO mica are undergoing treat­ ed ttat one bad bMn withdrawn, church school and Laanart John- veteran antara sebooL Dalny In aald tba man bad committed sui­ and Mtabltohad procadura (or ar­ Rates for upper bertha, room modify Ita presentation of Ameri­ acoompUablng thM may m u m un- cide. ently that Osrmsny la now her Kronbarg castle, Oarmany. Her tha Federal RsMrva tha bonds ment and are hMlIng." In 11 and granted all othora. The ap­ aoa. rsUriag auperlatandant of tha Bic Newi From Greoco accomfhodaUons, exclusive us. of can news. (Coatlaaod From Pago Om ) Wart Side SchooL Oaorgo Okarfelt nicaaaary d ^ y s In plrtteg tba Dr. Rafferty expressed tbe opin­ Select From: sUndard cars for one-way trips huihand, Ex-Ool. Jack W. Durant they have caahad. The department other caeM treated Mriler, nine plication of Robert MeVoy who own first line of defense against British Trades Union Congress wlahM to uae a garage cellar at M tha newly riaetad supartntandant veteran’s name on tba VA sub- ion that Schmidt, a former Nor­ Th. bMt new froc GrMC. tn and tourist berths will go up In approves government’s go slow waa Mntancad to 1$ yMrs. plana a telegraphic check Monday recovered from the cancer- com­ CENTURY MUSIC CO. NOVCLLO A CO. , moat of us would still fall to Judge Moors ampbaalaad ha was pletely and one caM waa a com­ ing negotiation aaarions during tha hM borne at S94 Woodbridge atrMt In eW ga of tba wort alda work. alstanca payron. wich State hospital patMnt, w m proportion to lowsr berth ratM on policy In nations lUIng Iron and and cfflclala b o ^ for mort definite "Veterans murt not expect to BtABy A dAy, the llrat compIaUly noU the slmUsrlty. not ruUng on Mrs. Durant’s guilt plete failure. day batwMn railroad officials ada aa a repair abop waa withdrawn. CMreaca HeMlag, organist and mentally unbalanced whan ba fae- which they are baMd. stMi. Industry. .Netherlands returns than. calva a VA aubelstanca dMck tanod a rope to a garage raftar, Monchetter Public Stenogropher CARL FISHER CO. BOSTON MUSIC Ca praiMwerthy #orkln(. of UnlUd It goM back to t&a Bible wis­ Tha company said sMt charges or InnoMnca, Init said tha court- Dr. Mallsoff said thcra wara a Joint commlttM of tba brother­ Aa aeon aa thia announMmant wna choir dlroctor at Emaanal will Army accuse Indonesians of $00 hoods. made, twelve peraona who ware iPMy for tba Mrvloo. until they have attandad aclwol at fitted a nooM about hM nock and StatM foralga policy In OrMca, In siMptng and parlor cars will be cease fire violations, . . *Tha martial "lacksd Jurtsdlotion'* ba- During a conclavt for alacting manv poaslbla dlffarencM In tha H. W. GRAY CO. G. 8CHIRBIER A C a dom about the mots and the bMm. way h# and Dr. Hauschka handled No details on damands arera an­ in tha room to oppoae the appllca- CharlM Bergstrom eonduetad a Mart SO days," Wood pointed out slapped off a atep-Mddar. and iba bMt Indication yat that unchanged^ mere places democracy Is prac­ cauM Mrs. Durant waa "an offiMr a pops, Mch cardinal praaent oc- "SubairtenM M paid for tba time Schmidt U survived by hM widow Bureau on Inactlva duty." cuplM a throne alnca, during their maUrials that might account nounced but the unions are re- Uon. left , houae-to-houM canvaaa of tha Sli­ thU country may finally iMm how ticed In this world” the mors can for differences In resulU. and sug­ irted to be sMklng a 90-cent pay The peUUon denied waa that of ver Lana and Otford VlUagM dur- apent In aehool and M not paid In and thrM step-children. 1>plac — Letter Writiag — BIsaifoldiiif Now It’fi Troaficra Up the U. B. "be certain we will not RaenUad Bafan Arrest vacancy of the Holy 8m , Mch ndvanM." Store Honrs: 9 A M. • 8. P. BL, Mon. Throngh^SaL It muat fight oommunlam If It ox* Taatlmony at her habeas corpus member of the Collage of Cardi­ gested they should coonerata in ScreaM package. Improved vaca­ Richard Klein who wished to erect lag the early part at tha eRimnser BfiaieogniphliiE — Addressing — MalUng be attacked." says General Elsen­ tions and differential pay rateai a .gasollna atatlon on North Main Vaterana without dapandanta art pMta to win, an com. today In In aplte of our desperate hope Rising Prices ' hMrtag July 14 said Mrs. Durant nals la a potantial aoveralgn. avery way to avaluata^KR. and from thM cnnvaaa more than entitled to $65 a month euboMt- hower. atrMt east of 799 North Main. Mr. Mventy children have Indicated Mannserfpt Cowylnr — Notary Pnblic th. nmra that a combination of that at least one of tbs world's ence, whlM Uiom with one or more .A Vtry CoMpleto Rcaoomblo Sonrlco To Hit Foods Klein aald that ha and anothM thair desire to onroU la tha Sunday dependents are entitled to $90 MANCHESTER t naU\-e OrMk poUUcal piaaour. problems, albeit relatively unim­ man, both ax-O.I.a, wlahed to erect School at the Silver Lana (Commu­ tha ataUon and atart In buslnaM. monthly. Veteran'i acquiring de­ 4-Eeam Stogla with paaalbiB- 869 Main Stroet, Msnehoster and American tUplomatic prMaur. portant In Itself, can be aolvMl nity Howe. pendents aftar reglatarlng m ba- t$M el flalahtog two aSdltlauel (Contlattad from Faqa Om ) Tha applleaUon was opt>oaad by Erenlng AppointMonts If Desired baa opwratwl to fore. th. OrMk aaneiy, we have noticed tha mem- lUon will ba provided uig eligible for |68 .should notify roooM am aeMuS Boer. Fire- Thomaa J. Hackatt who rapra- to and from tha church thM Sun­ VA ImmodMtaly. Tba Vatarana Ad­ Phone Bfan. 4168 D n ^ Hertford 8-8027 BToningo dlcUtonblp roprMantMl by U r. hart of tha npposito sax beginning wheat producers wart withholding aanted tha John H. Hackett Inter- piBce. Oerage. Let texlSS. Le­ day at t a. m. for an W ila who ested oe boa Bm . Sato FiIm Cooatantin Ikaldaria to glv. up to ratlonallM an extra Inch or «o soma of their 1847 crop from mar­ ttsts. plan to attaad tha Wart Side Country Fair Ha attempt to n l. Oim c. for Ita on tbalr akirta. 'niat means, al- ket channels. The appUeaUono granted wara n^iool. Minnie CMvagnaro to convert a own exduslv. buwfit. .though It may be an Inch at a Drought Importaat Factor On Sunday. Saptombar 14 BOLTON: •Harvest Show* •Pel Show Tha midweatarn drought which three family bouse Into a four, aound religious film will ba riiown BROILERS AND This victory la rspraaantad In a time, that they will wind tip WMr- sharply curtailed corn crop pros­ Oeorga Ringetone, to uae a room to tha children at tba usual hour. S-Sea« Stogie to aomawhat antaslng agiaamant by Ing skirts trailing six fMt behind pects waa an Important factor In on tha eacond floor m a kitchen at S:1S. Again tha pupUa of both ROASTERS AB •Flower Show •Poultry Show Mr. Taaldaria to yield the prsmlar- them If the fashion experts $o de- mast prteM but In virtually all 88 Edward atrMt West Side aehooM will gatbar at tba church. le ell haol, Base- ARMY AND NAVY CLUB, Dairy parmlaalon to erect an add! Lei leesitg. abip of a aaw Oraak govommant CTM. other commodity axchangas tha Sunday, tba Slat wlU mark Pro- W n w ^ hi eallaphaua oM bsM •Novelty Games •Country Store trend was sharply upward. Includ­ Uon to their Dalr?' at 94 McKm motion Day and tbo beginning of Nlcaly B to TooBBlatorlM Bopboulla, agwl Bat before we ao condemn tboM to dam (TMw far y o v eaa- t v t j m . ing cocoa, auger, hides, cotton, atrMt repMdng that deatroyed by c m M work. ewIoMa. Ne wnlttos- Hkeral leader wtw has. throughout who may agrM to wear long cottonsaad oil and coffee.^Soma of lira on Independence Day. Tha pa­ NEW SUPER HUNDREDS OF EXHIBITS-SHOWS tWa crials, aMoad th. on. Oraak akirta even though they have thsM already ware at record high UUon of Donald MacFarMnd of DallYery to Mauebaetor FiHay 49 Olenwood atrMt to kMp pig- BYoataga. Alice Clompet ioadar who com blnaa honaaty and something pleasant to ahow in op­ quotations. eona waa tabled aa he did not ap­ •FUN •PRIZES •PREMIUMS couraga with a truly democratic position, wo had batter ha sura of Butter wee selling at $7 cents pear In aupport of tbe peUUon. Inaniaura auil Beal Eatoto a pound ratall In New York where FOR SALE se Pi VAUDEVILLE ACTS EACH NIGHT! spirit. tha male poaltlon and the male Eugene Bchuli. city market com­ Roland Henry Valllant w m granted permlaalon to erect a Dvdlcy Stroot Oat S-FMi- H. A. FRINK Mr. Taaldaria’ agiaement U so courage. Even while we were missioner, predicted It would climb Aea. Wanetog BINGO quonaet hut or HlUlard atrMt for aasasing that h. obviously made oommenting on tha new feminine further because of short euppllee. ily Honae, 4 rooM oach (W. k Ttss Aflat S' P. i t Mr. FRI.-SAT.y SEPT. 12-13 He Mid "only slight consumer re­ temporary Uvlng quartera. Thia It only aa the result of direct prea> fashions, the other day, w. paUtton was tabled at tbe Mat sido. Bvcrjrtbiiiff Modem . sistance" against tha high prices 82,000 eaah Botded. Rosdy AT 8:30 SHARP sura, both from the middle ground thought there w m aomethlng had appeared there. mMUng. State Armory, Manchester QtMk partlM who are sick of th. missing. And thora was: At Record Quotations Rich in to MOYO In. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT anploitatlan of present OrMk mla- It was too much to hope that Eggs for delivery in October (AUSPICES OF NANOIBSTER GRANGE 21) and butter for deUvoiy In No­ ScYorsl othor hoMso now My for the benefit ol a few. and the (aahion designers would go Gilifomia Wants vember and January were at rec- bcinir fitartsd. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND from our trio of diplomatic rapia* Wck to tbs era of tha long aklrt otd quotations for these particu­ Democratic Meet ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! acntktlvM on the scene, who like* without also - bamr.onlaing the lar dcUveriee In Chicago. October Phtm 8742 or Soo e x h i b i t s I N V I T E D ! egge brought 94.69 cents a dpien New England's wise seem finally to have deter* mala fashions. And It you can re- yesterday, while butter for No­ Lea Angelea, Sept. ti.—UH—Cal­ minsil that there cab be no aolu mombar long skirts, you can also vember dellverV waa iiuoted at ifornia wanta tha DemocraUc Na­ George Griffin tlon of the Oraek problem unless remember skimpy little trouser 73.99 cents a pound and the Janu­ tional convenUon and hM Mnt 641 Mahi Street SxeujtsiOH there is reform In Oroooa Itself. ary dellavery at 78.60 cenU. Orie JamM Rooaavalt out to get It lags. grads of butter and eggs were up traditional Listiais Wsatedt The OiMk dlctatnrriilp, during Wall, tkay are now Rooaevelt, chairman of tha par- the decree around 20 cents whoieMie over | ty’a State CantralaconimlttM. left Ita period of unreatralned power, for men. Men are now going to prices of last April. by plane yeaterday for WMhlng­ has t.arried things ao very far that show their ankiM. In fact, the Hog pvlrea advanced aa much as ton and New York to aound out even the bMt attempt at political 79 cents a hundredweight to $28.90 party leadera on the Idea, and alao new trousers will iwrely meet the at Chicago yesterday. There were cnarm reconstruction and the new crea­ to diacuH the formation of a Cali­ top of the sock. Or eo the fashion no strictly choice cattle offerings fornia delegation to tha conven­ tion of Oroek imlty nmst face ter­ magnatM era dacrMtng. tut a record September price of Uon. rific going. But it oan be expect­ Wall obviously we nien aren't $39 a hundredweight had been paid He aald that he will alao aaek for cattle within the past week. , Fejtaral aulatanco in reopening ed that Mr. fiophouUa will proceed going to be able to aay much to Corn Crop Deteriorating to undo some of the wanton politi­ tbe former Kalaer abIpymiHa in our hobbled fair companions If we With conOnulng reports of com I Richmond, CaUf. Northern bual- cal persecution by which the dic­ start going around pag-lagtad crop datertoratlon, the nation’s | neH and labor IntarMta racenUy principal feed grain brought Since 1826 Heywood-Wakefleld’s New Englfind craftfimen When Minntes NEXT SUNDAY tatorship impriaoued thousands of Just bacauM some greedy pants Hkad Rooaevelfa aid In getting J • record high of $2.91 3-4 cents a| tba yarda back Into operaUon. Oreeks who were never Oommu- maniifaeturar thinka he can Mil bushel yesterday for the Septem­ have worked with native hardwoodfi and traditional design G >nntl. nleta and that his government will mors pants that way. Obviously, ber delivery, with oats for the I to capture all the charm and uaefulhess of our quaint Colo* Mlnera Safely Evneunted no longer operatf’Ia a strong-arm, we nave no right to demand and same month quoted at a record GRAYMOOR, N. Y. $1.18 1-4. Caslr com also was at a nial furniture. You will want to see the icoinplete Hey- political police purge agency. It expect tha weaker sex td^tand up record $2.99 8-4 cents a bushel. | wood-Wakefleld Old Colony (flsplay of living room and dining Rlchwood, W. Va., Sept 8-r(F>— 8:00 A .M . f I F Round Trip Fears of fire underground were can also be aasumwl that If he to su^ dictation If-we are going Wheat, at $2.69 a bushel for | D. S. T. Inc.. TAX can find a way to discuss new pro- September delivery, was at a peak 11 room furniture . . . the exclusive “WInthrop Maple” finish dlspeUed yMterday m 23 mlnera to succumb to it ourMivM. wara safely evacuated from tha poaajs of amnMty with the Orcek for this time of year but well un-! that lends a hospitable glow to your home . . . furniture only in unity, only In a firm al­ der last winter's high of $3. The , Rlehfood • SaweU coal company guerrillas, he will pursue It sln- liance betwMn those who Ilka to record high price of $3.29 was paid j that sets your head buzzing with plans for redecorating with' mine 12 mUM from here. Supt Mrely. It can be regardwl m oer- SM snklM (feminine) and . those In 1917. this flrimdly wood! JamM SadUM aald all men at firet HAMMONASSETT tain that he will do hia bMt to end reported trapped in the pita when WELDON'S who don't want to sm anklM a conveyor belt became overtiefted eei MAIN n r a B n 10:20 A. M. Rowid Trip the corruption, favoritism, and ex- (maecullne) can the bsttla be and began smoking had walked out D.S.T. $ 1 .7 5 lac. Tax ploltatlen of the people which has won. if either one yiald*, the oth­ Bridge Opening unharmed. bMn the chief concern of past er ia lost. Hold that Une! Open AH Day Monday: Thurs­ OrMk governments. He will en­ Observeil' I days To 9P.M . Closed Every deavor, at IcMt, to establish a Wednesday At 12. Noon. LIGHTHOUSE POINT government which the Oreeks Bill Thornton, son of Mr. and i Lightning Flash Mrs. William J. Thornton of Wood- 10:80 A. M. Round Trip themselvM will respect and which bridge strMt, who had the honor | D. S. T. $ 1 .5 0 Inc Tax J the United States can in good Kills Swimmer i of paying the first toll on the In Case Of FIRE democratic eonscl.nce support. new Charter Oak bridge five years 11 The situation U still difficult ago today, attended a celebration ' New York, Sept. 9—($>)—Light­ of that event et the bridge this | VACATION and perilous, and le likely to re­ ning killed one peraon and etruck forenoon. , ■ SAVIN RO CK main so for some time. Butv there The young man la .now a senior In B O L T O N down two others on Long Island, I. 12:80 P .M . A i f |p A Round Trip I ' deM not teem‘ the rilghtMt doubt, at the kingswood school and Is co- !a Queens woman waa pinned by a captaln of , the football team. D .S .T . ^ l e D U ln e .1 ^ to us, that the emergence of Mr. falling wall, and a Yonkers wom­ Young Thornton Was given the i Herewith Are the Names ond <■ For most (oiks vacation is just a mem­ Sophnulla has dohe more. to in­ an was swept under an automobile honor of paying the first toll be- i crease the odds against the Com­ by flood waters during a aeries of cause of the effort on behalf of Phone Numbers of Officers ond severis but brief stomis In the (Above, right) Six-cushion ory and it’s back to work again. munists In Orcsce, than sU the the new bridge that his father LAKE. COMPOUNCE metropolitan area and ncarbv a c ­ made when he represented Man­ sofa in blue figured tapestry, Other-Call Firiemen... American amia and troops and tions late yeateiday. chester In the tieglslature. Judge 142.00. Butterfly end tables,. 1:00 P.BL Round Trip equipment we coiUd possibly for- Thomas Oonln, 22,' son of Dr. Raymond A. Johnson of this town 27.a0i Coffee table with draw­ a s ..T . Inc. Tax • ward to the Mediterranean.' and Mrs. Eugene J. Cronin of Is a member of the .fridge Com- [ 7 5 c ^ Wise (olkf put^me to work by giving Lawrence, N. Y., waa killed by n)^slon. er, 27.00. (Directly abovs) Clhie. ■ ’' ■ ■ lightning while swimming at At­ Winged platform rocker in all- me all the Hard Jobs to do. I never take a Tha Moth Afid The Beam lantic Beach. over ' figured beige tapestry, Chesterfield Pirie Phone 5578 Roland Maesel, 14, of Garden c h e r r y p a r k Part of tha difficulty America City, suffered severe burns and' Heal Ungers . 71.50. (Right) Welsh cup­ vacation, it’s seven days a week twenty-four has in MlUng its own peaceful ln- shock from the same bolt. John board, 140.00. Butterfly ex­ 7:00 P. M. Round Trip .Smith.' 21, a life ^ a rd at the Ill Sou ill west! tension table, 87.00. Windsor Deputy Chief tantlona to the world la caused oy beach, waa knocked -unconscious^ D. 8. t ; 8 5 c Inc, Tex hours a day for me. statements to which" we Americana for a -time aa he tried to warn side chairs. 21.00 each. Arm OUraalvM pay UtUe attention. Maj. Cronin and Maesel to get out of the (Conllnurd From Page Oac) chairs available soon. Mario Ansoldi. Phone .5323, water. Oen. G to rg t C. Kenney, command­ ■ r ' ' ‘ Excursion Bnseo Lesre Main-GoM Sts.,-Hartford At Hockaway beaah, Fred Hens- est Jail* were near the Illlnola- er ot our Air Force etriklng arm. ler, 78, coUapaed bn the boardwalk ! Wlaconaln border. Adolph' Roberts Phone 8942 made eucb a statement over ' in whlle hurrying to-get out of the Near normal temperatures were : 1.... . atorm thare. Police Mid he was reported In moBfeectlons of the Tickets On Sale At GoM Street. Japan the other day, and It has Edward Senkbeil a P'ironounced dead, probably of a Atlamtlc seaboard and in the Pa- Phone 7519 aauaed not tba sUghteat ripple heart ailment, ahorily after being jelfle coast region. A new cool mau oenoem here in Ameiica. taken to Rockaway Beach hospl- moved into Washington and Ore- J. Rogers Phone 4317 Write or Call 2-6211 for Information! .. "Tne air fields built in Japan," tal. I gon and touched the northwest A swimmer at Ciat beach, John ' section of Montana. T. Carpenter Phone 6449 said Qaneral Kenney, "are Ameri­ Joyce.. 38, of Manhattan, was ca’s first fiina of defense in the Far brought unconscloua from the Crusadrra Hold Drill P. Massoiini wlnd-whlppeO w*ter. After artl- WATKINS Phone 2-0222 /illriilr ■Mt." ’ ■ I t i l ■$••11# We suspact that viilUoiA of flclal rMjHraUon, he waa taken Worceater, Ms m ., Sept. 9—(JH—-I to tba boapltal. The Holy Cross eleven -waa hald H. Hutchinson Phone 7625 M ie iiiiiii Amaricaaa wore capable at raad- overtiraa for an extra half hour of 0^ M a n c k e ii& i ^ lug that atatamsnt and than, a Batlrad Publlaher Diea work yeaterday aftar Head Coach . JltUa latar in tbar aao)# day, wonr John "Ox" Dagfoak becama dla- T he C onnecticut P ower C ompany .Naw Havan, Sept. 9—

they don't and permit thair appU* bealtb and guanded against epi­ to te held. At least three teachers K ", . *■ Full Support Again cetiona to remain dormant, they will conduct their claasse la the j demics. It waa* bto contribution as Ancient Oak Cut Down; i m o - i Urged to Get Fall Prograt^ Trade School citlarn and patriot to tha pubUc WlU lose it" , . cozy rooma at tha T . SInoa the Obituary The commlBBlon thto ereek ap­ 'hines Not to Carry welfare. Promised to U. N. S , Today*s Radio whole building haa been painted, "There was nothing base or School Money proved tentative grants to Cole- To Start S o ^ the public has been pleased with Maneheater . Head Named cowardly or selfish about this man Had Been Traffic Hazard brook. $15400 and to North e renovaticn. New addltlone will Haven, $50,000. Building plans Names o f the Candidates by any moral coda whatever. For In Truman Talk e Kolanned for the coming seasons, have alao been received from the Deaths soma o f us ba will ba part and Sbut*'the director believes that It The «M oak tiwe near Uu aast-«oak recalto tha oppoalUoa that Carpenter Says, Com* foUowing towns and await offi­ ActivitiM at Community H. E. Sinnamon, of This parcel of the towns beat tradi­ q6t66— will kaka a full three years to «W eh la potoUra orar y & M tha am end of Hudson stresL Jhe ons' aroas when Ita was pcopoaad Chat f< Froni rage One) WMC-Htot Ruat 2PDRC—Bm Renry aad tha news cial board action: Andover,- $85.*‘ iPubUe Market! tion. Manchester to the poorer for tta .TT candulaua tor whomwbon tha^ tb^paraon p« that stood right out Into tfik trav-! a great elm. that stood m front of mission *Now Seeing 000; Chaplin. $17,500; Glaaton* Y Once Again in Full bring the ehib on a par with tha Town, DIpectop of Woman Is Found his gilng. There war a flavor here WlOfB—Keere; Eaaeball ICstt- 6 : 6 ^ la tka loM y t* Um Monlci wiahas to TOta. ellod portion of the highway, has the YMCA at tba north end, be cut peace still fie abead^ef us," and bury, $25,000; Redding, $4$,7S0; beat In taq country. 805-807 MAIN STREET we will not forget. May be rest in f WDRO—Arthur’s Flaea. End o f Fund* Swing There The bowltag allaya have been ^apatwy la fiiU -i. n m e —Tba Third Hecsemaa. Ucut communities desiring to par* those who wish to use them. Three can ba roted tor. Thto ©mca the appointment of H. E. SInna- decay and had become a danger to time it had become known aa the Statee’ determination that the • : 1 ^ string to the funo, the commis­ year, the FaU program at the to oparatad. U will not Mrs. Gustave Msgnuaon, 42. of 2 m O —gteUa Dallas. Ucipato in tha 63,500,000 pubUc track macto will bS aponaored for SATURDAY SPECIALS! •n n tba naaiaa of cmadl* with tha exception of conatabla to mon of 9 Chaatnut atreat to be di­ the aactlon. Bowers Tree becauae of tha an- UWted Natlone must be made to WONB—Baal Btorlea from Baal sion Btaade ready to aastot munlci* Maneheater Community "Y" to in tha only one with a contact. Thera 24 Eldtldge street, was found dead ^ sticoeed despite the difncultles 4 i n - . aehool building fund wera urged paUtlea In procediuas to follow In Mancheeter boys on the laat three to ka aotad upon at naxt rector of tha Hartford Trade It waa one of the several trees tended efforts ntdkls by the Into 2PDltO-^cws. U fa. today to compista thair appUca* fuU swing. The gtrla who wera hara been flee namea In tha Ra- aehool. at her home tote yesterday sftep-, that Manchester oncq had In the Arthur E. Bowers and hto brother, thet have so far beset Ita develop­ planning new school conetructlon. Saturdays of the month at Rob* ment. tlona aad apachScatlons "before the quartered at the Y during the to aome Mr. SInnamon haa aerved aa act­ noon. The body waa discovered | S a n d travelled portion of highways, trees Judge H. O. Bowers, to save IL WDRO—FBI ta Paaea aad War. artaon'-Ruk'e speedy track. Touch Pink Salmon \tollcdn 49e yhart never uaed a are only opanlnga for four, 'raa "The United Nations is not a WSBO-Oivs aad Tak John money rune out." ' summer have returned to their football m il be etressed also thto ing director of the Hartford aehool by Raymond Mercer, gas company ' that for their beauty or for eentl- Apparently no one came to Um de­ Baad King. WONB—Tha Advanturaa of BuU- Rep. Kelson L Oanentor, flald homea, and once again activttlea hetora. aa tomorrow tha , poaalblllty for the paat year and haa had long ment were apared as long as pos­ fense of tile rotting Hudson stroet temporary expedient.” Mr. Tni- dog DruBunond. fall, aa will junior bowling leaguaa. fectmen In tha Republican primary employee, who had been called to WKRB—6M aub. repreaentatlvr, PubUc School Tax Effective are at a high pitch. Director Me* R«d Salmon fall can 59c ^neWaa wUI abow a bat of Balact* I aervice with the atata vocational sible In an ^ e when more and oak. man aald. "It la a permanent Many novel movle-danee soctoto ; haa bean averted by tha wlthdraw- make an Investigation after neigh­ Q -What point on the earth's WON6—Two-Ton Baker—Muatt- RTTHT—Sharlfr. buUdlng commlaaioa, tn request­ Ouskey aayt that there eeenu: to jnan. Thto to tha aaiaa Itot that education department. mdra the Indulgence of such senti­ Nevertheless It was a great old partnership—a partnership among will be held In the epacloua gyim, bors had smelled the odor of gas surfact haa neither latitude, longi­ the peoples of the world for their cal Fregnua. 2V nO —Walts Tima. ing prompt action by communities, ba more Interest thto year on the Grated Tuiia can 39c ^■aaiad on tba machine a year ' al of Prank Btaala'a name, ments created traffic basards. tree. It was 43 Inches In dlamater, eeld the eommtoalan to "now see­ On Auto Sales beginning Friday. Sept. 13, and i In tha Democratic primary tha in the house. tude, or altitude? common peace and common well­ WTRIm E ^ Duchia. •M— part of youn boys. Z a Tka method of operaUnf The eutUng of the Hudaon street and showed 135 annual rings. o m l tha gym will be set up In night only oontaat to for the offlca of Aa Manchester’s medical exam­ A— The Onlf of fliilnea, where being. 2 F n O —Loreaso Joaaa. 2F n r r —R «n ing the end of the fund." Tha membership, which hit a 8 a maddna to tha aame in all "If applications continue to be club style. Moviea will also be of­ Kroft Mayonnaise ip in f 25c Selectman where throe namaa ap­ About Town ining officer was out of town on the prime meridian ernseen ti 'T h e (Uffieultlee that we have 4(66— 16:66— Hartford, Sept. 5.—(ffV—Tax high of 200 laat yaar, to expactad anaaa at tba primary. 22DRC—It Psjra to ba Ignorant. granted at tha present, rata,” he fered often to the public. In all, a pear and only two can ba nom­ vacation. Medical Elxa miner DT. H. equator M oen leveL encountered In this early phase In WONB—Uerv OrUfta Bhow. Oommtoeloner Walter W. Walsh to double that figure thto coming , Tba paraon in enUrinf the ma- Mrs. Mary Tlvnan of 38 Ltllay added, "the fund will be exhaust­ busy and euceeaeful year to an­ inated. Thara are four candl- J. Onderdonk of East Hartford the life of the United Nations have n m iT —Bettor’s Baadstaad. WONB—Maat tha Fraaa today reminded motortota find car year. Boys under 17 can join for dblaa raacbaa abova bla bead and atreat, left from Bradley Field Fire Marshal WTOT—Boxlag. ed by December." ticipated. datea for conatabla. All can ba was called. He said that Mrs. Q—Are there any conUnuotialy not diaeounged un. 2FTIC—Toung Wldder Browa. dealera that tha new salM and uae only $8 annually, which to tha ntaana tba rad larer which be Wednesday evening for a plane trip News Tidbits 2FTIC—Myatary Tbaatar. The commieelon has authority to Evoporated Milk 3 fall cone 35c nominated but only aaven can ba Magnuaon had been dead for 18 acU-vc volcanoa? “On the contrary they have In- dtIB— tax regulations governing motor earns rata for woman. The man's nniP« aU the way to the right to Cleveland, Ohio, to visit her ais- to 20 hours befors she was found, make grants to municipalities for Deer sometimes oat thair shed- elected In October which aaaurea A —fitrotnholl. on one #f the CbIM Fron (/P) Wirts creased our determination that It WTRT—Newa; Waathar. I t i f f - vehicle tranaacUons became effec* rate la $5 annually. A new family iS d A eloaea tha curtain behind tar. On Monday, In company with and^termed the death suicide. , Files Report coBstnietlon or remodcung of ale- ded antlers for their calcium con-1 Ivory Snow Ige. pkg. 31c a conteat In that election already. IJpnri lelaade off the const of shall succeed. WDRO—EUsen Farrell, Omeart Uva Sept 2. rata to balng offared for $10 which pirt. It to than nacaaaary to puU the latter, aha will travel by train Mr. Magnuaon. It was reported, Itoly, has eropted rontlnnonsly 1 :66— mentary school. buUdlnga. tent "Tha United States is resolved WIRtO—Housa Party; Malody Orobaatra. ' Under thto. tha commtoaloiMr will Include the whole family. and bus to Los Angelas and points had spent the night before the find­ •Ince . the hcgtanlsg of recorded Loulaiana State Uatveralty con­ WONB—Mamory Tims. $1428,066 Tentatively ABottod Camay Soop 2 bars 17c circulated laat week-end. Tha of Interest en route, and will visit ducting experlmentn to aae wbeth to support the United Nations heater—ChUdran'B Progrdm. said, persons applying for original ing of hto wife's body at a cot- htotory. $30,629 Loss Outside with all the reaourees at oar com­ 2 ir n c — Sports Nawsraal. BUI From the two Legislature ap- girla. Carolina Toung, Deborah another alater In Loo Angelas, re­ ,cr cows gtva raora ndtt altar caal- 2PTHT—Tannaeaae Jsd. or transferred registration of can A naw faature this year win ba Doe Saves Lives tags- at Amaton Lake and he told mand." Stern. ropriatlona totaling $3,500,000, Dreft Ige. pkg. 30c Toung, Nancy Vanatt, Nancy turning to Manchester about Octo­ Of Districts Gins^ by lag ehaw bath . . . Eastern Cher- w n c —When a Girl Marries. must provtda “p r ^ " to tba motor tha larga number of dance elaeeee police he had last seen his wife Q—Where waa the firat toologl- He declared that tha achieve- 1,57^000 haa been tentatively al* Let Us Help Yon Sell Leonard and June Miller, who ber first. Tuesday. . okees select Henry Bradley ao t h w BilB— 16:65— s vehicles commtoaioner that any Of Three Women cal garden In the United HtatesT Tobacco Damafcs^ . ment of the purpose of an effae- WTIC—To ba announced. flotod to 40 towns, Mr. Carpenter salsa or uaa texts due have been were reaponalble for tha work, Mra. Magnuaon was tha former A—The firat aoe la thla canatry new chief .. . Women at Roaaolte, WONB—Adventure Farads. ■aid. Six more towns have recently have bean congratulated upon the A son, thair second child, waa tlve U. N. organisation "will take 2lhnrr—Terry and tha Plratoa, 1 1 :6 ^ paid, or that auch payment to not Yonr Property— We Elsie Susan Rcncke, and had been WM eotahHehrd hi Philadelphia la Va., wUI parada Sataiday in pro­ •toadfaatneas o f pnrpoae. unramit- ■ubmlttod oompletod appUcatlons aucreaa of their project. born thto morning In Hartford hos- married previously. Besides her Thy report of Harold Maher as test against longer aklita . . . Ban WTTC—Portia Faoaa U fe. WDRO—Reporter. due or coUecUble. Kanaaa City, Sept 6— Duka, 1874 Mace that time nearly every ting toll and Infinite patience." WONS—Taakee Newt. and epaciflcatlons which caU for Protect the Buyer — Mr. and Mra. Maaon A. Nuhfer iltal to Mr. and Mrs. EdWhrd H. huslMnd she leaves a daughter, large city In the United Statea has Town Fire Marshal for tha year Francisco jury eoavlcta Marion B4B— drawing $500,000 additional from Dealera tn new and uaad can T h « a black dog of quaatlonabla llna- Vhita of 31 Drive O, Silver Lana Fralaee Oeed Retatlons 2VTHT—Newapaper of the Air. have already been provided with have returned from an automobUa Mias Edith Waraock, of thla town, acquired a so*. ending Auguat 15, 1947, ahows a BryaaL M, Negro, of attempting to 21TDBC—Tha Old Baoord Shop. tba fund. the Seller. , . apa. waa credited by poUca today trip to Booth Bay, Harbor, In Homea. Mrs. White w u tor- and a slater, Mra. Bertha Wether- rapo Capt Kay Bummoral^, for- Meet of the chtei executive's WONB—Hop Harrigaa—Drama. w n o —Newa Elsvta more munidpaUtlea are required certificate forms needad with aavlng tha Uvea of throe Maine. mer Mtoa Madolin.Cullln of thla ell, also of Manchester. loaa of $50,829.75 caused by fires mar driver for General Blaenhew- 2,000-word speech sras devoted to WHT—Battor’a Baadstaad. lltlB — completing spedfleatlons which by purchaaara. Applicants for rag* Dewey-Richman 29a hnva eanpataat Q~What Is the meaning of the outoMe of the organised fire dto- town. ^ The funeral wdll be held at the or . . . UN taking up aubje^t of raise of the good relations which 2rnO -Jtut Plain BUI. WDRO—Report from the United m » total $500,000 more. totrallon are cautioned that re­ aa our atnff randy to i woman. word Kremlin? tricU.*The losses wera caused by T. P. Holloran Funeral home, 175 arma SmItaUoa again .... Arthur ave always existed between the Natloaa 'IlM field representative aald the quired certification forma must be la your rani eatata Duka detected fumea from a A—KremSn Steralty meano a two fires In tobycco sheds which EUnited States and Brazil, to enu- ■ tiU — The Poltoh-Amartcan Athletic p . flUed out by both purchaser and Co. SHOULDER Center atreet, tomorrowr at 2 m. citodel. There am a nnmber of Adama, Taxaa Negro cenvtetod of WONB—Tom Mix and bis WONS—a u b MMtaighL commlaalon Is not foUowing any you want PBOMPT leak In an atoctrlc refrigerator In Club wlU hold an Important meet­ with the Rev. W. Ralph Ward, destroyed the contents. marction of their common prtn- WTHT—Joe HaseL seller. South t^venlry each eltadela la the Soviet Valaq murdering hla wife, oxset sfi after Btraight thootara. "priority schadiUa " It takea up OCULIST JEBVIICE tha Mteban o tha two-atory boma ing tonight at 9 o'clock at tha The largest loss occurred In a ciplM and to aaaerUons that they w n c —Harkness of. Washington pastor of South Methodist church, and the g n a t Kremlin In Moqpi delay cauaed by breakdown of 22TIO—Front Fags FarraU. the roattar of aUotlag funds only af M n . Minna C Beat, an invaUd. clubhouse. Plans for tha coming offletoting. Burial wrlll be In Eaat fire tn n shed owped by BrynnU In could work together for a brightar whan a community has eomplated OnB Roost Veal lb. 39c Mm Boat waa aaloap'on tha aac- Saturday evening, at S, Coventry la apelled with n capitnl letter tn Oakland which destroyed the en electric ritalr. world gRB— 11:10— PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED basketball season will ba discussed. cemetery. Friends may call at Michigan tnutee makea hla ea- qypRC—Columbia Maaterwocica ita application and buUdlng sped* Swift Premium Milk Fad VaaL and Soor. In other rooma were bar Orange membara will preaant All club members and players are dlotlngiitoh It from the ether tire shed and Ita contents. Emphasising the necessity fot WDRO—Reporter. the funeral home after 7 o'clock kreniMne. f cape just aa priaon offldala were WTHT — Gems for Thought; flcatlons, he explained. NEW FRAMES daugbtae^ Mtoa Alice Beat and three one-act plays In the Orange asked to be praaenL tonight. The warden also issued notices coopeiatlon between the wastorn W KNB—News. lalMattve Up To Towns Amesite Drive$ JARVIS Hall in North Coventry with pro- abating lire haurda In four dif- tr^ng to inform him that be would hemUphere nations In helping WONB—Tankas News. Dance Oroheetra , LENS DUPl.lCATEO Mra. M. C Ham. Q—Where In the geographic be eligible for parole la November w n c —Aawiieaa Novela "The initiative to entl**ry up to ,884 Oeator Straat Dnka, toUing to awaken Mtoa caeda to ba uaad for tba treasury. Joaepk Fnrphy farent places. Five dynamite per­ war-ravaged areas, Mr. Truman 29THT—Nawapaper o t tha Air; the respective towns and cttlea,” Roo$t Pbrk lb>$9c center of the North American con­ . . . It waa one of the hotlaat Aag< 11:55— Crnahed Btona REPAIRS MADE TaL 411$ at 2225 Baat by bto barklnf, puUad at her Lecturer Itoer Clark hopes to uae Piibliv Records Joaaph Furphy, 53, of New Ca­ mits wera Issued. There were three aald; Sports. ha added. "If they aet quickly, they Freak, lean, tender. Cut from com fad PorlsiBa. tinent T neta on record . . . If Brlttoh n e ^ WONS—Newa had' oovara until bo finally awak- one of the three to rapraeant tha naan. Conn., died suddenly Monday. Urea invaaUgatod. One o t tha great lessons we 2 m c —N ews can get their ahare of the help. U local grange In a Pomona Orange W arras tee Deeds A—la Plerco Coimty, North gold, they ehould eell "the bUliona have learned In recent generatioiu B ilW 13:66— I hoc. Mr. Furphy, well knowm locally, Dakota, a few mllee west of Dev­ alimlnaUon jconteat "Eh" WUI be Stephen D. Pearl to Nuhomes, o f doUara worth o f gilt-edge eecur- Is that we do not dwell alone. D » WDRO—Baoord Album. WON6—Chib Midnight had lived In New Canaan for the ito Lake. Itlee they etlU hold In the United w n c —Newa; Orchastra. Cooked Ham lb. 5^c directed by Mrs. C Irving Loointo Inc., property on Woodland street. last 15 years, and waa employed Btruction, suffering and confusion WKNB—Bperta Raviaw. NO MONEY DOWN States," eaya Coagrseimaa Sahatli U :90— with the foUowlng taking part: Frederick C. Nlll at al to Alex­ there by a nuraery. The funeral In other parts of the world con­ WONB—Let’s Go to tba Oamea. Join the Thfong o f Happy Shoppers Ready To Eat. Whole or Shank Cut. Q -W hat to the origin of the . . . More beer available now. and w n o —Harman ChitUson Trie. PUBUC As Little A s $8.00 Par Month Mr. and Mrs. O. Raymond Jobn- ander J. Oworek a t al, property on win ba held at the John B.> Burke front us now aa never before. Out w n c— Bob Steels. StrtcUy Columbia Mtos Juno Loomis, Ernest bsllsi that It to unlucky to aplU more belag eonenased . . . Number U :45— •; Fraa Esttmntaa! \ OrllBn road. Funeral Home at 87 East Center Hollywood nations made great aacrtflcei Bporto; Waathar...... "EUxabath'a Toung Man" aalt? of civilians employed In executive 2VnO—Orchastra; News. STENOGRAPHER Admlalstrator'a Deeds street at 9:30 Saturday morning throughout the w«r. but we have - Itev. O a o m A Brookea,la, pMtorpaator directed by Mrs. Oliver Brown has A—The anclrat Oreefca M d branch of Federal government de- BiBB— tf:Hg Sliced Bacon lb. 69c Rajrmond E. Hunt, administrator and at St. James's church at 10 a. been spared the wanton destnic- WTHT—Caadla Ugtat aad 8U- F. M. BRODERICK anerttus of Unjnlon church In Rock- the foUowing cast: Mtoa Clara Romans used aalt In their ancri- •y O M NANDSAKBI cUned from 3,128,648 at end of WONS—Newt. THOMAS D. C O l^ Rath'a 1-pound layor. of the estate of Thekla V. Hunt, m. Burial will be In St. James's Uon and dislocctlon suffered by Bit Mato 8L elllo, win occupy the pulpit at Co­ Smith, Harold M. Turner, Mrs. Aces, and to aplll It wna an IS June to 2,086,966 at the end of many.” vtr.- Rohlaew Bldg. Pnvtag Contractor t-68t$ to Mary A. Corbett, property on' ceoMtery. Boom 3d TM. 2*1643 h o ^ Congregational church Frances Lombardi and Mrs. Ruth Branford atreet! July. . . VA anaonacee it will pay At ope point the president re­ BhM— MILK-FED V. Oleaecka. Tha third play Mr. Furphy to survived by two Hollywood—Prom the eminence WONB—Local Sportscast. YICHTS #if»Mi»y morning. Tba commun- Tha Hartford-Connectlcut Trust o f hla 15 yaara and $600-a-waek up to $1,000 a year for employe called hto recent, exchange o f cor­ Deaths Last Night S n aarvica uaually held at thto "Henry’s Mall Order WUe" direct­ brotherA Frank of Manchester and Q— Is It poealMe to change atate auggoetlons leading to Inereaaed B:36— Company, administrator o f tha Patrick o f New York City, and two salary, Darryl Hickman advtoea respondence with Pope Plus Xn, Rae> Veal for Slewing lb. 29c t o e will be omittad and Inataad ed by Mtoa Katherine Purdln win estate o f John O. Echmallan, to boundaries? economy and afflclency. explaining ba baa expreaaed *o WDRO—Sports HeadUnas be supported by Louis Marschat. stoters, Mra. Elizabeth McKowne A—A boimdary between two the hundreds of mothers who bring ord Album. W bo uaed tha naxt weak when Dominic DlBattlato and Roaa Ida their offspring hopefully to Holly­ Biltlsli hnabands, barred from tha pope hto desire “to .do every­ Buaaoa Alraa—Fadro da Rojas, i'd a a o o f young paopla to to ba Jr., Robert Christensen. William and Mrs. Margaret McGee, both of atntce of the United States may be WKNB—Mslodlaa for Evening. MEATY DlBattlato, proparty on Scarbor­ wood every year: Don't do It. getting their wives from Ruaste thing In my power t> support and 75, ona of tba foundan o t the af* fiDeaptod Into tba church. Orcutt, Alba Peace, Rina Ireland. changed by agreement of the atate WONB—Tha Anawer Man. ough road.. "S o ihany kids whose mothera ask Foreign Secretary Bevln to to contribute to a concert of all ternoon newepaper Critics and tor MARKET chlo and Roger Sima. The funeral home will be open leglalaturea. but the agreement W THT—Music. OAR ST. PACKAGE STORE • “An apple party*’ waa enjoyed see that Ruasla doea not collect the forces striving for a moral many years its staff artist He Veal Chops lb. 39c ranga meeting bald The public to Invited to attend a after 7 o'clock this evening for must be approved by Congress. try to push 'em Into the moviea w n c—History tn the Head- tS l WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE St Columbia On Mary Gulnlpero to Ernest John-, _ don't care'about being actora," the heavy tax for chlldleeanesa from worla. waa born ia SevUla, Spain. Frank Lombardi, Permittea Taomana baU Wadneaday night joint meeting of the local PTA Haas. son st al. tha store known aa 1063 friends. brown-haired, lively young actor their wives . . , German policeman "I believe in msking that state­ I Philadelphia—Albert Zoellner, 85, tba Home Economica com- and Toung Mothers Chib to be Q —What la the area o f modern Bt45— > 25 Oak St. Wo DcHver! Dial 6550 U* h^d Wednaaday in the form of a Main straat for fivs years from said. "They'd make much better who shot and serioualy wounded ment I spoke the thought not only who p to ^ the French bora with FREE DELIVERY DUL83S8 by Mra. 1. Honry Baptomber 1. 1947,* at an annual Jen*. Robertsvllle. Colebrook. The after - Lincoln's assassination maintain our common Ideals and Tuna ••WHERE GENUINE QUALITY PREVAILS** ft Iftitr dste. Uon, which embraces the four got a boost that has never waned Birth today: A son to Mr. and Peoches . 3 Ibi. 29c Rev. John G. McKnight of Ba­ bearers were Dr. Alfred B. Sund- there ? , when the picture's dance director. Mrs. Howard Wyltot Springfield, our common principles of morality snax>iN Biad—Tokay Mr. and Mrs. Harold A; MatUce tavia, N. Y., spent the week-end towns o f Eiaat Windsor, Enfield, A—No theatrical - performance o f Brooklyn, New York, spent last Somers, and Ellington, may be­ qulat. Dr. Edmond R. Zagllo. rep­ Leroy Prinz. told him; “Son, you're Mass. and justice.” ' and holiday at the home of John resenting the Manchester Medical r^'ns ever given the^ affqr Lin­ swell. W o can use you.” For canning or for taUa aaa over the week-end — yooTI find the choieect, freeheet fraito aad vege- wuak visiting Mrs. Charies Natsch Wittman of Dir.iock road. Joseph come members by contacting the coln's death. . Grapes 2 lbs. 29c Association. Herbert McKinney, Hla parenta were dubious, but taUea at HodoL Shop hara toaorrawl at ’Yjrchard HU1.‘* Mrs. MatUce is McKnight also spent the holiday secretary ta hla office here Wednes­ s fprmcr Mias Enid Hawkins, day. October 1. the day which the Riusell Potterton. representing the Darryl was determined. - A few S T E A K S ^7 9 . with Mr. Wittman. Q— Why are concrete roads SURGICAL. to.]rears ago. made her home In fair will be held In Ellington, Pay­ Klwanla Club of Maneheater, Dr. F years later he lent hto father sev­ Free Dalivary Anywhere In Town — Phone 2-0784 Jonn H. EUlott of Ripley Hill Forbes Bushnell, representing the built In aectiona. Instead of ona eral thouaand dcillars, which hla aColumbia, and who waa recentlyancl former assistant extension ment of $1 makes you a life mem­ solid strip? FOR SALE town's health department, and C. dad paid back with Interest, to mured as librarian at Columbia ber.' A—The reason la to allow for D Alp' PRODUCTS dairyman at the University of FJmore Watkins, representing the aet up an insurance business. He SUPPORTS University. Oon.iecticut began his duties on Mra. Kenneth Cook, who waa In expansion and contraction by heat FRESH GROUND Manchester Memorial hospital trus­ alao built hto folks a $15,000 home, EXCELLENT 7-ROOM SINGLE SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! .and Mrs. Harvey Carter, the 1st as Tolland County Farm an automobile accident several and cold. One solid strip would where he Uvea with his 13-year- Creamo Margarine lb. 33e w te tor many summers occupied Bureau agent, succeeding Ernest weeks ago. has recovered, and re tees. bulg.- and crack. Arrangements for the burial Steam Heat, Sun Room Heated. Garage, Large Lot. B r il'. tlto bouse on the lake now owned E. Tucker of Rockville who re­ turned to her position in the EH- old brother. Dwavne, also an ac­ llngtan post office, and Mrs. Wil­ were In charge of'tVatkIna. tor, and 7-vear-old alater, Deirdre. Move In In 15 Days.. Mayflower Oleo / lb.29e by «hn AruU family, have pur- tired after holding that position <5—Why was the name of the H am burg <>> 4 5 - who thus far haa not launched a ckaiMd ffom Maurice Leonard, the for 28 years. liam Rlpter o f Main street, who At -the services at the Center Oregon River changed to Colum­ CASH REQUIRED $4,500. Muensfer Cheese eottaga on tha water front former­ Members of the Vojunteer Fire waa In the same car ahd received Congregational church Rev*. Dr, bia? career. ,.W lb. 45c facial Injuriea aa well aa other Watson Woodruff paid the follow- After lunch I talked on the set PEACHES ly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. An­ department will hold a meeting A— In 1792, Captain Robert brulaea. has also returned to her thony Tlronc. They plan to make Momlay evening at the firehouse. tog tribute to Dr. Moore: O.fay, haring conquered the aand with Darrvl’s mother, who ha-' Romano Chdete lb.69c position In Hartford. "Sometimes It Is hard for a min­ seen hundreds of parents and HOWARD R. HASTINGS BONELESS CHUCK this a yea." 'round home, Mrs. James Hadd, 2 1-2 year old son bar at the mouth o f the Oregon, Real Eatnte Specialist Lsanard said. of Captain and Mrs Harry Hadd ister to remember that, he to became first man to enter this young hopefuls return dlsapoolnt- Vfe Cheddar Cheese lb. 69c priest, performing the ancient TELEPHONE 2-1107 Mr. and Mrs". Carl Loughrey and of Lakevlew Terrace who waa river. In honor of his ahip Co­ ed to their home towns, unlucky SWEET CORN "C r a p e s Wafiermelons Oruda A son, Teddy of Ontario, Can­ stricken’ with polio about three Christian ritual for the burial of lumbia, be changed the rtvetfa enough to get a break here. She ada are visiting Mr. Loughrey's weeks ago la, according to the Wapping the dead and easy to remember name. thinka a talented child has a bet­ 69^ each Pot Roast »> 6 9 Pullet Eggs ddz. 45c uatonts, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. family, progressing slowly and that he 1s a friend standing among ter, chance o7 being discovered by 29c doz. 2 lbs. for 39c - 1 ■ friends mourning the passing of a (tUtohroy kt their home "Bayhlll." will shortly be released from Mc­ The superintendent of schools. Q—\A*hat docs . the rxpresalon Hollywood scouts In home-town , ‘The Infant daughter, bora ,re- Cook hospital In Hartford. How­ Merle Wo^manaee, has announced friend. “help for Pisa" mean? theatricals. DOMINO—GBANDLATED - agbUy at S t Franclb hospital In ever, the child will still be hospi­ that all children entering the first I need not tell you: your pres A— It Is an Italian exprcMlon l'*'V H a i^ r d . to 'Mr., and Mrs. Robert talized at'another . Institution in grade In the grammar schools, next erfee here Is eloquent testtmonj^ to dating from the tStb century- Divers Recover Body CAPITOL MOTORS WILL PAY FROSTED FOODS laiCia, hsM'been named Elizabeth t^at city for some time. Monday, for the first time, must be the fact that ,we are paying trib­ help arrived for the defenders of Miss Catherine Scarpello, daugh­ ute today to jio ordinary* man. but Sunapee, N. H., Sept. 5—( ^ — R ib R o a $ t Ann. Tha ch'ld, the couple's first six years of age on or before Jan­ rtaa after they were all dead. a strong man. a colorful personal­ .59. Divers who have been probing the SUGAR id adoo the first grandchild of At- ter of Cosmo D. Scarpello of Maple uary 1. 1948. Also, each child YOU TOP CASH DOLLAR Sfrowberries lb. pkg. 49c ity. a man whose qualities were muddy bottom -of Lake Sunapee toroey and Mr». Louis Lucia of Robert E. Loree. son of must bring a birth and vaccination Q—When did the first Jews NATIVE > Wftit Hartford. Tha'two families f/'® l-'oyd Lores of WillJ- certificate. Mra. Muir, who haa outstanding and unmtotajvable; ftonie to America? since Saturday recovered the body Bartlett Pears ...... 5 fo r 2 5 c Fairmonf Peas ^ pkg. 25c saand tbalr eummera at Columbia S'*** ^ w’ere married at 9 a.m. charge of the cafeteria at the man of unquen'.hable vitality. He .. .A—There were Jews In the Col­ of Michael P. Webber. l7-year-old SS- /tifiuair fflK s rrs syis.'s.i'sis: Red Cabbage...... 3 Lbs. 2 9 c a p m I Saturday. Auguat 30. In St. Mary’s Wapping Grammar aehool, wishes loved his work, he loved hla town; onies before 1650. The firat Jew­ grandson of Roger W. Babaon, and maay others. Akraa Paat OparaUve Bappoit Florida Juice Oranges 59c D o e . church by the Rev. Bernard J. to announce that lunch will be he delighted In his friends; he liked ish congregation Is recorded In noted Wellesley. Mass., financier, Lima Beans '...... 2 Qts. 29c Baby Lima Birant pkg. 39c Mra. Alice Chowanec and her to hurt; he liked games and hlF at noon today. Webber, a Klmbatl We Buy any make, year or model from 19S2-1947 YOUR PHYSICIAN Green Gage Ploms .. .39c Dos. S ~ * . d T — . > . tw> riiUdran, Freddie and Mar­ Foster. -The attendants were Mr. aerved each day beginning Mon 1656 In New York City, the 4 9 regardless of condition. Fresh D ill...... 15e Bunch gery.'.have returned to their home and Mrs. Walter Hendricks, Jr., day. enth.miasm did not lessen with the Shearith Israel. Union academy student, drowned WILL TELL YOU • Seedless Grapefruit’. . 4 for 39c o f East Hartford, brother-in-law ^ e L^dlea' Aid Society of the years. Friday after he sayed the life of a- - WEPAFAfimOHAB Otor spend^ a week vtolting Mr. and alater of the bride, who 'waa "His life waa, simply and nobly girl companion In a motor boat BUNEIBT .Green or Wax Beans 2 Qts. 25c Gbfnraaac'a atoter, Mrs. Martha Wapping Community church, Q—What was the first former That mil lorgical aopporta given In marriage by her father. which waa to have held their first consistent. If one word deacribea Axis country to apply for mem­ mishap. BAKERY DEPARTMENT Ring, la Waatmlnater, VL 1838 CAIIB miwt ba carafolly Bttcd by Lemon or Limes . . 4 for 29c LoUff Green Cukes ... .5 fo r 2 5 c B ^ty Lou Loree waa flower girl. fall meeting the 12th of Septem him more than another It waa loy­ bership In the United Naticma? le ss OARS 1SS2CARB Sugar Hekrt WE SELL THE FINEST JEWISH RYE AND " Rayatond E. Lymaa, local rural FoUowing the ceremony a recep- alty. He was loyal to hto profes­ asperta to give the deal red ■iall carrier aad Everett Goodwin her, have until Sep­ A—Hungar>'. The Hungarian $ 4 0 0 $ 5 0 0 $ 7 0 0 Native PUMPERNICKEL IN MANCHESTER! Uon waa held at the home of the tember 19. It will be held at the sion; hto town; hto friends. . minister to AVaahIngton has aub- reUef. Consult our eipcrts EVAPORATED MILK 3 for 35c « ( West atreet. have returned bride and waa largely attended by "He set for himself a high CRISCD :» home of Mra. Marian Stiles of Fos­ milted a formal request for mem­ New Baby >61-’t3 CABS ~Tifdt our private ftting APPLESAUCE TDMATDES Saavlew — ——————— ———— neWrliwn Jumbo faom New York City, where over relatives and frienda. Upon their ter atreet, with Mi-a. May Barber stafidard of professional ethics. He la s t CABS $ 1 4 0 0 bership. r o o B t 2 i g j the waek-end they enjoyed the return fr c « an unannounced wed­ aa assistant hoetess. kept abreast of bL profession and $ 1 0 0 0 $ 2 0 0 0 ding trip the couple will reside at Arrivina la ia c A B S 3 lb. can $1.09 6 lbs. 25c Layer Cokes eoch59c gfiaturea o f the American Legion never blindly accepted the nieth Q—What Is meant by "gag Akron Aatborlaad ^ WAX BEANS i Co n 14e CJhavaatkm. -- 81 Washington avenue In Eaat oda' ot an honored past. In hto Freak Hartford, Showdowa Poatponed rule" In the House of Representa­ This Week! O. W. Pederson to a patient at practice no task was too hard;, no tives? 1946-1642 CARS $ 4 0 0 0 Eichiaiva Tinas Fittara. PLENTY OF MAPLE SYRUP ~ RICE — SOAPS — SOAP POWDERS — TOILET Oonununlty\ Mamorial New Brijaln, SepL 5—(/Pi — distance too great; no hour too A—Gag rule refers -to reguln- ^ r ' » Blueberry Cupcakes des.48e Retired Educator Dies DMperateljr N««d TISSUE — MAYONNAISE — TUNAFISH AND RED SALMON — NAPKINS 4tal wbare ha underwent an showdown In the dispute which has early or too late If It lay In the t'lons for limitation of debate, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:50 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Igo. c o n 23c HcucylMppad , »my Friday morning, p&tli of hto professional duty. South Hadley, Maas., Sept. B closed public schools here waa post­ 4. 5 OR 6-ROOM CANNING—NATIVE last edition of ‘Hm Oolum- poned today when the Board of There are people In Maneheater Q—XA’hat to a jurUdlctlonal (P>—Mtoa Mary E. Woolley; 84- Donufs y doieSOe Lake.News. a weakly ahaat Education, after .considering for who have known no other doetpr strike? - ■ APARTMENT QUINN’S Wa Hava A FuH Lina Of year-old preaident-emeritua of Mt. BASKET ' by tha Laka Aaaoclation tw’o hours a- modified salary sched­ and will not know where to turn A—A atrike growing out of (VIPTFOL MOTORS, Inc. Hard Rolb. French and Craacant RoBi. F lm di aad YlHB*: Holyoke college died today at her now that Dr. 'Mooore to gone. 16 QTS. -arltb parSonala and ac- home In Westport, N- T., accord­ ule proposed by the Federation of dispute between two or ax OR HOUSE TOMATOES na Bread and Also Russian PumparBickaL r ' "He . loved Manchester. He unions, eaeh of which claims the Telephone 7-8144 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES I af latoraat to summer peo- ing to word received at the col Teachers, sdlourned without ac­ .568 Main Stv. Hartford P H A R M A a .sitidag at its reading, waa tion. It will pieet .Sgaln at 10 served It 'ong ami well. He watch­ right to do- a partloulnr tj-pe of TEL. 2-0668 0 clock to m o rr^ moijilBC- ' ed dllifenUy over the public work-

J MANCHCrrBR CVBKiKG HERALD. IIANCHE 8 TVR. fXINN. FRIDAY. 8 EPTEMRER «. IM t EAGE E t E V m ItANCniBSTER KVKNISO HRRALO. MANlTHrSTIfll. CONN- FR IPA I, SEKi'CMtfRN 6,1947 Top Softball Gibbons in Caruso No. 2 t 'f^im to Move North End Plans Early To Welcome Manchester Date Book Game Tonight Hopes To Start New Streak Little Vic LombQrdi Most Consistent Dodger ; T o Rockville For Christmas Celebration Pastor Olson * e SprlngSeld, Maaa.# Sept S—Re-^of a race driver-^ne of the baaW George * . Snow, bead of the^Walter Hibterd. Frank Chetelat. Reception to Be Held . Mancheater Ski Qub outing at Lata's and North Ends Corporation Hod ' Rod and Gun Club at 3 p. m. gaided aa tha ‘‘falr-tuurad boy" { who haa come up the "bard' way." Kaceys Score Skeet Shoot Mancheater Improvemmt Aeeoda- ^JJJ2*0>wlee,“ John Howard.^Johri At Emanuel i . n u r c n Tueaday, Sept 9 Play Under Lights at earlier thla aaaaon at Sprtngflald j Having had to go to work at a Second Place Battle Brooks Stretch Lead ’ Conducted Ito Bniiincm Uon. bellevea that thl* la the Ume Charlea Lukaa, Matthew Robertson Park Speedway in Weat SpiingOeM. young aga to hrip hla family, ba to plan for a ChrUtmaa celebra- yfers and Michael Sheehan. On Sunday Afternoon , Chet '*WUdcat" Oibbona of Pater: managed to eke out a dollar or Upset Victory Event Sunday apn, N. haa gohe Into a slump two a week which be would use to bi Oakland Uon ao be named a comnUttee to ■ Prealdent Snow haa alao an------Meeting, Board of Police Corn- Another top softball attraction which la disappointlag thouaaiide get him to race tracks when te In Twi Loop Tonight Over Idle Cardinals aeck fund* for IlghUng the North nounced that hla Board of Direc- Rev. Carl E. Olaon, the new pea-1 mtaatonera at Police Headquartera ia listed at the North End tonight of his midget auto fans. '. was atlll a boy. From a pit hang­ Openinn Srasion Listed Tb» 9 »cb*r corporation, which End Mr. Bnow plana to extend tore la aa followa: George H. Hall, tor of the Emanuel LutlTeran I , .. Blank LalE*9 4 to 0 in sroRTS cDim tea bam conductlns Ita huctneu under the llghLi v/hen Lzta's Serv­ ' Showing some of the smartest er-on around big tracks. Gibbons the Chriatmaa illuminaUon over a Sherwood Smith, Walter Hibbard, ..a h,. Who .;rtv.d “ lii.h'S!:; gradually worked Into the p o ­ r fgf aaarly a yta r from the build* Oiarlea Backtui and Frank Chete- driving ever seen in Western PA*6 Looking for First SoftbaU League Tilt At TRlcottYllle FI U; Bravra Continue Drhre ;: much larger area than haa ^ been In Auguat from Malden, Maaa., w ill! church at 6:15 :i.m. ice tangle with the second place tion'of being permitted to warm IBC o( Um old Oakland paper mUl Ut. Maasaebusetta, Gibbons forged In­ To Pitch Snnday Sold to Chicago the caee In the paat. He would ba welcomed at a reception Sun- j Sept, i t and IS. North Ends. The game will be the up caih. Finally ha climbed Into Win of SeMon Over At Robertson Park Oae ter B«h Elpley ethe game olooer supervtslen and Expect • Big Turnout For Second Whh Win y In Uancheater. will move to Rnck- have the atreeta lighted from The next meeUng of the aaaocia* to an early lead at West Spring- day afternoon at 6 ve o'clock, to * Fair of Mancheater Grange at last for Lata's in league play. A fleld by winning several 35-lap a midget car of biz own ona t e y Bob Ripley h o a new beUeve-tt- s*P—pedite getting the ball Into play. I vUla where the firm baa leaned a Uon will be held in October and ...J Over Phik; Browns ^ Apel’a croaalng weat on North which all partahlonera are ror- ■ State Armory. large turnout la expected to wit­ and hoe hden at it ever atnee. But West Sidra; Nonke, I or-not story for hla dally fiature JsHt a Ceaple el Jee’s The local Skeet Club sponsored UtT-owned atnicture, It a-aa re- Main atreet aa far aa Union atreet. vill be a ladica night. Arrange* feature *f> behind the pennant- NSW York Giants, kicking off to considerable yardage on hie bell arouiMl. night ready to a^leve victory he An underdog Kacey nine the w e s ^ r does not per­ Ilia atructure ia one formerly oc* nowakl, who ia charged with in­ pected that the Manchester Minis­ Wedaeaday, Oct. 1 while McGuire bee won 3 and loat BUI Schindler. The best he can wtanlng Britiah-Amerlcans. The start a gams or aftsr touchdowns carrying Jaunte. Over a^thrae-yaar span, tha piat- terial asoociatlon avIII ba repre- MTS. out front againat Lata'a la Injured in the flret period, mit, the field WiU be In operation euplod by the Pearleaa mill and toxication and breach of the Civic Music Aaaociatlon. First 6. Rubacha, In pitching all North do with this car, however, has loser WiU meet the United A ir­ and making all tries for flsid goats md.lanh9n:lrr haa loart only oaea Of 13 Offices aentad. The choir will render selec­ every Sunday afternoon with spe­ waa acquired by the city aeveral peace. Attorney Leaaner told the concert of season. Benno Rab- End games, has compiled a record proved far from good enough. The craft Monday evening at the Oval light game at the North End Wed­ and extra potnta after TD's. Davis' looa no- doubt was felt by to tha New Yorksra in 13 gtarta. tions. Wednesday evaning before 52.- the former coUeglaiw. Blanchard cial events covering a weifliend They hava coatributad U W Ilia ' yoara ago for unpaid taxea. The court that he waa aaking the con- Inof, vIoUnlat. Holliatar street au­ of 8 wine against 3 losses. result Is that Gibbons haa earned ta the first game of the champion- nesday night and Inaintalned the program. Bridgeport, Sept. C.—OP—Police Adtoumment will be made for a 103 fans at the Polo Grounds, found the big, tough GlanU line 84 major laagua vletoriaa. Becher leaao will be for five yeara. Unuance ao that Barooowaki could ditorium. The North Enda wiU appear in few new points at West Spring- ship playoffa. margin to aend Lata’a down to The local team Is echeduled to social time in the vestry where the Strong fallsd to register a field too formidable to eraek. Sine4 tha All-Star gama. IffiW- ; Borne time * ago The Herald undergo a paychlatric examlna* today launched an Intenalve In- Saaday. OcL 5 ^ one more game klonday nigBt fleld In recent weeka. On four occasions during tho dafaat by a 4 to 0 scora. Lata'a compete againat Norwich and members of the Ladies Aid and 'goal on four occasions agsInK ths DaWitt Coulter, former West bardl haa ooppad nina an ^ p f a d , leaned that the glaaa utanail con­ Uon. Baronowaki waa arreated by Annual Boys’ Soap Box Derby, when they face the Rockville In addition to the fans* disap­ regular season the PA'e and West n3ad a win over the North Ends Rockville teams soon. Watch 1}is 4 veatlgatlon into -the ranaacking af Dorcas societiea of the church will PILESOFFEREK 0>Utge AU Stars. The president of Point AU American, now a Giant out two. Including a pair eon waa intcreaM in locating in Patrolman Donald Freer Saturday auapicea Manchester Rotary Club. Englcrta In their game be­ pointment, GIbbona himself wiU N bw C m Quick Itcliaf Bide# erosaed bats. The first game and RockvlUa must drop thslr two Herald for these dates. 4t wtne " 18 officea in the Profeaaional build­ aerve rCfreahmenta. the Colonial Baseball League boa tackle. Jarred Blanchard once and over the St. Louia G aif^ala. Ha . Rockville, and had viewed prop­ night, Auguat SO, at 11:30 at Ray* fore the - championship playoffs.- feel a terrible blow if he ia unable This 1 ^ W ay resulted m a 8-aU tie but In the remaining games In order to cre­ The committee hsa worked hard erty there, but at that Ume it waa ing, M l Lafayette atreet, during Herman Johnson. Hugo Carlson to hold the point lead at the West ate a Ue for fourth place between a record string of 82 successful the Doe left tha game shortly aft­ has a five-gama string worMag for J mander'a Reataufant after receiv­ and Emsat KJellson are serving on Ben Grxyb, Charley Parclak and ntet throe, the West Sides w o j by clearing the stunmsr growth of hay atated by Arthur II. ShorU of ing a complaint from the reatau- the night which netted thieves Wally Parclak have been the Side oval. Though a few weeks Why ooatlane te auffert No maa aeohto 'Of 5-3, 8-2 and 8-7. Lata's and RockvUlt. This was tha ConversioiM over a nerldd of sev­ er, never to return. Coulter la a and weeds at tho field and repair­ him oa ha guns for a starting as- .* the program committee and Paul little boy of 38 yoara who elands North Covmtry. vice prealdmt of rant about 3350 and cauaed damaga to No Decision Before North Enda heavy hitters in the ago he had twice as many points or woman need go on suffering tha The law of average ta against Kacey'a Anal game and BUI Cor­ eral seasons In National FootbaU ing the equipment, hut there la stgnment in tha wertd aariso U , Anderson, Everett Johnson and pain, agony and mantal diatreaa Lsajpis play. six feeL’ fdur Inehes. and packs the corporation, that another op­ CaUierine S. Glanaukara of 79 office fumlahlnga and equipment paat and will be the boys*to tie aa his nearest competitor, this the Weet Bides in their quest for coran wdnt the entire pitching still more work to do snd any­ tha Brooks gat thars. Albert Roblnaon are in charge of eausod by plloa. Ona aingla boa of When Stroi^ mlseed a eld goal 383 pounds on his frams; a rough erator had won out in aecurlng Lenox atreet pleaded guilty of estimated at hundreds of dollars. down tonight if Lata’s are to come week’s listing showed Bill Shlnd- ■eeend plier and a-win over the route during the oeaaon without 6 one Interested, thet can donate a Lombardi's latest effort a ftva- publicity. Boston Convention uoAva aurrosiTORiEs wtu It Is a story but when the naaster boy to taks a k>Uy-pop away from the mill from the city. theft in court this morning and Sargt Dominic Conte, who Is up with a winner. Lata's will use ler of Frecp<^. Long Island mov- quickly end eonelualvoly prove thet BlUy Newhaner missing an liming. Tha win was couple hours of thslr time before hlt 3-0 Job of ths Naw York eluh Poles. Ooaeh Johnny FaUtowekl’s hooter falls In four attempts, and eursly no Individual to try to Other Farty WHbdrawe waa given a 60 day lall aentence coetducting the investigation with the heavy sticking of Andy Tom- inff up fast with only about 300 the suSoiing. pain and distraaa Corcoran’s fifth against nine Sunday, contact Chairman Ed last night in the Pole Grounda ho- - > team haa won its last three league that's big news. ■abaequenUy, however. the which waa auapended by Judge the aastatance of Sergt. Frank PltUburgh, Sept. 5— (Jh—Rank­ co, Eddie tepatka and Ed Franks points less. be rolleved. If tbaae seething, eem- Two famUiar In state go ti'fou^. Oliver. fora 49,303 euatomara, haa gtvan • forting. healing reetol eenen don't Btaito aad will he out to halt the looses. No doubt when competition gets On aeveral occasloiu. Coulter other party. John Fay of Hart: Bowera, and wao placed on proba- Jablonaky and Detective Joseph Re-Open Church as they go all out to pin a defeat GIbbona la the perfect example baseball circles of a dacade ago Emeat LeChappelle, the local Dodger asrias bopas anothar boost. ) ing CIO leaders will wait until do es we eay your money ebearfnlly West Bides' wtnidng streak. The In the first liming tha Kacey'a keener In league play, the auto­ roughed up his former Array ford, withdrew bacauae of lllneaa. Uon for one year. The woman bad Toth. Sngerprlnt experts, said that on the Second place holders. will be in action Sunday afternoon dead eye, waa only two targets Aa of the moment they ’ ara dH ^ their Oct. 13 convention at Boston refunded. Why auffor anethor dayT West Bides have emerged vlctort- took out soma pretty good insur­ matic and magic toe of Strang's teammatea aiK* It appeared from g lv t v the Becher corporation a taken an eleetti' razor, valued at entry waa gained through an un­ Game time Is set at 8:30. at the Oval when the Bluellelda away from winning the Connecti­ games In front of the Osrds, who . School Sunday Got a email bos of Moavm today and oue in theii last 8ve qutlnga and ance off Mac McGuire by pushmg wUl again bs ptrformmg In a the press bos, d;ILrectly behind the abance to conclude a leave. The SIS, and poaalbly other arUclea locked side window in the rear of before taking any action to com­ accept nothing else. reorganise for one game against cut State Championship at Nor­ were rained out In Chicago. eanm from the league eellar Into across two runa on one hit, a manner that will stamp the for­ goal poet on the hoine plate end ooiapany. of which Weeley R. from the honw where ahe waa em­ the Doctor's Pharmacy, Room ply with the Taft-Hartley labor the American Legion. The fling- single by lead-off battar Jim Mo- wich last Sunday. The nigh score Andy Hansen, the Giants' latsat •acher of Wetherafleld ta preal* WANTED TO BlIY * a tie fer second/ mer New York University are as of the field, that there waa ho love was 98 X 100 while Ernest mads a ployed ,aa a houaekeeper. Com 105. Police advanced the theory Following a receaa during the law requirement that union offi­ Both teams will ba at . top era are Billy Newbauer and Kd ConviUe. Ray McCarthy attempt­ "---■.via pitching hope, pitched good enough dent, waa formed in January of plaint waa made by bar employer that entrance to the ^terior of month of August, Sunday school Carroll Refuses the oest of them all again for an­ between the Giant lliMman 'and score of 90 X 100 It really is a to win In moat casts but anoa again cials 61e norr-Communlst affi­ stran^h with Ernie Noske and Kovie. ed to sacrifice McOonvlUe to aee- th e r year. hU former fellow teammates. tUa year. to the police and Patrolman the building waa gained through will be reopened at Zion Evangel­ M 0 A ¥ JU ;U 4 o Newbauer waa best known for pleasure to see him perform at a hs want down In d^fast. Jaekia davits prior to Sept. 33. Art Pongrats expected to form ond and when the ball went The game hao a distinct Con- Both Becher and Shorta were George M c^ughey made the ar' the front door of the pharmacy ical Lutheran church. Cooper and USED CARS quern’s PHABBIAOy hlB fast ball during the cham­ Five Working Officials skeet field. The last shoot held at Roblitsoa'a flrat-lnDlng doubla. Ml- r That flat announcement was To Enter Primary the Pagani starting battery. through to right Held, McOonvlUe nseticut flavor. Sevsral Nutmeg- formerly eonnoctad with the BUex reat ymterday. and tha burglars proceeded to ran­ High streets, Sun^y at 9 a. m., i contained in a bitterly-worded pionship days of the Blueflelds In Something new has been added the flats he broke lOfl straight lowed by tha first of thraa atnglaa t 1998^ t o '4TS Southpaw Jimmy Black wtU be went all the way to third. The gers were on ths rosters ot the tSMStS. oocnpany. Becher for IS yeara and sack 13 other offices, eight, on the the usual time. For seme years statement Issued by the CIO i Twilight League and town oeriea to football thla season — a 8 fth by Pete Reiser and a foroa pisy Bborta for 17 yeara. The Bilex Tonington, Sept 5.— Wtl- Any Moke — Any Model » held In reserve. throw was lata and wide fit third working official. Five man are now two squads and in addition ssvor- te b Dwire hasn't done much second floor, three on the third Mt haa been customary to recess EUecutlve board here yesterday play. Kovls, a side-arm tosaer, gava Brooklyn its firat run- Fto i eoaapany Itaelf now haa large floor and ona on the fourth floor. liam T. Carroll, former stats Any Coadltloa! FALL UBUAIIB Zlggy Olbert or Tud Flood will and the runner came on in to assigned to work professioiml al players who won their letters at shooting thla summer but wa all during August and the Sunday after a conference with CIO Preal-1 later played minor league ball and score with McCarthy perched on Wea Raeae. back In tha Unaup M r . apace in the former Hilliard mill Mayfair Orchestra There are about 50 preceding Labor Day, also to give treasurer, announced today that pitch for the P A ’e with Tony Gar- during the paat few seasons has games and when the whistle loot­ Connecticut ooUegee were In ae- know he can and will when the| ------officaa in dent Philip MuBray. • | Highest Prices Paid! third base. Ray scored on the sec­ Tsoy Lui^aa the first Uma sinca Aug. 33 whan la RUBardviUe. the building. the officers and teachers staff an he definitely would not enter a pri­ ro receiving. ers Him up on ths field the first Uon. Ume comas. | Immediate effect of the union; BINGO coached the American liegton ha was splksd. hoiiMrad in tha aav- The thieves' largest haul waa In opportunity for refreshing, and mary contest against William A. Flay will etart at 5:45 aharp to Junior tedm. ond pitch to Corcoran aa the baU Impression Is two elevs|i-man The list of home-state products Lee Fracchla haa been very i To Play Fridays leaders' decision was not deter­ T E L . H A R T F O R D 8-1990 included Chet Gladehuk of Bridge­ * Mnlen. former MancheS' toth, his 1 1 th hama run. the pharmacy where they obtain­ the full responalbillty for Chris­ Ktlrrartln for the Democratic, insure seven fuU timinga All proQiiede from the game will went to tho backstop. squads playing with a flvs-man busy chasing stray dogs lately, but mined but Robert N. Denham, AND ASK FOR JOE T o n i g h l 9 p.m . port. a tiny ' 4” , 355 pound snap­ now feels In shape to realW shoot. Tho Hollywood first baseman Is Three Doubla Plays ed 3303.74 in cash by forcing a tian guidance and training is then nomination for mayor. Mr. Car- enter thb^Bat and Ball Fund for The score stayed at 3 to 0 then taam as a s'ds attraction. 8 Tbs msnagsmant of the Club general counsel of the NLRB, haa until the seventh when the Kaceys per-hack, West Havan's Ken Ed De Dosser has been keeping Ihj disra of the Pacific Thrae Dodgar doubla play* puHwi Police Court cabinet In the office, police aald. left to the parents for the recess roll’s name was presented at the the advancement of Junior base­ Lorabgrdl out of trauhte, the loot Chlphtl, 14 Depot Square, an indicated that unless affidavUs are CaO betwaen 8 A. M- and 8 P, M. ORANGE HALL cams up with two more taUles to The fifth man Is known as *tha ntroni. New Haven's Lou DsFlIlp- In shape bv practicing in Hartford. Coaot Leaipie to the Chisago period. caucits held tact night and a pri­ ball in Mancheater. The game back Judge. The other officials are White Box for caah and players one eliding the game with a flour-, ^ nounead today that aftacUve this filed by all the nation's labor lead- mary was set for ton|orrow. lea tha game. po and Bob Dobelsteln of Bridge­ Got to watch that fellow now. Ob reeoBunendaUon of Proaecu- Special preparations are being will start at 3. tl)e referee, umpire, field Judge Luplen wUI repprt to the Ameri­ iah ahwtly after Buddy Karr i evaning tha Mayfair Trio, popular era before the deadline nearly IS.- "Under no circumstances will 1 Johimy O’NeU, for Joe port, all played with the winning Cliff Bradley spent some time ler Raynoond A. Johnaon. Judge made for reopening this year in NOW OPEN and head lliteairian. H ie positions can League tegra In ths spring. opened th, ninth with a double. ? mualcal group, wUI ba fsatured Drops Attempt 000,000 worliera wlU be denied use go into a primary contest against Oermola In the Kacey’a seventh Giants while Jack Medd and Burt down in West Virginia, this sum­ RayBMBd R. Bowera noUed the caae every Friday and Saturday night connection with the local religious of the five working arbiters in Vanoer Clute of Wesleyan, Paul mer shooting stest. That southern The Hollywood first baseman ia BL Louts’ rained out game In ^ Of reeklaaa driving againat John survey conducted this summer un­ of the NLRB. Mayor Kilmartin," Mr. Carroll Major League drew a free pass to first McOon- hitting the ball at a .348 cUp ami Clilrago was rescheduled fer - Prevlousl.v, the trio could be beard Murray did not give any elabor- vUIe then tingled O'NeU to third a^ual play finds one behind the Walker and BUI Schuler of Tale technique may be Interesting to ▼. AroBaon. of 516 Gardner atreet To Obtain Loan der the auspices of Zion Lutheran ' said today. Manchester . watch. has driven home 104 runs. Tony Sept. 28, originally an open dais ' at the Chianti only on Saturday ' atlon of the board's decision but A primary will he necessary, and aoored aa Corcoran waa out offtnsivs huddle, two even with were AU Star coembera. Mo Motu>- Mr. Aronaon waa arreated on that evenlnga. - and National Sunday School week. WANTED Johnson the line of scrimmage (one on each han; a Connecticut player who There ara many new shooters hM colleoted I I home runa to data for both eluba. ^ etexge Sunday night Auguat SI, i at a news conference after the however, to decide a contest for Bowling Green at first McOonvUla went to third that can now show good scores. in Pactflo Coast League play. Boston contimfefi to driva touard . Reaaon for the added evening of Bridgeport. Sept. 5—(Jpi — E f­ Zion Sunday school has had a meeting said that the CIO's Steel- , membership on the Board of Edu- snd on the play and aa the ball waa side), a fourth man in the defen­ performed at Dartmouth, complet­ at 9 M following an accident Hla dancing la that the trio ta proving limited transportation service foi I LEADERS d i sive backfleld and the fifth to the ed the All Star ila* of Nutmeg tal­ Don't let that flrst round you shot Luplen was In The ntajors on mcond place by .outslufgtng the ^ car had collided with another car forts to obtain a six per cent loan ! cation. The town committee ta tossed to third Jim caite all the two previous occasions, playing so popular with local night club- those parents who cannot provide 1 mt r r New BRfhind’a Finest rear of the defensive backfleld. ent In tha annual Herald Tribune you down. Trv It again. PblUlea. 6-5, of Ur apoUIng thorn driven by William A. Fuller at the of 3175,000 from Its stockholders for their children, ConsideraUon i ‘"dependent of the NLRB in , backing the nomination of Dr. J. 20 ■way ta with tha fourth and final Don't forget, the hunting sea- severnl seasons with ths Boston five ruiM Ui the fl:s i three innings. beih, the management feels that I Alfred Fabro and Jehn J. Walsh, Anderson By The Associated Press A fifth official was addsd to give Fresh Air Fuad game. Bdaraaction of Autumn and Oak havs bean abandoned by Bendlx la being given the extension of ! Baling Alleys run. sun Is orUy a few wsska away. Red Sox after graduating from A sparkling one-haA^ed catch by >,- atoeeU cauaing the Fuller car to patrona will welcome the Friday but the name of Mias Mary Carr, Natlaaai- Laagae McOonvUIe and Lata’a Ed evening policy. this service, especially to the un Get that place of iron off the wall Harvard and later with the Phila­ Horry V/olker of Ball Torgsoon's 3 lakm the highway and run into the Helicopter, Inc., East Main street. former principal of tbe East school c a r p e n t e r s PAINTING AND Batting — Walker, Philadelphia, FiaiUu were the only men to Hit of the Mayfali Trio la Ed churched children living at a dis- < ra m . i 654 Center Street and bring it over to ths sksst flsid delphia PhllUes. long drive with the b a m loaded :n teada of Fred Goehring on Autumn Stratford, bacauae the whoee contract was not renewed, DECORATING i A85; Reiaer, Brooklyn, A28. gather, more than one hit-In the and shoot, so you won't miss that u'enn’t enough to rave'.the Phite , atreet. Both cara were on the right Oilleo who aings In a manner not amount was not forthcoming ^ l i * O r l U r e c l was also placed in nomination at Runs batted in—Mize, New much different from that of Tony The DrnnnuH ^^e popularity of comics, it la 1 A p p ly Jarvis Bidldiiig game. McGuire who continues to Italian Amerks Plan ring-neck on opening day. as 81 Johnsfjn chalked up Adse’.Btoa -v aide of I t e road and no apeciflc rule last night's Interior and Exterior Work York. 119; Klner, Pittsburgh, 107, be the hard luck pitcher came up over Al Jiirlslch in relief. . . j waa brOkan. There waa an indl- Martin. The entire piogram of en­ given stoc^choidara "th.**” !**\,* further planned to supply, .with the ' Runs—Mlxe, New TorlL 118; Spurtn S rliP tlu le tertainment, in the comfortable fu b sV k l i I help of parents. "Bible Stories In | Bv Teen-Agers with six . I Another big inning by ClAcinna- i. aatlon of exceaalve apeed but no Jarvis Realty Co. 225 Hiffhland SL Tel 6»12 Roblnaon,, Brooklyn, 113. • ! 11 helped sink Plttrbnrg s .llttli deSnite evidence ao the Proaecutor aurrjundlng of the Rose Room, cents for 1?****^*! ***' Pictures," along the same general ■aoajr* (*) w i v r w y 1 « n u for each dollar loaned. .TtOOakSL Tel. 6914 Hits—Walkar, Philadelphia, 167; { AB R H P O a B To Field Grid Team Tanight ! dssper In the p*l- 3 tacoBimcnded the dlapoeal by a makes an. unforgettabls evening lines of comics, offering what ap­ 654 Center Straet Baumholtz, Cincinnati, 163. Chteka Are being returned to Mountain Hoir!e, Idaho, Sept. 5. McConvlUe, M . 4 Lata'a va. Norui Ends, 8:80- ' Inr via a 7-5 setback. The Balia. for those who sttend the show. peals to children, dramatic,' real­ Doubles —- Miller, Cincinnati, those who did subscribe. istically drawn pictures, vivid col­ —(iP)— A 14-year-old boy waa re-] McCarthy, sa .. 4 STAND Robartaon. ' scored BJi time* In the third in- Proaecutor Johnaon alao recom- Tbe au b Clilantl slso an- Walker. Brooklyn, and Ryan, Bos­ NagoUatlcna are In progress for ors, simple, language. These will cove.-ing todav from the effect o f ! John A. Lawler Corcoran, p ... 3 Appoint Koelschi Twi League Playoffs. PA's vs i nlng driving lower Mcl Qusen fto n f^ ■wnded a nolle in the caaa o f rack- notmees that Its recent move to Jeff tha sals of the corporation's new 12 days of torture at the hands o f ; ton, 29. Luppachinno, Sb 4 Yeoterday’s Rasulta West flirtea, 6:S3--Oval. ' laaq driviag againat JLouia Kllnk- reinstate pissa on tbe Chianti be Issued every weak. 81 Alton Street Triples — Walker, Philadelphia, i the hill. ' 5 buUdlng, In which it baa equity of two 'teen-age youths in an isolated Smachetti. lb .. 3 Manager; To Practice; Lttcal SfMtrt Saturday, Sept. 8 Bill Johnson’s error contrlbutsd J'. hammer.. ot 131 Summit atreet menu baa proven .a .tremendous For any service parents who 18: Muaial, SL Louis, 10. s Hartford 3, Wilkes-Barre . | / .i 3303,000 to an unnamed national mountain cabin at Smiths Prairie, McCooe, I f ...... 3 0 BA's va Slavkliu, 8 p m . — to the Woa’.iington Senators' 5-4 •■ •Uvar Lana Bua Company driver. success. More patrons than ever have no church home and are not Elmore County Prosecutor Perce j Home runs— Mize New York. Sunday at West Side;] Utica 5, Williamsport 3. before are eating the delicious corporation. That transaction Kosak, 0 ...... 2 OvaL night gome edge over the Nr.v '2 Y te anaat waa made by Patrol­ affiliated elsewhere are asked ' to Hall reported ^ 44; Klner, Pittsburgh, 41. Chatter Binghamton 8, ElnUra A. Saaday, Sept. 7 man George Dent Friday^ after­ ItaUan dish nightly. T b s . plaza la would yitid working capital auf- call 2-0408. ' A special display an- Jarvis, 2 b ...... 3 Mantelli Mav Coach ! York Yankees. Johiuon bobMsd Ed “ Tile youth—Joseph Cannon— Williams Oil Service Stolen bases— Robinson, Brook­ Albany 8, Scranton L Blueflelds vs. Legion, 3 p. m.— noon A u g ^ 39 at 4:50 after a rved only on Thursdays,' Fridays 8clent for short-term needs. fnouncement regarding Zion's Sun­ i Cermola, rf . . . . 2 Yost’s pop fly In tha seventh. Eud- ? miffeied burns from flaming gaso-| lyn, 34; Hopp, Boston, 13. The National Guards basketball National Oval. alight accident at the traffic li|ht end Saturdays. ' Bendlx operations In Stratford day School and church service ar­ O'Neil, r f ...... 0 Manchester will have two foot- ilv Lewis sacrUiced Yoot to second. * line, numerous briiacs from beat- | Strikeouts — Blackwell, Cincin­ team wlU hold a conditioning drIU CUiclnnati 7. Pittsburgh 5. Monday,. Sept. 8 te Main and School atreet The The exotic Rose Room of tbe hava been ronc-nfrated in two rangements will be found in the nati, 183; Branca, Brooklyn, 125. SUn Spence’s single to center ~ ings with tug chains from a horse Distributors of EVERY SAT. NIGHT Totals ...26 4 6 31 3 0 bsdl elevens this season with the tonight at 8 o'clock at ths state Brooklyn 3, New York 0. Twi I>>ague Playoffs, 5:45 — tea driven by Klinkhammer atruck North End night spot is proving small buildings on the 30-acre Herald tomorrow. \ Pitching—Jansen, New York, scored Yost with the tic-brealdng " harness and knife cuts during his' 8:30 P. M. Lata’s ( ) announcement yesterday that the armory. Any local player desliing Boston 8, Philadelphia 6. - the rear of a car which had atopped most popular aa tha acena of plant site during development of a 17-4, .810: Blackwell, Cincinnati, 8 run. Joe Page, a dolly ^ confinement. Hall said. , AB R to participate in tho session Is wel­ 8 t Louls-Chica^, postponed, auddenly at the ligh t Proaecutor counlleas wedding parties. The four-Ove place model "J" helicop­ .Average Salary 32.300 Gulf Petroleum Products ’Ttotost-Track In the Baatem 21-6, .778. Italian American club would spon­ rsin. / visitor, suffered hla seventh loss ^ Johnaon atated that inveaUgation Chlinti caters to thla type of af­ ter. Hall said Don Elders. 17, and; Braun, c ...... 3 0 sor a team. The other team beliffi come. Practice next week will bs due to JohiMon's muff. ' ’ CtreuHr on Monday, Wednesday and Fri­ hkd'ahown that there , waa no e\i- fair if reservations ara made in Leroy M. Landei-s .Ir., 16, waived ■ Cecere, cf . the Amcricai) Legidn eleven. American Iams! NighUn Fights Jeff Heath and Fred Sanford ' Hartford. Sep*. E—iPi—Public' .American League St. Louis 3, Detroit 1. dence of reckleas drivlim invoh’cd. advance to insure accommodS' a preliminary hearing on felony 1 WEST SPRINGFIELD Sleurpa, 3b . Jeff Koelsch, colorful promoter day sveiUng. e ____ i were ths whole story in L Loutet school teachers in Connecticut re -' Range ^ i l Fuel Oil Batting—Williams Bonton, .338; WaahAigton 8, New York 4. 8 ■Attorney George C. Leaaner re- tiona. Tha telephone number of celveu an average salary of $ ,- charges of mayhem when they Franks, 2b .. of sporU in RockvUle, has been 2-1 edge over Detroit. Heath hit hte ■ 1 2 j Mitchell, Cleveland, .333. Manchester la going to miss Rev. Chicago 4, Cleveland 3 ( 1 0 ). Utica. N. Y .-T o n y Vero, 152, the club la 6195. Pareuts of Twins I 500 during the past year, accord- | were arralgnetl before Probate TIekets Oa Sale At Tomco, rf ., signed to nmnage the IA grldaters. 25th homer after Johnny Berafdi^ Runs batted In--Williams, Bos­ James Young who has resigned his Only games scheduled. Rome, N. Y., knocked out Len Tag- U Q a rgi» ling to the annual report of the | Judge A. F. Anderson. Both Oadtai’a Banriee Sta., Main 8 L Meek. If ... The lA 's have complete unlfomM no walked In the rrtet Inning and > Gulf Gasoline and *lMotor Oils ton, 91; Henrli'h, New York, 87. position hers for a berth in Ullnoia. Standings lia 155, Utica, i. r o r S C C O l l C I A l i n e ; State Teachers Retirement system youUis were bound over to the Traygls, sa and will hold their Initial practice Sanford set down tbe Tlgera with Crocheted Comfort Runs— Williams. Boston, 103; Rev. Young waa interested liwboys Eastern Worceatar, Maos.—Jos Black­ ■to Governor McConaughy yester- I Dlst'^ict court under bonds of 3300 Zapatka, lb session Sunday morning at 10:30 five singles to hand Freddie Hutch­ Henrlch, NewTYork, 98. and coached a champloiuhlp baa- wood, 166,- Paterson, Ni J., stopped Youthful day. The report lists a total o f ; each. McGuire, p at th4' West Side 'Oval. W L Pet GBL inson hte 10th loss. Hutchinson QuaHty Products Hita— Peaky, Boston, 171;' KaU, ketball team la one of the Rec Jun­ U tic a ...... 48 .657 — Georgia Martin, 169, Boston, 5. Bridgeport. Sept. 5— (iP>— Mr. 1,127 former tcacheri, who a re! Hal' said the youths signed con- Football Is a new venture for the .88 drove In Detroit's only run with Detroit, 158. ior Leaguea last aeaaon. Albany ...... 80 53 .803 7H and Mrs. Charles W. Fitzgerald. now receiving $1,113,163 annually I fessipns detailing their abuse of Doubles — Boudreau, Cleveland, Totals ... 0- 5 lA Oub. Last fall the organisa­ his second single of the game in New and Used Wilkes-Barre .78 09 .A63 13^k Yealerdayte Winners In annuities or pertslons. Teachers j the Cannon youth, but were un 43; Wllllama, Boston. 34. Kaceys 0 0 0 tion started with a basketball team 30 Ocean avenue. Lordship, who Dependable Service It appears that only ona inde­ Scranton ___ .78 80 .559 18 New York, Hapt. 6—OP)— Win­ the ninth. Triples — Vernon. Washington, Runs batted in: Corcoran; Two In Rec Senior League play. During Chicago came up with two in tha became the parenU of twin boys | » t-335.013. j able to give any reaaon tor their pendent team will have um of the WUltemaport .81 72 .459 26H ners of yaat.erday’a feature races: r 12;______Phllley,______Chicago,______11. base hlla; Meek; Stolen bases; the aprlng and summer months a tenth to top Cleveland. 4-3. In an­ armory basketball floor this sea­ Hartford ... .56 81 .404 34 Aqueduut — Aladear (A. C. this week In 8 t. Vincent’s hospital Poland To Get Russian Grain I Home nina—Williams, Boston, Tomco 3, Franks; Bases on balls; team repreoenting the club waa a other night game after Hank'Ruas- Oil Burner Sales and Service Can—Trucks McGuire 4; Strikeouta: McGuire , son. The floor will be used throe Binghamton .52 83 .385 S6 Va Flrnstl 38.60, v for the secoi.d time In little more I Cost Of Marrying A t New Low 27; Gordon, Cleveland. .26. 8 member of the TuriUght Softball Hawthorne--Fast Pulse (J. H. kowBkl had tied the ecore in tha than four years. Warsaw, Sept. 5—i>P)—Food Corcoran l ; Hit by pitcher by Mc­ nights by the Guards basketball' Elmira .. ■ .61 85 A76 38 1986 OMsRiobile Sedan Stolen bases—Dilllnger, S t League. The lA ’s copp^ top hon­ Rouaa). 37.20. last ot the ninth with a pinch hit Malting it more than ever one i Minister Wlodzlmierz Lechowlcz- Nanking. Sept. 5—(>P)—The cost Guire 1; Umpires: Britner, Steven­ team, two nights for company d rill! nmeriran Respectfully Solicits Your 1940 Baick Sedan Louie. 29; PhlUey, Chicago, 21. ors in the latter leaiiue and are Narraganaett — Relph ar homer for the Tribe. Ed Lopat of those "one In a million" things! back from conferences in Moscow of getting married hit a new low Strikeouta — Feller, Cleveland, son; Time: 1:10. and ona night by tbs High school. I New York ---- 86 48 .639 341 Brood St. Phone 2-1257 now awaiting the playoffs which — .— . > 1 Boston (Mrs. BNa Rice) $10.80. . went ail the wav for his 14th en'e- Is the fact that the new born I —announced today that the Soviet In China today. Under a new law, Vote For The Office O f 1941 Dodge Coupe 168; Newhouser, Detroit, 153. they start shortly. ' ...... 71 .18 .550 13 wtu The Italian Ameilcaiui will again Detroit ...... 71 81 .538 13ii Garden Stale - Ineltelle (WII- oeas, defeating Boh Lsmoiv Two. twins, TerrenceAcrrrncc jonnJohn anaand KODenFlobert' ' ‘*“ *^** *'“ '1 “briccu Kreed tolu supply r.uianuPoland the Wic cerennony vvsbocoats «4Mjronly WW800 ^aaa-Chi- : A Mtea ■■ 1941 B a in Sedanet Pitching—Shea, New York, Brooklyn — Cheater Rico. 137, Several leading players of Italian .vinriss end a double by Raloh place a taam In the Rec Senior CHeveland...... 87 .515 , >.l Itam G. Hells) $48. Lawrence, will celebrate their 300,000 tons of grain to help i nese dollars (two cents in Ameri-I f i f l M X T A H I P *W e Solve the Burning Question** 1948 Chevrolet Coach 12-4, .750; Dvenr.lre, Detroit, tO-4, New York, outpointed Charles descent are expected to form the 88 18 Hodgin proved ileclelve in thi relieve anticipated forjd shortages | can money at the open exchange j Basketball Laggu* during the 1947- Philadelphia .. .88 83 .504 18 Dol.Mar Gaily B 312. birthdays on two different days. 1948 Dodge Dump' 714. - (Cabsy) Lewla, 182, Havana. 8. nucleus of the team with talent alao tenth. One waa born at 11:59 p. m. Mon­ until next summer, r irate). being drawn from RockvUle and 48 maaofi. Chicago ...... 83 70 .470 22^ The candidate Is a member'of: 1946 G.M.C. Dump Wenhlngton ...85 75 .428 38 day and the other five minutes The Dllworth-ComeU-Quey Poat, S t^ o rd . latef at 12:04 a. m. Tuesday. 6«Ton 4-Yard Gar Wood A coach wUl be appointed ohort- Wally Fortin witnessed the New St. Lou is...... 48 85 .881 S7Vfc Alnerican Legion York Yankees In action last week Natteasl The FltsgerAlds' first twin sons. 1946 G.M.C. Cab Over 1y and it appears that Elmo Man- 1 The Army A Nni-y Club at the stadium and cgme , boms Brooklyn ...83 SO .834 — ■ Donald and Ronald, were born 1947 Packard Custom teUl will be the man.. Any player Tho Diaabled American- Vetorsna with a ball which was hit into ths S t Louis ...... 7 5 55 .577 Ms The National Aeronautical Assoc., desiring a tryout will be weloome 8 I May 4. 1943. in .St. Vincent’s hos- Super. Black statads. •■Boston ...... 74 80 .553 9«,i I pital. Mrs. FiUgerald is the for- and la President of the Oeronlme THE FALL OF THE YEAR Sunday. " OFFtCiAL NOTICE 1947 Packard Cuatorn New York 83 .512 IS it's time Club, whose members are aU ex- 'The town has been without two ....8 8 I mer Ann WaUat of Stratford. Her Dog Warden Lee Fracchla was Paratroopera. Super, Blue footbaU teams for a number CinclimaU ____84 73 .471 20% ' husband is .manager of Fits's res­ ot "skunked” out at oae of his recent Mr. Lawler was a member of 1947 Packard 7-Paaa. yeara. With two clubs operating Chicago ...... 58 73 .448 24 taurant. 1471 Stratford avenue. A Good Time calls. The Ufe of a dog warden MAKING VOTERS the 506th Parachute Infantry and • -» ' it is expected that a town series Philadelphia ..54 .Tl .413 38 you wore- isn't the best, especially when you attached to the lOlst Airborne SCHOOL of ART win be plajred later In the season. Pittsburgh ....84 78 .409 31% The Selectmen and Town Clerk of the Town of Man­ handle situations such- a* chasing Division. . A Qvte4 Pep Up! MeanwhftgHho lA 's are angling for Today’s Gamee those Mack and whits animals Brazilians Due chester hereby give notice that they will b# in session at > to Make 'several home playing dates at Mt. Hartford at Wilkes-Barre. Complete Fine and Cemmereial AH Courses. around houses. Lee has picked up the Towfi Clerk’s Office in the Municipal Building for P U L L L E V E R 21-a SPiOIK PLUGS ' Nebo. ^ J Utica at WUItaihsport. . . * a new nickname from "Mr. Chan­ a To Vi.sit State the purpose of e.xamining the quulidcations of electors Qeaaeid and Adjusted Day or Erening.. Coedueatlbnal. Approved. Albany at Scranton. VOTE REPUBLICAN and B i^ d ; • Stadium OanM Toolght ey" to ‘Tony the Skunk Hunter." Binghamton at Elnnlra- and admitting the ELECTORS’ OATH those who $e Each Large, experienced faculty. Four buildings. Americoa 'rJ better Hartford, Sept. 5— Ten di­ shall be found qualified on 'the following days: New York, Sept. 5-r(8V-The The Manchester Country^plub te Now York (Wsnaloff 3-0) at rectors of BrazlUan trade schools Let U8 suggest m reliable Write, phoni New Haven 6-3186 or visR. Ap- New York Yankees, unveiling stUl in dire need ot a praos repre- Washington (Hudson 6-9)— night mntative. This department has of­ .Boston (Dobson 15-7) at Phila­ are .slated-, to arrive here tomor- Sutiinluy, Septeiub6T"i!^« ami Satunlay, ANDOVER— ^ carpenter or contractor Buddy Young for ths honw-town plications will be considered in order received. fans, open tnsir Yankee Stadium fered cooperation hut has received delphia (Schelb 4-8)—night. I row and Mmain for the next two Immediate occupancy — New N e w B r a k e s shirt : to do your job. \ season tohight - when they clash very little in return. The sooner Cleveland (Feller 17-9) at (Chi­ September 20, from 9 a. m. until 8 p. ni. 4-Room Singles with two unfln- ■ weeks visiting Connecticut trade FORD with the Chicago .Rockets. In' ths tbe club appointa a man t o handle cago (Paplsh 13-10)—night. 1 Bchools and factories. They will be Isbed upstairs. Open stairw-ay, only other All-American Football the publletty’the better off It will . Only games achethlted. Said first session may bo publicly adjourned from fireplace, oil bonier, garage In OUR INVENTORY INCLUDES: I ll Whltnoy Av«} • * Now Horan, Conn. I the guests of the State Board of C H E tnO lE T OMiferanca gama, C3aveland'g he for Ote litembership who have Ifatlooal Wj Mra. Anae Cbbot j Education and-the State Develop- time to time but no session shall be held later than Sat­ basement. "* Largo Iota. Sale ^ eedar Bhinglea No. 1 for aide waUs or root— IE ’ aad 18" pe^ been griping for the post few years Brooklyn (King 5-81 'at New otUt/ ’ A doubla t^muted baby Jacket Browns, playoff cbamploiu lost ' ment commission. Prloes 38,950 to $9,450.' Down factions* year,'launch their 1947 campaign on lack of space given |olf events York (Jansen 17-4). tkat ia "a ty M '' for warmth and 8221 urday, September 20, except .a session to examine and Paymmts $1,500 to 37,400. PLYMOUTH S t n r iiip 1 /' I Forty Instructors of BVasllian admit those whose rights shall have matured after Sat­ a 1x8 Shcattabig Boards (N . C. Roofers) ■ , againat the surprising Buffalo BlTls Philadelphia (Helntaelman 8-7) dsaignsil for tha novlca to crochet. 12-20 trade schools haye been in this Terms Arranged. a Gold Bond Sheathing — 955.00 per M. \ The Oak Orill and S t Jamea T t e aarilaat of stitches are used at Cleveland. - J at Boeton (Spahn 16-9)—night By Sue Burnett ■ since last May. urday. September 20 and oii or before Monday, October a Carey Asphalt Roof Shlagles softball teams will play .tonight at Only games scheduled. ao btadanars taka beodl! Make the If you’re the tailered type, you'll' . directors will Join the tn- 6, 1947, which session shall be held on Saturday, October a Framing — 3x3 to 3x13 lie Caae Cad Shifl—east thm* te euewiMiieto- sat or aoft all wrol yam, plcot the MANCHESTER— $ 8 . 9 5 6:15 at ths Charter Oak lota. adore the casual,, well groomed phases of their 4, 1947, from 9 a. m. until 12 noon, i _ . Immediate occupancy — New • Pine, Oak. Birch Flooring I New Type af Bxarcteea ta-maasuro—la cut froie Via (InaM avsHsbIa broadcloths and Mferda aBSM 'With a contrasting color of a Bam Sash, Window and Door Frames Installed. MIDGET AUTO RACES BMrearlaod ootton, nslng the same air of this youthful frock; Have a ■ G?);’; , ?? Naturalized citizens must present naturalization 4-Room Singles, 3 unfinished Tbe American Legion footfall TaHarad br aapart New Enstand woadlawoiwaw arhaaa amsN, d«aa demure white collar, or if ypu pre- * Britain upstairs. .Open stairway. Hre- e Sewer and Drain TUe REPAIR WORK team will hold a prggUce acaston (tembrldga. Sapt 6—OP) golor ambroidary ot. tha collar and fer doen the neck end add anft Bridgeport and factories at certificate before being admitted. - Documentary evi­ a Cement, Plaster aad Cinder Blocks atitahaa ara tha Nad yaw lind le flha cuttam mwk. ptyUna of eoiiara tha drawatrtnga that form the cuffs plaoc, oil burner, garage in tonight at 8 o'clock at Mt. Nate. —Shadow-boxing aAd rope-skip­ dence must be presented in all cases of derivative citi­ CM ar Poets and Roatio Fenctag TOP DOLLAR In tbs event Inclement waatber, o f the Jacket and bonnet ruffle. * ingford. The tour will wind up at basement. Large lets. Sale at ping are among the imw azaort- •"0 dotaita af flnWi are far' man of eanaarwafiya goad laaM aha host of compliments: zenship. BolkWrs’ Hardwara CHERRY PARK SPEEDWAY OF ALL KINDS a skull session grill ba held at the Far a boy Just button on the cq>- the Eastern States exposition at Prices 910.800. Down Payments J FOR YOUR ment of coordination exerctees Pattern No. 8221 cofhea in sizes $3,300 te 33,000. Terma Ar­ a Oataide and Interior House Paint AVON. CONN. Legion Homs. AU positions on the Coach Dick Harlow has instituted aearaeiata iwaariar thirtmaUna. Boaita aids aa tha atlteh la saplan- Springfield, Mass., on Sept.' 18. • S ign ed: a Other Building Materials aad that you dbn’t have to make 12, 14, 18, 18 and 20. Size-14, short SHERWOOD G. BOWERS, ranged. CAR OMOoiiTg ivr WANTED team are open. to keep hte guards and tachlea on Bsparata tettonboles# The match- sleeves, 4 yards of 39-inch; yard CECIL W. ENGLAND, their toes, UteinUy and figurative­ $ contrast. To Give (lilldren Lolly'pop* DRIVE OUT AND LOOK OUR PLACE OVER! Kitchen caMnets a f sll Manag*' Ah Eagleaon ot the ly. Relay raesa for tha backfiald 3.95 tng boiuut baa a swaet face fram SAIJCSMEN ON THE For this pattern, send 25 cents. ('A R L E. HULTINE. Brttteh Araerieaiui announced teat man help to liven up tha grind of tng ruffla and fits anugly on the AugustarMe., Sept. Car­ It’s to park, and easy to do business. Large and tjrpM madb ta ardar. In Coins, your name, address, size RAYMOND E. HAGEDORN, PROPERTY SATURDAY .night that hte team would angage twlca-a’-day pra-eaaaon drlfia. M M to aatlafy the moet exacting rying 500 lollypopB for children of small orders 'solicited and delivered. desired, and the Pattern Number Caantara with fanaks ^tba Slavkins of Bast Hartford ct motbora I Europe. U. S. Rep, Margaret C. .lOHN H. LAPPEN, T a obtain eotnplata crocbatlng to Sue Burnett. The Manchester topa ffisdt ta order for Saturday aftampon at ths Oval at I Smith (R-Me) departed by plane JOSEPH H. RUSSELL. 3 b’etew. The Blavkina ’ reoaatly Senriw la the Iteeee el tnatyuetidu and i« t c b Uhiotratton Evening Herald. 1130 A^nue I laat night for Washington- to start HAROLD A. TURKINGTON, ALLEN REALTY CO. iruniier s ■taraa. rtatsnrantfi. ate. for Craehta Comfort Baby Bat Amaricas, New York 19, N. Y REALTORS McKinney Lumber & Supply .pt> Hartford Twi- I on a trip to central Europe, the Board of Selectmen. 818 f ABT C E N T E R BT. Uflfht League ehampionahlp. . NARRMANSm (pattara 'Uo. 5590) aend 15 -aenta Bahd an WdlUonal twenty- Near East and North Africa. Mra. V 180 CENTER STREET ’TPa Top Notdi At The Notch" five cents for a copy of the Fall SAMUEL J. TURKINttTON, TELEPHONE 8|95 TELEPHONE 5191 ( 6 5 te la rlta A L IA U te a i to coin plua 1 east poataga. Your Smith will head a Houoa Medical ROUTE 44 BOLTON NOTCH Nu Homes, Inc. ] A^^MMto . nama, addnaa and tha pattern and Winter Fashion. It'a filled Town Clerk. > TELEPHONE: MANCHE8 TB;R 5380 Fall River, Mo(M.— Bobby Eng-' committee making the tour with a All Uaea nl Inanmnce. 209 Woodland Stroet Uab, i814(.’ Fall River, outpointed j mewirnts. faLI898 7MMAIN w______nsmbar to Anne Cabot. The Man­ with smart, wearable styles, the House Military subcommittee. The Inrindlag l-lte. Branch Office A t 503 Main St., Manchester, Conn. ' Open TU 9 P. M. ner Herald, 1150 Avenue of the latest' fashion news Dated at Manchester thi.s 6th day of September, 1947. ’ Every Night Tel. 6742 Jimmy McLamln, 133%. Neto Bed- .....__ spetisl feat- groups will study the U. Br armed 5lortgnxca Arranged EVERY SUNDAY 8:30 P.M frwd. Meee.; A 1 «l D iNUiirii) 11(1*1 .KIRli';*i>K.riM ricaa. New Totk 19, N. Y. ***^**- Free pattern printed in book. ) forces and industrial conditions. f '1 ' f dANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANniF-STER. CONN . FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 5.1947 PACE THIRTEEN MANCHK8TER EVBNINa flKRALD, MAnVHRMTE*. UONW, m iDAT, SEPTEMBEIt «, 194T AucUoneer—WM t am I offered Don’t change seats In canoes un- A surgeon removed a razor' ItMlNEKVILLi: IXILKS BY KONTAINB FOX for this beautiful bust of Robert se you want your friends to rend blade from tM throat of a profee- rSaM Heads SI Wsurtug A'ppure*— Kuiu ^ H i te r dele 71 HostaCM Sarrvicta OfftrM IS M«s1m —T ra rtiln f— Help Waalcg—Mala Si Burns? eU eiiont what you need to be like- Motial who had been swallowing ''S n e e z e r " W ILKINS, W o r l p *s W o r s t H a y F e v e r S u f f e r e r , AalaaMMlM for Salt FOR BALE—Boy's clothes, sixa LOVELY ir.odeni prewar four- SensQ and Nonsense Man in Crowd—T M t ain’t —In the obituary eoJumns. them tor SO yaara Twas a close Btarac* EXPERIENCED sheet nsaUl man. FLUOR proMeaw aelvod wUS Burns . . . thafa Bhakeepeare. ■have. H A 5 A V i o l e n t A t t a c k i n t h e S t a t i o n e r y S t o r e m n r SacrlBea. IM l Chaorolat EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON Uodrum, eephaN Uie. teuatai 5-10. Phona 7594 batwean 9 and room alngle, nice location. Im- Also ona to learn trada. Phene nSaculato thrauflliout Oil burner, Auctioneer—WeU, folks, the Tom—I eaw Brown the other Hf men. the home or tM humbleet dweller. needed. James and Marie Clerk, ' —O’^annoo. der If everybody la looking. Tom— Kleetog bar. Pfomptneas with appointments 595 Mlddla Tumpika Eaat VAN CAMP BROS. V’B BUT and aaU good used Without i t Ufa la harah—srith It nsuaUy makes you watt. MOVINO.' boueehoM goode and EXPERIENGED wet finishing furniture, comMnatioa ranges, 39 Griffin road. Phona 7833. J T «r l « o t F o r S a le TE L. 6244 Wsuiv ->Te Huy 58 men are finer. It la an aaeet for It has been dlecovered that eheee 1940 FORD eonvartlbla club. Ifaw pianos moved anj(wberf in the help wanted. Apply Matson MtU, gM ranges and fieatera. Jones' 4 Huebend (watching pretty girl its poeaeaeor. It Is a key tliat un­ TeUlng tMm B seth^i they T o S e U top and paint. A rlaan car. 32 auto. Also ganaral tAieking and wwi played as eariy aa 800 B. C H m pursuit of happiness U guar­ T o B o y KADIO — Cleetrtcai Appliance Inc., 65 Mataon HIU Road. South Fumitura Mtora. SS Oah. Phone WANTED TO Buy Uaed SS" EAST HARTFORD OB the street) — She wears her locks doorwaya of opportunity and wantant to MarI la tM aaaiest way to Cornell atraat. rubbiab removsd. Pianoa our make people believe yon. Somebody must have come upon anteed by the eonarituUon, but Mervtce. repairs pleked up and Glastonbury. 5-I04I.______tlree for uee on camp trailer. TeL clothce weU. craatca relarionshlpa that a n last­ two A.ce Electric Motor Repaira, 231 EXI'ERIENCTED fixer wanted for end eaveral other articles of BROKEN Jewelry wanted. All effoH—eo great the return—cour­ ford 5-1431 woolen automatic looms. Apply Exclusive With: '-L Jane—What cheek! Cne teat of Intoxication la to Aaa»aaw ^u 1 COLE MOTORS N O ^ Main atraat. oppoalta De­ furniture. Phona 6130. kinds. Highest caeh prices paid Mary—Neitbar. Smack on the tesy.” blow up a toy baUoon. The theory A Texes rancher uaes a plane Gelatin Is eald to double human pot entrance on Noiih ficbool Mataon Ml.T Inc., 85 Matson HUI for rings, Jawalry, apectaclea, TH EO D O R E J. L A G AC E TEL. 4164 JAMBS MAimi, OenerM truck­ Road, South Gteatonbury. PIANO BENCH, baby carriage, Ups. perhaps being tM t only a 'drunk to round up-ptray cattle. Here'e Here physical endurance. Ebicept when M X oa today. Wall UU you how ■treat. Pb9na 5542. ing. lUnga and fuai oUa, ashes gold teath, diamonds, broken and A California woman has left her would be eo silly. hoping he len’t beading for tM you try to get It to jrour mouth • ^ It l« to MV«. Oanaroua ro- drop-leaf tables, Simmons beds, 01 and nibbiah ramovsd. Band uaabla watchss, etc. Cash mailed Real Estate and Insurafice Wife (On a boating excuralon)— huaband eix rimes, alwaye rsCurn- last craek-up. on a fork. tutna An Mvlnts up to $9,000, 1955 FORD Pheaton. clean, good ELECTRIC Motor repair and twin and doubles, PVlor chairs, promptly. Write for Free ship­ gravsl. fill and loam. Pbotia 4535. Help Wanted— Male or children’s writing dlska,\ waah U tM boat foundered, whom would ing after a week. One look at Wife—John, Is It trus that mon­ fully iiaurad. Mancheatar BnHd- motor. Can 4977 after 0 p. m. motor rewinding, aervlce on all ping ooniainer. Lowe’s, Holland 470 Main Street, Manchester tM chaos moat M enough. electric appliances. Phone 9011 . Female $7 stands and bureaus. Ice box In you eave first the chUdrea or me? ey talM? Nothing Is so good as R Hal—He’s been elttlng there all taf aijd Uoan AaaoetatloB, Inc, Udg., S t Louis, Mo. Huaband—'Hiat’s wM t they say, 1941 HASH 500. Four-door sedan or 9258, Inquire 32 Foster street good condition, large bookcase all Huaband-^a. bsforehand.—Goorga EttoL day, dotog nothlag but wasting hie Painting—-Papering 2t WANTED—Home demonetratore, Phone 6471 or 2-9742 Spirituellet—Ah, 1 hear the spir- my dear. time. Oean, axcallent mechanical con­ kinds of Chairs aad rockera, Flor- MANtmESTBR’S dealer tn raga, Wife—Well. 1 wish you’d leave a ALL MAKES ol eewtng mautunae FOR QUAUTY, prtoa. sorvloa. 3 to 4 hours a day, $10 to $30 a aaca aU oil atova, practically new. Moat o t ns can get along with Itjif your late wife knocking. Thara la no protdam to human Cal—How do you know? ParaoaalB dition. Good tires (two new), new paper and scrap oMtala ealla at Husband—Wbo’e she knocking little here to talk to me during the relations which men of good wUI Hel—Because I’ve been watching -t- battery and ahock absorbers. eapertJjr repaired dtngat dewing oonault Albart Uuay, ‘'The l.oins day. Unlimited opportunity. Ad­ All klnda of three-way lamps. We your door and paya you hlg boat Lota for Sal* >73 booetera, but not eo weU with price dress Box RM, Herald. » boosters. now? day. I get eo lonely. cannot aotvo.” WANTCt)—Ride to Capitol are- Heater,- alr-coaditloning. Best of. MaciiUie Co., gai MaU etreat Ownenf Palntst.'* CompUU Ur buy and sail good us^ fumitura prtcaa Oatrinaky. 183 BuaaU Tal 8>S5.______terior aad eaterlor painting serv- street Phone 8870. BUILDING Lots at the Green. See pua and Slfoumey etrect. Hart- far this week-end Ukes IL 51 a v a i l a b l e poeittons for all nia Old MIU Trading Post, 17-19 Wm. Kai'chL contractor end MICKEY FINN Honest Hugol LANK LEONARD 9»fd. alelnity of Underwood, from Lenox street, Manchester. Ica. papsrbanging, spraying and Maple etreet Telephone 3-1089. MANCHES'I'EK typaa of office and tachnicel per­ WE BUY raga papers and scrap builder. 510 Center street rtnrra xms— MlM a Turnpike Caat and floor rsfi.4tahtng. - SsuafacUon sonnel. Most desirable openino iMrNssflH HvRaiirete, |fi 'i*M IS ABLE ID PUSH TEI.KHHONE 5418 Poultry and Supplieu 43 Inquire 285 Hackmatack street garage avallabla. Call 3-3044 < $ > damaga Bxnsrt work. Edward R after 5:50 p. m. IC A K T- IT'S BEEN NBnDTNEWIALLi WANTCD— Ride from Buekland Prlca. Phona 3-1008. PONTIAC MesUr 8, radio and ALL APPLIANincs eervtced end FOR SALE—3,000 ready to lay WHITE Enameled stx-bumer Saborban for Sal* 75 WS L IIE ‘9 WORK > Road to Cheney Brothers, one sex-link pulleta. Still on the LARGE ONE-room heated apart­ seaak 7 to 1, neat week 5 to 11. haater. Oood oondlUon. Call 5443. repaired, burners refrigerators, INTERIOR and exterior palnUng comblnaUo.i gas and coal stove. NEAR WAPPING — 10-rooxqs. ranges, washers etc. All work paperhangirg, floor sanding, range. Nathan Miller A Son Like new. White enameled Buck­ ment for one adult only, $23 Phone 5339 1087 DODGE sedan, In good con- North Coventry. Manchester monthly. Inquire 10 Depot partly converted to 2-famUy. Oil guaranteed. Metro nervice Oo., and rsflnlahlng calking, roofing, eye two-plate coal and wood dlUon. Can tie eecn at 14 Knigh­ Square, A pt 4. heat 3 baths, artesian wen, 3- Co. CTRL Would Ilka ride to vicinity Tel. Manchester 3-0558. 'prewai prlcea. 13x19 room paper­ 8511. heater stove. Ward’s Sunlight oil car garage, H acre. Low taxes. C £ > of Pearl an'* Main etreeu, Hert­ ton etreet between 5 end 7 p. m. ed, $13. Now booking outalde burning apace heater. Call 8970. WE HAVE ttnest asaortmenU of FOR SALE—White Pekin ducka, FURNISHED room, kitchen privL $10,000. Robert O. Jobnatoa, 585t* ford. from Oak and Cottage YOU WANT a good claan carT spring end eummer contracts. old and young. Inquire 550 Lydall ledgea middle-aged lady prefer­ atraate, houre 1:15 to 5. Phone kitchen Itnoieuma Also tUs and Spray or brush. CTall R. IL Wab- OLENWOOD combination gaa and Bee our eeiebUon first. All care wall eovsringt. ManehesUr Floor red. On bus line. Write Box X, 8507. ater. 5959. ■treet — - ---- . oil range. Ebicellent condlUon. Wanted~Rcal Batat* 77 guaranUed. 0>le Motors, 4154. Oovsili.g Co., 5b CntUgs atrset. 175 Summit etreet Herald. a ■ahi Kt-ndinii*, fee. Call 5888. Articles for Sole 41 WE BUY AND SELL ABtomoMln fot Sal* 4 Tailoling— Dycinf— 1948 INTERNATIONAL truck. LAWN MOWERS eharpenad, re­ REX Hot water gaa heater. Phone NK7B CLEAN room for rent On REAL ESTATE FUNNY BUSINESS BY HEKSHBBRGKR CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER BOOTS AND HER BUDDIBS Important BY EDGAR MARTIN 1 ton pickup. Phone-5849. paired. Range inimera cleaned. Cleaning 24 FOR s a l e :—13-gauge slngla-ber- bus Una. Phone 6537. IMI PONTIAC two-doot ioTl rel ahotgiin, end Springfield 3-3178 after 8:80. All Lines of Inanraiie* 9HrU;NS»-nND RkHAHam . rOOMT yo (£c^ ... A Installed. Washing raaehinaa, DRESSMAKING, women's and J Kto OHCaM' NOU BO MWrT'WOOrtB t «IOW YMfiT Poatlae sedan. IMO Pontiac 1957 OLD8MOBILE coupe, good model 84-C bolt action. Can be FOR SALE—Steam furnace, in­ muowa U4 TM NOT A KID toW fiON* sedan. 1941 Chevrolet amlan de­ condlUon. Extras. Can be ee«n vacuums 'rpairtd. saws lUsd children's. Alterations and but FOR RENT—Bedroom for rella TH E O D O R E J. U G A C E Pickup and delivery. Friendly seen 135 Center street. cluding pipes and ten radiators. l ^ T f r o m ------OO T MSS NOD, SHNKN livery AH care guaranteed. Cole 154 Benton street after 4:50. ton holes mads. Phone 3-3650, or ble gentleman. Phona 3-1520. 470 Main Street AMMDSfSLWP Fixit Shop. 718 North Main. Tal Telephone klancheater .5600. 26 * Motora $1M- 38 Seaman Clrcia. CUNCRETTE Block machine 1958 PLYMOUTH aport coupe. 477'!. Makes 6 types of blocks. $75 Linden street. Tel. 6471 and 2-9742 1943 CHEVROLET flve-pasa4ngcr Oood condition. Two new tlree, cash. Flagstone Block Co., Route TWO Steel window frames with Bolum for Rent 65 BUYERS Waiting. For prompt, duh coupe radio and heater. In new paint. Sacrifice. Phona 7303. KAliiO niMH fixing! Have It re­ Munieal— Dramatic 29 ps'reo oy «a parts Pick-up serv 6 Bolton. TeL Manchester 3-0617. acreans, perfect condition. 3 ft 9’’ eourtsoua action, Hat your prop­ firat-claae oondltlon. Can be seen PIANO TUNTNG. repairs, recon­ wide 4 ft 2" high. Call 3-0392. at 41 Btge.ow street after 8. No Ice, g'leraniaed work. SeU check A-1 BLACK loam, 8 yards, $10; X erty with Suburban Realty Oo« 1058 BU1C3< Special 40. $400 ditioning. etc. John (Vickerbain, ReMtora, 571 Center street I ed r the r.ome Car redloe i waU atone, 5 ton# $12; grey flag- dealers. ■______Phone 5776. •;>e-'4aJty. Mar.chaeter Kadtr 38 Bigelow street. Phone 4319. COOLERATOR. 100 Ibe capacity. Phone 8315. , atone, $9 per ton; bank run road $29; aeveral serviceable rugs $10 RENT SEEKERS LET US 1947 Sa-vtce, 7b Birch street Phone gravel. 3 yards $5. Tal. Manches­ 2-084U. *• each; 8-plece walnut dining set HAVING RUAL EaUte proUamar 1036 CHEVROLET sedan. Rea­ Kusinem Opporlunitlea 32 ter 2-0517. $49; antlqi'.r Empire eofa and HELP YOU LOCATE A City and farm property bought N A S H S E D A N sonable. Phone 5722. chest of drawers, both mahogany and aold by caUlng ^ L McCann, SIIKK1 METAL WORK FOR 8AIJC--8lxteen-room room- KCPPiCR'M tnermostatlc contra! 500 M ILES for furna-.e. Used one season and very old, $90 for both; roll­ Realtor. Phona Mancheater 7700. Hot All Fumeee Repelrlni. ing-houae and furnishings. An­ top deek, $19; dropleaf kitchen RENT Auto Arrrsoorlf*— fires « nual Incon r $4000. Prii# $10,800. (converted-to oil), $15. Phone»2- WANTED—A single or two-fam­ New Hof All end AU OwuBUonlng table, $7; Weatlnghouee roaster • COLE MOTORS • Ebirellsnt opportunity for Q. I. 2044 80 laurel street oven with cabinet $25; lounge ily home In Mancheater or on t Wo -W H E ^ Camp trailer, Fumaeew IiwtalM Call owner 5825. outekirta. WlUlng to pay today’s BY V. T. HAMLIN ______TEL. 4164______'equipped with tIghU and fenders. 28’ EXTENSION ladder, flve-etep chair, $7; bureau and mirrors, No charge at all if we fail, A L L E Y OOP Who WantaToPlay? Bevee lYouah and Oonduetot $10; gaa powered home Ugtatlng market value In ceah. WIU wait ■PM Call after r p . m. 7691. *topnirUui. ladder, Lionel electric train out­ We have placed 14 tenants in Help Wanted— Female 36 unit, portable, $25; desk, $5. .Odd reasonable time for occupehey. 1981 — CHEVROLET two-door fit, auto defrosting fan. Phone Write Box A, Herald. NEW TIREfl. new recaps, used NORMAN KKNTZ 4531 or 41 Campfleld road. chairs tablei. etc. OiU rear 169 the past two weeks registerei ■adaa. I$5 Call 3-9035 after 5:50. tlrss snd tulMs. Expert vulcanis­ WANTED—Olrl for stock room 377 itunire Strvet Middle Turnpike Eaat, Friday with us. Hours 9 a.m. to 4 :30 YOUR REAL EIBTATB DODC8C. 1057 four-door sedan, ing. 8 hours recapping servics. Tel 9855 for sorting and bundling. Apply NEW a n d used Koyai Portable snd Saturday. In person only Manchester Coat. p.m. Open Thursday evenings PROB1EM8 ARE OURS good eondltlon Phone 5558 'after Manchester TIra end Recapping typewriters ’ Immediate deUvery WE BUY AND. SELL FOR CASH Co.npany. Broad street. Tele­ Apron and Towel Supply, 73 Ubera. lero,s and trade-ins. Re­ CRIB. Hlgh-chalr and washing machine. All In good condition till 9 p.m. Rental Service ARRANGE MORTGAGES • e- ” ^ ______phone 8855 Open 8 a. m. to 7 p. Hnuni hold Srrvtreo Summit street pairs on all makes Marlow’s 887 BEFORE YOU BELL. CALL US itto m. I Main atreet. Phone 7445, or 52 Earl street Bureau, 869 Main Street. Man- OITrred 13-A HOUSEKEEPER wanted by bual- NO OBLIOA'nUN 1056 PONTIAC. $290. Call 2-9701 che.ster. Phone 4168. w FUAT Finish Holland window ness woman with 7 year old child l o t s OF fine woolen pleceg for MUELLER 20" caat Iron or steel BRAE-BURN REj- L FY CO. t-T yocp BOV'S BltnrCLE, very good con­ Four-room apartment, laundry children’s snd misses gsrmenU furnace, $159. All alsee In etock. 118 BAST CENTER STREET shades made to measure.,* Keys Realtors Phona 0373 or K '79 __ MASH '80fl'^ beautiful condi-' dition. KesaonaiHe. Phone 2-1003. made while you wait Marlow’s. sent out, excellent salary to re­ at 1939 prices! Help your^lf to Devino Company. Waterbury 3- Uon. radio and neater; 1988 Ply­ liable and capable person. Own big savings at Colonial Remnant 3896. L181 YOUR property Residential mouth. radio gnd heater. Needs a LICT US waah vuur walla by ma­ room. Wednesday and Sunday Shoppe. 119 Center street and buatnass. Hava many clients **The quarterbAok abeent-mindedly called the atleet num. Molorrvrlex—-Ktcyflea II chine. Does a rvally clean |ob afternoons and evenings off. THREE-PIE(rE living-room set IttUe work* $450. Town» Motors. davenport and two chairs, A-1 Wanted to Kent 68 George U Graxiadia Realtor IU9 ber of hit blond gin friend'” Inc., 45 West center street. Tel. Preserves paint, saves, redecor­ Phone 3008 from 9 to 5 only. Henry atiwet Phone 5378. WOULD Like to trade 28" boy’s ating Behrend's Cleanlni Serv­ >4 H. P. EL.ECRIC motor. Oafta- condition. Living-room oil bum $J»7. ______SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH bicycts, In good condition for ice. 144 High street Phona 5859 EXPEKIE 'CRD saleagirl *.o work man. Tel. 8823. er, like new; lawn mower, day WANTED To Buy for cash —5. 5 iinnifiriTnui 1057 PONTIAC Master 8. radio 30 '' bicycle In similar condition at ihkery counter. Apply at bed, English coach baby carriage. or 7-room single house or good FRECKLES AND IIS FRIEND Too Many Ideas BY MERRILL a BL088BR and heater. Good condition. Call i Phtne 3-2044. lA L t rKilKV'M Household Merv- Muncheatei Bakery. 21 K fr y Phone 2-0372. LANDLORDS WILL YOU two-family. Reply immediately. Ics for expert oieaning ol flotira. atreet. ti H. P. Weatlnghouee motor. eewtieweYmaaaaweatT.>i.aeaaawH;ar,. T-d- . ! oomi Confidential, Box Q, Herald. 111 e * iM ,{ walla, nige, upholstery, windows Phone 2-9.15'* after 5 p. m. FOUR R of furniture, while HELP US TO FIND RENTS MfRTCOMeS 19$1 PONTIAC tsto-door, radio' Wanted Aulon— kitchen stove, combination oil LAaO.HILOlA/ MEET 'THIS BUS-HEAKTEOl odd |ohs Phone 1500. WOMAN for housework, full or ’U$o your loft! You’ro making me look liko a dopa!” NOW liiAT / THE Bl& CAT ILL POnHVE and heater, Excellent condition. Molorcycire 12 BAB'Y CARRIAGE. Uke new. 38 and gas. Call at 28 Cottage part time. Phone 3670. Homea. FOR SbME NEEDY SCHOOL’S WOlEKINd' )«R.K, ir IF SHE , Fui) parUcnlara. Call 3-2583 after Drive D. Silver Lane street or te'ephone 2-2198. STARTro. MAN a5kses ME ID.' KEWARO of $’48 or more to the YOU TWO '5 p. m. liuildinK— Conlractlnic I f Phone 2-1288. VETERANS? VACANT PRISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMEER HALF. STUfr / parson lexdli g us to the pur­ WOMAN to live In and care for WHITE Enamel Ice box. Good SIx-Boom Single loeated on SHOULD BURY WAY/ IS SIIXY/. child while works. Hus­ i k r DODGE sedan, radio and chase ot e good 1037 to 1047 cer. CARPEN'rER, Ci*ntract6r. build­ condition, $20. 4 Drive D. Silver Middle Tumpike, Eaet, near THE HATCHET / T Broad Street Motor Seles. 3926 er, new construction. Also spec- band sway Phone 2-9520 after 8 KnatA and Acceesonea 46 header, good condlUon. Inquire Lane Homta. Phone 4250. We specialize in obtaining Parker StreeL Steam heat with SHMlddle Turnpike East. ladring In kitchen cabinets. Rea­ p. m. oil burner. Oak floore through­ NEW 2.5 h.p. Flambeau, $99; 3.5 rents for tenants and we get IluatneiM aarmree lIHered l!t sonable. Cal' fui free eatlmalea. HIGH School girl to care for chil­ Johnson used, $40; 3.3 Evlnnide. out. Oarage la baaetneuL A ■ 1967 Chevrolot Fleetmaster W Crusaman, 2-2130. dren while mother works. Phone used $40; 3.3 Sea King, very good. 51achlnery and Tools 52 our fee from them, our serv­ brook runs across the rear ef ices to you for renting your property. Club Coupe, $1,996. Would like LNTUJUEB refiniaiied and repair J. SULLIVAN, mnson contractor, 433» R. E. McIntosh. ?5 Harvard Road. ad Kueb oi splint seat* replaced Manchester. NEW BLIZ^JtRD 16” enallage property are free. Please call trade. brickwork. plastering, cinder EXCELLENT Office ! posUton cutter. Masae^Harria tractor, Owner Sajye: *N}et Me Au Offer” rtemenn, 100 South Main streat block concrete work, atone. Tel. us if you have any type rent 1946 Ford Two-Door Sedan, Phont 9549 available at Burton’s. Knowledge 3'4 H. P. Wster-Wltch outboard apreadera, lima sowera, tractor McKINNEY BRO’THERS, Super DtLuxe. Car like new. 2-0415. of typing essential. Apply in motor Just completely overhaul­ mowers, plowa, disc harrows. to offer. Rental Service Bu OLD FLOUH8 t;ANr>F.D person only. ed. Inquire 157 Pine stfeet. Dublin Tractor Co., North Wind­ reau, 869 Main Street, Man INC. 1 ^ ' mileage, heater. Prefer OON«;KETE, brick, cinder blocks, Rcalton — Ineuiere Leyinj ana finishing, foiudatlona, plaatering, land- ham Road, Wtllimantlc. Phone Chester, Phone 4168, .J tirade. An opportunit.v to get J B. Jenaer., WANTED—Capable woman for H. P. Outboard motpr, Phone 5060 - $833 acaping, driveways, septic tanks, 2058. \ School Days Again? BY FRED HARMAN B practically new car at a Tel. Storr* 9V2S. evenings. general housework by the day. weeks old. 12’ plywood outboard ( R E D R Y D E R carpentry, new construction. B. Phone 4012. boat, with deck, 4 weeks old. Cost IVt H. P. BREADY trfctor with fMaonable price. $ 1 , ^ . . A D. Oonalnictlon Co.,'Belluccl. im.... ECO'CAN SURE. , ME '1AM AND Electric welding, ai new $375, *111 sell for $300. Ex­ lawn mower and alckle bar. S and MPiijjl hearo.o' ru^ i IBPeAKTOTOU SUNNY/ 1946 !wry Two-Door Se­ metaia lead bunting Eighteen Call 2-1601. CANDY Saleslady wanted. Apply cellent condition. Boat Is at Cov­ 5 h. P. Garden King tractors ONE ROOM, suitable for commer AAIHUTE?^ VJHA71S vK a r o u n c i dan. Radio and heater. Low yeara experience - Georg# L State theater manager, Manches­ entry Lake. Call after 3:30 or with attaciunents. Capitol Grind­ cial purposes. In business dis­ MERtABOll ON > I'AKPENTER Work ol all kinds. ter. WANTED RTORR'i mQeage. D eaifi^-^de. Runs Green 478 Gardner etreeL Cali Roofs, siding, additions snd al­ Saturday and Sunday, Wllllman- ing Company, , 38 Main streeL trict. CaU 7500. 5047 /MrdO? . like a brand new car. $1,746. terations. Alsu new construction WANTED—A young woman to tlc 1553W1. Pbona 7958. finom nowon, f^isciHa, no 1946 Ford Four Yard Dump FOR POSITIVE repall-s on ail SlelTert. Phoi.e 2-0293. work a few hours. mornings. GARDEN Tractors. 1^ H.P. Buglnese Property for 8^t» 70 Messenger Girl more pi^y-back ric .Must have references. Phone 2- Truck. Very good mechanical­ makes ot letngvrstora and wash STONE Masonry We specialise In Fuel and Feed . 49-A Bready, 5 and 5 H.P. Garden froni the station! Ing machines, call Walter 0241. for errands' and general ly. flagstone walks Terraces and re­ King, cultivating, mowing and SMALL GROCERY store for sale Plesclk. Tel. 5024. SEASONED hardwood for Are snow plow attachments. 3 H.P. office work. 1969 Chevrolet Two-Door taining walls. Call Manchester WANTED — Reliable person to place, furnace and range, imme Write Box O, Herald. 2-0617 for free estimates. Flag­ care for two children occasionally Planet Jr., cultivator. Automo­ Sedan. Mechanically in first PROMPT - EXPERT dlate delivery. B. J. Begin, ,Glsa- bile utility trallera. Springfield stone Block Co., Route 6' Bolton. evenings, afternoons or week- tonbury 2933. Apply class conilition, good tires. ____ /. ------.ends. One who la avatrable any lawn aweepera. 15 H.P. Johnson Houses tor Sale 72 REFRIGERATION Sea Horse. Gould water pumps, Pioneer Parachute 1940 Ford Station Wagon, time. Trar-sportatlon furiilahed. NOW IS the time to order your Floriste— Nurseries 15 one 'practically new. Gravely A 12-R005I duplex. In perfed; new motor, used very little. SERVICE Phone 2-1497. wood for winter. Call Cedar condition. Immediate occupancy, C o ., In c . Swamp Road Sand and Stone tractor and equipment. Capitol CHRYSANTHEMUM Plants, completely furiilehed Including „ Exceptionally good seats and All Tj'pes —• All Mnke.8 GIRL'S WANTED for hand stuff­ C o, Manchester 8731. Grinding Oo., 3? Main street Forest St^ Manchester f r body. R, find H. Original tread hardy plants, shrubs, fruit trees ing. Apply Kaklat Cloth Toy Co., Phone 7958. " new refrigerator, stove and Ben- MMt H n av NIA atHvief. me. t. m. »fe. u.«. fat. off, 0 - 5 and mixed bouquets. Woodland Forest stresL dix waaher. 'Price $12,000. James VIC F L IN T Cribb'In Control BY MICIIAF-I. O’MAI.I.FY AND RAI.PH LANE PHONE Gardena. 168 Woodland atreet. Garden— Fami-Dairy J. Rohandfc Soiv^TeL 7453 - 7911. *'lf you've earned all that money during vacation, I can’t 1929 Ford Coach, a deair- OtHL Wanted to learn garment - M AN C H E STER 2-1226 Phone 8474. j Producta 50 Musical Instruments 53 tf^ iafar# i you a depohdent on my'incom^tax return— and. ~9truck lip a k .V A T>R05^ SANO t r a d / - ^ 8 o r MILLER MO'TORS ' WfXlDWORK of aU kinds, built oil burner, full tiled bath. IN TM’ OFFICE Dion, Inc. Phone 4860. Elm street. Road, Wapplng. Rhone Manchee- MQdERAL »AAS ORAIMED MV ' '’fOUTRS NOT A PRES6CD 668' Center Street aad Installed. Job shop service. WINTER Coat, lady’s grey Forst- SIX-ROOM modern C^ape Cod With Occupancy guaranteed, CAN SEE HIM- RDSB IN AM OLD NOVEL ROOFING — Specialising In re­ ter 5798. mann wool, grey lamb collan JUST STAMINA/—-WHA.T5 LEFT Telephone Manchester 2-1060 Protessunal kitchen designs. For EXPERIENCED , young lady hbt water heat. Two acres of 'nils house is located in the f oe A \NEARy ifu a n c F vaso 'ftrr-* — 6 6 T IM quirk servtca call 2-0953. pairing roots ot all kinds, also cuffs and pockets. 'Grey and eOT TM’TIE wanted for bookkeeper’s poaitlon PAU L ROBOTTO’S farm, pickling level land on paved highway. Green Acre Section. Own­ CAUOKT TX^eSN'T CARS? — I ’M TOO TVtEWE ANO new roofs No Job too email or in office of amall manufacturer, cucumbert, 50c a basket. Bring . white all-wool pin atrlpe suit. Price $9,500, or James J. Rohjjn IMTHE .euM 'IHE Evening dress, flowered taffeta, OLDTD SHOULDEE A MON'TGOMERY WARD’S large. Oood work, fair price. Free ibeated' In Rockville. Knowledjge your own baa|ieta. Phone 5611 fi Sons. Tel. 7433 • 7911. er leaving town. MACHaOEl eeUmatea CKII Howley, Man­ of stenographic and general of­ worn o n c i Black ailk Jersey RADIOS AND WASHERS cheater 5361. drees, worn twice. All are size THREE-FAMILY house, 4 rooms LESlOf^/ bo You Wont To fice work also essential. Five-day SEED RYE. $fi.50 C.W.T.; wheat 3 $5 CW.T.; com harveater, $70; 16, In excellent condition. Also 2 each, on bus line. Zoned for busi­ Two-Family Flat, 4 rooms REPAIRED week with good aalary and work. Ing conditions. Ebtcellent oppor­ ensilage cutter, $40. Phone 4555. men’s suit coats, belted back, one ness. Immediate occupancy, first each. Furnace for down; flat Soil Your Heating— Plumbing 17 gabardine, one tweed,- dark blue, tunity for right person. Apply •Franklin Welles. TalcottvlUe. floor. Price $10,800. James J- only. Lot is 60x300 fadn g WAliH rUIIBS 1 Spill It, TItusI BY LESLIE i'URNER 824-828 Main Street alse 55. Phone 4553. Rohan A Son. Tel. 7433 - 7911, PLUGGED Main aewera, alnk, .giving complete details to Box two streets. This place is Tel. 6161 Tga MB, J.N. NOW THAff VOUME Y CANT VW Property? lavatoW and bath draltu - affl* WF. Herald. Houfichold Goods 51 situated on the Heights. guuTAauAMne mpustrial Kfebsuapb FRANK FALK. Mattresses re­ clently- machine cleared. Carl lAAPing, WHAT ABMff Hm FUTHtf WM TO tAXI I have Eumy clients looking Nygren, plumber, eteam fitter GIRL or -woman, to live In and do Priced for quick sale. made and aterlllaed like new. We housework. No cooking. Pleas­ y — ------—— r TfASIBN fof various types of prop- and pump meci.anle. 15 South CXlOLEltATOR. very good condl ‘ nowuncle call tor and deliver anywhere. 42 ant surroundings, good salary. arty «a d will gladly call on etreeL Phone 6497. ‘ tion. Call 5098 aftar 7. WANTED WANTED Tito s f South Main atreet, Oolebeater, CaU 7709. ) \ • pan. Contact aie at: ConiL Phone 0>lcbeetei 460. WHITE Enameled Glenwood gaa • / e Stuart J. Wasley Roofing— Repairing 17-A GIRL Fot packing candy. Apply range. Fourrbumer with gaa $9 Pumcn Plac»—Rear REFRIGERATION at Dandy Candy Co., rear of 51 hearing unit. CaU 2-1040 after 5. PIN BOYS Floor SpQce Real Estate and Insurance or Phone .Maachfistcr SERVICE KOOFINU OF all klnda. Chiouey , Oak atreet. ' —% ONE H. B. Smith hot waUr furn­ 756 Main Street^ 4998 or 2-0880 Domestic, commercial. For work, gutter work and tnauiatlon. Ifi years old or over. Ap­ Heavy Machinery Expert repairs. Honest workman­ PUBUC Stenographer. For ap ace, one Holyoke igaa water Mat­ T e l 6648 . 7146 prompt day and night service, putntmenta call Mancheater er and tank, ooto^laU. Both to ply in person a t; ' ship. Satisfaction guiuantaed Ground Floor Alico Clampot C A L L 2-1428 Call Ooughlln, Manebsstat 7707 5109 - 10 a. m. to I I a. ifi, A-1' condlfron. Inquire 89 Oak­ PIELA’S REFRIGERATION land atreet v ______2 — MANCHES’TGR 88 Birch Street CHIMNEYS rabulH, repaired and 3,000 Square Feet Help Warned— Male 36 HOPE CHEST, electric broUer. BOWLING GREEN. INC. f-d _ a u t t l e cleaneo. Alaq ail types ot roofing 8t4iyDlM(5 = * combination waffle Iron w d 654 Center Street V.W.fl»t.B,K»T 4 A d v « . CARPENTER WORK, repairthg. and r px’ring AU work guaran­ Rpufl Herald Adv«. Jebkiag, remodeUeg. Rcuanabis teed. LaRose Broar* Co. Tel. 2- T^llEE Good man needed by the cheese grU. pictures, socket . Sc* Mr. D* Gen WRITE BOX H, HERALD rates. Call Manchester 550$. 076A. -ZT"-' . H. U Diehl Co. Chat 3-I71T. wrench sat Phone T3#3.