Provincial Library, ¥&«&©£•!a* B. C.

DANNY'S A Complete Line DINING ROOM of Men's Clothing Phone GIBSONS 140 SERVING THE GROWING SUNSHINE COAST Marine Men's Wear 7c per copy LtCT. JUST FINE FOOD Published in Gibsons,''B.-'C'.,Volume 14, Number 45, November 17, 1960. PhoHe Z — Gibsons, B.C. verHow mee * ^ * * Three representatives chosen at'-Trail Bay school More than 100 persons attend­ board present who took an active vote on representatives for. other St. Mary's Hospital society has approval from the B. C. H. I. S, ed an overflow School Board part in the meeting were Regin­ parts of the Sechelt rural area. received approval to a to Duild a new hospital, hav.e ob- meeting in Trail Bay Junior High ald Spicer, trustee for Pender The argument continued but the • tained approval to form a hos­ result was the Wilson Creek res­ plebiscite to authorize formation pital improvement district in or­ school at Sechelt for the annual Harbour area; John Bunyan, • of the Hospital Improvement trustee for Gibsons rural area idents could not vote. der to finance hospital construc­ report on school, board activities It took some minutes to get a District.. tion and obtained approval to and the election of three repre­ and Leo Johnson, Sechelt trus­ slate of nominees, three were In a letter from Victoria the hold a plebiscite to authorize for­ sentatives for the Sechelt rural tee along with Gordon Johnson, reeded and four were.eventually society was advised approval mation of the H. I. D. In addi­ area. Powell River and Sechelt school nominated after various people had been given and tne neces­ tion they have obtained approval Representatives elected were district superintendent. . . . declined to stand.,: Eventually sary information was in the of .a firm of architects who will Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Mrs. Hazel When it came time to vote for Frank Yates. Mrs. Dorothv . hands, of the chief electoral offi: design the new hospital. . Liste and Frank Yates. Mrs.. representatives questions were Smith, Mrs.' Hazel Liste and cer.- ; This work has taken approxi­ Joan Donley was the fourth nom­ asked as to who was eligible as Mrs. Joan Donley were nominat­ It is expected full details re­ mately one-and-one-half years ination. A motion was also pass­ :voters. It appeared only resi-. ed. Following the election, bal­ garding "the" organizing of the during which time the various ed thanking Gerry Fahrni for dents of the Sechelt rural area lots were Ordered destroyed. * plebiscite will be in possession committees have met almost ev­ the work he had done while a and not non-resident property The chairman then asked Mr. : of the society shortly. It is hop­ ery two weeks. A great deal of member of the. school board. owners could'vote. This caused Norminton to read the minutes ed a plebiscite date early in De­ effort has been made to advise In seeking nominations for a considerable examination of the of the meeting so they could be cember will b6 set. the public of the major develop­ chairman, there were ten refus­ School act which outlined voting given an OK by the meeting. So far the various committees ments. Considerable publicity has als before Norman Franklin, a procedures. Then it was suggest­ Before adjournment.-:-. Mr. Par­ set up by the St. Mary's Hospital been given to the project in former school trustee.took over, ed Wilson Creek residents could ker moved, a vote of grateful society to study hospital facili­ . Coast News columns. In addition the post. After five refusals, Boh not vote because they were al­ thanks to .Gerry Fahrni for the ties have accomplished a great various community organizations Norminton Volunteered to be* ready represented by a member work he had done while on the deal. They have obtained general have had hospital speakers at­ secretary. on the. school board from that school board. This was respond­ tend their meetings to speak on Representatives of the school area, therefore they could not ed to with immediate applause the new hospital project. In a further.effort to acquaint Nominations the public with the facts, the H. I. D. organizing1 Committee MARY FRANCES makes her and answers ? has set up a series of- meetings entrance on CBG-TV s Country, to be held shortly in various com Questions asked included have to pay five cents for bus asked how the meeting felt about Hpedown this* season as the on Nov. 28 munities. The following., tentative rides? Answer: It was through it. One speaker said he thought show's new .girl vocalist. The Notices are being posted in Se­ dates and locations of public Question: If bus transporta­ the goodness of Cec. Lawrence the trustees were being treated 21-year-old brunette from Osh- chelt and Gibsons announcing meetings will be published again tion costs are the highest in Brit­ of SMT that the children could like criminals, instead they de­ awa, Qnt., has been singing nomination day for both village later but are presented here for ish Columbia why transport have these rides. They are not served a vote of. thanks. This professionally since she was 17, councils on Nov. 28 at 10 a.m. general information: Grade nine pupils from Trail authorized by the School board was promptly given in spontan­ and has won.a number of ta­ In Gibsons two councillors will Nov. 28, Granthams Communi­ Bay school in Sechelt to Elphin­ but as the buses were moving eous applause. It was explained lent awards, including Arthur have to be nominated and in Se ty Hall. stone High school in Gibsons for over certain areas, Mr. Law­ after that trustees received no Godfrey's Talent- Scouts. On chelt, two councillors and one Nov. 29, Hopkins Community Home Economics and Industrial rence on his own, allowed them honorarium. Hoedown sTne appears with school trustee. Hall. Arts courses? Answer: A special to ride at the five cent rate. This The district school superin­ Gordie Tapp, Tommy Hunter, In Gibsons, Councillor A. H. Nov. 30, Gibsons Elementary bus conveys them to Gibsons but arrangement had nothing to do tendent said it was the first time Tommy Common, the Hames Pay will seek re-nomination. The School. they come back on a regular bus. with the school b«ard. he had ever heard this subject Sisters and the Singin' Swing- other seat vacant will be that oc­ Dec. 2, Roberts Creek Com­ If the two courses were installed Question: Why did seven brought up at a ratepayer meet­ in' Eight. cupied by Councillor Frank munity Hall. at Trail Bay the cost would be school trustees attending the ing. The trustees as an organiza­ — •-" • -- Hicks who has decided not to Dec. 5, Wilson Creek Commun­ much heavier. Later it was re­ trustees convention in Vancouver tion had turned down any sugr again. ity Hall. vealed the 'reason why transpor­ recently spend $250, money gestion of an honorarium. They In Sechelt Norman Burley and Dec. 6, Sechelt Legion Hall. tation costs were heavy in Se­ which should have been spent on gave freely of their time and de­ Old phones Louis Hansen have completed Dec. 9, Madeira Park Com­ chelt School District was because school; bus transportation costs served better treatment than their terms on council and Leo munity Hall. of the ^cbsts^bf* water transporta­ and was not this figure unneces­ they got. Johnson who replaced Mrs. W. sarily high? Answer:" The board In addition, speakers will be tion!^ percent of the total, Question: Why was there no N. McKee when she moved away present on Nov. 17 at the meet­ whifcpwere * of proportion to had budgettedj for $2,000 cdnven- go Saturday from the area, must also seek ing of the W. A. to the H. I. D. bust^rivei' but? were £necbssary i^tiOn expenses^ The" moneyy was money for dental services? Ans­ :x wer: The present budget had . After Saturday, telephone sub­ re-election if he decides to con­ organizing committee; Nov. 21 hecaj|j||J|vater 'transport was the judged by "brie /trustee as Swell tinue. at Selma Park Ratepayers Asso­ spent. as they had learned allots been overspent and there was no scribers in Gibsons and Sechelt 6nl|^»iy the children inyo]yed- v money for such a servicer arid it Election day if a vole is neces­ ciation meeting and Nov. 21 at coulfi^t toJichqol.^ «_:'.A,- . ^fter ^re.debate ythe. chairman % wjll turn magneto cranks no sary will be on Dec. ,8 in Sechelt would rha^b^to^^ait^he^next.: 0 .,*. £ib_§pns_. and ^District Board of l^lie^^^ine^tirii 16 order aftd '-'-'A'* and Gibsons. •••.-•--•>-• <••-.>-•«.-- - - •?- Qjfestion: Wiiy^plffife children* year's budget. It was explained '•'motel'"' "*"'" "" *-'"'*'**-~ -'* "Trade meeting. ...•.--->.--•• .- that $7,000 had been budgeted At exactly 11:01 p.m., an $850,- As regards Gibsons school All landowners are urged to but more had been experided for 000 expansion program to con­ trustee, Mrs. Christina Ritchey . attend at least one of these meet­ this service. vert these two communities from was chosen for a two year terrii ings, - to familiarize themselves Question: Sechelt Eleriientary on the school board at last year's with developments on the new manual to automatic service will election. school life expectancy, as a builds culminate with the pulling of hospital. ing was near its end, owing to "blocking tools" — fiber strips the age of the building. Has the between switch contacts — in At; ^meeting Tuesday night in quest-for a 50 percent increase in board any plans for the future? the new Gibsons and Sechelt au­ rates was so far out of line with Answer: Yes, but they cannot be tomatic central offices.. Gaglardi sends letter SelmaPPark Cohimunity Hall, revealed just yet. Any expres­ callfed to hear about the propose nearby points that it appeared The simultaneous transition of Minister of Highways Phil contents. . ; /to- be extremely excessive. sion of real estate possibilities the two villages from magneto to Gaglardi in a letter to the com­ This road link has been ed hospital for the district, dis- Using Gibsons and Powell Ri­ would send the price upwards. bined boards of trade on the Sun­ brought to my attention on nu­ cussibhA^irhed;^ the riewwateic* No date could be set as to when dial will make the Sechelt Pen­ veras;; examples..rvtlie meeting insula's 2,000 phones 100 percent shine Coast has suggested he be merous occasions and right at rate^:'the^area will have to pay felt that the rate now being used a school's had expired. It automatic. About 40 phones on contacted sometime after the the moment I am waiting for an if a pro^s^iSto^o'; before the was that of Gibsons, ana was pointed out. that some Van­ Gambier Island and Lasqueti Is­ first of the new year on the pos­ estimate of the cost of' construc­ Public |Umities in' would go to Elphinstone High residents of the Porpoise Bay pital Committee will address the preparation of a br^bl-fbi* school but the long range pro­ the public will be invited to tour the next meeting of Ratepayers of = that paying a cbimmission the Gibsons and_.S'echelt central area in their application for presentation to the Public Utli:' gram was for establishment of the extension of the rural mail at Selma Park hall on-Monday, to a collecting agency to col­ ties Commission. a junior-senior high school in Se­ office buildings at a future date. delivery route to that district. November 21. lect these bills which are due Since a number of our mem­ chelt. ; Grade 10 would be added Letters have been forwarded only once every 3 months. bers are from the Selma Park when advisable, then grade 11. to the Sechelt Village Commis­ JEEP WINNER If you gentlemen will take area, we feel that they are most Trail Bay High School was plan­ sion, and the Sechelt Board of Who won the Kinsmen Club time to -go over tiheir figures vitally concerned in tfhds mat­ ned on the basis of its eventu­ Tuesday meeting Trade offering the support of jeep? you will find that the average ter. \ '•''''""•'.. ally becoming a possible 12- r this organization in their pro­ Tlie draw resulted in Ken •customer paid in 1959, $36. Of room school. The trustees can Gibsons and District Board of Sechelt Rural-Wilson Creek Trade November meeting will test against tihe increase of wa­ Crosby of Gibsons being th* that $20.68 went Ito pay salaries! Ratepayers -Association. * . * - • only plan on a three-year basis ter rates of the Sechelt Water winner. for Sdminstration plus phone under . departmental policy. be held Tues., Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. in the Mariner Cafe. Board and offering to submit Members of the Kinsmen calls between the two offices. a brief to the P.U.C. This will be a supper, meeting club thank all those who took Tfhds is not c6iinting'$622 for ELEMENTARY PTA Further correspondence has part in the event and. offered legal fees or taxes or'commis­ PI an ore hestra and members are invited ' to been sent to tfae director of support and donations for the sions, etc. but; "just.the cost of Meeting of the orchestra Gibsons Elementary School bring their wives. The speaker technical and vocational educa­ Health Centre project : which, staffing two offices to do the group will take place Thurs., PTA will hold its third meeting for this meeting will bring mem­ tion requesting more detailed tee club has undertaken to work that any high school stu­ Nov. 17 at Elphinstone High of the season on Nov. 17 at 8 bers up to date on the hospital information on the establish­ place in Gibsons on South dent could do on ah odd Satur­ School at 7.30. Beginners and p.m. in the school. A panel will situation so it is expected there ment of a vocational sdhool in Fletcher read, near the Public day. : experienced members are wel­ discuss "How to teach your chil­ will be a good attendance. a central location. It is felt Library when sufficient funds Gentlemen .will yoii please-. come. dren responsibility." that this would offer a more become available. •. «* V •» '-• V

2 Coast News, Nov. 17, 1980.

Tfce Thrill That Comes Once in a lifetime A VEBSTES CLASSIC Editor: With reference to let­ the descendants of the late being mercenary. Such has church members and adher­ ters recently published in the George Gibson following a dxs- been fll:*e growth of Gibsons ents have pledged weekly dona­ Coast News signed by John cusiion by one of our members during the last ten years that tions over a three year period Glassford, Violet A. Winegar­ with one of the grandchildren our accommodation for Sunday to tiite limit of their ability. den, Henrietta Chamberlin and and we expressed this hope in School and youth work has We have also gone into debt Eileen K. .Glassford we would cur letter to the P.U.C. (at. end been strained to the utmost for an amount that will take first point out that until tho of this letter). It is a matter and is now absolutely inade­ at least ten years to pay off. hearing on our application be­ of deep regret to U3 that such quate. Over three years ago With all this sacrifice and fore the P.U.C. had taken place has not been the case. Our we considered moving toe mcrtagaging of the future cur the matter was, in effect, sub cV.uroh h?.s been named, and church to the east boundary new buildings will still be judice and should not have always will be named, the Gib­ of the lot and building a hall empty shells, hence tfae abso­ been discussed in tih;e public son Memorial United Church flor Sunday School and Youth lute necessity of disposing of press. However, the hearing is in honor of the late George W. Work but we could come to no our present property. If we are now over and we feel that Gibson who had the interests agreement witfa the Gibson successful in our application some explanation or clarifica­ of ifce church in Gibsons very family regarding the burial to the P.U.C. Gibsons will tion of the issues involved, as much at heart and would, we ground. After three years of have a church and Christian understood by the trustees of are sure, have approved of our dedicated work by our build­ Education center of wihiieh it the Gibsons Memorial United plans to further its work in ing icommittee, property was can be proud. If we are unsuc­ Ghurcft), is called for. Gibsons. acquired on the Glassford cessful our work for the chil­ It was our hope when our We have no apology to of­ Road and a Church and Chris­ dren and youth of the com­ formal application was for­ fer as to our motives in wish­ tian Education building, which munity will stagnate and the warded to the P.UC. in August ing to sell tfc'as all the letters referred to above al­ Victoria, B.C. and the busiest corner in Gib­ graves do not have markers or though the general tenor of the sons and the traffic noise dur­ headstones. However, we be­ Dear Sirs: We hereby make letters and many of the asser­ ing services has become in­ lieve a search of the old church tions hurt us deeply. However, formal application for authori­ tolerable. records and other enquiries ty to remove and re-inter the our letters to the P.U.C. dated It has, therefore, become ab­ might give us the required in­ August last does, we tfluink, de­ remains in 11 graves buried formation. Wxt Coast Mjetus during the last 40 or 50 years solutely necessary to plan for fine our position fairly clearly a more adequate building in We understand that your and if you could find spajce to Published every Thursday by Sechelt Peninsula News in our_dhurohyard at Gibsons. Board will advertise the pro­ The circumstances leading up a new location and, to this print this letter we should be Ltd., P.O. Box 128, Gibsons, B.C., and authorized as second class end, a new site has been pur­ posed closure. We anticipate grateful. to this application are as fol­ being able to make amicable mail, Post Office department, Ottawa. lows: chased in a residential section T. HUMPHRIES, and plans have been prepared arrangements with the Gibsons NORMAN MacKENZIE, Member Audit Bureau of Circulation, Canadian Weekly Our present church is locat­ family and trust ttoat no ob­ Newspaper Association, B.C. Weekly Newspaper Association and for a new church and hall. Ap­ JAMES B. HENDERSON, ed on a 100 foot 'corner lot n proximately $20,000 was rais­ jections will be received which, Trustees Gibsons Memorial B.C. Weekly Newspapers Advertising Bureau, 508 Hornby St.. the centre of the business dis­ ed by pledges last Spring and will necessitate a hearing. United Church Vancouver, B.C. trict of Gibsons, bounded by the United Church has guaran­ We should be glad to supply —— ' " • '"• ri ^ Rates of Subscription, $3 per year, $1,75 for six months, the Marine Drive and wharf teed a loan of $16,000 (later you with any other informa­ at the front and the Sec&elt raisad to $25,000). Our mini­ tion which you may desire. United States and foreign, $3.50 per year. Higfhway at the back. Marine Yours very truly, Fred Cruice, Editor and Publisher. mum requirements, however, Drive and Sechelt ' Highway call for an expenditure of con­ Sec. of Building Committee || INN I VS PRE Phone Gibsons 45Q are part of Highway 101 and siderably more than these carry all Black Ball ferry traf­ available funds, hence the Complete Stock of fic from Langdale to Sechelt necessity of endeavoring to Robert D. Wright, N.D. FISHING TACKLE Peninsula p ints and Powell aell the old church site. We are Cattle and highways River. advised that it is quite valu­ NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN Commercial and Sports Tfae property was donated to able commercial property and Graduate of Hardware — Dry Goods Whilst checking a list of resolutions for submission to the ?,7th an­ the Methodist Church (absorb­ vould be readily saleable if Cal. Chiropractic College, etc. ed by the United Church in the graves were removed. BAPCO PAINT nual convention of the B. C. Federation of Agriculture, the subject of Anytime by Appointment 1925) by the late Mr. George We would point out that if Interior & Marine cattle straying on highways struck the eye. W. Gibson in 1910 but-a legal permission of your Board is PHONE 172W — GIBSONS conveyance does not appear to The Shawinigan-Cobble Hill Farmers' Institute had its "whereas obtained we would be willing Phone TU 3-2415 have been made until after Mr. to bear all costs of the removal and therefore be it resolved" type of resolution and here it is: Gibsons death in 1913. This to a site agreeable to the de­ "Whereas cattle straying on the public highways in unorganized conveyance was given iby. the scendants of the Gibsons fami­ executors of the will of Mr. area is becoming a danger to motorists and pound laws are no longer ly' the possible sites being the Gibson and was dated Dec. 19, Seaview Cemetery on the Se­ HI BALL WITH effective in view of the fact that it has become impossible to obtain 1913. The property conveyed chelt Highway, a 30-foot piece the services of a pound-keeper for pound districts, was Block E in Subdivision of of_ property owned by the vil­ District Lot 686, Group 1, Van­ "Therefore be it resolved that we request the provincial govern­ lage or the new church site. couver District, Plan 3130. The Tfole Seaview Cemetery has BLACK BALf ment to make it illegal for owners of livestock to allow their stock to conveyance was duly register­ perpetual care and our church pasture on the highways of Vancouver Island. Amendment to* the ed and the title was later trans­ would undertake care if a por­ to and from * ferred to the United Church tion of^the new church site Highways Act is accordingly requested." on union and is at present re­ was chosen. VANCOUVER ISLAND Sounds like a situation the Sunshine Coast area faced not too gistered in the name of three Some difficulty might be ex­ long; ago when we had open range country signs scattered along, the trustees of the Gibsons United perienced in ascertaining the SECHELT PENINSULA •Churcfti and the Certificate of names, dates and otfher particu­ highway thus providing ammunition for numerous jokes. Title contains no reservations. lars of the persons interred in POWELL RIVER Use of highways has most certainly undergone a change over the However, there was an un­ East 20 years. Time was when cattle were reasonably safe on most derstanding between the late fast, fnqu&dlhrry Service fv«y Day Mr. Gibsons and the Methodist We use Reservations NOT Needed secondary highways. But today cars are just as liable to travel at a Church at the time the proper­ Ultra Sonic Sound Waves fast clip on a secondary road as they would on a main highway- ty was donated for the purpose TOPS for coiivenfonc*— of building a church, that a to clean your watch TOPS for space ~*TOPS for spoed Today's automobile speeds even on secondary roads do not make 'portion would be set aside as and jewelry it a sound practice to have cows roaming at large. As the Coast News a burying ground for the Gib­ Fcdlow The Black Ball Flag I has pointed out in the past, when a man can be fined for proceeding sons family and a piece in the centre of iftue lot was fenced Chris* Jewelers along a highway with a cow in tow at two miles an hour it doss seem in for this purpose. Over the MAIL ORDERS silly to allow cattle to completely block a roadway, with immunity years Mr. Gibson was buried GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION from prosecution while at the same time the motorist is compelled by here, his wife Mrs. Gibson and Ph. Sechelt 96 BLACK nine other direct relatives or law to maintain a reasonable speed. relatives by marriage, the last One can only hope the Shawnigan-Cobble Hill Farmers*'Institute being Mr. Winegarden in the will have sufficient support to get something done about cows mean­ Fall of .1957. It may be men­ tioned that tiharough the years IN TIME FOR dering along highways. If cows must use highways they should be no one .seems to have, been re- The Fall-Winter edition of treated like other traffic. tspoasibie for maintaining and CHRISTMAS! caring, for theburial ground,, _ . . • f a few head stones, can still be seen but the-whole area is cov­ A time ered witih wild, "rank growth. Whereas .50 years ago Gib­ Magazine is at your news stand iiOW! Every year at this time a letter from the B. C Tuberculosis So­ sons was a very small isolated settlement with a handful of ciety arrives in the mail. With this letter is a sheet of Christmas pernianent residents and prac­ Th£ glory of British Columbia's rich auturnn and winterbeauty has been r Seals. They have two jobs. tically no roads, today it is a capturedin 48 pages of full-colour photographs and stories. A wonderful holiday One is to raise money so the society can carry on its preventive thriving village with paved gift that you and friends will cherish! highway, communication with program against tuberculosis. The other is to make us do some hard Vancouver by bus in two hours Thee* ara jftst a few cit th* iaaua'a f#*tara«*§ thinking about this disease. and 13 ferries a day,numerous • Autumn in Britfeh Columbia: lovely stores and markets, four photographfc studies of the land in the Records show that about one person in 20 — roughly 16,000, will cUttirches and all the facilities moat colourful of all aeaaons.« University actually require medical treatment for active TB sometime iri the of the city. Through, the years of British Columbia - the country's future. The remainder will not develop the disease. our old church has been en­ moat beautiful campus? • Rockhourids^of larged two or three times but , B>C. The fascinating'story of the meny The big job is to find that one-in-20 while the disease is still in it has become evident for some '"and women who:explore the province's its early stages when treatment is most successful and before it is time - that its facilities had be- majestic mountain country. • Vancouver: spread to others. It means a tuberculin skin test for every resident come quite inadequate for pre­ bustling transportation centre of the sent demands on its services. .west - in story and photographs.; in this province and regular foilow-up X-rays for all those whose test Furthermore, the church is PLUS: Four full-colour seente double- shows they have been infected by the TB germ. page spreads; a four page!961 calendar, ; beautifully illustrated; a full-page, The British Columbia TB Society needs •two things to help make bird painting by the renowned Fen wick this community safe from tuberculosis, co-operation with tuberculin Lansdowne... and much much more! skin testinjg and chest NX-ray surveys, and full support of the Christ­ Marcel Marceau,; the world's greatest, exponent v of the art of inas''Seal campaign. Let's-see that^theyvget it. mime* will-'•** appear in Vancouver Jan. 6 and 7 under the auspices of the Women's Committee of the Vancouver Symphony as part of Random thoughts their fund-raising efforts on be­ half of the orchestra. A news broadcaster outlining what happened in a Vancouver His appearance will also mark store holdup said the holdup man ran out of the store on foot. With the beginning of Symphony Week climax of the Society's campaign no elephants, camels, donkeys or taxis handy what else could the to raise this season's $66,000 de­ holdup man have done? .tM|... ficit.* .;'•.••• y ..:;• J (iMarceau's -. * first A appearance BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COLUMBIA . . • * .. , * * \'.*"'•"•••''•''.'. '•< "Ay Ay : ' •- ' • ' A ,.••'••-. ''"'-*• '• -•'•."*: ' ', * W.-.c'-i rher,e^n'earl, y fou*c jrearsLagp.. was... Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, ttfe'higWight $£'Vancoiiyer'^'first Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. It would appear that to get attendance at a school board annual" International Festival, when he Subscription Rates: i'jfe planning to send copies of meeting there must be a suggestion there might be some vesbal fire­ played eleven performances to 12 issues - $5.00 (You $1.00) ifytei British Columb ia to f ricn ds * an d • (Youaape 175) refcrtftasin other lands, tiiesfl mailing works. Some meetings had four or less persons present. One had at packed houses. 3 issues - $3.50 Mail orders for tickets will be 4 issues - $lt75 (You save J25) .dslfces MU be of impof.fcance tn you: least 100 present. Yes, it contained the suspicion of verbal fireworks. available Nov; 14 to 22, before Please Bill me ( ) Payment Enclosed ( ) Your newsstand dealer;wi!I be pleased to **$ :£ $ the opening of the Tegular box for ~...... subscriptions pf issues. order. ba«k^opiea of fieautif ul^Bdtiah Columbia for yoa. He can also With "footballers" drawing the salaries ti^ so they can.go office Nov. 23. Requests for tick­ Name..*!.... ets should be addressed to "Mar­ begin you^aubaeriptirfn, if ycu wish, or one on a field and get massacred, it makes the touching sympathetic cel Marceau/' 576 Seymour St., I you may use t&G coupoa. remarks about them by TV announcers seem phoney. Vancouver %. .2 Coast News, Nov. 17, 1960. 1961 CORVAIR STATION WAGON This is the text of the ad­ individually and collectively, adian identity. dress of welcome given by Mr. t>- promote a greater interest It is not irrational to sug­ Wallace at the concluding din­ in the physical well being of gest tSiat physical fitness ranks ner of the 41st annual conven­ our people. in importance with mental de­ tion of Canadian Weekly News­ In recent years, we, as Can- velopment as a national objec­ papers Association, in . Hotel ad:' ', have expressed deep tive. Yet thiere is no sem­ Vancouver. or-ieom over the need- for de­ blance of equality in the. ex­ »v *•*- •#» velopment of. a *_: national cul­ penditures supporting ihae '»- •»».'!» ture. We have spent, and we two projects across Canada at By L. J. WALLACE are . spending, -large sums in the present time. Deputy Provincial Secretary " our efforts to develop a tradi­ . If cur physical development Province of British Columbia tion that will be readily identi­ program was assured of only fied throughout the world. ten percent of the funds that are now annually available The weekly newspapers ot So far, however, the great Canada have a powerful voice from state and private sources emphasis in these activities for extracurricular intellectual in shaping the affairs and the has been on our intellectual activities, we could establish destiny of this great country development. an effective .national fitness of ours. *|C *jC *,> program. This program for improving Chevrolet stylists adroitly the rear, folding seat and for- In addition to the Lakewood, In your hands* lies the au­ I should point out that these meshed the requirements of a ward luggage compartment, is Chevrolet added a sports wag- bur .cultural standards is. most references to expenditures do thority to direct that voice, and worthwhile. I believe that such roomy and versatile vehicle readily adapted to almost any on and tSltree half-ton trucks I would urge that you use it, not include the cost of operat­ with* the crisp, smnrt design of JGb — commercial or pleasure, to the Corvair line for 1961. a project i? absolutely essen­ ing the ' universities and col­ - tial if we are to achieve a sig­ the ,Corvair line and came up leges where courses in the arts with this hew Corvair Lake- nificant position' among "na­ are available. That* is a part We use : tions. ." ;';'." '.. :' ... wood station wagon.-^ The car. PACIFIC WINGS LTD. SEAPLANES ' of our educational system ahd with its air-cooled engine in at Ultra Sonic Sound Waves But I also...believe that,. at 'must be considered under a to clean your watch 'this time, we should turn our separate category. •*••*•. PORPOISE BAY and jewelry attention to".the creation of a LAND ACT & EGMONT national program fox tbe phy- SKYTAXI • B i c al development: of our Once again at the' Olympic' NOTICE OF INTENTION TQ.. **« ^ur*™™ LANDPLANES .jpeople. .,!.••_,.; •...•*.;:.'..••:": :; Games the overall showing of APPLY TO LEASE LAND, Chris* Jewelers,, the Canadian ._team has done In Land Recording District of AIR CHAPTER at The two programs, are close­ MAIL ORDERS --*-: little .to stimulate national Vancouver and situate at Van­ Safe, Economical, Dependable WILSON CREEK.STRIP ly related. Athletics as well as pride. This is in no way a re­ couver Bay, Prince of Wales SECHELT 193 GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION the arts have- played, and can Reach: PIPER airplanes Ph. Sechelt 86. flection on the members of the or •*!play^*:ah.imi)!brt'arit''',i'ble in our team. Each of them gave of Take potice that British Col­ Pilots SKYTAXI (Radio) search, for a distinctively Can- his best for Canada and I know umbia Forest Products Limited Ben Benson or Ken Blackwood Egmont you will join me in expressing of 1190 Melville St., Vancouver. B. C, occupation, Producer of the sincerest thanks for their Forest Products, intends to ap­ efforts. . ply for lease of the following de­ TONY'S BULLDOZING But it does reflect ori our scribed lands:— CLEARING, ROAD BUILDING and LOGGING, Etc. lack of a training and coach­ Commencing at a point 7.00 Same Night — Same Time —- Same Place ing program comparable to chains West of a post planted at Phone SECHELT 183F that of -other countries. It is a the N.E. corner of Lot 5633, sad commentary that a sub­ Group 1, New Westminster Dis- stantial number of the athletes tric; thence South 20 chains; representing this country in thence S. 57 degrees 06' W. 41.37 GIANT Don't say Bread, say "McGAVIN'S" Rome received much of their chains thence N. 39 degrees 17' training in the United States. E. 54.87 chains more or less to And I suggest to you that the point of commencement and among seventeen million Can­ containing 35 acres, more or less Local Sales Rep. for the purpose of Log Booming adians there is a great deal of and Storage. athletic talent that is not de­ Norman Stewart veloped because of lack of fa­ BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST BINGO cilities and lack of opportunity. PRODUCTS LIMITED •**•'* Per S. Techy, Agent. Ph. Gibsons 189 I realize that climatic con­ Dated 24th October, 1960. ditions play an important fac­ Staked 20th October, 1960. R.R.I, Gibsons tor in thie athletic program of Thursday, Nov. 17 any country. Because of the long, cold winters in. most of the country we naturally excel Sechelt GIBSONS SCHOOL HALL 8 pim. SHARP in ice hockey, but we are handicapped in the summer sports. However, this is not a Beauty Salon •simple answer to the problem. SECHELT, B.C. Other countries with climates Phone 95 or 280R BIG CASH PRIZES that are equally rigorous and with substantially • smaller TUES. to SAT. population consistently make better showing at the Olym­ HAIRSTYLING Don't Miss First Game $10 piad. designed just for you And I trust that we, as Can­ Coldwavmg — Coloring' SUNSHINE COAST WELFARE FUND What do you need most? adians, will never again have to view the Olympics through the eyes of naturally prejudic­ ed Americans. Surely this great siports spectacle far exceeds in importance many 'cultural pro­ ductions upon which thousands oi dollars are expended. * * * m_t Athletics are an integral part of a physical fitness pro­ gram and I belive that our fow every home shortcomings are the result of YOU CAN BORROW AT LOW COST a current lack of interest in physical development. have automatic THROUGH A I urge you, therefore, as in­ dividuals and as an associa­ tion, to exert your great in­ (breed Air Heating fluence in sponsoring and en­ EQYttfc PLAN couraging a fully effective na­ tional fitness plan. This I0CI6AS wall furnace LOAN Each province has its group of dedicated men and women who sure earnestly seeking to installs easily... lew east... takes no space and repay In eonvenlant monthly lnsta!m<»nts promote such a plan. Give •d)usf»dfo your family budgat these groups your fullest sup­ port; ask the people in your community to contribute the for the program; take an ac­ tive interest in the work of financial aid that is necessary these groups in your area. Perhaps the suggestion tfoat automatic ONLY BY COMPARISON one week be set aside each year control for supporting such a program CAW YOU FIN© VALUE across our great country war­ rants some conaderation. BEFORE YOU BUY GET AN ES­

.••*..**.,*. I believe that if the weekly TIMATE ON A FULLY AUTO­ newspapers of Canada would Hides in MATIC ROCKGAS HEATING SYS­ Yes, at any branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia lend their wholefliiearted sup­ TEM. LEARN WHY SO MANY port, we could launch a -ia- the wall you can borrow for worthwhile purposes—to tional physical development HOMES ARE GOING ROCKGAS. buy or refinance $our car—to furnish that new project that would match the home or room—to pay your taxes or insurance programs of most othter nations £) Cost to Install £ Benefits premimns-rrto. consolidate debts—to meet and which would add consid­ erably to our national pride. £ Cost to Operate medical or dental expenses. What better way is there to Adaptable And your loan will be life insured at no extra prepare for Canada's Centenary •to :3nV cost to you. *' than through such- a national an {ttityedcal fitness program in ILLUSTRATED IS JUST ONE OF order that Canadians partici­ THE MANY UNITS AVAILABLE pating in the Olympiad of 1968 will thrill the hearts of all of usu I leave it in your hands. THIS ROCKGAS UNIT INSTALLED M \ COMPLETE — READY TO GO Floor level .;:, OSO.T 24-hour ;'.heat -7. "••_'."".•; ^ " DOWN :'*..3'(HfBttt3ns;-.-ifeil SIMPLE Tawing INTEREST Peninsula Motors THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Gibsons Hardware A NETWORK ©F OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD Ph. Sechelt 10 (daytime) Ph. Gibsons 33 Ph. Sechelt 80R (nights) in in i mi r* """• •""•'"• ™—i BJtfS'.people ate friendly people—get to know them Ph. Gibsons 179H (nights) at our S^usunish and Woodfibre branches. G. H. Chu!Cchill,7Manager. ..'-•....'.' •-. -Ay,-__ •. 8BS 4 Coast News, Nov. 17, 1960. Doyle, Mrs. M. Foley. Mrs. J. Yearly fire accounts for 3 Halfmoon Bay Showers Cooper, Mrs. P.tCaifieroiO;Mrsi By PAT WELSH G. riutherford, Mrs. R. Kolter­ percent of wood consumption. man, Mrs, B. Robinson, Mrs. E. Mrs. S. Skytte of Copenhagen, Mrs. Dorothy Smith and Mrs. hostess in serving refreshments. be, Elizabeth Lester of Madeira Lewis, Mrs. E. Lyons, Mrs. Q. Denmark, arrived in Vancouver Lee Redman were co-hostesses Those invited were Mrs. Ada Park, whose marriage to Frank Burrows, Mrs.c P. Tschaikowsky, Sunday after flying the polar al a delightful miscellaneous Dawe, Mrs: Billie Steele, Mrs. Jorgenson takes place Nov. 19. Mrs. P. Skytte, Mrs. E. Ed­ route to this country. She is the shower for a recent bride, Mrs. Elsie Johnson, Mrs. Isobel Gil­ Pink and white streamers and monds, Mrs. Eileen Brooks, Mrs. guest of her daughter, Mrs. P. Michael Whitaker. Nee Leanna bert, Mrs. Ruth McKecknie, Mrs. balloons decorated the rooms Edna Brooks, Mrs. R. Schutz Jorgensen of Halfmoon Bay and Moscrip, at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Parker, Mrs. May Nor­ and the guest of honor's chair. and Mrs. P. Welsh. will i spend the next six months Hedman. minton, Mrs. Christine Johnston, Hostess Mrs. J. Hansen pinned here. She will attend the wed­ The beautiful gifts were pre­ Mrs. Chris Crucil, Mrs. Edna a pink corsage oh Lynne and led ding of her grandson, Prank Jor­ sented in a small boat decorated Wakefield, Mrs. Helen Fahrni, her to the decorated chair where gensen on Sat., Nov. 19. Her in blue and white and named the Mrs. Winnie Toynbee, Mrs. Joyce many lovely gifts were present­ % Peninsula Rioters grandaughter, Mrs. Joan Hansen H.M.S. Leanna, launched ori the Stewart and Mrs. Louise Lang. ed in a gaily decorated basket. Ph. Sechelt 10 (daytime) entertained at a family luncheon sea of matrimony Oct. 25, I960. The bride is the daughter of Tove Hansen assisted the guest Welcome Beach Community So­ The bride was attractive in a Mr. and Mrs. O. Moscrip of Sel­ with ribbons and papers. Miss Ph. Sechelt 80R (nights) ciety held a social evening Sat., blue wool dress with accessories ma Park and the groom the son Nicholson thanked everyone, ex­ INSTEAD OF FIRE Ph. Gibsons 173H (nights) Nov. 12 in Welcome Beach hall. and was presented with a cor­ of Mrs. Cherry Whitaker and the" pressing the hope that they The good attendance enjoyed the sage of tiny white niums trim­ late Kenneth Whitaker, a grand­ would come and see her when USE WIRE colored slides shown by Canon med with blue ribbons The color son of the late Mr. Herbert Whit­ she settled in her new home at Greene of his recent trip to Eng­ scheme was carried out on the aker, the original owner of the Redroofs. Refreshments were land. Bingo followed, then a sing dining room tea table with a cen­ Sechelt townsite who for many served by Mrs. M. Foley, Mrs. song to wind up the evening with tre piece arranged in a cut glass years operated the summer re­ P. Doyle and Mrs. J. Hansen. Canon Greene on the organ. container of white chrysanthe­ sort, the general store, and the Among those present were SECHELT THEATRE World War One songs were sung mums and bright blue ribbons Sechelt Hotel before it was sold Mrs. L. N. Lester, Mrs. Scott, 8 p.m. with gusto, bringing nostalgic with blue tapers in silver hold­ to the Union Steamship company. Mrs. P. P. Jorgensen, Mrs. P. Thurs., Fri. — Nov. 17 - 18 memories to many present. Re­ ers. * * * James Stewart, Kathryn Grant freshments were served by con­ Bridesmatron Mrs. Pat Luoma In spite of inclement weather venor Mrs. L. Bath, Mrs. M. assisted in opening the gifts, and Nov. 9, the living room of the ANATOMY OF A MURDER Morgan, Mrs. P. White and Mrs. her mother, Mrs. Eve Moscrip Andy Hansen home at Redroofs ADULT J. Meikle. An auxiliary will be presided over the tea table with was filled with friends and neigh­ Special Admission formed with the first meeting on Mrs. Dolly Jonas assisting the bors to honor a popular bride-to- Adults'$1 — Students 50c Nov. 23 at the Welcome Beach Hall at 2 p.m. Sat., Mon. — Nov. 19 - 21 Weekending here were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearson and Robbie, Remembrance Day Service •Gary Cooper, Julia London the Don MacDonalds, R. Bendy, MAN OF THE WEST The largest Remembrance Day At a well-attended Remem­ Mr. and Mrs. Roger. Bentham - and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. G. crowd yet gathered in front of brance Day service in Gibsons PIONEER Technicolor Brooke, Mr. Alan Greene. the cenotaph at Roberts Creek Canadian Legion hall Nov. 11, it was announced by John Wil­ Legion on Nov. 11 in sunny wea­ son, president of Branch 109, ther. as there was no winner of this The service was conducted by year's Legion bursary it would Padre Harbord. Mrs. Harbord be held in trust for last year's was at the piano, and Mrs. Tylor winner, Margaret Veale who of Branch 68 attended to the re­ will be attending university MIS in;iin sno\ next year. The bursary is for cording of the last post. same proven quality Those laying the wreaths were $200. Specializing In ... . for the branch, W. Gilbert; aux­ The service was conducted same top performance iliary, Mrs. Manns, and Com­ bv the branch padre, Rev. Denis munity Association, M. Stevens. Harris assisted by Rev. David same guarantee Mr. Tylor of Branch 68 gave the Donaldson w i t ;b combined navy salute.while Mrs. Mortimer choir,? from the Anglican and *16" chain formerly (Navy Mother) laid her wreath. United churches. In the even- The Scouts, Cubs and Brownies inpr a dinner and dance was priced at 17.70 now were under the supervision of B. held at which. 170 persons at­ Davis, E. Fossett and Mrs. Mc- tended. selling at Mann, respectively. Mrs. Thyer laid a spray for Mr. and Mrs. BCE WELFARE FUND Tidball in memory of their son. *Oth«r chain «iz«s also OO Mr. F. H. Norminton, B. C. For appointment dial 886-2672 radwead in prica '14 While all were in the hall hav­ Electric District Manager, ad­ ing refreshments, there was a vises that as a result of the Em- 20" chan fonneriy 2C.9G NOW 516J0 bouquet of flowers placed in nlovee Welfare Drive, the fol­ front of the wreaths, sent by Mrs. lowing donations have been made 24" chainformerly 24.15 NOW $19.25 Morphy. available for distribution to 28" cfiaffi farmerlj 27.40 NOW $21.75 The smorgasbord held in t]he charitable organizations in the 32" chain fomeriy 33.35 NOW $26.50 evening was beyond all expecta­ Sunshine Coast area from the PIONEER SAWS LTD. tions. Mrs. Thyer was pleased employee welfare fund. Pender Harbour Community Club that so many came with good ap<- St. Mary's Hospital Society $50 petites, and cheers went up when Canadian Red Cross Society 40 your syakil Fred Claydon (former zone _comv Canadian Cancer Society 40 if tkiii si* mander) and wife appeared. The Salvation Army 25 Pioneer dealer PIONEER ••.nifty Branch and Auxiliary of 219 Canadian Arthritic Society 20 Ass- CABARET DANCE thank all who attended. • Canadian National Institute is i • • for the Blind 15 Remembrance Day ceremonies Cerebral Palsy Society 15 DUNLOPS GENERAL STORE, Egmont, B.C. at Pender Harbour were marked Boy Scouts Association 15 Friday, Nov. 25 by a combined parade of Legion- S P. G. A. 10 STANDARD MOTORS, Sechelt, B.C. —- Ph. 64 aires, Ladies' Auxiliary, Junior TOTAL $230 SMITTY'S BOAT RENTALS, Gibsons, B.C. — Ph. 28 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. Forest Wardens and Cubs, under direction of Parade Marshall SOME GOOD SPUDS RSM Peter Trappitt, MBE. One was round, another was GOOD ORCHESTRA Favored with fine weather, long and the third was red. They there was an excellent turnout., were potatoes and grown in the Assembly was at Legion Head­ Admission $1 Refreshments Hopkins Landing area by Mr. H. quarters, from whence the par­ Fells. Peninsula Tire Centre ade marched to the Community The round one weighed eight __\ Hall, where the Remembrance ounces,the long one five ounces Day service was conducted by and the red one seven ounces. Canon Alan Greene, branch The round was a Kennebec, the chaplain. long a Netted Gem and the red The Cubs, under Assistant a Pontiac. All were good firm Cubmaster Jim Love, were well potatoes. Mr. Fells has about turned out in their attractive uni­ five acres in potatoes. forms, whilst the Forest War­ dens, after a short course of drill instruction by Mr. Bernard Clarke, who was in charge of We use them on the parade, made a Ultra Sonic Sound Waves smart showing both on parade to clean your watch and on the march. and jewelry Following the two minutes si~ lence, pb]bpy wreaths were plac­ ed by Capt. W. Kent, secretary Chris* Jewelers of the branch, and Mrs. Jim-Cam-:* eron, of the Ladies' Auxiliary. MAIL ORDERS : • At close of the service, refresh­ GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ments were served in the hall Ph. Sechelt 96 by ladies of the Auxiliary.

now is the time Terrific Savin to put RAD Brown Bros. Motors permanent type 41st at Granville, Vancouver, B.C. YOUR FORD — MONARCH — FALCON DEALER 5.25x16 — $11.00 (ex.) 6.40x13 —• $14.05 (ex.) anti-freeze 5.50x15 — $12.40 (ex.) 6.00x16' —, $13.30 (ex.) In your tractor 5.50x16 — $12.75 (ex.) 6.70x15 — $15.50 (ex.) Innual Year-End Clearance 5.90x13 — $12.80 (ex.) 7.50x14 — $15.80 (ex.) HIGHWAY NEW TREADS $10.40 (ex.) r IMPERIAL . TRUCK RECAP Esso TOP CAP FULL.TREAD ACENT 7.50x20 — $31.50 ..„ .. $39.35 Shop by phone for the model you want 8.25x20-—$36.70 $45.90 Call your Imperial Esso Agent today 6 V BATTERIES from $11.95 NEW OR USED 12 V BATTERIES from $14.95 DANNY WHEELER FULLY GUARANTEED Phone GIBSONS 66 CALL IC8CEY COE COLLECT Gibsons Slielfi Service at Amherst 6-7111 or Browning 7-6497 CHARLIE and TERRY :: I*hone: Gibsons 3i# : *"•"-';• "= •?-•"•" •

BO*** Coast, News,.,Nov. 17, .1960. { FUELS DIRECTORY (Coniinued) COMING; EVENTS - •;-••'._ : Wood, alder, $10, any length. For •• . '* '.' ^—'if% Ltd. and Margaret Fellowes, Jean FURNACES and Shelly Davison and Mr. and Phone YU 8-3443 Mrs. J. Royce all spent the long weekend on the Sunshine Coast. BE A PARTY TO A WE'LL TELL YOU ABOUT THE MANY ADVANTAGES OF Mr. J. R. Marsh and Rick have OR been on a hunting trip this last week. Mrs. H. Galliford has as her guests Mrs. W. Boyte and chil­ ESSO OIL HEATING BURNERS dren of Glenayre. You can often silence a squeaking shoe by piercing the sole with sev­ Almost half the pulpwood IF YOUR EQUIPMENT eral tiny holes right behind Hie bail cut ooimes £rom Quebec pro­ CALL of the loot. vince. FURNACE *£. engineered H9NKE LOOKS LIKE specifically When in Vancouver, stay at for your THIS...,JP u_tt___t____mmm B.C.'S NEWEST, heating Speck requirements SMARTEST HOTEL Share the "party 0 convenient mood" with people Planning a trip to Vancouver? It's smart to Metal Works stay at the Blackstone. Conveniently located budget terms who can't be with in. the heart of downtown Vancouver. Full you. Far-away family GIBSONS hotel services'available for your comfort and convenience;^* Y/if§d music in every room. and and friends join the Excellent food prepared ley one of Canada's top CALL chefs featuring Italian and' American dishes. fun when you call Ph. Gibsons 149 YOUR HEATING 0 free life insurance LONG DISTANCE. * Modern, Comfortable Rooms Gives everyone a * Excellent Service EQUIPMENT DEALER # up to 6 y^ chance to say Blsewhere call your nearest * Reasonable Rates Imperial Oil sales office * 2 Modern Dining Rooms to pay •Vhello" and "Happy * 2 Luxurious Lobbys Birthday!" * Your Hbsfr, Morley Kyte 5% Down — Balance at 5%% Simple Int. BLACKSTONE HOTEL ngineered for 1176 Granville St., Van. 2. B.CT^-Ph. MU 1-7541 ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST Modern Living 9037.1 DUKES & BRADSHAW Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY • SEE OR 1473 Pemberton Ave., North Van. — YU 8-3443 PHONE DAN WHEELER, Gibsons 66 Low Down Payment TED KURLUK, Sechelt 107 VW23-4LO FREE PARKING AND FREE TV Easy Monthly Terms

6 Years to Pay • Maranfeed by There's somethin PECIAL Imperial Oil about SPECIAL OLD

Finer Taste is a Seagram Tradition

. ^ This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or Dy the Government of British Columbia Coast News, Nov. 17, 1980.



.• *.. *_ ^» . ••-'. ^p. ..,**... ^ _ •' • • All present telephone numbers will be completely changed



HOW TO BRING YOUR NEW DIAL TELEPHONE INTO SERVICE: As soon as possible after 11:01 p.m. next Saturday, cut the wire marked with the YELLOW TAG. This wire joins your old and new telephones. (JJut the wire with a pair of sharp scissors or shears.

At 11:01 p.m. next Saturday, all telephones in Gibsons and Sechelt will be converted from manual to automatic dial service.

All new numbers for Gibsons and Sechelt will be listed in your new Howe Sound-Sechelt Peninsula directory. Please do not use this directory before 11:01 p.m. Saturday, November 19.

New central offices and equipment costing almost a million dollars will provide subscribers in Gibsons aad" Sechelt with the most modern, efficient telephone service possible.


V653S-ICJ 8 Coast News, Nov. 17, 1960. Police Court Appearing before Magistrate iristmas is around the corner so w E & M BOWLADROME Andrew Johnston, Leonard John­ By Ed Connor son of Sechelt was fined $30 for driving without due care and at­ not do your interior decorating NOW of the Men's league tention. were in their best form this week, taking high three and high Five juveniles were placed on Phone .... of 3022 and 1081 and Gra­ probation for being found in pos­ ham McLean of the same-team session of beer. KINSMEN HALL with the highest so far played A $150 fine and his drivers li­ in the alleys with 861-253-350-258. cense suspended for s>ix months ELECTION OF OFFICERS was the penalty for Benjamin GIBSONS 166 FOR INFORMATION Imperials of Gibsons Mixed A Joseph Beaudoin of Gibsons BRING YOUR RAFFLE BONDS with 2976 -1017 and Clippers of Gibsons Mixed B 2931-1024 were when found guilty of driving close .followers.- while his ability • was impaired Leagues in their order. by alcohol. Gibsons Mixed B: Roy Taylor William /Stewart Mackey of 692, Ron Oram 285. Garden Bay was sentenced to 30 Gibsons Mixed A: H. Shadwell days in Oakalla and in addition Phone 672, K. Crosby, 285, Gwen Con­ fined $300 or an additional 30 885-9343 nor 674-254. days for contributing to juvenile Merchants: B. Nimmo 676, B. delinquency by providing juven­ Come in and see our large selection Wilson 266, Lottie Campbell 606 iles with liquor. SECHELT of NEW PARTY GOWNS for the 259. William Richard Jack of Rob­ Festive Season just ahead. Commercials: J. Drummond erts Creek was fined a total of 644, H. Jorgenson, 240, H. Thor­ $75 for being a minor in posses­ ONE AND TWO PASSENGER FLOAT PLANES burn 585-227. sion of liquor on two occasions A small deposit will hold your choice High Teachers: G. Yablonski, Alexander Main of Gibsons was A. Campbell, commercial pilot and licensed mechanic at an unbelievable range of— 697-288, D. Crosby, 557. fined $50 for consuming beer in Ladies Wed.: L. McKay 575. a public place. Broughton, 219.. Ross Oviatt of Richmond was Ball and Chain: Browme Wil­ fined $25 for being a minor in $14.95 to $29.95 son 584, Roy Taylor 238. possession of beer. Men's League, Graham Mc­ Robert ,Brian Rusk, Roberts Lean 861-253-350-258, Ron Oram, Creek; Frank Jorgensen, Half­ 281. moon Bay and Henry Stroshein Celebrating 1 Year High School: Dal Crosby, 228, of Wilson Creek were fined $25 THRIFTEE DRESS SHOP Winston Robinson, 206, Bob Wil­ each for speeding. son 219, Garry D. 249. VOLLEY BALL on the Peninsula Nov. 19 SECHELT ..•:'•' • ' ... Ay Pender Harbour at Elphin­ By Orv Moscrip stone, 4 sets of games Fri., Give your family In the Ten Pin League, Dick Nov. 18, 7.30 p.m. Gray with his 561, - led Gray- Brooks Jr. High at Elphin­ ^CUNNINGHAMS hounds to a new high three of stone, 3 sets of games on Sat., a SUNDA Y treat ! ! ! 2S96. Al Swan of Pender had Nov. 19 at 2 p.m. HALFMOON BAY high single of 214. Peninsula Building Supply of the Peninsula Newsprint accounts for 15 Commercial topped the leagues . percent of all exports from New phone 885 - 9564 PENINSULA HOTEL with 2982 (1023-1001) Canada. Score by leagues FREE GIFT TO ALL CUSTOMERS Ladies: Eve Moscrip, 584-257, WHILE THEY LAST Linda Carter 291. Pender: Gordon Freeman 644. Marlene Dubois 587. Late Want Ads DINING ROOM . Pen. Commercial: Eve Mos­ crip 663-270, Fern Taylor 254, FOR SALE Orv Moscrip 681. Pee Wee League: Kirsten Jor­ Lionel train set, in new condi­ OPEN tion. Ph. Gibsons 118R. PO Box gensen 314-185, Ray Moscrip 257, PENINSULA MOTORS Phone Gibsons 404 for Reservations Randy DeLeenheer 145, Harry 75. Wilson 145. FOR RENT ,Jr. High: Alec, Skytte 423-235, Ricky Flumerfelt 234, Holly Pratt Modern 4 room bungalow in 329-172. Gibsons, furnished. $45 per mon. SERVICE STATION High School: Marilyn Swanson Phone Vancouver CA 4-7780 INSTEAD OF FIRE USE WIRE 279-154, Bob Miakawa 396-223. HOURS BASKETBALL MARCEL MON. to SAT. The Squamish Chieftans, cap­ MARCEAU 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. italizing ori every-break, raced You Can't Beat "MASTER OF MIME" to an easy 51-31 win over the Gib­ sons Orphans in a game played JANUARY 6 & 7 SUNDAY last Wednesday in Squamish. Queen Elizabeth Theatre The Orphans appeared nervous 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the first half, scoring only 9 Electric Heat Mail Order* to points and having numerous passes intercepted or go awry. "MARCEL MARCEAU? 570 'Seymour St., Vancouver 2 Modern Base Board j ^Space Saving It wasn't until; the third quarter WANT ADS ARE REAL SALESMEN that the losers started to jell Perimiter Heating j Low Cost, Dependable with any consistency but by that time the hustling Chiefs had the Safe Clean Operation I Centemporary Design game well in hand. Gosling and Ure led the Squa­ mish attack With 12 and 11 points respectively while Ron Godfrey Christmas in Gibsons topped the Orphans with 10. The same two teams will meet SIM ELECTRIC LTD. again this Saturday at Elphin­ Phone Sechelt 161 stone gym. Game time is 8 p.m. See our stock of TOYS and GIFTS and there will be no admission charge for this game. Squamish (51) — Baird (4) Neil­ for every member of the family son (2), Gosling (12), G. Hen­ drickson (9), Radford (7), Rivett (6), Ure (11), Siggers, Bjarkland, K. Hendrickson. Pre-Christmas Another FIRST at Gibsons (31) — Nygren (6), God­ frey (10), Nimmo (5), Robinson (1), Nicholls (2), Butler (6), SECHELT LOCKERS V»est (1), Bergnach, White. Sunset Sale Sechelt News BY MRS. AjA. FRENCH Mrs- D. Fane, president of the .. Starts Thursday PRAWNS : 65c Ib. W. A. of the f)iocese of New Westminster attended the meet­ ing of St. Hilda's Anglican Shrimp Meat > 49c pkg. church W-. A. It was an interest- , November 24 m____m_m_immi ing "knd informative meeting and plans were discussed for the Christmas bazaar, the date to be WATCH FOR YOUR FLYER IN THE MAIL announced later. A presentation Put your Xmas TURKEY was made on behalf of the W. A. to Mrs. Bessie Wakefield, an old and valued member, on the occa­ AUTOMATIC PHONE DIALING BEGINS ON SATUR­ sion of her'Stfth birthday. A birth­ DAY, NOV. 19 — OUR NEW PHONE No. is 88©- 2331 away NOW 55c Ih* day cake was cut and refresh­ ments .were enjoyed by 20 mem­ bers. FREEZER PACK Miss Dorothy Munro of Selma Park was taken very ill and is Hardware & Appliances now in hospital in Vancouver. Phone Gibsons 886-2331 TEN PACK Mrs. Norah Macklin is in Van­ couver for a short visit.

: ii > *"i''"" • - • • WIII- im

GULF MAKE IT PERSONALIZED!!! E For a Gift or Card that will 5-6 lb. ave. Phone Sechelt 78 last, order your Portraits and Box 439 Sechelt Phone Sechelt 1 Photo Greeting Cards' NQJV ass