Provincial Library, ¥&«&©£•!a* B. C. DANNY'S A Complete Line DINING ROOM of Men's Clothing Phone GIBSONS 140 SERVING THE GROWING SUNSHINE COAST Marine Men's Wear 7c per copy LtCT. JUST FINE FOOD Published in Gibsons,''B.-'C'.,Volume 14, Number 45, November 17, 1960. PhoHe Z — Gibsons, B.C. verHow mee * ^ * * Three representatives chosen at'-Trail Bay school More than 100 persons attend­ board present who took an active vote on representatives for. other St. Mary's Hospital society has approval from the B. C. H. I. S, ed an overflow School Board part in the meeting were Regin­ parts of the Sechelt rural area. received approval to hold a to Duild a new hospital, hav.e ob- meeting in Trail Bay Junior High ald Spicer, trustee for Pender The argument continued but the • tained approval to form a hos­ result was the Wilson Creek res­ plebiscite to authorize formation pital improvement district in or­ school at Sechelt for the annual Harbour area; John Bunyan, • of the Hospital Improvement trustee for Gibsons rural area idents could not vote. der to finance hospital construc­ report on school, board activities It took some minutes to get a District.. tion and obtained approval to and the election of three repre­ and Leo Johnson, Sechelt trus­ slate of nominees, three were In a letter from Victoria the hold a plebiscite to authorize for­ sentatives for the Sechelt rural tee along with Gordon Johnson, reeded and four were.eventually society was advised approval mation of the H. I. D. In addi­ area. Powell River and Sechelt school nominated after various people had been given and tne neces­ tion they have obtained approval Representatives elected were district superintendent. declined to stand.,: Eventually sary information was in the of .a firm of architects who will Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Mrs. Hazel When it came time to vote for Frank Yates. Mrs. Dorothv . hands, of the chief electoral offi: design the new hospital. Liste and Frank Yates. Mrs.. representatives questions were Smith, Mrs.' Hazel Liste and cer.- ; This work has taken approxi­ Joan Donley was the fourth nom­ asked as to who was eligible as Mrs. Joan Donley were nominat­ It is expected full details re­ mately one-and-one-half years ination. A motion was also pass­ :voters. It appeared only resi-. ed. Following the election, bal­ garding "the" organizing of the during which time the various ed thanking Gerry Fahrni for dents of the Sechelt rural area lots were Ordered destroyed. * plebiscite will be in possession committees have met almost ev­ the work he had done while a and not non-resident property The chairman then asked Mr. : of the society shortly. It is hop­ ery two weeks. A great deal of member of the. school board. owners could'vote. This caused Norminton to read the minutes ed a plebiscite date early in De­ effort has been made to advise In seeking nominations for a considerable examination of the of the meeting so they could be cember will b6 set. the public of the major develop­ chairman, there were ten refus­ School act which outlined voting given an OK by the meeting. So far the various committees ments. Considerable publicity has als before Norman Franklin, a procedures. Then it was suggest­ Before adjournment.-:-. Mr. Par­ set up by the St. Mary's Hospital been given to the project in former school trustee.took over, ed Wilson Creek residents could ker moved, a vote of grateful society to study hospital facili­ . Coast News columns. In addition the post. After five refusals, Boh not vote because they were al­ thanks to .Gerry Fahrni for the ties have accomplished a great various community organizations Norminton Volunteered to be* ready represented by a member work he had done while on the deal. They have obtained general have had hospital speakers at­ secretary. on the. school board from that school board. This was respond­ tend their meetings to speak on Representatives of the school area, therefore they could not ed to with immediate applause the new hospital project. In a further.effort to acquaint Nominations the public with the facts, the H. I. D. organizing1 Committee MARY FRANCES makes her and answers ? has set up a series of- meetings entrance on CBG-TV s Country, to be held shortly in various com Questions asked included have to pay five cents for bus asked how the meeting felt about Hpedown this* season as the on Nov. 28 munities. The following., tentative rides? Answer: It was through it. One speaker said he thought show's new .girl vocalist. The Notices are being posted in Se­ dates and locations of public Question: If bus transporta­ the goodness of Cec. Lawrence the trustees were being treated 21-year-old brunette from Osh- chelt and Gibsons announcing meetings will be published again tion costs are the highest in Brit­ of SMT that the children could like criminals, instead they de­ awa, Qnt., has been singing nomination day for both village later but are presented here for ish Columbia why transport have these rides. They are not served a vote of. thanks. This professionally since she was 17, councils on Nov. 28 at 10 a.m. general information: Grade nine pupils from Trail authorized by the School board was promptly given in spontan­ and has won.a number of ta­ In Gibsons two councillors will Nov. 28, Granthams Communi­ Bay school in Sechelt to Elphin­ but as the buses were moving eous applause. It was explained lent awards, including Arthur have to be nominated and in Se ty Hall. stone High school in Gibsons for over certain areas, Mr. Law­ after that trustees received no Godfrey's Talent- Scouts. On chelt, two councillors and one Nov. 29, Hopkins Community Home Economics and Industrial rence on his own, allowed them honorarium. Hoedown sTne appears with school trustee. Hall. Arts courses? Answer: A special to ride at the five cent rate. This The district school superin­ Gordie Tapp, Tommy Hunter, In Gibsons, Councillor A. H. Nov. 30, Gibsons Elementary bus conveys them to Gibsons but arrangement had nothing to do tendent said it was the first time Tommy Common, the Hames Pay will seek re-nomination. The School. they come back on a regular bus. with the school b«ard. he had ever heard this subject Sisters and the Singin' Swing- other seat vacant will be that oc­ Dec. 2, Roberts Creek Com­ If the two courses were installed Question: Why did seven brought up at a ratepayer meet­ in' Eight. cupied by Councillor Frank munity Hall. at Trail Bay the cost would be school trustees attending the ing. The trustees as an organiza­ — •-" • -- Hicks who has decided not to Dec. 5, Wilson Creek Commun­ much heavier. Later it was re­ trustees convention in Vancouver tion had turned down any sugr run again. ity Hall. vealed the 'reason why transpor­ recently spend $250, money gestion of an honorarium. They In Sechelt Norman Burley and Dec. 6, Sechelt Legion Hall. tation costs were heavy in Se­ which should have been spent on gave freely of their time and de­ Old phones Louis Hansen have completed Dec. 9, Madeira Park Com­ chelt School District was because school; bus transportation costs served better treatment than their terms on council and Leo munity Hall. of the ^cbsts^bf* water transporta­ and was not this figure unneces­ they got. Johnson who replaced Mrs. W. sarily high? Answer:" The board In addition, speakers will be tion!^ percent of the total, Question: Why was there no N. McKee when she moved away present on Nov. 17 at the meet­ whifcpwere * out of proportion to had budgettedj for $2,000 cdnven- go Saturday from the area, must also seek ing of the W. A. to the H. I. D. bust^rivei' but? were £necbssary i^tiOn expenses^ The" moneyy was money for dental services? Ans­ :x wer: The present budget had . After Saturday, telephone sub­ re-election if he decides to con­ organizing committee; Nov. 21 hecaj|j||J|vater 'transport was the judged by "brie /trustee as Swell tinue. at Selma Park Ratepayers Asso­ spent. as they had learned allots been overspent and there was no scribers in Gibsons and Sechelt 6nl|^»iy the children inyo]yed- v money for such a servicer arid it Election day if a vole is neces­ ciation meeting and Nov. 21 at coulfi^t toJichqol.^ «_:'.A,- . ^fter ^re.debate ythe. chairman % wjll turn magneto cranks no sary will be on Dec. ,8 in Sechelt would rha^b^to^^ait^he^next.: 0 .,*. £ib_§pns_. and ^District Board of l^lie^^^ine^tirii 16 order aftd '-'-'A'* and Gibsons. •••.-•--•>-• <••-.>-•«.-- - - •?- Qjfestion: Wiiy^plffife children* year's budget. It was explained '•'motel'"' "*"'" "" *-'"'*'**-~ -'* "Trade meeting. ...•.--->.--•• .- that $7,000 had been budgeted At exactly 11:01 p.m., an $850,- As regards Gibsons school All landowners are urged to but more had been experided for 000 expansion program to con­ trustee, Mrs. Christina Ritchey . attend at least one of these meet­ this service. vert these two communities from was chosen for a two year terrii ings, - to familiarize themselves Question: Sechelt Eleriientary on the school board at last year's with developments on the new manual to automatic service will election. school life expectancy, as a builds culminate with the pulling of hospital. ing was near its end, owing to "blocking tools" — fiber strips the age of the building. Has the between switch contacts — in At; ^meeting Tuesday night in quest-for a 50 percent increase in board any plans for the future? the new Gibsons and Sechelt au­ rates was so far out of line with Answer: Yes, but they cannot be tomatic central offices.
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