THF Kull Thomas McConnell Win Editors Posts On Denisonian Announcement of the promotion of Wally Kull and Joe Thomas to the position of co- editors of the Denisonian was made Wednesday by the Board of Control of Publications Kull and Thomas will assume DenisonianDENISON UNIVERSITY the post vacated by the retire- GRANVILLE OHIO MARCH 12 No 19 25 New Members ment of Ann Creel effective next Initiated by SAE issue Both the new editors have NAGY OLNEY CHOSEN CO- served in the capacity of co- news DCGA PRESIDENTS Ohio Mu of Sigma Alpha Epsilon editors before being promoted to initiated 25 pledges last Sunday their present rank Kull a junior The initiation was held at the and Thomas a sophomore aim at MacLEAN BOWEN LUCKER house with several attend- HOPKINS ELECTED alums impartial news coverage accur- ing Following ceremony the a acy apprentice reporting By KEITH OPDHAL banquet was held at the house in and Managing the financial end of The student body chose Al Nagy and Louise Olney as co- presidents of Denison Camp- honor of the new initiates and their the Denisonian Bill McConnell Government Association m Chapel Monday with Ann MacLean and Bill Bowen as parents It is the largest initiation us will take oyer the post formerly vic- epresidents Ann Lucker and Bob Hopkins are the new co- judicial Over ever held by Ohio Mu Initiated chairmen by Mc- Yl per cent ol the student body were Jerry Armbrecht Tony held Chuck Brickman voted each of the dorms and fraternity Baker Marty Belser Darrel Bib- Connell served in the position ol houses ler John Chamberlin advertising manager prior to this Speaking over WDUB from Steve A total of 16 candidates ran Churchill Doug Ken promotion their party in Columbus Monday Clements for the six offices of campus gov- Coburn Jim Cooke John Dep- Further appointments on tlie- might the incumbent officers an ernment They were Dave Bay- pner Joe Donithen Art Douglass paper will be made at a later nounced the election returns set- ley Bill Bowen John Heamon Tom Hayes Ken James Tom date Also under consideration by ting off a colorful torchlight pa- Fred Judy John Miller Al Nagy Lindsey Leroy McMonagle Dick the Board of Control of Publica- rade across the campus Presi Taffy Barton Anne MacLean Metchear Bill Sadd Bill Schanz tions are the editorship and busi- dent- elect Al Nagy was carried Louise Olney Jan Wahle Ann Jim Schautz Jim Scatterday Lar- ness managership of the Campus on the shoulders of his fraternity Lucker Marty Watkins Marge ry Seik Dennis Smith Ket Weist The elections should be an- orothers as they toured the cam Williams Bob Hopkins Brian and Tom Youngquist nounced shortly pus Newman and Bob Pumphrey Editor of the D- Book for the Arriving from Columbus in The voting was preferential coming year will be Don Mackey 20 Don core- write cumbents Char Smeltzer Dick with students choosing the or- Beta Initiate who has served as Lugar Katy Lou Englehart Tom der in which they preferred the editor for the Denisonian will aid Miss Ruth Outland Skidmore Al and Sue candidates The ballots were Into Active Ranks in Cramer the formulation of the booklet Miles joined the parade stopping allied by our present DCGA of- Alpha Eta of Beta Theta Pi in- ficers ducted 20 new men into its active at each dorm to give a wellrecei- ved ranks last Sunday The ceremony can- The new serenade The female officers will formally began at noon and was followed Denison Graduate didates were abducted from their enter office in a special chapel on by the traditional banquet John Monday night March 22 dorms to enable the outgoing Dolibois alumni secretary of Mi- Speaks in Chapel male officers to end their admin- Soon to be submitted to an all- ami University was the main you istration with a kiss school vote the DCGA constitu- speaker The festivities were con- If dont like what you see The celebration ended a week tion by present cluded at 330 with the passing of why dont you give me something formulated the Especially of campaign speeches speculation senate and executive officers has the loving cup better appropriate during Bonds of Friendship intense hopes of- been passed on by faculty Those initiated were Al Rudoph week and that started the this question was used as the basis ficially on Sunday February 28 Should the new constitution be Don Gill Pete Armacost Howard Robb John Hinkle Bob Backhaus for the Rev Klincks speech in Posters were put up the plat- passed by the student body the Chapel last Monday forms appeared in the Denison new officers will have as one of Dick Barbieri Art Baker Walter Chap main duties the drawing up Nadzak Bill Wagner Joe Terna- According to the Rev Klinck ian and were presented in their are two types spoke in of the by- laws van Don Pheneger Dave Jones there of people In el and the candidates John Marshall Gary Gieringer the world those who are aware Garry Fairchild John Taylor Bob of social injustice but take on a Job Clinic Soon for Brawley Charles Fischer Jack do- nothing care- nothing attitude Bonds Show Winds Up Charity Thuma toward the situation and those Upperclass Girls who in their awareness are will- Drive Tonight and Tomorrow ing to share in changing this Freshman sophomore and jun- VACATION SCHEDULE wrong to right It is up to the By TIP RASOR ior women The chance to find job person who is not a victim of In- night the Bonds of Frieindship Class schedules for the first Tonirfit and tomorrow opportunities in relation to college day of spring vacation have equality and descrimination to help Fund Drive will be terminated by the musical saga ine majors is here On March 24 the been announced by the faculty the fellow who is Similarly it is the duty of one who has the care Life and Times of J Quincy Schlogerlip Fraternities and Vocational Guidance Office and committee On April 9 after- all week long in preparation Womens Council are presenting a noon classes will be held in and interest of others to show sororities have been working the morning and vacation will some of the same to those who are for this show promises to be Vocational Guidance Clinic de- It the pledges of that well known officially commence at noon neglected one of the best ever put on for this signed especially for the under- fraternity a serenade by the ac- One oclock classes will be held The Rev Klinck is an execu- annual occasion classwomen Students who have at 8 am two oclocks at 9 am tives and pledges of Theta Eta Chi 10 tive director of Brooks House of The show will feature eight dif not chosen their major may find three oclocks at am and dinner prepared and served plus four oclocks at II am Christian Service Inc in Ham- ferent fraternities and sororities entertainment by the Thetas a help in deciding mond Indiana lying for the coveted cups free psychoanalysis by Dr Park- Besides having representatives awarded each year to the one pres- er Lichenstein of the Denison to speak on retailing market re- enting the best skit During the Psychology Department natural- search and secretarial jobs plus Doane Gallery Show Features auctioning off many varied and ly two very small and very cute others being contacted there will abulous gifts and permissions puppies and a spring houseclean- be a discussion on marriage and a will be offered proceeds will The ing by the Phi Delts thats inside career Humor In Modern Art Now donated to the many chanties and outside girls a room for By JULIE ROBINSON throughout county In the morning there will be a the state two girls on the nights of March Most people in thinking of modern art dont con- country and world Prom two speaker and panel discussion and 19 and 20 Junior nect in any way with humor but the present Doane Gal- John Adams who is in charge girls dorm priorities and a in the afternoon discussions at the it of the auction has secured gifts chance to decorate Dick Lugar various sorority houses where the lery Exhibit Humor in Modern Art belies this attitude from local business establishments with an apple pie Limited space student may ask any and all ques- The exhibit proves that an artist can show sense of humor and social groups for Fred Wirt has allowed mention of only a tions of the representative of the as clearly through his medium as to put on the auction stand To of the tremendous values but field in which she is particularly any literary genius can through represented by a number of pic- few tures the most outstanding being tame a few Two private parking there are many more Any social interested It is asked that stu- his places a copy of the mural found at the in Talbot parking lot din- group which is not participating dents register sometime before ner for set up However dont think that the haps the most notable artist from two at Tonys that little in the show should perhaps March 24 so they may be excused outofth- eway Newark specific pur- exhibit is in anjr way slap- stick the humor point of view is Stein- place in a fund to use for this from classes that day consisting of steak and pizza pose for on the whole the work is of a berg the man who does those is hoped by taking ad- crazy greeting cards His work Theta Eta Chi house cleaning by and re- It that very subtle sort with the possible For an evening of fun is something to see field house either vantage of this Vocational Guid- exception of James Thurber who laxation visit the approach Brooks tonight or tomorrow youll be glad ance Clinic women will again has produced some inimit- The most universally known art- To Furnish you did Saturday night the cups their senior year with more of an able drawings and cartoons ist represented is Walt Disney A will be awarded for the skits ad- idea of what opportunities await Joan Miro an outstanding wom- scene from his recent cartoon Prom Dance Music judged best so come cheer your them on leaving Denison an in the modern art field is well Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom is an- Ray Brooks group to victory on display Stuart Davis will be the feature of funny attraction at On other tickler the bone the Junior Prom is showing a picture entitled March 19 he Mili- Fbr and his band of Use Only tak- ary Ball Piano Music Internal which if renown will appear and Songs en would most certainly produce M an extra Har- attraction the indigestion and yet dont miss monaires from Columbus will be On Student Recital a opportunity to see Denison piano the the exhibit A program of songs and for much enjoyment can be de- The dance will be held in the music will be presented this rived from the various artists and eld house from 9 pm to 1 am Wednesday evening in the stu- their humor ith automatic perc- held in Recital two oclock dent recital to be In conjunction ussions being given to wom- Banbury and Rayko with the Doane the Hall Tom Gallery Exhibit which continues The charge for the prom is Yasumura will perform songs by wo dollars per through April 9 the Society to couple Bridge Strickland and Faure Arts is One of of program and Letters presenting a the highlights the Of the pianist on the program on evening will be crowning the play a March 15 titled the of Margaret Barton will Humor in Junior Prom candid- the Modern Arts Eric Queen The Scarlatti Sonata Joyce Thaeler Johanneson will ates are Jane Geyer Molly Crane Italian show slides and Nancy a movement from Bachs discuss humor element Tucker Nancy Myers Au- two the while Concerto Alice Kirkpatrick Miss Haury and Bob Miller are to Jjey Palmer Sally Lashar Marty a Beethoven Catkins movements from be featured at the piano playing and Mary Kenrick and Jack Dudley will selections appropriate Tne arr- Sonata to the committees in charge of program with a Brahms theme angements for the prom are close the oration Rhapsody All this to show that humor and John Shilliday and program is expect- Midge Greenlee queen Brad The entire art are not incompatible but rath- ngers ed to last not more than an hour Junior Prom Queen contenders are left to right Nancy Tucker tickets Mike Cook and hope it will Geyer Nancy Myers Marty Watkins Audrey Palmer Sally er under certain condition get Uaye Wade and the performers Jane and band Jim Arnold one Lashar Molly Crane and Mary Kenrick along quite well together m John Heamon be an entertaining March 12 1954 age 2 DENISONIAN

THE EDITORS SPEAK WDUB NEW PROGRAM SCHEDULE And now it comes time to write a thirty at the end of my Denisonian story The publication of the school paper is Time Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday now in the capable hands of Wally Kull and Joe Thomas 700 AMNews News News News News who have worked hard to get where they are 715 Musical Clock Musical Clock Musical Clock Musical Clock Musical Clock v3o About a year ago Pam and I took over the Denisonian 745 Our hopes were high and were filled with the same sort Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Our 75830 of enthusiasm that characterizes the new editors aims 700 P M News and Sports News and Sports News and Sports News and Sports News Sports of a year ago have not all been reached The quality of 715 News Analysis Heres To Vets Variety Time Navy Show Requestfully etories can still be improved upon thoughtful study will 730 Marine Corps To be announced Playhouse D XL Forum Yours po doubt yield more pleasing make- up and campus coverage 745 UN in Review Platter Party J can be We realize the disappointment 800 Musical Classics Recital Hall of events increased 815 For College of seemingly reaching a limit in the improvement which 8 30 Broadways Best Tome Tunes Something Old our talents could effect 845 I Its been a long year a hectic year a fun year Full of 900 Consider This Workship Drama Something New Jj we would have 9 15 more satisfaction work and pleasure than Critical Issues Guild Hall news- 930 To be announced Around World dreamed possible We learned a great deal concerning 945 Memory Lane es- paper technique But more important we learned the 1000 Music You Want Music You Want Music You Want Music You Want Music You sential art of dealing with people and making dull drudgery 1015 Wnt fun 1030 1045 n My main regret has been the quality and quantity of Requestfully Certainly neither Pam nor I will remain on the 1100 Music Box Sandman Music Box Sandman editorials 11- 15 Yours annals of time as crusading journalists Perhaps in this ll30 News News News general area we have erred greatly yet we felt that edi- 1145 Music Box Music Box Requestfully torial coverage would be more than adequately handled by the midnight Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Yours Clipper and our hope lay in creating reader interest through- 1215 the entire paper 1230 we piled up many which we 1245 Over the year have debts 100 off can only repay with a sincere thank you And in spite of the enthusiasm we had when we learned of our ap- pointments it couldnt have been done alone papers just Sunday Schedule To Be Announced dont work that way The first vote of thanks goes to the staff of writers and copydesk workers who operated under an efficient board of editors The business staff which kept the paper on its financial feet also deserves a word of recognition To the ad staff which swelled our assets and to the circula CAMPUS CLIPPINGS tion staff that rolled up an all- time subscription high also By DICK LUGAR go our thanks To business manager Chuck Brickman ad Dear Folks manager Bill McConnell and circulation manager John Get- Eleven hundred and one students cast ballots on Monday morning Ninety- nine did gey go well deserved plaudits not Im certain that it would not embarrass either Al Nagy or Bill Bowen to revea Working side by side with last years staff were the that they were nine votes apart after the first choices were counted men in the Newark Advocate commercial printing sh The ballots of those folks who interesting at this point First of dates were eventually counted in They were a part of team which produced Deni- put a No 1 beside the name vital the the had all a that the top two candidates do of lowest candidates were number order sonian last year Although their names not appear on the of ballots could reach the necessary quota then separated and the second the the masthead they are an important part of the paper I which listed a a- choices of these voters were add- Also interesting was the am grateful for the patient mechanical explanations and particular can- evident- ed to the remaining five This ttempt by some voters to experienced tips I received from shop boss Don Morningstar didate first did ly vote as a second choice for a linotypists Dusty Rhodes and Dick floormen was repeated three more times as Herschel the leading pair edged toward not list the candidate whom they considered Harry Hinton Mayor Conner and Jim Camechis and ap- the necessary quota for election other candi- weakest When the fourth high- prentice Bob Coyne The quota was determined by dates in order est candidates votes were redi- There are many happy memories of the years on the dividing the total number of of preference stributed for instance more se- Denisonian the card games waiting for the copy to arrive votes cast 1101 by The voter had cond pjace votes went to the low- three the merely the frost morning walks to put the galley proofs on the bus number of officers to be elected marked est candidate than to any other at 730 am painting the new Talbot office Wallys ghost plus one The quota decided a 1 and let it candidate in the race All such two ballots had been go at that fear votes were of course lost because stories and that mystic ceremony the picnic on Sunset Hill after ruled ing evidently invalid was 366 After the three that someone elses the lowest man had already been with cake that failed to rise hectic nights of make- up when cause might be helped eliminated Furthermore since the pages just wouldnt jell amateur photography by the low mens second choices were redistributed the vote stood at All such ballots were of course the fourth highest candidate had Hens week of school the Clippings to re- the first read read 359 to 358 Both Bowen and counted but the reasoning be- now been eliminated it mattered and cut hum of machines at print shop as were the the the Nagy were short of the quota as hind such voting is fallacious So little as far as his chances paper was put to bed was the third ranking candidate long as your candidate the one concerned who the second Choice Its been worth the time And although itll be won- The second choices of those vot- you marked first remained in the votes were for Had just a few derful to have a breathing space right about now I feel at ers who had voted for the third race your second choice was more of those votes been for the loose ends ranking candidate were then never even looked at Only when leading contenders rather than elim- Thanks to the dependable editors Marion Jeanne counted and this decided the race a candidate is eliminated from lost on candidates already might end- Betty Ann Ann everyone who did the race do the counters look at inated the race have Hugh Jan Don Keith John and Judy In essence sooner And good luck to the new Wally and Joe With all their not vote for either Al Nagy or the second place in order that the ed pep and ideas it looks like a good year Bill Bowen as first choice event- voters will have something to say Our voting system is set up so ually got to choose between the about the candidates who are that it is impossible to hurt your two because the second choice still running The seconds for candidate by voting second for Tomorrow the current Bonds of Friendship drive ends votes of every other voter were people who voted for Nagy and the next strongest person because It is hoped that this year students will swell the total so counted Bowen first were never counted so long as your candidate has a as to set a new record The Friendship week is designed to A couple of observations are The seconds for all other candi Continued on Page 8 draw all the years charity drives into one concentrated effort This factor should be taken into consideration when the student is considering the total amount of his gift Be- LETTER TO cause it is the only subscription campaign of the year it makes sense to donate more than might ordinarily be ex- pected Drive Chairmen Don Shackelford and Muggs Miller THE EDITOR have devoted agreat deal of energy to making this week a TO THE EDITOR success show performers have spend hours perfecting the Although it cannot of course only 01 student review ihe etfort required the students appear until after the DCGA elec- is the simple action of reaching deep into pockets and wallets tions are over I would appreciate your running the following Letter to the Editor as a clarification As many of the faculty have The Denisonian doubtless already recalled it was Ken Underwood then director of Subscription Bat 300 Par Year Established in 1857 Entirely student operated Published weekly during the Core 71- 72 who wrote the 1949 school year Admitted as a second class matter April 8 1921 at Granville Deni- Scope Ohio under the Act o March 8 1879 amended under the Act of Oct 3 1917 article which has been EDITOR ANN CREEL distributed in connection with the ASSOCIATE EDITORS BETTY MILLER JEANNE KIRSTEN present DCGA campaign MANAGING EDITOR MARIAN REINERS Although was co- editor of ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR HUGH TEWELES I NEWS EDITORS JOE THOMAS WALLY KULL DeniScope at the time I cannot REWRITE EDITORS KEITH OPDAHL DON MACKEY COPY EDITORS JAN PIEHCE ANN MCABEE accept the credit attributed to me FEATURE EDITOR KATHY MYGDAL SPORTS EDITOR JOHN HEAMON as author of that article in the EXCHANGE EDITOR JUDY WHALEY I gen- MUSIC EDITOR EDNA BOG AUDITS current reprint As am in THEATRE EDITOR ED JACOBS eral sympathy with the ideas ex- PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR JOHN WRIGHT STAFF Bud Miller Carolyn Wagner Mary Turner Joen Pritchard Joe LeFever pressed therein I was happy to Ann MacLean Jim Bowman Jay Beck Sarah Durham Judy Wilks Dick copy of Wood Dick Lugar Bonnie Allen Betty Logcher Betty Beardsley Jack make available a the back Averiil Barb Shrader Gretchen Leitzell Jane Fischer Julie Robinson Nancy issue of Deni- Scope to candi- McBride Win Austin Sandy Kuhl Gail Palmer Dennis Sharp Barbara the Russ Florence Wright Sally Clark Lynn LandsitUe Dave Billett Ann Dunn date who wished to reprint it but June Emmett Ellie Voss Ken Thompson Tip Rasor Sally Eshelman Doug Colwell Mary Kenrick Betty Tompkins full credit for the Nine Sugges- BUSINESS MANAGER CHUCK BRICKMAN tions belongs to Ken Underwood ADVERTISING MANAGER BILL McCONNEU now Assistant Professor of Social CIRCULATION MANAGER JOHN GKTOIY Ethics at Yale Divinity School Circulation Staff lane Geyer Helen MacSwords Jacgue Heaslett Judy Whaley Doris George Pat Evans and Bob Pole Sincerely yours IM SORRY DOTTIE IS OUT WOULD YOU CARE TO Ed Voss 50 LEAVE YOUR LINE DENISONIAN Page 3 ON THE AISLE by Ed Jacobs Chapel To Feature Bucknell Graduate Next Week Street Scene Dr Edwin E Aubrey chaii- everyone probably man of the Department of Relig- As knows by now the TTni celebrating Denison ious Thought at the University of versity Theatre its twenty- third consecutive Pennsylvania will speak in Swas- ascription year comes up with its third major production ey Chapel on Monday morning Beaau 15 of tne n ls rmer Rices Street Spptipjv- March 11 hp iivnrpsenterl at thp ciic niuu v r Aubrey completed his un- f Tuesday Dr Opera House through will be seen on the boards at the dergraduate work at Bucknell at 815 pm Opera Saturday House next week there University receiving his MA Americas most memorable are a lot of old favorites in the and PhD degrees at the Univer an realistic drama outstanding cash such as Diane DiRosa and sity of Chicago success on Broadway both as a William Moor and a musical by the way play Street Scene is being direct- jnd winner of the Pulitzer Prize by ed Kjell Amble and the en- Flick Guide for u yn iw tire production is under the su- marily a mood picture of daily pervision of Edward A Wright Auditorium life in a mean New York neighb- Fiirhtftr Attack starring The Opera House Ster orhood The study is held to- box office is ling Hayden will be co- featureoj a strikingly now open daily except Sunday gether by dramatic for with Luxury Girls tonight and involving two murders tickets Activity Ticket No Saturday at the Auditorium plot 15 will be thing distinguishes honored for each re- Sunday Monday and Wednes- j One that served seat except Scene is Mr Rices re- for the Tues- day Crime Wave will be fc- ofea Street day evening performance which STREET SCENE a realistic drama by Elmer Rice opens Tues- markable sense of the theatre day at Opera tured with Duffy of San Quentin has been sold out to the Newcom- the House The cast of sixty includes left to right good must move fast ev- Carol Ekberg drama ers Club of Newark Thomas Hawley William Moor Robert Whitlatch Midland part of the play must be alive Tickets for Diane DiRosa Janet Droba and Frederic Curry The Glen Miller Story an ex- i ery this night may be purchased at at every moment and each chara- cellent production of this famouij the door for 125 you ality as a projective technique must contribute to the life if cannot bandleaders life will be shown orl cter attend any other time All seats Fulcher Featured utilizes the fact that people re- of play Scene solves the Midlands screen starting this the Street are reserved and you flect their feelings He then gave problems and Mr Rice has are ad- weekend It will probably con these vised to get them early because In Herrick Lecture the characteristics of projective 1 created some sixty memorable tinue through Thursday of a large advance mail order The annual Memorial Herrick technique and examples of its characters As one critic said he sale Lecture was held Tuesday night operation tenement empties a and peoples in Swasey Chapel This is the a full stage It is now up to the fifth year a lecture has been given Chaplain I will give five min- Denison players to breathe life in memory of Dr Robert Herrick utes of grace before your execu- into these roles and for the dir- NEWS BRIEFS who contributed much to Denison tion Radio- ector to show them how It is a in the of field science Condemned man Well very difficult job Initiation was thats held for the Theta Guest speaker Dr John S not very long but bring her in Yet one gathers optimism prev- chapter of Phi Alpha Theta the Fulcher 39 chose as his topic ails in the University Theatre newly installed History Honorary Projective Techniques and Ap- Phonograph that all will come out right in on February 25 Tapped were proach to Study of Personality the end We are very happy Dale Wolfe Al Nagy Marge Ison Dr Fulcher is well qualified to When Your Plans about the casting and see great Jean Puryear Anne MacLean speak on such a topic as he is now Include possibilities for making this a Lynn Wellman John Miller doing government work in the Service really memorable event in the Chuck Peckham Bob Woods and field of psychology He pointed Denison University Theatre says Theron Dodson out first that the study of person production supervisor Edward A PRINTING Wright who points to the fact that many students who have never been on our stage before Serving Denison and Denisonians Consult are showing almost unbounded Well wm H enthusiasm for the play For exa- for Years mple John Ramondetta a Granville Times Bill Brooklyn boy who plays Harry WE HAVE EVERYTHING AUTOMOTIVE JOY Easter a prosperous business- PRESS man said after a rehearsal Its WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER YOUR CAR also just like it is at home For Phone Street Scene can be made as Cardboard Envelopes fascinating WALKER BATTAT MOTORS as comic and as vital AND Stationery as the streets along which the 86169 poor people of New York live Phono 6166 AUTHORIZED Newrk Ohio Paper Supplies DEALER Besides many new faces that

How W ill

J ftornolda Tob Oaw the stars got aaaw m MMlm Bmmmm JaBHr JJaV wifr feJ V WtoatoD- Salem N O started

8 Vaughn Monroe

In high school 71 T 11 r- a 1 spemi an my time playing with local bands I had a lot to learn before I could lead my own band I studied singing eventually did the vocals and found that the colleges kind of liked my recordings Been performing for em ever since


Camels agree with more people THAN AMY OTHER CIGAP- ETTE I March 12 1954 Page 4 DENIS O NI AN Shirley Lay Chosen To Reign Recovery of Louis Aids Psych Student At SAE Founders Celebration By GAIL PALMER Shirley Lay was named to the court of Her Loveli- Louis is feeling better now It ness at the first all- Ohio Founders Day celebration which was just the heat and then he had was held by the 11 Ohio chapters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon not eaten for awhile Louis ar- in the student union of Ohio State University on March 6 rived about 230 last Thursday afternoon Why yes he learned very quickly At this point you are probably wondering just who Louis is Louis is a small white rat with a tail as long as his body He is the property of Mary Ken- rick Stone Hall JA For Experimental Psychology the fourteen students in Dr Ga- wains class were required to train a white rat Some students de- cided to teach their rats to dance Louis who returned to the lab and is president of the school un- yesterday learned to go through James Opdahl vs ion as well as being captain of a small door which was distin- the tennis team guished only by a circle Indians in Debate The Denison debators who up- Mary used a large box arrange- believes held the negative side of the res- compartments This house the Fakir ment with three is mightier man of ac- olution were Keith Opdahl and to than the and a wide courtyard train him tion is the resolution which was Doug James supplied by Psych de- Food the debated before Critcal Issues Sponsored by the institute ot as Until the partment served bait International Education these two to associate his food Class in Life Science auditorium Louis learned 8 ques- men from India are touring the going through a door the food last night a oclock This with United States in order to debate was kept in the same corner Once tion compared the Fakir who a man schools One of the he had learned this lesson Mary represents the mind with at various men from to moved his food Within a little of action two sent the US is former less than a week Louis had mas- Representing the affirmative India to debate the tered the trick of opening the door were two college students from Ohio State debater Harlon Ra- Twentyoney- ndolph deba- with a small circle upon it India earold M who won the state With a large selection of rats to K Chaturved of University Law ting contest in 1952 choose from a student was for- College in Jaipur is majoring in Although presented for the tunate indeed to pick an intelligent economics R P Sikar of Elphir- Critical Issues Class the public rat So it is with a teacher He stone College in Bombay is 22 was invited It was the largest Founders Day fraternity with over four hundred is judged on the performance of celebration in the history of the SAEs from every chapter in the his students In this way arent Is state in attendance we a good deal like the white rats Two Violins Piano Recital Highlighting the afternoon pro- used for Experimental Psychology gram were skits given by several Among Most Excellent of Year sororities with the first place a banquet and speeches by Jack trophy going to the Pi Beta Phis Harris national treasurer of The quality of the Wednesday evening series in Recital reports given by the presidents SAE Jim Nicholson president of Hall was given an additional boost upward by last Wedne- of the chapters represented and the Toledo Alumni Association sdays program for two violins and piano Mary Koelb violi- the judging of Her Loveliness and alumnus of Denison Univer- genuine nist of most outstanding musicians and by representatives from WBNS- sity and the main speaker Dr and one Denisons minister of the Sam Gelfer presented wth Karl SHEAFFER3 TV the Columbus Citizen and Carl Simmon vious shallowness could be very Loews Ohio Theatre Three pin Kelly Memorial Lutheran church Eschman one of the finest con- PENS certs of the year easily filed in the light classical women were chosen to repre- in Washington D C to Mary is extraor- category It would be difficult 4Zudui sent each of 11 Ohio chapters At 9 that night the program Koelbs talent Concerto pricedjot the dinary and her musicanship can even categorize Zilchers in the contest for the title of shifted to the Neil House where a in D minor See here All with be rated in a similarly unique po- them Her Loveliness of 1954 dance was held and where the Perhaps in re- 14K gold points famous sition She plays with maturity in this recital The evening program winner of the title of Her Love- high of pe- Sheaffer quality featured and with a style that is quite ful- lation to the level liness and the four members of of the Choose now for school 1 ly developed Marys playing can rformance the importance her court were announced Shir- music is secondary To WATCH REPAIRING ley Delta Delta Delta represent- be further described by her tech- Ask See The New nique and beautiful richness of Snorkel Pen PROMPT SERVICE ing the Denison chapter of SAE tone was a member of the court named The sonata two un- L of of all Ohio for violins BRIEFS GEO STUART B FRANCIS Her Loveliness accompanied by Miklos Rozza was NEWS for 1954 JEWELRY GIFT STORE by the part pro- Harold H Titus professor came to far best of the Dr Jeweler The days festivities gram Bachs Concerto in D minor of philosophy directed forum di- an end at 12 midnight with each was fine but the high quality of scussions during Religious Emphasis man and woman present proud this and the music of Rozza was Week at Kalamazoo College early that they had been fortunate somewhat elevated by the two this week On the program as enough to have attended the first compositions of Herman Zilcher chapel speaker for the period was Founders Day celebration Of its and Albert Stoessel Dr Charles Lyon Seasholes pastor kind to have been held by the Their place on the concert stage of the First Baptist Church of Da- Ohio chapters of SAE is dubious and the Suite Antique yton and a trustee of Denison Un- by Stoessel With its rather ob iversity WRITING


Model 407

S32S and up complete


ftfltti itlkno Write more than 300 words with- out redipping Wide selection of IN A precision- made Esterbrook solid CHECKING ACCOUNT Choose the Duraerome points Your checks enable you to conquer right point for the way you write space and time settling your obligations while seated at your desk They protect your money from loss and travel far and wide bearing witness to your good name Many girls who WRITING SETS Jstarted as Your checking account working at slaves wages Service Representatives have gives you power and privileges that no king of been promoted to a variety ancient days ever had of interesting jobs Ask for free DEMONSTRATION Our policy of promoting The from within the ranks Granville can make opportunities Peoples State Bank like these a reality for you Times Press MEMBER FDIC Printing Stationery GRANVILLE OHIO THE OHIO BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY VP

1954 12 DENISONIAN Page 5 abundance of ash trays ring and Budding Young Artists pencil holders to book ends have Create evolved either by mistake or in- tention With only a small kiln In Art- ForN on- Majors Course oven used for baking pottery By KATHY MYGDAL available no big articles can be Budding young mys- designed artists create create in that Most disappointments result as terious course non- art for majors held two days a week a cherished hand- made product in Doane Art Building Would you be interested in a ceramic crumbles and explodes because man with no chest a bookend with no mate or an ash tray of a tiny air hole embedded deep oi any size shape or color clay project with- projects this course offers a in the If a can The class of is and Mrs Bobbie choice of oil or water painting stand the heat the kiln it Losch Warren prof in charge ready to glazed painted sketching ceramics or card de- be and meet from 9 to 11 am and display with any color imaginable various signing At any time the girls talents may change projects After all- over glaze is applied Why do visitors who inspect the piece is finished A master- the Anything from SAE lions fra- handiworks slyly smile then ternity pin replicas vases an piece burst into peals of laughter Ad- mitting diverse abilities in cre- ating prowess these prospective artists profess to be learning they hope Versatile in the possibilities of Stnttfra

SPEAKING AT THE MOCK UN assembly is the Canadian deler- ate Amid the colorful decorations on the platform are Douglas Are you janes presiding officer and Fred M Wirt parliamentarian Qngaged o o o o Graduates from 321 American college Oberlin Professor Gives Speech nd universities have spent their honey- moon at Americas unique haven exclu- sively for newlyweds and found the lo 175 Delegates to Mock UN perfect start for married life Beautiful Approximately delegates representing 44 United cottages In complete seclusion won- countries io over derful meals leisurely atmosphere Nations hashed the problem of atomic con nd the company of gay young people tl Sramrill 3tm anH nrorerlnrp V10 iJ nnrliamentarvJ S nt ffnin 1 1 UUl f Y J nllWVilCgC with similar tastes and backgrounds ference in Cleveland Hall Saturday Mention dates and well send our help- Representing inese i countries ful THREE HONEYMOON PLANS Unuiarft Eurmnr fflnnmyer mre students from Denison Dave Atwater Also a ditto ma- 4r rthio Weslevan Oberlin and chine was constantly producing THE FARM ON THE HILL booster Ohio Wesleyan how resolutions and amendments SWIFTWATER 117 PENNSYLVANIA ever supplied only four dele from the delegates for the mock UN session Dr James Campbell associate ufessor of chemstry at Oberlin ras the keynote speaker He stressed that if armaments cont- rol is practical it must include ITS ALL A MATTER OF TASTE all weapons of every kind not only atomic After the SDeaker Doue James When you come right down to it you of Denison presided for the re- mainder of the morning and fTof smoke for one simple reason enjoy- the i Mo real g a first portion of the afternoon ment And smoking enjoyment is all a Im called a Strike Students from Oberlin and Woos matter of taste Yes taste is what counts ter presided for the remainder of the session in a cigarette And Luckies taste better Firestone Phil W iflix Lillian The floor discussion tended to University Oklahoma Two facts explain why Luckies taste Barnard be centered around Russian and better First Lucky Strike ian delegations who were in LSMFT means fine tobacco light mild good- opposition Oberlin students repr- esented both countries and in tasting tobacco Seccad Luckies are ac- the opinion of SDectators dis tually made better to taste better played a fabulous amount oi always round firm fully packed to draw knowledge of current affairs and played the parts of the country freely and smoke evenly uey were representing well So for the enjoyment you get from The session was given the at- better taste and caly from better taste mosphere of the UN hv f pages under the direction of Be Happy Go Lucky Get a pack or a carton of better- tasting Luckies today Is he a steady worker Sure is If he were anv stpaHi er hed be motionless i I

HOWD YOU LIKE TO earn 5000 a year HMMe uULUt surveysurvey- basedon be an officer in A coprehensve the air force 31000 stuae orsshows that get an exciting head start in jet aviation AND belong to a great iwi flying team Sf2ireSince you too

oberl M Dibbrt Cpt m Donald A Bell USAF and Aviation Cadet CreightonVnivemty Selection Team No 412 are aBseseseB coming to Denison Univer- ty TOBACCO COMPANY to show you how COrH THE AMERICAN Theyll be here in 10 day Meet them at the Administ- GLEANER ration Building during their stay FRESHER LUCKIES TASTE BETTER SMOOTHER

MMMaMeilMI March 12 Marc Page 6 DENISONIAN OC INDOOR TRACK MEET TO BETAS GAIN AS Keith Piper Named Grid Coach WRESTLING AND BE HELD HERE TOMORROW PING PONG END As Jack Carl Enters Business University Both intramural table tennis and This Saturday afternoon in the Denison wrestling drew to a close recently fieldhouse nine teams will vie for the honor of being crowned with the Lambda Chis and Betas the Ohio Conference indoor track champion of 1954 De- being victorious in the respective fending the title gained last year will be the Big Red of events University while the op Lambda Chis Paul Hoh and John Denison hampered Big position be made up of Ohio and injury have the Carlson went through the table will Cal- Wesleyan Muskingum Witten- Reds chances as Pattison tennis season with a perfect record unable to berg Oberlin Capital houn and Hill will be of nine wins and no defeats Close Wooster compete Akron and Mt Union behind were DUs Dick Roper and Ohio Wesleyan will rely on their Howard Reynolds who boasted a in their effort to cop 7- Denison Big Four Semple Sloan Foltz 2 mark Finishing out the first third straight Conference Phi their and Beckley Semple Sloan and four were the Betas and the must find some way to beat a Gams title Beckley all have broken records very powerful Ohio Wesleyan con- ping pong season was in respective events here As the tingent has already demon- their coming to a close there was a that while Foltz will be the man to beat strated its superiority in a dual great deal of activity centered meet here two weeks ago in the distance events around the wrestling mats at the The Big Red hopes that history The other seven teams will spend field house The wrestlers were indi- not only working out many will once again repeat itself as the afternoon in search of but e starving themselves so they were i last year Denison was humbled by vidual honors Probable winners c from these teams are Striker would make that all- important Wesleyan in dual competition and ib a Capital or Weimer Akron in weight division at the final weigh- yet went on to win the conference in bene However this year sickness the high hurdles Burney Mus- title kingum in the broad jump and In the finals were Ph Delt Bill got Block of Mt Union in the dashes Morrison title holder of the past prod New Denisons strength was greatly two years and Jim Kalbfleisch Denison Athletic Director Rix Yard welcomes Keith Piper as augmented this week by the return also a Phi Delt At the end of six the new football coach succeeding Jack Carl who resigned slot of big Don DeJong who tied Sem- minutes Morrison had copped first totl 135 Denison ple and Mackey in the high jump place in the pound class for the Keith W Piper assistant football coach at aiso Delts and Kalbfleisch was in last years meet Phi the University years has been named head football shou runner- up for three coach to succeed Jack R Carl who resigned to enter sli Angry parent striding into In the second match the 145 di- vision the contestants got down to business totl lighted room Young man ot Rick dimly some serious business as Griley WRESTLING STANDINGS Simultaneous announcement you to neck with my resignation Pipers a- nell Ill teach from the Fiji house beat the Betas Beta 40 the and daughter entry Pheneger ppointment was made by President well Phi Delt 29 A Blair Knapp early this week Darling Dan Wish you would The 155 pound class pitted Barth sens Sig Alph 15 We sorry to see Jack leave old boy Im not making much Sig Alph against fayons Beta are conn Phi Gam 15 us President Knapp said Hes headway myself Barth finally over- powered Lyons bene 15 done a wonderful job with all five and brought victory to the SAE Kappa Sig Chet of his teams here Fine Meals house Sig 12 try But we were lucky to have a The battle in the 165 pound 10 Berbers Lambda Chi Piper ready to fill was probably most antici- man like Keith Tl class the Delta U 10 vacancy and recommend- pated match of the evening It the Ive divii C C 0 ed his appointment to our trustees SINCLAIR pitted Beta Walt Nadzak against A the AT because Im sure hell continue Phi Delt Woody Randolph In the Doherty Don Dale Wolfe met Lynn Carls fine work SERVICE second round Randolph rolled in the 185 pound class and brought Nadzak into a pin to win the A graduate of Niles McKinlej pt THE home the second victory for the Den- duri match giving the Phi Delts their High School Piper came to Betas infi second victory of the evening ison as assistant grid coach in A- TIRES BATTERIES ugust 1951 from Baldwin- Wallace lime The next event found Beta Jim In the finale heavyweights WRECKING SERVICE Andy Deeds and Barney Apthorp College where he served in a Roush battling it out with Bill similar capacity o Ryno also a Beta They fought met as they did the year before whe VARSITY The 32- yearold appointee has 175 pound championship his mastery over 136 North Prospect St for the Deeds continued also served as Big Red baseball Fitc Roush the title holder for the past Apthorp and Betas were Phone 84o i the mentor for three years a pos- in t three years won the match for a awarded their third victory of the I ition will continue to says perfect four year record evening he He received his first coaching nig Betas regained crown was TABLE TENNIS STANDINGS The the appointment soon after he thin with 40 points followed by the Phi degree from Lambda Chi 9 0 awarded his BA and Delts with 29 points and the Sig Baldwin- Wallace He also coached Delta U 7 2 deal Alphs Kappa Sigs and Phi Gams as Beta 6 3 swimming there and served tied for the third position Co- Phi Gam 5 4 vice president of the Central Sig 5 4 With the completion of wrest- llegiate Swimming Conference to e Denver Unive- A C C 4 5 ling the winter phase of intra- Piper attended Did close rsity during the summer of 1950 Ind 3 6 murals draws to a and Pitt a his degree from Kappa Sig 2 7 houses will now take breather and received MA spring sports open fol- Reserve University in staf Alph 2 7 until the Western Sig 1953 II he is a 2 7 lowing spring recess During World War Phi Delt business spent 40 months in the Army Air overseas duty in the Simultaneous announcement of Force with mos South Pacific the resignation and Pipers ap fori Jack R Carl leaves a post he has held since 1949 when he re And h fiek HOWD YOU LIKE TO turned to his Alma Mater as coach He had previously coached Mas at Hanover College Indiana where gan earn 5000 mars his teams compiled a 13- 3 to b a year and rolled up the nations top of tensive record in 1948 At Denison Carls teams have 8ca be an officer in won 25 games tied one and lost itl 15 His final season was Carls the air force seven best for the Big Red won tras and lost only two each by a Rya get an exciting point Carl is leaving the coach ing profession to accept a posiuw gt in hav head start FOR THE with the Goulder Brush and Su- next jet aviation JUNIOR PROM pply Company Norwalk Ohio month fror tirei AND Willie fell down the elevator TCpitrhhrirs found him six W Pitc latpr belong TVioir oil cniffH anrl said G 3Loweri whiz to a great QJULfiJLajUJ What a spoiled child Willie flying

WEEKDAYS Serving 7 a m to 10 p m OPEN SUNDAYS 11 A M 9 M Robert M Dibbert Capt to P USAF and Aviation Cadet K Menu Selections to Choose From Selection Team No 412 are coming to Denison Univer- Itodud Mew om CMmm Food Cany- Out OkM sity to show you how Theyll be here in 10 days PHONE 2233 Meet them at the Adminis- BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA- COIA COMPANY IY tration Building during their stay NEWARK COCA- COLA BOTTLING WORKS INC CHINESE RESTAURANT iEffiEHl 57 EAST MAIN STRICT ZSZESS2SS5SS5 jSSElSl5SSiS25l5SlSlS153S2SE5B Coin b ragbterad trad- mark O TW COCA- COLA COMPANY 1954 12 DENISO NI AN Page 7 All Star Basketball Teams Sport in Short THE DOGHOUSE By JULIE ROBINSON Jean Race Molly Willis Jean By JOHN HEAMON First Team Second Team Smith Cathy Weber and Margy Halloran ACC Nadzak Beta Hoeppner represented Denison at Fordyce Kappa Sig Metcalf Sig IN Manierre the Ohio Inter NL DEALS PLAYER MARKET Phi Gam LeFever Sig Cash Sig Prasse Beta Collegiate SDOrts writpr Brickman Phi Gam Bowling Tourn- this will LU1U u i Bell Phi Delt iB mvtthe V attention to ament on March current Picture with respect to Honorable Mention 6 The contest has happened during the off- season in Kelley Sig Roper Delta U Koral Sig Alph Meyer and was at it Johnson held uidvci cAcnaiitces in nrripr Faculty Ohio State with speculations on the pennant race B LEAGUE 10 teams par- Every team in the junior Team ticipating The circuit has First Second Team highest three- been busy to atronnv i Peckham trvine Phi Delt Whittiker Beta game total for by trades with the exception of Edelman Ind Jones Beta the Chicago Throckmorton Kappa Sig Miller Sig Alph the day was c jjuui ueaiers anyway Posev 2077 scored by only good The Sie Jochens Delta U trade the Chi- towp nine has made Kramer Kappa Sig Goodwin Sig Ohio State in recent years was the swap with Pitts- Honorablp Mention Denison made 1705 points but unfortunately burgh for heavy- hitting Ralph Kiner Othert- Hodges Lambda Chi Marquardt Kappa Sfg this LeFever Phi put us in ninth place Jean hey may normally be considered as easy prey for Delt Dunn Phi Gam trading Smitty Smith was DUs high her clubs in the market scorer bowling 408 for a three- tIip Milwaukee Braves the sumrisp tonm iqkq to action this Saturday in the game total Aim vx LyJUU clllUj CINDERMEN COP fieldhouse as part of the Ohio The biggest news of je squad who can come out on top this year with proper the week Conference meet in another ef- is the announcement of WRA handling and with a minimum of injuries FIRST the have participated VICTORY for to topple the high flying election returns Ragsdale v ucu w Mimi janumuei yiaji luimy meir iront- line and Taking six firsts three seconds Denison contingent who are the is the new president with Joyce tench mggesi was tne one ine aeai in which the Braves and two thirds the Big Red track defending indoor champions Slayton holding the VP position mt the Flying Scot who is capable of team finally achieved their in- RESULTS Joan Chappell was elected to be iroducing the long ball at opportune times the Sports from the itial victory of the current indoor One Mile 1 Ernst D 2 Stevens Chairman Ardie Lou York Giants Thomson figures to M 3 Shell D jew fill in the outfield track season last Saturday in the 4 Wenger A Seeger will be secretary and llot left by Sid Gordon his old teammate who was Time 4481 Barbie Silliman will handle sent fieldhouse Akron Mt Union 55- Yard Dash 1 Campbell D 2 Bloch the in M othe Pirates another sharp deal Sam Calderone Capital 3 Tie Herholz A Recche finances Congratulations all and proved no match for M Time also figured in tne trade with the 061 Manhattan nine and the Carlmen as Shot Put 1 D 2 Denison demon- Brady Baker D a b b d iould strengthen corps of 3 gTnnnnraTflao rmmnrtrtr their receivers Danny OConnell strated great superiority in all Verdor A 4 Pleger C Distances 44 2 40 10 40 1 39 4 i slick fielding youngster and a real gem at the plate comes running events except the hur- 440- Yard Run 1 Donley D 2 Bolton othe beer capital in a deal with the unpredictable Branch dles and the relays M 3 Hodges D 4 Keyes M Eickey general manager of the OCon Time 547 Jim Donley remained undefeat- 55- 11 Yard High Hurdles 1 Mti nlnv either the ontfipld nr tVio infiolrl onH V- VV t Weiner A 2 vuii f Hnu UUHi V CI V ed as he took firsts in the 440 Striker C tied with Beckman C tell George Metkovich who is better known for his keen and 880 while Herb Ernst ran 4 Bower D Time 073 880- Yard Run 1 Donley D 2 Jones snse j- vjj oictp uase- away with both two ui iiuuiui nion inn auniLy iu uul mis aiso the mile and A 3 Auten A 4 Taffe M mines from the Pirates in hopes of supplying all- around mile runs Other winners for Time 2119 bjhch strength especially in the County Stadium gardens Denison were Phil Brady in the Broad Jump 1 Racchi M 2 Lunn A shot put and Doug Campbell in 3 Kline M 4 Shadie A Distances het Nichols and Phil Paine both back from the army will 21 3 20 4 20 2 19 6 the 55- yard Pole 1 to win on 01 dash Vault Sapronetti A 2 Meyer iv positions inn sian me crave nuners D 3 The Akron contingent which Ladow C 4 Oster A The New York Giants are preparing to ditch second Heights 11 6 11 10 6 10 6 the finished second was paced by Two- Mile Run 1 Ernst D 2 Basney tmsion with a number of key trades Notoriously weak on Weiner who copped first in both C 3 Stevens M 4 Miller A Time the mound the Giants have obtained and the high and low hurdles Sap- 10418 OOH 55- Yard Low Hurdles 1 Weiner A 2 Liddle from the Braves Both are lefties and both will ronetti aided Akrons cause by Bower D 3 Beckman C 4 Tie probably make frequent trips from the New York bull- pen taking first in the pole vault with Kline M Gibson D Times 069 an effort of 11 feet six inches 070 071 073 a ing the course ot the season Catcher Ebba St Clair and 8- 1 Time for Permanent These three firsts along with four Lap Relay Mount Union Recchi jfielder also came into fold Keys Bolton Block 2 Akron 3 Deni- the at the same seconds and two la line thirds enabled son Time 218 for the Akron to High Jump 1 C 2 Tie Wil- 1 finish second 102 Striker I The St Louis Cardinals got a neat and costly package points behind Denison and seven liams A Beckham C Kline M Height 5 S 5 8 JUNIOR PROM linen ahead of Mt Union has they dealt with the Yankees in tile waiver realm for TOTALS Denison 46V4 Akron 36 Mt ball Vic Raschi He cames to the Cards with a salary Mt Union coupled a first in Union 29 Capital 19 o- slathe vicinity of 40000 and with a birth certificate that the eight- lap relay with Recchis 21 3 lays hes over the 35y- earold mark However his hurling foot inch winning broad Worried- Student Ive got but- jump leap along with sec- night be enough to push the Redbirds into the thick of three terflies in my stomach Beaut onds to salvage third place Professor Take an aspirin O X things for the next several seasons Shortstop Alex Gramas Capital the winners Student I did but theyre ud first baseman Tom Alston also arrived both in 100000 reached circle only once all afternoon and playing ping pong with it LSLflJUULSL2JUUUUUUULS that was in the person of Striker Philadelphia is anxiously awaiting the opener in order who took a first in the high jump to evaluate the trades in which the Phillies obtained Murray with his 5- foot 9V- sinch dive Dickson and Mike Sandlock from their cross- state rivals in They were able to compile only 1 Pittsburgh Dickson the workhorse of the Pirate mound 19 2 points for a rather dismal New Satin Shell afternoon staff ever since he came to that team from the Cardinals These three teams will return b a possible 20- game winner The Pittsburgh Pirates seem to have been the center of Bost of the trades in the league with the front office perf- orming in a dubious fashion From the Phils have come wTpjCjiffv Andy inf- Hansen a pitcher and aging Jack Lorke a utility HO WD YOU LIKE TO ielder The Milwaukee nine has sent over heavy- eating Hax Surkont for mound duty ancient Sid Gordon for the earn 5000 farden three- some and Catcher Walker to fulfill his time to be eligible for drawing the league pension a year Cincinnati has engineered several trades in order to be officer scape the confines of the perennial seventh place battle an in ith the Cubs In an inter- league trade with the Chicago the air force ite Sox the Redlegs are now the holders of the cont- rasts of sore- armed Saul Rogovin quick- tempered Connie get an exciting Sjan and light- hitting Rocky Krsnich Rogovin is a pitcher euess and the other two are infielders The Redlegs also head start in we received Pitcher Jack Crimian from the Cards jet aviation SATIN- The eh a m RrnoVs have received new life Your WHITE the SMARTEST SHOE from the Palica have re army as Don Newcombe and Erv AND for SHORT or LONG FORAAALS In mid ueu tneir khaki These two should soiicuiy uie lays Wing staff belong and high heels chemically treated satin for to a great tinting HARRY I KAYLOR AND CO flying Price 895 128- 130 North Prospect Street team 10 GRANVILLES 5 Robert M Dibbert Capt USAF and Aviation Cadet Selection Team No 412 are coming to Denison Univer- THE FRIENDLY STORE sity to show you how Theyll be here in 10 days Meet them at the Adminis- tration Building during their stay 34 South Second Street phon Granville Ohio 86681 NEWARK OHIO 1 Page 8 DENISONI AN March lm

SOPHOMORE TESTS APRIL 3 Campus Theta Eta Chi Defeats Faculty NEWS BRIEFS Mark Smith vocational jjrec tor announced to sophomores re Miss Mary Ear hart supervising cently that graduate ex Donations Given Bonds Drive nurse at Whisler Hospital has been record aminations will be given only Clippings In spite of Mark Smiths basket with two seconds re- away from her duties on account 0B past Wednes- recent and death of Saturday April 3 The tests Continued from Page 2 maining Theta Eta Chi squeaked the faculty of the illness wfl day night 33- 31 Led by Chuck Brickman and Jim Cope her mother Mrs Charles Earhart be given for four hours in choice will chance your second the second stringers overcame a first quarter deficit and morning not be touched But if your can- Bill Whitmer took you tied the game late in the fourth Prasse and didate is eliminated at least quarter After trading baskets The Theta Eta Chi first team of over The contest featured wres- then have some say in a runoff three times Jack Lefevre scored Don Sutherland George Garrett tling between Jim Cope and between those remaining on a fast break and the Thursday Jim Travis Bob Woods and Duck Norm Green and clowing by Mc- In the other races the ballot- night philosophical society was Shackelford gave a creditable ac- Coy The faculty was awarded the ing was less complicated pri- ahead for good with about two count of themselves until subs annual trophy for the loser at the marily because there were fewer minutes remaining Cope Brickman Lefevre Dick end of the game candidates The full count took The Bonds of Friendship cam- only three hours even with care- paign was also ahead thanks to ful checking and rechecking The the donations contributed by the ballots will be impounded for a large crowd They got their week in order that any one who moneys worth as Pres McCoy wishes a recount may obtain one Kenny Myer Norm Green and For the first time this year the Mark Smith put on quite a shoot- totals will be available for the ing exhibition They were fed by lias k J98K E K lilt BAH Bob Seager Lowell Johnson Yov con PICK your candidates inspection as an add- Jim hs Posey Tris Coffin and Al Vastyan when you couple your college mojor with ed check on the accuracy of the eecrotarlol tkilU acquired in the 4 month count and method of count- Gregg INTENSIVE SECRETARIAL C0UI3E the or college glrli of MOSER ing used Free lifetime placement anywhere Start first Monday co- Electric each month lv For Al Nagy election to the General lefln T free presidency should occasion little Sun Lamps Flash Bulbs readiustment on his part As treasurer of DCGA for the past Radios Clocks undoubtedly more S7 IAST JACKSON WAIASH 1- 4M year he knows CHICAOO 4 about DCGA finances than any Hanby Electric TONYS other man on campus and did a remarkable job in implementing the budgetary policies of this ad- ministration The present officers heard quite a number of inter- viewees last spring apply for the job of treasurer and Al impressed us all at that time with his com- petence and intelligence This confidence was strengthened again and again For Bowen the vice presidency should also prove to be easy since Bill had done so much to help his predecessor Lou Olney and Anne MacLean have been sitting in Senate for their three years at Denison Ann Lucker and Bob Hopkins will add a fresh approach to the Student Faculty Council meet- ings and stand in an excellent position to judge student reaction to a new administration after correcting the deficiencies of the old regime which they observed from the sidelines Despite reports to the contrary Clipper must admit that the write in vote was not too good I want to thank everyone who worked so hard to make ree- lection possible but the voters have indeed spoken otherwise and their will must be done As in the past the candidates had a party before the results were turned in But this year the old officers had a party on Monday night also and our party was ac- tually the best Just ask anyone who went Clipper

At Irs uwatT smart to look THE still the mL smart IN of night high above a sleeping American Hes a Bombardment Officer in full control of the plane J city an unidentified aircraft is spotted In a matter of over the target area the Air Force Officer who lowers seconds a lightning- like jet interceptor takes to the air the boom on the enemy Unerringly with an Aircraft Observer showing the way the Air Force F- 94 Night Fighter speeds to intercept the What the Aircraft Observer gets stranger The Aircraft Observer is the man behind the pilot He earns over 5000 a year His silver Aircraft Observer the officer who keeps Americas planes flying on course wings give him prestige and distinction and he wears the and on target Without him the Air Force couldnt do its job bars of an Air Force Lieutenant They mark him as the eyes ears and brains of Americas Number One flying team What is the Aircraft Observer What it takes to be an Aircraft Observer Hes a Radar Officer employing an all seeing eye that The Aircraft penetrates where human sight fails Observer must be sound of limb keen of mind and above all must have the determination to be the best Hes an Aircraft Performance Engineer Officer know- To qualify as an Aircraft Observer ing everything there is to know about his plane keeping you must be single between 19 26 AT it fit for the skies and ready for action and 12 years old and a high school graduate However it will be better for you and the Air Force if you Hes a Navigation Officer plotting his planes course stay in college and graduate before you apply Then you with an entire crew THE depending on him for a safe flight too can be one of the best as an Aircraft Observer

WHERE TO GET MORE DETAILS Contact your nearest Aviation Cadet Selection Team VALET Air Force ROTC Unit or Air Force Recruiting Officer V WMl isajei m mi ml xr Or write to Aviation Cadet Headquarters U S Air Force Washington 25 D C SHOP DancerFit- zgeraldSample Inc Copy 5428 Job N- 8151 College Newspapers Feb 15 1954 7 x 150H lines 43

ATE 6599 1- 2054 P7