1,3"30 Students Vote In All-Campus Elections

Returns Show , Th. Weather ~-:"=;...... ::.to.; Ught Balloting _w. Cel.r,...... Voting In Wednesday's all- aIalIUDa' ...... "...,. fl'DPU& election was 11ght, com- ... • .....h ....c mew ,.mt with previous years. A to- e owan ftllrlia rrwa.. IIlcIa te- ,I of 1,330 studenls voted, con- al ..,. 66: Jew. It. HlP ~rably lewer than lhe 1 WedMeIIa,.. Jew, as. "0 voted in thc second CleCtiOn /_-:-___-;-,--,--,-...,. ______E_51_ . _1_8_6_8_-_A_P_l_eo_5ed__ W_ir_e,;., _W_ir_.p;....h,;.Of....;O~-_Fj;.;v....;._C.;;.•.;;.n;...t....;s __ t--:-= ______....;'.;;o..;.w;.;a;;.,..;C:;.;.;.::.;....:lo;.,w_a..: .~T_h_u_rsd_a...:y.:. _Ma__ r_ch_2_S..:._19_5_~ __,.... ___ .,.,.. __~~ ____~ ____,...... __ Election Winners Currier Coeds Voice Election Complaints :'~~:zl~:k:1 Senate Votes To Cut Tax

S&udent Publications. Inc. IicJlard Wolfe. Charle. ~~~~f~7.:~On Household Appliances ... William Teter. a rl~ to converting to his own use nearly $200,000 In worn out WASHJNGTON (A"}- The scn­ ranaeea Boarel mllltary money, bas btoUlht out ate voted WednKday nllllt to cut J(ary Jane Baker and the first d tall of an em~ule­ AEPi Pledges Receive Trophy in ball the present 10 per eent ex- IfWIrd. m • cahal charae Lowell A. &ax on ho hold appllances Lopn, 24, Univ r,lty of low" ~ SeDlor Cia., L.A. fr man Jaw ludent. suclt as refrlaerators, ,to , Iron- IIIMS Mdanl, ~rsball Holl, ers nd dryers. !IIIl1 Rehnberl'. and Mar,e H.hn. he otcleer. Maj. Thom sPate ot Los Ane I • CaUl.. the air The cul would amount to $100 UnIon Board force announcement said Tuesday, mllUon in annual reven , caroline Clementa, Sis GriltIlb, has admitted lumln, the money Althouth the Eisenhower ad­ alrley Nicholl. Dick Gulberle, to his own use. ministration hu opposed uch tax: ..raball 80U, Soerate. rappa­ The Federal Bu au of Inve.tI­ euta, the nate Republic: n lead­ ~, Janice LeVIen, and Bob g ••lon In Wa hlnglon, D.C •• said ership atreed to accept the pro­ ~ID. TUc&day nllbt Ihat Lo,an. Uni­ po I afler It ~am obvloullOme ver.llity of Iowa student from GOP members were oin, to lilt year or the 1,800 who SprlnJlield, Ohio, who Tuesday swln, over In favor of IL iIllo1.S the year before. innoc:ent In led era I court Led Drive embeullnl IOmc $20,000 Three trustees were elected to SenatoTi Paul Douala. ([)..[Jl.) , !lit board ot Student Publlcations, In funds. aLso Wllll invol- ved In the ellse 8101\1 ith Pa~ . Walt r Gear. (D-G •. ) and oth r 1IIc. Elected to a one-year term Democrats ()rlglnally led, a drive Locu .tle&H!d "S William H. Teter, A2, to aboll.h the 10 per nt CltC ¥GInes, who polled 509 votes. 1.0, n w reI sed on $5,000 entirely on the household appll· bond Tucsd y .fter his arral,n­ Bnca. m nl betore U.S. Commissioner Wilily lowa_..... ", But th Y BlTeed belor the SEVERAL CURRIER HALL COED phoned The Dally Iowan Wednetday artern.on eomplalnlnl Edmund Carroll. just final vote to aceept I mQdlflcation about an el$eUon POlIter belnl' wUhln a lew leel 01 an election booth. tudem Counell ruJes l.DClude FBI aten In Omaha had saId .ua .led by ~n, Homer Capehart the lollowinl': "No campal,nlnl' on the electlon day dlall take place "ilhln &0 fee' of any poilift. pr vlousiy that the charae w .. (R-Ind.) to cut Ihe 1 vY to five pJa~e." At 4:30 p.m. Wednesday Ole above pholo,raph \\1 tallen In the Currier lOuOl I.bb,. Kae b!led on intormaUon Teeeived from. th air lore: that 1.0 an' per cent rlther thin wipe It out Packard, Al, Cedar RapIds, Is fllllnl' out a ballot" hlle Mara-ot Palmer, J, Cedar Rapid., (center) ntirely. and Mamie WarnOClk, A4. MlteheJlvllle. oPfrate 1M lee-lion boolh. The pOtler, aecorcllJll' ~ aoHrt allt,ed em~ulem nt had oceur­ Henderson. AI, Dt. MoInes, chairman of Quadran,le political a~Uon commUtee, ... ,ut up Tues­ r at an over I air force but. Th cut was tack d onto a pend': day mornln,. Hender on taled Wedn d.y nl,hL that the candidates "hose pleilll'H are on t.be The aIr torce announcement Ing tax bill which, as pa sed by POIIur. were not noUCIed lba' an electIon booth wa to be ad up In the lobb,. said te, who wa. finance otc1- the house, would reduce lOme ex­ ------e:er lit Tachlkow IlIr base near ~ 1 vie and extend oUler&. (1).lIy lewan rhel., Vote Waa It-U elected were Julel Untiedt. LI. milt e, Sheila Cunningham, A2, Occ Ion ally durin voUn, boun Tok 0, obtained th money b hoi blp ~ropby Two-year terms on the board Lake Park, with 21 vote, and Iowa City, wa· clected 10 one of WednC¥Clay, 10m prcclncts ran switchlna low d nomination mlli­ lion PI ~ hich The lenal vote In favor of the to RJchard Wolfe, A3, Don- Vernon Morten, LI, Sioux City, the posJtions. The e(''Ond post on short ot ballot. AtleR tone cOm- tary payment cerlltlc:t for bl,h­ aehkv d a 2.' ..... de point avenee lui em r. Pr ntln. the r dueUon In hOUlehold ppUance and with 901 votes pnd and William VanDercreek, Lt. the council was lelt vae nt wben pi Int ar e Involvlna polling pro- sit.~enodmlnatlonl money d tnl- award ~ M "11 G Ie. J, Roell JaruJ, m., pJed,e cl pre­ tax ,which would not be cut un~ E. Wyllle, A2. Sigourney, Council Bluffs, both or whom had the olh r th .. e alrl~ named on cedur ".n, e uet on recor I. dent, 1 lame Wallin. 4, Waterloo, Jdt, pre Id nt 0' Phi Kappa der th hous bill, Will 84 to 23. 823. 20 votes. They were the only three write-ins were Ineli,lble or re- Rel"ulations rcqulr th t mlll- Ptllratemll wblcb won the award I t year. Looktn, on are The Ire the princlpliL it ms Elected president of the Jiberal candidates on their ballot. Cus d to accept the position. tary payment cerllilcat s be de- lie WUlII', &. temU, acbolanhlp adv er, cond from ra.bt, a.ncl on whJeh the xclsc tax would be w senior class was SUI football Student Council pre Id nt Rich- .troyed periodically when they be- Paul GrlMtll. 'niemlt, advl er. eut to ~ pel' cenl: retrl, rators, J Mil " A3 i L D worn or multllated througb ames aOl, , ard Lev It, 2, es Moines, said usc. Amcrlcan military personn~l ...... --- ...... "-~~ .•tov S. (SM. wat r he rs, flat­ rceelved 77 v~tes Irom It Is up to the town women wheth- are b rred from havlni U.S. c;ur- Iron, air heat rl, el cirle blan­ lIber~1 arts jUOlo,rs who cr or not they wi h to name some- rency In their pa e Ion while on 28 k tl, grill • to ten, broil rl, mix­ their next-year s class one to III the po !tIon. . duty I Japan. • Grade Average Ike Believes Blast n, juic 1'1. food chop~rs and grinders, clothe dryers, dehuml­ New members I eled to Pan - T F dHIt'r , dishw hers, floor pol b­ tea Board W ducW '1 \ re, Mary P'kte waPa:r ~th ' $66,000 Ops ralernities Of H-Bomb ig Pacific eh, wallen,. ma"lles, carbaae Jane Baker, A2, rowa City, with In U.S. money In hi ~slon. di po al., power lawn mowers and 97' vote and Beth Howard, A2, the air force .ald. In c remonl held W dn ay Surpr"lsed Sc'lent.·sts Im,m"'nl' with 8111. Crace Kamln~ home freezers. A3, Ncw York, N.Y., thc Almo \. \I th m~ln, funds ev nina, th Alpha Ep lion PI ir - . . Before the tally. Sen. Eueene third candidate on th ballot, re- Sov ral ilrl (rom Curr r have been recovered or arc in ternlty pLed cIa rec iv d th WA IIINGTON WI - Pre ld nt MHlikin (R-CoJo.),lloor m na,er eelved 500 vot s. called The Daily Iowan 0 proc~s of belnl recovered. with inter-fraternity- s c hoi a r S hlp EI enhower e"pre. d a ~Uef for the blll and chairman 01 the Town men elected to the Stu- Wednesday afl rnoon to Pate a co-operation, the anJ"Iounce- trophy [or th hlahcst pleda cia Wedn day that American I n- nate tinanee 1,;0mmiUee, an- dnt Council were Ckorge (Tom) that there Wall a eampaiiJI men' added. U may h ve QOU n more than nouneed he would ae pt the Ghoules. Lt, Idaho Falls, Idaho, too near the CurrIer vol!nll plnce. The air forI' announcem nt did gr d point uverace omon fra- tbe bar" Ined to h n they modified amendment and iake It with 70 voles; Donald Daughton, The poster was for Teter Wolfe IdenUfy the civilian who w tcrnlU last m ter. y r w to cone rence with the bolliC. Ll, Mt. Ayr, with 51 votes, and - - - ' involved with Pate In th seheme. The trophy wa pr scntcd by ott th giont hydrollcn explosion MI,lat Faee ....b aead William LUke, E3, Knoxville, with 1,330 STUDENT VOTE- But it M!d he Will a tormer air Jim Walker, C4, Wal r)oo, pr . .j- In the Pacillc March 1. But he indlc:ated It mlibt face 47. (Continued 011 Page 6) force offIcer and that his case dent of PhJ Kappa Pi Irat rmty. Som thLng must have happened a rouah road with the house con- Each liberal arts junior who Liike nosed out Om Prakash * * * had bcen turned Over to lobe de- the group th_t won th troph~ la. t lwhlCh 5urpr ed od astonished ferces. He .aid they were adam- to the polls Wed?esday cast Piplani E3 Meerut India by one Ptrt~cntht OfFjBu tlce lor lnvcstlga- year. The AEPI pledle c)oss wa the lenti: EI enhow r com- ant against r dueln, pre ent ex- tOl' hLs two chOices amon ot ., , , , On" " I C" R I ton y e r. Clr t amon, plcd& aroup with mented at hIS neWS conferenc~. I: e belo th 10 c t le L eight candidates. Since MI- v e. ICla site u es Later the FBI In Wa hlni\on a 2.838 grad point avera, , which He said thlng,s happened in the c S w e per.,.. ve received the most votes, he said the man Involved was Logan. was the hiall t ot any group in te t which hadn't bappened be- The addJtlonal tax cu' voted by named president. B ker Richard Levitt, L4, Dc Moines. Logan withdrew a student aev n scm t r . forc. l~e senate would ta~e \he. reduc- vice-president on the 1I0wani president of Student Council. and from the colleae of law at the At the award. banqu t. Jerry Rep. Ch t 1I0llIleid (D-calll). \Ions in the excise bUl past the $1 oC having the second-highest Three men [rom the colleae of Jack Peter, LI, Am • elecllon un1vcr 'Ity Tuesday. Be bad eo- Fein, A2. Sioux City. was pre- who wo un oUlclal witness of the billion mark. 01 votes was Marshall liberal arts were ei cted to the chaIrman, .sald It WQ.l their under- rolled In the coUeae as a freshman sented with the house SChOlarshiPltrcm ndou bill t. ba reported It As originally passcc.\ by the A3, Des Moines. Two girls Union Board from thal college. standln, that all candidate run- in February. trophy for his 4..00 arade point 8t- wa... 0 fllr beyond what wa. pre- hou • the cuts totaled e~2 milUOD. with the tblrd-hlgbest num- They are: Marshall Holl. AS, Des nin, in the Wedneaday elei:tlon talned La \. m tel', which Ided dieted that you mlgbt say it was The senate finance committee of votes-6S. They were MlIr- Moines with 335 vote' Socrates had to abide with the rul the the fraternity 1.0 being Iirst In out oC control." boosted them to 1138 million. Habn, A3, Cc(:lar Rapids, pappaj~hn , A3, Mason City. with Student Council et up. Fraiernl·t'les To Vote all (r.ternity scholarship with a PI bermen BIIJ'bed We,. Vneler p~ Rehnbcrg, A3,. C,Unton. 518 votes, and Dick Gutherie, A2, The Student Council election 2.643 grade poInt, also Ule highest Japanc· !I hermen 80 mil, Capehart laid be a~d some Iowa City, with 495 votes. code slates lhat campaigning is F Co ., M b aVeJage In seven semesters. away were howered with nuclear other Republicans wet under limited. to the t ... o-week period or uncI em ers Paul GrUfeth, advl or to fr~- ashes lind bum d. American tech- heavy prealuro Irom appliance prccedmg the election and that no ternJYes, pral ·ed Ih group for Ito. n cion ond Marshall blender. manufacturers all over Ule eoun- campaigning shall take place wlth- . high academic record last me - 100 mil trom th Lla point also try to give them lOme reUe' Sales in 50 feet of the polling place. Fraternlty men wUl vote Frl- ter. Other guest.s at th banQu -t lelt the effec 01 radiallon to have been oll in many appliance It gives the council suthorily to day to determine their three rep- were 'Ile Willig. scholarship ild d II rescntaUves to be seated on the dvi to'- t III P f m er egrcc. nCII. make such additional rules as It a sor ua ern ; ro. There have been estimates that The Democrats ari\\ed that considers neCeMar and take mea- Student Council. George Mosse, hi tory department. the explosive powcr released In many ot the app1l8n~. were lures to entorce them. The candldales for these posl- and PrOf. Leonard GoodstcJn. psy- the Ie t was between 600 and 700 necessiUes and home wO(k-.avers Peters pointed oul that n<'ither tlons are Ira Kapensteln, A2. chology department. times greater tban that of the and should be given relle~. ' the instructions to candidates nor Alpha Epsilon Pi. Park David~n, atomic bomb whicb kUIed 60.000 After dec:idln, that Issue, the ~hose to per OIlS who manned poU- A3, Sigma Phi Epislon, JIm G Led' per.;OIlS in HiroShima, Japan, ncar senate knocked off wo,,, {or the 109 placcs Included the election Houser, A2, Sigma Chi, Ken roups Scn U e Ithe end 01 World War 11. night wltbout reachln, a vote on rules. because the In tl'uclions Sherk. C3, Delta Tau Della, Ly-" • • A reporter remarked to the the bill lUI a wbole. 'William" Fenton, A., Iowa City were prepared beCore the final man Waller, C3, Alpha Tau Ome- Price D,scuss,on President tha~ 1n Japan and else year's senior class election regulations were com- ga, and Arnold Wolle, C3, Phi 0 where in the Far East some anti: Ca.... , ... Tax CIIaNtI Wednesday night that, pleted, about the end oC last week. Epsilon Pi. For UnIon Dances Amerlclln n wspapcrs were mak- Durine tbe day-lone debate, as he could get the two girls Two representat!ves were Student Council relied on publlca- There will be a palllng booth in, anU-American propa,anda out Doullas had called tor tax cbanges .lIIetbe·r. a coin would be f1jpped have been elected to the Student tion or lhe rule In The Dally Jocated on the first noor of Uni- Represcntaliv o[ the American or ca S ot radioactive poisoning to llmutate buying. He ur,ed the which at the two would Council frum the town women's Iowan to inCorm the candidates. vefldty baU ncar the entrance to Federation of MU~lclans Lacli reported to have been suffered by chamber to cut the lQ per cent secretary. The girl who organizatJon by write-in vote JurbellcUon UDeft1atn the Offlee ot Student Aflalrs. The 450 Centr I Part c Ittec and peoples far from the blast scene. tax on autos, radJos and television the toss will be treasurer. cause no town women's candid Peters noted cartier that the poll wlU be open from 9:00 a.m. ~ a omm . Ka.ws Nothlnl of DdaU. sels and remove It entire!>,: from representatives were elect- were placed on Ule ballot. Sludent CouncU's juri d!cllon in to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 p.m. UOIon Board will meet tOnJgb~:lt The Pr Ident replied that he a nu,mber of hoURbold appliances. Student Council, three maf- Only six write-In votes were the case was uncertain. There to 4:00 p.m. 1.0. cards must be 8 to djscuss the premium rate Im- knew nothing about tbe details Milllk1n said he was opposed to students and three town men. for those pOSitions. Subject would have to be a formal prote!t presented 10 be eligible 10 vole. posed by the mu !clans local on but he has been told that the re~ a.ny further cuts In the bUl, at a three married students to approval of the election to the organization whOlie candi- bands playln, at all university ports were far more serious than time when the budJet is unbal- GuUtrte MhI Grtffic.b dates were involved to test the. P81:ties Ln the Iowa Memorial the actual Fe ulls Justified. This anced and the aovemment needs ruling. Acad F eel was taken to mean that. aecorc:Ung the money. But he promised a The three women elected to Un- Peters said that to his. knowledge emlc re om Union. to the President's in/ormalioh, re- complete overhaul of all excise ion Board from the college of IIb- no protests about the Currier post- • Tbe Central Parly comnuttee ports of injury were exa"~ated. taxa u soon as the government's World News Briefs eral arts a~e: Sis Griffith, A2. Des er had ~en madc to Student Series Set by WSUI and Union Board have refused to Elsenb~wer said he did no~ In- tinances permIt. MOines, Wilt! 4.05 votes; Shirley sign conbacts with bands gov- teod to discuss fbe H-bomb Situa------A Condensation of Late Developments Nichols, A3, Sidney, witb 396 OFFICIALS- .. . . . tion any further unUL he has aD • and Caroline Clements, Al, (Continued Oil Page 6) ~rman roeke~ seleDtista and emed by the musiCIans unJon .be- opportunity 10 confer with Lewis SUI T. Accept Bids . with 359 votes. theu new aJlegtance to ~be" West cause they Ceel th~t the prcml.um '1'. Strau cMi~man 01 the Atom- For ....:1.... P "_...&.. Vietminh Rebel. SuHer Heavy Loue. * * * is the subject Cor tonight s They rates are di.llcrimmal1ng agam.t IC Energy commISSion. UV'ta n9 rOI_"- IlANOI, Indochina (Thursday) (.4') _ Communist-led Vietmlnh Officers To Be Told Fou:t bAlo:,~' program to be pre- the students oC SUI. The student Strauss is expected back from Sea1ql proposals for the remov- rushin&" up fresh troops for a new assault on the besieged OIIicers of seven women's sent y lTI at 7. groups broke with the musicians the Pacific test area in a week or al of ao SUI beating plant boUer Union dustbowl at Dlen Bien Phu were reported today to be groups will be announced at Rec- "They Fought Alone" is a aerie. March 11. 10 days. and f~ eonstrucUon of bowlinJ heavy losses under massive French aIr and artlJlery bam- ogoltlon day today at 4:10 p.m. in of dramatic progrlms on the his- The meeting Is an aUempt by allers and :related equipment for They were believed to have lost more than 15.000 dead and the River room of the lowa Me- tory of academic freedom In the botb parties to Iron out tbe diC- P bl" " B d the student-finan.ced addition to in thu 12~day struggle tor tbe fortress. morial Union. The groups are Western world. It portrays the tleultics in 4uch a manner that U Icatlon oar [owa MemorfaJ UnlonwlU be ac- • • • University Women's association, stories of men and women who botb sides will be satisfied with To M t Tod ceptcd up to 1:30 p.m., Apr. 8, ac- -,n Warns Egypt on Suez Canal Young Women'a Christian assocl- have played cultural roles in the the price scale. The session will .. ay eordlng to George L. Horner. SUI Brita ation, Westlawn dormitory, Cur- continulng battles for our freedom be beld In the Union. superin~ent of planniDl and LONDON (If'}-The Churchill government has formally warned rier ball dorrnltory, Home Eco- to learn. Members of the cxecuUve coun- The Student Board of Publ1ca- conatruction. to 'back Bri~18h soldiers or face Indefinite occupation of the nomics dub and Women'. Recre- The broadcastine service of the ells of the tJ\rei) organizations tions will meet at 3:10 p.m. today Horner explains that bids for canal bue by the 80,OOO-man British garrison. The forel~ of- ation association. UniversIty 01 Mlchilan, in coop- wi1J attend the meeting as well In the journalism office, room 206, the two o.traclll will be pubUcl1 llid Wednesday night Britisb Ambassador Sir ,Ralph Newly eJected members ot the Elections for UWA, YWCA and eration with the National Associ- as Prof. Earl E. Harper, dlrector Communications Center. opened aad read in Old capitol V!red a note Sunday to Egyptian !'orelm Minister Mahmoud Union Board from the college of WRA were held with all-campus ation of EducaUooaJ Broadeuters, of the student union, and George Newly eJected members of the at 2 p.m. OIl the same day. Plans 4eclaring that further negotiations Cor evacuation of the bil- are: Janice Levsen C3, elections. Currier. WestJawn, and has produced this show to express Stevens. director and advisor tO board will be Invited to lit in on ~nd apeolficaUoos for the build- dollar defense base "are not possible under the present Cedar Rapids, with 106 votes; and Home Economies club had ar- the Importance of this freedom. the Central Party committee and the meeting in order to become iDI OperaUODI are a¥ailable in ." The note demanded thai "l;JyptJans involved In the attacks Bob Groom, CS, Dea Moines, witb ranled elections within their It will be pre.ented weekly on Union Board. The meeting is clos-Iacquainted with the. func:tionJD. the ph7aIca1 plant office in Olcl eli 'rom thl' r.Rnfil zone, ., 45 vot('~ , _ J{1'I)Uflll' ~r ~ WSVI at 7 p.m. Q'l n\lflGars. ~ to the public, Qt the or.. ~Uon, " l)en~1 ~ Honer S8fS. . .. • J ,.~ , , " t t • PaiC2-THE DAILY IO\\;AN-row.a City, Ia.-Thurs., Mar. 25, 1954 ~ - :Tiitl .! jO; '/ I ",'. - " 1 r . - . , 'J • '/ 'I ' , '~i~.~:EJ:ft. 0 r. ', i l~~ I.',:1'" 4 ' Sla~~~, Expected To -Have Spectacular let's Keep the Tournament Here- EI t· P 1954 C · The po sibility ofthe Iowa high school state basketball tour- All underg ec Ion ~imaries ' in ampa Ign THURSDAY. MARCH 25. 1954 nmnent being switched to Des ~Ioincs is becoming a reality with By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL t1iJible to en' t! Short S tOl the co~~letion of the new Des ~Ioill(~s auditorium scheduled for WASHINGTON (A")- Out across closely with the Eisenhower ad-IE, Herring of Des Moines. son of ganizing committee _ sort. of UNIVERSITY CALENDAR ponsorcd by next F Glum. . the COrD belt a~d rolling prairies. ministration. ,... the late Cormer gov~rnor and parties within , the Republican UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Uema are lehe41uled cI Women 's c \V lfeel that such a witch would be detrimental to both voters are talk 109 of pocketbook CbaUenre Unknown Isenator. The Repubhcans will party. In the PresldeDt'. office, Old Caplllll A $50 prizE '1 Cll SUI problems and roaring political bat- How much of a challenge the have to pick from a field of six. Split Pariy \be ~'inner , own, II., ~n( . ., ties coming u, after lllinois' first- GOP primary winner can giVl! which equals the 1924 record for Each holds a convention and Thursday. Ma~ch ~5 Ilnstrumental Music, North II cI any lengt.h 1 he city would suffer from nn economlcnl standpoint as in-the-naUon primary next month. Douglas. Lane says. is an un- the number ol candidates trying puts up its own candidates lor the 12:30 p.m. - Umverslty club Hall. Jllitled to the ]owa Gity'S population is increased by nearly one third tluring Michiga~ , Minnesota and rowa. known quality r~g~t now. with fo~ a maj.or olfice in the state. The primary, and ordinarily th~t'S lun.cheon and party bridge. Iowa Sunday, April • 101 Univer il 1 • k 1'1 1 ' ' f I . . . plus lllnlolS, are spots to watch. many Issues remlllmng to be s01- pnmary IS June 7. where the North Dakota election Unton, 2:00-5:00 p.JlI. - ~ea dance, a.. Mril 29. Th t ~e t'oll~ament we~. .. 1C genera. eons~ns\ls 0 mere Mnts ~nt~l- In those four states there may be idified by what congress does and In other midwestern states, the is decided. One convention will be Friday, March 26 vel' room. Iowa Umon. spaced on VI.' h V I C'~ d ~~ 1ow~ CIty I that thclI' busmess sales \'olum.e IS 111, s~me .ot the most spectacular, elec- t?e sub~~quent reaction of Illin- prospects look like this to AP po_ held Friday. one on April 2-3. The 3:00 & 6:00 & 9:00 p.m.- Stu- ~:00-5 : 00 p.m. - Dup~lca lt Conleslants creased, l\6l1~sjdorably during this week. tlon tights ot the 1954 campaign. OIS voters. litical specialists: primary will be June 29. dent Art Guild film series, "'Vam- bridge, sunporch. Iowa UnJo~. sumed naYTl ' R . ','1 I h" b ·' . I d II 'I A free-for-all for the GOP sen- Illinois will pick 25 house mem-, tate Prospects SOUTH DAKOTA I pyr': allcl '~\IfiJI dvl;l;'prf' Sha?,,- 2:30 p.m''T';Iowa Moun~ marked "Oe , . cstll'lIrnl1t owners sal( t 1at t clr usme IS near y OU) ec atorial nomination in 'Illinols has bel'S next fall for seats occupied INDIANA J F .j ·h...t d baugh' lectUiie ioom L ' ~ ;1 I, tr!jvelogue. Smgapore Joe .FW.I: Story Contest, '. I I LUI;. I . .... d h . I f tl ' I oe oss, mar ne corps plw an • I y. "s th Af'i a" M b 'de udi'-' ,W1C I\ b]t")I\Ul'l1ament IS III pr05 ;ess, an t ey certnLL1 y avor le made policies of the lXisenhowel' now by 16 Republicans and 9 Df'- No senale or gubernatorial elec- Medal of Honor winner looks like 7:3Q P.~~G :ad\ll1~ .College . ou Ie, ac TI a "" . eO\'elope ,,·ith • \ Itt 'l.' " . d . . t' . t mo ats • l t ' , P G 11 1 M ' lum . ",lent be1l1g neld in 10wa CIt)'. a miDIS ratIOn an ISsue 0 an ex- cr. .. tion this year. Hoosier voters must I the strongest of four , Republicans ec ure, . t'over . urray. 8: 0 ' I M 1;1--. on it, but '\Wit , tent found in no othelHprimary in The only IllinoIS congressman I I til h b . Th t· f' th b' t . t LSIl "Genl"-'" al)dl()ll A"CU~U~ .0 p.m.- owa OUD_ \'flope enelos J benefits ft'Om the tournament a man" '}'ollths through- . h t b . t bl ' th e ec ouse mem els. e pres- rymg 01 e gu el1l~ ona r;,JLlIl}- fj' '} : r "lbJ I I' \''j', 1...... 1 1 travelogue, Singapore Joe Fisb!r ( the nation. w ~ seems 0 e 1n rou e III e ent house lineup' 10 Republicans ' ination But there is a quesHon ot labon. Oe tra \ Gun Coa ta' "Th Ch . O' t" M . name and adc dntLTI'\ t trr~ " . ffortled an''Opportunity to see the facilities AP S'urveys pri ary is Harold Velde. ch.air- 1 Democrat. The ~rimary is set fo; eligibility because he wa; a m!,!~1- Plain," Geology Lec\ure Room. ~ . argmg f1en. ac~ Judges fOr of tb~i'.ll:.ttc \Illi el sity, All through the midwest, sur- ma~ ~f the ho~se Un-Ame~'l(:'an May 4. bel' of the legIslature that voted Monday, March 29 aUdltonu:~da A-....' filliam Porh .IT • , veys by Associated Press political activities committee. There s a Wh tt· I'U I . t t' t b t h • 1 2 00 500 T D ' R' Y. - joUrnalism; P ~ranv of these potential sur students, cspcciall from the degree ot dissatisfaction with him e tng po I ca m eres IS a 0 005 t e governor s sa ary. : - : p.m - ea ance, I~ 2:00 p.m. - SUI Nel\'COIItt! UD and Pro!, ~ , , j ,experts reflect a measure of CO n- . .. GOP factional split behind one Banker E F. McKellipps and vel' room Iowa Union. Club P of Wendell JolulJon, st'l, si11011el' towns, hav little eh.oee to (Jet into Iowa City b fore cern among the people ovel' dips over Invesltgahons of some cle1'- congressional primary fight It's a rancher Ed'C Martin have an- 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Duplicate "St t't ~ g' f th H 01 the English I f I f i' h rd' gymen and labor unions . " u erln rom eOil!'l The contest t ley .. gra( lInte, and their coming l(, I'C or the statc tourn,lment n prices ~n t e a;ms an In em- Opposition Cited division that goes back to 1952, nounced for the June I primary Bridge. Sunporch, Iowa Union. Mouth." home of Mrs. F. M. Oa •• ,riter Oeta give; t ~111 tllis opportunity. ' ployment I~ the Citll;S. ., Farther east in Michigan. Dem- when Senators Capehart and Jen- for the Democrats-the first time Monday, Marc.h. 28 . son. . Jeal name , ., While thIS uneasmess Isn t ap- t h' k h b bl t ner and the GOP "Old Guard" since 1946 the party has entered 8:00 p.m.- Humanthes soclety- Wednesday April 7 Professor Em T I ijiggest factor for moving the tournament to Dcs Moines, parent everywhere. ib still looks ocra s t m .t eYSmaYH e a Fe ° lwanted Taft for the presidential the gubernatorial primary. Graduate-German lecture, Prof. 7:30 p.m. _ Sig'ma Xl ·u.... · I Q . . f ' h uS I'k th I' \. I' Id upset Repubhcan en. omer er- B W' U ' 't f ' • .- of tbe Engl accord Iller to Lye ulIln. executive secrctary 0 t e I..I AA, is lee Ive les ISsue among m - B t th~ d .t kn t nominee and Gov. George N. C'I'aig No Opposition , enno von lese, DlverSI y 0 Medical SCIences Solree, Am~ lbat in 1900 C'>. westerners in this year's Demo- guson, u on ow ye d h' t f d E' S K '1 M dt RbI' Muenster "German Views of h j M d' I Lb ' the Jacl.j ~ accommodation for tournament crowds. .. who will make ~ythe try. an IS suppor ers avore Isen- en. aJ un, a epu lcan. '" 1 eatre , e Ica a oratoflel Ilos\ famous . " crahc-Republican duel lor control It d 'd I arge I th ' t _ hower. and the two Republican congres- Shakespeare. senate chamber, Thursday. April • She lived Ap[\IiS)xlInately 1,000 beds were proVIded by the JUllIor of congress. And It will figure in t' efPetn sD y °t? e In en WISCONSIN men are runninct again so far O. C. 12'30 pm _ University """ . . .. Ions 0 h e emoera IC governor, .,. - . .. ,~ Iter wealthy Chamhl'l' ~f Commelce for , ollths coming to th gam s. bllt this some of the precedmg pl'lmanes G. Mennen Williams. toward a Farm problems anel policies, a.nd without oppOSition in the primary Tuesday, March 30 . Lu~cheon Program. Iowa Ullioa, Jl\\plement ~ by nn means sllfficient too. . . . fourth term in the state house oj' the cut m pl'lce supports for dan'y or much threat from the Demo- 7:30 p.m. -Society for Expert- ~.30 p.m.-Baseball, W~ 1I1e 1800's .. ~. • .' '. . The upcommg baiiles m Illmois, a first in the senate. Friends products ordered by the Eisen- crats. mental Biology in MediGine. room Michigan hel'e. !II in over l- :rt.oiMollltJon to th p1'obJem rests JI1 the hands of the ul1Jver- Iowa and Mlnnesot? are. important think he may be leaning toward hower administration, look like NEBRASKA 179. Medical Laboratories. . 6:30 p.m.-Triangle ~Iub SPIiII& ill' the A ~it)' and Iowa Citians themselves. Roth groups eould do mueh to because the GOP Itkes Its chances the governorship. the big talking points in Wiscon- :rhe Cornhusker stale se\ects a . 8:00 ~.m. - Student Art GUild Tournament. Iowa Umon. Scribner·s. . t tl ..... t' b . t . tl . ) of tOSSing DemoCrats out of senate Jack I Green AP correspondent sin politics this year The primary senator governor and four house film senes. "Intolerance," Sham- 8:00 p.m. - Student Ar~ CuiJi Octave 11 eV la C 1e Sh,m lOll Y OpCllll1ll emp y rooms 111 lell' lomes t· th It " . . , . , . , F'I S · "G ed" SJ.... " • • I'> ' . .. sea s III ose sa es. . at Lansing, says that if Williams IS Sept. 14. members thiS year-they are all bough lecture loom, LIbrary. 1m enes, re '. ,_ tall Into two nc! unlvel'Slty hOllsmg 11IlitS as they do for Homecommg. This Even th~ugh they are relymg o~ aims fOI' the senate, former Sen. GOP Governor Republicans now. Wcdnes4a,Y, March 31 . bau.gh Lecture Roam, ,~IQrary. ~Ilng with lIould handle much of the ovelfJow crowd, und help e liminate the farm ISsue. Democrats aren t Prentiss M. Brown is "the choice Republicans say they Will keep B.oth pa'rlies h~v~ been holdl~g 2:~0 p.m. &r 8:0,0 p.m. - Mtnne- 8.0~, p.m. -:- Play. The en. mpert and I • ~' ~ t k . I' It ··J; C · exactly cocky. Yet they soy they of party regulars (or govenor" a GOP governor and Democrats rallies and meetmgs but candl- spoIls Symphony Orchestre con- Harp, TheatJe. III labor ,1C malll OC 0 cepm', le ournament an '!.tlwn ltV. ht t b bl t .~.. ' . . t 1 Un'on . Frida." /l.prll' '11 1'.\.' • .t: C'>, " ',. · .1 j • • ' • ,Dug 0 e a e 0 pl'4 lll;) some Moody Prospect don't deny It too vlgorously. But dates for several races have been cer. owa I. . . " hmous We ~ , ~U' S4~fng , thet tpurp' rpent I ~ ,Va CIty IS too seats. , Another tormer Democratic sen-I somebody is wrong about congres- slow to step forward for the Aug. Thursday, Aprll .1 ~.3? p.m, - Baseball, WestIr) short stories ' ll'ndicia for it to be swfichcd 0' Des Moines. In 1952. the U midwes~ern states ator. Blair Moody, is reported sional races. Both the GOP and 10 primary, Democrats haven't 7:30 p.m. - ~niverslty C:lub Mlc. ~~gan. ~:r.:. S in ler's . it 1898 and a supported PreSIdent Eisenhower anxious to try against Ferguson in Democrats say th ey are going to elected a Nebraska congressman Dessert Pa~t}' Bfldge~ low<\ Unron, 8. ~ . . p S SPl'I!, .t-----~_:_-:-~~~-'T."-~-~_--~------_l l soJjdly. All of them that had sen- the event Williams seeks the gov- chalk up gains. since 1948. ' L 1FJ'j;'Y • 21 .1. ')1 ' lowa Umon. " .:p.n :l y " '1 1"'1 'j , I 'I Nt I ale races el1!cted ~epublicans. ernorship, The Badger state J{as 10 house A Democratic Omaha attorney, 8:00' j:j.m. Col eglUi'n 'Mtlslcum 8:0~. p.m.-.P/a , The Grq, 'rp'r 'et.·n' g I T' he" ews'.' They sent 89 Republicans to the In preliminary campaigning, members and Republicans have William Ritchie, has filed for gov- -A f Cop.~er lt : 01 i~fe Ylca'" ~Ilf\ HaljP, :rp~atre. f I I I ";C Spanish Inte house. and only 2~ pemo~rats-a FergusQn has tied himself tightly an 8-2 margin. ernor. Two or three other Demo- (Fo'r itlform,iloa ri~a"dlfli da.tes beJ'Ond this leb~''''' ' , . ,' " ~ar bigger R~pub"'hcan ratIo than to the Eisenhower administration NORTH DAKOTA crats arc talking about it. He reservations in the office of' the Pre8id ~nt, Old 'Capl",), .( ~ By J.M. ROBERTS JR. m the house Itself. and Williams has tried to tic him Republicans. as usual. are ex- Gov. Robert Crosby isn't saying -\ Schedul ~ Associated Press News Analyst . More Seats to lowered farm prices. Williams pected 10 elect a governor and yet whether he will seek a second I , .., ' . ThiS year Democrats say they is thumping away on the recession two congressmen in November. term. He will have to get past the Of 9 : France. ~y wqrd and eed. has d' h b ffi ought to be able to c~llect a few issue. too. in a state where tens What makes North Dakota poli- challenges of at least four other iirtually Announced that' parlia- ~omman ,~l1t er OW~? ce~s more hOllse seats her and there. of thousands ot jobless are con- tics different are the Nonpartisan Republicans in the primary, if he g GENERAL NOTICES J!lentary debate on establishment m consultatlOdn, but re:amm It e They say. too. they nave a good ' centrated largely in industrial Dc- league and the Republican 01'- decides to have II go at it. GENERAL NOTICES should be deposited with tbe city edlttlrfl lSI' the European Defense Commu- r!ght to with raw aftCl consu ta- chance of capturing a senate seat mocratic Detroit. Ijily. originally scheduled for 1hls hon. in M!chigan and expect to put up House races wlll be for 18 seats. The Dally Iowan in the. newsroom in the Communlcal.loDl CeiIr. tonth, wiU not be held until after PolicY Proela\me4 a real battle to get it. Republicans at the moment have T t A I · 0 If d Notices mus' be submitted by 2 p.m. the day puudllll tim ,... ttJ e Genev'& conference. ~he U.S. so far has ~erely pro- A single congressional victory is a 13-5 edge over Democrats in the e s naysI S ere Iicatlon.; they wl\l NOT be accepted by phone. and must be ;l'YPD : This confirms eltpectations de- claimed ~ general P?l.lcy, wlihout significant in 1954 because of the Michigan congressional delegation. or LEGIBLY WHITTEN and SIGN':D by a responsible )leNlJ. ieloped at the Berlin con!erel\ce. yet orferlng a speCifiC treaty to almost even balance of party pow- November DecisiOn r BE· t· S · THE DEPARTMENT OF PHY- A SHORT STORY OON1181 lGllIlrfri"h a could i1~dl~ 'be expected lhat EDC. . er in both senate and house. A look at Minnesota shows the y X amIn a ,.0 n e rv Ice sics will hold a joint colloquium open to all undergraduat~. 1lI 1..... drl"nl irance. hdPing lor Russian aid in The Saar 1f1eShon has been very . All told, eight senate seals are Gopher state will decide in No- with the department of mechanics pri~e. . Submit manuscripts tow ~taining a cellse-lire in Jpdochi- close to sett emen!. The Germans at stake in the mid\~est. Four are vem.ber whether to keep a Demo- What comprises. a good .test? and hydraUlics March ' 3~ , at 4:10 English office, room 10), Univ/l. tia. would slap Moscow in the face have made nun;erous and broad he-Id now by Republicans. fo ur by cralic se~ator. Republic~n govern- That is a questIOn SUI mstruc- necessary part of the test. · Ebel p.m . .Prof. C. S. Yih will speak on sity hall. by 5 p.m. April 29. III­ ~ the same time. I cOljc~\C?n'i lopkmg toward, Euro- Democ~ats. It;! addition to picking or ~nd dlvid~d conlP'essl,onal dele- tors will be facing as mid-term remarked. because it is part of the stability problem of hydrody": portant: use an !jssurned namt ll ~ There was every possibility, un- pe.amzaHori oC the area. ~ow 118 house members • .the midwest gahon of five Republicans and approaches and al£o a task for what the course Is designed to namics. an f/nvelope marked "Oclave~. Cst swirls IS .head of the. U.S, . ForeIgn Oper- tographic memory." Important ItelDll nage at a meeting of the New- Thomas More chapel, Saturdll. up at the conference after the Ko- around Democratic Sln. Paul H. ahons admlntstralJon. eyed the . ' S thO h' h . t' man club Sunday, March 28 at 5 M h 27 b .. t 7 • kd. , . n a ely ampalgn race and then came out with a Test Criteria. orne Ings w IC examma Ion m Supper will follow at 6 arc , egmnmg a OC . l ean question. anr! the whole bus- Douglas. t ttl t k d Tests that have frequent ques service considers to be Important p. . . Cana conferences for manid G, . I t f h P h h D s a emen as wee recommen - - --- Th t' Iness may as or as muc as DES MOINES (A") _ The state er a.ps as muc as \ an~ emo- in B'ornsoll to urn friends in tions asking students to apply are these: couples. at st. Thomai Mor~ c»- e m~e I lhree months. That would have i~- safety department.s stepped up er- crat. thiS former econo~lcs pro- Mrnn:sota" y knowledge they have learned in Placing a minimum of 20 per .EDUCATIO:"1 WIVES CLUB pel. Sunday. March 28, begmlllll receptton volved the. Fr~nch gov~rnment m fort to restrict use of Iowa's high- fessor ~as been ha~m~rmg on t~e 'No Comment the course, Ebel said , are criteria cent importance on facts in a test. WIll meet Friday. March 26, al at 1:00 p.m. Both the Pre-Calll embers. lwo ve.ry tIcklish operations at the ways and streets to careful motor- idea that a ~ec~sslOn ~lready IS Yet Stassen wouldn't come right 01 good tests. Generalizations should be held ~~\.?;s :d Electnc Co. lounge and Cana conferences wlllbeClJlo il!l"\'cd. same time. . istS resulted in nn increase of more upon us. ThIS IS an ISSlie ~hat out and say he was or wasn't a Some things Ebel listed as es- to a minimum. Ten per cent of the . p. . ducted . by Father McGrath ~ --~ th N~wbL~melll~as rn~ouhn~~d th:~ than 20 per cent in driver's license ~~~ms to get under Rhepubhcan candidate for the nomination. pecially bad were Questions word- test dealing with broad topics con- --- Sprtngfleld, Ill. ~ tl e Sea e w l' no. e t~1 d un ~ suspensions and revocations in es more than any Dt t r . Gov. C. Elmer Anderson, a Re- cd negatively and those asking stitute an average. TilE ZOOL.OGY SEMINAR GRADUATE COLLEGE U; ~oerner le aar ques !S se e an 1953. . Dourlas O pponen .& publican, took himself out of the students to list "five principal Scores should have a wide will meet on Friday, March 26, at manities societ and the e I~n O,ermli tt UhS. a~d ~~ I~aln havet mad~ Milo Chalfant, director of the Ntne .different Re.,.,ltcans are senatorial scramble and said he stages, .." range. A test distiQguishing be- 4:10p.m. in room 204 ZB. The department pr~sent Prot BeoII H d ~~~ ~~ gar B ,~;r. gu:ra"a~es ~ department's safety responsibility ait~~Phng to elbow e~~h other. out would try for another term as These are especially bad be- tween students at different levels speaker will be Dr. T. N. Tahmi- von Wiese University ~f Muenst!! ea d ~~I I O. h II a,lD as t ret y division. said Saturday suspensions 0 e way and. /grab e nomtna- governor. cause they tend to hold to par- of ability will yield scores of a sian ?1 the ArgonnE!' National L?- Germany' who will talk on .'Ctr: ~a e I t~ eart s 1 ~ ~I 0~~'lP~ PE~~ and revocations last y~ar totaled lion to ~~n against ~~a~h' The Minnesota primary is Sept. ticular wording of an idea or par- wide range. If a test is too easy bot-a tory'. Lemont.. Ill . . He ~111 man Vl~~s of Shakespeare" JI~ er con men a I' 0,. ~ " ,6,004, compared with 4.1152 in 1!l52. Russe Lane of the , Ic~go 14 . ticular organization of subject or too hard, the scores. will vary speak o.n "Metabohsm vS·. Irradla- day March 29 8 p 111 in the Ml- I The suspensions ran tell' lrom 30 bureau says the GOP lineup lD- In Iowa. the senate fight will be matter, Ebel remarked. less than if Ule test was a good tion.': atc 'chamber of Old Capitol. Internal Medicine days to a year. , cludes two out-and-out Eise~- strictly in the genel'al ejection. An ott-cited gripe of students is judge of the student's capabili- ___ ~ __ The division paid mo!!t attention hower supporters and one. candl- Guy M: Gillette, the Democrat the phrasing and wording of ques- ties. and ranged widely from top SUI YOUNG 'DEMOCRATS . TI d ' Practice Started t~ hab tual violators. In 19.53 i,t I'e~ ~ate ":"~~ calls the . reS ident a want~ It, and Rep. , Thomas E. lions. Use of high-so.ul1ding phases to bottom. will meet Thul'sday, ,March 25, af THE JOHNS~N COUN ean. , 1; , Viewed $1.263 drivers' records. as fallUle. . ' !darhn, the Republlca~ who w~ts which actually can be expressed rime factor: a student should 7:30 p.m: in 12)A Schaeffer. hall. cha~ter o~ Americans f?r. ne:; P3 , Here by JJi s afalnst 29,685 in 1952. Suspensions thPel'hapS purvosely. ~I) 'k s::te It. g~t pas.t the. prlm~ry fJlmg simply, are faults of many tests, not have to rush to finish the test. Featured speaker or'the everung crabc Achon. (ADA) WI~~ bO • I1Irer; and .. :. '.' t.Ota~d 830. whereas th~ compara- at preferr~ the late, en. 0 ert dead~lne Friday mght Without op' Ebel explained. ' • Ninety per cent should have will be Joh'n 'O'Connor, Detnacra- regular bUSiness mee og iI Sioux City. A 1944 SUI gra ate.1:>r; Chrfs the figure for 1952 Taft of the posihon. Example Cited . reached the final question by the tic candidate for &ongress from the at 8 w8S'~37. ~. l O ~~o f~r 'baliY2pre~- Thursda~. r~rc~,25, ~:. E. Schrock. has established his Drivel'll Re-Examined Idcntia .nomlnatlon. In 195 , t e . Iowa Issues He cited as an example a test time limit, according to Ebel. tirst district, He will speak on the. foyer 0 t e, ~ver rlom III ' practice of intern~'''-.tnedicine in In 1953, a total of 327 drivers other ,s~x ne~ubhcan hopefuls Jowa exp~cts to hear. plen~y which included the phrase "lateral These and otller factors are in- "Hard Money" and answer any Um.o? The. maIO busfqess , Iowa City this week. were called upon to submit to re- haven tid e n t I fie d themselves about tarm Issues and prlc~ sup- boundries." "That is an unnec es- volved in helping instructors put questions on the farm program. meetmg Will be the ~dI Schrock, who w~s born in Ibwa examination. The t6tal fo.r 1952 ' -- ~ort~ in t?e months. ahead. bot~ sarily pompous way of saying across an exam which will leave The public is invited. ~.elegat~s t~O th~a:I~~~ona~tc:r: City, graduated. !l!om Iowa City was 166. In last year's re-examina- I:ormer Hillel Director I~n the Gillett.e-Martm bout an 'sides.' Ebel said. the student muttering, "Why --- .lOn .an t ~ es f t~e high school i'n 1938. While a stu- tions. about half the individuals ' I , III races tor eIght house scats. all However. vocabulary which has didn·t I study harder." instead ot THERE WILL BE A BOX O{'- mg Ins rU~.lon~ or e dent at SUI he was elected to Phi Involved were placed on probation To Speak in De. MOines occupied by RepUblicans. been used during the course is a lsaYing 'What a lousy test." ial and a talent show on Friday on conven Ion ISSUes. , Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega AI- and the other halt got suspensions. Rabbi Morris N. Kertzel·. form- For governor, the Democrats are -- - -- evening, March 26, at 8 o'clock in -- , pha, honorary scholastic and medi- State highway patrol sergeants er director of the HilleJ, fo undation banking on County Attorney Clyde the basement of the First Baptist A CONCERT. BY TilE ca l fraternities. After graduation were sent to interview 520 motor- at sur, will be the c~ief speaker c~lIrch. 500. N. Clinton st. All glum Music.um of the rt .. nar!/IItd! lie served an lntel'nship at City ists against whom complaints had at a dinner honori~ Robert c. wsur PROGRAM girls must fiX a lunch for two to or music ~lll be presen,ted hospital, Cleveland. Ohio. been made in 1953. The total in Lappen, Des Moinesr I as I' lowa's be auctioned; so, men, bnng a fat No.rth MUSIC Hall on Friday, He also served two years active 1952 was 231. About six per cent most outstanding Jew h citizen," CAL~ND.1R purse and remember it·s better to 2. at 8 p.m, Th!! program duty in the navy medical corps. of those Interviewed last yeal"'Were on April 7. 1'1 II be late t~an to miss the. fun. The c.lude rarely p~rlormeq His residency training was taken placed on probation. Gov. and Mrs. i1llam S. money w,lll .be used to fmance the hons. vocal and . ' at the University hospital in 1950. Division Coneenc.raUoDl Beardsley will head th6 list of hon- TI .....by. ~Ia • • b 2~, 19 J~ annual PICniC. Sponsored by Town th~ 13, 17. 18, and ,20 ce'!h1!It.S. ~chrock has practiced at Waver- Chalfant said the division con- or guests at the dinner for Lap- ~::~ 'll~~:nc Chapel ~en and Town Women associa- misSion lree. ly and Sioux Ciil. !> • • centrated on those drivers having pen, which will be l1eld at the ' :30 Rellclou. Groups 01 I'merlca tlOn, He is a membi!l'.ff tPl f'\m.rican ~d accident records, those who Bethel Jacob synagotue jp Des ng ~!:;!':n'!sC:~i~:e ' • 'THE UNIVERf(jITY ' College of Physjciifls t)q, ~R.q.- are habitually negligen.t o.r habl· M()lnl!8. . . 10:90 News REGULAR FRIDAY EV:ENINQ ~JlO llIUgl,Il~ II'!iI!' can Heart assoclltion. t he ~a tuhal tratflc vlolators, (, and tbo~e Lap~n was a ~ lose friend of 19;1f ~~~I~o~~.:'~; service wm be held at Hillel house e j.t? charge of Clinical Medical society. and is a w 0 are suspected of beil) • .il\.sotti- R1\bbi l'ertzer when the rabbi di- 11:00 Let·s Sin, at 7:30 p.rn, P'ollowmg Dr. Joseph iI' to-March 29. diplomat or the American Board of petent because of physical nr me -' reoted the Hillel foundation in 11 :16 lIIulfc In March Time 1;.. Cobilz of "the phiIosophy d~- 83218 'if s' sitter br . . • ,r ..' , " " 11 :. illUDe In B1.ck and White t t 'II ak "Ex! t . i' h I Il\ternal MediCine. tal reasons. .,,' • ',," .'PS9. ~t" , _, r i. " . U :(~ Bonjour Me.d~mes par men. WJ spe ,on , s I)n,- about JO omit t e group S ---'------:------.:~.;...&.'.. 1 ~,+:...; .:..---') ~·r .,J.'c...:, ~t ~""..."..,._"""":'-.; '~'~..... 11 :~ Prayer tor Peace tialism and Marxism." The Sun- ,. ~ \; :r: ~~~m Ibmbl.. daY-"TllgliF'siiPPcl;'wll1 ' be st!I'Vt!ct STUDENTS WHO'" 12:45 Sinllln, Am"rlc.n~ ;/t 6:00 p.m. , pick up their m. oney or , . 1:00 M\I"lcal Chau I 1:05 World of Ideas I ... ---~ n the Book Exclulnee may . 2:10 Pen"y For Your Thoulhl. ~ . SIG~A ul~~'I'A C, • 1~t'FE~ - through, Ma'rcl;! '-1 frOID I-f Ike• - D• at l I ow a. n nc~ [~~~~:eF::n:I~r;a sJOna l Journa)istic frat rlit~, Will Monday througH Priday Y 2:U ExcuJ'Sienl fn Science meet Saturda?, at 12. noon 1D t~e Student Council office. 113 ~ ; ~ ~~~? ~:I~t::~~: Club Iowa Memortal U~lOn caletena bride hall. After March 31 THURSDAY. MARCH 25. 1954 3:30 New. for a lun ~ he?~ J?eetmg. Men I.n- will become the property rj -P-u-b-"-~-~--~-U-y-U-c-~-t-~-n-. ~-,-.-n~.--'-H-.-M-r-~-u~h-'-h-.-.-H-~~-"-r-~-H---~r~~-d~M~.~~-w-~~u-,p=u~~~u~~r.--- ~=~~~~~&~ ~re~~l nJ~ln g~~~ml~S~~~~~ill Monday .nd 1.,"1 hoHda,. 'II, IItud .., orr.n.I ,al...... rl~tr' .. rI ....I.. Cllarlel E. .rnum, A ..I.laAt Piabllabw . :30 Tea Time are lDvlted to attend. I ______PUbUc.t1::v.r Inc .. lit low& Ave .. low. b, ••.•. 1M Dall, I ...... • I'.... U.. 5:00 Children', Hour ___ . ~IJ, 10 ' . Enterecl ., HCond el... ::t-~·~i"· til.... \ .1 01. J ..r. .AILT IOWAN .DITOal.\L aUI', n~ :;"~~s i TICKETS FOR THE CON- Harper To Address m.n m.tt..r at the post olflc ••t low. "I· 1.," D • •• ,.. ..•• I~.... ldltor . , ...... JIC!IC. tiurrow, 8'00 Dinner "our certs to be gl' ven by the MI'nnea CIty. ul'Jer the .et of eon ..eu o...... ro· n.,' •.•. •• I .H. M.na.lntr Editor .... lCathlrine HAnI,' ,. - Ch' C f .Marcb 1,\ ,II,.. T .....' ".,. ••t ...." ...... II ..ew ' !4Ilor ...... liar." Ad."" ~;~ ~~:; Fouaht Alone polis symphbny orchestra on Wed- Icago on .rence , •••••••••,. Clt,- Eclltor ...... Phil O'Connor T *' d M h 31 t 2 30 d 8 MEMBlER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ~-=--:-::-::-::------Society Editor ...... JOIn IUd,ow.,. 8:'" !Sf·B·IC' y1l' 0rlWd Theatre nes ay. arc • a : an Prof Earl E. Ha .....r c!itt* The' Associated Pre.. 1- antlll-" -- CaD ~l'l s t ·"Ito K laId :.... nUS C ou ant p.m. are available at the ticket ...... 101 .. "'" - • ft...... ~ •••It'" por ', c.u r .. ,.. ... owe r""w. 8:30 ~hlnd the He .. dllne. f th chool of t ... will.,. ,llIll vely tq til, \1M (Of mi' Iicath>n •• ,.r...... It ...... ' ...,. I.... , A,slll.nt Sport, Edl~or ... , Oene In,le fI:40 Ne... desk in the Iowa Memorial Union 0 e s , IDe ar... .. -" u th l~' nf.w. pr In th" .\all.llnt City Editor ... Dick Solow., S h dd.... M h 28 GI" ;":spape; ;-. well •• .u ,., DO":: ...... _ .... ,. TIl. D.11y ...... Chl~ Photop.pher .. .. Dick Pltochll. ' :05 port. H:Jhli' II lobby. Students present I.D. cards an a r ... "s arc , ....,.lI:h.... .' II , ::::.... ~::~~~' ... I. til. CIa.... • Wlrophoto Technician .... Jay H,.tono 10 :00 SIOI'l 0 for free concert ltickets t01 one ",Moral and Spiri\ual Val ... ••Iii.. 8~blcrUl--t1-0-n-r-.-tu---It,-ca-nle-r-l-n-I-0.,.-i EdItorial P." Edl~n: · N~:.,r;e~..:!; KSUI concert only. Reser\OCd seat-tick- MU5io Education." at the AV..... BtI..... V ab', II conti weelll, or .. per y.. r 11\ ets for tarulty and s\aft ,' 011 sale motnln, ,breakfaJ,t ~~tlllI • • • r or 1" ....neel.1x mentho, " .21; threl DAILY 10"4H 4D"•• 'I'IIINQ S'I'A" 4:. Tb.nd.r, lIIareb U: IOU PROF. ROBERT L. EREL. director of the unlYersity examJnaUon MOnday, March 29. General pub- Mwsic Educators National , \ t ' mo'n!U. lUI). B,. m.1I In I'...... "' tauIln... M.n... r .... .chl,l.. Ooeldn., . :30 SIGN ON Th t I to . C CtlLA 10NI rear: If It monthl, ..,; thr .. montljo. AIS t. BlI,lnr .. MIf...... Max Nebel 4:(5 ~':.~~~~t!la~:p~rt IM'Vlce, 8upervlfles the an"tyats of approximat.I, 150 *ta "H- IIc reserved seat tickets on sale enCtl. e con er,nce s tJ: oU-", ...... lUiIIe1'.fpu.. tl' Clas.lrlec1 Mir..... , ..... C.rl Ande •• 5:. Dolle In .,.,11, ... _ tbe Initiative of the tDltructOl'l w... Tuesday, March 30. AJI spo u ~ Conrad Hllton Call' 8-2151 1/ you •• nol ..eel .. .u on lDeaw.,Telts are anabled .. at the hotel II ~oro.!!.·r.. ; ... ilx IDOOUlt, ...iII; · 1Iit.. DAILY 10" N CraCVLA'I'JON .-r·A" 5:15 Twlll.hl Seren.de Id bid .' and. re• ...:r ..ed seat tlcLets all. ' alOI _." . ,.a. D.lly I ..... n-r T:1I4I 1.111. Mill., _ _ ClreIil8UGo I MJr , ...... Jaollerl CIOAII 6:00 SIGN orr tllel 'neil' tests cou e rnprove • n", v ,. 'I'"' Committee To Work with Orientation ----- Short Sto'ry Competi.tion Orchesis Dance Recital Professor To Give . 3 Chicago Talk. To Be Friday Saturday Prot. Oscar E. Nybakken of tbe Op~n to SUI Students , classics department -.1tt dell .. All undergraduate students are ------­ A dance r Ilal to be presented - J ish SOO( nd three th~ lectures at the CUCIIO dl~ble to enter the Octave :rha~- clely Cor women wa or lanized inl Friday ani:! turda)' e nines will ~""rl=n rrolk ~JS, "Cinch Lutheran Thf!Olopcal Iemina17 la et Short Story contest, which IS / Iowa Ci~y in the 1800's. The autb­ te tUff a \ ety of dances, in- ~ ...' la k' th Color" Ma 'oocI, III Monda." iPOnsored by the Iowa Federation or became president of the Iowa c1uJm a mcodley oC otl~inal dane- Mo~~ain. B in :.at." I The lectures wm dut 'ith three of Women's clubs. Author's club in 1919. I • C:one to popular. ,t. J. a !lroup and Lellherw ~ • . uS A 5:;0 prize will be awarded to MIss French chose her pen name done 0 Ir hand • merican ftll T popular medle. IOdud d phue5 ot tchhre ~tine:ralnIt !op~ 11- the winner. ManUscripts may be in a strange way. She chose 0 .:: ­ ..t 1 ti dan .. lIa I! caps " "Show-Ott," a n man 1s m to 15 a y. Aoe1 aft of Iny length, and musl be sub- tave as she tell It could be either n an,. se~'era narra \'e c- "Prlmlti '." Dancers presen In titled "Greek Hnolc Ideau.a," pIllted to the English oUice, room a man or a woman, and saw the S• pon ored b)' O~h l d nee .o M dcaps" will be Nancy Doyle, "An Arm'. Lenrth To ....,. 101 University hall, by 5 p.rn .. name Thanet on a freilht car and organizatior, tor Illf'n and• \Vo· "'4, LaCros, WI s., a,,,,_..t Sa r ba r a Chrkt"' and.. "Rome'a Leut MorI- "prll 29. They should \)e double decided she liked It , m n ~tud nts. the prorram II:ill be pacet, 112, Cedar. Rapl , Susan tal Mind. , !l)lced on white typing paper. The Octave Thanet Short Story held at a p.m. In Macbrld h 11 Hunter of Iowa ClI), will d nce N)'t)akken s leetUffs are tM Contestants should use an as- contest was started at SUI In 1937. auditorium. I J an . tinnis .. Sho.... orr," and Kay TI.)'lor, A1, third serl ot the Pa.ssav.. n~ .... SUJlIed name on an envelope Srrulh, instructor or phy&lcal edu- Tul , Okla., and Ann Watkins. tureshlps held at the senun.",. lJIlrked "Octave Thanet Short cation for -om nand Orch i AI, Waterloo, will present "Prl- The flrs1 series w .. ,h'en In ~ story Contest," Enclose a smaller Danforth Services director of the recital. mlth- ." Th three dances In t le cember by the Rev. Arne. N, WUd ­ envelope with the assumed namel Robert E. Tvndall. in t.ruc:to. in medley , w re cho Cf1Iphed by er of the University of Chl.cap. 011 It. but within the smaller en- By YWCA Have i th \'tlope enclose the author's rea I rr:u.lc, music dlreclor. the dancers. and second In January by the O O Choreorr ph)' for t '0 of the Tickets for the procnm lin: on Rev. Carroll Wise ot the Ganett name and addres . COt h Th d n "Th hold" and "Trio" _ Ie at Whetstone' Dru, COIll- Biblical lnsUtute. Judges tor the contest are Prof. I Izens I p eme snd tdr th lulte of Colk danec. pan' or the Women's Gymn iun~ 1______-_ ...... ,illiam Porter of the school of wa done by.f Smith.Orch i ottlce, at 15 cents for adults anol ..______Journalism; Prot. Hansford Mar- Christian Citizenship is the unand Prof. Thomas Mabry. both theme for the Danforth chapel m mbers cho~ naphed all of the 50 cents tor chHdren. Tickets will ( the English department. services bein, presented this week c;ther dances. also be .old at Macbride hall the jYOU SAY THE SWEETE T o The contest is in memory ot the by t he Young Women's Christian 1"u Ie tor fh of the dane,; hll. nl'hts or perlormances. '. ",riter Octave Thanet, whos association each ehool day at 8 ~n com~ed by Ir QL:lltp and • THINGS WITH I 1fll name was Alice French. a.m. underlP'aduatc stud n1$ i.1 th mu- Ruppe Named Editor " , Pro(efisor Emeritus Luella Wright This morning Beverly Cronk. .k departml.'nt. Conduclina the h- Of Iowa Publication .c.. of !be English department Sa)3 C3, Bloomfield, Barbara Meyer, trumental roup wh!.:h \\111 play e~ (or a number or the danc ",HI N w editor of \he Journal or :J) r~ ! in 1900 Alice French was the A3, OoWA, and Sally Rehnberl, A3, 11011\ Camous woman In Iowa. Clinton will dIrect meditations on c.. Edwin London, G. Phiilld('~phl., the Iowa. Arch.eolo,leal aoclet)' Is ri She lived in Davenport, where "The Christian Citizen - Law­ and William Gow r, G, Gr I), R. J. Ruppe, profe or In the de- ...,., flfr wealthy father owned a large abidln, Restrained, Honest." Phyl- MEN' OIUEXTATIO Colo_ p tlment of anthropolo,)'. He suc- Hom.mad. IDIplement works. During th.e 1I.s Helmke. "'3. Garner, will sln( Numben In the Colk suite will c ds Wllh' d D. Lopn, n.tlonal (aMll" la le 1800's she had stories publish- "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied b lIunl by mu Ie tud nt while p rk rchat'Qlollst, who has edlt- td in over fitty magazines, includ- by Kay Boehnke, A2, Garner, at Nelsob, th danCi! re pre. ented. ih y ed th quartcrly publication inee (Ae,... "'OlD &be Iowa ~ ______Inc:lud "r Know WheN! I'm Go- It 1951 Inaururation. 1111 the Atlantic Monthly and the organ. , Scribner's. Sally Betz, A2, Des ¥olnes. and O· t G A k Therapists To Attend Octave Thanet's short stories Kay Putney, A2, Waterloo, will r len a t·Ion r 0 ups s . . flU Into two classifications, thoselconduct Friday', service. The top- Educational Meeting " cle3ling with local coLor In Dav- Ic tor the final devotional 1 ' L d Thr e m m rs or th UI ho - hear them again . , . !lIport and Arkansas, and th06e "c amp u s CItizenship." Helen pltal lita!! WIll I ave Frid y for a " on labor problems. Her two most Stoltz, A3. Ottumwa. will play Fo r 16 en ea e rs , 0M II fa mous works are a collection I'lf organ selections. mid- . ar education m tin, I th short stories "The Helll·t oC Toll" All tudenta are invited. A need tor some I 0 male :tu· lAm ncan O"cu~tlonal . TIl rapv 1898 and a novel, "The Man oc dents to erv a mens orl nt - Jim tcKnl"ht, AI. Idn Grove. 8. sociatlon In Indlanllpoh , Ind. Hour" In L905. Iton ,roup leaders for next tall faculty hom hairman; Pete Plannlnl to attend the melin, LARRY • BARRETT Jazz ConcertI'' An Octave Thanet Literary So- Chi hO D' has been announced by Tom Glb-I \ tereaard, A2, 0 Moine., are Mrs. E. lIuntsberry, dlr elor JC 0 ars IP Inner lin, E2, Iowa City, leneral chalr- publicity chairman and 0 velar the .~hool of o('cup tlonal ther- Oh man ot m n' orient Uon activlt- Sh Clield, in chnre ot op n hou. e apy; MI Elizabeth Colllru , dl- Wed" March 31, 8 pOm., Coe Auditorium Spanls Honorary Honors TriO Delta's le~. lit pr sidl.'nt Virill Hencher'~ r ctor of occup tional lher py at 0 0 0 Pla ns have b en mad(' to Intro- hom . Unlver It.v ho. pltals, and Dr. Car· Se h e d u Ies I nlttahon duee new tud nt to the c mpu Men int r ted in bini orlen- rol Lar on, h ad ot orthopedics at Cedar Rapids' 'h The Delta Delta Delta social in September throueh tour .• dan- tatlon 1 ader. ar uri d to ('ontart the ho pitol • Of 9 f or Tonl9 t sorority alumnae alliance held 11& ~ , activity mlhls and orl nlation orl ntatlon r PI cntatlve wlth- Th.v will m t with occupa- . lannual scholarship dinner Tue - m tlni. The number of m'!n in th next w k. lion a I th rapy dlr ctor lrom all Gamma Alpha chapter 01 Slgma day evcnlnll at the chapter house. n d d to insu.e th· suct' S (It oVl.'r th United Stat . Pollde IOWA'S FINEST YOUNG JAZZ MUSICIANS IN A TW~ Delta Pi, national honorary Span· Mr . L. D. Gatzke, alumnae' the prolram I about double that WSUI Announces will b set for ' occup tlonal ther- HOUR CONCERT OF GREAT, NEW MUSIC ", BY A O_EAT . framrnity will hold initiation scholarship advisor, pre len ted of pr vlou. ar. apy chool with 'r pre ntative. NEW BAND nine new members today at awards to Prudence M d r, A2, I M n lnt r t d In rvina a~ A dOt· T' ht ot th Am rlcan M dical 'ocia- r , p.m. in the conferenc«: room Elkader. the IIctive with the llllh- I ders are Invited to ('ontacl U 1 Ions onl9 lton. * I ot t~e Iowa Memorial Unton. est grade point; Carol Yoder, Al. any of the followlnll men. Giblin,. I OffIcers presenting the cere- Siaourney, the pledge with the Larry Nel en, C3, AUT lIa, JlII!- AudllJon. lor actor. and act- • e featuring the " 'piece band of La rry Ia,re" In . poclally .".,.u mony will be president. Diane highest grade point· lind Shirley CJ'cst representative, Cral, GIPPle.1rl.' ot all all WIll be held a Longman Will Show . concert progrG m .. • rich, G, Chicago, 111 ; vlce- McCorkle, N2, Sal.' 'City, lor the E2, Columbu! Junction, Quad. 7:30 tonf.ht at radio station 3D Italian Art Slide1 HaTTY Arnold. G, Tus- I'eatesl fm rovement III andes. ranale representative; Jay Ander- WSUI, Carl Mt·n7f'r, tatlon dlr- . • hear ED LONDON (French horn), TOM THOMPSON (betrft",. saJt), Ariz ' secretarY Norma Hoft- , p . on A3 0 s ~oln west sl -t,. ector ha$ announ l'"s auditions a ::-.=.:.....:::...:::.-______!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!! ; Beverly Austin. G, Kala- C. S. Meardon, correspondin, sec- emester. accordlnl( to Giblin, Dnd pool or acting tal nt ('nn bas-I k Mich.; Roger Gilmore, G, retary. prov d to bc succe' CuI. s mbl d from which casts for thc' Nebr.; Mary Healey. G, Members oC the or! ntation 13 programs clm be drawn. The /I Molly Kerr, G, Iowa committe are Jim Kaster E2 . erle will dramatize vllriouS at- • rs. Kraemer; Lawrence Piper Is President Washington, sport nl,M ehalr~ tltude! . nd ·haylor problem In G, Jamestown, N.Y.; Mu-I man: Dick Guthrie. A2, Iowa CI- famUy lil. Sch dule

National Collegiate ChamPiOn- \ shit> mee~s in wrestling, swimming SOXCESS STORY • - _ • _ and fencln&- and competition of runners in the Chicago Relays are chase of Michaels, the Chisox gave the weekend events of Iowa ath- (This is the last of two ar_v~teran third baseman Bo~ Elliott hIS release. Since then, Elllott has letes. ~ tides summlnl' up the major signed to play the hot corner for WrestIer~ go to Norman, Okla.; leal'\le wtnter tralnll1&" activities.) the San Diego Padres in the Pa- swimmers to Syracuse, N.Y., and ciiic Coast league. fe(lbers to Chicago. Last of the in- A trade on Dec. 26 between the Veteran Washington Sen a tor Pittsburgh Pirates and the Mil- hurler, Walt Masterson, announced door evcnts,7the NCAA gymnastic waukee Braves was not a so-called his retirement Jan. 6. championships, is scheduled tor major trade but one ot interest Detroit Tiger Ray Scar- APril 2 ancVh. to Iowa fans. borough, seven days later, asked Ooach DaNid McCuskey, whose 1i(Ar 89- On this date the Braves gave the Tiger front office to put him team was fourth In the Big Ten RECORO up six players for the Pirates' on the voluntary retired list. I WA? second baseman, Danny O'Connell. The remaining half of the Coop- mee will I/take the same six 'rllflf{ The six players who went to the er brother battery, Walker, a wrestlers to Oklahoma. They will BE?,! IN Pirates were outfielder Sid G<>r- , was unconditionally re- be Illeaded by John Winder, Big 9~ reAR'?, don, pitcher Max Surkont, out- leased by the Milwaukee Braves. Ten L67-pound champion, and SO'! fielder Sam Jethroe nnd three lle then signed a contract with the stfe'etel' Shining, second in the rilEY' farm club . There was no Pirates Feb. 9. '3rlt.L. cash involved. Eddie Waitkus, who's been heavyweight class. HAVe rJlE Former Elkader and Iowa base- shifting from club to club in the LO!l6E?r .Oth ers will be Dick. Covig, 123; CURReNr ball Jack Dittmer perfocrned the last few years, was peddled to Terr'y McCa~n, 115; Harlan Jen- PetltlANr- Braves' second base duties last the Baltimore Orioles for $40,000 lAP kins6n, 157, and Ken Leuer, 117. /.E~~ season. This posed a problem for by the Philadelphia Phils Mar. 16. THE WASHINGTON SENATORS' THJRD BASEMAN Eddie Yost is waiting wit.h ball In (Io,t The,e three +-on third place in the t71"RIN(j, the Braves and Dittmer. Evident- A much-talked-about trade be- Ute Phlllies' Dick YOUnl' In t.he third Inning 01 an exhibition baseball game at Clearwater, n.. Big Ten meet, McCann at 123 ~/#CfE Iy the Braves had something up tween the New York Giants and YOUIIg tried to advance on Mike Sandlock's grounder to pitcber Chuck Stobbs. Umpire Gr ... pounds anch the others at tbelr 1919 their sleeve besides having two the Braves netted the Milwaukee Froese Is eyeing the play. The Senators won, 7-1. regular weights. excellent second basemen on hand. club star outfielder Bobby Thom- • Two swlll)mers will compete at But the Braves' [ront ortice hasn't son and catcher Sam Calderone. 5 th I d Washington Pilot Keeps Syracuse, coach David Armbrus- rcvealed anything yet. This was Feb. 1. U eran ter-Said. Ro!S Lucas will swim the The latest reports from the In return the Giants received Scull, Negro Outfielder Edward S. Rose- l,500-meter free style tonight and Braves' spring training camp in- hurler ; catcher Resl·gns Post Most people take their '&vCllllt later will enter the 440, while dicate that O'Connell has the edge Ebba St. Claire; an unnamed ORLANDO,. Fla. (JP)- Manager vitamin all thru the year~ Pennington will race in the 50 and over Dittmer at the present time. $75,000 bonus player; pitcher Don A I 5 Bucky Harris reported Wednesday seems the sensible t.hilJf to .. lOO-yard freestyle races. Cass .Michaels, an infielder, ~s Liddle; .and rookie Billy Claus pl~s t owa tate \that Angel Scull, Negro outfielder We carry the important ~ of Vltam1ns - we pre~ a At ~he C~l\gO Relays Saturday P. UL back wlt~ his old club, the. Chl- an undISclosed sum of mpney, from Cuba, definitely has made number of formulas whlch etII ni8bt, lfaw yes will include Le- ~ cago WhIte Sox, after playmg a Just a few days later, Thom- AMES (/P) Iowa State under- th g d ·th the Washington you less-ask us about tIIe_ RICHARPS few years in the Philadelphia Ath- son, in a Brave uniform, broke - , e ra e WI R~Ebert in the GOO-yard run , , letics' infield. The transaction, in his ankle sliding into second in an taking a rejuvenation of its ath- Senators. we are a. Friendly Pha1'lllltJ- Ilnd Rich Ferguson in thc two C H ICAGO WHlr£ SOX rile fjOX FEEl.- mAr rilEY 'mil.e, The mile relay team will ap- HAVe Otlf,oF rillE t.eA6t1lE'G which an undisclosed amount of exhibition game. Doctors reported letic program, Wednesday lost its Scull will be the first Negro DRUG SHOP Pear in a matchcd race against F-::V~,!~~Ej,R'."..L~~E."""""" 8efjr pricHIN(3 '?rAFF~, cash c\'langed hands. took place on the former World Series star for head basketball coach Clayton ever to play American league ball ?rr~ v ..... , r'< I V 'ilA'! FA N m'/oJ II. V. Dec. 8. the Giants would be out indefi- . ' .. 109 S. Dubuque Sa. Michigan State and Drake. rile YANK~ IN IiACIl 1iA"O..-JJ&RI L:.&A~O'!:LI'2-:fIr')).A J t' d ft th' P .( I (Chick) Sutherland, who resIgned WIth the Senator:.::s.:.. __-"':...... -=-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ FrAnk Craig in foil, second in OF iJ1L '2 $eA'50#5 IV· 'tT<'· "'.. , , ('( rl&;; 7'':>'r us mne . ays a er elr ur- me y. after seven years. 'T, '7 " All!? rllAr rile AN~WER ro ~~:e~~~? TWnar:~et~e~~~~ , ~~~~:: ~h ~~;:G ~~~;:~L !:' 'WIIO~ 011 ?Ro ' ,ffAYeE FOtItlt>. '. satctthi~~~e~~~~~t~~, ~~~es~~n~~ ~ ~~\l g are lcaadln , ;Okwa sfencerrS' o.p Re oJ sDI,'ro'b~ I '~ b"'" :""DfBI.dle· " ::J ig~~j/Eg~§~J~~~~~~~~ BREM ERS ' ~~~ n .(J' x o(J gers physical education JDstructor. ~ ~ i441 K DOW'~l n Cards· Wh,-fe' Sox W,·n ~:£~::il~::::~~;~::tF~i ~ fJ..!4'1 '""""""-'4- ..... O...M ~ , . LIDDLE :~~~e b~oap~~~.~~e~va ~~~~~a~~;;:~ ~ is your hecdquarters lor ~ ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.(/P)- *. * * I * * *' Menze said. ~~~ ~~ BiU Skowron, the broad-shoulder- WHITE SOX 6, REDS" three innings, giving up no runs East, Curr,'er T,·ps "It . probably will be about !I ~~ : ~Il cd rookie \\(bo is trying to stick TAMPA, Fla. (/P)- Two runs in and being credited willj the win. Sports Auto Ra'""e\0' month before we find a new ~ ARR OW ~ with the New York Yankees as a the bottom of the eighth inning Cleveload A o\l~ OIl filii ...... "! 12 0 ZTA Team, 39- J, con l'h .. ~ ~ I h hitt d . . ~'~s 'd d th . f 6 . Cbl.o~o N 00') 000 000- 12 ~ 1 d l' d to h ,,.. ]I lro. P nc er, rove 1n S.LX "u.u provl e e margm or a -4 ViC- Wynn, N"",hou.ee 4, S.nt/a~o 7 and T0 Be H e Id Here 'Menze . ec me say w e."er ' ~ p ~ Wednesday as the champIOns de- tory for the White Sox over the GrallO, OI •• berJ ~; Kuob, Lown 6, WIt- . 'n' G,·rls' Tourney Sutnerland's reSignation was vol- ~ f t d .... B t R d S 11 7 C/ I tJ R dl h kin. 8, Kunol 8 aDd McCu11oD~b. Munar' . ~ ea e 'lie ' os on e ~x, -. nc nna e egs ere Wednes- 6. W-N.wbou •• r. L-Lo .. n. A AO M 2 unlary or requested. The AthletIc ~ A crowd orl.4,332 saw a flve-game day. 1I.m. rDD' - Cleveland, OIn.~er" Ke- t ay EtC " t council met last Saturday to (US- SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS ~ Sox win streak broken. Ted Kluszewski and Jim Green- ~aldo. Irport T aS hurrL3e9r 1 SI!PPthed by Ze ,a CUSS the basketball situation. ~ - ~ . h't h ! th R d --- au Alp a - 10 e women s ~ ~ Skowron and . Hank Ba u el grass I ome~or e e s. SENATORS 7, PUlLS 1 The first S.C.C.A. endorsed intramural basketball tournament The Cyclones finished last in the ~ SHORTS HANDKERCHIEFS sl!'ashed homers an J~ading a 15- g~~~~~~'~ N IIO:~ :~~ I: g CLEARWATER, Fla: (/P) -- Be- rts car race ever ~o be run i~ ednesday night. Currier's team, Big Seven conference durin\{ t.he ~ - ~ tnt atta~k . .The . rookie ha~ made nac •• w!'I, Zuy.rlnk 7 and S.mlnlck; hind the six-hit pltchin~ of Chuck ~po . hich led at halttime 21-0 was recently completed season. They ~ seven hIts . ros last 10. ttmes at ~::I~~;/~~~:.~ Da.. ~d It. WlI •• n. w- Stobbs and Johnny Schmitz, fows will be sponsored jo1Otly spat;ked by Janet Felix, Al, Os- won seven of 21 games during the ~ AND TIES ~ bill. He Is sted as a first base- Dom. run. - Ci neillnatl. Klu ... w.kl , Washington Senators defeated the by the Iowa City Optimist club sian who scored 14 points and entire campaign. .. ~ ~ ~ mlln on ~~ roster and the Yanks Or •• n'r.... __ Philadelphia Phils hcre Wednes- and the Iowa region of the Sports R01(ic Lasack Al Oxford Junc- !II'" ~ fJ already.h.. . fhree of these slated CARDS 5, DODGERS 2 day, 7-1. - Car Club of America May 1st tion, who to~sed 'in 12. Joanne ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ to remain With the club, Joe Col- VERO BEACH Fla. (=- The Murray Dickson newly acquired . . . Ch G M' . FI d th I ~ ~~~~ f, ' R b' db' n I 'and 2d at the mumclpal aU'port ase, , laml, a., score e ,.. earn "'''1 1 Il n$, Edd1e o. mson an onus SI. Louis Cardinals rallied for lour Phlllie pitcher was socked for six one point for the Zetas. :.."- baby Franl ela. runs in the top of the ninth inning runs in the first six innings of the Iowa City. North Currier won by default Bob Gt ' a rookie pitching here Wednesday to stop the Brook- game and was charg with the Competitors will likely be over Westlawn and Chi Omega as you gO.' --;====:::::======::;::::::::::::::==, sensation" s hit hard for the Iyn Dodgers, 5-2. loss. drawn from S.C.C.A. groups as forfeited to Delta Zeta lo com- C II . s Bo led Over Say first time is spring. The 24- SI. t •• I. N noo 010 001-;; 7 0 Bob Oldis, Senator ca cher from tal' away as St Louis SprIngfield plete the evening's schedule. 0 eglan w - r ld '" th nder was slugged Brooklyn N 000 1110 IMII-~ 7 2 •. .,' to europe yea 0 1 a. . )\llIIer, Pr ..ko 6. Ltnt 0, While 9 an' Iowa CIty, hIt the only homer of Chicago and Mlnneapolis in addi- Tonight's games are as follows: l " for six hI. and lave runs an four &1 •• ; Lasorda, L.hman ,6. Pod ... 0 and the game. lion to the Iowa region. 7:LlI Russell house vs. South Cur- rrArrow GABANARO Fits Perfect ~'V rounds. Bi Goodman homered CompalloU., Walk .. M. \\-P,uko. L-P.. W ..bln~l.n II. ,.. Ol l "'~1 r I • ' t d nt hO J' ;; · . th tl.: d . . g dr... Phlla·phl .. N - IlOO "'-I II 1 Saturday May 1st is slated to ner I; 7:30, Beta Phi vs. Gam- o ff h1m In e UJr Inn an , Hom. run - Brookl yn lIod~e .. ' Ph' B Pi d 8 5 0 It Delt on /5 U e SIPS . 'b ..t - - ' Sl.bbl, S.bmlh 1 and Tlplon, Oldl. I, start with technical inspection of rna I eta, an :1, e a a I aunc l{ a four-I un ou. UIS . Dickson Rld.lI, U and Sandlo." w- 1 D Z Whit:J d 't h d th 11 na I INDIANS 12, CUBS 2 5Iobb •. ·L-OI ..... n. . race cars and examination of race De ta, VS. elta eta. Sports Shirts Feature Exact . e. r d pI. C e. e 'i MESA, Ariz. \JP)- The Chicago Heme run - Wubln(I ... , Old I.. drivers by race officials. After- 0 10",IIop. c/o_. ! ~ I fIve Inni- n b1S stmt was m-. -- ... , i -->t B t b . g Cubs, sporting the worst won.lost PIRATES 10 A's" noon practIce perIods wLl1 allow Mi · . · V II 0 'o'u"'. Oil Eu,o,... '" III'., Collar Sizes and Sleeve Lengths pres ve'd os on runs em percentage 01 the exhibition sea- FT PIERCE . Fla' (JP) _ ddvers to acquaint themselves SS'Ss.pp. a ey "i~ory' p~obl.m. unearne . . d . d th h . ". M B H . 0 do".. "" mov, ••, (0"'0"" m h son, 10ppe ano er game ere Pittsburgh Pirates unleashed a w1th the course. ee' t To e ere . oll-cobl" till $140 up J.ne Ya ees now ave won Wednesday ]2 2 to the Cleveland S M 2 d . I "" seven and ~ 1hst 11 in the Grape-· - seven-run barrage in the bottom unday, ay n IS race d.:1Y Th D t Bl D '1' 0 .Iudo",. & , ...h.,. oIipibl.

According to college men, Arrow "Gabanaro" is the best-fitting sports shirt on this and every cam­ back FRIDAY C I: ~ ~ pus - with built-in comfort ... neater, smarter A,I, lines. "Gabanaro" features a wide range of colora jn washable rayon gabardine. at NO Extra ANOt~ ONE OF -:O~ I ~ CHARGE! OUTSTANDING PIPE EVENTS! ~ ~ ARROW Call us r ht now, and we will ex­ Genuine Briarsl »» , TRADE ~ MAlIC pertly cle~n your garments . • Domestic and 49 ~ ~ SNlln • 1111 • UNDlIIVtlIAI • HANDKERCHI ... ' SPOIISWIM and -deliver them tomorrow in ·time . for the weekendl And re- English Importsl I~----~~~~------~ l t ...... • , The Pwce toP go for Brands You Know me ber . . . NEVER any extra Value. charge for this ' service. Make your ...ectlon fto'" To MICHAELS STERN SUITS auch known brands al- $7.50 MALWHY HATS FOHTUNE SHOES WEMBLEY TIES DR. GRABOW - STERNeREST - MONTERREY ARROW DEMUTH - KENSINGTON - WEBER .1 .:' .. '''REMERS ~ SHIRTS ~ ) UNDERWEAR • L • C'PEIDEES ,n ON; tAl, lID SOTH ~,~" QuaUi)' First with Natloually-Kftowo B...... ~ ~ , STORE FOR MEN . mm.313 5, Dubuque DIAL 4177 . '"i",'SWASHINGTON & DUBUQUE STS, ' ~~ ~ 129 So, Dubuque St, ~------~------~ .. '------~------~ ..

WANT AD RATES Miscellaneous for Sale Typing 80by Si"ing tUnI JoIn. Dd·,.n«. ODe day __ k .,er w.4 BABV D Three da,. _ l%e r.er or. Fin dan ___ 1')0 per .... Tell da,1 .. __ zOe PH .or. ODe 10Dtil _'__ He PH •• WI1.L cen tor dlUd In •. Dial I-IPI. Mlr.jlaam ebara-. 5.. ------1'" S1VDr:BAX Com...... dH . LaW JACIC ...4 J Ul f·la~ l. DIal ...... mJl-c It2l \\'111 trade. PbIIne~ BAllY n I . Dial ua. All. Ier Ar...... LlNCOLl V-U 1* C,,"b CouJH!. ~1'1 -~------I IOd'ft ~ .. ~~.. l~~r\Cu. ·~t· ~~ COLLEGE MEN I. lr you are ambitlous enoulh to make $50.00 a week or bett r b workln.. 3 evenlnp and Sat­ urdays. and ha\'e )'our own car: If I 011",. 101 aIler I p .M. _ then writ to Box 581. low City. Iowa. .. .. Inuruction HOCK-EYE LOAN 8ALt.ROO~ DA'10 1__ • KIml Y __ ... 8rt", A ...erU ...... " l. FOR SAL!:: Auto net TUe InlWranee. Til. DIll, l .",.. III h ... 0111 •• "urI\&, DIll ... Need a Tire? .... II til,.", r. t fl.', Or Jl l1~bllltl -K", R It,. COUlp n,.. Dial ----W-o-r-k-W-a-n-t-e-d----- ~iNA 0 1"0 :"""-'tn- t"""'",- ror moto! ______lu,t'd...... ,,IflI> '111 .... , (.nd . _rauon.red ,.. Onl,... 10 .....If Good tT!!I:D TV • I Wrlto ATIONAL WOTIEL THAI. INO. _____~ 8 l( n ;) lIy In.... a,,. ",•• Cit». 4191 -..,...--- USED TIRES ... CLUB CABARET Adequotely stocked Use W 'anted .o ' PICTURES . Waitresses and linder Tire Service .. 21 51. Dial 4163 Daily Iowan Fountain Help SORRY .. E. College U.S . • oyal Tire. 1 Pic\ur'!S h be n h Id up. .It I MEN Fu ll or part time. Want Ads WANTED: TII~-bt'OIft 1111 r Earn 75 per week durin, sum­ But wtll be out ., $OOn a. a,Nu1",tnl. or t..-o-bedrool1l. WlIh ,un· mer. This il your Im'ltation Ie) ... porch or d~n. untl.lmWlt'd. lkIInnl~ Apply in per.on plI. Ible' J"lv I . P..,.,.."."I. or d~tor and tamll~ attend a ,roup Int rv t"w at /Oon)' ' owan Pboto by 801> R..... ) 10 Mr. Comer of Ito' ..... Qoc.d n~l.,.bo'lW>od . Wtll .P­ 221-A haffter Hnll, 4:10 p.m .. ". PHYLLJ II AFT, At. ROel{ ) LA~D (lett). and Barbara OIlVlfr, poIJl\td. WIDla," D. 1A..,~c. M. D Thursd y. March 25. P. 0 nnx Ul. II. forti Tu.... Gore ond Pitscttke A2. De l\folnes, prepare to venture Into otle of Wedntsday's huvy (PI a be on tim ) RACINE'S rains. Umbrellas and raln('oats \\f're Included In many ludeD ' f:XCIJA)/QIt: 10<><1 PH Moln -Dupl""-- lor PhotogrClFhers 10 • Cit)' pro~lh 1211 Pltllard, \f>- 'ress. '(be weather bureau predicted more bowers for today with '!!.'?... -_. PICTURE FRAMING SECOND. HAND lh~ po slbUlty of the precipitation turnlnr to lI.. hl sno\ . trOll&' FURNITURE DEPT, • winds are al 0 scheduled wUh temperatures e perted to hit th" G. W. BUXTON AGENCY Neatly Done .•. Reasonably EXCEPTIONAL INCOME SO's. By 6 p.rn. Wedne day. ·.048 Incbe of rain had fallen in )0\\& I Complete Inlurante Service Priced . OFA BED City \\hlch currently has a mol ture deficiency of nearl 14 Incht. I SMAlL INVESTMENT For Sale S Pillow ";jack %9.95 Paul-Helen Bldl. since January whel\ compared with the annual avera,;t. I lown CUy, Iowa I Stillwell' Pamt. Store MlN OR WOMEN , TABLE 'tOP GAS GE - p~------Very CI an 49.95 Who Oo_e_'_II__ _ Ofl. 3i2~ 'l>hO~e:. G71 216 E. Washington 010196".3 Used Raeve Tapo · I Recorder DAVENPORT nd CHA m All Form of Insuran nd N' hIlly _lin. eorpor tlon. $85 Ro Moh ir .•. 39.93 School IC ontest, SC h olarshlp, I VI.~YL. Plftli~:!.~ra'cII~~1 ", mb~ra o( ellA to R OF CO • Bondln, Pr 1 etl M CE. BA. lC' ••t\, ... o~nlRII 6 PC. DINING SUI nn' 01111 I (or WHOLE AL m.'- U.ed B Tube Truetone ----- h."dl u II NUn, CIC R. Tabl , Burret, 4 Chairs TOUPS Enter Summer Seminars :~?d:;~t!~~'t~:~; ~~'. COOl!}' • • • 1 Ignition IM'TE . CANOY. ClltAROPHYJ..L Recorder $25 STORAGE BENCH Fiber Seat Covers ... PRODUCTS . • nd , ... lurln. Ihe na. k or Walnut Finl'h CARBURETORS 1I0nall)' 04,· "vue·UP. oold o GENERATORS STARTERS If\ )'our Ir 01 I)' throulh our Used Ze nllh Radio PLATFORM ROCK lay Festivals Offered to Students mornln • Tt I NOT A CIT· [Jell! Pia tic RICII.QUIC!qbd 'n~ . blO' h""'" Phonograph Comb. $25 Briggs & Slratton Moton , .... ,."" I . TI:ADY. PROFlT· SOFA BED The Community Play Produc· Students interested ill the tielcl _____-=---:~._---_ ABLE Inrom, 1M 'he t I of .."II' Uaed Philco Portable Floral Top try .. r '4.01\ festival, including plnys givcn of foreign affairs are eligibl to Sewing~.,-___ PYRAMID SERVteES IIlr. A CA II INVltSTM£NT 01 • fo. ALL MAKES In r~qulroo : 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 SIlOO or mor. I an th I I Radio OAK BUn'ET 14 organizotoins. will bellin i ,. S' .' J III I. SEeU ED by In' III ,)'. $15 2 Doors, 2 Drawers . l) • ' 4.95 at the Dramatic Arts build- ent r thc ForeIgn CI \ ICC our- ~r.D ~ I~I • . 01 I ,!,_._ papular cars VOU DO 01' U\' '''ClONa! nel's 1950 prize essay contest, w. will up/>\v br""d new rna· Usod Tablf Model WASHER MOTOR' ehln AIIl: t. T Vi '1l1:1: 0,. ~. Hor t' Po er • CHARO':. '0' l.Li1'/O Oft . O· Radio first plays will be given at Prof. V rnon Van Dyke or th' BOARD JOBS Cash LICITINC n try Our r· $10 p.m. Frtday. Three other sur politit'lIl science department I FOR ANY rue "-'aU". .~t.ln. all locaU 01 plays will be presented saiei Werlnesd, y. I"d t up ""ute tor )IOu In your New 8 Tub. Motorola Eosy Burl t Terms ar~. Ir \OU have II I\OUI'I p@t w I( .... u'u,'" beginning at 0;30 a.m.. Van Dvke also announced:. We need students to work to p.IIr .. . rei. f U n~ lar c· Cor Radio $ 50 I NO MONEY DOWN Purpose ,.r and rndlt .tandin•• own .. ("ar. Take a Full Year to P Y p.m. and 7'30 p.m. Cholarshl'p available to n .gradll-I on the Private Dining Room Se. At h... thl n • .,. caPilli .nd A Next week 6S plays will be pre- . d Crew ... Excellent Meal, S 11 " thl P tI In.... d Itl. Or (Inanel.1 1Jf'C'UJ'­ in the Iowa High School ate ~tudcnt for foreIgn stu y. n ... I ma,on y aymell. ltJ' th n "'Tatft at OIlC'e" for inter.. \ I.w willi (dory rep ....entatlv ...... Gummer service project and .•. Best Working Condltlon$ . . . d I . 1I\('luel. phD" ••,,(\ l Blanche J. Shepard Me­ 1954 Chevrolet . ue,rm,ev, Grafton, Luana. At. .2 moria I tuncl has made a scholar- I day: Stuart, Sl. Ce~l.ha ship available for some qualified r. .."t",MV of Alg.ona, Mt. St. Cl3lre graduute student who is interested 1949, 1950, 1951 I CBl