
1,3"30 Students Vote In All-Campus Elections Returns Show , Th. Weather ~-:"=;......::.to.; Ught Balloting _w. Cel.r,... ....... Voting In Wednesday's all- aIalIUDa' ...... "...,. fl'DPU& election was 11ght, com- ... • .....h ....c mew ,.mt with previous years. A to- e owan ftllrlia rrwa.. IIlcIa te- ,I of 1,330 studenls voted, con- al ..,. 66: Jew. It. HlP ~rably lewer than lhe 1 WedMeIIa,.. Jew, as. "0 voted in thc second CleCtiOn /_-:-___-;-,--,--,-...,. ________ E_51_ . _1_8_6_8_-_A_P_l_eo_5ed__ W_ir_e,;., _W_ir_.p;....h,;.Of....;O~-_Fj;.;v....;._C.;;.•.;;.n;...t....;s __ t--:-= ______ ....;'.;;o..;.w;.;a;;.,..;C:;.;.;.::.;....:lo;.,w_a..: .~T_h_u_rsd_a...:y.:. _Ma__ r_ch_2_S..:._19_5_~ __,.... ___ .,.,.. __~~ ____~ ____,.... .... __ Election Winners Currier Coeds Voice Election Complaints :'~~:zl~:k:1 Senate Votes To Cut Tax S&udent Publications. Inc. IicJlard Wolfe. Charle. ~~~~f~7.:~On Household Appliances ... William Teter. a rl~ to converting to his own use nearly $200,000 In worn out WASHJNGTON (A"}- The scn­ ranaeea Boarel mllltary money, bas btoUlht out ate voted WednKday nllllt to cut J(ary Jane Baker and the first d tall of an em~ule­ AEPi Pledges Receive Trophy in ball the present 10 per eent ex- IfWIrd. m • cahal charae Lowell A. &ax on ho hold appllances Lopn, 24, Univ r,lty of low" ~ SeDlor Cia., L.A. fr man Jaw ludent. suclt as refrlaerators, ,to , Iron- IIIMS Mdanl, ~rsball Holl, ers nd dryers. !IIIl1 Rehnberl'. and Mar,e H.hn. he otcleer. Maj. Thom sPate ot Los Ane I • CaUl.. the air The cul would amount to $100 UnIon Board force announcement said Tuesday, mllUon in annual reven , caroline Clementa, Sis GriltIlb, has admitted lumln, the money Althouth the Eisenhower ad­ alrley Nicholl. Dick Gulberle, to his own use. ministration hu opposed uch tax: ..raball 80U, Soerate. rappa­ The Federal Bu au of Inve.tI­ euta, the nate Republic: n lead­ ~, Janice LeVIen, and Bob g ••lon In Wa hlnglon, D.C •• said ership atreed to accept the pro­ ~ID. TUc&day nllbt Ihat Lo,an. Uni­ po I afler It ~am obvloullOme ver.llity of Iowa student from GOP members were oin, to lilt year or the 1,800 who SprlnJlield, Ohio, who Tuesday swln, over In favor of IL iIllo1.S the year before. innoc:ent In led era I court Led Drive embeullnl IOmc $20,000 Three trustees were elected to SenatoTi Paul Douala. ([)..[Jl.) , !lit board ot Student Publlcations, In funds. aLso Wllll invol- ved In the ellse 8101\1 ith Pa~ . Walt r Gear. (D-G •. ) and oth r 1IIc. Elected to a one-year term Democrats ()rlglnally led, a drive Locu .tle&H!d "S William H. Teter, A2, to aboll.h the 10 per nt CltC ¥GInes, who polled 509 votes. 1.0, n w reI sed on $5,000 entirely on the household appll· bond Tucsd y .fter his arral,n­ Bnca. m nl betore U.S. Commissioner Wilily lowa_..... ", But th Y BlTeed belor the SEVERAL CURRIER HALL COED phoned The Dally Iowan Wednetday artern.on eomplalnlnl Edmund Carroll. just final vote to aceept I mQdlflcation about an el$eUon POlIter belnl' wUhln a lew leel 01 an election booth. tudem Counell ruJes l.DClude FBI aten In Omaha had saId .ua .led by ~n, Homer Capehart the lollowinl': "No campal,nlnl' on the electlon day dlall take place "ilhln &0 fee' of any poilift. pr vlousiy that the charae w .. (R-Ind.) to cut Ihe 1 vY to five pJa~e." At 4:30 p.m. Wednesday Ole above pholo,raph \\1 tallen In the Currier lOuOl I.bb,. Kae b!led on intormaUon Teeeived from. th air lore: that 1.0 an' per cent rlther thin wipe It out Packard, Al, Cedar RapIds, Is fllllnl' out a ballot" hlle Mara-ot Palmer, J, Cedar Rapid., (center) ntirely. and Mamie WarnOClk, A4. MlteheJlvllle. oPfrate 1M lee-lion boolh. The pOtler, aecorcllJll' ~ aoHrt allt,ed em~ulem nt had oceur­ Henderson. AI, Dt. MoInes, chairman of Quadran,le political a~Uon commUtee, ... ,ut up Tues­ r at an over I air force but. Th cut was tack d onto a pend': day mornln,. Hender on taled Wedn d.y nl,hL that the candidates "hose pleilll'H are on t.be The aIr torce announcement Ing tax bill which, as pa sed by POIIur. were not noUCIed lba' an electIon booth wa to be ad up In the lobb,. said te, who wa. finance otc1- the house, would reduce lOme ex­ -------- e:er lit Tachlkow IlIr base near ~ 1 vie and extend oUler&. (1).lIy lewan rhel., Vote Waa It-U elected were Julel Untiedt. LI. milt e, Sheila Cunningham, A2, Occ Ion ally durin voUn, boun Tok 0, obtained th money b hoi blp ~ropby Two-year terms on the board Lake Park, with 21 vote, and Iowa City, wa· clected 10 one of WednC¥Clay, 10m prcclncts ran switchlna low d nomination mlli­ lion PI ~ hich The lenal vote In favor of the to RJchard Wolfe, A3, Don- Vernon Morten, LI, Sioux City, the posJtions. The e(''Ond post on short ot ballot. AtleR tone cOm- tary payment cerlltlc:t for bl,h­ aehkv d a 2.' ..... de point avenee lui em r. Pr ntln. the r dueUon In hOUlehold ppUance and with 901 votes pnd and William VanDercreek, Lt. the council was lelt vae nt wben pi Int ar e Involvlna polling pro- sit.~enodmlnatlonl money d tnl- award ~ M "11 G Ie. J, Roell JaruJ, m., pJed,e cl pre­ tax ,which would not be cut un~ E. Wyllle, A2. Sigourney, Council Bluffs, both or whom had the olh r th .. e alrl~ named on cedur ".n, e uet on recor I. dent, 1 lame Wallin. 4, Waterloo, Jdt, pre Id nt 0' Phi Kappa der th hous bill, Will 84 to 23. 823. 20 votes. They were the only three write-ins were Ineli,lble or re- Rel"ulations rcqulr th t mlll- Ptllratemll wblcb won the award I t year. Looktn, on are The Ire the princlpliL it ms Elected president of the Jiberal candidates on their ballot. Cus d to accept the position. tary payment cerllilcat s be de- lie WUlII', &. temU, acbolanhlp adv er, cond from ra.bt, a.ncl on whJeh the xclsc tax would be w senior class was SUI football Student Council pre Id nt Rich- .troyed periodically when they be- Paul GrlMtll. 'niemlt, advl er. eut to ~ pel' cenl: retrl, rators, J Mil " A3 i L D worn or multllated througb ames aOl, , ard Lev It, 2, es Moines, said usc. Amcrlcan military personn~l .......--- ........ "-~~ .•tov S. (SM. wat r he rs, flat­ rceelved 77 v~tes Irom It Is up to the town women wheth- are b rred from havlni U.S. c;ur- Iron, air heat rl, el cirle blan­ lIber~1 arts jUOlo,rs who cr or not they wi h to name some- rency In their pa e Ion while on 28 k tl, grill • to ten, broil rl, mix­ their next-year s class one to III the po !tIon. duty I Japan. • Grade Average Ike Believes Blast n, juic 1'1. food chop~rs and grinders, clothe dryers, dehuml­ New members I eled to Pan - T F dHIt'r , dishw hers, floor pol b­ tea Board W ducW '1 \ re, Mary P'kte waPa:r ~th ' $66,000 Ops ralernities Of H-Bomb ig Pacific eh, wallen,. ma"lles, carbaae Jane Baker, A2, rowa City, with In U.S. money In hi ~slon. di po al., power lawn mowers and 97' vote and Beth Howard, A2, the air force .ald. In c remonl held W dn ay Surpr"lsed Sc'lent.·sts Im,m"'nl' with 8111. Crace Kamln~ home freezers. A3, Ncw York, N.Y., thc Almo \. \I th m~ln, funds ev nina, th Alpha Ep lion PI ir - . Before the tally. Sen. Eueene third candidate on th ballot, re- Sov ral ilrl (rom Curr r have been recovered or arc in ternlty pLed cIa rec iv d th WA IIINGTON WI - Pre ld nt MHlikin (R-CoJo.),lloor m na,er eelved 500 vot s. called The Daily Iowan 0 proc~s of belnl recovered. with inter-fraternity- s c hoi a r S hlp EI enhower e"pre. d a ~Uef for the blll and chairman 01 the Town men elected to the Stu- Wednesday afl rnoon to Pate a co-operation, the anJ"Iounce- trophy [or th hlahcst pleda cia Wedn day that American I n- nate tinanee 1,;0mmiUee, an- dnt Council were Ckorge (Tom) that there Wall a eampaiiJI men' added. U may h ve QOU n more than nouneed he would ae pt the Ghoules. Lt, Idaho Falls, Idaho, too near the CurrIer vol!nll plnce. The air forI' announcem nt did gr d point uverace omon fra- tbe bar" Ined to h n they modified amendment and iake It with 70 voles; Donald Daughton, The poster was for Teter Wolfe IdenUfy the civilian who w tcrnlU last m ter. y r w to cone rence with the bolliC. Ll, Mt. Ayr, with 51 votes, and - - - ' involved with Pate In th seheme. The trophy wa pr scntcd by ott th giont hydrollcn explosion MI,lat Faee ....b aead William LUke, E3, Knoxville, with 1,330 STUDENT VOTE- But it M!d he Will a tormer air Jim Walker, C4, Wal r)oo, pr . .j- In the Pacillc March 1. But he indlc:ated It mlibt face 47. (Continued 011 Page 6) force offIcer and that his case dent of PhJ Kappa Pi Irat rmty.
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