THF Kull Thomas McConnell Win Editors Posts On Denisonian Announcement of the promotion of Wally Kull and Joe Thomas to the position of co- editors of the Denisonian was made Wednesday by the Board of Control of Publications Kull and Thomas will assume DenisonianDENISON UNIVERSITY the post vacated by the retire- GRANVILLE OHIO MARCH 12 No 19 25 New Members ment of Ann Creel effective next Initiated by SAE issue Both the new editors have NAGY OLNEY CHOSEN CO- served in the capacity of co- news DCGA PRESIDENTS Ohio Mu of Sigma Alpha Epsilon editors before being promoted to initiated 25 pledges last Sunday their present rank Kull a junior The initiation was held at the and Thomas a sophomore aim at MacLEAN BOWEN LUCKER house with several attend- HOPKINS ELECTED alums impartial news coverage accur- ing Following ceremony the a acy apprentice reporting By KEITH OPDHAL banquet was held at the house in and Managing the financial end of The student body chose Al Nagy and Louise Olney as co- presidents of Denison Camp- honor of the new initiates and their the Denisonian Bill McConnell Government Association m Chapel Monday with Ann MacLean and Bill Bowen as parents It is the largest initiation us will take oyer the post formerly vic- epresidents Ann Lucker and Bob Hopkins are the new co- judicial Over ever held by Ohio Mu Initiated chairmen by Mc- Yl per cent ol the student body were Jerry Armbrecht Tony held Chuck Brickman voted each of the dorms and fraternity Baker Marty Belser Darrel Bib- Connell served in the position ol houses ler John Chamberlin advertising manager prior to this Speaking over WDUB from Steve A total of 16 candidates ran Churchill Doug Ken promotion their party in Columbus Monday Clements for the six offices of campus gov- Coburn Jim Cooke John Dep- Further appointments on tlie- might the incumbent officers an ernment They were Dave Bay- pner Joe Donithen Art Douglass paper will be made at a later nounced the election returns set- ley Bill Bowen John Heamon Tom Hayes Ken James Tom date Also under consideration by ting off a colorful torchlight pa- Fred Judy John Miller Al Nagy Lindsey Leroy McMonagle Dick the Board of Control of Publica- rade across the campus Presi Taffy Barton Anne MacLean Metchear Bill Sadd Bill Schanz tions are the editorship and busi- dent- elect Al Nagy was carried Louise Olney Jan Wahle Ann Jim Schautz Jim Scatterday Lar- ness managership of the Campus on the shoulders of his fraternity Lucker Marty Watkins Marge ry Seik Dennis Smith Ket Weist The elections should be an- orothers as they toured the cam Williams Bob Hopkins Brian and Tom Youngquist nounced shortly pus Newman and Bob Pumphrey Editor of the D- Book for the Arriving from Columbus in The voting was preferential coming year will be Don Mackey 20 Don core- write cumbents Char Smeltzer Dick with students choosing the or- Beta Initiate who has served as Lugar Katy Lou Englehart Tom der in which they preferred the editor for the Denisonian will aid Miss Ruth Outland Skidmore Al and Sue candidates The ballots were Into Active Ranks in Cramer the formulation of the booklet Miles joined the parade stopping allied by our present DCGA of- Alpha Eta of Beta Theta Pi in- ficers ducted 20 new men into its active at each dorm to give a wellrecei- ved ranks last Sunday The ceremony can- The new serenade The female officers will formally began at noon and was followed Denison Graduate didates were abducted from their enter office in a special chapel on by the traditional banquet John Monday night March 22 dorms to enable the outgoing Dolibois alumni secretary of Mi- Speaks in Chapel male officers to end their admin- Soon to be submitted to an all- ami University was the main you istration with a kiss school vote the DCGA constitu- speaker The festivities were con- If dont like what you see The celebration ended a week tion by present cluded at 330 with the passing of why dont you give me something formulated the Especially of campaign speeches speculation senate and executive officers has the loving cup better appropriate during Bonds of Friendship intense hopes of- been passed on by faculty Those initiated were Al Rudoph week and that started the this question was used as the basis ficially on Sunday February 28 Should the new constitution be Don Gill Pete Armacost Howard Robb John Hinkle Bob Backhaus for the Rev Klincks speech in Posters were put up the plat- passed by the student body the Chapel last Monday forms appeared in the Denison new officers will have as one of Dick Barbieri Art Baker Walter Chap main duties the drawing up Nadzak Bill Wagner Joe Terna- According to the Rev Klinck ian and were presented in their are two types spoke in of the by- laws van Don Pheneger Dave Jones there of people In el and the candidates John Marshall Gary Gieringer the world those who are aware Garry Fairchild John Taylor Bob of social injustice but take on a Job Clinic Soon for Brawley Charles Fischer Jack do- nothing care- nothing attitude Bonds Show Winds Up Charity Thuma toward the situation and those Upperclass Girls who in their awareness are will- Drive Tonight and Tomorrow ing to share in changing this Freshman sophomore and jun- VACATION SCHEDULE wrong to right It is up to the By TIP RASOR ior women The chance to find job person who is not a victim of In- night the Bonds of Frieindship Class schedules for the first Tonirfit and tomorrow opportunities in relation to college day of spring vacation have equality and descrimination to help Fund Drive will be terminated by the musical saga ine majors is here On March 24 the been announced by the faculty the fellow who is Similarly it is the duty of one who has the care Life and Times of J Quincy Schlogerlip Fraternities and Vocational Guidance Office and committee On April 9 after- all week long in preparation Womens Council are presenting a noon classes will be held in and interest of others to show sororities have been working the morning and vacation will some of the same to those who are for this show promises to be Vocational Guidance Clinic de- It the pledges of that well known officially commence at noon neglected one of the best ever put on for this signed especially for the under- fraternity a serenade by the ac- One oclock classes will be held The Rev Klinck is an execu- annual occasion classwomen Students who have at 8 am two oclocks at 9 am tives and pledges of Theta Eta Chi 10 tive director of Brooks House of The show will feature eight dif not chosen their major may find three oclocks at am and dinner prepared and served plus four oclocks at II am Christian Service Inc in Ham- ferent fraternities and sororities entertainment by the Thetas a help in deciding mond Indiana lying for the coveted cups free psychoanalysis by Dr Park- Besides having representatives awarded each year to the one pres- er Lichenstein of the Denison to speak on retailing market re- enting the best skit During the Psychology Department natural- search and secretarial jobs plus Doane Gallery Show Features auctioning off many varied and ly two very small and very cute others being contacted there will abulous gifts and permissions puppies and a spring houseclean- be a discussion on marriage and a will be offered proceeds will The ing by the Phi Delts thats inside career Humor In Modern Art Now donated to the many chanties and outside girls a room for By JULIE ROBINSON throughout county In the morning there will be a the state two girls on the nights of March Most people in thinking of modern art dont con- country and world Prom two speaker and panel discussion and 19 and 20 Junior nect in any way with humor but the present Doane Gal- John Adams who is in charge girls dorm priorities and a in the afternoon discussions at the it of the auction has secured gifts chance to decorate Dick Lugar various sorority houses where the lery Exhibit Humor in Modern Art belies this attitude from local business establishments with an apple pie Limited space student may ask any and all ques- The exhibit proves that an artist can show sense of humor and social groups for Fred Wirt has allowed mention of only a tions of the representative of the as clearly through his medium as to put on the auction stand To of the tremendous values but field in which she is particularly any literary genius can through represented by a number of pic- few tures the most outstanding being tame a few Two private parking there are many more Any social interested It is asked that stu- his places a copy of the mural found at the in Talbot parking lot din- group which is not participating dents register sometime before ner for set up However dont think that the haps the most notable artist from two at Tonys that little in the show should perhaps March 24 so they may be excused outofth- eway Newark specific pur- exhibit is in anjr way slap- stick the humor point of view is Stein- place in a fund to use for this from classes that day consisting of steak and pizza pose for on the whole the work is of a berg the man who does those is hoped by taking ad- crazy greeting cards His work Theta Eta Chi house cleaning by and re- It that very subtle sort with the possible For an evening of fun is something to see field house either vantage of this Vocational Guid- exception of James Thurber who laxation visit the approach Brooks tonight or tomorrow youll be glad ance Clinic women will again has produced some inimit- The most universally known art- To Furnish you did Saturday night the cups their senior year with more of an able drawings and cartoons ist represented
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