rhelt -. Here S.rving the State , The Weather 'ate:: by Gil) University of Iowa Paril, e..... ,.. UJa,bUt --­bou I 22 inCbt. Campul and Warmer Wa,.. 8a'aniaY square. 11 eatterfll sltewen oW IK in the til Iowa City noon. ffich ~, '72; hed to ! at owan low. U. Kl&h Thunda)" 70; 10 .... le.

Eat. 1868 - .AP Leaaed Wire, .AP Wirephoto - Five Cents rowa City. Iowa. Friday. May 30, 1952-VoL 86, No. 171 • • unlS asses 10 300 Arrested As Reds Enter American Zone BERLIN (JP) -Fifteen thousand Communis , surgln, In froI" the ievem_ KOJE lSLAND, Kore3 (FRlDAY) (.4') - Two North Korean I ' prisoners of war were kllled and four \ ere wounded today in renewed Red· * * * Russian zone tor an anti-Western 1·3:06-6:111 rioting on Koje Island oft southwest Korea. demonstration, touched ott a 9:00 1'.11:." _ Heavy Artillery The riot was the sccond In 24 hours involving prisoners ot war avaae cla.sh with West Bertin nnd interned civilians. pollee Friday night in a growing Three civilians were killed and Continues Shelling Ish soldiers moved in and began wor of nerve. 13 were Injured Thursday in a tearing down theIr command post prison compound nt Yonchon. 60 and a nearby dispensary_ On Korean Front Club-swlniPni police woundl!d miles north of the provlslon31 The Reds stood back, chanted hundred of the invaders, arrested capital or Pusan, Tokyo head­ slogans, jeered and sang. One 300 and broke up the demonstra .. quarters announced. prisoner mounfed a rostrum and tlon atter ~n hour of millina in The KOje riot started today declared the incident was "a re­ thr downtown borough o! Kreuz­ when a work detail charged its hearsal for World War IlL" f Ullrds. The first British wrecking crew ber" In the American sector. Two American and two South was relieved by 65 more British Tear g s qUlld! were rendy, but I troops who hod been taking riol­ were never ne ded. There was no iUS 60c Korean guards were Involved in ~. In the Koje (Iareup. control training. These troops (untlre. ITS - 91. The Yongchon riot was a fight completed the demolition job. The Communist pattern ot 00. They brought knives, Red trouble-making wa a! clear, E TAXES between Interned civilians moved there recently from Koje island. flags, medical supplies, blankets however. IU It was In the onti­ and pictures, most of which had About 100 Allied troops wield­ Western rlotln, in Pari Ie s than been hidden under the floors of Her Last Son Returns from War 2+ hours befor _ ng bayonets and throwing tear the two shacks. aas Thursday raided an unruly The Reds had two flags flying l\(R • RAY l\nTII plac her on Donald' picture on a table In ber home Thursday a Donald look. Parts Reel Charred compound on Koje containing on. Other picture 011 the table ar 1rs. mUIt· ev.. n other on . all of whom erved In Ihe armed again within minutes ofter the The French Red boss, J~equell 3,350 prisoners, destroyed their U.S. and British troops quit the servfC'~ durin, World War n or tollowln,. Donald returned trom Korea ooly two weeks .ro after a headquarters and seized Red tlags '?ar's en'lce with the armY. Toda)' I the first Jemorial day In 10 ear that In. mlth Ita not had Duclos, was charged in Paris FfI­ compound. They plastered the day with plotting aioin t ~e In­ nnd knives. No blood was spilled, compound with signs damning the at. lea t ooe 00 In th ~ervice. the army said. trrno1 s curity or France by in­ operation, but they were quiet. citing riots as a tront tor Red It was the first big show ot Brig. Gen. Haydon L. Boatner, revolution. Hill labor supporters orce inside any ot the 17 com­ the camp commander who is coiled a strike. The ostensible pounds since disorders flared briniPng firm rule to the island. Iowa Drivers Told Woman's 8th Son Home early in May on this South Ko­ ta rg t ot the French demonstra­ watched the whole operation. HE' tOI'S wa Gen. Matthew B. Ridg­ rean Island where 80,000 prison­ I«nored written demands by Red Of Weekend Danger way, who lice ed Gen. Dwight ers of war are held. leaders that he confer with them. Safely From War Zone D. Eiscnho r today as supreme The trouble began when guarrls Then came the accldental shoot­ DES MOINES {.4') - The state spotted Red prisoners trying to safety department worned motor- Eight pictures on linen cov­ ('ommnnder oC the North Atlantic .,G - ing. The prisoners remained quiet, alliance. chop a hole through an inncr but they brought the two wound­ Ists Thursday that careless drlv- ered table today give Mrs. Rny World War 11 started. AY barbed wire fence that bars the ed prisoners to the tront gate of Ing ov r the MemOrial day w ek- Smith or 610 S. Modi. on ·t. the John was th only one of her Berlin is 3 convenient targ t in way to an areaway leading to the the compound. nd could brin' d 11th to any- hapPleH Mrmorlill nay sh has sons who wa. wounded in s rvice. the Communist tight Agaln.~t Quter gate. The one prisoner died shortly where trom five to 15 pcr. on in had in 10 years. Hr has ,Incc recovered. NATO And rclated pact lining up Col. Henry Taylor. Magnolia, thereafter. The prisoners reCused, Iowa. All eight ot her son' have re- "When my boys went Inlo the West G rmans with the West. •\tk., ordered the Reds to repair however, tb turn over the body. Durint-' the Ihr -day JX'rlori I turned from the war safely . service T w n't sur they would The riot was l of! by group he llole. When they refused, he Taylor ordered an investigation stnrtlnll on the eve ot he holiday Donald om Jlome all l'cturD safely but now that of a thou and brawny Commun­ ummoned 5 0 battle-seasoned of the shooting. last year, four person were killed The last to come home was th y have I'm very thankful," Isls distributing leanel denounc­ troops from ~ompany E of the Authorities emphasized that tlle on the highways. There WDS a to- Donald, 22, who returned two frs. Smith s~ld Thursday. "T Ing Wesl Germany's newly sIgned 38th infantry regiment. show of force In compound 66 wa~ tal of 346 accidents and 153 per- weekS 8,0 (rom a year ot army hope we can all /let together soon peace contract with the Allies and The in!antry.en, wearing gas not part ot the planned movement Ons were Injured. duty in Korea. With him came for a rea I reunion." calling tor German unity. Soviet masks and with bayonets fixea of prisoners to smaller com­ State safety commissioner Pearl his picture to be placed on the tylo. to their rifles, then d\oved in with pounds. McMurry said the heaviest nnd lilUe tabl beSide the pictures of BI"ILWD)' tear gas. driving the Red prison­ JUote,. e&itered This movement is expected to most dangerous trattic ill 10wII his ighl broth rs, a II oC whom ers from the fence. Behind this French Riot Leaders A!ler a series of short but sharp come in about a week, and a history would begin lat Thursday saw serv{ce durin, World War tlylng wedge, more than 50 Brit- showdown is llke)y then. n brawls with hi,hly trained West and continue through Sunday as or since . Berlin pollce platoons, the rowdies motorists swarm the roads to Mrs. Smith's table of plcturi!s Charged with PloHing were shoved tnto slde strects and take advantage ot the lon, hoJl- rcad like II recruiting postcr. Her day. old t. stepson Lester, served with dlJpersed. Most of the other dem­ $3 Billion Requested onstrators, tcen-age youths, kept ''If only a Lew of tho e drivers the coast ,uard; Frank. 37, with Against Naf'l Security fail to take sensible precautions. the air Corce; Hilrold, 26, navy; out or tbe f~ht. Sa\urday'. Exam Schedule PARIS lIP) - French Commun­ Reporis that 25,000 strangarm as many as 15 persons may be ~obert, 24, navy; Joseph, 23, m - For Atomic Power ist boss Jacques Duclos and two men had been ordered Into other 8 a.m.-All aectiOJUI of Comm dead In Iown accidents by Monday nnes. and Donald and LeMoin , henchmen were charged Thursday orcas In the American, British WASHINGTON (If) -President 8G;.187; Comm 6L:155; Skills 10:1, morning," McMurry said. "If our 21, both of the army_ Truman asked congress Thursday with plottln~ a,alnst France's in­ and French sectora kept police on ~. drivers perform with the caution Mrs. Smith was formerly Mrs. 10 vote more than three and a t rnal security by Inciting hate­ the alert, but proved unlounded. m.-AII aectiOJUI of Comm thcy have shown through most ot Bess! Janney ~nd all her son Ridgway riots l1li tI tront for Rt'd third billion dollars to build up ' 10 •. this year. we mllY escape this are by her prevIous marriage. The rloUng was limed with a. the nation's atomic' weapons pro­ 6G:2; Germ 13:1, 2: Span 35:27. revolution. visit of BriUsh ForeJgn Secretary weekend with as few as five Othrr Ro ns Worklnr CommunIst-led unions threat­ (ram. He said the money would Anthony Eden, who told West 21, 101. 102. 104: Physlc:tJ 29:2. rlenths." Donald is now employed ot the en d strikes by milll.olls of work­ provide for a "major further ex­ Berlln'8 parUament and people to IACRAE Monday'. Exam Scbedule McMurry said lown's sofety rec- Moolhead Construction company ers in protest. stand tlrm. He declared the Red pansion" over a tive-year period. ord has been showing a reduction in Iowa CI1Y. The oth r boys ai' Duclos' rlnglcader companions .(KEN "The national secui-ity and the 8 a.m.-All aectlona of Comm pressures were "paliling phases" at 30 to 35 per cent In CaUllitles working Ilt jobs In places rnnglng in the Paris Red rioHnl of WeP­ and torecast eventual German NIA GlasoM security of the free world," Tru­ 6A:102: Comm 6G:t24: Core 11 :3; compared with Inst year and hI' f!'Om Collfornlo to Chicogo. nesday were identified ThLlJ'sdaY lIlan said in letters to congres­ unilX in peace with th1s city as PE Men 21:5, 6; E. D. 54 :1. hoped drivers would not mar this Mrs. Smith has never had all liS AHr d Wig sbott and Georges Sional lenders, "demand that we the capitaL 10 a.m.-Cluses whieh mee' ~ecord. her sons tOil tht'r ll.t once since Goosens. maintain nnd increase our leader­ lden Rebutfa Threa" first _ Tuesday al 10:30: La, They were t1rrested with Duclos - ship in this field .. . . Not to do so B 01) stan! beside his cor at riot scene "The security and weUare of Invites disaster." 20;3': Students Re-Enact Station Seizure Wednesday night but were not Berlin and our posItion. here are The President gave no details I p.m.-Cluses whlcb me-et lint Immediately named as plotters. essential parts of world peace," Ca ,I •. ~I. l of the projected $3,341,000,000 ex­ ell Mo ....)' M 11:31. The charges against the three are Eden said. "We shall not be in­ panSi on, saying only that It would 3 p.m.-All leeUoJUI 0' ",.th idenllcal: plotting ngainst the In­ aUenet!d DY threats. Threats are rARTS - "provide greater capacity for the ternnl security of the republic. th stock in trade ot those wbo 22:3. t. 5. 6; PE ~'en Z1 :22; 1\1 and production of fissionable materials Goosens told police the pistol lack confidence. Calm is the IDAY! and for the fabrication of such H 59:41. nnd a club Cound in Duclos' car weapon or those ... ho seek peace." thaterials into atomic weapons." 1 p.m.-Classes whieb meet fil'llt belonged to him ond that he waR In the West Getman capital of The atomic energy commission on Mond., a' 7:31 a.m. GI's in Korea carrying them because a recen1 Bonn, Chancellor Konrad Aden­ declined to elaborate except to say attempt was made to assassinate auer's government stamped hard. that the program embraces one TuClldaY'I Exam Sehedule • a.m.-Core 11:1: Germ 13:4: Duclos . I)n rumors that West Berlin and Ohio river valley plant which it Pigeons found in the car, GOO!­ Its 2.2 million people would be Ins announced is under considera- loam 1':128; M IUId H 59:40. Express Views ens said, were given to the Reo ~Ive n up to the Russians without on. 10 a.m.-C1&ues whleb meet boss by an admirer. 'l fight. Declaring the rumors were P[esumably. however. any such flnt on Tues4&t at 1:10. 1 p.m.-CIUHII which meet The government crackdown or "circulated for political purpose!! maJor ~e xpan s ion would speed up On Panty Raids Communists brought uproars from to cause unrest." the government additions to the U.S. stockpile of fil'l'lt Oil Monday at 1:10. :I p.m.-All ncUOJUI of Comm What a group of Gla in Korea the Red following. statement said they are totally oonventional A-bombs and would without foundation. also permit gre:lter speed In the 1£:4: Comm 8I\f:U3; R. Ee. 17:3: think of the recent outbreak of development of production ot Joarll 19:119: Sue 34:13%. "Ii ngerie raids" in colleges In th~ 'Play Soldiers' Cause IUCh weapons as artlllery, nuc­ '7 p.m.-All aectlona 0' Comm United States, Is expressed In a Iel!r-powered submarines and air­ IL:151; EIlI'I 1:10%: H. Ec. 17:23: letter which appears on page 2 $450 Damage with Guns loarn 1':1O!; Speecb 36:11. today. en,t, and the tt'arsome hydrogen DES MOINES (JP) - Five boyr iomb. ranging in age from 11 to 14. ad­ mitted to juvenile otficers Thurs­ W ASHIJIIIGTON (A') - A sen­ da..v that they caused about *'450 ate subcommittee reported Thur.. - Barkley Enters Race damage to cars and trucks parked day that Newbold MorriS, ousted on a lot while they were playin, iovemment cleanup chief, earned For Demo Nomination a ".INns and army" game. approximately $30,000 in surplus 3 Northwestern Editors Fired WASHINGTON (A') - Vi t!e The vehicles served as the "en­ ship deals which led to "question­ President Alben W. Barkley, vet­ emy", the boys told Brophy. able, and in some Instances ille­ IVANSTON, ILL. UP) - Three eran of 39 years In congress and The boys told Capt. Ralph gal, practices." .iop edUors ot North western uni­ at which alleged student com­ associate editor. renowned stump speaker, Friday Brophy they broke windows and The report Is the result of a versity's daily student newspaper plaints against Mrs. Claudine V. The Daily Northwestern sus­ became the sixth vowed candidato! to're panel boards on the vehicler sensational Inquiry made by the were fired Thursday by a univer­ Mason. counselor to women, were pends publication today until the for the Democratic presidential when. the "attacked" with BB investigations subcommittee into .ity official following publication heard. beginning of the tall term. Named nomination. guns. the purchase o! surplus oil tank­ of a news story about the school's The ousted editors issued a by Olson to senre all editor of The 74.-year-old, Kentuckian ers frOm the old U. S. maritime ~selor to women. statement defying Dean Olson's today's edition was Gregory Shu­ said that he had been on the EXPECT RIOT IN JAPAN commission by Joseph E . Casey The editors of the Dally North­ order on ground" that the actio:1 ker, Charleston, W.Va. vel'ge ot saying ever since Presi­ TOKYO (FRIDAY) (A'}-Some and a group of prominent public • western said they would defy the needed majority approval of the University President J . Roscoe dent Harry Truman took hlm~elt 25,000 metropolitan police with figures . - tiring order. publications board. Miller said he could not comment out 01 the running March 29, that wooden shields and a unit or Casey, a former Democratic . They were ordered to vacate "'We don't know whether we're on the firing because he hadn't he would accept the nominaUon It American military guards with house member from MlUlS8chus­ their posts by Dean Kenneth Ol­ still the editors or not." the state­ discussed It yet with Olson. Ol­ tendered. DIREE CORNELL tr.\"1VERSJTY S'IUDtmTS re-enad the way In fixed bayonets were mobilized fol' etls, is now practicing law· in son of the university's school of ment read. "but we're going to son could not be rea,hed lor Barkley's ertry . crambled the whieh Utey were beld for 'elcht minutes Thursday nlrh~ by II an expected outbreak of Commu­ Wash inllton. journalism. Olson acted as chalr­ proceed in our jobs until the comment. Democratic race into a bigger masked youths who sell: d a studcnt-operated campus radio .tallon nist demonstrations today. Na­ tnan of Nortllwestern's board of board ot pUblications makes a fi­ At Wednesday's meeting of the omelet than ever. He also man,' it and broadeut a falle bulletin that European cUletI had bc!en bomlrecl, tional police wcre alerted for out­ pubUcations, which supervises nal decision." student governing board, some difficult for the Prcsldent to pick an announcement whieh resulted In some ca~ of "'alntlnr and brcaks in other parts of Japan. No Paper Saturday Itudent publication•. The editors involved are: Harry students complained that Mrs. a pre-convention tavorlte If h:! hylterla" In the women's dormitories. William Ellison, Nl&cara Police said the Reds planned a The Dan,. 1_&11 wUJ net ,..,_ • The student new.paper Thurs Ernst, Charleston, W.Va., editor­ Mason has tried to block approval desires to do so. Including Bark­ FaIJs. N.Y. (I'efU, and lIarold Fishman, Broeklyn. were held with show of strength in observanee Qf Ilsh .,...... ,.. _ u..& ..." day published a news account 0 In-chlef; Roy Alexander, Ash­ of a proposed student judiciary ley, several close friends of Tru­ iffr ::ndll tied bc!hlnd them " 'hlle enlineer Diane Decl, Palmyra. "Martyrs oay," anniversary .,f memben _, eilaenre MnMdaI ville, N.C., assistant editor; and council, which would mete out man are now avowed 01' potential ., wu required to remain seated. The station ean b-e heant on Communist demonstrations in the • meeting yesterday ot the .4IlY ~,.. Ichool's student IOvernlng board, Lloyd Gerlach, Wauwatosa, Wis., discipline to errinl students. candidates. bu' oal,. falnU, in parg of IUlaca, a cU, of 30, .... Far East. PAGE TWO - THE DAILY IOWAN, FRIDAY, MAY 30. 195% Interlude with Interlandi Interpreting the News- , Letters to f.1h e Editor Reds Now Using Force; L

(EdUor's nole: Thill le&ter was reeently received recognition of a higher authority is difficult, but by L. Dale Faunce, deall 01 students, from six sm it is' hetter to practice obedience while planning servit)emen now statiOlled In Korea. The Dally Will They Risk War? Iowan bellev~ tha& &.lie le&&er II of eaou,h lnter.. ' ODC'S furore so that, as a subordinate, some By J. M. ROBERTS SR. &0 oar readers &0 be leprln&ed in our col\UII.III.) cn.u?ial period may not end in failure. Associated Press NeWli Analyst much more foo lish than Stalin', I. PJease don't misunderstand our view of this 1'be Kremlin has shelved its declsion in 1945, as reported b7 1ay 22, 1952 situation. We have not been embittered by our pClIce offensive, by which it tried Averell Harriman, that he would North Kotea to make westerll mobilization ap­ not cooperate for a brave new prese'ot state, because some of us have served 'L. Dale Faunce pear useless, in lavor of loree, and world because he thought an previpusly in the armed forces, and some of us threats of more force. in an effort American depression would lei University of Iowa are ex-college students. 'Ve realize more than to make it appear too dangerous. him conquer the whole bUJinesl Iowa City, IOWA Communist mobs r un through for bimself? eVI' before the reality of the Communist doc­ Dear Paris, in what French authorities Just think what would have hi~ Sir, trine which we are now fighting. W e will admit say is a defini te plot against the pened for Russia if she had par. In some of tlle recent issues of Stars and that at an earlier p eriod, we had a "laissez faiTe" state. Communist mobs infiltrate ticipated in the great worldwide Stripes, we have read of some of the escapades Western Berlin. Chinese Commu­ cooperation tor postwar recovery, attitude toward it, but during the past 14 nists jn Korea use the same instead of blockading herself be­ of your students, and students of other well months our attitude has changed, and now w e phraseology to threaten a new of­ hind the iron curtain while de· known colleges and universities in the United are actually fighting for our freedom, both per­ fensive that they used when voting practically al1 of her rt­ States. threatening the original inter­ sources to military prepare

"~E FDUll - THE DAILY roWAN, nIDAl". MAY 19, U S! Davey Upset Indiana Early ( By Basilio Big Ten Goll Philadelphia Edges Giants .. Meet Leader ------. ~.------~------~~ f EVANSTON, ILL. (JP) - Fa­ Brooklyn Wins, 7-3; Thompson's There, Ball's Not be In Wild Bout vored Indiana, undefeated for the reo 109 Trackmen Rise to Prominence - season, piled up 2B points to 23 ~ opr SYRACUSE, N. Y. (JP) - Car­ for defending champion Michigan Only 1 Games ·Back PHILADELPHIA lIP) - The su At this time last season. Iowa's track team "astounded" the Big man Basilio, 156, of Canastota, State in a two-team battle Thurs­ N. Y., produced one of the major cut the New on Ten track world by finishing fifth in the conference outdoor meet. It day through the first round of the York Giants lead the upsets of the 1952 boxing season was as high as a Hawkeye team had finished in the: meet since any': Big Ten tennis tournament. over the Brooklyn Dodgers to a the one cares to remember. Thursday night by handing Chuck Northwestern was third with 17 Davey of LanSi ng, Mich., his first j(ame and a half Thursday with a This year Coach Francis Crctzmcyel's squad is in a good position points, followed by Purdue and 6-5 win tvat almost got away professional defeat in a wild !O­ llJjnois each with 13 ; Michigan we to take at least third, and to no one'~ surp-ise. The Hawks finished from them in the last Inning. uol· rounder. and Iowa each with 11; Wiscon­ third in the indoor meet thIs winter by a margin of 14 points-in 1951 The league leaders threatened to they finished well down the ladd!'r, eighth. I t marked the first professional sin 7 and Ohio State and Min­ in the ninth, scoring twice on sin­ setback for Davey, tormer unde­ dev "It's possible to figure numerous dope sheets and maybe none of nesota none. gles by Wes Westrum, Dave Wil­ pia them will be any ¥ood. We might score as many as 37 points and we feated collegiate ringster at Mich­ All six Indiana singles players liams, and Bob rat\' igan State. Chuck had won 33 advanced to today's semifinals. couid drop to around 20," Cret.:meyer figures. If he had made .that Thomson. T statement last year. fans and the press would merely have chuckled. since turnin~ pro. doubles team of Bob Burnham Carl Drews, who started for the The main dilference is finally geWng the outstanding material to The verdict was a split atfair. and Eli Glazer was upset by Phillies. was relieved by Jim enroll at 10wa. Bucky O'Connor has done it in basketball after a few Judge Dick Fazio called it five Northwestern's Dan Baumble and Konstanty in the eighth. Konstan­ rounds for each fighter, but a 6-5 Ron Clemes, 11-9, 6-4. ty gave way to Andy Hansen in edge in points for Basilio. Judge Sophomore Stan Drobac, seeded the ninlh and Ken Heint.:eiman Harvey Smith saw it 5 for Davey, first in the No. I singles. paced fi nally stopped the New York 4 for Basilio and one even. ~ five Michigan State singles play­ Sl!rge. Judge .joe Palmer then threw ers and two doubles teams inte Catcher Smoky Burgess clinch .."t\ today's competition. BULLETIN the decision for the Phil lies In Drobac was forced into on ex­ the seventh with a bases-loaded ( 1\1' \\'lr.pbtlO) SYRACU E, N. Y. IJP) - Car­ tra set to de teat Baumble of , scoring and WIl­ men BasHio's uns.. t vir tnr" n ...-~ ""r Northwestern 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 a:ld HANK THOllP ON, NEW YORK GIANT infield ~ r , dides iuto third in the tltird inninlr of Thursday's Chuck Davey of Lansin" Mioh., lie Jones, who had sin~led and 6-5 10 s at Philadelphia as the ball continues on (at Ipn). Thompson went to third when Don i\lL-zUer move into the No. I singles semi­ walked. was voided Thursday mint 01 " finals. hit to centeriielder Riehle Ashburn. who threw past Phillies third sacker . Giants' maD' The loss ended the Giants' sev­ aKer (2) looks on. deputy commissioner of the state Other top singles results: Jim en-game win streak. athletic commission, who said t 'v Deloy, Wi sconsin, defeated Ken • ultimate outcome rests wUh Jones, Purdue, 3-6, 7-5, 6-0; Nor­ and a single as the first-place A MEETI ' n~ n'" ~ n. O"'''E'' Chairman Bob Christenberry. man Barnes, Iowa, defeated Bob Dodgers* Finally * * Hit Cleveland Indians battered fOllr I rmy Calls Mason, ANN ARBOR, MICH. (JP) -The The crux of the dispute revolved Bennorth, Illinois, 6-3, 6-4; Bob Detroit Tiger for 13 hits Big len 100tObll .<:Ilt:\lUle m~ ", - around the second a.n d ninth Burnam, Indiana, de!e~ted Al EROOKLYN (JP) - Brooklyn to win 11-4 Thursday. Ex-Haw k Athi ete, ings were deadlocked here Thurs- HERE'S TI:IE IOWA MILE RELAY TEAM which has the best time rOlmds in whlch Referee Joe Mann, Michigan, 6-2, 6-2. bats boomed for the first time i!1 Bob Feller handed the last­ day over the problem of provid- in the con!erent·<: in dual mee!s this summer. Its fate malnly depends Palmer had voted to Davey, but four days Thursday and the Dodg­ place Tigers four quick runs but To Duty June 23 ing 1955 and 1956 opponents lor on Gary Scott. on the far leU, who has a. suspected touch of I'landu­ failed to make any notation of ers walloped the Boston Braves, set lied down and allowed only I Michigan State, the conference's lar fever and hasn't practiced all week. Latest reports were that he points. 2 Amaricans Fall 7-3, with a barrage of four home tlu'ee hits in the last six innings OSKALOOSA (JPI - Charles newest member. has recei\'.!d the doctor's go· ahead for the Big Ten meet and will runs. to win his fifth game again ·t Mason, Oskalosa high school head enter the 220·yard dash and the mile relay. Scott usually competes the 6,500 fans into an uproar with The Dodgers, who just lost a three defeats. Pat Mullin power­ To Ex-Army Maior basketball coach, I'e~eived orders In lour e;·po:r wlll be held and 1917; law classes of 1907, 1917 of the Iowa state emplo -ment bUQue st.. was found dead early and one mile south of Swisher. classe of 1942, 1927 and 1902 In Curri r, ball for all university 1922 and 1932 ; dentistry cia ot . ervice oUices in flood areas Thursday morning under his Th wreckage and body were not How the creative arts should have been planned lor commence­ graduates 'ho wish to attend. 1932; engineering 1912; and liberal Thursday received a commenda­ discovered until about 6 a.m. be used in the training of child· ment weekend, June 6-7. Their a nnual all-alumni coUe!! arts clag CJ of 1912 and 1922. tion trom regional headquarte!"S wrecked aulomoblle on a gravel Thursday when Eldon Stepanek, ~n will be the subject oC the 25th I Miss Brevity AlUmni trom the!'e clas. es will hour is scheduled (or SaturHay A coffee hour for coHere ot of the federal employment secur­ road near Swisher. wh [arm Is near the scene oC Iowa Conference on Child Devel· be honored at a 10th anniversary fternoon, June 7, in the IOW3 nursing alumni Is planned for ity administration tor their "'ork Hogan, who was superintendent the accident. found them. opment and Parent Education at luncheon, the silver jubilee lunch­ Memorial Union. The university Saturday morning at W tlawn, during the Dood emcrgency. of schools al WalCord for the past Dr. Robert Brosh. Uno county SUI June 17-18. Emphasis will be eon and the golden jubilee dinner IIlumnl a. sociatlon will hold it· i nurses' dormitory. The commenda!iClIl, slgned by three years, apparently dled in- coroner, said HOlan had suffered on what parents can do to make to be held on the campus June 6 annual meeting Saturday morning I Iowa alumni registration wiil Arnie Solem, ~gional director ot stantly from Inj uries received a broken neck and head injuries. their children "have fun" while after commencement. in Old Capitol. take place in the Union Friday the eight state area. said the re­ when his car skidded ofC the r03d He estimated the time of death :lS they learn music. art and crafts. A In past years, members of M .. ny cIa es outside the "mlle- and Saturday. June 6-7. Resen'a­ • ional ottice has "heard many (a­ into a dHch about midnight Wed- occurring about midnIght . Sponsored by the Iowa child the Emcritll.' club. all cl .. es of . ~au .. program are also planning tions for overnight accommoda­ "orable comments from other ne,sday. LInn county authorities . Hogan had been working on 1901 and earlier, will also be hon­ governmental aaencies in Wash­ welrare research station at the t.J meet on the campus next week. tions on thC!te night! _hould reach saId. Ituition reports at the Walford ored at their annual dinn r the Amon. those groups which have Ihe university alumni office be­ inllon on the way in which the university. the conference is open The accident occurred on the school Wedne day night and was evening before commencement. Blreo:dy indicated they will meet fare June I, program planners employment personnel responded to all who are interested in child road markinll the Linn-Johnson driving back toward Iowa City On comm ncement night an an- /Ire me:iical cl es of 1907, 1912 say. during this emergency. development. with all ses ions county line about three miles wcst when the accident occurred. planned primarily for parent rather than specialists. Theme of the silver anniversary conference stems from a belief that throughout the country there ha, been much emphasis general. lyon maladjustment of children and a neglect of how to make the "normal" child a happier, richer human being. Spring & Speakers in the field of art at Clean The Profitable Way - Sell Your Odds Ends Through Thrifty Iowan Classifiedsl the meeting will include Manuel Barken, associate professor of art .--- • . ----~~--_r~~~------Rooms for Renl Apartment for Rent Typing at Ohio State university; Frank I WANT AD RATES , I Personal services Wachowiak. assista nt profes. or • • GE'TTUI;C M.\RRIED· M Olfl.r.nl 5>:, SINCLE room. lor .ummtr or [all CI""" IAPART .tENT-llud • v Whlrl·dn· FOR renl T...... l>edrootn furnJ ed apart. TH.ESIS Ind ,.naraJ typln,. mlmeo· Onl! da Ie per word Inm • .,.r1m nt. Phon. I.Ibl. and boolt . Tra""r•• ! Qulel neJabborhoad Phon. 3157. Houae for Rent special reference to children's art. One ins tlon ...... 9Sc per incb SMALL lurnllh..t -Pltrtm nl. Stud.n. LJ.WN. ahrub . • ard.n care. Job or con- IROOM lot workln, ,I'I- ln- m- -Od..-m--pr-I. ""upl. or crlcl..... lady. Phon. 1111 Mrs. Setzer's topic will be chil­ Five Insertions per month, uaC'U\f'S T .... Srrv'C'e for ("Om.. ROOM. lor .ummer. [en. 202 £111. ,.Z3l.t Edna Buttolph, musical spe­ plett: tr", urlt'Q'. Bandt".. trani- Av-f'. 2113. , per Insertion ..... 6Oc per Inch pl.nUn._ tttn.mln •••lId r.-moyjnc. rr" __ I.... R!:lIIlNCTOH porloblO .111. 1)'(>0- LAROE otud Jrultruction cialist at Bank Street College for • tlm.I,,". r.r pine woad 10. ule. Phont STUDENT rooms. CI_ In . II. N. Coplt~1 "rlu-r. Ixl. 41M . 101 Teachers. New York city, will in­ Dally insertions durlne month. I-otr per Insertion.. ... 70c per Inch ROOM ror mon o Dill 1-3101. SI1.K Ph 0 Go .. n. Dt.1 1361. 'tTRNISHl'!O aparlmtnt pr,,·.I.. b.,th Gennan. clude a dcmonstra lion of how to -:"R I-=O-=-. -h:-om--:.·---T-r'-:- ((lr ,Ju:f'pUoo.l ood Chev-ro.. SJNGLE room lor aradu"t ¥roml-In ,..U • • :-125 4 p.m. weekdays for Insertion I.t or oVfrhaulM Pontl.c. Dill 2307. AI'allable lune I Hair block from Cur- BALLROOM d ".,. 1_0"•. Mimi Youd. dren In her presentation of the rtf·r. 123 E . Dd\l'nport Call or I Wurili. 0101 un. part music should play In their In tollowlne morning's Dally X2354 Iowan. Please check your ad lives. THE TITLE OF "MJ ROOM ror m.n. Eilher double ur Children's creative dramatics ity ot J 952," and the trophy pIc­ in the first Is ue It appears. PHOTOGRAPFI - Appl1'/O D!!AUTIF'1JL th ..... pl"". _tlon.l IOta. f'VLL or Pltn·tlm~ tron.mltu-r .n.ln•• r. in this field, will be the subject ors of thl brevity busIne Brtn,. Ad.vuU _menu t. 0111 an-r I"• • 'r.nl.. I TWO""".-I-n-.l-.-. -t-w-·O-d-O-U~bl~.-roo-IM----'- III.t condluo .. . SIUd~ ' dt k 211 Sudlum Apply KXIC. Tit Uall7 hwan Bu.ln ... Ottlu of Winifred Ward. professor emer­ eem to have the Bikini bath In &" Buem."t _.t Ihlf ., n:ii:i::Eii U,'u h.l. o..bul.lnte Cosmetics.! room aPltrtm.n~."'_I._r_5__ ...:. __ Park. I -O J n -S-T"';UD"';"ENT--'-O-r-.u-m-m-.-r - ,,-o-rk--,,-h-,,-,,-'. itus ot the Northwestern univer­ suit down to It III t Its-a I limit. Phon" ' . Int • t SINGLE and double room.. Mf"n . DOUDLE. .In,l. bed. found lobi.. 4 are Or ....wh.r • . "20 minImum. "70 CA RPET. ;Inoleoum. and lloor til",. low. Ave. Phone' INT. cnat"_ l ch 'I. rOC"kef. U -ptt'Ct 1 aVttf.,. lU,mmer Incom.. call Df'&n sity school of speech. ~.Ill of dish... h aU'r. miAC.' blrrAck. lur. Dour:v. "Iral National Bank Dlda·. t rl- CALL 4191 Arboru. ,Import.d , labl. lOP In.tall.· ROOM lor ,Irli. Clo. In. Dial 1·2)10. 0111 373(l. to II lor The conference speakers wlil tlon. Colla', Floor S.,,·I< •. DIal 7721 ______nl.hln,.. do), . • appolntnt • .,t We Are Taking be present for all sessions ot the Stanley Named to Head Hiders Wanted IDEAL room. avallabl. Juno 4 , C1 ...., . STUDIO couch. relrl,.rolor. ..cen.nl STUDENT bol' .•Umm.r .nli I II . 11'0<1. Applications to meeting. leading discussion group~ 'or Sale _ Used AIH "'lOment " Pltrllnen I. lIudont mtn. condilloll. I.bl •• 0'" .10.1 .... hl,h chol.. 11m •. Duele Corm.1 Corn. 5 S. Dub,, · Autos It N . JohnlO .... 6403. following each talk and partici­ Iowa 'Students for Ik«!' ONE or two rldt"rI to Ma ,'huM"'S __==;;...;;,.;;.;;....;;;.=.;;....._.....;==.....;_, "'·d. ch,· I, d k. bArrlck. curtol .... tiC. qu . fill Vacancies in our pating in a summary panel tol­ David M. Stanley, L3, Iowa t•• vln l! about Jun. 7. l..oll Alb<'t. Mo . Itl8 STUD[[JAK R Commnndor ConI' r.I -M-O-V-I-N-O:-. '-D-I'-I -eo=eo-.n-d-u--lh-.-(O-m-PI~.-t. cow. (owa . Phon~ J509 lowing a luncheon at the close of City. Thursday WIIS named state lIblt'. Nt-w top .I~ t rf" . Vf'ry 10;)(11 mod Tn tQulpmt'nt ot lb, ),f.her Bro. In::. .BURY Mol". coot.r Good ,h.pe. Ride Wanted Laundry and cO'ldfUon. $J2tl0 Phone 3630, Tnn (fro the conference. Presence of the chairman of youth tor Eisen­ DRIVING N,,-;Vork J ~7.h/i';;u-;;;: _ Phon. 1·llne RIDE "" '/lIM! 1<> N• ..., York City abo ul tn, June '1 Room for thr . 654 .. . _I speaker as consultants through­ hower. 1937 NASII-I ..AF'AY Y..""iiiS--:;j'OR;.',O. DOUBLE roo-;;;-;;;;:-;;'.n. 115 S. Cl1ntoll - PARAKEETS. DIAl l22l. June 7 Will ...... txllCII I . In. S~~~L Relrl,nnlor. Llk. "''''. Pho". =R~ID=E-"'-. -n-:t"'-:--to~O~h-:'-0-.:-bo-u-I-J:-u-n-.-:-7 departments planned as a means or integrat­ r.lr bod) . R.dlQ 1G 57~ . • k ror .how.n. See Don al Cambl.1 or 0 1.1 man of the Iowa Eisenhower-for­ LOST ' Pair of plAltI< rim btlocal Will hatt'- .,'pellitt• .at1d drh;ln•• C.l. Ing the suggestions of these spe­ neldhou or dew. nt.owll, CaJi 6918 M,k. t 1.%212_. ____• ______--'_ 8<111 f',,~nln . Apply Mr. Davis PreSident committee. cialists in the teaching of creative ROOM lor lummtr 11<:10001. how.n. Stanley, who has be n activo! Music and Radio arts. Wanted to Rent Cia. In. un. FOR ul.: LlJ ...... aU IY\>H - ",.rd. New Process Laundry in Young Republican activities, MOVrNO ! Dial _ .nd u lh.

l LAFF·A·DA Y DAILY IOWAN WANT AD TODAY can do these things for you TOMORROW! •

Find stuelenll lookiJll' for _er roolDll 11 or apartmen&a!

Flnel abare~J{pellle rides bome for lum­ 2. mer vacation!

Find lull or pari-time work thI. _­ 3. mer!

Find rooms or apartmeu&a available for 4. summer!

Find full or pari-lime belp thll nm. 5. mer!

Flnel share-expense r :ders .. or Deal' Jear II vaCAtion ele Unatlon!

For QuIck. REMEMBER: Economical , ... §§§§CALlJ 4191 ~ TOQAYJ PAGE SIX - THE DAlLY IOWAN, FRIDAY, l\(AY 30, IOSZ Council Committee Fishin' for Their Health LadCl Addresses Readies for 'Largest' ROTC OHicia/s Few Races .1n Monday'·s Election Mason Ladd, deaD or the eol­ , lege of law, addresseO SUI artI\J Iowa City's deluge of newly­ Book Selling Year and air force military departmellt registered voters for Monday's primaries will find only one can­ Mother Pins Bars on New Air Force Officer The studen t council is getting sta!! officers and non-collUllisslGL didale lis led on each party's bal­ ready for IY ha t is ex peeled to be ed officers on Geneva conveotiao lot for most county oUices, none the largest book selling business rules as applied to combat c:OIJ4t.. tions Thursday afternoon in IIIf for the others and none tor any' in the history of the book ex­ of the township orices. field house. change. "Voters Unlimited," a newly or­ Ladd, a colonel in the anny r;. ganized non-partisan group of Bill Isenberger. A2. Sioux City, serves, dCflcribed hili expel'iellftl Iowa Citians, staged a campaign chairman of the exchange an­ during World War II when lit ",l',;~h ended a week ago with nounced Thursday that the ex­ served as general consul to IIIe 1,050 new voters on the rolls, com­ change will accept books Sept. 19. surgeon general of the U.s. II'IV in Washington. In that capaatf, pared with 1,150 for Cedar Ra­ A definite schedule for the sale pids: 1.000 for Dubuque, and 1,816 he visited combat area. to _ for Waterloo, all more populous and return of books wiU be set major problems confronting COllI­ cities than Iowa City. later. manders and troops. To Give Award The exchange \\'ill be located in H is talk is one 01 Q series tu Polling places in Iowa City will the reading room on the first faculty members on topics :elat!lll in the essential mllitary skillJ. : be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. floor of Sc.>haeffer hall. Monday. To the ward showing the In commenting on the proeram, greatest percentage of Increase Since its opening by the student Col. Walter E. Sewell, head of tile over the number of votes cast in council in Feb., 1951 , the book ex­ army ROTC department at ~ the 1948 primary, "Voters Un­ change has sold 5,550 of over said that it was designed to &he JERRY REDDY MIGHT BE PULLJN' IN THAT BIG ONE in thIs limited" will present a citizenship 6,000 books handled for a total re­ specialized trainJng to offiCfll scene snapped Thursday in tile City park. Jerry (In the wheel chllir) and operating army penonnt!. "itation. turn to students of S6,414. Except for possible write-in and Steve Fisher (seated on bank) are just two of the children from The object of the proaram. lit Included in the plans for the I'otes there will be no contests hI the bancllcapped school who til t encoura&,ed to &,0 on such excursiOns said, besides physical litn~ b sale this fall will be an atemp! to to develop the hilliest possilll! the June 2 primary within either for health-restoring exercise. Jerry gets a helping' hand from Dick po rty here for any of the county secure as comprehensive a list liS degree of Individual proticifllrJ Bjork. G, Albert City. offices. The on ly two offices for possible or texts to be used. the essential military &kills. which men trom both parties are lsenberger stressed that the POTATO BLACK MARKET seeking nomination BI'e sheriff and COL. GEORGE A. BOSCH, commanding' officer of all' force ROTC, smiles his approval as l\irs. Tilson I a term on the county board or success of the exchange depends WASHINGTON (IP) - The gov- Petro ll~ the I'old bars of an air force 2nd Lt. on the shoulders of her son, John Petro, A4. Lt. Petro on both buyers and seller and ernment said Wednesday 13 new ' supervisors beginning January, was one of 98 SUI Jr:en who became air force reserve officers Thursday. Before acbninlsterinr the oath INLAID LINOLEUMS 1953. and conductinr the salute to the colors, Col. Bosch stressed that "this must be the best country In the urged students to store as many court actions hnve been filed in I DemoraUe Candidates world because so many try tn nt into the United States, and so few try to rei out." lie welcomed the books as possible this summer. its nation-widc drive to stamp out I 98 new and competent defenders of the country. Housing units are being asked to alltegted illegal dealings in white I AR;:~~~:G ROLL ENDS ~~~~ Those listed on the Dem(lcra1 ic po a oes. primary ballot for county ortlces allow space for storage. ~ - -- are: auditor, Ed Sulek, incumbent ; Other members of the book eX- I AS LOW AS $1.65 sq. yd. ~w ~SR::r. treasurer, Lumlr W. Jansa, Incum­ change committee for the next ' APPLY NOW!! bent; clerk of district court, R. 98 SUI Cadets Commissioned sl'hoo] year include Mary Ladd, I SUMMER SESSION Iowa City Flooring Co. Neilson Miller, incumbent; 1hcritr, John L. Stahmer. A3, Iowa City; Audrey Bellc, AI, ' BOARD JOBS Iowa City; Jo ElIcn Lane, A3, 211 Rlrkwood Ave. County coroner, George D. Iowa City, Iowa Callahan, incumbent; member Boone, and Virgil Hancher Jr., A3, REICHS CAFE As Lieutenants' in Air Force Iowa City. I I board of supervisors, Robert Ma­ honey Sr., incumbent (term be­ Ninety-eight SUI senior stu­ ginning January, 1953), and mem­ dents were commissioned Thurs­ Red Oak ; William Osmund.o", M ••"n City; Richard Par ker. Che1'okee: Carl ber, board of supervisors, J. E. day as second lieutenants in the Pearson, WlIlJamlon ; Dean Percy, 80n ... Pechman, incumbent (term be­ durant ; John Petro. Cedar Rapid.; Rob· air force reserve. ett Pierson. Cedar Rapids. gi nning J anuary, 1954). All graduates of advanced Wrndell Rnle. Marcus: Simon RQBCh~ Those offices for which :10 Jr., Clinton; William Reichardt, Iowa ROTC, most of the students wlll City; Byron Riley. Burlln&!on; Fred Democratic candidate is listed al'l' Ruck. Kansa. City. Mo.: Frank Runyon. county recol'der and county at- go on active duty with the air Stra ...... berry Point: Rex Ryti".,. Des Moines: J nmel Sanester. Iowa City. torney. force this summer. Howord Schmidt. Ma.on City ; D<>Wltt Scathorn. Cherokee; Raymond SeoU. Republian Candidates The commissioned included: Albin : Richard Scott. AlbiA ; John Henry Anderson. Ft. Dodic; Dayton Scrolgs, De. Moine.; KresUan Severin ... t- Those seeking nominatlo'l on Arbegust. Oelwehlj \Vllltam Ayers, Lom· sen, Morlon: Richard Sheehan, lnde· the Republican primary ballot bard. 111 .; Georg. Baehr. De. Moines; pendence; John Schullz. Keokuk. Robert Berry. Alblq; D~a n BllIter. Da- Charl~' Silletto. Des 1I10Ine.; SlDnley are: sheriff, Albert J. Mu rphy, vl"nport: Duane Brnndt. Waverly, Don- Slonn, Sigourney; Roberl Snook, New ... incumbent; county recorder, R. J. aid Brinkman, Davenport. ton: Howard Sohn. Hnrlan; Paul South- (Dick) Jones, incumbent; county A~rt Bruce, OUumwa: Robert cur.. erll, Ottumwa: Frank Sttlry. Cedar Ro­ lon. Boone; WUUum Coleman. \10111'0. pld5 ; RI ~ har d SI,¥,n. Perry; Richard attorney, William L. Meardon, in­ 111. ; Rodier Davenport. Rutland; Illch:lr,1 Stevens. Clinton. cumbent, and member, board of Davis. Sioux City; John Deacon, Cro:.n... Lenard Strasburg. lown City: Wtlbur ' .... ,.01 N'.: Chnr!pc n.."ninll. Boone; J . Teele.rs Jr., IOWD City: Richnrd supervisors, Harry H. Ziskovsl