rhelt -. Here S.rving the State , The Weather 'ate:: by Gil) University of Iowa Paril, e..... ,.. UJa,bUt --­bou I 22 inCbt. Campul and Warmer Wa,.. 8a'aniaY square. 11 eatterfll sltewen oW IK in the til Iowa City noon. ffich ~, '72; hed to ! at owan low. U. Kl&h Thunda)" 70; 10 .... le. Eat. 1868 - .AP Leaaed Wire, .AP Wirephoto - Five Cents rowa City. Iowa. Friday. May 30, 1952-VoL 86, No. 171 • • unlS asses 10 300 Arrested As Reds Enter American Zone BERLIN (JP) -Fifteen thousand Communis , surgln, In froI" the ievem_ KOJE lSLAND, Kore3 (FRlDAY) (.4') - Two North Korean I ' prisoners of war were kllled and four \ ere wounded today in renewed Red· * * * Russian zone tor an anti-Western 1·3:06-6:111 rioting on Koje Island oft southwest Korea. demonstration, touched ott a 9:00 1'.11:." _ Heavy Artillery The riot was the sccond In 24 hours involving prisoners ot war avaae cla.sh with West Bertin nnd interned civilians. pollee Friday night in a growing Three civilians were killed and Continues Shelling Ish soldiers moved in and began wor of nerve. 13 were Injured Thursday in a tearing down theIr command post prison compound nt Yonchon. 60 and a nearby dispensary_ On Korean Front Club-swlniPni police woundl!d miles north of the provlslon31 The Reds stood back, chanted hundred of the invaders, arrested capital or Pusan, Tokyo head­ slogans, jeered and sang. One 300 and broke up the demonstra .. quarters announced. prisoner mounfed a rostrum and tlon atter ~n hour of millina in The KOje riot started today declared the incident was "a re­ thr downtown borough o! Kreuz­ when a work detail charged its hearsal for World War IlL" f Ullrds. The first British wrecking crew ber" In the American sector. Two American and two South was relieved by 65 more British Tear g s qUlld! were rendy, but I troops who hod been taking riol­ were never ne ded. There was no iUS 60c Korean guards were Involved in ~. In the Koje (Iareup. control training. These troops (untlre. ITS - 91. The Yongchon riot was a fight completed the demolition job. The Communist pattern ot 00. They brought out knives, Red trouble-making wa a! clear, E TAXES between Interned civilians moved there recently from Koje island. flags, medical supplies, blankets however. IU It was In the onti­ and pictures, most of which had About 100 Allied troops wield­ Western rlotln, in Pari Ie s than been hidden under the floors of Her Last Son Returns from War 2+ hours befor _ ng bayonets and throwing tear the two shacks. aas Thursday raided an unruly The Reds had two flags flying l\(R • RAY l\nTII plac her on Donald' picture on a table In ber home Thursday a Donald look. Parts Reel Charred compound on Koje containing on. Other picture 011 the table ar 1rs. mUIt· ev.. n other on . all of whom erved In Ihe armed again within minutes ofter the The French Red boss, J~equell 3,350 prisoners, destroyed their U.S. and British troops quit the servfC'~ durin, World War n or tollowln,. Donald returned trom Korea ooly two weeks .ro after a headquarters and seized Red tlags '?ar's en'lce with the armY. Toda)' I the first Jemorial day In 10 ear that In. mlth Ita not had Duclos, was charged in Paris FfI­ compound. They plastered the day with plotting aioin t ~e In­ nnd knives. No blood was spilled, compound with signs damning the at. lea t ooe 00 In th ~ervice. the army said. trrno1 s curity or France by in­ operation, but they were quiet. citing riots as a tront tor Red It was the first big show ot Brig. Gen. Haydon L. Boatner, revolution. Hill labor supporters orce inside any ot the 17 com­ the camp commander who is coiled a strike. The ostensible pounds since disorders flared briniPng firm rule to the island. Iowa Drivers Told Woman's 8th Son Home early in May on this South Ko­ ta rg t ot the French demonstra­ watched the whole operation. HE' tOI'S wa Gen. Matthew B. Ridg­ rean Island where 80,000 prison­ I«nored written demands by Red Of Weekend Danger way, who lice ed Gen. Dwight ers of war are held. leaders that he confer with them. Safely From War Zone D. Eiscnho r today as supreme The trouble began when guarrls Then came the accldental shoot­ DES MOINES {.4') - The state spotted Red prisoners trying to safety department worned motor- Eight pictures on linen cov­ ('ommnnder oC the North Atlantic .,G - ing. The prisoners remained quiet, alliance. chop a hole through an inncr but they brought the two wound­ Ists Thursday that careless drlv- ered table today give Mrs. Rny World War 11 started. AY barbed wire fence that bars the ed prisoners to the tront gate of Ing ov r the MemOrial day w ek- Smith or 610 S. Modi. on ·t. the John was th only one of her Berlin is 3 convenient targ t in way to an areaway leading to the the compound. nd could brin' d 11th to any- hapPleH Mrmorlill nay sh has sons who wa. wounded in s rvice. the Communist tight Agaln.~t Quter gate. The one prisoner died shortly where trom five to 15 pcr. on in had in 10 years. Hr has ,Incc recovered. NATO And rclated pact lining up Col. Henry Taylor. Magnolia, thereafter. The prisoners reCused, Iowa. All eight ot her son' have re- "When my boys went Inlo the West G rmans with the West. •\tk., ordered the Reds to repair however, tb turn over the body. Durint-' the Ihr -day JX'rlori I turned from the war safely . service T w n't sur they would The riot was l of! by group he llole. When they refused, he Taylor ordered an investigation stnrtlnll on the eve ot he holiday Donald om Jlome all l'cturD safely but now that of a thou and brawny Commun­ ummoned 5 0 battle-seasoned of the shooting. last year, four person were killed The last to come home was th y have I'm very thankful," Isls distributing leanel denounc­ troops from ~ompany E of the Authorities emphasized that tlle on the highways. There WDS a to- Donald, 22, who returned two frs. Smith s~ld Thursday. "T Ing Wesl Germany's newly sIgned 38th infantry regiment. show of force In compound 66 wa~ tal of 346 accidents and 153 per- weekS 8,0 (rom a year ot army hope we can all /let together soon peace contract with the Allies and The in!antry.en, wearing gas not part ot the planned movement Ons were Injured. duty in Korea. With him came for a rea I reunion." calling tor German unity. Soviet masks and with bayonets fixea of prisoners to smaller com­ State safety commissioner Pearl his picture to be placed on the tylo. to their rifles, then d\oved in with pounds. McMurry said the heaviest nnd lilUe tabl beSide the pictures of BI"ILWD)' tear gas. driving the Red prison­ JUote,. e&itered This movement is expected to most dangerous trattic ill 10wII his ighl broth rs, a II oC whom ers from the fence. Behind this French Riot Leaders A!ler a series of short but sharp come in about a week, and a history would begin lat Thursday saw serv{ce durin, World War tlylng wedge, more than 50 Brit- showdown is llke)y then. n brawls with hi,hly trained West and continue through Sunday as or since . Berlin pollce platoons, the rowdies motorists swarm the roads to Mrs. Smith's table of plcturi!s Charged with PloHing were shoved tnto slde strects and take advantage ot the lon, hoJl- rcad like II recruiting postcr. Her day. old t. stepson Lester, served with dlJpersed. Most of the other dem­ $3 Billion Requested onstrators, tcen-age youths, kept ''If only a Lew of tho e drivers the coast ,uard; Frank. 37, with Against Naf'l Security fail to take sensible precautions. the air Corce; Hilrold, 26, navy; out or tbe f~ht. Sa\urday'. Exam Schedule PARIS lIP) - French Commun­ Reporis that 25,000 strangarm as many as 15 persons may be ~obert, 24, navy; Joseph, 23, m - For Atomic Power ist boss Jacques Duclos and two men had been ordered Into other 8 a.m.-All aectiOJUI of Comm dead In Iown accidents by Monday nnes. and Donald and LeMoin , henchmen were charged Thursday orcas In the American, British WASHINGTON (If) -President 8G;.187; Comm 6L:155; Skills 10:1, morning," McMurry said. "If our 21, both of the army_ Truman asked congress Thursday with plottln~ a,alnst France's in­ and French sectora kept police on ~. drivers perform with the caution Mrs. Smith was formerly Mrs. 10 vote more than three and a t rnal security by Inciting hate­ the alert, but proved unlounded. m.-AII aectiOJUI of Comm thcy have shown through most ot Bess! Janney ~nd all her son Ridgway riots l1li tI tront for Rt'd third billion dollars to build up ' 10 •. this year. we mllY escape this are by her prevIous marriage. The rloUng was limed with a. the nation's atomic' weapons pro­ 6G:2; Germ 13:1, 2: Span 35:27. revolution. visit of BriUsh ForeJgn Secretary weekend with as few as five Othrr Ro ns Worklnr CommunIst-led unions threat­ (ram. He said the money would Anthony Eden, who told West 21, 101.
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