ON T'HI INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY Dodgers Win, Cards Idl •...... Pag_ 2 Fair with littl. change in temperature. loday's Quotes Some Would Forget (Editorial) Page .. highl 80 to 85 degree•. low tonight, 62-66 de. Radio Stars Return to Air ...... Page 6 owan grees, &tabUabed 1888-Vo1.19, No. 292-AP New. aod Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. September 5. 1941-Five Cenl8


t, Iialy Appeals for U. S. Funds As Forreslal Blasts Totalitarianism Wholesale Prices Advise Consumer Bevin,'s All-Time Highs Resistance Will Be To Purchase Food and Fuel Forecast Shortages Speech Of Corn, Produce Only Effective Check Congress May Meet For Hungry World NEW YORK (~-The nation', To Study Europe's food bill Is already at the year'l CIO Chiefs Ignore Bewilders CHICAGO (A>j-A lIeneral up­ hllh. but the consumer was warn­ Economic Condition turn in commodity prices In the ed yesterday that the worst i, yet WaSHINGTON (JP)-Italy hils LONDON (./p)-Foreign Secre­ nation' primary markets yester­ Labor Law Ruling tary Ernest Bevin's trade unlol) to come. made an urgent al?peal to th, day wa, paced by corn, which aold speech urging distribution of U. S. Only "consumer resistance" can United States for swift financial at a new record peak. help to buy food and fuel, diplo­ On Filing Affidavits gold was still causing bewllder­ halt the advent of $I-a-dozen ment and concern In foreign diplO­ While prices cUmbed to levels D;lats said yesterday. egIS, $l-a-pound butter and $1- PITTSBURGH, (JP)-CIO lead- matic quarters last night, along never before n, John Krey, Meantime American otticillis plus meat, authorities saId. ers said yesterday they were tak­ with speculation as to ila possible chairman of the American Meat Consumers, wondering how studied the question ot callin, effect on Anglo-American rela­ conpess to a special session to ing no immediate action regarding irutltute, toid the organizatJon's could "resIst" eatin" were given ., the Taft-Hartley law's require­ tions. a few tips by public officials and conllidu Europe's economic trou­ Evidence existed that the for­ annual meeting, "A major catas­ bI4s. ment that labor union officials trophe I strikln, this country and spoke$lTlen for meat and grocery file affidavits showing whether eign office itself-which crisply This question wtu have to be a hungry world becau of the Industries: they belong to the communist declined any comment-was puz­ ••clded by President Truman drastic reduction in thl. year's Buy the cheaper eu'" of mea' party. zled by Bevin's key proposals be­ and learn how to cook them ap­ after his return from Bradl. fore the British Trade Union con­ corn production." UDcienecretary 01 State Robert Any otficial CIO policy on the IJlb& ConallJllH ae.t.&ance pelWqly; buy the un 1l'1WIe4 question they reported, will not gress Wednesday - redistribution below "toP eJllru": return to A. Lovett said WedneadaY that of the "Fort Knox gold" and a [n New York, Eullene Schultz, tbe economic situation In Brl­ be determined until the CIO ex­ th city' marke commissioner, t.IIe wariime leanln,. on lPa­ ('!ose tightening of ecqnomlc and rheUi and other "ubsUtutes"; teln, France and ~r Euro­ ecutive committee meeting Oct. 13 said th re was "only s1ilbt con- defense links within the empire-. blly tretlh fruit. and vq-etabletl, IlUn countries Is deterioraUII&' 8 and the organization's Oct. 13 8umu r istance" to mountll\l futer tban expected. convention at Boston. The only light on the gold sug­ prices for foods. He predicted that which are almost the only food gestion came from an authorita­ .hllf. Dot ..nranellll' Lin price That means the CIO, following butt r. elling at 87 cents a pound Diploma tic informants said it­ tive American source who said eurrenU,.. advance indications, is ,oing to r tail, would advance further be- aly has informed the United Bevin, in a 7O:minute talk today The ,loomy price picture for fall ignore the deadline affidavits cau ot small supplie!l. States that she must have swift lor with a delegation or visiting on communism set by Robert N. Trad r ports from New York and winter came trom all sldes­ financial help to buy ess,ntial American congressmen who are from resturant owners, from meat Denham, general counsel of the said d alers were predicttn, re­ food and fuel during the next investigating economic conditions _tuff. not advandn,. In price national labor relations board in tail prices of $1 .00 a pound for four months. here and in Europe, had explained industry spokesman, from market Washington. butter and $1 .00 a doz n for ell'. The Italian ambassador is said he viewed redistribution of the C. M. Galvin, statistician lor commission rs, from food chain 10 have told Lovett his country is There have been strong indica­ U. S. gold stocks as an integral SECRETARY OF DEFEN E JameA FoneAtal, peakln&' before deleute. to the 48th encampment of the the grain firm ot James E. Ben­ store ofIi doh; from packing house .0 desperately short of funds it tions, too, that the American Fed­ part of the Marshall plan for Eur­ Veteran 01 Forelln Wars (above), last nilM bla ~ed "totalitarian ,Qvernmenls exlstln&, In the world nett and company, 10recast a executives and retail store spokes­ ma, have to cancel all American eration' of Labor will be in no opean revival. today" which rule "wUbout the eon ent of tbelr peoplefl." At the aame lime, ForI' tal everely crlUcll- corn crop of 2,375,000,000 bUlhels men. ed "exce Ive use ot the veto power In the United Nations." CAP WIREPHOTO) eoal purchases scheduled for Oc- hurry to get non-communist arti­ He was said to have made the as of S pt. 1 conditions. La.t year The gloomy n ws on present tober delivery. Italy's imports ot da vits from its officers. assertion that the proposal has the the country had a record-break­ prices came tram the produce and U.S. coal have averaged more Denham gave unions 20 days to backing ot the British government ing corn crop of 3,287,927,000 bu­ grain exchang s wher y sterday than 700,000 tons a month. file the affidavits after receiving and that the Idea had been pre­ Robbers Who Put shels. food and feed grains, butter, eggs 841_ American oIflelalJl, notice they were necessary. That viously advanced Informally in a Farmers May Forrestal Hits Other Produc Bll'her and meat continued to climb on wllUe not overloo~ the plllbt meant the first ones would be due conversation with U. S. Ambassa­ In mark ts for future d liv r1, the spot whol sale markets. .t Britain and France, made It 20 days after the Taft-Hartley act dor .LewIs W. Douglas. Exchan­ Woman in Furnace wh at, oats, coco , butter, supr, A spoke man for th national Plain they recard hard-p~d went into full effect on Aug. 2. ges between the U. S. state de­ US, hides cotton and pepper resturant association said: "The Italy as the danrer lpot to wateh The international machinists partment end British foreign of­ Benefit From Abuse of Veto, moved hihger. Prlc of many com­ way meat prices are goln, up, because the Communiat party union, an independent, thus far fice were expected on the propo­ Remain at Large modities In wholesale markets we'll not be able to serve meat also scored advances...... can be expected to capita- is the only major union to meet sal. CRESTON, Iowa uP)- The two and still the line in meal pri­ :. on any dlll'llption In the the requirements. Corn and oala tor delivery In ces," The American intorman' saJd assailsnts who beat Mrs. Fred Septilmb oid at $2.51 ~ nd fiowof I. and. co ... IlUp,U." Denbam blall ruled that no union Isotope Siudy Totalitarianism .John F Kre1, chanman of the BevIn mad~ thea, points, Which Welcher. 67, Jnto unconseioumes $1.18 ' respectively on the Chi­ Meanwhile, ~ith con_resl in re- may make use of NLRB services American Meat Institute, said in were received "somewhat skepti­ OTTAWA (~-C. J. Mackenzie, and sturted her Into the firebox CLEVELAND, (JP)-Secretary of cago Board of Trade. Both were eHa, the admiDlltr4ltion came un- unless it submits a sworn state­ cally" by the U. S. congressmen: ot an unlighted furnace beror Chicago: "Meat supplies will president of the Canadllm Na­ th Navy Forr stal struck at the highest prices In the ex­ drop In the year ahead, leavinl W increasing Republican crIU-, ment that none of its otflcers are 1. U llt unsound economic» and fleeing with n arly $300 were at tional Research council, said yes­ change's 99-year history. consumers even more meat-hun­ ci$m. _ communists or sympathizers. out ot harmony with the princi­ terday that exPeriments at Chalk large last night. "ruthless" totalitarian leaden lost night ond said that the de­ Wbea& at Peak Level ,ry than now." Senator Hawkes (R-NJ) told a ples of international trade espous­ river, Oot., with radio-active Chief of Police WilJlam M. HlaU Wheat futures advanced several velopment of the United Nations amuel Mor,.anrotb, eonnsel .tws con terenCe that congress ed by the United States for one tracer elements, important in said that Mrs. Welcher, hospitali:r.­ cents a bushel, September selling •hould not be "handic4lPped or ob­ ed with severe shock, had not has be n hamp red by "excesslv • tor &be New York State AaIoda­ country to hold most of the world's medouble door Foreign Wars, "there has becn On the Chicago Mercantile ex­ "would go hleher." an4 should be lubmUted to COD- A throng of more than 10,000 it. said, likely will result in slgnL­ of the furnace. She is a sligh t little progress toward the return chanl', eUs for delivery In Oc­ ,r_. spectators crowded the campus to tlcant changes in fertilizers used, woman weighin, 9'7 pounds. of world stability and the creation tober and butter for delivery in He predicted boosts In the prices watch firemen battle the f.lames of eggs and butter, and retail trade "Congress should not be obli,~­ as a result of tracing what fer­ "1 was sitting at home lone of condit\ons lor enduring peace. November and January hit.. all­ stiff Prospector. Tell Story sources said $1 butter and $1 ellgs ted in giving away the peop~e's through a wind for more than tilizers are best for eiven crops and when [ looked up there were Dele&.d!s attending opening time highs. October eus sold at two hours. The fire was under were In the offmg. Butter went money or in making unsound Of New Gold Strike I at particular times of year. SiIJIi­ these two men," Chief Hiatt quot­ ions of the encampment also 64 .85 cents a dozen, November contTol by midnight, but only a up 2 cents a pound on the New loans." I" North of Old Klondike lar applications, he said. probably ed her. "One of them said, 'Give heard Warnings thal the United butter 73 .95 cents a pound and ".;:., Rep. Bender (R-Ohio) said in brick shell remained. wl1l follow in other agrJcultural me the money or we'll tear you States and Russia face each other January butter 73.60 cents. York produce exchange yesterday. a Itatement that "coDlress at Flames were discovered by a FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. (JP) and industrial fields. to pieces.' I told them I didn't as "two final powers," and that ReaaoDi Offered Eggs were selling at 82 to 92 cents a dozen in New York. lOme point in the near future will watchman shortly before 10 p.m. The Canadian press said yesterday C. D. Howe, Canadian minister have any money. They slapped me "war certainly is a posslb lity." Higher prices for feed grains­ be obliged to curb the Truman When firemen arrived a few min­ prospectors of the far north had and then one of them klcked me Rep. Edith Nourse Ro,ers, corn and oats-was oUered as the Macaroni and spaghetti manu­ of reconstruction and head of the facturers said their products had administration's reckless poijcy ot utes later, flames were raging a fabulous story ot new riches, country's committee on . industria) hard in the back. That's the last chairman 01 lhe house veterans' reason tor advancln, dairy pric41S. been In increasing demand for a foreign expenditures." high into the air above the beU of solid gold nUBiet. found on and scientific research, said Can­ I remember." affairs committee, told the con­ In addition, butter production in month. Bender contended that Mr. towel'. the Firth river in the western ada now has the world's largest ]fiatt laid tbe men then ran­ vention the United States "must August wa sbarply lower. The New England anll-trust di­ Truman II "JIIOvinl from ODe The chapel had just been re­ Arctic, 400 miles north of Dawson stock pile of heavy water, which sacked the place and found the help other nations to help them­ Hogs brought steady to 75 cenis IbternatlfD&1 crlsla to anoiher modeled, and workmen were re­ City, Yukon. the Chalk . river plant uses not purse which contained nearly $300 selves back to sanity. We must a bundred pounds higher quota­ vision of the U. S. department of fa order io establlih lIi_lf .. moving the scaffolding earlier in Eskimo hunlers brought word only In making by-product isi­ cash which Mrs. Welcher'S hus­ lead the way while there is stiU tions on the Chica,o li vestoc.k Justice said widespread resent­ a leader who lhould not be the day. of the Hnd, due north of the stor­ top!!s but also for the main pro­ band, a Burlington railroad con­ time, because across the globe two market with the top $28.50. Choice ment against the high prices wal abandoned In the mldat of , Source of the fire had not ied Klondike goldfields, to AIda­ duction of plutonium, source at ductor, had left before going oul final powers face each other." cattle sold at $35.00 earlier this being registered by the public. • virtual .tate of war." been determined last night. vik during the summer. and Ernest energy for atomic bombs. The on his Wednesday. Maj. Gen. I\obert S. BelghUer. week, best price on record lor Senators Flanders (R-Vt.) and College authorities said the Maxwell, a Yellowknife minIng main pile was started in the Police were called when Mrs. president of the war personnel September. Tydings (D-Md.) told a report,r blaze would not interfere with engineer, who made a dangerous spring, and the production of iso­ Welc.her's on Kenneth, 32, a rail­ posed Ideologies trying to live Coal Strike Spr,eads ~ they oppose a special session. resumption of tall campus acti­ plane flight, has retumed to ver­ topes will be in full swing within road dispatcher, returned lrom his that "with two diametrically op­ LINE VOLTAGE DEATH vities. ify the reports. a few weeks. Howe sa,id. night trick shortly arter midnight posed idealogies trying to live OREGON CITY, Ore. (JP) - A TD He allO dlscloled the dlaeov­ to find bis mother missing and peacefully together in a world high voltage electric line, tangled Northern England which has become dismayingly with an irrigation pipe, was be­ ery 01 Dew uranJum de""'" In Jack, the old family dog, bruised LONDON (~- Britain's three­ ; Pullman Costs Soar hrunken lor sa1ety and comfort lieved to have caused the death Ca"". northlan.... and cut. weeks old coal strike spread to in this atomic age, war Is certain­ of a man Wednesday and 01 his Marshall Says Patt Between Americas }lowe declined to say where new mines yesterday, leavin, 80,- ly a possibility." son yesterdaY. -for All Short Trips the deposits had been found or 000 miners idle and threatenln, to estimate their size. He did say lost Teeth Chatter a fuel famine and factory sbut­ WASHINGTON (JP) -The Pull­ Proves Peace Promotion 'Can Be Done' that the Belgien Congo still has WASHINGTON, (JP)-Secretary world peace and Vandenberg call­ down. to aggravate the nation'. man comPany yesterday was ,Iven the largest supplies of uranium in economic crisis. JP(!cial Interstate Commerce Com­ of State Marshall told the nation ed it "sunlight in a dark world." the world, indicating that the To The Tune of $75 Moslem-Hindu War Menaces Pakistan; Vandenberg said he would pre­ Newspaper surveys showed 50 Al)ission authority to rllis, its last night that the new inter­ new discoveries ~re not sufficient ~T ST. LOmS, m. (~_ collieries out of prodUction, all in e~arges for sleeping car services senf the treaty to the senate for American security pact is proof ratitication "with every confi­ to better Canada .position as the Walter Ford whose false teeth Officials Act to Avert Spread of Anarchy Yorkshire, a Northern England pn a sliding scale ranging from second largest supplier of Ute rate ~opped oul a~d sanlt in 30 feet of NEW DELHI, India (.4')- OUic- sanity returns to Calcutta." Hit county. 1 to 48.9 percen t. that "where nations are sincerely dence that it will deserve prompt desirous of promoting the peace and enthusiastic approval." elernept. water when be gasped for air on iaJ. of India and Pakistan, who physician earlier had reported he Arthur Horner, secretary gen­ The company, which must ,ive reaching the surface after a pro­ eral of tbe National Union Mine 20 days notice to the pubUc, old and weH being of the wor d it can The senator Aid the pact went their Independent ways as was growing steadily weaker. be done." Political Groups Agree longed underwater swim, paid a dominions less than a month ago, . , Workers-wbich has condemned it would aim to P14t the increuei "throws maximum protections" profeuional diver $75 for re­ were obliged to undertake jOint India I leaders had feared that the walkouts-said he feared the AIIto eUect Oct. 1. Marshall, with evident reteren­ around the Americas if their peace On liberql Sophoulis trievin, them. action yesterday as a result of if anythln, ill befell the qed Ma­ I t a Pow ark m a v ement would • Npw owned and opera led by ce to long and difficult negolia­ is menaced by armed attack "from virtual anarchy which has engulf- halma as a result of tbe fut that spread to the Kent coal fields in the railroads, the company est!­ tions with RUSlla over European any source whatever." For Greek Premier Ford arranged Wednesday for Charles Delps to dive for the ed the vast rich Punjab and the 40,000,000 Moslems in the Southeast England. ~ted the revision would brin, (n peace-making, declared tbat tbe Marshall said of the treaty: ATHENS, Greece (A')- UsuallY teeth, valued by their owner at threatens to spread into a Moslem_ Indian dominion would have to Top officials of the union de­ ~n jdditional $13,000,000 a y,~r task also can be accomplished "I do not think It is an over- reliable sources said last nieht an Hindu war. pay a terrible price at tbe handl camped hurriedly last ni,bt from revenue. It told the commission "without frustrating delays and $150. He agreed to pay $15,f the statement to say that thla demon- alTeement had been reached be­ dive was unsuccessful or $75 if A new case of appalling butch- of enraged HIndus. the trades union conference at Ibe cbanges were necessary to without much of the confuaing and stration of trust and cooperation, tween the Liberal and Populist trY came to light with arrival 01 RepercusaiOnl from the Punjab Southport on the lOuth coa.t - meet steadily increasing oPt!llItin, disturbing propaganda that has Delpa was successful. this evidence of a willingness to (Royalist) parties to make Liberal Delps donned a shallow water a courier from a remote section bloodshed bad apread In recent Homer for a London conference eosts. aUended our eflorts of the past adjust the many varied national Leader Themlstokles Sophoulla mask and dived into the Misslasip­ of Pakistan Punjab who said a day. to Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, with Fuel Minister Emmanuel Under the revisions, Pullman two years." points of view in order to make premie, 01 Greece. pi river backwater. Aller a 10- small H.lndu military lorce sent the northwest frontier, and Kara­ Shinwell and Yorkshire dlatrict propoles to wipe out the present The secretary spoke Jointly possible a unanimous agreement These informants laid Conltan­ minute search, he broke surface into Shakirgarb district, 55 miles chi, capital of Paklatan. Leaden leaders fbr the strike scene. ~ "tandard lower berth rates of with Chairman .Vandenberg (R­ for the good of all. I. ~e most Un Tsaldarls, lender of thePopu­ with Ford's Bet of uppers. "The southeast of Sialkot, to pro~t were openly fearful of outbreaks Industrial coal piles dWindled "2.3~, $2.65 and $2.95 applying to Mich) of the Senate Foreign Re­ in the Yorlahlre area and many encouraging, the most stimulat- lists, had agreed to yield the prem­ water was 10 cold down there I 120,000 Sikhs and Hindus had in other sections on a scale they .ahort over-night trips in m8(ly lations committee over national ing international action &ince the iership on condition that be head heard the teeth cbattering," he found only 1,600 known survivors sbuddered to contemplate. factories already were curtaillnC Parts of the country, and establish radio networks in a half-hour close of hostllille.... an inner cabinet group IncludiDl Baid. and the roads, fields and vlllalles P rim e M i DiSters Ja1Vaharlal production. Instead a new minimum standard broadcast. Both men returned He -describedo the treaty as hav- the ministries of war, public order littered with tbousands of bodies Nehru of India and Liaquat' AU Tbe Itrike began at Grime­ of $3.50. • Wednesday trom the conference Ing committed the nations of 'the and justice which would be direct- NEW TELEVISION .ECBlVE. of ,victims. <;>nly 2,000 were known Khan of Pakistan, their minlaters, thorpe, a Yorkshire min in, town, Thus the present $2.35 IleepiDl at Petropolla, Brazil, where the American hemlaphere "to act col- Iy concerned in prOiecutin, the CAMDEN, N. J., (IP)-A new to have escaped into adjoining and provincial covemon, in a when lOme 2,000 worker'll quit in 'ilT charge will increase 48.8 pec­ new inter-American pact was lectively for the peace and lecuri- fight against letUst guerrUlu in large-screen television receiver Jammu statil. Joint meeting with the mllitary protest "aiOlt a ,overnment. ~nt, to $3.50. The ~har,e for aec­ dt:afted and signed. ty of the new world and to do this northem Greece. will be on the market within a Mohandss K. Gandhi ended his at Lahore In the Punjab Wednes­ union declaion to Increase their 'I1c:e. costing more than that will Both men halled the accompUsh­ in accordance with the provisions Taaldarla also old that a defin- month, RCA Victor divlaion of fast at Calcutta, however, three day pledged themselvea to operate dally "stint," the size of the eoal be increased by a prolre'lint, ment a. an example for the United of the charter of the United Na- ite decision would be reached by radio corporation of America an- days and one hour after declaring a. a virtual team. They will at- face eac:b man works. other col~ Jo1f1l' per~ntale, !'faUolli in tbe development- of tiona." '-_ I todq on the .0vermiJent ~U.tiOD. I DOWlCed~, • _ _ _ .._ be would ,0 without loocl "UnUl tempt to restore .~ert . u.n.. cam. out in 1'1D1P'tbJ. ...J , ... THE DAILY IO~.u, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Ii, 1941-PAOE TWO· D~dgers Be·at GiCl ase leagu.e beod r Idle Redbirds Same Old Story -Out·al Home TraifBroOks by Griaders 'Fine . ------~------., t·2 Games No, Se~ious ~ookin' for a Big Nin~ Tille NEW YORK, (IP)-Little Vic Lombardi, a giant killer trom way back, defeated New York for the l,nJuries Yel 11 th time in 12 starts over a three­ Even loot bli~ters were at a mi­ season span last night with a five­ nimum yesterday as Iowa football hit 2-0 victory tha t boosted the candidates continued to react in Brooklyn Dodgers eKcellent shape in their second lead to 6 1-2 games over the idle day of practice despi te the handi­ St. Louis Cardinals. cap of sticky heat. Jackie Robinson's first-inning double off 'Andy Hansen followed "Everyone seems to be in good by Pete Reiser's and Arky shape,' ~ commented Dr. Eddie An­ Vaughan's force o( Reiser at sec­ dersollt head football coach. "In • fact." he. said, "maybe some of ond base added up to an early Brook score. hep\ are a little too 'fine'-they That slender 'lead was the dif­ could stand. some more weight ference in a tight duel between with the hot weat!\er doing a lot of melting." Lombard ~, wl)o has won nine of 11 since the all-star game, and M.~!! wO,l;k o~ b}qcJdnr and Hansen, a non-winner this season. ~, tocea~r wit", fllO.twork Pee Wee R.eese, returning to the on ~ck"~ld sh4'«I~ was given lineup lor the first ' time since to 4he.Ha}Vke)'e5 l~ the mornlnr Aug. 23 when JJe was sidelined -.nlf, ~ the al~,rno,on the o,ffense with a spike wound, made it 2-0 ~ In fOI;. close. att~,1dlo,n, with ~.,,.\I.as" upo~ pla~ t1Wln&,. J with his 11th homer of the year into the lett field stands in the Dr. Anderson seemed pleased seventh inning. that the usual crop of foot blisters Buddy Kerr thrilled the turn­ has not appeared, due to extra out of 49,203 lans at the Giants' precautions being taken. last home night game by opening In yesterday's workouts Coach the· ninth with a double. After Anderson moved Quentin Kaiser­ Bobby Thomson flied to lett field, shot from fullback to right hall­ Johnny Mize banl{ed into a double J b~ck, making seven candidates for pJay on a liner to RobinsoQ who this spot; Duke CUrran, Dell WITH BOB CHAPIUS (right), Michigan backfield ;:tar, leading lhe threw to Reese in time to nao FRANK BAUM.80LTZ, Cincinnati outflehler, Is taned oui , 511111n« into borne ~late Ip the third I~­ Bartells, Otis Finney. Jack Legg (left) passes the ball to Ja.ck Weisenburger is tbe Wolverine backfield comblna.tlon bolds its 'Int,.ork­ Kerr for the game-ending out. Inl' of yesterday's RlId-Plrate game.. Db:le Bowell malle the puto",~. Umpire 1$ Goor,e ~arr. Clnclnna\-! Bill Greene, Bill Ble.cder and Kai­ out of the season yesterday. Bump Elliot (second from right) Is fourth man In the potent dutfll. went on to win, 7-5, sendlnl' the "uC! deeper Inio the Natlo ..,1 I~alue c.e.11 ..r. (AJI WlI\I3PIJO'J:O) se,rshot. ThE: fullback aspirants (Ap WIREPHOTO) Br.oklyn A8 It R \lew Vork AB It. Jt. now consist of Bob Smith, Ron Stanky. 2b 3 0 0 ilJgney, 2b 3 0 0 . , Roblns'n. Ib 4 I Il{err, .. 4 0 2 Headington, Al Bar!o and Bob Reiser. c(,lf 3 0 3 Thom.on. of 4 0 0 Va ughan. If 4 0 0 ~Ize. Ib 4 0 I Reynolds. I"urlllo, c! 0 0 0 ~ ooper , c 3 0 0 A!\~e,rtIOn said he plans not Johnson's B,obble Walker. rf 41 0 0 'viarshall. rf 3 0 I Advof]ces If) IO«lJ11f1 ey scrlmm",e for a tim!: anel that Sh~rlage of Jorg·s'n. 3b 4 0 I Gordon. 11 2 0 0 Waterloo Ball Playersf I!:dward.. t 4 a I Lbhrk~ . 3b 3 0 0 the condition of the plarel'll and Ree..,. ss 3 1 IjHansen. p 2 0 0 Enables Senators 'I. L·m·dl. p 4 OlE. Lorn'dl. " I 0 I otbjlr faetofSj. will determine Baseball Talent Hopes lie in Small " , I Blatlner. 2Z 0 0 0 ;(OIOO. P 0 0 0 Iowa Cily Plumbers whjln such bard contact work Town Enthusiasm, Kids' Interest .. l The Baseball Scoreboard will ~ beld. Til Tip Yanks, 5-4 Tolal, 33 2 8! Tolala 29 0 6 NATIONAl" LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE By WHITNEY MARTIN ' . , . ~Ingled for Hansen In 8th TEAM W L I' ·T . 08 Trip plans for the UCLA tilt Lose Opening Game T~S W L I'CT. On WAS HI N GTON (IP)- Third u..... Ran for E, Lombardi II) 81h Brooklyn ...... All no .W! t Now Vork ...... 1\1) 48 .639 Sept. 26 at Los Angeies were an­ NI£W YORK (IP)- The two guys sat on adjoi ning stools at the hmrb Brooklyn ...... ( ..... 100 000 100-2 st. Loul, ...... 75 5n .~77 61. B.ston ...... 11 fi8 .BilII I: baseman Bill Johnson 's seventh counter, and they were talking baseball. New York ...... 000 QII() 000-.-0 8 ••ton ...... 14 (4) .5~2 9\~ D.I' lroll ...... 71 61 .iIlIl 13\. nounced yesterday. The Hawks By KI3N KBW inning bobble of a pop fly cost Ilrror-Mlze. Ran. Balled In- Vaughan. l'iew l ' or' , . .. , •• •• , .. fU; oS .512 15 CI •• eland ...... 11, ()!I .~I~ 18\. will leave from Ft. Madison, la .• They weren't so-called experts, or even avid fa ns who ll.ved and Reese. Two Ba.. fills-Robinson. K~rr. The John Deere Tractors of Cln'etnnaU " 'f ,t •••••• • • n4 7l!- .471 2U~~ Pblladelphla ...... GI, "5 .1104 IS the New York Yankees a 5-4 de­ died daily with the fortunes of a favorite team. They were tpe.casual I Three BaJe IIlt 5-Edw .r~5 . nome Run­ Cltle ..,...... 58 78 .413 24 Chlca.ro ..•.. . .•. . . . , ... til! 10 .470 22~i Monday night, Sept. 22, and arrive Reese. Double Plays-MJze and Kerr; Waterloo, state softball champs in Phllad.lphla ...... ~I 77 .4 12 28 W... hlnr ton . .. , ., . ....M! 7~ .4~7 R~ feat by the Washington Senators observers of the baseball scene, the fellows woo go to gamCi maybe Jor,ensen, Stanky and Robinson; Reese, in Los Angeles Wednesday, Sept. PIU.. b,.r,h ...... ~ I 7M .41111 28\. St. Loul .. , ...... 47 R$ . ~5G S7\~ here last night after the Yankees two or three times a year, but keep up with the sport th(OU8~ the Stan~ and RoblnllOn ; Kerr. Rllfl')ey. 1946, moved into the semi-finals VESTfRDAV'S RESULTS YESTEltDA)"S ItESUI.TS 24. Th e UCLA affair is a night Cooper and Loh.rke; Robillson and Broek,Jyn !!. New York ., St. L6ull ~. Det.roH. I had produced a 4-run rally off sports pages, and reach their own conclusions. Reese. Lert on Ba ...... Brooklyn 7. New of the Iowa City softball tourney Wasblnrt.on lS, New YOrk 4 game. ClnelDnali " pl\h\l~r.lb 5 Waltet· Masterson to tie the score The fat guy in working cl.othes who might have been a plum ber York 4. Baoeo on Ball ...... V. LombanJl 2. last night by trouncing a pair of Boston 6, Philadelphia G ChleaJ"o 4, Cleveland 2 The Iowa opener against North Han""n 2. Koslo 1. Strike Outll-by Han­ i . Louis a t Chlol.,o (raIn ) (Only ,amel lebeduled) in the seventh inning. or mechanic or carpenter was talking. oen 3, V. Lombard! 4. Ulls Oil-Hansen. Muscatine teams. TODf\,V'8 PITCREIlS Dakota State Sept. 20 has been TOOA 1"S PITCIIERS Joe Page, who replaced rookie "Those pennant races sure are ------,-- 7 In 8 Innings; Koslo, I In 1. Lo,lnr In the fil'st round the Deere New Vork at Wasblh,ton (dl,hl)­ deeignated guest day lor high Pltcber - Hansen. Umpires - Henline, Brooklyn at N.... Vork- Kln&' (6-3) Wensloll (3-01 VI. Hud.on 16-91. Vic Raschi in the seventh, was much chahce for city kids to \111\1. Stewart and Magerkurth. Time 1:~8 . AI. nine stopped Bisesi Schlitz 5-0, or Hau"tad to-t) .,. Jan •• " (17-4) Bo. t." 01 Philadelphia (nlrhl)-Har­ school [ootball squads and thei r in a tangie, aren't they?" he com­ lendance 49.203 paid. and ina sC(.'O nd round tilt they Phllad.lphla ..t Bo.lon (nlrht)-Jurl­ ri. (3-2) , 'S. Marehlldon. ( J6-8) de;llt his seventh defeat after mented. "The Yankees haven't any The cOrner lots are apartmen~ , Ilch (1-6) .1. narrell (11-10) or Saln CI •• eland .t Chlca,. (nl,ht)-Gdlel coaches. Johnson [umbled Eddie Yost's defeated the Ina Mae nine 6-1. (l8-D). \9-8) YO. Papllh ( 11 . 1') , and those Dodgers! I houses now. . : (O nl), ram .. lebedul.d) (Only,,,,,, •• loh.dule.) Director Paul Brechler said the pop fly starting Washington's sev­ don't see how they ever win a I Ina Mae had previously beaten But the thousand"lnalbne squads will be admitted to the enth. Buddy Lewis sacrificed and the Iowa City Plumbers 6-4 in game. Their pitchers never seem places Ilke Ninety Six, S.b.f.n. ~J"¥ upon payment of the fed­ Yost moved to third on 'a wild Brayes . Edg~ a first round battle. next two battJrs and forcing the to last a full game!' Elks City, Okla., and 'A.sblla~ third roan to ground out. eral tax of 10 cents per person at pitch after Tom McBride fanned. Three more games are on tap the gate. It is expected that hun­ "That's right," the fat guy Ark., and Brush Prairie, "'ith., John Deere scored one in the Mickey Vernon walked but Stan will contln ue to produce tIIem. at Kelly field tonight. In first Keiser Leads dreds of high school players will Spence's single ' to center scored aid, then pondered a moment. Phillies, 6-S . round games the Davenport second on Heatherton's hit and see the game from a special sec­ Yost before Jerry Priddy popped "You know," he added, "It's a The baseball schools arid try­ ..lU t camps co nducted by I.• jor Eagles will meet the Oonoco Oil­ a throwing error by the Bisesi tion of the east stands. to Johnson. wonder they ret any good ball ers of Keokuk, and the Mush­ third sacker. They pushed four players any more. A young fel­ league clubs never sufter from I BOSTON, (JP) - Spotting the Joe DiMaggio launched New PhlUies tive scores, the Boston room Tavern of Dubuque will face more runs across the plate in the Denver 6011· low can go out and get $40-$45 dearth of attendance, high 'Schoo! York's seventh inning rally with baseball flourishes, and llie sport Braves last night scored two runs the Cedar Street Inn team from fifth on five hits and two more DENVER (JP)-Cool, calm Her­ a week at some otber job. That's Davenport. The winners will play errors. Peruvian Swims a home run, his 18th of the sea­ better than they'd get In some is on the upgrade in the college~ 1n each of three successive innings man Keiser, the big Akron, 0 " son. George McQuinn walked and to edge the seventh place Phila­ in the third game of the evening. Straw collected nine , veteran with the straight iron minor league, and tbey would­ The kids will do anYthing to Johnson rapfled a hit off Yost's n't have to travel around the delphia club, 6-5, betore 16,125 Waterloo breezed through both three of them in the last inning. game, mastered the nerve-wrack­ English Channel glove. Aaron Robinson then singl­ play the game. Remember the kid paid fans. games last night for easy wins. Gene Berlin, Muscatine , ing Cherry Hills course yesterday country all nlgbt n busses and who bummed his ' way 'fa ' SL ed to right, scoring McQuinn, and live on hot dogs." Tlie Phils clubbed BtU Voiselle Skinny Straw threw a two-hit was touched for seven hits and with a fi\jC-under-par 66 to take DOVER, England (JP)-DanieJ when Lewis fumbled Johnson also Petersburg hoping for 8' llfyOlll fanned two. from the game in the opening shutout at Bisesi Schlitz and Leo tbe first round lead in the $15,000 Carpio, powerful Peruvian dis­ scored and Robinson continued to "Sure, that's right," the slim with the Cardinals, and tl~ by inning when they put together a Morris gave only foul' bingles in Winners of the first two games, Denevr Open golf tournament. tance swimmer, hit the English third. man agreed. "But I don't think nabbing foul balls, get inll \hem single, three doubles and an in­ downing the Ina Mae crew. Waterloo and Ina Mae of Musca­ Keiser's score, just one stroke coast one mile west of Dover early they'U ever lack for ball players, autographed and selling Ibern 10 tentional walk tor four runs. They Th~ Iowa City Plumbers staked tine, met in the third game on today to become th-r first person even if the kids just got their tourists? '.. , off the record for the pictpresque ~ , ) .' ~ added their fifth run in the third a belated seventh inning rally in the schedule. The John Deere Denver co urse with its yawning to swim the treacherous Engiish . board and room for playing. It's Maybe only one in . 500' or I on one hit which came after a the opening game of the tourna­ team pounded pitched Ed Maher tr§Ps and one of the toughest channel since Sweden's Sally Bau­ I Miller Homers Twice I baseball, and the kids love it. thousand makes the maJ or. Jeap for nine hits and a 6-1 victory. walk, a sacrifice and a fielder's Ment but it fell short. Trailing 6-2 finishing stretches In tbe world, er on Aug. 28, 1939. • As Cincy Wins, 7·5 -4 They'd rather play than eat. grade and draws five~f.igu!!d choice. i n the 13J5t frame the local team The Tractors picked up a pair placed him two stro~es ahead of Carpio made the arduous cros­ They're gelting enough to live on salaries Ilnd gets ~ hiny n~1V .au ~ The 'Tribe bounced back with almost pulled. a "Frank MeN'i­ of runs in the second inning on the field in the 72-hole medal sing in 14 hours and 46 minutes. PITTSBURGH (JP)- A pair of and doing what they'd ratl)er do mobiles and gold wiJtcl.J,es 11(11 two runs in the fourth, added two well" finish. Pinch hitter Bill a walk to Wolfe, a hit by Morris meet. He started from Cap Griz Nez, home runs by shortstop Eddie than anything else. I don't think admiring fans, but every kii in the firth and scored twice more Helm poled a four-bagger with a and Bob Bantz' double. Sam Snead of Hot Springs, Va., France, only about 19 miles away, Miller sparked Cincinnati's lO-hit they'll ever have to worry about thinks he might be that qpi in the sixth to end the run mak­ mate on the sacks, and two more Waterloo center fielder Frank after goil)g out in 32, three under but waves and currents forced attack yesterday as the Reds de­ a shortage of players." It's a game they played ; ~om ing for the night. hits put the tying runs on the base Wolfe added the clinchers in the par, wound up with a dismal 41 him to swim for 42 miles. feated tbe , 7-5, The two guys paid lheir checks dawn to dusk as youngs\e'l,.jiJ$ to drive the Buos deeper into the Harry Walker made one of the lines. Pitcher Marv Blazing put third with a three run homer ov~r fQr an 18-hole total ot 7:J, two Miss Bauer made her crossing and left, and' you got to thinking for the fun oC it. When th~~ Cli outstanding catches of the season ou.t the fire by fanning another the left field fence. The final over regulation figures. of the channel only a week before National league cellar. about what the slim guy had said. make even a prccario.us Jlvin, b, when he raced fully 90 leet to pinch hitter, Joe Mahoney, to end marker . was scored in the filth Another veteran of golf's gold England entered World War II. The' Bucs took an early lead in And you got the idea that he playing.- it when they grow old!!'. the game. one-hand a tremendous drive by when pitcher Morris singled to circuit, Bob Hamilton of Evans­ The 35-year-old Peruvian swims the game on homers by Wally was right. Maybe the big cities there'll never be a s \l o'itage~ 01 Earl Torgeson. Walker banged in­ First baseman BIn Sangster had right and completed the circuit ville, Ind., made a train reseJ1va­ with a powerlul crawl stroke, Westlake and Dixie Howell, but a won't produce them, as there isn't candidates for jobs on a p~~ ~Iib. to the fence in deep center, ,.390 given Iowa City an early 2-0 lead with the help of two throwing et- tion for home alth.ough he got keeping his body high in the wa­ six run up-rising for the Reds in feet from the plate, and feU flat with a homer in the second inn­ rors .. around even with par 71. Hamii­ ter, a~d making 20 to 22 stroltes tht third put them ahead for keeps. on his back but held the ball. ing. The tavern team countered , Muscatine's lono run came in ton had to scramble all day anq per minute. The visitors balted completely Two were out at the time and with four runs ih their half of the fifth when Dave Funk tripled after missing sveral short putts, Carpio's time was 15 minutes around and knocked the Pirates' three men were on base. the inning off Eldon Hay. and scored on a passed ball. he gave it up as a case of tourn~­ slower than thl\t of the famous , Mel Queen out "Best in the Midwest" Hay went ,the route for . the Wolfe, Kanakls, Elkema and ment fati,gue. American, Gertrude Ederle, who of the box. P~lI'd·p~l. AB R H Bo.ton _ AB& JI In second place behind Keiser lAPolnle. ... 1 2 Holmes. rt • I a Plumbers giving up fo hits. Marv Morris each got two hits for Wa­ I P-.I",It. xx I 0 0 Hopp, cr 5 1 I crpssed tbe channel on June 6, ~~~~=~=~~~~~~~ Blazing, twirllng for Ina Mae, al­ terloo. 'F'unk topped the Musca­ at 68 was Dr. Cary Middlecoff, 1926, and was acclaimed as a na- ~ 5 J • Walker. cf 4 1 2 Rowell. 11 3 0 1 !:nnls. If 4 0 0 M. MeCk If 2 0 1 loWed seven safeties, thi"ee by tine hittel'S with a pair of tripl~ the Memphis, Tenn., den,t~t Who tional heroine when she came liD '2 FIRST RUN Wyros'k . r{ Z 1 0 ~ILlot.t. 3b 3 L 2 Sangster who had a perfect night The John Deere team will play abandoned his practice in favor of HITS-- 8emlntck. c 2 0 I Torgeson. Ib 4 I 2 home to the United States. as ay. at the plate. again on' Saturday, Sept. 13. professional golf. Tied COt third Ikhuitz, Ib 4 2 1 RYIll!, 2b 4 0 I ; - H*"dley, 3b 4 0 ~ Culler,.. 4 1 J In the second game of the even­ at 69 were George Payton, the "Spoilers of The North;' Verbano 2b 3 0 CamelU. e 3 0 J yO\lng Hamllton Va., pro and Gilbert." I 0 VoIHlle. , P 0 0 0 ing ancient Skinny Straw wove About 31 percent of a1\ motor -BACKLASH-. Ro_ P 2 0 0 Lan'conl. p I 0 0 his magic spell over the Bisesi trucks in the United States in Skip Alex;ander of Lexin.ton, Jurlskh. P I 0 0 LltwhJJer. • I 0 0 N. C. Second Annual 10NIGHT TUdd . P I 0 0 Johnson, p 0 0 0 Schlitz nine. Straw was touched 1945 were used on farms. , "Door8 Open 1:15-9:45" ! , F. MeC'k, zz 1 I I for only two hits. Both came with Barrett. p 1 0 0 I F= Iowa City Friday, Sept. 5 I.: . none out, once in the second inn­ RAY MILLAND 7 P. M. TMat.· JI3 5 9 Totals S6 6 14 ing and allain in the fourth. And IX-Grounded out rOt ,,",rban In 9th BNDS TONITE PAULETTE GODDARD ' .1 xx- FIled out lor LaPplnte In .1I\h both hmes the lanky hurler ENDS In "KITTY" ~ Conoc. Oilers .. ;, ', :r..-Omuntll!d out for Lanlranconl In 4th ~()rm ''THE SEAHAWK" STARTS u - Ooubled for Johnson In 8th flashed his old time by' ... I (keokuk) and "I' AITH.rUL IN .MY ' \ SOFTBALL Philadelphia ...... , ..... 401 ~ 000-& whipping third strikes past the .. SATURDA~ VIS. Boo\on ...... 000 222 OOx-li TONITIE FASHION" ~' Err.ro-Non•. It. ... Ball... la_cbull•• "FEAR IN THE NIGHT" ; 2. Handley 3,/Tors.... lOn, Cull.... , gUiott, Eagles Lodg. Rowell. M. McConnlck, F. Mccormick. Cartoon Tournam~"t (Da.venpor&) . T.,Q Bu. HII...... sdlultz. Handley, &!ml­ lJAST RA~ MILLAND nick. Walker, Hopp. Elliott. Carnell. F. DKYI TIR88A WRlGltt I ell\?!) c~edV MCCormick. M. MCCormick.. 8111.a 8 P. M...... W.lkcr. CUUer. Seerltl • ...-eenu­ STARTS S'UNDAY • 16 Top T.ama nick, Carnell I. 0 ...1. ,Playo-Lapolnte. "The Imperfect Lady!' can,iva\ Mushroom Taver" , Verban and SChulte; Culler. Ryan and ~ .I ~r I ~ (Dubuque) Torl.son. Len •• B"'o-Phltode",hla I\, .....I...... \0 Boston O. Ba.e, on Ball...... orf Judd 2. "Doon Open 1:15-10:00" Adventure .•• To Male • $'00 In Priu. VS. t .. , ':. lilt VolseUe I . '0(1 Lan(raneonl l. oH OIMa deBavillaud . II: '. Barreltl. IIlrlk ••• I""'Oy VolHlle I. by Your Heart Race With. color Wilson Packe" Jllhn80n 1, by Burelt 2. lillt Olf­ • Trophl•• .. , t Rowe ' IO Ih 4 I / ! Jnnln .... oH Jurlaloh Cartoon' , , (Cedar Rllpldli) • t ~ In I innlnl' off Judd 2 In a a 13 Inn­ thrills I [ewAyres $'DARTS t In.s. oft Volselle 4 In 2 / 3 InnlnlJ. ott ~=:8: Winners Play ThIrd 0 .... Ianrranconl 3 In 3 1 / 3 Innln,.. oil. Sep,~mb.r ' ·7 \ JoimlOn J In 2 InnlnlJ" 011 Barrelt 0 in SATURDAY ' . 3 Inn In". Willi J'ltoh-J'ucld. • ~. l -4 W ,. September 13-" I Adult A~oll sOc I', d '. . Browns Edge Tigen ChUdren Under 12 Ftte .-. t 4 . .. DE'l;ROIT, (IP)-Jeft Heath's of: ".,' . ~\ ! a41 _ ..... 25th homer of the season, a two­ L I' run smash into the upper right field stands after Johnny Berna­ co-HI1' dino had walked in the first Inn, 'JUVENILE JURY' 00 TIlE MOTOR COACH WAY lng, was all young tr d Sanford 8peelal BUI Leaves Colleae anil Cllnion 8&reee.. of the St. ~Is Browns neede~ 'A WOMAN 'SPEAKS' SWUDlf 1 p. m, - FJ'1't' IOe y:ea~rday as he spaced' live hits CWerioaIl·r.aa., New. _il .mile_to beat the Detroit aV81'LERS VALLEY 1'~"'1j 2-1. , .

•/0 , .. , TIlE DAU.I' rOWAN, PUDAI', SEPTlDfBD $, IN'-PAO. . TBtu' ~extMonth'sl((Heariligs -- IHe's an Eng-ineer at· Sixteen Youth .Loses DeLauro Joins Staff Will Review Of Detroit School Vital 10 Many Iowa Industries Eye In Trying JDSeph N. DeLaura, who re­ Parmenter's \ ceived his "FA degre from the univenoity in June, has joined the Railroads Want To t ff or Marygrove college, De­ Up Commerce Rates To See Show troit, a an in tructor in the art Conviction fu. S. Health Oflidal department, accordln' to a notice On Intrastate Traffic DETROIT (A» - Ten-y ar-old received from the college. DES MOINES IJll)-The district Believes Paralysis Dickie Hinson stole a furtive peep A native of Connecticut and a court conviction ot former super­ DES MOINES (JP)-lowa indus­ under lhe tent flap of a slale tair graduate of Yale university, De­ visor Charles E. Parmenter on a tries which figure railroad freight carnival sideshow and it cost hlm Lauro ha.s won national commen­ charge of obtaining Polk county rates as an important ilem In the his right eye. dation with his tatuettes of the tunds by false pretenses, is sche­ cost of doing business will be Peak Has Passed As a eonsequence, the city of Ble. d Virgin nd Child and St. duled to be reviewed by the. Iowa watching the results of hearings WASHINGTON (Jll)-The peak Detroit voiced Its official tndlgna- Jos ph In the Chap l of St. Tho­ supreme court Sept. 16. scheduled to start before the In­ of this year's outbreak of Infan­ lion yesterday and a formal charge mas ~ore on Rlv r id drive. Parmenter, convicted last Apnl terstate commerce commission in tile paralysi. - lbe least s vere na­ W8B brought aaain t a sid how While at Yale, he w s awarded 24, filed his notice of appeal on Washlngton nex:t month. tionally ince 1942-ha5 "prob­ barker. the TiIfany feUow6hlp, EUzabeth May 6 but has made no attempt to Hawkeye shippers have been I ably" been passed, the U.S. pub­ But Dickie. fuJI of grins in his Pardee scholarship. Alice Kimball tile briefs and argumenlJi before. Involved directly in one coordinat­ lic h aJlh rviee sold yesterday. ho pital bed, 51111 doe n'l know Engll h trav ling fellow hip, and th high court. ed rate boost within the last year The "peak" o~ an outbreak about his calamity d plte all the r celved honorable menhon in Charles Bowers, one ot Pa:rmen­ and application for another one is means the week in which the allentlon It has arou ed. th Prix de Rome comp tltion In ter's attorneys, said yesterday coming up. largest number ot new cases is 1941. He ho exhibit d hi works there wlli be no oral arguments The raltroads have asked the r ported-atter which the week­ "Someone scratched it a little in numerous gall ries throughout before the supreme court and that lnteJ'ltate commerce commlaslonL ly figure go steadily down. and I hope Mama isn't mad:' sald th ast and mlddl west. only the dlstril't court clerk's he. lor permission to add a national Based <;In late t figures avail­ He wHl 8. sum hi J1l'W dull transcript of the record will be ra&e Increase ranainl' from 15 to able 101' the entlt nation, an of­ A sur,eon removed the ye, at Marygrove coil g whl'n class review d. 25 percent on top of the 20 per­ !icial told a reporter: which poUce said wa damaged begin Sept. 23. Parmenter, fined $500 and sen­ unt boost In tariffs on lnterstate "In view of the lateness of the from either a kJck or a blow. tenced to seven years at Port Ma­ IhJpmenta which they were au· sea on and of the indications of Dickie was under an ane lhetic, IT' NOT OFTEN that II Ixteen-year-old Is entru ' ~d with runnmlr a lot of cOlllpJ~ated machlner,., dison penitentiary, has been free thorlzed to levy about II. year a levelling off of th incidence and the secI' t, har d by II thlB but David arson qualifies for that rt ot a Job a radio control booth operator at WSUI. He'. ~n Spencer Distributes under $6,000 appeal bond since the city, has been k pt from the plrit­ alO. (number ot co . )-particularly a plnnlnr records and taklnr care of many other ens-Ineerlnl' tasks al the itatlon on a part-time balta conviction. decline in some states which have ed youngster. 112-Page Fair Paper The Iowa commerce commission for II year now. has been advised that hearings on been reporting a relatively large Doclors said the eye was harm­ SPENCER (A")-A 1l2-page lair this application will get underway number oj cases-the indlcatlons * ed so much that savinr It was edition, b heved to be the larg t Mrs. Deuth Appointed in Washington about September 9. are that the peak was probbaly By nOB* UAAKEN* * ON dress system* Ilnd* cutting* records," ties arise* slmultaneously-* as out of the que tion. The boy's par­ pecial edition of Its type pub­ The original increase, as approved reached during the week ending A candidat tor the title or Car on r plied. they usu lIy do-the engineer ents, Harvie and Marjorie Hinson, lished in a city the size of Spen­ Junior Welfare Worker by the ICC, applied only to August 30." . "World's Young st Radio Control Eb rt put Dave to work on th could u the hands ot an octo­ heard the verdict with tight lips. eer was distributed to subscrib rs Mrs. Barbara Deuth, wife ot freight ~h ipments belween states, For lhat week, new cases to­ Booth Operator" is David Carson public addr system etup lor pu . Dickie was hurt Tuesday In th of Th Spenc r Reporter yest r­ thus affecting Iowa only on that talled 601, compared with 531 for at station WSUr. the Peace Officers' short course A ked how he liked Sitting be­ day to h raId th op nln, at the John Deuth, assistant In the ,e­ carnival section of the Michigan ology d partment, has been ap­ elllss of traffic which moved the preceding week. Dave, 16, a junior at University this June. Dave has be n on the hind the gla S Watching and lis­ state fair. A side bow billing ot Clay county fair here n xt w ek. across its state lines. high school, began "engineering" ngin rin& taft since that time. t nina to Ihe university students a ;'two-headed cow" was Irreslst.­ This city of 8,300 Inhabitants pointed the new junior welfare However, the carriers foUow­ in Jun , 1946, when he was 15. He h IS averaged four or five cavort, Dav xpres ed a cautious Ibl to Dickie, pollee .ald, and he hurrl d preparations yest rday to worker tor Johnson county to suc­ lid It up with applications to the "Engineering" is the term p­ hours work per W· k even whll pproval. tried to sne k a look under the entertain more than 200,000 vlsi­ ceed Mrs. Miriam Turnbull. varlous state rej'Ulatory bodies PERSONAL NOTES plied to all aspecls ot the tt'Chni­ ttending University high. "In gen ral I llke It. I particu­ tent flap. lors who will Invade the city Mrs. 0 uth has been employed for authority to L make corre­ cal work in broadcasting ond pub­ His wo rk include ttlng up larly like shaWl that are all stu­ next w k to attend what Is for the last three years by the A I S I stant Pro ecutor Samu I .pondull' Increases on Intrastate lic addres amplifying. broadcast and public addres~ d n t tOI nt . . . stuff like 'Illya claimed to be the "world's gr at­ American Red Cro In Chicago In A sill-pound, three-ounce Working on a part-time sche­ equipment. but his most dlfricult Mike,' I mean." Platt said that William Rlbbin, the hom service unit, according tralllc-that which moves solely y . terday identified Roy B. lUx, t coun ty fai r." daughter, Christina, was ,born to dule and on special' events since task is op rating broadcast COIl­ In his experience as an engi­ Advance ticket sal hav b en to Jane Henderson. county socl I within state boundaries. 41, National City, Callt., bark r The Iowa commerce commission Mr. and Mrs. Chad Brooks, 1034 he began, Dav ha ju t come into trol panels, particularly tho. e in neer, he has suffered "nothlnc Ihe heavie t In the history of th w \fare director, Finkblne park, at University hos­ his own at WSUJ. He I control the englJleer's booth at th WS UI dlsa trous." and guard, as the man he saw ev nt. Livestock exhibits hav Mrs. Turnbull, the junior wel­ held extensive hearings before de­ kick Dickie. cidlng what should be done. It pital yesterday afternoon. engineer for :In averoge ot rrom studio. Once, enroute with sportsc s­ fill d th b rna to capoclty. fare worker for the past two years, Arraigned. on an ageravated listened to numerous objections 18 to 20 hours a week. Excellent coordination ond tim­ t ra Bernie Bracher nd Bob has gon to live In Amea where and requests for exemption or mo­ A six-pound 5-ounce boy, Herb­ Dave lroc s his interest in ing Ofe required. ProllrDms may Brooks lo broadcast a baseball assault charge, Hlx pleaded Inno­ A vultur is known to have her husband Is a high school att ert Edwin, was born to Mr. and sound engineering to building his be shifted b tween any or the &ame, the sludlo truck had a flol cent. His bond was sel at $5,000 lived for 95 y aI's. instructor. dification from industries peculiar tire. by Recorder's Judge John P. to the Hawkeye state. Mrs. Herb Nipson, No. 12 Hawk­ own phonoaJ"aph amplifier about five . tudiol. Or a remote broad­ eye village, yesterday morning at three years :lgo. Then he b came co. t may b originating from " I lrl d to tlx It," Bald Dave, Scallen pending an xamlnaUon' The upshot was Jhat the Iowa "but the pump jack didn't work. commission, in 'a decision last Jan­ Mercy hospital. acqullinted with Howard Kyle, a Iowa Union, Old. Capitol steps. or on the charge Monday. WSUI Ilnnounc r. Kyle intro­ trom the . t dium Or the field­ W tlnally got a cab and had just - uary, permiUed an intrastate in­ 20 mlnut to set up. We made It crease which, on the whole, was a duced him to John Ebert, WSUI house. MI·. R J. Baschnagel, 1005 Mu~­ all riaht, with not more Ihan ec­ little less than the 20 percent chief ('ngineN. Volum ond tone require modu­ caline avenue, returned fl·om Fearing that hl~ 15th summer lation. Split-. ccone! ~hi fts from onds to spllr .n Name Pallbearers boost that had been granted na­ Mercy hospital yesterday where Dav 's dad, George S. Carson, tionally. might be a boring one, Dave went mlcrollhone to microphone :Jre Out of respect to he spenl three weeks recovering to Ebetl to request work. roullrfE. 316 Lee atr t, is a d velopment Among the modifications it or­ from 8 broken ~g. . "Any experience?" a ked Ebert. The nginel'r "spins all the engine 1· In nuclear phyalcs at th FDr MacEwen Rites dered, for example, was one limit­ "Sure, J worked ut the USO in platters" and is the real "dl'c unlv rslty, which may h~lp ac­ ing the increase to 15 percent on PaJlbearers lor the funeral ser­ Eugen. Worton, son or Mr. and th~ Community building during jockey" t WSUI. count tor Dave's engine rlna Ilt transportation 01 livestock. the war, runninr the public ad- When louI· or live 01 th s du- "sweet 16." vices of Dean Ewen M. MacEwen, our former vice-president, the late Rate experts ot the sta te com­ Mrs. H. Worton , 426 S. Clinton former head of the colleec of mission say they expect that the slreet, returned from Chicago medicine. have b en announced. Wednesday where he visited with new tariff case before the ICC will Dr. W.J. DUlin, Dr. W.R. In- follow the same pattern as the his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hilsman, for two weeks. Witness Describes Railroads Refute gram, H.J. Williams, Dr. W.M. first one so far as Iowa is concern­ Platter Patter Hale, M.B. Guthrie and Dr. L.E. ed. It the tederal agency grants January will be the active pall. another rate hike they antiCipate Quarrel Overheard Overcharge Claims Dr. E. M. MacEwen Mrs. Elinor Gage, Mason City, Phil Harris 'Smoking' b arers at the 2 o'clock 5 rvlees thaI the carriers will seek a cor­ is a guest in the home ot Mrs. WA HINGTON (JP)-A govern. thll afternoon ot the Presbyt r­ responding boost in intrastate For Third Week Roy Mackey, 222 E. Davenport On, Overell Yacht m nt claim yesterday that It was ian church. Ichedules. street. For the third c nsecutive we k overcharged by 717 railroads on Honorary polJbear ar Dr. N. . No one In official capacity has • fa SANTA ANA, Calit. {A") - A Phil Harris' "Smoke Smoke the wartime movement c.t expJo- G. Al cock, Dr. M.E. Barn ~, Dr. been willlnl' to make even an Smoke" is one of tre top thr e no business will be transact.d after approximate estimate of what Returning Wednesday night quarrel involving Financier and slves ond ammunition drew a W.M. Fowler, President Virgil M. , records with 10wD City collectors. prompt lind mphatic denial from Hancher, Dean Jacobsen, Dr. the tarrlff revisions have meant Irom a week's vacation at Tuttle Mrs. Walter Overell, their daugh­ c.r. However, two new ones, Freddy th A!; oclatlon ot Am rlean Rail- RD. K rr, Dr. 0 M. Lierle, Dr. to Iowa In total dollar. and Lake and Lake Okoboji were Mr. ter and her boy friend, which took and Mrs. Kenneth Dunlop, 922 S. Martin's "Lady from 29 Palms" road~ . J .T. McClintOCk, R.L. Parsons, Dr. cenit, The sllbJect of frellrht place on their yacht some thre I Summit street, and their four hours before the OvereJls m I ond Sammy Kaye's "Echo Said The over-charges were olleged E.D. Plass, Dr. C.L. Putnam, Dr. ... rates Is far too complicated to No" hove edged thei way into 1:00 p ~ m. Friday, Sept. S, 1941 offer a j'UeM, the ex"r'" say. children. death, was described yesterday by In a petition lor invesUgalion L.E. Shofer, Dr. Arthur Steindl r, the faVOrite "popuiar" bracket. til d with the Interstate commerce Benjamin S. Summerwlll, Prof. Ellectlve last Saturday the rail­ a marine mechanic. comlllission by Attorney G neral Eorl L . Waterman ond A.A. roads were required to put into Prof. Norman Meier, 402 Brook­ He aid the quarrel appeared In the popular album ectlon lyn place, is attending the second to be minor but left OvereJl "dis­ "Duke Ellinaton Blues" has step­ Tom Clark. He previously had Welt. effect the national "freight rate flied even complaints against th No announcement has been equalization plan" ordered by the international conference on pub­ gusted." It involved, he said, the ped up b side "AL Jolson ou­ IOWA STATE BANK & TRUST CO. lic opinion research in Williams­ ability of George GolJum-on trial venirs" and "Dorothy Shay." rllilroads challenging freight made concerning the place of interstate commerce commission in charges for the handline ot w r burial, pending arriv 1 of other a decision Issued May 15, 19t5 and town, Mass., this week. On his on murder charges with the Over­ "Polonolse in A Flat," with the return to Iowa City next week, eJls' daughter, Loui e-at moor­ Fitst Plano Quartet is once more materials between 1942 alld 1946. relative of Dean MacEwen. upheld by the U. S. supreme court The demand lor refund on ex- Successor 10 Deon MacEwen's last May 12. he will attend the annual Amer­ ing the 42-foot cabin cruiser high in the classical singles list llnder this plan rates on man­ ican Psychology association meet­ before the party of (our went aCter a brief vacation. "Jalousie" pJoslves and ammunition was e _ position, whlch he had held since ufactured roods went up In the ing in Detroit. ashore for the night. and "Warsaw Concerto", both tlmated 10 Involve between 30 19311, has not been llamed. east and down In the louth and The witness was Ted Junker­ with the Boston "Pops" Orchestra, mlll~~ ~~lioo~~L ~==~====~~=~~~5~~E~~E~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g parts 01 the west. meier of Balboa Beach, who spent are still in the lead. The "class rates" (that ilt rates lbe day working on the yacht'S There has been little change in on .manufactured goods) moving in Judge Rules Army engines. classical album preference. These California Official interstate commerce were increas­ The defense is trying to show include that Overell himself planted the Links Siegel Death ed 10 percent in the sta tes north of "Rachmoninoff Concerto No.2," the Ohio river and east of the Court Conviction of dynamite which blew his yacht To Bookmaking War A report to our subscribers • apart, and that he and his wife, Rimsky-Korsokov's "Sheherzade" • • Mississippi. Beulah, Flintridge socialile, were and Tschalkovsky's Concerto No. SAN FRANCISCO (lP)-Attor­ The rates were cut 10 pe'rcent Ex-WAC Not Valid killed in the blast and not, as the I in B Flat. ney General Fred N. Howser yes­ on the same articles moving il1 Jr state contends, by an earlier "Kostelantez Favorites" and terday linked the ganaland ma­ out of the south and the western CHARLESTOWN, W. Va. (JP)­ bludgeoning. "Morton Gould's Rendezvous" chinegunntng of Buasy Siegel to " A harassed wife in Hawkeye village said the atates this side of the Rocky The court-martial conviction of head the semi-classical albums a CaliIornia bookmakIng war, and mountains. former WAC Capt. Kathleen Nash along with the "Student Prince." sold his agents Had uncovered two other day: "I wish that I could pretty up this blankety­ The 1945 order of the ICC was Durant tor complicity in the theft . Novelty tunes gaining In PciPu­ 'very good suspects." Intended to provide only "inter­ ot the Hesse crown jewels .vas Initial Rush To Cash In response to reporters ques­ blank trailer. im" relief from so-called djscri mi­ voided yesterday by U. S. District larity , according to saleswomen, Terminal Leave Pay are Spike Jones' "Popcorn Sack" tions, Howser said the *uspects natory rates which had been in ex­ Judge Ben Moore, paving the way were "eastern" bookmakers whale Istence for years. The federal Ends in Major Cities and "Our Hour," and Tex Wil­ for her release from a five-year liam's "Dark Town Poker Club" whereabouts were known to the .I In Sunday's Daily Iowan, Bob Haakenson tells agency is now working on a per­ prison sentence. California department of Justice. manent "equalization" schedule. By The Associated Press and "That's What I Like About Judge Moore held that an army The initial rUsh by veterans to the West." Siegel, southern California un­ IOwa is one of the western sta tes court-martial which convicted her the story of a couple who had both ingenuity and el­ affected by the "in terim" relief cash their terminal leave bonds Discs to walch tor Incl\lde the derworld figure and Nevada gam­ had lacked jurisdiction over Mrs. tapered off yeslerday. but the 10 percent cut did not Ink Spots new album. bling operator. was shot June 20 bow grease-and the help of a cuckoo clock "Iiber­ Dunant because she was no longer In the Bevery Hills home of raven mean very much to this state, of­ An Associated Press spot check on active army duty at the time of haired Virginia Hill. lt ficials of the commerCe commis­ in major cities showed bank busi­ her arrest. The Siegel killing followed ated frQm the Black Forest of Germany. Friends and alon said. Because the reduction ness in cashing the bonds had Water Cooled Cow Judge Moore upheld the conten­ dwindled to a mere trickle 01 shortly after the garroting in San applied only to class rates on ma­ tion of Mrs. Durant that she was a neighbors of this ingenious couple say that their bar­ nUfactured goods its effect was what it was Tue day and Wednes­ May Give More Milk Franci co of Nick De John. one­ civilian at the time of her arrest day, the first days veterans could time minor Chicago hoodlum. It minor when compared with the. on June 3, 1946, saying: BATON ROUGE, La. (A")­ racks apartment 1s one of the homiest and most at­ total amount of shipping handled cash the bonds given them ill stirred California's oUicialdorn to "It is my conclusion lQat peti­ They're coeliog milk inside the voice belief this state had become within the state. they said. payment lor unused furlough time tioner's termlnal leave orders while in the armed servic~. cows at Louisiana State university. an easy money goal of eastern tractive in any of the university additions, were never effectively revoked, With all banks eligible to cash Dr. D. M. Seath. of the L. S. U. racketeers migrating westward. and that by theil' self-executing the bonds, there was iittle basis experiment slation statf said yes­ "We are closer to crackiDi this Bicycle Traffic Jams provisions she was finally and !or­ for any sound estimate of the terday that ' a few fortunate ani­ case than anybody has been- It , Read Haakenson's story in Sunday's Daily Iowan mally separated from the service total ,amount in bonds cuhed mals lIre receiving shower baths looks good," Howser sald. "The on May 30, 1946." throughout the country. daily. The Idea is to see if a cool racing wire services were the Bring Police Action "So I conclude," the opinion ad­ About '$>1,800.000,000 worth of cow produces more milk than a whole meat of the case. . , .. you'll chuckle and you may get an idea. Iowa City youngsters who leave ded, "that petitioner's actual sta­ the bonds were issued to some 9,- hol cOw, he said. their bicycles parked along the tus while on terminal leave, as 000,000 veterans. Both the treasurY He said by sprinkling a cow its I In 1946, the averaae motor car streets in the business district so distinguished from ber technical and President Truman have urged temperature can be brought down in the United States had been in This is only one illustration of The Daily lowan'l as to congest the sidewalks may status for pay purposes only, was that veterans hold o'nto their a full degree. use nine years. hereafter have to have dealings that ot isode creates in , lte.... In tb. UNIVERSITY IfA"ENDAa are ..b.'.I~a · l. "'I: ding file" of the I6-nation confer­ '" ~ lAnt'. Oftl •••, 0111 Cap"b~ lie.... for tbe dI!HE~AL.O . ' ence at Paris. what it is in America, are cited as essentiallhat Ge~man industry be reb~i1t and t~at any idea of making will' be now, as the aforemehtion them. May ·e they will come to ,~ ,boald ". '.poIII.' ",lib tho .11, eelilor .f' 'lb. OaK,. 1._ I . , ."""00'" I.. Ead (Jan. GEfOiEaA" NOTICES m ... __ .1."''''' The Europeah statesmen have ~ case in point. Back during the Germany an agrlc~ltu. ral stat~ was Simply absurd. . ed' young' woman is forced to lan- appreciate a little better how big, I.~.II b; Z p ..... I .... by pr••••• I.. ' ffrol pwbll.dl ••: ••Il\Il.L~ '. NOT bll _ ••• pI.d bye t.I.,.o•• , aftlL maotJ b. TI"PID' O. LllllJllLI ducked a customs union as too war the United States agreed to The In the fltst place, that Germany COUld. not be a gUlsh upOn the' arm of an escort and strong, and sophisticated, any secr~tary sa ~d , ,• WalTTIN aDIl SIGNED by • re'~ ••'lbl' complicated for immediate action. . !Self-susta:nmg agncultural state because of the small farm system, whom she 'could s"'ot fifteen yards counter pressure has to be to make D...... · ... help mechanize these !Itlnes but b h' h th t b t t' d d " .. h d f d' ...· · · .d Tariff and other trade barriers ... 'yW . I~ a ea en na Ion never pro uce m '· lIer. ey- ay 00 on and a basket of potatoes, and shll headway against the ·il'ivlrlin'g h al von., XXIII, Net. 292 FridaY', September ril IM7 1 c ".1 ! s f I have been approached in a most little Jf anythmg was done. Ma- a suffiCiently large scale to feed the German population. beal in the hundred yard dash. waves and roaring great breakers queasy manner. chinery was short here, and BrI- • . • •• .,., ' This is a rather cute point, which of opinion which can b'e'Unll!llshed UNIVERSITY CAl;E~DAR ' The one concrete thing they are tish labor was wary of the possi- • JOHN LEWIS AGAIN-Probably one of John L. Lewis' greatest r: will, leave to' anyone who ca'"res today by those who know wtitlre Monday, Sept. IS I MondaY, Se~. n agreed on is that U. S. help, in­ pi!ity of eliminating jobs. Land least publicized-achievements in winning the recenl soft' c~al ' to develop, because I have other they are going. . Beginning of' Orientation atld l ~eg[stration. 7:30 a.m; Opening of Cla"",~ cluding a dollar pool to stabilize • The same situation prevails in a cOntract was the insertion of provisians continuing, in effed;. the 'interests. . Stop squawk In', Iioney, and hold currencies and make them trans­ large part of l'i:uropean indUstrY, federal mine ~afety code. " . , , f lim thinking of those indepen- still while they put'it on you: and even in agriCulture, because The code first was adopted in the national coal contract :when Lewis , (F!'I' Inlorma'ion regardlnr datell beyond '\lis lehe4\., ~ ,.. ferrable between nations, is need­ IIIervaUon in 'he offlce' of the President. Old Capltoll) . ed. of traditional opposition to what and Interior Secretary Julius Kn/g si!itled' the1 feBerlil 'agreetrlerit on ' Europeans call "The American , wages artd hours after governmekt seizure in MaY, 1946. The . federal America, on the other hand, tempo" and because of a lack of code actually was not promulgated litttll Jtily 24, 19'46. ' . I SALL V'S SALLIES wants basic cbanges .in western G E N'E R A r N'O TIC E 5 moderrt equipment. Unless tHe The new contract calls for C6mplete a.doptidd anll incorporatiQn of UNIVERSITY LIBRAltY BOURE ~2 noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.lIi. r.J~n­ Europe's economic life to assure c Europeans lire willing to change the health and safety provisidn~, with the exc-eption of' substituting Listed 'is the Ilbtary scliedule day through Ftidky. 8:30 ' ~i ~ to that, by 1951, the need for outside these ideas, American experts" fear certairt other bodies in place of federal dtflcllll!. from Aug. 9 to Sept: 4. 121noon Saturdl!¥. help will be over or at least dras­ the disparity between the two Under it, a joint industry safety cortlrtlltt~" ls set ut;>, composed of RftcIJ"" room, Macbride haIl; Educa1Ion";1hl_~ilJ • ""'I~' tically reduced. The importance economies will increase each year, four members. Two of these "'ill r{!prl:!s!mt the mltiers and'·two will 8:30 a.m: to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to ogy library; ~ast halt; 8,:~ a~'m. of Europe as a· market fqr Amer­ with "aid" degenerating into a b~ \ appornted by thc operators: Commltteetne'n wl1l arbitrate aU ap­ 5 p.m. 'Monday through Friday; to 12 noon Monday throo~:G:' ican products is being rapidly dole and an impossible drain on peals by the operators or miners against .eriatges" of ' vibl~lion of' the !r.30 a.rif. to I!! noon Saturday. day. 8:30 a.m. 12 nl10rC , • q , to overtaken by a question as to tHI ... country. satety code. . f . PtPlo1ll6al reidlll&' room, library day. .' whether she is a customer or a Austerity programs get little The mine safety committees are continued; with power to close antteX1 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and . Reserve readlnal rooIIIi - ~" dependent. sympathy among these experts, down all portions of mines tttl!Y may' cOnsidet' to be un'S'afe.' . These 1 'p.m. to S' p.mt Monday through annex, will be clSsed 'frdl1l Sept. The United states delegation to being taken as signs of weakhess groups are paid for by the udlon wl)Jle' actinJ in official c3\lacities. 'Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Sat- 4 to Sept. 21. the world banli meretlng ·in Lon­ and barriers to U. S. imports. To protect the operators froni1 "dt1:lltra'ry. and capricious" Jrline shut­ urday. Sche'dules of hours for o~fI!'" don next week was reported, on What America is Ihterested in is downs, the safety committee metitHer,"are sUl:ij~t to- removal frbin ' Oenmlllflllt doeuments deDIrl- partmentQl libraries wili ' Iie ' ~ted departure from New York, to feel 'what Europeans are going to do- tHeir pasts' if it is found that they· have nm' ac1eit justly. .' . ~ ment. · library annex; 8:30 all'll. to on. the dQOrs of ellch llbr,r1, strongly that European politiCians not what they are going to do I r • must drop their belief in an econ­ without. omy of controUM scarcity. U­ PROGRAM CAlENDAR ' der the system prevalent in Eur­ ~rug Hes· wsur New Penlc~' iBill ope, individual workers' produce , . .. 8:~ a.m. Morning Chapel \ 11 :15 a.m. M~Odles You ' Lo'" less than their American counter­ Home Isn't Safest 8;1 •. rn: l!Iew. · 1l:30 a.m. New. CHICAGO (/P)-A new droit, by the kidneys, making It difficult 8: a.m Morning' Melodlek II :40 • .m .' Keep 'Em Elltln,! parts. Business firms, instead eff caronatnlde, promises to be or to keep it highlY' cohC4!ntrated in • 0:00' 8.m\ Vol~ 1 of The Army 111 ;4ft '.m, S""r{o ' Tim, .. " concentrating on production ' and IPlaee:in 'the 'Warld "great therapeutic usefulness" irl the blood. , . " " 9; II a,m. i'j'ewI' 12:00 noon Rhythm Ramhl". 9:30 a,)n. The BOok.hop I12 :30 P."". NewlI!'" trying to develop new markets, treatment of : diseases requirln, Other methods developed ' to , 81u· aoWl. After ' lIrtilltfait doffe~ 12 ! 4~ ' p.hr. u. S. N ••y Band form cartels to divide existing de­ 10,1 ....n. I.e.. . We Fora"l · ~ : OO p.m . MUllcal Cbata . That new home you would ' high concentrations of penicilllt1lln keep penicillin at a high COIleen­ lO' 3O' • .m. lIUate""'ork. of MUllc 2:00 p'.m>. J obboon dOunty NiHn mand. like to move into might seem the blood, the Journal of the tration have been tli ..· use' of lar­ 'uloo •.m . ' loW1!' 8tat" Mellh,.1 S6clety 2:15 p.m. SIGN OFF ". . ' The United States wants a plan strange without a yard, kitchen American Medical association re gel' doses, injection, by constant. under which the European coun­ or stairways, but it would be a ports. drip. use of a 1sUtplotisilin pf pelli. tries will have to Jive up to pre- lot safer, according to the 1947 The drug, which can be given tq cillin in beeswax and; oil, and ·use . .WMT - Ca~~8r· J determined production goals or at "Accident Pacts," stall.tical rear- patients orally, slows down th4i o'f dtb~i" di'uki., . ." (CBS Outlet) least report their diftJl:ultles and book of the National Safety ekcretion of penciIlln, resulting hi U~e 'of ! t~ neW drug, caToha-' ,. ,:30 .:m: MUll... (:Hoek :· 7,00 • .11\ . 9:30' ",m. Gt,,,d S\om 9.:00 a.nt. prospects: Itress is on maklng the council. I elevation of the penicillin conc~~ mtdl!', 'was dif'lctit1elI lit I. ~bt r lAl:1IO' a.nto' Hlilift moent 2:00 p.m, fullest use of existing facUlties; NearlY' 60 per cent of home ac- tration in the plasma. ' ~ 11IItHt' · of' ~he A:· M . . ~ joflrn,kl.,' b)" 11:30 a.m. Music Ha" 4:00 l1.m. Internal manipulation of curren­ ,11;30 porn . . "azm Family ~;30 p.m. cldents analyzed in a special SUI'- One of the problems in conn'c- three philadelphia physicians, IDr,' , I ,36 'p.m. Lon\t Jilurll'fy 1,110 p,m>. cies, with oWclnl rates fo~ trado very occurred in those thsee 10- tillh with pl'nicillin tl'rntmch~' ,T. WiUinm CI'OAllOn, Dr. Wil1inm P. 2,111) 11IIn. Mrs nurton , 7: 30 It.m. S:OIl p.m. ~tthl1t Onelltry p.m. ~ fnr' different from the domestic clltions. has been the rapid rate wit ' ~08er am!" Dr. - qtlristopher C_ e:oo ' 4:b!t 'p.ln. f!ll_' 1.1 8:30 p."" values, must stop; tariff reforms Fans rank as the No. 1 home which the drug is absorbed fr" ahd an associate, A. Kath- I 7:341 Rom. In .Peac,. & \I' a. 9:38 p ..... ~W p.ml CUmntfllN, Bl\brta IO:'fS' p.n'l: and mutual trade are n must; so killer, as shown by' the yearbook. the site ot injection and ~ excreted I ".. , .... ,..... ~ .... , 11 ,1$ p,m. OU the Reeoryt• • 11 :00 p.n• . AN. PIlIDAY, ~PTEM8I!It I, IM1-PAGB nva .,.

September, 1932, and bas not lived City Schedules Final Se"erate Maintenance Death Beats Postman Saving for aBike He'll Never Ride Itogether since 1037. They have Fly Control Campaign Granted Mrs. Miller; no ehHdren. Mrs. Burgess is a With News to Buddy Three File for Divorce resident oC Philadelphia, Pa. The last concerted action o( the Atty. ArthUr O. LeU represents From Airrace Victim Burgess. summer season' campaign of pest One decree oC seperate mainte­ Grace Bush filed a petition for MASON CITY I/PI-A pOl:tcard control will take place Sunday I nance was granted and three peti­ divorce from Keith W. Bush, (rom ~ R. (Tony) Jannazo of morning witb the spraying of tions for divorce were filed In the charging cruel and Inhuman Cleveland who \Va his wingman downtown 'treets and alleys with orfice of the clerk oC district court. treatment. She asked custody of when both were navy pilots in !he DDT. according to Robert Gage, Leona E. Miller, defendant in a a son, 13, alimony and the cou- finance chairman of the campaign. " suit brought by her husband, Dan­ pIe's household and personal eC- war awaH5 Jerry Harrer of Mason He asked that car owners keep iel H. Miller, was granted a sepe­ lects. Cit)" their vehicles off the streets and rate maintenance decree on a The couple was married July I, Jerry'. family relea_ed the text alleys to be sprayed in order to cross-petition entered into the ori­ 1932 and lived together unlil July of the card pending his return make the anti-fiy treatment more ginal suit. 10, 1946. IJ rom vacation. It leads: eUective. She was awarded sole custody of Mrs. Bush is represented by At- "I know you won't believe it An early fall meeting is expect- the couple's seven minor children torneys Swisher and Swisher. but your old boo om buddy is go- ed to be called by Charles J. and $100 a month for their care. • • • • ing to cop the Thomp on trophy SchlOdler, city health inspector, to She received all household effects Lola Demory filed a petition for at the national air races on Labor discuss ,an anti-rat campaign, whUe Miller was awarded his per­ divorce from Goorge Demory, day. Som local boy has an F2G Gage said. sonal effects and several items of charging cruelty. that he'd like to fee finish 1Irstl ------property including his automobile. She was granted an injunction so I told him I'd d~ it- out of the The couple was man'ied June by District Judge Harold D. Evans gocdness of my lruh heart. De- 25, 1933. l' straining Demory from molest- taiJ~ later." . Atty. T. R. Adams represented ing her, from removing any of the Jerry already has the detall~' 1 Mrs. MlIIer while Swisher and couple's ' personal bclonglOgs, and Tony Jan~nl'o, 2~ •. was killed Swisher were attorneys Cor Miller. from communicating with her by when the flG Corsair he was fly­ • • • any mean, . ing cra~hed if} CI:lmes at Cleve- Landry E. Burgess filed a peti­ The COl:ple was married in Iowa land airraces l\londay. tion for divorce charging Ruth City Oct. 29, 1923 and their chil­ Jones Burgess with desertion. dren arc all full-grown and self- They JivC'tl togethcr as man and The couple was married in supporting, the petition stales. wife until Sept. 2,1947. in Tiffin. PEEP, a white duck who mo\'ed In on tbis famny of five cocker pups and cau rei the moth 1', Candy, to leave home. hown lakin&" the dOl'lInn for a boat ride. The dornapplns- I ok pia e al the Geor~e Tuned in on t he Bad News cboen home In Kirklancl. \V h. RepOrt ay tbat Peep Is pretty rood at riddlnl' the pups of n

Vet! Sail for Down Under avlnl' nickels for a. ble;yele, 5-year-old Jimmy Clnney of Bos~on is unaware he'll never rtt to ride It. lie I lIufferinr from a rare heart malady which Irakes hi. hran pumn three times fa tf'r tha.n normal. Ph Iclan a an trel.unus e crtlon would II ean hi~ dcath. but th y arcn'l telltnll' him he' II nev r be able to ride hi lone-wanted blk beeau e tha.t mirM kill him too.


STAMPEDE. boy!!. he may b somebody' mother. h Is tr.. Jean Clvello ot Clnelnnatl. Iand Is In Pall ad Park. N.J .• comlletln&, lor one of two "Mrs. 1\1A VBE THEY FO ND life 100 tourh In the nIL cI lale . An way Am rica" title. he Is tryJn~ tor the e vcteran • the vaneuard of thousands who arc eXPcllted to take LISTENING INTENTLY to te timony in the AmerIcan war crlrres court at Nuernberg, Germany. are honors In the mid we tern tates' advantage of Au tralla' offer lo pay 40 per ent or lhelr tray I ex­ 21 of the 24 director.' of the 1.G. Fafben industries. They beard U.S. attorneys pre cbarges that they \ competition, the winner or wbleh per. es and a ure housl nr and eIDolo mcnt IIpol\ arrival. wave ha.d made RUler's war \.10 ible by contributing, IIoccording to the company's record, 12-million to Ihe will rule ~~lth the "Mr. America." cheerfully and hopcfully on board boal at an Fraud 0 whJ h will Nazis from 1933 to 1934. from ea. tern states. lake them to the " Proml d Lllnd,"

POPEYf Use I~wan W·ant Ads 10 Buy, .Sell or Trade! Val­ li­ WANTED TO BUY fOR SAI.2 FOB BErfr con­ CLASSIFIED RATE CARD -- -- la., WANTED-play pen Ior baby. FOR SALE: :Four room partly FOR RENT: Double room for men CASH RATE Call 4750. modern furnished hou. e. Phone students. DIal 80285. l .r I Da,_2tc1 per lJa. .,.. 5623. LOANS - d., FOR SALE: 2 large 12" and 18"- HELP WANTED I Conaecutlve 1&7_110 "' electric fans. Phone 5405. - line per du $$$$$$$$$$$ loaned on cameral, WANTED studenL girl, prefer- (luns, clothing, jewelry, etc. upper • Consecutive 1&7_1.. ... FOR SALE: Modern- 7 room bouse ably cl,lssman, to work Reliable Loan. S. Linn. fOl' ltDe per cla, 110 in Riverside. Easily made inlo board and room. PrivaLe room l'I&ure S-word avera&,e per Une - - .... - 2 or 3 apartments. $4,500. Phone and balh. Family, 3 adults. Write PERSONAL SERVICE Box 7Z-l Daily Iowan. ., Minimum Ad-Z LID. Riverside 18 collect. - - RADIOS, appliances, lamps, and Mad Hatler Tea Room needs sec- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY gilts. Eleclrical wiring, repair- W ANTED TO R£N1 ond cook. III interested call 650 per Column Incll -- Ing. Radlo repair. Jackson Electric WANTED- TO RENT: Three bed- 6791 or 3777. Or $8 lor a MODtla and Gift. Phone 5465. - - , room modern house. Wrlle Box HALF-TIME secretary. Shod- CancellatioD Deadline S p.m. 7Yl, Dally Iowan. !:and, lyping and general orrice MOTOR SERVICE x a.. ponalble lo!' One IncoLrect Will----- sell 1946 Hudson lo party in work. Hours arranged. W1'lte Bo 7X-l, Daily Iowan. insertion Onb exchange for large or small Brlftr Ads io DaD, 10 ...... , e IGNTTION lurnished apartment or room with WHO OOESlT BualDeu Office, East BaU, Or • CAUBURETORS cooking privileges. Mrs. Louise DIAL 4191 eGENERATORS • TARTERS Martin. Call University Extension STORAGE, cleanJng, IIlazin,. fu r • BRIGGS & STRATrON. 2177. repairing. Condon'. Fur Shop MOTORS Dial '1447. Pyramid Services WANTED: Apal'tm nl by vcteran' • student coupJe for Iall session. TYPING-Nolary PubUc-Mirne- 220 S. Clinton Dial 5T~ Write Box 126, Center Point, ographlng. Mar! V. Burns. 801 Iowa. Iowa State Bank Bldg. Dial 2656 . RADIOSERVlCB _-_R_e_,_2_S_27_. ______ORDERS wanted for Avon prod­ EXPERT RADIO REPAIR ucts. Post Office Box 763. 3 DAY SERVICE SHOE REPAIR - WORK GUfUtANTEED PICKUP & DELIVERY .. WOODBUIU{ SOUND SERVICE ~~ • Z. COLLEGE ~IAL 11·.151 GEORGE'S STANDARD SERVICE IIUTl'ON BAnJO 1I0Vlo. Cor. Clinton k Burliorton Guaranteed Rep~ I PIck-up & DelIvery IUDIOS-PBONOOaAPB PHOTOGRAPHY in stock for aal. Want Ads Will 01 S. Barite' IMaI _ KENT PHOTO SerVice . Fur nish ' Your WHERE TO BUY IT Bab~ Pictures In The 80.­ Weddlnr Photoj • Spare Room Application Plctureo . . . N.OTIC8 · Quality S51l1JJl Dev. .. EnIarr. T. W. Hughes Inr. Other .peclal'.~ PIa.. Distributor or OPEN SEPTEMBER 6TH \ ChDh1 ,. . The Swclllk Bakery wiU soon 11!1~ Iowa AYe. Dial 1111 be open 10 serve you the best In Super-Vack bakery goods. FLYING iNsTRUCTION We thanK you for waiting while .we repair the fire damige and Bagless Vacuum remodel OUl' store. Cleaners SWANK BAKERY ATTENTION G.I.'. 210 E. Colle&'e [.earn to fly under the G.L Dial 80~78 for a. They'll bUl of riljlhla. at DO coat to ' Completc Home Demonstration Furnish A you. ".------_. MAHER BROS. TRANSFER R90mer, Too! For Particulars CaD APPLIANCI: and For Efftdeut Fundtan SHAW AIRCRAFT CO. AUTOMATIC HEATING MOWlQ REPAia AM (ALL 4191 lUTmCJPAL AJR,PORT Quinn's Applianc. I BAQQAQETRAN~ Of11.1 7831 Da, 6862 Nlrbt S23 E. Market Dial nZl , . pIAL - 9696 :.: DIAL ' ,.

-Tn DAn:r IOWAN, nm,n, tmPTEMBEK 5, lin-PAGE 1I1X )

c Plan Parley Three Fined S150 With End of Summer- House Warming ai the White House On Driving Charges GraUMpperif ~ _ 4 .. .To 'Rescue' Charges' of operating a motor Radio Stars Are Back on;the Air Hit Wisconsin vehicle while intoxicated have ' e- SHEBOYGAN, Wis. (A')~rts&. sulted in three drivers each being --For Another 48 Weeks hoppers were piled in drilts alone tined $150 and costs by District making a slight fool of themselves . son Story" takes over in Crosby's lake Macbride By JACK* *O 'BRIEN* * * * * * * a 10-mile stretch of Lake MI~. Judge Harold D. Evans. over the air. Soap operas wiJI be old stamping ground, "The Kraft 'The drivers, Edward Thomae, All good th ings come with the gan shoreUne yesterday 85 finn. Conservation Officials Robert E. Wieneke and John E. fall. There's football; the blister­ no fewer and no better. Music Hall" on Oct. 2 with Edgar ers fought an inlestation 01 !be Seek To Stop Silt Freeman, were all accused in in- ing, shirt-sticking heat wears it­ Hal'old Russell, armless veteran Bergen as his guest. insects which already had di!n. formations filed by County Attor- self out (eventually); classes who clicked in Selznick's "Best Henry Morgan, one of the really aged crops to the extent of thou.. Drainage into Lake Years" to the tune of a special ney Jack C. White. b " d t i . funny men on the airwaves, re­ ands of dollars loss. Thomae and Freeman were egm agam an the own rev ves "Oscar," is guest on Don McNeill's turns to his ABC spot next Wed­ Lake Macbride's silt, the top charged with driving while intox- i ~ self , and sponsors and radio Breakfast Club over ABC 8 to 9 nesday. And Jimmy Durante, an­ Farmers In Sheboygan and Oz. soil that has washed from neigh­ icated on the city streets, and l listerrers throughout the countr?, ~ . m. today. The vet has been other one, has won his battle to aukee countie" taid the grushop.. boring farm land and which got Wieneke pleaded guilty to a i,leefully wel c o~e . !;lack the~ doing alright for himseU commer­ have Peggy Lee (instead of a pel's were washed sshor!! and Ih.~ into the ears, eyes, throats and chal'ge ot driving while inloxicat- time-honored radIO IdOls to their cially, playing the lead role in an choral group) to back him up while many of them droWlled hair of bathers there this sum­ ed on highway 6, east of Iowa Ci- regular nine-month network beats. NBC documentary of "The Un­ on his new Rexall show. other thousands revived in lb. mer, will be the topic discussed ty. What this means too often is known Soldier of World War II" Old stock is re-issued in a new sun and moved Inland to feast on by state and county conservation Drivers licenses were revoked that fairly original summer try­ earlier this week and headlining package when Jack Carson takes second crop alfalfa and potatoes. officials who plan to meet at the for 60 days. None or the men had out shows will return to sustain­ a Chicago vaudeville show with over as head of the Village Store Residents of the area were altove!. lake Sept. 23. Iowa liquor books in their posses- ing limbos or be dropped entirely his piano playing. (In one se­ over NBC next Thursday. Carson, ing the insects up by the basket. The problem is so acute, ac­ ion. A new stale law provides to make way for the reliable quence of the Selznick show, Rus­ one of the glossier comedians ful. cording to District Soil Conserva­ that, iv cases Involvin~ operating microphone-masters whose stuff sell took lessons on the piano from (He's funnier in the movies- but A t Madison the state depart. tionist Howard Oak, that the lake a motor vehicle while intoxicated, has been so "good" for the last Hoagy Carmichael and it looks as they never give him a decent ment of agriculture urged fann. 'may become useless as a recrea­ the liquor books shall be taken l(} years that it's bound to go if they paid off.) role), is no more unlikely a boss ers to obtain a poison, sodium tional area within the next 25 away from the driver. over big, with only slight renova- AI .Pearce (Elmer Blurt) returns for a Village Store than Eve fluosilicate, from co unty ageats years. He advocates putting into tions, for another 48 week!; or so. to ABC tomorrow with the same Arden who conducted the business for immediate application. The de. effect goot! soil conservation prac­ The sponsors say it and the statis­ so rt of mad variety show that has during the summer. She'll hang partment said spe~d was netts. tices on the watershed around the Pharmacists Needed ticians back them up. been high Hooper stuff for the 8round through the fall to assist sary because the grasshopPeI'l lake. . Miu slj c-hungry listeners will past seven years. Carson. • were laying eggs. The possibility of countermea­ For VA Positions again find themselves twisting the And you may as well be warned "The Town Meeting of the Air" Exact origin of the insects wa. sures taking the form of a "farm dials futily (up until about 10 p.m. that "Truth or Consequences" idea will expand considerably if unknown, put a spokeslllan l for Permanent federal positions as when the di sk jockeys take overr bows back in again tomorrow Norman Corwin takes up the bid the department said they ',PllIr. planning group" composed of land I owners in the lake area to pro­ pharmacists with veterans admin­ while America's top musicians re­ night over NBC too. of the United Nations to do a half WHEN THE THE WORKMEN folded tbelr scaffolds like the Arabs en tly came from the plains stat" istration establishments in Iowa, turn to their chores of providing long the life of the lake was ad­ There's still no sign of a lag hour transcribed show for world­ (old scaffold-folders from away back) and as silently stole away, on a west wind or from Michl,an Minnesota, Nebraska and North background music for the more in the' evived popularity of Al wide distribution. The program on an east breeze. When the wlbdJ vanced by Oak. the tourists vIsiting the sights In the nation's capital began linin, Groups to be represented at the and South Dakota have been de­ popular art of the radio comedian, Jolson:. The man who made one would dramatize the General meeting include the state conser­ clared open by the U.S. civil ser- tireless radio replays of Hollywood of the biggest comebacks on'record Assembly as a "town meeting" of up at the White House to give he Job a quick once over. The job ~~e: ~::: ::~:::~pl~~ t~e,: vation commission, soil conserva­ vice. hits or ·those fabulous shows in as Larry Parks' voice in "The J ol- the nations of the world. /lad closed the building ror 30 days. here. tiOn service, Iowa State college The jobs pay $2,644 to $4,149 which thousands of vacuum clean­ ::: a year, and interested persons are ers and refrigerators are given and the sta te soil conserva~ion committee. invited to file application with the awl!»' annually to myriads of • A program outlined by Oak executive secretary, board of U.S. housewives in return for their which would increase the life of civil service examiners, Fort doing nothing more taxing than I , the 12-year-old artificial lake in­ Snelling, St. Paul 11 , Minn., not cludes such practices as terracing, later than Oct. 2. t ree planting, grass planting and Further information may be Meetings, Sp•• ch ..... strip cropping. secured at the Iowa City post­ In a ,letter written last month to office. Congressman Thomas E. Martin discussing two possible dam sites Easy Month for ~iremen; Town 'n" on the Iowa river in connection with plans for the development of August Losses Tottd $15 the engineering features of the August, one of the hottest proposed Coralville reservoir pro­ months on record, was one of the Campus ject, Lt. Gen. R. A. Wheeler, chief coolest and least costly as far of the army engineers, wrote, as fire losses for Iowa City, were "The Hoosier creek site is locat­ concerned, according to Fire Chief WEST LUCAS- Mrs. George ed above Lake Macbride, while J.J. Clark. Smlth, route 1, will. be hostess the Tu rkey creek site is below it. A total of only $15 in damages to West Lucas Women's club at "A project at the Turkey creek were reported from the 21 calls 2 p.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Carl Baum­ 0 .' ette would require extensive al­ which the city fire department hoef~ner , Cedar Rapids, will juqge terations of the Lake Macbride answered during the month, Clark the flower sh/ w .and give a talk. dam and alterations to some of the said, Mrs. Ray Bowers and Mrs. Bert developments in the park area. So far this year damages from Thomas are cochairmen. Roll call "The alterations could be war­ fire in the city have been approx­ will be answered with "what to ranted in that they would provide imately $23 ,300. do with the last of the garden"? 100,000 acre-feet of additional • • • storage and would also solve the The Mayan Indians had no L U T H ERAN CHURCH- SI. problem of sedimentation in Lake knowledge of the wheel, the true Paul's Lutheran Church Ladies' Macbride, which threatens to de­ arch, or iron, bronze, and copper Aid will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday stroy the usefulness of that pool tools, but managed stupendous in the church parlors. Mrs. Geo­ for recreational purposes. engineering fea ts. rge Hertz will be hostess. "The state conservation com­ mission has stated that the 'l'IIrke: creek site is the more acceptable to that agency." Policeman, Spare That Ucklet Relatives, Officials OK Sterilization of 23 Iowa Mental Patient Cases

DES MOINES (iP)- The state board ot eugenics yesterday re­ ceived recommendations tor the sterilization of 19 Iowa women and foul' Iowa men. All but four of, the cases, pre­ sented to the board involved per­ sons who are patients in the state's foul' mental hospitals. All have been found either insane or feebleminded. The state institution cases were recommended to the board for slerilization by lhe superin­ tendents of the institutions in­ volved while the four "outside 1J. •.I. t.,. •." cases" were recommended by <'~J;':;'.);. ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ county. boards of social welfare ,'" . r!. .. -,".J" ...... and by the state psychopathic .1.;:;', ,;", .. ' '/ :,\' ," . hospi tal at Iowa City. JUST IN TIME-Although this pioture was taken In Davenport,' It Herman Carlson, secretary ~f could happen here. The motorcycle patrolman was In the process of the eugenics board, said applica­ wrltln, an overtime parking ticket when the owner of the car above tions for the sterilizations have dashed out and dropped a. nickel In the meter. The patrolman abook ,~r:':: :?Jt1" 'p'Oy ' V,Ouf({ been signed in each case by his head, put his book awa.y and drove on. I; fathers, mothers, husbands " :.~~ ~,'~ ;:':'., , . , . ~! Ji. ,.1 i :i. I I ,; p!'f' r- - -- -r~·-_ ___ . . 1 pther relatives of. the patients. '.'.'." .', ' .' Th.se days, moWing the right answers on a quiz~ \ I wonderful plans for buying U. S. Savings Bonds! ' . '-. Six Couples Receiv. , : '. { t' • show can bring you anything from a washing machine <<,' ".,' to a life-8i~ stuffed elephant. fC -_ - . Fir.t, there's the famous, automatic Payroll Savings Marriage Licenses II ~ '. I , ~ __ IPlan that's helping millions of Americans for . ~ .' " ",";' '.:'! \ Kriowing the right answers when you're not on :a' their futures. f, ------,. --J Marriage llicenses have been is­ aued to six couples at the office . quiz-show can bring you a lot more.1: :: -.- . / --' , -.~ . ~ ~1' . _~ ~ -- ot County Clerk R. Neilson Miller. I S.cond, if the Payroll Plan is not available to you::: Those securing licenses are Don­ : For ,xa mpie, take this very, very important question: and you do have a checking account-ask at your bank ald L. Howie and Lucile J. IHow can you best provide for your own and yOUJ;' Strange, both of Johnson county; : ilbout the new, convenient Bond-A-Month Plan. Richard Kent Angerer and Loretta , family's future security? 'C '" ~, . -- ~ 10 Ibs. I ~ • _ -'- Hughes, both of Iowa City; Fran­ Potatoes I. Both plans make it a breeze for you to share in the, cis Fowler and Ethel Van Arkle, ,The right answer is simple: Save regularly! world's investment. For Government-backed " finest-r both ot Muscatine. A complete line of garden-fresh . Which suggests another big question: Donald Cerny of Johnson coun­ immedia~y Savings Bonds are ",bsolutely safe ... pay you back $4 ty and Ruby Prymek of Riverside; FRUITS AND VEGETABLES How can you make yourself save a reasonable per~ \ for every $3 you put in, after ten years. ~ -- Eugene W. Seufferleln of Lake Lettuce - Peas - Tomatoes - Beans cen~age of the money you ~? II -- ---' City and Mary Ellen Ewald of ' Join .ither today = :and you'll be giving the- right ~ Iowa City, and Lawrence Wells ..:. ·The answer t9 this one is simple, too~ of Mt. Pleasant and Katherine BQX or BUSHEL answer to one of the moat im~rtant questions you'll . Crowder of Burlington. . You can do it-and easily-through either of two ' c..~ver ~ as.ked! ~ - = • --- FOR -- - --.. . .."...-: - ==t= - .~ :' '''''' Changes in passenger auto reg­ CANNING . I$tration in the United tSates be­ PEA.CHES tween 1941 and 1946 varied trom an increase of 10.4 percent In Cal" IN THROW AWAYS IN THROW AWAYS ifornia to a decrease of 31,2 per­ I cent in Nevada. S~ve -tb6 ~§Z]UM.~~-WJ.t..::wr KEELEY'S FOX 'DEI LUX~ < of HALF &; HALF CARTON OF 12 I in _...... __. _~ _ _Io _ .. t ' OARTON 10 t • 99 OF 1Z 1..79 e

.Thi. i • • 1 ii~l~ .u. S. ,._ Hv.rilrimelJ1-prepml aniler. lu.plC1. o~ Tiii'"uy ."ijlirim=;~lii(llii;ifiJi[coac}1, ~ . ; . ' . *IU 'Q