ON T'HI INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY Dodgers Win, Cards Idl •........... Pag_ 2 Fair with littl. change in temperature. loday's Quotes Some Would Forget (Editorial) Page .. highl 80 to 85 degree•. low tonight, 62-66 de. Radio Stars Return to Air .......... Page 6 owan grees, &tabUabed 1888-Vo1.19, No. 292-AP New. aod Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. September 5. 1941-Five Cenl8 ~------------~~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------- t, Iialy Appeals for U. S. Funds As Forreslal Blasts Totalitarianism Wholesale Prices Advise Consumer Bevin,'s Hit All-Time Highs Resistance Will Be To Purchase Food and Fuel Forecast Shortages Speech Of Corn, Produce Only Effective Check Congress May Meet For Hungry World NEW YORK (~-The nation', To Study Europe's food bill Is already at the year'l CIO Chiefs Ignore Bewilders CHICAGO (A>j-A lIeneral up­ hllh. but the consumer was warn­ Economic Condition turn in commodity prices In the ed yesterday that the worst i, yet WaSHINGTON (JP)-Italy hils LONDON (./p)-Foreign Secre­ nation' primary markets yester­ Labor Law Ruling tary Ernest Bevin's trade unlol) to come. made an urgent al?peal to th, day wa, paced by corn, which aold speech urging distribution of U. S. Only "consumer resistance" can United States for swift financial at a new record peak. help to buy food and fuel, diplo­ On Filing Affidavits gold was still causing bewllder­ halt the advent of $I-a-dozen ment and concern In foreign diplO­ While prices cUmbed to levels D;lats said yesterday. egIS, $l-a-pound butter and $1- PITTSBURGH, (JP)-CIO lead- matic quarters last night, along never before n, John Krey, Meantime American otticillis plus meat, authorities saId. ers said yesterday they were tak­ with speculation as to ila possible chairman of the American Meat Consumers, wondering how studied the question ot callin, effect on Anglo-American rela­ conpess to a special session to ing no immediate action regarding irutltute, toid the organizatJon's could "resIst" eatin" were given ., the Taft-Hartley law's require­ tions. a few tips by public officials and conllidu Europe's economic trou­ Evidence existed that the for­ annual meeting, "A major catas­ bI4s. ment that labor union officials trophe I strikln, this country and spoke$lTlen for meat and grocery file affidavits showing whether eign office itself-which crisply This question wtu have to be a hungry world becau of the Industries: they belong to the communist declined any comment-was puz­ ••clded by President Truman drastic reduction in thl. year's Buy the cheaper eu'" of mea' party. zled by Bevin's key proposals be­ and learn how to cook them ap­ after his return from Bradl. fore the British Trade Union con­ corn production." UDcienecretary 01 State Robert Any otficial CIO policy on the IJlb& ConallJllH ae.t.&ance pelWqly; buy the un 1l'1WIe4 question they reported, will not gress Wednesday - redistribution below "toP eJllru": return to A. Lovett said WedneadaY that of the "Fort Knox gold" and a [n New York, Eullene Schultz, tbe economic situation In Brl­ be determined until the CIO ex­ th city' marke commissioner, t.IIe wariime leanln,. on lPa­ ('!ose tightening of ecqnomlc and rheUi and other "ubsUtutes"; teln, France and ~r Euro­ ecutive committee meeting Oct. 13 said th re was "only s1ilbt con- defense links within the empire-. blly tretlh fruit. and vq-etabletl, IlUn countries Is deterioraUII&' 8 and the organization's Oct. 13 8umu r istance" to mountll\l futer tban expected. convention at Boston. The only light on the gold sug­ prices for foods. He predicted that which are almost the only food gestion came from an authorita­ .hllf. Dot ..nranellll' Lin price That means the CIO, following butt r. elling at 87 cents a pound Diploma tic informants said it­ tive American source who said eurrenU,.. advance indications, is ,oing to r tail, would advance further be- aly has informed the United Bevin, in a 7O:minute talk today The ,loomy price picture for fall ignore the deadline affidavits cau ot small supplie!l. States that she must have swift lor with a delegation or visiting on communism set by Robert N. Trad r ports from New York and winter came trom all sldes­ financial help to buy ess,ntial American congressmen who are from resturant owners, from meat Denham, general counsel of the said d alers were predicttn, re­ food and fuel during the next investigating economic conditions _tuff. not advandn,. In price national labor relations board in tail prices of $1 .00 a pound for four months. here and in Europe, had explained industry spokesman, from market Washington. butter and $1 .00 a doz n for ell'. The Italian ambassador is said he viewed redistribution of the C. M. Galvin, statistician lor commission rs, from food chain 10 have told Lovett his country is There have been strong indica­ U. S. gold stocks as an integral SECRETARY OF DEFEN E JameA FoneAtal, peakln&' before deleute. to the 48th encampment of the the grain firm ot James E. Ben­ store ofIi doh; from packing house .0 desperately short of funds it tions, too, that the American Fed­ part of the Marshall plan for Eur­ Veteran 01 Forelln Wars (above), last nilM bla ~ed "totalitarian ,Qvernmenls exlstln&, In the world nett and company, 10recast a executives and retail store spokes­ ma, have to cancel all American eration' of Labor will be in no opean revival. today" which rule "wUbout the eon ent of tbelr peoplefl." At the aame lime, ForI' tal everely crlUcll- corn crop of 2,375,000,000 bUlhels men. ed "exce Ive use ot the veto power In the United Nations." CAP WIREPHOTO) eoal purchases scheduled for Oc- hurry to get non-communist arti­ He was said to have made the as of S pt. 1 conditions. La.t year The gloomy n ws on present tober delivery. Italy's imports ot da vits from its officers. assertion that the proposal has the the country had a record-break­ prices came tram the produce and U.S. coal have averaged more Denham gave unions 20 days to backing ot the British government ing corn crop of 3,287,927,000 bu­ grain exchang s wher y sterday than 700,000 tons a month. file the affidavits after receiving and that the Idea had been pre­ Robbers Who Put shels. food and feed grains, butter, eggs 841_ American oIflelalJl, notice they were necessary. That viously advanced Informally in a Farmers May Forrestal Hits Other Produc Bll'her and meat continued to climb on wllUe not overloo~ the plllbt meant the first ones would be due conversation with U. S. Ambassa­ In mark ts for future d liv r1, the spot whol sale markets. .t Britain and France, made It 20 days after the Taft-Hartley act dor .LewIs W. Douglas. Exchan­ Woman in Furnace wh at, oats, coco , butter, supr, A spoke man for th national Plain they recard hard-p~d went into full effect on Aug. 2. ges between the U. S. state de­ US, hides cotton and pepper resturant association said: "The Italy as the danrer lpot to wateh The international machinists partment end British foreign of­ Benefit From Abuse of Veto, moved hihger. Prlc of many com­ way meat prices are goln, up, because the Communiat party union, an independent, thus far fice were expected on the propo­ Remain at Large modities In wholesale markets we'll not be able to serve meat also scored advances. ...... can be expected to capita- is the only major union to meet sal. CRESTON, Iowa uP)- The two and still hold the line in meal pri­ :. on any dlll'llption In the the requirements. Corn and oala tor delivery In ces," The American intorman' saJd assailsnts who beat Mrs. Fred Septilmb oid at $2.51 ~ nd fiowof I. and. co ... IlUp,U." Denbam blall ruled that no union Isotope Siudy Totalitarianism .John F Kre1, chanman of the BevIn mad~ thea, points, Which Welcher. 67, Jnto unconseioumes $1.18 ' respectively on the Chi­ Meanwhile, ~ith con_resl in re- may make use of NLRB services American Meat Institute, said in were received "somewhat skepti­ OTTAWA (~-C. J. Mackenzie, and sturted her Into the firebox CLEVELAND, (JP)-Secretary of cago Board of Trade. Both were eHa, the admiDlltr4ltion came un- unless it submits a sworn state­ cally" by the U. S. congressmen: ot an unlighted furnace beror Chicago: "Meat supplies will president of the Canadllm Na­ th Navy Forr stal struck out at the highest prices In the ex­ drop In the year ahead, leavinl W increasing Republican crIU-, ment that none of its otflcers are 1. U llt unsound economic» and fleeing with n arly $300 were at tional Research council, said yes­ change's 99-year history. consumers even more meat-hun­ ci$m. _ communists or sympathizers. out ot harmony with the princi­ terday that exPeriments at Chalk large last night. "ruthless" totalitarian leaden lost night ond said that the de­ Wbea& at Peak Level ,ry than now." Senator Hawkes (R-NJ) told a ples of international trade espous­ river, Oot., with radio-active Chief of Police WilJlam M. HlaU Wheat futures advanced several velopment of the United Nations amuel Mor,.anrotb, eonnsel .tws con terenCe that congress ed by the United States for one tracer elements, important in said that Mrs. Welcher, hospitali:r.­ cents a bushel, September selling •hould not be "handic4lPped or ob­ ed with severe shock, had not has be n hamp red by "excesslv • tor &be New York State AaIoda­ country to hold most of the world's me<!lcal r earch, also m.y lead at $2.65, a peak level for this time iIon of retail dealen, ol.d: "PrI­ Ligat d" by financial commitmeJlt~ to valuabl devetopments been well enough to give full use of the veto." monetary gold and not use it.
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