
nUSSDAT, 8BPieMSEl 4. IN T -'7 ■ >AGE EICHMOf * ^ IHattrlrratpr gpptttefl ^gralii Daily ClTcalatlen The Weather Fee tte Mrfh eS Aramil. 1M1 ef I). a Wemke Tba Tounff Faopla'a Society win A daugMar.. .Laural Christine, 9,040 was bom fhia morning at the Hart­ Making Voters meat at OoneoWHa Lutheran church FOR SA LE reotleelag About Town tomorrow evantnir at 7:80. ford bomital to Mr. and Mrs. l>on- •nl Nlcoe of 144 Parker street They have another small daughter, At 2 Sessionsa CALL EXCELLENT 7-ROOM SINGLE Bmanuel U ith eru e h a r e h Hefular rehaaraala of tha O CSef Susan Andrea. Mrs. Niaaa waa tha Monclietfer— J City of VttlagB Charm (cbeoki oa Church straet and tha dub will ha raaumed Thuraday, former Mias Lola Agard, daughter Steam Heat, Sun Room Hantod. Geragc, Large LoL Sept 11 at 7:80 at Kmanuel Luth­ WMt Skfr. will re-opaA on Sunday, of Mr. and Mra Han)ld Agard of Town (^Ippk and Selcrl- Blove Ib Ib IS Days. eo page IS) (FOURTEEN PAGES) with t ^ a l aervlcaa at »:18. eran church. East Center atreet. VOL. LXVL, NO. 224 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1947 PRICE FOUR CENTS men lo Meet on Sep* 4166 CASH REQUIRED S4.60A. Mr and Mra. Walter Hobby of Mr and Mra. Francia Joaeph Knights of Pythias membera and Henry atreet hare ratunirf after Donahue, of 14 Park atreet have their famlliaa are reminded of the temher 13 and 20 aoendinf aeveral weeha In Win- hom^ aft^r a ftay of two state-wide picnic Sunday at Chesh­ THE MANCHESTER TAXI HOWARD R. HASTINGS Map CIO Strategy w*^ka at Nlantlc. Real Eatato SaadaHat chendon, Maa*. ire, Conn. All who have Ucketa TTic Sclertmon ond the Town Francia Diekenaon Prop. Regular Air Force on the automobile and government ,Clerk will hold two sessions this TELEPHONE 2*1107 Full Support Pledged bonds are requested to make re­ month to make voters. The first turns not Ister than Saturilay eve­ session will be held September 13, ning. WANTED Modern floral and the aerond session will be held Ready for Battle Bolton Library, which ia locatet' September 20. The hours for both ' Maaaangar Girl Arrangements in the Community building at Bol­ sessions will be fiom P o’clock In United Nations Again ton Center, o|>ened yesterday the morning to 8 o’clock at n ig h t; By experienced florists. For afternoon from one to live o’clock, This will be the last time that f«r ornind* snd seneral Weddinss. AnnIversarieN and will be open again Friday Seen Peace Need ofBco work. evening from V:3« to 8:30. These voters will be made by the present FuncraK Etc. hours will be maintained Wednea-^ Sele<tmen. Under the new charter day aftemoona 4nd Friday evenings the voters will hereafter be made In Truman’s Speech Apply , ANDERSON throughout the season. by a three man Board. These three men will be elected in October and ii: Greeks Agree Pioneer Psmrhule GREENHOUSES Chapman Court, Order of A mar-, making voters will be their onl^ 1.W EMridse St. Tel. R486 anth will open the season with a function. craft and 400,000 C o m The registrars have given notice On Formation Marshall Sees ‘K R Serum* | i * ^ "Flowers By Wire” meeting tomorrow evening in the Trained Men to Pro* lems o f Peace Can Forest St, Manchester Masonic Temple. A social hour will that they will meet next Tuesday follow with Royal Matron Mra. from 9 o’clock in the morning un­ vide Strategic Air Pow* Of New Rule Be Solved *Witli . Carl Fiiray in charge of refresh­ til 6 o’clock in the afternoon for Security Pact To Be Used the purpose of completing the pre­ ment.^. er Second to None Mutual Good WiR liminary registry list of those en­ titled to vote in the October 6 To Set Up Broader Cab* And Forbean^ce’ in The Past Chiefs Club of Memo­ Cleveland, Sept. 6.— (/P)— Best Example On Humans rial Temple, Pythian flistera, will elections. Thla session will be held The commanding general of inet Such as Diplo­ Talk Today Before FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS hold Ha annual outing tomorrow, in connection with the other duties of the registrars at the State Arm­ FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRIALATOR! evening at the cottage of Mra. the U. S. Air I^fense com- mats o f United States Lauds Agreement as New York Scientist to BraEilian Congreaa; Franr.ea Herron, Andover lake. ory on primary c<ay. tnand called today for a regu* The notice as originally printed Hails Parley Results Onr new sanitnry process plves you n delicious, crisp, Hupper W i n be served at al* o’clock lar Air Fon*e— "ready for Have U^ed for,Nation Outstanding Post-War Try Russian Discov stating that the election was in ■■ — ■ V golden brown food — Senb In the flavor! Come I" and transportation has been ar­ November waa incorrect aa. being battle”— of 10,000 modern Accord and Pattern ranged. Athens,, Sept 6— —Political ery for Cancer on Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 6.—> t^them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED an odd year, a national elei'tlon la aircraft and 400,000 trained not held. leaders were reported reliably to­ For U. N. to Follow Three Hopeless Cases (AV-Prasident 'Trumsn to­ TO TAKE HOME. CALL S80.1. A daughter waa bom yesterday men. A standing Air Corpa of at the Hartford hospital to Mr. and From H a le Self Serve and Health Market day to have agreed upon forma­ day pledged anew the full ’s that sixe ia- necessary, said Weshlngton, SepL 6—(F)—Sec­ Mrs. Robert Besslona of 31 Orove Lieut 0«n. George B. Stratemey- tion of a broadened cabinet auoh By A ltea L. BlalwalMt backing of tha United States COMMUNITY RESTAURANT street. Rockville. Mra. Heaalona.waa er, to provide tbe nation etmteglc as United States diplomats have retary of State MarshaU today Assorlatad Press Hcieaee Reporter to the United Nations and ex­ 143 NORTH MAIN STREET ^ MANCHESTER the former Miss Katherine TTuimer •tr power aecond to none end "to urged for Greece. TiMae leadets of the CIO met at PIttatargli to ontliae the greap’e poIM m ea the Taft-Harttey Act held forth the new Inter-American St. Louis, Sept. 6—(F>—A New pressed confidence the prob* of this town. TaU Cedars insure a lasting peace." Generally depsndabls Inferm- aad to prepare for next moath'e ooat-eatlen. Left to right: fleorge BaMaari, vice preeldent. Textile security pact as tha outstanding York setentiat today said he plan­ ^leakers: Albert PltageraM, preeldent, Valted Electrical Workers; Frank ReeeaMum, ereretary. Amal- lemit of peace can be s^ved In an addresa Ufefore tbe ahta said last ths agree­ post-war example of how nations ned to try the Ruaalan "K R serum" 23c Fruits & Vegetobles ment between the Populist gamatod dothlag Workere; R. J. Tkomaa, vice preahteaL I’altod Aute Workere; Joha Green, preeldeaL "with mutual good will and 10 Ox. Jar 48th encampment of tbe Veterans can join together to promote world for cancer on three hopeless hu­ Peanut Butter (R oyalist) and the opposition Lib­ Mariae, ShlpbnlldlnR Werkere; Allaa 8. Heywoed, vice pieoideaL United Steel W’erkero; Walter F. Rea- peace. forbearance.” of Foreign ware—now in Ita aec- ther, preeldent. United Ante Workere; Joaeph Curraa, preeldeat. Maritime t^nlen and Jemee B. Carey, Bingo oBd day—tbe military leader de­ eral parties, provided that: MsrahsU who will prtoent the man cases this fall, after getting Speaking before a Joint eeesiaa Thsmlstokles Sophoulla, SS-yesr- sscivtery-trwnsarer. CIO. Philip Marray, prt^dent ef both the CIO and the Ualtod Steel Workere, la treaty to the United Netlona As­ some Apparent cures In mice in clared: eented la froaL (A P wirephoto). o f the BrasUian Omgreao In TIrat PINEHURST GROCERY, INC. Strawberry or Raspberry i Feoebes For Canning "W e must, aa aoon ae poasible, old Liberal Issder, would become sembly two weeks hence, and Sen­ prellmlnsry teats. dentes palace, Mr. Truman alse Orange HaU k^iruw w ilj VI iwaptervaij h ALE HAVEN — Best of the Season! O T O have a regulv Air Force ready for premier. ator Vsndenberg iR., Mich.) hail­ But he emphstlcslly etresaed hailed aa “splendid" the achieve* Constantin Tssldsria, Populist ed It In a radio broadcast last that there was not yet the slight­ mont of the recent Inten'AmertoaB I I 1 6 * C ^ U B r t ao««»ooeeeeeeeeeooee___^ | • m Jr battle, comprised of 10,000 up-to- night as s pattern for tha U.N. Toiftori'OM' tba n^ute .aircraft and 400,000 leader and present premier, would Risiiig Prices est hope to believe that humans conference In reaching agreenwra Preserve_______ direct sin inner cabinet group — to follow in its quest for world would reset Uks ths mice. on defense of the weetara bemi* trained men to adequately man, Vote of Confidence wide security. equip and adminiater a 70 group the Ministries of War, Public A t the same time, another scien­ sphere. ' Night at B program. Order and Justice— having to do To Hit Foods Implied Critielam Of Russia tist reported no cures and only BrasU and the United Statea, bfi said, must continue to cooperate 23 REGULAR GAMES 25c Peach Preserve 1 Lb. Jar 23c Grapefruit with the fight on Oommunlat-led, Throughout the' talks of both moderate effecte at beat from KR "We must also have a strong anti* government guerrillas.
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