Light From The Hill JUNE, 2020...The Pastor’s Corner…Rev. Dr. Eo

All is of God!

It has been a great joy for me and Joungwon with Soonhi to be with you in the ministry of God. What I want to say is “Thank you all for your wonderful ministry.” Two years has been full of thriving for the work of the Lord together. It was a short time for me to be familiar with you all, while it was an ample time for me to edify the leadership of the House Church with “Living Life” Discipleship Training. Of course, I remember the joy of ministry including pastoral visitations, sermons with inspiring worship, Spiritual Discipline through Daily Meditations on Facebook, introduction of the new Christmas programs, and facing difficult matters like the same-sex issue.

With retirement, I am deeply grateful to the Lord for giving me wonderful opportunities to work with all the good people at Laurel Hill. I wish I could give my biggest hug to everyone with my deep gratitude. Most of all, the Lord has been my greatest Shepherd leading and guiding me for the last 32 years of my ministry as well as 40 years in the USA. Turning the clock back, I know the Lord’s healing mercy graciously guided me on the best path. Amazed and fearful at the time of commitment, I committed my life to the Lord. It was the Words of God that empowered me: 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Do it for the glory of God,” and Romans 14:10, “I belong to the Lord.” These have led me regardless of any problems and difficulties in the ministry. And Ezekiel 34:15 caused Joungwon and me to plant a new church in Richmond in 1994, “I myself tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord.” Because of our Good Shepherd, Joungwon and I could go, pause, stop, turn or run with God’s will in the ministry. Yes, the ministries Joungwon and I have experienced have been God’s ministry, not ours. Therefore all people and events we met in our spiritual journey are precious gifts to us given by God. The ministry that we passed through has been full of grace and gratitude regardless of any situation. The grace of the Lord is coming from any person and anywhere. The grace of God has existed beneath, above, by, under, back, front, up, and below us. His abundant blessings are still present tense to Joungwon and me. God brought us so many good friends and rich memories for all our years from Greensboro NC through Richmond, Colonial Beach, Arlington back to Richmond. Joungwon and I will press on in the ministry which God will give us in some other ways or places in our retirement. For the time being, we will focus on taking care of our new place and neighbors. I know that we will get together in the Heavenly Kingdom. Until that time, Joungwon and I, with Soonhi, would like to say farewell to all our friends. Thank you all! May God bless you abundantly! God is so good. Always! Amen.


Paul Miller, June 3rd; Lois Ann Durrette, June 5th; Frank Jenness, June 6th; Shirley Hicks, June 17th; Allen McCabe, June 17th, William Miller, June 22nd and Judy Walker, June 22nd Ann & Durward Hechler, June 6th; Bronson & Janet Stoneman, June 7th; Guy & Connie Madison, June 9th; Chris & Angela Ragland, June 9th; Drew and Bethany Corley, June 14th; Carl & Patrice Moore, June 23rd


6/7 Revelation 4:1-4 Pre-Tribulation Rapture and 24 Elders

6/14 Revelation 6:12-17 The Sixth Seal: Wrath of God and the Great Revival With 144,000

6/21 Revelation 8:2-5 The Seventh Seal (Last Sunday for Rev.Dr. Yunho Eo)

6/28 Joshua 1:1-9 Be Strong and Courageous (Rev. Thomas Austin)

OUR WORSHIP SERVICE will continue to be on Sunday morning at 11 A.M. live on the Laurel Hill UMC Facebook page and later on Youtube at Yunho Eo. Thanks to all who have been watching. It is a big encouragement to be with each other even if it is on the computer.

Also, you have been so generous with bringing or sending your contributions in the mail. Thank you! If any of you have a need for food or pick up of medications, etc. and we can help, please call the office at 795- 2772 or Barbara at home at 222-9223. We miss you all and love you. We will continue to keep in touch.

FACE MASKS-we have been blessed by Pam Wilson, Meade Welch, Ann Hechler and Janet Stoneman who have used all those quilt scraps to make face masks for our congregation. We have passed out quite a few to very happy recipients. If you need a mask, please let us know in the office.

OUR SYMPATHY to Gene Russell, his children and grandchildren, at the passing of his wife, Kathy. She fought a long and difficult battle with illness, with Gene by her side. We will all miss her very much. Please keep Gene and their entire family in your prayers and remember them with your cards, calls and other expressions of love and concern.

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and other men who love and mentor us throughout our life. May you all be blessed. Take time to send a card or note to the men that have made your life more special with their steadfast love, devotion and concern over the years. Say thank you!

FISH is collecting canned goods of any kind for June. You may bring them to church and leave them on the porch where you enter the offices if it is not during our regular office hours. Pam will take them to the FISH collection location…Please keep Vickie Martin, director of FISH, in your prayers. Her father had a stroke and passed away on May 20. I'm sure she would be comforted to know she and her entire family are in our prayers. If you would like to share your condolences you can send her a card at the FISH Office. The mailing address is: Eastern Henrico FISH, P.O. 38212, Henrico VA 23231. FISH is officially closed at this time but you please continue to collect food. Vickie needs some time to take care of her dad's things. I'll let you know when FISH will open again. Thank you for blessing her with your thoughts and prayers.

WEEKDAY SCHOOL UPDATES: We are delighted to announce that we will reopen our program on June 15th. This will be the start of our summer program which will be in operation through August 28th. Plans are also being made to start our Fall program on Tuesday, September 8th.

Please contact our Director, Margo Keeles, for more information or to receive an enrollment packet. You may also call the church office (795- 2772) and leave a message. NOTE: With the new CDC guidelines for child care programs, the school could use your help in keeping the necessary sanitation items on hand. If you desire to assist with providing these items, here are some items that you can donate: Clorox or Lysol Wipes, Hand Sanitizer & Latex-free Gloves

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Pam Wilson, Meade Welch and Janet Stoneman for your God-given talents to make masks for our students and staff. We are so blessed to have your support.