An Interview C~Raduoteqby Wflla %Lug Barn Photograph Following: Dr

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An Interview C~Raduoteqby Wflla %Lug Barn Photograph Following: Dr Mary #&%$an Obey An Interview C~raduoteQby Wflla %lug Barn Photograph following: Dr. and Mrs. John Knox McLean and daughter Mary, early 1890Fs. All uses of this marmuscript are covered by nn agreement between the Regents of' the University of California ad Nary McLean Olney dated 13 December 1963. The manuscript is thereby made available for research purposes. All. litera.ry rignks in the mznuscript, including the right to publish, are reserved Lo the General Library of the University of California at Berkeley. No part of the manuscript nay be quoted for publication without the writtea permission of the University Librarian sf the University of California at Berkeley. BilBwy 0lne-j~was bozfi i~&Q,a.mdin 1873. She.w,aa *he &aughB,er 0:f.&, J0.k fi-@e%&a, pas't;~~ of the rj+s~.%Q~pgrqptj,oa . .Qbap~h. &..Qua& <, U,72:m5895:+.%~~sBqq::. and pre~%~@,~tYb!~.-af %e..2~a&if$#:. , %.. !th@;oLty@sal,hrsljlaaq;,:mm.bsr & %he Bmd.:.:0f G,had.*$;&eo.., ,. ., ..: -4 ~B~?.~B.%,~BS.,. .., . t~tas$e~t99 ..~?..BHM~:[email protected], [email protected]&&&w:.;f~rce::fn &b~p.agiga@ wd.. [email protected].... .. , . ,*., .. ..... .. .. I@@&,Q&Q:$ .Q:&&mQ., =&., ~~~&a~gj~,. .& .. ,' , . ; ,,! . : 7 . , ., . ,: . - ., ,.. ., .. .,, . ..,: . ., (. .. bg~lu&&iP:,2,4a%@re-a4sPO. &#%& epi&&:FwyI.r: ._ a@? *am. , . ,ia.:.. ,..:rn~a%bm~~~. ., . ,fa3. ~~~dz+~.l.. , . .-.a. her.keen:,p~asrsr . .. 0s. , ~!.p~!pnit.t.f:..: . ,.! .. en.,. stgatpe&.. ..... %&o, @@:.,.o~&~c&@Q&.. .. ~9~t.a. @a.he!^ a~~.~y~.,&r.. JrQQng.warn. -. W&@., [email protected],Q#., @he;:-ffrs$., . .,:. , . .. s.~~dsQo. &*:an&: gnivepa&tg of Qa&foa~,., . , . ,. - .. In..1899 my. .. ... , . ji&&@mm--j*& v.arpen Obeyl-,Jt.. i. eheasbg: &=fig .$wo. ha@$w&y &@a Per gather. d,n-J,aw,.. ,., .. .,:lme:n.. Qlney $1~ -,. I Saxi &:wo;i;a:eo .: . .. ,;-. &Q.$.:. .... ha.. @PET a$+:@gn@ya..+_. ._,_... WELF.,&D.E!., t :$ifkse~~;f;cy@ebLC ght~set~ of %.~.(, -.,-.?:.. :.,, .. :. up Qakkwa @.L%y&m%e~ 1888; in 1903 .,. he was eXe@t,&... ;.. 2.....:.:.....p,. ,?m~orl::@f..... .,. .,. ,.,. ,< ;[email protected];.. .., . agtier;:&gw&~gl;jea &~&.n&b;&. .... ...,>.&yl: . , ;B;p.f;h,... '.~ ,. :.gepub~i~~.2~4, ,, . Deao@zaf&:@;.:p~tf e@ . Eer husbaa&.,.. Wqen OUep, JF.. als . aa ztt%BrB,egrLn San I?r~ciscs,,sj&rve4 a.s attsza.ey for %he Eegents of the University of California from 1911 &o 1919, when he wa~appsfntedl &~osiat%eJw%icre~f %he @&lL fC3~h@'tk~p~@lIW#ou;c$. R~~tgn%~g&f$dP %WU ~Bt338, b aontinuob to be the legal dfti&aa sf %he area, One OLnsy @om, Warren 511, we~C%aBo .t;h IegatJ. This dn-bemiew faras part of a collection of fn$sm&aw@%spa recorded by %he B@gSonal CulBural Hi~LeryBra j~QZ;to d~eme~t;Lha &evelopmen% of Xartlatmn CaXf%om%a.O%he~ProjeoC ifi%amfews dealiryg wteh early Oaklad BexkeQ@yhave! beeea recdrrdeCI, with L@uifif Bbetx-trX&k fa bxo%~ers~-~n-lawaf Barrean Qbmy, ix. ) , heon .RLchar&~on,tMill.fsm U. gay@, f@w&3; Ferny, Villiam OoSbg, Suer $prague! IP%chell, an4 lax Th@l~nr. TABU OF CWTEP28 PAMf 5Y BACKQRBUBD Fathar - Y ow Worn Pohm MsLher - S~rahMktilck Hawley Father's Pir$t , Pears as a P~sCor OAKLAaB, 2872-1.895 ?Erst Oongre~aCiowaLChwreb of QB~LPT~.~~ad barxswliaa~ BaiW &&fa gg@& %p@c%al,~V@I*$ Tf@;rf tin& fa Be?kraIsy, ,&8$Ol; Sumetr V~d,aati~ng,YoserraP be and Mt, Shasto BlTZg'ERESX TP 03' CALTFQEf2EJIA, 1891-1895 B~ildltn~s,Fa.$u2ty, PresiL~snts.and Classes $%u&en%sand %tu,deatLife- BABTXAS TRDXX %am: @auld we a%& out with e. brief desorlg8ion of whapa Qlxbayr By father*s fa%Ete~was %!haaaoE9134 J&&em,~m1 he Baumo mere did this miag of natkanalities take pZaas7 %doh6Brigh-k Buckham, Jalam &ox NaSea, a blogr~ph~. Smith Bro$hers, Oakland GalSiorPsjla, 1914, 122 pp , OZmsyt E juage ia th%s aotantrg. falibex wao tha yowge@%sf a F&l$ 09 fe~@ cLo.trMng was very p~ec$ouaad tm hand@& dawn fzam child to child, aadt by %he Lime it reaeheb my fathea %hem wasn't s greaL ded 1si-k. %hem ww o seasCrs#s, a tail~~stw,who oame to Bhs house @Bay@&perhaps as Zang as munth 6t124 a1c~Lhesfor Lht8 snti~e faorbl$. 8he wm2d sfay e8%the f~ltg~and Pa-bher Co fell abmt kke~siti%ingby %he @@a% open fixegla~e in the evening mihen she w&a r@@Lbg,making a pipe, Tbep oooked ~JI aa spea firoglaoe -- I'm BOO sure what fuel they-ass&, bsn% a% my reZe %haii~ewas Ewer go ou-b b'~>sazusethey ha& no- matches in Ohoee daxs, and It was gtai-&ea process to start a blaze with the sBed amd flint, 80 at migh.i; the eoa2s were cars- fully oovere& m& in the morniag tb;~were xaked apmL ad Lhe k2naling then the faal were plx'c; 012 %Q make a hot fire for cooking. But mow mdE. then it woalcl go ouC dufiug the night and Father was the Laelfless boy who had to trudge on the frozen ground in winter about two miles to a nelghb~ra farm to oarry c~alsback in a aoal OUeyt sen-k-kle, Ee u~ed.%a tie11 &boat %ha$. Bawntt What was Ring @aEeants oaaupaD;ton? 0222~tyo Hs was s fmer, B~wZYa2 th~ep~gle W~FBff3mb~8r Barn: And bad they been a g20np ~f fmlhte~~in Bea%ZmdP Olneyr X &oatt know4 Banee of tBen woaLd eeeB BQ have hh$$ an eduea%ien4 OHI of g~~&f~%hertlbroDher~ WBI a judge; mother ha& a very btsazBfftzJ Boma wash he hade built on one a$ the ~Lraam~ithat flowed t~oughWashington @st;laty, Rew Ysrk, ?he etBxea,m was aalledl th@ Ba%onMll, Phis house was v%siblsfrcrn %he raa& andl had a very beautiful bal'tilsQ~ad@IQPQBO %he fro&%of the garden, mb ths houhse was painted a %ov-elyaolar, so that it waa very hmdscsrae. BB was Eew IRcLea, 1 $hW, but what kite did I dofit% know. Ee was an wole of my father. &other wa1e, who was refe~red"c oe "Hornorable John HeLsan," was: a Sawyer ad ha&. held soEete kind of poLit$sEil position. Be was always called btaage. Eo Interested himaelf im. my father's aaueratf on, and had Father eome off the Sa;rrm adlive at a, ho%aL in Salem, Their let-bers were always gettifig mixed up, two John NcLem a, you see, so Father pat the le%terE in and go% h%~1d&&1~BEXR@* $mms Vaa his fa%kers ~XEJBP~P~~Bf~~r% OZneyr Well, he ~a&oeBa f&ly of all %how aPiildsew. Btitmt Bid they feel %he pL&oh af pove~ty? anomons Sireplsoe in ths "w&~t;erki-t;ohen," I; dongC kflf, Bs have staor$, aZ1 these yewe;, E have %aka ray. chfldssn slad suas of ray gr~ndcldldlres~there %a see 5%. I tMnk the last visit was abuu% 1928 when I had my daughter mdt one of my ~LecesBhe~+ec+-~ .s@Ko%ea There is z. photograph of the Dlc&em house in the biog~aphyaf doh Khox lkfreau~r a&Iiver9 frt 8oohester, New Hctrk, whee he mm~ieda. yamgs~Cbao-bher were both doa%srs in Re3w Yopk stafe in Bf fferent t~wns. Th@ ~dXbut~-%h@r~ad@~%brofher &lea, just a, small. town. Of the ~is.tie@s,one VMI L %eaeher 202 a wh9le bat &ie& rathex em?ly, a~d%he Bmt bid none of the children ~tayon the family P~PIIZ? Olaey: Ha, aene of them, They w4re all within re%& bwt 9m diffexw~t%owas, the family. -- Blney: Bee, It seems to have been* I have some old books tha* bather brough* from the old home* They doaft amo=t to mu&, but %hey evfd;en.t;Zy had booka in the 2hen when Father went to college, Co Union Gollege in SchenecCady [1855-1&5B], he had @o earn his way tlmaugh so that he sas eetually in residence only about a year and a half out of the four $ems, adthe OUeyt ke~fof fb% %fa@he wa~tw~eMngan8 efudying, h-b he fih&lg zeeseaivt%dhis 811p2mw from Union GokLsg@. He, was a &mmmLtg of HIP. Wwl~fngW ~ ~ h%ex~ & of ~ Q ~ ~ Be;sks3ey, farad Hsfr, J,B, Iabheesney, who late2 waB p-sr%nai- pal of the high srahoo2, in Oakk@nd. Banmt Bld %he$@ @%her bays woatk m mashas your fs.khes did whP1e~%hey were in soZLegeP QUeyz 1 &sat% &aw. Why fafhar [email protected];c go 50 eollsget B5d. he have %azrsgeeia'l. proies~isa.b, mind? (Smey: go*. I,aeag &f.s uncle J B i~@g$~%~~ & f@ do j,.t;, but I don't im~r. Wle he was going %hFoughcolLege he waad gee $$i&gposil$@as im @@&QQL- gaxar~rwas largely fis paom b:am&w&M Gome heye the aMl&~awen$ ~oUo.1~Be as.& a.e~grfba is;l very v&pi$ c@lossr !&a~g wao gmati rivalry be.tiweem the farmerst wive@as $0 who fad $he teacher Beg*, [email protected]~ vm&e$y $a the ..:pp&eof o.soMfig."&a$ he got in homes. He had %a eat, i% all e~e~jvEeeYeha lived* be.eause if he BZdn'f ampmisoas would be &awn and the ear, MWell, of course T canst cook as well as Nss, Some- body, It was quite dramatie.
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