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THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY IxTY-FIFTH YEAR—No. 1 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1954 idvlt School Students To Churches Council Case To Address GOP Women Mrs. Kingsbury To legisterMondayEvening Sets Up Annual At Meeting Here Tuesday Direct Campaign Council Votes 5-2 Training Institute "The Accomplishments and Phil- 20,000 higher than any other can- Office Staff Opening Speaker osophy of the Eisenhower Admin- didate had ever received in bis dis- Different istration" will be reviewed and trict and 10,000 more than Eisen- On Zone Variance Drew Prof. One Of discussed by Clifford P. Case, Re- hower's own record-breaking ma- 100 Volunteers Featured Speakers; | publican candidate for U. S. Sena- jority. Case carried every one of wrses Offered j tor from New Jersey, at the fall the 2] municipalities in hi? dis- Will Do Paper Classes Begin Oct. 5 meeting of the Westfield Women's trict, the first time this had been Work of Drive Lewis, Gumbert IAV V Sponsors Republican Club. The discussion done by a candidate for either The Rev. Dr. Lawrence Edmund will take place in the home of party. Mrs. Warren T. Kingsbury has Oppose Move Tax Lectures Toombs, professor of Old Testa- Mis. II. Emerson Thomas, 3 Stone- In 1951, Case received the award beet) appointed chairman of the men at Drew University, Madi- leigh park, Tuesday afternoon at of Liberty Magazine as one of the volunteer office staff committee, ac- will be registration son, will teach the course "History 2:^0. Refreshments and a brief 10 outstanding Senators and Rep- cording to Robert C. Fuller, gen- of the Hebrew People" which is Residents Voice Hit the Westtield Adult i business meeting, starting at 1 resentatives in the 82nd Congress. eral chairman of the 1954 United eople may register in among those being offered by the will proceed Mr. Case's address, Mr. Case received his bachelor Campaign, which will be conduct- Strong Disapproval Westfield Council of Churches in ..•11 MI by proxy in the cafe- according to Mrs. Drew Hall, pro- of arts degree from Rutgers Uni- ed next month for the J355 sup- its third annual training institute. gram chairman. versity in 1925, and his LL.H. port of the District Nursing Asso- Dc-pite objections from several a of the Roosevelt Junior High The classes will be held at the ,ol. 3dl Clark street from 7:30 Mr. Case had a prominent part from Columbia in 1928. He is a ciation, the Westfield Community residents, Town Council, itself di- First Methodist Church, 1 East in the movement for the nomina- charter trustee of Kutgers Uni- vided in opinion, Monday night ;i p.m. Both counselors and in- Broad street, Tuesday evenings, Center, the YWCA, the YMCA, will be available to as- tion of General Eisenhower, and versity, a trustee of N. Y. Society the Girl Scouts and the Boy approved a recommendation of the from 8 to 10 p.m., Oct. 5 to Nov. of Phi Beta Kappa Alumni, a Hoard of Adjustment to grant per- ie in the selection of 3 inclusive. was active'in the campaign for Scouts. Mrs. Kingsbury will be in A total of 24 different, Eisenhower's election. After elec- trustee for the New Jersey Soci- charge of recruiting and directing mission tn William II. Mair tn use rscs will be offered. I Dr. Toombs, a native of Canada tion, he served as^a member of ety for Crippled Children and the volunteer organization of wom- the first floor of a one-family building in u residence "A" zone cgi.'ration by mail will be ac- was graduated from Acadia Uni General Eisenhower's staff at the Adults, a member of the Elks, the en and girls who will do the large as a laboratory and office of a cd up to and including Mon- versity, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, ii Eisenhower temporary headquar- Downtown Association, Delta Up- volume of typing, checking, post- professional person and use the aetording to the directions 1941 with a bachelor of scienc ters in New York. He was also silon fraternity, the Metropolitan ing and tiling that is required for second flour as an apartment for n in the fall catalog. Extra degree in science with honors. II treasurer of the Eisenhower head- Club (Washington) and Ilderan a well organized campaign. a tenant. ids will be available in the received his bachelor of divinit quarters committee. Outing (Rahway). A member of As in previous years, 75 to 100 ttii'ld Public Library for those degree in 1948 from Pine Hill Di- His own district, the sixth, the law firm of Simpson, Timelier volunteers, working three to six The vote on the measure, which —HlaolCKtntip SUHlloi vinity Hall, Halifax. Nova Scotia which includes Union County, re- and Bartlett, New York, he lives followed a lung executive session, might not have received one MRS. MAXWELL BARUS hours a week, will be needed at he mail. People are urged to and his Ph.D. in 1951 from I)re\ turned Case to Congress in 1952 in Rahway with his wife Ruth and campaign headquarters in the YM wus 5-2. Councilmen C6nrad B. iter as early as possible, be- University. From 11)50 to 195 by a majority of nearly 55,000, his three children. CA. These women will be recruit- MRS. WARREN T. KINGSBURY Lewis and Robert F. Gumbert op- e some courses have limited he was professor of Old Testa ed from the various women's or- posed the move. In addition, Coun- 'llmeiit and fill up quickly. Youth Center meiit language and literature a Clerk Announces ganizations in town. Many indi- cilman (iumbert advised residents lie of the new courses thi: St. Stephen's College, Edmonton School Boosters viduals have already volunteered Women Voters opposed to the decision to take 'ster will be entitled "Your Committees Named Alberta. Meanwhile he has preach Evening Registration their services directly. action to determine the legality py and Your Government" ed in nearly every community ir In commenting on Mrs. Kings- of the variance. sored by the League of Wom- the Provinces and been in greal Mn. Jane Jonei, town clerk, Elect Officers bury'a appointment, Mr. Fuller Meet Tuesday The variance was given Mr. Yoters of Westfield, a non- 'Terrible Teens' demand as a leader of Bible studj hat announced the following said, "Few people realize the Mair, who was fined $100 last isan organization, whose pur- groups in Cunada, He is present dates when her office, in the amount of office work required be- spring by Magistrate William M. is to promote informed and 31usical Oct. 16 ly writing a course of Bible stud; new Municipal Building on Eatt Football Coach fore, during and after a campaign President Announces Heard for a violation of the zon- ve participation in govern- for the Young People's Society o Broad street, -will be open for Addresses Members which involves over 8000 prospects Membership Tea ing ordinance. t. Committee chairmen for the the United Churches of Canada. evening registration from 5 to and 1(100 volunteer workers. Tlie Under the terms of the zoning is. Maxwell Barus of Mont- Oct. 1(1 Youth Center musical com- Other courses to be given will D p.m.: Sept. 16, 20, 21, 22 and A new slate of officers for the wonderful spirit shown by the A "strip tease" will be a feature ordinance, us interpreted by Mag- • will be the opening speaker edy, "These Terrible Teens", have be "The History of the Christian 23. These are in addition to the 1954-55 year was unanimously women of the community in do- of the program of the membership istrate Heard last spring and as J on the subject "Dedicated been announced by Herb Eckert, Church" by Dr. Norman V; Hope, regular daily hours of S a.m. elected by the general member- ing this work without cost to the tea which will open the fall activi- amended Monday night, a profes- -Is and Our State Constitu- president. Any high school sopho- and "Christian Beliefs for Church to 12 and 1 to 5 p.m. ship of the Westfield School Boost- campaign is indicative of the. high ties of the Westfield League of sional person mny maintain an of- ," A graduate of Smith Col- more, junior or senior who is in- School Teachers" by Dr. W. Nor Registrations for the Genera! ers Association at its annual meet- value placed upon the work of the Women Voters Tuesday afternoon. fice in a residential "A" Hone only , where she was elected to Phi terested in working on a commit- man Pittengcr. Election to be held Nov. 2, close ing Tuesday at the new Munici- agencies supported, and helps keep Mrs. M. C. Reed, president of the if he resides in the building and i Kappa, Mrs. Bums was tee and has not yet signed up, may This institute is open lo anyon Sept, 23 and all residents who pal Building. Walter M. Clark the campaign costs to a minimum." local league, said "the mock strip the oflice is an accessory to the riled a master of arts degree gel in touch with the chairman of in the community and registration have not previously registered takes over the presidency. Wil- Mi's. Kingsbury is a past presi- tease is an amusing and instructive structure. educational psychology from the committee on which he would blanks • may be otbained at any and who will have lived in the liam II. List is first vice president dent of the League of Women Vot- orientation for old, new and pros- Mr.