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BODT PMED Beihni OR Pirn MCMILET PUVBIS Phtmi :r i h. - Ttveive *es TH VOLUME XXVI—NO. 46 ST. JOHNS. mCHIGAN. THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JUNE 17. 1915 ONE DOLLAR A TEAK MAiut riAi: MirfH. HAMTtAWM TEAR WILL PLAT. lUv. Mid Mm. r J. Kras* war* Owing to rain yastardaj the ball IKIMnLLHI laadr happy Tuaaday iwnralaK. A ter QIMfSifl i AITlIHimiLK W»AI» MAflt. ♦ BSSTKV gam* batwaaa tM. Johns and Hnstlnga |C4' eomlilaatloa raas*. a sift froai Um tanma waa postpo ned. Tha lueatbara M*a‘i« ctaaa and Datoorah Cirri* of tha 1*0 yiNi want a daa naw auto- of the Hnsilags lanm had ariirad. aad milDIICGIIIEIT Mathodlat Kptseopal Hiiaday arlioat. flBTSOCGESSi awMIa road map ol^lcbiaaa? MSTiriBEAL ramainad hare for games today and aad an alasant MarHoasal klirhan The .\*wa has |aat raewivad a Friday, baglanlag at S o ’clock. uahlnat. a sift froaa tka llaasal Matho- aupply. pul up eaparlally for Ita suboenbars Tbay are made in dlat Kplaropai i uosrasation. wara add* FIHATM. MBfTIBBH AAB MirABBA. rd u> til* parsonasa funiltura. bandy form and «ao be earned In WKimt INMTtXT MliVKSAL TOUrHAkll rK«M»LE a coat pocket. ^ FIVE HI ABOKII ATTEAR f‘fMi»l’A. All atylaa cultivator potata. awaopa. AlJt AI*TB AAB BLITBBM mower and binder aaetlons. guards aad HKtTH M47IUAV. ARTT TO AllMA3i. MKBC HATI'MAT. Wa will give naa of tbaaa mapa ♦ mr FLAT BAT. 4IF FABmUBL publisher's prlca/' 25 cants, to ♦ rivets. BYRON UANUCY. 4«-2 Kaaia Italia (Irian, tba (hrld slri who avarv new subaarlbar. aad to any ♦ ------------ waa haM In Juranlla court aa a da* D mf imiPTiflii nroaiiM old subac liber who will pay his FBHBATE ARWH. Iloquant. haa tiaan asalsnrd to tha In* rUIH M liNillll Ur HHIIB Bubaciipllon a yaar In advaac*. 1 TUT nr inn nm duatiial lioiua for (ilrU at Adrian ua* t iMrUrniii fiMiiini. lUjIi The datarmlnntlon of hairs In the BODT PMED BEIHni OR If you 'own an automobile, you Kllsar IsMinsbury astnts has baaa held. - IKS INS ini 10 A M III aha aliall attain the asa of 21 yaars will find this map a graal coa* Hha la now twalvr yaora of ace. The datarmlnatloa of batrs In tha U AH BKTI’IIMM* HONt \IM»l'T*itai aKI» BAAU KI'KAWHBI* EXI’IL* vcaianre If you don't own an * FKIIMIAEAT FEBHBAH MET INTl'K. Amina U Cook estate waa held Tues­ HWLIIH I P I4HHIA4I WAA AWdtW automobile you can sand tha map HNir HAartE m RKLMin. LEAT ai'MIf. 4 4 day. UM'I.IN'k. to aomw friend who has one. I.A i Ih NTHAV CBBEK. Lewis J. Carpaoier has bean ap­ FAWB LAME. (•eontr H. (Tuipman of the St. Johns Tha supply is limited, ao coma ♦ pointed administrator of the astata of l*ortabla buildiiMC company has ra* In early and gat on«. Naxand Friaas Ml«c« Away la Aflar- A Tw* Hall liaaiia Eaalarr af Earaaaaa John (I. Ulsuirhard Am •# AMirrw Hraaiac. Hapar- calved an order from one of the allle* The final account was rendered In tiMr af RtaaHaai for a aampla building to be shipped to aaaa Praaaals MItaa I* 8T. JOH.N8 NKW8. tha Theodora F. Dewitt ••state Tuaa- Baliriuro. June 28. In c'onpatItloB with day. TaaawMp. other aaniplaa. If tha sample Is ar* cepted. It will niaan an order for aav- eral hundred Klpht orders wara re­ AITIl TfTBNM 'H'RTLE. Joiiu. oldaat mui of Mr. and Mra. An* ceived tha latter part of last weak for Probably the largest crowd HI. Johns A great success was the coiiiinunity To aid lo a search for an unknown draw F. Hanntns of llinsiiant. waa In* bulldlnga lias seen In a long tlm*. was hare Sat­ John Hopp of naor Fbrooi Hill bad day In lieogal Saturday, givan by the bandit, who robbed an auto drlvar. atanlly killed Siinda> cvrnlac. about urday. to witness (laorga H. Chapman's hla laft ankle dialoratad Sunday ava- Methodlat Kptseopal church of Hangai. THEIR LONBBi DMLY TRIPS stole Ike auto and ainded a pooss of A;So o'clock, whan the auto, which hr big day. A large crowd waa also pres­ nlng. whan bis auto tumad turtla. He the t'nltad Hratbmn church, the farmers. Sheriff Joseph Cramor was was brougm to St. Johns, whare he was dtivlns. turned turtle, ptnnins him ent Thursday, but the rain stoppad the liengal-HIley HapUst church, and the tumiiionad to lha vicinity of Park exercise*, ’^e Reo concar: band from was attanded by Dr. Frare. Iteogai U’orfcera Y. M. C. A. group, banaaih It. Pirn MCMILET PUVBIS FATK41NH BElfrEMTEU T4» FLAf'E lake and Rhsubottzmi nonr the ooath Mr. Hannlns. who was amployad by l.anslng gave concerts both 'Thuradby lieon (irubaiigh. leader of that group, county line Tuesday. The bandit O Handarahot at the Moos sarac*-, PHTmi; ON 6000 purs and Saturday. Saturday evantng there waa chairman of the Commnnlty Day .NAMKH ON BOXES. eluded hla pursuers. was ratumlna boiiie In Mr. Hcnder* wet# several thousand people, and no rtimiiilltee. There ware about 5tiy |»*o- Lata Tuaaday afternoon t'hniitear shot's jiowvrful racer. About a half* less than •'•mt auto* in town. MELBIDGIITB) pie present, the largaat crowd gather­ f'barlaa Horaley of the Blue Straak mile from home. In front of the real* HATIKDAV ’S FEATI'RE. -PPH A Mr. fhapnian 1* undoubtedly on* of ed In llaugal for some time. 'The meet­ The change in the rural routaa In Jltoay bus I toe of Lansing, was en ­ dance of John Haumsartnar. be met a the moat publlc-apirttad hualness men ing was held In the grove on the Rob ­ CliBUm county announced last weak, gaged by an uaknown man to drive mini ; H 4Y T4» 'nFFEBABT.* man Iradlnx a cow The cow would In St Johns, and gave this big day to ert Heuer farm, two mile* south of iiecame effective Wednesday and tba lu miles northeast of {.analog and re­ not ari out of tli< road, so Mr. Men* show hi* appreciation of the trade MljllEDIMm Ren gal 11 range St. .l(»hnB earners laft the postofllce turn. Reaching a daoolate crooa road which the people of t'ltntoii county At f*:0tt uclock, the progmui for the about lu o'clock to cover as wall as north of line lake tba man shovad a ntna turned out to pass It. The road The I’attI McKinley Players, which was being tiled, and a ditch had bean have given him for the past sixteen day opened with a ball game between possible their respeettve routes under rarolvar In Horsley's face and onto rad are at the Allison this week, are with- yesrx He ('ertstinly should l*e con ­ the ilengal XVnrkars and the Hengal- dug at the slile t>f the road He did TELEPHONE HIBES 4'BOhH M. 1. T. the new- arrangammls. him to stop the machine. Tba chaot- 4>ut a doubt tine of the best stock com* gratulated on the success of his ven ­ Rlley Y .M. <T. A. group*. The former Frank II. Younglovc, earner on (aur waa bound, gaggad, robbsd aad not know of this ditch. The wheels (lanies ever seen In this city The won by a score of 11 lo 2. RcV. 44*. H. went into the ditch and the car cap- ture The applause was deafening as POWER HIKE. mute .No. 11. who foraieriy got mall tied to a tree and the bandit Jumpad sited -Mr liannina was extract^ plays all this week have bean Ane Isist the beautiful float moved up (Minton Thompson Is leader of the Rengal- for his route from St Johns .No. 4b, into the machine and drove mpltey evening's play. '•Trathr In Houls." was avenue Saturday evening, following the Rlley group A pknk dinner wa* staning at French's comer, resigned. away The chauffeur wiggled hltnaalf from beneath the car as soon as possi ­ very well rerelved aiitotnobile imradc served at noon on tables In the woods ble. but he had Im***!) insiunil> kllle^l. .No 11 now starts from St. Johns. I^as- looae ran to a fami houae. telephoned Tills evening Miss .McKinley will Tb4- music by the Reo Itand. which In the aflerno<in the Ikngal Tigers dc- lle .Matthews, fumier earner on So. the Rath exchsQge and gave new* of MS It was imiHi.'.sIbb* to resustlratc i»e seen in her most uccessfiil play. STRHE Hi WHEN FALLING (ewivd the Rsngal-ltiley 9 tn T. him. The back of the seal was arross announced the opening of the program, 3U. which has Iweii discontinued, is ,the robbery. The operator threw*on '.Nima. NVher*- I»«» You Live**' F'fiday wan Anc; l»esi Itand music St Johns Following the program, lamn drii- carrying mall on No. 11, for the prea- the alarm signal, told all farroars of his chest The Imk Iv was not in)ure«| 4*veniiig. that old and impular play. has heard in some lime At three liaugli introduced Fay CIU^. Co Y. M. in an« wa>; with (hr excepiion of a ltEL.4TIVE HELh Kl'KMNO CLOTH- 4-ni, no apimintinent having been made. the rohtiery and of the man flealag In Ten .N'tglrts In a Mar-Room. ” There ft’clfick t4i the tn isIc of the band, the C A. Secretary, who Introduced the In view of the many ebanget* of the stolen car. Farmera poured into slighi hruis. on ilo' chcsi will be a mattiit4- SHitirday afternoon, antoiiioblle paradr ^lowly wended Us IMi Rl HHE*» T(t REHCrt;. other speakeVs Casper L.
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