Our, India En

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Our, India En t'. - I ';- 7.x ' • . V ,'■ .-J"; . ■ ■ V. * - X ’ 1.'- . ■IT’ Fr id a y ; NOVEMBER is. - i m . p a g e t w e n t y jOattri|i(Bt(r ^nrafng HcraUt - V. < . f: Average OAlly Net Prebs Run ' "For the Week Ended Hie Weather ' , V Nov. 10, 1956' Pereeaet of - U. -8. W eoD i^ ****^**ff The r W. Stephen S. Strylewskl. ’sequently ssnt tp'Children of other. * > pastor of St.. John's ChurCh, Will, Junior Red Cross Roll Cdll landa, and art posters which are Pbir; eOet> tonight. Law M-M, About Town participate in the d.* (fi e a 1 1 o n • j ■ > . prepared for va^ous community | 1 2 ,3 7 8 services Sunday of ' the D ivine Osattmied cool. Sunday, eseesleart' Member of the Audit fio , Providence Church, Norwich. He dives’’ and services, lend them-i MUatonomoh Trtb* M, Underway in Local Schools selves^ to incorporation liito the | Bureau Of CIrculetlon rain hi afternoon. High la laM 4da. lORM, win hold h Th*ak«flvln» will leave for .Norwich Su n d ay at th i cIubrooniB on Brain- morning Immediately following the children's regular lesson program.-I Manchetter— A City of Village Charm ard PI., for member* and friand* 8:30 Mass. .Mrs. Beverly Lawrence, chair f organisations are so acUvi or so:**«> “O'*"- | • -a*’' tomorrow evening atartltif a t 8 man of the Manchester Junior Red1 1 large .(hat several leacher-aponsocd^] Other projects, such as the mak- 0 - 0 - o'clock. Officer* for the year 1957 will ! are entrusted with their leadership. U"g of holiday favors lor shut-ins VOL. LXXVI, NO. 42 (TWELVE PAGES) ' MANCHE8TEB, CONN., SATURDAY, I^OVEMBER 17, 1956 (Claaalfled Advortiahig eo Page I I ) PRICE nVE-CENTB be nominated at the meeting of d o s s Bervlce, announces ifie open Chief among thesemikbc ■■is Btfwera ' and the creation of scrapbooks for The monthly moellnr of the the Zipser Club StindsC)’ afternoon ing of the annual Junior Red Cross ! "\lrt,ere the'various junior .hospitalised children,. a.>^e con- ■^1 South Methodist' WSCS will be a t 3:30 at the clubhousie; Roll Call which will continue in a ll, groups carry on an energetic pro- ducted outside of ttm classrooms officers, directors end personnel bdld, Mondsy evening a t > .o’clock the local achoola until Nov. 30. Sff“ " under the aponaorahip of and' on the junior workers’ own In ihd chapel of the Church. Mrs. King David I-odge, No. 31 lOOF. .Mrs Raymond Stinchfield h a s '- B ^ ‘h. J>y time. Phyllis Smith, secreUry of mis­ will hold a meeting tonight at 7:30 / eJ. J e o MUs SylviE ClEflIn and Mr», Carle- . Besides the rrojccta of interna- this banX[pin bur'f«noyi{jjj>.c X . sion Question, will present a pro­ in Odd Fellowa Half. Following the been appotmed tieaaurer of thlt en- ion )Vo6dhoua#. At . Verplanck tlonkl flavor, the local' Junior Red gram, "Our Plus B eco m es a biiainess meeting, a social hour rollment drive, which la carried on ; SOhooL Miaa Jayne Betiey and Miss I Cross ^en’eftta such inatitutions aa townspeople in.flijking notfl'of the . Cross," telling of home missions with refrOshihentS will be enjoyed, under the supervision of the te^ch-1 3om bria sponsor the organ* 1 the Manafleld Training School, the In the national nesN^ Fellowship er-*pon*o.« in the gradi achoola K, our, India for the evening will ti* In charge Eugene J. Snow, son of Mr. and and hieh achool Carole Fish and Mra. Dorothy Newington . Home fjot Crippled dedication of Manchester's wonderful^ of the Mla^ah Circle, and hospiut- Mrs. Charles E. Snow, 336 Sum- Representing- the..................... high-school on Paris;„ c„andi.h , .in the^ j^lton School, {Children, ttie ’ Subma'rine Base at Ity. the Perev F. Smith Circle, >n 'mit S t. has completed nine weeks the teacher-sponsor list ^ Georg* and Mrs. < New London. Manchester Memo- new high school . and express executive board meeting will be of recruit training at the,,U.S. Emmerling, O ther' teacher-apon- i-ariaon. rial Hospital, and all the local held at 7 :3 0 .' Naval Training Center, Balnbridge, aora and the achoola in which they. The wprk of the Junior Red Manchester Convalescent Homes. a feeling of confidence that , Md. A former student at Manches­ serve include; Green School. Mr*. I Cross ia'^ don* through student ■ "Throught the Work of the A daughter ■wahMiom at the ter High School, he will spend a Olive France; Keeney Street council- groups which are guided Jiinioi- Red Crosa." said' Mr*. Law­ Hartford Hospital >fi»nday to Mr. 14-day. leave with hia family be­ School. Mr*. Doris Hoghn; Waddell' by their rssDactlvg. teacher-.spon- rence. "the children learn service this investment in Menchestar's youth ' School, Misa Muriel Smith: High- sora. Student council*. compo*ed en and Mrs. Beihard F. Smith, IB fore reporting to Norman, Okla., to' others, achieve more than, a Nathan Rd. for Airman Fundamental School. land ■ Park School. Mr*. Agnes. of « student/representative of each glimpse of the possibilities of in-, will earn the community rich dividends ... ^ ____ Dunn; Lincoln School, Mr*. Daisy grade, .meet iyeekly w ith, their ternational friendship, and enjoy AdverUsement— Bill; Hollister Street School.' Miss sponsors, <decide'taWch of the many learning practical akllls from their Luncheon Held Esther Anderson;, Buckley School, available jnhibr. projects' a'ill be work." > in the years to come. Install' clean, dependable Gas Mra. .Madeliae Hickey'; RoberUon handled by their grades, learn the West Hails Heating, and forget service and For Sharon Rossi School. Mra. Florence, Wood*; I techniques of carrying out the ^ y s Talks delivery problems. Rent a Gas Buckland School. Mrs. Eleanor project*, and carry the program 1 conversion Burner—$3.95 monthly Stubehrauch.____ _ . back to their groups for comple- ^PWScTlMTONS 1 — l^.v a Gas Ooversion . Burner A luncheon, in honor of the ap­ Also South School. Mrs, Anna Me- . tion. The Manehesrer Trust Comp^oby U.S. Policy HoldPeaee^ •288.00, less 850.00 allowances for proaching marriage of Miss Sharon Cann; Washington School, Miss Some of the projects, such as "FrM pick-up A olJ equipment. Guaranteed heating nossi, waa held at the home of Mr4. Mary Roach; Barnard School. Mr*, the writing of international letter* Joseph P..Qulsh, Sd Grandview St., rf «Hid d«llv#ry^"^ J e^Umate. The Hartford Gas Co. John Mitchell; and St. James" to children of foreign countries.' tel. Ml-9-4503. Wednesday, School. Sister Benedict Marie. | the preparation of scrapbooks giv- i n Mideast W ar Choice Mins Rossi also wa* honored .active Group* i ing pictorial and historical data withVBeverar~mlscellaneous show­ Some of the Junior Red Crosa about Manchester which ars sub- j ^ Aittur OniK Storts ^ United Nations, N. Y., I^ov, ers given by Mrs. Agnes Buettner, WashinKton, Nov. 17 (/P)—- his 17 (ff*)— We.stei n Mrs. Rose Sch'.voerer, and Mias On arrival in Cairo, '(fnited Nations Secretary peiiec|il Premier Buliianin’fl propo^ Deg Hammerakjold (lefti la greeted by Egyptian President LETS TALK TURKEY Maryann Pagani. Mias Paganl is to today hailed the firnv U.S. for a new spmmit conieroage be one of her attendants. Camel Abdel Nasser. Ham'marskjoid Js in E g)^ t to Iron out .stand against any intei've.n- You can't go wrong if you start details of the cease-fire tetween Britain, France, Israel and EgypL to tackle the problem of dfah your Thanlugi'ving dinner with Mias Rossi ’./ill b* married to tion of Communist “vpluh- ‘armament; waa assured to­ a Pinehurst W m WilUngton, Henry Heine Nov. 24 in St. Jam es’ teers’’ in F]gypt as a stabi­ Connecticut, turkey. Church. day of rareful study by Preui- lizing factor that might pla.v dent Eisenhower and hia ad­ Cap tisBroad, former manager Egypt Holding to Plan a key role in keeping peace for Robhrt turkey faim , now visors but hardly seemed Hkc- raises his own broad-breasted in the explosive Middle East. Severs! delegates expressed be­ ly to win unqualified Ameri­ turkeys tn nearby West Wll- can approval. Several points llngton. Conn. Every bird is wdereDa lief the po.sition outlined before aclentlflcally fed and carefully party-happy Dag, Naisser Confer the General Aasmblj’ last night in the BulfFanin message an­ dressed to give you more slices by acting Secretary of State Her­ nounced in Moscow puzzled of white breast meat.' Order to­ WATKINS empire look bert Hoover Jr. would'deter the Washington, observers in ini­ day if you want a Fresh from TILL Kremlin from taking an alUout the Farm turkey. 5:30 P.M. "volunteer" step, in the Suea Canal tial reaction. They wondered . , - and ALL area. We will have the finest quality -WESY<^ On UN Role in Suez whether Rulffanin was really Northwestern eviscerated birds Hoover served warning on the ■ inlrinif. of a top-level meet- too. Either the'frosen North­ FuRtral SanriM Cairo, Nov. 17 — U.N, Secretary General Dag Ham- r.oviet Union to keep it* "volun­ trying to make some western turkeys or the fresh teers" out of the Middle Eaat or other point. Connecticut native turkeys will Onnaiid J. West, Director marskjold pre.s.sed negotiation.s with Egyptian officials to­ fare U.N. opposition bolstered by day on the role of the new International Police Force form­ U.S. might. ■ be sold at eviscerated ready for 142 Eaat Ceetcr St. Moscowj^Nov, 17 (yP)—The the oven weights. , MItelieU t-71H TOILETRIES, Etc, ing in the Suez Canal zone.
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