t'. - I ';- 7.x ' • . V ,'■ .-J"; . ■ ■ V. * - X ’ 1.'- . ■IT’ Fr id a y ; NOVEMBER is. - i m . p a g e t w e n t y jOattri|i(Bt(r ^nrafng HcraUt - V. < . f: Average OAlly Net Prebs Run ' "For the Week Ended Hie Weather ' , V Nov. 10, 1956' Pereeaet of - U. -8. W eoD i^ ****^**ff The r W. Stephen S. Strylewskl. ’sequently ssnt tp'Children of other. * > pastor of St.. John's ChurCh, Will, landa, and art posters which are Pbir; eOet> tonight. Law M-M, About Town participate in the d.* (fi e a 1 1 o n Junior Red• j Cross ■ > . Roll Cdll 1 2 ,3 7 8 prepared for va^ous community | Osattmied cool. Sunday, eseesleart' services Sunday of ' the D ivine Member of the Audit fio , Providence Church, Norwich. He dives’’ and services, lend them-i MUatonomoh Trtb* M, Underway in Local Schools selves^ to incorporation liito the | Bureau Of CIrculetlon rain hi afternoon. High la laM 4da. lORM, win hold h Th*ak«flvln» will leave for .Norwich Su n d ay at th i cIubrooniB on Brain- morning Immediately following the children's regular lesson program.-I Manchetter— A City of Village Charm ard PI., for member* and friand* 8:30 Mass. .Mrs. Beverly Lawrence, chair f organisations are so acUvi or so:**«> “O'*"- | • -a*’' tomorrow evening atartltif a t 8 man of the Manchester Junior Red1 1 large .(hat several leacher-aponsocd^] Other projects, such as the mak- 0 - 0 - o'clock. Officer* for the year 1957 will ! are entrusted with their leadership. U"g of holiday favors lor shut-ins VOL. LXXVI, NO. 42 (TWELVE PAGES) ' MANCHE8TEB, CONN., SATURDAY, I^OVEMBER 17, 1956 (Claaalfled Advortiahig eo Page I I ) PRICE nVE-CENTB be nominated at the meeting of d o s s Bervlce, announces ifie open Chief among thesemikbc ■■is Btfwera ' and the creation of scrapbooks for The monthly moellnr of the the Zipser Club StindsC)’ afternoon ing of the annual Junior Red Cross ! "\lrt,ere the'various junior .hospitalised children,. a.>^e con- ■^1 South Methodist' WSCS will be a t 3:30 at the clubhousie; Roll Call which will continue in a ll, groups carry on an energetic pro- ducted outside of ttm classrooms officers, directors end personnel bdld, Mondsy evening a t > .o’clock the local achoola until Nov. 30. Sff“ " under the aponaorahip of and' on the junior workers’ own In ihd chapel of the Church. Mrs. King David I-odge, No. 31 lOOF. .Mrs Raymond Stinchfield h a s '- B ^ ‘h. J>y time. Phyllis Smith, secreUry of mis­ will hold a meeting tonight at 7:30 / eJ. J e o MUs SylviE ClEflIn and Mr», Carle- . Besides the rrojccta of interna- this banX[pin bur'f«noyi{jjj>.c X . sion Question, will present a pro­ in Odd Fellowa Half. Following the been appotmed tieaaurer of thlt en- ion )Vo6dhoua#. At . Verplanck tlonkl flavor, the local' Junior Red gram, "Our Plus B eco m es a biiainess meeting, a social hour rollment drive, which la carried on ; SOhooL Miaa Jayne Betiey and Miss I Cross ^en’eftta such inatitutions aa townspeople in.flijking notfl'of the . Cross," telling of home missions with refrOshihentS will be enjoyed, under the supervision of the te^ch-1 3om bria sponsor the organ* 1 the Manafleld Training School, the In the national nesN^ Fellowship er-*pon*o.« in the gradi achoola K, our, India for the evening will ti* In charge Eugene J. Snow, son of Mr. and and hieh achool Carole Fish and Mra. Dorothy Newington . Home fjot Crippled dedication of Manchester's wonderful^ of the Mla^ah Circle, and hospiut- Mrs. Charles E. Snow, 336 Sum- Representing- the...... high-school on Paris;„ c„ andi.h , . in the^ j^lton School, {Children, ttie ’ Subma'rine Base at Ity. the Perev F. Smith Circle, >n 'mit S t. has completed nine weeks the teacher-sponsor list ^ Georg* and Mrs. < New London. Manchester Memo- new high school . . . and express executive board meeting will be of recruit training at the,,U.S. Emmerling, O ther' teacher-apon- i-ariaon. . rial Hospital, and all the local held at 7 :3 0 .' Naval Training Center, Balnbridge, aora and the achoola in which they. The wprk of the Junior Red Manchester Convalescent Homes. a feeling of confidence that , Md. A former student at Manches­ serve include; Green School. Mr*. I Cross ia'^ don* through student ■ "Throught the Work of the A daughter ■wahMiom at the ter High School, he will spend a Olive France; Keeney Street council- groups which are guided Jiinioi- Red Crosa." said' Mr*. Law­ Hartford Hospital >fi»nday to Mr. 14-day. leave with hia family be­ School. Mr*. Doris Hoghn; Waddell' by their rssDactlvg. teacher-.spon- rence. "the children learn service this investment in Menchestar's youth ' School, Misa Muriel Smith: High- sora. Student council*. compo*ed en and Mrs. Beihard F. Smith, IB fore reporting to Norman, Okla., to' others, achieve more than, a Nathan Rd. for Airman Fundamental School. land ■ Park School. Mr*. Agnes. of « student/representative of each glimpse of the possibilities of in-, will earn the community rich dividends ... ^ ____ Dunn; Lincoln School, Mr*. Daisy grade, .meet iyeekly w ith, their ternational friendship, and enjoy AdverUsement— Bill; Hollister Street School.' Miss sponsors, in the years to come. Install' clean, dependable Gas Mra. .Madeliae Hickey'; RoberUon handled by their grades, learn the West Hails Heating, and forget service and For Sharon Rossi School. Mra. Florence, Wood*; I techniques of carrying out the ^ y s Talks delivery problems. Rent a Gas Buckland School. Mrs. Eleanor project*, and carry the program 1 conversion Burner—$3.95 monthly Stubehrauch.____ _ . back to their groups for comple- ^PWScTlMTONS 1 — l^.v a Gas Ooversion . Burner A luncheon, in honor of the ap­ Also South School. Mrs, Anna Me- . tion. The Manehesrer Trust Comp^oby U.S. Policy HoldPeaee^ •288.00, less 850.00 allowances for proaching marriage of Miss Sharon Cann; Washington School, Miss Some of the projects, such as "FrM pick-up A olJ equipment. Guaranteed heating nossi, waa held at the home of Mr4. Mary Roach; Barnard School. Mr*, the writing of international letter* Joseph P..Qulsh, Sd Grandview St., rf «Hid d«llv#ry^"^ J e^Umate. The Hartford Gas Co. John Mitchell; and St. James" to children of foreign countries.' tel. Ml-9-4503. Wednesday, School. Sister Benedict Marie. | the preparation of scrapbooks giv- i n Mideast W ar Choice Mins Rossi also wa* honored .active Group* i ing pictorial and historical data withVBeverar~mlscellaneous show­ Some of the Junior Red Crosa about Manchester which ars sub- j ^ Aittur OniK Storts ^ United Nations, N. Y., I^ov, ers given by Mrs. Agnes Buettner, WashinKton, Nov. 17 (/P)—- Mrs. Rose Sch'.voerer, and Mias On his arrival in Cairo, '(fnited Nations Secretary peiiec|il 17 (ff*)— We.stei n Premier Buliianin’fl propo^ LETS TALK TURKEY Maryann Pagani. Mias Paganl is to Deg Hammerakjold (lefti la greeted by Egyptian President today hailed the firnv U.S. for a new spmmit conieroage be one of her attendants. Camel Abdel Nasser. Ham'marskjoid Js in E g)^ t to Iron out .stand against any intei've.n- You can't go wrong if you start details of the cease-fire tetween Britain, France, Israel and EgypL to tackle the problem of dfah your Thanlugi'ving dinner with Mias Rossi ’./ill b* married to tion of Communist “vpluh- ‘armament; waa assured to­ a Pinehurst W m WilUngton, Henry Heine Nov. 24 in St. Jam es’ teers’’ in F]gypt as a stabi­ Connecticut, turkey. Church. day of rareful study by Preui- lizing factor that might pla.v dent Eisenhower and hia ad­ Cap tisBroad, former manager Holding to Plan a key role in keeping peace for Robhrt turkey faim , now visors but hardly seemed Hkc- raises his own broad-breasted in the explosive Middle East. ly to win unqualified Ameri­ turkeys tn nearby West Wll- Severs! delegates expressed be­ can approval. Several points llngton. Conn. Every bird is wdereDa lief the po.sition outlined before aclentlflcally fed and carefully party-happy Dag, Naisser Confer the General Aasmblj’ last night in the BulfFanin message an­ dressed to give you more slices by acting Secretary of State Her­ nounced in Moscow puzzled of white breast meat.' Order to­ WATKINS empire look bert Hoover Jr. would'deter the Washington, observers in ini­ day if you want a Fresh from TILL Kremlin from taking an alUout the Farm turkey. 5:30 P.M. "volunteer" step, in the Suea Canal tial reaction. They wondered . . , - and ALL area. We will have the finest quality -WESY<^ On UN Role in Suez whether Rulffanin was really Northwestern eviscerated birds Hoover served warning on the ■ inlrinif. of a top-level meet- too. Either the'frosen North­ FuRtral SanriM Cairo, Nov. 17 — U.N, Secretary General Dag Ham- r.oviet Union to keep it* "volun­ trying to make some western turkeys or the fresh teers" out of the Middle Eaat or other point. Connecticut native turkeys will Onnaiid J. West, Director marskjold pre.s.sed negotiation.s with Egyptian officials to­ fare U.N. opposition bolstered by day on the role of the new International Police Force form­ U.S. might. ■ be sold at eviscerated ready for 142 Eaat Ceetcr St. Moscowj^Nov, 17 (yP)—The the oven weights. , MItelieU t-71H TOILETRIES, Etc, ing in the Suez Canal zone. Egypt .showed every indication In his 23-minute statement of Please order today. ^ of sticking to^ it* announced de-* ------y~ - - I general policy in the 11th General Soviet Union offered today to termination not to let the U.N. j Assembly, Hoover made plain the discuss President force-take over occupation of the ■ United State* is throwing its sup- er’s , “open skies” X".. HflMlUiter’* Oldest Revlon Futurama Lipstick $1.25 ■ canal. Council Urges I poit behind the U.N. at this cru- witti PUmst iraelliUea The government-backed news­ j cial stage in the Middle East plan at a new summit co^ Otf-itteet FarMag paper, A1 GumhUrriya atreased •itualion. - ence on disarmamenL:' The EsMiUthed 1^74 . again that condition* for permitting Tight Law for I Hoover addressed the 19-nation proposed meeting"of the Big $1.20\Value Deep Magic Lotion 89c the U.N. troops into the country ! body in place of ja>l>dR Secretary must insure "o\ir sovereign right*;'' ; of State Dulles. Four and India-Would con-* Hammarskjold met with Foreign Teen Drivers I He called'on member states to Act of Faith in the Com sider Soviet prolposals includ­ Minister Mahmoud Kawsi behind c^perate with the U.N.' in re- ing destruction of all H-bomb Hazel Bishop Hair Spray $1.00 cloqed door*, thia morning. What­ I sfbrmg Middle East peace and "It is th...... simple pride and abiding faith that we tonight last night in the achool Auditorium. More than 150 town offtciala Hartford. Nov. 17 IP Proposed dedicate the new MancheateV High School,” Superior Court Judge and others, instrumental in '^ ttin g the achool built were seated and A-bomb stockpiles and an ever prpgresa he made in securing laws to clamp down on teenage I pledged full U.S.- cooperation in Egyptian approval for his view of ; working to that end. Charles S. House told those gathered for dediration exercises on the stage. Story on P a^ ^ ^ jl Herald Photo-by Oflaral. end to nuclear bomb testa. drivers, compel parent* to sttend i The Rusaigiu saici Biaenllower’a $1.25 No.xzema Cream the U.N. force's mis-slon was not court trials of their minor children j1 "In the 'Middle East.’’ Hoover 79c disclosed. Informant* would say- .said, "we welcome the .statements t plaw/oould be considered "for all FREEIMPORTED ENOUSH TEAPOT-*-FREE and provide tax help for city bus j NATO', and Warsaw F act ooun- only that the negotiations were ex­ line* highlight the- State I>egi*lative ‘ of cooperation whfch have been tremely delicate." Coiincil's report being wrapped up ' made in re.sponae. to the call of Moon Blackout H u n gary R ed s C laim S trik e Over^ 94c Value Ipana Tooth Paste 66c The U.N. Secretary General today. the United Nations to cease mlli- Oeuld Grab All Europe Thanksgiving talketf with Preaident Nasser im­ Moie than a dozen major pro- : tsr.v operation*. to withdraw The offer waa'accompanied t»y fc R / mediately iSfter his arrival yester- po*als for action by the 1957 Gen-! f.m ed forces, and to implement declaration that the Soviet Union F a il a n d dav^by plane, eral Aasembly are contained in ' the Uni ,.;d Nations force." Starts^l p m ^Terrorists ^ K eep Workers^ Idle waa now strong enough to take' A1 Gumhurriya .urlled o|'Ce mo>« j ,-ecom'mindaTion;^ council, over "the whole of weetem 'Eu­ Coty Face Powder With Lipstick $1.25 ... , , _ . . . . "There have, however, been New York. Nov. 17 qP- TAe for immediate withdrawal of B rit-...... ’ I__ ttmoon faces a blackout tonight rope without the use of rocket or s I ' , S-'i o' ‘1’* suggeitlonteOf introducing so-caJl- Vienna. Nov. 17 ilP\—Radio* Worjters that the general strike'’*Russian troops will be sought in nuclear weapona." i.*h. French and laraeli force*. The p rin . S e shadow of the' Earth, m Oemi-official paper said: I„egi*Iature. They include, -yolunteera' into th* Neat Elbdapeat said today the Hungar-1 should be ended to prevent "na- a conference. With the govem- ^Premier Bulganin sent meaaagci W inter Require all motorists under age East." he said. ’'Such action The only total eclipse of the DINNERWARE OInderella creates fresh young 75c Bayer Aspirin 62c "Where do we stand" What are moon thia year'will start at It lan ^overnmonfa (-ampalgn to end | tional suicide." , menls of the other eastern Euro- to Preaident Ekaenhower and the 21 to caj-ry prewf of financial re- would be clearly contrary to the new* in wrinkle-reiuting the functions of the International sponsibillty p.m. tESTi and end *t .4:.35 Ihe nationwide general-atrike hadj- Radio Budapest immediately be- pean Communist nations included prime mlniatera of BrlUln, France, Police Force and what is likely to liHbilit.v insurance resolution passed Nov. 2, which achieved '‘considerable luccess," gan to call iepreaenlative* o( vari- In Moscow'*' military alliance, the India and'^m m uniat China out­ Dan River Cotton. Ladylike coverage. At present they must a.m. There won't be another happen In the near future -■ •‘"*t- was supported by 64 members of one like it in the United States but "terrorist groups" were keep- ous factories to its microphones to Warsaw Pact, he said, lining the Asarauunent-piropoaala. Empire lines are bound by lace. Jergen's Lotion With Shampoo 98c l,fk^tory replies are eagerly *ought | - * “i .ver's this Assembly.‘e It is the 'clear | I to be driven until I960. ing workers frotft\their jobs in appeal for a resumption 6f work to-' Kadar aatd' his government He said the chqlte waa between Add thd valvet touch of bow* .. there has been a cease-fire b u f '‘‘ ^"*^- 'h* ^ar duty of all. including those who The eclipse will find the Sun some plai'es. ^ * day. ^ planned to aqt up armed units of Eaat-Weet agreentent "afid a new no withdrawal of invading forces." is insured. The new plan would «ng*ged iu hostilities, to refrain SETS see that these minor* are "person­ on one side of the Earth and the The radio gave no indication of Although the radio mentioned workers and strengthen the police world war more terrwe,^than any ■and the effect ii inesistahle! Al Gumhurriya said Kgypt "in ­ from introducing forces into the moon on the other. The moon the number of workers who re- several Budapest suburbs where so that "somebody will be there to we have ever known." „ Sutton Deodorant Stick 59c ally insured " no matter what car area of recent hostilities, other Ilxea 7 to >4 sisted that the ta.sk of- the interna­ they drive. will pass through the Earth's turned to their job.s. It said o n l y " ’“s **®‘hg resumed, it did not defend the People's Democracy In In agreeing to examine Dressy type failles also many stylas in plastic tional force should be confined to than those of the United Nations , Compel parents to make court ahadots’. that a "large part " of the workers Qsepel. the huge Industrial, case it should ever be in danger bower's "open skies" plan.____ **Mardi'Gra8** 1 5 . 9 8 ^ _ caIXand ganuine leather handbags. Small to control over withdrawal of the emergency force." . . The eclipse will be vlaible had "submitted." It appealed south of Budapest where again." ' ' ganin said aerial inapecti(m shoidd invading forces," appearauc^ w-tth their minor chil­ guoirs Elaenhower ' 4S-Pc. SET Beardmore Bath Capsules 60c to $2.00 dren, and giving the court power from all of North and South workers.who had not reported fori^®^- bitteriy 'ouzht Russian Speaking of the 3-week rebel­ be limited to an area 800 kllo- larger size. Black, navy, brown, red, tan. "Egypt, " it added, "will remain If .such violations do occur. | America and parts of Europe work today to return to their job.s •“"'‘s during the rebellion. lion Kadar said that "counter-rev- nietera (about 5,000 miles) on OanaBlel* aenrlee f»r sigkt. Imported from quite prepared from a military to subpoena them if they fail to p Hoover warned, the U.N. would’ and Africa, Monday. rfThe attitude of the workers there oliitionarv elements" had crept In­ either side of the border between C u n k e u . Onaraeteed Oi for * m year agatast aay GIRLS’ DEPARTMENT point of view to foil any attempt appear. The council members feel n SPEOOND FLOOR that such a requirement will force have to act. Tlie broadcast said "terroriats't was expected to be an important to the groups of university, atu- NATO and Warsaw Pact 'coun­ 'breekage. at renewed aggrpssion ' by the "Preaident Eisenhower had an-, factor in the continuation or con­ denls.'' tries, "subject to the appiWM of treacherous enemy parent* to take a more personal In flred on worker* returning to their 5 i nounced. " he added, "that the Uni- plants in one Budapest, suburb. clusion of the general strike- - the Asked what security the work­ Cl* individual nationa.” $2.98 to *7-98 From ali indications. Egypt was terest in preventing misconduct on,;'t‘;^ '"'su te s wouw' e u J ^ r t last weapon of the workers in their ers would have that their demands Eisenhowei" proposed at the 44 *» opposing.posing all but the most limited the part of their children. i action " ' Fleeing Family A later broadca.st liy the govern­ ^Pink Fancy ment-controlled station said driv­ revolt against Soviet domination. would be fulfilled if they ended summit conference in Geneva in .95 o a.ssignmentsisienments for the U.N. force. Provide state and local tax re- ; Turning T,irnin«. to /i...the Hungarianu ______sit­... The Egyptians apparently insist lief foi*'clt.v and town bus lines, ers of the streetcar company in The .workers had demanded thgt the strike, Kadar said the "aim 4S.Pe. S n ' ^9 uation. Hoover .said IVashington Given Asylum Imre Nagy, moderate Communist’of the goi’ernment are the same (Continued on Page 8ix) Budapest had refused to go back C the U.N' force should oversee the hard pressed to keep from crash­ had heard report* that the "bar­ leader now a refugee in the Yugo-; jj, jhose of the people. There- Bervlee tor eight. Carihbeaa Import. pBara4.teed, wi quick withdrawal of British. ing on, the flnancial rock*. This to work. barism of mass deporation is Slav embassy, relumed to his t ^qi-^ kU lef^itimate demands will Drop It, break It, replace It FREE. One year.'- (A S hop French arrd Israeli troop.* from would help keep such transports- Radio -Budapest has been con­ being Inflicted on the Hungarian In Argentina ducting an intensive campaign "in post as Premier before any general j t>e fulfilled.*' IVY conquered Egyptian territoi v - tion available, for public cenvenl- ■ peoiiSe " return to work took placC' j^ue moment the important and then let-the Egyptianj. take ^nce, and ward off the day when r ••«’« < support of puppet Premier Janos ■ I rmk* l i v s n a ’ sM a ** a ._. • ___ cannot remain silent while , Buenos Aires, Nov. 17 (Ah— N ag.v WM deposed b.v Ru.ssian , ihmg ia to get the economv mov- ^*014 Dutch*' over. such .itnes' ma.v- have to receive Hungarian men. women and chil­ Kadar's effort to get Hungarian tanks on Nov. 4 after he tried un-|jng and secure th .95 This runs counter th- he posi­ Argentina granted asylum y>day facrbi'ies and mines functioning ^ . „ I ing and .secure tlie People’s De- Bulletins E3.Pc.SET , heavy subsidies by the government dren are forcibly deported because succcasfully to set 'Hungary on a U o cracy ." Kadar said, "When“When *29 tions of the Rritfsh. French and Or even complete government op- they dared to express their patri- to a Romanian legation rhaiiffeu’r again to forestall economic stag­ course, of neutrality independ-, j , accximplished. the rest will from the AP Wires HALE'S LEAGUER ill nation. » , - 'P'""'! that ia accomplite* Oer meet popnlar paHera. Cervloe for etHit. \ Israelis. ,,Tfie,v have conditioned j era tion *otic feelings in defiance of their and his famll.v who broke away encepnrok fromfmm Moscow,Mruimu' He14* alsoalaev' hadhari . child's...... pla.v." Fears National Suicide ' Peaa. at ita best. New EagkMid’s-aeweet . IM. their withdrawal on their own ar-; Require labeling of liazardbua Soviet oppressors," Hoover said. : from communism In a dramatic promised fre* elections and the Earlier an Austrian CommufiiM ' Ree'lt.aew."'Fea wtll boy It. rangements to he made with the; substances used around the hoiise- "That is why the Unitied Slates struggle .yesterday. He reportedly achieved hi* Aral restoration of non'Communlsi po-‘ NIKE SHOP AT BR.\DLEY ' U-N.. Police Fpree now .ssaeiiV- part.v newspaper indicated th a t; A clamoring crowd of Argen­ success yesterday with an agree­ litical parties. the Hungarian govet;nment ma.v! ' Hartford,. Nov. 17 (Ah—A a)ie» FOR YOUR bling in Egypt (Continued-on Page Eleven) (Continued on Page Eleven). tines helped the fleeing couple ob­ ment from a majority of leaders Troo|>s Still in City to perform maintenance work Egypt protested Indignantly to­ like armed strikebreakers to force | “Bahy’» Breath’'’ tain the release of their 11-month- in (he Budapest GenerarCouncil of Another demand, of the workers a resumption of work. | for \ r m y Nike missile* and .95 day about a Brltlah-French plan old son from the legation. wa* the immediate w-ithdrawal of anti-aircraft naita, in greater S3.Sc. Sir to 's ta rt clearing suriken ships ■ I ' . ' ' ■ • Predicts Hea\’y Fight | *29 George Qomiin. the 31-.year-oUl Russian troops from the capital. The newspaper Volkastimme: Hartford will be built at Brml- from the. canal. The project al-! Made by the most famoan at demestte potteriee. chauffeur, said he and his family There was no indication of such a said a resumption of work will' ley Field, the New England Di­ Dae in aay dMiwaaber. DaderglaM. OnaraiHeed. HOSIERY ready has begun at the Mediter­ looked forward to living out their withdrawal today. vision, Corps of .Arm 'y^gtaeer* "bring !about a fight, a very hea'ry ■ ranean end of the canal now held j Dock Strike Spreading lives he-i-e.' With some surprise In News Tidbits Radio Budapest alao broadcast an in Boston aiinounred today. The by British-French forces, and'the ‘ article in the government news­ fight.” 44 British and French told of lenta- j his voice, he added delightedly: Volkastimrne's indications that shop will cost' from 8380,000 lo “I have already had offers of Culleti from AP Wires paper Nep Szabadsag. in whfcl^ 8400,000, will contain 80,000 'Butter-Fly” \ ' ■ tlve plana for clearing the Red K adir's replies to queatioha of the the Hungarian Comi.iunist govem- .95 KIEEDS! To Pacific Coast Ports work." n.ent might u.*e armed force to square feet and will be a one S3-SC. SET Sea end held by EgVpt- The crowd that gathered around workers' c(uincl| were outlined' ator)', L-shape brick building. *29 Egypt'* public information offt- j State. Laoor-(^mmissioner Rena- Kadar assured the council, the end the strike were conlAlhed in a the . legation- after hearing -of Serviee to r eight. Oae of oar aeweet patterae. cer, Abdel kader Hatem. reiter-1 to 'E. RIcciuti aaya shortage of broadcast said,., that as soon as front-page article b; a correspeind- 'A COMPLETE SELLO CT ON OUR LAST SH IP­ New York, Nov. 17 A * ping-crUi* precipitated bv the cIm Coman's escape waa instrumental -JAKARTA CQC'p DENIED-':' ated hia country's insistence that, spreading dockworkera' strike hit —ing of ' the " Srer~ Canal. ~ ,i- skilled workers ia hampering Con­ order had been re-eatabliahed in en. who left Budapest yesterday. MENT. Be eem aad eee Uda PATTERN.. the British and French occupation in aecuring the h-eedoni of Coman'a .The article'liaid, "Reaumption of Jakarta. . Nov. 11 (AP) more Atlantic. and-GuIf j/orta to- But a weil-lnfor.nd oifficial said necticut indiistiy add he will begin Hungary an agreement* would be —TThe .military commander at forces must-get out before any-1 nay and sparked "svmpathv" walk- baby son. held in the'legation when'.- sought by the goveriiment for the work . . will b.-tng a^iout a flghl. the government. had lu thought the remainder of the family broke study in Bridgeport to see how Jakartm MaJ. Djuhro, aaid to­ th|ng la done to reopen the Suez, out* op the West <36asr. '-•for the time being " of .invoking shortage can )>e licked . . . Mem­ withdrawal of Soviet t,foop4. away. The demonstrators set' up The complete withdrawal of (ConHaoed an Page Eleven) day the sltnatton In thia capital ‘ **Straw~Fiowcr" At midnight last night long-' the Taft-Uartley Law and halting loud chants of; "Let the child go." ber*- of Hartford law firm quit is critical. But he denied there .95 ' (i'Ztntiaued on Page Six) shoremen stnick at -Miami, and 53-PccSn the atrike by court Injimetlon.'< Thia is the atory;, Connecticut- State Bar Assn, to Is any triith ln n*pate of mmora ■ ' J *29 FULL FASHIONED OR SEAMLESS. Port Everglades, Fla. Others were' The official warned, however, Coman.- hia wife and two boys represent tw-i> hank* Vt hich are be­ that an army Coup IFetat la im­ . Service for eight. Dtahwaober goeraateed. Uader- due to walk out at Tampa later that if th* strike continues, into ing sued by association for alleged minent. -.' V . ALL FIRST QUAUTT- were being returned .to Butharest glaae. Not .epea ateek, hewever, epedal factory today. next week the governmen "Will illegal law practice; orders available. after their tour of duty here. A* Winter Blasts The. new atrikyrs joined more have to conaiiler then the poaaibil- they ‘entered a legation car yea- Smoky fire' rage*, for more than Rate _.of Slayings Triples AiiKH LARGER U.S. NAVY Ne*Mand Shear $1.35 and $1.45 Pr. than 60,(X)0 members of, the In­ lty,of invoking Taft-Hartley.’/ terday to be driven to the airport, two hours in Ridgcv'ood section (if New Orleans, Xa*. Nor. 17 Oh . ternational Longshoremen'/i Asan. The union and the ahippeff are the parents' and their 4-year-old Queens before it ia finally brougljt -'-Adm. Arlelgli Burke, eaytilg Spreading into who deserted docks from Maine to Hale's Now Has The Van Raalta Shear SI.35 and $1.45 Pr. at odds on wage-increases, length- son bolted. under control . . . "Small ■mount'" the Middle.East crisia may laat' 3 Texas yesterday. of contract, size of v erk genga,' The 11-month-old younger aon of rocket fuel explodes at LeW’is In Cypriot, British Fight “for a lonj( time." called today ^rgest Stock Of 3 More than ahipa-V* third of weight of sling loads and a i nlon was left behind In the mixup. . Flight' Propi’lelpn Laborator.,- in' for more irten and ships to "baelc Alba Nylons ..... $1.15 to $1.50 Pu Eastern U.S. them in New York—were idled by'i demand for a guarantee of eight 'Ojman hailed a passing police Cleveland with bang heard two up our forces at sea.” Burke, the pier tieup. Union officials''called hours work a day. , cr.r. Legation guards tried to miles away but does no moire dam­ Nicosia, Cyprus, Nov. 17 (Ah— positions say they believe one chief of - naval operations.- said ^ Dinnen¥are In Town Manas Seamless. . $1.35 and ST.50 Pr. By THE A.S»(K'I.\TED PRESS the strike "100 per cent effective." The shippers offered 'a 38-cent age than flrecri-cker. November—little more than half major fact lies in the action sched­ the Navy M fac-ing heavier eem- Meanwhile, negotiators for. the gone—already has set a bloody uled' by the United Nations Gen­ ft was near zero weather (n the package pay increase over a 3-year (Con^ued o* Page. Eleven ) Jiiry ai Orlando, Fla., acquits mltments at a time when "our FRANCHISED and AUTHORGCEb No-Mahd Sfpmlass...... $1.50 Pr. snow-covered areas of the north­ ILA and the New York Shipping period. 'That wo.ild have brought .Mrs. Helm McBride, of killing new high for deaths blamed on the eral Assembly now under way in fleets are already oporotiag al Syracuse china dealer •i • ern Midwest today and fresh Assn. . agreed to sit down here the basic wage to 32.M an hour, "friend of the family” at-her home fight by Cypriot . iindergrmind New York. Pro-Greek Cypriot* maximum-effort.*L______a'gain' today in an effort to settle , have heel demanding .self-deter­ - -V Alba Sa.amlass . ..,. $1.35 Pr. batches of cold air spread into the with 32 cents of the Increase in a Feb. 29. .West German Refugee groups against British rule: yWOLDTELTJTBBB—Imported |EagUA TeapoL eastern aection of the country. their wage contri^ct diapute. The. direct pay boost. :r Troubles D^oubled ministry reports 3,218 persons British officials report 31 pey- mination as a step uward union CHOC (4TARTS ASIA TpCE Budget Soamlass ...... $1.00 Pr^ The lending edge of the cold air association speaks for 170 shipping The union agreed to th* figure from Communist East Germany' •ona killed on this Mediterranean with Greece and ^ e qii.estion ha* Hoag Kong, N’ov.- IT mas* extended from 'W e r m o n t and stevedoring flriha. but wanted it to. cover a 2-year On New Haven R.R. seek refuge in West Germany in island colony, since midnight . Oct.' been ' put On ' the agenda of the Peiping radio said Premier fAwO . southward through eaaltei; Penn­ While contract talks continued, span. , past week. 31. TTiat.i three times higher than current assembly session. En-lal-of Red China left today Budget Full Fashioned Shear the shipping parsLlysis began to P R EE —Oae doeea Cat elate 9 ' - oe- TaM* e y 1 v a n i a and southa-estward sit Million Dnlly Boston. Nov. 17 (P)—Some 10.- Argument in Denver high school ihe loll in any preceding month "EOKA is trying to force us for a “frieodly visit"' to aevav blera FREE. R%. value 88.49.'ppEE.- Shall look 04 proNy 0 1« picture . . . die'll ’’ through southern Alabama. 'The creep into West Coast porta. The The't-ieup of-general cargo and 000 commuter* on the Nqw Haven hallway ends in death for 17-year- in the 18-month campaign. in^o some; sort of drastic repres­ AaioM natioaa. Hia flrat atop wtll . chill came after a couple of day*, International Longshorefhen's and passenger ships was costing an Railroad got a double dose of trou­ old’ student whose huabond al- The ‘BriUsh blame, EOKA, the sive action." said the official. "It be Comrouolst North Viet Nam, ABSOLUTKLT FREE WITH THE PURCHASE .bo os werhi os teotf whon she trip* off to bod in of mild weather, with readings up 'Warehouatmen's Union (ILW U) legtdly' left her dying aijd fled. .> underground fighting arm of . the is tryiiijg to strengthen the Greek where ontt-gavemmeirt d*te— taine. and 500 irt' r^Jliu''*^*****^^ Elliott traveled about 16,000 ’ lies ^ BEVERAGES Plus SERVICE . . Without BoUen. - IVDR.C—Recoil Shop tlon, crews of the ,^uthem New 7 The first m ajor coaat-to-coaatY>of advica and help from ChaVlle j .Jisenhower > Administration „ ^ ; BonviUe. Othera du>Nto waik out kt by boat, and .the pictures w ill in- li4 4 - . J WROP—Notre Dame va. N.C. Providence, R, A.., and l^eW/Bed- Tampa, ^ mil England 'Telephone Co- quickly ■ j^nce atudio to come to MancheA-: Heckler, Coventry, a form'er has been unhappy About the qual- K W IU Y-Nena cliids up to date views of places of G CUFS-/ff'U’W4;.i- -.puts W e’re at 30 Q A K S IL Manchester complete, the ItutaUation of, near- opened recently at 1091 Main "French chef.” 'nia' hew eatery Dy o f inCormation sent In by Mr la ford, Masa, Eleven a|iipa tied up IXHiialana —. J0,000 .on^atrikc at W ^ i^ M w c Aobm /'WHAV—Polka Parade . R. LWANDELL EVERY FBI. and SAT. NIOHT interest in Spain, France, Italy, WJ®a—Francb Huale WcCO-Record Review Jy one ami a half miles of buried ! ______across _from______the- Army...... ______A Navy^ will ..... seat 24, and expecta to do It’a „ Atjierican a. ibassadors in L«n- madlcal m m , abaaa er w iW in Boaton. ^ New Orleana and 800 a t ^ a t o n S eREAMIH JAY HAWKINS’" WTIC—Netra - • WKNB—Kvenliig Serenade ' 'ronio or'rnoo b6tWC6n tnC --- **--r ----- ! Syria; Lebanon, Damascus, Egypt, WTIC—Monlloj- csble across country between the djji, Known as the Totten Dance main business in filling orders lo ’^on « d<1 Paria just ' before the coNNicTicuT auaicai stavtct TO THE MV8IC’ OF . /New York .afea—2,.‘>00 long-i Greece and Portugal. y,55£—Newa Reporter k > control and missile la*’"'"'’tinching ' " ”' sites „ — , ------WPOP-'-Newa ■ ' WDRC—Make Wa.V (or Youth Studio of North Hollywood, Inc.,- take out. British-French attack on Egypt. Building 90. sex 191 • Ntw IUV9N I shoremen out,'Including 1,200 ini , *'*»*"> • -i.aOO dockers off t The meeting is being sponsored POP—Notre Dame va. N.C. of the "Army’s N ike base in M an­ VINNY LEE'S ^ lilA -^’ the local branch la under the di- The department, saying It had the New Jersey ports of Newark,' . rthe-Eddbation Committee of the chester and Glaatonbm-y. JVHAY—Big Name, in Sport ■ ^ A Y -P o lk a Parade riictioh o f M r..and Mrs. E .’Watrren Howard Turkington. proprietor noted these'Kreporta, |ut out -K- Coniraetor "WESTERN JtOCKETS" Jersey City and Hoboken, Fifty- Texas—An estlmated'18,000 work- Friendship (Jircle. end refresh- WCLC—Muaic nuum WCUC-”R«cord Roview '‘About 7,500 feet of special Hedges, 38 Indian Dr.. 12-.vear of "Howard’a Sleep Center at 539 statement laat nlglit declaring four ^hips tied tip in area. ST* ^ Mrlke and S2 shlM tied up. men thswill be served by the com­ -1 WKNB--8'renoh Mus|e 'VKNB—Ev^hing 8«ixenadg Rasidanfial-Caiimiareial - WTlC-^RdM Miller WTIC-Monitor armored telephone cable was laid Manchester resldenu. Fred Totten, Main St., is expanding, hta opera- tha U.S. Ambaskaddrs Wlnthrop DINNERS • LEGAL BEVERAGES Philadelphia, 6.500 dockers out | T?'i* at Galveston. mittee atsthe close of the lecture. M A N 5 F IELD WDRC—Let’a Decorate WDRC—M»k4? Wov for youth down and covered aiitotnatcally in ’ who claims his organization in-' tions. Howard announces he has Aldrich In London and Douglas Altaratiant-Rtmadaliiig T ^ "X O COVER.— XO M INIM rM ” • In Philadelphia and Wilmington.' S’® *®® '«*'* •"»* WPOP—Tempo Bandatand \VPOP~Notrf Dhiti# vi. K.C. a 3-fOot deep trench prepared by r ^.REVLYN Del. Fifteen cargo ships affected “ »hlw held up Beaum^t has 500 T E L E V iS ia N 1:84- , eludes the largest number of chil-' taken over the adjoining atore and Dillon in Paris “enjoy Ute full con­ the tw o heavy machines. dren's dance studios in the nation, will now have double the space “Business Built On in Philadelphia. Sf" Corpus Chrlsti 400. NOW!V Knds . SUNDAY J ' n HAY --UConn va. R. 1^ ^ llA y —N«w» fidence of the Secretary dt State."' droM shop S r WL'CC—Muaiu Kuon) W CeO^ood liiv«ning *Good Uuiie The cabld will link the two sites came to Manchester to help set with which to serve his customers. Customer Satisfaction” B altim ore- 7,000 regular and SJ hsm" ^ ° ..-WKNB—Songa for Saturday WKKB^kSdlurday 84‘r^nade by telephone and will be u.*ed to up the local branch. The Hedges.' ------“They have worked tirdiqaaly part-time longshoremen out and 31 , ______. PROGRAMS i m c —Rom Mlllef \VTU*-Nuwo and effectively during this critical Full Insurance Coverage. OPEN MONDAYS A N T N O N r WDRC—N<*m'a Reporter transmit radar controlled signal.* plan to use Totten’s-own method Mr. and Mr*. Russell S. Potter- shlpetiedup Caua^-Ixtngshore ''WDRC—Colgate vd. S.vraru«a The reports of alleged adminis- outg>py Internstional Longshore­ “Between Heaven WDRC---i'olgale v., S.vraou,.e WPOP**-Notre Dame v*. X.C. in theatrical work. In Manchester. 7:00 p.ni. to 9 p.m. ! out at Savannah. Two ship in port WPOP—Tempo Band.taim chester srea. It was initially em­ utor. The local appliance firm an d H e ll” Tiight shows will be held after I and two other due., ' men’s and Warehousemen's Union f!ROM 1:44-. WHAY—Supper Serenade . ployed In Ckmnectlcut during a met iLs sales quota ami the Latin CIX>8ED THURSDAY tie up seven ships st Lot Angeles, la Claemadcaiir -Ja Calar WHXV—UConn v». R. 1. similar cable burying in.stallation about 20 lessons to build self-con­ American sojourn was the reward North CarolidK — -800 men on WC*CO—Saturday Serenade three in Sait Francisco and one WCCC—Muaic Room WKNB—KvoijJng Serenade' st the A rm y’s N ike site in M il- ! fiden.ee and ascertain the child's ' The Pottertons will return by FOR THANK SOrVINO del RIO* WKNB—Song, (or Sat. WTiO—Groucho Marx BOLTON each at Cooa'Ri^, Ore., end Long­ tnrA lQ»t- «iim m er______:__ . progress. j plane Friday. Potterton* las) Fall •Unnaniai . WTIC—Ro.. Minor view, Waeh. ______W*DRO ■ ■gafueday at the (7haie Cam er 'WDRC—Colgate V.. Syraeu.e WPOP—Notre Dame ve. N.C. Prelimlnarv work on the project ■ _ 7 „ „ j won another all-expense paid trip WPOP—Notro Dame v«. N.C. Make The Thanksgivings ' Middle Tnmptke E. J JURAOO :44 here started'last week. Trimming ' George Findell, 60 Coburn Rd . i for meeting their quota on air con- 1:1k- WHA Y—Waahinglon Report WHAY—CCoim v«. R. 1, Saturday Serenade crews cleared brush and trees fromi recently learned his ’ night-in-day” ^ dilioners. Mr. and Mrs. Pottertoil LAKE MANC-HESTER WCCC—Mimic Ruoni WKNB—Rosemary 4S IM) .MAN TO MAN .WPOP—Noire D.me v.. N.C. WHAV—Bible An^mers secretary to Mrs. H?ldia A. Man- AMs JEMMS • SEWERS CLEANED 1:44 ( S-IS-M) POOTRAI.I. N a w WCCC—Grn*d Kvening Good Musle yfliw C O N -.) n ! o n f 1) the “ R O O S T ” Blatliieea Vark Olssia va WstblaalaB WKNB—Rosemary Clooney Work is proceeding space on r*"*; Purchasing agent, who is also CompInfG Dinnnr $2.7S nnd INSTALLED N Rrd.kin, *' w i¥a Y—rconn v«. R. 1. WTIC—Monitor I Sat. D ^ 15, 8:15 p.n. 123 SPRUCE ST. ( NEAR COR. OF BISSEU ST.) • CELLARS DRAINED m-ss) Y^JIRTAIN TISIK OPP.RA WCi-'c^r-Recurd Revue WDRC—Music by Antnnlnl the installation of Christmas " Pronio- EASTWOOD ■lATEa — rahr — "La- WKNBXSong. (or S*C WPOP—Juke Box Saturday Night lighU on Main St., from the Mu- ^*’® Suntey, Dec. IS, AS ALWAYS SERVING THE BEST IN WTIC—lo^a v«. Ohio g -gg 1:50 and 5:80 Darelky Caalirr, WDRC—Colgate v». Svi.rii.«e nicipal Buildins: south to School - Th* Bis Oae ... Daaa Aadrswa TOWN and COUNTRY Jaa lAri, Jaka Alaaaadrr WPOP—NoIrKDame v«. N.C. WHAY—Proudly We Hail * * John Bausola was awarded a 15- SHADY G LEr^<^ F O O D — LEGAL BEVERAGES aad Wi'Ct'—Gf»od hvening.Good Muiie feae Paaiaiaa Featuring: \ • :14-r 'X EASTERN STATES "THE DRAINAGE CO. S:M IK) SUNDAY ^ WHAY-l'Coijn va. R. I. - WKNB—Dinner Date^ As last year, the (Colored lights P ' ’^ X ' ' COUSEUM NO COVER CHARGE # NO MINIMUM PHONE MI 9-414S 4:ts (tt-M) WASHINOfON SOC ABB W IV .' Reci'l'd KeVue WTUr—News and Starts will.'i)l hbe . atiiing acrosa am-,... the (h . qtieet. W atkins Bros,, at the Mam St. BAD 4:M I S) MEDICAL HORtZONS WDRC—Kmerlaljrfn^m IV8 A. furniture store's vnnual fall ban­ West Springfield “Beyond A WKNB-Song. (or SdC WPOP—Juke Box Sat. Night with greens entwined in the bulbs —"The Adrraala'^^ ■WTIC—low. ve. Ohio/, quet at the British American Club SEED" CHICKEN .N THE BASKET 1X:S4 ( S) BIO TOP I (IS) FOOTRALL REVIEW WDRC—Colgate v«. Syrdoi.e 8:14— and decorating the upper part of Prioea: la the Reasonable itS) 8CREKNINCI THE WORLD I 4;4k USAS) HCNDAY NEWS WHAY—Proudly We Hail Wednesday evening. John, who re­ IK-SO) COWHOV THEATER WPOP—Noire D.me v.. NKT W('CC—Good Lvemng Good M'.^io the utility poles from which the bis ekarker S:SS I S) IJ4SSIE 8;4k— lights wili be strung. ceived hia pin from C. Etmore W a t­ ‘ P U M P K I N MINCEMEAT $1.85-S8JH)-|Z.5» .Vaars Kelly DoBbt” For a renl trent, atop In for the moat IM) HATraUAY PEarOBN- IlS-H) SEE IT NOW WHAY—I’COmi V. R I. WKNB—Dinner Date SS.OO-$S.OO Tab MeCermleh ANCtE WTIC—Monitor According to present plans, the kins, firm president, operated a delicious pertiona of fried chicken l WCCl'—Record Revue I C E C R E A M , I C E C R E A M (tax Inctaded) 8 ;^ t iU 4:SM:tS lt:M IIS) SHAKESPEARE ON TA E-I WKNB--Song, (or S.t. WDRC—Kniertalnment V.S A. lights w ill be turned on during the radio repair buainess before he your palate ever tasted. VISION WPOP—Juke Box Sat. Night Xote—^Tlile. program' ’ ant rnn- i:M I s) ciacvs tisle WTIC- -Iowa V.. Ohio v8:3i— week of Nov. 25. joined Watkins- 15 years ago. In Made with r«al pumpkin luid Not too heavy—just right for ommended for riilldrea. YOUR YARN SHOP WDRC—r’olgHie ve Sv r.etiee AU Seats Reserved IIS) AOUCVLTI HR.r.S.A. WPOP—Notre D.ine ve. N.C. I X WHAY- leaSaiette Novena The Christmas lights decora­ connection with his early career U n gy spices. K delicious holiday dessert. COME ALSO SANDWICHES I!J) FOOTBALL PREVIEWS (One nioek East of Main \VTiC—MonuoT in radio, he wrote a column for tions are being sponsored again STARTS SUNDAY 1.40) SPORTS Between Oak nnd nireh) 4;M— 1 Metis Trio 1:1k ItS-M) FOOTBALL: Yale Va. WHAY-L’Conn ve. R I. 1 W rep —Juke Box Sal. Night thia year . by the Manchester Tlie Herald." 'Whafa on the Air?” RterUas Raydea .Baberl HaHaa BEVERAGES and DESSERT Priiicrtoa -R«cor<1 .Revue 8:44— \ Chamber of Commerce'a Retail A native of Manchester, John now CRANBERRY SHERBET BIrhard CarUsa Oeae Eyaaa t:M (18) AtTRNT ON LIVINO * Art Needlework —Bonge for S.I. I WHAY^.aSaletle Novena t;M I S) HOLLYWOOD’S REST ’ I WTIC—Muptlor • ^ Merchants Division. Cost of the lives in Andover. He has tw"6 son.s, "FLAT "STEEL a Your Hostenses • IIS) FOR YO IB INFORMATION Supplies M i WDRC—Sp^Hts Review project, expected to be about t"A"o daughters, and several grand­ Excellent serveid In a fruit cup— or aa a taaty t:M IIS-M) FOOTBALL ROl'NDl'P -Iowa ve Ohi* j WPOP—Juke'^ox Sal. Night j|,3.700, will be borne by Main St. children. He served with the 26th aauce with your turkey. , TOP" HELMCT" Amelia Liss a Lena Kies 4;Sa I3t) FOOTRALL SFOREROARD I * Free Instructions — Faerinating Rhythm ‘Tonight nnd Sunday Only fR r«lor ' I.4S) .MEET THE CHAMPIONS WPOP vNolre D.me ve, N C. j WHAY--Save a Life busineas and professional men. Yankee Divi-sion during World W ar ■ M s h M v f I FINAL PROGRAM ■l:t»S:»-f;ie t;»W ;S»»:S». 4:15 IM) WEATHERVANE * Free PoAing t :lk - X I WTIC—News and Sixirts The- .1 and .1 Decorating Service > I. a 4:M I S) TBA 50 COTTAGE ST.—MI I-2S8S WHAY f i tion ve. R I. I WDRC—PhtladelphliCOrrhestra of Hartford; which has installed John. ^iiH ola See You In the Spring Wed.: "Ten nnd Sympnthy" ORDERS TO G O , or EAT HERE IK ) FILM W'*L.* - Rt-cunv K'-vue ' \Vf*OP—Juke Box SaC'Nighi IM) WESTERN’ FILM WKNB- .Songe tor S.t. )«:I4 - the lights for the last two years, When Bau.soia*'received hia 15- . Open PHONE Ml 9-8239 S;ta I I) SKY KINO (33-M) z o o 7AMADE WTIC—lot), ve. Ohio ' WHAY-^Save a I.ife \ is doing the job again. J and .1 ' W nC—M«*r.»tor year pin. eight other employes for Thanksgiving IK ) niLDEILSI.EKVE ihm men began the work 10 days ago, IM) WFUITERN THEATEK 8:S« t 8) rmONTIEBN \ WPOP—Notre Dame .X N C I WDRC—Philadelphia Orrhesn A, Watkins were also honored. For Day 10:30 a.m. SiM I S) FOREIGN LEOIONNAIRE 4t«) BANGE BfOEB t:.4a- I W'POP—Juke Box Bai. Night and have already inatall^Kl guy service rendered. 10-year pins to 1:30 p.m. only Open Daily Except Friday IIS) ANNU; OAKLEY (SO) I'APTAIN OAMaANT WHAY—t’Conn ve. R. I. '8:S8— wires and feed lines. were presented to Mrs. Eleanor IK) DISNEYLAND (SS) FAITH FOB TODAY WCCC-Record Revue IVriAY —Record Review IM) LAI'REL A HARDY «:•# ( 8) RADGE No. 7U WKNB—Songe for Sal. I WTIC—Musk With a Beat Pease. )iiain office: R. Bruce Wat­ (Mr WESTERN PLAYHOISK (18-05) TV TlaMFe—**rhlro ahA Mio WTIC—Iowa ve. Ohio i WDRC!—Danr,"o,t There wa-s t()o much ChrisUiias included Dorofhy Baker. Clarence C rifv ifW , RGservations DRAKE SERVICE WPOP—Notre Dame ve. N C U'l’li*—Monitor WDRC*—Dane*’ OhJi»»tra spirit in The Herald’s story Thurs­ W. Ru.sh and Philip S. Rush, Dinnor^^S to 1 Doily Accepted GENERAL AIFTO REPAIR ® WIIAY’^ Polka Parade WPOP—Juk« Box Ni g^»l day on the amount/ihat was saved Mltchen 9-4531— 18 M AIN ST., MANCHESTER WCCC-Record Review 18:14—' for W'KNB—.Song, (nr S.iurd.v WHAY—llallFr Pom in the Chri.stmas Gliibs o f Man- i Popi lar Marketc, tnc., which op- WDRC—Faecln.ling Rhythm WTK;—llonitor '' cheater's’ four financial institu- crate* one of its i? regional out- Sundoy Dinners WDR(^—Daiico Orrh^ntra IN ) WEATHER A NEW HORI- Arekbiaop” WTIC—low. ve Ohm lets )n Manchester, reported total Thanksgiving tONS (K) Sl'Sir. WPOP—Noire D.m'e ve N r WPOP—Juk« Box Sat. Night I I) FABIAN OF SCOTLAND IM) MEET THE PRESS Tflevision Profframs i8:S8— The .story had it that almost sales o f 810,056.006 for the 12-; 12 Noon to 9 P.M. - Dinner YARD (S3) POLKA CA.KAVAN WHAY-Hall^^p Port millio)i 8902,966. to be exac,t— | month period ending Sept. 31. Paul On Pagie Two WTIC Monhor 51 (IS) RIO NEWS t:M I S-M) AIR POWER had been accumulated by the 7.- "Peltier, public relation^ offtclal, G Iv M ly IM) BREAK THE RANK US) CO.M.HAND PERFOR­ WDR('—Danr^ Orrh^/^tra ExetNioNt Food Cocktails Ml 9-8070 IM) WESTERN THEATER MANCE WPOP—Juko Box Sat. Night 89^ members of the four clubs. l.says this was a 13.3 per cen*. in- US) JOHNNY MABTIN IK-M) ROY ROOERS 18^44— iwever,' a recheck of the sav- crease over the ore ’ious year. Pel- I FREPIY KILLEP CAMPIE^. COUNCIL NO. S73 I S-M) ANNIE OAKLEY (kl, FILM SHOR’rS How Chrietian Srienee Heala wriAY-llall^'r Poit inga figures, recommended by a US) ROSEMARY CLOONEY S:4k IkS) ITALIAN VARIETY HOl'R WTI(*^Mnnltor figu)ea, recommended by a ' tieb says net profit, after taxes, | KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IK ) FRONT PAGE SPORTS t;M I S) %OU ASKED FUR IT WDRC—Danrf» f)rch>rtra sharp-eyed bank official, indicates only ainounted to I 'j per cent. (M) RANGE RIDER IK-M) THE KTH BENGAL WPOP—Juka Box Sar. Night the total whes no leas than 8327,- IJI) ..4IE»:T t h e CHAMPIONS LANCERS—"Tbe Tralhr" "YOUR SUPPLY 11:88— 483 too high. I S) ROBIN HOOD IM) ROSEMARY CLOONEY WHAY—Mi>oftHght Matins* Mrs. Ajhelia Liss. 117 Branford ! WALNUT 1;M I S-M) JACK RENNY WTIC Monitor The correct t(vial, according to US) BEAT t h e c lo c k i St., and Mrs. Lena Kies. Coventry, , I3-) GRAND OLE OPBV 133-M) CIRCI'H ROY ALREADY AT HAND" WDRC—N«‘ »a the recheck is $6w.483. IM) NAN FRANCISCO BEAT Tbk Proad Paallrarel” WPOP—Juke Box Sat. Night announce the grand opening today TIV E VERPLAHCK SCHOOL tl:l5— . of "TTie Roost,”' a new eat shop IM) PLAYBOrSE OF STARS (Ml HOl'R FILM WHAY-'MrK>nHght Matlnpo %, X • I (U ) FAVORITE STORY l:M I S) THE ED HFLI.IVAN MOW featuring chicken-m-the-basket, at ' NOVEMBER 15,16 aii 17 RESTAURANT Gae*h: Fata Damlae. Oay TlTtAV 910 k.r., Sunday, 8:15 a.m. ■ W”nc~ -StKirla WDRO—uanco Orch^alra : 123 Spruce St. The two res- 1 Mllehell aad Don Raada: WPOP—Juke Box Sai. Night CURTAIN TIME B:15 P.M. 7 WALNUT ST.. MANCHESTER romediaat Rea RIae, Law iijjia - X Hospital Notes j taurafeurs. who are Manchester I I Nel.oa aad ram^leaae native.*, admit thia Is their first ' MANCHESTER .HUil Greea; The Spaal.k WHAY —Moonlight MaUnea Vi^IC—Monitor ■ i venture in the restaurant business. ' CoMtribiifloii $1.00 ^ ' ITALIAN-AMERICAN DISHES Taale. (El.a aad Waldn) WDRC—Danco Orcheatra Patireits Today: 164 ■4 :^1 comedy - learn; aad _ Coaa ' However, they expect to gain it lot j ' ChiidrM (HiMl*r 12) 50e LUMBER, Inc.^ and Maaa, ramedy leaaa. 14:44— AD.MlTTBai YESTERDAY: Mrs STEAKS—CHOPS—SEA POOD Film rllpa from Elvit Pre^ NORMAN'S WHAY-^Monniicht lUuna# Lucienne Martlnelli, Glastonbury: 8UILDING MATERIALS H A R TFO R D RD. WTIO—Sport* Final ley', nr.1 molloa pletarr WDRC—Cal Ko!by I Mrs. June Friend. 108 Piospect AND nlll be featared. DINNER MUSIC FROM OUR PIA.NO-ORGAN ItLM) STEVE ALLEN SHOW I St.. Rockville: Suzanne Paradis, MASON SUPPLIES I omedy learn of OlMa aad i Enfield: Olive McKinney, 132 Pearly HOSPITAL BEDS Ende Today: "TEA and SYMPATHY” -Plue “HOT CARS” JohaMa. Dake ElUaataa St.; James Rogers. RFD 2, Man-I PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE W a' PlBRnee Thor Jobs I kl. Baad, daaeer Gear and WHEEL CHAIRS MS’ Nel.oa. eomedleaae BeWr AUIED TV SERVICE chseter: Richard Auer., Andover; Joel Sweet, 42 N. School St.: Al­ IfC ITIJ FURNITURE Stnrtn s u n d Ay 255 Center St.— Ml S-5144 ■ •"<* •••. ra.l of MANCHKSTRR OrdsY your ThfifiksgMng ■Father Kaon. R e.l" trill fred L. Miller, 34 East St., Rock- ILCI I n COMPANY CONT. ra o M b* aar.t. 1 ^ 1 C Houne Call •-ville; Eygenijs Treimanis, RFD 1.' ‘ PHONE Ml 8-4159 Tomorrow S P.5I. .TO* TV Pl.AVHOrSE I eki O V -pl5* raiia ■ FOR SALE Of RENT T;M I S) FEDER.4L MEN STSr (M) PRF.SS CONFERK.NCR Rockvilie; "niomas Leseezkk, 71 Turkey now from Rattge (1S.W) nl’CCANEKRS IM) THE VISITOR BU 9-008(L—9 a.m. to 9 p.m. —**Tha Ladle.” t:tS IS) OMnI r I'n . , Prvie B; Mrs, Patricia Miranda. - Metnbar of Farlar^ 75 North St.; Miss M. Loretta I.4S-K) PEOPLE ABE FI NNY US-kk. TV THEATER Raii8a4 'P^ertranlf Tprliairiiina . IH) »TL.H FFUSTIVAL •~^‘l’tn A Fool" Jamo. T l... Hend.sey, 116 Avondale Rd.; Tit iitm, fi(lrtii|; fbMiot fiiy *1 Ike Swtk's —"The Galdea 8alama)i4er” Hill Turkei Faring, and y _ . ■ - : ...... Albert Steppan. 98 W. Main St. TreVsr Haward ITS-Mi TV Sbaw—Hob Hop# aad l:Sa • S-U) dAI^KIK UbI’.'ASO.N SHOW e .l.t Perry Camn aad DISGH.ARGED YESTERDAY: f X PRINCE * liMSt...THE OKIE DAREDEVIU jiIki Ircmk... (IS) CO.MMAND TERFORM.1 he l^ d o a . Jaaa Darla Mrs. Mary Maynard, 302 Main St.: avoid thd Iasi minute rush. :^PRDER YOUR ANI^E • ■-w iM) niiFR f il m r MATCHEBELLI (SS-M) PERRY CO.’UO SHOW - K».:M ItSAkl ALFRED HITCMCOCE GENERAL David Wiley, ioo Oak Grove St.; HM Hiu nGHnns ICaler) Gae.l; Operatic m»- ' PRESENTS:' -ICaSTerMtloa REPAIR Mrs. Lyclenne Martinelli. Glast'on- p V PERFUMES praao Lily Paa, { bury; Beverly Evan*. East'Hart­ k THANKSGIVING S;M (Ml LONE WOLF 1S:S4 MSI M4.bM^nA?LENGF. TV SERVICE ford iRobeVt Hardy, Storrs; James 8;SS I S) IW4WRKNCE WELK : ,n i THOMAS SHOW US) g a l e STORM SHOW —Ok! U«) LORF-TTA VOCNO SHOW 4 A.M.' ta * P.M. Da.vs Barrett, 58 Horton Rd.; Mrs. ^Arthur Drug Storss f Our turfcays.ara flia boef wu'va tvtr rotsaef. Tindart , Saaaaai^"The Immitraat," '--•Taga IV” Lorrita Tabag Nights $ 2 . 9 5 F t ^ r U I Minnie Brainard. 77 "N-,-School St.; DESSERT-NOW It:-Mi CAESAR'S HOFR - .tar. - : I lU ) HOI’R FILM . (Ml FILM- Ml 9-4597 TEL. M i 8-5482 1 Mrs. Anita Fecitt, 92 Boltrtn 3t.; vary mtoty and Reworsamti Thty art aH frtshakHltd ' i. . IM> CODE 8 IkkI STAGE 7 I Albert Willis. 33 Delmont St. • t:M IIS4S) HEY JEANNIK WE FEATURE 4 4 0 U I0 R D V <—"MarLeaaaB He*" and roody far Hm dvtn* lt;SS ! S) MASgi'KRADR PARTY IIS-MI Gl .VSMOKE - I3--M) GEORGE GOREL SHOW Money swegterS dress shirts work clothes ties slacks underwear sporting equipment Look Out i JoHnyon’^ I (M) FIL.H skirts slacks aweaters dungarees blouses hose jackets golf clubs and bags balls le d C r e a m lt:M I S) GOLDFIN PLAVHOV8E IIS-H) HIGH FINANCE ; infants h-ear dresses lingerie coats suits nightgowns fishing tagkl^ tennis . ' / ______/ 1- (3^M> VOI'R HIT PARADE . IM YOUR POCKET OyeihRtady I i IM) EARLY LATE SHOW J discount pi^res sweaters dungarees ties ice skat w footballs II:M I S) DOFGLAS FAIRBANKM PRESENTS ” ghirts socks jackets ping pong sets basketballs hockey US) NEWS a WEATHER 10 lbs. tp 17 IbsT LOGS IK ) CCBTAIN TIME nY ' >i trf it' fli fia. va!aaa underwear IIS) MYSTERY THEATER ICE CREAM PIES, CAKES. SNO-BALLS, I1:1S US) MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE SAVE AT blouses IM) LATE SHOW II :M I S) WOBLDJI REST MOVIES slacks Oven-Reoc/y" TARTS, ECLAIRS end TORTONI c M e fiic lU I DANOEiprS ASSIGNMENT LtilS lU ) NIGHT CAP EDITION tics CMIad Frv* Caf. wMi Sharhai ar CMM Fndl Jaka,, —Preraea ' , NORMAN’S -Calary aad O ttn, ' iI:M I S) WORiJI'S RPJIT MOVIES 445 lUrtfard Rd. Tel. 90 M W skirts 14 lbs. to 2p lbs. handi Oaten SovnarMi Creaioaa I;N I S) NEWS OPEN THANkSGlVING DAY US) PEAVEB dresses 14:84.1 II WMAT-S MY LINK? ROAST STUFFED 'nil RIUHIMjV FATMIL lingerie - SI NDAY. NOV. It m— i TME-R E V0;1___ ‘ ;il A.M. to 2f.M. * 1>:S4 I S) T H E A I^ underwear (18^ LETW TAKE A TRIP IM) RATIONAL ROWUNO Oven^Ready YOUNG TURKEY (tt)cmaTOPREBa /CHAMPIONS ClWai Gravy — Ca|M Cad CraabarVy 8mca IM) REVIVAL HOl'ir dungarees RESERVE Y<^UR O R D E R -^ I 9-8753 Me* ad Faieh — Piece Swaat Faita t. an "SOWmiaarpT sno-suits Ui44 I 8-lMWI> 8CNDAV 8CNDA NEWS tPB- 4 21 lbs. and up •aOerad Snaadi — Faerl OalAaa , WAL IQHN I. OLSON sleefiers A l«( •! Milot* €mm ' ■ • * , 'S'' . BUDDY, fB S O N f Sawaf Mlaad PIcUa. — Frendy loliad M , aad laUar <*»> PIONEER TALLET THBA- haain af laMyea end Fraud, Draabif TEB . .hapM*»>4"Eu''W Decorotor bonnets ~ • mi5o hiocMQ •HMaGG Wf MV«W« 18.9. prD^MlfDa. 8m u* tliDsk yaurs. eJUict 74 diapers ' Ask For Prices On 6 Or More Turkeys eU.FaAiaaad Faa»kla. Miaea ar Aeok « • nt* Cbeaaa blankets ■ *X fvPLUS GREAT ACTION C O -H lfl * TWICE c r e a m d o u b l e s YOUR PLEASURE . . . Sfcarkai Freeen Faddbig ' lee ■ -■; -• •V I • A' __ 4 -X .1 . , I ■ ... «* • eaae y J r ' - r-f V'" 1 f ■s. * '. l MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1956 P ^ H V R 1 PAGlf O U l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, NOVE^^^ER 17, 1966, ^ '1

pMcafuI ao far, f«t a.'ntolat-atjrla the'-^ifhole town would have tO' concept of life, ami inust at lenfth liidapendanca of Ruaala. w When flnance,''^-Fhd ^ the prospect of- know yourself spiritually and sclentlflcBlIy. The evidence e ( the Eornittg Ifrrald Ruaaian leadera came to W'araaw riisulting lower insurance rates, existence, of Spirit, Soul, is pal­ The Crackerbarrel High School iit Use to try to tame him down, he defied than-' the South'^'l^nd residents. im.MiUMh by nut pable only to spiritual aense, and is 'N-k , ,* o n u N ^ G coT in c them,' carried the day yiith hia But when these Iw p consldera- not apparent to the material ten­ By fton Deirine r\ ^>.7rr?P;-'r „ ja Mwill StTMt meaauren, and they did not act. Uons meet, there is little more ses,' which cognise bnly tha't which Osnnty Editor S ^ kSouton ' is the opposite of Spirit." h'ow, just before he took train doubt over .the result' than t)\ere |L rEROUSON Emanuel Imtheran Church St. Jansen* R. C. Church ■A for Moscoa', hit reg:ime had throwm .was in the South End. As We said October L lin C. Henry Anderson, Pastor ^Rev. Job* F. Hannon, Pastor South itethodlst CRurrli Chris HsIskFB Projset ^area ara currently siUisr in the out the Russian commander of the h our discussion of the prospec­ Edsel C. Isaacson, Anat '. Rev. Jameo T. 'O’Connell Main St. and Rnrtfitrd Rd' process of making atmllar studisn BtobUib Kxetpt In ths emiras of our travsls this lil» r « < l ot the polish army. Meanwhile, he could tive South End vote, not all of us to the Pastor Rev. Edgar J. Farrell The Rev. Fred Edgar, Mlulater weak, we dropped In at the office or have already completed ths sur­ ' ../iir. Rev, Percy Smith . icbeiter. Ceno., u see and feel,, during the past two relish' the way. Manchester is Albert Pearson, of d L W. Christof Hetaler in veys, we wonder how seriously resi­ MlMster of Music Sunday Massds: > Phinip TreggoTj Minister of Music dents o f these towns are taking the >yeeks, the kind of military pvea- growing up and the changM in old Hebron. Ohria aa ha’s known to . For adults, 6,. 7,-8, .9, IQ and 11 Andover, Hebron end Maryborough i results to hagrt. sure Rui^sia 'had ready for , routines that growth is forcing Lutheran 'World'Action Sunday o'clock, with two Maasds at 9, one Sunday, Nov. 18: folks. Is buliaing a cohaoIidate(\! A t ths rats our ones snUrsly |7.7i to prevw t Us trying to ig o the upon us. Many of ns would, if we Divine Worship and' Church in the main* auditorium for adults Services of Worship at S and junior-senior high school for these; rural towns are becomlijg mainly ••*•••************ 9 and 10:30. Nursery at' and one .for "the children In the 0iitlM ••••••**•*****•*1**** way of Hungary. , toulO, cast a sentimental vote for School, 10:45 s.m. towns. > residential areas. It is of prims 10:30. I basement; and two Masses at lO. ,Sermon: . The Grace of God” , ••••••••b**************** *|2 At,'this moment, and In' these* yesterday.. But the old order does Building .a school can keep % fel- ! Importance for officials and towna- Sermon: "The Portal to Etferi one in the main auditorium and Dr. Fred R. Edgar low pretty busy. An hbur In flHs’ ' people to grasp ths importamm of OPT change, whether^we like it or not, circumstances, he has gone to Mos­ liity” Edsel C. Isaacson. one in the basement. Sacrament of Infant baptism at modest office Irt ths Hebrim P o st' orgsnlaed expansion, rather than 10, 4gg^lfi8'pRE» cow to talk about future relations and it will soon bring a new con­ 5:30, Hi-League potluck supper, the 10:45 service. Office bears thU fact out. ; allowing helter-skelter home cion- sl. Bridget’s R. C. Church Tho AMOWtbdPrMo U excluilT«I> between and Poland. cept we will find sentimentally Luther Hall.* 9:30 and 10:45 a.m.. Church Although he sandvriched us be-1 struction to run uncheqked over tttlod tottouoo » r«pubHMth>B o( 7:30, Lutheran World Relief Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor School. '■ • Before, be left, he was warned satisfying too—the concept of one tween an afternoon meeting and the countryzid*. a :program; Dr. Eskil Englund will Rev, Theodore Gubala \ 10:45 a.m.. Nursery. , Auum ing th« purpoae o f outlay­ of the cloak, and dagger dangers Manchester. .. X show colored slides of relief work Rev. Dennis -R. Hussey, talks with a couple of textbook •M„.aswt’^srK blao tho tool D«w« pubiuhod '5a,if~ n^*. • 3 p.m.. Thanksgiving Vesper salesmen, we had a leisurely chat ing money for the aurveya ia to All tltblA ot ropubUcatlbn of «p«cW in Europe which he took last sum­ AssistaKta^ .Service In the sanctuary; Ths iti«pj,rtiM bwFtlB aro olio rMorroJ. Involved. H e >\aa >\’arned he might about his projset. obtain a picture o f ' hat towna be merely sticking his head into a mer. rhythmic choir of Center Church may expect in the future, it ta alao Msiises on Sundays at 7.'8, 9, 10 Ths balding, sahdy-halrededu­ S\iU u trrtet eUant « ( N. C. will perform in this harvest serv­ aaa'umed those with whom the for­ lev Qic. . Russian trap. He was warned ne and 11 a.m. and Masses downstairs cator apsaka ehthusiaatically of his Aiblubtro RcprtMoUU***: Th* The Sals’ation Army ice. Anthems will be sung by mation of future policy reata Will might disappear in Moscow, and (Ml Main St.. S t'9 and 10:45 a.m. work. Ha has high praias fqr the juuua Mattaowa SpactaJ Money — Na« Connecticut Csrol and Wesley Choirs. All chil­ use' theqe flndinga to their com­ Xork. Cbicaco. Detroit and •ostoa.__ Major and Mrs. John Pickup, coops'ratioh o f residents «of three never come back to Poland. dren and their parents are wel­ munity’s ^st'advantage. iSlSltBIW AUDIT BUREAU OB OSicern In CXiarge Church of (he .Assumption towns who are making the school mcinjiTioKi. .Yet he went. come. possible. When the September However, these studies should Y a n k e e C. Peter Carlson, Bandnnasler Adams St. and Thompson Rd. 7 p.m.. M Y Fund Pledge Serv­ Tba HaraldJMnttM CoBtpaay, I«K^ Undoubtedly,..he, also had some Mrs. IJIIIan Perretf, Rev. Joseph E. Farrell, Pastor 1957 opening date cains up,' he not be preserved es gospel for all ■auinaa no financial rtaponalblllty Im ice, the sanctuibcy. reasons for belief in his own By A. H. O. Songster l/eader Rev. Francis T. Butler said, " It Isn’t much time, but we’ve time once they are completed. They ------apoaailiiK *" 7 p.m.. Seventh Grade MIF, Wes­ must conetantly be kept up to dat,e Rkub« bu aad o ^ rir 'F raadin ^ In g mattai safety. He coiild calculate that Assistants hfifiD__ doing the ImposslMs all la Mabcbaatar Eyanlng Haiald. ley Hair ^ ^ ^ along. to provi'dSYhe most accurate cur­ Fighting the Nov. 6 election 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School, clajises *7 p.m.. Eighth Grade MIF, Coop­ Russia had trouble eno\igh, with­ Chria, whose official title la rent picture possible to guide the M aaroa^’c lo M boura: over on the basis of the Im agina^ for all ages. Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. er Hall. Members will tell o f their out pulling a aeigure on him. He superintendent of Regional School town's planners. assumption that the party lever '10:4il a.m.. Holiness service. trips to worship in churches of . SooMy. District 8, is mainly occupied at Perhaps' Aha main valua o f the 1 p. aa._Tuaaday. could calculate that, the Polish procedure in fhe Connecticut vot­ Message by Major John Pickup. St. Francis Aaalsi Church other faiths. , ■1 p. m. Wadnaaday. rervolutlon behind him would turn ing machine had been abolished is 2 p.m.. Hospital visitation by South Windsor, Rt. SO present with setting up a school aurveya. ia that they allow town '—1 B. m. nuratey. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs. Rev. Arthur J. Heffeman, Pastor program, formulating a cucriculum official! a base t ^ n which future lay—r R m. Friday. violent if he did not return to it, r tm itie ss- procedure. have in­ AVmon Methodist Cfciireh I daodUMi 10:S0_a.m. aaeb dicated our opinion that. Senator Major Pickup. Rev, Francis Karvelis, Curate • Vernon Conneetleut and knocking out a teacher salary community expansion may be de­ aseapt iatorday — and he could calculate that the Prescott Bush might have done 6:45 p.m.. The band will play for Rev. Warren Covell, Minister schedule. Besides that, his school veloped. Russians knew this. He could cal­ well, enough on that basis, but' shut ins. Masses at 7, 8:30, 9:30 and 11 Marjorie Stephens, Orgnnlst system will boast ths only com­ nme for Reflection culate that he was clothed and cannot deny that Tom Dodd wopld .7:30 p.m.," Salvation meeting. 8 a.m. plete merit rating system for * Some time ago, when we teachers In ths State. armed by world opinion. But he probably have-made the race much Message. ‘The Lord Is My Morning Service 9:80. changed automobilea, wa rnmn Shepherd.”' St. Maurice’s R. C. Churrh .closer. W e thing there is no doubt Church School 10:45. During our discusaibn, Chris ex­ rather diaappointed at not being could never calculate for certain Bolton Center St all that, had the party lever Sermon: "Our Knowledge of pressed a concern voiced by many able to afford a radio. Howevar, vrhat would really be in the minds procedure Ijeen removed, the com­ Covenant Cnngregatinnal Church Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor other educators. That is, the Im­ Habib Bourguiba, premier of God." Rev. Covell. as time has gone on we have phil- of Russfan leadera, nor could he position of the next General As­ 4.3 Spruce St. pression so often given that towns­ oaophlcally resolved our economic ’nuUsia,. made a bro.sdcast the sembly would have been somewhat The Rev. K. EJnar RsMk, Sunday Masses at 6:30 and 10 people, In consideration of schools even be certain who the leaders St. .Mary’s Episcopal Church shortcomings. oQitr day. He expressed relief different. W e don’ t think the , • Pastor ■ a.m. and school programs, often place ,, In fact, we’re quite happy over o f Russia might be when he got Church and Locust Streets over the arrival of the United Na­ smashing Republican control of ' Ernest Johnson Jr., the actual ^ucational aspects of the absence of the radio. For now, tc Moscow. No matter how you the Legislature is any great handi­ Organist Marred Heart Churrh The Rev. Alfred L. WIIHams, school secondary to physical or tions Police Force unite in Egypt, we Have ’ no choice but to travel ^ a a o n it,- the decision to go took cap to.Governor Ribicoff, but we Churrh St., Vernon Reotor monetary conslderatiota. in ailence, or at any rate, limit hoping that would lead to a peace­ The Rev. Roman L. Hardiagi a world of cool courage, and don't think the voters really in­ 9:30 a.m., Sunday School, classes 'The consolidated school head sounds to those that are aelf-inlt- \ ful Bolution o f that crisis. tended it, however it may be as- for all ages. Sunday Masses at 8:30 and 10 Parish Visitor, and ths Regional Board of Educs'^ lated. Gomulka had it. aesaed. 10:45 a.m., Morning worship, a.m. Martin James Dwyer, He aald, next, that he v ^ e d tion for whom he works have s We tried our voice at' ainging The party lever ought to be sernqon topic: "I Dare You!’’ Part .student .Asalstaat long trail to blaze even now that atmilar United N a U o n ^ police M.vdney W. MacAlpiae, for a time, in an attempt to aub- Only One Safe Thing taken off. or made at least option­ 1, "God’s Handle.” Calvary Chapel they’ve got the school under con­ stitute for the musical tones pre­ unita could be aent to ^ u n ga ry, •x-' V al. But. aa always, it ia likely to Organist and Choir Director 10:30 a.m. Nursery. (.AHaembIlea of God) struction. But fulfillment of the viously emlnating from the radio. "where patriots fi^hung for the ..'Gne of our most distinguished prove difficult to^s^l that point to 7 p.m.. Evening Service, a family 2! Vernon St. Mrs. W. B. Kloppeaburg, idea will make educational history the party whijdy happens, at the Junior Choir Orgaalst But s ^ n the resulta became ton In the beautiful auditorium. Sock and Buskin members rehearse **Charley’s Aunt.” liberty of their cpitatry have been scientists in the field involved, Dr. night service in preparation for Kenneth K Guatafaon, Paator In this area; where, heretofore, disagreeable even for our own Several hundred persons moment, to/fiave benefited from Thanksgiving, with film entitled consolidated- schoola have failed crushed by a brmal foreign fprCe.' WilUam- F. Neuman, who is chief the instlUitlon of the party lever.' The 36lh Sunday after Trinity: ears. ” ■ vent through the town’s new “Glvliig, Thanks Always.” 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, also before they even got beyond the Eventually, on our tripe to and Next, Prpmler Bourguiba said it biochemist at the atomic medical The Reptibileans. barring supreme 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. 85,000,000 high school last bible classea for adUIta and chil­ talking stags. from work each day,, we began de­ statesmtmship. can ha'rdly be ex- 9 a.m.. Morning Prayer with ad- would alio be desli^btC .t o . have project sponsored by the Atomic Talcottx'llle Congregational Chiirol; dren. O f Wider SIgaUleaBee' voting the 20-odd minutea of other­ night for^the firSt time. ed to look this gift lever In the erBonal opintoru on var- o f nnirder can really be much bet~ one wdy or another about radio­ militant crusaders for vbting ends are expected to be Community Baptist Churrh Rev. Paul G, Prokopy, Pastor Thanksgiving Day: 8:80 a.m.. mape. The greatest surprise was iou!' matters and to ‘ dream up ter than a n i^ er. active strontium fall-out. machine reform. 593 East Center St. .at the Green ! Mins Marlon A. Erdln, Organist Holy Eucharist with the combined registered in noting ths amount cleaned up. I f the party positions were liare-brained achemes with which It ia not easy for humanity as He himseif is engaged in ex­ John R. Neubert, Minister | — choirs of the parish: (Senior, and rapidlt,v of ^-rfvthjn ths num­ we someday will make our fortune. Open house hours today reversed, the Democrats would be Mrs.. Leland L. Howard, Organist | Sunday, Nov. 22 Junior, and Boys' choirs.) ber of new bomsa in town. a whole to attain sruch equal Judg^ periments with animals to try to defending the party lever. It is as A welcome consolation for the mo­ and tomorrow are from 2 p.m. Robert M. Johns, Choir Director 9 a.m., Sunday School. Special notice: The iMual 10 While most other towns In the toring commuter. menu. W e have original sywfpa- ascertain where the danger point simple as that. 9:30 a.m,. Adult Bible Class. o'clock service on Wednesday will to 5 p.m. School officials have thiea one way or another^ aentir is,*i^th regard to strontium cob- The most interesting point is the 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Sundav 10 a.m., Nurser.v in the parish be omitted this week because of said that no one will be ad­ mental ties one way v>r anoi^er, taminAiipn. But he does not ex­ legal point raised by 'Vivien Kel- Church school for children. Cradle house during church worship. Thanksgiving Piy. Sandless Sandpaper. Elastic Tape- mitted to the school afterr lems. We haven’t the slightest jdea rocaaures. QuickrErosen Rat Bait, and siome drcum atai^s cistch our pect these -experiments with ani­ roil through high school 10 a.m.. Divine worship. 'Theme: U r o g ^ e e 5 p.m. how sound it is. But it is, iq brief, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m.Two almi-I "Signs o f'th e Oncoming End of Mordei>oat4Wriaama Bottles, Iron attentieh more tttdn others. mals to offer any secure data for that there is actually no law which The. Buckingham By ROOBR nUGB Wailpaper for Bomb She)tsrs. P^veryone is free to take lar services of worship. Senrion the World, also in the Light or Congregational Churrh Thus It Is Utdt m iny of us pick dictates that the party lever Wash 'n’ Wear Horse Blankets. at least 10 years.' topic: "Abounding in Thanksgiv­ Darkness of our Day.’ Philip M. Rose. D.D„ Paator the tour. There is no charge out. one h u tu c e o f murder to tilk Meanwhile, there is one thing system shall be uaed on the voting ing.” 11 a.m., Gottesdlenst. Homogonised Antl-freezc and last and no tickets are needed. machines, and that the change but not least, a itralght-jacl^t' about add w riU about and feel 3:00 p.m. Ordinance of bap­ » Siindsy, Nov. 18— he will not buy. H e will 'hot buy which would free the individual with a zip-out , lining. I- think But Principal Edson M. tism at Central Baptiiit Church. Second Congregational Church 9:30 a.m. Pastor's Class. qbo^it; while we pase over other the glib assurances of some ex­ levers for candidates iir simply a 'Sehwine and Kltzenger ahoiihl give Bailey has asked parents not Hartford. Junior ^ o ir will take 385 North MaMi Street 10:30 Church School, all grades tea as If they hardly existed. perts that there ia no present dan­ mechanical change which it Is part in the aervlbe; Senior Youth Arnold W..Tozer, Minister thkt last one free to anyone Who to take time during the tour within the authority ot election of- from nursery to Sth. AU of us, for example, have ger from atrontiuifi. Without be­ Fellowship will ^ te n d aa a group. Mrs. Mildred Calchera, Organist ■ I buys these Inventlone.,' to talk to teachers about their fleiais' to make, without any 10:30 Morning Worship and ob- ■ 1 been properly horrified by events ing able to fix accurately the max­ 6:45 p.m. Junior'H igh Youth Miss Viola B. Foster, .'»ervance of forefathers’ day. The children. Teachers and stu­ change in the law. Fellowship meeting with Sandra Choir Director different parts of the service will itf Hungary. We regard the Hun- imum possible concentration of The law itself does need to be Carpenter and Roberta Johns, > f dents, who are members of Miss June 'Thompson, be taken by men of the church. 1 i ga^hns a s 'a civilized people. •strontium, hia rough guess ia that changed, in our opinion, to permit leaders. Refreshments. the National Honor Society, Religious Education Director 6:30 p.m. The Buckingham'Pil­ r oSjssiTjtARAY ^ Their skins .are white. Many of the world’s children of today -are another thing the 'Vivien wants, will be on hand to assist and which is an easier process for in­ grim Fellowship w ill be h(>att. to those being murdered were young scheduled to get, from the stron­ Ht. John’s Polish National Morning Worship, 10 a.m. ■a L ^SMincs direct visitors. dependent candidates and parties Catholic Churrh the members o f' the Manchester Church School, double session's, Congregational Chtirch Pilgrim students. Those doing the murder­ tium already released loto the to get on the ballot ofliclall.v. The Rev. Stephen S. Stryjewaki 9 and 10 a.m. f k Ddhfffr" ^ Those who arranged the ing were the Russians, the hated fo r ld ’a atmosphere and scheduled There is no net gain in the Walter Grx.vb, Orga'nlst Fellowship at a- potluck supper in tours have worked out a sim-^ Sermon: "Born In A Brier the c h u r^ iocial room., 'William and feared enemy. to continue to sift down to earth simplicity, of the democratic pro­ Patch" tiraMr Dnis Stor^ j pie svstem hy wliich visitors cess if restrictions and regulations 8:30, Mass. Thrall witl show slides and talk on Now let us quote from a decripr for the next 10 or 15 years, aboi;t 6:30 p.m,. Mu Sigma,.Chi meets the Philippines. "Venettaa Blind ie r a . Ik. A A A. A A A A. A. A can be assured they will not which keep fringe candidates and The 10:30' Mass will be omitted. at the church. hail, In Newsweek magazine, of s bne-^tenth of the strontium they 'fringe causes from cluttering .up Mrs. Henry Grzyb will preside Very Dark ' Booin’. ' get lost or miss any sectiorts. the voting machine drive these Manchester Gospel Hell The Venetian Blind in: thli^^roo- eertain stricken city. can stand. • at a meeting of St. John's senior North Methodist Church Visitors should walk in aiu' * candidates and causes into an ap­ . 415 Center 8t. die. suggaated by T. li. Jobi'ton of *TU cemeteries are littered with . But since there is nothing au­ choir following the 8:30 Mass. 4 > r N, .Main S(. open door and turn right, then peal for write-in .votes. If the.se Hillcrest Heights,'Idd., is actuilly hundreds o f unburied death, bloat­ thoritative about how much stron­ Rev,^ John E. Piwt. Mlnlater Moy \ Prev* go from one station to the political urge's are”^ going to con­ Center Cnngregatinnal Church Siindaj’ services: one of the Home Improvements ing faM . . tium there ia in the atmoephere tinue on the scene, it is a.ssuredly Rev. .Stephen Moon', 10:30 a.m.. To remember the next higher numbered sta­ ' Clifford O. Simpson, .Minister / Minlaler of Education products to conie 'out of the. "The wards of the city’s'candle- now, as a result o f bomb explo­ better and safer to let them ex­ F. Russell Peery, I;ord.' Sehwine Kitsengfr Institute this, .DYNAMIC tion. The highest is 22. press themselves by the routine James W. -McKay,' 12:15 p.m., Sunday School. Ut hodpltals a re. Jammed with sions to date, and nothing really .Associate Minister week. There are many other' Ih- mechanical procedures of the vot-. Stlhlstcr of Music 7 p.m., Go.spel meeting. Representative ' clasSi’ooms ■ meaning wounded. lU morgues are authoritative proving that even Mrs. Sherron Adrian, Organist vOrttlone, Itke^Pot-Bellied Radiators INSURANCE ing machine than It is to drive and Choir Director for Moderi^ariahousas. Chocolate and all .special educational clogged chest-high with dead. . . any amount of it is safe. Dr. Neu­ them Into an abnormal,-eom^lc- 9 a.m.. Church School teachers l«tf«r FiiottcH wi facilities will lie open for in­ Watson Woodruff, D.D. service and high school classes. Duck Pacoya, Three-gtory 8ugsr "There are at least 2,000 dead.” man's fear is that what _ we air- *ated, write-in procedure which Minister Emeritus Bowls for Millionaires who don't spection. threatens confusion and slow-, 10 a.m.. Church School, classea A Thought for Today LEE M. SILVERSTEIN . The same account of conditions ready have in the atmosphere fhay for all ages. trust' banks, Non-sinkabte Well Young men in the automotive shop remove the starter from a car. (Herald Photos by Oflara) down in the voting, frequent 7:30, Holy Communion. Sponsored hy the. 'Haaebeetar Buckets, Ko-rub Glasa Eye Wex, to) a certain city quotes the chief have condemned many:-of today's frustration of voting intent, and 10 a.m.. Adult service of wor­ 8. 9:15 and 11, Church Services. ship. .... ' ' Council o f t ^ r cbee. dM tor 'a t' that city’s hospital as children t o ' Inescapable and In­ incessant election day controversy. Sermon: "This Is the Dav.” 5:30 p.m.. Intermediate Metho­ f^ o w s : curable cancer. The perilous thing about the 9:15 and ,11, Church School, voting machine is that it is an Im.-' dist Youth Fellowship. The observsnee of United Cdn- "It is horrible. I have to operate nursery through senior high- Students take notes during b io lo gy lecture. Growing room vfsible through windows. He is engaged in trying to meas- perfect instrtmient at best, easily 6:30 p.m.. Senior -Methodist vass Sunday in our churchea: here, flashlight or kerosene ‘ lamp. ur^-tfie effects of^ strontium on ' 4:30[,.Thanksgiving Service in Youth Fellowship. if; fouled, and yet not subject to any' th^sanctiiary. Chpnib and Pil­ recently reminded roe <^'e story I 'have' to work in the 'most un- correct in,, auditing or revision of 8 p.m. Bible Class at the par­ animalSk But "there is a grim, pos­ grim Choirs and Rhythmic Choir. sonage. that I read of a little pirl and how WHITE HOLLAND TURKEYS •tsrile conditions, getting buckets sibility,” he say.s, ‘'that we will its result when It does go soi.ir.^ 6:30, C Y P Club. W e live in terror of the possibility* she felt about ebaring adiat ehe /> • TULIP TREE PARM o f water whenever f can find — '-iiaj ,, V ■ . . gain this information fioift human ot some really close election, which Concordia Evangelical Lathcran had with God. them. listen to those''nioans. We; data first.” ‘ . Church of the Nasarelie (Church Onr torkeya knee keen' wlnaere at tbe Boston Show In tho Dvnn might go do.wn to a jnStter of a ■ 466 ,>1810 Street -t. One day a visitor in he'r home Dressed Ctosa. Beery yenr ehown. We prepare ready far the oean. had only SOO ampules of moro- Dr. NeumSn, for all his avoid­ dozen votes or so. Under such Winter and Garden .Streets gave her e half dollar pitce, and It C, E, Winslow, Mlnlater The Rev. tBHch Brandt, Pastor pressure, discrepancies would gave her a great thrill becauae'all- pbine on hand and they were gone ance of the political side of the Gertrude Wilson and > . Ivan Beckwith, Ori^nist : 60c Lb. N. Y. Dressed Undei’ 20 Lbs.— Over 20 Lbs. 50e Mme to light In almost every that she ha(l s'.’er received befori days' ago.' Many of these people argument, may sUIl be an alarm- F'lorence Wood. Organists , and Choirmaster preclYjctJn the state. We are lucky were. nlcMes and penniea. She waa . Yea! We Pall toe Tendons— Deliver In Maackeator I f Tea liave bullets in Iheir abdomens isL But., the truth is. 'that we whejj our elections go by at least ^ Church School, 9:30 a.m. Junior so happy about the g ift that har Casaet Pick Up Yonraelf. and legs. But we have mo anes­ should all be alarmists about ^ this a few thousand votes, and we can and Intermediate De'partmenta Sunday. Nov. 18, Twenty-fifth mother asked what’ she was going Sunday: after 'Trinity: ' retain our confldehce .In' the meet at the Davis Memorial. tt do With it ? • ’’ "■ FRANK HARAiURDA'^ thesia for them.” question. The truth is there ,ls • 8-:45 a.m. Sunday School. machines. But we should make it Worahip Service, 10;45‘ a.m.. “I think,” she said, "I will take ASH 8WAM[P RD., OLASTONBURT TEL. MBdford 8-8418 This was, not Budapest, but only one assured condition of as simple a.s possible for all voters . 10:15 a.m. Worship . Service: Message, ’ ’Thanksgiving” it to the church next Sunday.’’ Port- Sstd. The murder was done safety from strontiunr^That is to to do exactly what they want to do "Signs of God” Youth Service, 6 p.m. "And Whjif will you do that?” the not by the hated Russians, but by have no more of it released. Even behind that curtain, and eliminate Junior Society, 6 p.m.. (Nursery in Parish House dur­ ing Service). surprised mother asked. the friendly British and French. that, for some, may be too late. every possible frustration and , Evangelistic Service, 7 p.m., totil-up. • Me.ssage, "Fixed Foundations” "Because'., she said, “I want to Those murdered were not bright W e do npt know as to that. But First Churrh of Christ. Scientist give it to God. HS"never gets'any- m;; iroung university students, but ig ­ on the proposition there shout’d be Masonic Tentple ,thing but pennies either:” William B. Moore ' norant. dirty Araba And, beneath no more, there should 'be abso­ ^Sunday service 11 a.m. the dirt/ their skin was not white. lutely., no doubt. Skywatch Schedule "Sunday-school 11 a.m. ^ COME Blit whatever inequalities' may \ Wednesday meeting 8 p.m. persist in our minds, there ere Second Half-Coming Up ' Re'adlng room hours; Tuesday HEAR THE GIX)RIOUS GOSPEL OP THE - ether equalities. The'desth and the Sunday,. Nov. 18 ’ and Friday 12—^4 p.m.; Tuesday LI8HT TRUCKING One half of the battle for con- 7—9 p.m.; Wednesday 7—7:55 MANCHESTER,' suffering are equal. I f there is a Midnight—2 a.m. .Volunjeera Needed, imlldation of our district fire de­ p.m. ' BOI.TON aad VICINITY God, tbS'dead qnd the suffering 2 a.m.- -4 a.m. .. Burr’IStephens. Maty -Stephens WRD JESUS CHRIST partments into the- tmvn fire de 4 a.hv.-- 6 a.m. .. ;vvVotuntoers Needed. . "Soul And Body” will be’^'the REASONABLE FEES subject o f the Lesson-Sermon for a-qukf have, to be equal In His partineq^ has now been wop. The ; 6 a.m.- 8 a.m. .Joseph Carlin, Richard Carlin There may>^ oOc^ewhereK^ ■10 a.m. 1 ...... '/.Joseph Carlin, Richard Carlin Sunday, N ov. 18'. PhoM Ml 3^304 meetlng and the vote by Which the ■ "rhe Golden'Text js from II Cor-' THIS SUNDAY EVENING AT 7 aome-ju)|fica o f outlook, and mess- _ __ , ...... 12 Noon John McConvllie South .Manchester Fire Ihstrict j 2 pl>.m...... William Breadhefl inthlsns (3:18): *’We -all, with urament more accurate, dispas-, voted itself out of exlslence were | 2 p.m.— 4 ji.m...... Tom, Hickey . j- boen face beholding as in a glass (XISPELHALL ' ^ lienate, and mo're equally com- the glory of the Lord, are changed temperate, and orderly, reflecting I ^ p.m.,—6 p.m...... '.Tom Hickey. paasionate, than ours...... Crawford Allen Jru into the same -image from glorv 415 Csnfsr Strsst, MRnchsVfsr; Conn, the fact that extreme passions had 1 ^ p.m..-8 p.m. ... to glory, even as by. the Spirit of Clifford Fisher, Carol Chace ■' "V 'f'" ' ■ ’ injierd already, gone out of the .ia- g p.m.-rrlO p.m.’ '.. the Lord.” » ^ Guts ...... Jeanne Jacobs ' sue. leaving compliance with mod-1 10 p.m.^—Midnight . . .. V...... Robert McComb ; rV Selections from the Bible inclu'de’ I hsve plsnted) Apoltos watered, but God gave the ' the following: "O God. thou art ^For sheer guts, achieved in cool em circumstance in Rs .conceded'i' I Monday, Nov. 19 ' increase, So then neither is he that planteth any* Midnight-2 a.m. ,...... Volunteers Needed '7 my God; early will I seek-thee:-- thing, neither hd thsLwatereth but God that gave MiheraCion, wUhout fthe helpful .and ihevitabie rictory: 3 a.m.-4 am...... /...Volunteers Needed Because thou kast been my Kelp, (V A of ^ t blood or hot' action, we . Now the batile scene shifts', to' therefore: in the shadow, of thy the increase. He that planteth and he that water- 4 ajn.-6 a.ln...... Volunteers Needed I . •th mbu- are possibly a little sharper, both j 8 a.m.-10 a.m ....;. .'.Volunteers. Needed PINE rewsird, according to his labour. Ye are carnal, ...... Volunteers Needed hand upholdeth me.” (Psalms 1, 7, babes in Christ.'I have fed you with milk, arid not Btat leadtr in Poland. ways. The North* End prizes its : i4qq„.2 p ...... Burr Stephens Mary Stephens . .«)■ ' '■ ■ ■' .r PHARMACY ' ' ■' . A. . ; 'K * dameiMitratod (iihi guts when own distinct organization with a | 3 p:m.-4 p.m...... *.______Gloria McCapIey, Donna Zollo Correlative passages from the with meat. Other foundation can- no man lay, 6M Ceater St—-TeL M I 9-Mld' than. that,-which. is laid, which is Christ jesus.— lia fttlo n a. train to Moscow, and: little more feeiina thaii h is sur- ! * p.m.-6 p.m...... Roger wiqter ; / ' Christian ,, S ci e n c e textbook ...... ; ...... Wayne Garland^ ' "Science and Health with Key' to (1 Cor. 8:1-11); * , himtpsU aaci the isUow * pia-JO^p^..' ...... Kenneth Churilfa, Jean Hayes, thei Scriptures” by Mary Baker I « f hia goyammant with-: And, i t the same time, the'reel > Bernard Hart Eddy, include the fblibwing (p;- PINE LENOX t|U Jliffalcal powar of Ruaria dqiiU o f the, N oryi End h fve p.m.«Mldnigli .1...... Relty Betty 1------,,Fivozlnsky ------Helen Shepard— 359:11): "Even though you aver > YOU ARE WELCOME ^ ' ; togwat iiiiialiVi, k that the material senses are indii- Wa lM R ,4 B a ig^ from priaon to moip. to gain from consoti|ii)tion, ikyw’atchch Po*t located on top of Manchester Police Station. Volun* PHARMACY re m ix regisiister St Civil pefense H ejidqu^ers Municipal Build- psnsable to man’s exldtenee or The boys would lik* to take aquick dip, but the pool woh’t'be in use for b whiiOr Tht BOW choral tm m behiad the stage set hg for freup i IlM il . HP t t * .,M M i bi tlw’priMpect of improvemenu SM E. fM ltor ■V ■ . ' , Jita^hiicsttR- on Monday, Wsiln K ^ irF riila y from 1-5 p.tn. entity, you mUst (change the huihen •--r " r.--- ' V 'U- t r r 'y . r - y ' Y I,' T ■ , ; ’ M.'. ... i 'A O i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOBESTEE, CONN, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 196« MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1966

mm’i appointment el! three mem-' B 61t«ur here. Gym FaeilUie* Inspected ky GuetU at DediMtion Miss Roberto Heeeocie was -^ays'-Talks^ MH3 Seen Monument' [ named home ehonomics teacher at Plans Fund Girls Scouts Ellington High School to replace X. Mrs. William Martin, who has Hol(iPeace, For Scholarsbi.} To form ’s Duty, Fiiith asked to be .released. Miss Hes- ' Plan Dance cock, a.graduate of the home eco­ Clolumbia, Nov. 17 (Special) nomics' program of the University Plans to eatabllsh- a scholarship rm “ Thu buUdtnK lUnd* m a mon-1 of Connecticut, will assume hep W lir Choice For Tonight • . . fund are under contemplallori by um «t to *^^!**f*f,'*„**J)J^ duti.es in January. Attend National Grange (OonttBond from f a t * Om ) Columbia PTA. At a meeting this , tMtimony or ine raiui oi uu» «wm- ■ Bolton, Nov! n (Special! — Patricia Schortntann, daughter of week, it w'aa voted to establish Knunlty,” the Hon. C hiles 8 . Girl Scout Troop -1(18 will sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schortmaim of July 1955 that the Soviet Union such a-fund using U.S. Savings House, superior court Judge.' told a dance -at the Community Hall Ellington Grange, will receive the and the United Statba exchanged Bond which is bout to mature as about 1.000 persona gathered for ^ tonight from 7:30 to 10 o'clock aevei^ degree at the 90th session military blueprints of military in­ {he dedication of the hew high for Grade 7 and 8 atudenta. of the National Grange in Roches­ the nucleus for the fund! " ■ ter, N. Y.. during the week of Nov. stallations and permit planes of schooUast nighU •ncketa have been on sale by the’ both countries to make aerial in­ The committee set up to make a DIRECTORY 14.. Mrs, Hazel Hein, master of El. Judge House, former chairman Scouts but will also be available spections. atudy of the proposal includes Mrs. of the Manchester Board of Edu* Mlea Anna M . Volquardsea at the door tonight' lington Grange, will accompany Rudolph Aibair, Mr.4. Car) .Gosllne, MISS Anna M. Volquardsen of Miss Schortmann. Nfver Aoceptod-PtaH - - For Cor«frM Comfort hmio o eoiii^ lioir caUon. was principal speaker at Mr. and Mrs. Warren Potter The Russians never have accept­ Mrs. William Jacobus and lohn La- the brief ceremonies held in the Irvington, N. J., sister of Paul head the list of chaperons for the Ellington Notes Oolx. E. A.'Johnion Cd. Featurea-Fiac Wallpaper Manchester Ajiswering Service Haa Amazing File Volquardsen of this town,' died The Ani'erican Legion Auxiliary ed the plan. new school's auditorium (Jl^ce. TTiey will be assisted by On • the nuclear weapons the The PTA empowered Principal He'sald any high school "is a j yesterday. Mr.'and Mrs. Ole Owren, Mr. and will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the George Palroa to draw upon, the ( individually desiqnod for you at tho • reflection of a community’s sense: —For _____ more than____ a quarter . of a. hom e'of Mrs. Florence Cordtsen, Soviet Union made tlila proposal; Mrs. John McDermott, Mrs. Bur­ "To ban H-bomb» and A-lwnbs, organization's Sunshine filnd up | of social and pollUcal responsibll-1 century, she taught languages W ton J. Tuttle, Mrs. Colin Tenqy and •Somers Rd. to the sum of $25 to help fill I Uy and an Ipdlcauon of- ita faith." ' the Frank Morrell High School in The Sta-Weds of Ellington Con­ their production and use, and to Mrs. Thomas ..Johnson. -> ^ gregational Church will hold a busi­ destroy all stocks, with an im­ Christmas baskets for the needy ! <)uotee State Law Irvington, retiring in 1 9 5 1 be­ Women Plan Dinner contributed by achdol children. Tracing the history of the phi­ cause of ill health. Before going ness meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in mediate ban on tesU." CHOICE VAltlETl The Women's Aiixlllary of, the the church. Following the meeting •rhe Soviet Union has been Mrs. William Jacobu.s submitted losophy which Ues behind the to Irvington,, she taught, school in Hre Department will enjo.v their her resignation as chairman of QUAtITY ^ ^jnerioan high school as a means Rockland, Maine, and Oilcopee, they will go to Someraville to bowl plumping for a long time for an annual holiday dlnne.-' at Walnut and return to the. church for re­ end to nuclear testa, and interna­ the child welfare committee and SEAFOOD V for ^preparing citirens to govern Mass. She graduated from Welles­ Restaurant, Manchester Monday Mrs. John Hansen was named td themaOvas inteUigently, Judge ley College as a Phi Beta Kappa in freshments. tional agreement to ban nuclear evening------Mr. and Mrs. Francis Willis, weapons. fill that position. 43 OAK ST. House quoted the State law glv- 1907. She -M-ea a member of the All who plan to attend will meet School children will again help 99 EAST CENTER S T ^ T fL MI-*-500t loeu bokrds of education the Crystal Lake, are parents of • h The West has Insisted that TEL. MI 9-9937 ing local boards of _ , Wellesley Alumnae Aesn. at the firehouse at 8:30 p.m daughter born Tuesday at .I(^tipon by contributing gifts for Norwich right and duty^.,"prescribe rules The funeral ■will be held at 10 strict international control meas- where transportation for those Memorial Hospital, Stafford iires must be imposed as a first State Hospital. Collettions will be the adm ission'^ pupils and o'clock Monday morning at the who do not plan to drive will be, Springs. held at the .school at a date to be fo*^ their studies, booki and claaal' WaUdiia-Weet FuiiiHl HOiOe. lU ------. _ - . consideration. m u n i l A P l M arranged, 'nve ainnSi' meellng wljl Judge A., GoeHrlng, Today's Bulganin message said announced. Mrs. Howard Shum- • ■ •. nU LLU lU IlT flciOon." ' , E. Center St. (Committal eervices replace the usual monthly aession. St., is a patient at Rockville City way will assist Mrs. Frederick A. T ‘It. (the law) is at once a gfMt and burial will be at Chapel of Is­ the Rus-siana wanted to "establish MAr^CHESTER Church Ser\icea Hospital. strict international control to in­ Beardsley in making arrange- f u n e r a l h o m i o f sweeping authority and responr land Om eUry, Newport, R. I„ at The Rev. Earl O. Pearman will Ro.se Downs. Veadow Brook Rd., merits for collection of these gifl.s. Air-CoiMUtionad slblUty\totthe local community, has returned from Rockville City sure that these (disarmament) AUTO PARTS preach on "The Pilg-.lm Thanks­ proposals are carried out.” Receive* Thanks- Ideallg tocztdil B iiitM frt and a cns^enge to each municlpu- ?irt«nda' may call at the funeral giving” at United Metiiodist Hospital where .she was a patient Mrs. Herbert Englcrt, Grade 8 to de^f^ite the t pattern. home ffoiii 7 toU tomorrow ni|;ht Bulganin's me.ssage contained 270 BR'")AD ST •«sag (roa Um Wmg Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. for several days bla.sts at the British, Frenrh and teacher at Horace \V. Porter far*. DlttiaetlYa n ^ m SP standards and the education op worship service. Church school will The Sisterhood of the Congrege- School, received a "thank-you” We Huggest you get your ■ portmitUee ^shlch wlll be offered to Lsraella for the invasKm of Egypt, • n FtaUI«a% Memorial Maaa , meet at 9:30 a.m. "■ tlon Knesseth Israel will hold a note from M. L. Alwille. chief of Chriatmas Ceramics done early! Ahtraya At Y«ir Sendee its chHmte».”'',Judge House said. A ninth anniversaryMemorial ard said this haa resulted in a Methodist. Youth Fellowship will Chanukah meeting Tiesday at 8 "serious weakening, not only of the Education Projects Section of j a MACHINE SHOP SERVICE He contidae Mass for the repoae)«f the soul of hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m. p.m. in the honge of Dr. and Mrs. the United Nations Korean Rccon- j * EftUjPMENT ' T. P. HOLLOWAN "In the lat degree, the Stan­ Frank Wiwlgace vrtll b« sung at William Schneider. A report on the pilitiral hut also of the mill- FtiMnI DlfMtar ly, iu sense o f at the church under, leadership of trry strategic positions" of Brit­ struction Agency in .Seoul. Korea.' CAMDOT * p a r t s (new and Nbullt) dard of a commt St. John's Chur^ i.unday at 8:80 Jewish education will be. given by in belialf of the gift last year of ] * ACCESSORIES moral, social and^^lltical respon­ Harold Veal. / ''- ain and France in Europe, and of CERAMICS STUDIO JOHN J. CHATTY JR. a.m. Mrs. Schneider, her pupils. I * SUPPLIES Mr. and Mrs. Eihiore "Watkins, the entire Nqrtli Atlantic Treaty UoMMi naZalMe sibility. can be determined by the Manchester, will show 'slide.s - ^ d Fayette Lodge AF and AM, will Mrs. Englert, a .Seventh grade i 117 NEW BOLTON ROAD * DUPONT PAINT, SUPPLIES measure to which It meets meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Organization. teacher last year, had sent in be- Route 6—Ml 3-5756 175 Oaatar SL-4M. lOa WM speak on "The Holy Land" at £he These were' the .Soviet disarma­ Open Smturdny nntU 5 p.m. ch^lenge. • . v k p d o t meeting of the Women's Society Masonic Temple, Orchard St. half of her pupils, a UNESCO con- | We are- heading right into Ihe'V Proud Answer to Challenge Associate Matrons and Asso­ ment proposal-^ - most of them of­ pon' which was used to purchase ; busiest season of the year and for eyes will riot sting either. Actually •This High School which we., for Christian Service on Tuesday fered before in one way or an­ it makes painting' a joy and it at 8 p.m. ciate Patrons nifaht will be ob- 1.37 notebooks, 60 pencils. 320 j those who contemplate redecorat- dedicate tonight, both l)i its.tan^ Catholic Women 'served at the next ref'idai- (meeting other—to be dlsrua.sed at a sum­ erasers and 143 crayons for the ' spreads .so easily and covers so gible and intangible aspects, is the Ma.sses will be celebrated at. St. mit conference "in view of the fail­ CUNLIFFE ing their home or having the out- well that a room can be done in Maurice Church tomorrow at 8:30 of Hope Chapter No. 60, OES, Sadulwon Inslilute in Pusan for ! The Manchester Answering Serv-*- DON WILLIS MASURY — — ^"aunity To See Film at ure of the United Nations Dis­ side repainted, why not slop in at ’ abort order. vii'ual compartments. No chan(;e nge. and 10 a.m. Tuesday at 8 p.iu. in the Masonic 47 orphans attending the Dae Yiin I ice is operated' at 318 E. Middle armament Commission:" Primary School. I MOTOR SALES the E. A. Johnson Paint Co. and Johnson Paint Co. has every- of a message being mislaid here, School The Rev. Theodore W. Chandler Temple. aee the fine selection of new wall- , thing that one could possibly need Tpke. by Mra. Betty Ruth Ed­ PAINT Meeting Monday Guests enjoyed a glimpse of the large main gym at the- high echool ea they toured the building after Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bishop, 1. "Tile arn.ed forces of the Abelle hopes that the individual nor is the telephone allowed to GARAGE that we 'may con^ue to give our dedicetion exercises last night. Open house v-itl be . held at the .'school from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. today and Jr. will tell Joe David Brown's USSR, the United States,' and EXPERT AUTO Bo d y aad paper and look over the wonderful | for those whose hobby is painting: wards, her husband and two em­ story, "Grandpa and the Miracle Newell Hill, Oyatal Lake, are the students respon.sible for the gift FENDFJt REPAIRS ring excessively. . . is children an understanding of dem­ tomorrow for the public. (.Herald Photo by Oflare). China should he reduced- within will hear in the future from the DuPont chart of inside or outside ■ the finest brushes, oil and water ployes. This winter wouldn't, you like {o-' 18 Main St.. Tel MI-9-4SS1 ocracy and/Sfhat it means.” Andover, NoV. 17 (Special)— Grindstone” in place of a sermon parents of s daughter born Monday paints. colors, all that a painter might re- at the Rockville City Hospital. . two years to 1 '* million meii each direct recipients of the gift. e n a m e l and LAC4)UER Mra, Edwards has had consider­ be free to enjoy aJl the business j And Judge House saw the ded­ "Faith, Hope and Hogan” , a film I at the 11 a.m. worship at the Con- wlii.j the forces of Britain ahd REFINISHINGS By using this chart you are ! quire. Are you interested in Tole- gre.futional Church tomorrow Donald Luetjen, son of Mr. and Named tliib Officer* able experience in this field, Having and social activities that you now SpocMiiing In ication as an act of community starring Bing <3rosby, Phil Harris, j K o c k v ilic Egypt Holding to Plan France should be cut to ■ 650,000 REASONABLE PRICES abaolutely sure of harmonizifig ; craft ? Stop ,ln at Johnson Paint supervised a telephone exchange must forego 7 The Manche.s'ter An- ■Both Junior and Senior choirs will Mr.s. Walter Luetjen, Fairview Carol Ann Ja.swinaki, Columbia, blends in your color selection and and see what they have, PAUL'S faith. Bob Hope and Ben Hogan, will be Ehct.. is stationed tshth the Sesbees ei.eh and those of other nations to was elccteii secretary of the Fu­ FREE EM'nMATES in Massachusetts that serviced swering Service is the solution, RRAKE SERVICE He said it Indicated faith in "our sing at the service. 100,000 to. 1.50.000. As a first step it will also give you some very new So many people are turning PRint arid Btsff shown at the Catholic Ladies' So­ Governor ‘ vi'-ricoff’s 'Thankagiv- in Cuba. ture Homemakers of America at ROUTE .50—WAPPING CONN. over 100 clients for more than 10 ! An extension from your busi- dem^ratlc form of government,” ciety Monday evening at .8 o'clock. Yule Lighting the United Slates, Chinn and the and , Striking color Tjlends, ones ■ their hobbies into making things years. ! ness to their switchboard will in- 645 Msin Stnet ing proclamation will be read and Windham High .Schoiil. Other local ; that ybu might not have con- for gifts and., for the home and Froot End Allgnmonf '•in the ultimate good judgment of The meeting will be held at St. Soviet Unioh should cut their giris, named to office, are Teddy ; AT THE RICHFIEI.D SION It is fascinating to watch them sure you of complete telephone all the people.” "in the future of a service of com.mission for Hvery Manchester Evening Herald El­ sidered. Another good feature is with the Christmas season ap­ TcL MI 94)300 ColUmba's (3iurch. Columbia. Dag, Nasser Confer Member Canvass visitors will be lington correapindent, M n. G. F. forces to 2 'j million and Britairf Marrolte, treasurer;; Gail Way- j TEL. Ml-S-5404 at work. She has invited anyone coverage by prompt, courteous, ef- Manchester, "in those teachers to Program Set aiid I''iance to 7.50,000. the fact that each color has the proaching you will find many love­ Gonoral Ropoir Woili Mra Francis Minor will show included in the worship. B utt, telephone TRemont 5-9813. land, parliamentarian, and Norma i w’ho would like to see how this : flcient, specially trained tele­ whom we here entrust the educa­ members how to prepare an ad­ 2. A complete ban on atomic and ingredients listed by number so ly and u.seful things to make at the service is operated to drop in at phone secretaries, tion and dilution of our children." The Ladies Benevolent Society Ives, hlslorlari. that .vou can always match your •iohnsbn Paint Co. vent wieath. will serve s dinner to the canvass hydrogen weapons of war. dtscon- Herbert T. Newberrv | any time. The nextTime yott have 1 YoUr home will be relieved of "in our children," "In the funda­ By Chamber tinuanrr of their production, com­ FOR EXTRA MONEY .paint and time you wish to. Painting by numbers has been .Hostesses for the November Oh UN Role in Suez visitors in the parish room directly Herbert T. Newb^-ry, .57, Mans­ a free hour, accept this invita- business calls, your wife will be Mtstitr mental strength of our own con- plete destruction of s.lock piles, and When your paint .selection ia extremely popular and it is amaz­ meeting ere from Gilead. They are after the worship service. Vigils to About Town field Center, died suddenly at his lion, yoti will be well rewarded. | free to devote more time to you rictions and purposes,” "in Him to Mrs. J. H. Maleckl. Mrs. Joseph an immediate halt of all tests of DuPont you are sure of getting ing what a really fine picture yott and your children and you need Rockville, Nov. 17 (Special)—j (Continued front Page One) perialistic countries following the homes of parishioners and friends home Wednesday morniftp. He WE PAY paint that will give you beauty They o|;erate much like a priv­ U|iholfltr| whom we address our prayers of Boraaso, Mrs. Bart Nicolo and < c . nuclear weapons. can paint this way. You will .find a ate secretary to each of their n , longer have a constant nagging Thet^sgiving.”' Plans for the annual Christmas report about Rus.'^ian volunteers? will be made durinj^ the afternoon. The bi-weekly series of Satur- 3 ^ reduction by one-third in leaves hla wife. Mrs. Anna Blits and durability. Years of resc.'»rch wide .selection to choose from here. Mrs. Wilfred Gagne. A final training session for the ■Newberry; a son, a slepson._ twril HIGHEST PRICES many clients. This is accomplished fear that you are losing an im­ BpMUUzIaK A t the beglnnnig of his address, Named Organist lighting projfram are under way, "If Britain and France com- The warning of the Soviet Union »»»■ o'jhe armed' forcea of the have made DuPont Paints the Children love to paint and to plain about the obstruction of has been quite clear and unequi­ visitors will he held at the pa'-ish conducted by the Recreation’ De­ granilehrldren, his mother a sister, I finest money can buy and the , make attractive things arid at the \Vith the aid of a complete file on portant call while your wife ia 'udge House expressed the town's Mrs. Andrew Gasper, Hebron according to Edwafd Zahner, United Slates, Britain and France For Rags, Paper. Metals each sub.scriber which is designed out. la ' ' 1e in the new achool, and gave navigation this is due to their silly vocal. It declares that in case of room tonight at 7:30 o’clock. partment wlil be held tonight from in Germany. a brother. Howard Newberry, a| odorle.s8 paint- is probably one of 1 Johnson Paint Co. you will find Rd., has been named organist for chairman of the Chamber of Com­ 6:30 to 9 at the West Side Recrea­ resident of Columbia. i and Scrap Iron to give them a brief but accurate This invaluable service can be * Funiltwo Rt wpliol ' to mehy community lead­ St. Columba’s Chtu-ch, Columbia. aggressive acts,” Hatem said in a procrastination by Britain and Church school services will be 4. A considerable' reduction In the most appreciated advances j many things even the small tots merce Ctiristmas lighting commit­ statement, "and there ts no way France or Israel in withdrawal held at 9:30 a.m. Junior Fellowship tion Center. The program is open Tile Rev. Robert K. Barrows! CALL OS DELIVER TO ; made. ! can accomplish with the help of knowledge of their client's busi­ had for just pennies a day. Be­ sforii e n anfl'sdhere who had a part in The position was previously tee. 1957 of the forces of the United planning an To.Tops BCllOOle plement the decision of the Uni­ would grant permission to Ru.ssian requested to bring a pen and let­ and up. .under the supervision of NATO countries and of Soviet Cemetery. cloiied or open, you can u.*e Du- I Stop in and look around, you Depeadabte — merly of Andover Lake, who re­ stars will be strung in the down­ Mr. and Mra^ Mel Cushing. Personal Mention OSTRINSKY an.swer to any question that is astound you., Cali Mrs. Eldwards Judge House whaintroduced by cently moved to Bloomfield. ted Nations (to withdraw from volunteers to join the Egyptian ter-writing paper. — Union forces in the Warsaw Treaty Pont's Odorless Paint without w'ill be delighted with many of the * Trucli CHshlbks Christie McCormicic>.^mester of town shopping area. A Nativity Egypt.)/' Liberation Army." The Rev. Mr. Chandler will countries. Jan Tasker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dealer* In Wa*te Material* having the entire house permeated items to make both for yourself asked. now and discuss the t.vpe of cov­ Magazine Drive Ends scene will be erected in Central j 781 PARKER ST. All me.ssag.es are recorded, erage which best suits your needs. 6M CENTER ST. (Rear) cereinonlea Egypt has given - no indication The U.N. force at Abu Suweir preach at two aervi'cea at the In­ Daughters of Liberty, No. 17. .5, Liquidation within two years' Hyland Taaker, Jonathan Trum­ with a "painty" odor and .your I and for holiday giving. William H. 8diitii|a Monday .will be last day of Park and the two Christmas trees continued to grow while Hammar- LOLI. will meet in -Orange' Hall Tel. 5n -8-5 7S 5 or Ml-S-a879 stamped with-the exact linie the.v You will find she ha.V the answer TRU 8 0 t ^ U l McCormcik cited Judge Htt(ue's the magazine subscription drive when it will begin clearing the stitute for living in Hartford to­ of all foreign army, navy, and air bull Highway, is a patient at IBS Spnaee SL. TeL BO-S-78N there u^ll be decorated with lights. skjold and Nasser dickered about Tuesday at 5 p.m. Mrs. Farlief M. Deaconess Hospital in Boston. were received and put into irtdi- to your problem at her fingertips. long service as a member imd conducted by Grade .8 students to Zahner said the lights will be three-feUrths of the canal it holds. morrow afternoon. force bases in other countries. cbauman of the Board of Blduca- Egypt says most of the hulks what the.v were to do. On Monday, the Advisory Co'jb- Taylor of Aldon, Mask., deputy in­ 9. A corresponding reduction in Clarke Robinson, son of Mr. and Coventry eflt their New York Trip Fund. turned on Dec. 1. William Spear, stalling .off icer^-^ajtd heE-staf£-udll tion, "becm>se it was during this pUon totals amounted to blocking the ivaterway were sunk Three more planeloads of Danish ell will meet at 7:30 p.m. "fhe first armamznts-expenditnfer Mrs. C. Leonard Robinson, Lake wnt attend the Sunday Tolland Stanley Cross will be meeting Portland, has again been con­ and Norwegian troops flew to the be present for the semi-annua4 Rd.. celebrated his fourth birthday CHOCOLATE CHIP SpeetoUxtog tm time that our school building pro­ more fbkn $1,200 Friday. The class tracted to erect the lights. by Britlsh-FTench bombs. ' . dinner meeting for laymen of the Bulganin's call to a summit con- Congregational Assn, fall rally at hostesses. gram waa Inaugurated." The government-backed news­ canal zone base ifrom Naples, Tolland Association will be held open installation Supper, will be ferehce did not include Communist Sunday at his home. Several young 7:30 p.m. in Union Congregational Rotary Speaker Mor* hoi CentotoetB. Betrtgerater ad* hopes weekend sales will enable Congregational Church Speaker served at 6 o'clock. AND CARACAS MeC^rmick welcomed the guests them to reatti..„^their new goal of paper A1 Gumhurriya. considered raising the force’s strength to 350 a Andover at 7 p.i». Tiieaday with CThlna. There was no explanation friends from Bolton and Columbia Second Church Considers Church, Rockville. Dr. lone Cat- are palatod Freexer Baga, Flaatle Fdd# Dr. lone Catton, Chicago. 111., men.- Fort.y-four Yugoslav soldiera for the omission. But Bunganin CHOCOLATE Rotary Club this week had as Ceatalnere. and created "the good people of $1,500. will give two addresses here to­ a quasi-authoritative spokesman Dr. Reginald Helffricht as guest attended, the party given by his ton of the Miaaions Council will speaker John A. Hillman, who with S. W. P. Manchester” with the "credit of and officers are due soon. The first spwaker. The weekly series of roller said thgt if the summit conference mother. Aid Studento morrow, one at the 10:45 a.m. for Nasser, said Egypt — and no ICE CREAM speak. showed a film. "Alaskan High­ than aay other Rental apace avallahle far ya«r having the faith and wisdom and one else — would "dictate her Indian contingent of - 50 officera Senior choir will rehearse skating programs conducted by is successful then a larger confer­ Manrheoter Evening Herald Sponsoring Refugee Family Lione. Club* Meelt. palnL Volunteer aasistance'"!;^ given service of Union Congregational the Recreation Draartmerit will be way.” Club viaitpra were Robert troacn meat and vegdtoUH 8d the wiUingnesa to provide our Wednesday evening to members of terms" about withdrawal of and men left India last night in Wednesday at a r.ew honr. 7:30 ence might be summoned, including Ooliimbia correspondent. .Mr*. Try Ihi* Royal-taste •ensaUon! The Lion's Club met this week Church and.other at the fall meet-- two U. S. Navy planes. held tonight .at 7 o'clock at the all the NATO and Warsaw Pact Meek and William Schleldge of the little aa .04e a young people with the physical last year's eighth. grade witiK.el- ing of the Tolland Association of foreign forces. p.m.. On Friday, Pilgrim Fello'w- Frank 5larrhi*a, telephone .\Unde- Coventry, Nov. 17 (Special) -;'«M rs. William B. Manzcl and Mrs. with the Rev. C. Arthur Bradley Manchester club. Edward Warner Hammarskjold fle-w to the U.N. Community Y, under the direction countries. my 8-9060. A dmible rich chiM’ulale meaha for secondary education un­ gebra and Ei^Ush problems (Congregational Churches. A1 Gumhurriya aslo took this ship, the newly organized group with a fudge^llavor. Second Congregational Church Robert W. Bridgeman. of Second Congre(.aticnal Church, of the Wiilimantic club, and I. N> surpassed anywhere." note of tension brought by offer of base with a contingent of Colom­ for freshmen anu aopbornore high of Donald Coles, building director. The Russians specified that The Rev,. James R MacArthur of countered at. Windham High ecretary of Missionary Educa- Manchester Garden Club w 111 Communist China should attend may sponsor a Hungarian refugee Monday the church Young Thut of the Storrs club. SHBHmH McCormick paid respecU to School in their freshmen studies. ftioiixqf Congregational Christian Russia and Communist China to bian soldiers before coming on to school students, t.'lll meet in the In Pints and Gallons family. Adults group will meet at 8 p.m. First Congregat.oral Church, Mrs. LT.WOOD M a n c h e s t e r 's superintendent meet Monday at 8 p.m. in , the the Ivger conference. • Club menibera John H. West- Assisting ' students were Mrs. Oitircnea. Df. Catton spends much send ‘-‘volunteers” to Egypt if the Cairo. He told the advance'units pariah room at 7:30 p:m. At -Your, Favorite Store or At The church Missionary Commit­ in the parsonage on Rt. 44A. Kenneth A. Downlnjg, snd Mrs. land. Postmaster Herman F, Le- LOCKER PLANT emeritus, Fred A. Verplanck, who British. French and Israelis did he believes their example, "will Federation room o f Center Church Red China i's not a member of ■ Thomas M. O'Brien, public health W lUUM S Hazel Floyd, who helped with Eng­ of her tune in the field, aiding House. Mrs. Ralph Ogden of West the Warsaw Pact, but haa been tee is studying possibilities of Tuesday representatives of the Doyt and L. James Loyzim are on a 981 Mala SL. TeL Ml 8-8688 51 BI8 SELL m . Is hospitalised. lish difficulties, and Mrs. Helen churches in biliiding programs and not immediately vvithdraw: give ut one da.v a world order of Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ Atheiieuni NoteB Royal Ico Croom Co. bringing a family to this country,. church will attend the Tolland visiting nurse a„ guests. deer-hunting trip in Vermont. "Surely .he is rejoicing with us “Why all this panic in the im­ which all of ua are truly proud." Hartford will speak on "Christmas closely associated with it. The Opea A Charge Aeeoimt^ TEL. Bfl S^SiU Barton, who eased the approach missionary educ^ttqn. She has al­ ton correspondent, Mrs. Joseph 28 Warren Street - Ml 8-8950 When the study is completed the laymen's meeting at 7 p.m. at An­ Mrs. O'Brien apuke on the-wel- Hospital Patient We Delltrer at this time in what must be the to algebra. D'ltnlla, telephone Mitchell 8-5545. Decorations.” 'rhe.reyised consti­ Warsaw organization includes all so had experience UKthe fi?ld of tution and bylaws will be voted the eastern European Communist committee will bring it before dover Congregational. Church. fare needs for .Christmas. The club ------falftDiasnt o f hla -many dreams.!! Mrs. Floyd end Mrs. Doris E. religious education. Spe>c4al Exhibitions church membership for action. . Those going will meet at the voted to take rcsponslblity for Mrs. Lucius A. Pettingill, Root through high school, 9:30 g.m.: upon. states with the exception of Yugo­ Rd., is a patient at Windham McCormick sald.<^ Chamberlain, principal, chaper­ A t the Tolland Assn, ibeeting, Thanksgiving Sunday morning Sand Distribution "Good Design for Christmas” parsonage at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Regi­ three needy families for Chris*'mas. A-tape recording of lest night's slavia. They are the Soviet Mrs. Raymond H. Bradley is Community Memorial - Hospital. oned the group at a party at the Dr; Allison Ray Heaps will give worship, 10:45 a.m., Mias lone Czl- Ellington committee chairman. Assisting bNorway, Portu­ years’ standing. | the 10:45 a.m. aervlcea in Firat i Covdnlry - Players will meet t^Tiarle* L. Little, telephone PD- Merrill Prentice, architects; John quest, they submitted estimates of Elks Slate Dinner Holy Communion, Ov^.m.; family SUPPLY C O . service, classes, sermoii>-$^:30 a.m.; cepted the flag for the troop, gal. Greece and Turkey. "John Trumbull: Painter: Pa-' "Congregational Church tomorrow. ! Monday at 8 p.m. in Brooknioore XelUher, treasurer of the M. 8 . the hours required by their officers, .Rockville Lodge of Elks will Corner Main Street and The church officers' nominating i Barn. After the business meeting grim 2-6231. Toloplioiio Ml>3«7254 1. rs j t ^ , toxlcstion, Slid Ordered to seek School Supt. Arthur P. Blxby the Mary Cheney Library-, gave an rial during the next month. , Ed­ The Rev. C, Arlhirr Bradley, who will also be set designer and The choir, con josed of sixth, sev­ The ticket sale is bring made will preside at the program. Tlie fled, for instance,' special 'details TREE PRUMma TIIGIfGRADt of the Board o f Directors. tor theRev.CTiffordJ. qirtin. as-.„ut-patlent treatment at Blue interesting talk last evening to the wardian costumes of- the "My Fair pastor, .will use "A Dream, \ construction chairman. Mrs. Ray­ Christmas shopprtig. enth and eighth graders, will sing here by the Polish-American (Citi­ sistani pastor. ; u j,,, Hartford when he croner stone laying ceremony will GFS Sponsors of St. Mary's could be stationed at airports, Lady" era in the Goodwin Parlor. ' Ivar Jozus, president of the Stu- again Dec. 2. celebrating the First zens Club, assisted by the Red Kingdom and A Cross." as his mond E. Culver will be in charge PHONE - dent Council, axpreesed the appre- St. Jo.seph's Ghurch: Sunday gets out of jail.. be carried out by Joseph' M.ac- Church. She spoke of the need of ports and military bases to'usurr Ecclesiastica-l...vestment.* and ob-i sermon topic at the 11 a.m. serv­ Sunday in Advent. Men. Stanley P. Bakuski, president Masses at 7:30, 8:45, 10 and 11 Varish, William Wornstedt,’ John compliance with a dlaarmameni of stage and lights. m 4 REMOVAL p r in t in g \ ctatlon of the students for : the Similar orders have been issued expansion of the library and of jects dating from the 16th through ices. in r Second Congregational , Mrs. Zolton Feuerman .and Mrs. A panel diacuarirn on juvenile of the PAC, or Emil Gessay of tjie, a.m. Vespers at 3 p.m. The Rev. recently in other cases by the lo­ McConville, Maurice Golden and the large circulation of books dur­ program. This had been offered be­ •"I the 18th centuries in a small gal­ NORMAN R. WEIL ^plapt provided by-the townspeo­ delinquency vUl be held tomorrow Red Men may be contacted. Church tomorrow. Mrs. Frank Hava year treca printed e « JOB AMD COMMERCIAL ple lOM the hojpe that the students H. A. Lepak, pastor; the Rev. B. cal court in attempts tpXehabil- Howard F. Mason. ing the year. She brought v^th her fore in place of aerisJ inspection. lery nearby. 1 Gaiindt w-ii] be in charge of nurs- . g e m q l o g is t at 7’ p.m. a.t Andover Elementary Vnemployment Increasbs A. Gadarowsifi, aasiatant, pastor. itat'e chronic Intoxicatioii offend­ The local American Legion e^veral of the new. hooka and cov­ The West ha.s proposes! that remeved' by Ueenaed aad to PRINTING ^ would'^eitum the town’s invesf- School. The program has been . Unemployment claims in Rock­ "5Iusto o « Sunday Afternoon" , during the worship Spedallit In Jewelry •tired tree eorgeeae. - m ent Sacred Heart Church of Ver­ ers., Judge W esley. C. Gryk im­ Auxiliary will, ^present flags for ers of others, and suggested books armed force.s of the United States, ■ Maria Luisa Falni. noted -Hart­ I'lanned and'sponsored by members ville showed a' slight increase last, non; Sunday Masses a t 8:30 apd classrooms and a flagpole. The In­ I TeL 50 9-8885 Prompt and Bfflelent assistant' posed the sentence today and Judge that would make excellent Christ­ the Soviet Union and Communist ford pianist, will perform a pro- .Whool Will be at ,9:45 ef A O ------of the Senior rUgrim; Fellowship. week, with 03' claims being filed, 10 a.m.; Confession's today at 7:30 Jules Karp hag meted out simitar vocation will be given by the Rev, mas gifts and„a number suitable China be cut to'750,000 each a.s a .tastor of S t Mahgairet’s Church, All interested niembers. of the .gtarn of Bach... Schuman. and ; a aja.4-Junior Pilgrim Fdlpwrahip-at Watqrtniry, pronounced the invo- compared .vtrlth 80 for the previous p.m. The Rev. Ralph Kelley, pas­ penalties. Nathan Burton, Community for the members to read. After first- step toward disarniament. community ale Inrited to attend. wMk. The largest increase was in ^ o u p of modern Italian compo- 6 p.m,; junior choir at 7 p.m.: Sen­ CARTER TREE catibn."He Is a MHS graduate, of tor. Gedennas Kaunas? ' 34, of 17 Methodist Church. Crystal I.,ake. the biusiness meeting, con'Pucted by This has been accepted by the COMMUNITY P R E» School Lzinch Menu initial claims' which jumpdd from aitions Nov. 18. at 3:30 .p.m! in , ior Pilgrim Ftilowship at 7'p,m. ths'1935 class. T. Stato Aid for Schools North St., was fined $20 for in­ Mrs. Dorothy S. Hutton, of the Mrs. Agnes McDowell, president Soviet Union at UJ7. disarmarnent Tapestry Hall, Open to the public i Representatives of the church EXI^ERT CO. ' School lunch menu for Monday sevei to 18. Continued claims toxication and. had a charge of Connecticut State Board of Edur ppmpkin pie and coffee was served talks. Cor, No. Mala and Ha. ____ The benediction was given hy is tomato soup,, hari salad sand-, School Supt. Raymond E. Ranis- without charge. PHONE Ml-3-7695 gtreeto-^Talepheae HM-RTMT the: Rev. Earl Modean, pastor of dropped' from 8' to 77. dell haa announced that Vernon breach of the peace nolled on rec-' cation, will give the mail) address. by Miss Hazel Clfeenway, Mrs,, Abolition of H-bomb arid A- Dubaldo .withes, jelly sandwiches, fruit cup I Legion Tnikey Shoot Ommendation of Asaiatant Pros­ The Rev, Joseph Curtin, St. Dorothy Ferrell aiid Memben’ I.unrhron and. 1,,^-liire 41 - Christ the King Lutheran Cburch will receive $140,160 in State aid Mrs. Mary bomb testa haa been advocated - Alec Clifton-Tayior, British tniSIC CENTSIt at Windsor Locks. The Rev. Mt’. and milk. '• . , A . turkey shoot will be helc to­ ecutor 'IVnilaT. ’ DeHan. The’ Bernard's Church, Rockville, ivill Fpzier. for a long time by the Soviet School will close at noon Wednes­ this year to be paid in three in- W'riter ar(l_ lecturer at the Univer­ Modean graduated from MHS in morrow at 11 a.m'. at the Regan atallments. based on a per student charges were brought because of offer benediction. Union. But both the western pow­ BILL'S TIRE 188 Middle Tpke. We*t day . for.. Thanksgiving. No lunch Rd.'grounds' by the American Le­ a domestic disturbance at Kaunas' l.s>Agvlew School Events ^Members of the American .Le­ sity of London, .will lecture Nov. AND MANCHESTCR 7 LIONEL JM5. * average daily membership of 2,111. ers snd Russia have kept up their 20 after a Iqncheon at 1:15 p.m., TEU MI 9-8305 will be served that diy. ' » gion ^ Skeet Club. Classea for home. School doors, purple, gold and gion Auxiliary are reminded Of the MILLWORK CO. During the program, the high The.State figu^s a town's ap­ test explosions. on 12th and 13th century stained school orchestra played "The Star . St. Peter’s Notes . novices as well as experienced Ered D. Brown of Union City, white for Ellington High School hnnual membership poUuck sup­ TRAINS The monthly meeting of the Ball propriation by granting $57,000 , glass. Open to; members only. REPAIR SHOP Guorini and MoroKhi 284 Bread SL—!|CeL M1-9-S2M Spangled Banner," the "Andante shooters have been arranged. Par­ for thh first 600 pupils snd $55 for N. J., w'ss fined $18 for speeding were recently chosen by Grades 7. per Monday evening at 6:30 in the !?• c 11 Complete Ontftto and Oiain Club.of St. Peter's Elpis-- ticipants are asked to bring (heir 8 and 9. The . colors will be used Wiliiflm H. Green, Prop. tor phyeuHaa*.' deaMst*. ousl- C totttile” (Beethoven), and se- each, additional student. on the Wilbur Cross Highway fireplace room of the Legibn JT i r e H i e i l S Q U e l c I l aeMinea, etc. 24 hour aervice, Accordioiis Aeceieerim ' lecUOna from "The King and I.'" copal CJiurch will be held this eve­ own guns if possible. this morning. He waa stopped by by the boys’ basketball teams this' Home, and are also asked to bring H Q H fl featuring > DIaoouat Up To ning in' Phelps Hall, Hebron. Evenfa Tonight - . Columbia Bic.vcles *evea*(day* a week, Sunday* aad Private Ipstructlon* The Roiind Table singers sang No shotguns with Damasc.ts or The Norwich District Workshop State Patrolinan Mario Palumbo., season. articles for the "Holifiay Sale' Stubbornr Blaze Milk Producers ' holiday*. ) the beet In IV' several aelectlcma - Dessert will be served at 7 twist steel liarrels Will .be alloi^ed Gerald MorUrty, 22, of Hart­ Center School Events slated iVov. 26. Goodyear Tires Iiutrunient*' aad Supplle* " 50% O F F ! o'clock preceding ah evening of in any event, nor may they be fired on Local Church Commissions, ford. -was. fined $9 for obstructing e GenemI MUlwerg meeting at 1:30 p.m. at the Burn­ The Safety Patrol of Ellington Repairs, Service M 8 L John SL. TeL 5U-8-769I ORCHESTRA FOR HIRE e HOEBT DEPT. • 'military whist. on the grounds. Lsinch will be traffic (parking double) On Main Center School ■ haa been reor­ ...... two SMFD hose com- To Hold Meefing. • Complete . Wladew Unite P is ta ^ o nuts, a major product side. Methodist. Church, EUst Hart­ Young adults of the South Meth^ Accessories of Turkey, have their largest ex­ A 'corporate Communion and available. 'St. near Hzynes SL He failed to ganized for the third consecutive odlst Church w-ill 'm eet~'ar'lhe4l ^ r * ^°ught a stubborn bruah e-AU Mze Door* • c m : g r b b h h t a iip e ford, will be attended by members make ii scheduled hqurt appear­ port market in the U.S. breakfast will be held tontorrow Church Notices year. The 33 members are divided home of Mr.•. and Mrs,.-«grdonMr^.-^'QofAon “ ‘I W. Middle Tpke. Coventry, Nov. 17 (Special) — 180 Spruce Street e Mitred end Otoed Trim morning at the church' fhr the , Rockville Methodist Church of Rockville and'jVernon Methodist ance Wednesday and was rear- into bus. playground, street and. a Expert OeUeet Work Churches. Tmall, 10 Trotter>8 tr, tonight at and Hilliard St. for about an heair The Tolland * County Wholesale youth F^lowahif.. 'Thankagiving' Sunday: Sunday reated. room patrols. this morning. Phone MI 9r0659 , e Cempleta ‘Hardtmre DepL KIDDIE FAIR St. John'fe Episcopal Church Milk Produeera' annpal meeting school, -9:30. a.m. for all ages in­ Mrs. Andrew Reggetts. of 369 '■ Ernest Boothroyd .’Wiaa elected Chief W. (Titfford Mason theor­ 1985 Mala St.—Ml 8-8888 Maacheater Evening Herald An­ cluding a class for (adults; morn­ Sunday School nuraery. kinder- SilMaln St. had a rules of the'road captain and Robert rUshkr and ized" the" fire' began near • hut— will b e. held at Coventry Grange dover eorreependent. Mia. Paul D. ing worship 10;4S a.m.. with ser­ 'garten and firat grades will attend violation charge nolled on DeHan'a Rodnpy' Dimock .-were ^boselT Hall Tuesday at 8:00 p.m., it was a Thanksgiving party at 2 p.m... in perhaps used by chilcireh'—which ' ■ th riS ^ shoppegrd: Pfanatiehl, teleplieae Pllgriln mon by the Rev. Norman W. recommendation.' He said the ac­ .lieutenants. Patrol \ meetings are Social Worker ■ was destroyed'by the blaze. He _ announced today, Spellman, pastor. ’ , the church. The Altar Guild of the cident in Vhich she was involved held Mondaya,at--t2il5 p.m. in the Card of Thanks. 2-8858. said however, that little important ■Urban Luginbuhl, Tolland, 2- ■Vernon Methodist Church: .church will hold a work aession a{ NoV. 6 did not require police ,in- cafeterra.' ' ' To Address PTA damage resulted. MANCHESTER Thanksgiving Sunday; morning 3 p.m,.' ' . ’ •vestlgatioh, but she called them .^.'-'Jloanl of Education Jileets year director of the State Assn., NOW OPEN FOR YOUR OONVENIENOE We wish to thank nil of our neizh- A dance v^ l be held by the Holy ' When firemen from Hose C om -• will act as'chairman for this meet­ bors. friends and relatives lor the service 9:30 a.m.. sermon, "Our anywtiy. Frank Ferreri, music supervisor', Miss Beth R. Hoffman. Board of panies 1 and 2 were sUriiinoned .many aseBy arts of kindness snd.synw Two Cars^rash Name Society of.,. St. Joseph's Arthur N. Porter Jr.,' 29, of met i^th the Board of Education ing. ..The other V w directors are ANSWERING SERVICE Knowledge' of Qod", by the pastor, Education social worker, wilt at 9:36, they found a pine’ tree Edwin Hoffman,/Ellingtor), and 'petky,sMn us in our recent bereave- the. Rev. Warren C^vell; church Church in the Koaciusako Club Saugus, Mask., was granted a con­ at Its^regular meeting Wednesday MR& BETTY RUTH EDWARDS, i W BOTH m m ineat. We especielly thank the docldrs ballroom at 8 p.m. Music will be speak' on the role of the iocial already ablaze up to ita crown. Edward'-Foote. Hebron. ' es at the Manchester MemorisI Near Intei^ction school, 10:45 a.m. tinuance until Dec. 3 for tslal on to explain the muZlc program for worker at the Bowers- School PTA Mpaon aaid ’ the flames' got into . nuSS provided by the' Joe Barhis orohea- D'onald Hammerberg, State and all those who sent- the . First Congregational Church of charges of driving while' pnder the the locsJ hchoola. meeting Monday at 8 p.m. pine needles and “they a fe ' tough” lifetime aluminum'^ floral tributes sad’ loaned .the tra. ' < He outlined the vocal program, milk administrator, will discuss BREAK tht ChaiRt That Biai! W-k Two vehicles were alightly dam­ •Vernon: Church school, 9:30 a.m.; Influence of intoxicating liquor ..or Her talk will be ip accordance to extinguiah completely. factors influencing maintaining of THURSDAY and FRIDAY morning woralUp. 10:45 a.'m., con­ The Polish-American ' CItisena drugs and reckless driving, under in Grades 1 through 6, the choral - ' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. White aged yesterday .afternoon when wRh the general theme for the Police i(|!aid they are inveaflgat- present milk prices after Janu- STORM WINDOWS! TARE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SERVICE and YOU’IX NEVER and family. they collided at Deming 8 t. and ducted by the Rev. Rodman T. Club executive committee will JOO bond. - • program in Grades 7 and. 8 and Ing. .j, speakers during the year, “Widen­ ar>" 1,1957. • DOOR CANOPIES AGAIN BE CHAINED *10 TOUR TELEPHONE Tolland “Ipke. Cart, pastor of the churches- of meet, at 7 p.m. at the chib. The the nlusic appreciation course for ing Horizons with Social Under­ EVENINGS 6 to 8 IVE you L U W U CFUIIM lii.Memoriam' Wilmirigton and Jacksonville, Vt, club’a' monthly meeting ia sched­ Harold Strictl'and, - cliairman of • STORM DOORH 8 1 8811 According , to Patrolman Albert BRITISH TANKER SINKS freshmOH. Ferreri'-also explained standing.” the State WholeaalF Milk Scabies, who investigated the acci­ .Roc^rille Baptist CH’.teh: Sun- uled for 8>p.m. Wednesday. t. Net. 17 A Brit- his pliuis for instrumental inj^truc- COMBINATION WINDOWS Conaplete 24-hear telephone cevetaga.. «OUI EXClUSnffiLY. W MANCMimi- AT Bk leriaa memonr of johfi J Griffin, ! Miss Hoffman, who taihe here Producers’ Assm, will discuss the Let na be year aecretary. oSa sesaad away Kovember 17, ^961. dent, a car owned and operated by "dajr s^ool, 9:45 a.m.; morning iah tanker leaded'with crude oil tion and the development of a from Hartford, aerves all the PRESCRIPTIONS 1 . / / FIRST NATIONAL BAN worship, 11 sum., with sermon by Wll Venmn sm I TaleettrlUe news Connecticut Miik for Health pro­ MANCHESTER Alex F. Jones. $8. Wapping: struck a submergod rock today high school ‘bahd.^ elemenUiy schopla in Mhnehester, gram. This is, a Voluntary program OF MANCHtSILK Wo. tMak df you la aheace. v . crashed into a vehicle owned and the Rev; Edwin A. Brooks, pas­ ItenM are. now being hnadled, aad sank' la the South China t Board (jhairmsin J < ^ McCpn- " f r e e 'PICK-UP Pheae Maacheater. MltcheO i-5194 .. Wa aBrii apMk your aamr, ” : and occa'aionally take* urgent AND DEUVERY* asking each farmer to allow thei AWNING CO . 595 MAIN .s t r e e t JOMNSOH PAINT CO: iM sh w e aavo are aaeaibiies. operated by Sgt, Rdward P. Mur- tor, •'Can You Profit by Their Mia- througb the MnacHeeter IBvealng Sea, Olebo Wireleoa reported. 'vijle. Indicated he had appointed cases in the Junior high Mihobls. SI Middle TorapUte, EaaL Mdetaro la a frame. u k a s?” . HernM' RoekrUlo Bweenn»' 7 M*. : The AnatraUaa ship Nellore deduction of 3 to 4t <:ents. per 100 Its WEST CENTER ST. 8 >IEMBER F. D. L O, IM UADI ST,HANCBESriS PBONE U$*4iM ray,l44, a soldier at the Nike site. three members of the High School FoUowitog the meeting in Ute pounds of milk 'sold to be used lor -1 Nq injuries or arresta were re­ Union p(mgragatiotta) Church: Mnla St. tdeyhene TRebiint S' H had, reecued tbo 52 PINE PHARMACY Telephoae MI E;S09t -KeUMr. fattier. littitiMSa _ Building .COnintiUee some 'weeks school ajiditerium, rMreshmtiits bdyqrtislng purposes. . aadlalsttra p o r t ^ — Church. 1 ^' 0ool 0 for’-first grade SISK (i^ and wa« awaiting Uie'aeleet- will ba a « 3rad.lii tha eafatarl^ ' 8 CENTER ST—AQ 5-M14 " ■ ' . " I 111- I rjV> rn^*’^

■ -i ! y ■ *. 9 ■ ,-?■ .t; ? . ■ 'fi- . ■ .X ■ ' ' X" PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1950 ; 1 IIA N C ^ T iat gyiBNlNC. HERALD, MANCHESTER^ CQNN, SA’TOBDAy, NOVEMBER 17, 1980 1»A 6SM l3m i BUGS BUNNY walk curb you a'fll see two-han­ Lady — 'G o t o j M woodshed and soms.' Take! the one to the right: take a few c^dps. Antwar to Provihwo PusilE VOU’IPE SUPPOSED TO /PtAV J Moine Morch AFTER YA CATCH MY Sense and Nonsense the-one to the left doean’ti exist.’' ''-0he— think more of that BULLET PaSSJ old ni^U>''Uian you .do o f me. Wayfarer—Kind lady, can yoti He:-TVelI, I get less interjferdnce ACBOSB MCsaent^ oblige me with something to eat 7 f r ^ It. ■ ■ The old,lady had come up from masse tF"^pay their final tribute, I Maine is . the country to see her son In Lon* ^ e Mdyor waa asketl to preside. ______• - ’ ■ ______’ nicknamed . ^O W N don. Motdr busses and taxicabs- Advimeing to the edge of the plat'- the “- ‘-r Tree XMedlcaibaU were out of- the question and she fc^rm he said. , CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER SUte" ^ 2 Notion was a .little nervous about having '' ”*Vour attendance here, ladjes I It is the 9 Bird’s h6ma' a growler. Hansoms she had and gents. In' such great numbers, Pairing Baltle ways been afraid of.' '•.■ largest of the 4 Hebrew >.hows San Francisco's apprecia­ — New - She finally chrwe a man with a ascetics, tion of good literature. This meef- EMgland state# 9 Seasonings good-tempered face and •timidly ing is a great testimonial to the* Mrs. Cantor Expected; Play Inquired; ‘ intmortal author of ’’Uncle Tom’s 8 It toudies 6 - — one o.ther 7Dry 24 Stead 38 Female saint Cabin” ,-the late Julia Ward ‘•There is no fear of your horse state (comb, form) 29 Lengthy (ab.) running away, is there? He-s not Howard!” To Start at 12 Roman date STYying ' 26 Malaysian U t^lan All Four Clubs^" 2 afi-aid of motors, is h e?” 13 Fruit drink ekparlenN canoe 4Z.DtolB ••ptess you, no,'mum.” said the ' Amian had to make a train trip 9 Tidy , 27 Century plant N^ada Title Sporting a 0-2-won and Io«t klndfaccd' cabby.- "W hy, he didn't 14 Scottish Due to Play ony the morning after a heavy sheepfolds 10 Unasplrsted 28 Ancient Irish 48Prlnc^ even shy at trains when they first night. Still nursing a hangover, he 44 Aromatic''' record, including a four-^ame 19 Not as much 11 Belgian river- capital I rNOW LETS TRY IT come in!” ■phonqd the ticket office and re­ tOKind of plant winning streak, the vastly- ^ 16 Gibbon 18 jCind M bean I -:A ASAIN; THIS served two seats in the chair car. cheese 46 Cow calls At Charter Oak 17 Native of 20 Scottish river On the Line Todjiy improved Manchester . Mir* He was doing his best to fit his "But why two seats?" asked a 21 Singing voice 47 Ages TWE BE Denmark 22 Allowsnoa chants stack up against their key into the lock, singing a happy fellow sufferer. , for waste • 39 Spire 48 Low sand hfll Two important Midget .song meanwhile. After a time a •'Bec8U.se," he explained, "old 18 Newest 37 Joins 50,,Brttish money seventh Maesachusetts rival 20 Hinder 23 It has a n ----- m licad looked out of the window Colonel Remorse will be -right 38 Harden, si^^ 'o f account Football league gameii are New York, Nov. 17 (/P)—The first official Ivy League cham­ Sunday afternoon aL 3.o'clock at 21 Numbers of 33,219 Mt. Nebo. Tomorrow’s opponaat, above. . . there with me. and I may as well square miles cement-” ^ 91 Rivulet (var.) on tap tomotrow afternoon^ pionship probably will be decided today between the teams Man^Go away, you fool. You’re make him comfortable” (ab.) ^ginning at 1:15 at Charter that are carrying on the oldest continuous football rivalry. the twice-beaten Quincy. Manats, trying to get Into the wrong house. 22 Beverage Is rated the third bast etuh In the 23 Byway, -Park. The opening con­ Yale and Princeton, which first met on the gridiron in 1873, Bay State, ranked direcUy bsMBd Man Below — Fool yourself! The Lord Mayor of London had clash for the 79th time in a serlesw— ______.______You're looking out of the wrong 26 ChunA test pairs the Smoke Eaters the powerful Weymouth .Tswntea been dining pretty well, and Mr. dignitary agalnat-the Fire Fighter* while that haa been interrupted, only b y ' and Holyoke Knights, While tha window. With a leg Injury. Tailback Tom Choate, Ambassador to Bngland, 10 Rivers (Sp.) the Police CKiUeY* clash with the 'Wars. It’s their hrst meeting In Manets have loat to both the Morris also was hurt but both h* was seeing his Lordship to the -^31 Exist Blue Pevil* In^tije nightcap. And formal league competition and Townies hnd' Knights the locals and Agnew will play. ____ When Julia Ward Howe died, door. . 32 Youth each comes into It with s perfect upended Holyoke only last weak memorial services were held at Thanksgiving afternoon— at -S' • t«M fer 33 Even (confar.) o'clock at Mt. NeWK the vlctora 5-0 Ivy record. The winner 1* sure While these'two scrap for the but dropped a. 22-e .verCUet to 7m Bib V A pm m San Francisco., The local literary allow me to advise you." said Mr, 34 Land parcel of at least a tie for the league I'e a d, surpriaing Panntylvania Weymouth. colony attended practically en will meet for the handapnie Foy Choate, "when you get to the stde- 39 Rail bird Trophy which last title, since each team has one more seeks to consolidata its hold on . i * >4»» m Big, MeMIe IJae ’ " 36------U iU won by the Fire Fighters, game to play. third place at Columbia’s expense. Sunday’s rlvali boast big, mo­ 11-n capital must win two legs to perman^it- Princeton, unofficial, Ivy win­ Dartmouth plays Cornell and bile lines and a strong* attacktag OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLE 33 Invlsiblt ly retire the award. , ner last season >vlUi a 6-1 record, Brown meeta Harvard. backfleld. Manchester again Will vapor Sunday’s palrlnas are identical is the East's only major college Penn at Columbia depend on the pin-point paaaing of 4p Recent to a. week ago when the .Smoke football team witl, s perfect rec­ Penn, winner of three out of five quarterback Pat Stark,, the run­ MOW DOWT SO OH, VEAH t W EU,,"«UR FACE' VOO ASK-A ME .TPM'K W VOU (comb, form) ord so fs' this jeason. Yale lost ning of rugged Jimmy Roach and «TARTM' aV/ Eaters won handily. 20-2 over the Ivy games after two non-wirfning i*\ou* MiftF£Hrru»4e:' v o u v e CREW CUT, AM' X SlV E f LOOK '' 41 Fdlower to Colgate, one of Princeton’s yic- elusive Tillie Dubose and the glue- AKAUMEMT.* 1 a o r MORE STUFFEO »J VOOR Fighters and the. Cruisers hipped season., against mors potent op- AKSiikSUREP WHXr A/WUTH RlfiMT MOW THAM 3BH05WAPWaT.<; V O O O f^ PERFECT ■ LIKE 42 Pardon, the Devils 19-18 in a real thriller. tlm s., flngered pass receiving of neet- 49Judg^ ; poslUbn, rates as favorita ovar MMA LEFT OP TH' I* LEFT PM THIS PAM FOR TOMV, WMAT ABVtSMAL 308/—- 1 30ST-A F 3 0 E But last week's results are a thing Yale Favored footed Allan Webb and tall W ank 48 Exude ^ Columbia if Claude Benham ctm’t PIB AM’ CUT rr ME.' OH, MA.' 16 tMiS ? A CREW OJT-' LIKE TO BE NICE, f C0LLE4E of the past as all four rivals have Tale, Loser to Princ,.ton the past' Toro. Toro, club’s cspabla assistant . / IKITWPEO MV LOCK'S SMOeM LIKE POT VOO SEND >00iy /VA30R 90 Mineral rock deaigns on winning the annual two yean after being picked to play for the' Bions; Banham, laad*-.- coach, will be making hla IJrst P (B C 6 »- LAWYER AM' J|A->^EEP 82SkinoriAcc win. It favored again. And for (h* ing Ivy paaaar, haa been bothered start this aeMon and his prasenoa .^TH6 « te » SAMSD s1’6 ,'-m. YOU’LL rtAY Foy Trophy. T S fO R THIS -^y

W : m 'V--' i- r ? m m - I >:tr-:::.w :, : ...... ^ /' ItANCHES'iidil kVENlNO HERALD. MA^CH£$t£R CONH, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER' F7. 1^66 PAGE E L i n H PAGE TEN MANGHfiSTER feVfcNlNG HERALD, JiL^CH^a^tR, CONN , S A T ^ N O V E M B t^7, 1966 Wanted ,Ta Hent'?'*' 68 H q d m « 72 THERE DUGHTA BE A LAWl BY PAGALY ami SHORTEN AntomobilM for Salt 4 BuHding---€6ntracting 14! H«lp Wanted^Nmalo 351 'Help Wanted—Male 36 D<>g8----Bir(»^cts 41 HonMhold Good! 61 RoobU' Wltbwrt .BNuM 69 . , - - -, "lore room ^est Hails Himgary Says Si Bip'iVELL Home Improvement Co.j WAITRESS ithd renter mri. Appl.v Co n t r o l b r e e d baby^ jjar*- DOING Yo u r SHOPPING. h o < ^ mr couple with four chiP No t e s t e r Classifieil i » i i r o R i p a n e l trucks (oo f il e CLERK of age to maintain a stock 1 worth St. X^I. S.492I.- Call JA. 5-0939. CAM snooze. a very heavy fight. .. . which may old. Call Ml. 9-0030. home fumiahtngs: mediate occupancy. $16,906. uMpieruRBep O n Mideast roUtaig into CsoehoalovsIdB for 1^ 8:16 A. M. to 4:10 P. M. private owner. No trama. MI. 9-0384 or PI. 2-8398. I supply of parts for assem­ possibly C5.uae vtctlms.” fueling. 9-907*. Permanent poaition available in bly lines. Must be able to Use our la.vawaj*' plan LIGHT HOOSEKEEPING n n m . WANTED BY QUIET, younf wom- COVENTRY LAKE . " The correspondent, Eva PrtMter, NEED MORE ROOM? We are roof tour Eaat Hartford office for clerk Furnished for wprktng giri. Call an. heated three room Apartment (Ornttnoed from Page OM) Neuer Kurier alao elaimad'ialwl maintain stock record*. YOUNG CHECK rabbit*, $1.25 Year''round seven room ranch- also reported that fWa reglmanta reals tan ee was stUl eonttnnlBg in coRy closing tim e dormer iperiaJiafa: alao addition*. 1 l>T>>at to be trained in dictaphon.r'dictaphor^ apiece. 127 Charter 6*k St. 9-3588 after 4. with stove and refrigerator. Rea­ of a "new and progreaaive police" 1946 PONTIAC, excellent conditic alteration* and repair*. Home work. Applicant must be gO^ Excellent opportunity for CHAMBER'S FURNITURE sonable rent. TIU/%5048 after 6 / VERNON S b6li*v«q that tha Assembly must aema Hungarian proviaeea. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Six room Cape. Two-car garage. force were being formed. She said, Call alter 5 p.m. MI, 9-5142. lonstnn'tion Service. BU 9-3310, typist and high school gradU4Ue. i advancement for one with SALES BOOM TO RENT. Near Center. P-m. , , take an immediate initiative to this was being done "to free the' 1065. PmiUion alao available in o u r ' Heat and hot water. Gentleman. 87 Nicely landscaped lot. Price $13,500 ' MON. THRU FRI. proven ability. Ideal loca­ PouHV.t and Bupplics 43 803 East Middle 'Tpke. AiMotr meet this tragic situation." - people from the nightmare of ter­ Iwal office for file clerk. Knowl- i Foster St, M miUM BRICK.^ND stone maaon contrac­ tion for. a local resident AT THE GREEN , ROCKVILLE ror.” ' Trouble D natural finishes. $14.50-845. Mat­ 44 ACmES, eight i-pom house, high' x ,, „ support the demand. The food situation in Budapest aell nn aighi, Wreaths>^bougha, "A (iood Place To Work” IjARGE attractive room for on* or ta.\ forma. Good working eondi- 1 tresses S12.95-$i9.95. Springs $4- Asking $17,000 .P I ' The Russians and members of was reported to have Improved engine. T)ie cars blooked tli* 1m4 etc. Renowmed quality. Nk^erate I two gentlemen. All light houa^' elevation. MI. 3-5262 CallJ. D. REALTY LARSON'S DRIVING ^ School, ' ':tiona. Vacation With pay. Good $13.50. LeBlanc Furniture Hospi­ 2-6337. PI. 2-619T. ______^ the puppet Hungarian regime in­ price*. Retailera triple ihyeat- keeping facilities fully, attached. markedly yesterday. although tracks from ^e engtaa houas.liiod' Manchester'a only trained and I aalai v.-Tober Baaeljall, 114 Brook- tal, corner South Street and Ver­ ML ,9-3640 sist the situation in Hungary is a there still were long lines In front certified instructor. For your safe-1 ment*. Writf for-price hrocmHs Private entrance. IiJquirjs''^ 101 ■' ' ----- ^------'' MANCWE8TER , 36 Wellington Rd. yards to the South Statloa. ^ ; lyn St., Rockville ('onn. Articles For Sale 45 non Ave., Rookrille. Open 9-9. Sat. domestic matter and none of the of food shops. liHt and Found ty We are trained to teach proper Hughes •— Farms, Bernardatoi TOLLAND (KlUNTY Area — We Chestnut Street. -Seven room colonial. Excellent Trains from New York, pmvud Until 8. U.N.'s business. Ksdar's goveir.u.ent issued strict ly. MI. 9-8075. Miiaa. KXPERIENC'KD aerietary. Short­ guarantee 8100 per week to the ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port- Houses For Sale 72 location. Fireplace. Oil steam on time but thoee adiedtiled to married man with car chosen t o , able and atandard tirpewritera ELE(3TRIC STOVE, Frigidaire, heat. Attached garage. Tastefully Hoover also reiterated U.S. op­ refmlatlons. however, on the trans­ LOST—TWO ringa-ih email change MANCHESTER Driving Academy hand npceaaary , knowledge o f , FURNISHED sleeping room, 288 $12,650 — Thlrty.year tnortgages position to seating Communist port of food In an apparent effort leave Boeton after JfW ooold »6t puree. Reward; MI. 3-7888. boohlj^ecping helpful. Varied office . service established route of cu*-' All makes of adding machine* 1950, double oven, light, clock and decorated. Immediate occupancy. guarantees quick, results. Eiqiert Aluminum Windows tomei*. AD. .3-6.321. Charter Oak St, Ml. 9-1746, available, three-bedroom Ranches Sensibly priced at $17,900. Call A. China in place of the Nationalist to exert pressure on ■workers to be operated until a larga ecaaa diilie.*X.(lood working condition*. | sold or rented. Repair* on all deepwell. 52 gallon glss* lined instruction*. Dual-controlled car. | makes, Marlow's. now being built, ceramic Hie bath? R. Wilkie & Co.. 481 E. Xliddle 'T k u J ic tc r Chlneae government in the U.N. go back to work. lifted the two doraUed nan back < I/>ST -- Large gray rat. White .and Doftrs 14-A VacatiorKvith pay. Good salary. ASSISTANT TO foreman in manu- electric water Healer, atiil in orig­ Call Mr. .Miclette, your personal inal crate. MI. 3-5949. exhaust fan. full cellar, hot wgtei:; Tpke. Xa. 9-4389, MI 9-0849 CAUL nSLfO^I „ The assembly voted 47-24 to The regulations provide that pro­ on th* traclu. cheat, white paw*. Vicinity Oxford Tober Basia.^11, 114 BrookI.vn St.., (acture of ladies' coats, to feed ______' TWO DOUBl.E bedi'oom* in private 8t; and Middle Tpke., weat, Re- instructor at PI. 2-7249. GUARANTEED against ail haz­ SALE—33 1-3% off on 1956-1957 heat. H acre, trees. Carlton W. M « MAS'OV Ava shelve the question again this year. duce may be taken into Budapest Earlier in the day tbs Dapaqt* ards. Aluminum screens and Rockville. Conn, ' j work to operator*. G o ^ oppor- wallpaper. Green Paint and Wall- ANTIQUE FUIVnrURE. silver home. Call MI. 9-1896. Hutchins, MI 9-5132, 9-4694. (Krai Cl l iv , III. " ward Call MI. 9-9067.______■■ ■ '..'I!__ Red Envoy Talk* Tuesday only if ordered by the government ment of PubUc xmtlt$ca graMM storm windows as well as com­ WOMEN STARlVnow for hir! H^^ahL paper at the Green, Open dailv 8-9 glaas. china, and uaed furniture “ LISTED WITH LAPPEN’ Soviet Foreign Minister ,Dmitri and authorized by the Russians. In­ the 3 2 ^ per eentfare htta oDBBBb— bination acreen ahd storm doors. p.m. 60x26 SIX ROOM ranch, six years LOST—About two week* ago. vicin- Christma.*' earningVa* an Avon FIRST CLASS auto mechanic for bought and sold. FumHure Repaif~7I7?zr7k, Shepilov,'is expected to take the dividuals will not be permitted to muter fares between BSek Motorcycle»--Ricycle« 11 Call Coughlin. MI. 3-7707, Service. XU. 3-7449. . Old, '46' living room, 25' master ity Eaat Center St., large tiger Representative. C.all xU. 3-5195. | new car dealership: Must be a i >n|T- on bii* line. Ml. 3-4683. Are you looking for a quiet, floor when general debate resume* go out into the country .and pick up Station and nearly 60 zMAlMIOi cat. » n . 9-9577. HEATERS. New and used. Wood, bedroom, 810,500; also large five Masaachtieetls comaranlttaa. Vi* MANCHESTER C?>’cle Shop has a O ^liTpr WOMAn T o “in" hil '*eP»'«l»‘>le worker. Top wagea for coal, oil, gas,‘cook stove*, ovens, ORDER NOW, 12 piece waterlea* j room ranch $9,000. Both on lot shaded, well secluded hide-a­ ‘Tueiday. supplies from farmers. Workers complete line of American and Houses For Sale 72 Wanted— Real Estate 77 returning to their Jobs v lll not increaae is etfeqtiv* Deo. Ik IM POUND—Wriit watch, vicinity of nurBF « HidFs.ia on 3 iiS.,m.*lT\ VK* p.m. “ ’ '“Poe R**'" Motora, 155 Center stove pipe, dampers, stove boards? aluminum cookware. Price $20.00, 250x270, to be sold together. Both way? We have listed such a *rhe Russian diplomat is ex­ English bicycles and ‘accessories. Roofing—Siding ., 16 wicks for all stoves and heaters. Call MI. .3-8769 after 4 o'clock. ' Apartments— Flat*— are in excellent condition. Carlton Fleeing Family pected to dwell at length on the have to line up for food, the re­ rat* boost is expected to pradnoa Center. Owner may have aame by Bhift Rt ManrhFBtffr MFi^riwl ] ______i______spot at Andover Lake. It I* MANCHESTER USTINGS WANTED—Single, two- 100,535 Place your order now for Chriat- Beds, mattresses, springs, roll-a- W. Hufehina. xn. 9-5132, 9-4894. family three-family, business Middle East crista which the Soviet ports said, and potatoes and flour annually. —' '.' — < proving property and paying for FOR THE BEST In Bonded built Hoirpital. Call Mr*. Dormer. WANTED Grocery clerk, meat Tenement* 63 nestled between, two roads, on Four room Cape ivacant! $13,900 advartiaement. Phone MI. 3-8362 mas and save money. Hours 9-8 way beds, chest of drawer*, vani­ 1951 L A H ELECTRIC range. $75 ' property. Have many cash buyers. government haa been playing up will be issued to them at their Jobs. The Old Oniony branch Umo wm up roofs, shingle roofs, gutters, cutter, part time for mornings, New ranch in Coventry 15,600 after 5 p.m. p.m. weekdays, Saturdsys. 9-6 ties, tnink, tables, linoleum rug*, Available Nov. 24th, MI. 3-1295 CARE COD—Expandable Cape on a plot of over an acre, and Mortgages arranged. Please call Given, Asylum and terming an act of weatem ag- Meanwhile. Radio Prague said allowed an tnereaae wU sh wpRld conductors and roof repairs call fternoona or evening*. Al*o, Sat-1 ROCKVnj,E. 24 Grove 8l — Well quiet street with fine view. Imme­ New ranch in Bolton 16,200 p.m. 166 W. Middle Tpke. MI. OPPORTUNITY TO learn office? linoleum by the .yard. Many items i after 5 p.m. heated two room furnished apart­ overlooks the lake. The cottage . George L. Graziadio. Realtor. XO. greaaion. Czechoslo'vakia and Hungary had increaae fares 1 to 6 OMEg Ibr 9-2098. (?oughlin. Ml. 3-T707. urday and Sunday. Apply at diate occupancy. Not in develop­ New five room ranch 18,200 work. Attention; Housewivea, pro. too numerous to mention,' This’! .... ______ment, Inquire firat floor. Apt. 9. ha* a large living-dining room Custom buiirsix room Cape 21.500 9-5878. 109 Henry St. '^e Cuban resolution on the agreed at a conference in most riders. RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and K ri^ '* ktarket or call Ml. 9-2295. stork is left over from Jones! BENDIX 30 electric atove. ment. $14,200. Madeline Smith, In Argentina Budapest that the "Hungarian BICTYCLES: T w o 28” bicycles for duction workers and sale* clerk* Realtor. MI 9-1642. with heatalator fireplace, two Five room ranch', ll.SOo Hungarian rebellion accusei the Aiuiennceinents built up roofa, gutter and con­ Would you like to work in an of­ Furniture Store will be Bold for* holde »ix pie». Automatic THREK ROOM apartment, unfur- THIS AGENCY needs Cape Cod, question does not concern the sale. Good condition. Call MI. WANTEi>%. Bua boy. Must, be over bedrooms, and a bath with stall Five room bungalow with 4-5-6 and 7 room singles and 2- Soviet Union, of genocide the ductor work, roof, chimney re­ fice and enjoy pleasant working 16 vear* oiA Thur*., Eri.’and Sat. less than cost .Come ir and con-| *'*• Three aluminum nished. Available Dec. 15. Write MODIFIED ENGLISH colonial, alx garage '-n. 13,900 (Conttnned from Pag* One) mass destruction of a racial or United Nations but only Hungary." MRS. VAUGHN— Medium — Ad- 9-8544. Vince yourself. 40 Oak .9t. 2nd: »‘ orm window* Tripl* track. $8 Bo« Q, HeVald. shoiyer, and a large screened family houses. Buyers waiting. pairs. Ray'Hagenow, .MI. 9-2214. conditions and.,^a short work week? from 5:30-llNTel. MI. 9-8061. I large room* and attached garage. Neat (?ape with garage '14.700 retlgidua group — in Hungary. A Czech delegation, headed by viaor. For appointment phone CH, Ray Jackson. 511; 3-8325. floor Saturdav from 10 a.m.to 4 i>. -ach. Call ,M1. 9-5996 after 4 p.m. Howard R. Hastings, Realtor. 6-6735. 25* Franklin Ave., Hart­ COLUMBIA, Royal blue, 26” boy's If you have the desire to learn, Nice shaded lot in center of Man­ porch. The land is heavily Two family near the Center atop them. The police joined the Premier 'Vllllam Slroky, went to FREE we would like to talk with you., YOUNG MAN t service office m. ' I------FOUR ROOM apartment. Elderly (?all Ml. 9-1107 any time. . It also charges the Soviet gov­ ford, Conn. bicycle. Excellent condition. MI. chester. Living room 22'6” xl4' wooded a'hd i» delightfully cool (one side'vacant) 15,000 .struggle and got Coman and the Budapest earlier this week. The 9-5881. ROOFING. SIDING. painting7car~ Company offei* .37 hour five day , equipment. Job urity and op­ couple preferred. Centrally lo­ ernment with violating the U.N. broadcast said the C)mhs had con­ pentry. Alteration* and additions. 19.57 TELEVISION. 21'. UHF, 1953 BENDIX Duo-Malic washer cated. Write Box T, Herald. with fireplace. Dining room, large.? in summer. Vacant six room Colonial 16,300 ARE YOU CONSIDERING older boy into their car. ^ charter and the Soyiet-Hungarian THREE PIECE bathroom aeta, week, attractive benefit program, portunity foi- advandament. Good ferred with a Hungarian delegS' Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ VHF. $189 95, value $289.9!S, No dryer combination, $80. MI. 9-5447, kitchen and separate laundry^ Vacant six room Cape 16,800 SELL&fO YOUR PROPERTY? World War II peace treaty In us­ cafeteria, ample parking. Apply mechanical aptitude\Miquired. and ipany, many more Xlra. Coman went back to the tion led by Kadar. -eaat iron tub. lavatory, trim in­ teed. A. A. Dion Inc., 299 Autumn down payment, $2 weekly. First FOR RENT ThrVe room* and room. Also lavatbry. Second floor, Inspection by appointment, We lyill appraise your property ing armed forces to put down the cluded, $175, delivered, Tel, -MI. Emplo.vment Office. Firat Nation­ Muat have car. Salary ami excep­ three large bedroom* and bath. legation for the baby while Coman T h e radio broadcast a Joint com­ Business Serviccii Offered 13 St. MI. 3-4880. payment Januarv, Budget Center. bath, unfurnished, in a new 4 unit thru T. J. CROCKE’TT, Realtor free and withdut. any obligafton. uprising. It calls on the Assembly 9-9166. al Store, Park and Oakland Ave., tionally high fringe benefinK Pit Muat be seen t'o be appreciated. sought asylum for the family. munique saying the Hungarian Ml. 3-4164. apartment house, nearl.v com ­ MI. 3-1677 . Mrt. Wells, MI. 3-4788 We also buy, property for cash. to demand that the Russian and Eaat Hartford. ney Bowe*. Inc.. 524, Farmington Musical iMtnimcnts .13 Gaston Realty, 165 School St. Ml. Selling or buying contact She said she ivaa dragged In­ government. thanked Czechoslo­ TV SERVICE, $2.50 per call. All pleted on Grant Street, Rockville. Hungarian governments Immedi­ MORNING BACK-ACHE? Get re­ Ave . Hartford. AD. 3-.V581. NOVEMBER CLEARANCE Ga* stove and refrigerator, lighta 9-57'l, Evenings. Ml. 9-7468. JOHls^ ll. LAPPEN. INC. MANCHESTER—Duplex 6-6. One STANLEY BRAY Realtor side the legation building and that vakia for "aid in crushing the re­ lief with a Sealy Poaturepedic work guaranteed. Call Bob Webb. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A | w o m a n f o r care of eideriT^ om- ately halt deportation of Hungat' SAVE UP TO 50% GULBRANSEN direct blow ma­ and heat furnished. Indliidual Heat INSURORS REALTORS rent vacant'. Income $160 per BRAE-BURN RfcALTY' Anton Moisecu, the Romanian volt and In combatting dUBeul- mattreaa. Howard'a Sleep Center, MI. 9-8801. ROOFING - Specializing in repair- housework. Part or full hogany spinet piano, 1495. Ians “ to remote regions of the ' OPPORTUNITY E Electric, Blankets 40% off. control. Basement wash and dr\’ month. Call XU. 3-1329. MI 8-6273. minister, struck her. ties following In its wake." It did 839 Main St. Ml. 9-8335. i Ing roofs of all kind*. Also new ■ f"'* hay*. .MI. 9-1790, Kemp's. Inc. MI. 3-5680. MANCHESTER 164 East Center St,, Manchester Soviet Union.” DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Conv- Young man for interesting sales , laundry. Beautifully decorated and Mrs. Coman broke away, locked not say what aid Csechoaldvakia pany, doora and windows, cuitom roofa. Gutter work. Chimney* I Gkirlier, some diplomats familiar i ' s a l e s g i r l foi- part time work! work No preriou* experience nee- ^ MUSIC instrumental, rental. Com­ conveniently arranged, fxicated in TWO MORE MI 9-5261 MANCHESTER herself ,Jn a bathroom, escaped gave. work, guaranteed. Call MI. 9-1583 cleaned, repaired. 26 years' ex Reverewli 30% .off. nintware quiet residential section 3 min­ through Ita. window and, rejoined with Soviet policies were urging Vienna’s independent newspaper penence. Free e-timatV Cali; essary, aa we will train in our plete line of instruments. Rental Antonobnes tor Sale after 6 p.m. \ 30% off. applied to purchase price. Repre utes from shopping district and 20 24 Strickland Street. 8 'j room G>uncil Urges her husband.''-^ that the debate be delayed until Neuer Kurier claimed .today Howley. Mancheater Ml. 8-5381. ' - ^ proven method. Company l ar fur- REAL BARGAINS $1000 DOWN, large three bedroom the situation in Hungary becomes 9-2660. nished. Good starting salary. Com­ BUDGET ONTER. MI. 3-4164 senting Olda, Seinier, Ped miniilea from Pratt A Whitney. Dutch Colonial. Open for inspection The news spread,, and a crowd (Czechoslovakia had actlvaly aided BBPQRE T o y BUT a uaed ear ANTIQUES Renniihed. Repairing ranch, full cellar, large lot. high Sun.,,Nov. 18, from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. quieter. mission after training period. Vaca.' ler and Biindv. Metter'a Music $»5 per month TR. 5 .5615. elevation, view. Carlton W. Hutch­ assembled at ihe legatim, chant­ the Soviet Union in the campaign ae* Germ an''M otor Salea. Buick done on any furniture. Tieman, 74 Tannti' Six room Cape. Two Tight Law for 189 South Main St. Phon* MI. Heating—Plumbing 17,'KING’S HAS OPENING FOR tion and company insurance. Five Studio, 177 .McKee. Ml. 3-7500. ins, Realtor. MI. 9-5132. 9-4694. ing: "Let the cb.ild go.'^><.^ They held the view that another to wipe out the Hungarian rebel- Salea and Service, 285 Main SINGLE BURNERS il heater: Tel. FOUR ROO'NI furnished apartment unfininhed. Ceramic tile bath. Air ' J. D. REALTY The legation then releaa^ the round pf bitter debate in this As­ Jlon. Street. MI. 9-4571. Open cveninga. 3-5843. U'OMAN day work week. TR. 5-4828. FREBBURN A WATSON, Plumb­ at 37 Park St. Centrally located. conditioning oil. Thvo front dor- MANCHESTER Excellent custom child to Argentine Foreign Minis­ sembly would harden the Soviet ANT SDDM TR 5-2244. JOHN DEQUATTRO, Broker . The newspaper aaid Czech arti)- RBHSD A CAR? Short on a down ing and Heating Contractor*. New Full Time Work Appl.v SPECIAL ON Breck ShaY iiw i' M ' Br o w n a SIkfPSON upright piano mer*. full lear shed dormer. Cop­ built colonial. Breezeway and ga­ Teen Drivers try officials. attitude on Hungary and make al­ per plumbing. Tivo fireplaces i liv­ payment or had your credit turned g e n e r a l house wiring, all klnda. installations, alteration work and oz. bottle, reta.l $ 4. n o T ^ '2.50 | » P rage, tile bath, lavatory first floor. The Argentine government was most impossible any satisfactory Pietiri Tibs down? Don’t give up! .For a good Galt PI 2-6388 after 6 p.m. repair work, MI. 9-3808 or MI. Apply s :1 2 'M A IN s t r e e t ing room and cellar!. Open stair­ Six large rooms, tastefully decor­ (Oonttnned from Page One) considering the family's plea for solution. 9-8931. w i t h f r e e 40c dispenser Rusbcjl * I CELIX) IN FINE condition, two i THREE ROOM unfurnished apart- way, Amesite drive. I-arg'e lot. Lois lor Sale deal—not thru a amali loan com- MR PIXIURDE Barber Shop, Com er Oak bow* ment. 291 Spruce St. ated. recreation room, suitable for 731 po'itical asylum. The quarters seeking a delay RUBBISH AND ashsa removed. Bargain at $90. Call Seven vear* old. Reduced price, business or professional man. y—see "H arry” at 333 Main KING S DEPARTMENT STORE Between 8-10 a.m. Spruce St*. MI, 9-8862, - ___ —— ------^------1 hold, with cach-*uch container giv- These officials, in giAnting asy­ emphasized they we^e utterly op­ (Formerly Dougjaa Motora). General cleaning, cellara, attic* — TN::!r5! $14,650. Asking $26,000. Howard R. Hast- M'ANCHESTER-Three lots, 90x150 ) jng a rooms $2,000 each. Call Gaston Realty, • gignce some danger" and one source said ing anyone In Hungary would be 650 Hartford IM..r-an»-0»40 tatlbit. If you don't aee what you 9-9757. I from, C. J. Morrison Paint Co., ring Apparel-ir^Fura 57 For Rent 64 Two unfinished. Six years old. En­ LLOYD'S Plumbing Service as­ closed bteezeway. Attached garage. (two unfinished), fireplace, ma­ lln ' ^ standard definition for the government is searching for a lessened by a name-calUng aea- want on our. lot look behind our sures satisfaction, pfompt service WANTED- Painter. (3ali MI, 9-6135 ( -3*5 Center St. CHESTERs^f'urrler*. Furs 'Ntmod- hogany paneling, ceramic tile Ml 8-7466:______-j "veteran’' as it applies to scores of place to settle the Comana out of CHUCIt’B RADIO and T.V. Service. after 6 p.m. 575 MAIN ST. One-story brick Hot water heat, oil. Chopper plumb' ■ion in the Assembly, oAice. Car* to suit all purae*. 333 CH. 7-6124, MI. 9-5485. eled, repaired, cleaned *ttd ______:______— ‘ State laws dealing with tax ex the limelight. Nina Main, formerly Douglaa Motora. 151 North Main St. Small appli­ TIME STUDY ■ HOT AIR furnace. Pipes and radia- building 26xS8 feet. Ample front ing. Fireplace, open stainivav. Llv-1 ance* repaired. MI. 8-8517,, resi­ lazed. Work -■*. Excellent condition with ^'o and rear parking. Call owner Xfl. Hutchins, xn. 9-5132. XU. 9-4694. | Suburban For Sale 75 ter 1 PLT|IOUTH, 1953, private, four dence MI. 3-6980. Morini^—Tracking | ENGINEER i Mastercraft. Oil burner almost o overhead. \Save. Call MI. 9-7406. Ix)l 100' front bv approximately ans. Present laws are Confusing on four, mother and father, plus Glgl. door, blue, Cambridge, good tires. j YOUNG MAN new. Also tisert sinks and set tub*. 9-7218 for free estimate at your 200'. Sacrifice $15,800. : this score. 4, and Luevno, 11 months, was OAIX wn JHM COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart Storage 20 home. Under no obligation. Capes I W r~ s a l e I VERNON — Four ' large rooma. Drive, sea real aaring*. MI. Phone MI. 3-6985 . breeseway and garage. Large lot I Tighter fire safety requirements kept secret. 9-7083. R. Wolcott on wringei 'and auto­ Expanding operation in electro ' Full Time Work and stole*. $20. . Above home* occupancy within ' : for multiple and other dwellings M l 9-UU matic washing mschlnes, electric MANCHESTER - Movmg and: mechanical product* mean* an Houses For Rent f.S 20-30 dav*. i with shade trees. Price $12,900, QUINN’S Apply BARGAINS! New locker-trunk. ‘ ...... 1 are contained in a proposed new 1949 LINCXILN convertible. New ranges, vacuum cleaners, motors, trucking Co. Ml. 3-6563. Owned i opportunity for a qualified time Six Room Cape Cod Call Gaston Realty, 165 School St., Aulo Kills Ex-Teaclier, 77 •ertina Oalla and operated by Walter B., Per- i uaed only once. Girl * tap s h o e s ,'p , n icR Q iiv Can be seen by appoinment. XU 9-5731; evenings XU 9-7466. j fire safet.v code developed by the top and new clutch. Low mileage, small appliances, welding. 174 *tudy man. Experience in the 51R. PIXIURDE bridge lamp, roller skate*, box i in SEVEN ROOM single with oil burn­ I council. TTie code is also a rewTit- Day or Nighs $2.95 ett Jr., and William J. Pickering. electronic assembly field help­ iSUNDAYi t i n . ClalJ PI. 2-7211. Main Street. 511. 9-6678. I KING S DEPARTMENT .STORE camera. MI. 3-8.589. ‘ lery good condition. MI. 9-1418. er. Oarage. Good Condition. Adults Two unfinished. In BoUon, Fire­ I Ing of numerous laws In thia field. Portland, Nov. 17 (/P)—Miss PHARMACY ful. Muat be familiar with place. Full cellar. Hot water heal. i VERNON ~ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO local preferred. Rent $85 per month, g r a z i a d i o A complete revi.sion and simpli- .* lice Steele, 77T^)-r*tl*ed school­ NEED A CAR? No money? See DOORS OPENED, key* fitted, the methods, layout, and proc­ USED LET OUT Mink dyed Musk­ GEORGE L. , Choose your own paint and paper. and long diaiaiice moving, pack­ 'rite Box N, Herald. REAl,tOR Six loom ranch. Large living I fication of law* relative to towm teacher, was killed last night when .Chat Brunner. 1950 Chevrolet. ,1949 copied.^^ vacuum cleaner*, irons, essing operstion*. A Job worth­ FOR SALE, one safe.- Price $100. rat fur coat, good condition, rea­ OPEN SUNDAYS guns, etc., repaired. Shears, ing, storage. Call 5<1. 3-5187. Hart- Help Wanted— sonably priced. Call MI. 9-1129. ^ ■ M L 9-587{? room, fireplace, ceramic tile bath, | meetings. she was struck by an automobile Pontiac, 1949 Plymouth convierti- while investigating. ' For particulars call MI. 9-4563. Price $12,200 ; oak floors, two-car basement ga at a street intersection. Resident ble. 1948 Chevrolet convertible,' knives, mdwera, etc., put into con- ‘ tord'CH 1-1423. Male or Female 37 i Three plans whereby state em- dltion for coming needs. Braith- BOY'S JACKET and all season top rage, amesite drive. Many extras. ; ployes can be cox’ered under So­ State Policeman William Acker­ 1948 Chevrolet,' 1950 Studebaker. MAN(?HESTER Package Delivery. YOUNG MEN or women for Herald Advs. 9A.|i.lo1 P.M. waite. 52 Pearl Street. , GRAY MAHOGANY RADIO and phono- , coat, size 38, Fur coat, size 18. MI ' Tel. Ml. 3-5639 cial Security in addition to their man said ihe car was being driven Paymenta as low as $4 week. Light truckuig and package deliv­ Santa's helpers. 2-9 p.m., Sat. 8 9-7388. i • Easy-To-Make Quilt! $■20,500 by Thomas Hadden, 18, of Port­ Brunner's, Talcottville. MI. S-5191. MANUF.ACTURING gra^h combination. $10, MI. 9-4837. liberal state retirement setup. GONDER'S T.V. Service, available ery. Refrigerators, washers and p.m. Earn Christmas money. 'These plans are; Adding com­ land. - ^ L A W N S - ^ stove moving specialty. Folding CO. C P.iL to 9 P.M. 1949 INTERNA'nONAL. Metro any time. Antenna, convermons. Write Box W. Herald. GIvt Dolly New Clothts WARREN E. HOWLAND, plete Social Security to present Hadden was ordered held on a panel body, good motor, solid Philco factory supervised service. chdirs for rent. Ml. 9-0782. GIRL'S FIGURE skate*. »ize 2. ' Wanted—To Buy 58 Realtor retirement plan, integrating the negligent homicide charge by Cor­ Tel. Ml. 9-1486. 16 Arbor St. ADULT SALESPEOPLE to sril YOUNG^AN! RICH FARM LOAM FOR^SALE body. Pull price $398. Term* If Christmas toy*. Apply in peraon. with guard*. $5. 53 Durant St. , j Ml. 3-1108 two systems, and supplementing oner A. Harold Campbell pending Hartford, Conn. EACH ITEM further Investigation. Police GET AGOOD START NQW PtmNEXT SPRING WHIUB you need It, Brunper’s, Tsicott- REFRIGERATION sales and seev- Painting—Paoerlng 211 Kiddis Fair. 1085 klain St. WANTED -Old upright piano for MI. 9-6003 the retirement plan with Social MALLORY T\' converter, two burn-1 To’ start tralniai 1 PATTERN quoted Hadden as saying he did TRUCKS ARE ABUS TO DELIVER ON FIRM m om iL 5-ine. MI. 8-5191. / Ice. Commercial, • household, air “ A Good Place To Work” high achool play. MI. 3-8922. Security. Council i* tajeing no REFINIBHING ceiling*, painting. STATE OF CONNECTICrUT. Open er kitchen warmer lenameli u»ed management of one at HEBRON CEN’l’ER -/D lder six stand on the i.o.sue. Rather, it has not- see Miss Steele until he heard conditionets, freezers. A. and W. I g*» *tove. Call Friday or Saturday PIECE TOP DOLLAR PAID paper hanging, wallpaper book*. | Competitive Examination Notice, *t4>rea. -No experience--m room bungalow witlj'^garage. Ad­ dug out facts and plans for the a thump as the right front fender A pproxim otoly 5 C oble Y on l L oodt $ 104M Refngeratibi) Co. Ml. 9-1287, BU. evening, MI. 9-7875. aary. All beneSts. Appl.v In per'- 9-3198, an. 94)055. Fuliv insured. Tel, Edward R. Social Worker. Grade U. 1 Public Rooms WMtRbUl Board 59 jacent to new. regloMl high s c h o o l.Legislature__ to consider before (jf his car struck her. For your old car on trade-in for Price. MI. 9-1003. ' PRFSS OPERATOR to learn letup. assistance I i(?hild welfare 1. Qo*- ton. Immediate .^ p a n c y . T. J. ; making'a decTsion ^ o h nico^ , /^PH P N E Ml f -4824 these cars. ROOM F O ^ R E N T for two. Slate CLEAN AND paint those gutters Apply in person. Gunver Manufsc. Ing date Dec, 20. 1966. No. 2730., WHITE SET Tl^B $8 MI 8-6652 Crockett, R^lor. MI. 3-1577 or! ______- Blizzard Hits 1958 Ford V8 overdrive now. Avoid costly repairs later. PAPERHANGING, all type* ex- turing Co.. 234 Hartford Rd. Residence waived. 63540-84980. , Tailor Shop, 8 Biaaell St, XH. resideft^MI. 9-7751 That Interpret The 1962 Ford V8 Fordomatic Ml. 3-1383. pertly hung. Call Ml. 9-9.559 for ^3-7383. MI. 3-5047 LYNN POULTRY ------^------. . Man Dies of Car Injitne* (Tonstructi'on Estimate* 1 architec- 1 — — ------^------1,____ GLASTONBURY -- Attractive 5‘2 j ^ ------Sapporo, Japan, Nov. 17 i/Pi — Wishes Of The Family 1962 Plymouth free estimates. turalt. (Closing date Dec. IS. 1956. I The season’s first blizzard whistled 1951 Chevrolet Powerglide WILUAMS REFRIGERATION Co! No. 2729, Residence required. r.odm ranch near golf course. Lot! Waterburv. Nov. 17 i^*! — Wil- / 1961 Pontiac Hydramatic ELECTRONIC Diamonfla— FVitcbi PLEASANT, heated room with pri­ ^'100x315, patio, breezeway. garage. i Ham Patrick Byrne*. 67. of Water- out of Siberia today, dumping Service on all ty-pea of refrigera­ $4440-$6360. Offset Duplicator Op-1 FARMS STORE 1961 Mercury Private Instructions 28 i Jewelry 45 vate bath. Call Xn. 3-4033. full basement. Madeline Smith, bury, died in S t Mary's Hospital more thim a foot of snow on north JOHN Be BURKE tion equipment including house­ erator.'Closing date Dec. 13. 1958. ■ 1952 Studebaker CHECKER MAVCHCNTRR PARKADR Realtor. MI. 9-1642. ‘last night a few moments after he central 'Hokkaido, Japan’s big hold. CJommercial sale*. One FRANK .1. SEN'HMENNO, teacher No. 2728. Residence required. LEONARD W. YOST Jeweler, re-1 FUNERAL HOME 1950 Oldamobile phone all hour*. MI. 9-2016. j \Vaa admitted with injuries police northern Island. TiEL. iq S-OS08 HEATING ■ 1950 .Mercury o( guitar. Chester Aitcordion Co., $2700-$3660. Apply Office of the- pair*", adjusts watches expertly. ' ROCKVILLE 91 Union St. MI. 3-5709. Experienced young man re­ State Personnel Director. Room , Reasonsbl* prices Open daily I said h'e-i,eceived when struck by an Strong n-inds-and low tempera­ BAST CENTER ST. ■ ' ■AND 1980 Pontiac Hydramatic BUYl 'G PAPER, magazines, rags, ' automobiTe.'He wa* the city's tures hit most of Japan. Frost was n scrap-iron and metal. Will pick quired to te;iit and repair 405, State Office Building, Hart- - Thuryday evehingt. 129 SprucfJ MURPHY'S SEVEN ROOM AMBULANCE SERVICE . / 1950 Chevrolet Bel Air units. Must *be familisr Street Ml. 9-4387, ‘ ; sixth traffic fttalj^y of the year. reported in parts of Tokyo. .1960 Cihevrolel four door. up any time. Dial 112-TR 5-7821. ford or snV Connecticut State E m -1 Rond»—Stocks with necessary test equip­ ployment Ser\-ice Office. Glendon | 3-Ytar SPLIT LEVEL AIR-CONDITIONING \y UGHT TRUCKING and rubbish re. Mortgages 31 ment and schematic lay­ A. Scoboria, State Personnel Di­ Act now? Your old car may be Fuel and Peed 49-A ^ A L L E Y S Move compels quick sale. Beauti- i the full down payment. Balance on moved, cellar* and .yards cleaned, out. Excellent opportun­ rector, GULF s o u * HiAT H IU M Storm window* and screen* in­ QUICK CASH! $22.25 per thousand ity. ApftniitlM Goursii ful stone front residence, ' (Built easy monthly or weekly terms j SEASONED. DR5T hardwood, de­ four years): smartly placed on; frtm ss low- as $8 a week. stalled or removed. Reasonable. I per month includca principal and Rate of Slayings Trip l es Xn. 9-9471. I Intereat. Hartford CH. 6-8897 livered in Move, furnace, fireplace Pin Boys ran Help lovely 75x136 plot in true suburban j e. J. BLANCHARD^ Frank Blrrke. Connecticut Mort­ ^•KAY Agents Wanted 37-A length*. Irv Stanlev. P'l. 2-6438 Build a Secure Future area, yet only minutes from park-; WILLIMHS OIL SERVICE after 5:30. Way. school ahd bus; 25 foot picture MANCHESTER MOTOR FAY'S SEI^c'rank* Seri-ice~ I gage Exchange. . I,ewia corner MANUFACTURING • INTERIOR SALES ANNEX cleaning, installing, cellars! Gold. LIFE INSURANCE . windo>4’ed living room. Fireplace, 341 I R O A D S T . M l 9-4848 drained. MI. 9-2330. | ' DRY FlREPIJtCE, furnace wood, i fulL ^nlng, knotty pine den with In Cypriot, British Fight 383 MAIN STREET CO. ^ AGENT Cedar clothe* line pole*, delivered Wanted • EXTERIOR 4 » bunffli''cabinet*..*-Spacious, fully MI. 9-5732 HILLS' T E L E visioN sTrvinf! I Help Wanted—-Kemale 35 and inatalled. MI, 9-1353. MACHINIST cabtneted kitchen has (llshwasher, Hilliard St. OnA of the world's leading (Contliined from Page One) wounded ghd 15 Suffered suj^)««- BLACK OLDiSMOBILE two door Available at all times, Philco'fac-i. disposal etc. Three lovely ' bed­ ficial wound*. tory supervised servire. Tel MI ' WOMAN FOR lauhdty finishing de- Manchester life insurance companies w-ili 15c A String •r PAINTING; sedan. 1940 model with 1950 motor. '. 'I ■ ’ Garden— iP?arm—Dairy | rooms, Hollj’wood bath. (Combina­ Military! authorities declined 9-9698. j parlment. Five day week? Numer- hire and train a young man for tion screens and . windows. Hot cent outburst* or not, British au­ to Good condition.' Sale price, $50. ------ir------— ------! nua benefit*. Apply in person. New thorities have been reluctant to tril details of. th* bombing,, but “ A Good Place To Work” a local position. T3i* man,we Products .10] water' oil heat. Large garage, p a e r h a n g i n g Xn. 2-7883., i AI>L EIJECTTRIC razors serviced? Model Laundry. 73 Summit.St. crack dowh. Previously, punitive other sources said BOKA terror^ F want should be age 26-45. JET EN8INE Amesite drive. Immediate occupzm- Isto planted a time, bomb In the 1955.CHEVROLET two tone station and repaired at Rupaeir* Barber ' cy.,M*ny more extra*. $20,200. curfew* have beeii placed on Nic­ Shop,, CJomer.Oak. and Spruce St*. WOMAN FOR sorting and a*- married, well educated and APPLE.S, $t and up. I-ouia Botti, osia's Greek quarter almost Im-! , * d wagon. Standard transmission. sembling in dry cleaning depart­ ,MA(?HINISTS METALSNITH Reasonable. 1954 Hudson, poiter Remington, Schick, Sunbeatn and capable of self-discipline. This 260 Buah Hill Rd. - WEBSTER a g e n c y ’ mediately after BriUsh nationals I, ^irller yesterday a yoiing Brit- Noreico. ment. Five day week. Benefit*. T(DOL .MAKERS 542V have bein killed. _ . ‘ TEL. M l 9-3203 " ^ ^ steering. Reasonable. MI. 9-00.30. Appply in person New Xtodel is a life-time ca.reer opportun­ WANTED Interview Requirementat REAL ESTATE BRIDGEPORT OPERATORS WHITE HOLI*AND turkey*, Green In the past two days, after Mich i . _ cos a. ^ LAND CLEARED and bruah l.-aundry, 73 Summit St. ity, The man w* hire will re­ : Mountivin potaioe* for *ale. Frank : a 'Ynii should be 18-21'jenr* DAVID J. WEBSTER 1956 DE Firedome, 4 door VTL This quilt is"not only a money- ; COMBINATION WINDOWS burned. Stone wall* built and ceive a guaranteed 'income Bronkie. Lake St. Tel. MI 9-4687. j old. , saver but so easy to make! Each • ROCKVILLE, TR. 5-5745 . new slaying. Greek ahopkeepers; — l-i------— ------—— customr sedan. Gray. Radio, heat­ HORIZONTAL BORING MILL have slammed down their ahutter* ..grading done.. XCl. 9-8275. Arthur suitable to his needs, pliia com ­ Aion piece is completed and may be er, fluid drive, Sta-fulJ. Hy-duty •Gay. • • o I'ou must ‘ be a lOgii oehool 831 9(1 R(X3some quarter* for the. increased i 9-8487 , We' Have Several FOR DETAILS ------— ______It______Weekdays 8 a.m. to 4:80 p.m, by using fabrics left over from’ surprise for the hoUdaye., Each Agency, RockWlle, TR •UNDAY SPECIALS! We re closed DELTA CORPORATION other tewing projects! item is qne pattern piece. Evings, XU. 9-;l677 underground campaign ii the Brit-. Sundayf, but you're welcome to Openings For Women Saturda.vs 8 a.m.-12 Noon. ish-French operation in the Suez, 1249 Main Street, Hartford, Conn. APPLES BOR SALE, Wilmer Kes- l9ItUtrl;cBtrr Pattern N o .'5421 contains pet- No. 8319 is for doll* 14. 16. 18. 5Ti*it oUr lot at vour leisure a*d Household Servieea in Our Expanding ., PHONE WILLIMANTIC ELUNGTON—Garrison Colonial. Canal rone. Many of the, British NOW ney.i 490 Keeney St. PRATT A WHITNEY tern piece and complete directions I 20. 22, 24 Inches. Consult pattern look over the car*. -We'll be hap­ Offered 13-A Operations. WANTED—First Cl*** tool maker*, for making,this attrscUve quilt, I for exact measurement*. Lot 112X150.I ^Ight rooms with at­ Infantry' troopa who used to cor- py to demonstrate and sell you overtime, top pay. Manchester HArrisoh 3-26HI YELLOW GLOBE turnip*. Pull tached garage. Oil hot water heat. don off the city, patrol Ito streets B " I * N u G ^ Age 18-.35 Send 25c‘ Ilf coins, your name. For this pattern, send 35c In the.model you select on Monday. l^cralii r AIRCRAFT . k Something New * • f u r n i t u r e repairing and refin- U Tool A Design, 130 Hartford Rd. your own. 75c bushel. Saturday ad'dress and the Pattern Number to I coins, your name, address,-size de- Very large Jiving room. (irej>lace and search for suspect* now are in EVERY SAT. N IGH T-^EW TIME 8:00 P.M . Xlanchester Motor Salea Annex', ishing- antiques restored. Furni­ Apply In Person xn. 9-5263. and Sunday* only. 178 Oak Grove Division of with Heatalator, wall to wall car­ EgJ'Pt- W i 333 Main St. Harry Jackson, rngn- .AN-NE CABOT. 51ANCHESTEB ‘ sired, and the pattern number to ture Repair Service. Talcottville. Situations Wanted— St: 13 lU s d l St. . X'nlted Aircraft Corporation KR'ENlNfl HER.VU). 1150 .AVE.! SUE BCBNK?1T. MANCHESTER pet,-full basement.. ...Juat -a few i Two British soldiers died today DANCING : A Beautiful ALUMINUM ager. MI, 3-7449. Female East Hartford 8, Cena. minute# from Rockville t22.m . ‘ wounds suffered in the bombing POTATOES, cabbage. turnips. | AMERIC.AS. .NEW YORK. 86, N.! EVENING HEB.ALD. 1150 AVE. COMBmATION WINDOW SPENCER . JOIN A GROWING - ! .AMERIC.AS,NEW S’OBK Sfl. N.V. ‘ crowded canteen in a mlllUry -Jo Hn> Mii^ . of tko Wimdser Trio . 1951 PLYMOUTH four dopr. fully FORMICA counters, ceram ic wall WOXIAN WOULD like work clean­ mixed varieties of squash. Bring TR. 5-1020.5-1020, EvenluM.Evenings, MI. M677-. i western t^ r u i last nlfhU to meet every pocke$b()b|t and equipped, priced reasonable. Xfi. and floor tile. Let ua m'odermse containers. 336 Hillatown Rd. Qulit Books now available f Send an extra 25 cento now for RUBBER PRODUCTS ing'professional or ' bi'isinea* of­ Another soldier was • e r { o u a 1 y 8-7768. .vour bathroom.and kitchen. For COMPANY^' fice*' in'the evening or after 4 Flower (Quilts -QlGl; Grandmoth-, your copy of the Fall and Winter BOL'TON LAKE—New' all year mads by RUSCO—the greiat- free estimates call X(I. 9-2855, The CHAPEL STREET ...... p.m. Write Box U, Herald. er a Patchwork.Quilts-Q102; A ll-i'50 Is^ie of our complete pattern 'round ranch‘ h'ome, three . bed­ 1965 PLYMOUTH four door V8, two , In the . growing . cArbids cutting Hodaehnld Gnilda ol Year tillts—Q103. Each book con- book Mslc Fashion a complete rooms, full cellar, hot water heat, est name in combinatkm win­ T||* Shop, Bucklaiid. tool indust: j tone black and ivorv. heater and i U'e. need expenencca' tains pattern, piece* and full direc-j aewing gujde for every woman plenty of trees, large lot. Otvner dow ! and do(>r!. When you b ^ good Urea. 81100. ,xn. 3-7457. WEAVING of bunis. moth boles machine operator* and “tker type* v^-q ULD U K E to tSik,e c a .; Of chll-1 »=^ANK'S ANTIQUE , SHOP, 620, tions for making twelve quilts. 1 who sews for herself and her fam- transferred. Immediate possea- NOTICE and torn clothing, boeiery runs, SEWING MAC?!H3NE operators and of induatnai!personnel. If ymi want HEAtiNG and APFLIANCE aion, $15,750 tor quick sale. How­ a national brand at a Popular a good job apply at, office. dren in my home. Call MI 9-3687 *,* V*** i E*ch Book 50c. Hy. A public hearing will be held by WINTERIZED handbag* repaired, sipper re- hand cutter* Wanted. Day shift. 3 — ______t______good used furniture and antiques. ( ard R.' Hastings, Realtor. ' M$- ' — Thanksgiving — Price you know you have made ^ READY TO GO! placemem. umbrellas repaired, a.tii. to 4:30 p.m. Kaklar Toy Co., 1. . ■ v MI. 9-6580_ Hours 9lU.pi.-8 p.m. 0-1107 any time. the , Town Planning ' Commission ^•r :i 60 Hilliard St. of Manchester, Connecticut. Mon­ VISIT THE ' : a sound investment Call men!* shirt collars reversed and NELCO TOOL GO., INC. Dogs-rBirds—Pet.s 41 SALES REPRESENTATIVE 11 ^ .Najti Statesman. 610 a ^eek. replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ CXJVENTRT—Hill lop. Three bed­ day evening, November 28, 1956, RUSCO today. ■ SALESLADIES BIRO, cat and dbg sVippliek, whole-: FOR SALE room ranch, excellent neighbor­ at 8 P.M. in the hearing room of 18M Ford V8 with overdrivs, |10 a ing Shop. 266 (;>ntc> 8t., Pin# 8t. ontrance HRATINC and SALfs'EXPERIENCE weeA, T. • .! sale and retail. Daily 9 tb 5 p.m ., hood. Ten mtijutes from UCohn. the XUtilclpal ' Building on ap­ HOLLAND CANDY KItCHEN TRY US FOR reupholstering, slip « " w a n t e d . Tuesday. Thursday, Fridav nights' SEPTIC TANKS Acre lot. 114. hath*, extra 1aige AND plication - for proposed orders! al­ lUDGET TERMS ARRANGED iiMT Xfercury^four'dopr, $8 a .week. covers,, draperies, rugi cleaning. 7 to 9. iPorterfield'a Rout* 5 and PESIRAILE RUT N O T ESSENTIAL NEW aVz ROOM HOME IN VERNON ’ garage, amesit* drive, full base­ tering a building line a* follows! T o t Kitchen Fresh Can BEAUTIFUL baby parakeets.- ^ I fireplace, large lot. $18,000. Im­ Martiti E. Alvord,, Chairman WEST OF SJ’B RESTAURANT THE BARTLETT-BRAINARD COM PANY FLAT FINISH HoUand window . Apply in person , , ” WATSON REALTY - ' - . JC. M 78i ■ ■ '1 A YOUNG ambitious man to w ork ! .colors. Normals and raries. Guar-'I 6 mediate poBsession. Howard R. Witliam A. Allen, Secretory. , TEL MI 9-7919 ' ; 5S » No|ir Pakfc A v t, W « 8t B artteR : ahades, made ' to measure. . All in new car dealership. Must have ; anieed for sex and health' Also MaKINNEY BRoi Beckvtlle TB >7iM er Naqeheeter MI »-Y«M Hastings, Realtor, xn. 0-li07 any Manchester. Omn. .S M l!O ia> 160UNTRT sedan. Two metal vencti|an blinds at a hew MANCHESTER MILLS driver * UcaiMM, Apply to Mr. braadera, cage*, and auppliea.' time. ’November 18, 1958 . JFordOHirtlc. Power atecriiic. low price. Keys made while you Maiorcai! DaOormier Motora, S«w «r«9« DispcMd CA. wait Marlow's. ( . FACTORY STORE 1' Maids 8t., MancKaeiar. “ 'I lC8-m Peart St. — Ml f-ASM jf: ■ -f 0 .4" t , " . J- 1 - ' y /‘ m 1 m ‘ . . y ■J. 4, M I '-J' y . ./. ■ H1 ^ i'« > . ■; Jr-;-'' M r ■i

PAG£ tWfiLVI -. \- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER^ 17, 1W6 jianrii^stfr BloodmqMle Vhits Center Cori^egational Church Tontotrow l:4 5 -6i3(f p, m.

known all along that .''Que Mra; r v she believed 'the United Btatea has AboutT ■era” is Spanish. , ^illyer uea; been wise in its handling of the Arerage Daily Net Press Run Heard Along Main Street Sinca^here is no Spanish gp4lm- .^ree situationa,' any of whKh For the Weirik Ended The Weather mar around, there was no a id in g mtgbt r-eautt'.ln an atomic war and Nov. n , J9S0 viTereeaet of C. 8. Woatlm ■ ■ 'i^a M boAfil ct the Hol- ' ' ' < »' *' . , with this—almost no arguing, Airs Grises annihilaUqn of -ihe plapet. She Uatar - j will meet Monday- And on $ome of Munchenter s Side Streeltt Too r One staffer came up with the praised U.SfWacking of the United Uttle ehiiage In' Miapera« night at at the achool. late intelligence th fl "Que sera', Nations, held'to^tabllsh a U.N. MANCHESTER'S 12^402 tni« toitfght, acatteied e f ; sera'' is Portugese.,.<,Ahd to sub- Dr. Alice,Cooke Rrovvm. de-Ji of police force? and offer^of economic What Goes on Here? establish a free legal consulting atantlate his claim, he aubmlUcd women at Hillyer College discussed aid only to Hungary. Member of the Audit ground fog iR^momlng. Low s^.99. Mtar Auxiliary Police will Bureau of drciilntion aaalat with traffic at the Tlianka- Now it can be told.. The story service. that he remembera ainging it even the three great crises threatening Tueodag fair, rnUmer. IHgh 80.98. giving. Day road race. Members Of the short, quiet drama- that The exact'nature‘ of the infor­ before he-left his native Portugal. world peace today t a meeting of MAIN STREET Manche»ter— A- City of VUlage Chdtm was played out in the Manchester are requested to report at Police mation the service is to provide Nobody pronounces it right, he the Cosmopolitan Club yesterday. Goveivlry Woman Headquarters Thursday moi-ning Shopping Parkade’s new .W. T. has not yet been determined. How­ says, except one girl be has heard Speaking in the Federation room . A- Grant Co. store, only minutes be­ ever. the aim is generally to give VOL. LXXVI, NO. 43 at ,# o’clock for their assignments. sing it on the radio. of Center Congrega> ional Church, tTWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19,195ft (ClaaUfled Adrertlslag on Fag* 98) PRICE CENTS fore its grand opening Thursday people advice on how to handle Quipped riow . with this sound Dr. Brown, singled out the Suez Drives Off Itoad ""WitjOPPINC CENTER IS morning. , their legal problems. Canal, the Lsraeli-Egyptiah dash ' Jaines C. Joy, M Greenwood knowledge of Romance languages, The traditional ribbon-cutting One o f the points mentioned In including a vague idea of how and the Hungar,v situation aa the Tollantl. Nov. l^ (.S p icla D —A li^;v4ias been chosen to play a ceremon.v was only' minutes off. the discussion preceding the vote to pronounce "Que sera sera,” in three major'trouble spots. Coventry .woman rim ker car Into leadinif-xole in "Stalag 17,” a pro­ Clerks were making last-minute* to sot up- the service was "la there duction o ftb e ^ a c o n Players, em­ Portugese, The HeraM knows what Tells History of Canal a tree on Mile Hill Rd., Tolland, preparations. Signs and stock' a need for this in Manchester?” , Dr. Brown, who ia also associate ploye drama gtoup 'Of the Travel­ the title over the picture should x J were being checked, dust dusted, 'The question was a.sked because of professor and chairman of the De­ yesterday morning when the took Nehru € a ll have read! to ers Inaiunnce Coi.'on^Nov. 29 and watches studied. Outside, shop­ ■ the high average income enjoyed partment of History and Govern­ her eyes off the road to check a 30 and Dec. 1 at the Avery Me­ pers waited to enter for their first It should have read "LaBelle by most Manchesterites. shakes hands' with Davis.” ment at Hillyer, started by outlin­ bag of groceries on the front scat morial. look at the new store. A court official normally sta- ing the history .df the Sue; Canal, Then it- happened. A visitor, of her car. State Police said. en Canal , tinned each day irrthe court clerk's Putting Out the Welcome Mat ■the shortest route between Europe Ronald Simmons, non of Mr. and unscheduled and unannounced. I office said a telephone, call to the and Asia. Mrs. Agnes Bouchard, 36, Bread mad« an appearance. It was a A young couple, contemplating Mrs. Harold Simmons. 274 Wood- I office was made Thursday., before marriage in the near future, had She stated that the United States and Milk St... Coventry, waa re­ United N*tlons, N. Y., Nov. 19 bridge St., and 'Thomas Strange, canary, calm and- unruffled, walk­ I notice of the establishment’ of the turning from a shopping trip when (Ah—Secretary General Dag Ham- ing about on its small legs in all by virtue of the fact they had been could get along without the car%l, son o f Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Strange, local legal consulting sef-vice wks able to find an apartment in Man­ but that all Europe depends upon it the incident occurred. Investigat­ Washington, Noy. 19 <^)— Prime Minister Nehru of India marskjold arrtveii back in New S8 IRrginia Rd., have been pledged Its yellow finery, apparently an , made in the Herald. ing Patiolman Ronay H. Jacobsen York today to tell the U.N. Gen­ escapee from the canary depart­ chester. decided to become local for full,v half of its oil sivpply. tvill vi.sit Pre.sident Ei.senhower Dec, 16, the White Hou.ae to Phi Kappa Tau social fraternity I What did the caller ask? residents. She said the Soviet Union has of Stafford Springs narrarka said eral Aasembly the result* of hia at .Centre College, imnville,. Ky. ment on the floor below. I "W here eSn I get in touch with the car was "substantially dam- '^innounced today. Nehru plans to reach Wa.shington Dec. 16 talks with Egyptian official* on A safari was hurriedly Organ­ One afternoon, in the process of been needling the countries in the Strange is a sophomore, planning the local legal aid society?” readying their prospective home Middle East, trying to get a war aged." ahd-go to New York Dec. 20.,Whether he will remain here all guarding the cease-fire in the Mid­ to major in law, and Simmons, a ised and the chase was on. Clerks Mrs. BouchArd received a dle East. lunged for it. They dashed after for the day they would move in slatted ao that When their econ­ that tTfne js uncertain. freshman, -planning to major in The Bride Wore FooIIniII Togs as man and wife, they had occa­ omies were further veakehed bv bruised mouth when her iiead hit The IndiaXPtime Minister orig­ He planned soon after„his arrival pre-engineering. it. They jumped for it. And Here's the kind of story yo” al- the steering wheel. She waa inally was scheduled, to visit Ei­ at Idlewild airport to launch ar- they swiped at it. But they all sion to be visited in rapid succes­ war she might atep in and take v.a.V8 hear about In jea'. but seldom sion by; over the oil. warned for inattention to driving. senhower last Jiu>' butlhetrip waa U.N. help in re­ miss^. as the canary nonchalant­ ais able to suj)stantiate'as actually opening the blocked Suez Canal--- Sunset Council, No. 45, Degree of ly skittered along on the floor this 1. A youthful courier from the One of the reasons Nasser appro- postponed after the l*r^dent’a Reds, Allies Pocahontas, will meet Monday .eve­ happening. ALLJMY ileitis operation in June-. a gigantic salvage job expected See P eace family upstairs hearing a me.ssage .■priatod the canal now^ in.st.e-ad of way or flew that way. al\va\a A couple of weeks a^o The Her­ to take at least six months.'' ning in Tinker Hall. Great Pocahon­ finding a perch out of ami's which had arrived in the mail from ^'’ •ailing until ,1968 when it Would Tile plan at that time waa for i tas Edith Rockwell and her Council ald ran a picture apread which the electric companv. have -reverted to Egypt, she Wrought Iren Railings the President and the Prime Before leaving Camo, Hammar- reach. might have been entitled "A Day skjold said the Egyptian' govern­ will make their official visit at Finally, however, apparently 2. An enterprising newspaper claims, is to give poverty-stricken Minister to scelude themselves for. Curb Strike In D anger, this time. Supper will be served at tiring of the game, the bird allow­ at the Football ,.»ar‘o.” Among the boy who saw the possibility of ER.'TI more income. Porch Ceiumns . Informal talks at Camp David, the j ment had.aa^ed for assistance to 6:30. Members are reminded to enthusiastfe atudenta and athletes garnering a new ciiatomer. Airs Israol-Egypt flash presidential retreat in the Catoetin : clear the waterway and he had ed itself to be chased downstairsv agreed in principle. He declined to bring items for the gift table.. where it belonged. photogranhed waa one particularly 3. A third small visitor, who Diacu-ssing the Isracli-Egyptian VALLEY WELDING CO. Hountain.s near Thurmont, Md. | In Budapest At that point, the clerks quit rabio fan who was wa-.-ing his arms clash, the speaker compared the For Free Eetlmate 0*11 WhetKer Eisenhower and' Nehru discuss other matters taken up Attack TJ.S. learned upon direct cross examina­ with' Egyptian President Nasser Miss .Gladj's Mcarman, 137 the pursuit. There was a store to violently and generally aopearing tion: a. the couple had no children; two arid countries, and indicted Olaatonbury ME 8-9118 still may go to some hideaway is Loomis o t. and CSifford Frederick be opened, after all. So, smooth­ rather tonspicuoua. that the greatest difficult,v per­ uncertain at this time. before, making his report to the Budapest, Nov. 19 (/P)— b. the reason was they weren't Asseriibly. United Nations, N.Y., Nov. Ulm Jr., 403 Center St., will be ing back thiir hair, straightening According to our apies. this married yet; r. ,ves, they did plan haps is the fact that Israel repre­ Elsenhower is inclined to put youth had an especialfv aound rea­ MONDAYS Nasser's ' -chief political aide, Soviet Army and its Hun­ 19 (A*)-r-Soviet Foreiffn Mia?', united in marriage this afternoon such meeting.s on an informal their ties, regaining their com­ to have a famil,v; and d. they would sents Western society and has ad­ ' garian Communist allies to­ at 1 o’clock in the Second Congre­ son for not wishing his presence vanced rapidly along Wesiem lines, basis, whenever possible, in ,the Wing Cmdr. All Sabry.' said in an ister Dmitri Shepilov warned ^ posure and putting on.their smiles, prefer a son first but would take interview* Egj*pt vvoulfl clear the gational Church, with reception fol­ they made ready for the first at the game to Ve publlciaed.. what they got. whereas Egypt ha.s remained poor belief Uiat this i-s most conductive day, broke the general strike today that any move to send X lowing at the American Legion customers. ft seems he toW his boss at one and backward. UNTIL CHRISTMAS to getting acquainted and estab­ canal with U.N. help. The Egyp­ in Budapest, but sullen Hun­ a U.N. Police Force to Hun- —- Home. of the local supermarkets he lishing real friendship.s. tians have already protested Brit­ The canary, as far as is known, is Double or Nothing According to Dr. Brown the garian workers immediately gary will “endanger” peace. wouldn't be able t<. work on that United States point of view with Prc.sidentlal press secretary ish Clearance operations under way still on the loose, somewhere in the •With the growth of our ma­ at'the north end of the canal as resofled to a defiant slow­ Shepilov, In si 6,000-word apeech The Rev. Paul G. Prokopy will W. T. Grant Co.'s newest Store. Saturday bbcauae h • had to attend regard to this situation is this: If Jame.s C. Hagcrty made a bare take for his theme at the morning a wedding. Needless to say hia em­ triarchy—or ascendancy of women announcement that Eisenhower a violation of Egyptian sovereign­ down strike.. on the Hungarian problem, blamed —males have been steadily losing the conflict should erupt into full the nop-Communist world, espe- ' service tomorrow “ Signs of the On­ ployer was far f.o: ha;-py when he scale wars it would hi ver,v danger- has renewed liis Invitation to ty and of the cease-fire. Between 30 and 50 per cent of Seems There Is their Importance, it seems. Hammarskjold talk^ with Nasi dally the United States, for tha coming End ot the World,” based- An 'interesting coincidence in­ read The Herald and aaw the com- oui-s'and would open up the whole Nehru and that the Prime Minister Budapest's industrial workers re­ on the text, Matthew 24. 15-16; also rromialng photo of the lad. There have even been stories aer and other Egyptian leaders for ported for work in the city's fac-. Hungarian uprising. He sidd the volving the legal profession oc­ about mad scientific experiments Middle East to comniuntsm, with ha-s accepted and plans to arrive aityatton waa rapidly returning to * referring to conditions in the Mid­ mo.Jflith-95c 'elT-a . .Fft loss of oil. In mid-December. three days about the duties of the lories toda.v. dle East, cradle of Christianity. curred this week in Manchester. tending to prove men Are unneces- U.N. police force, which now has normal and Insisted the U.N. At a meeting Wednesday night aary. Well, that may be. Listing the reasons which might Oitlcises Soviets Fear Mlseiy, Cold, Hunger > ahoukl keep out. The usual Harvest Home display Then There's Komanisn Justif.v Israel's, invasion of Egypt; FRUIT PACK In New Delhi, in his atrongeat mor* than .500 men standing by at Many of them declared they re- and service will be held at 10 a.m. — following a short discussion — But we have heard about one a base in .the i-anal zone, and other The Soviet Foreign Minister ad­ local lawyers took a step to fill The day after the election The ahe went on to sa.v that by bypass­ rriticl.sm so far of Soviet action I turned not because the.v believed Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Hefald carried a photb of a sad local gr.oup which doesn't think Gifts of fine rare food. Have details of the cease-fire the Gen-' dressed the 79-nation 'General As­ what they feel might be a social so. ^ ing the United Nations Britain and in Hungary, Nehru told Parlla. the promises of Janos Kadar, the looking Dem(icrat Shaking hands the fun without the fuss. Send eral Assembly ordred l i days sembly after Hungarian Foreign , and ethical need by voting to PTA organizations have a France had endangered vyorld ment today Russia's prestige had j Soviet-irhpo.sed premier, “but be- ViniGter Imre Ho; atlvhad blaated Advertisement— with a gleeful Republican. peace, helped the Communist side a Thanksgiving Pinehtirat GIFT been "powerfully affectedi'. .in „ago , , between . ^ the Egj'ptians , . . . and 1 cause we realize that winter ia An editor decided that the title scheme to spur moppets on to urg­ FRUIT BASKET, of choice the United States for allegadly in­ and weakened the alliance of free eastern European countries, in Britia.h, FVench and Israeli troops, here, with its - misery of cold and spiring the rebellion. Install clean, dependable Gas over the pieture should be that ing their parents to attend meet­ fruits, randies and delicacies. Poster Girl There was no Indication the I hunger." ings. nations. noncommitted countries and even .Both Shepilov and Horvath de­ Heating, and forget service and song title which tranalates "What However, she believes that pos­ Beautifully designed and ’ ex­ Egyptians had modified their de­ In the workshops which weatem ever will be, will be.” Their incentive, somewhat sim­ among people in the Soviet Union mand for speedy withdrawal of all nied that any deportations, were be­ delivery problems. Rent a Gas sibly some good may come out of pertly p.ackaged. these baskeCs rorre.spondents were permitted to FINE PHARMACY That was a sad decision. ilar to those used by Socialist will delight everyone on your itself." j .foreign troops and stationing of ing carried out by the Russians. Cbnvenion Burner—$2.93 monthly • SS4 CEKTEB RT. MI. S-M14 the situation because things have Opening a 2-day foreign affairs visit they found workers standing They protested against any U.Nn — Buy a Gas Coversion Burner Instead of calling a music store coufttries in place of money, in­ list . . . including the ‘‘have the U.N. forces only at points pn volves giving a banner each month come to a head. Also, the United debate, Nehru said details of )vhat around in groups—talking but do­ debate on a Cuban resolution call­ 9285.00, less 930.00 allowances for which is what he wanted to do, everything" who are so hard the old 1948 armistice line between ing little if any work. OPEN ALL DAY the editor Ipok the word of an ill- to the grade whose parents have Nation.s has boon strengthened, to shop for. 11*8 happened in Hungary are not Egypt and Israel. Sabry said ing for an end of the reported de­ old equipment. Guaranteed heating the beat attendance record. and "if we have any hope at all it' clekr.but "it is evident the gov­ A Vienna report that the Rua­ portations. esUmate. The HarUord Gas Co. advised reporter who translated We make daily deliveries of Egypt expects the wl.lhdrawal to sians were replacing their tank SUNDAY the title "Che aara, eara." Evidently one point, toward the la. in the United Natiops." ernment.^ of Hungary Is not a free Shepilov called the depoi'taUons tel. MI-9-4503. Fruit Baskets to the hospital but an imposed government, and begin during the coming week if troops in Hungary with 30 fresh in- That is good Italian. banner is griven for each time a Sketches History of Hungary possible, without waiting for the "a myth” and’ ‘a alanderoiu fabri*. parent goes to a PTA meeting. In the last part of her talk. Dr. and other local places. the people Art not satisfied with fantrj' divisions lacked confirma­ cation aimed at poisoning the inter­ After it waa too late to do an.v- U.N. troops to take over. tion here. No correspondent in thing. atout^ it, someone said__ (t Also obvious is the fact that Brown briefly sketched the history Priced at 67.50. ^lO.OO and It." _ — One of the British-French .con­ Fascinating hut Deadly national atinospheTe^’- ___ -______'— ^— men: have been tending to stay of Hungary. She said Stalin 615.00. Every basket is custom “ If in the course «»(, 15 yeavs the Budapest can claim reliably "to j Called by Htaigafr was his" impression'tbe first w’ord ditions in agreeing to the cea.se- know anything of the kind. Shiny bomba and machine gun bullets prove irreeiatable coh^bination for this tot who ambled wa.s "Que." away from these meetings. scared the- Hungarians by re­ packed. Come in or Dial MI Hungarian people colMdvWt be enn- flre waa that tlie U.N. police force ( ^ the question bf the wRhdraW- peatedly annihilating their lead­ verted to Soviet ideas.” M contin- from the stands- for a close look at arsenal of a combat air team during exhibition at Egltn Air But "que,” everyone knows, is Recently one PTA group an­ 3-4151. should be competent to "secure Of the industrial situation. Radio Force Base. Fla. ' - al of Soviet troops from Ihmftary, not Italian. nounced that, in counting points ers. After his death the Ru.ssian tied, "it shows a certain 'failure and supervise" reopening of the Budapest said that. aUHough 45 the Soviet Foreign Minister said;! A check of a music store indi­ in the banner contest, "fathers leaders began to let up a bit on which ia a ifar greater failure fh^n canal. 'They have made clear'they per cent of the working force ap­ "The So'viet troops, by agree- Xj-. cated that the, title on a record count double!'” this -program and the deep seated any militarv'coup." expect the U.N. troops to take peared a some of iKe nation's ma­ ment with the government of Hun­ label read "Que sera, sera.” "Que”, hatred which the Hungarians have Nehru said he had "no doubt” over occupation of the canal when jor plants, "in most cases produc­ g s^ ,. -SdU be withdrawn from Politics Shelved tor the Russians came to the fore­ that the Hungarian people seeking Rails Embargo 4 a and "sera” are good French, the they pull their own forces out. tion coiild not be resumed for lack Budapasl aa soon aa the situatkia "Politics makes strange bed fel­ ground and they began to rebel. - freedom were “hound to triumph.” of power.^'lt attributed the ab­ M r^ Luce Resigns former means '^what” and the lat­ 'The British and French hold the there is ftqrt^ixed. ter means "wjH be.” lows,” the.v say. The explosion in Hungary, she be­ He repeated India's call for the northern third of the waterway. sence of -^'orkers to "transport dif­ Export Freight lieves, may re.sult in additional withdrawal of French. British and ficulties." •‘At the same time the Soviet Together they would seem to And perhaps no more striking French Foreign M in fi^ IChris- government will start negotiations mean "What will be,” recent instance of this has occurred trouble for the Russians in the Israeli troops from Egyist and So­ tlan Pineau. indicated he fo u g h t ^ , Workers Defiant ROASTING CHIOKENS other .satellites. viet troops from Hungary. - with the government' of the But recalling something from than at the South Manchester Fire ■ Four-year-old^AijUIm* Ol­ the Egyptian appeal for IJ.N, aa- ' At Csepel-^lhe Danube Island To East Ports A s Envffy to Ita ly Hungarian People's RMUblic as a ^ In conclusion, the speaker said dim experience, the reporter District voters meetin;, Thursday The Indian government’s stand sen o f Bui>1ingtonjVMaBa., is' alatance meant the U.N. troops that is Hungary*! biggest indus­ party to the Warsaw 'Treaty with night. Consolidation as the main For your best Th^nkSRivins dinner ever ublican hierarchy, op­ in v it ^ n y o n e w h o m a y be and' i.Pi—The Com-fflnancial accounts between the two (Oontinued on Page Eighteen) bargbxpre; Military freight con­ Uon waa left up in the air. But Mrs. Alumiiium Windows ent Democratic Town .Committee^ Egypl- He said.it was argued the miinist leaders of the Soviet Union nations: signed to,^ military installations; Lrc told reporters she plans. to Atty. Jay Rubinov', now a freight moviiig on special permits return to. Italy and to leave her from the AP Wires Thor* Ar« No Duns or F«m of Any Kind. attack on Eg>'pt had blocked Rus- and Poland have signed a declara­ 4. Further repatriation of Poles FREE ESTIMATES ber of the Democratic Towm^om- Bia from the Middle Eastvbuj "It tion of "indestnictible union and ■till In the Soviet Union who want which may be^iqsued by the trans­ post after the CJhriatmaa holidays. r lEER 3^INE? mlttee, also was ii.^favon'of this has perhaps, on the contrary, fraternal friendship" but have' to go home; Pravda Claims portation supermiendents of rail­ She aaid she supposed the resigna­ giant step taxard conaphdationr roads entering the ports; and tion would be, effective when anew BUS BIAS PARLEY SET PHONE Ml 9.9095 opened the door for the Ruasians." agreed their future relations will 5. Submiaqion to the Presidium Washington, Nov. 10 Iffl —• f LI9UORS . Mahoney has tai^-^ublicly he Nehru also said that British and be- on a basis of "compiete of the Suprime Soviet (Parlia­ freight destined fov water ship­ ambassador la appointed. blames Rublnow nwst for hia re­ ment bj" way of the iveat India d ie s Poor Health . Atty. Gen. BrowneU today call­ P ••Wn ddivtr" French easiialttes vv'ere "much equality." ment! o f a proposal for the “early Tito Seeking ed a conference to plan a coarse kLUWriNUM DOORS. AWNINGS. cent defeat at t ^ polls. worse than stated in the press so Winding up -four days of release and repatriation or the car ferries at West Palm Bqach, Mrs. Luce, 53, has been,ambaaaaT-' Like we sald/it wai an interest­ X Fla., and Baltimore steam packet dor to Italy since early 1 9 ^ In her of action for federal authorities 9>iN0PIES Olid JALOUSIES . . . 1 far," especially in the Pnratroop talks, the two regimes agreed handmg over of (Polish) persons In the South under the Supretuo! ing night. / X vesaels operating between BSlti-' etter of resignation, Which the Dn^jjtort j landings. He did,not elaborate. The Russian troops must remain in in ca^fcaptivity to the Polish authori­ To Divide Reds CLARE BOOTHE LUCE Ciqirt' decree striking down / Anon Poland. But the Poles were given ties." more and Norfiollf. House made public, she men- About 700 carloads of freight a tionbd^er- recent poor health and racial segregation on pnblie (OoBRniied on P«ge Eighteen) movements in their countrv, as Troops to Stay In Poland Moscow, Nov. 19 (MPravda buses. Summoned to a meet­ well a.s promises of help" In meet­ said she w u ld require several government may soon again have TUNSKY m. 9,0,3 The - communique said Soviet today accused Yugoslavia'^ Presi­ ing here Dec. 10, were the- 84 ing Poliind's economic crisis. troOpa were still neceaaary. in -Po­ (Coatinued on Page Twenty-seven) months op's™! rest. the benefit .of your services." “Service and. Satisfarlion Guaranteed” Result.s\ of the talks wei-e dent Tito of showing "tendencies She^askedXimt her resignation U.S. district attorneys station­ land because bf (11 German re- . Mrs., Luce told reporters, how­ ed In 14 soathera slatee? M Chou Says tJ.S. sunimed up.in a comm«nique ia-, Poland's annexa to interfere in the affaira of-'.other be jtMepfed "aX yie earliest con­ ever, that while she will "alvvaya sued before the depai'Uiiq for fion of East German territorj" at Communist states.” venient moment be available” 'for any service re­ sr.\V E.\-(111EP HELD One War.saw last'night of Polish Com- In h(a letter accepting Mrs. the bnd of World War II. (21 a A dispatch from Belgrade to the quested of her but she has no -"Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Nov.. 10 Blocking, Unity 'munist party chief Wladyslaw Soviet Communist party's news­ Luce's’ resignation, Eisenhbwer plans at air along that line. Gomtilka. Premier Josef C>Tankie- News Tidbits (/Pi— Milovan DjUas, former Yu­ (Continued on Page Tiventy-eeven) paper told the Russi'an pepple-for .said that he sincerely hoped that In response to a queaU0n;''8he goslav president, waa arrested DOUBI^ STRIKE ALLEYS wlcz and their delegation of offl- the first time that 'Tito had crit­ CuRcd from AP WIres "your return to private life- is here by Yugoslav poHce today, 27 OAK STREET For Viet Nam clals and experts. icised the current Soylet line in. a only temporary and that your (CkMittimed on -Page Twenty-seven) a member of hia family reported. TOR THE MEN^UNDAY. NOV. 18. 9 The agreement Waa Signed by speech at Piila. NoV. 11. The'lnfornuuit told torein cer- Gomulka and ' Cyrankiewlcg.- and ■Pravda sa|d the spieech "con- 55 LB. TUBKTEY lat p r iz e 01^ Prem'ipr Bulganin and Soviet-Com-^ Nikita Delivers Red, whit* and green flag of rcsponilcnts DJUaa Was jed away '18-90 Ul. TVRKEV 2nd PRIZE tained,' certain atatemenU - which revolt-tom Hungary flutters brief*-! from bliq home^after a eearcli o f , inier• ChouCmo En-lal of Red.Chink told miinist party chief Nikita Khri)sh- bqtli in form and essence contra- 14-16 LB. TURKEY Srd PRIZE lOO.OOO North Vietnamese in chev. '■ Ij*, from, freedom torch of Statue! his apairtment. Official aonrees' > 8-l9 LB. TURKEY HIGH SINGLE Ldi'ci the prlnciplea'of proletarian of Liberty, placed there by' Hun- j ref used, to conform the report. Hanoi today tl# United States has Gomulka.. who had led the move Second Tirade ■1 internationalism and rthe interna­ Youngest Maestro Acts E^TRY FEE 81.76 ■ •'obstnicted and avbotaged” the for Polish freedom frdm Moscow's g a ^ n refugee.. U.S. Sen-* Elect i tional solidarities of the working Jacob J. Javitts of New York aaya j 99 IN ONE GRAVE ^ FOR THE WOMEN^ATURDAY,,XOV. 17, unification of V et. Nam. ' ,, domination, said at a reception fol­ peoplq."' The viaitlng Red leaders chose A g a in s p W ^ t he. is ••promptly -proceeding to Is­ Oall. Colombia, Nov--I0 (Fi—- 25 LB. TURKEY lat PRIZE lowing the signing: liie dispatch linked Tito with The bodies of 29 of 81 passen­ the United States as his main tar­ "W e came here with fears that rael” for on-spot study of situa­ 1^-16 LB. TURKEY 2nd PRIZE ■ 'i- J "reactionary propaganda" in .ex- tion. gers vv'fao perished In tbs crash 8-10 LB. TURKEY HIGH SINGLE get in his first major- address since the leadiera of the Soviet Union Mo8co9V""\Nov. 19 (>P;--Red- explaining the causes o f Stalin­ leaving Peiping Satiirdav on" a tour would not evalute fully and cor­ Memphis. Tenn. sheriff's office of a Colombian Airliner in the ENTRY FEE 91JM> ^ facaffXnd gesticulating. Nikita S. ism. Stalin kicked •Tito's Com­ checking discoyeni" by three small New York, Nov. 19 — A couple'* plauae before one of the Haydn mountains between here and the of North Viet Nam. Cambodia,- rectly the changes which are tak­ munist partj- ou t' of thedom in- Burma. India, Nepal, Pakistan and Khrushchev told 'the West last sisters of 616,420 in rash hidden of batons flew out of tinv hands— ; movements was finished. But, Jpey Pacific Coast City of Buena­ ing place In our country. n i^ t: "We ..will bury you.” form in 1948 fbr “nationalism." ventura Sunday were burledln Afghanistan. "We can say with joy -that our in cab of abandoned dump truck . . . maintained hia composure. For, . the . second consecutive But the present Soviet leaders . . Mrs, Sara Tuffiell, blonde mod­ but the music Went right o n -a s a concert was a benefit for a common, grave today. Want Spepking in the huge Ba Dinh fears were not confirmed by the have been trying to restore' good ■North Americans and one Ger­ 'Square in the cafiital of Commu- night; the Soviet Communist party el separated from hiv^band, denies self-possessed 7-year-old boy made the Sitters of Ch^ity bf St. position the Sovelt government boas drltyered an anti-western relations between -Russia and nlit North .'Viet' Nam, Chou de- took, on the questionq we brought romance ^Ith Duke of Kent. his debut aa conducto)* of the Sym- , Joseph’s Hoapifal, Yonkers, N. 'Y., man were among lEFORE YOU CONVERT PARKING tirade ao bitter, that diplomats Yugoslavia. Cleveland goes into. ,18th day ' Usted on ttae^passengej m . dared: -• them.” . ' ' , phony of the Air at C:amegie Hall! . . . from Atlantic alliahce nations and Pravda added that Tito said without three big dally newspapers laat night on-stage doings during inter- ."In the Geneva agreeipent it W The Polish •Communiat'party in that "the cult of the personality of INVESTIGATE— ' . j Israel left the room. Khrushchev’s as result pf strike.'- But the baton miahapa'can't be miwiop were more in the realm STOCK TRICES i ; stipulated that' Viet Naih should a statement ha lle^the agreement main theme's at a Polish embassy Stalin was 'the product of a de­ -Now York, Nov. I* (dV-Stock USE PARKING LOTS YOUR achieve^ peaceful. iinfficatJOh as* a ."great success for Poland." Step in . process of beatification held too muth against Joev Alfldi: <-.vear-old boy than the long-hair reception were, Egypt and Hun-i finite system."’ rrhe^per claimed of Pope Pius IX—"recognition” of j prices turned mixed neday after I througH nationwide elections..Due Observers in Warsaw said it ap­ that this "is precisely what reac? billed aa the "world', youngest con- ^ a rally la sted and ibipbuildiag to the obstruction and sabotage by peared Gomulka had gotten all he K^*y- ' hta body—completed In 'Vatican •And Don’ t Invite I'a’ tionary propaganda” la trying to City by two Roman physiciana .. ■ trumpet player who runs’ a music sharm i*wt moment am. .Bhnrsa rTiCKET WILL BE REDEEME^ the United S’atea. this Ita- sc far asked for. of steel manufsctu.rt ig and s h ^ FLUID HEAT A . communique summing up the Obviously speaking to the west­ do in its struggle 'With Marxism- State Rep. Samuel S. Googel of Ar^ fclioot in suburban Yonkers, went failed to materialize.” ern diplomats in -attendance, Leninism. New Britain flies bill to incres«e the g^p of ^oey a p^eceaaor, A ^ to*the stage. Pointing to one of the boildlng compnnlea were still •rtie Fremier'a speech was broad talks said tlve two regimes "ex­ Khrushchev" aaid; « Pravda said that the' idea turo ToacimliU. one-Ume conductor he asked Dr. Dante C.tuIIb weU on the upelds in soriy nftsr- • Boilers pressed confidence that the inde- iacome; limits to 64,500 for . ten­ BY MERCHANTS cast by. both -Hanoi and' Peiping, "If you don't like ua, don't ac- "aeepa through” the Yugoslav ancy in atate-owned. moderate n f the orchestra ■ - . _, to stand. Dr. CatuIIo;- the -father noon, 'bnt earlier pMws was* • Wall Flame qi-idioa. itructible unipn ; and frateriml 'cept our invitations and don't In­ ptVas as well aa Tito's speech Aas^lated Prew arts editoi: W. explained, brought Joey into the shaved somewhat a( d the rest AProiNTMENTS ABRAXGED friendship between the USSR and rental housing projects. .- • Warm Air Units Chou also' accused tbe United vite ua to come to sec you. that' “ YqugasiovLa’a road to- ao- Israeli government reported G. Rogers observed: world. of the list waa moetU lower. • Pressure Burners States of "even't'.^ng to control Poland will widen and conaolidate. “ Whether you like it Or not. his­ ciallam is thf only, true and even “It, waa nPt a big audience but developing bn the- basis bf complete -piwparing survey for oil pipeU'ne Joey had heard all that before. the Suez Canal - behind tl.c sign- tory is on our afde. We will bury the only possible way for Sorialist •from Gulf of Aqaba across Israel it was a happy one, and Joey r\"as r e f u g e e REiD VA POJt FUU INFORMATION VISIT or CAUT eq'uallty and respect for noninter­ But. then he got hia big kick. twarj of the tinited Nations'.” He -you.” ' development in almost all coun­ to Mediterranean.,'.. Sporadic happiest of all. He knew all .the -Steve Ridzik,.of the N#w York Vleana, Nov. 19 adek^: ' ference in internal affaira.” The weatem* envoys, including tries.'' guerrilla fighting yepofted contin­ gesturea, and he liqed them all, and Uaited Btntea late to . ^ In addition to tlte new arrange?- Giants came;"' on-stage ' and •The Imperialiatahave even' gone U.S. Ambassador .Chqrles Bohlen,' T he diapatch said ’ this “ Slew uing In Tibet, .where . rebellion the orchestra-did right by hlin(” presented the kid with a ball and ed aa order glviiMr amly OPTICAl STYLE BAR FOGARTY BROTHERS so far aa to try and- overthrow the. menta Covering Soviet troops in -retired - to an outer room •' where "contraffibts the Mandst-Leninist against Cflimese Oommuniata flat,- Joey waa on the p^ium in white a bat in behalf of the Iiall club. rolee” statwi to Bociallat (Comrnuniat) states . ; . Poland, the. Sovieta promised; one said ‘THe aMoaphere ia much tenet that each country can have ed laat April. . . suit and white socks, with harp ,A red .bicycle, gift of the hoapl* fugeea gaiag to Amerie* t FUEL OIL howe'ver they vilU niever atiafn 1. 't'o deliver 1,400,000 tons of -----moreT r pleasnt.*'------They returned lb its mra method, forma and tempos Marine Corps commandant aaya knees. His face was sober aa the, tU, Waa pres«n4ed”to Joey by gam faoniiM regtdar 747 MAIN s t r e e t their enda." grain on eredit to Polan*ia,a857; -the hall where the Poles were ot^Axpoahioti' to ‘ aocialiam.’' - Gorps training methoda ‘•teemen*. .orchestra —• formerly the NBC swimmer-Buater Crabbe. visa*. Th* new order, JEODO HIGHLAND COAL-^'ONNEGTIL'UT COKE MAIN ST. STORES Peiping Rario paid Norfh Viet 2, Long-term credits totaling 700 toasting. a just-signed Moscow Rdferring to the Hungarian re­ dooMy” improved since drowning symphony—played the overtures Joey thanked the donors, hopped lag a setioaa bettlanafili I* ia* Nam's I^ m ier Pham Van “Dong, miliion rubeli (6175 million at the Warsaw m joint declaratibn aftOF volt Pravda ^ d Tito blamed the o f aix reciUta in A pril.; Soviet W Mozart's'"The Mayriage o f Fig-idowp'from 'the podium and ran'off ipevea^t llMBl* MONDAYS— Noon to 5:30 P.M. 319 IRpAD ST. I I 9-4539 St '* reception for Chou in Hand, official exchange ratel to pay for Khrushchev finished spaaklng. ' government Of the than Premier Union's top ballerina. Galina- aro^ and Roaaini's “William TeU” behind the scenes. Fqr a few min­ : ■ expreeeed thapkd_;for Peiping'S'a«- ('mutually agreed” cbmmodltlM Th* night Ibefora KhruAchsv Imr* Nagy, thibugh Ita failure to Ulanova, to pa out .of action for and I two 'aymphorilea, Haydn's utes he Wm a J-y*ar-old boy again undiwgs a loai Thankful You Can Set'* t ^ Soviets will supply Poland; BSMth with F»Usd tmdon SittUr- ••Surprise'’ andiBaathaven!* Fifth. — with a bau and bat from Uw ass affim antm im Page Twe*t3r-eov«i]| (0; Settlement of outstanding (Os*«tame4 a m Pag* TureatM^w) 'i .(0«9 *BFaC*agh«as*). «J»y. . Th* audiene* broke Into ap- Olanta and a asiw rod Mke.

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