BOEMRE Web Site Biostratigraphic Chart May 2003

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BOEMRE Web Site Biostratigraphic Chart May 2003 United States Department of Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement BOEMRE Biostratigraphic Chart of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Region, Jurassic to Quaternary Recent through Oligocene Eocene through Jurassic Time Time CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY BIOSTRATIGRAPHY CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY BIOSTRATIGRAPHY (mya) BOEMRE (mya) BOEMRE (not to Foraminiferal planktic & benthic regional and Calcareous nannoplanktic regional and CHRONOZONE (not to Planktic & benthic foraminifera & ostracod (O) Calcareous nannoplanktic regional and CHRONOZONE System Subsystem Series Stage System Subsystem Series Stage scale) local markers local markers scale) regional and local markers local markers Holocene Globorotalia inflata 33.70 P Globorotalia cerroazulensis cocoaensis, Discoaster saipanensis, Globorotalia flexuosa Emiliania huxleyi (base of acme) r Hantkenina alabamensis Micrantholithus altus Upper Pontosphaera indooceanica i Textularia hockleyensis Discoaster barbadiensis U Q Sangamon fauna Gephyrocapsa oceanica flood PLU a Globorotalia cerroazulensis pomeroli I p Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica flood b Textularia dibollensis ———0.20——— o p u Helicosphaera inversa o Globigerinatheka tropicalis / mexicana Chiasmolithus consuetus EU n e P M Pseudoemiliania lacunosa "A" n Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta i i r a Globorotalia truncatulinoides coiling change, right-to-left Pseudoemiliania lacunosa "B" i Camerina moodybranchensis, Cribrocentrum reticulatum l d a Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica increase a Camerina jacksonensis e d n PLM t Gephyrocapsa omega n Sphenolithus obtusus i l ——37.00—— e Trimosina "A" Gephyrocapsa parallela Nonionella cockfieldensis Micrantholithus procerus, s Pseudoemiliania ovata Chiasmolithus grandis, ———0.78——— e t Stilostomella antillea Pseudoemiliania lacunosa "C" acme Pemma papillatum r o Globorotalia incisa Gephyrocapsa aperta acme Truncorotaloides rohri C Sphaeroidinella dehiscens acme "A" Scyphosphaera pulcherima, B Discorbis yeguaensis Pemma basquensis c a Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica (large) a Eponides yeguaensis Pemma stradneri n e L l Trimosina "A" acme r Nodosaria mexicana o a n Angulogerina magna t Ceratobulimina eximia Pemma balium a w b Hyalinea balthica / Trimosina "B" PLL E o Morozovella lehneri e e r Globorotalia tosaensis tosaensis o M n Eponides guayabalensis r r i i Helicosphaera sellii c i Globorotalia bullbrooki a d Sphaeroidinella dehiscens acme "B" Lithostromation perdurum T a Truncorotaloides topilensis n e d EM y Angulogerina "B" Calcidiscus macintyrei n Clavulinoides guayabalensis n l Uvigerina hispida Operculinoides sabinensis ———1.77——— e e Globorotalia crassula acme, Discoaster brouweri, e P Orbulinoides beckmanni Sphenolithus radians G Globorotalia praehirsuta Calcidiscus macintyrei increase Subbotina frontosa Chiasmolithus solitus Cristellaria "S" Discoaster brouweri "A" a Acarinina broedermanni Chiasmolithus gigas e ——41.30—— l Globorotalia menardii coiling change, left-to-right r L Cyclammina caneriverensis Discoaster sublodoensis, l u a Globorotalia exilis t Sphenolithus spiniger s Globorotalia miocenica Discoaster pentaradiatus e e Discocyclina advena t t i Globorotalia pertenuis o Morozovella aragonensis Rhabdosphaera inflata a i Bolivina imporcata / "P" Discoaster surculus a Haplocytheridea stenzeli (O) n Lenticulina 1 g n Discoaster lodoensis U ——49.00—— i Textularia crassisepta / "P" Chiasmolithus californicus ———2.60——— p e Ceratobulimina pacifica Discoaster asymmetricus Y Acarinina soldadoensis p p Cassidulina laevigata carinata acme / "L" PU n L Morozovella quetra e P a r Haplophragmoides emaciatum o Acarinina angulosa r i e e Saracenaria "H" w Morozovella rex / subbotinae P a s EL Globorotalia multicamerata Cycloperfolithus carlae, e Morozovella formosa formosa Tribrachiatus orthostylus c r i l e Discoaster tamalis r Globorotalia wilcoxensis Toweius crassus i a n Globoquadrina altispira = Valvulineria "H" n Morozovella acuta Tribrachiatus contortus o z Cyclammina sp. Discoaster multiradiatus ——54.50—— y c i Arenaceous fauna Morozovella velascoensis Fasciculithus tympaniformis a e Cibicides grosseperforatus Cytheridea sabinensis (O) Heliolithus kleinpellii n Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina T Discorbis washburni Heliolithus reidelii n Textularia 1 h Planulorotalites pseudomenardii ———3.58——— a e Buccella (Eponides) hannai acme Sphenolithus abies Toweius eminens P U n Cibicides marsi Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, Chiasmolithus bidens a p e Discoaster intercalcaris, Morozovella angulata Discoaster diastypus p t Dictyococcites antarcticus l Planulorotalites pusilla pusilla LU Z e i a Globorotalia margaritae e Planulorotalites compressa L r a n Uvigerina rustica Pseudosphenolithus abies "B" acme o Vaginulina longiforma, o n c Globigerina druryi / nepenthes "B" Subbotina pseudobulloides w c l Globigerina nepenthes PL Morozovella uncinata e ——57.90—— e i Buliminella 1 Sphenolithus abies "B" Vaginulina midwayana, r Selandian a Siphotextularia jugosa / "J" Amaurolithus tricorniculatus n Globorotalia inconstans ——60.90—— n Sigmoilina "P" / cf. schlumbergeri e L Globorotalia trinidadensis Sphaeroidinellopsis multilobata o Globoconusa daubjergensis Cruciplacolithus edwardsii Globigerinoides mitra Ceratolithus acutus w Danian Robulus pseudocostata LL Globorotalia plesiotumida acme Discoaster quintatus e Markalius inversus astroporus ——-5.32——— M Globorotalia menardii coiling change, right-to-left Discoaster quinqueramus r Globigerina eugubina ——65.00—— e Discoaster berggrenii M Micula decussata s a s Globorotalia margaritae primitiva Abathomphalus mayaroensis Micula prinsii FAD a i Globorotalia juanai Reticulofenestra rotaria Globotruncana contusa Micula murus FAD s n Textularia "X" Discoaster berggrenii "A" Watznaueria barnesae FAD i t a Textularia tatumi r Nephrolithus frequens FAD n Bolivina denticulata i Gansserina gansseri ———7.12——— Textularia 6 Discoaster neohamatus c Rosita fornicata Bigenerina irregularis / 6 h Globotruncana ventricosa Reinhardites levis t Discoaster loeblichii i Tetralithus trifidus Globorotalia acostaensis coiling change, right-to-left a Tranolithus phacelosus Planulina renzi n Globotruncana lapparenti Aspidolithus parcus constrictus ——71.30—— Reophax davepopei, MUU Globotruncana calcarata Reinhardites anthophorus "A" Robulus "E" Globorotalites micheliniana Eiffellithus eximius Bigenerina floridana / "A" Minylithus convallis C Globotruncana elevata Aspidolithus parcus parcus Cristellaria "K" Catinaster mexicanus a Archaeoglobigerina bosquensis m Melonis pompilioides increase Discoaster bellus, Stensioina exsculpta exsculpta Reinhardites anthophorus "B" p Discoaster calcaris Marginotruncana marginata a KUU N Cibicides trincherasensis Lithastrinus grillii U n Uvigerina carapitana Marginotruncana coronata p i e T p Amphistegina "E" a Whiteinella baltica o G e Cyclammina 3 n Planoglobulina taylorana Bukryaster hayi r o r Discoaster prepentaradiatus u Broinsonia enormis t Globorotalia lenguaensis, Discoaster prepentaradiatus increase l Marthasterites furcatus o ——83.50—— g Bolivina thalmanni U S Dicarinella asymetrica n f Discorbis 12 a Whiteinella inornata Eprolithus floralis e i p i n Bigenerina "B" Marginotruncana sinuosa Zeugrhabdotus noeliae a p a t n n Eponides mansfieldi o Hedbergella delrioensis Textularia "G" C n n Stensioina granulata granulata e i Globoquadrina dehiscens Discoaster bollii, a Dicarinella concavata, Lithastrinus moratus e Catinaster calyculus r n Marginotruncana renzi ——85.80—— Robulus 15 Discoaster hamatus r Dicarinella imbricata Quadrum gartneri T Textularia "L" Coniacian Whiteinella paradubia Catinaster coalitus MLU Hedbergella amabilis Stoverius achylosus ——89.00—— Cibicides inflata Discoaster exilis T Dicarinella hagni e Cibicides carstensi, Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis e u Planulina eaglefordensis Bigenerina 2 r Chiastozygus platyrhethum Globorotalia mayeri Parhabdolithus achlyostaurion M o r Globorotalia siakensis n Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica i Uvigerina 3, Coccolithus miopelagicus t i Praeglobotruncana stephani, Calculites axosuturalis o Cibicides carstensi increase a Helvetoglobotruncana praehelvetica ——11.20—— Globorotalia fohsi robusta Discoaster kugleri n Parhabdolithus asper t c ——93.50—— e S Robulus 5 / 55 Microstaurus chiastius e C n Textularia "W" Discoaster kugleri acme a Globigerinelloides bentonensis Axopodorhabdus albianus KLU i r Globorotalia fohsi lobata Calcidiscus premacintyrei e Rotalipora cushmani Lithraphidites acutus e r MUM n Globorotalia fohsi praefohsi Cyclicargolithus floridanus Rotalipora greenhornensis Lithraphidites pseudoquatratus a o Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Discoaster sanmiguelensis Rotalipora appenninica Coriollithon kennedyi v m a Globorotalia peripheroacuta c Rotalipora reicheli a a M Bigenerina humblei Lenticulina gaultina, i l n Gyroidina miocenica Fossocytheridea lenoirensis (O), d l i r Globorotalia peripheroronda Favusella washitensis d i a Cristellaria "I" Sphenolithus heteromorphus MMM e Textularia rioensis l a n Praeorbulina glomerosa Discoaster petaliformis Rotalipora gandolfii e n ——98.90—— y Cibicides opima Sphenolithus heteromorphus acme Hayesites albiensis ——14.80—— C L Robulus 53 Helicosphaera ampliaperta o Planomalina buxtorfi a Amphistegina "B" Discoaster deflandrei acme o Braarudosphaera africana n m g Globorotalia siakensis coiling change, left-to-right Rotalipora ticinensis h Globigerinatella insueta MLM m A Ticinella roberti i a Robulus "L" / 43 Discoaster calculosus a l Cythereis fredericksburgensis (O), Cyth. brevis (O) Braarudosphaera hockwoldensis KUL n Cibicides 38 u
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