Acanthine Septum, See Septum, 4 Acanthophyllum, 10 Acervularia, 10

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Acanthine Septum, See Septum, 4 Acanthophyllum, 10 Acervularia, 10 INDEX Acanthine septum, see septum, 4 —column, 4 Acanthophyllum, 10 —complex, 4 Acervularia, 10, 11 —increase, see colonial increase ananas, 10, 51 —pit, see calice baltica, 10 —septum, see septum breviseptata, 10 —vortex, 4 davidsoni, 51 Axis, 4 exigua, 11 Acknowledgments, v baltica, Acervularia, 10 Actinocystis maxima, 34 cf. bassleri var. magna, Prismatophyllum, 47 acuminatum, Laccophyllum, 58 battersbyi, Metriophyllum, 28 Alleynia, 58 Bibliography, 73-84 Alveolites, 11 Bothriophyllum, 35 celleporatus, 62 boloniensis, Cyathophyllum, 50 cervicornis, 62, 63 Monastraea, 50 dubia, 63 Phillipsastraea, 38, 44 escharoides, 11, 12 Prismatophyllum, 45, 48 labiosa, 65 Smithia, 44 lemniscus, 11, 14 bompasi, Prismatophyllum, 41, 45, 49 madreporacea, 61 bouchardi, Metriophyllum, 28, 29, 58 multiperforatus, 13 Pachyphyllum, 37 spongites, 12 Bouvier River, 67 squamosa, 14 bowerbanki, Endophyllum, 24 suborbicularis, 11, 12 Phillipsastraea, 42 taenioformis, 14 Brephic stage, see ontogenetic stages tenuissimus, 14 breviseptata, Acervularia, 10 vallorum, 14 Amplexoid septum, see septum caespitosum, Cyathophyllum, 20, 21, 22 ananas, Acervularia, 10, 51 Disphyllum, 20 Cyathophyllum, 51 Lithodendron, 20, 24 arachnoides, Lithostrotion, 50 Calamopora polymorpha var. ramoso-divari- Arachnophyllum, 57 cata, 62 arcticum, Cyathophyllum, 47 polymorpha var. tubis obconicis, 62 arundmaceum, Diphyphyllum, 22, 56 spongites var. tuberosa, 12 cf. arundinaceum, Disphyllum (Synaptophyl- Calceolate corallum, see corallum lum), 22 Calice, 5 Astrae hennahii, 37, 41 Calicular pit, 5 Astrocalamocyathus, 20 Calostylis, 17 Astrodendrocyathus, 20 cribraria, 17 Astrophyllum, 10 Campophyllum ellipticum, 59 Atavo-tissue, see colonial increase nanum, 17 Aulophyllum ? richardsoni, 34 soetenicum, 59 Aulopora, 14 camselli, Disphyllum (Synaptophyllum), 23 “ Aulopora filiformis,” 16 canadense, Chonophyllum, 36 Aulopora repens, 15 carbonaria, Lopholasma, 29 cf. repens, 16 Carinae, 5 reticulum, 16 carinatum, Lopholasma, 28 serpens, 14 catenatum, Disphyllum, 21 sp. A, 17 celleporatus, Alveolites, 62 Aulos, 4 Cerioid corallum, see corallum Axial, 4 cervicornis, Alveolites, 62, 63 121 Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 1 2 2 UPPER DEVONIAN CORALS OF MACKENZIE RIVER REGION, CANADA Favosites, 61, 62 quadrigeminum var. arctica, 47 Pachypora, 62, 63 richardsoni, 34 Thamnopora, 61, 62, 63, 64 rugosum, 44, 45 Charactophyllum, 17 tabulatum, 25 sp., 18 cylindricum, Cystiphyllum, 20 Chonophyllum, 19 Cylindrophyllum, 20 canadense, 36 Cystimorph, 6 (Ptychophyllum) ellipticura, 59 Cystiphyllum, 20 patellatus, 19 cylindricum, 20 perfoliatum, 19 siluriense, 20 (Craterophyllum) vulcanius, 36 vesiculosum, 20 cincta, Phillipsastraea, 40, 43, 44 Cladocora goldfussi, 20, 21 davidsoni, Acervularia, 51 labiosa, 65 Prismatophyllum, 45, 51 Clisiophyllum denticulatum, 17 Dendroid corallum, see corallum coalitum, Cyathophyllum, 25 densum, Disphyllum (Synaptophyllum), Coenenchyma, 5 denticulatum, Clisiophyllum, 17 Coenenchymal increase, see colonial increase devonense, Pachyphyllum, 38, 42 Colonial increase, 5 Digonophyllum, 35 Columella, 5 Diphymorph, 6 Complete tabula, see tabula Diphyphyllum arundinaceum, 22, 56 confluens, Heliophyllum, 25, 26 gracile, 23 Connecting processes, 5 minum, 24 contortiseptatum, Spongophyllum, 57 simcoense, 23 Coral Assemblages, 67 stramineum, 23, 24 Corallite, 5 Discoid corallum, 6; see corallum Corallum, 5 Diplophyllum, 11 cornigera, Milleporites, 61, 62 Disphyllum, 20 Cosmophyllum, 35 (Synaptophyllum) cf. arundinaceum, 22 crateroides, Mucophyllum, 19 caespitosum, 20 cribraria, Calostylis, 17 (Synaptophyllum) caroselli, 23 cristata, Pachypora, 62, 63 catenatum, 21 currani, Phillipsastraea, 40 (Synaptophyllum) densum, 22 Cyathaxonia plicata, 18 elongatum, 49 siluriensis, 58 goldfussi, 20, 21 Cyathomorph, 6 simcoense, 24 PCyathophyllum ananas, 51 (Synaptophyllum) stramineum, 23 arcticum, 47 Dissepimentarium, see dissepiments boloniensis, 50 Dissepiments, 6 caespitosum, 20, 21, 22 Distal, 6 coalitum, 25 Dokophyllum, 27 ellipticum, 59 dubia, Alveolites, 63 , helianthoides, 25 Favosites, 61, 63 heterophyllum, 10 hexagonum, 50 ehlersi, Tabulophyllum, 61 mcconnelli, 59 elegantulum, Ketophyllum, 26 mitratum, 29 ellipticum, Campophyllum, 59 nymphale, 36 Chonophyllum (Ptychophyllum), 59 parvulum, 26 Cyathophyllum, 59 patellatus, 18 elongatum, Disphyllum, 49 perfoliatum, 19 Spongophyllum, 54, 55 plicatum, 19 Endophyllum, 24 quadrigeminum, 46 bowerbanki, 24 Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 INDEX 123 Ephebic, see ontogenetic stages Jean Marie River, 72 Epitheca, 6 Epithecal scales, see exothecal scales Ketophyllum, 19, 26 Eridophyllum simcoense, 24 elegantulum, 26 Escharites spongites, 12 kindlei, Ptychophyllum ?, 52 escharoides, Alveolites, 11, 12 Kodonophyllum, 20 exigua, Acervularia, 11 Kyphophyllum, 57 Phillipsastraea, 40, 41, 42 lindstromi, 57 Exothecal scales, 6 labiosa, Alveolites, 65 Favosites cervicornis, 61, 62 Cladopora, 65 dubia, 61, 63 Thamnopora?, 65 polymorpha, 63 Laccophyllum acuminatum, 58 filata, “Haplothecia” , 37 laevis, Metriophyllum, 28 “ filiformis, Aulopora” , 16 Lake Kakisa, 67 firthi, Prismatophyllum, 49 lamellicomis, Pachypora, 63, 65 Floscularia, 11 Thamnopora (Pachypora), 65 Fossula, 6 Lateral increase, see colonial increase Fungites patellatus, 18, 36 lemniscus, Alveolites, 11, 14 Leptoinophyllum, 10 gallica, Macgeea, 27 Liard River, 72 Genomorph, 7 lindstromi, Kyphophyllum, 57 glevensis, Mesactis, 53 Lindstroemia ? siluriensis, 58 goldfussi, Cladocora, 20, 21 Lithodendron caespitosum, 20,24 Disphyllum, 20, 21 Lithostrotion arachnoides, 50 gracile, Diphyphyllum, 23 lituus, Spongophyllum, 21, 56 Metriophyllum, 28 Localities, 67 Longitudinal striae or striation, 7 halli, Heliophyllum, 26 Lonsdaleia, 54 “Haplothecia” filata, 37 Lonsdaloid septa, 7 Hay River, 67 Lopholasma carbonaria, 28, 29 helianthoides, Cyathophyllum, 25 carinatum, 28 Strombodes, 25 Lumen, 7 Heliophyllum, 25 confluens, 25, 26 Macgeea, 27, 37 halli, 26 gallica, 27 parvulum, 26 proteus, 27 tabulatum, 25 solitaria, 28 Helminthidium, 17 macouni, Phillipsastraea, 39, 41, 42 mirum, 17 Madrepora stellaris, 57 hennahii, Astrea, 37, 41 turbinata, 19, 26 Phillipsastraea, 41 madreporacea, Alveolites, 61 heterophyllum, Cyathophyllum, 10 Thamnopora, 61, 62 hexagonum, Cyathophyllum, 50 magnum, cf., Prismatophyllum, 47 Horse-shoe dissepiments, 7 maxima, Actinocystis, 34, 35 Humboldtia, 60 maximum, Mesophylloides, 35 Hyppurites mitratus, 29, 53 Mesophyllum, 34, 35 Hystero-corallites, see colonial increase Mochlophyllum, 35, 52 imperfectum, Spongophyllum, 55 mcconnelli, Cyathophyllum, 59 Incomplete tabulae, see tabula Tabulophyllum, 33, 59, 60 Intermural increase, see colonial increase mcfarlanei, Zaphrentis, 66 Interseptal ridges, 7 Medial or mesial plate, see columella Introduction, 1 Medusaephyllum, 37 Downloaded from by guest on 24 September 2021 124 UPPER DEVONIAN CORALS OF MACKENZIE RIVER REGION, CANADA Mesactis, 53, 54 Pachyphyllum, 37 glevensis, 53 bouchardi, 37 Mesophylloides, 10 devonense, 38 maximum, 35 devoniense, 42 Mesophyllum maximum, 34, 35 solitarium, 27 Metriophyllum, 28 Pachypora cervicornis, 62, 63 battersbyi, 28 cristata, 62, 63 bouchardi, 28, 29, 58 lamellicornis, 63, 65 gracile, 28 pagoda, Naos, 19, 36 laevis, 28 Ptychophyllum, 36 rectum forma carinatum, 29 Parricidal increase, see colonial increase siluriense, 58 parvulum, Cyathophyllum, 26 sp. A., 29 Heliophyllum, 26 Mictophyllum, 30 Prismatophyllum, 50 modicum, 32 Patellate corallum, see corallum near modicum, 33 petellatum, Ptychophyllum, 18, 52 multiseptatum, 33 patellatus, Chonophylloides, 18, 57 nobile, 30,31,32 Chonophyllum, 19 richardsoni, 34 Cyathophyllum, 18 semidilatum, 31 Fungites, 18, 36 milleporacea, PThamnopora, 62 pax, Spongophyllum, 56, 57 Milleporites cornigerus, 61, 62 perfoliatum, Chonophyllum, 19 polyforatus, 61, 63 Cyathophyllum, 19 repens, 15 Peripheral, 8 minum, Diphyphyllum, 24 —increase, see colonial increase mirum, Helminthidium, 17 —platform, see calice mitratum, Cyathophyllum, 29 Phaceloid corallum, see corallum mitratus, Hyppurites, 29, 53 Phacellophyllum, 20 Mochlophyllum, 34 Phaulactis, 54 maximum, 35, 52 Phillipsastraea, 11, 27, 36, 37, 38 boloniense, 38, 44 modicum, Mictophyllum, 32 bowerbanki, 42 Monastraea boloniensis, 50 cincta, 40, 43, 44 Mucophyllum crateroides, 19 currani, 40 multiperforatus, Alveolites, 13 exigua, 40, 41, 42 multiseptatum, Mictophyllum, 33 Hennahi, 41 multizonatum, Thamnophyllum, 27 macouni, 39, 41, 42 Mural pores, 7 verrilli, 38,39,41 Verrilli var. exiguum, 41 nanum, Campophyllum, 17 vesiculosa, 42, 44 Naos, 36 whittakeri, 39, 40, 41 pagoda, 19, 36 phrygia, Zaphrentis, 25 Neanic, see ontogentic stages phrygia, aff., Zaphrentis, 66 Neo-tissue, see colonial increase plicata, Cyathaxonia, 18 nobile, Mictophyllum, 30, 31, 32 plicatum, Cyathophyllum, 19 nymphale, Cyathophyllum, 36 Strombodes, 18 Plocoid corallum, see corallum Offsets, 7 polyforata, Thamnopora, 61, 63, 64 Omphyma subturbinata, 27 polyforatus, Milleporites, 61, 63 turbinata, 27 polymorpha, Favosites, 63 Ontogenetic stages, 7 var. ramoso-divaricata, Calamopora, 62 Operculate corals, 7 var. tubis obconicis, Calamopora, 62 Operculum, see operculate corals prisma, Prismatophyllum, 45 Downloaded from
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    Checklist of North American Late Paleozoic Coral Species (Coelenterata, Anthozoa) By WILLIAM J. SANDO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1 3 8 7 A bibliographic compilation through 1973 of coral species described from the Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian rocks of North America UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON 1974 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Sando, William Jasper. Checklist of North American late Paleozoic coral species (Coelenterata, Anthozoa) (Geological Survey bulletin; 1387) Includes bibliography. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.3:1387 1. Anthozoa, Fossil. 2. Paleontology-Paleozoic. 3. PaletOntology-North America. I. Title. II. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Bulletin; 1387. QE75.B9 no. 1387 [QE778] 557.3'08s [56,3.'.6] 74-23375 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 -Price 70 cents (paper cover) Stock Number 2401-Q2576 CONTENTS Pag.e · Abstract ------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------- 1 Species list ------------------------------_______________ -------- 2 References cited ------------------------------------------------ 26 III CHECKLIST OF NORTH AMERICAN LATE PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES (COELENTERATA, ANTHOZOA) By WILLIAM J. SANDO ABSTRACT An objective list of coral species described from the Mississippian, Penn­ sylvanian, and Permian rocks of North Ame~ica includes 578 entries, of which four are now known to be from older rocks and four are probably erroneous references to older species. The list includes information on the original references for all species and the geologic age and geographic area from which the species have been described. INTRODUCTION This paper presents an objective list of formally named coral species that have been described from rocks of Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian age in North America through 1973.
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