University of Qyeensland
University of Qyeensland PA PERS DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Volume 1 1939 Number 12 12. The Devonian Rugose Corals of Lilydale and Loyola, Victoria BY DOROTHY_ HILL, Ph. D. , M.Sc. P NT RE R I ED from THE PitOCEEDiNCS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORiA Pt. IL, pp. XIII•XVI. 51 (N.S.); 1939, 219-256; pis. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY. VOLUME 1. 1939. NuMBER 12. rrHE DEVONIAN RUGOSE CORALS OF LILYDALE AND LOYOLA, VICTORIA. By DOROTHY HILL, PH.D., lVI .Sc., Department of Geology, University of Queensland. [Reprinted from Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 51 the Vol. (N.S.), Pt. II., 1939, pp. 219-256, pls. XIII.-XVI.] THOKAS GILBERT HoPE, Acting Government Printer, Brisbane. fPRoc. Rov. Soc. VICTORIA, 51 (N.S.), II., 1939.] PT. ART. XI.-The Devonian Rugose Corals of Lilydale a11d Loyola, Victoria. By DOROTHY HILL,· M.Sc. (Qld.), Ph.D. (Cantab.). [Read lOth November, 1938 ; issued separately. 24th July, 1939.] (Plates XIII-XVI.) Summary. n this paper the Rugosa of Lily dale and Loyola are described andT figured, and a review is given of the genera and families to which they are assigned. Remarks on new septal structures are included. Both faunas, previously supposed Upper Silurian, are shown to be Devonian ; that of Loyola is probably Lower Devonian, and that of Lilydale older than Upper Devonian. The Faunas and their Ages. Corals have been known from Lilydale since 1890, when Etheridge described Favosites grandipora, referring to the age as Upper Silurian. The Rugosa from Lilydale have been described by Chapman ( 1914, 1925, 1931). Rugosa from Loyola were first described by Dun ( 1898), later by Etheridge ( 1899) and Chapman ( 1914) as Upper Silurian.
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