Board of Trustees of the Utah Transit Authority Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 9:00 A.M
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Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Utah Transit Authority Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 9:00 a.m. Utah Transit Authority Headquarters 669 West 200 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Golden Spike Conference Rooms 1. Call to Order & Opening Remarks Chair Carlton Christensen 2. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Carlton Christensen 3. Safety First Minute Sheldon Shaw 4. Public Comment Period Bob Biles 5. Approval of March 27, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes Chair Carlton Christensen 6. Agency Report Steve Meyer 7. R2019-04-01 Approving International Travel to the Eddy Cumins American Public Transportation Association’s 2019 International Rail Rodeo 8. R2019-04-02 Approving the Execution of an Interlocal Eddy Cumins Cooperation Agreement with Salt Lake County to Perform a Transit Alternative Analysis in the Point of the Mountain Area 9. R2019-04-03 Authorizing Property Right of Way Paul Drake Acquisition for Provo-Orem BRT 10. Contracts & Pre-procurements a. Contract: Indemnification Agreement Paul Drake (Sandy Towers East) b. Change Order: Legal Services (Multiple) Steve Meyer c. Pre-procurement: Point of the Mountain Alternatives Steve Meyer Analysis 11. Other Business Chair Carlton Christensen a. Next meeting: April 17, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. 12. Adjourn Chair Carlton Christensen Website: Live Streaming: Public Comment: Members of the public are invited to provide comment during the public comment period. Comment may be provided in person or online through In order to be considerate of time and the agenda, comments are limited to 2 minutes per individual or 5 minutes for a designated spokesperson representing a group. Comments may also be sent via e-mail to [email protected]. Special Accommodation: Information related to this meeting is available in alternate format upon request by contacting [email protected] or (801) 287-3536. Request for accommodations should be made at least two business days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Website: Live Streaming: Don't let April Showers bring you hospital flowers. Stay alert when driving in wet conditions. SM SMSM April 2019 SAFETY & SECURITY Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) held at UTA FrontLines Headquarters located at 669 West 200 South, Salt Lake City, Utah March 27, 2019 , Board Members Present: Carlton Christensen, Chair Beth Holbrook Kent Millington Also attending were members of UTA staff, as well as interested citizens and members of the media. Call to Order, Opening Remarks, and Pledge of Allegiance. Chair Christensen welcomed attendees and called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. with three board members present. Following Chair Christensen’s opening remarks, the board and meeting attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Safety First Minute. Chair Christensen yielded the floor to Sheldon Shaw, UTA Safety Manager, for a brief safety message. Public Comment Period. No public comment was given. Approval of March 20, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes. A motion to approve the March 20, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes was made by Trustee Millington and seconded by Trustee Holbrook. The motion carried unanimously. Agency Report. Steve Meyer, UTA Interim Executive Director, provided an update on the Sharp/Tintic connection project, which is being done in partnership with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Spanish Fork, and Springville. The project realigns the configuration between the Sharp and Tintic rail lines, eliminating five at-grade crossings. A federal aid grant has been secured to help fund the project and UTA is the grantee. A cooperative agreement is currently being circulated to formalize the local match. One of the provisions in the cooperative agreement is that any overages will be evenly split among UTA, Spanish Fork, and Springville. Discussion ensued. Questions on the future FrontRunner alignment, location of potential rail trails, and portion of the Tintic line to be eliminated were posed by the board and answered by Mr. Meyer. As part of his agency report, Mr. Meyer also mentioned that Sheldon Shaw was recently given an award for making community presentations through the Operation Lifesaver program. R2019-03-05 Designating Transit-Oriented Development Sites. Paul Drake, UTA Senior Manager of Real Estate & Transit-Oriented Development, and Kevin Leo, UTA Transit-Oriented Development Project Specialist I, summarized the transit-oriented development (TOD) site selection system analysis results. Discussion ensued. Questions on the ranking tool filter eliminating more urbanized sites in the growth opportunity category, scoring approach on the site selection results, and comprehensiveness of the sites included in the rankings were posed by the board and answered by Mr. Drake. It was noted that the rankings presented in the meeting only included sites with UTA-owned property. Trustee Holbrook recommended approaching communities with private property that might be appropriate for TOD to discuss opportunities for leveraging potential development with the nearby transit infrastructure. A motion to approve R2019-03-05, and designate Salt Lake Central/North Temple Station, Ogden Central, and Clearfield Station as UTA TOD sites, was made by Trustee Holbrook and seconded by Trustee Millington. The motion carried unanimously with aye votes from Trustee Holbrook, Trustee Millington, and Chair Christensen. Contracts and Disbursements. Contract: Depot District Hazardous Materials Management (Wasatch Environmental). Eddy Cumins, UTA Chief Operating Officer, and Patti Garver, UTA Program Manager of Environmental, Grants & Project Controls, explained the purpose of the contract, which allows for hazardous materials remediation during construction of the Depot District bus maintenance facility. Discussion ensued. A question on whether the price associated with the contract scope was an internal or external estimate was posed by the board and answered by staff. A motion to approve the contract was made by Trustee Millington and seconded by Trustee Holbrook. The motion carried unanimously with aye votes from Trustee Millington, Trustee Holbrook, and Chair Christensen. Contract: Depot District Cultural Resource Consultation (SWCA). Mr. Cumins described the purpose of the contract, which defines terms for the oversight and mitigation of any historical artifact discoveries during construction of the Depot District bus maintenance facility. Discussion ensued. Questions on cultural relics discovered during previous projects and required remediation were posed by the board and answered by staff. A motion to approve the contract was made by Trustee Holbrook and seconded by Trustee Millington. The motion carried unanimously with aye votes from Trustee Holbrook, Trustee Millington, and Chair Christensen. Change Order: TIGER Phase 2 Amendment 6 – Summit County Bike Share (Granite Construction). Mr. Cumins summarized the change order, which authorizes construction of eleven bike share docking stations in Summit County. The bike share stations are one of 94 projects designated in the TIGER program of projects. Discussion ensued. Questions on the local match, contracting process for the TIGER project, number of TIGER projects to which funds have been committed, and arrangement with the general contractor were posed by the board and answered by Mr. Cumins and Heather Bening, UTA Project Manager II. A motion to approve the change order was made by Trustee Millington and seconded by Trustee Holbrook. The motion carried unanimously with aye votes from Trustee Millington, Trustee Holbrook, and Chair Christensen. Discussion Items. Future of FrontRunner (Part 3 of 3). Mr. Meyer, Ted Knowlton with the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), and Shawn Seager with the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), delivered a presentation on FrontRunner’s place in regional transportation plans. The presentation addressed topics such as the planning process, plan phasing, FrontRunner phasing, and next steps. Discussion ensued. Questions on the existence of unified plans in other cities or states, local feedback on sales tax reform, parameters for growth expectations, accuracy of projections over time, and communication of funding gaps to policymakers were posed by the board and answered by the presenters. Chair Christensen called for a brief recess at 10:09 a.m. The meeting resumed at 10:17 a.m. 2019 Executive Team Performance Targets. Mr. Meyer and the UTA executive team presented their proposed 2019 performance targets. Mr. Meyer summarized key agency objectives and then the executives spoke about specific targets in their areas of focus supporting the objectives. Discussion ensued. Questions on turnover costs, hubometer miles, effects on the budget from bus bridges, parts availability, predictive analysis for anticipated parts needs, acceptable timelines for out of service vehicles, retirement projections for managers, and engaging the customer base to promote transit use were posed by the board and answered by staff. Trustee Millington suggested working with UDOT to implement transit use training in conjunction with driver’s education training. Other Business. Next Meeting. The next meeting of the board will be on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a.m. by motion. Transcribed by Cathie Griffiths